Online multi-step prediction for wind speed and solar irradiation - Evaluation of prediction errorsq
第 35 卷
传统直流,与火电孤岛构成多端直流的方式送出, 如图 1 所示。虽然柔性直流输电目前容量远小于传 统直流,但目前在建或已投运的柔性直流输电工程 容量已经达 1 000 MW ,达到风电场的额定功率, 电压等级也在逐步提高。 文献[5-8]研究了多端、混合及混合多端直流输 电技术,但没有研究上述混合三端直流输电系统中 连接风电场的 VSC(wind farm VSC,WFVSC)主要 需要解决的两个问题。第一,风电出力具有随机性 和波动性,VSC 采用的传统双环控制动态响应慢, 在风速波动过程中达到稳定的时间长,而且其 PI 环节与双馈风机换流器的 PI 环节相互影响, 难以选 取合适的 PI 参数, 不能为风电场提供稳定的交流电 压;第二,任何一端的功率变化或系统故障将导致 直流电压的波动,并且由 LCC 提供的直流电压本 就含有纹波,这同样使输出的交流电压不稳定并含 有非特征谐波。 模型预测控制是一种根据系统模型预测其将 来行为,并基于某种最优标准选择最合适的控制动 作的优化控制算法,其易于处理系统的约束条件, 可将约束条件包含在系统的预测控制算法中,使系 统的参数都保持在允许范围内[9-12]。模型预测控制 也是逆变器控制领域的热点之一,文献[13-14]研究 了 UPS 的模型预测控制技术, 文献[15-17]研究了有 限控制集模型预测控制,需在每个周期计算所有的 电压向量,不适用于多电平换流器,文献[18]研究 了三相电压型逆变器基于直流增量模型的模型预 测控制,但没有考虑采样和计算所用的时间,而且 把增量作为优化目标之一导致控制动作变化不能 太大,影响了动态响应速度[19],仍然不能很好地解 决 WFVSC 面临的两个问题。文献[20]研究了电流 预测法,是模型预测控制的基本形式,能应用于多 种场合,但其只对电流内环应用预测控制,用于 WFVSC 控制精度不高。因此本文针对这两个问题 设计一种基于 WFVSC 在α-β坐标系下的模型预测 控制,采用两步提前预测法,同时为了减小直流电 压谐波的影响、增强模型预测控制算法在交直流系 统故障情况下的抗扰动能力以及加快故障恢复速 度,增加对直流电压的预测。该算法以输出的交流 电压作为优化目标,通过求解优化目标的代价函 数,在符合系统约束条件的前提下,得到每个周期 最优的调制信号,以此控制 WFVSC 的开关动作。 由于优化的最终结果是得到调制信号,因此本文设 计的控制算法对于两电平、三电平及多电平的换流
温度解耦 Temperature decoupling control of double-level air
Temperature decoupling control of double-level airflowfield dynamicvacuum system based on neural network and prediction principleLi Jinyang n,Meng XiaofengScience and Technology on Inertial Laboratory,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,No.37Xueyuan Road,Haidian District,Beijing100191,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received16April2012Received in revised form21June2012Accepted20July2012Available online14August2012Keywords:Decoupling controlPredictionNeural networksDouble-level airflowfieldParticle swarm optimizationa b s t r a c tDouble-level airflowfield dynamic vacuum(DAFDV)system is a strong coupling,large time-delay,andnonlinear multi-input–multi-output system.Decoupling and overcoming the impact of time-delay aretwo keys to obtain rapid,accurate and independent control for two air temperatures in two concatenatechambers of the DAFDV system.A predictive,self-tuning proportional-integral-derivative(PID)decoupling controller based on a modified output–input feedback(OIF)Elman neural model andmulti-step prediction principle is proposed for the nonlinearity,time-lag,uncertainty and strongcoupling characteristics of the system.A multi-step ahead prediction algorithm is presented fortemperature prediction to eliminate the effects of time-delays.To avoid getting into a local optimiza-tion,an improved particle swarm optimization is applied to optimize the weights of the OIF Elmanneural network during modeling.By using the modified OIF Elman neural network identifier,theDAFDV system is identified and the parameters of PID controller are tuned on-line.The experimentalresults for two typical cases indicate that the settling times are obviously shorten,steady-stateperformances are improved and more important is that one temperature no longerfluctuates along theother,which verify the proposed adaptive PID decoupling control is effective.&2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionDouble-level airflowfield dynamic vacuum system(DAFDV)isthat the airflow temperatures in two concatenate chambers maintainin steady equilibrium states while maintaining a certainflow rate intoand out of the chambers.DAFDV systems have great application valuefor the simulation of dynamic atmospheric environments,calibrationof meteorological instruments and research of humidity generationtechnology based on two-temperature or two-temperature two-pressure principle(Wang,2003;Kitano et al.,2008;Helmut,2008).Air temperature control of single chamber has been widely studied bymany scholars(Lawton and Patterson,2000;EI Ghoumari et al.,2005;Thompson and Dexter,2005;Qi and Deng,2009;Li et al.,2011),andsomefindings have been extensively applied in industrial practices.However,researches on DAFDV systems have scarcely been repre-sented in the open literature.This may be attributed to two majorsources of difficulty.First,the simple and adequate dynamic relation-ships among the process variables are difficult to establish due to thenonlinearity,uncertainties and structure complexities.Second,thetwo air temperatures in the two concatenate chambers suffer impactfrom each other’sfluctuations.If the two air temperatures cannot bedecoupled effectively,they would not only delay reach steady states,but also not accomplish independent control at all.Therefore,in orderto achieve rapid,accurate and independent control,it is necessary todecouple these two variables.However,how the appropriate decou-pling method is selected according to the characteristics of controlobject is a key problem.The traditional decoupling ways to a multi-input multi-output(MIMO)system is mainly represented by modern frequencydomain methods such as diagonal dominance matrix,relativegain analysis method,characteristic curve method,state variablemethod,inverse Nyquist array and so on(Wang,2000).Thesemethods,which are based on strict transfer functions or statespaces,play an important role in decoupling the linear time-invariant MIMO systems.However,these methods are difficult toachieve dynamic decoupling for nonlinear or uncertain or time-variant MIMO systems because accurate system models aredifficult to develop for these systems.Thereby,these traditionaldecoupling methods are confined to a certain application scope.With the development of decoupling control theory,a multi-tude of other decoupling methods such as adaptive decoupling,energy decoupling,disturbance decoupling,robust decoupling,Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/engappaiEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence0952-1976/$-see front matter&2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.engappai.2012.07.011Abbreviations:DAFDV,double-level airflowfield dynamic vacuum;OIF,modified output–input feedback;PID,proportional-integral-derivative;MIMO,multi-input multi-output;BP,back-propagation;RBF,radial basis function;WBTC,water bath temperature control;EBTC,ethanol bath temperature control;HX,heatexchanger;ASSAVP,air source system with adjustable vacuum pressure;TITO,two-input two-output;SISO,single-input single-output;IPSO,improved particleswarm optimizationn Corresponding author.Tel./fax:þ8601082338221.E-mail address:by0817136@(L.Jinyang).Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence26(2013)1237–1245fuzzy decoupling,neural networks decoupling,prediction decou-pling,intelligent decoupling methods represented mainly by the fuzzy decoupling and the neural networks decoupling,have been proposed and applied in many control practices.The detailed introduction to these decoupling methods are summarized (Dong et al.,2011),this paper no longer repeats them.Adaptive decoupling has merits in decoupling a system with many uncertain factors and can solve the system’s uncertainty to a certain extent.Multilayer neural networks have adaptive,self-learning,strong fault tolerance abilities and are universal approx-imators capable of approximating any nonlinear function to any desired degree of accuracy,making it a powerful tool for the decoupling control of nonlinear systems.The modified output–input feedback (OIF)Elman neural network,as a kind of recurrent neural network,is superior to the static neural network such as back-propagation (BP)and radial basis function (RBF)neural network on the dynamic characteristic (Wu et al.,2011a ),and it is now extensively applied in the fields of system identification,nonlinear control and prediction control (Serhat et al.,2003;Qi et al.,2005;Gao and Wang,2007).However,neural networks commonly require to be combined with other algorithms to realize decoupling control (Wu and Chai,1997;Li,2006).Prediction is an effective means to control a time-delay system.Furthermore,the proportional-integral-derivative (PID)controller is widely used in many fields due to its simplicity and robustness (Kumar et al.,2007;Shi et al.,2008;Xu et al.,2008).Based on the above discussions,an adaptive PID decoupling control method based on the modified OIF Elman neural network and prediction principle is proposed in this paper.Because theDAFDV system is a strong coupling,complex MIMO nonlinear system with large time-delay and uncertainty,which can hardly acquire satisfactory control performance and even cannot reach the steady state at all by the conventional PID controller with fixed parameters.By the identification function of the OIF Elman neural network,the PID parameters are tuned on-line.Thus,the couplings between the manipulated variables can be treated as corresponding exterior disturbances,so the proposed controller is used to eliminate disturbance and obtain desired control performance in different operating regions.The time-delay effects can be reduced or elimi-nated by the prediction.The main contribution of this study is to propose an effective decoupling control strategy,which can be applied to a real-time plant conveniently,for the strong coupling,large-time delay and nonlinear system make it is difficult to elaborate a mathematic model precise enough for the control.The paper is structured in the following way.In Section 2,the composition of DAFDV system is presented.In order to analyze the system properties conveniently,the models of the DAFDV system are qualitatively developed in Section 3.Section 4is proposed the adaptive PID decoupling control method based on the modified OIF Elman neural network and prediction principle.In Section 5,the experimental results on a real-time DAFDV system are presented.Conclusions are drawn in Section 6.position of DAFDV systemThe DAFDV system,as shown in Fig.1,mainly consists of the pressure control system and the temperature control system.InNomenclature A cross section areac specific heat capacity(kJ/kg K)D time coefficient (s)F mass flow rate (kg/s)h convective heat transfer coefficient(kW/(m 2K))L spatial coefficient (m)t time (s)Ttemperature (K)U pipe circumference (m)xlength (m)rdensity (kg/m 3)Subscripts w water a air bwallFig.1.Diagram of double-level air flow filed dynamic vacuum system.L.Jinyang,M.Xiaofeng /Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 26(2013)1237–12451238Fig.1,the airflows in the dash dotted arrows direction while the liquid(water or ethanol)in the solid arrows direction.The middle part of the airflowing through is the pressure control loop.The temperature control system is constituted of water bath tem-perature control(WBTC)subsystem and ethanol bath tempera-ture control(EBTC)subsystem.These two subsystems,which are used to achieve air temperature control in the downstream chamber C2within ranges from51C to801C and fromÀ701C to51C,respectively,are symmetrical about the pressure control loop.The air from C1passes through heat exchanger(HX)E1 when the controlled objective air temperature is between51C and801C.Otherwise,the air from C1passes through heat exchanger E2.Since the temperature control circuit of C1is same as that of C2,only the structure of temperature control circuit for C2is presented in Fig.1.Moreover,only the WBTC subsystem is introduced due to the same framework as that of the EBTC subsystem.The airflow temperature control in C2is achieved by heat exchange between water and air in E1.E1transfers heat from water to air or in the opposite direction,and the objective is to control the outlet air temperature,by changing the inlet water temperature.The inlet water temperature of the E1is acquired by controlling the temperature of thermostatic water bath T1.How-ever,the real actuators for water temperature control are heater H1installed at the bottom of T1and industrial chiller D1 connecting with T1.In the process of heating-up,the H1start to work and the liquid circulate between T1and E1with the aid of pump P3.Double-level voltage control strategy is adopted to improve the control precision.First,the input voltage supplied to H1is adjusted by the voltage regulator.Moreover,PID-controlled pulse-width modulated signal is employed to regulate the duty ratio of the control voltage.At the stage of decreasing process of temperature,the D1which is switched on manually operate at full speed,valve v5and v6open,and the water circulate between T1and D1by the driving of variable pump P1.The water temperature in T1is regulated by altering the speed of P1.The pressure control system is mainly constituted of four parts:the air source system with adjustable vacuum pressure (ASSAVP),upstream vacuum chamber,downstream vacuum chamber and the high vacuum system with adjustable vacuum pressure(C4).The ASSAVP are employed to supply adjustable and relatively stable pressure continuously for C1,and the C4are used to regulate the pressure in C2and provide a high vacuum environment,respectively.In order to improve the regulation ability and provide the driving power for airflowing,the pressure ratio between the upstream vacuum pressure and the down-stream vacuum air pressure should be within the scope from1.05 to20(this scope is determined in the experimental processes on a real plant-DAFDV system when the two air pressures are within the given range in this paper).Thus,the vacuum pump of HVS system needs to work in advance.To reduce the influence of the external environment,a200mm thermal insulation layer is set outside of the DAFDV system.3.Modeling of the DAFDV systemIn this section,the models of the DAFDV system are qualita-tively developed for analyzing the system properties conveni-ently.The temperature control process of the DAFDV system is that:(1)the water temperature of T1is manipulated by the heater or chiller.(2)The air temperature in C2is controlled by changing the inlet water temperature of E1,i.e.,the water temperature of T1.3.1.Modeling for T1Temperature rise of water in T1is manipulated by using a heater with a PID-controlled electronic resistance and tempera-ture decreasing is achieved by the water exchange between T1 and cold liquid tank(CLT)of D1.It is assumed that the heat exchange of pipelines is negligible.Therefore,according to con-servation of energy,these two processes can be,respectively described by Eqs.(1)and(2).For temperature rise process:C p dT h=dt¼P eð1ÞFor temperature decreasing process:C h dT h=dt¼c w FðT pÀT hÞð2ÞwhereC p¼c w m pwþc ps m psð3ÞC h¼c w m hwþc hs m hsð4Þwhere C h is the total thermal capacity of water in T1and wall of T1,C p is the total thermal capacity of water in CLT and wall of CLT;c W,c pS and c hs are,respectively specific heat capacity of water,wall of CLT and T1.m p W and m h W are,respectively,the water mass in CTL and T1,m p S and m h S are wall mass of CTL and T1.T p and T h are the temperatures of CTL and T1.F is the water massflow rate between D1and T1.P e is the heating power. Considering measurement delays of sensors and the dead-times of actuators exist as well as large volume of T1,this temperature control process of the DAFDV system is a large inertia system with large lags.3.2.Modeling for E1Since the air temperature is controlled by changing the inlet liquid temperature of heat exchanger E1,a counterflow co-axial double tube heat exchanger,as shown in Fig.2,is used here.The conservation of energy for both thefluids and the wall can be written with the some assumptions(Ansari and Mortazavi,2006): D w@T w@tþL w@T w@xþT w¼T bð5ÞD b@T bþT b¼h w U w T wþh a U a T aw w a að6ÞD a@T a@tÀL a@T a@xþT a¼T bð7Þwhere D and L are time coefficient(s)and the spatial coefficientFig.2.Counterflow co-axial double tube heat exchanger.L.Jinyang,M.Xiaofeng/Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence26(2013)1237–12451239(m),respectively,and are defined as follows:L w¼c w F wh w U w,L a¼c a F ah a U a,D w¼rwc w A wh w U w,D a¼rac a A ah a U a,D w¼rbc b A bh w U wþh a U að8ÞFirst,from Eqs.(5)–(7),we can know that the air temperature depends on not only structure parameters of HX but also both fluid properties through HX.In this study,our objective is achieving rapid,accurate and independent control for the airflow temperatures in two concatenate chambers within operating ranges fromÀ701C to801C.As the temperature changing over this wide operating range,the property parameters of twofluids, such as c w,r w,h w,c a,r a,h a,especially for air properties,vary significantly.Furthermore,the air speed passing through HX and corresponding Reynolds number are,respectively described:u a¼_Q a=Að9ÞRe¼r a u a d in=m a¼4r a_Q a=m a p d inð10Þwhere m a(kg/(m s))is the air viscosity,_Q a(m3/s)is the air volume flow rate,d m is the tube diameter(m).From Eq.(10),it can be seen that the air speed(u a)reduces with the air volumeflow rate ð_Q aÞand Re alters with_Q a,this fact implies that theflow state may be laminarflow or turbulentflow.However,the convective heat transfer coefficient(h a),are greatly different in this twoflow states and it is well known that h a is decreasing as the air speed reduction and exchange efficiency of HX degrade enormously.The lower h a means the heat exchange time is longer between the two fluids in the HX,namely,the time-delay from the inlet liquid temperature to the outlet air temperature become longer.Finally,the airflowing process from C1to C2is an exchange process of mass and energy.The two temperature couplings between C1and C2are mainly caused by theflow rate variation of air passing through control valve V2.Theflow rate is deter-mined by the upstream pressure(P1),the downstream pressure (P2)the upstream air temperatureðT auÞ,and the opening percen-tage of the control valve(O).The relationship betweenflow rate and the four variables can be expressed as the following nonlinear equation(Dong et al.,2011):_Q a ¼fðP1,P2,T au,OÞð11ÞAccording to conservation of energy of HX in steady state,wecan obtained,c w F wðT win ÀT woutÞ¼c a r a_Q aðT a outÀT a inÞð12Þwhere T ain and T aoutare,respectively the inlet and outlet airtemperature of the HX,T win and T woutare,respectively the inletand outlet liquid temperature of the HX.Considering that the pipelines between E1and C2as well as between T1and E1(HX)are short,we can think that the liquidtemperature(T h)in T1is equal to T win ,T auis equal to T ainand thedownstream air temperature(T ad )is equal to T aout,namely,T h¼T win ,T ain¼T au,T ad¼T aoutð13ÞCombining Eq.(11)with(12)and(13),the downstream air temperature(T ad)can be described asT a d ¼c w F wðT hÀT woutÞc aa_QaþT auð14ÞFrom Eq.(14),it can obviously that the variation of_Q a hasstrong effect on T ad and T au,that is,the coupling between T adand T auis caused by_Q a.The airflow rate is modified by altering the percentage of opening of valve V2.By qualitative analysis for the above mathematical models developed,it can be seen that the DAFDV system is a strong coupling,time-varying,uncertain and large time-delay complex nonlinear system.However,the above developed models for T1 and E1,in order to make the problem more tractable,rely on assumptions and simplifications that are not totally realistic. Furthermore,the system that we are controlling includes not only the HX but also its associated hardware,i.e.,valve,pump, PID-controlled heater,industrial chiller and many connecting pipelines.These associated hardwares are not considered during modeling.Therefore,accurate mathematical models for DAFDV system are difficult to establish and above mathematical models developed are only the approximate models.4.Realization of the decoupling method for the DAFDV system4.1.Temperature decoupling control strategy of the DAFDV systemThe structure for the temperature decoupling control of the DAFDV system is shown in Fig.3,which combines the modified OIF Elman neural network and the PID controller with prediction algorithm.In Fig.3,i¼1,2,r i(k)is the reference input,y i(k)the real temperature output,ym i(k)is the modified OIF Elman neural network identification model output,e i(k)is the error between the set-point value r i(k)and output y i(k)in every sampling point, u i(k)is the manipulated variable,NN1(NN2)the neural network identifiers,TDL1the time-delay operator from the outputs of y i(k),u1(k)and u2(k)to the input of NN1,TDL2the time-delay operator from the outputs of y2(k),u1(k)and u2(k)to the input of NN2.According to the error e i(k),the modified OIF Elman neural network identification model is used to tune the parameters of the conventional PID controller to keep the system stable and obtain satisfactory control performance.For two-input two-out-put(TITO)system,the coupling impact from the second controlFig.3.Decoupling control of the DAFAV system.L.Jinyang,M.Xiaofeng/Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence26(2013)1237–1245 1240loop is treated as exterior disturbance on thefirst main loop while the coupling effect from thefirst loop is treated as exterior disturbance to the second main loop.Thus,one TITO system can be divided into two independent single-input single-output (SISO)systems.Therefore,the combination of the PID controller with the modified OIF Elman neural network and prediction algorithm is appropriate to eliminate couplings and disturbances by identification of system dynamic model and reduce or elim-inate the time-delays of the system by prediction.4.2.Modified OIF Elman neural network model for DAFDV systemThe controlled DAFDV system can be described by the follow-ing nonlinear model with time-delay:yðkÞ¼F½yðkÀ1Þ,...,yðkÀn yÞ,uðkÀdÞ,...,uðkÀdÀn uÞ ð15Þwhere y are the upstream air temperature,T u,and the down-stream air temperature,T d,u is the air volumeflow rate altered by regulating the opening percentage(O)of the control valve V2,and voltage supplied to the heater or the speed of liquid circulation pump(P3).n u and n y are the orders of{y(t)}and{u(t)},respec-tively,d is the time-delay from output to input,and F(Á)is a nonlinear function which is identified by a modified OIF Elman neural network identification model.The OIF Elman neural network is a kind of recurrent neural network,which consists of the input,hidden,context,context2and output layers.The context layer and context2layers are used to memorize the former values of the hidden and output layer nodes, respectively.The feed-forward connections are modifiable,whereas the recurrent connections arefixed.The structure of OIF Elman neural network is shown in Fig.4(Wu et al.,2011a).In Fig.4,w u is the weight between the input layer and hidden layer,w y is the weight between the hidden layer and the output, w c is the weight from the context layer to the hidden layer,and w yc is the weight from the context2layer to the hidden layer. x c(k)and x(k)are the outputs of the context unit and the hidden unit,respectively.y c(k)and y m(k)are the outputs of the context 2layer and output layer,respectively.a and b are,respectively the feedback gains of the self-connections of context and context 2layers,0r a,b r1.Here,a and b are selected as0.5.The mathematical model of the OIF Elman model neural network is expressed as follows:xðkÞ¼Fðw c x cðkÞþw u uðkÀ1Þþw yc y cðkÞÞð16Þx cðkÞ¼aÂx cðkÀ1ÞþxðkÀ1Þð17Þy cðkÞ¼bÂy cðkÀ1ÞþyðkÀ1Þð18Þy mðkÞ¼gðw y xðkÞÞð19Þwhere g(x)is chosen as a linear function,and f(x)is selected as: f(x)¼1/(1þeÀx)in this paper.The standard Elman neural network often adopts BP algorithm to train the networks’weighs,however,it has slow convergence speed and is easy to get locked into local optimization(Zhang et al.,2007)while an improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO)algorithm-adaptive inertial weight algorithm(Iwasaki et al.,2006)has fast convergence speed and can avoid getting locked into local optimization.Therefore,this IPSO is applied to train the weights of the Elman neural network.The detailed optimization process can be seen in Ref.Wu et al.(2011b).4.3.Temperature prediction based on prediction principleAs shown in Fig.5(Dong et al.,2011),it is assumed that y(k), y(kÀ1)and y(kÀ2)are the temperature sampling values at T(k), T(kÀ1)and T(kÀ2)instant,respectively.The temperature sample value at the time T(kþ1)is y(kþ1).The sample period of temperature is T s.T s is chosen as0.1s in this study.Considering the temperature is the sluggish varying physical quantities and abrupt variations,except the initial stage of set-value switching, are impossible to happen for them in a short time.Therefore,for the temperature,we can think that the rate of change between the two adjacent sample points is equal(Dong et al.,2011), namely,9½^yðkþ1ÞÀyðkÞ À½yðkÞÀyðkÀ1Þ 9=T s¼9½yðkÞÀyðkÀ1ÞÀ½yðkÀ1ÞÀyðkÀ2Þ 9=T sð20ÞThen^yðkþ1Þcan be expressed as^yðkþ1Þ¼3½yðkÞÀyðkÀ1Þ þyðkÀ2Þð21ÞFrom Eq.(21),it can be seen that^yðkþ1Þis the function of y(k), y(kÀ1),y(kÀ2),therefore,Eq.(21)can be also described as^yðkþ1Þ¼f½yðkÞ,yðkÀ1Þ,yðkÀ2Þ ð22ÞBased on the single-step-ahead predictor model in Eq.(21), according to recursive principle,we can acquire the following expressions:^yðkþ2Þ¼f½^yðkþ1Þ,yðkÞ,yðkÀ1Þ¼f½f½yðkÞ,yðkÀ1Þ,yðkÀ2Þ ,yðkÞ,yðkÀ1Þ ð23Þ^yðkþ3Þ¼f½^yðkþ2Þ,^yðkþ1Þ,yðkÞ^ð24ÞFig.4.Structure of OIF Elman neural network.Fig.5.Air temperature variation with time.L.Jinyang,M.Xiaofeng/Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence26(2013)1237–12451241The recursive multi-step-ahead prediction expression can be written:^yðkþj9kÞ¼f½^yðkþjÀ1Þ,^yðkþjÀ2Þ,^yðkþjÀ3Þ¼g½yðkÞ,yðkÀ1Þ,yðkÀ2Þ ðj Z3Þð25Þwhere^yðkþj9kÞis the process output at time-step kþj predicted at time-step k.In this process,the predictive output^yðkþi9kÞði¼1ÁÁÁjÀ1Þand input values uðkþiÞði¼1ÁÁÁjÀ1Þare used.Here,uðkþiÞ¼uðkÞði¼1ÁÁÁjÀ1Þ.Obviously,the future output at time-step k and before k can be substituted with the real system output ^yðkþiÀjÞ¼yðkþiÀjÞðiÀj r0Þ.4.4.Self-tuning PID decoupling control based on modified OIF Elman modelThe digital incremental PID control algorithm is used in this paper,which is described as:u iðkÞ¼u iðkÀ1Þþk pi x ið1Þþk ii x ið2Þþk di x ið3Þð26Þwherex ið1Þ¼1NX Nj¼1e iðkþjÞÀe iðkþjÀ1ÞÂÃð27Þx ið2Þ¼1X Nj¼1e iðkþjÞð28Þx ið3Þ¼1NX Nj¼1e iðkþjÞÀ2e iðkþjÀ1Þþe iðkþjÀ2ÞÂÃð29Þwhere e i(kþj)¼r i(k)Ày i(kþj9k),N is called the prediction horizon, r m(kþj)is the reference trajectory at time-step kþj,y m(kþj9k)is the process output at time-step kþj predicted at time-step k,r i(k) is the system set point at time-step k.k pi,k ii and k di are, respectively the proportional,integral and differential coefficient.Since the time delays are uncertain and variable to some degree,thus,it is unreliable to determine the control actions based on output prediction for a specific point of time in the future.As a result,predictions contain a series of future time instants about a target point given by the time delay values used. The control actions are determined from the average of the series of predictions.This approach improves the control robustness against inaccuracies and variations in the time delays.Define the cost function J i as follows:J i¼½e iðkÞ 2=2¼½r iðkÞÀy iðkÞ 2=2o eð30ÞIn this research,e is selected as0.0036.According to the steepest Descent method,k pi,k ii and k di are regulated as the following:k piðkÞ¼k piðkÀ1ÞÀZ p@J i@k pi¼k piðkÀ1ÞþZ p e iðkÞ@y i@u ix ið1Þð31Þk iiðkÞ¼k iiðkÀ1ÞÀZ i @J i@k ii¼k iiðkÀ1ÞþZ i e iðkÞ@y i@u ix ið2Þð32Þk diðkÞ¼k diðkÀ1ÞÀZ d@J i@k di¼k diðkÀ1ÞþZ d e iðkÞ@y i@u ix ið3Þð33Þwhere Z p,Z i and Z d are,respectively,the proportional,integral and differential learning rate,which are Z p¼0.09,Z i¼0.25,and Z d¼0.15in this research.q y i/q u i is the Jacobian information of the controlled object,which can be acquired from the above modified OIF Elman identification results,namely,q y i/q u i E q ym i/q u i.5.Experimental resultsA set of240experimental data which is collected from the real DAFDV system is applied to simulation experiment.Before the simulation experiment,the determination to the number of hidden node and IPSO parameters is a key problem,which is directly associated with the performance of the identification model by the modified OIF Elman neural network.In this research,the number of hidden node is given as2rþ1according to Kolmogorov theorem,where r is the number of input variables. There are two inputs(opening percentage of the control valve V2, heater supplying voltage U or the speed of P1n).Thus,5hidden nodes are calculated for the modified OIF Elman neural network. The IPSO algorithm is used to optimize the weights of the OIF Elman neural network and thus each particle contains 2Â5þ5Â2þ5Â5þ2Â5parameters.The parameters of IPSO are chosen as follows:acceleration coefficients c1and c2are 1.496,maximum iteration number i max is250,swarm population N is30,maximum inertia factor o max is0.9,minimum inertia factor o min is0.1,and step size of the inertia factor D o is0.05.By running the program,the optimal weights(within a specific operating range)of the OIF Elman neural network are acquired. After testing of the identification and control algorithms via computer simulations,to validate the practical running effect, the self-tuning,predictive,PID decoupling temperature regulator is implemented,tuned and tested on the real experiment device of the DAFDV system,as shown in Fig.6(the upstream vacuum chamber and the downstream vacuum chamber are in parallel and the whole experimental device is large.Due to the limit of room,it is difficult to take a whole photograph of the whole experimental device.Considering structural similarity of the two vacuum chambers,the experimental device shown in Fig.6is only a downstream chamber.).The control cycle of DAFDV system is0.1s.The control objectives to the DAFDV system are as follows:(1) the disturbances between the upstream and the downstream air temperatures are as small as possible;(2)the overshoots of the two temperatures are less than2%;(3)the control precisions are 0.081C for the two temperatures and the settling time of the DAFDV system is as short aspossible.Fig.6.Experimental device.L.Jinyang,M.Xiaofeng/Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence26(2013)1237–1245 1242。
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Design and Practice of Blended Teaching in SmartClassroom EnvironmentLing Feng*, Xia Wang, Fang Li, Xiqiang DuanCollege of Information Science and Technology, Taishan University, Taian, China*Correspondingauthor:****************.cn************************************************AbstractOnline and offline blended teaching is the mainstream teaching mode of current classroom teaching. The emergence and application of smart classroom has injected new vitality into blended teaching, which is more convenient for the implementation of blended learning Teaching and the collection and analysis of teaching data. Starting from the concept and model of smart classroom, this paper discusses the design and practice of online and offline blended teaching in the smart classroom environment from the perspectives of teaching mode design and teaching method innovation. The purpose is to help the teacher use smart classroom to improve classroom teaching quality more efficiently and improve students' learning autonomy and enthusiasm.Keywords: Smart Classroom; Blended Teaching; Instructional Design1INTRODUCTIONWith the vigorous development of information technology and the Internet, classroom teaching has also changed from pure offline teaching to online and offline blended teaching. Online and offline blended teaching combines the advantages of traditional offline teaching with the advantages of networked online teaching. Before class, students learn online video materials prerecorded or designated by the teacher to obtain preliminary knowledge and conduct online tests. In the class, according to the students' learning situation, the teacher and students conduct discussion learning on key or confused problems. After class, students finish the homework assigned by the teacher online. Through this teaching method, the teacher plays a leading role in guiding, enlightening and monitoring the teaching process, and fully reflect students' initiative, enthusiasm and creativity as the main body of the learning process, so as to maximize students' learning effect. Smart classroom is a new teaching environment derived from the development of educational informatization. It is a full-automatic system with rich technical equipment, data collection, learning analysis, evaluation and prediction, which provides more possibilities for the teacher' teaching and students' learning. Smart classroom has built an environmental foundation for modern online and offline hybrid learning. In this environment, how to design online and offline blended teaching mode to promote teaching, improve the actual effect of teaching and give full play to the systematicness and comprehensiveness of hybrid learning is an important issue to be discussed.2SMART CLASSROOM2.1Smart classroom conceptSmart classroom is a smart physical space and data space constructed by using the Internet, cloud computing, Internet of things, big data and intelligent technology. It is a new classroom with the functions of context perception and environmental management. It is the high-end form of multimedia and network classroom and the latest form of classroom information construction. Through the smart classroom, we can base on the needs© The Author(s) 2023B. Fox et al. (Eds.): IC-ICAIE 2022, AHCS 9, pp. 7-12, 2023. https:///10.2991/978-94-6463-040-4_3of teaching activities, realize smart teaching management, provide intelligent application services, realize the effective integration of online and offline, optimize the presentation of teaching content, facilitate the acquisition of learning resources, promote classroom interaction, give full play to the main role of students, promote students' independent and personalized learning, and achieve the optimal teaching effect [1].2.2Smart classroom modelHuang Ronghuai and others [2] believe that the "smart" of smart classroom involves the optimized presentation of teaching content, convenient access to learning resources, in-depth interaction of classroom teaching, scene perception and detection, classroom layout and electrical management. It can be summarized into five dimensions: content showing, environment manageable, resources accessible, real-time interactive and situational testing The five dimensions of situational perception, which is abbreviated as "S.M.A.R.T". These five dimensions just reflect the characteristics of smart classroom, which can be called "SMART" conceptual model.Nie Fenghua et al. [1] constructed the "iSmart" model of smart classroom from the perspective of system composition. In this model, the smart classroom is composed of six systems: infrastructure, network sensor, visual management, augmented reality, real-time recording and ubiquitous technology.Two smart classroom models are shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. Two smart classroom models3THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SMART CLASSROOM AND MULTIMEDIA CLASSROOM3.1Different equipment environmentMultimedia classrooms are generally composed of computers, projectors, projection screens, central control systems, audio equipment and other common multimedia equipment. In addition to the projector, screen and audio equipment, other equipment is concentrated in the cabinet next to the classroom podium. All equipment is connected together through the integrated central control. Teachers can open the cabinet through the key or campus card and use multimedia equipment by operating the keys on the central control panel. The computer and central control system of the classroom are connected with the campus network, and semi intelligent management can be realized through the multimedia intelligent management system. The multimedia classroom is equipped with blackboard or whiteboard for class. The desks and chairs adopt fixed or non-fixed forms of ordinary layout. The capacity of the classroom is generally large and can accommodate 80-300 people.Smart classroom mainly relies on emerging network information technologies such as cloud computing and Internet of things, and uses multimedia technologies such as wireless projection technology, multi-screen display technology, automatic recording and broadcasting technology, wireless sensor technology and radio frequency identification technology to realize intelligent teaching function and intelligent management function. Intelligent teaching function includes two subsystems: interactive teaching system and automatic recording and broadcasting system. The intelligent management function includes the intelligent management of personnel attendance, assets and equipment, lighting, doors and windows, air, video monitoring, etc. The main equipment includes smart classroom control terminal, digital audio processor, recording and broadcasting camera, large teaching screen, interactive intelligent tablet, teaching computer, surveillance camera, infrared transponder, positioning analyzer, etc. The smart classroom is equipped with main screen and multi-screen equipment for class. Tables and chairs are in non-fixed form, which can be combined freely, and the layout of the classroom is diversified and flexible; The classroom environment is spacious, comfortable and reasonable, but the capacity is usually small, which can generally accommodate 30-80 people.8Ling Feng et al.3.2Different teaching methodsDue to the setting of teaching environment, the teaching mode of multimedia classroom still continues to use the traditional indoctrination mode, and most of the students' learning methods are traditional and passive.Flexible table and chair layout can be designed in the smart classroom, which can support various teaching modes such as ordinary lecture mode, group discussion mode and academic research mode. The teacher and students can have group discussion, group display and resource sharing. Using wireless projection technology and multi-screen display technology, the information of learners' mobile terminals can be displayed in time to facilitate sharing and communication, so as to truly realize the Student-centered Interactive teaching mode. 4DESIGN OF BLENDED TEACHING IN SMART CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Taking advantage of the characteristics that the intelligent classroom environment can easily obtain teaching resources and realize full interactive teaching, the three-stage teaching mode and multi round incentive teaching method are designed.4.1Three stage teaching modeThe implementation process of the three-stage teaching mode is shown in Figure 2.Figure 2. The implementation of three-stage teaching mode1) Before class: The teacher prepares for teaching and students preview and learn basic knowledge by using the online platform. The teacher carries out teaching design and prepare teaching resources, and use task driven method to mobilize students' learning enthusiasm. The teacher design the corresponding task list according to the teaching content, and refine each knowledge point into one or more executable, easy to operate and specific tasks one by one, so that students can realize the construction of their own knowledge system in the process of completing the task. Relying on the online platform of smart classroom, the teacher release students' preview tasks according to the task list, such as videos that students need to watch, expanded materials to read, topics to discuss, completed tests, etc. According to the tasks, videos, notices and materials released by the teacher online, students independently complete the preview of basic knowledge content, sort out doubts and difficulties, and complete the preview test assigned by the teacher [3].2) In class: The teacher uses online and offline integration to organize classroom teaching. In the process of teaching in the smart classroom, the teacher can synchronize the teaching content to the display terminals in different positions such as the main screen and side screen of the smart classroom, and students can watch the learning classroom content accurately and clearly in any corner of the classroom. In order to enrich the teaching contents, the teacher can display different teaching contents on different display terminals. The teacher can control the teaching content and teaching progress at any position in the classroom through the mobile terminal, and can ask questions and test at any time through the intelligent platform [4].Firstly, the teacher uses the attendance system of smart classroom or the sign in function of smart platform to check in students, and then display the preview test results of students on multiple screens to explain the problems encountered by students. The designed pre-class test is released to test students' mastery of preview knowledge and problem explanation. For the problems that some students make mistakes, select 2-3 students to explain through the election mode of the smart platform. For the problems that most students make mistakes, students will discuss in groups and display the discussion results on different display terminals. The teacher and students complete the answers and doubts of questions through comparison and comment on the results and realize students' mutual learning and common progress at the same time.Design and Practice of Blended (9)Through the two tests, the teacher can understand the inquiry situation of students' learning and select the key and difficult points and the places where there are problems according to the teaching objectives and answers, so as to further help students master the knowledge points that they do not understand deeply and vaguely, and also help the mastered students consolidate and review the relevant contents. After explaining the key and difficult points of knowledge, the teacher will show the inquiry questions related to real life in the form of animation or video. Students are divided into groups for research and discussion, and present solutions to multiple screen terminals. Then the teacher comments on the results of the students' discussion, and the students also comment on each other to obtain the final solution, so as to exercise the students' ability to analyze and solve problems.In the process of teaching, the teacher can use the intelligent platform to conduct classroom tests at any time and view the test results in time. Through the test data analysis results, the teacher can understand students' knowledge mastery and improve teaching progress and teaching behavior at any time.3) After class: The teacher analyzes and summarizes the teaching data and adjusts the teaching strategies, and the students review and preview for the next class. The video of the complete teaching process recorded by the recording and broadcasting system in the smart classroom is automatically uploaded to the teaching on-demand platform. Students can independently review on-demand. The teacher can watch the video to find the highlights and deficiencies in teaching and see the students' reactions in class, so as to lay a foundation for adjusting teaching strategies. In addition, teachers can assign homework on the smart platform and check the completion of students.4.2Integrate multiple teaching methodsThe integration and innovation form of various teaching methods is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. Integrate multiple teaching methodsThe teacher makes full use of the activities such as "selecting", "answering", "voting", "Questionnaire", "discussion" and "in class test" of the intelligent platform or learning link to carry out two-way interactive teaching, activate the offline classroom and realize the two-way interaction between teachers and students. Through this method, the teacher turns the dull classroom into an active classroom and use online data to clearly show the students' mastery, so as to realize the requirements of "leaving traces in the learning process" and "analyzing learning data".The teacher design the teaching process and implement multiple rounds of incentives to break through the bottleneck of students' learning. The first round of motivation is online preview, watching videos and completing tests to master basic knowledge. The second round of incentive is an offline classroom interactive activity. On the basis of online preview and test, combined with teachers' explanation and interactive discussion, students can master important and difficult knowledge, analyze practical problems and master practical application, so as to enhance their interest in learning. The third round of incentive is the online in class test, which completes the clearance test around key and difficult knowledge and practical problems according to the classroom development and online teaching resources. The fourth round of incentive is online homework, which is completed according to online resources and course playback. Through multiple rounds of incentives, students can break through the learning bottleneck. Teachers can master students' learning situation according to data analysis, understand10Ling Feng et al.the differences between students, teach students according to their aptitude, promote the comprehensive and personalized development of students, and finally achieve the teaching goal.In the teaching process, teachers should make full use of a variety of teaching methods, such as case, heuristic, discussion, experience, inquiry, project and so on. For example, taking real-life problems as the teaching introduction, teachers inspire students to carry out group discussion from the perspective of the background and causes of the problems, analyze the knowledge points and ability requirements, and then simulate the solution and implementation of the problems through the combination of experiential practical teaching. Finally, through inquiry discussion and project-based practice, students can master key knowledge and cultivate practical application ability.5CONCLUSIONUsing the rich network resources and intelligent teaching environment of smart classroom, we can build a student-centered blended teaching model. This paper explores the three-stage teaching mode and teaching methods of online and offline integration, which provides some ideas and references for classroom teaching reform in the environment of smart classroom. ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis paper is the research result of the Special Subject of Teaching Science Planning in Tai'an City "Research on the Strategy of Improving the Quality of Multimedia Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools under the Background of" Double Reduction "(Subject No.: TJK202106ZX026).REFERENCES[1]Nie Fenghua, Zhong Xiaoliu, Song Shuqiang.Smart Classroom:Conceptual Features, System Model and Construction Case [J], Modern Educational Technology, 2013.7 (23): 5-8. [2]Huang Ronghuai, Hu Yongbin, Yang Junfeng. XiaoGuangde, Concept and Characteristics of Smart Classroom [J], Research on Open Education, 2012,(2): 22-27.[3]Zhang Han, He Yazhu. 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Research on Blended Learning in SmartClassroom Environment [J], Modern vocational education. 2021, (10):228-229.Design and Practice of Blended (11)Open Access This chapter is licensed under the ter ms of the Cr eative Commons Attr ibution-NonCommer cial 4.0 Inter national License (http://cr eativecommons.or g/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits any noncommer cial use, sharing, adaptation, distr ibution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and indicate if changes were made.The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the chapter s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder.’’12Ling Feng et al.。
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............................................................................................................W.Su and M.-Y.Chow308 Source-to-Wheel(STW)Analysis of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles....S.G.Wirasingha,R.Gremban,and A.Emadi316 Prototype Design and Controller Implementation for a Battery-Ultracapacitor Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Storage System..........................................................................................Z.Amjadi and S.S.Williamson332 PEV Charging Profile Prediction and Analysis Based on Vehicle Usage Data................................................ ......................................................................A.Ashtari,E.Bibeau,S.Shahidinejad,and T.Molinski341 Optimal Scheduling of Vehicle-to-Grid Energy and Ancillary Services..............E.Sortomme and M.A.El-Sharkawi351 Online Estimation of State of Charge in Li-Ion Batteries Using Impulse Response Concept................................ .......................................................................A.H.Ranjbar,A.Banaei,A.Khoobroo,and B.Fahimi360 Load Scheduling and Dispatch for Aggregators of Plug-In Electric Vehicles........D.Wu,D.C.Aliprantis,and L.Ying368 Catenary V oltage Support:Adopting Modern Locomotives With Active Line-Side Converters............................. ........................................................................................B.Bahrani,A.Rufer,and M.Aeberhard377 An Optimized EV Charging Model Considering TOU Price and SOC Curve................................................. ..................................................................Y.Cao,S.Tang,C.Li,P.Zhang,Y.Tan,Z.Zhang,and J.Li388(Contents Continued on page2)(Contents Continued from page1)Spatial and Temporal Model of Electric Vehicle Charging Demand...............................S.Bae and A.Kwasinski394 Study of PEV Charging on Residential Distribution Transformer Life......................................................... ......................................................................Q.Gong,S.Midlam-Mohler,V.Marano,and G.Rizzoni404 Evaluation and Efficiency Comparison of Front End AC-DC Plug-in Hybrid Charger Topologies.......................... .......................................................................F.Musavi,M.Edington,W.Eberle,and W.G.Dunford413 Design of a Novel Wavelet Based Transient Detection Unit for In-Vehicle Fault Determination and Hybrid Energy Storage Utilization.........................................................C.Sen,ama,T.Carciumaru,X.Lu,and N.C.Kar422 Vehicle-to-Aggregator Interaction Game..........................................C.Wu,H.Mohsenian-Rad,and J.Huang434 Optimized Bidding of a EV Aggregation Agent in the Electricity Market..................................................... .....................................................................R.J.Bessa,M.A.Matos,F.J.Soares,and J.A.P.Lopes443 Coordinating Vehicle-to-Grid Services With Energy Trading..............................A.T.Al-Awami and E.Sortomme453 Energy Management Optimization in a Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System............................ ...........................................................................................M.-E.Choi,S.-W.Kim,and S.-W.Seo463 BEVs/PHEVs as Dispersed Energy Storage for V2B Uses in the Smart Grid......C.Pang,P.Dutta,and M.Kezunovic473 An Evaluation of State-of-Charge Limitations and Actuation Signal Energy Content on Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Vehicle-to-Grid Reliability,and Economics...................................C.Quinn,D.Zimmerle,and T.H.Bradley483 Modeling of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charging Demand in Probabilistic Power Flow Calculations................ ............................................................................................................G.Li and X.-P.Zhang492 The Evolution of Plug-In Electric Vehicle-Grid Interactions......................................D.P.Tuttle and R.Baldick500 Methodology to Analyze the Economic Effects of Electric Cars as Energy Storages......................................... ssila,J.Haakana,V.Tikka,and J.Partanen506 An Economic Analysis of Used Electric Vehicle Batteries Integrated Into Commercial Building Microgrids............. .............................................S.Beer,T.Gómez,D.Dallinger,I.Momber,C.Marnay,M.Stadler,and i517 Transport-Based Load Modeling and Sliding Mode Control of Plug-In Electric Vehicles for Robust Renewable Power Tracking............................................................................................S.Bashash and H.K.Fathy526 Intelligent Energy Resource Management Considering Vehicle-to-Grid:A Simulated Annealing Approach.............. ..........................................................................T.Sousa,H.Morais,Z.Vale,P.Faria,and J.Soares535 Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles and Demand Response With Customer Choice........................................ ...............................................................................S.Shao,M.Pipattanasomporn,and S.Rahman543 Analysis of the Filters Installed in the Interconnection Points Between Different Railway Supply Systems............... ......................................................................................................M.Brenna and F.Foiadelli551 Autonomous Distributed V2G(Vehicle-to-Grid)Satisfying Scheduled Charging............................................. ............................................Y.Ota,H.Taniguchi,T.Nakajima,K.M.Liyanage,J.Baba,and A.Yokoyama559 Implementation of Vehicle to Grid Infrastructure Using Fuzzy Logic Controller.........M.Singh,P.Kumar,and I.Kar565。
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一、合成词download onlooker online outdoor(s) outletoutput/input outstanding outlook outline outside/inside overall overcoat overtime overnight oversea(s) overcome overhead overtake overthrow update uprightupset upstairsupside-downup-to-dateupwardsunderstandingundergoundergroundundergraduateunderlineundertakeballpenblackboardbathroombasketballchairmandaytimeearthquakeeyesightfireplacefishermanfootballfootprintframeworkgunpowderhaircuthandbookhandballhandouthandwritingheadacheheadquarterheadmasterhighwaykeyboardlandlordmainlandmasterpiecemeantimenearbynetworkoffspringotherwiseoverallpassportplatformpencilboxpostcardpostmanrailway/roadsalesmanseamansightseeingsnowstormspacecraft/shipsportsmantradesmanviewpointwarehousewaterfallwaterproofwidespreadworldwidewell-known剪截词dorm exam gym fridge photo maths high-tech二、常见词缀:(一)前缀位置:ex-, e-, extra-, over-,out-, under-; in-, im-, inter-, mid-; pre-, sub-, sug-, suf-, sup-, super-, sur-, post-; tele-; trans-; cross-大小多少:uni-, mono-, bi-, tri-, mini-, multi-, kilo-, micro-, macro-; semi-, hemi-; poly-,否定意义:anti-;de-; di-, dif-, dis-;counter-, anti-, contra-; in-, im-, il-, ir-;mis-, mal-; un-; non-, pseudo-,联想:col-, cor-, com-, con-; re-; vice变动词: be-, en/em其他:auto-, self-; bio-; by-, step-; ultra-(二)后缀表示人:-er, -ee, -eer, -or, -ar, -ian, -ent, -ant, -ist, -ese, -ess学科:-ology, -ture, -ics抽象意义----身份,状态,性质-ity, -ship, -hood (加在名词后), -ness (加在形容词后)-th, -ure行为:-ment, -ion, -tion, -ation, -sion, -age, -ance/-ence (加在动词后)形容词后缀:-tive, -ous, ful/-less; able/ible, -ent, -ant; -ory, -ary; -like/ish; -ly; -y; -some; -ward动词后缀: -ize, -fy, -ate, 等三、常见词根及构词pos = put 放置pose, position, expose, exposure, compose, composition, propose,proposal, oppose,opposition, impose, dispose, disposal, prepositiontract = draw 拉,抽,引tractor, attract, attraction, attractive, distract, subtract, contract, abstract, drag, draw, straight, straighten, stretchsec, sequ = follow 跟随second, secondary, sequence, subsequent, consequence, consequentlyvid, vis, vey, vy = see 看visible, vision, visibility, invisible, visual, video, videophone, revise, revision, supervise, supervision, evident, evidence, visitspect=look 看spectator, spectacle, spectacular, prospect, inspect, inspection, expect, expectation, respect, respectable, respectful, respective, respected, suspect, suspicion, specific, despitemob, mov, mot = move动mobile, mobility, mobilize, automobile, motion, motive, motivate, motivation, motor, move, promote, promotion, emote, remote ced, ceed, cess , gress = go, walk 行走precede, proceed, procedure, process, exceed, excess, excessive, succeed, success, successful, succession, successive, successor, access, accessible, progress, congress, regress, aggressiverupt=break破bankrupt, interrupt, corrupt, disrupt, eruptmini, min = small, little 小miniskirt, minimize, minimum, minus, minute, minority, diminishscrib, scrip 写,记,抄describe, description, script, manuscript, prescribe, prescriptiondict, dic = say 言,说diction, dictionary, contradict, dictate, dictation, dictator, predict, prediction, predictable, indicate, verdictmiss, mit = send 投,送,发mission, missile, dismiss, dismissal, transmit, transmission, emit, emission, promise, compromise, committee, commissionport = carry 拿,带,运portable, import, export, transport, report, supportleg, legis 法legal, legalize, illegal, legislate, legislation, legislaturesolu, solv 洗,溶解solution, solve, resolve, resolution, dissolvepress 压impress, impression, express, suppress, depressviv, vit=live活:live, living, lively, survive, livelihood, alive, revive, vivid, vital, vitamin count=number:account, accountant, discount, number, numeral, numerous, innumerableag=act 行动,做:action, exactly, react, interact, transact, radioactive, agent, agenda, agency,fac(t)=make做,作,制造:facility, factory, faculty, affect, defect, infect, perfect, efficient, fiction,artificial, proficiency, feasiblesign=mark记号,信号:remark, signal, signature, design, designate, significance, resigndu, doub, coup=two二:dual, double, doubtful, couple, dubious, duplicate, dualspher=ball球:balloon, ballot, hemisphere, atmospherepopul, publ=people人:popular, public, publicity, republic, publish, republican, population, men, min=mind心灵,精神:mind, remind, mention, mental, comment, memory, memorial, remember, commemoratestruct=build建造:construct, instruct, obstruct, destruction, destroyfund, found=base基础:basement, basis, foundation, profound, fund, refund, fundamental part=divide分,分开:dividend, individual, particle, participate, particular, partner, apart, counterpart, depart, impartial, department, party, apartment, compartmentpend,pens-hang悬挂:dependent, independence, append, appendix, suspend, pensionduc(t)=lead引导:conduct, deduct, misconduct, educate, induce, introduce, produce,reduce,oper=work工作:operate, cooperate, operaven,vent=come来:venture, adventure, avenue, convention, invent, eventually, prevent, intervenevoc,vok=claim呼喊,叫喊,声音:proclaim, reclaim, exclaim, advocate, provoke, vocal, voice,sect=cut切,割:section, segment, intersection, sectorgrat, grac, gree=please高兴,感激:grace, grateful, gratitude, congratulation, agree, agreeable, greet, pleasure, pleasant, disagreevail, val=worth价值:worth, worthy, worthwhile, available, prevail, value, valid, validity, valve, evaluate, equivalentpel, peal, puls=drive驱动:appeal, compel, compulsion, compulsory, propel, pulse, impulse (320)alter改变;aptitude能力;disastrous灾难的;banish放逐; combat 战斗;calculate推算;excavate挖掘;accelerate加速;certify证明; coincide, concur同时发生;circulate循环,流通;declination倾斜,下垂;discord 不和;durability耐久性;equilibrium平衡,均势; diffident缺乏自信的;domain领地; infinity无限性;afflict使苦恼,折磨;formulate构思,规划;fortify, reinforce加强; frigid寒冷的;fuse熔化,融合;geometry几何;congest拥塞,充满;degrade降级,堕落;heredity遗传;hinder阻碍;hydraulics水利学;transit转移;junction连接点;collaborate合作;elapse 流逝; latitude纬度;alleviate减轻; magnify放大;manipulate操纵;submerge/immerse沉没;symmetry对称; eminent杰出的;negligible可以忽略的;notorious臭名昭著的;optimum最佳条件, demography四、有意义的字母组合:st---不动,立:stand, stop, stay, state, station, stable, steady, establish, instance, standard, statistics,statue, stereo, stare, static, stationary, stereotype, still, destination, destine, destiny, stone, stubborn, rest, install, staunch, constant, steel, stiff, obstacle, stale, stall, stain, stick, start, stun, startle, astonish, stupid, stuffy (40)sti----刺,尖:stick, sticky, stimulate, stitch, instinct, sting, stir, (大纲全部)fl----流动:flow, float, flu, flood, influence, fluctuate, fluid, flush, fluent, fleet, flute, flux, flag,fl----闪动的光,植物:flash, flame, flare, flower, flourishfl----空中的动作:fly, flee, flight, flap, flutter, flingflat, flatter, flesh, flavor, flexible,(大纲全部)gl---不动的光/亮:glance, glimpse, glare, glamour, glass, glorious, glory, glow, gloomy, gloss, glittergl, sl----滑动:glide, glove, globe, global, glue (大纲全部)slip, slipper, slippery, slide, slit, slope, sledge, slycr---碎,裂:crack, crash, crisp, crush, crisis, critical, crazy, cracker, crumb-ap----拟声:flap, clap, tap, slap, rap break----crash, clash, smash, splash,-ump—笨重的动作:bump, thump, thumb, stumble, plump, hump, clumsy, dump, lump, slump, plumb,-atter----细碎的动作:batter, chatter, clatter, shatter, scatter,-ash-----猛烈的动作:flash, splash, clash, dash, slash, crash, smash, -are----强烈的光:flare, glare, staresn----鼻子的出气声:sniff, sneeze, snore, snuff, snotspr----传播,洒,喷:spread, sprinkle, spraytw----二:two, between, twilight, twelve, twin, twice, twenty, twinklewr, tw----扭曲,卷绕:wrap, wreck, wreath, wrestle, wrench, wrinkle, wrist, wrong, wretchedsw-----水,洗:swim, sweat, sweater, swan, sweep, swing swift, sway, switch, sword, swarmh---象征沉重:heavy, haste, hurry, heave, hop, hunt, hurli----表示小:mini-, sip, chick, chip, nibble, tiny, slip, slit, dripm----象征低沉声:hum, moan, mumble, murmur, mutterr----:表示粗糙、削利、重浊的声音:grunt, rattle, roar, cry, croak, creak, rumble, crunch, crack, scrape, rip, scream, scratchs, z, sh----象征寂静和蛇等动物嗖艘爬的声音:hiss, brush, silence, rustle, snake, zip, buzz, hush, whisper五、同源词记忆allow---allocateanguish---angerbear---birthbend---bowbind---bound---bond--- bundle---bandbite-----bitterbloom---blossomboom---bombbreak---brakebreed----broodbrim---brinkbroad---breadthburn----brandcatch----capturecurve---circledear---darlingdeem---doomdeep----dipdig----ditchdive---duck—dipdoze---dazedrive---driftdrip---dropdrink---drowndry----draindry----droughtelder---adult example---sample fail---faultfalse---fakefall---fellfly----fleefloat---flow---fleet flow--floodflower---flourish fond---funfreeze----frost---crust fright---afraidfront---frontier garden----yardgild---goldgrass---grazegrief----grieveheal---healthhigh---height--hill hold----handhollow---hole---hell honest---honorhot---heathurry---hurricane join---jointknee---kneellimb---limp, lame lead---loadlean---loanlie----lowliquor----liquidlose----lossstretch---straightstrike---strokestudy----student---studiosweep---swiftswim---swantalk---tale--telltie---tighttip---toptrace---track六、字母转换联想记忆c(k)---g : elect select elect section contactdelegate elegant eligible segment contagiondistinguish intellect neglect fraction actdistinction intelligent negligence fragment agentv----f : believe give grieve relieve five thieve halvebelief gift grief relief fifth thief halfw---v : new ---novel, innovate, renovate, novelty,verb-word: win, victory, victorious, victim, convict, conviction, convince,wine wear wind worth way willing wash warevine vest vent value voyage voluntary lavatory vesselknow-gno: knowledge, acknowledge, note, notice, noticeable, notify, notion, notorious, ignore,ignorance, diagnosis, diagnose, recognize, cognition, science, scientific, science, conscious, conscience, acquaint, acquaintance, log, loq(ue)-speak: logic, dialogue, catalogue, apology, analogy,i----o : knit slit drip chipknot slot drop chop (100)七、音译词记忆aspirin, bake, ballet, bandage, bar, beer, brandy, café, card, chocolate, coffee, calcium, cannon, cartoon, cigar, cocaine, copy, disco, dozen, engine, franc, gallon, gene, golf, guitar, hamburger, hormone, humor, inch, jacket, jazz, jeep, lemon, logic, magic, microphone, miniskirt, modern, motor, mummy, nicotine, nylon, ounce, opium, pass, pence, pudding, radar, rifle, romance, romantic, sandwich, sardine, soda, sofa, shark, tango, tank, tire/tyre, vitamin, whisky (62)八、拟声词记忆bang, bark, boom, bubble, clap, clash, click, cough, crack, giggle, horn, hum, mutter, pat, roar, tick, whisper, whistle, yawn九、顺序颠倒词记忆are---eradeer---reeddoom----moodevil----livegod---dogmeet---teemnot---tonon---nopan---napwar--- rawsaw---wasten---net十、同义记忆大:large, big, great, enormous, huge, tremendous, gigantic, massive, immense, grand, titanic,gross小:small, little, tiny, minute, petite, microscopic, subtle减(数量、程度):decrease, diminish, decline, lessen, reduce, cut down on客观的:objective, impartial, impersonal, unbiased, disinterested错误:disadvantage, defect, short-coming, drawback, fault, mistake, deficiency, weakness, slip,blunder立刻、马上:directly, immediately, presently, promptly, instantly, quickly, abruptly, suddenly, swiftly明显的:obvious, evident, apparent, plain, clear主要的:principal, chief, main, leading, dominant, foremost, prominent, essential热情的:enthusiastic, zealous, earnest, eager, passionate, warm暂时的:transient, temporary, momentary, passing粗鲁的:rude,crude,gross,coarse,rough,wild,reckless不正常的,反常的:deviant,irregular ,unnatural,odd,queer,weird, abnormal使用:use,apply,utilize,employ,avail,exploit, take advantage of, make use of,resort to, adopt积累,堆积:amass,collect,gather,heap,hoard, pile up, build up 恶化,加重,加剧: aggravate, worsen, intensify, deteriorate, weaken 苦恼,痛苦:agony,torture,torment,anguish,suffering,misery,pain,wrench,distress,adversity,hardship获得,得到:attain,obtain,achieve,acquire,gain,secure摇晃:shake, quiver, tremble, vibrate, rock, roll, quake十一、反义记忆establish----abolish, destroy absurd---sensible advance----retreatattach----detach increase----decrease clarify----confusecontract----expand crazy----rational attack---defendgloomy----delightful include---exclude propose---opposelasting---temporary guilty---innocent previous---subsequentnatural----artificial ancient----modern tragedy----comedycomplicate---simplify concentrate---distract dynamic---static十二、归类记忆天文、宇宙:equator, fossil, galaxy, gravity, horizon, meteor, ozone, parallel, planet, satellite, space, star, moon, lunar, comet, sun, solar, Neptune地区、地域、地貌: continent, province, capital, county, basin, valley, desert, plain, plateau, elevation, highland, lowland, latitude, bay, gulf, cape, beach, port, harbor, strait, channel, canal, river, stream, brook, pond, pool, cave, cliff, slope, mountain, hill, forest, woods, jungle, delta, field, lawn, marsh, peninsula, pit,数学:arithmetic,fraction,decimal,function,power,remainder,complement,sequence,tolerance,probability,square root,geometry,plane geometry,parallel,addition,subtraction,multiplication, division,mean,average, axis, center, core, coordinate, curve, vertical, square, triangle, sphere, diameter, radius, dimension, area, cubic, angle, equation, ratio, proportion, cone, pyramid, volume, diamond道路:bypass,sidewalk,pavement,path,trail,lane,passage,route,aisle,overpass,free way,flyover,underpass,zebra crossing箱柜:cabinet,locker,closet,chest,drawer,wardrobe,dresser,cupboard,trunk,safe蔬菜:turnip,carrot,cabbage,onion,cucumber,pepper,garlic,tomato,potato,melon, pumpkin, mushroom, garlic, carrot, bean, pepper, pea, ginger交通工具:ambulance, lorry, automobile, van, truck, fire engine, cable car, sports car, cart, tram, trolley, bus, minibus, coach, shuttle bus, double decker, car, limousine, sedan, cab, taxi, jeep , locomotive, motorcycle, vehicle, steamer, liner机械:turbine,engine,elevator,punch,refrigerator,generator,press,motor,projector,crane,clutch,pulse,pump,tackle气候:hail,mist,haze,smog,fog,frost,dew,typhoon, hurricane, breeze, cyclone, tornado windstorm, sandstorm, freeze, centigrade, temperature, thermometer, rain, snow, shower, drizzle, wind, cloudy, overcast, frigid, temperate, mild, (sub)tropical文艺:rhythm, melody, note, lyric, beat, tempo, rhyme, tune, scale, tone, volume, harmony, chorus, solo, composition, jazz, ballet, dance, sing, opera, instrument, march, music, song, symphony, verse, waltz, playwright, perform, stage, scene, clown, actor, director, line, novel, poem, poetry, prose, essay, literature, episode, story, drama, character, plot, fiction, detective, disc, fable, biography, curtain, drum, organ, horn, violin, pipe, piano, guitar, wind, string, flute, reed, cast, rehearsal 学科:natural science/engineering/medicine/humanities/socialscience/liberal arts: sociology, agriculture, arithmetic, anthropology, aesthetics, accounting, architecture, astronomy, automation, biology, business, commerce, geology, geography, psychology, physiology, genetics, ecology, electronics, engineering, ethics, economy, forestry, geometry, history, mathematics, chemistry, physics, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, surgery, mechanics, optics, photography, logic, diplomacy, administration, management, literature, linguistics, philosophy, poetry, Portuguese, Spanish, finance, religion, politics, zoology, journalism,statistics, gymnastics, public relations, human resources, nutritional science, marketing, biochemistry, telecommunication等职业/身份:accountant, attorney, amateur, ambassador, announcer, associate, astronaut, astronomer, athlete, attendant, (auto)biographer, consultant, coach, cameraman, candidate, journalist, librarian, colleague/associate, cashier, conductor, dealer, agent, diplomat, executive, fireman, mechanic, merchant, spectator, physician, surgeon, dentist, spokesman, sponsor, principal, retailer, stewardess, technician, receptionist, volunteer, undergraduate, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, undergraduate, bachelor, master, postgraduate学校生活:freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior, undergraduate, postgraduate, semester, academic year, credit, tuition, specialty/discipline, major, minor, seminar, lecture, tutorial, enroll in/register/take a course, essay, assignment, term paper, research/course paper, thesis, defend one’s thesis, graduation field work毕业实习, graduation project毕业设计,commencement/graduation ceremony毕业典礼,certificate, diploma, degree, grant, scholarship, fellowship, assistantship, degree requirement, Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctor’s degree, course load, department, faculty members, professor, assistant/associate professor, instructor/lecturer, dean, president, dormitory, librarian, disciplines, pre-sessional, prerequisite, selective/elective/optional/required/compulsory, make-up exam, curriculum, School of Economics, graduate school, advisor, supervisor, tutor, part-time job, lecture hall, auditorium, gymnasium/gym, office hours办公时间, orientation program熟悉/认识环境爱好、体育运动:track: jogging, dash, race, relay, marathon, power-walking, hurdlesfield: discus, javelin, shot put, high/long jump, pole vaultingindividual/team sports: gymnastics, shooting, weightlifting, bowling, golf, diving, skiing, skating, figure/speed/roller skating, hiking, surfing, wrestling, rock-climbing, sailing, fishingballgames: basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, handball, baseball, cricket, tennis, badminton, ice hockey, water polo十三、词组记忆1. combat, combine, communicate, compare, compete, comply, collide, concern, connect,contact, contradict, contrast, consistent, cooperate, correspond2. supply, furnish, provide, equip3. satisfied, pleased, delighted, angry, furious, annoyed, bored, disgusted, patient, friendly, frank,generous, popular4. take, hand , turn, run, get, go, look, come, win, think, preside, prevail, rule, reignhave control /advantage/authority/influence, superiority, priorityspeak over TV, hear over the air, broadcast over the radio, shout over the loudspeaker5. 1). keep, go, get, carry, wait, look, hold, hang, pass, insist, put, switch, turn,2). remark, comment, touch, dwell, catch3). depend, rely, count, calculate, reckon, fall back on, live,4). try, put, pull, have6. 1). eat, build, tear, use, burn, blow, break, give, hold,2). hang, grow, cover, line, stand, add, bring, dress, warm, set, wrap, pick, put, take, clear, draw,stay, sit, wait, speed, step→quicken7. 1). call, cut, ring, switch, put, turn, call,2). put, give, keep, lay, see, shake, show, set, wear, take8. 1). break, get, look, go,2). run, bump, crash, drive,3). change, turn, transform, convert, talk, argue, frighten, reason, cheat, trick, threaten,9. 1). hand, give; 2). knock, pass; 3). run burn, tire, wear; 4). stick, carry5). put, go, die, wipe;6). check, drop, cross, leave, stay, stand, look, watch, bring, get, break, work, make, figure, turn10. check, break, step, cut, sit, take; pull, draw; call, drop, look; give, hand, send, turn, fall in with搭配归类记忆1. rob sb. fo sth. → deprive, strip, cure, relieve, inform, advise, notify, warn, assure, convince,remind2. praise sb. for sth.→compliment, criticize, punish, scold, condemn, excuse, forgive, pardon,3. tell…from/between…→distinguish, discriminat e, know, differ4. inquire sth. of sb. →expect, demand, ask5. prevent sb. from doing sth. →stop, keep, save, discourage, excuse, restrain, prohibit, inhibit,ban,6. regard sb as…→acknowledge, describe, look down upon, imagine, recognize, refer to, think of, treat, view, accept, impress, strike7. rise, increase confidence, trust key/solution/answer entrance/entryfall, decrease believe, faith reply/response access/admissionambition/need/demand/request/ requirement/wishfamous/noted/distinguished/notorious/remarkable/notable/well-known/c elebrated/outstandingaware/conscious/ignorant innocent/guilty near/close/next distant/far/remotesure/certain/doubtful/suspicious considerate/thought characteristic/typicaldifferent/distinct/diverse prior/previous crazy/mad/enthusiasticeager/anxious/hungry/thirsty surprised/amazed/astonished/shocked/alarmed易错易混词1.与…,contact, concern, contradict, divorce, marry, match, resemble, rival (compete with)2. 向…,challenge, address, approach, benefit, salute3. 在…,address, inhabit (live in), patrol4. 为…,serve, avenge, defend, justify, revenge搭配上易混淆的动词1.accuse…of accuse…of… replace A with B spend…on…charge…with blame…for… substitute B with A invest…in…prohibit…from constitute agree with agree onforbid…to do… consist of agree to agree about2. consist in correspond to deal in increase toconsist of correspond with deal with increase bydwell in result in apply to succeed indwell on result from apply for succeed toask for compare to hear of discriminateask after compare with hear from discriminate against3. operate, consult pay attendoperate on consult with pay for attend to词形词义相近的词和词组considerable /considerate honorable /honorary confident/confidentialhistorical /historic practical /practicable favorite/ favorable/ favored economical/ economic continuous /continual sensitive /sensible/sentimentalcomparative/ comparable successful/successive negligible /neglectful /negligentincredible/incredulous proceed/precede adapt/adopt/adjustefficient/effect healthy/healthful consist/persist/insist/resistdesirable/desirous lay/lie migrate/immigrate/emigrateassure/insure/ensure compose/consist damage/hurt/injureaffect/effect/effort/afford rise/raise/arise/arouse restrict/limitsubstitute/alternative substitute/alternative worth/worthy/worthwhileblank/empty/vacant/hollow memorize/remember/recall/recite/remindlike/likely/alike/likelihood/likeness look/stare/gaze/glance/glimpse/peepnormal/average/ordinary/regular/common scene/view/sight/landscaperespectable /respected /respectful /respective imaginable /imaginative /imaginary /imaginedbefore long for the moment in a moment all at once at a timelong before at the moment for a moment at once at times/at one time十四、同形异义词记忆单数意义:复数意义;politics 政治学政治观点economics 经济学经济状况physics 物理物理现象statistics 统计学统计数字mathematics 数学数学成绩class 班级全班学生committee 委员会全体委员family 家庭家里所有人group/team 组、队所有组员、队员十五、单复数形式不同意义不同词记忆air 空气airs 风度、架势arm 手臂arms 武器art 艺术arts 文科;人文科学authority 权利;权威authorities 官方;当局brain 大脑brains 智利chain 链(条)chains 镣铐compliment 恭维;称赞compliments 问候;致意condition 状况,状态conditions 条件;环境,形势congratulation 祝贺congratulations祝贺词content 内容;容量;满足contents 目录convenience 便利,方便conveniences 便利设备custom 习俗customs 海关damage 损害;毁坏damages 赔偿费finding 发现,发现物findings 调查(研究)结果force 力;力量;势力forces 兵力;军队glass 玻璃glasses 眼镜height 高;高度heights 高地/处humanity 人类;人性humanities 人文科学import 进口;输入imports 进口商品;要旨,含义interest 兴趣;关心;利息interests 利益;利害instruction 指导;指示instructions 用法说明(书);操作指南lesson 功课;课lessons 课程;教训liability 责任;义务liabilities 债务manner 举止;方式manners 礼貌,风度;规矩,风俗mass 大量;团,块masses 群众;质量measure 尺寸,大小measures 措施,办法minute 分钟minutes 会议记录necessity 必要/然性;需要necessities 必需品observation 观察;监视observations 观察资料或报告;言论pain 疼痛pains 努力、辛劳paper 纸papers 文件poll 民意测验polls 政治选举,大选proceeding 行动;进行proceedings 会议记录;学报provision 供应;准备;规定provisions 给养,口粮quarter 四分之一quarters 方向;地区;住处rail 栏杆,围栏rails 铁路;轨道respect 尊敬,尊重respects 敬意,问候ruin 毁灭,崩溃ruins 废墟,遗迹saving 储蓄savings 储蓄金,存款slack 淡季,萧条slacks 便裤,运动裤specification 详述specifications 规格,说明书,规范spirit 精神,气概spirits 情绪,心情;酒精,烈酒sport 运动sports 运动会teaching 教学teachings 教导,学说term 学期,期限terms 条件,条款;术语thing 东西,物things 用品;事态,情况time 时间times 时代ton 吨tons 大量,许多sand 沙子sands 沙滩transaction 处理;交易,事物transactions 会报,学报water 水waters 水域,河道wood 木头woods 树林communication通讯;交流communications交通工具,通讯系统light 光lights 灯virtue 美德virtues 优点work 工作;职业;产品works 著作;工厂,工场。
装备环境工程第20卷第11期·166·EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING2023年11月面向密闭空间内外温度的时序预测模型周俊炎1,王竟成1,舒畅1,黄伦1,张志豪1,张凯2(1.西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039;2.甘肃敦煌大气环境材料腐蚀国家野外科学观测研究站,甘肃 敦煌 736202)摘要:目的研究密闭空间条件下已知外部温度时间序列对内部实时温度的预测推理问题。
关键词:密闭空间;内外温度;时序预测;物理机制;多变量时间序列;长短期记忆网络中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2023)11-0166-11DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2023.11.021Time Series Prediction Model for Internal and ExternalTemperature of Confined SpaceZHOU Jun-yan1, WANG Jing-cheng1, SHU Chang1, HUANG Lun1, ZHANG Zhi-hao1, ZHANG Kai2(1. Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China; 2. Dunhuang Atmospheric MaterialCorrosion Field National Observation and Research Station, Gansu Dunhuang 736202, China)ABSTRACT: Research on the prediction and inference problem of known external temperature time series for internal real-time temperature under confined space conditions. Typical scenarios of internal and external temperature time series prediction in confined spacewere selected, which was abstracted as a multi-variable time series prediction problem, and the correlation and dependence analysis among variables were the key difficulties. By referring to the ideas of feature fusion, attention mechanism and multi-task model, combined with the physical mechanism and data characteristics, and based on the basic network unit of long and short term memory network, the internal and external temperature time series prediction model of confined space was constructed. The data of a certain type of confined space was collected in Wanning, Dunhuang and Mohe, and different model experiments were carried out based on the data sets of the three places. The multi-variable model had better performance than the univariable model, and the attention mechanism did not significantly improve the performance of this scenario. The model structure design combined with the physical mechanism fully considered the correlation and dependence between variables,收稿日期:2023-02-15;修订日期:2023-05-10Received:2023-02-15;Revised:2023-05-10引文格式:周俊炎, 王竟成, 舒畅, 等. 面向密闭空间内外温度的时序预测模型[J]. 装备环境工程, 2023, 20(11): 166-176.ZHOU Jun-yan, WANG Jing-cheng, SHU Chang, et al. Time Series Prediction Model for Internal and External Temperature of Confined Space[J]. Equipment Environmental Engineering, 2023, 20(11): 166-176.第20卷第11期周俊炎,等:面向密闭空间内外温度的时序预测模型·167·which could significantly improve the prediction accuracy. The multi-variable time series prediction model with double input and double output had the highest accuracy and the most stable robustness. It was a relatively optimal model for the prediction of internal and external temperature time series in confined space. The research conclusions can guide the modeling of other en-vironmental characteristics in confined space, and the research ideas can provide references for the correlation and dependency analysis among variables in other multi-variable sequential modeling problems.KEY WORDS: confined space; internal and external temperature; time series prediction; physical mechanism; multi-variable time series; long and short term memory network工业、军事领域中存在大量密闭空间,密闭空间是指与外界相对隔离,进出口受限,自然通风不良,密封式或半密封式的空间。
中文4120字附录A 外文翻译——原文部分Prediction of Al(OH)3 fluidized roastingtemperature based on wavelet neural networkLI Jie(李劼)1, LIU Dai-fei(刘代飞)1, DAI Xue-ru(戴学儒)2, ZOU Zhong(邹忠)1, DINGFeng-qi(丁凤其)11. School of Metallurgical Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083,China;2. Changsha Engineering and Research Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy, Changsha 410011,China Received 24 October 2006; accepted 18 December 2006Abstract(cnki)The recycle fluidization roasting in alumina production was studied and a temperature forecast model was established based on wavelet neural network that had a momentum item and an adjustable learning rate. By analyzing the roasting process, coal gas flux, aluminium hydroxide feeding and oxygen content were ascertained as the main parameters for the forecast model. The order and delay time of each parameter in the model were deduced by F test method. With 400 groups of sample data (sampled with the period of 1.5 min) for its training, a wavelet neural network model was acquired that had a structure of {7211}, i.e., seven nodes in the input layer, twenty-one nodes in the hidden layer and one node in the output layer. Testing on the prediction accuracy of the model shows that as the absolute error ±5.0 ℃is adopted, the single-step prediction accuracy can achieve 90% and within 6 steps the multi-step forecast result of model for temperature is receivable.Key words: wavelet neural networks; aluminum hydroxide; fluidized roasting; roasting temperature; modeling; prediction1 IntroductionIn alumina production, roasting is the last process,in which the attached water is dried, crystal water is removed, and γ-Al2O3 is partly transformed into α-Al2O3.The energy consumption in the roasting process occupies about 10% of the whole energy used up in the alumina production[1] and the productivity of the roasting process directly influences the yield of alumina. As the roasting temperature is the primary factor affecting yield, quality and energy consumption, its control is very important to alumina production. If some suitable forecast model is obtained, temperature can be forecasted precisely and then measures for operation optimization can be adopted.At present, the following three kinds of fluidized roasting technology are widely used in the industry:American flash calcinations, German recycle calcinations and Danish gas suspension calcinations. For all these roasting technologies, most existing roasting temperature models are static models, such as simplematerial and energy computation models based on reaction mechanism[2]; relational equations between process parameters and the yield and the energy consumption based on regression analysis[3]; static models based on mass and energy balance and used for calculation and analysis of the process variables and the structure of every unit in the whole flow and system[4].However, all the static models have shortages in application because they cannot fully describe the characteristics of the multi-variable, non-linear and complex coupling system caused by the solid-gas roasting reactions. In the system, the flow field, the heat field, and the density field are interdependent and inter-restricted. Therefore, a temperature forecast model must have very strong dynamic construction, self-study function and adaptive ability.In this study, a roasting temperature forecast model was established based on artificial neural networks and wavelet analysis. With characteristics of strong fault tolerance, self-study ability, and non-linear mapping ability, neural network models have advantages to solve complex problems concerning inference, recognition, classification and so on. But the forecast accuracy of a neural network relies on the validity of model parameters and the reasonable choice of network architecture. At present, artificial neural networks are widely applied in metallurgy field[5−6]. Wavelet analysis, a timefrequency analysis method for signal, is named as mathematical microscope. It has multi-resolution analysis ability, especially has the ability to analyze local characteristics of a signal in both time and frequency territories. As a time and frequency localization analysis method, wavelet analysis can fix the size of analysis window, but allow the change of the shape of the analysis window. By integrating small wavelet analysis packet, the neural network structure becomes hierarchical and multiresolutional. And with the time frequency localization of wavelet analysis, the networkmodel forecast accuracy can be improved[7−10].2 Wavelet neural network algorithmsIn 1980’s, GROSSMANN and MORLET[11−13]proposed the definition of wavelet of any function f(x)∈L2(R) in a i x+b i affine group as Eqn.(1). In Eqn.(1) and Eqn.(2), the function ψ(x), which has the volatility characteristic[14], is named as Mother-wavelet. The parameters a and b mean the scaling coefficient and the shift coefficient respectively. Wavelet function can be obtained from the affine transformation of Mother-wavelet by scaling a and translating b. Theparameter 1/|a |1/2 is the normalized coefficient, as expressed in Eqn.(3):()][{}a b x x f a b a wf /)(||/1),(2/1-⎰=ψ, a ∈R +, b ∈R (x =−∞−+∞) (1))(0)(+∞--∞==⎰x dx x ψ (2) []{}a b x a x b a /)(/1)(2/1,-=ψψ(3) For a dynamic system, the observation inputs x (t ) and outputs y (t ) are defined as =t x [x(1),x(2)……x(t)],t y =[y(1),y(2)……y(t)] (4)By setting parameter t as the observation time point,the serial observation sample before t is [x t , y t ] and function y (t ), and the forecast output after t , is defined as)(),()(11t v y x g t y t t +=-- (5) If the v(t) value is tiny , function g(xt-1, yt-1) may be regarded as a forecast for function y(t).The relation between input (influence factors) and output (evaluation index) can be described by a BP neural network whose hidden function is Sigmoid type defined as Eqn.(6):)()(x s w x g i ∑=(i=0,……,N ) (6) where g (x ) is the fitting function; w i is the weight coefficient; S is the Sigmoid function; N is the node number.The wavelet neural network integrates wavelet transformation with neural network. By substituting wavelet function for Sigmoid function, the wavelet neural network has a stronger non-linearity approximation ability than BP neural network. The function expressed by wavelet neural network is realized by combining a series of wavelet. The value of y (x ) is approximated with the sum of a set of ψ(x ), as expressed in Eqn.(7):g(x)=∑-]/)[(i i i i a b x w ψ(i=0,……,N) (7) where g (x ) is the fitting function; w i is the weight coefficient; a i is the scaling coefficient; b i is the shift coefficient; N is the node number.The process of wavelet neural network identification is the calculation of parameters w i , a i and b i . With the smallest mean-square deviation energy function for the error evaluation, the optimization rule for computation is that the error approaches the minimum. By making ψ0=1, the smallest mean-square deviation energy function is shown in Eqn.(8). In this formula, K means the number of sample:E=2)]()([21x f x g j j -∑(j=1,……,k ) (8) At present, the following wavelet functions are widely used: Haar wavelet, Shannon wavelet,Mexican-hat wavelet and Morlet wavelet and so on [15].These functions can constitute standard orthogonal basis in L 2(R) by scaling and translating.In this study, a satisfactory result was obtained by applying the wavelet function expressed as Eqns.(9) and (10), which were discussed in Ref .[16].=)(x ψs(x+2)-2s(x)+s(x-2) (9)s(x)=1/(1+xe2 ) (10)3 Roasting temperature forecasting model3.1 Selection of model parametersThe roasting process includes feeding, dehydration, preheating decomposition, roasting and cooling, among which roasting temperature is the crucial operation parameter. When quality is good, low temperature is advantageous to increasing yield and decreasing consumption. The practice indicated that when temperature decreased by 100 ℃, about 3% energy could be saved[17]. There are many factors influencing on roasting, such as humidity, gas fuel quality, the ratio of air to gas fuel, feeding and furnace structure. All these factors are interdependent and inter-restricted.By analyzing the roasting process, coal gas flux,feeding and oxygen content were ascertained as the main parameters of the forecast model. The model structure is shown in Fig.1. As the actual production is a continuous process, a previous operation directly influences the present conditions of the furnace, therefore, when ascertaining the input parameters, the time succession must be taken into consideration. The parameters whose time series model orders must be determined including:temperature, coal gas flux, feeding, and oxygen content.All these parameters except temperature must have their delay time determined.Fig.1 Logic model of aluminium hydroxide roastingThe model orders of the parameters were determined by the F test method[18], which is a general statistical method and is able to compute the remarkabledegree of the variance of the loss function when the model orders of the parameters are changed. While an order increases from n1to n2(n1<n2=, the loss function E(n) decreases from E(n1) to E(n2), as shown in the following equation:t=[(E(n1)-E(n2))/E(n2)][(L-2n2)/2(n2-n1)] (11) where t is in accord with F distribution named as t−F[2(n1−n2), L−2n2].Assigning a confidence value to a, if t≤ta, namely E(n) does not decrease obviously, the order parameter n1is accepted; if t>ta, namely E(n) decreases obviously, n1may not be accepted, the order must be increased and t must be recomputed until n1 is accepted.400 groups of sample data with a sampling period of 1.5 min were used to determine the orders of the model parameters. Through computation, the orders of temperature, coal gas flux, feeding and oxygen content were 3, 2, 1 and 1 respectively, and the delay time of coal gas flux, feeding and oxygen content were 3, 5, 1 respectively. The structure of the wavelet neural network model is shown in Fig.2, and its equation is defined as follows:y(t)=WNN[y(t-1),y(t-2),y(t-3),u1(t-3),u1(t-4),u2(t-5),u3(t-1) (12) where y is the temperature;u1is the coal gas flux; u2is the feeding; u3is the oxygen content; t is the sample time.Fig.2 Structure of wavelet neural network modelThen we can deduce the neural network single-step prediction model:y m(t+1)=WNN1[y(t),y(t-1),y(t-2),u1(t-2),u1(t-3),u2(t-4),u3(t)] (13) And the multi-step prediction model isy m(t+d)=WNN d[y(t+d-1),y(t+d-2),y(t+d-3),u1(t+d-3),u1(t+d-4),u2(t+d-5),u3(t+d-1)] (14) where y m(t+1) is the prediction result for time t+1 with the sample data of time t; d is the prediction step; WNN1is the single-step prediction model; WNN d is the d-step multi-step prediction model. For the input variable in the right of Eqn.(14) [y, u1, u2, u3] whose sample time is remarked as t+d−i(i=1,2,3,4,5), if t+d−i≤t, their input values are real sample values. Whereas, if t+d−i>t, their input values as following y(t+d−i), u1(t+d−i), u2(t+d−i) and u3(t+d−i) are substituted with y m(t+d−i), u1(t), u2(t) and u3(t), respectively. Consequently, the multi-step prediction model for time t can be constructed based on one-step prediction and multi-step recurrent computation.3.2 Set-up of neural network modelAt the end of the 20th century, the approximate representation capability of neural networks had been developed greatly[19−21]. It had been proved that single-hidden-layer forward-feed neural network had the characteristics of arbitrary approximation to any non-linear mapping function. Therefore, a singlehidden-layer neural network was adopted as the temperature forecast model in this work. As the training measure, the gradient decline rule was used, in which weightiness of neural network was modified according to the δ rule. The modeling process included forward computation and error back propagation. In forward computing, the information (neuron) was transmitted from the input layer neural nodes to the output nodes through the hidden neural nodes, with each neuron only influencing the next one. If the expected error in output layer could not be obtained, error back propagation would be adopted and the weightiness of every node of the neural network would be modified. This process was repeated until the given precision was acquired.3.2.1 Network learning algorithmThe number of hidden nodes was determined with the pruning method[22]. At first, a network with its number of hidden nodes much larger than the practical requirement was used; then, according to a performance criterion equation for network, the nodes and their weightiness that had no or little contribution to the performance of the network were trimmed off; finally a suitable network structure could be obtained. In view of existing shortcomings in BP algorithm, such as easily dropping into a local minimum, slow convergence rate, and inferior anti-disturbance ability, the following improved measures were adopted.1) Attached momentum itemThe application of an attached momentum item, whose function equals to a low-frequency filter,considers not only error gradient, but also the change tendency on error curved surface, which allows the change existing in network. Without momentum function,the network may fall into a local minimum. With the use of this method in the error back propagation process, a change value in direct proportion to previous weightiness change is added to present weightiness change, which is used in the calculation of a new weightiness. The weightiness modification rule is described in Eqn.(15),where β (0<β<1= is the momentum coefficient:Δw ij (t+1)=w ij (t )-)]1()([/)(--+∂∂t w t w w t E ij ij ij βη (15)2) Adaptive adjustment of learning rateIn order to improve convergence performance in training process, a method of adaptive adjustment of learning rate was applied. The adjustment criterion was defined as follows: when the new error value becomes bigger than the old one by certain times, the learning rate will be reduced, otherwise, it may be remained invariable.When the new error value becomes smaller than the old one, the learning rate will be increased. This method can keep network learning at proper speed. This strategy is shown in Eqn.(16), in which SSE is the sum of output squared error in the output layer:η(t+1)=1.05η(t) [SSE(t+1)<SSE(t)]η(t+1)=0.70η(t) [SSE(t+1)>SSE(t)] (16) η(t+1)=1.00η(t) [SSE(t+1)=SSE(t)]3.2.2 Results of network predictionTo set up the neural network model, 450 groups of sample data were used, in which 400 groups for training and 50 groups for prediction. When the training loop times reached 22 375, the step-length-alterable training process was finished, with the network learning error E=0.01 and the finally determined structure of the network {7211}, i.e., seven nodes in the input layer, twenty-one nodes in the hidden layer and one node in the output layer. The trained network could accurately express the roasting process and would be applied forforecasting. The prediction results of the wavelet neural network are shown in Figs.3 and 4. Fig.3 indicates the change tendency of prediction error with the change of forecast step, from which it can be seen that with the forecast step increasing, the prediction error becomes bigger. And when the prediction step is lower than 6,namely, within 9 min after the last sample time, the average multi-step forecast error is less than 10 ℃. There is a satisfactory result shown in Fig.4: as an absolute error ±5.0 ℃ is adopted, the single-step prediction accuracy of wavelet neural network can achieve 90%.Furthermore, from Fig.4 it can be seen that the prediction accuracy of 6 steps is worse, but the result of 5 steps is receivable. With the model prediction, the change tendency of the roasting temperature can be forecasted. If the prediction results showing the temperature may become high or low, the roasting operation parameters can be adjusted in advance, by which the roasting energy can be saved.Fig.3Change tendency of multi-step prediction errorFig.4 Result of wavelet neural network prediction4 Conclusions1) By analyzing the sample data, coal gas flux,feeding and oxygen content are ascertained as the main parameters for the temperature forecast model. The model parameter order and delay time are deduced from F test method. Then the wavelet neural network is used to identify the roasting process. The practice application indicates this model is good in roasting temperature forecast.2) According to the process parameters analysis, the model has certain forecast ability. With forecast ability,the model provides a method for system analysis and optimization, which means that when influence factors are suitably altered, the change tendency of the roasting temperature can be analyzed. 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经验模态分解(EMD)[4]基于数据时域局部特征,可将复杂的数据分解成能够反映信号内质的本征模式函数(Intrinsic Mode Functions, IMF),能够更好地处理非平稳性信号,从而被广泛应用于过程控制[5]、建模[6]、医学[7],特别是机械故障诊断[8]领域。
预测点的选取如图 7 所示,一层 4 个、二层1个及三层2个共计7个声学特 征点。由于安装空间结构的原因,扬声 器仅能紧密吊挂。因此选择在两扬声器 的交叠覆盖区域内的测点3来说明扬声 器相互延时对声场特性的影响。
无延时处理时,频率响应在2kHz~ 4kHz高频频段内有梳状滤波现象,但整 体包络趋于平滑。如组图8所示。
MAPP online声场模拟预测软件有 (查看并设定扬声器的相对时延);频率
两个主窗口:声场特性参数设定及预测 响应窗口(查看声场的SIM话筒处的频
显示窗口和 SIM 话筒预测结果显示窗 率响应)。
口,它们集中了MAPP online声场预测 2.3 数据精度
MAPP online的扬声器性能参数在
图 2、图 3)。 3.2.1 中央通道MAPP分析
(见图4);二、使用MSL-- 4和DF-- 4(见
图 5)。通过 MAPP阵列波束覆盖图形的
25 演 艺 设 备 与 科 技
No. 6, 2005 Acc umulat ed No. 12
B&K2807 电源。 扬声器频率响应和相位响应复合数
声场中的某些特性,这对深入分析多音 箱系统的扬声器互扰和对其做尽可能的 改善具有直接的指导意义。
国家大剧院歌剧院扩声系统分为四 个子系统,共计使用Meyer Sound扬声
图2 二层平面图导入MAPP
2 MAPP 简介
Accessories (附 / 配件)Anti-shake (防抖)Aperture(光圈)Aperture priority(光圈优先)Auto bracketing(自动包围)Auto focus (自动对焦)Auto rotation(自动旋转)Background (背景)Backlit (背光的 )背光的主体( backlit subject )Battery grip(电池手托)Built-in flash(内置闪光灯)Composition(构图)Depth of field (DOF) (景深)Digital zoom(数码变焦)SLR (单反相机)DSLR (数码单反相机)Effective pixels (有效像素)Exposure (曝光)Exposure compensation (曝光赔偿)Electromagnetic diaphragm (EMD)电磁光圈External speedlite(外置闪光灯)Film(胶卷,菲林)Filter ( 滤光镜 )Focus (对焦 )对焦环( focusing ring )自动对焦(auto-focusing)Foreground (远景)Full frame ( 全幅 / 全片幅 )Full pressing (全按)Halfway pressing (半按)High key (高调 / 亮调 )Histogram ( 光暗散布图 )Hood (遮光罩 )Image stabilization(成像稳固)Image stabilizer (IS) (成像稳固系统/ 器 ) LCD monitor (液晶显示器)Lens (镜片 / 头)自动对焦镜头(auto-focusing lens)标准镜头(standard lens)标准变焦镜头(standard zoom lens)超广角变焦镜头(ultra wide lens)中距远摄镜头( medium telephoto lens )远摄变焦镜头(telephoto zoom lens) 远摄镜头(telephoto lens)超远摄镜头(super telephoto lens)微距镜头( macro lens)移轴镜头( tilt and shift lens )Light(光)低光 / 暗光( low light )Lighting (用光)Low key(低调 / 暗调)Macro (微距)Manual(手动)Metering(测光)矩阵 / 评估测光( matrix / evaluative metering )中央权重均匀测光( center-weighted average metering )点测光( spot (partial) metering )Noise reduction(减噪)Optical zoom(光学变焦)Photographer (拍照者 / 家)Photography ( 拍照 )文件拍照( documentary photography )艺术拍照( fine art photography )风光拍照( landscape photography )赤身拍照( nude photography )扫街拍照( street photography )肖像拍照 (portrait photography)Picture angle (图像对角)Playback (回放显示) Red-eyereduction (红眼除去)Remote switch(遥控开关)Sensitivity (ISO) (感光度)Sensor (感光器 / 芯片)Setting (设置)Shape (形状 )Sharpening (锐度)Shutter (快门)快门按钮 (shutter button)Shutter priority(快门优先)Shutterspeed (快门速度)Subject (拍摄主体)Subject distance (主体距离)Texture (质地,质感 )Tripod (三脚架 ) Viewfinder(取景器)Ultrasonic Motor (USM)(超声波马达)White balance(白均衡)Wide (广角)Zoom (变焦 )变焦环(zoom ring)相机英文词汇大全(字母序 )AAberration像差Accessory 附件Accessory Shoes 附件插座、热靴Achromatic 消色差的Active 主动的、有源的Acutance 锐度Acute-matte磨砂毛玻璃Adapter适配器Advance system 输片系统AE Lock(AEL) 自动曝光锁定AF(Autofocus) 自动聚焦AF Illuminator AF 照明器AF spotbeam projector AF 照明器Alkaline 碱性Ambient light环境光Amplification factor放大倍率Angle finder弯角取景器Angle of view视角Anti-Red-eye 防红眼Aperture光圈Aperture priority光圈优先APO(APOchromat) 复消色差APZ(Advanced Program zoom) 高级程序变焦Arc 弧形ASA(American Standards Association) 美国标准协会Astigmatism 像散Auto bracket自动包围Auto composition自动构图Auto exposure自动曝光Auto exposure bracketing 自动包围曝光Auto film advance 自动进片Auto flash 自动闪光Auto loading自动装片Auto multi-program自动多程序Auto rewind自动退片Auto wind自动卷片Auto zoom 自动变焦Automatic exposure(AE)自动曝光Automation自动化Auxiliary协助的BBack 机背Back light 逆光、背光Back light compensation 逆光赔偿Background 背景Balance contrast 反差均衡Bar code system 条形码系统Barrel distortion桶形畸变BAse-Stored Image Sensor (BASIS) 基储存影像传感器Battery check 电池检测Battery holder电池手柄Bayonet 卡口Bellows 皮腔Blue filter蓝色滤光镜Body-integral机身一体化Bridge camera 桥梁相机Brightness control亮度控制Built in内置Bulb B 门Button按钮CCable release 快门线Camera 照相机Camera shake 相机颤动Cap 盖子Caption 贺辞、祝辞、字幕Card 卡Cartridges 暗盒Case 机套CCD(Charge Coupled Device) 电荷耦合器件CdS cell 硫化镉元件Center spot 中空滤光镜Center weighted averaging 中央要点加权均匀Chromatic Aberration色差Circle of confusion 弥散圆Close-up 近摄Coated 镀膜Compact camera 袖珍相机Composition构图Compound lens 复合透镜Computer计算机Contact 触点Continuous advance 连续进片Continuous autofocus连续自动聚焦Contrast 反差、对照Convetor 变换器Coreless 无线圈Correction校订Coupler 耦合器Coverage 覆盖范围CPU(Central Processing Unit) 中央办理器Creative expansion card 艺术创作软件卡Cross 交错Curtain 帘幕Customized function用户自选功能DData back 数据机背Data panel 数据面板Dedicated flash 专用闪光灯Definition清楚度Delay 延缓、延时Depth of field景深Depth of field preview景深展望Detection检测Diaphragm 光阑Diffuse 柔光Diffusers 柔光镜DIN (Deutsche Industrische Normen)德国工业标准Diopter屈光度Dispersion 色散Display 显示Distortion畸变Double exposure 两重曝光 Doublering zoom 双环式变焦镜头Dreams filter梦幻滤光镜Drive mode 驱动方式Duration of flash闪光连续时间DX-code DX编码EED(Extra low Dispersion)超低色散Electro selective pattern(ESP) 电子选择模式EOS(Electronic Optical System) 电子光学系统Ergonomic人体工程学EV(Exposure value)曝光值Evaluative metering综合评论测光Expert专家、专业Exposure曝光Exposure adjustment曝光调整Exposure compensation曝光赔偿Exposure memory曝光记忆Exposure mode曝光方式Exposure value(EV)曝光值Extension tube近摄接圈Extension ring近摄接圈External metering外测光Extra wide angle lens超广角镜头Eye-level fixed眼平固定Eye-start眼启动Eyepiece目镜Eyesight correction lenses视力校订镜FField curvature像场曲折Fill in 填补 (式 )Film 胶卷 (片)Film speed 胶卷感光度Film transport输片、过片Filter 滤光镜Finder 取景器First curtain前帘、第一帘幕Fish eye lens 鱼眼镜头Flare 耀斑、眩光Flash 闪光灯、闪光Flash range 闪光范围Flash ready 闪光灯充电完成Flexible program 柔性程序Focal length 焦距Focal plane 焦点平面Focus 焦点Focus area 聚焦地区Focus hold 焦点锁定Focus lock 焦点锁定Focus prediction焦点展望Focus priority焦点优先Focus screen 聚焦屏Focus tracking 焦点追踪Focusing 聚焦、对焦、调焦Focusing stages 聚焦级数Fog filter雾化滤光镜Foreground 远景Frame 张数、帧Freeze 冻结、凝结Fresnel lens 菲涅尔透镜、环状透镜Frontground远景Fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑GGlare 眩光GN(Guide Number) 闪光指数GPD(Gallium Photo Diode) 稼光电二极管Graduated 渐变HHalf frame半幅Halfway 半程Hand grip 手柄High eye point 远视点、高眼点High key 高调Highlight高光、高亮Highlight control高光控制High speed 高速Honeycomb metering蜂巢式测光Horizontal水平Hot shoe 热靴、附件插座Hybrid camera 混淆相机Hyper manual超手动Hyper program超程序Hyperfocal 超焦距IIC(Integrated Circuit)集成电路Illumination angle照明角度Illuminator照明器Image control影像控制Image size lock 影像放大倍率锁定Infinity无穷远、无量远Infra-red(IR) 红外线Instant return瞬回式Integrated集成Intelligence智能化Intelligent power zoom智能化电动变焦Interactive function交互式功能Interchangeable可改换Internal focusing内调焦Interval shooting间隔拍摄ISO(International Standard Association) 国际标准化组织JJIS(Japanese Industrial Standards)日本工业标准LLandscape 景色Latitude宽容度LCD data panel LCD数据面板LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) 液晶显示LED(Light Emitting Diode) 发光二极管Lens 镜头、透镜Lens cap 镜头盖Lens hood 镜头遮光罩Lens release 镜头开释钮Lithium battery锂电池Lock 闭锁、锁定Low key 低调Low light 低亮度、低光LSI(Large Scale Integrated) 大规模集成MMacro微距、巨像Magnification放大倍率Main switch主开关Manual手动Manual exposure手动曝光Manual focusing手动聚焦Matrix metering矩阵式测光Maximum最大Metered manual测光手动Metering测光Micro prism微棱Minimum最小Mirage倒影镜Mirror反光镜Mirror box反光镜箱Mirror lens 折反射镜头Module模块Monitor监督、监督器Monopod独脚架Motor电动机、马达Mount卡口MTF (Modulation Transfer Function 调制传达函数Multi beam多束Multi control多重控制Multi-dimensional多维Multi-exposure多重曝光Multi-image多重影Multi-mode多模式Multi-pattern多区、多分区、多模式Multi-program多程序Multi sensor多传感器、多感光元件Multi spot metering多点测光Multi task多任务NNegative 负片Neutral中性Neutral density filter 中灰密度滤光镜Ni-Cd battery 镍铬 (可充电 )电池OOff camera 离机Off center偏离中心OTF(Off The Film) 偏离胶卷平面One ring zoom 单环式变焦镜头One touch 单环式Orange filter橙色滤光镜Over exposure 曝光过分PPanning 摇拍Panorama 全景Parallel 平行Parallax 平行视差Partial metering局部测光Passive 被动的、无源的Pastels filter 水粉滤光镜PC(Perspective Control) 透视控制Pentaprism 五棱镜Perspective 透视的Phase detection 相位检测Photography 拍照Pincushion distortion枕形畸变Plane of focus 焦点平面Point of view视点Polarizing 偏振、偏光Polarizer 偏振镜Portrait人像、肖像Power 电源、功率、电动Power focus 电动聚焦Power zoom 电动变焦Predictive 展望Predictive focus control展望焦点控制Preflash 预闪Professional 专业的Program 程序Program back 程序机背Program flash 程序闪光Program reset 程序复位Program shift程序偏移Programmed Image Control (PIC) 程序化影像控制QQuartz data back 石英数据机背RRainbows filter彩虹滤光镜Range finder 测距取景器Release priority开释优先Rear curtain 后帘Reciprocity failure倒易律无效Reciprocity Law 倒易律Recompose 从头构图Red eye 红眼Red eye reduction 红眼减少Reflector 反射器、反光板Reflex 反光Remote control terminal快门线插孔Remote cord 遥控线、快门线Resolution 分辨率Reversal films 反转胶片Rewind 退卷Ring flash 环形闪光灯ROM(Read Only Memory)只读储存器Rotating zoom 旋转式变焦镜头RTF(Retractable TTL Flash) 可缩短 TTL 闪光灯SSecond curtain 后帘、第二帘幕Secondary Imaged Registration(SIR) 协助影像重合Segment 段、区Selection 选择Self-timer自拍机Sensitivity 敏捷度Sensitivity range 敏捷度范围Sensor 传感器Separator lens 分别镜片Sepia filter褐色滤光镜Sequence zoom shooting 次序变焦拍摄Sequential shoot次序拍摄Servo autofocus 伺服自动聚焦Setting 设置Shadow 暗影、暗位Shadow control暗影控制Sharpness 清楚度Shift 偏移、挪动Shutter 快门TTL flash meteringShutter curtain快门帘幕Shutter priority快门优先Shutter release 快门开释Shutter speed 快门速度Shutter speed priority 快门速度优先Silhouette 剪影Single frame advance 单张进片Single shot autofocus 单次自动聚焦Skylight filter天光滤光镜Slide film 幻灯胶片Slow speed synchronization 慢速同步SLD(Super Lower Dispersion) 超低色散SLR(Single Lens Reflex)单镜头反光照相机 SMC(Super Multi Coated) 超级多层镀膜Soft focus 柔焦、柔光SP(Super Performance) 超级性能SPC(Silicon Photo Cell) 硅光电池SPD(Silicon Photo Dioxide) 硅光电二极管Speedlight 闪光灯、闪光管Split image 裂像Sport 体育、运动Spot metering点测光Standard 标准Standard lens 标准镜头Starburst 星光镜Stop 档Synchronization 同步TTele converter增距镜、望远变换器Telephoto lens长焦距镜头Trailing-shutter curtain后帘同步Trap focus圈套聚焦Tripod三脚架TS(Tilt and Shift)倾斜及偏移TTL flashTTL闪光TTL闪光测光TTL(Through The Lens)经过镜头、镜后Two touch双环UUD(Ultra-low Dispersion)超低色散Ultra wide超阔、超广Ultrasonic 超声波UV(Ultra-Violet)紫外线Under exposure 曝光不足VVari-colour变色Var-program 变程序Variable speed 变速Vertical 垂直Vertical traverse 纵走式View finder取景器WWarm tone暖色彩Wide angle lens 广角镜头Wide view广角预视、宽区预视Wildlife野生动物Wireless remote无线遥控World time世界时间XX-sync X同-步ZZoom 变焦Zoom lens 变焦镜头Zoom clip 变焦剪裁Zoom effect 变焦成效其余:TTL 镜后测光NTTL 非镜后测光UM 无机内测光,手动测光MM机内测光,但需手动设定AP 光圈优先SP 快门优先PR 程序暴光。
Theory and Practice of Science and Technology2022, VOL. 3, NO. 6, 81-90DOI: 10.47297/taposatWSP2633-456914.20220306Stock Price Forecasting Based on the MDT-CNN-CBAM-GRU Model: An Empirical StudyYangwenyuan DengBusiness School, University of New South Wales, Sydney 1466, AustraliaABSTRACTRecently, more researchers have utilized artificial neural network topredict stock price which has the characteristic of time series. This paperproposes the MDT-CNN-CBAM-GRU to forecast the close price of theshares. Meanwhile, three models are set as comparing experiment. CSI300 index and MA 5 are added as new price factors. The daily historicaldata of China Ping An from 1994 to 2020 is utilized to train, validate andtest models. The results of the experiment prove MDT-CNN-CBAM-GRU isthe optimal and GRU has better performance than LSTM. Thus, MDT-CNN-CBAM-GRU can effectively predict the closing price of one stock whichcould be a reference for investing decision.KEYWORDSStock price; Deep learning; Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU); Multi-directionalDelayed Embedding (MDT); Convolutional Block Attention Module(CBAM)1 IntroductionWith the development of Chinese stock market, investors realize the great significance in stock price prediction [1]. Due to the volatility and complexity of stock market, shares prediction contains multi-dimensional variables and massive time-series data [2]. Traditional methods have several shortages such as inefficiency, subjectivity, and poor integrity of inventory content information. To resolve these shortages, artificial intelligence have been introduced to this area. Machine learning such as deep learning, decision trees and logistic regression have emerged in financial data research [3-5].Deep learning is a new branch of machine learning which transfer the low-level feature to high-level feature to simplify learning task [6]. The CNN-LSTM model is a classic model of the deep learning. It has been widely used in different area due to its better performance and prediction accuracy compared with single models [7-8]. Zhao and Xue prove the CBAM module could improve the performance of CNN-LSTM [9]. Cao et al. innovatively applied the multi-directional delayed embedding (MDT) to transform price factor which contributes to the generalization and time-sensitization of forecasting results [10].Based on the CNN-LSTM model, this paper proposes MDT-CNN-CBAM-GRU model. In this experiment, Jupyter notebook is the program platform, and Keras of TensorFlow is used as the neural framework to build model. The experimental data includes the share price factors of ChinaYangwenyuan Deng 82Ping An 1. This experiment will verify the effectiveness of CBAM module and MDT module. Meanwhile, the performance of GRU is compared with LSTM include the time efficiency and prediction errors. Three evaluation indexes are used to present the prediction results.2 Related WorkRecently, machine learning has become a hot spot in financial areas [11]. Artificial neural network (ANN) has been proved as a feasible tool to forecast complex nonlinear statistics while the time efficiency of neural networks is low [12]. In addition, gradient vanishing and local optimal solution affect the further development of ANN model. Based on ANN, recurrent neural network (RNN) was proposed which would memorize short part information of previous stage [13]. In 2014, gated recurrent unit (GRU) is proposed by Cho et al. as a variant of LSTM [14-15]. LSTM and GRU could address the gradient vanishing issue of RNN.Lecun et al. propose the Convolutional Neural Network in 1988 which is a feedforward neural network to solve time series issues [16-17]. CNN-LSTM is widely used in time financial area and further research have been taken to improve it.The first method to improve model is building more complex models. Wang et al. state the CNN-BiSLSTM model has better forecasting accuracy than CNN-LSTM [18]. Kim T and Kim HY prove that CNN-LSTM model combined with stock price features is more effective [19]. Dai et al. proposed a Dual-path attention mechanism with VT-LSTM which improve the model accuracy [20].Price factors selection and pre-processing is another direction to improve models. Zhang et al. add industry factor as model inputs which contributes to better prediction results [21]. The research of Kang et al. proves the self-attention input contributes smaller prediction error [22]. Yu et al. verified that the amount of training samples affects the effectiveness and accuracy of deep learning models [23].3 MDTThe traditional data processing method for the deep learning is the sliding window method [24]. It divides a time series into multiple consecutive subsequences of length along the time step. The two-dimensional time series matrix will be divided it into multiple fixed-size sub-matrices as the inputs of deep learning.The sliding windows fails to consider the correlations of multidimensional time series. To solve this issue, this paper introduces the multi-directional delayed embedding (MDT) tensor processing technology. Shi et al. combine the MDT method and ARIMA model to prove MDT will improve the accuracy of model [25].MDT method will transform daily stock factor vector x=(x1,x2,…,x n),T∈R n into a Hankel matrix M(x) shown in Figure 1:τ1 China Ping An Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ping An",) was born in Shekou, Shenzhen in 1988. It is the first joint-stock insurance enterprise in China, and has developed into an integrated, close and diversified comprehensive financial service group integrating financial insurance, banking, investment and other financial businesses.Theory and Practice of Science and Technology The MDT operation can be represented by following formula:M τ(x )=fold (n ,τ)(Cx )Function fold (n ,τ):R τ×(n -τ+1)→R τ×(n -τ+1)is a folding operator that converts vectors into a matrix. Set the Hankel matrix M τ(x )=(v 1,v 2,…v n -τ+1), where v i represents the number i column vector of the Hankel matrix:vi =(xi ,xi +1,…xτ)T 4 CNN-CBAM-GRU(1) CNNCNN is widely used in time series data prediction because of its good performance and time saving. CNN includes pooling layers which transform the data to reduce the feature dimension:l t =tanh (x t *k t +b t )Where l t represent the output of after convolution neural network, x t represents the input vector, k t represents the weight of the convolution kernel, b t is the convolution kernel bias, and tanh is the activation function.(2) CBAMSanghyun et al. introduce the Convolutional Block Attention Module in 2018 which is a simple and effective module which has been widely used in CNN model [26]. The overview of CBAM is presented in Figure 2:The technological process can be concluded as:F 1=Mc (F )⊗F ,F 2=Ms (F 1)⊗F 1,F represents the input which is intermediate feature map F ∈R C ×H ×W . Mc ∈R C ×1×1is a 1D channel attention map and Ms ∈R 1×H ×W is a 2D spatial attention map. ⊗ is the element-wise multiplication which broadcasts the attention values.Channel attention module compress the spatial feature dimension of the input by utilizing the Figure 1 The transformed Hankel matrixFigure 2 The schematic diagram of CBAM 83Yangwenyuan Deng Avg Pooling and Max Pooling at the same time:Mc (F )=σ(MLP (AvgPool (F ))+MLP (MaxPool (F )))=σ(W 1(W 0(F c avg )))+W 1(W 0(F ))Where W 0∈R cr ×c ,W 1∈r cr ×c . the Spatial Attention Module address the issue of where the efficient information area is by aggregating two pooling operations to generate two 2D maps:Mc (F )=σ(f 7×7([AvgPool (F )]))MLP (MaxPool (F ))=σ(f 7×7[F s avg ,F s max ])(3) GRUGRU merge input gate and forget gat into an update gate to improve the efficiency of training while maintain the model accuracy [27]. GRU has two gate structure which respectively are update gate and reset gate. The overview of GRU is presented in Figure 3:1) r t represent the reset gate which controls the amount of the information needed to be forgotten in previous hidden layer h t -1.2) The update gate Z t control the extent to which the information of previous status is brought into current status h ~t .3) W is the weight matrix, b is the bias vector, [h t -1,x t ] represents the connection of the two vectors. σ and tanh are the sigmoid or hyperbolic tangent functions.The process of GRU could be summarized as follow:Z t =σ(W z ⋅h t -1+W z ⋅x t ),rt =σ(W r ⋅ht -1+W r ⋅x t ),h ~t =tanh (W h ~⋅(r t ⊙h t -1)+W h ~⋅x t ),h t =(1-Z t )⊙h t -1+Z t ⊙h t Where ⋅ represents matrix multiplication, and ⊙ represents matrix corresponding elementmultiplication.Figure 3 Gated Recurrent Unit 84Theory and Practice of Science and Technology (4) CNN-CBAM-GRU training and prediction process1) Standardized inputs: Before the MDT process, data of each column have been processed with Z-score normalization:z i =x i -μσ2) Where μ is the mean, σ is the standard deviation. Then, the normalized data will be transferred to Hankel matrices by MDT.3) Network Initialization: initialize the weights and biases of CNN-CBAM-GRU layers.4) CNN layers: through CNN layers, the key features of Hankel matrices are drawn as the input for later layers.5) CBAM module: The CBAM module will further process the features.6) GRU layers: the processed data are used by GRU to predict the close price.7) Output layer: full connection layers utilize the outputs of GRU to calculate the weight of model.8) Prediction result test and circulation: Judge whether the validation loss reduce after training. Return to step 3 until finish all epochs.9) Saving the best model: If validation loss of this epoch is smaller than the previous stored one, save current model as the best model in the experiment folder.10) Load the best model: load the model structure and weight.11) Prediction and denormalization: utilize the weight of best model to predict the test set close price. The prediction result will be denormalized and compared with true value.12) Experiment result: visualize the result and present the evaluation index results.5 Experiments(1) Experimental EnvironmentA notebook computer, equipped with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6G and Intel 8750H, implements all experiments. Python 3.9 is the programming language. Anaconda with Jupyter notebook is used as the program platform and Keras built in TensorFlow package construct the neuralnetworkFigure 4 The process of model 85Yangwenyuan Deng structure.(2) Experimental DataChina Ping An price factors is used as experimental data and the close price is the forecasting target. The experimental data contain 6000-day price data from 1994 to 2020 downloaded from the Baostock. Total data is divided into 3 parts: 80% for train set and 10% for both validation set and test set. This paper innovatively takes the CSI 300 index and moving average 5 as price factors. There is total 11 parameters to forecast the close price which is presented in Table 1:(3) Model ImplementationEvery model will independently run for 15 times to find the optimal weights. This paper chooses three evaluation indexes, respectively root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and R-square (R2) to evaluate the performance of different models. The formulas of them are calculated as follows:MAE =1n i =1n ||||||y ^i-y i ,RMSE =R 2=1-(∑i =1n (y ^i -y i )2)/n (∑i =1n ()y ^i -y i 2)/n ,Where y ^i represent the prediction value of models and y i is the true value. The closer value of MAE and RMSE to 0 indicates the better performance of model. The close value of R 2 to 1 represent the higher accuracy of model.(4) Implementation of MDT-CNN-CBAM-GRUThe pre-setting parameters of MDT-CNN-CBAM-GRU model are listed in Table 2.6 ResultsThe visual results are presented in Figure 5 to Figure 8. Where the orange line with * represent the prediction value of close price and the blue line represent the true value of close price.The evaluation index results of models are presented in Table 3:The average time for each step training is shown in Table 4:Table 1 Stock price factorsDate94-07Amount 1.165176e+07Volume 1385000Turn 0.51547Index 3.84893Open 0.41541PeTTM 12.58321PbMRQ 2.855036PctChg 3.026634Ma50.410159High 0.422353Low 0.42185886Theory and Practice of Science and TechnologyTable 2 Model parametersParametersConvolution layer filters Convolution layer kernel_size Convolution layer activation function MaxPooling2D pool_sizePooling layer paddingPooling layer activation function Dropout layersCBAM_attention reduce axisGRU layerskernel_regularizerNumber of hidden units in GRU layer 1 Number of hidden units in GRU layer 2 GRU layer activation function Dense layers kernel_initializer Dropout layers 2Learning rateTime_stepLoss functionBatch_sizeOptimizerEpochsValue643Relu2SameRelu0.232L2(0.01)12864Relu Random normal0.250.0011Mean square error64Adam200Figure 5 The prediction of CNN-LSTM8788Yangwenyuan Deng ArrayThe prediction of MDT-CNN-GRUFigure 6 The prediction of MDT-CNN-LSTMFigure 7 Theory and Practice of Science and Technology 7 ConclusionThe MDT-CNN-CBAM-GRU proposed has the optimal forecasting accuracy and satisfied time efficiency, which could provide reference for investors investing in share market.Compared with LSTM, GRU has better prediction accuracy and faster speed. However, here are some details to be improved in further research:(1) If time is enough, 30-time independent training for each model will be a better choice.(2) In further research, more experiment of GRU need to be conducted as the GRU has better performance compared with LSTM.(3) The generalization of models needs to be tested in future research by predicting different financial product such as funds, options and other stocks.About the AuthorYangwenyuan Deng, Master of Commerce in Finance of University of New South Wales, and his research field is Finance & Machine Learning.References[1] Meng, S., Fang, H. & Yu, D. (2020). Fractal characteristics, multiple bubbles, and jump anomalies in the Chinese stock market. Complexity, 2020: 7176598.[2] ABU-MOSTAFA, YS. & ATIYA, AF. (1996). Introduction to financial forecasting. Applied intelligence, 6: 205-213.[3] Huang, QP ., Zhou, X., Wei, Y & Gan, JY. (2015). Application of SVM and neural network model in the stock prediction research. 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Information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><P>TASK STATES:1 RESET status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: RESETLine: 1 Program: RESET Type: TP2 STHICHNG status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: STHICHNGLine: 128 Program: STHICHNG Type: PC 3 PNLINST status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: PNLINSTLine: 223 Program: PNLINST Type: PC 4 PSCOLD status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: PSCOLDLine: 93 Program: PSCOLD Type: PC 5 SYRSRUTL status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: SYRSRUTLLine: 63 Program: SYRSRUTL Type: PC 6 SVGNCH status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: SVGNCHLine: 287 Program: SVGNCH Type: PC 7 SGDIAINI status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: SGDIAINILine: 204 Program: SGDIAINI Type: PC 8 ATSHELL RUNNING @ 1055 in ATSHELL of ATSHELL****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: ATSHELLLine: 1055 Program: ATSHELL Type: PC9 LOADCELL status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: PBCORELine: 0 Program: PBCORE Type: 010 MHGRSHLL RUNNING @ 1213 in MHGRSHLL of MHGRSHLL****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: MHGRSHLLLine: 1213 Program: MHGRSHLL Type: PC 11 SWAXTSK1 RUNNING @ 758 in PROCESSAMR of SWAXTCMN****** History Data ******Routine depth: 1 Routine: PROCESSAMRLine: 758 Program: SWAXTCMN Type: PCRoutine depth: 0 Routine: SWAXTSK1Line: 172 Program: SWAXTSK1 Type: PC12 SWAXTSK2 RUNNING @ 758 in PROCESSAMR of SWAXTCMN****** History Data ******Routine depth: 1 Routine: PROCESSAMRLine: 758 Program: SWAXTCMN Type: PCRoutine depth: 0 Routine: SWAXTSK2Line: 120 Program: SWAXTSK2 Type: PC13 SLCUSTOM RUNNING @ 1647 in SLCUSTOM of SLCUSTOM****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: SLCUSTOMLine: 1647 Program: SLCUSTOM Type: PC 14 SWIMSET status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: SWIMSETLine: 348 Program: SWIMSET Type: PC</PRE><H2><A NAME="4">I/O status information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP"></A><P>IO STATUS::DIN【1】OFFDIN【2】OFFDIN【3】OFFDIN【4】OFFDIN【5】OFF UPPER TIP RESETDIN【6】OFF LOWER TIP RESETDIN【7】OFF TEST RUNDIN【8】OFF TIP CHANGE COMPLETEDIN【9】OFFDIN【10】OFFDIN【11】OFF DRESS_1 COMPLETEDIN【12】OFF DRESS_2 COMPLETEDIN【13】OFF DRESS_1 ADV.LSDIN【14】OFF DRESS_2 ADV.LSDIN【15】OFF DRESS_1 RET.LSDIN【16】OFF DRESS_2 RET.LSDIN【17】OFFDIN【18】OFFDIN【19】OFF TC1 5STEP 1DIN【20】OFF TC1 5STEP 2DIN【21】OFF TC1 5STEP 3DIN【22】OFF TC1 5STEP 4DIN【23】OFF TC2 5STEP 1DIN【24】OFF TC2 5STEP 2DIN【25】OFF TC2 5STEP 3DIN【26】OFF TC2 5STEP 4DIN【27】OFF POP WELD COMPLETE DIN【28】OFFDIN【29】OFFDIN【30】OFFDIN【31】OFF GUN COVER OPENDIN【32】ON GUN COVER CLOSE LS DIN【33】OFF HAND COVER OPENDIN【34】ON HAND COVER CLOSE DIN【35】OFF AHC COVER-3 OPEN LS DIN【36】OFF AHC COVER-3 CLOSE LS DIN【37】OFF AHC COVER-4 OPEN LS DIN【38】OFF AHC COVER-4 CLOSE LS DIN【39】OFF GUN1 2ND ST OPEN LSDIN【40】OFF GUN2 2ND ST OPEN LS DIN【41】OFF CHUCK OPEN CONFIRM DIN【42】ON CHUCK CLOSE CONFIRM DIN【43】ON AHC FACEDIN【44】OFFDIN【45】OFFDIN【46】OFFDIN【47】OFF ROBOT 2ND STARTDIN【48】OFFDIN【49】OFF WELD COMPLETEDIN【50】OFFDIN【51】OFFDIN【52】OFFDIN【53】OFFDIN【54】OFFDIN【55】ON STYLE1DIN【56】OFF STYLE2DIN【57】OFF STYLE4DIN【58】OFF STYLE8DIN【59】OFF STYLE16DIN【60】OFF STYLE32DIN【61】OFF STYLE64DIN【62】OFF STYLE128DIN【63】OFF GUN1 STEADDIN【64】OFF HAND STEADDIN【65】OFF TOOL STEAD 3DIN【66】OFF TOOL STEAD 4DIN【67】OFFDIN【68】OFFDIN【69】OFFDIN【70】OFFDIN【71】OFF Jig Non-int.DIN【72】OFF Shuttle Nnn-int.DIN【73】OFFDIN【74】OFF Weld Enable 1DIN【75】OFF Weld Enable 2DIN【76】ON Robot_G Weld Comp.1 DIN【77】OFFDIN【78】OFFDIN【79】ON Pick Up Ok Feeder DIN【80】OFFDIN【81】OFF Hand Jig Conf.DIN【82】OFF Hand Rock Adv Comp DIN【83】OFF Jig Cover Close Comp.DIN【84】OFF Hand Rock Ret Comp. DIN【85】OFF Jig Cover Open Comp. DIN【86】ON Robct_G I/L1DIN【87】ON Robot_G I/L2DIN【88】OFFDIN【89】OFFDIN【90】OFFDIN【91】OFFDIN【92】OFFDIN【93】OFFDIN【94】OFF Sealer HoldDIN【95】OFFDIN【96】OFFDIN【97】OFFDIN【98】OFFDIN【99】OFFDIN【100】OFFDIN【101】OFFDIN【102】OFFDIN【103】OFFDIN【104】OFFDIN【105】OFFDIN【106】OFF PART IN STATION CONFIRM DIN【107】ON ROBOT AWAY FROM STATION DIN【108】OFFDIN【109】ON GUN IN STATIONDIN【110】OFF HANDKING IN STATIONDIN【113】ON SEALING MATERIAL OKDIN【114】OFF SEALING MATERIAL LACKING DIN【115】OFFDIN【116】OFF HEATING NOT OKDIN【117】OFFDIN【118】OFFDIN【119】OFFDIN【120】OFFDIN【121】OFFDIN【122】OFFDIN【123】OFFDIN【124】OFFDIN【125】OFFDIN【126】OFFDIN【127】OFFDIN【128】OFFDIN【129】OFF Clamp 1 openDIN【130】ON Clamp 1 closed DIN【131】OFF Clamp 2 open DIN【132】ON Clamp 2 closed DIN【133】OFF Clamp 3 open DIN【134】ON Clamp 3 closed DIN【135】OFF Clamp 4 open DIN【136】ON Clamp 4 closed DIN【137】OFF Clamp 5 open DIN【138】ON Clamp 5 closed DIN【139】OFF Clamp 6 open DIN【140】ON Clamp 6 closed DIN【141】OFF _DIN【142】OFF _DIN【143】OFF _DIN【144】OFF _DIN【145】OFF Part present 1 DIN【146】OFF Part present 2 DIN【147】OFFDIN【148】OFFDIN【149】OFF 2-1-ONDIN【150】ON 2-1-OFFDIN【151】OFF 2-2-ONDIN【152】ON 2-2-OFFDIN【153】ON 2-3-OFFDIN【154】ON 2-4-OFFDIN【155】OFFDIN【156】OFFDIN【157】ON 3-1-OFFDIN【158】OFF 3-1-ONDIN【159】ON 3-2-OFFDIN【160】OFF 3-2-ONDOUT【1】OFF ROBOT USER ALARM DOUT【2】OFF STYLE VAERITY FAULT DOUT【3】OFFDOUT【4】OFFDOUT【5】OFF GUN COVER OPEN DOUT【6】OFF GUN COVER CLOSE DOUT【7】OFF HAND COVER OPEN DOUT【8】OFF HAND COVER CLOSE DOUT【9】OFF AHC COVER-3 OPEN DOUT【10】OFF AHC COVER-3 CLOSE DOUT【11】OFF AHC COVER-4 OPEN DOUT【12】OFF AHC COVER-4 CLOSE DOUT【13】OFFDOUT【14】OFF TIP WEAR OVER MOVEDOUT【15】OFF TIP WEAR OVER FIXDOUT【16】OFF TIP CHANGE POSITIONDOUT【17】OFF TC1 GUN FAULT CHECK DOUT【18】OFF TC1 OFF_SET MEASURING DOUT【19】OFFDOUT【20】OFFDOUT【21】OFFDOUT【22】OFFDOUT【23】OFFDOUT【24】OFFDOUT【25】OFFDOUT【26】OFFDOUT【27】OFFDOUT【28】OFFDOUT【29】OFF DRESSOR-1 STARTDOUT【30】OFF DRESSOR-2 STARTDOUT【31】OFF DRESSOR SHIFT1 ADV.SERVO DOUT【32】OFF DRESSOR SHIFT2 ADV.SERVO DOUT【33】OFF POP START1DOUT【34】OFF POP START2DOUT【35】OFF POP START3DOUT【36】OFF POP START4DOUT【37】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 1 DOUT【38】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 2 DOUT【39】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 4 DOUT【40】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 8 DOUT【41】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 16 DOUT【42】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 32 DOUT【43】OFF POP SWING ADV.DOUT【44】OFFDOUT【45】OFF WORK COMPLETEDOUT【46】ON Shuttle Run EnableDOUT【47】OFF 2nd Work Comp.DOUT【48】OFF GUN1 PRESSDOUT【49】OFFDOUT【50】OFFDOUT【51】OFF UNCHUCK POSITION DOUT【52】OFF AHC FaceDOUT【53】OFF CHUCK OPENDOUT【54】ON CHUCK CLOSEDOUT【55】OFF Sealer FaultDOUT【56】OFF Sealer EM.StopDOUT【57】OFF Sealer LowDOUT【58】OFF SEAL AIR PRESS DOUT【59】OFFDOUT【60】OFFDOUT【61】OFF WELD CONDITION 1 DOUT【62】OFF WELD CONDITION 2 DOUT【63】OFF WELD CONDITION 4 DOUT【64】OFF WELD CONDITION 8 DOUT【65】OFF WELD CONDITION16 DOUT【66】OFF WELD CONDITION32 DOUT【67】OFF WELD CONDITION64 DOUT【68】OFF WELD CONDITION128 DOUT【69】ON Jig Non-int.DOUT【70】ON Shuttle Non-int.DOUT【71】OFF Tip Change Run. DOUT【72】OFF Tip Dress Run.DOUT【73】OFFDOUT【74】OFFDOUT【75】OFFDOUT【76】OFFDOUT【77】ON Fdr. Non-int.DOUT【78】OFF Fdr. unload comp. DOUT【79】OFFDOUT【80】OFF Jig Hand ClampDOUT【81】OFF Jig Cover CloseDOUT【82】OFF Jig Hand UnclampDOUT【83】OFF Jig Cover OpenDOUT【84】ON Robot_G I/L1DOUT【85】ON Robot_G I/L2DOUT【86】OFFDOUT【87】OFFDOUT【88】OFFDOUT【89】OFFDOUT【90】OFF SEALING MATERIAL LACKING DOUT【91】OFF SEALING HEATING NOT OK DOUT【92】OFF SEALING GUN OPENDOUT【93】OFFDOUT【94】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【95】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【96】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【97】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【98】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【99】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【100】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【101】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【103】OFFDOUT【104】OFF JIG CLAMP OPEN REQUEST DOUT【105】OFFDOUT【106】OFF PART IN STATIONDOUT【107】OFFDOUT【108】OFFDOUT【113】OFF SEALING STARTDOUT【114】ON SEALING STOPDOUT【115】OFFDOUT【116】OFFDOUT【117】OFFDOUT【118】OFFDOUT【119】OFFDOUT【120】OFFDOUT【121】OFFDOUT【122】OFFDOUT【123】OFFDOUT【124】OFFDOUT【125】OFFDOUT【126】OFFDOUT【127】OFFDOUT【129】OFF SPARE DOUT【130】OFF SPARE DOUT【131】OFF CLAMP_3_ON DOUT【132】ON CLAMP_3_OFF DOUT【133】OFF CLAMP_2_ON DOUT【134】ON CLAMP_2_OFF DOUT【135】OFF CLAMP_1_ON DOUT【136】ON CLAMP_1_OFF DOUT【137】OFF SPARE DOUT【138】OFF SPARE DOUT【139】OFF _DOUT【140】OFF _DOUT【141】OFF _DOUT【142】OFF _DOUT【143】OFF _DOUT【144】OFF _GIN【1】 1 Style No.GOUT【1】0UI【1】ON *IMSTPUI【2】ON *HoldUI【3】ON *SFSPDUI【5】OFF Fault resetUI【6】OFF StartUI【7】OFF HomeUI【8】ON EnableUI【9】OFF RSR1/PNS1 UI【10】OFF RSR2/PNS2 UI【11】OFF RSR3/PNS3 UI【12】OFF RSR4/PNS4 UI【13】OFF RSR5/PNS5 UI【14】OFF RSR6/PNS6 UI【15】OFF RSR7/PNS7 UI【16】OFF RSR8/PNS8 UI【17】OFF PNS strobe UI【18】OFF Prod start UO【1】ON Cmd enabled UO【2】ON System ready UO【3】OFF Prg running UO【4】OFF Prg paused UO【5】OFF Motion held UO【6】OFF FaultUO【7】ON At perchUO【9】OFF Batt alarmUO【10】OFF BusyUO【11】OFF ACK1/SNO1UO【12】OFF ACK2/SNO2UO【13】OFF ACK3/SNO3UO【14】OFF ACK4/SNO4UO【15】OFF ACK5/SNO5UO【16】OFF ACK6/SNO6UO【17】OFF ACK7/SNO7UO【18】OFF ACK8/SNO8UO【19】OFF SNACKUO【20】OFF ReservedSI【1】OFF Fault resetSI【2】ON RemoteSI【3】ON HoldSI【4】OFF User PB#1SI【5】OFF User PB#2SI【6】OFF Cycle startSI【7】OFFSI【8】ON CE/CRselectb0 SI【9】ON CE/CRselectb1SI【11】OFFSI【12】OFFSI【13】OFFSI【14】OFFSI【15】OFFSI【16】ONSO【1】OFF Cycle start SO【2】OFF HoldSO【3】OFF Fault LED SO【4】OFF Batt alarm SO【5】OFF User LED#1 SO【6】ON User LED#2 SO【7】OFF TP enabled SO【8】OFFSO【9】OFFSO【10】OFFSO【11】OFFSO【12】OFFSO【13】OFFSO【14】OFFSO【15】OFFUI【1】ON *IMSTPUI【2】ON *HoldUI【3】ON *SFSPDUI【4】OFF Cycle stopUI【5】OFF Fault resetUI【6】OFF StartUI【7】OFF HomeUI【8】ON EnableUI【9】OFF RSR1/PNS1 UI【10】OFF RSR2/PNS2 UI【11】OFF RSR3/PNS3 UI【12】OFF RSR4/PNS4 UI【13】OFF RSR5/PNS5 UI【14】OFF RSR6/PNS6 UI【15】OFF RSR7/PNS7 UI【16】OFF RSR8/PNS8 UI【17】OFF PNS strobe UI【18】OFF Prod start UO【1】ON Cmd enabled UO【2】ON System ready UO【3】OFF Prg runningUO【4】OFF Prg paused UO【5】OFF Motion held UO【6】OFF FaultUO【7】ON At perchUO【8】OFF TP enabled UO【9】OFF Batt alarm UO【10】OFF BusyUO【11】OFF ACK1/SNO1 UO【12】OFF ACK2/SNO2 UO【13】OFF ACK3/SNO3 UO【14】OFF ACK4/SNO4 UO【15】OFF ACK5/SNO5 UO【16】OFF ACK6/SNO6 UO【17】OFF ACK7/SNO7 UO【18】OFF ACK8/SNO8 UO【19】OFF SNACKUO【20】OFF ReservedRI【1】OFFRI【2】OFFRI【3】OFFRI【4】OFFRI【5】OFFRI【6】OFFRI【7】OFFRI【8】OFFRO【1】OFFRO【2】OFFRO【3】OFFRO【4】OFFRO【5】OFFRO【6】OFFRO【7】OFFRO【8】OFF</PRE><H2><A NAME="5">I/O Configuration Information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><P>IO CONFIGURATION::DIN【5】UPPER TIP RESETDIN【6】LOWER TIP RESETDIN【7】TEST RUNDIN【8】TIP CHANGE COMPLETEDIN 1 - 8 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 19DIN【11】DRESS_1 COMPLETEDIN【12】DRESS_2 COMPLETEDIN【13】DRESS_1 ADV.LSDIN【14】DRESS_2 ADV.LSDIN【15】DRESS_1 RET.LSDIN【16】DRESS_2 RET.LSDIN 9 - 16 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 27 DIN【19】TC1 5STEP 1DIN【20】TC1 5STEP 2DIN【21】TC1 5STEP 3DIN【22】TC1 5STEP 4DIN【23】TC2 5STEP 1DIN【24】TC2 5STEP 2DIN 17 - 24 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 35 DIN【25】TC2 5STEP 3DIN【26】TC2 5STEP 4DIN【27】POP WELD COMPLETEDIN【31】GUN COVER OPENDIN【32】GUN COVER CLOSE LSDIN 25 - 32 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 43 DIN【33】HAND COVER OPENDIN【34】HAND COVER CLOSEDIN【35】AHC COVER-3 OPEN LSDIN【36】AHC COVER-3 CLOSE LSDIN【37】AHC COVER-4 OPEN LSDIN【38】AHC COVER-4 CLOSE LSDIN【39】GUN1 2ND ST OPEN LSDIN【40】GUN2 2ND ST OPEN LSDIN 33 - 40 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 51 DIN【41】CHUCK OPEN CONFIRMDIN【42】CHUCK CLOSE CONFIRMDIN【43】AHC FACEDIN【47】ROBOT 2ND STARTDIN 41 - 48 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 59 DIN【49】WELD COMPLETEDIN【55】STYLE1DIN【56】STYLE2DIN 49 - 56 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 67 DIN【57】STYLE4DIN【58】STYLE8DIN【59】STYLE16DIN【60】STYLE32DIN【61】STYLE64DIN【62】STYLE128DIN【63】GUN1 STEADDIN【64】HAND STEADDIN 57 - 64 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 75 DIN【65】TOOL STEAD 3DIN【66】TOOL STEAD 4DIN【71】Jig Non-int.DIN【72】Shuttle Nnn-int.DIN 65 - 72 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 83 DIN【74】Weld Enable 1DIN【75】Weld Enable 2DIN【76】Robot_G Weld Comp.1DIN【79】Pick Up Ok FeederDIN 73 - 80 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 91 DIN【81】Hand Jig Conf.DIN【82】Hand Rock Adv CompDIN【83】Jig Cover Close Comp.DIN【84】Hand Rock Ret Comp.DIN【85】Jig Cover Open Comp.DIN【86】Robct_G I/L1DIN【87】Robot_G I/L2DIN 81 - 88 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 99 DIN【94】Sealer HoldDIN 89 - 96 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 107DIN【101】DIN【104】DIN 97 - 104 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 115 DIN【106】PART IN STATION CONFIRMDIN【107】ROBOT AWAY FROM STATIONDIN【109】GUN IN STATIONDIN【110】HANDKING IN STATIONDIN 105 - 110 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 123 DIN【113】SEALING MATERIAL OKDIN【114】SEALING MATERIAL LACKINGDIN【116】HEATING NOT OKDIN 113 - 120 RACK: 82 SLOT: 6 PORT: 1 DIN 121 - 128 RACK: 82 SLOT: 6 PORT: 9 DIN【129】Clamp 1 openDIN【130】Clamp 1 closedDIN【131】Clamp 2 openDIN【132】Clamp 2 closedDIN【133】Clamp 3 openDIN【134】Clamp 3 closedDIN【135】Clamp 4 openDIN【136】Clamp 4 closedDIN 129 - 136 RACK: 82 SLOT: 4 PORT: 1DIN【137】Clamp 5 openDIN【138】Clamp 5 closedDIN【139】Clamp 6 openDIN【140】Clamp 6 closedDIN【141】_DIN【142】_DIN【143】_DIN【144】_DIN 137 - 144 RACK: 82 SLOT: 4 PORT: 9 DIN【145】Part present 1DIN【146】Part present 2DIN【149】2-1-ONDIN【150】2-1-OFFDIN【151】2-2-ONDIN【152】2-2-OFFDIN 145 - 152 RACK: 82 SLOT: 5 PORT: 1 DIN【153】2-3-OFFDIN【154】2-4-OFFDIN【157】3-1-OFFDIN【158】3-1-ONDIN【159】3-2-OFFDIN【160】3-2-ONDIN 153 - 160 RACK: 82 SLOT: 5 PORT: 9 DOUT【1】ROBOT USER ALARMDOUT【2】STYLE VAERITY FAULTDOUT【5】GUN COVER OPENDOUT【6】GUN COVER CLOSEDOUT【7】HAND COVER OPENDOUT【8】HAND COVER CLOSEDOUT 1 - 8 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 21 DOUT【9】AHC COVER-3 OPENDOUT【10】AHC COVER-3 CLOSEDOUT【11】AHC COVER-4 OPENDOUT【12】AHC COVER-4 CLOSEDOUT【14】TIP WEAR OVER MOVEDOUT【15】TIP WEAR OVER FIXDOUT【16】TIP CHANGE POSITIONDOUT 9 - 16 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 29 DOUT【17】TC1 GUN FAULT CHECKDOUT【18】TC1 OFF_SET MEASURINGDOUT 17 - 24 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 37 DOUT【29】DRESSOR-1 STARTDOUT【30】DRESSOR-2 STARTDOUT【31】DRESSOR SHIFT1 ADV.SERVODOUT【32】DRESSOR SHIFT2 ADV.SERVODOUT 25 - 32 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 45 DOUT【33】POP START1DOUT【34】POP START2DOUT【35】POP START3DOUT【36】POP START4DOUT【37】POP WELD CONDITION 1DOUT【38】POP WELD CONDITION 2DOUT【39】POP WELD CONDITION 4DOUT【40】POP WELD CONDITION 8DOUT 33 - 40 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 53 DOUT【41】POP WELD CONDITION 16DOUT【42】POP WELD CONDITION 32DOUT【43】POP SWING ADV.DOUT【45】WORK COMPLETEDOUT【46】Shuttle Run EnableDOUT【47】2nd Work Comp.DOUT【48】GUN1 PRESSDOUT 41 - 48 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 61 DOUT【51】UNCHUCK POSITIONDOUT【52】AHC FaceDOUT【53】CHUCK OPENDOUT【55】Sealer FaultDOUT【56】Sealer EM.StopDOUT 49 - 56 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 69 DOUT【57】Sealer LowDOUT【58】SEAL AIR PRESSDOUT【61】WELD CONDITION 1DOUT【62】WELD CONDITION 2DOUT【63】WELD CONDITION 4DOUT【64】WELD CONDITION 8DOUT 57 - 64 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 77 DOUT【65】WELD CONDITION16DOUT【66】WELD CONDITION32DOUT【67】WELD CONDITION64DOUT【68】WELD CONDITION128DOUT【69】Jig Non-int.DOUT【70】Shuttle Non-int.DOUT【71】Tip Change Run.DOUT【72】Tip Dress Run.DOUT 65 - 72 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 85 DOUT【77】Fdr. Non-int.DOUT【78】Fdr. unload comp.DOUT 73 - 80 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 93 DOUT【81】Jig Cover CloseDOUT【82】Jig Hand UnclampDOUT【83】Jig Cover OpenDOUT【84】Robot_G I/L1DOUT【85】Robot_G I/L2DOUT 81 - 88 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 101 DOUT【90】SEALING MATERIAL LACKINGDOUT【91】SEALING HEATING NOT OKDOUT【92】SEALING GUN OPENDOUT【94】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【95】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【96】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT 89 - 96 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 109 DOUT【97】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【98】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【99】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【100】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【101】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【103】DOUT【104】JIG CLAMP OPEN REQUESTDOUT 97 - 104 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 117 DOUT【106】PART IN STATIONDOUT 105 - 108 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 125 DOUT【113】SEALING STARTDOUT【114】SEALING STOPDOUT 113 - 120 RACK: 82 SLOT: 6 PORT: 1 DOUT 121 - 128 RACK: 82 SLOT: 6 PORT: 9 DOUT【129】SPAREDOUT【130】SPAREDOUT【131】CLAMP_3_ONDOUT【132】CLAMP_3_OFFDOUT【133】CLAMP_2_ONDOUT【134】CLAMP_2_OFFDOUT【135】CLAMP_1_ONDOUT【136】CLAMP_1_OFFDOUT 129 - 136 RACK: 82 SLOT: 4 PORT: 1 DOUT【137】SPAREDOUT【138】SPAREDOUT【139】_DOUT【140】_DOUT【141】_DOUT【142】_DOUT【143】_DOUT【144】_DOUT 137 - 144 RACK: 82 SLOT: 4 PORT: 9GIN【1】Style No.GIN 1 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 73 #NUM: 8 GOUT 1 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 81 #NUM: 6 UI【1】*IMSTPUI【2】*HoldUI【3】*SFSPDUI【4】Cycle stopUI【5】Fault resetUI【6】StartUI【7】HomeUI【8】EnableUI 1 - 8 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 1UI【9】RSR1/PNS1UI【10】RSR2/PNS2UI【11】RSR3/PNS3UI【12】RSR4/PNS4UI【13】RSR5/PNS5UI【14】RSR6/PNS6UI【15】RSR7/PNS7。
计算结果表明,k-ω SST 湍流模型具有较高的计算精度,与试验结果吻合较好;S-A模型在前缘吸力面存在压力系数偏小的情况,标准k-ε模型对吸力面的压力系数变化不够灵敏。
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Online multi-step prediction for wind speeds and solar irradiation:Evaluation of prediction errors qYoshito Hirata a ,b ,*,Taiji Yamada c ,Jun Takahashi c ,Kazuyuki Aihara a ,Hideyuki Suzuki a ,baInstitute of Industrial Science,The University of Tokyo,4-6-1Komaba,Meguro,Tokyo 153-8505,Japan bCREST,JST,4-1-8Honcho,Kawaguchi,Saitama 332-0012,Japan cAIHARA Electrical Engineering Co.,Ltd.,2-16-8Hamacho,Funabashi,Chiba 273-0012,Japana r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 12October 2013Accepted 14November 2013Available online xxxKeywords:Online multi-step prediction Time series predictionEstimation of prediction errors Uncertainty quanti fication Wind speeds Solar irradiationa b s t r a c tWe propose a general method for predicting multiple steps ahead of our target system and estimating simultaneously the prediction errors in a real time.The requirement of the proposed method is that we have a time series of the target system.We demonstrate the method by arti ficial data,real wind speed data,and real solar irradiation data.Ó2013The Authors.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionRenewable energy should be installed more to reduce the CO 2emission and overcome the oil depletion.However,if we introduce more renewable energy,the power grid system might be destabilized due to the fluctuations of weather conditions.To keep the power grid system stable even whenwe introduce more renewable energy to the power grid system,we need to predict the outputs of renewable energy and compensate the fluctuations by thermal power plants,hydroelectric power plants,and/or batteries.Identifying the uncer-tainty of future renewable energy outputs is a key to realize such compensations.Although there are many pieces of prediction work relying on numerical weather predictions,there is no method as far as we know that provides multi-step predictions and their uncer-tainty in a real time given a past time series of the target system [1,2].Such a method is necessary when we would like to produce short-term predictions of renewable energy below 2h [3].We propose a method for predicting multi steps ahead of the target system as well as their uncertainties online given a past time series of the target system.Our method realizes such a method by extending our previous work [4],which is an extension of Kwas-niok and Smith [5,6].We demonstrate the proposed method using arti ficial datasets as well as wind speed data and solar irradiation data.2.MethodsIn this paper,we extend our previous work [4]for predicting multi-steps ahead online.Suppose that we can observe s t ˛R and that we predict s ðt 1þp Þfor p ¼1,2,.,P given the observations of s t up to t t 1.We assume that we know already an appropriate set ofdelays for delay coordinates s !ðt Þ¼ðs t ;s t Às ;.;s t Às ðd À1ÞÞ,where s is called a delay and d is the embedding dimension.At the begin-ning of the algorithm,we feed,into the database,the observed values until the database is filled.Here the database has B entries and each entry has (d þP )e dimensional elements,within which d elements correspond to the past and the current parts,and P elements correspond to the future part.(Namely,the database D is the B Â(d þP )matrix.)Thus,we need to observe s t {B þs (d À1)þP }times to start its prediction.After we start the prediction,at each time before we observe s t ,we predict s t þp À1for p ¼1,2,.,P by (1)finding the K nearest neighbors (let n k (t À1)be the time index for the k th nearestq This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works License,which per-mits non-commercial use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author and source are credited.*Corresponding author.Institute of Industrial Science,The University of Tokyo,4-6-1Komaba,Meguro,Tokyo 153-8505,Japan.Tel.:þ81354526697;fax:þ81354526694.E-mail (Y.Hirata).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectRenewable Energyjournal h omepage:w/locate/renene0960-1481/$e see front matter Ó2013The Authors.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.renene.2013.11.034Renewable Energy xxx (2013)1e 5neighbor for k ¼1,2,.,K )to s !ðt À1Þfrom the past and current parts of the database,and (2)letting the ensemble f D ðn k ðt À1Þ;d þp Þ;k ¼1;2;.;K g as probabilistic prediction for p steps ahead.We may use the histogram of the ensemble for constructing the probabilistic prediction.We may use the mean and the standard deviation of the ensemble for evaluating the probabilistic predic-tion.After we observe s t ,we attempt to update the database.For this sake,we use the current database D to predict s t ÀP þp fromðs t ÀP ;s t Às ÀP ;.;s t Às ðd À1ÞÀP Þfor p ¼1,2,.,P .Let b s t ÀP þp be such pre-diction.The prediction error is b s t ÀP þp Às t ÀP þpfor p ¼1,2,.,P .Then,we randomly choose the b th entry of the database and swap the entry with the current data to prepare the temporary database ,namely,i ;j Þ¼D ði ;j Þfor i s b and D ðb ;:Þ¼ðs t ÀP ;s t Às ÀP ;.;s t Às ðd À1ÞÀP ;s t ÀP þ1;s t ÀP þ2;.;s t Þ.Then,wepredict D ðb ;ðd þ1Þ:ðd þP ÞÞfrom D (b ,1:d )using the database temporary database .Letting the prediction s p for p ¼1,2,.,P ,the prediction error is s p ÀD ðb ;d þp Þfor p ¼1,2,.,P .Whens p ÀD ðb ;d þp Þ <j b s t ÀP þp Às t ÀP þp j for more than half of p ˛f 1;2;.;P g ,then we replace the current database D with the temporary database D and go back to the beginning of this paragraph.The difference between the previous work [4]and the current work is that in the current work,we attempt to provide the prob-abilistic prediction while in the previous work [4],we simply pro-vided the mean prediction.3.ExamplesHere,we show some examples.First,we apply the proposed method to two toy models,the Rössler model [7]and the Lorenz model [8],both of which are mathematical models of deterministicchaos.Fig. 2.Prediction errors for prediction by averaging ensembles (red solid line),persistence prediction (green dashed line),and mean prediction (black dotted line),in the case of Rössler model.(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of thisarticle.)Fig.4.The prediction errors for the prediction by taking ensemble average (red solid line),the persistence prediction (green dashed line),and the mean prediction (black dotted line),in the case of Lorenz model.(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of thisarticle.)Fig.1.The upper and lower bounds (red dotted lines)for 96%con fidence intervals for the predicted time series (blue solid line),the Rössler model.Here,steps up to 20steps head are predicted.(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of thisarticle.)Fig.3.Lower and upper bounds (red dashed lines)for 96%con fidence intervals for the predicted time series (blue solid line),the Lorenz model.(For interpretation of the refer-ences to color in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)Y.Hirata et al./Renewable Energy xxx (2013)1e 52The Rössler model [7]is de fined as follows:_x¼Àðy þz Þ;_y ¼x þ0:36y ;_z ¼0:4þz ðx À4:5Þ:We generated a scalar time series containing 10000points by observing x every 0.1unit time.We used 20-dimensional delay coordinates to predict steps up to 20steps ahead.We used 25nearest neighbors to generate 96%con fidence intervals of predic-tion.The size of database was 500.The results are shown in Figs.1and 2.In the most cases,the 96%con fidence intervals contain the real values.The probability that the 96%con fidence intervals contain the actual values is more than 99%for even prediction step up to 20steps ahead.When we calculated the prediction errors between the averages of ensembles and the predicted values,the prediction errors tendedto be smaller than their climate alternatives,namely,the persis-tence prediction,where we let the current value be the prediction for the future,and the mean prediction,where we let the mean of the first half of the given time series be the prediction for the future.It took about 12s to complete the calculation.The Lorenz model [8]is de fined as follows:_x¼10ðx Ày Þ;_y¼Àxz þ28x Ày ;_z ¼xy À83z :We generated a one-dimensional time series containing 10000points by recording x every 0.01unit time.We used 20dimensional delay coordinates to predict steps up to 20steps ahead.We used 25nearest neighbors to construct 96%con fidence intervals.The size of database was500.Fig.5.The upper and lower bounds (red dashed lines)for 96%con fidence intervals of the prediction for the actual value (blue solid line),the real wind data.(For interpre-tation of the references to color in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of thisarticle.)Fig.8.The prediction errors by the prediction by the ensemble average (red solid line),the persistence prediction (green dashed line),the mean prediction (black dotted line),and the prediction using 1day periodicity (black dash-dotted line),the solar irradia-tion case.(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of thisarticle.)Fig.6.The prediction errors for the prediction by taking ensemble averages (red solid line),the persistence prediction (green dashed lines),and the mean prediction (black dotted line).(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of thisarticle.)Fig.7.An example of 92%con fidence intervals (red dash-dotted lines)for predicting the actual value (blue solid line),the solar irradiation case.(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)Y.Hirata et al./Renewable Energy xxx (2013)1e 53The results are shown in Figs.3and 4.The probability that the 96%con fidence interval included the actual value was more than 99.9%for every prediction step.The prediction by taking ensemble averages is better than the persistence and the mean predictions for all the tested prediction steps except for the prediction step of 0.01,where the persistence prediction showed the smaller prediction error.It also took about 12s to finish the calculation.We also tested the proposed method with real datasets.The real datasets we use here are the wind speed data [4,9e 12]and the solar irradiation.The wind speed data were previously used in Refs.[4,9e 12].In these references,we learned that the wind speed has serial dependence and is nonlinear.We used the measurements observed on 1September 2005.The observation lasted for 1day.We took the moving average by using the window of 1s.We used 60-dimensional delay coordinates to predict steps up to 240steps (4min)ahead.We used 25nearest neighbors to generate 96%con fidence intervals for the prediction.We set the database size to 500.The results are shown in Figs.5and 6.The 96%con fidence in-terval contained the actual value at least more than or equal to 98.4%times for all the prediction steps.The prediction by the ensemble average achieved the smaller prediction error than the persistence prediction when the prediction step was more than 70s.It took 1277s to complete the calculation.Therefore,the calculation can be done online.The dataset of the solar irradiation was provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency.We chose the point of Fuchu-Shi,Tokyo,Japan.We extracted the measurements between 2002and 2006.In the measurements,the solar irradiation was recorded as the total length of time the sun lit the ground during a speci fic time window of 10min.Because the observation was made every 10min,we took the moving average over 1h.We used 36dimensional delay co-ordinates to predict steps up to 36steps (1.5days)ahead.We chose 12nearest neighbors to construct 92%con fidence intervals.We set the size of database to2000.Fig.9.The probability that 96%con fidence intervals cover the actual values depending on the size of database,the case of Rösslermodel.Fig.10.The probability that 96%con fidence intervals cover the actual values depending on the size of database,the case of Lorenzmodel.Fig.11.The prediction errors of the ensemble average,depending on the size of database,the case of Rösslermodel.Fig.12.The prediction error of the ensemble average,depending on the size of database,the case of Lorenz model.Y.Hirata et al./Renewable Energy xxx (2013)1e 54The results are shown in Figs.7and 8.The 92%con fidence intervals contained the real values more than or equal to 99.7%of time.Particularly,even if we had a cloudy day,the next sunny day ’s solar irradiation was predicted (Fig.7).The prediction by the ensemble average was better than the persistence prediction,the mean pre-diction,and the prediction using 1day periodicity when the predic-tion step was between 2and 28h (Fig.8).The calculation took 420s.4.DiscussionsWe evaluate the dependence of the proposed method on pa-rameters,namely,the size of database,and the number of nearest neighbors.Here,we use the datasets generated from the Rössler model and the Lorenz model used in Section 3.First,we checked how the probability that the 96%con fidence intervals cover the actual values changes depending on the data-base size.See the results in Figs.9and 10for the examples of the Rössler model and the Lorenz model,respectively.We found that if the size of database is greater than or equal to 500,the probabilitythat 96%con fidence intervals cover the actual values is more than 96%,looking fine.Second,we checked how the prediction error changes depending on the size of database,while fixing the number of nearest neigh-bors.See Figs.11and 12for the examples of the Rössler and the Lorenz models,respectively.We found that the prediction error becomes smaller if the size of database becomes larger.Third,we examined how the prediction error changes depending on the number of neighbors.See Figs.13and 14for the examples of the Rössler and the Lorenz models,respectively.We found that the prediction error gets smaller when we decrease the number of ensembles.Our second and third discussions imply that making the size of neighbors smaller is an important factor for making the prediction error smaller.Therefore,there is a trade off between how fast we can predict the future and how accurately we can predict the future.5.ConclusionsWe have proposed a method for predicting the multi-steps ahead online given a scalar time series of target system.The method also provides the information on how much the prediction is reliable by using 96%or 92%con fidence intervals.The method is an extension of Kwasniok and Smith [5].We demonstrated the method using the arti ficial data and real datasets of wind and solar irradiation.We hope that the proposed method help to introduce more renewable energy into power grid systems.Each parameter of the proposed method should be chosen by considering the trade off between how fast we can predict the future and how accurately we can predict the future.AcknowledgmentsWe thank the Japan Meteorological Agency for providing the solar irradiation dataset used in our study.This research was partially supported by Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST),Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST),and Aihara Innovative Mathematical Modelling Project,the Japa-nese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)through its “Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology (FIRST Program)”,initiated by the Council for Sci-ence and Technology Policy (CSTP).References[1]Giebel G,Brownsword R,Kariniotakis G,Denhard M,Draxl C.The state-of-the-art in short-term prediction of wind power:a literature overview.Speci fic targeted research project,contract no.038692.2nd ed.;January 2011.[2]Porter K,Rogers J.Survey 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