2018届云南省昆明市第一中学高三第五次月考英语试题+听力 word版含答案




昆明第一中学2020届高中新课标高三第五次二轮复习检测理科数学命题:昆一中数学命题小组审题:杨昆华 张宇甜 顾先成 李春宣 王海泉 莫利琴 蔺书琴 张远雄 崔锦 杨耕耘 注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置.2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡的非答题区域均无效.3.非选择题的作答:用黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内.写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效.4.选考题的作答:先把所选题目的题号在答题卡上的指定的位置用2B 铅笔涂黑.答案写在答题卡上对应的答题区域内,写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效.5.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并上交.一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.若复数3(1)z i =-,则z =( ) A.22i -+B.22i --C.22i +D.22i -2.设集合{0,1}A =,集合B 满足{0,1}A B ⋃=,则满足条件的集合B 的个数为( )A.1B.2C.3D.43.《算法统宗》,明代数学家程大位所著,是中国古代数学名著.其中有这样一段记载:“三百七十八里关,初日健步不为难,次日脚痛减一半,六朝才得到其关.”其大意是,有人要去某关口,路程为378里,第一天健步行走,从第二天起,由于脚痛,每天走的路程都为前一天的一半,一共走了六天才到达目的地,则此人第四天走的路程(单位:里)为( ) A.192B.48C.24D.64.某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积是( )A.32π+B.12π+ C.332π+ D.312π+ 5.已知非负整数,x y 满足3290x y +-≤,则x y +的最大值是( ) A.3B.4C.92D.56.某地环保部门召集5家企业的负责人座谈,其中甲企业有2人到会,其余4家企业各有1人到会,会上随机安排3位负责人发言,则发言的3人来自3家不同企业的概率为( ) A.15B.25C.35D.457.下列叙述中正确的是( ) A.函数222()2f x x x =++的最小值是222 B.“04m <”是“210mx mx ++”的充要条件C.若命题2:,10p x R x x ∀∈-+≠,则2000:,10p x R x x ⌝∃∈-+=D.“已知,x y R ∈,若1xy <,则,x y 都不大于1”的逆否命题是真命题8.执行如图所示的程序框图,输出的S =( )A.55B.42C.33D.249.已知12,F F 是双曲线22(0)x y m m -=>的两个焦点,点P 为该双曲线上一点,若12PF PF ⊥,且1223PF PF +=m =( ) A.123D.310.已知1,3,0OA OB OA OB ==⋅=,点C 在AOB ∠内,且30AOC ︒∠=,设(,)OC xOA yOB x y R =+∈,则xy=( ) 3B.3C.33D.311.在三棱锥P ABC -中,2PA PB PC ===,且底面ABC 为正三角形,D 为侧棱PA 的中点,若PC BD ⊥,棱锥P ABC -的四个顶点在球O 的表面上,则球O 的表面积为( ) A.6πB.8πC.12πD.16π12.已知函数22()ln xef x a x x x ⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭在(0,2)上有两个极值点,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A.(1,)eB.22,2e e ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭C.()2,e eD.2,2e e ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.已知随机变量X 服从正态分布()24,,(6)0.78N P X σ<=,则(2)P X =________. 14.函数11()sin cos 2633f x x x ππ⎛⎫⎛⎫=++- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭的最大值为__________. 15.已知数列{}n a 满足1121,2n n a a a n +==+,则na n的最小值为_______. 16.已知P 是双曲线22115y x -=右支上的一点,,M N 分别是圆22(4)9x y ++=和22(4)1x y -+=上的点,则||||PM PN -的最大值是___________.三、解答题:共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.第17~21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第22、23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. (一)必考题:共60分17.(12分)在ABC △中,内角,,A B C 所对的边分别为6,,,cos 3a b c A B C ==. (1)求tan C ;(2)若ABC △2,求b . 18.(12分)某花圃为提高某品种花苗质量,开展技术创新活动,在,A B 实验地分别用甲、乙方法培育该品种花苗.为观测其生长情况,分别在实验地随机抽取各50株,对每株进行综合评分,将每株所得的综合评分制成如图所示的频率分布直方图,记综合评分为80分及以上的花苗为优质花苗.(1)用样本估计总体,以频率作为概率,若在,A B 两块实验地随机抽取3株花苗,求所抽取的花苗中优质花苗数的分布列和数学期望;(2)填写下面的列联表,并判断是否有99%的把握认为优质花苗与培育方法有关.优质花苗 非优质花苗 合计甲培育法 20乙培育法 10 合计附:下面的临界值表仅供参考.()20P K k 0.050 0.010 0.0010k3.841 6.635 10.828(参考公式:22()()()()()n ad bc K a b c d a c b d -=++++,其中n a b c d =+++)19.(12分)如图所示的几何体中,111ABC A B C -为直三棱柱,四边形ABCD 为平行四边行,2CD AD =,60ADC ︒∠=.(1)若1AA AC =,证明:11,,,A D C B 四点共面,且11AC DC ⊥; (2)若11,AD CC AC λ==,二面角11A C D A --的余弦值为24,求直线1CC 与平面11ADC B 所成角. 20.(12分)若动点M 到两点(1,0),(2,0)A B 的距离之比为22. (1)求动点M 的轨迹E 的方程;(2)若P 为椭圆22:163x y C +=上一点,过点P 作曲线E 的切线与椭圆C 交于另一点Q ,求OPQ △面积的取值范围(O 为坐标原点).21.(12分)已知函数2()(1)xx f x e ax e =-+⋅,且()0f x .(1)求a ;(2)证明:()f x 存在唯一极大值点0x ,且()0316f x <. (二)选考题:共10分.请考生在第22、23题中任选一题作答.如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分. 22.【选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程】(10分)以直角坐标系的原点为极点,x 轴的非负半轴为极轴,建立极坐标系,并在两种坐标系中取相同的长度单位,已知直线l 的参数方程为5212x t y t ⎧=-⎪⎪⎨⎪=+⎪⎩(t 为参数),圆C 的极坐标方程为4cos 3πρθ⎛⎫=-⎪⎝⎭.(1)求直线l 的倾斜角和圆C 的直角坐标方程; (2)若点(,)P x y 在圆C上,求x +的取值范围. 23.【选修4-5:不等式选讲】(10分) 已知函数2()|25|f x x a x a =+++-. (1)当1a =时,解不等式()5f x <;(2)若关于x 的不等式()5f x <有实数解,求实数a 的取值范围.2020届昆一中高三联考卷第五期联考理科数学参考答案及评分标准命题、审题组教师 杨昆华 张宇甜 顾先成 李春宣 王海泉 莫利琴 蔺书琴 张远雄 崔锦 杨耕耘 一、选择题 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 答案ADCBBDCBACCD1.解析:因为()31i 22i z =-=--,所以22i z =-+选A. 2.解析:因为集合{}0,1A =,{}0,1AB =,则B A ⊆,所以集合B 可能的情况有{}0,{}1,{}0,1,∅,共有4个.选D.3.解析:记每天走的里程数为{}n a ,易知{}n a 是以12为公比的等比数列,其前6项和6378S =,则166112378112a S ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭==-,解得1192a =,所以341192()242a =⨯=.选C.4.解析:该几何体是由一个底面半径为1,高为3的半圆锥,和一个底面为等腰直角三角形,高为3的三棱锥组成,所以该几何体的体积为:21111=(13(213132322V ππ⨯⋅⋅⨯+⨯⨯⨯⨯=+)),选B.5.解析:画出可行域如下,可知当直线经过点()13,或者()0,4时取得最大值4,选B.6.解析:发言的3人来自3家不同企业的概率为32162436164205C C C P C -===,选D. 7.解析:对于A :()2222222222f x x x x x =+=++-++222≥-中,22222x x +=+的等号不成立,A 错;当0m =时210mx mx ++≥也成立,B 错;当13x =,2y =时1xy <也成立,又原命题与逆否命题真假性一致,所以D 错;选C.8.解析:1i =时,()1021121S =+⨯+-=-;2i =时,()()()()2212212141S =-+⨯+-=-++;3i =时,()()()()()()32141231214161S =-+++⨯+-=-+++-;……6i =时,()()()()214161121241242S =-+++-+++=+++=,所以输出42,选B.9.解析:因为122PF PF m -=,所以22112224PF PF PF PF m -⋅+=, 又因为1223PF PF +=,所以221122212PF PF PF PF +⋅+=, 所以221226PF PF m +=+,由12PF PF ⊥得:22128PF PF m +=, 所以826m m =+,所以1m =,选A.10.解析:以()'0u x >为原点,以()u x ,R 所在的直线为0x <轴,()0u x <轴,建立平面直角坐标系,则01a <<ln 0a <,ln 0a x <<'()0u x >,由题意可设()u x (ln ,0)a ,由()()ln 00u a u <=可得,1a >,所以ln 0a >.选0ln x a <<.11.解析:设AB 的中点为E ,连结PE ,CE ,易知AB ⊥平面PEC ,所以AB PC ⊥, 又PC BD ⊥,所以PC ⊥平面PAB ,所以PC PA ⊥,PC PB ⊥,所以PA PB ⊥,因此,以PA ,PB ,PC 为同一顶点出发的正方体的八个顶点在球O 的表面上, 所以2222412R PA PB PC =++=,所以球O 的表面积为12π,选C. 12.解析:0x >,因为'()0u x >(()u x ),(,0)-∞所以函数(0,)+∞的图象与函数()()00u x u ≥=图象有两个不同的交点,所以()()e 0x f x u x =⋅≥1a =,选D.二、填空题13.解析:(2)1(6)0.22P X P X ≤=-<=. 14.解析:因为(+)()632x x πππ--=,所以cos()cos()sin()3626x x x ππππ-=+-=+,所以5()sin(+)66f x x π=,所以函数()f x 的最大值为56.15.解析:因为12n n a a n +=+,所以12n n a a n +-=,从而2121a a -=⨯,3222a a -=⨯,…,12(1)(2)n n a a n n --=-≥, 累加可得21(1)2[12(1)]22n n na a n n n --=⨯++⋅⋅⋅+-=⨯=-,所以221n a n n =-+, 221211n a n n n n n n -+==+-,因为21()1f n n n=+-在(0,4]递减,在[5,)+∞递增 当4n =时,338.254n a n ==,当5n =时,418.25n a n ==,所以n a n 的最小值为415. 16.解析:双曲线的两个焦点分别为(ln2x <-),('()0g x <),则这两点刚好是两圆的圆心,由几何性质知,ln2x >-,'()0g x >,所以()g x ,所以最大值为(,ln2)-∞-. 三、解答题 (一)必考题17.解:(1)在△ABC 中,由6cos 3A =,得3sin 3A = 由sin 3BC =得sin()3A C C +=,sin cos cos sin 3A C A C C +=,36333C C C +=,63sin 33C C =,tan 2C =(2)因为tan 2C =6sin 3C =,3cos 3C =,sin 31B C ==, 由sin sin b cB C=得sin c b C =,因为△ABC 2, 211163sin sin sin 2222bc A b b C A b =⋅⋅==26b =,6b =. 18.解:(1)由频率分布直方图,优质花苗的频率为(0.040.02)100.6+⨯=,即概率为0.6.设所抽取的花苗为优质花苗的株数为X ,则35~3,X B ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,于是30328(0)5125P X C ⎛⎫==⨯= ⎪⎝⎭;2133236(1)55125P X C ⎛⎫==⨯⨯=⎪⎝⎭; 2233254(2)55125P X C ⎛⎫==⨯⨯= ⎪⎝⎭;333327(3)5125P X C ⎛⎫==⨯=⎪⎝⎭. 其分布列为:X 0 1 2 3P8125 36125 54125 27125所以,所抽取的花苗为优质花苗的数学期望39()355E X =⨯= (2)频率分布直方图,优质花苗的频率为(0.040.02)100.6+⨯=,则样本中优质花苗的株数为60株,列联表如下表所示:优质花苗 非优质花苗 合计 甲培育法 20 30 50 乙培育法40 10 50 合计6040100可得22100(20103040)16.667 6.63560405050K ⨯-⨯=≈>⨯⨯⨯.所以,有99%的把握认为优质花苗与培育方法有关系 19.(1)证明:因为111ABC A B C -为直三棱柱,所以BC ∥11B C ,且11BC B C =,又因为四边形ABCD 为平行四边形, 所以BC ∥AD ,且BC AD =,所以AD ∥11C B ,且11AD C B =, 所以四边形11ADC B 为平行四边形,所以A ,D ,1C ,1B 四点共面; 因为1AA AC =,又1AA ⊥平面ABCD , 所以1AA AC ⊥,所以四边形11A ACC 正方形,连接1AC 交1A C 于E ,所以11AC AC ⊥,在ADC ∆中,2CD AD =,60ADC ∠=, 由余弦定理得2222cos60AC AD CD AD CD =+-⋅, 所以3AC AD =,所以222CD AC AD =+,所以AD AC ⊥,又1AA AD ⊥, 所以AD ⊥平面11A ACC ,所以1AD AC ⊥, 又因为!ADAC A =,所以1AC ⊥平面11ADC B ; 所以11AC DC ⊥(2)解:由(1)知,可如图建立直角坐标系,则()0,0,0A ,()1,0,0D ,()0,3,0C ,()10,0,3A λ,()10,3,3C λ, ()()111,0,3,1,3,3DA DC λλ∴=-=-,设平面11AC D 的法向量为()1111,,n x y z =,由111100n DA n DC ⎧⋅=⎨⋅=⎩即1111130330x z x y z λλ⎧-+=⎪⎨-++=⎪⎩,取()13,0,1n λ=设平面1AC D 的法向量为()2222,,n x y z =由22100n AD n AC ⎧⋅=⎨⋅=⎩得2220330x y z λ=⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩,取()20,,1n λ=-,由12221212cos ||4311n n n n θλλ⋅===⋅+⋅+得21λ=,因为0λ>,所以1λ=此时1AD =,13CC AC ==,所以四边形11A ACC 正方形,因为11AC AC ⊥,1AC AD ⊥,又因为!AD AC A =,所以1AC ⊥平面11ADC B , 所以1CC 与平面11ADC B 所成角为145EC C ∠= 20.解:(1)设(,)M x y ,2222(1)2(2)x y x y -+=-+,即22222(1)2(2)x y x y -+=-+, 所以曲线22:2E x y +=.(2)当PQ 所在直线斜率不存在时,其方程为:2x =22PQ =, 当PQ 所在直线斜率存在时,设其方程为:y kx m =+,设11(,)P x y ,22(,)Q x y ,()0,0O 到直线PQ 的距离d r =221m k =+2222m k =+.直线PQ 与椭圆C 联立22163x y y kx m⎧+=⎪⎨⎪=+⎩,得()222214260k x kmx m +++-=,所以12221224212621mk x x k m x x k -⎧+=⎪⎪+⎨-⎪=⎪+⎩,所以()()2222222121222164(21)(26)14(1)(21)k m k m PQ k x x x x k k ⎡⎤-+-⎡⎤=++-=+⎢⎥⎣⎦+⎣⎦,2222222224882441(1)22(1)(21)(21)k m k k k k k ⎡⎤-++=+=+⎢⎥++⎣⎦,令2211t k =+≥,(]10,1t ∈ 22222224121112(1)2(21)k t t z k k t t t ++--=+==+++,因为(]10,1t ∈,所以924z ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,, 所以223PQ ⎡⎤∈⎣⎦,,所以2322,22OPQS PQ ⎡⎤=∈⎢⎥⎣⎦. 21.解:(1)因为()()e e 10x xf x ax =--≥,且e 0x>,所以e 10xax --≥,构造函数()e 1xu x ax =--,则()'e xu x a =-,又()00u =,若0a ≤,则()'0u x >,则()u x 在R 上单调递增,则当0x <时,()0u x <矛盾,舍去; 若01a <<,则ln 0a <,则当ln 0a x <<时,'()0u x >, 则()u x 在(ln ,0)a 上单调递增,则()()ln 00u a u <=矛盾,舍去; 若1a >,则ln 0a >,则当0ln x a <<时,'()0u x <,则()u x 在(0,ln )a 上单调递减,则()()ln 00u a u <=矛盾,舍去; 若1a =,则当0x <时,'()0u x <,当0x >时,'()0u x >, 则()u x 在(,0)-∞上单调递减,在(0,)+∞上单调递增, 故()()00u x u ≥=,则()()e 0xf x u x =⋅≥,满足题意;综上所述,1a =.(2)由(1)可知()()2e 1e xxf x x =-+⋅,则()()'e2e 2xxf x x =--,构造函数()2e 2xg x x =--,则()'2e 1xg x =-,又()'g x 在R 上单调递增,且()'ln20g -=,故当ln2x <-时,'()0g x <,当ln2x >-时,'()0g x >, 则()g x 在(,ln2)-∞-上单调递减,在(ln2,)-+∞上单调递增,又()00g =,()2220e g -=>,又33233332223214e16e 022e 2e 8e 2e g --⎛⎫-=-==< ⎪⎝⎭+, 结合零点存在性定理知,在区间3(2,)2--存在唯一实数0x ,使得()00g x =, 当0x x <时,()'0f x >,当00x x <<时,()'0f x <,当0x >时,()'0f x >,故()f x 在()0,x -∞单调递增,在()0,0x 单调递减,在()0,+∞单调递增, 故()f x 存在唯一极大值点0x ,因为()0002e 20xg x x =--=,所以0e12x x =+, 故()()()()0022200000011e 1e 11112244x xx x f x x x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+=+-++=-+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,因为0322x -<<-,所以()201133144216f x ⎛⎫<--+< ⎪⎝⎭.(二)选考题:第22、23题中任选一题做答.如果多做,则按所做的第一题记分. 22.解:(1)由直线l 的参数方程可知,直线l 的倾斜角为56π;将圆C 的极坐标方程4cos()3πρθ=-化简得2cos 23sin ρθθ=+,两边乘ρ得,22cos 23sin ρρθρθ=+,将222x y ρ=+,cos x ρθ=,sin y ρθ=代入并化简整理可得圆C 的直角坐标方程为22(1)(3)4x y -+-=.(2)设12cos ()32sin x y θθθ=+=+⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩为参数,则 3x y +=232cos 44sin()46πθθθ++=++,由1sin()16πθ-≤+≤可得,038x ≤+≤,即3[0,8]x +∈.23.解:(1)当1a =时,()13f x x x =++-,即22(1)()4(13)22(3)x x f x x x x -+≤-=-<<-≥⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩当1x ≤-时,由225x -+<解得32x >-,所以312x -<≤-;当13x -<<时,不等式恒成立,所以13x -<<; 当3x ≥时,由225x -<解得72x <;所以732x ≤<.综上,不等式()5f x <的解集为3722x x -<<⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭(2)因为2()25f x x a x a =+++-222525x a x a a a ≥+--+=-+, 所以,2255a a -+<,解得02a <<.。

云南省昆明市第一中学2021届高三下学期5月第九次考前适应性训练英语试题 Word版含答案

云南省昆明市第一中学2021届高三下学期5月第九次考前适应性训练英语试题 Word版含答案

机密★启用前【考试时间:5月25日 15:00—16:40】昆明市第一中学2021届高中新课标高三第九次考前适应性训练英语试卷第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AIf a steaming bowl of soup strikes you as the ultimate in comfort, you've got plenty of company. Soup is one of the world's oldest and most universal foods.These are CNN's nominations for 4 of the best soups around the world:Beef pho / VietnamBroth (汤底)is simmered for hours with cinnamon, star anise and other warm spices to create a wonderfully fragrant base for this noodle soup.Beef pho remains the most beloved version in Vietnam, with options that include the original raw beef, a mix of raw and cooked beef.Bouillabaisse / FranceBouillabaisse distills (提炼)classic Mediterranean flavors into a dish which has the same meaning as the coastal city of Marseille. Saffron, olive oil, fennel, garlic and tomatoes blend with fish fresh from the sea. Lanzhou beef noodle soup / ChinaShaping - or pulling - la mi an noodles by hand for this traditional soup is an art in itself. Artisans use a finely milled, high — gluten flour and alkaline powder to mix a stretchy dough, then pull and fold a single piece of dough to make enough noodles for a bowl of soup.Slip them into a bowl of beef soup for a world-class soup that includes tender beef, pale slices of carrots, chili oil and fresh herbs.Tom yum goong / ThailandSweet, sour, spicy and salty, this soup's magnificent broth is the ideal foil for sweet, tender shrimp. Fragrant ingredients include galangal, lemongrass and lime leaves, while slivers of bright red bird's eye chilis add additional heat.Tom yum goong is just one of many varieties of tom yum soup in Thailand - this version comes enriched with fat prawns, and is a favorite with many diners.1. If you feel like having a taste of western flavour, you may choose .A. Beef phoB. BouillabaisseC. Lanzhou beef noodle soupD. Tom yum goong2. What do Beef pho and Lanzhou beef noodle soup have in common?A. They' re served with noodles.B. They' re famous for being spicy.C. Seafood is one of their ingredients.D. The processes of them look artistical.3. Red bird's eye chilis can make the soup.A. sweetB. sourC. spicyD. saltyBAbout 2,400 years ago in Athens a man was put to death for asking too many questions. If philosophy has a patron saint (领航者),it is Socrates.Shabby and a bit strange, Socrates did not fit in. Although physically ugly and often unwashed, he had great charm and a brilliant mind. Everyone in Athens agreed that there had never been anyone quite like him and probably wouldn't be again. He was unique.As a young man, he had been a brave soldier fighting in the Peloponnesian War against the Spartans and their allies. In middle age, he wandered around the marketplace, stopping people from time to time and asking them awkward questions. That was more or less all he did. But the questions he asked were razor-sharp.Over and over again Socrates demonstrated that the people he met in the marketplace didn't really know what they thought they knew. A military commander would begin a conversation totally confident that he knew what "courage" meant, but after 20 minutes in Socrates' company, he would leave completely confused. The experience must have been disconcerting. Socrates loved to reveal the limits of what people genuinely understood, and to question the assumptions on which they built their lives.The word "philosopher" comes f rom the Greek words meaning "love of wisdom”. The kind of wisdom that it values is based on argument, reasoning and asking questions, not on believing things simply because someone important has told you they are true. Wisdom for Socrates was not knowing lots of facts, but knowing how to do something. It meant understanding the true nature of our existence, including the limits of what we can know. Philosophers today are doing more or less what Socrates was doing: asking tough questions, looking at reasons and evidence, struggling to answer some of the most important questions we can ask ourselves about the nature of reality and how we should live.4. What can we learn about Socrates?A. He always dressed himself properly and neatly.B. He used to be an anti-war activist when young.C. He had a sharp mind and the spirit of insistence.D. He was enthusiastic about bargaining in the supermarket.5. What does the underlined word “ disconcerting " in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Awesome.B. Enjoyable.C. Disturbing.D. Risky.6. What is the wisdom from philosophy?A. Learning to argue, reason and ask.B. Having faith in what experts told you.C. Figuring out how to solve the question.D. Managing to have access to lots of facts.7. Which column is the passage taken from?A. Politics.B. Economy.C. Society.D. Culture.CIf you frequently Google language-related questions, you've probably seen an advertisement for Grammarly, an automated grammar-checker. Grammarly advertises its ability not only to fix a variety of mistakes like spelling and grammar, but to replace the poor words and expressions with proper ones and improve styles too. Does it achieve what it advertises? Sometimes. But sometimes Grammarly doesn't do what it should.Artificial-intelligence systems like Grammarly are trained with data. Developers also manually add certain rules to the patterns that Grammarly has taught itself. The software then looks at a user's article: if a string of words seems ungrammatical, it tries to spot how the mistake most closely resembles one from its training inputs.All this shows how far artificial intelligence is from the human kind. Computers have advantages over humans at problems that can be solved with pure maths, such as chess. Advances in language technology have been impressive in fields, such as speech recognition. But grammar is the real magic of language. And machines are no match for humans. Computers can have a good command of labelling things like nouns and verb phrases. But they struggle with grammatical sentences that are difficult to analyse precisely.To correct such articles requires knowing what the writer has intended. But computers don't work in meaning or intention; they work in formulae (公式). Humans, by contrast, can understand even rather complex grammar, because of the ability to guess the contents of other minds. Grammar-checking computers illustrate not how bad humans are with language, but just how good.8. According to the advertisement, Grammarly can help users.A. polish the compositionsB. collect materials of writingC. translate the essay into what you needD. master the rules of spelling and grammar9. In what way is artificial intelligence at a disadvantage?A. Playing chess.B. Speech recognition.C. Labelling nouns and verb phrases.D. Analysing grammatical sentences.10. What is the writer's attitude to grammar-checking computers?A. Praiseful.B. Unfavorable.C. Ambiguous.D. Uncaring.11. What's the main idea of the passage?A. Humans have advantages over artificial intelligence.B. A popular software to correct grammatical mistakes.C. Artificial intelligence has some problems with grammar.D. The advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence.DTaking an afternoon nap could keep your brain sharp, a new study has found. Adults ages 60 and older who took afternoon naps showed signs of better mental mind compared to those who didn't nap, according to a study published in General Psychiatry earlier this week.Researchers analyzed napping habits in 2, 214 Chinese people aged 60 and older and measured their cognitive abilities using several cognitive tests. Participants took the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Beijing version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, both of which test for memory, language and other cognitive abilities. In every category listed in the study, nappers scored statistically higher on average compared to those non-napping people. Researchers did not gather data from people under 60, so a correlation cannot be drawn between nappingand younger generations.Sleeping behaviors can be affected by a variety of factors, said Dr. David Neubauer, associate professor at Johns Hopkins University. Daily routines, medication use and sleep disorders can all play a role in how frequently someone takes a nap, he said.Neubauer recommended taking a shorter “power nap" of up to 20 minutes to decrease the chances of transitioning into slow-wave sleep, which makes people feel dizzy when they wake up. Napping can be a healthy part of an older adult's day, Neubauer acknowledged, but make sure sleepiness isn't due to a treatable nighttime sleep disorder. "Older individuals who want to do all they can to preserve their cognitive functioning should put nighttime sleep in the first place."12. What is the age range of the participants?A. Under 60.B. From 60 to 70.C. At 60.D. 60 and above.13. What has the participants tested in the research?A. Recognizing flavors.B. Language competence.C. Eating habits.D. Sight sensitivity.14. What kind of sleep will make people dizzy?A. Slow-wave sleep.B. Nighttime sleep.C. Power nap.D. Oversleeping.15. What is the best title of the passage?A. The Factors Affacting Sleeping BehaviorsB. It Is No Good for the Young to Take a NapC. A Research Aimed at Monitoring Sleeping Quality for the OldD. An Afternoon Nap Could Improve the Old's Cognitive Ability第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

云南省昆明市第一中学2018届高三数学第五次月考试题 理(含解析)

云南省昆明市第一中学2018届高三数学第五次月考试题 理(含解析)

昆明第一中学2018届高中新课标高三第五次二轮复习检测理科数学第Ⅰ卷(共60分)一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.设,(其中为虚数单位,是的共轭复数),则()A. 2B.C.D. -2【答案】D【解析】∵∴∴故选D2.已知集合,集合,则()A. B. C. D.【答案】A【解析】故选A3.)B. 4C. 12D. 16【答案】B【解析】故选B4.()【答案】B【解析】故选B5.从一颗骰子的六个面中任意选取三个面,其中只有两个面相邻的不同的选法共有()A. 20种B. 16种C. 12种D. 8种【答案】C【解析】8种,所种故选C6.一个几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为()【答案】B【解析】由图可知该几何体底面积为8,高为2的四棱锥,如图所示:故选B点睛:思考三视图还原空间几何体首先应深刻理解三视图之间的关系,遵循“长对正,高平齐,宽相等”的基本原则,其内涵为正视图的高是几何体的高,长是几何体的长;俯视图的长是几何体的长,宽是几何体的宽;侧视图的高是几何体的高,宽是几何体的宽.视频7.,则输出的)【解析】故选D8.(,()D. 不能确定【答案】A【解析】依题意可得故选A9.对称,且当,则)【解析】,,故选A10.)B. C. D. 7【答案】C【解析】∵∴函数的最大值是故选C点睛:本题考查三角恒等变换、三角函数的图象和性质,式,再利用三角函数的图象及性质进行求解.11.,)A. -3B. -2C. 2D. 3【答案】A【解析】,故选A点晴:本题主要考查了函数的奇偶性、周期性的应用,着重考查了学生的计算和推理能力,及将关系式本题的关键.12.,则)B.【答案】D【解析】的内切圆半径是为故选D二、填空题(每题5分,满分20分,将答案填在答题纸上).【答案】4【解析】故答案为414.有甲、乙、丙、丁四位歌手参加比赛,其中只有一位获奖,有人走访了四位歌手,甲说:“我没有获奖”,乙说:“是丙获奖”,丙说:“是丁获奖”,丁说:“我没有获奖”.在以上问题中只有一人回答正确,根据以上的判断,获奖的歌手是__________.【答案】甲【解析】若甲回答正确,则正确表述为:甲:我未获奖;乙:丙未获奖;丙:丁未获奖;丁:我获奖.此情况下丙、丁冲突,故错误;若乙回答正确,则正确表述为:甲:我获奖;乙:是丙获奖;丙:丁未获奖;丁:我获奖.而只有一个人获奖,故错误;若丙回答正确,则正确表述为:甲:我获奖;乙:丙未获奖;丙:是丁获奖;丁:我获奖.而只有一个人获奖,故错误;若丁回答正确,则正确表述为:甲:我获奖;乙:丙未获奖;丙:丁未获奖;丁:我没有获奖.此时获奖人数只有一个,为甲.故正确。

云南省昆明市第一中学2017-2018学年高一下学期期末考试物理试卷 Word版无答案

云南省昆明市第一中学2017-2018学年高一下学期期末考试物理试卷 Word版无答案



全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的或不选的得0分)1.下列说法中正确的是()A.由库仑定律F = k Q1Q2 /r2,可知,当r→0时,F→∞B.由电场强度E = F/q可知,电场强度E与电荷量q成反比C.由点电荷场强公式E = k Q/r2可知,r一定时,电荷量Q越大,场强E越大D.由电势差U=Ed可知,电场强度一定时,两点间距离越大,这两点间电势差越大2.关于重力势能下列说法正确的是()A.同一高度的两个物体,重力势能一定不同B.选取不同的零势能参考面,同一物体的重力势能不变C.+3J的重力势能和-3J的重力势能一样大D.物体的重力势能变化,一定有重力对物体做功3.质量为m的小球,从高为h的桌面上竖直向上抛出,小球能达到离地面最大高度为H的位置。

若以桌面为零势能参考平面,不计空气阻力,则小球落地时的机械能为()A.mgHB.mghC.mg(H+h)D.mg(H-h)4.有两个质量不同的小球A、B,从离地相同高度处以相同的速率分别沿水平方向和竖直向上方向抛出,不计空气阻力,则下列说法正确的是()A.落地前瞬间,两小球的速度大小一定相同B.从抛出到落地,重力对A、B小球做的功一样多C.落地前瞬间,重力对两小球的瞬时功率一定相同D.从抛出到落地,重力对两小球做的平均功率一定相同5. 下列关于静电场的说法正确的是()A.静电场中,电场强度大的点电势必定高B.静电场中,电场强度为零的点电势必定为零;C.静电场中,在电势高的点点电荷的电势能必定高D.无论是匀强电场还是点电荷形成的电场,电场强度与放在该处的试探电荷无关6.如图所示,为a、b两点电荷所形成电场的电场线分布图。




昆明市第一中学2022届高中新课标高三第五次二轮复习检测英语参考答案第一部分:听力(30分)第一节(7.5分):1-5 ABBAC第二节(22.5分):6-10 BCBCA 11-15 AABCA 16-20 ACBCB第二部分:阅读理解(40分)第一节(30分):21-25 ABBDC 26-30 CBDCA 31-35 ADCDA第二节(10分):36-40 FCGEA第三部分:语言知识运用(45分)第一节(30分):41-45 BCDBA 46-50 CADBD 51-55 CCADA 56-60 BDCAB第二节(15分)61.another 62. Anxiety 63. as 64. was flooded 65. However/Nevertheless 66.a 67. when 68. worst 69. to drop 70. published第四部分:写作(35分)第一节:短文改错(10分)I often saw a homeless man beg on my way to work. His clothes were old but not dirty; hebeggingwas always very polite to people as he asked them for changes. Many people simple ignored him,change simplyas they were usually in^ hurry to get to work. O ne Monday morning, I noticed he wasn’t his usual afriendly self. I asked him what and he said he hadn’t eaten in two days. So I invited him to havewhy forbreakfast, over that he told me how he has been in a car accident and lost his job as a security which hadguard, all in the course of one week. When I told my boss the story, and he offered the man asecurity guard position at the office. Never had I seen a more delightful expression on my friend’sdelightedface!第二节:书面表达(25分)【参考范文】Dear Eric,Delighted to know that you take an intense interest in the newly-open theme park in our city, I can hardly wait to tell you something about it.Located in the suburb of our city, the park whose theme is adventure and entertainment covers an area of about 50 hectares. Featuring a wide range of top entertainment facilities and ethnic culture, the park provides a great many opportunities for visitors to experience culture, joy and excitement. What’s more, wonderful performances and parades are available as well, which are asplendid feast for the eyes. All in all, if you want to have fun and more than fun, the park is a place you can’t miss!Hopefully my introduction is of help to you and looking forward to exploring the park with you.Yours,Li Hua 【答案详解】第二部分:语言知识运用(40分)第一节(30分)A【语篇导读】本文为应用文,介绍了四本不同风格的著作。











l.-I wonder if you can lend me your camera?-,I’m not using it anyhow.A.Sure, go ahead B.I don’t know C.Yes, I doubt D.I really care 2.When the news came, the boys all became so excited, their hats into the air.A.to throw B.thrown C.throwing D.were throwing3.It is easy to learn English.You need is to practice more and use it frequently.A.Something B.All C.Both D.Everything4.In the company office.The way you speak should circumstances.A.care about B.match with C.make up D.change into 5.Susan doesn’t think she’ll need any money but she’ll bring some.A.after all B.on purpose C.once again D.in case6.These kinds of flowers are most beautiful, but very difficult indeed.A.to plant B.to be planted C.planting D.planted7.-Any spring around?-Well, There’s one just six kilometers away and the water a little hot.A.is feeling B.is felt C.feels D.will feel8.The sales goal, or you’re sure to lose the high salary job.A.If you achieve B.Achieve C.Achieving D.You achieve9.-Where’s John, the pilot?-He be drinking coffee in the rest room as usual.A.must B.need C.should D.might10.-My photography needs development all the way to becoming professional.-That’s really what you need to.A.timely B.effective C.further D.natural11.Miss Long told me yesterday that the train to Shanghai at 8:30 in the morning.A.leaves B.was leaving C.will leave D.left12.What puzzles them most is they can remember more wools in a short time.A.what B.that C.where D.how13.Marry at the airport on time but she missed the last bus because of taking an old man to hospital.A.would arrive B.would have arrived C.may arrive D.had arrived 14.Mr.Harvey and his daughter have asked me to their kind regards.A.describe B.explain C.translate D.convey15.The gentleman we turned really gave us a hand when our car broke down.A.with which B.for whom C.to whom D.without which第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。














1.When did the man reach Spain?A.In winter.B.In autumn.C.In summer.2.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Where to meet.B.What to do on Friday.C.When to have the practice.3.How many students will retake the exam?A.400.B.250.C.150.4.Why would David quit his job?A.To go back to school.B.To work for his friend.C.To start his own firm.5.Where will the speakers go?A.To a movie theater.B.To a zoo.C.To a park.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

云南昆明第一中学高中新课标高三第三次双基检测英语试题 含答案

云南昆明第一中学高中新课标高三第三次双基检测英语试题 含答案

^ 【答案】第一部分:听力(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1~5 CBCCA 6~10 BAAAB 11~15 CCACB 16~20 CBABC第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)21~23 BDB 24~27 BCAA 28~31 CBAD 32~35 CDAA第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)36~40 GDBFC第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)41~45 BACDA 46~50 BCDDA 51~55 BDCCA 56~60 DBCAB第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61. intelligence62. reducing 63. of 64. will be led 65. worse 66. If 67. an 68. thousands69. to analyze 70. where 第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Dear Mr and Mrs Smith,I’m Li Hua, the boy send to hospital by you several days ago, I’m writing to express mysent gratitude for your warm-heartedly help.warm-hearted On that snowing afternoon, when cycle home after school, I fall off my bike and broke one of cycling fell my legs. I was such lucky that you happened to pass by. With any hesitation, you asked a taxi to so Without for send me to hospital. While I was being been treated in hospital, you accompanied me with sweet smiles.What you did affected them most. You set a good example to me. I’l l learn from you to helpmethose which are in trouble.whoYours,Li Hua第二节书面表达(满分25分)【参考范文】Dear Sir / Madam,I’m Li Hua, a tourist who stayed at your hotel the other day on a tour of your country. Not content with your serv ice, I’m writing to make a complaint.First of all, my room was never cleaned during my stay at your hotel, which made me annoyed. What’s more, I constantly had problems with the plumbing. Cold water often came out of the hot tap, thus making me suffer from a bad cold. Worse still, the noise from the bar downstairs went on so late into the midnight every day that I couldn’t get a good rest.I’m disappointed with your service. I would be more than pleased if you could take my complaint seriously and get it settled as soon as possible.Yours,Li Hua【答案解析】第一部分阅读理解第一节A【语篇导读】应用文。



昆明一中2018届高三第五次参考答案(文科数学)命题、审题组教师 杨昆华 李文清 孙思应 梁云虹 王在方 卢碧如 凹婷波 吕文芬 陈泳序一、选择题1. 解析:由题意,有1i z =+,则i 2izz +=-,选A .2. 解析:由题意,A ⎡=⎣,[)0,B =+∞,则0,A B ⎡=⎣ ,选A .由题意,有1i z =+,则i 2izz +=-,选D . 3. 解析:因为A ,B ,C 成等差数列,所以060B =,由正弦定理得=sin C =,又因为AC AB >,故045C =,选B . 4. 解析:因为直线430x y +=的斜率为43-,所以433b =,所以4b =,选B .5. 解析:由题意,βα⊥,β⊥l 则α//l 或α⊂l ,所以充分条件不成立,又当βα⊥,α//l 时,不能得到β⊥l ,所以必要条件不成立,选D .6. 解析:当直线l 的斜率存在时,设直线l 的方程为2y kx =+,而圆心为(1,0),半径为1,所以1d ==,解得34k =-;当直线l 的斜率不存在,即直线l 为0=x 时,直线l 与圆2220+-=x y x 相切,所以直线l 的方程为3480+-=x y 或0=x ,选C .7. 解析:假设甲获奖,则甲、乙、丙都回答错误,丁回答正确,符合题意,所以甲获奖,选A .8. 解析:由题意,该几何体是底面积为8,高为2的一个四棱锥,如图,所以3162831=⨯⨯=V ,选B .9. 解析:S 关于t 的函数图象如图所示,由于[]2,1t ∈-,则[)0,3S ∈,选D .10. 解析:因为集合{|22}A x x =-<<,所以2()(2)223x x f x =-⨯-,设2x t =,则144t <<,所以2()23f t t t =--,且对称轴为1t =,所以最小值为(1)4f =-,选D .11. 解析:依题意得:211211124642P ππ⨯⨯=-=-⨯⨯,选B . 12. 解析:因为△ABC 为锐角三角形,所以02A π<<,02B π<<,02C π<<,即022C π<<,022C C ππ<--<,02C π<<,所以64C ππ<<cos C <<2A C =,所以sin 2sin cos A C C =,又因为1c =,所以2c os a C =;由s i n s i nbcB C =,即2sin sin34cos 1sin sin c B Cb C C C===-,所以24cos 2cos a b c C C ++=+,令c o s t C=,则t ∈⎝⎭,又因为函数242y t t =+在⎝⎭上单调递增,所以函数值域为(2++,选C .二、填空题13. 解析:因为AB AC AB AC +=- ,两边平方得0AB AC ⋅= ,所以2A π∠=.14. 解析:如图32z x y =+-在点(0,1)B 处取得最小值,最小值为1-.15. 解析:由已知,()f x 在0,3π⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调,所以123T π≥,即3ππω≥,故03ω<≤. 16. 解析:因为函数()f x 是奇函数,所以()()f x f x -=-,又因为(3)()f x f x -=,所以(3)()f x f x -=--,所以(3)()f x f x +=-,即(6)()f x f x +=,所以()f x 是以6为周期的周期函数;由1()n n n a n a a +=-可得11n n a n a n++=,则1221123113211241n n n n n n n a a a a n n n a a n a a a a n n n -------=⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅=⨯⨯⨯⋅⋅⋅⨯⨯=---,即n a n =,所以3636a =,3737a =,又因为(1)3f -=,(0)0f =,所以3637()()(0)(1)(1)(1)3f a f a f f f f +=+==--=-.三、解答题17. 解:(Ⅰ)由1121S a =-得:11a =,因为11(2)(2(1))n n n n S S a n a n ---=---- (2)n ≥,所以121n n a a -=+,从而由112(1)n n a a -+=+得1121n n a a -+=+ (2)n ≥,所以{}1n a +是以2为首项,2为公比的等比数列. ………6分 (Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)得21n n a =-,所以()32113521222(1)n n a a a a n +++++⋅⋅⋅+=++⋅⋅⋅+-+12(14)(1)14n n +-=-+-232353n n +--=………12分18. 解:(Ⅰ)由列联表可得()()()()()()22210026203024500.649 3.8415050564477n ad bc K a b c d a c b d -⨯⨯-⨯===≈<++++⨯⨯⨯ 所以没有95%的把握认为“微信控”与“性别”有关. ………6分(Ⅱ)根据题意所抽取的5位女性中,“微信控”有3人,“非微信控”有2人. ………8分(Ⅲ)抽取的5位女性中,“微信控”3人分别记为A ,B , C ;“非微信控”2人分别记为D ,E .则再从中随机抽取3人构成的所有基本事件为:ABC ,ABD ,ABE ,ACD ,ACE ,ADE ,BCD ,BCE ,BDE ,CDE ,共有10种;抽取3人中恰有2人为“微信控”所含基本事件为:ABD ,ABE ,ACD ,ACE ,BCD ,BCE ,共有6种, 所求为63105P ==. ………12分19. 解:(Ⅰ)证明:连接BD ,由于CD AB //,点E 为CD 的中点,AB DE =,AD AB ⊥,所以四边形ABED为正方形,可得AE BD ⊥,设BD 与AE 相交于点O ,又△PAB 与△PAD 均为等边三角形,可得PD PB =,在等腰△PBD 中,点O 为BD 的中点,所以PO BD ⊥,且AE 与PO 相交于点O ,可得⊥BD 平面PAE ,又⊂BD 平面ABCD ,所以平面PAE ⊥平面ABCD . ………6分 (Ⅱ)由262==AB CD ,△PAB 与△PAD 均为等边三角形, 四边形ABED 为正方形,BD 与AE 相交于点O ,可知3==OP OA ,23=PA ,所以AO PO ⊥,又平面PAE ⊥平面ABCD ,所以⊥PO 平面ABCD ,设点F 到平面BCE 的距离为h ,又PF CF 2=,所以232=⋅=PO h , =∆BEC S =⋅⋅CE BE 219232321=⨯⨯, =-BEC F V =⋅⋅∆h S BCE 3162931=⨯⨯, 所以,三棱锥F BEC -的体积为6. ………12分20. 解:(Ⅰ)由已知得:1b =,c a =,又因为222a b c =+,所以24a =, 所以椭圆E 的方程为2214x y +=. ………4分(Ⅱ)因为点B 关于x 轴的对称点为C ,所以00(,)C x y -, 所以直线AC 的方程为011y y x x +=-+,令0y =得00,01x N y ⎛⎫ ⎪+⎝⎭; 直线AB 的方程为0011y y x x -=+,令0y =得00,01x M y ⎛⎫ ⎪-⎝⎭. ………7分 因为20002000111x x x OM ON y y y ⋅=⋅=+--,而点00(,)B x y 在椭圆2214x y +=上, 所以220014x y +=,即:20241x y =-,所以24OM ON OP ⋅==, 即OM OP OPON=,所以Rt OPM Rt ONP ,所以OPM ONP ∠=∠. ………12分21. 解:(Ⅰ)由()e 1x f x ax =--,得()e x f x a '=-.又(0)11f a '=-=-,所以2a =.所以()e 21x f x x =--, ()e 2x f x '=-. 由()e 20x f x '=->,得ln 2x >.所以函数()f x 在区间(),ln 2-∞上单调递减,在(ln 2,)+∞上单调递增. ………4分 (Ⅱ)证明:由(Ⅰ)知ln 2min ()(ln 2)e 2ln 211ln 4f x f ==--=-. 所以()1ln 4f x ≥-,即e 211ln 4x x --≥-,e 22ln 40x x -≥->. 令2()e 1x g x x =--,则()e 20x g x x '=->.所以()g x 在(0,)+∞上单调递增,所以2()e 1(0)0x g x x g =-->=,即2e 1x x >+.………8分(Ⅲ)首先证明:当0x >时,恒有31e 3x x >.证明如下:令31()e 3x h x x =-,则2()e x h x x '=-.由(Ⅱ)知,当0x >时,2e x x >,所以()0h x '>,所以()h x 在(0,)+∞上单调递增,所以()(0)10h x h >=>,所以31e 3x x >.所以31ln()3x x >,即ln 33lnx x +>.依次取231,,,12n x n += ,代入上式,则22ln33ln 11+>,33ln33ln 22+>,11ln33lnn n n n+++>. 以上各式相加,有231231ln33ln()1212n n n n n++++++>⨯⨯⨯ . 所以()111(1)ln33ln 123n n n n++++++>+ , 所以,()11113ln 1ln323n n n n++++>+-- 即()311111ln 233en n n n +++++> . ………12分第22、23题中任选一题做答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题记分. 22. 解:(Ⅰ)1l 的直角坐标方程为10ax y ++=,可化为1y a x--=(0)x ≠, 2l 的直角坐标方程为10x ay --=,可化为1x a y-=(0)y ≠,从而有11y x x y---=,整理得220x y x y +-+=, 当0x =或0y =时,也满足上式,故直线1l 与2l 的交点的轨迹C 的方程为22111()()222x y -++=. ………5分(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知,曲线C 表示圆心在11(,)22C -的圆,点C 到直线10ax y ++=的距离为d ,因为曲线C 上存在4个点到直线1l 的距离相等,所以d r =<1a ≠, 所以,实数a 的取值范围为()(),11,-∞+∞ ………10分23. 解:(Ⅰ)3 1 , 21()212 3 ,2213 1 , 2x x f x x x x x x x ⎧⎪--<-⎪⎪=-++=-+-≤≤⎨⎪⎪+>⎪⎩ ,所以,12x =时,()f x 取最小值,且最小值为52………5分 (Ⅱ)由22(11)b a b a a x x -++≥++-(0)a ≠恒成立, 得22(11)b a b ax x a-++≥++-恒成立,即21211b bx x a a-++≥++-恒成立, 令bt a=,则212(11)t t x x -++≥++-恒成立, 由(Ⅰ)知,只需5112x x ++-≤, 可化为1522x x <-⎧⎪⎨-≤⎪⎩或11522x -≤≤⎧⎪⎨≤⎪⎩或1522x x >⎧⎪⎨≤⎪⎩, 解得5544x -≤≤,所以,实数x 的取值范围为55,44⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦ ………10分。



2024届云南省昆明市第一中学高中新课标高三第一次摸底考试英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Potala Palace Travel GuideTravel Tips● The travel route is set strictly.● The visiting time is limited in 1 hour.● Watch your steps due to the high altitude.● Bring along an overcoat as it is a bit cold in the hall.Notice● Oxygen bag is prohibited to be taken into the Palace.● Smoking is prohibited and cigarettes are not allowed to be brought into the Palace● Smartphones can be carried with you into the Palace, but please do not take photos.● Liquid is not allowed, including mineral water, which can be purchased at the hill top. Ticket Purchase ProcedureVisitors are required to apply for free reservation tickets with identity documents, such as ID cards and passports one day in advance.The visiting date and exact time, number of visitors and ID document numbers are printed on the reservation tickets. Those visitors who have reservation tickets should make their tickets canceled if they can’t visit the Palace for personal reasons. Otherwise, they will be forbidden to apply again within a week because their names are added to the blacklist.On the following day, visitors should have their reservation tickets and ID documents checked and walk to the ticket office in front of the White Palace to buy the entrance tickets. Then they can start their tour after another security check.How to get to Potala Palace● Take bus 13 to Yaowangshan Bus Stop.● Take bus 8 or 17 to Baita Bus Stop.● Take bus 2, 16 or 26 to Lazhong Bus Stop.● Take airport shuttle to Minhangju Bus Stop.1.What can be brought into Potala Palace?6.What can be inferred about chic grandmas?A.They have a born talent for modeling.B.They willingly experience new things.C.They come from similar backgrounds.D.They concern much about the aging issue.7.Which might be a suitable title for the text?A.Changes in Fashion Week B.Never Too Late to LearnC.Beauty Has No Age Limit D.Interest Is the Best TeacherRecently I’ve been drawn to books which motivate me to look at myself, and hopefully make me a better “me”. The Courage to Be Disliked, by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koya, has a title I just can’t go past.The book has taken Japan by storm, using the theories of philosopher Alfred Adler to create conversations between a fictional philosopher and a young man. The conversations cover many broad, interesting and touchy topics. The philosopher character sticks by the theories of Adler, and explains how we are competent to determine our own lives, and be free of the influence of past experiences and others’ expectations. It’s a way of thinking that allows us to develop the courage to change and to ignore the limitations placed on us.These often complex topics are played out in a conversational style between the two men. While it’s easy to follow the conversations, the topics will knock around in your own head as you work out whether you sit on the side of the philosopher, the young man, or somewhere in between. The book is well-received by readers primarily owing to the fact that it presents two well-balanced perspectives in the arguments. You’ll find yourself doing household chores, or at your keyboard, unpacking all the information in your mind and coming to your own conclusions.You will wholeheartedly agree on some points and want to throw the book at the wall at others. Its content is polarising (两极化的) and I certainly don’t agree with everything the philosopher or the young man says, but I think that’s the point. The Courage to Be Disliked is there to spark a conversation with yourself and do some slightly uncomfortable soul-searching.8.Which category does the book belong to?A.Classic literature.B.Science fiction.C.Philosophy theory.D.Self improvement.9.Which statement might the philosopher character agree with?A.People can take charge of their life course.B.People are free of the influence of their past.C.People should hide their eagerness to change.D.People ought to take their limitations seriously.10.How does the book develop?A.By presenting dialogues.B.By making comparisons.C.By arguing theoretically.D.By listing adequate data.11.Why is the book popular with readers?A.It shows ideas in plain language.B.It offers balanced sides to the topics.C.It displays the scientific statistics.D.It avoids the use of philosophic terms.Meetings. Answering emails. Ever feel too busy at work to get any actual work done? According to a new report from Microsoft, our workplaces have a serious productivity problem. 64% of 31,000 employees surveyed struggled with having the time and energy to do their job. Subjects said that countless meetings were their number one productivity killer. Other reports also supported Microsoft’s study. A report from EY-Parthenon found American worker productivity decreased by 2.7% in the first quarter this year compared with the same period last year, marking the fifth quarter in a row that worker productivity has dropped.Unsurprisingly, Microsoft, with its enormous investment in Al tools, says Al is the solution. Never mind that it was Microsoft’s own technology — Teams, Office, Outlook — that promised productivity savings and delivered the opposite. Should we still put faith in Microsoft to solve the problem with new tools that will “rethink workdays” and “protect focus time for creative work”?So what’s the answer to the productivity puzzle? Big companies need to look no further than small businesses, which have been showing how to be productive. Given that small businesses are still recovering from the pandemic, how are they getting work done when they’ve got fewer employees? The answer is easy. Visit a business with fewer than 100 employees and you will find people there at their desks, behind counters, or in front of machines. There are fewer meetings. There are fewer rules. Employees can make their own choices. Decisions are made without committees. Investments are made with more of a gut(直觉的) feeling. Technology is used when it’s clear that it can save time and make money.Microsoft would have you believe that buying its Al technology will solve productivity issues. AI will definitely make a difference. But it’s not too little technology that’s the problem.12.Which contributes most to the productivity problem?A.Work atmosphere.B.Colleague relationship.C.Office equipment.D.Meeting overload.13.What’s the author’s attitude to Microsoft’s technology?A.Cautious B.Opposed.C.Supportive.D.Ambiguous 14.What makes small businesses productive?A.Rules B.Committees C.Flexibility.D.Investment. 15.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.Boosting productivity calls for more than technology.B.The development of Al will solve productivity issues.C.Big companies have a promising future in the Al field.D.Small businesses should make more use of technology.二、七选五三、完形填空四、用单词的适当形式完成短文五、建议信46.假定你是李华,外教Mr. Smith正筹划一场辩论比赛,他向同学们征集建议以期有所创新,请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:1. 辩论主题;2. 创新建议。



云南省昆明一中2014届高三年级第五次月考英语高考英语2014-01-06 1634昆明市第一中学2014届高三年级第五次月考英语试题说明:1.本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.2.本卷要求在答题卡上作答。





1.When will the speakers get to New York?A.At 830. B.At 850. C.At 900.2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Ticket seller and customer.B.Policeman and car driver.C.Taxi driver and passenger. .3.What does the man say about his camera?A.He forgot to bring it along.B.He enjoyed using it in the trip.C.He left it at the airport,4.Where does the conversation take place?A.At a theater. B.At a restaurant. C.At a food shop.5.What will the speakers do?A.Go to an exhibition.B.Find their student cards.C.Borrow two dollars.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



2024届云南省昆明市第一中学高中新课标高三第一次摸底考试英语试题一、听力选择题1. What are the speakers mainly discussing?A.The woman’s photo.B.A scenic spot.C.A TV drama.2.A.Work in groups.B.Give presentations.C.Turn in their homework.D.Check their answers.3. What are the speakers going to play?A.Bridge.B.Chess.C.Card games.4.A.She knows a helpful young man.B.She has never lived in London before.C.She does not like the topic at the time.D.She remembers vaguely about London.5.A.He hates to buy tickets all the times.B.They can afford to buy a ticket next October.C.Buying a yearly ticket can save him much money.D.The woman is too busy to visit the garden again within a year.二、听力选择题6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

1. How long can a mouse live at most?A.Three years.B.Twenty years.C.Seventy years.2. What affects the lifetime of animals according to scientists?A.The diet.B.The behavior.C.The heart rate.7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。



2024届云南省昆明市第一中学与红河州第一中学高三联考一模英语试题(2)一、听力选择题1. What did the woman find difficult?A.The essay section.B.The blank filling questions.C.The multiple-choice section.2.A.He did not attend today’s class.B.His notes are not easy to read.C.His handwriting has a unique style.D.He is very pleased to be able to help.3.A.Looking at a map.B.Going on a diet.C.Attending a party.D.Talking to Mary.4. What color is the blanket?A.Yellow.B.Blue.C.Green.5. What does the man come for?A.A lecture.B.A party.C.A meeting.二、听力选择题6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

1. Who has not given up smoking ?A.Sarah.B.Bill.C.Bill's wife2. Why did Sarah give up smoking?A.Because she took Bill’s advice.B.Because it was bad for her temper.C.Because her husband often became angry with her.3. What happened to Bill and Sarah's husband?A.They never stayed at home.B.They suffered from their wives' bad temper.C.They bought cigarettes for their wives.7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。



昆明一中2024届高三第5次联考数学参考答案命题、审题组教师杨昆华彭力李文清李春宣丁茵王在方张远雄李露陈泳序杨耕耘一、选择题题号12345678答案DABDCBCC1.解析:因为12i z =-,所以z =,选D .2.解析:因为{}1,4A =,{}1,2B =,选A .5.解析:因为直线++40x y =分别与x 轴,y 轴交于A ,B 两点,所以AB =,又因为点P 在圆22(2)2x y +-=上,所以圆心为()02,,则圆心到直线距离1d =,故点P 到直线++40x y =的距离2d 的范围为⎡⎣,则212ABP S AB d =∈ []816,,选C .6cos αα+=,将cos αα=代入22sin cos 1αα+=,得20α-=,sin α=,则tan α=B .7.解析:由题意,1()401f x ax x '=+=-在()1,+∞有解,则21114(1)4()12a x x x =-=----有解,因为21()4(12u x x =--在()1,+∞上单调增,得()0u x >,则0a <,选C .8.解析:因为每个人中奖的概率都为14,与抽取的顺序无关,所以A 错误;令“丁未中奖”为事件A ,“甲或乙中奖”为事件B ,则3()4P A =,111()442P AB =+=,()2(|)()3P AB P B A P A ==,所以B 错误;因为事件“甲或乙中奖”与事件“丙或丁中奖”不可能同时发生且至少有一个发生,所以它们为对立事件,C 正确;设“丙中奖”为事件M ,“丁中奖”为事件N ,则1()()4P M P N ==,因为只有一张奖券可以中奖,所以事件M ,N 不可能同时发生,所以()0P MN =,所以()()()P MN P M P N ≠,所以事件M ,N 不相互独立,所以D 不正确,选C .二、多选题题号9101112答案AC ACD ABD CD9.解析:因为回归方程的斜率为正,所以相关变量x ,y 具有正相关关系,所以A 正确;由2x =代入ˆ 1.50.6y x =-得 2.4y =,去除两个异常数据(2-,7)和(2,7)-后,得到新的28863x ⨯'==, 2.483.26y ⨯'==,所以B 错误;又因为得到的新的经验回归直线的斜率为3,所以由83 3.23 4.83y x -=-⨯=-,所以去除异常数据后的经验回归方程为ˆ3 4.8yx =-,故C 正确;因为经验回归直线的斜率为正数,所以变量x ,y 具有正相关关系,去除异常数据后,斜率增大,ˆy值增加的速度变大,D 错误,选AC .10.解析:对于A :由题意可得//l α或l α⊂,故A 错误;对于B :由图象可得23πCAD ∠=,则π3DAB ∠=;所以π6ADB ∠=,根据线面角的定义可得:l 与α所成角为π6,故B 正确;对于C :若点恰好在交线上,则不一定垂直于另一个平面,当且仅当点不在交线上时,根据面面垂直的性质定理,才可得到垂线垂直于另一个平面,故C 错误;对于D :当平面α内存在不共线的三点在平面β的同侧且平面β的距离相等,可得平面//α平面β;当平面α内存在不共线的三点在平面β的两侧时,若到平面β的距离相等,则平面α与平面β相交,所以D 错误;选ACD11.解析:由题,有()2,2C对于A,因为22O O OB C A +==⨯=,A正确对于B,因为2PA PB PC += ,PA PB BA -=,所以22224PA PB PA PB PC ++⋅= ,2222PA PB PA PB BA +-⋅= ,两式相加得()2222222444PA PB PC BA PC AC +=+=+ ,所以()22222PA PB PC AC +=+ ,B正确对于C,当点A 与点E 重合时,OC 与CA 的夹角为3π4,C错误对于D,△CDE 的面积为2,D正确选ABD12.解析:因为当0t =时,△1AF B 的面积为2,所以A 错误;因为当0t =时,12tan 2AF F ∠=,12π3AF F ∠>,当1t =时,12tan 1AF F ∠=<,12π4AF F ∠<,根据对称性,存在t 使△1AF B 为直角三角形,所以B 错误;根据椭圆对称性可知,当0t =时,四边形12AF BF 面积最大,所以C 正确;由椭圆的定义得:△1AF B 的周长112222(2)(2)4AB AF BF AB a AF a BF a AB AF BF =++=+-+-=+--,因为22AF BF AB +≥,所以220AB AF BF --≤,当AB 过点2F 时取等号,所以112244AB AF BF a AB AF BF a ++=+--≤=(11)x t t =-≤≤过椭圆的右焦点2F 时,△1AF B 的周长最大,所以D 正确,选CD .三、填空题13.解析:当0x <时,0x ->,()21()x f x f x --=+=-,得()21x f x -=--.14.解析:当0x >时,e 0x >恒成立;当0x ≤时,20x x --≥的解集为[]1,0-;综上,()0f x ≥的解集为[1,-+∞).15.解析:因为532p p AF =+=,所以6p =;又因为51cos pAF θ==-,所以1cos 5θ=-,所以151cos 2p BF θ==+.四、解答题17.解:(1)证明:因为四边形ABCD 为平行四边形,所以AB CD ∥,因为AB ⊄平面PCD ,且CD ⊂平面PCD ,所以AB ∥平面PCD ,因为平面ABEF 平面PCD EF =且AB ⊂平面ABEF ,所以AB EF ∥,所以CD EF ∥.………5分(2)建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系A xyz -.由(1)知CD EF ∥且23EF CD =,则2PE EC = ,则()0,0,0A ,()3,0,0B ,()0,0,3P ,()0,6,0C ,()0,4,1E ,()3,6,0D -,所以()0,4,1AE = ,()3,0,0AB = ,()0,2,1EC =-,()3,0,0DC =,设平面ABEF 的一个法向量为()1111,,n x y z =,则1100n AE n AB ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩ ,得()10,1,4n =- ,设平面DCEF 的一个法向量为()2222,,n x y z = ,则220n EC n DC ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩,得()20,1,2n = ,则121212cos ,n n n n n n ⋅<>=⋅,所以平面BEF 与平面DFE .………10分18.解:(1)由题意得,134222=-=-=b a c ,所以左焦点为)0,1(1-F ,右焦点为)0,1(2F .设点M 的坐标为),(y x,则22)1()1(||||222221=+-++=y x y x MF MF ,化简得8)3(22=++y x ,所以点M 的轨迹方程为8)3(22=++y x .………6分(2)由(1)得,点M 的轨迹方程为8)3(22=++y x ,所以圆心到直线1+=x y 距离为2,所以直线1+=x y 与M 相交的线段62282||=-=AB ,联立直线1+=x y 与E 的轨迹方程,⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=++=134122y x x y ,得08872=-+x x ,由根与系数的关系得.78,782121-=-=+x x x x 直线1+=x y 曲线C 相交的线段.724||1||212=-+=x x k CD 所以.126772462||||==CD AB ………12分20.解:(1)依题意:每5人一组需要验血次数X 的所有可能取值为1,6.所以:()510.95P X ==,()5610.95P X ==-.所以X 的分布列为:X16P 50.95510.95-所以()()55510.95610.95650.95 2.131E X =⨯+⨯-=-⨯=.所以共需要化验次数大约为:100002.13142625⨯=(次).故大约减少1000042625738-=(次).………6分(2)假设k 个人一组,设每个人需要化验的次数为Y ,若混合血样呈阴性,则1Y k =,若混合血样呈阳性,则11Y k=+所以Y 的分布列为:Y1k11k+P0.98k 10.98k-所以()()()()*110.98110.9810.98k k k E Y k k k k ⎡⎤=++-=+-∈⎣⎦N .因为10.98k k a k =-先减后增,78781110.980.980.017307856a a -=--+=->,∴78a a >.981110.85080.83370.017109872a a -=-+-=-+>,∴98a a >.所以当8k =时,()E Y 最小,最小值为:()0.2742E Y =,此时大约需要化验:100000.27422742⨯=次.………12分21.解:(1)由已知得:2321223b a a a ==+=+=,354321222245b a a a a a ==+=+=++=+=.因为2122n n a a +=+,221n n a a -=,所以12(1)12121212n n n n n n b b a a a a ++--+--=-=-=,而111b a ==,所以{}n b 是以1为首项,2为公差的等差数列,所以数列{}n b 的通项公式为21n b n =-.………4分(2)不等式121111+)(1+)(1+)nb b b ⋅⋅⋅≥(111(1+)(1+)(1+)b b b p⋅⋅⋅≥,设111(1+)(1+)(1+)()b b b f n ⋅⋅⋅=,则1(1+(1)1()b f n f n +===>,所以()f n 在n *∈N 上单调递增,所以min ()(1)f n f ==,因为()f n p ≥在n *∈N 上恒成立,所以min ()f n p ≥,所以p的取值范围为(0.………8分(3)若2b ,m b ,k b (m ,k *∈N ,5m k <<)构成等比数列,则22mk b b b =⋅,即:()2213(21)m k -=-,所以21m -=,由于21m -,21k -均为正整数,所以奇数3(21)k -必须是完全平方数,又因为5m k <<,所以2213k t -=,且21t p =-(*p ∈N ),所以,当1t =时,213k -=,213m -=,即:2m k ==,不满足题意,舍弃;当3t =时,2127k -=,219m -=,即:5m =,14k =,不满足题意,舍弃;当5t =时,2175k -=,2115m -=,即:8m =,38k =,所以符合条件的一组()m k ,的值可以是(838),.(注:5t =,7t =⋅⋅⋅,,即5t ≥的奇数均可,答案开放,满足题意的一组值即可).………12分22.解:(1)()f x 的定义域为R ,()()1e x f x x '=+,当(),1x ∈-∞-时,()0f x '<,当()1,x ∈-+∞时,()0f x '>,故()f x 在(),1-∞-内单调递减,在()1,-+∞单调递增,故要使()f x 有两个零点,则需()1min ()1e 0f x f m -=-=--<,故1em >-,当10e m -<<时,因为111(e 0mf m m m m m=->-=,又1e 1m <-<-,故()f x 在()1-∞-,内存在唯一零点,又(0)0f m =->,故()f x 在()1,0-内存在唯一零点,则()f x 在R 上存在两个零点,故满足题意的实数m 的取值范围为1,0e ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭;…………6分(2)证明:由(1)可设10a b <-<<,由e e a b a b ⋅=⋅可得e a b b a-=,令()0,1b t a =∈,解得ln 1ln 1t a tt t b t ⎧=⎪⎪-⎨⎪=⎪-⎩,构造()()ln ln 11t t F t t t =++-,令()1ln h x x x =--,则()11h x x'=-,当()0,1x ∈时,()0h x '<,当()1,x ∈+∞时,()0h x '>,故()h x 在()0,1内单调递减,在()1,+∞单调递增,故()11h h x ⎛⎫≥ ⎪⎝⎭,即111ln 0x x --≥,令()ln 1x g x x =-,1x ≠,()()()22111ln 1ln011x x x x x g x x x ---+'==≤--,故()g x 在定义域内单调递减,故()()1g t g t +<,即()ln 1ln 1t ttt +<-,()ln ln 11t t t t +<-,故()0F t <,则()e e e1F t a b +=<,证毕.……………12分。



云南省昆明市禄劝县第一中学2024学年高三下学期第五次调研考试英语试题注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.She doesn’t speak our language, she seems to understand what we say.A.yet B.andC.or D.so2.Many developing countries are unwilling to pursue their economic development ______ destroying the environment despite there being several financial crises.A.at the risk of B.at the cost of C.at the end of D.at the mercy of3.Daniel’s family ________ their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.A.are enjoying B.are to enjoy C.will enjoy D.will be enjoying4.This was returned because the person ________ this letter was addressed had died three years ago.A.to whom B.to whichC.which D.whom5.Peter has previous experience, ______ I think he’s the right person for the job.A.or B.butC.for D.so6.—What a mess! You are always so lazy!—I’m not to blame, mum. I am ________ you have made me.A.how B.what C.that D.who7.In view of rapidly aging population,the second-child policy at the start of 2016.A.is adopted B.was adopted C.has been adopted D.was being adopted8.The event that _________ in my memory happened one morning in 1983 when I was 14 years old. It has never escaped.A.stood out B.stands outC.would stand out D.has stood out9.We believe ________ you have been devoted to ________ naturally of great necessity.A.that; being B.all that; beC.that all; are D.what; is10.Y ou can’t use the computer now, ________ the upgrade of the system is under way.A.until B.unlessC.as D.after11.—What did she want to know, Tom?—She wondered we could complete the experimentA.when was it that B.it was when thatC.it was when D.when it was that12._________ the requirement is set high, it is a blessing for Chinese students that Cambridge University uses scores on Gaokao as part of its admission criteria.A.As B.While C.Once D.Where13.John, ________ money was now no problem, started a new company with his friends.A.for whose B.of whoseC.of whom D.for whom14.---How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beauti ful?---It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.A.will B.would C.should D.must15.—I’m sorry for breaking the cup.—Oh, ________. I’ve got plenty.A.help yourself B.forget itC.my pleasure D.pardon me16.My mother is always warning me whe n I go out, “Don’t get off the bus ________ it is stopping.”A.until B.whileC.before D.after17.People crowd into ________ cherry trees are blooming, appreciating the fresh spring sight.A.what B.whenC.which D.where18.Playing with the foreign visitors, my cousin is beginning to several different languages.A.pick up B.pick outC.turn up D.show out19.It’s nearly four years since I worked in that firm. I ________ a band with other fellows.A.operated B.had been operatingC.was operating D.am operating20.He always keeps an eye on shortcomings of his brother’s _________ refusing to admit his own mistakes.A.but B.whileC.although D.though第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。






第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。




1.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?A.Father and daughter.B. Teacher and student.C. Sister and brother.2.Why does the woman complain to the man?A. The dog is trapped.B. The dog scares her.C. The dog barks all day.3.How does the man find the T-shirt?A. The color is bright.B. It is too large.C. The design is modern.4.What does the man suggest?A. Reading a detailed map.B. Asking for directions.C. Keeping driving to the river.5.What are the speakers discussing?A. A French conversation.B. A speech in French class.C. An experiment they just took.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话。







Text lW: Have you ever considered opening an account to save money?M: No, I never have enough money to put in. I give it all to my wife to spend.W: You should think about it. That way, you'll have more money in the long run. Text 2M: How do you get your hair to be so beautiful? Do you use certain products? Or maybe it's your diet?W: I don't do anything special. I wash it in the shower like everyone else. It must be a gift I have always had.Text 3M: Baseball is so popular in my country. I’ve always preferred other sports, though.W: It barely exists where I'm from, but it doesn't look so hard.M: Well, it's actually pretty complicated if you didn't grow up watching it. It's a great sport, though. You can learn how to play it someday.Text 4M: I really appreciate my grandparents. They come over with groceries all the time.My grandmother also makes me sweaters for the winter.W: I think the older generation is very important. They have a lot of knowledge to pass on to us.Text 5W: Sarah's kids are going to stay here on the weekend. She's going to drop them off on Friday night and pick them up on Sunday night.M: As long as you're OK with that. I won't be back till the day after they leave because of my trip.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。

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1. What does the woman think of the film?A. Boring.B. Interesting.C. Searing.2. Who is making noise in the man’s view?A. The Smiths.B. The window cleaners.C. The pets next door.3. What’s the man’s favorite theme?A. Art.B. Science.C. Environment.4. What does the man want the woman to do?A. Tidy the room.B. Watch a film.C. Cook dinner.5. What kind of weather does the woman dislike?A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Warm.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. When does the man want to start working in New York?A. Next Monday.B. Next Wednesday.C. Next Friday.7. What is the man going to do this Friday?A. Find a flat.B. Buy some furniture.C. Visit his grandfather.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. Why didn’t the woman show up for the meeting this morning?A. Her door lock was broken.B. She went to buy a new lock.C. Her key to her home was lost.9. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Roommates.B. Employee and boss.C. Colleagues.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. What time is it now?A. 1:20 p.m.B. 2:05 p.m.C. 2:20 p.m.11. What should the movers do?A. Pack the small stuff.B. Load the furniture.C. Do some cleaning12. What does the woman plan to do after their moving?A. Eat something.B. Take a shower.C. Have a rest.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13. What’s the advantage of black?A. It makes one look slimmer.B. It can make people elegant.C. It’s the trend of this season.14. Which color does the woman choose for her mother?A. Black.B. Grey.C. Purple.15. How many items will the woman get?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.16. What will the woman get as a gift?A. A hat.B. A scarf.C. A shirt.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. How old is the oldest part of London?A. One thousand years old.B. Nine hundred years old.C. Nearly two thousand years old.18. Where does the Buckingham Palace lie?A. In the city of Westminster.B. In the Square Mile.C. In the Tower of London.19. Which city was the most visited city in the world in 2014?A. London.B. Paris.C. Hong Kong.20. Which of the following is among London’s attractions?A. Roman settlements.B. Government offices.C. Musical plays.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AMaudie and I have been married for 58 years, but we didn’t fall in love at first sight.We both entered Murphy High School in 1953 as freshmen. In civics class I sat by two girls during my sophomore year. We talked so much during class that the teacher split us up. She moved me next to a girl named Maudie. The only thing I knew about Maudie was that she was the best friend with the daughter of the prominent pastor(牧师)at the largest Baptist church in Mobile, my hometown, and she often attended some church activities.In our junior year, we were in the same bookkeeping class. I liked the class but I had some trouble with the study problems. I knew Maudie was smart, so I turned to her. However, she let me know she had no desire to help me without a word.Then in our senior year, I started working in a grocery store. Maudie came in weekly with her mother and seemed to be a different person. We talked happily as I bagged the groceries and I realized that I had changed as well.One night as I took the groceries out for her, I asked if she wanted to hang out and go for a ride when I got off work, but she said she had to drive her mother home. I felt rejected but found out later that she was hoping I would offer to pick her up after work.Several days later I drove past her as she walked home from school and offered her a ride. She accepted and I quickly asked her for a date to a gathering at our church –I’d picked it by design, thinking she’d be more likely to accept it. And she did. We continued to date steadily until we got married on April 3, 1959.21. The teacher moved the author next to Maudie because ______.A. he did not concentrate in classB. he fought with those two girlsC. h e needed to get Maudie’s helpD. he volunteered to be moved over22. When did they feel attracted to each other?A. At first sight.B. In junior year.C. In high school.D. In senior year.23. Why did the author pick the church for their date?A. He wanted the pastor’s blessing.B. Maudie might prefer the activities in church.C. The church was close to Maudie’s church.D. He wanted to get married in the church.24. The writer develops the passage mainly by ______.A. following the time orderB. transferring their locationsC. showing Maudie’s changesD. telling the church’s historyBDec 7 is International Civil Aviation Day(国际明航日). Of course, we think immediately of the Wright brothers, the great pioneers who invented and put the first airplane into the sky.The more you study the efforts the brothers made, the more you admire them. These were men who had a dream – to do what the only birds had been able to do. For thousands of years it had only been a dream and a mad one, too. It’s mad because it seemed against nature and mad also because of the dangers involved.But the Wrights flew up to 100 times a year. It was the process of trial and error that led to them producing a machine that could actually carry people through the air safely.They were brave men. They showed courage, without which human beings would never have made any progress. A Wright brothers expert, David McCullough, gave an example of their courage. He noted that the brothers never flew together. Why? ―If one got killed, the other would still be alive to carry on with the mission,‖ he wrote in his book The Wright Brothers.Determination was all that they had i n the beginning. They weren’t from fancy, rich backgrounds. No business or university sponsored their efforts. They had to do everything themselves. They put their lives on the line every time they climbed into the pilot’s seat.The philosopher Aristotle had something to say about courage. He said that it is the first of human qualities because it is the quality that guarantees all the others. I can’t agree more. Surely the story of the Wright brothers backs up these words. The Wright brothers certainly had a can-do attitude, and they taught us one great lesson: We need courage if we want to see our plans through to the end.25. What do you know about the Wright brothers?A. They flew to the sky together every time.B. Lots of businesses helped them to realize their dream.C. They invented the plane after the repeated experiments.D. International Civil Aviation Day was set up in honor of them.26. Why is the philosopher Aristotle mentioned in the last paragraph?A. To praise the words he said.B. To advance another opinion.C. To honour the Wright brothers.D. To support the author’s view.27. What may be the best title for the passage?A. How the first plane was inventedB. Courage has no limitsC. The development of the planeD. The great pioneers in the worldCThe two Chinese tourists gesturing Hitler salutes in Berlin have left Germany without further criminal punishment, the Chinese Embassy said Monday, urging tourists to respect history and learn basic laws of their travel destinations.The two tourists, two me aged 36 and 49, respectively, were caught by Berlin officers on a routine on Saturday, when they were taking mobile phone pictures of each other and posing Hitler salute gestures outside the historic landmark Reichstag parliament complex in the center of Berlin.Zhou Anping, counselor of the Consulate Division of the Chinese Embassy in Germany, told Xinhua that each of the two tourists has been fined for 500 euros and was free from the police. Zhou added that no further criminal punishment would be given. They might have already arrived in Italy on Monday.The Berlin police told Xinhua that they are not banned from visiting Germany again in the future. Germany has strict laws on hate speeches and symbols linked to Adolf Hitler, a notorious(臭名昭著的)figure in the World War II, and his Nazi Party. It is not the first time that Chinese tourists were caught for posing Hitler-linked gestures. In 2013, a Chinese tourists was arrested for making Hitler salutes in Austria. Zhou urged Chinese visitors to respect history and learn basic laws of their destinations to avoid such offenses.The two Chinese tourists were widely reproached and criticized in China. Many accused the two of lacking basic knowledge of history about the Nazis and Hitler. ―They deserved punishment!‖ A person with an account named ―2sxiong‖ said on Twitter-like Chinese social media Weibo. ―Shame on them!‖ said another Weibo user.28. What punishment did the two tourists get?A. Each of them got fined.B. They were in prison for a week.C. The pictures in their mobile phones were deleted.D. They were forbidden to visit Germany again.29. What should we pay attention to when travelling?A. Don’t take pictures in public.B. Avoid the local police officers.C. Learn basic laws of destinations.D. Prepare enough money for fines.30. What’s the meaning of this underlined word ―reproached‖?A. Punished.B. Blamed.C. Appreciated.D. Praised.31. What lesson can we learn from the passage?A. An evil lesson is soon learned.B. Misfortunes never come singly.C. A guest must do as his host does.D. The day has eyes, the night has ears.DClothes play an important role in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to who people are, who they are not, and who they would like to be. They tell us a good deal about the wearer’s background, personality, statue, mood and social outlook. Since clothes are such an important source of social information, we can use them to win people’s good impression. Our appearance assumes particular significa nce in the beginning of communication. For example, a middle-class person in plain clothes may be barely grouped by a young adult who is dressed in an unconventional manner, regardless of the person’s education, background, or interest.People tend to agree on what certain types of clothes mean. Adolescent girls can easily agree on the lifestyle of girls who wear fancy clothes. Newscasters or the announcers who read the news on TV, are considered to be more convincing honest and competent when they are dressed conservatively. And college students who view themselves as taking an active role in their interpersonal relationships say they are concerned about the costumes they must wear to play these roles successfully. Moreover, many of us can be aware that the clothing we wear change the way we feel about ourselves and how we act. Perhaps you have used clothing to gain confidence when you are present at a stressful situation, such as a job interview, or a court appearance.In the workplace, the appearances of men and women are equally important, especially women. How do women gain success in wearing in the business world? They should mix up manliness and womanliness. The variety of clothing alternatives to women has also been greater than that available for men. Male administrator tend to judge women more favorably for managerial post when the women display less ―womanliness‖, grooming shorter hair, slight use of make-up and plain tailored clothing.32. The example in paragraph 1 tells us ______.A. clothes decid e on people’s personalityB. we shouldn’t judge a person by his or her appearanceC. the same taste in clothes makes people grouped easilyD. person’s background plays an important part in communication33. What can we learn from the passage?。
