An Institutional Innovation about Guarantee Alliance in the Guaranty Industry for SMEs' Financi
归,并得出残差 εi.t 。
r = α + β r + β r + β r + β r + i,t
1,i m,t - 2
2,i m,t - 1
3,i m,t
4,i m.t + 1
β r + ε 5,i m,t + 2
股 票 i 第 t 周 经 市 场 调 整 后 的 收 益 率 Wi,t 为 :
和 Myers,2006)[1],公司财务报告透明度越低,其股 价崩盘风险也越高 (Hutton 等,2009)[3]。
随着中国资本市场的不断扩容,机构投资者数量 迅速上升。机构投资者凭借其资源和专业优势,成为 资本市场的重要力量,在参与公司治理、完善资本市 场信息环境和促进资本市场稳定发展中发挥着极其重 要的作用。机构调研是细节,深入了解公司经营和发展状况,以做出更优 投资决策的行为 (孔东民等,2015)[4]。机构投资者通 过对上市公司调研,可以获取大量公司报告之外的信 息 (Cheng 等,2019)[5],占据信息优势,因此,机构 调研在资本市场中的作用成为学者重点关注的对象并 受到监管部门的重视,机构调研也为投资者与上市公 司交流提供了重要方式和渠道 (贾琬娇等,2015)[6]。 基于此,证券交易所出台相关政策鼓励上市公司安排 投资者进行调研,而且接纳最多的是机构投资者 (Jiang 和 Yuan,2018)[7]。
国 外科技 发 展最新 动 向专题 ・
英 国建 立技术 与创新 中心 的背景 、理念 和机制
吴 峰
7 05 ) 104 ( 陕西省 软科 学研 究所 , 西安
要 :2 1 年3 ,英 国政 府 出台 了 《 00 月 技术 与创新 中心报 告》 ,其核 心 内容 是建议 英 国建 立
文对 中国建设 国家创新体 系的四点建议或 思考如 下 :1 技术 创新体 系的核 心框 架 :重点产 业 .
领域 的技 术 与创 新 中心 :2 技 术创新 体 系的 关键 任务 :形成产 业共性技 术和 关键技 术 ;3 技 . .
术创 新体 系的功能 目标 :促 进科技 经 济紧密结合 ;4 政 府在 建立 国家创新体 系中的作 用:构 .
《 告 》 为 , 国 面临 着 2 纪 3 代 以来 报 认 英 0世 0年
最 深刻 的金 融 危机 .需 要 一 个 全 新 的创 新 体 系应 对 : 国科 学 研 究 世 界 领 先 , 在 技 术 转 化 方 面缺 英 但 乏充 足 资金 , 没有 让 经 济享 受 到科 技 发展 带 来 的好
批 新 的技 术 与创 新 中心 (I s ,在技 术 成 长的 道路 上 ,对 技 术进行 筛选 、整合 、培育 , TC )
直 至 实现技 术 的 商业化 。2 1 年 l 月 ,卡梅伦 首相 宣布 ,在 未来 四年 ,英 国计 划投 资2Z 00 0 4 英 , 镑 ,建立6 8 个世 纪级 技 术与创 新 中心 ,为英 国经 济发展 注入 驱动 力 。鉴 于英 国的 经验 ,本
紧密结 合 的技 术创 新体 系 。《 告》 得 到新 的联 合 报 也
政府认 可 。2 1 0 0年 1 0月 , 卡梅 伦首 相 宣 布 , 在未 来 四 年 . 国计 划 投 资 两 亿英 镑 . 立 6 8个 世 纪 级 英 建 ~
N P L:政府所有委托管理的实验室————英国科研机构改革的一种模式国家科委政策体改司刘育新吴英黄英达背景随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,国际竞争日趋激烈,科技实力成为影响国际竞争力的决定因素。
58CHINA TODAYConvergenceover AIGovernanceAmid DifferencesAs the EU passes the first AI law, the U.S. grappleswith bipartisanship, and China proactively advancesthe issue-based approach and advocates the GlobalAI Governance Initiative, will AI become “a force forgood, ensuring safety, and promoting fairness”?to pay close attention to the trend of AI technology, play its role within the UN framework, strengthen regional, global, bilateral and multilateral coordina-tion mechanisms, enhance participation and voice in international affairs, and promote global AI governance.China actively advocates ethical norms, laws and regulations that are universally recognized by the international community, and contributes Chinese wisdom to the formulation of global standards. According to the Ministry of Industry and Informa-tion Technology, China is actively promoting the construction of a more flexible, inclusive, and rapid-response governance mechanism, establishing plat-forms for AI ethics assessment and data collection, and promoting the standard setting for the ethical application of AI. In addition, the Belt and Road Ini-tiative (BRI) can also benefit AI global governance by promoting cooperation among participating countries, especially developing countries, and hence promote the balanced and equitable develop-ment of AI around the world.The key to industrial development lies in talents. Strengthening talent training will help upgrade AI and improve global AI governance. China can estab-lish and improve the transnational talent training system and promote the integration and transfor-mation of industrial chains, talent chains and value chains by building an international cooperation and exchange platform led by the government and with the participation of multiple social forces such as universities, enterprises and think tanks. For this purpose, China and the EU held the first Sino-EU Youth Artificial Intelligence Competition, and China and Russia held seminars to discuss AI talent train-ing and technology development.Today, global AI governance is still in the explor-atory stage, and the complex nature and uncertainty of technology require global collaboration. Guided by the idea of building a community with a shared future for mankind, countries in the world will be able to jointly address technological, ethical, and security challenges, ensure the healthy development of technology, and safeguard the common interests of mankind. CYI DI is a research fellow and deputy secretary general of Taihe Institute.59April 2024By THORSTEN JELINEKTHIS year marks a significant year for estab-lishing guardrails around artificial intel-ligence (AI), with major regions like the EU, the U.S., and China converging over a risk-based regulatory approach, albeit with distinct dif-ferences. This trend reflects a broader trend towards digital sovereignty, with governments seeking in-creased control over their digital markets and tech-nologies to ensure safety and security, while aiming to boost their AI competitiveness. The pursuit of digital sovereignty, while both necessary and legiti-mate, carries the risk of erecting new barriers. This requires global efforts to strike a balance between maintaining control and fostering collaboration and openness.From a regulatory standpoint, the EU is at the forefront with its AI Act, which was confirmed by the European Parliament in March 2024, marking it as the first globally comprehensive AI legislation. The Act establishes a four-tiered risk frameworkthat prohibits certain AI applications, enforces strict regulations and conformity assessments for high-risk uses, mandates transparency for limited-risk applications, and suggests guidelines for non-risky applications. Stringent obligations only apply to generative AI if categorized as a high-risk appli-cation. The Act exempts open-source models un-less they are deployed in high-risk contexts. A new oversight mechanism is established, including two EU-level institutions: the AI Office and the AI Board, which are tasked with ensuring compliance and fa-cilitating the development of codes of practice, yet without directly overstepping national supervisory authorities of the member states, which still need to be established.While the Act is a landmark achievement, it re-mains controversial as internal critiques argue that this could stifle innovation and competition, others argue that strong guardrails spur innovation as they provide not only safety and security but also legal certainty. Besides, most applications are expected to be in the lowest category and will not face any mandatory obligations. However, the Act’s extra-territoriality clause, which means that the Act will govern both AI systems operating in the EU as well as foreign systems whose output enters the EU mar-ket, could cause frictions especially with the U.S. as it is perceived as protectionist. This is the flipside of all new guardrails as represented by the EU’s com-prehensive landscape of privacy, cybersecurity, and digital markets regulations.The United States, in contrast has taken a different approach. Rather than enacting a com-prehensive, national law, the U.S. government promulgated a Presidential Executive Order on AI on October 30, 2023, encompassing a broad array of guidelines, recommendations, and specific ac-tions. This strategy aligns with the U.S. precedent of not having federal laws in other pivotal areas like digital governance, including cybersecurity and privacy protection. Despite growing recogni-tion of the need for a more comprehensive risk-based approach, bipartisan support in these ar-eas remains elusive. While the absence of federal legislation introduces legal uncertainty, it also al-lows for flexibility and an issue-focused approach to AI safety and security, notably for high-riskVisitors take photos of the Ameca Robot, from Etisalat And, during the Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona, Spain, on February 26, 2024. The mobile phone industry is looking to AI to reverse declin-ing sales.applications such as dual-use foundation models. The Executive Order is not only a set of targeted restrictions with sectoral policies, like in transpor-tation and healthcare, but also about fostering AI talent, education, research, and innovation and thus enhancing the U.S.’s competitiveness. The competitive dimension is not part of the EU AI Act. Some argue that this is symptomatic for the EU’sregulatory focus and the U.S.’s liability-oriented and competition-driven approach. Nevertheless, security concerns are paramount, as evidenced by proposed mandates requiring U.S. cloud companies to vet and potentially limit foreign access to AI training data centers or with provisions ensuring government ac-cess to AI training and safety data. This strategy un-derscores a deliberate effort to protect U.S. interests amidst the dynamic AI domain and intense compe-tition with China for global AI dominance. The U.S. strategy faces a significant drawback – the lack of legislative permanence. This precariousness means the new presidential election could easily revoke the Biden-Harris administration’s executive order, undermining its stability and long-term impact. China is the next major country that will most likely promulgate a dedicated artificial intelligence law by 2025, a path that was already signaled in the government’s New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan from 2017. The plan proposed the initial establishment of AI laws and regulations, ethical norms, and policy systems, forming AI se-curity assessment and control capabilities by 2025, and a more complete system of laws, regulations, ethics, and policies on AI by 2030. The 2030 objec-tive indicates that AI governance is an ongoing pur-suit. For now, the Chinese government follows an issue-focused approach regulating specific aspects of AI that are deemed most urgent. It’s a centralized approach that successively introduces a regulatory framework of provisions, interim measures and requirements designed to balance innovation and competitiveness with social stability and security. On the regulatory side, over the past three years, China’s Cyberspace Administration and other de-partments have issued three key regulations explic-itly to guide AI development and use, including the Internet Information Service Algorithm Recommen-dation Management Regulations passed in 2021; theSummit concluded at Bletchley Park, U.K. on November 1, 2023. The Bletchley Declaration, the world's first international statement on the rapidly emerging technology of AI, was signed by 28 countries including China, the U.S., and the EU, stressing the need to address the potential risks posed by AI. It calls for and advocates a people-centered approach, and hopes that AI research institutions and companies will design, develop, and use AI in a responsible manner.60CHINA TODAYProvisions on the Administration of Deep Synthesis of Internet-Based Information Services issued in 2022; and the “Interim Measures for the Manage-ment of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services in 2023. The legal discourse in China not only covers ethics, safety, and security, but also issues concern-ing AI liability, intellectual property, and commercial rights. These areas have ignited significant debate,especially in relation to China’s Civil Code in 2021, a pivotal legislation aimed at substantially enhancing the protection of a wide range of individual rights. Importantly, China’s legislators use public consulta-tions and feedback mechanisms to find a suitable balance between safety and innovation. A case in point is the current consultation on the Basic Safety Requirements for Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (draft for feedback) issued in October 2023. On the latter side, to boost AI innovation and com-petitiveness, the government has approved more than 40 AI models for public use since November 2023, including the large models from tech giants such as Baidu, Alibaba, and Bytedance.In parallel to those national measures, there has been a significant effort for forging AI collaboration on an international and multilateral level, given that no country or region alone can address the disrup-tions brought about by application of advanced and widespread AI in the future. There are various frameworks that promote responsible AI, including the first global yet non-binding agreement on AI ethics – the Recommendation on the Ethics of Arti-ficial Intelligence that was adopted by 193 UNESCO member countries in 2021. Also, for the first time AI safety was addressed by the UN Security Coun-cil in July 2023. Most recently, the United Nations Secretary-General’s AI Advisory Body released their Interim Report: Governing AI for Humanity. Its final version will be presented at the UN’s Summit of the Future in September 2024. High-level consensus was also reached on the level of the G20, which rep-resents around 85 percent of global GDP, supporting the “principles for responsible stewardship of trust-worthy AI,” which were drawn from the OECD AI principles and recommendations. Another signifi-cant step forward to bridge the divide between the Western world and the Global South was achieved during the U.K. AI Safety Summit. For the first time, collaborationThere has beena significanteffort for forg-ing AI collabo-ration on aninternationaland multilat-eral level, giventhat no countryor region alonecan addressthe disruptionsbrought aboutby applicationof advancedand wide-spread AI in November 2023, the EU, U.S., and China and othercountries jointly signed the Bletchley Declaration,pledging to collectively manage the risk from AI.Adding to this positive momentum, we have seenan AI dialogue initiated between China and the EUand China and the United States.Despite such advancements, the lack of inter-national collaboration remains, particularly withcountries in the Global South. The exclusivity ofthe Global North is evident in initiatives like theG7’s Hiroshima AI Process Comprehensive PolicyFramework and the Council of Europe's efforts,which led to the agreement on the first interna-tional treaty on AI in March 2024. This conven-tion, awaiting adoption by its 46 member coun-tries, marks a significant step as it encompassesgovernment and private sector cooperation,but predominantly promotes Western values.In response to the notable lack of internationalcollaboration with the Global South, China hasstepped up its efforts by unveiling the GlobalAI Governance Initiative during the Third Beltand Road Forum for International Cooperationheld in Beijing in October 2023. This move aimsto promote a more inclusive global discourseon AI governance. At the annual “Two Sessions”of China’s top legislature and political advisorybody in March 2024, Foreign Minister Wang Yihighlighted the significance of this initiative,underlining its three core principles: viewing AIas a force for good, ensuring safety, and promot-ing fairness. Amidst various major internationalinitiatives and frameworks, it is essential toestablish and nurture communication chan-nels among these different international efforts.Those channels must aim to bridge differencesand gradually reduce them over time. Develop-ing governance interoperability frameworkscould serve as a practical approach to addressthese differences. CDR. THORSTEN JELINEK is the Europe director and seniorfellow of Taihe Institute. An active participant in several mul-tilateral institutions, including UNIDO, OECD, G20/T20, andITU, Dr. Jelinek holds visiting scholar positions at the HertieSchool's Centre for Digital Governance and University of Cam-bridge’s Department of Sociology. He also formerly worked asan associate director at the World Economic Forum.61April 2024。
世界思想家系列邀请对不同文明的演化与世界史宏大图景有深刻洞见的思想家分享他们的知识与智慧,以期 增强各文明之间了解和信任,减少偏狭、傲慢与误解。本系列第一场对话于2020年7月举行,由《枪炮、病菌与 钢铁:人类社会的命运》作者贾雷德·戴蒙德教授主讲。2021年8月19日,世界思想家系列的第二场对话邀请了 历史学家、汉学家、香港大学前校长王赓武教授,就“世界历史中的中华文明”分享他的研究和观点。2022年7 月3日,世界思想家系列的第三场对话邀请了2021年博古睿奖得主,普林斯顿大学人类价值中心生物伦理学教授 彼得·辛格分享了他对“动物与伦理”的见解。
2022-2023年 宝树,科幻作家 陈霞,中国社会科学院哲学研究所研究员 龚隽,中山大学哲学系教授 刘超,北京师范大学心理学部认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室暨IDG/麦戈文、脑科学研究院教授 吕晓宇,北京大学国际关系学院助理教授 龙星如,独立策展人 梅剑华,山西大学哲学社会学学院教授、博士生导师 2021—2022年 陈海丹,北京大学医学院伦理学副教授 陈小平,中国科技大学计算机学院教授
数字技术、基因编辑和其他深刻改变世界的科技的快速发展和广泛应用正在深刻改变我们对未来的想象。我 们邀请人工智能、机器人、基因编辑、气候变化方面的科学家,以及虚拟现实、游戏和在线应用方面的技术专家 来描绘他们的研究愿景,并预测人类社会和地球系统的未来情景。同时,科幻作家、艺术家和策展人创造对未来 的想象,把我们带到想象领域的叙述和故事。
随着第一期《萃嶺》杂志的发行,博古睿研究院继思想杂志Noema之后,实现并推出了全新的中文内容出版 平台。《萃嶺》由博古睿研究院出品,博古睿研究院中国中心策划、编辑并推出,是一份融汇东西方创新思想的 杂志。在中文语境里,“萃嶺”有草木茂盛的青山碧岭之意,与研究院名称的德语意涵相映成趣。我们希望依托 深厚的学术基础、大人文的思维广度以及拓展性的前沿视角,聚焦全球性大事件、大议题,观照变革时代新思想。 《萃嶺》创刊号的主题是行星智慧(planetary wisdom),聚焦博古睿研究院近一年来所**的与行星思维和行 星哲学有关的思考。萃嶺全年在线发布,不定期印制一刊《萃嶺》。
表3·1·6-1 外装饰装修工程质量允许偏差和检查方法表3.1.6-2 内装饰装修工程质量允许偏差和检查方法表3·2·6-1建筑电气安装工程质量允许偏查和检查方法表3·2·6-2建筑设备安装工程质量允许偏差和检查方法表3.2.6-3通风与空调安装工程质量允许偏差和检查方法附录A“中州杯”奖土建工程质量评价A.0.1土建工程质量评价应符合表A.0.1规定。
表 5.3.8钢结构安装允许偏差及检查方法表6.3.2 砌体工程质量允许偏差及检查方法表A.0.1 河南省优质结构工程施工项目管理工作质量评价表工程名称:施工单位:表B.0.1 河南省优质结构工程(混凝土模板工程、钢结构材料、砌体结构材料)质量评价表工程名称:施工单位:表C.0.1河南省优质结构工程(混凝土钢筋工程钢结构件制作,砌体砌筑工程)质量评价表工程名称:施工单位表D.0.1 河南省优质结构工程(混凝土工程,钢结构安装工程,砌体砌筑工程)质量评价表工程名称:施工单位表E.0.1 河南省优质结构工程技术资料管理工作质量评价表工程名称:施工单位表 F.0.1河南省优质结构工程质量综合评价表工程名称:施工单位:河南省建设工程“中州杯”质量评审标准评定表格。
机构投资者的创新之路外文翻译An Unconventional Approach to Institutional InvestmentMaterial Source:////0>. Author:David F.SwensenIn order to construct high quality actively type management portfolio, investment institutions need to have a strong investment by a team, and effective operation of investment committee to supervise. Effective investment commission should appropriate supervision of combination, not interference in investment management personnel concrete operation. The number of council meetings vote each year in four times should be restricted, so that can both avoid vote commission members overly intervention daily portfolio management, but also assure the investment manager receive appropriate supervision. Investment commission should decide on investment properties and direction, and shall not thoughtless altogether to the investment decision-making power management. Shots in a fund management company's labor role as other industries should be the board of directors of the company.First, investment committeeInvestment commission has constraints investment management process functions. Investment committee members of investment advice bycomprehensive profound examination can urge investment management personnel consideration given after more investment advice. Investment commission should not easily negative investment management personnel's advice. Because if the investment committee often refused or modify investment advice in management, investment management personnel combination would feel it cramps. When the market appear chance, specific investment discuss the scale needs, and reported investment commission, just can carry out after the operation. If the investment committee didn't pass, investment management personnel in the industry's reputation will also damaged. But the investment committee also will never become decoration, efficient investment commission should, through discussion of future investment investment advice to the nature and direction guiding role. Effective combination management needs to get good balance, not only respects the investment commission absolute authority, and gives the investment manager due responsibility.In the investment commission meeting, investment committee members should also to investment management personnel to provide feedback on previous operation of future strategy and Suggestions. Both full exchange can improve the quality of the investment committee, thereby improving communication investment decisions.About investment committee members form with qualification, first investment committee members should have good judgment, although thebackground of members have no special requirements, but for financial markets for supervision and profound understanding of the investment process points. If investment committee members are all investment expert sometimes also can cause dangerous because the investment committee's mission is to manage the overall investment process rather than specific portfolio. Some investment committee into successful entrepreneurs as members, although they can bring valuable opinions, but also often hard to overcome "reward success, punishing failure, and the thinking of already entrenched style will handle the portfolio to chase after go kill cheapen strategy, and lose an opportunity to reverse investment strategies of the earnings. Investment committee members should positioning as investment manager for process supervisor and the supporters, rather than specific portfolio managers.Second, the investment managerInvestment manager is the driving force portfolio management process, whatever decision asset allocation, fund spending policies, or specific portfolio management or select fund managers, etc, all of which require strict process constraints, and good reason. This process the investment manager can't hide from that fact, both the existing or potential weakness all need comprehensive paper and discussed. Any dishonest behavior of investment process could be fatal.If no rigorous procedures to ensure investment advice to get clearpaper, investment decision will become is not standard, even thoughtless. For example, when asset allocation decisions on investment management must be based on the rigorous logic analysis framework, it will be possible to make a well-founded investment advice. Investment management personnel, investment opportunities to review all aspects of the investment opportunities to strict assessment and external investment charge of due diligence, the premise is deciding whether to invest.In a written form submit investment advice is communication investment thought very effective. The investment manager can be found by drafting investment advice the error or knowledge of logic, and recognizing that blind colleagues and investment committee members will be reading investment advice to the investment manager, can make clear, argument is sufficient, argument demonstration rigorous. Through the writing of investment logic full explanation to also can make the investment committee member in the proposal before the meeting will have comprehensive understanding, thus improve the quality of the investment committee.Investment decision-making group should be composed by 3 ~ 4 people. Because with the increasing number of participation in decision-making, certainly will will increase compromise and "consensus" thinking of possibilities. If investment management personnel is more, it should be divided into several decision-making group, different asset classes weremanagement. This way keeps the clique decision-making advantage, and solves portfolio management increasingly complex, asset scale growing problem.The new additions to the investment institutions continue to inject new blood, their energy, enthusiasm, especially treat problems in a fresh perspective can prevent corruption ethos breed and spread. The training, advice about new old belt adopted a "new" way. This is a win-win approach, because it embodies the "in practice growth", "teacher-and-students" principle. Yale university renowned economist James? Tobin once said: "everywhere I the opportunity to learn from my students, I learned a lot, such as waste to their clear to me that this one is also a kind of learning." If the organization structure reasonable, new employees will soon play a role. Encourage, including new personal responsibility, can improve investment performance and employee satisfaction.译文机构投资者的创新之路资料来源:////. 作者:大卫?史文森为了构建高质量的积极型管理的投资组合,投资机构需要有一个强大的投资团队,并由一个有效运转的投资委员会来监督。
一项突破性行动为“发现现有分子的新治疗用途 (DiscoveringNewTherapeuticUsesforExistingM olecules)”的中试项目。N
CATS在制药公司和学术研究人员之间创新采用 “众包(crowdsourcing)”方式。设计这些合 作形式旨在快速检测那些利用制药公司已生产化 合物实现其他治疗的想
根据中心需要,这些从捐赠基金获得资助的项目 可以持续一年或数年。不过这类基金的资助内容 也有些侧重,包括培养转化研究方面的年轻科学 家而设立特别奖学金;临床试验所需设
备;转化研究某些重要主题举行研讨会或会议; 用于转化研究中打印所需材料等。 4小结 由上可知,NCATS为促进转化,突破传统学科 分开、机构互不干涉的资助模式,
1基础研究转化为改善人类健康的手段的过程漫 长而低效 由于生物学、基因组学和成像等领域的技术创新, 研究人员已经能够鉴定与疾病易感性或影响疾病 进程的基因、蛋白和其
他因子的变化。尽管研究人员已经明确了成千上 万此类生物学变化,包括那些具有前景的生物标 志物或药物靶点,然而只有很少一部分在进行进 一步的研究开发。因为一旦选错一个靶
赠基金(GiftFund)”促进转化 因NCATS是联邦政府机构,并不是一个筹款机 构,不过议会批准其接受捐赠。NCATS将捐赠 的经费以“捐赠基金”的形式设立,
不过这类经费与NCATS从议会获得的拨款是分 离开的。由于NCATS的基本营业费用ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้行政费 用是从议会的拨款中开支,而捐赠的经费被用以 支持转化科学研究的某些项目。且
earch,ORDR)。ORDR联合了孤儿病研究力 量,为孤儿病病患,卫生保健人员,病患利益团 体和相关科学团体提供服务,致力于改善那些罹 患孤儿病群体的生活质量。
The art of architecture is a fascinating subject that intertwines creativity,innovation, and functionality.It is the process of creating structures that not only serve a purpose but also inspire and captivate the human spirit.In high school English compositions,students often explore the artistic aspects of architecture,delving into the various elements that contribute to the aesthetic appeal and cultural significance of buildings.IntroductionBegin your essay by introducing the concept of architectural art.Mention that architecture is not just about constructing buildings but also about expressing ideas, emotions,and stories through design.Highlight the importance of architecture in shaping our environment and how it reflects the values and aspirations of a society.Historical ContextDiscuss the evolution of architectural styles throughout history.Mention ancient civilizations like the Egyptians,Greeks,and Romans,and how their architectural achievements,such as the pyramids,Parthenon,and Colosseum,continue to influence modern design.Transition into the Middle Ages,the Renaissance,and the Industrial Revolution,noting how each era brought new materials,technologies,and artistic movements that transformed architecture.Architectural ElementsDelve into the fundamental elements of architecture that contribute to its artistic nature. Discuss the importance of form,space,and structure,and how architects use these elements to create harmony and balance.Mention the role of proportion,scale,and symmetry in creating visually appealing buildings.Also,explore the use of light and shadow,color,and texture in enhancing the aesthetic experience.Innovation and TechnologyHighlight the role of innovation and technology in pushing the boundaries of architectural art.Discuss how advances in engineering,materials science,and computeraided design CAD have allowed architects to create more complex and daring structures.Mention iconic modern buildings like the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao,Spain,or the Burj Khalifa in Dubai,United Arab Emirates,as examples of how technology has enabled architects to realize their artistic visions.Cultural SignificanceExplain how architecture is a reflection of a societys culture and values.Discuss how different cultures have unique architectural styles that are deeply rooted in their history, religion,and social structures.For instance,the ornate detailing and use of natural materials in traditional Japanese architecture or the minimalist and functional designs of Scandinavian architecture.Mention how these styles communicate the identity and aspirations of the people who live within these spaces.Sustainability and the FutureDiscuss the growing importance of sustainable architecture in the face of environmental challenges.Mention how architects are now considering the environmental impact of their designs,focusing on energy efficiency,the use of renewable materials,and the integration of green spaces.Discuss the potential for architecture to not only be a work of art but also a solution to global issues such as climate change and urbanization. ConclusionConclude your essay by summarizing the key points and emphasizing the importance of architecture as an art form.Mention that architecture is a dynamic field that continues to evolve,with architects constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible.Encourage readers to look at the buildings around them with a new appreciation for the artistry and thought that goes into their creation.Sample ParagraphThe art of architecture is a testament to human ingenuity and creativity.From the soaring heights of the Eiffel Tower to the intricate patterns of Islamic geometric design,each structure tells a story and reflects the spirit of its time.As we look to the future,the role of the architect is becoming ever more crucial,not just in creating spaces that inspire,but in addressing the pressing environmental concerns of our age.The challenge for architects is to continue to innovate,to create buildings that are not only beautiful but also sustainable,that stand as a testament to our ability to harmonize with the natural world while pushing the boundaries of what is architecturally possible.。
国家级大学生创新创业训练计划平台:孕育未来创新领袖的摇篮**National University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program Platform: The Cradle of Future Innovation Leaders****English Content:**In the rapidly evolving global landscape, the National University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program Platform (hereinafter referred to as the "Platform") has emerged as a powerful catalyst for fostering innovation and entrepreneurship among university students. This platform, with its comprehensive suite of resources and opportunities, aims to nurture the next generation of leaders who are not only equipped with the necessary skills but also possessthe vision and drive to transform ideas into impactful ventures.The Platform provides a comprehensive ecosystem that supports students throughout their innovation journey. It offers access to state-of-the-art facilities, experienced mentors, and a vibrant community of like-minded individuals.This协同作用of resources creates an enabling environment where students can freely explore their ideas, refine them through iterative testing, and ultimately bring them to market.One of the key features of the Platform is its emphasis on cross-disciplinary collaboration. It encourages students from different backgrounds and fields of study to come together and share their knowledge, perspectives, andskills. This interdisciplinary approach not only broadens the scope of innovations but also cultivates a culture of inclusivity and mutual respect among participants.Moreover, the Platform recognizes the importance ofreal-world experience in shaping entrepreneurs. It provides opportunities for students to engage with industry partners, participate in incubators and accelerators, and even launch their own startups. These practical experiences help students gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the real world, enabling them to make informed decisions and adapt to changing landscapes more effectively.In addition, the Platform is committed to fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship that is sustainable and inclusive. It strives to ensure that all students, regardless of their backgrounds or resources, have access to the same opportunities and resources. This commitment is reflected in the Platform's diverse range of programs and activities, which cater to the varying needs and interests of its participants.In conclusion, the National University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program Platform is a pivotal initiative that is shaping the future of innovation and entrepreneurship in China. Its comprehensive ecosystem, emphasis on cross-disciplinary collaboration, and commitment to inclusivity are key factors that make it a leading platform for nurturing the next generation of innovation leaders. As we look towards a future where innovation and entrepreneurship will play an increasingly important role, the Platform remains a vital resource for university students seeking to make a difference in the world.**Chinese Content:**在快速演变的全球格局中,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划平台(以下简称“平台”)已成为激发大学生创新和创业精神的有力催化剂。
全球创新政策一览克里斯托弗·T. 希尔(Christopher T. Hill)后科学社会尽管科学和技术仍将在创新中占重要地位,然而,支撑美国经济持续发展的关键因素很可能来自其他类型的科学。
这一切都得益于美国国家创新体系(National Innovation System,简称NIS)的高效支持。
一些基于创新的公司,比如Google、YouTube、eBay和Yahoo 这些网络公司,它们创造了数十亿美元的财富,但从传统的观点来看,它们对工业研究的贡献却很有限。
5 6
Ireland Hong Kong
1.88 1.88
8 9 10
United States Japan Sweden
1.80 1.79 1.64
Source: Boston Consulting Group & National Association of Manufacturers *Global Innovation Index evaluated both innovation inputs, such as fiscal and education policies, and outputs such as patents, technology transfer from basic university research, research and development, and business performance
2008 2008
2008 2009
RANKING 1 2 3 COUNTRY Singapore South Korea Switzerland SCORE* 2.45 2.26 2.23
• The National Private-Public Partnership Innovation Program
Angel Capital Association (ACA)* Community Development Venture Capital Alliance (CDVCA)* National Association of Seed & Venture Funds (NASVF)* American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)* State Science & Technology Institute (SSTI)* National Business Incubation Association (NBIA)* Association of University Research Parks (AURP)* Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM)*
关于赴institut teknologi bandung访问交流的函
关于赴institut teknologi bandung访问交流的函尊敬的各位同仁:我们荣幸地宣布,我国一行学术代表团即将于近日赴印度尼西亚的Institut Teknologi Bandung(简称ITB)进行为期一周的访问交流。
一、背景介绍Institut Teknologi Bandung(ITB)是印度尼西亚一所享有盛誉的理工大学,其历史悠久,学术实力雄厚。
福耀科技大学:孕育未来科技领袖的摇篮 **Fuyao University of Science and Technology: The Cradle of Future Technology Leaders**Nestled in the heart of China, Fuyao University of Science and Technology stands as a beacon of hope for the future of technological advancements. This institution, founded by renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist Cao Dewang, aims to cultivate a new generation of leaders in the field of science and technology.Fuyao University of Science and Technology is a testament to the fusion of education and industry. With a focus on innovation and practical application, the university offers a range of courses that are tailored to meet the demands of the rapidly evolving technological landscape. The curriculum is designed to instill in students the necessary skills and knowledge to become agents of change in their respective fields.The university's commitment to excellence is evident in its state-of-the-art facilities and top-notch faculty. The campus boasts advanced laboratories, research centers, andlibraries that provide students with an immersive learning environment. Furthermore, the university attracts top talents from around the globe, ensuring that students receive the best possible education and guidance.The unique selling point of Fuyao University of Science and Technology lies in its emphasis on hands-on experience. Students are encouraged to participate in projects and research that align with their interests and career aspirations. This approach not only enhances theirpractical skills but also instills in them a sense of purpose and responsibility towards societal progress.The university's impact on the local community and the global scientific community is immense. By nurturing a culture of innovation and collaboration, Fuyao University of Science and Technology is fostering a generation of leaders who are committed to addressing real-world challenges. The alumni of this institution are poised to make significant contributions to the field of science and technology, driving global progress and innovation.In conclusion, Fuyao University of Science and Technology stands as a beacon of hope for the future oftechnological advancements. Its commitment to excellence in education, focus on hands-on experience, and dedication to societal progress make it a force to be reckoned with in the world of higher education. As we look towards a future where technology plays an ever-increasing role, it is institutions like Fuyao University of Science and Technology that will shape the way forward.**福耀科技大学:孕育未来科技领袖的摇篮**福耀科技大学位于中国的心脏地带,是科技未来希望之光。
来源:《创新科技》 2012年第12期
成立先进技术研究院(Ad?vanced Technology Institute,以下简称ATI),是去年国家党竞选时提出的促进国家经济增长的施政纲领之一,现已成为新西兰政府强化创新的最重要政策举措,并已进入立法阶段。
ATI 将重点支持本国极具潜力的产业,包括食品与饮料生产、农业技术、数字技术、健康技术、医疗设备和高附加值的木制品等,促进这些领域的创新、加快研发成果商业化步伐。
* 本文系科技部项目 “ 科技创新智库运行机制和影响力分析 ”(项目编号:H181261001),河北省教育科学研究 “ 十三五 ” 规划课题“高校科技智库支持区域创新发展的实施路径研究”(项目编号:2005008),河北大学 “ 一省一校 ” 专项经费(项 目编号:521000981014)研究成果之一。 作者简介:魏蕊(ORCID:0000-0002-0194-7007),硕士研究生导师,副教授,博士,E-mail:weiruisxyq@; 郭弘佩(ORCID:0000-0002-4378-7718),硕士研究生;武文硕,团委组织与青年发展部主任,讲师,硕士。
关键词:苏塞克斯大学科学政策研究所 科技智库 高校智库 科技创新
DOI: 10.19318/ki.issn.2096-1634.2021.03.11
1 引言
创新战略已经成为全球性战略,美国、英国、 中国都将其作为促进经济社会发展的重要国家战 略 [1]。我国确定了 2020 年进入创新型国家行列、 2030 年跻身创新型国家前列、2050 年建成世界科 技创新强国并成为世界主要科学中心和创新高地 的建设目标 [2]。国家创新发展的核心是科技创新。 智库(think tank),是知识与政策、学术界和政 策制定者、国家与社会的沟通桥梁 [3]。科技智库 是提供科技决策咨询、分析科技发展走势、预判
2 研究现状
高校智库是拓展大学社会服务职能的重要表 现形式,研究高校科技智库对推动国家科技创新 和服务社会都具有重要的理论和实践意义。2001 年,陆国平等就提出研究型大学是参与社会变革 和为社会提供科学咨询从而促进社会进步的思想 库 [5]。智库建设政策对研究具有一定的导向作用, 因此从历时性来看我国学者关于“高校智库”的 研究以政策为节点,呈现出阶段性的发展趋势。 从共时性来看,高校智库的研究包括:从宏观上 研究某一国家的高校智库,如美国、英国、中国; 从中观上研究某一类型的高校智库,如教育智库、 科技智库、思想政治智库;从微观上分析某一所 大学的智库如哈佛大学、北京大学、中国人民大学, 但大多只分析某一个高校智库,如斯坦福大学胡佛 研究所、哈佛大学肯尼迪学院、曼彻斯特大学创新 研究所等。我国关于高校科技智库的研究相对较少, 主要有介绍发达国家高校科技智库建设经验 [4]、分 析我国高校科技智库建设存在的问题 [6]、构建中国 特色新型高校科技智库的理论框架 [7]、构建高校 新型科技智库战略与路径理论模型 [8],也有介绍 苏塞克斯大学科学政策研究所的论文 [,本文将 重点研究其支持科技创新的策略和路径。
最著名的如劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory)。
熟悉二战历史的人一定都知道著名的洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(Los Alamos NationalLaboratory),在著名科学家奥本海默的领导下,它制造出了世界上第一枚原子弹。
新西兰泰普提尼理工学院的西海岸课程方案在在以下几个地区均可开展:Auckland, Matamata, Christchurch, Wanaka and Invercargill。