migration=========================== 如何写migration ========================= 1.migration的结构每⼀个migrate的类都是 ActiveRecord::Migration 的⼦类,每⼀个migrate都要重写两个⽅法 up 和 down:Ruby代码1. class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration2. def self.up3. #想⼲嘛,就⼲嘛4. end5. def self.down6. #你后悔的时候,你会怎么做?7. end8. end简单的说 up ⽅法就是操作数据库时⽤的,down就是你后悔了,⽤来回滚⽤的.2.migration提供调⽤的⽅法Migrations提供了⼀系列的⽅法来操作数据库:Ruby代码1. create_table #建表2. change_table #修改表结构3. drop_table #删除表4. add_column #增加字段5. change_column #修改字段定义6. rename_column #修改字段名7. remove_column #删除字段8. add_index #创建索引9. remove_index #删除索引Ruby代码1. execute <<-SQL2. ALTER TABLE products ADD CONSTRAINT fk_products_categories FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES categories(id)3. SQL3.字段定义字段有两种⽅法:Ruby代码1. #这个是传统的⽅法2. create_table :products do |t|3. t.column :name, :string, :null => false4. end5.6. #这个刚出来的时候,⼤家都说很性感,其实不外乎就是定义⼀系列的快捷⽅法: string,7. # text, integer, float, decimal, datetime, timestamp, time, date,8. # binary, boolean . 这⼀系列的⽅法对应各种数据类型,9. # 还有 primary_key ⽅法是⽤来定义主键的.10. create_table :products do |t|11. t.string :name12. end除了这⼏个经典的定义字段⽅法外,还有两个特别的Helper⽅法:Ruby代码1. #以下这个⽅法会⾃动在表中增加 created_at,updated_at这两个类型为timestamp的字段2. change_table :products do |t|3. t.timestamps4. end5.6. #这个⽅法是定义关于关系的,但是不会为你的表加上外键约束,如果你加上约束,请另外⼿动添加,切记!7. create_table :products do |t|8. t.references :category# ⽣成 category_id9.10. #这个是关联关系中多态的定义,⽣成两个字段 attachment_id 和 attachment_type ,并且attachment_type的默认值为 'Photo'11. t.references :attachment, :polymorphic => {:default => 'Photo'}12. end以上两个⽅法是锦上添花之作,相当的实⽤.4.在migration中使⽤ Model除了使⽤以上⽅法操作数据库外,其实还可以直接在migration中使⽤ Model 的.⽐如:Ruby代码1. def self.up2. #直接就⽤model来更新数据库,3. #你可以看到 migration ⼀直在提供便利让你避免使⽤SQL,当然不是说SQL不好,只是想让你更加的统⼀,只要ruby就好了.4. User.update_all ["receive_newsletter = ?", true]5. end使⽤model的另外⼀种情况是:当前migration要删除表中的⼀个字段 first_name,但是你的model中的某个⽅法使⽤了这个字段作为验证,⽐如:Ruby代码1. class User < ActiveRecord::Base2. validates_presence_of :first_name3. end那么当你要在migration中增加⼀条记录时,这个验证便不能通过,如:Ruby代码1. def self.up2. User.create({:name => 'name'}).save3. end在这种情况下,你可以在migration中重新定义⼀个model:Ruby代码1. class XXXMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration2. class User < ActiveRecord::Base3. end4. def self.up5. remove_column :first_name6. end7.8. #这个⽅法的作⽤就是取得最新的表定义9. User.reset_column_information10. #放⼼吧,这个User不会有 validates_presence_of :first_name 的验证11. User.create({:name => 'name'}).save=========================== migration⽂件的命名 ======================= 按照Migration的约定去命名你的migration⽂件,会令你省不少功夫的,请千万要相信这⼀点. 如果migration⽂件名是这样的格式: AddXXXToYYY” or “RemoveXXXFromYYY XXX => 字段名, YYY => 表名. 那么migration⽣成的时候,Rails会⾃动为你加上 add_column or remove_column ⽐如:Ruby代码1. #留意类名2. class AddPartNumberToProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration3. def self.up4. add_column :products, :part_number, :string5. end6. def self.down7. remove_column :products, :part_number8. end9. end10.11. class RemovePartNumberFromProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration12. def self.up13. remove_column :products, :part_number14. end15. def self.down16. add_column :products, :part_number, :string17. end18. endcool吧??=========================== 如何执⾏migration ========================= 执⾏migration的经典⽅法:Ruby代码1. rake db:migrate2.3. #执⾏特定版本4. rake db:migrate VERSION=200809061200001、创建数据库表格在创建Model后,Rails ⾃动的在/db/migrate⽂件夹中⽣成了迁移编号_create_Model名.rb 格式的⽂件,如006_create_users.rb打开该⽂件,做如下修改class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migrationdef self.up#此处加⼊要创建的表格create_table "users" do |t|t.column :login, :string, :null => falset.column :email, :stringt.column :crypted_password, :string, :limit => 40 # 字符长度限制t.column :salt, :string, :limit => 40t.column :created_at, :datetimet.column :updated_at, :datetimet.column :remember_token, :stringt.column :remember_token_expires_at, :datetimet.column :flag, :boolean, :null => false, :default => false #设置默认值endenddef self.downdrop_table "users"endend保存后,运⾏rake db:migration这样就可以在config/database.yml ⽂件⾥配置的数据库中创建⼀个名为:users的数据库表,并且拥有相应的表字段。
MAY 1999
ity is ambiguous. However, where capital, risk, or human-capital constraints bind, these impacts are not likely to be zero as in the case of a perfect-markets, separable agricultural household model (e.g., I. Singh et al., 1986). The finding of a significant impact of migration or remittances on productivity would be evidence in support of the new economics of migration. Positive impacts would suggest that migration complements productivity growth in the farm sector by relaxing credit or risk constraints, while negative impacts would suggest that increased migration exacerbates labor shortages. Few tests of this NELM hypothesis have appeared in the literature; exceptions include Robert B. B. Lucas (1987) and Taylor (1992). Dwayne Benjamin and Loren Brandt (1998) find evidence that participation in migration loosens risk constraints on household-farm investments. If migrants play the role of financial intermediaries, as these studies suggest, the ex ante incentive to participate in migration may be large. However, households' propensity to encourage members to migrate may be mitigated when there are other ways to finance farm investments or if the loss of labor to migration canies a high cost in temis of forgone yields. n. Methods If production is constrained and migration, M, and remittances, /?. are important in shaping production constraints, constrained yield response, y*', depends on A/and ^ . ' The core equation of our model is;^ (2) K^ = y,, +
animal migration阅读理解
二、动物迁徙的原因1. 寻找食物:一些动物在特定季节内会随着季节的变化前往其他地区寻找更丰富的食物资源。
2. 繁殖:很多动物为了繁殖会进行迁徙,他们会选择适合繁殖的环境,比如鸟类会选择气候温暖、食物丰富的地方来进行繁殖。
3. 逃避恶劣环境:一些动物会在气候恶劣或资源匮乏的环境下进行迁徙,以找到更适合生存的地方。
三、动物迁徙的影响1. 生态平衡:动物迁徙对生态系统的平衡有着重要的影响,它可以帮助不同地区的生态系统之间实现资源的平衡,避免某一地区资源过度捕食,同时也有利于种裙的繁衍生息。
2. 保护物种多样性:动物迁徙可以促进物种之间的交流和繁衍,有利于物种的多样性和繁荣。
3. 经济影响:一些动物迁徙对人类的经济生活也有一定的影响,比如渔民依靠鱼类迁徙的路线进行捕捞,如果鱼类迁徙的路线发生改变,会给渔业带来不利影响。
1. 跨国合作:很多动物会跨越多个国家的边界进行迁徙,因此需要各国间加强合作,共同保护迁徙动物的栖息地。
2. 制定保护政策:各国需要制定相应的保护政策,通过保护区的划定和管理,保护迁徙动物的迁徙路线。
3. 科学研究:加强对迁徙动物的科学研究,了解它们的迁徙规律和重要迁徙地,为制定有效的保护措施提供科学依据。
migration是什么意思migration英[ magren ]美[ maɡren ]TOEFL /n.迁移移居变形复数:migrations友谊的小船说翻就翻?No!我要不翻的shi~~选择要添加的生词本新建生词本进入生词本每日一句发现频道双语例句权威例句1.The scale of migration took a quantum lea in the early 1970s. 20世纪70年代初移民的规模骤然扩大。
2.During the last recession, migration to the sunbelt accelerated.在上个经济萧条期人们向美国南部阳光地带移民的速度加快了。
3.Birthlace data are only the crudest indicator of actual migration aths.出生地信息只能非常粗略地显示实际移民过程。
查看更多1.This migration is creating a fresh set of tensions.来自BBC2.We'll be sying in on his migration south.来自BBC3.Only migration kees oulation growing in the develoed world.来自SA查看更多柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典1VERB移居迁徙(尤指到外地寻找工作或暂住一段时间)If eole migrate, they move from one lace to another,esecially in order to find work or to live somewhere for a short time.eole migrate to cities like Jakarta in search of work...人们为找工作而迁移到雅加达这类城市里。
2012When people in developing countries worry about migration,they are usually concerned at the prospect of their best and brightest departure to Silicon Vall ey or to hospitals and universities in the developed world .当发展中国家人们为移民问题焦虑的时候,他们通常是在担忧他们的民族里那些最优秀最聪明的人的前景,这些人去了硅谷或者发达国家的医院和高校重点词汇:migration [maɪ'greɪʃ(ə)n] n.移民迁移| concern at 对...关注| prospect 前景| brightest 最优秀的最聪明的| depart v.离开动身出发departure 离开动身出发These are the kind of workers that countries like Britain ,Canada and Australia try to attract b y using immigration rules that privilege college graduates 。
这些就是那种像英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国家通过使用赋予大学生特权的移民法规所试图吸引的人重点词汇:privilege n.特权v.赋予…特权Lots of studies have found that well-educated people from developing countries are particular ly likely to emigrate .许多研究也发现,发展中国家的受过良好教育的人尤其可能会移民重点词汇:emigrate[‘emɪgreɪt] 移居外国移民(到国外)immigrate['ɪmɪgreɪt]移民(到国内)使移居入境A big survey of Indian households in 2004 found that nearly 40%of emigrants had more than a high-school education, compared with around 3.3% of all Indians over the age of 25.在2004年的印度家庭的一个大规模调查中发现,接近40%的移民受过高中以上的教育,与之形成鲜明对比的是,所有超过25岁的印度人中只有大概3.3%的人受过高中以上的教育重点词汇:household n.家庭adj.家庭的|This "brain drain "has long bothered policymakers in poor countries ,They fear that it hurts th eir economies ,depriving them of much-needed skilled workers who could have taught at thei r universities ,worked in their hospitals and come up with clever new products for their factor ies to make 。
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10. Paris
Miami is a global city in southeastern Florida, in the United States. Nickname(s): The Magic City ,the best known city in Florida. Miami is ranked as a global city for its importance in finance, commerce, media, entertainment, arts and international trade.
移植, 随季节而移居, (鸟类的)迁徙 ①move from one country or region to another and settle there ②move periodically or seasonall immigrate [‘imigreit] v.移居入境 ① To enter and settle in a country or region to which one is not native.
The largest city in Canada and is the provincial capital of Ontario . It is located on the north-western shore of Lake Ontario. Toronto is a clean, safe city with a wonderful network of parks, recreational, and cultural facilities. One of the world's most ethnically diverse cities, it is home to more than 80 ethnic communities from Africa, Asia, and Europe. Toronto is also the business centre of Canada.
词根migr-migrate:['maɪɡret] v.(使)移居;(使)迁移;(使)迁徙结构分析:migrate=migr(迁移,移居)+ate(动词后缀)→(使)迁移,(使)移居migration:[maɪˈɡreɪʃn]n. 迁移;移居;移民【超纲】结构分析:migration=migrat(e)(迁移,移居)+ion(名词后缀)→迁移,移居migratory:[ˈmaɪɡrətɔːri]adj. 迁移的;迁徙的【超纲】结构分析:migratory=migrat(e)(迁移,移居)+ory(形容词后缀)→迁移的,迁徙的migrant:[ˈmaɪɡrənt]n.(为工作)移居者,流动季节工;候鸟adj.迁移的,移居的【超纲】结构分析:migrant=migr(迁移,移居)+ant(形容词后缀)→迁移的,移居的(人)immigrate:[ˈɪmɪɡreɪt]vi.迁移进入vt.使迁移入境【超纲】结构分析:immigrate=im(=in,进入)+migr(迁移,移居)+ate(动词后缀)→迁移进入immigration:[,ɪmɪ'ɡreʃən] n.迁移入境结构分析:immigration=immigrat(e)(迁移进入)+ion(名词后缀)→迁移入境immigratory:['ɪməgrə,tɔri]adj. 迁入的;迁移入境的【超纲】结构分析:immigratory=immigrat(e)(迁移进入)+ory(形容词后缀)→迁移入境的immigrant:['ɪmɪɡrənt] adj. 移民的;迁入的n. 移民,侨民结构分析:immigrant=im(=in,进入)+migr(迁移)+ant(形容词后缀)→迁入的,移民的(人)emigrate:['ɛmɪɡret]v.移民出境;移居外国结构分析:emigrate=e(=ex,出去)+migr(迁移)+ate(动词后缀)→迁移出去→移民出境,移居外国emigration:[ˌemɪˈɡreɪʃn]n.移民出境;移居外国【超纲】结构分析:emigration=emigrat(e)(迁移出去)+ion(名词后缀)→移民出境,移居外国emigratory:['emiɡrətəri]adj. 移民出境的;移居外国的【超纲】结构分析:emigratory=emigrat(e)(迁移出去)+ory(形容词后缀)→移民出境的,移居外国的emigrant:['ɛmɪɡrənt]n.移民出境者;侨民adj.移民出境的;移居的【超纲】结构分析:emigrant=e(=ex,出去)+migr(迁移)+ant(形容词后缀)→移民出境的(人)→移民出境者,侨民。
迁移抑制率公式 mir mathtype 英语
迁移抑制率(Migration Inhibition Rate)通常用于评估某种药物或化合物对细胞迁移能力的影响。
迁移抑制率的计算公式如下:Migration Inhibition Rate (\%) = [(Control Migration - Treated Migration) / Control Migration] × 100其中:- Control Migration:对照组的细胞迁移距离或数量。
- Treated Migration:处理组的细胞迁移距离或数量。
将上述公式用LaTeX表示为:Migration Inhibition Rate (%) = \left(\frac{\text{Control Migration} - \text{Treated Migration}}{\text{Control Migration}}\right) times 100在英语中,可以这样描述:The Migration Inhibition Rate is calculated using the formula: Migration Inhibition Rate (%) = (Control Migration - Treated Migration) / Control Migration) × 100. This formula compares the migration distance or number of cells in the control group (without drug or compound treatment) with that in the treated group (with drug or compound treatment).。
YII2之migrate的使用方法Windows10系统YII2之migrate的使用方法2018-06-14系统环境:1.系统安装的为Appserv软件,集成mysql,php,apache服务器2.安装路径为C盘的根目录下;3.选取的框架时Yii2框架的Advanced版本;备注:如果选取不同的服务器集成,只需采用cd回到根目录即可;一、进入命令提示符,进入DOS系统二、进入YII2.0的高级版本目录:Microsoft Windows [版本10.0.17134.48](c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation。
C:\Users\zengtao>cd..C:\>cd \AppServ\www\yiiADC:\AppServ\www\yiiAD>三、键入migrate命令:yii migrate Microsoft Windows [版本10.0.17134.48](c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation。
C:\Users\zengtao>cd C:\AppServ\www\yiiADC:\AppServ\www\yiiAD>yii migrateYii Migration Tool (based on Yii v2.0.15.1)Creating migration history table "migration"...Done. T otal 1 new migration to be applied:m130524_201442_initApply the above migration? (yes|no) [no]:四、选取创建、完成migrate迁移Microsoft Windows [版本10.0.17134.48](c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation。
Iwona Sagan
19 maja 2011
Research and Education Centre for Urban Socio-Economic Development
Katedra Geografii Ekonomicznej
Uniwersytet Gdański
Classification of migration according to distance
Iwona Sagan
19 maja 2011
Research and Education Centre for Urban Socio-Economic Development
Katedra Geografii Ekonomicznej
Uniwersytet Gdański
Early human migrations
Research and Education Centre for Urban Socio-Economic Development
Katedra Geografii Ekonomicznej
Uniwersytet Gdański
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Definition of human migration History of migration Migration rates Criteria of migration types classification Push and pull factors Laws of human migration Migration movement factors Migration movement main features
纺织品颜色迁移及其检测技术1 相关定义泳移(migration):指染料或颜料由于毛细效应产生的在纤维内部或纤维间的化学运动.一般习惯称“染料泳移”。
2 颜色迁移现象及原因分析2.1 纺织品的颜色迁移纺织品颜色迁移有两种过程:I)当温度达到染料升华温度时产生的颜色迁移.可用耐升华色牢度来评价:2)当温度低于染料升华温度时造成的不同织物之间的颜色迁移.通常是由深色向浅色转移.可用染料迁移牢度或沾色等级来评价。
2.2 涂层面料的颜色迁移由于涂层面料具有防水、防污、耐磨、色泽鲜艳等特点而具有广泛的应用价值。
人口迁移的英语作文英文回答:Population migration is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been occurring throughout human history. It involves the movement of people from one place to another, either permanently or temporarily, for various reasons. Migration can be driven by a range of factors, including economic, political, environmental, and social conditions.One of the most significant drivers of migration is economic opportunity. People often migrate to areas where they can find better jobs and higher wages. This type of migration is particularly common in developing countries, where people move from rural areas to urban centers in search of employment.Political instability and conflict can also lead tolarge-scale migration. People may flee their homes due towar, persecution, or violence. This type of migration is known as forced migration and can have a devastating impact on individuals and communities.Environmental factors can also play a role in population migration. People may migrate to escape natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, or earthquakes. Climate change is also expected to lead to increased migration in the future, as people are forced to leavetheir homes due to rising sea levels and other environmental impacts.Social factors can also influence migration. People may migrate to be closer to family or friends, to access better healthcare or education, or to escape discrimination or persecution.Migration can have both positive and negative impacts on individuals and communities. On the one hand, migration can provide people with new opportunities and improve their quality of life. On the other hand, migration can also lead to challenges, such as discrimination, social isolation,and economic exploitation.It is important to consider the complex causes and consequences of population migration in order to develop effective policies and strategies to address the challenges and maximize the benefits of migration.中文回答:人口迁移是一种复杂且多方面的现象,在人类历史上一直不断发生。
Push & pull factors
Push & pull factors
Low income Poor living conditions Poor education/medical care
A system approach to migration
Akin Mabogunje attempted to set the phenomenon(migration in Africa) in its economic and social context as part of a system of interrelated elements.
origin Emigration
Immigration Destination
International migration
Internal migration
Destination In-migration
Out-migration origin
Related items
Net migration:
Push &ame are four classes of factors that influence the decision to migrate:
1. Those associated with the place of o2.riTghino.se associated with the place of destination. 3. Intervening obstacles which lie between the place of origin and destination.
migration是什么意思migration英[ magren ]美[ maɡren ]TOEFL /n.迁移移居变形复数:migrations友谊的小船说翻就翻?No!我要不翻的shi~~选择要添加的生词本新建生词本进入生词本每日一句发现频道双语例句权威例句1.The scale of migration took a quantum lea in the early 1970s. 20世纪70年代初移民的规模骤然扩大。
2.During the last recession, migration to the sunbelt accelerated.在上个经济萧条期人们向美国南部阳光地带移民的速度加快了。
3.Birthlace data are only the crudest indicator of actual migration aths.出生地信息只能非常粗略地显示实际移民过程。
查看更多1.This migration is creating a fresh set of tensions.来自BBC2.We'll be sying in on his migration south.来自BBC3.Only migration kees oulation growing in the develoed world.来自SA查看更多柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典1VERB移居迁徙(尤指到外地寻找工作或暂住一段时间)If eole migrate, they move from one lace to another,esecially in order to find work or to live somewhere for a short time.eole migrate to cities like Jakarta in search of work...人们为找工作而迁移到雅加达这类城市里。
大象是迁徙原因的英语超短作文Elephants are known to migrate for various reasons. 大象以各种原因而知名迁徙。
Migration can be triggered by changes in climate and seasonal variations. 迁徙可能是由气候变化和季节变化所触发的。
For example, during dry seasons, elephants may move in search of water and food. 例如,在干季,大象可能会为了寻找水和食物而迁徙。
Their need for specific resources drives them to cover long distances in search of suitable habitats. 对特定资源的需求驱使它们跨越长距离寻找适宜的栖息地。
Apart from environmental factors, human activities also play a significant role in elephant migration. 除了环境因素外,人类活动也在大象的迁徙中起着重要作用。
Deforestation, habitat destruction, and human encroachment on elephant territories force elephants to move to new areas. 森林砍伐、栖息地破坏以及人类对大象领地的侵占迫使大象移动到新的地区。
This disruption in their natural behavior can lead to conflicts with humans and even endanger the survival of elephant populations. 这种对它们自然行为的干扰可能会引发与人类的冲突,甚至危及大象种群的生存。
Migration 用户 指南 - 中文说明书
Migration高度可调节的书桌严重伤害或死亡的风险 升降工作台可能会夹住或挤压身体部位。
在台面上的物体上方(当台面处于最大高度时),以及台面和相邻物体之间保持 1"(25 毫米)以上的间隙。
有关家具维护的信息,或报告需要检修的家具,请拨打 1.888.783.3522。
1. 使用此家具前请阅读所有说明。
2. 在清洁或检修之前,务必从电源插座上拔下该家具的插头。
3. 仅将此工作台用于说明中所述的预期用途。
4. 如电线或插头损坏、工作不正常,或工作台曾坠落或损坏,请勿操作此工作台。
5. 确保电线远离受热表面。
6. 切勿将任何物体掉入或插入任何开口。
7. 请勿在户外使用。
8. 对于配备工作台面的工作台,如果未按照装配说明安装所购工作台面,则可能导致产品不稳定。
9. 在放置物体时,始终将较重的物体放在底部,而非靠近顶部,以防止家具倾翻的可能性。
使用电气家具时,应始终采取基本的预防措施,包括:电极插头说明:为降低触电风险,部分家具配有电极插头(一脚较宽),如图 1 所示。
migrate 用法 -回复
migrate 用法-回复"Migrate Usage: A Step-by-Step Guide"Introduction:Migration, in general, refers to the movement of individuals or populations from one place to another. This can be prompted by various factors such as economic opportunities, political instability, environmental changes, or personal reasons. In this article, we will explore the various aspects and implications of migration and provide a step-by-step guide on how to prepare and execute a successful migration.1. Understanding the Reasons for Migration:Before considering migration as an option, it is crucial to identify the underlying reasons for such a decision. Economic considerations, such as better job prospects or higher wages, are a common driving force. Political instability, violence, or conflict may also prompt individuals or families to seek a safer environment. Environmental factors, such as natural disasters or climate change, can also play a significant role in migration patterns.Understanding the reasons for migration will help individuals make informed decisions and plan accordingly.2. Researching the Destination:Once the decision to migrate is made, the next step involves researching the potential destination. This includes studying the country's immigration policies, cultural norms, job market, language requirements, and overall quality of life. Online resources, government websites, and forums can provide valuable information and first-hand experiences from other migrants. It is advisable to tap into these sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the destination and evaluate its suitability for migration.3. Legal Considerations and Documentation:Legal procedures and documentation requirements differ from country to country. It is vital to research and understand the immigration laws and policies of the destination country. Identify the most appropriate visa or immigration pathway that aligns with your purpose of migration, such as work visas, student visas, orpermanent residency. Ensure you have all the necessary documents, such as identification papers, passports, educational certificates, employment records, and proof of financial stability, as required by the immigration authorities.4. Financial Planning:Migration involves various financial aspects, including the cost of living, accommodation, healthcare, and education. It is crucial to assess your financial capability and plan accordingly. Consider the currency exchange rates, potential job prospects, and available social welfare systems in the destination country. Saving an adequate amount to cover initial expenses and a safety net is essential to ensure a smooth transition and avoid unnecessary financial stress.5. Language and Cultural Preparation:Language and cultural adaptation play a vital role in successful migration. Learning the local language will not only facilitate communication but also help integrate into the new community. Utilize language learning platforms, enroll in language courses, orfind language exchange programs to enhance fluency. Additionally, researching and familiarizing yourself with the local customs, traditions, and social norms will aid in the adaptation process.6. Organizing the Move:Once the necessary preparations are in place, it's time to organize the physical move. Consider hiring professional movers or research available options for shipping goods, if applicable. Notify relevant authorities, such as utility companies, financial institutions, and healthcare providers, about your upcoming relocation or make necessary arrangements. Create a checklist to ensure all essential tasks are completed before the departure, such as canceling subscriptions, redirecting mail, and closing bank accounts if required.7. Settling In:Upon arrival in the new country, adaptability and flexibility are key. Take time to settle in and familiarize yourself with the surroundings. Register with local authorities as required and establish necessary administrative processes, such as opening bank accounts andobtaining necessary permits or licenses. Networking, joining expat communities, and participating in local events can facilitate social integration and create a support system.Conclusion:Migration is a significant life decision that can bring about new opportunities and experiences. By following these step-by-step guidelines, individuals can ensure a smooth and successful migration. Understanding the reasons for migration, researching the destination, handling legal procedures, planning finances, embracing language and cultural differences, organizing the move, and settling into the new environment are crucial elements for a successful migration journey.。
"Migration" 这个词可以有多种用法,下面我将从不同角度为
1. 在生物学中,"migration" 指的是动物季节性的迁徙,特别
2. 在人类社会中,"migration" 指的是人口的迁移。
3. 在计算机科学领域,"migration" 通常指的是数据或软件系统的迁移。
例如,在数据库管理中,"migration" 指的是将数据从
在软件开发中,"migration" 可能指的是将应用程序从一个平台或环境迁移到另一
总的来说,"migration" 这个词在不同领域有着不同的含义,
emigrate和immigrate和migrate 的例句
emigrate和immigrate和migrate 的例句“Emigrate 的例句全解析:从远方到新家园!”开场白:嘿,朋友们!Emigrate 这个词好像有点高大上,但其实它就在我们的生活中呢。
今天咱们就通过一堆例句,把它拿下!基础例句:打好理解的地基1. My parents emigrated from China to Canada when I was a child.(我小时候,我父母从中国移民到了加拿大。
)2. He decided to emigrate to Australia for a better life.(他决定移民去澳大利亚,追求更好的生活。
)3. Many people emigrated from Europe to the United States in the 19th century.(19 世纪很多人从欧洲移民到了美国。
)4. She has always dreamed of emigrating to a tropical country.(她一直梦想着移民到一个热带国家。
)5. They emigrated because of the political instability in their homeland.(因为家乡政治不稳定,他们移民了。
)场景例句:拓展使用场合生活场景1. After retirement, my neighbor decided to emigrate to a peaceful village.(退休后,我的邻居决定移民到一个宁静的村庄。
)2. The couple emigrated to escape the cold winter of their hometown.(这对夫妇移民是为了逃离家乡寒冷的冬天。
)职场场景1. The company's top engineer emigrated to a competitor, causing some technical difficulties.(公司的顶级工程师移民去了竞争对手那里,造成了一些技术难题。
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Old Commonwealth
They were in contrast with the socalled Old Commonwealth (or "White Commonwealth") countries that were located in the developed world and were predominantly white and wealion
Reasons for immigration1607-1830 Political Freedom Religious Tolerance Economic Opportunity People want a better life - better job - more money Political Refugees fear for their lives Some want free atmosphere Forced Immigration (Slavery) Family Reunification There are two types of motivation for immigration Push(need to leave in order to survive)・ Pull (attracted to new way of life)
From the early twentieth century to the 1960s, it was the chronic shortage of labour in this young developing country that attracted Italian workers. The Canadian labour market, compared to that of Italy, offered a relatively high level of employment and income. Italian immigration to Canada was also encouraged by Canadian immigration policies, which were more liberal than those of other countries due to the labour shortage, especially after the Second World War.
A growth of towns and cities leading to an increasing proportion of a country´s population living there.
Movement of people in MEDCs away from urban areas to live in smaller towns and
New Commonwealth
The term was commonly used in the 1960s and 1970s to refer to members of the Commonwealth of Nations that had joined in recent years as a result of decolonization. These countries were mostly, poor developing countries in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean with predominantly nonwhite populations.
Migration is the movement of people from one place to another
What are the main types of migration?
Migration can be permanent, temporary, voluntary or forced. It can be international or internal.
West Indies
Inner city
Violence, drugs and Police harassment muggings
An urban district containing a high proportion of one particular ethnic group.
Push and Pull factors
Migration can occur as result of push and pull factors. Push factors are those which force a person to move. This can include drought, famine, lack of jobs, over population and civil war. Pull factors are those which encourage a person to move. These include a chance of a better job, better education, a better standard of living.
Commonwealth of Nations, a voluntary association of 53 independent states, almost all of which are former colonies of the United Kingdom.
QuickTime?and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.
Ethnic group
The group of people a person belongs to categorised by race, nationality, language, religion or culture.
Unfair, ridiculing or threatening behaviour towards someone because of their skin and/or particular racial group.
1890-1924 ・Jews came for religious freedom ・Italians and Asians came for Work ・Russians came to escape persecution・America had jobs ・America had religious freedom ・America was hyped up in many countries as "Land of Opportunity"