Output Current Output Voltage Dropout Voltage
Line Reg Line Regulation
Load reg Load Regulation
External Transistor Dependent
IOUT = 30 mA, See Table 1 External Transistor Dependent
µV/ Hz
CPULSE Pin Terminal Current
∆VOUT /∆T Temperature Coefficient
Reference Voltage
(Notm/° C
s Up to 5 A Output Current Capability With External PNP Transistor
s Internal Short Circuit Protection s Excellent Load Regulation s CMOS/TTL-Compatible On/Off Switch s Internal Reverse Bias Current Protection Switch s Internal Thermal Shutdown s Broad Operating Voltage Range s High Impedance VSENSE Pin (Off Mode) s Continuous and Pulsed Current Modes
page 02
page 03
Plate heat exchanger
Plate heat exchanger
上海阿美泰克公司引进了AMETECH的先进设计、制造生产工艺,以用户使用的 可靠性与最佳运行性能为核心,最大限度提高换热效率,降低能耗损失。
Plate heat exchanger
Plate heat exchanger
等截面板式换热器型号及意义 A M 20–MPM /6000 - 100
换热量(kw)- 换热面积(m2)
PL:1.0 MPa PM:1.6MPa PG:1.6~2.5MPa
M:深波纹 B:浅波纹
2991 7092 20
3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33
查阅运行时间.......................................................................45 查阅电动机起动次数.................................................................46 查阅控制器运行时间.................................................................47 查阅加载时间.......................................................................47 查阅加载继电器.....................................................................47 查阅/复位保养定时器 ...............................................................48 在本地、远程或 LAN 控制之间进行选择................................................49 查阅/修改 CAN 地址控件.............................................................49 查阅/修改 IP、网关和子网掩码.......................................................51 查阅/修改压力带设置值..............................................................53 修改压力带选择.....................................................................54 查阅/修改保养定时器设置............................................................55 查阅/修改温度单位..................................................................55 查阅/修改压力单位..................................................................56 激活断电后自动重新起动功能.........................................................56 在星/三角起动或直接起动之间进行选择................................................56 查阅修改加载延迟时间...............................................................57 查阅修改最小停机时间...............................................................57 激活密码保护.......................................................................58 激活加载/卸载远程压力传感功能......................................................58 查阅/修改保护设置值................................................................59 测试屏幕...........................................................................60 WEB 服务器.........................................................................61 可设定的设置值.....................................................................70
Agilent N4237ADDR2 DRAM BGA ProbeUser’s GuideNotices© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2005No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Agilent Technologies, Inc. as governed by United States and international copyright laws.Manual Part NumberN4237-97000Print HistoryN4237-97000, September 2005Printed in USAAgilent Technologies, Inc.1900 Garden of the Gods RoadColorado Springs, CO 80907 USATrademark Acknowledgements WarrantyThe material contained in this document isprovided “as is,” and is subject to beingchanged, without notice, in future editions.Further, to the maximum extent permitted byapplicable law, Agilent disclaims allwarranties, either express or implied, withregard to this manual and any informationcontained herein, including but not limited tothe implied warranties of merchantability andfitness for a particular purpose. Agilent shallnot be liable for errors or for incidental orconsequential damages in connection withthe furnishing, use, or performance of thisdocument or of any information containedherein. Should Agilent and the user have aseparate written agreement with warrantyterms covering the material in this documentthat conflict with these terms, the warrantyterms in the separate agreement shallcontrol.Technology LicensesThe hardware and/or software described inthis document are furnished under a licenseand may be used or copied only in accordancewith the terms of such license.Restricted Rights LegendIf software is for use in the performance of aU.S. Government prime contract orsubcontract, Software is delivered and licensedas “Commercial computer software” asdefined in DFAR 252.227-7014 (June 1995), oras a “commercial item” as defined in FAR2.101(a) or as “Restricted computer software”as defined in FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987) or anyequivalent agency regulation or contractclause. Use, duplication or disclosure ofSoftware is subject to Agilent Technologies’standard commercial license terms, and non-DOD Departments and Agencies of the U.S.Government will receive no greater thanRestricted Rights as defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2) (June 1987). U.S. Government userswill receive no greater than Limited Rights asdefined in FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987) or DFAR252.227-7015 (b)(2) (November 1995), asapplicable in any technical data.Safety NoticesA CAUTION notice denotes ahazard. It calls attention to anoperating procedure, practice, orthe like that, if not correctlyperformed or adhered to, couldresult in damage to the product orloss of important data. Do notproceed beyond a CAUTION noticeuntil the indicated conditions arefully understood and met.A WARNING notice denotes ahazard. It calls attention to anoperating procedure, practice, orthe like that, if not correctlyperformed or adhered to, couldresult in personal injury or death.Do not proceed beyond aWARNING notice until theindicated conditions are fullyunderstood and met.IntroductionIntroduction—4N4237A DDR2 DRAM BGA Probe Description—5Fixture Technical Feature Summary—5Equipment Supplied—6DDR2 DRAM BGA probe Operation—7Installing the Probe—7Connecting test equipment to the N4237A probe—8Logic Analyzer connection to the N4237A—9Logic Analyzer configuration file setup with the N4237A—11 Characteristics, Regulatory, and Safety Information—11Operating Characteristics—11Safety Notices—11Warnings—11Safety Symbols—12IntroductionIntroductionThis User's Guide provides operation and programming informationfor the N4237A DDR2 DRAM BGA probe. This information alsoapplies to the N4239A probe, which comes without the flying leads.The illustrations below show the overall features and connectionpoints for the probe:N4237A DDR2 DRAM BGA Probe Description N4237A DDR2 DRAM BGA Probe DescriptionThe N4237A DDR2 DRAM BGA probe enables logic analyzer state andtiming measurements of the DQ, DQS, and clock signals of x4 and x8DRAMs using the JEDEC standard common DDR2 DRAM footprint.The N4237A probe interposes between the DRAM being probed andthe PC board where the DRAM would normally be soldered. It isdesigned to be soldered to the PCB footprint for the DRAM and theDRAM being probed is then soldered to the top side of the probe.Each DRAM signal in the common footprint (including those definedfor x16 DRAMS) passes directly from the bottom side of the probe tothe top side of the probe. Buried probe resistors placed at the DRAMballs connect the probed signals to 0.050” headers designed to matewith Agilent E5381A differential flying lead probes. These resistorsminimize capacitive loading on the DRAM signals and allow highspeed operation.The 0.050” headers on the N4237A probe are also compatible withthe Agilent InfiniMax oscilloscope probes. This allows low load scopeprobing of the DRAM signals.Fixture Technical Feature SummaryProbing of DDR2 x4 and x8 DRAMS in BGA package using JEDECstandard common BGA footprint.Logic analyzer (using E5381A differential flying leads) andoscilloscope (using InfiniMax socketed probe head) connection toDQ0-7, DQS, DQS#, and CK/CK# signals.Pass through of all signals for x16 support x16 operation whileprobing the lower-byte signals.Differential or single ended probing of DQS and CLK signals.Interposer design probes signals between DRAM BGA balls andDIMM.Probe height profile avoids interference with decouplingcapacitors on top of FB-DIMM boards.Use of separate flying lead probes for connection to the logicanalyzer optimizes use of analyzer channels by allowingassignment of analyzer channels to 4 or 8 bits on each DRAM.Tin plating of the DRAM footprint on the top side of the probe iscompatible with leaded and no-lead DRAM balls.N4237A DDR2 DRAM BGA Probe DescriptionEquipment SuppliedN4237AThe following components have been shipped with your N4237Afixture:Nine N4237-66401 DDR2 DRAM BGA probesE5381A-61601 differential flying lead probe setThis User's GuideN4239AThe following components have been shipped with your N4239Afixture:Nine N4237-66401 DDR2 DRAM BGA probesThis User's GuidePart numbers are subject to change without notice.DDR2 DRAM BGA probe OperationDDR2 DRAM BGA probe OperationInstalling the ProbeThe N4237A probe is installed by soldering it to the BGA footprint ona PC Board where the DRAM would normally be soldered. TheDRAM to be probed may then be soldered to the top side of theprobe. The bottom side of the N4237A has lead-free solder balls thatcorrespond to the solder balls on a normal DRAM. Therefore, lead-free temperature profiles must be used to solder the probe. Thissoldering is usually done at a BGA rework station. Due to widevariations in the type of rework stations a standard procedurecannot be defined. However, some general guidelines can be given:The center of gravity of the probe is not the same as it is for aDRAM (which is usually the center of the package). This is due tothe location and weight of the headers that connect to the logicanalyzer or scope. When soldering the probe, it is usuallynecessary to support the top end of the probe (under theheaders) to keep the probe flat against the surface of the DIMM.This may be as simple as a small piece of 50 mil PCB placedunder the headers.When soldering the DRAM onto the probe the temperature mayneed to rise to the point where the solder balls under the probesoften. A means of holding the probe in place when soldering theDRAM may be necessary.Normal surface cleaning and preparation procedures for BGAsoldering are recommended.DDR2 DRAM BGA probe OperationConnecting test equipment to the N4237A probeTwelve 0.050” headers are provided on the N4237A to allowconnection to a logic analyzer or oscilloscope probe. One header isprovided for each of the following signals: DQ[0:7], DQS, DQS#, CLK,CLK#. The layout of these headers is shown below (top view):DDR2 DRAM BGA probe OperationLogic Analyzer connection to the N4237AThe E5381A differential flying lead set supplied with the N4237A isused to connect the probe to the logic analyzer. The E5281A plugsinto any desired logic analyzer pod cable, and the flying leads pluginto the N4237A headers as shown below:When plugging into adjacent headers on the N4237A the heat shrinktubing sleeves around the connector body at the end of eachdifferential flying lead may force a tight fit. If this occurs, the portionof the sleeve around the connector body may be trimmed. This willallow connection to adjacent headers without interference. Be sureto not trim away the heat shrink tubing from the flying lead areaabove the actual connector body.DDR2 DRAM BGA probe OperationNote that the orientation of the DQS/DQS# and CLK/CLK# headers issuch that these signals can be probed differentially or as a pair ofsingle ended signals. To probe these signals as single ended pairs,the scope or logic analyzer probe should be plugged into the probe asshown in the diagram below:To probe differentially, plug the logic analyzer or scope leads asshown below:10 DDR2 DRAM BGA Probe User’s GuideArtisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | Characteristics, Regulatory, and Safety InformationDDR2 DRAM BGA Probe User’s Guide11 Logic Analyzer configuration file setup with the N4237ABecause the mapping of specific RAM signals on specific DRAMS toeach logic analyzer channel depends on which DRAMS on a DIMMare probed and how the flying leads are arranged when connecting tothe N4237A, there is no single logic analyzer configuration file setup.For example, when probing x4 DRAMS, only four analyzer channelswill be connected to each DRAM. The logic analyzer Buses/Signalssetup dialog will allow you to assign descriptive labels to eachanalyzer channel that associate each channel with the particularDRAM and DRAM signal being probed.Characteristics, Regulatory, and Safety InformationOperating CharacteristicsThe following operating characteristics are not specifications, but aretypical operating characteristics for the analysis probe withinterposer.Table 1 Environmental Characteristics (Operating) Temperature20° to + 30° C (+68° to +86° F) Altitude4,600 m (15,000 ft) Humidity Up to 50% noncondensing. Avoid sudden, extreme temperature changes which could cause condensation on the circuit board. For indoor use only.Table 2 Inputs and Outputs To probeMemory bus signals from target system From probe High-density connectors for an Agilent 16700- or 16900-series logic analysis system.Safety NoticesThis apparatus has been designed and tested in accordance with IECPublication 1010, Safety Requirements for Measuring Apparatus, andhas been supplied in a safe condition. Before applying power, verifythat the correct safety precautions are taken (see the followingwarnings). In addition, note the external markings on the instrumentthat are described under "Safety Symbols."WarningsUse only the recommended power supply.Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | Safety Notices12 DDR2 DRAM BGA Probe User’s GuideIf you energize this instrument by an auto transformer (for voltagereduction or mains isolation), the common terminal must beconnected to the earth terminal of the power source.Whenever it is likely that the ground protection is impaired, youmust make the instrument inoperative and secure it against anyunintended operation.Service instructions are for trained service personnel. To avoiddangerous electric shock, do not perform any service unless qualifiedto do so. Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unlessanother person, capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation, ispresent.Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorizedmodification to the instrument.Capacitors inside the instrument may retain a charge even if theinstrument is disconnected from its source of supply.Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gasses orfumes. Operation of any electrical instrument in such anenvironment constitutes a definite safety hazard.Do not use the instrument in a manner not specified by themanufacturer.To clean the instrumentDo not attempt to clean this product. Safety Symbols! Instruction manual symbol: the product is marked with this symbol when it is necessary for you to refer to the instruction manual in order to protect against damage to the product. Hazardous voltage symbol.Earth terminal symbol: Used to indicate a circuit common connected to grounded chassis.Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | 。
地址:电话:MA60系列智能型万能式断路器MB1,MB1L,MB1G,MB1F-63系列终端电器MB60,MB60Z系列塑壳断路器MA60系列智能型万能式断路器172022263338394345474853555759核心特点:全系列Icu=Ics最高可达150KA,满足更高保护需求国际领先的旋转式双断点结构,大大提升分断能力U型触头结构,限流效果更明显,确保产品的高可靠性精简尺寸,体积更小模块化脱扣器设计,全系列热磁脱扣器与智能脱扣器模块可互换外置漏电模块,方便用户更换及维护M B60系列塑壳断路器135产品总览MB1 系列微型断路器MA60 系列空气断路器MB60 系列塑壳断路器注:需选配C系列智能控制器注:需选配C系列智能控制器)125瞬间并联100A 250A 400A1600A 壳架电流3设计序号(3.4.5)高级型控制器代号CH 为壳架电流H以长九MB1和MB30系列断路器为执行器,壳架电流为63A 、125A 、250A 、630A 可选系列额定工作电流(A )设计代号企业产品型号执行器控制器类型(I 为简易型 为复合型)开关极数(2P 二极 3P 三极 4P 四极)注:转换开关本体为两工作位时,需将控制器设置为两段位自投自复/自投不自复可调,自投自复不可设置;;T BF-T1TBF-M1TBF-T2TBF-K1TBF-M1TBF-M1TBF -Z1T BF-T3T BF-T1T BF-M3隔离模块双回路监控探测器代号注:TBF-K1可测量两路漏电及两路温度,且必须与TBF-T1或TBF-T2配合使用。
温度传感器控制模块隔离模块组合式探测器K1MA40 系列MA40 系列M A 40 系列M A 450 系列MA450 系列注:1、合分电类型为内部附件的控制电压,合:合闸线圈,分:分励线圈,电:电动机储能机构,为必须选配附件。
2、用户极数选择3P+N 时需要加N相外接互感器。
MA 60 M - 4000 R3200 M / 3 FHVR NST + YU230 D1短路分断能力可选代号:M 标准型H 高分断型安装方式代号:FHHR :固定式上下水平 FHVR :固定式上平下竖 FVHR :固定式上竖下平 FVVR :固定式上下竖直 WHHR :抽屉式上下水平 WHVR :抽屉式上平下竖 WVHR :抽屉式上竖下平 WVVR :抽屉式上下竖直压脱扣器类型代号:空 不具备欠压脱扣器YU230 欠压脱扣器AC230V YU400 欠压脱扣器AC400V欠额定电流壳架等级额定电流可选代号:Inm =1600=2500=4000=6300Inm Inm Inm 智能控制器代号:M :Adaptcan 6A11基本型H :Adaptcan 6A12高级型极数代号:3: 3极4: 4极5: 3极+N (见注)合分电类型代号:(见注)NST 合分电AC230V DST 合分电DC230V OST 合分电AC400V 欠压延时时间代号:空 瞬时型D1 延时1s D3 延时3s D5 延时5s短路分断能力合分电类型欠压延时技术参数表技术参数表MA60 系列M A 60 系列技术参数表MA60 系列M A 60 系列MB60 MB60ZMB 60 S - 250 R 16 / 3 3 00 2 D A FF短路分断能力可选代号:S 标准型M 较高分断型H 高分断型壳架等级额定电流可选代号:Inm =250Inm =630额定电流脱扣方式代号:2:只有短路保护3:有短路,过载保护附件代号:“见附件表”用途代号:2 电机保护空 配电保护操作方式代号:D 电操Z 手操空 无安装方式代号:FF: 固定式,板前接线PR: 插入式,板后接线DR: 抽出式,板后接线注:250壳架无抽出式极数代号:3三极4四极::3极产品为空4极产品N极型式A :N 极直通,且不带保护B :N 极分断,且不带保护C :N 极分断,且带保护D :N 极直通,且带保护MB60 系列系列塑壳断路器MB60Z S - 250 R250 / 3 3 00 2 D A FF + 6B11 F0短路分断能力可选代号:S 标准型M 较高分断型H 高分断型额定电流脱扣方式代号:2:只有短路保护3:有过载和短路 保护操作方式代号:D 电动操作Z 手动操作机构空 无安装方式代号:FF: 固定式,板前接线PR: 插入式,板后接线DR: 抽出式,板后接线注:250壳架无抽出式附加功能代号:F0 基本型F1 组网型注:6B11才能选配 F1组网型附件壳架等级额定电流可选代号:Inm =250Inm =630极数代号:3 三极4 四极附件代号:“见附件表”用途代号:2 电动机保护空 配电保护电子脱扣器代号:6B11 基本型6B12 智能型3极产品为空4极产品N极型式A :N 极直通,且不带保护B :N 极分断,且不带保护C :N 极分断,且带保护D :N 极直通,且带保护电子脱扣器功能表MB60 系列M B 60Z 系列MB60 MB60Z 系列塑壳断路器技术参数表MB60 MB60Z 系列塑壳断路器MB 1F -63M B 60Z 系列附件代号MB60 MB60Z 系列塑壳断路器MB 1 F -63/4过欠压功能额定电流(32A 40A 50A 63A)MB 1F -63MB1,MB1L ,MB1G ,MB1F -63系列M B 1 系列M G 1 系列04代表4极接触器(不自带辅助触头) 65。
ew 572 G3 商品说明书
of the same components as ew 512 G3 but with CI 1 jack cable plus accessories. The system features a virtual cable emulator to get sound response just like a cable, a built-in guitar tuner and an EQ. The freuquency response starts at 25 Hz for natural bass reproduction.
ew 512 G3 Presentation Set ew 572 G3 Instrument Set
ew 500 Sets ew 500-935 G3 Vocal Set ew 500-945 G3 Vocal Set ew 500-965 G3 Vocal Set
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱSturdy metal housing (transmitter and receiver)
The ew 500-945 G3
consists of the same components as ew 500-935 G3 but with an e 945 microphone head.
The ew 500-965 G3
consists of the same components as ew 500-935 G3 but with an e 965 microphone head.
ew 500-945 G3 Vocal Set Complete plug & play wireless microphone set with easy-exchangeable e 945 microphone head (dynamic, super-cardioid) from Sennheiser evolution series for multi-purpose application. Further discription see paragraph ew 512 G3.
1.General descriptionThe TEA5764UK is a single chip electronically tuned FM stereo radio with Radio Data System (RDS) and Radio Broadcast Data System (RBDS) demodulator and RDS/RBDS decoder for portable application with fully integrated IF selectivity and demodulation.The radio is completely adjustment free and only requires a minimum of small and low cost external components.The radio can tune to the European, US and Japanese FM bands. It has a low power consumption and can operate at a low supply voltage.2.Featuress Chip scale packages High sensitivity due to integrated low noise RF input amplifiers FM mixer for conversion of the US/Europe (87.5 MHz to 108 MHz) and Japanese FM band (76MHz to 90 MHz)to IFs Preset tuning to receive Japanese TV audio up to 108MHz s Auto search tuning, raster 100 kHz s RF automatic gain control circuits LC tuner oscillator operating with low cost fixed chip inductors s Fully integrated FM IF selectivitys Fully integrated FM demodulator; no external discriminators Crystal oscillator at 32768 Hz, or external reference frequency at 32768 Hz s PLL synthesizer tuning systems IF counter; 7-bit output via the I 2C-buss Level detector; 4-bit level information output via the I 2C-bus s Soft mute: signal dependent mute functions Mono/stereo blend: gradual change from mono to stereo, depending on signal s Adjustment-free stereo decoder s Autonomous search tuning function s Standby mode s MPX outputs One software programmable ports Fully integrated RDS/RBDS demodulator in accordance with EN50067s RDS/RBDS decoder with memory for two RDS data blocks provides blocksynchronization and error correction; block data and status information are available via the I 2C-buss Audio pause detectorTEA5764UKFM radio + RDSRev. 02 — 9 August 2005Product data sheets Interrupt flag3.Applicationss FM stereo radio4.Quick reference dataTable 1:Electrical parameters generalThe listed parameters are valid when a crystal is used that meets the requirements as stated in Table46;All RF input values are defined in potential difference, except when EMF is explicitly stated.Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit SuppliesV CCA analog supply voltage 2.5 2.7 3.3VI CCA analog supply current V CCA=2.5V to 3.3 Voperating mode1213.716mAStandby mode00.11µAV CCD digital supply voltage 2.5 2.7 3.3VI CCD digital supply current V CCD=2.5V to 3.3 Voperating mode0.30.7 1.5mAStandby mode11522.5µA Reference voltageV VREFDIG digital reference voltagefor I2C-bus interface1.65 1.8V CCD VI VREFDIG digital reference supplycurrent operating mode;V VREFDIG=1.65V to V CCD00.51µAGeneralf i(FM)FM input frequency76-108MHz T amb ambient temperature−40-+85°C FM and RDS overall system parametersV sens(EMF)sensitivity EMF valuevoltage f RF = 76 MHz to 108 MHz;∆f=22.5kHz; f mod = 1kHz;(S+N)/N= 26dB; TC deem=75µs;A-weighting filter;B aud=300Hz to15kHz- 2.9 4.4µVIP3in in-band 3rd-orderintercept point ∆f1 = 200 kHz;∆f2 = 400 kHz;f tune=76MHz to 108 MHz;RF agc=off7887-dBµVIP3out out-of-band 3rd-orderintercept point ∆f1 = 4 MHz;∆f2 = 8 MHz;f tune=76MHz to 108 MHz;RF agc=off8793-dBµVS selectivity f tune = 76 MHz to 108 MHz[1]high-side;∆f = +200 kHz3943-dBlow-side;∆f =−200 kHz3236-dBV VAFL left audio output voltageon pin VAFL V RF = 1 mV; L = R;∆f = 22.5 kHz;f mod=1kHz; no pre-emphasis;TC deem=75µs556675mV[1]Low-side and high-side selectivity can be measured by changing the mixer LO injection from high-side to low-side.5.Ordering informationV VAFRright audio output voltage on pin VAFRV RF = 1 mV; L = R;∆f = 22.5 kHz;f mod =1kHz; no pre-emphasis;TC deem =75µs556675mV(S+N)/N(m)maximum signal-to-noiseratio, monoV RF = 1 mV;∆f = 22.5 kHz; L =R;f mod =1kHz; de-emphasis = 75µs;B AF =300 Hz to 15 kHz; A-weighting filter5457-dB(S+N)/N(s)maximum signal-to-noise ratio, stereoV RF = 1 mV;∆f = 67.5 kHz; L =R;f mod =1kHz;∆f pilot = 6.75 kHz;de-emphasis = 75µs; B AF =300 Hz to 15 kHz; A-weighting filter 5054-dBαcschannel separation MST = 0; R = 1 and L = 0 or R =0and L =1; V RF = 30µV; increasing RF input level2733-dBTHD total harmonic distortion V RF = 1 mV;∆f = 75 kHz;f mod =1kHz;DTC =0;B aud =300Hz to 15 kHz; A-weighting filter; mono;L =R; no pilot deviation-0.40.9%V sensRDS sensitivity EMF value∆f = 22.5 kHz; f AF = 1 kHz; L =R;SYM1 = 0 and SYM0 = 0; average over 2000 blocks; block quality rate ≥95%;∆f RDS =2kHz-1730µVTable 1:Electrical parameters generalThe listed parameters are valid when a crystal is used that meets the requirements as stated in Table 46;All RF input values are defined in potential difference, except when EMF is explicitly stated.Symbol ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max Unit Table 2:Ordering informationType numberPackage NameDescriptionVersion TEA5764UKWLB34wafer-level ball grid array; 34 balls; 4× 4× 0.36 mmTEA5764UKxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx x xTEA5764UK_2© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V . 2005. All rights reserved.Product data sheet Rev. 02 — 9 August 20054 of 64Philips SemiconductorsTEA5764UKFM radio + RDS6.Block diagramFig 1.Block diagram001aab458÷2IF FILTERN1I/Q MIXER 1st FMAGCGAIN STABILIZERCRYSTAL OSCILLATORSOFT MUTESDSF7I 2C-BUS INTERFACEMPX DECODERTUNING SYSTEMmono pilotprog. div out I refref. div outMUXSW PORTVCOE6E7D712 Ω3.7ΩX110 k Ω33 nF33 nF47pF27pF L1120 nH100 pF10 nF12 pFD6C7B7GNDD INTXINTCON2F6G6G5F4G4INTCON1TMUTE VAFR VAFL MPXOUT MPXINGNDA CD2/INTCON3V CCDGNDD GNDD SDABUSENABLEVREFDIGSCL100 k ΩLIMITER LEVEL ADCIF CENTERFREQUENCY ADJUSTDEMODULATORIF COUNTTEA5764UK33 nF33 nF10nFGNDD G3G2F2G1F1E1D2D1C1C2B1FREQIN XTAL CD3FMantennaRFIN1RFIN2GNDRF CAGC V CCA A1B2A2A3A4A5B4A4SWPORTB6A7LOOPSWCPOUTLO1LO2CD1RDS/RBDS DECODERG7INTERFACE REGISTER57 kHz BP FILTERPAUSE DETECTOR33 nF47 k Ω33 nF33 nF PILLPL3L3D1D27.Pinning information7.1Pinning7.2Pin descriptionFig 2.Ball configuration TEA5764UK001aac987TEA5764UKTransparent top viewGF E D C A B 2461357ball A1index areaTable 3:Pin descriptionSymbol Ball DescriptionLOOPSW A1synthesizer PLL loop filter switch output CPOUT B2charge pump output of synthesizer PLL LO1A2local oscillator coil connection 1LO2A3local oscillator coil connection 2CD1A4VCO supply decoupling capacitor PILLP B4pilot PLL loop filterSWPORT A5software programmable port output BUSENABLE A6I 2C-bus enable inputVREFDIG B6digital reference voltage for I 2C-bus signals SCL A7I 2C-bus clock line inputSDA B7I 2C-bus data line input and output n.c.-not connected GNDD C7digital ground GNDD D6digital ground V CCDD7digital supply voltage CD2/INTCON3E7internally connected n.c.-not connectedINTCON2E6internally connected; leave open GNDD F7digital ground INTX G7interrupt flag output n.c.-not connectedINTCON1F6internally connected; leave openTable 3:Pin description …continuedSymbol Ball DescriptionTMUTE G6soft mute time-constant capacitorVAFR G5right audio outputVAFL F4left audio outputMPXOUT G4FM demodulator MPX outputMPXIN G3MPX decoder and RDS decoder MPX inputGNDD G2digital ground; this pin has an internal pull-down resistor of 10 kΩto groundn.c.-not connectedGNDA F2analog groundn.c.-not connectedFREQIN G132.768 kHz reference frequency inputXT AL F1crystal oscillator inputV CCA E1analog supply voltageCD3D2V CCA decoupling capacitorRFIN1D1RF input 1RFIN2C1RF input 2GNDRF C2RF groundCAGC B1RF AGC time-constant capacitorn.c.-not connected8.Functional description8.1Low noise RF amplifierThe LNA input impedance together with the LC RF input circuit defines an FM bandfilter.The gain of the LNA is controlled by the RF AGC circuit.8.2FM I/Q mixerFM quadrature mixer converts FM RF (76MHz to108MHz) to IF.8.3VCOThe varactor tuned LC VCO provides the Local Oscillator (LO) signal for the FMquadrature mixer. The VCO frequency range is 150 MHz to 217 MHz.8.4Crystal oscillatorThe crystal oscillator can operate with a 32.768 kHz clock crystal. The oscillator can beoverridden via the FREFIN pin. When the FREFIN pin is used the oscillator is clockedexternally by a 32.768 kHz signal. Selection between a reference clock or a referencecrystal can be done via the I2C-bus.When a crystal is connected the FREFIN pin must beleft open-circuit, and when pin FREFIN is used a crystal may not be connected. It is notpossible to connect a crystal and apply a frequency via the FREFIN pin in the sameapplication.The crystal oscillator generates the reference frequency for the following:•Reference frequency divider for synthesizer PLL •Timing for the IF counter •Timing for the pause detector•Free running frequency adjustment of the stereo decoder VCO •Centre frequency for adjustment of the IF filters •Clock frequency of the RDS/RBDS decoder8.5PLL tuning systemThe PLL synthesizer tuning system is suitable to operate with a 32.768 kHz reference frequency generated by the crystal oscillator or a reference clock of 32.768 kHz fed into the TEA5764UK. To tune the radio to the required frequency requires the PLL word to be calculated and then programmed to the register. The PLL word is 14 bits long; see Table 20 and T able 21. Calculation of this 14-bit word can be done as follows.Formula for high-side injection:(1)Formula for low-side injection:(2)where:N DEC = decimal value of PLL word f RF = wanted tuning frequency (Hz)f IF = intermediate frequency of 225 kHz f REFS = the reference frequency of 32.768 kHz Example for receiving a channel at 100.1 MHz:(3)The result found using Equation 1 or Equation 2 must always be rounded to the lowest integer value.If rounded down to the lowest integer value of N DEC =12246,the PLL word becomes 2FD6h.This value can be written to register FRQSETLSB or FRQSETMSB via the I 2C-bus and the IC will then either start an autonomous search at this frequency or go to a preset channel at this frequency. When the application is built according to the block diagram shown in Figure 1, and with the preferred components, the PLL will settle to the new frequency within 5ms. The most accurate tuning is accomplished when a search is followed by a preset to the same frequency.N DEC 4f RF f IF +()×f ref --------------------------------------=N DEC 4f RF f IF –()×f ref -------------------------------------=N DEC4100.1106×225103×+()×32768------------------------------------------------------------------------12246.704==The PLL is triggered by writing to any one of the bytes FRQSETMSB, FRQSETLSB,TNCTRL1, TNCTRL2, TESTBITS, TESTMODE.Accurate validation of the PLL locking on the new frequency can take 2ms to 10ms.When a lock is detected, bit LD is set.8.6Band limitsThe TEA5764UK can be switched either to the Japanese FM band or to the US/Europe FM band. Setting bit BLIM to logic 0 the band range is 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz; setting bit BLIM to logic 1 selects the Japanese band range of 76 MHz to 90 MHz.8.7RF AGCThe RF AGC (or wideband AGC) prevents overloading and limits the amount ofintermodulation products created by strong adjacent channels. The RF AGC is on bydefault and can be turned off via the I2C-bus.The TEA5764UK also has an in-band AGC to prevent overloading by the wanted channel.The in-band AGC is always turned on.8.8Local or long distance receiveIf bit LDX=1,the LNA gain is reduced by6dB to prevent distortion when a transmitter is very near. If bit LDX=0, the LNA gain is normal to receive long distance (DX) stations.8.9IF filterA fully integrated IF filter is built-in.8.10FM demodulatorThe FM quadrature demodulator has an integrated resonator to perform the phase shift of the IF signal.8.11IF counterThe received signal is mixed to produce an IF of 225 kHz. The result of the mixing iscounted.A good IF count result indicates that the radio is tuned to a valid channel instead of an image or a channel with much interference. The IF counter outputs a 7-bit countresult via the I2C-bus. The IF counter is continuously active and can be read at any time via the I2C-bus. It also activates a flag when the IF count result is outside the IF countvalid result window; see Section9.1.4.4.Before a tuning cycle is initiated the IF count period can be set to 2 ms or to 15.6 ms by bit IFCTC. When the IF count period is set to 2 ms, initiating the tuning algorithm with a preset (bit SM = 0) will always give an RDS update as shown in Section8.22.1. In case the IF count time is set to 15.6 ms, the tuning flowchart illustrated in Figure3 is used.Once tuned, the IF count period is always 15.6 ms.8.12Voltage level generator and analog-to-digital converterThe voltage level indicates thefield strength received by the antenna.The voltage level is analog-to-digital converted to a 4-bit word and output via the I2C-bus. The ADC level iscontinuously active and can be read at any time via the I2C-bus. It also activates a flagwhen the voltage level falls below a predefined selectable threshold. Bit LHSW allowseither large or small hysteresis steps to be chosen; see Table24 and Section9.1.4.5.When the ADC level is set to 3, its minimum value, the search algorithm will only stop atchannels having a RF level higher than, or equal to, ADC level 3. After completing thesearch algorithm and being tuned to a station, due to hysteresis the effective limit will beset to 0. This means that the continuous ADC level check will never set the LEVFLAG. 8.13Mute8.13.1Soft muteThe low-pass filtered voltage level drives the soft mute attenuator at low RF input levels:the audio output is faded and hence also the noise(see graphs referenced1in Figure15 and Figure17).The soft mute function can also be switched off via the I2C-bus, using bit SMUTE.8.13.2Hard muteThe audio outputs VAFL and VAFR can be hard-muted by bit MU in byte TNCTRL2,which means that they are put into3-state.This can also be done by setting bits Left Hard Mute (LHM) or Right Hard Mute (RHM) in byte TESTBITS, which allows either one or bothchannels to be muted and forces the TEA5764UK to mono mode.When the TEA5764UK is in Standby mode the audio outputs are hard-muted.8.13.3Audio frequency muteThe audio signal is muted by setting bit AFM of the TNCTRL1 register to logic 1. In thesoft mute attenuator the audio signal is blocked and so pins VAFL and VAFR will be attheir DC biasing point with no signal.The audio is automatically muted during an RDS update as shown in the flowchart ofFigure3. When the audio must be muted during Search mode, it is done by setting bitAFM to logic1 before the search action and resetting it to logic 0 afterwards.Setting bit AFM to logic 0 stops the RDS data.8.14MPX decoderThe PLL stereo decoder is adjustment free. It can be switched to mono via the I2C-bus.8.15Signal dependent mono/stereo blend (stereo noise cancellation)If the RF input level decreases, the MPX decoder blends from stereo to mono to limit the output noise. The continuous mono-to-stereo blend can also be programmed via theI2C-bus to an RF level dependent switched mono-to-stereo transition. Stereo noisecancellation can be switched off via the I2C-bus by bit SNC.8.16Software programmable portOne software programmable port (CMOS output) can be addressed via the I2C-bus:Bit SWPM = 1, the software port functions as the output for the FRRFLAG.Bit SWPM= 0, the software port outputs bit SWP of the registers.In Test mode the software port outputs signals according to T able27. Test mode isselected, setting bit TM of byte TESTMODE to logic 1.The software port cannot be disabled by the PUPD bits; see Section8.17.8.17Standby modeThe radio can be put into Standby mode by the Power-Up/Power-Down(PUPD)bits.The RDS part can be turned off separately or both the RDS and the FM part can be turned off.The TEA5764UK is still accessible via the I2C-bus but takes only a low power from thesupply, in Standby mode, the audio outputs are hard-muted.8.18Power-on resetAfter startup of V CCA and V CCD a power-on reset circuit will generate a reset pulse and the registers will be set to their default values. The power-on reset is effectively generated by V CCD.After a power-on reset the TEA5764UK is in Standby mode and the PUPD bits are set to logic 0. After a power-on reset the registers are reset to their default value, except forbyte12R to byte19R and flags DAVFLG, LSYNCFLG and PDFLAG. To reset these, theRDS part must be turned on by setting PUPD. After setting PUPD to logic 1, it will take0.9ms to start-up the TEA5764UK and set these registers to their default value.The power supplies can be switched on in any order.When the supply voltage V CCA and V CCD are at 0 V, all I/Os, the audio outputs and thereference clock input are high-ohmic.8.19RDS/RBDS8.19.1RDS/RBDS demodulatorA fully integrated RDS/RBDS demodulator which uses the reference frequency(32.678Hz) of the PLL synthesizer tuning system. The RDS demodulator recovers andregenerates the continuously transmitted RDS or RBDS data stream of the multiplexsignal (MPXRDS) and provides the signals clock (RDCL), data (RDDA) for furtherprocessing by the integrated RDS decoder.8.19.2RDS data and clock directThe RDS demodulator retrieves the RDS data and clock signals, this data can be putdirectly onto pins VAFL and VAFR by setting bit RDSCDA to logic decoderThe RDS decoder provides block synchronization, error correction and flywheel functionfor reliable extraction of RDS or RBDS block data. Different modes of operation can beselected tofit different application requirements.Availability of new data is signalled by bitDAVFLG and output pin INTX which generates an interrupt. Up to two blocks of data andstatus information are available via the I2C-bus in a single transmission.The behavior of the DAVFLG is described in Section10.8.20Audio pause detectorThe audio pause detector monitors the audio modulation for pauses and responds to lowlevels.The modulation threshold can be adjusted in4steps of4dB by control bits PL[1:0].The minimum time for detecting a pause can be adjusted by control bits PT[1:0]as shownin T able38.When a pause occurs,flag PDFLAG is set to logic1and a hardware interruptis generated; see Section9. search and Preset modeIn Search mode the TEA5764UK can search channels automatically (see Figure3).Before starting a search or a preset, the INTMSK register must be reset and only theFRRMSK must be set. This allows the microprocessor to be interrupted only when thesearch or preset algorithm is ready.Fig 3.Flowchart auto search or preset001aab461during a preset mute is always activesearch mode is default not mutedunless AHLSI is setBLFLAG = 0FRRFLAG = 1no mute reset flagsset PLL frequencyincrement current_pllby 100 kHz decrement current_pll by 100 kHz wait for PLL to settleset LEVFLAG truefalse level OKstarttrue falseIF OKtruefalse AHLSIfalsesearch uptruetruefalse band limittruefalse search modeBLFLAG = 0FRRFLAG = 1mute BLFLAG = 1FRRFLAG = 1no mute8.21.1Search modeSearch mode is initiated by setting bit SM in byte FRQSETMSB to logic 1. The searchdirection is set by bit SUD; SUD=0 (search down), bit SUD = 1 (search up). The tunerstarts searching at the frequency set in bytes FRQSETLSB and FRQSETMSB. TheSearch Stop Level (SSL) bits define the field strength level at which a desired channel isdetected.The tuner will stop on a channel with afield strength equal to or higher than this reference level and then checks the IF frequency; when both are valid, the search stops(Note that this depends on bit AHLSI described in Figure3). If the level check or theIF-count fails, the search continues. If no channels are found, the TEA5764UK stopssearching when it has reached the band limit,setting the BLFLAG HIGH.A search always stops when the FRRFLAG is set and on the occurrence of a hardware interrupt, thisprocedure is shown in Figure3.The search algorithm can stop at a frequency that is offset from the IF by up to amaximum of 12kHz. The maximum offset can be limited to 8kHz by applying a preset.For optimum tuning, it is recommended that a preset is applied after a search and whenthe found frequency has an offset that is above 8kHz.After this interrupt the TEA5764UK will not update the tuner registers for a period of 15ms. The state of the TEA5764UK can be checked by reading the bytes of INTFLAG,FRQCHKMSB, FRQCHKLSB, TNCTRL1 and TNCTRL2.Table4 shows the possiblestates of these registers after an auto search.Table 4:Tuner truth table[1]IFFLAG BLFLAG FRRFLAG Comment000if pin INTX has gone LOW and only IFMSK, FRRMSK andBLMSK were set then this cannot occur001channel found during search / preset; FRRMSK set010not a valid state011 a valid channel found and the band limit has been reachedduring a search; BLMSK or FRRMSK set100not a valid state101 a preset or search has occurred but the wanted channel has avalid RSSI level but fails the IF count when AHLSI was set tologic1; HLSI must be toggled and a new PLL value must beprogrammed; FRRMSK set110not a valid state111band limit is reached during search; no valid channel found;BLMSK or FRRMSK set[1]This table is valid until 30.6 ms after the tuning cycle has completed. It shows the outcome of the flagregister when a read is done after pin INTX goes LOW on condition that no mask bit other than FRRMSK isset.8.21.2Preset modeA preset occurs by setting bit SM to logic0and writing a frequency to byte FRQSETMSB.The tuner jumps to the selected frequency and sets the FRRFLAG when it is ready.After this interrupt the TEA5764UK will not update the tuner registers for a period of15ms. The state of the TEA5764UK can be checked by reading registers: INTFLAG,FRQCHKLSB, FRQCHKMSB, TNCTRL1 and TNCTRL2.Table4 shows the possiblestates after a preset.8.21.3Auto high-side and low-side injection stop switchWhen a channel is searched or a preset is done,reception can sometimes improve wheninjection is done at the other side of the wanted channel.The TEA5764UK has bit HLSI which toggles the injection of the local oscillator fromhigh-side (bit HLSI = 1) to low-side (bit HLSI = 0). When bit HLSI is toggled, a new PLLsetting must be sent to the TEA5764UK.When bit AHLSI is set to logic 1,the search /preset algorithm will stop after a channel hasa valid RSSI level check but fails the IF count. The microprocessor can now respond bytoggling the HLSI switch and sending a new PLL value to the tuner.8.21.4Muting during search or presetDuring a preset the tuner is always muted and this is implemented by the algorithm.A search is not muted by default unless bit AFM = 1 or bit AHLSI = 1.When bit AHLSI = 1 and the tuner stopped during a preset or a search because of awrong IF count, the tuner stays muted; this allows the microprocessor to switch from thehigh to low setting quietly and wait for the new result.The tuner is always muted if bit AFM = 1 and is independent of a search or a preset. Asearch can be muted by setting bit AFM to logic 1before a search is initiated and resettingit to logic 0 when the tuner is ready (only set bit FRRMSK when initiating a search orpreset).All these mute actions are done by blocking the audio signal inside the soft muteattenuator, the audio output will keep its DC level and stay low-ohmic i.e. 50Ω (a hardmute set by bit MU will cause a plop).8.22RDS update/alternative frequency jumpA channel which transmits RDS data can have alternative channels which have the sameinformation. These alternative channel frequencies are in the RDS data, so themicroprocessor can read the alternative frequencies and store them in a memory.The tuner can perform an RDS update. This is very similar to a preset, but with a 2 ms IFcount time.The tuner will jump to the alternative frequency and check the level and the IFcount using a 2ms count time.When the RSSI level check is above the specified level andthe IF count result is within the limits, then the tuner will stay at the alternative frequencyand stay muted, the microprocessor can now decide what to do. If the alternativefrequency is not valid it will jump back to the frequency it came from.Fig 4.Switch LO from high-side injection to low-side injection using bit HLSI001aab460image on high-sidewanted channel switch LO from high-side to low-side image on low-sideThe algorithm will finish with the FRRFLAG being set and an interrupt is generated. Afterthis interrupt the TEA5764UK will not measure the IF count for a period of 15 ms. 15 msafter completing a RDS jump, a measurement of the IF count will start and hence the IFcount result and the IFFLAG will be updated 30.6 ms after completing the algorithm. Thelevel measurement will start immediately after the tuning algorithm, so the LEVFLAG willbe updated 500µs after the algorithm. The state of the TEA5764UK can be checked byreading registers INTFLAG, FRQCHKLSB, FRQCHKMSB, IFCHK and LEVCHK.Table5shows the possible states after an auto search,Figure5 is a flowchart showing how theRDS is updated.8.22.1Muting during RDS updateAn RDS update (AF jump) is always muted. There are two possibilities for leaving thealgorithm:•The tuner jumps to an alternative frequency which is not valid (according to the specified SSL limit and fixed IF counter limits) and jumps back, then it willautomatically unmute.•Or the tuner jumps to a valid alternative frequency and stays there. Now it does not unmute. The microprocessor can unmute or it keeps the tuner muted and can checkfor the presence of RDS data. The valid way to unmute is to apply a preset to thecurrent frequency (an IF count time of 15.6 ms is used at preset, which gives a moreaccurate IF count result than the result obtained by the AF jump,where2ms is used).Table 5:RDS update truth table[1]IFFLAG BLFLAG FRRFLAG Comment000if pin INTX is LOW and only IFMSK,FRRMSK and BLMSK wereset then this cannot occur001alternative frequency jump successful; radio is tuned to thealternative frequency and stays muted010not a valid state011not a valid state100not a valid state101AF jump has occurred but the wanted channel fails the IF count;the PLL will be set back to the old value110not a valid state111if pin INTX is LOW and only IFMSK,FRRMSK and BLMSK wereset then this cannot occur[1]This table is valid until 30.6 ms after an RDS update has completed. It shows the outcome of the flagregister when a read is done after pin INTX has gone LOW and on condition that only mask bit FRRMSK isset.。
Cherry Aerospace TS-H753A-280NP Rivetless Nut Plat
Figure 1 DIMENSIONAL DATA(see figure, all measurements in Inches)∙ Tool weight (without riveter): 1.20 Lbs (0.540 Kg).CHOICE OF RIVETERS∙ G747, G704B Cherry® Riveters ∙ G800 Cherry® Hand Riveter MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS∙ Attach riveter to air source for correct piston positioning; for hand powered riveters (G800), make sure that the pressure has been released and that the correct adaptors are used.∙ Push the collet bolt assembly forward (see Figure 1) before mounting.∙ While holding collet bolt in a forward position, engage 1 or 2 threads of drawbolt (18) onto riveter head piston before threading adapter fitting (19) into end of riveter head cylinder; turn clockwise until snug.∙ Rotate pulling head to desired position and tighten jam nut (20) to secure pulling headorientation.∙ Cycle the tool to make sure it is functional.USAGE∙ The H753A-280NP pulling head can be used for installing Cherry Rivetless Nutplates for alluminum applications in hole diameter .280-.284”BEFORE USE, MAKE SURE THAT: ∙ Proper air source is connected.∙ The sleeve and pilot are in proper working condition; any sign of damage is an indication thatcomponents need to be replaced. No installations should be made if tooling is worn or damaged.DURING OPERATION∙ Inspect the active area of the sleeve and pilot regularly.∙ Keep the tool clean, especially the pilot, sleeve and jaws; pay special attention when sealants are used. ∙ If stem slippage occurs, the jaws need to be either cleaned or replaced.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE∙ Clean the sleeve, pilot, jaw set and collet every 1,000 installations or when failures occurs; use a wire brush to clean the copper deposited inside the jaw set.∙ Lubricate outside of the jaw set with Lubriplate® or similar light lubricant.1 2345678 910 1111 1213141415151617181920PARTS LISTGENERAL / TECHNICAL QUESTIONS1224 E. Warner Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705 USA 1-714-850-6022 (Phone) 1-714-850-6093 (Fax)LOCTITE ® is a registered trademark of Henkel Corporation.LUBRIPLATE® is a registered trademark of Fiske Brothers Refining Co.18975-021DRAWBOLT 117753A11GUIDE PIN 116753B6BELL CRANK 115753A9LINK PIN 414P-954LINK813753A10PIVOT PIN 212753A16GUARD 111P-930SET SCREW210P-413BUTTON HEAD SCREW19753B5LEVER 18975-018COLLET BOLT 17975-019FRAME 16P-1319SPRING 15975-017JAW FOLLOWER 14975-014JAW SET 13753A13A COLLET 12975-026PILOT INSERT 11975-025SLEEVE 1ITEMNo.PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONQTY. PERWARRANTYSeller warrants the goods conform to applicable specifications and drawings and will be manufactured and inspected according to generally accepted practices of companies manufacturing industrial or aerospace fasteners. In the event of any breach of the foregoing warranty, Buyer’s sole remedy shall be to return defective goods (after receiving authorization from Seller) for replacement or refund of the purchase price, at the Seller’s option. Seller agrees to any freight costs in connection with the return of any defective goods, but any costs relating to removal of the defective or nonconforming goods or installation of replacement goods shall be Buyer’s responsibility. SELLER’S WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY WHEN ANY PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL CHANGE IN THE FORM OF THE PRODUCT IS MADE BY BUYER. THEWHEN RE-ASSEMBLING:- Lubricate outside of pilot insert with o-ring lubricant or eqiovalent.- Oil or grease heavily all sliding surfaces with Lubriplate® or equivalent.- Use Loctite® 242 (removable) on sleeve and collet threads.。
英飞拓产品型号英飞拓产品型号渠道产品,价格优惠,不满意可退货 150********2.1 固定摄像机-PALV5101-A50142 ⼀体化摄像机2.3 因定半球摄像机2.4 V1700A系列快球2.5 V1750A系列充氮快球2.6 V1700S系列内置单模光端机的快球2.7 V1900A系列快球2.8⼀体化云台摄像机2.9恒速球形护罩/云台2.10快球零部件1.模拟监控前端产品2.1 固定摄像机V5101-A2014 V5101-A3014 V5101-A5014 V5101-A2019 V5101-A3019 V5102-A2014 V5102⽇夜型因定摄像机V5102-A3014 V5102-A5014V5102-A3019 V5102-A2019V5103宽动态彩⾊固定摄像机V5103-A3014V1025-1H⾼解析度彩⾊摄像机V1025-1HV1026-1⾼解析度⽇夜转换型摄像机V1026-1V1027-1 1/2英⼨宽动态⾼灵敏度低照度彩⾊摄像机V1027-1V1033-1宽动态⽇夜转换型摄像机V1033-12.2⼀体化摄像机PALV1224⼀体化彩⾊摄像机V1224-22A14V1244⼀体化⽇夜转换摄像机V1244-23A14 V1244-26A14 V5411-A2014ST V5411-A2014SU V5411-A2014SV 2.3固定半球摄像机PALV5411-A2014SW V5411-A2014SX V5411-A2014SYV5411-A2014SZ480线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A2014 SBV5411-A2014 SDV5411-A2014SE V5411-A2014SC V5411-A2014SF520线固定焦距镜头V5411-A3014ST V5411-A3014SU V5411-A3014SV V5411-A3014SW V5411-A3014SX V5411-A3014SY V5411-A3014SZ520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A3014SB V5411-A3014SD V5411-A3014SE V5411-A3014SCV5512室内⽇夜型因定半球摄像机V5411-A3014SF V5512-A2014SB V5512-A2014SE520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5512-A3014SB 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Typical Features◆Wide input voltage range:85-265VAC/120-380VDC◆No-load power consumption≤≤0.5W◆Transfer efficiency(typ.87%)◆Switching frequency:65KHz◆Protection:Short Circuit,Over Current◆Isolation voltage:2500Vac◆Plastic case,conform to UL94V-0Class◆PCB mountingApplication FieldFA24-220SXXG3N3Series-----a compact size,high efficient power converter offered by Aipu.It features universal input voltage,DC and AC dual-use,low ripple,low temperature rise,low power consumption, high efficiency,high reliability,safer isolation,with good EMC performance.EMC and Safety standard meet international EN55032,IEC/EN61000.It widely used in power,industrial,instrument,smart home applications.For harsh EMC environment,the application circuit in the datasheet is strongly recommended.Typical Product ListPart No.Output SpecificationMax.Capacitive LoadRipple&Noise20MHz(Max)Efficiency@Full Load220Vac(Typical) Power Voltage1Current1Voltage2Current2(W)Vo1(V)Io1(m A)Vo2(V)Io2(m A)u F mVp-p%FA24-220S12G3N32412.02000--200015085 FA24-220S15G3N32415.01600--20008086 FA24-220S24G3N324241000--80010087 Note1:Ripple&Noise of FA24-220S15G3N3,FA24-220S24G3N3should be tested with EMC solution recommended circuit,please see photo1at back.Note2:Due to space limitations,above is only a part of our product list,please contact our sales team for more items.Note3:.”*”is model under developing.Note4:The typical output efficiency is based on that product is full loaded and burned-in after half an hour.Note5:The fluctuation range of full load efficiency(%,TYP)is±2%,full load output efficiency=total output power/module’s input power.Input SpecificationItem Operating Condition Min.Typ.Max.UnitInput Voltage Range AC Input85220265VAC DC Input120310380VDCInput Frequency Range-475063HzInput Current 115VAC//250mA 220VAC//150Surge Current 115VAC//10 220VAC//20Leakage Current-0.5mA TYP/230VAC/50HzExternal fuserecommended value-2A-5A/250VAC slow-fusing Hot plug-UnavailableRemote control terminal-UnavailableOutput SpecificationItem Operating Condition Min.Typ.Max.UnitVoltage Accuracy Full input voltagerangeAny loadVo1--±2.0%Vo2---%Line Regulation Nominal Load Vo1--±2.0% Vo2---%Load RegulationNominal inputVoltage20%~100%loadVo1--±2.0%Vo2---%No load power consumption Input115VAC--0.5W Input220VAC--Minimum loadSingle Output0--% Positive Negative Dualoutput commongrounded---% Positive Negative Dualoutput isolated---Turn-on Delay Time Nominal input voltage,fullload-300-mSPower-off Holding Time Input115VAC(full load)-65-mS Input220VAC(full load)--Output Overshooting Full input voltage range(full load)--10%Dynamic Response 25%~50%~25%50%~75%~50%Overshoot range(%):≤±5%%Recovery time(mS):≤5.0mS mSShort Circuit Protection Input full voltage range Continuous,Self-recovery Hiccup Drift Coefficient--±0.03%-%/℃Over Current Protection Input220VAC≥120%Io,Self-recovery HiccupRipple&Noise Vo=12.0V≤150mV Vo=15.0V≤80mVVo=24.0V≤100Note:Ripple&Noise is tested by Twisted Pair Method,details please see Ripple&Noise Test at back. General SpecificationsItem Operating Condition Min.Typ.Max.Unit Switching Frequency-606570KHz Operating Temperature--40-+75℃Storage Temperature--40-+85Relative Humidity-10-90%RHIsolation Voltage Input-Output,Test1min,leakage current≤5mA2500--VACInsulation Resistance Input-Output@DC500V100--MΩMTBF-≥300,000H@25℃Vibration-10-55Hz,10G,30Min,alongX,Y,ZClass of Case Material-UL94V-0EMC CharacteristicsTotal Item Sub Item Test Standard ClassEMC EMICE CISPR22/EN55032CLASS B(see recommended circuit Photo2)RE CISPR22/EN55032CLASS B(see recommended circuit Photo2)EMSRS IEC/EN61000-4-310V/m Perf.Criteria BCS IEC/EN61000-4-63Vr.m.s Perf.Criteria BESD IEC/EN61000-4-2Contact±4KV/Air±8KV Perf.Criteria BSurge IEC/EN61000-4-5±1KV Perf.Criteria B(see recommendedcircuit Photo2)EFT IEC/EN61000-4-4±2KV Perf.Criteria BVoltage dips,shortinterruptions and voltagevariations immunityIEC/EN61000-4-110%~70%Perf.Criteria BPacking DimensionPacking Code L x W x HG339.0x25.0x22.0mmPin DefinitionPin-out12345Single(S)AC(N)AC(L)GND NP+VoNote:If the definition of pin is not in accordance with the model selection manual,please refer to the label on actual item. Ripple&Noise Test:(Twisted Pair Method20MHZ bandwidth)Test Method:(1)12#twisted pair to connect,Oscilloscope bandwidth set as20MHz,100M bandwidth probe,terminated with0.1uFpolypropylene capacitor and10uF high frequency lowresistance electrolytic capacitor in parallel,oscilloscope set asSample pattern.(2)Input terminal connect to power supply,output terminalconnect to electronic load through jig plate,Use30cm±2cmsampling line.Power line selected from correspondingdiameter wire with insulation according to the flow of outputcurrent.Product Characteristic CurveNote1:Input Voltage should be derated base on Input Voltage Derating Curve when it is85~100VAC/240~265VAC/120~140VDC/340~380VDC.2:Our product is suitable to use under natural air cooling environment,if use it under closed condition,please contact with us. Typical EMC Circuit and Recommended Spec1.Typical Application CircuitPart No.CE1L1CE2TVS1FA24-220S12G3N3NC2uH470uF/16V SMBJ14.0AFA24-220S15G3N3220uF/25V5uH220uF/25V SMBJ17.0A*FA24-220S24G3N3220uF/35V5uH220uF/35V SMBJ26.0ANote:Output filter capacitor C2is electrolytic capacitor,recommend high frequency low resistor electrolytic capacitor,for capacity and current low,please refer to the technical specifications provided by each manufacturer.C2capacitor withstand voltage should derate to80%,capacitor C1is ceramic capacitor,to filter high frequency noise,recommended0.1uF/50V/1206.TVS1tube is a recommend component to protect post-circuit if converter fails.Recommend to external FUSE,Model:3.15A/250V, slow fusing.2.EMC solution recommended circuitPhoto2,EMC for higher requirement circuitComponent Products Module ValueFUSE 3.15A/250Vac 3.15A/250Vac,slow-fusing,necessaryNTC5D-95D-9MOV10D561K10D561KCX10.47uF/275Vac0.47uF/275VacL1 6.8uH/3.0A 6.8uH/3.0A H inductorLF2UU9.830mH min30mH/3.0ANote:1.The product should be used under the specification range,otherwise it will cause permanent damage to it.2.Product’s input terminal should connect to fuse;3.If the product is not worked under the load range(below the minimum load or beyond the load range),we cannot ensure that the performance of product is in accordance with all the indexes in this manual;4.Unless otherwise specified,data in this datasheet are tested under conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%when inputting nominal voltage and outputting rated load(pure resistance load);5.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on our Company’s corporate standards6.The performance indexes of the product models listed in this manual are as above,but some indexes of non-standard model products will exceed the above-mentioned requirements,please directly contact our technician for specific information;7.We can provide customized product service;8.The product specification may be changed at any time without prior notice.。
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有刷/无刷电调常用功率管参数大全(若以上无你所需型号请留言)08年8月21日更新A2700 N型管(贴片)耐压:30V电流:9A导通电阻:7.3mΩSI4336 N型管(贴片)耐压:30V电流:22A导通电阻:4.2mΩSI4404 N型管(贴片)耐压:30V电流:17A导通电阻:8mΩSI4410 N型管(贴片)耐压:30V电流:10A导通电阻:14mΩSI4420 N型管(贴片)耐压:30V电流:10A导通电阻:10mΩSI4812 N型管(贴片)耐压:30V电流:7.3A导通电阻:28mΩSI9410 N型管(贴片)耐压:30V电流:6.9A导通电阻:50mΩIRF7313 N型管(贴片)耐压:30V电流:6A导通电阻:29mΩIRF7413 N型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:12A导通电阻:18mΩIRF7477 N型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:11A导通电阻:20mΩIRF7805Z N型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:16A导通电阻:6.8mΩIRF7811 N型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:11A导通电阻:12mΩIRF7831 N型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:16A导通电阻:0.004ΩIRF7832 N型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:20A导通电阻:4mΩIRF8113 N型管(贴片)耐压:30V电流:17A导通电阻:5.6mΩTPC8003 N型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:12A导通电阻:6mΩFDS6688 N型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:16A导通电阻:0.006ΩFDD6688 TO-252贴片耐压:30V电流:84A导通电阻:5mΩA2716 P型管(贴片)耐压:30V电流:7A导通电阻:11.3mΩSI4405 P型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:17A导通电阻:7.5mΩSI4425 P型管(贴片)耐压:30V电流:9A导通电阻:19mΩSI4435 P型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:8A导通电阻:20mΩSI4463 P型管(贴片)耐压:20V电流:12.3A导通电阻:16mΩSI9435 P型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:5.3A导通电阻:50mΩIRF7424 P型管(贴片)电流:8.8A导通电阻:22mΩSTM4439A P型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:14A导通电阻:18mΩFDS6679 P型管(贴片) 耐压:30V电流:13A导通电阻:9mΩBUZ111S N型管(直插) 耐压:55V电流:80A导通电阻:8mΩ5N05 N型管(直插)耐压:50V电流:75A导通电阻:0.0095Ω6N60 N型管(直插)耐压:600V电流:5.5A导通电阻:0.75Ω50N03L N型管(直插)耐压:25V电流:28A导通电阻:21mΩ60N06 N型管(直插)耐压:60V电流:60A导通电阻:14mΩBTS110 N型管(直插) 耐压:100V导通电阻:200mΩBTS120 N型管(直插)耐压:100V电流:19A导通电阻:100mΩIRF15 0 N型管(铁壳非直插) 耐压:100V电流:40A导通电阻:55mΩIRF1405 N型管(直插)耐压:55V电流:131A导通电阻:5.3mΩIRF2804 N型管(直插)耐压:40V电流:75A导通电阻:2mΩIRF3205 N型管(直插)耐压:55V电流:110A导通电阻:8mΩIRF3703 N型管(直插)耐压:30V电流:210A导通电阻:2.3mΩIRL3803 N型管(直插)耐压:30V电流:140A导通电阻:6mΩ。
亚し海美国 类型57P旋钮阀说明书
•***********************•Tel:800-343-3618•781-321-5409•Fax:800-426-7058ASAHI/AMERICARev. I 1-22Standard Features (Sizes 1-1/2” – 14”)Type-57P Butterfly ValveOptions* Used for CPVC and PVDF• 316SS Stem with full disc engagement • Full seat design eliminates gaskets • Seat overtightening prevention• Lockout-Tagout – lever handle molded padlock provision and 2-molded valve body tag holes• Highly visible O° to 90° position indicator with 19 fine adjustment locking positions• I SO 5211 F07 – F14 bolt circle on top flange • Polypropylene stem retainer • Spherical disc design• Non-wetted stem and body - Isolated from the media • Plasgear™ operator• Pneumatically and electrically actuated with accessories • 2” square operating nuts • Stem extensions • Chain operators• Manual limit switches• Speed Handle™ - For Plasgear™ operator• Redesigned degree position indication plate forLever type valves• Molded valve body tag holes• Increased internal sealing performanceNew Design FeaturesASAHI/AMERICARev. I 1-22•***********************•Tel:800-343-3618•781-321-5409•Fax:800-426-7058Pressure vs. Temperature (psi, water, non-shock)*Vacuum Service - Lever*FKM seat butterfly valves have a low temperature limit of 23°F, regardless of body/disc material.**For Lug style data consult factory•***********************•Tel:800-343-3618•781-321-5409•Fax:800-426-7058ASAHI/AMERICARev. I 1-22Dimensions (Sizes 1-1/2” – 8”) (in.)ASAHI/AMERICARev. I 1-22•***********************•Tel:800-343-3618•781-321-5409•Fax:800-426-7058(in.)Note: The shape and appearance of assembly differ a little with nominal size compared to the drawing•***********************•Tel:800-343-3618•781-321-5409•Fax:800-426-7058ASAHI/AMERICARev. I 1-22Butterfly valves shall be Type-57P PVC, CPVC, PP or PVDF body with PVC, CPVC, PP or PVDF disc and either EPDM, Nitrile or FKM seat & seals. The liner shall be full seat design fully molded around the body where as only the disc and seat are wetted parts, feature raised convex rings on the face and is intended to be utilized as the mating flange gaskets. Valve shall have a spherical disc design with disc bushings with double O-ring seals for a high cycle life and ultimate sealing. Valve body shall have integral molded body stops and seat relief area to prevent over-tightening of the mating flanges from influencing valve operating torque. Valves shall accept flat facedflanges in accordance with ANSI B16.5 bolt pattern for 150 lb flanges. Valve stem shall be 316 SS, have PP stem retainer for valve stem retention, be non-wetted, and have engagement over the full length of the spherically designed disc. Valves shall be equipped with either lever handle or Plasgear™ operator for manual operation. For lockout applications, the valve lever handle (sizes 1/1/2” – 8”) shall have a molded provision for a padlock. The valve body shall feature two molded tag holes for the user. Valves sizes 1-1/2” – 14” shall feature a molded ISO 5211 bolt pattern for accessory mounting. PVC shall conform to ASTM D1784, Cell Classification 12454A, CPVC to ASTM D1784, Cell Classification 23567A, PP to ASTM D4101 Cell Classification PP0210B67272, and PVDF to ASTM D3222-91A, Cell Classification Type II.Sample SpecificationPosition Indication Closed - 0° to Open - 90° in 10° increments。
ProsKit PT-5721 说明书
PT-5721Mini Grinder SetUser’s Manual1st Edition, 2010 ©2010 Copy Right by Prokit’s Industrial Co., Ltd.PT-5721 User’s ManualImportant!Please carefully read the instruction in this manual as well as the general safety instruction before using this appliance, keep these manuals handy. THE VARIOUS ACCESSORIES SHOULD NOT BE LEFT WITHIN THE REACH OF CHILDREN, AVOID CAUSING DANGER.Technical characteristicsVoltage 7.2VDCMax. diameter 1/8No load speed 5000~18000rpmBattery pack 7.2V 1000mAh Type: Lithium BatteryCharging time 3-5 hoursAdaptorInput 230V~50Hz or 120V ~60HzOutput DC9V 300mATo Replace AccessoriesDepressTo use the different accessories, press the shaft locking button located to the rear of chuck, unscrew it by hand, fit the chosen accessories and handSafety InstructionsIMPORTANT! When using electrical tools, the following safety Instructions should be observed to prevent the risk of electric shock, personal injury and fire. Read and observe these instructions carefully before using the tool. 1. Keep work area cleanCluttered benches invite injuries. 2. Consider work area environmentDo not expose power tools to rain. Do not use power tools in damp or wet locations.Keep work area well lit. Do not use power tools near flammable liquids or gases.3. Guard against electric shockPrevent body contact with grounded surfaces (e.g. pipes, radiators, ranges, refrigerators, etc.). 4. Keep children awayDo not let visitors contact tool or extension cord. All visitors should be kept away from work area. Please keep children away the tool andBrass collet 2 Ø2.4 (in the machine) Ø3.2 High speed Drills 2 3/32 Ø2.4 High speed Drill 1 1/8 Ø3.2 Engraving bits 2 Ø2.4 Diamond bits 2 Ø3.2 nylon brush 1 Ø2.4 nylon brush 1 Ø3.2 Grinding stone 2 Ø2.4 Grinding stone 2 Ø3.2 Sanding band1Ø2.4work area. 5. Store toolsWhen not in use, tools should be stored in a dry, high, or locked-up place, out of the reach of children. 6. Do not force toolIt will do a better job and operate more safely at the rate for which it was intended. 7. Use right toolDo not force small tools or attachments to do the job of a heavy duty tool. Do not use tools for other than their intended purpose; for example, do not use a circular saw for cutting tree limbs or logs. 8. Dress properlyDo not wear loose clothing or jewelry. They can be caught in moving parts. Rubber gloves and non-skid footwear is recommended when working outdoors. Wear protective hair covering to contain hair. 9. Use safety glassesAlso, use a dust mask during pulverizing operations and wear ear protection. If the noise level. Exceeds 70dB(A), ear protection isobligatory. Indicated noise levels may be exceeded depending on the working environment and the material to be treated. 10. Use dust extractionIf dust extraction and collection devices are present on the tool, make sure that they will be used properly. 11. Do not abuse cordNever carry tool by cord or yank it to disconnect it from wall outlet. Keep cord from heat, oil and sharp edges. 12. Secure workUse clamps or a vise to hold the workpiece. It is safe and it frees both hands to operate tool. 13. Do not overreachKeep proper footing and balance at all times. 14. Maintain tools with careKeep tools sharp and clean for better and safe performance. Follow instructions for lubricating and changing accessories. Inspect tool periodically and, if damaged, have them repaired by an authorized service facility. Inspect extension cords periodically and replace if damaged. Keep handles dry, clean and free from oil and grease. 15. Disconnect toolsDisconnect tools when not in use, before servicing, and when changing accessories such as blades, bits and cutters. 16. Stay alertWatch what you are doing. Use common sense. Do not operate tool when you are tired. 17. Check damaged partsBefore further use of the tool, a guard or other part that is damaged should be carefully checked to determine that it will operate properly and perform its intended function. Check for alignment of moving parts, binding of moving parts, breakage of parts, mounting, and any other conditions that may affect its operation. Do not use tool if the power switch is on but the machine does not work. 18. WarningThe use of any other accessories or attachment other thanrecommended in the instruction manual may present a risk of personal injury.19. Have your tool repaired by an expertThis electric appliance is built accordance with the relevant safety rules. Repair of electric appliances must only be carried out by experts otherwise it may cause considerable danger for the user. 20. Store these instructions for future reference.Assembly and operationMounting an accessoryKeep the spindle lock button depressed. Loosen the collet nut. Insert the shaft of the accessory into the collet and tighten the collet nut. Release the spindle lock button in order to remove the accessory, proceed in reverse order.Replacing the colletKeep the spindle lock button depressed. Loosen the collet nut. Remove the collet nut and the old collet. Place the new collet in. Replace the collet nut and tighten the collet nut. Release the spindle lock button.CAUTION! Always Unplug the tool and switch off before replacing the collet; Choose a low speed at first for working; never press the lock button while the machine is runningPolishing. A polishing wheel is set for polishing metal and plastic workpieces. A mandrel is used for mounting a polishing wheel. Place the mandrel in the collet nut . Place a polishing wheel on the screw.Rouging. A router bit is used for grooving and for routing figures in plastic, wooden and metal workpieces. Place a router bit in the collet nut.Grinding and sanding . A grinding stone in used for grinding metal, plastic, wooden and the stone workpieces, A sanding band is used for sanding wooden and plastic workpieces. Place a grinding stone or sanding bandwith mandrel in the collet nut. A sanding band must be replaced when showing signs of wear. Remove the old sanding band from the mandrel. Place the new sanding band on the mandrelClamp all tools as short as possible, Shafts, which stick out too far will easily bend causing the machine to vibrate.MaintenanceCaution:Pull out the plug before maintenance Keep the machine cleanKeep the air vent unimpededDo not use the sharp material to clean the machineDo not let liquid enter into the machine to prevent it from rustHave your power tool serviced by a qualified repair person using only identical re-placement parts. This will ensure that the safety of the power tool is maintained.Rechargeable battery and charger safety recommendationsDo not expose the battery and charger to moisture. Do not operate in the open stand. When the machine is not in use or cleaning, maintenance, please unplug the charger from the power source. To protect the battery, avoid high impact to casing, and do not squeeze too hard. Protect the battery from excessive heat and cold. If any part is damaged, do not open and try to repair, it should be sent to specialized service center by professional repair technicians.When charging the battery ambient temperature should be kept between 10 ℃ to 40 ℃. If fully charged battery is used, the ambient temperature is best kept between 10 ℃ to 50 ℃. When the battery is no longer in use, put it in a relatively dry environment between 10 ℃ to 30 ℃, the most appropriate.Do not put machine with other liquid materials together, as the battery will be easy to get wet and could burn or explode causing damage.Do not put batteries into water or fire, it may cause an explosion. When ready to discard spent battery, please bring to a qualified battery recycling /disposal point. Batteries should never be disposed of with normal household or industrial trash.PT-57217.2V充電式鋰電池電磨組操作手冊注意!使用設備前,請仔細閱讀本手冊中的說明以及一般的安全指示。
CITT_CAD250A tFiv-7VDZq P38322-EQp7h-6x7ME CITT_CAD250A yXRA-XVhvx P38322-bbjrb-mxRHi CITT_CAD250A pvVE-rKiYr P38322-YLima-yL2aq CITT_CAD250A xaU7-jVu3P P38322-8texW-vRkNS CITT_CAD250B RuML-kQk9h P38754-iwrd2-JgZzt CITT_CAD250B 7uFg-UHxGr P38754-smJuQ-TiFuF CITT_CAD250B gdyZ-JvYhw P38754-7nJNa-DA2xY CITT_CAD250B Z2Fi-zaexW P38754-6Eszi-R7xHs CITT_CAD250B 6Vyq-qCCC8 P38752-k4kas-hPuPC CITT_CAD250B tf8S-kpYQw P38752-HL58y-5BeyL CITT_CAD250B zHhH-JetY6 P38752-SL2Jh-d8Afy CITT_CAD250B XsAn-U9WfT P38752-SShxY-sm8J7 CITT_CAD250B 35Ut-AkKxY P38752-En5AB-Bvzfu CITT_CAD250B et3L-g7ESG P38754-Radws-dbMGU CITT_CAD250B LraR-d5eeE P38754-PDQfL-eVfPr CITT_CAD250B TyHa-bqrPs P38754-fPsZu-8k7hg CITT_CAD250B fGpQ-p9jYf P38754-4ZSSv-8gQ69 CITT_CAD250B 8YQ5-78DGe P38754-3AjJW-Ga3Jt CITT_CAD250B zuET-nHRQF P38754-GgUYp-5HhRY CITT_CAD250B Eak6-BXxZC P38754-4dwCL-MA5JD CITT_CAD250B dDZQ-Wa572 P38754-7q9WY-sCGBV CITT_CAD250B ay2G-7dYPi P38754-b6sDL-QZfM9 CITT_CAD250B Ww6k-9fsNp P38754-wXWL6-nPj5p CITT_CAD250B q5HB-kxKs7 P38754-LMLzQ-skKDq CITT_CAD250B TkRX-26Xha P38754-KK24t-TBmpi CITT_CAD250B rAzi-7Lr3y P38754-3eLMG-57j2D CITT_CAD250B rmUR-eDuQw P38754-gWAUz-hkSfX CITT_CAD250B 5PiR-BMb8N P38754-8meVA-x4GRM CITT_CAD250B Y9Yd-qSHmj P38754-JAaFB-j9nZj CITT_CAD250B TdHF-XCK3d P38754-mS63s-ynBrH CITT_CAD250B WaEY-JmrUT P38754-S3muy-Jx5dN CITT_CAD250B 72Fs-RfeSA P38754-5U43u-WzUyM CITT_CAD250B auq5-Fzar3 P38754-bw9a9-fJCaz CITT_CAD250B WwTW-BN7KR P38754-LveCq-zmZ3r CITT_CAD250B Cwp6-NuS5Y P38754-W9rNn-iE3xz CITT_CAD250B HF6m-e2vaa P38754-XBJCs-T2Snr CITT_CAD250B JEN7-sPi4P P38754-zPvJB-nRaye CITT_CAD250B 97h3-Sd642 P38754-iDMUZ-VtC22 CITT_CAD250B CmSU-fjKht P38754-GfLke-Em4CM CITT_CAD250B Vtkk-DEHaR P38754-RJPuM-MQJJ4 CITT_CAD250B aLxT-DWq8V P38754-LqsPQ-8Y5iJ CITT_CAD250B 6BS7-psVeH P38754-GGBAQ-LGpwB CITT_CAD250B LY6r-VxtAQ P38754-XV7Xq-TfinD CITT_CAD250B n5z7-E9UxC P38754-aaFg6-FsTaC CITT_CAD250B MXQm-iRQpH P38754-GTPZr-wXNRJ CITT_CAD250B JPwB-NYVyy P38754-8GN2E-upPZj
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Features Array•Frequency Receiving Range of (3 Versions)–f0 = 312.5 MHz to 317.5 MHz or–f0 = 431.5 MHz to 436.5 MHz or–f0 = 868 MHz to 870 MHz•30 dB Image Rejection•Receiving Bandwidth–B IF = 300 kHz for 315 MHz/433 MHz Version–B IF = 600 kHz for 868 MHz Version•Fully Integrated LC-VCO and PLL Loop Filter•Very High Sensitivity with Power Matched LNA–ATA5723/ATA5724:–107 dBm, FSK, BR_0 (1.0 kBit/s to 1.8 kBit/s), Manchester, BER 10E-3–113 dBm, ASK, BR_0 (1.0 kBit/s to 1.8 kBit/s), Manchester, BER 10E-3–ATA5728:–105 dBm, FSK, BR_0 (1.0 kBit/s to 1.8 kBit/s), Manchester, BER 10E-3–111 dBm, ASK, BR_0 (1.0 kBit/s to 1.8 kBit/s), Manchester, BER 10E-3•High System IIP3––18 dBm at 868MHz––23 dBm at 433MHz––24 dBm at 315MHz•System 1-dB Compression Point––27.7 dBm at 868MHz––32.7 dBm at 433MHz––33.7 dBm at 315MHz•High Large-signal Capability at GSM Band (Blocking –33dBm at +10 MHz,IIP3=–24dBm at +20 MHz)•Logarithmic RSSI Output•XTO Start-up with Negative Resistor of 1.5kΩ•5V to 20V Automotive Compatible Data Interface•Data Clock Available for Manchester and Bi-phase-coded Signals •Programmable Digital Noise Suppression•Low Power Consumption Due to Configurable Polling•Temperature Range –40°C to +105°C•ESD Protection 2 kV HBM, All Pins•Communication to Microcontroller Possible using a Single Bi-directional Data Line •Low-cost Solution Due to High Integration Level with Minimum External Circuitry Requirements•Supply Voltage Range 4.5V to 5.5VBenefits•Low BOM List Due to High Integration•Use of Low-cost 13 MHz Crystal•Lowest Average Current Consumption for Application Due to Self Polling Feature •Reuse of ATA5743 Software•World-wide Coverage with One PCB Due to 3 Versions are Pin Compatible29106E–RKE–07/08ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA57281.DescriptionThe ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA5728 is a multi-chip PLL receiver device supplied in an SSO20package. It has been specially developed for the demands of RF low-cost data transmission sys-tems with data rates from 1kBit/s to 10kBbit/s in Manchester or Bi-phase code. Its main applications are in the areas of keyless entry systems, tire pressure monitoring systems, teleme-tering, and security technology systems. It can be used in the frequency receiving range of f 0=312.5MHz to 317.5MHz, f 0=431.5MHz to 436.5MHz or f 0=868MHz to 870MHz for ASK or FSK data transmission. All the statements made below refer to 315MHz, 433MHz and 868.3MHz applications.Figure 1-1.System Block Diagram39106E–RKE–07/08ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA5728Figure 1-2.Block Diagram49106E–RKE–07/08ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA57282.Pin ConfigurationFigure 2-1.Pinning SSO20Table 2-1.Pin DescriptionPin Symbol Function1SENS Sensitivity-control resistor2IC_ACTIVE IC condition indicator: Low = sleep mode, High = active mode 3CDEM Lower cut-off frequency data filter 4AVCC Analog power supply5TEST 1Test pin, during operation at GND 6RSSI RSSI output 7AGND Analog ground8LNAREF High-frequency reference node LNA and mixer 9LNA_IN RF input10LNAGND DC ground LNA and mixer 11TEST 2Do not connect during operating 12TEST 3Test pin, during operation at GND 13XTAL1Crystal oscillator XT AL connection 114XTAL2Crystal oscillator XT AL connection 215DVCC Digital power supply16MODE Selecting 315 MHz/other versions Low: 315 MHz version (A TA5723)High: 433 MHz/868 MHz versions (A T A5724/A T A5728)17DA T A_CLK Bit clock of data stream 18DGND Digital ground19POLLING/_ONSelects polling or receiving mode; Low: receiving mode, High: polling mode 20DA T AData output/configuration input59106E–RKE–07/08ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA57283.RF Front-endThe RF front-end of the receiver is a low-IF heterodyne configuration that converts the input sig-nal into about 1MHz IF signal with a typical image rejection of 30dB. According to Figure Figure 1-2 on page 3 the front-end consists of an LNA (Low Noise Amplifier), LO (Local Oscillator), I/Q mixer, polyphase low-pass filter and an IF amplifier.The PLL generates the drive frequency f LO for the mixer using a fully integrated synthesizer with integrated low noise LC-VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) and PLL-loop filter. The XTO (crys-tal oscillator) generates the reference frequency f REF =f XTO /2 (868MHz and 433MHz versions)or f REF =f XTO /3 (315MHz version). The integrated LC-VCO generates two or four times the mixer drive frequency f VCO . The I/Q signals for the mixer are generated with a divide by two or four circuit (f LO =f VCO /2 for 868MHz version, f LO =f VCO /4 for 433MHz and 315MHz versions).f VCO is divided by a factor of 128 or 64 and feeds into a phase frequency detector and is com-pared with f REF . The output of the phase frequency detector is fed into an integrated loop filter and thereby generates the control voltage for the VCO. If f LO is determined, f XTO can be calcu-lated using the following formula:f REF =f LO /128 for 868MHz band, f REF =f LO /64 for 433MHz bands, f REF =f LO /64 for 315MHz bands.The XTO is a two-pin oscillator that operates at the series resonance of the quartz crystal with high current but low voltage signal, so that there is only a small voltage at the crystal oscillator frequency at pins XTAL1 and XTAL2. According to Figure 3-1, the crystal should be connected to GND with two capacitors C L1 and C L2 from XTAL1 and XTAL2 respectively. The value of these capacitors are recommended by the crystal supplier. Due to an inductive impedance at steady state oscillation and some PCB parasitics, a lower value of C L1 and C L2 is normally necessary.The value of C Lx should be optimized for the individual board layout to achieve the exact value of f XTO and hence of f LO . (The best way is to use a crystal with known load resonance frequency to find the right value for this capacitor.) When designing the system in terms of receiving band-width and local oscillator accuracy, the accuracy of the crystal and the XTO must be considered.Figure 3-1.XTO PeripheralsThe nominal frequency f LO is determined by the RF input frequency f RF and the IF frequency f IF using the following formula (low-side injection):f LO = f RF – f IF69106E–RKE–07/08ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA5728To determine f LO , the construction of the IF filter must be considered. The nominal IF frequency is f IF =950kHz. To achieve a good accuracy of the filter corner frequencies, the filter is tuned by the crystal frequency f XTO . This means that there is a fixed relationship between f IF and f LO .f IF = f LO /318 for the 315 MHz band (ATA5723)f IF = f LO /438 for the 433.92 MHz band (ATA5724)f IF = f LO /915 for the 868.3 MHz band (ATA5728)The relationship is designed to achieve the nominal IF frequency of:f IF = 987 kHz for the 315 MHz and B IF = 300 kHz (ATA5723)f IF = 987 kHz for the 433.92 MHz and B IF = 300 kHz (ATA5724)f IF = 947.8 kHz for the 868.3 MHz and B IF = 600 kHz (ATA5728)The RF input either from an antenna or from an RF generator must be transformed to the RF input pin LNA_IN. The input impedance of this pin is provided in the electrical parameters. The parasitic board inductances and capacitances influence the input matching. The RF receiver ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA5728 exhibits its highest sensitivity if the LNA is power matched.Because of this, matching to a SAW filter, a 50Ω or an antenna is easier.Figure 14-1 on page 32 “Application Circuit” shows a typical input matching network for f RF =315MHz, f RF =433.92MHz or f RF =868.3MHz to 50Ω. The input matching network shown in Table 14-2 on page 32 is the reference network for the parameters given in the electrical characteristics.4.Analog Signal Processing4.1IF FilterThe signals coming from the RF front-end are filtered by the fully integrated 4th-order IF filter.The IF center frequency is:f IF = 987 kHz for the 315 MHz and B IF = 300 kHz (ATA5723)f IF = 987 kHz for the 433.92 MHz and B IF = 300 kHz (ATA5724)f IF = 947.9 kHz for the 868.3 MHz and B IF = 600 kHz (ATA5728)The nominal bandwidth is 300 kHz for ATA5723 and ATA5724 and 600 kHz for ATA5728.4.2Limiting RSSI AmplifierThe subsequent RSSI amplifier enhances the output signal of the IF amplifier before it is fed into the demodulator. The dynamic range of this amplifier is ΔR RSSI =60dB. If the RSSI amplifier is operated within its linear range, the best S/N ratio is maintained in ASK mode. If the dynamic range is exceeded by the transmitter signal, the S/N ratio is defined by the ratio of the maximum RSSI output voltage and the RSSI output voltage due to a disturber. The dynamic range of the RSSI amplifier is exceeded if the RF input signal is approximately 60dB higher compared to the RF input signal at full sensitivity.The S/N ratio is not affected by the dynamic range of the RSSI amplifier in FSK mode because only the hard limited signal from a high-gain limiting amplifier is used by the demodulator.The output voltage of the RSSI amplifier (VRSSI) is available at pin RSSI. Using the RSSI output signal, the signal strength of different transmitters can be distinguished. The usable input power range P Ref is –100dBm to –55dBm.79106E–RKE–07/08ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA5728Figure 4-1.RSSI Characteristics ATA5724The output voltage of the RSSI amplifier is internally compared to a threshold voltage V Th_red .V Th_red is determined by the value of the external resistor R Sens . R Sens is connected between pin SENS and GND or V S . The output of the comparator is fed into the digital control logic. By this means, it is possible to operate the receiver at a lower sensitivity.If R Sens is connected to GND, the receiver switches to full sensitivity. It is also possible to con-nect the pin SENS directly to GND to get the maximum sensitivity.If R Sens is connected to V S , the receiver operates at a lower sensitivity. The reduced sensitivity is defined by the value of R Sens , and the maximum sensitivity is defined by the signal-to-noise ratio of the LNA input. The reduced sensitivity depends on the signal strength at the output of the RSSI amplifier.Since different RF input networks may exhibit slightly different values for the LNA gain, the sen-sitivity values given in the electrical characteristics refer to a specific input matching. This matching is described and illustrated in Section 14. “Data Interface” on page 32.R Sens can be connected to V S or GND using a microcontroller. The receiver can be switched from full sensitivity to reduced sensitivity or vice versa at any time. In polling mode, the receiver does not wake up if the RF input signal does not exceed the selected sensitivity. If the receiver is already active, the data stream at pin DATA disappears when the input signal is lower than defined by the reduced sensitivity. Instead of the data stream, the pattern according to Figure 4-2 “Steady L State Limited DATA Output Pattern” is issued at pin DATA to indicate that the receiver is still active (see Figure 13-2 on page 30 “Data Interface”).Figure 4-2.Steady L State Limited DATA Output Pattern89106E–RKE–07/08ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA57284.3FSK/ASK Demodulator and Data FilterThe signal coming from the RSSI amplifier is converted into the raw data signal by the ASK/FSK demodulator. The operating mode of the demodulator is set using the bit ASK/_FSK in the OPMODE register. Logic L sets the demodulator to FSK, applying H to ASK mode.In ASK mode an automatic threshold control circuit (ATC) is employed to set the detection refer-ence voltage to a value where a good signal to noise ratio is achieved. This circuit also implements the effective suppression of any kind of in-band noise signals or competing transmit-ters. If the S/N (ratio to suppress in-band noise signals) exceeds about 10dB the data signal can be detected properly. However, better values are found for many modulation schemes of the competing transmitter.The FSK demodulator is intended to be used for an FSK deviation of 10kHz ≤Δf ≤100kHz. The data signal in FSK mode can be detected if the S/N (ratio to suppress in-band noise signals)exceeds about 2dB. This value is valid for all modulation schemes of a disturber signal.The output signal of the demodulator is filtered by the data filter before it is fed into the digital signal processing circuit. The data filter improves the S/N ratio as its pass-band can be adopted to the characteristics of the data signal. The data filter consists of a 1st order high-pass and a 2nd order low-pass filter.The high-pass filter cut-off frequency is defined by an external capacitor connected to pin CDEM. The cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter is defined by the following formula:In self-polling mode the data filter must settle very rapidly to achieve a low current consumption.Therefore, CDEM cannot be increased to very high values if self-polling is used. On the other hand, CDEM must be large enough to meet the data filter requirements according to the data signal. Recommended values for CDEM are given in the electrical characteristics.The cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter is defined by the selected baud-rate range (BR_Range). The BR_Range is defined in the OPMODE register (refer to Section 11. “Configur-ing the Receiver” on page 25). The BR_Range must be set in accordance to the baud-rate used.The ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA5728 is designed to operate with data coding where the DC level of the data signal is 50%. This is valid for Manchester and Bi-phase coding. If other modulation schemes are used, the DC level should always remain within the range of V DC_min =33% and V DC_max =66%. The sensitivity may be reduced by up to 2dB in that condition.Each BR_Range is also defined by a minimum and a maximum edge-to-edge time (t ee_sig ).These limits are defined in the electrical characteristics. They should not be exceeded to main-tain full sensitivity of the receiver.fcu_DF 12π×30 k Ω×CDEM×------------------------------------------------------------=99106E–RKE–07/08ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA57285.Receiving CharacteristicsThe RF receiver ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA5728 can be operated with and without a SAW front-end filter. In a typical automotive application, a SAW filter is used to achieve better selectiv-ity and large signal capability. The receiving frequency response without a SAW front-end filter is illustrated in Figure 5-1 “Narrow Band Receiving Frequency Response ATA5724”. This example relates to ASK mode. FSK mode exhibits a similar behavior. The plots are printed relatively to the maximum sensitivity. If a SAW filter is used, an insertion loss of about 3dB must be consid-ered, but the overall selectivity is much better.When designing the system in terms of receiving bandwidth, the LO deviation must be consid-ered as it also determines the IF center frequency. The total LO deviation is calculated, to be the sum of the deviation of the crystal and the XTO deviation of the ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA5728.Low-cost crystals are specified to be within ±90 ppm over tolerance, temperature, and aging.The XTO deviation of the ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA5728 is an additional deviation due to the XTO circuit. This deviation is specified to be ±10 ppm worst case for a crystal with CM =7fF. If a crystal of ±90 ppm is used, the total deviation is ±100 ppm in that case. Note that the receiving bandwidth and the IF-filter bandwidth are equivalent in ASK mode but not in FSK mode.Figure 5-1.Narrow Band Receiving Frequency Response ATA5724109106E–RKE–07/08ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA57286.Polling Circuit and Control LogicThe receiver is designed to consume less than 1 mA while being sensitive to signals from a cor-responding transmitter. This is achieved using the polling circuit. This circuit enables the signal path periodically for a short time. During this time the bit-check logic verifies the presence of a valid transmitter signal. Only if a valid signal is detected, the receiver remains active and trans-fers the data to the connected microcontroller. If there is no valid signal present, the receiver is in sleep mode most of the time resulting in low current consumption. This condition is called poll-ing mode. A connected microcontroller is disabled during that time.All relevant parameters of the polling logic can be configured by the connected microcontroller.This flexibility enables the user to meet the specifications in terms of current consumption, sys-tem response time, data rate etc.The receiver is very flexible with regards to the number of connection wires to the microcon-troller. It can be either operated by a single bi-directional line to save ports to the connected microcontroller or it can be operated by up to five uni-directional ports.7.Basic Clock Cycle of the Digital CircuitryThe complete timing of the digital circuitry and the analog filtering is derived from one clock. This clock cycle T Clk is derived from the crystal oscillator (XTO) in combination with a divide by 28 or 30 circuit. According to Section 3. “RF Front-end” on page 5, the frequency of the crystal oscilla-tor (f XTO ) is defined by the RF input signal (f RFin ) which also defines the operating frequency of the local oscillator (f LO ). The basic clock cycle for ATA5724 and ATA5728 is T Clk 28/f XTO giving T Clk =2.066µs for f RF =868.3MHz and T Clk =2.069µs for f RF =433.92MHz. For ATA5723 the basic clock cycle is T Clk =30/f REF giving T Clk =2.0382µs for f RF =315MHz.T Clk controls the following application-relevant parameters:•Timing of the polling circuit including bit check •Timing of the analog and digital signal processing •Timing of the register programming •Frequency of the reset marker •IF filter center frequency (fIF0)Most applications are dominated by three transmission frequencies: f Transmit =315MHz is mainly used in USA, f Transmit =868.3MHz and 433.92MHz in Europe. All timings are based on T Clk . For the aforementioned frequencies, T Clk is given as:•Application 315 MHz band (f XTO = 14.71875 MHz, f LO = 314.13 MHz, T Clk = 2.0382 µs)•Application 868.3 MHz band (f XTO = 13.55234 MHz, f LO = 867.35 MHz, T Clk = 2.066 µs)•Application 433.92 MHz band (f XTO = 13.52875 MHz, f LO = 432.93 MHz, T Clk = 2.0696 µs)For calculation of T Clk for applications using other frequency bands, see table in Section 18.“Electrical Characteristics ATA5724, ATA5728” on page 37.ATA5723/ATA5724/ATA5728The clock cycle of some function blocks depends on the selected baud-rate range (BR_Range),which is defined in the OPMODE register. This clock cycle T XClk is defined by the following formulas:BR_Range =BR_Range0:T XClk = 8 × T Clk BR_Range1:T XClk = 4 × T Clk BR_Range2:T XClk = 2 × T Clk BR_Range3:T XClk = 1 × T Clk8.Polling ModeAccording to Figure 8-1 on page 12, the receiver stays in polling mode in a continuous cycle of three different modes. In sleep mode the signal processing circuitry is disabled for the time period T Sleep while consuming low current of I S =I Soff . During the start-up period, T Startup , all sig-nal processing circuits are enabled and settled. In the following bit-check mode, the incoming data stream is analyzed bit-by-bit and compared with a valid transmitter signal. If no valid signal is present, the receiver is set back to sleep mode after the period T Bit-check . This period varies according to each check as it is a statistical process. An average value for T Bitcheck is given in the electrical characteristics. During T Startup and T Bit-check , the current consumption is I S =I Son . The condition of the receiver is indicated on pin IC_ACTIVE. The average current consumption in polling mode is dependent on the duty cycle of the active mode and can be calculated as:During T Sleep and T Startup , the receiver is not sensitive to a transmitter signal. To guarantee the reception of a transmitted command, the transmitter must start the telegram with an adequate preburst. The required length of the preburst depends on the polling parameters T Sleep , T Startup ,T Bit-check and the start-up time of a connected microcontroller, T Start_microcontroller . Thus, T Bit-check depends on the actual bit rate and the number of bits (N Bit-check ) to be tested.The following formula indicates how to calculate the preburst length.T Preburst ≥ T Sleep + T Startup + T Bit-check + T Start_microcontroller8.1Sleep ModeThe length of period T Sleep is defined by the 5-bit word Sleep of the OPMODE register, the exten-sion factor X Sleep (according to Table 11-8 on page 27), and the basic clock cycle T Clk . It is calculated to be:T Sleep =Sleep ×X Sleep ×1024×T ClkThe maximum value of T Sleep is about 60ms if X Sleep is set to 1. The time resolution is about 2ms in that case. The sleep time can be extended to almost half a second by setting X Sleep to 8.X Sleep can be set to 8 by bit X SleepStd to “1”.Setting the configuration word Sleep to its maximal value puts the receiver into a permanent sleep mode. The receiver remains in this state until another value for Sleep is programmed into the OPMODE register. This is particularily useful when several devices share a single data line.(It can also be used for microcontroller polling: using pin POLLING/_ON, the receiver can be switched on and off.)I Spoll I SoffT Sleep I Son T Startup T Bit-check +()×+×T Sleep T Startup T Bit-check++---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=Figure 8-1.Polling Mode Flow ChartATA5723/ATA5724/ATA57288.2Bit-check ModeIn bit-check mode the incoming data stream is examined to distinguish between a valid signalfrom a corresponding transmitter and signals due to noise. This is done by subsequent timeframe checks where the distances between 2 signal edges are continuously compared to a pro-grammable time window. The maximum number of these edge-to-edge tests, before thereceiver switches to receiving mode, is also programmable.8.3Configuring the Bit CheckAssuming a modulation scheme that contains two edges per bit, two time frame checks verifyone bit. This is valid for Manchester, Bi-phase, and most other modulation schemes. The maxi-mum count of bits to be checked can be set to 0, 3, 6, or 9 bits using the variable N Bit-check in theOPMODE register. This implies 0, 6, 12, and 18 edge-to-edge checks respectively. If N Bit-check isset to a higher value, the receiver is less likely to switch to receiving mode due to noise. In thepresence of a valid transmitter signal, the bit check takes less time if N Bit-check is set to a lowervalue. In polling mode, the bit-check time is not dependent on NBit-check. Figure 8-2 shows anexample where three bits are tested successfully and the data signal is transferred to pin DATA.Figure 8-2.Timing Diagram for Complete Successful Bit CheckAccording to Figure 8-3, the time window for the bit check is defined by two separate time limits.If the edge-to-edge time t ee is in between the lower bit-check limit T Lim_min and the upperbit-check limit T Lim_max, the check continues. If t ee is smaller than T Lim_min or t ee exceeds T Lim_max,the bit check is terminated and the receiver switches to sleep mode.Figure 8-3.Valid Time Window for Bit CheckFor best noise immunity using a low span between T Lim_min and T Lim_max is recommended. This isachieved using a fixed frequency at a 50% duty cycle for the transmitter preburst. A “11111...” ora “10101...” sequence in Manchester or Bi-phase is suitable for this. A good compromisebetween receiver sensitivity and susceptibility to noise is a time window of ±30% regarding theexpected edge-to-edge time t ee. Using pre-burst patterns that contain various edge-to-edge timeperiods, the bit-check limits must be programmed according to the required span.The bit-check limits are determined by means of the formula below.T Lim_min = Lim_min × T XClkT Lim_max = (Lim_max – 1) ×T XClkLim_min and Lim_max are defined by a 5-bit word each within the LIMIT register.Using above formulas, Lim_min and Lim_max can be determined according to the requiredT Lim_min, T Lim_max and T XClk. The time resolution defining T Lim_min and T Lim_max is T XClk. The mini-mum edge-to-edge time t ee (t DATA_L_min, t DATA_H_min) is defined according to the Section 8.6“Digital Signal Processing” on page 16. The lower limit should be set to Lim_min≥10. The max-imum value of the upper limit is Lim_max=63.If the calculated value for Lim_min is < 19, it is recommended to check 6 or 9 bits (N Bit-check) toprevent switching to receiving mode due to noise.Figure 8-4, Figure 8-5, and Figure 8-6 illustrate the bit check for the bit-check limitsLim_min=14 and Lim_max=24. When the IC is enabled, the signal processing circuits areenabled during T Startup. The output of the ASK/FSK demodulator (Dem_out) is undefined duringthat period. When the bit check becomes active, the bit-check counter is clocked with the cycleT XClk.Figure 8-4 shows how the bit check proceeds if the bit-check counter value CV_Lim is within thelimits defined by Lim_min and Lim_max at the occurrence of a signal edge. In Figure 8-5 the bitcheck fails as the value CV_Lim is lower than the limit Lim_min. The bit check also fails ifCV_Lim reaches Lim_max. This is illustrated in Figure 8-6.Figure 8-4.Timing Diagram During Bit CheckATA5723/ATA5724/ATA5728 Figure 8-5.Timing Diagram for Failed Bit Check (Condition: CV_Lim < Lim_min)Figure 8-6.Timing Diagram for Failed Bit Check (Condition: CV_Lim ≥ Lim_max)8.4Duration of the Bit CheckIf no transmitter signal is present during the bit check, the output of the ASK/FSK demodulatordelivers random signals. The bit check is a statistical process and T Bit-check varies for each check.Therefore, an average value for T Bit-check is given in the electrical characteristics. T Bit-checkdepends on the selected baud-rate range and on T Clk. A higher baud-rate range causes a lowervalue for T Bit-check resulting in a lower current consumption in polling mode.In the presence of a valid transmitter signal, T Bit-check is dependent on the frequency of that sig-nal, f Sig, and the count of the checked bits, N Bit-check. A higher value for N Bit-check thereby results ina longer period for T Bit-check requiring a higher value for the transmitter pre-burst T Preburst.8.5Receiving ModeIf the bit check was successful for all bits specified by N Bit-check, the receiver switches to receivingmode. According to Figure 8-2 on page 13, the internal data signal is switched to pin DATA inthat case, and the data clock is available after the start bit has been detected (see Figure 9-1 onpage 20). A connected microcontroller can be woken up by the negative edge at pin DATA or bythe data clock at pin DATA_CLK. The receiver stays in that condition until it is switched back topolling mode explicitly.8.6Digital Signal ProcessingThe data from the ASK/FSK demodulator (Dem_out) is digitally processed in different ways andas a result converted into the output signal data. This processing depends on the selectedbaud-rate range (BR_Range). Figure 8-7 illustrates how Dem_out is synchronized by theextended clock cycle T XClk. This clock is also used for the bit-check counter. Data can change itsstate only after T XClk has elapsed. The edge-to-edge time period t ee of the Data signal as a resultis always an integral multiple of T XClk.The minimum time period between two edges of the data signal is limited to t ee≥T DATA_min. Thisimplies an efficient suppression of spikes at the DATA output. At the same time it limits the max-imum frequency of edges at DATA. This eases the interrupt handling of a connectedmicrocontroller.The maximum time period for DATA to stay low is limited to T DATA_L_max. This function isemployed to ensure a finite response time in programming or switching off the receiver via pinDATA. T DATA_L_max is therefore longer than the maximum time period indicated by the transmitterdata stream. Figure 8-9 on page 17 gives an example where Dem_out remains Low after thereceiver has switched to receiving mode.Figure 8-7.Synchronization of the Demodulator OutputFigure 8-8.Debouncing of the Demodulator Output。