Process Capability Analysis
Three Types of Limits
Distribution of Individual Values
Distribution of Sample Averages
Process Capability Analysis
Process Capability Analysis
Process Potential
The Cp index assesses whether the natural tolerance (6) of a process is within the specification limits.
Process Capability Indices
Two measures of process capability • Process Potential
– Cp • Process Performance
– Cpu – Cpl – Cpk
Process Capability Analysis
Process Variation
Process Variation is the inevitable differences among individual measurements or units produced by a process.
IE ST培训(讲义)
易于观测,作业区分明确,有明显的观测 点。 即有明确 的开始和终点。 能把握作业内容及作业特征。 工时太短不应再分,构成作业要素的时间 2.4秒以上。 必须区分手动作业与机器自动作业。 注意区分机器内手动作业与机器外手动作 业
• 加工,组装,变形 • 粘部品,剪脚等手工操作 • 机器操作 • 上厕所,喝水,擦汗 • 消除疲劳的休息
集体宽放 观察时间
集体作业时,对于个体差异产生损失的补偿 评比 私事宽放 疲劳宽放
• 调整电动起 • 处理不良品(贴标签)
• 工位编排产生的损失 作业宽放 特殊宽放
– – – –
机器及工具之需求数量 生产作业员工之需求数量 制造成本及销售价格 组立线平衡与部门及设备之布置 个别工作纯净及操作问题之确认
– 成本降低及较佳方法之选择 – 采购新设备及其费用之评断
– 使机器,生产及操作人员能准时作业
– 对于以改善及优异之員工绩效
主体作业时间 正常时间
标 准 时 间
疲劳宽放时间 作业宽放时间 集体宽放时间
主体作业 副作业 私事宽放 疲劳宽放
按照作业目的进行的作业 与主体作业同步发生,起附属作用 作业过程中,满足生理要求时间 为了补偿工作过程中体力和精神疲劳,采取的 休息或操作速度减弱时间
IE 教育
1.稼动分析(运转分析) 1)工程单位构成表 2)W/S观测表 3)W/S观测统计 4)W/S分析表2.作业分析 —所有要素作业的时间分析表3.编程分析 —现况的Line Layout作成4.工程分析 —部品加工分析 --部品供给方式5.执行分析 —现在管理指数 (回收率\人时当生产量)
1. 作业分析概论2. 联合作业分析—连续观测法
第五章 作业分析
IE 教育
1 作业分类(按精密度)
□ 对作业详细分解,发现平时感觉不到的很小的Loss □ 定量的了解事实,掌握现在的方法-□ 改善要素作业□ 改善作业所必需的JIG(夹具),加工条件,部品精密度等
作 业
日期 :
组装 部品的组装
焊接 人工焊接
固定 螺母,螺栓的固定
连接 连接电线,捆
--> -->-->-->-->
利用5W 1H的改善想法
4 改善原则的应用
5 要素作业分析表
IE 教育
IE 教育
二 要素作业的分析方法----连续观测法
观测结束后整理时在表中记录 各要素作业的时间
FreeEdit DV LE for Sony产品说明书
1.03 输出影片到录像带....................................................................................................90
.............................................................................................. 93
1.01 生成影片
1.02 输出影片
FreeEdit DV LE for Sony广播级非线性视音频编辑软件简介............. 3
1.01 什么是
FreeEdit DV LE for Sony广播级非线性视音频编辑软件
...................................................................................... 6
1.01 周边硬件设备综述......................................................................................................6
我爱百度英文版IE知识培训(PPT 42页)_943
SMT Training for Productivity
Ergonomics Principles
7. Minimize pressure points
- eg. Provide padding for hand grips.
8. Provide clearance
- eg. Provide visual access (carton delivery).
Twelve Principles of Ergonomics
1. Work in neutral postures
- eg. Wrist rests for keyboard and mouse.
2. Reduce excessive forces
- eg. Boxes with handholds for carrying.
SMT Training for Productivity
Ergonomics Principles
5. Reduce excessive motions
- eg. Use power screwdriver.
6. Minimize static lo
lead to discomfort or injury. Eg. Height of keyboard for a computer.
SMT Training for Productivity
Anthropometric Data
Static measures – are used to determine size and spacing requirements of work space, eg., height, weight, seat to elbow height, and wing span.
常用的布局设计与改进方法包括经验设计法、模拟仿真法和优化设计法等。其中,经验设计法基于设计师的经 验和技能,通过反复尝试和修改不断完善设计;模拟仿真法通过建立数学模型对布局进行仿真模拟,以便发现 问题并进行改进;优化设计法则利用计算机辅助设计和优化算法,对布局进行优化设计。
• 实现精益生产的关键要素 • 价值流分析:通过对企业整个价值流进行全面分析,找出瓶颈和浪费环节,确定改进方向。 • 持续改进:建立持续改进的机制和文化,不断优化生产过程和流程。 • 团队合作:鼓励员工参与和协作,发挥团队的优势和创造力。 • 供应链管理:优化供应商和采购管理,实现准时供应和降低库存。 • 客户需求导向:关注客户需求,建立快速响应和灵活调整机制。 • 实现精益生产的方法 • 5S管理:通过整理、整顿、清洁、规范和素养五个方面推进现场管理。 • TPM全面生产维护:通过全员参与设备维护和保养,提高设备使用效率和降低故障率。 • JIT准时生产:通过合理安排生产计划和调整生产节拍,实现准时生产和减少库存。 • 六西格玛:通过数据分析和流程改进,提高产品质量和客户满意度。
布局设计与改进是对现有产品或生产系统的布局进行优化和 改进的过程,以提高生产效率、降低成本、提高产品质量和 生产安全性。
随着制造业的发展和市场竞争的加剧,企业需要不断对产品 或生产系统进行改进和优化,以提高生产效率和降低成本, 增强市场竞争力。布局设计与改进是实现这一目标的重要手 段之一。
IE培培训资料IE 培训资料在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中,提高生产效率和优化工作流程对于企业的发展至关重要。
工业工程(Industrial Engineering,简称 IE)作为一门致力于提高生产效率和质量的学科,为企业提供了一系列有效的方法和工具。
接下来,让我们深入了解一下 IE 培训的相关内容。
一、IE 的概念与发展IE 是综合运用数学、物理学和社会科学的专门知识和技术,以及工程分析和设计的原理和方法,对人员、物料、设备、能源和信息所组成的集成系统进行设计、改善和实施的一门学科。
IE 的发展可以追溯到 19 世纪末 20 世纪初的美国。
经过多年的发展,IE 已经形成了一套完善的理论体系和方法,并在全球范围内得到了广泛的应用。
二、IE 的主要方法和工具1、工作研究工作研究是 IE 的基础方法之一,包括方法研究和作业测定两个部分。
3、生产计划与控制生产计划与控制是 IE 的重要内容之一,包括生产能力规划、生产进度安排、库存控制等。
4、质量管理质量管理是 IE 关注的重点之一,通过运用统计质量控制、质量功能展开等方法,对产品质量进行监控和改进,提高产品的合格率和客户满意度。
HDCP(High Band-width digital content protection)即高宽带数字内容保护规范,它是 以保护商业娱乐内容的社团组织专利使用权DCP LLC(Digital Content Protection, LLC)的形式,对通过DVI或HDMI接口进行的商业娱乐数字视频内容进行加密保护的 规范,并且由国际运动图像联盟(MPA)实施保护从DVI接口输出的任何拷贝行为。此 规范规定了4种授权模式(详见www.Digital—cp.Com)。它是一个具有前瞻性的, 从信源发射端到接收显示端HDCP源信号。具体实施分三个步骤: (包括相应芯片制造商)组成的一条链上对数字 视频内容进行密钥式安全保护的协议(类似于IEEEl394接口的保护系统DTCP).实施 这个协议后,一个DVI或HDMI接受器(通常是一类显示器)必须是符合HDCP规范的 才能接受显示一个被加密保护的。 《1》在符合HDCP技术要求的发射端和接收端之间,显示接收设备须使用密钥 (secret keys)进 行版权许可的鉴定识别证明(Authentication of a licensed) 《2》数字视频内容的加扰与解扰(encrypt ion/decrypt ion) 《3》接收端显示设备中的密钥必须在事件的进行中与可变更的鉴定编码相一致。 凡是HDCP组织成员的数字视频内容供应商都被赋予一个身份标识,在缴纳费用后其 数字视频内容将受到保护,成员中的发射播放设备与显示接收设备制造商(主要是芯 片制造商)同样也被DCP.LLC组织要求一个唯一的HDCP器件密钥,它就是 10 DCP.LLC提供的内容版权使用授权许可。
HDMI已成为国际上最先进的多媒体接口标准,为越来越多的厂商所采用HDMI接 口代表了数字传输技术的发展方向,影响越来越大。美国已经从2005年7月1日起, 强制在其本土销售的36寸以上的电视都必须具备HDMI接口,我国中央电视台在测 试高清电视时,也推荐厂家在其电视上采用HDMI接口。HDCP数字内容保护则是 英特尔开发的为HDMI提供高带宽数字内容保护的解码技术。配备了HDCP解码技 术的HDMI就不会受到信号加密的限制,可以接受全部格式的高清信号。 液晶电视专家夏新在其2005年度“惊视”系列液晶电视上已经全面采用了这两 项技术,产品品质出众,市场表现力尤佳。同时,其即将推出的“惊彩”系列液晶 电视也将全面采用这两项技术,为消费者提供更优质的产品。 专家称,此次夏新液晶电视能顺利通过HDMI技术论证,同时配备HDCP技术, 正是其多年积淀的结果,而这两项标准技术的引入将对未来中国液晶电视的标准化 产生深远的影响.
—— 我们进入了微利时代,未来要向管理要利润
神龙(shén lónɡ)汽车本钱
2005年业绩虽有盈余,但好于预期,神 龙汽车总经理刘卫东表示:神龙往年本钱 (běn qián)还可再降16亿。既包括设计研发 本钱(běn qián)、零部件推销本钱(běn qián), 也包括企业管理本钱(běn qián)。
研讨(yántǎo)规范时间的意义 与目的
1、制定经济、有效、轻松的规范工时 (gōngshí)。
2、评价产能,消费排期的作用 3、发现现状效果,改善作业 4、研讨各种方法的优劣评价 5、绩效评价管理(毛效率、净效率) 6、本钱核算 7、消费线平衡率的改善和调整 8、新规范时间的制定
降低本钱,提高效率,是我们头 顶上永不中止(zhōngzhǐ)的警钟。
创维黄宏生 :
一台电视的 平均利润不到10 元钱! 稍有效率 降低(jiàngdī)、 本钱走高,企业 就赔本。
卖彩电(cǎi diàn)不如 卖白菜 !
休息消费率,我们是人家的1/10或更低,如钢 铁,中国54吨/人年,美国500吨/人年,韩国750吨/ 人年,台湾中钢1000吨/人年;原资料运用率,国外 是85%以上,我国平均只需50%~60%;万元能耗是 兴隆国度的5 ~ 10倍,资源综合运用律还不到10%。
据我们多年对企业的观察,至少有90% 的企业急需重新选择消费方式侧重新设计。
日美汽车贸易拼比实为消费(xiāofèi)技术的 对劣
Improved speed control
Comprehensive diagnostics综合诊断
Reduces system repair time through rapid troubleshooting
Online repair of any one channel in TMR system在TMR系统中在线修复任何一个通道
Provides reliable, smooth and rapid generator synchronization
Mark VIe:
- GEI-100600 - GEH-6721 vol. 1 - GEH-6721 vol. 2
WEPP – China Petroleum Material and Equipment Co. - Shenyang China
SPEEDTRONIC MARK VIe Basic Control Section 1
Product Overview
中国石油材料设备 基本控制第一部分产品概述
Mark VIe Unit Control Panel mark6控制单元仪表板
Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR)
三模块冗余 Three processors and critical I/O racks that are triplicated reduce single points of failure, which increases mean time between forced outages (MTBFO)
SonyDPTS1BasicOperationGuide基本操作指南英⽂版Swipe your finger on the touchscreen to turn pages. Basic Operation Guide Welcome to the world of Digital Paper![Home] ScreenHomeDocumentsNoteWorkspaceBrowserSettingsSearch Thumbnail viewSynchronized documentsScroll tabs Scroll tabsTap the area to display the panel.For some documents,pages turn in the opposite direction.Swipe and hold your finger * Icon will appear after jumping to a link.Page indicator Return to the previous page*Close the page control panelPage flag Swipe to turn to the previous pageZoom, Four / Nine Page ViewPinch out (touch the screen with two fingers and open them) to zoom in the display.Pinch in (touch the screen with two fingers and close them) to zoom out the display.Press the (Back) button to return to the default view.Zooming inExample: Nine page viewViewing multiple pages is useful for finding a particular page.When you find the page, tap it to open it as Pinch in once to display four pages. Pinch in again to display nine pages.Pinch out to return to the previous view.Finding a page in four/nine page viewDocument Option MenuPress the (Menu) button to display the option menu.available options.Toolbox1 Tap (Toolbox) in the tab panel on2Tap (Highlight) from the toolbox then trace text.The setting whether to enable highlighting by pushing the stylus button can bechanged in(Settings).Select a line type from the toolbox.Handwriting characters or picturesHighlighting textor highlighting, then lift the stylus.Tap (Erase) from the toolbox.Erasing handwriting or highlightingSticky NoteTap (Sticky note) from the toolbox, Enter a note using the on-screen keyboard, then tap [Save]. Adding a sticky noteTap [Edit], edit the sticky note, then tap [Save].To delete, tap [Delete].While pushing the stylus button, tap on the page.Tap [View] or [Delete] from the pop-up menu.You can also edit a sticky note byEditing/deleting a sticky noteHandwritten Sticky NoteHandwrite characters or pictures, then tap [Save].Tap (Handwritten sticky note) from the toolbox, then place it on the page with the stylus. Adding a handwritten sticky noteEdit the handwritten sticky note, then tap [Save].To delete, tap [Delete].While pushing the stylus button, tap on the page.Tap [View] or [Delete] from the pop-up menu.You can also edit a handwritten stickyEditing/deleting a handwritten sticky noteAnnotation ListAll annotations (handwriting, page flags, highlights, sticky notes, etc.) in the currently open document are listed.Preview areaTap to display the page in full-screen.While viewing a document, press the (Menu) button, then tap [Annotation List].Handwriting, page flags, highlights, sticky notes, etc., in the currently open document will be listed.Close[Note] ToolNotes of up to 10 pages per file can be created.1Press the (Home) button, then tap [Note].2 Tap (Create a new note), thenenter a note name using the on-screen keyboard.Handwrite with the stylus to create a new note.Saving/Deleting Documents or NotesAn edited annotation is saved automatically.Also, when closing a document or note, changing the tab, etc., or after a period of inactivity, the file is saved automatically.Saving a document or notetap [Delete] from the pop-up menu.WorkspaceYou can save the current status of a document as a Workspace, which can be easily reopened to resume work on.Tap an input area, enter aWorkspace name, then tap [Yes].Tap the Workspace you want to reopen and resume work on.Press the (Menu) button, Press the (Home) button, then tap [Workspace].Opening a WorkspaceSaving a WorkspaceNoYesSave as New Workspace。
The culture differences between Sony and B&OThe focus of our comparative analysis lies on two multinational corporations competing within the business of audio-video equipment. The two corporations are the Japanese company, Sony, and the Danish company, Bang&Olufsen (B&O). These two corporations were chosen primarily because the two were in the same business which sets the basis for our comparison. Secondly, we feel that the Japanese and the Danish culture appear to be very dissimilar. Finally, we chose the two because of the accessibiliy of useful information regarding them.As Sony and B&O are in the same business, one can discuss to some degree, that these two companies are competing for same customer groups; Sony is high volume orientated, whereas B&O is using a strategy of focus. B&O is differentiating itself by offering distinctive products with focus on design that appeal to high-scale customers. Although the two companies are not targeting on the same market, their business environment is similar in the aspect that they both produce high quality audio-video equipment targeted to the global market. Because of the distinct difference in national backgrounds of the two and despite somewhat different marketing strategies, we believe it will be interesting to compare the two.Power distanceThe first dimension in a "natural" culture, called Power Distance, indicates to what extent the society accepts that an organizations is controlling the power, and the organization is distributing this power in its particular way. This belief is reflected in the minds of both powerful as well as less powerful members of the society. The dimension can be considered as the degree of inequality among people in a country that is "accepted" by the people of that specific country. This ranges from relatively equal to extremely unequal. We have chosen the following examples as extreme examples of how the mindset of the society of a country could be. This is as said "the extremes," therefore, almost everybody should fit into somewhere between the two extremes:Table : The Power Distance Dimensionis subject to the judgment as to whether it is good or evil. antedates good or evil. Its legitimacy is irrelevant.The way to change the a social system is to redistribute power.The way to change a social system is to dethrone those in power.?The scores for the Power Distance dimension are respectively; 20 for Denmark’s concern, and 54 for Japan. Hofstede has categorized the results on every dimensions of the countries into the following three categories: high, medium and low. One thirds of all the countries is represented in each category. The results in the Power Distance dimension puts Denmark into the category of low Power Distance culture, although Denmark is near to the category called medium in which Japan is presently represented.The problem-formulation listed five hypotheses. The hypotheses are our expectations pertaining differences in the HRM approach of Sony and B&O. But how exactly will these differences reveal themselves in relation to h uman resource management in the respective companies and Hofstede’s five dimensionsOur first hypothesis expects the power distance in Sony to be larger than that in B&O We assume this will reveal itself by the following characteristics:Sony has a higher pay differentials between boss and employees.Sony has more formal relationship and formal communication.B&O’s employees generally have more informal relationship with their employer.IndividualismThe second dimension is individualism. It concerns the degree to which people in a country prefer to act as an individual or as a member of a group. The opposite extreme to individualism is collectivism. Collectivism is characterized as low individualism. In a collectivist-oriented culture one learns to respect the group. It is typically family, organization, or clan that serves as a platform for a group, and one learns to respect the members. One expects a group to protect themselves as its members. As a member of a collectivistic culture, one differentiates between in-group members and out-group members. In countries with a individualistic culture, one is educated to think ofoneself as "I" instead of as a part of "we." One learns how to stand onone’s own feet, and accordingly, feels a ver y low loyalty to the group.On the other hand, one also doesn’t expect that the group will stand upfor one in retuen. The extremes on the Individualism-collectivism dimension, in a negotiation perspective is described in the following:Table : The Individualism DimensionCollectivist IndividualisticFriendship are predetermined bystable social relationships, but thereis need for prestige within theserelationshipsThe need is for specific friendship "We" consciousness hold sway "I" consciousness hold swayThere is emotional dependence of individual on organizations and institutionThere is emotional independence of individual on organizations and institution?There is also a difference between the Individualism dimension. Denmark has scored 75 on this dimension. As Denmark is considered as a "high individual culture," Denmark differed somewhat from Japan which only scored 46, which indicated a medium collectivistic culture.In relation to our hypothesis, the values of B&O compared with that of Sony is more individualistic; we expect following findings:Sony is, to a higher extent, looking for potential employees with teamwork-skills.The one time annual hiring done by Sony creates a belonging to a group of a certain group year.Bonus and salary are based on seniority and department- and company-performance.B&O’s salary are based on individual performance.Training-sessions in Sony try to create teamwork by excursions, parties etc.Sony try to occupy their employees in their spare time.MasculinityThe third dimension is called masculinity, and its opposite pole is femininity, just as the collectivism was the opposite pole toindividualism. The dimension explains to what degree the "tough" values (masculine values) prevails over the "tender" values which are associatedwith the role of women. The "tough"/masculine cultural values cover suchareas as money, assertiveness, performance, success and competition. The "tender"/feminine values are values like quality of life, maintainingwarm personal relationships, service, a care for the weak, and solidarity. Although roles of women and men differ from country to country, the masculine societies are characterized by the larger differences betweenthe role of men and women. The most relevant and extreme poles on the masculinity are listed below:Table : The Masculinity DimensionsFeminine MasculineSex roles in society are more fluid Sex roles in society are earlydifferentiatedMoney and things are important People and environment areimportantOne admire the successful achiever One sympathizes with theunfortunate?The margin between the scores for Denmark and Japan on the masculinity reveals a large difference in relation to this particular category. Thescore is 17 for Denmark, indicating one of the most feminine countries, whereas Japan is the most masculine country with a score of 95.Assuming that the values of Sony is much more masculine compared withthat of B&O, by putting this into the perspective of HRM-strategies itcould reveal itself by following:In the management in B&O there is a higher percentage of womenWomen in Sony are not recieving the same amount of training as the male counterparts.Women in Sony are getting a lower salary compared to their male counterpartsMen and women are provided in B&O equal opportunities for promotionSony’s employee value salary as the most important motivatorCompetition within Sony is tougher than in B&OSony tries to create a more competitive atmosphere within the companyUncertainty AvoidanceThe fourth dimension is labeled uncertainty avoidance, and refers to the extent to which people prefer structured vagainst unstructured situations. A structured situation is one characterized by many rules, and an individual employee always knows what he/she should behave and what is expected of him/her in a specific situation. The rules can be written or unwritten, similar to traditions. The main thing is that individuals are aware of these rules. Countries which score high on uncertainty avoidance have much nervous energy towards the unknown. Countries which score low on the dimension consists of people that are characterized as more "easy going". A weak uncertainty avoidance can be characterized as more flexible culture.Table : The Uncertainty Avoidance DimensionWeak uncertainty avoidance Strong uncertainty avoidanceThe uncertainty in life is more easily accepted and each day is taken as it comes.The uncertainty inherent in life is felt as a continuous threat that must be fought.Deviation is not considered threatening; greater tolerance is shownDeviant persons and ideas are dangerous ; intolerance holds swayThere is a more willingness to take risks in lifeThere is great concern with security in life?The Uncertainty avoidance dimension indicates a large difference between Denmark and Japan, and perhaps ultimately between Sony and B&O. Denmark is categorized as a low certainty avoidance country (a score of26) and Japan falls under the label of high certainty avoidance countries(a score of 92).The HRM policies in B&O is reflecting a lower degree of uncertainty avoidance than in Sony. Some areas of HRM that we are able to measure a lower degree of uncertainty avoidance are:The Sony employee has a higher extent of guidance during training.Sony checks the performance of their employee more frequently.B&O’s ETD is left to the individual employee.Long-term employment is relatively more important for an employee of SonyLong term orientationThe fifth and last dimension in the "extended" framework is long-term vs. short-term orientation. Countries which score high on this dimension value future obligations, and future opportunities. The countries which score low can be characterized as short-term oriented. They are oriented towards the present and consider the following as important: experience and fulfilling social obligations.We find the following three factors as the most important polar extremes regarding to HRM.Table : Long Term OrientationLong Term Orientation Short Term OrientationOpportunities and relationships is evaluated on future possibilitiesOpportunities and relationships is evaluated on past experienceRelationships is more important then experienceExperience is more important then relationships.Opportunistic behavior is often ex-postOpportunistic behavior is often ex-ante?As this dimension has not yet been measured in Danish corporations, we make an assumption that Denmark lies in between Holland and Germany in the interval of 31 to 44, which Hofstede categorizes as the medium group. The differences between Denmark and Japan on this dimensions is relatively large, as Japan scores 80. Its not surprising that Japan scores high on this dimension, keeping in mind, this dimensions is "rooted" in the values of Confucius, the Chinese philosopher of 500 BC. However, Japan does score lower than many of the Southeast Asian countries.Compared to B&O, Sony has longer term orientation. But what implications does this have on HRM We think the following could indicate a longer term orientation.B&O believes that international experience outside of the company is a plus to an employee.Sony values the importance of employee training as the company expects to have the employee for a long termSony′s managemen t is recruited from within the companyB&O is more likely to hire experienced persons.SummaryAs discussed above, the cultural differences between Denmark and Japan are noticeable. These differences have background in history, geographic influence and several other factors. The Japanese culture profile could be overall defined as medium on Power Distance and Individualism and high on the remaining three dimensions. Denmark can be defined as having low Power distance and low Uncertainty Avoidance, high on Individualism, very feminine and medium term oriented.。
• 环境质量保证体系相关文件、数据、记录是否明确。 • 文件是否能够识别新旧版本。 • 是否有文件保管期限记录。
• 变更管理文件对变更的要求,当以下事情(人、机、料、法、环)发 生变更时是否明确规定供应商,客户之间的变更联络函。 • 变更申请是否 提前提出。变更申请是否得到客户的批准再实施。
• 制定并验证采购体系相关文件。
• 供货商选定:1.可以提供符合SONY SS-00259环境管理物质标准部 品的供应商;2.SONY指定GP供应商;
• 产品、副资材在采购时所有资料必须明确记载“禁止使用SONY SS00259 1级管理物质”,“成型树脂,被覆线材必须从SONY绿色伙伴 认定供应商处采购。”
1、当供应商未出货时,出现物料环保超标(即使此物料与我司的产品无关), 也要在24小时内通知客户,并加紧防污染处理,保证正常出货。 2、当供应商出货到客户公司的产品环保超标,供应商必须立即响应,并将
此物料的库存和原材料进行隔离处理,并且在我司规定的期限内提供分析报告。 3、我司的扎线不允许使用PVC材料,若扎线使用橡皮筋材料需要得到我司的许可。 4、供应商从原材料采购到成品出货整个采购链和生产供应链都不允许使用PVC包装材料。
SONY供应商体系文件培训 V1.0
一、产品环境物质体系注意事项 二、产品部件选定管理。 三、文件、数据、记录的管理。 四、变更申请管理。 五、采购管理 六、生产管理。 七、不合格品追溯管理。 八、环境教育培训管理。
• 建立环境物质管理体系文件。如:GP体系、QC80000体系。 • 制定环境物质方针、目标、确认实施效果。 • 确定环境管理代表责任者及组织架构保证体系有效运作。 • 环境品质信息在公司内部传达与实施。 • 环境体系在公司监督和验证的程序已经记录。 • SONY环境物质标准SS-00259有没有在体系文件中明显体现出来;当 SONY环境标准/文件变更时体系文件有没有及时更新与宣导。
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Produce according to demand
Various demand-oriented cell production lines
ʷ Line change-over, model change
Reduction of WIP Reduction of handling
In-line Simplified quality tracking
Progress by Production Innovation (2)
˙ Inventory Reduction y Logistic Improvements
Large Order/Delivery of Parts Push style provision
Stock Parts Inventory
Production line
Small qty order/delivery Deliver only what is used
Sony’s Implementation of Production Innovation Equipment and
Manufacturing System Solutions
Chapter 1
1ɽIntroduction 1.1 Shift in production needs 1.2 Importance of demand oriented production 1.3 Production innovation’s 3 main types of loss 1.4 Cell production method
Small sizeɾLow-medium speedɾFunctionalɾLow price
˙ Production style
Production Large qty based on forecasptroduction
Large inventory qty
Small Lot Production
Target: Zero Inventory
Reduced funds turnover
Reduction of Raw materialsɾWIP ‘Kanban’ Direct ‘Refrigerator’
Production line
˙ Manufacturing equipment
Large-sizeɾHigh speedɾHigh performanceɾHigh price
ɾWell-sold products change quickly Demand Oriented
ɾSurplus of inventory due to the fall of product prices
Protection of the Environment
Cost Investment Lead time Inventory Space Change-over loss Rejected products Breakdown
Implementation of Production Innovation
Only make the required products at the required time
Batch-type production line
ʷ Lead-time, Inventory, etc.
˔Products which cannot be sold
˔Change-over loss ˔WIP loss ˔Lead time ˔Handling loss
The Ultimate Production System
Drastic Market Change
Fall of Product Prices
Many types, small qty
Various types, various quantities
Network Age
ɾTelecommunication Revolut ɾElectronic Commerce
Shift in Production Needs
Diversification of Needs
ɾSpecialization ɾMulti-functional
Severe Economical
Mass production
ɾWorst post-war economic slum ɾDecline of Consumption
ɾNo Borders ɾGlobal Standards
ɾLess Energy ɾLess Resources, Recycling
ɾLSI ɾMechanical ˠ Software
Importance of Demand Oriented Production
Sell what is produced
Required products Reduced space
Required time Required qty
Reduced control costs
˙ Flow-oriented production, information
Mixed flowɾIndividual ‘islands’
Production Innovation’s 3 main types of loss
1. Handling loss 2. Transportation loss 3. Stagnation loss
Minimization of non-value added resources
Progress by Production Innovation (1)