
英语教师简历范文(一)个人简历姓名:黄XX性别:女婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族户籍: XX年龄: 24现所在地: XX身高: 164cm希望地区: XX希望岗位:文体/教育类-小学教育、公司文职类-文员、行政/人事类-人事助理/文员、贸易类-外贸专员/助理、翻译类-英语翻译寻求职位:小学英语教师、外贸专员、业务员、文员待遇要求:可面议要求提供住宿教育经历20XX-XX ~ 20XX-XX XX师范学院英语教育大专主要课程基础英语、英语口语、英语翻译、英语口译、英语口语、英语阅读、国际贸易、英语语法、英语听力、英文写作、英语教学法、微格教学、高级英语、秘书学、教育学实践经验1 教育实习 (20XX-XX ~ 20XX-XX) 实践内容:在此次为期70天的实习中,分为两大内容教育教学实习和班主任工作实习。
2 东莞大朗电子厂实习 (20XX-XX~ 20XX-X) 实践内容:了解当代工厂的运作模式,和工人的工作环境。
3 体验生活 (20XX-XX ~ 20XX-XX) 实践内容:在段期间我在深圳龙岗的一家餐厅从事服务员的工作,借此工作我接触了很多社会的中下层人事,了解了赚钱的艰辛,和具有一技之长的重要性工作经验XXX公司(20XX-XX ~至今) 公司性质:国有企业行业类别:文化、体育和娱乐业担任职位:英语语文教师岗位类别:小学教育工作描述:本人主要是担任小学三年级的语文英语教师,分管三年级的语文英语教学。
技能专长专业职称: CCT计算机水平:初级计算机详细技能:本人能熟练操作办公室办公软件。

20XX/XX-20XX/XXMazak 操作说明书的翻译项目描述:翻译mazak操作说明书(电子模具机械)的前30页。
职业技能外语:英语:熟练日语:一般证书:20XX/****** 实用日本语鉴定-F级20XX/12广东省初级专业技术资格证-英语中学二级教师20XX/12中华人民共和国教师资格证书-高级中学教师资格20XX/09全国计算机等级一级20XX/07普通话水平测试等级证书-贰级乙等83自我评价3年英文教师,班主任和教务管理员经验,英文能力优秀;办公软件系统运用自如(word, excel, PPT等office软件);大胆肯干,擅于沟通和交际,细心并观察能力强;有较好的文书写作能力(撰写的获得佛冈县论文比赛三等奖)细心并擅长处理团体关系;统筹及执行能力强,做事作风追求效率,讲求逻辑,处理有条理。

工作经历学校名称 1 英语教师(入职时间 1离职时间 1)制定详细的英语教学计划,包括学期教学目标、课程安排和教学方法的选择,以确保教学内容的系统性和连贯性。
学校名称 2 英语教师(入职时间 2离职时间 2)负责教授初中英语课程,包括英语听说读写各项技能的培养。
教学成果在学校名称 1任教期间,所教班级的英语平均成绩在年级中名列前茅,学生的英语学习兴趣和能力得到显著提升。
辅导多名学生参加英语竞赛并获得优异成绩,如学生姓名 1在竞赛名称 1中获得一等奖,学生姓名 2在竞赛名称 2中获得二等奖。
在学校名称 2工作期间,成功帮助具体数量名学生在英语考试中取得明显进步,其中学生姓名 3的英语成绩从不及格提升到优秀水平。

应聘教师简历英文作文英文:As a candidate for a teaching position, I believe that my experience and qualifications make me an excellent fit for the role. I have a Bachelor's degree in Education and have been teaching for over five years, both in the classroom and online. I have experience teaching a variety of subjects, including English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.One of my strengths as a teacher is my ability to connect with my students. I believe that building relationships with students is essential to creating a positive and engaging learning environment. I strive to make my lessons interactive and relevant to my students' lives, using real-world examples and hands-on activities to keep them engaged and interested.Another strength of mine is my adaptability. I amcomfortable teaching in a variety of settings and have experience working with students of all ages and ability levels. I am also comfortable using technology in the classroom and have experience with a variety of online teaching platforms.Overall, I am passionate about teaching and am committed to helping my students reach their full potential.I believe that every student has the ability to learn and grow, and I am dedicated to creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment where all students can thrive.中文:作为一名教师职位的候选人,我相信我的经验和资格使我非常适合这个角色。

英语教师英文简历模板(共9篇)篇一:中小学英语教师个人简历模板范本中小学英语教师个人简历模板篇二:英文简历模板:教师的中英文简历模板英文简历模板:教师的中英文简历模板Carl Parker123, Lee St E Charleston, WVTELL:****** Email:***********Objective: Seeking a secondary school teacher position to impart quality English educationSummary of Qualifications. Sound knowledge of English grammar and literature. Proficient at communicating information effectively. Excellent knowledge of child psychology and human behavior. Skilled at using appropriate instructional methods for better understanding of new conceptsProfessional ExperienceSt. Helena High School, Weston, WV June 2008 to presentEnglish Teacher. Prepared effective lesson plans for classroom teaching to improve students' performance . Conducted essay competitionand fun activities to increase students' engagement. Played a major role in arranging teacher parent conferences to update parents regarding their child's progress. Maintain class students' attendance records as per administrative policies of the school. Initiated a bi-weekly magazine for students, resu1ting in improvement of students' writing skills remarkably. Conducted an after school Eng1ish training for under performing students; as a result the passing percentage of class increased to 97 per centPine High School, Sutton, WV June 2007 -April 2008Teacher Assistant. Assisted school principal in organization of various extra-curricular activities to bring about social development of students'. Helped students with behavioral problems to mingle with other students'. Coordinated with speech therapists to conduct special batches for students. Executed administrative duties as the school requirement. Assisted teachers in multiple tasks that include maintaining students' records and photocopying booksEducationMaster of Arts in EnglishWest Virginia University, Summersville, WV, 2007B.A. degree in EnglishWest Virginia University, Summersville, WV, 2005Professional Affiliations. Chairmen of American Association of Secondary Teachers, 2008 . Member of American Association of English Teachers, 2005 to 2006中文简历模板:教师的中英文简历模板Carl Parker123, Lee St E Charleston, WVTELL:****** Email:***********求职目标:在中学传授高质量英语教育的教师职位资质总结·良好的英语语法和文学知识·精通高效信息沟通·洞察儿童心理学和人类行为·为了更好理解新概念而能使用适当的教学方法职业经验圣赫勒拿高中,韦斯顿,西弗吉尼亚州,2008年6月至今英语教师·有效准备教案,提高学生课堂教学的表现·进行征文比赛和有趣的活动,以增加学生的参与·发挥了家长会的重要作用,以让家长及时了解他们的孩子的进步·按照学校行政政策维持班级学生的出勤纪录·为学生发起了一个双周杂志,学生的写作能力得到了显著改善·对表现较差学生进行课后英语培训:其结果是合格率上升了97% 松树高中,萨顿,西弗吉尼亚州,2007年6月至2008年4月助教·协助校长组织、各种课外活动,帮助学生接触社会·协助有行为问题的学生融入到其他学生当中·协调言语治疗师为学生进行特别辅导·按照学校规定执行行政职责·协助教师完成多个任务,其中包括维护学生记录和复印书籍教育背景英语专业文科硕士西弗吉尼亚大学,萨默斯维尔,西弗吉尼亚州,2007英语专业学士学位西弗吉尼亚大学,萨默斯维尔,西弗吉尼亚州,2005专业协会会籍·2008年美国中学教师协会主席·2005至2006年美国英语教师协会会员篇三:高校教师英文简历模版张晓兰OBJECTIVE:The teaching management position in Zhonghuan Information CollegeTianjin University (+86)*****************************SELF-ASSESSMENTLove teaching and reading books about educationDual academic background in economics and English will enable me to imparts more pluralistic knowledge to my students as well as to equip them with more ways of thinking ?Intelligent, have strong learning capabilityHave my own opinions about English learning and teachingEDUCATIONTianjin University of Technology Beijing Institute of Fashion TechnologyEngineering TranslationInternational Trade and EconomicsPostgraduate B.A. in EconomicsHONORS& AWARDSAcademic AwardsAcademic ContestsOther HonorsNational Scholarship National Endeavor FellowshipShunMei Scholarship First Prize Scholarship each academic year First prize in our university’s English Contest and Math Contest Second Prize in Computer ContestMerit student of BeijingExcellent Graduate of Beijing Model Student of BIFT Outstanding Party Member of BIFT Excellent Volunteer for the 60th anniversary of National DayPROJECT EXPERIENCE2014.5—2014.7Project Manager& Translator for the Translation of an Adventure NovelResponsible for terminology, grouping, organizing discussions, progress control, peer review, review and finalizationCAMPUS EXPERIENCE2013.9-Monitor?In charge of the study affairs and routines of my classmates 2009.9—2011.5Students’Party Branch SecretaryOrganized some events, such as “Tribute to Mother Land”and “Big Quiz for the 90th CPC foundation day”Cultivated 40 party members 2009.9-2010.7Leader of the Volunteer CommunityLeaded the members to do voluntary work for Beijing Sun Village and a primary school for migrant children once a month 2009.5-2011.5Leader of the Business School ChoirDesigned the singstimmen and been conductor, won first prize and Best Conductor three times 2008.9-2010.7Tutor AssistantAssisted the tutor to typeset, fill in students’information and improve the system, record the grades, and evaluate students’academic resultsCERTIFICATENational Mandarin Test Level A-? English Teaching Certificate for High School ? Second-Level Certificate for National ComputerSPECIAL SKILLPlaying the piano?Obtained the seven level certificate issued by the Central Conservatory of Music篇四:英语教师个人简历模板英语教师个人简历模板基本信息姓名:个人简历性别:女出生年月:1986-9-24民族:汉族最高学历:大专现居住地:河北省-石家庄市工作年限:一年以下到岗时间:随时身高:165cm婚姻状况:未婚联系电话:*************求职意向应聘类型:全职应聘职位:教师,家教,幼儿教育应聘行业:教育/培训/学术/科研期望工作地区:石家庄市期望月薪:面议专业特长善于演讲;普通话水平通过国家二级甲等;英语语音语调优美;了解教育学、心理学;熟练使用计算机;喜欢唱歌,尤其是英文歌曲自我评价本人热情开朗,喜爱儿童,热爱教育事业。

应聘英语教师的电子邮件简历范文大全全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Subject: Application for English Teacher PositionHi there!I am writing to apply for the English teacher position at your school. My name is Sally, and I am in the fifth grade. I love English and enjoy helping others learn it too.I have been learning English since I was very young, and I have always been at the top of my class. I have won spelling bees and storytelling competitions, and my friends always come to me for help with their English homework.I believe that teaching is a great way to share my passion for English with others. I am patient, creative, and good at explaining things in a simple way. I love coming up with fun games and activities to make learning English more engaging and exciting.I have also helped my younger brother with his English homework, and he has improved a lot with my help. I am confident that I can help students of all ages improve theirEnglish skills and become more confident in speaking, reading, and writing.I am excited about the opportunity to join your school as an English teacher and help students grow and succeed. Thank you for considering my application.Sincerely,SallyP.S. I promise to bring lots of energy, enthusiasm, and fun to the classroom!篇2Subject: Application for English Teacher PositionHi there!My name is Lily and I am super excited to apply for the English teacher position at your school! I love English and I think it’s really cool to help other kids learn it too.I am in Grade 6 at my school and I always get top grades in English class. My teacher says I have a good understanding of grammar and vocabulary. I also love reading books and writing stories in my free time. I think learning English should be fun andinteresting, so I always try to make it that way for myself and my friends.I have some experience helping my classmates with their English homework, and they always say I explain things in a way that’s easy to understand. I also like to come up with fun games and activities to help them practice their English skills.I am really good at speaking English too. My mom says I talka lot, so I guess that’s a good thing! I think being able to speak English fluently is really important for students, so I always practice speaking as much as I can.I think I would be a great fit for your school because I am enthusiastic, creative, and really passionate about teaching English. I would love the opportunity to share my love for the language with your students and help them improve their English skills.I hope you will consider my application. Thank you for taking the time to read it!Best wishes,Lily篇3Dear Sir/Madam,Hello!My name is Lily and I am in grade 5 in a local elementary school. I am writing this email to apply for the position of English teacher in your school. I love English very much and I am good at it, so I want to be an English teacher when I grow up.I have been learning English for many years and I have won some prizes in English competitions. I am good at reading, writing, listening and speaking English. I believe I can help students improve their English skills.I am also good at communicating with others. I can explain things clearly and patiently. I am good at making friends with kids and I know how to make learning interesting and fun.I am a responsible and hardworking student. I always finish my homework on time and I am good at organizing my time. I believe I can help students develop good study habits and improve their learning efficiency.I am looking forward to the opportunity to work as an English teacher in your school. I am confident that I can make a difference and help students achieve their goals in learning English.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards,Lily篇4Subject: Hi! I'm Emily and I want to be your English teacher!Hello there!My name is Emily and I am super excited to apply for the English teacher position at your school. I love English so much and I think I can teach it in a fun and engaging way to all the students.I have been studying English for many years and I even went to an English summer camp last year. It was so much fun! I learned a lot of new words and phrases and now I want to share my knowledge with all the students at your school.I am really good at reading and writing in English and I love to help my friends with their homework. I am patient and friendly and I think I can create a positive and supportive learning environment for all the students in my class.I also have some experience teaching English to younger kids during a volunteer program last summer. It was so much fun and I learned a lot about how to make learning English fun and exciting for kids.I hope you will consider me for the English teacher position at your school. I promise to work hard and do my best to help all the students learn English and have fun while doing it.Thank you for your time and consideration.Best regards,Emily.篇5Subject: Application for English Teacher PositionHi there,My name is Lily, and I am writing to express my interest in the English Teacher position at your school. I recently graduated from university with a degree in English Education, and I am excited to start my career as a teacher.I have always had a passion for English and love sharing that passion with others. I have experience working with students ofall ages, from kindergarten to high school, and have developed a variety of teaching strategies to meet the needs of different learners. I believe that making learning fun and engaging is key to helping students succeed, and I always strive to create a positive and supportive learning environment in my classroom.In addition to my teaching experience, I have also worked as a tutor helping students improve their English skills. I am familiar with the latest teaching techniques and resources, and I am committed to continuously learning and growing as a teacher.I believe that I would be a great fit for your school and would love the opportunity to work with your students. Thank you for considering my application.Best regards,Lily篇6Hello!My name is Lucy and I am a primary school student in Grade 5. I am very excited to apply for the position of an English teacher at your school. I love English and I love teaching, so I think this job would be perfect for me!I have been studying English since I was very young, and I have always had good grades in my English classes. I enjoy reading English books, watching English movies, and practicing English with my friends.I am also very patient and friendly, which I think are important qualities for a teacher. I like to help my classmates with their English homework and I like to make learning fun and interesting.I have attached my resume to this email, which includes my education background and some of my previous experience working with children. I hope you will consider me for the position of an English teacher at your school.Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon!Sincerely,Lucy篇7Subject: Application for English Teacher PositionHi there!My name is Emily and I am a super excited to apply for the English Teacher position at your school. I am currently in my final year of studying English Education at university and have always had a passion for teaching and helping others learn.I have had some experience working with children as a volunteer at my local community center, where I helped kids with their English homework and reading skills. I really enjoyed seeing how much progress they made and how happy they were when they understood something new.I believe that learning English should be fun and interactive, so I love to use games, songs, and activities to make lessons engaging and enjoyable. I also understand the importance of creating a positive and supportive learning environment for students to feel comfortable and confident in.I am a patient, friendly, and creative person who is always willing to go the extra mile to help my students succeed. I am also very organized and responsible, so you can count on me to be punctual and prepared for every lesson.I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to bring my energy and enthusiasm for teaching to your school. Thank you for considering my application and I look forward to hearing from you soon.Best wishes,Emily篇8Subject: Application for English Teacher PositionHi there!My name is Cindy and I am super excited to apply for the English teacher position at your school. I love English and I can't wait to share my passion with all the students!A little bit about me: I am a recent graduate from Sunshine Elementary School and I have a strong interest in teaching English. I have experience helping my classmates with their English homework and I always make learning fun and exciting!I am confident in my ability to create engaging lesson plans, incorporate interactive activities, and provide a supportive learning environment for all my students. I love coming up with creative ways to teach grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.I believe that learning should be enjoyable and I am dedicated to helping all my students succeed. I am a patient,caring, and enthusiastic individual who is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of my students.I am looking forward to the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how my passion for English and teaching can contribute to the success of your school. Thank you for considering my application.Sincerely,CindyP.S. I can't wait to meet all the awesome students at your school and help them become English superstars!篇9Subject: Application for English Teacher PositionHi there!My name is Emily and I'm a super enthusiastic and creative English teacher looking for a new opportunity to share my love for learning with students. I have been teaching English for over five years and have experience working with students of all ages, from kindergarten to high school.I am a certified TESOL teacher and have a passion for creating fun and engaging lessons that make learning English exciting and easy. I believe that learning a new language should be a fun experience, and I always strive to create a positive and supportive learning environment in my classroom.I have a strong understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, and I love finding creative ways to help my students improve their language skills. I also have experience using technology in the classroom, and I enjoy incorporating interactive games and activities into my lessons to keep my students engaged and motivated.I am confident that my enthusiasm, experience, and dedication to teaching make me the perfect fit for your school. I would love the opportunity to bring my energy and passion for teaching to your students and help them reach their full potential.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon!Best regards,Emily篇10Subject: Application for English Teacher PositionHi there,My name is Lily and I am writing to apply for the English teacher position at your school. I am really excited about the opportunity to join your team and help kids learn English in a fun and engaging way.I love English and I have been studying it since I was little. I always get A's in my English classes and my teachers say I have a natural talent for language. I want to share my love of English with other kids and help them improve their skills too.I am good at making learning fun. I have lots of games and activities that can help kids learn new words and grammar rules. I believe that learning should be enjoyable, so I always try to make my lessons interactive and interesting. I also have a lot of energy and enthusiasm, so I am sure I can keep the kids engaged and motivated.I have some experience teaching English to younger kids. I have helped my little brother and sister with their homework and they always say that I explain things in a way that is easy to understand. I think I have a knack for teaching and I would love to do it more professionally.I am a responsible and reliable person. I always do my homework on time and I never miss a deadline. I am also a good listener and I always try to understand what people are saying before I respond. I think these are important qualities for a teacher to have.I would love the chance to talk to you more about my qualifications and experience. I think I would be a great fit for your school and I am really excited about the possibility of working with you.Thank you for considering my application.Best wishes,Lily***Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the English teacher position at your school. I am passionate about teaching and I believe that I have the skills and experience necessary to help your students improve their English language proficiency.I have a Bachelor's degree in English Literature and I have been teaching English as a second language for five years. I haveworked with students of all ages and levels, from beginner to advanced. I am familiar with a variety of teaching methods and techniques and I am confident in my ability to create engaging and effective lessons.I am a patient and empathetic teacher who is dedicated to helping students succeed. I believe in creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes. I am also a strong believer in the importance of feedback and I always provide my students with constructive criticism to help them improve.In addition to my teaching experience, I am also a native English speaker with a strong command of the language. I have excellent communication skills and I am able to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. I am also proficient in using technology in the classroom, including interactive whiteboards and educational apps.I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to work at your school and I am confident that I would be a valuable addition to your team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications with you further.Sincerely,[Your Name]。

The 38-year-old hunan man
Degree: master and above
Working life: more than 10 years
Expected salary: 5,000 to 8,000 yuan
There is no
Working hours: January 2014 [3 years and 4 months]
Job title: no
Work: I have been in school for a while
Education experience
To this day the school of art in guangzhou art institute decorates artistic design
Working content: mainly engaged in graphic design professional course teaching, including the design sketch, color design, VI design, advertising design, packaging design, graphic originality, logo design, catalog design, book design, the basis, the design performance and technique, the visual communication design principle , 3 d computer aided design, CDR, ps, dw, cad, the undergraduate course graduation design,the undergraduate course graduation thesis, etc.



以下是整理的英语教师个⼈求职简历范⽂,欢迎阅读!【篇⼀】英语教师个⼈求职简历范⽂ 基本信息 姓名: 性别:⼥ 出⽣年⽉:1987-12-29 民族:汉族 学历:⼤专 现居住地:河北省-⽯家庄市 ⼯作年限:应届毕业⽣ 到岗时间:随时 ⾝⾼:167cm 联系电话: 求职意向 应聘类型:全职 应聘职位: 应聘⾏业:不限 期望⼯作地区:⽯家庄市 期望⽉薪:⾯议 ⾃我评价 本⼈在校期间,曾担任本系学⽣会办公室主任⼀职,并获优秀学⽣⼲部,省级三好学⽣,优秀团员,预备党员等荣誉,且在寒暑假期间,曾做过兼职,有较丰富的⼯作经验。
⼯作经历 光华英语培训学校20xx-6⾄20xx-8:⼩学英语教师 所在部门:⼩学部 ⼯作描述:担任⼩学部的英语教师,课程主要有剑桥少⼉英语,在⼯作中积极乐观,善于同学⽣交流,并有较好的业绩。
北⽅⼤厦20xx-2⾄20xx-4:前台接待员 所在部门:前台 ⼯作描述:检查并处理前⼀天的⼯作情况(08:30~09:00),查看交班记录,了解未完成的⼯作事项,检查夜审报表情况,检查各种报表的分送登记,查看夜班钥匙清点记录和有⽆过夜的留⾔信息,分析房间误差原因,查阅有⽆超越权限的房价签字等。
最近任职公司名称保密 20xx-7⾄20xx-9:⽂员 所在部门:⾏政后勤 ⼯作描述:⽂员;负责组织安排各类会议,撰写会议纪要。
中兴旅⾏社20xx-1⾄20xx-2:计调员 所在部门:计调部 ⼯作描述:计调员:负责旅游的计调安排⼯作,指定表格,协调⼯作等。
教育背景 20xx-9⾄20xx-6学校名称:⽯家庄铁路职业技术学院 专业名称:旅游英语 取得学历:⼤专 校内活动职务描述:在校期间,曾担任班级⽣活委员,学习委员,系学⽣会办公室主任兼团总⽀组织委员,曾多次协调组织⼤型学⽣活动,得到⽼师同学的⼀致好评。


应聘教师简历英文作文英文:As a teacher, I believe that my passion for education and my ability to connect with students make me anexcellent candidate for any teaching position. I have a Bachelor's degree in Education and have been teaching for over five years. In that time, I have developed a strong understanding of how to create engaging lesson plans that meet the needs of diverse learners.One of my strengths as a teacher is my ability to build strong relationships with my students. I believe that when students feel valued and respected, they are more likely to be engaged in the learning process. For example, in one of my classes, I had a student who was struggling with reading comprehension. I worked with her one-on-one to develop strategies to improve her understanding of the material. By the end of the semester, she had made significant progress and was able to pass her exams with flying colors.Another strength of mine is my ability to use technology in the classroom. I have experience with a variety of educational software and online platforms, and I enjoy finding new ways to integrate technology into my lessons. For example, in one of my classes, I used avirtual reality program to take my students on a virtual field trip to a historical site. The students were able to explore the site and learn about its history in a way that would not have been possible without the use of technology.In addition to my teaching experience, I have also been involved in extracurricular activities such as coaching sports teams and leading after-school clubs. These experiences have taught me the importance of teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.Overall, I believe that my passion for education, my ability to connect with students, and my experience with technology and extracurricular activities make me a strong candidate for any teaching position.中文:作为一名教师,我相信我的教育热情和与学生建立联系的能力使我成为任何教学职位的优秀候选人。

Don't think that doing something that seems trivial with your whole heart is a waste. Small things are done handily, and big things will come naturally.简单易用轻享办公(页眉可删)英语教师英文简历模板如果我们要做为一名英语教师工作,面试的时候,一份英文简历是非常重要的!以下是英语教师英文简历模板范文,欢迎大家参考!英语教师英文简历模板【1】姓名:英文名:__X称号:叮叮职业:英语老师兼业余舞蹈老师性格:温柔活泼可爱型现住地:广东省汕头市区公历生日:1985年12月1日生肖:牛星座:射手座血型:O型民族:汉族身高:156cm体重:40kg特长:民族舞声乐英语钢琴学历:广东外国语师范学院学前英语教育系曾获过荣誉:全国省在校英语演讲比赛一二三等奖.10大歌手最具人气奖.编舞及舞蹈一等奖(还有好多好多...哈哈,举几个例子就好)婚姻状况:未婚好习惯:早睡早起,早上起来就喝白开水清清肠胃坏习惯:看到可爱的小孩子就捏他的脸蛋.花钱最多的事情:吃饭买耳环化妆品最喜欢的饮料:牛奶,花茶,果汁最讨厌的事:看着她们个个有男朋友疼,我却没有...讨厌,只有让工作麻木自己.讨厌晚上下班只有我自己回家.生气时做的事:瞪大眼睛瞪死讨厌的人心情不好的时候:吃甜甜的东西,心情就好了最怕的事情:小孩子的手来摸我的脸,弄我的头发...最喜欢的运动:跳舞、游泳最喜欢的服装:可爱、休闲最满意自己的:歌声眼睛睫毛酒窝最不满意自己的:身材身高最喜欢的电影:《放牛娃的春天》...等等最喜欢的季节:冬季最喜欢的音乐:钢琴曲、蓝调最喜欢的颜色:粉色系最喜欢的食物:蛋糕妈妈做的菜最讨厌的食物:香蕉葱和大蒜最喜欢的公仔:布丁王子(斜流丸王子)嗜好:购物、化妆、上网、听歌、唱歌现签约公司:汕头BOB国际英语培训中心目前最大的愿望:变成人家心爱的老婆和好妈妈最想做的事:交一个真正在乎我的男朋友(天冷有个可以抱抱)PS:需不抽烟喝酒,且事业有成比我年龄大的专一的男人.英文简历写作的种类和要点【2】一、简历种类1 中式。

工作内容:主要负责x年级的英语教学工作,所带班级都能达到年级前x 名。

英语教师个人简历篇1个人资料姓名:性别:女出生年月:民族:汉族最高学历:本科现居住地:江苏省-徐州市工作年限:三年以上联系电话:求职意向应聘类型:专/兼职皆可应聘行业:英语教育/培训期望月薪:面议工作经历20xx-6至20xx-12 徐州xx辅导中心英语教师行业所属性质:教育机构工作描述:讲授人教版小学二年级英语,辅导学生完成暑假作业,认真检查。
英语教师个人简历篇2姓名:性别:女年龄: 31岁学历:不限日常工作年限: 7年婚姻状况:已婚户口:新乡市身高: 167cm居住地:河南省新乡市现任职位: --待遇要求: 5000--8000/月到岗时间:面谈希望地区:深圳市希望岗位:教师英语翻译点击放大自我评论乐观,热情,积极上进!!努力奋斗,精益求精!!日常工作经验某公司 20xx-07 - 至今公司性质:教育事业担任职位:高校教师离职原因:日常工作职责和业绩:我是一位有着七年大学英语教学经验的高校英语教师,七年来,我严格履行岗位职责,圆满完成教学任务,并积极投身科研,我正处于人生精力充沛的时期,我渴望在更广阔的天地展露自己的才能,我不满足于现有知识水平,期望在实践中得到锻炼和提高。

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英语教师英文简历范文3篇English Teacher Resume Sample 1Name: Jack ParkerAddress: 123 Main Street, City, State, ZipPhone: (123) 456-7890Email:********************Objective:Dedicated and passionate English teacher with five years of experience seeking a position in a reputable educational institution. Committed to promoting English language fluency and cultural understanding in students through engaging teaching methods.Education:Bachelor of Arts in English Literature - XYZ University, City, StateCertification in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) - ABC Institute, CityExperience:English Teacher - XYZ International School, City, State- Developed and implemented English language curriculum for high school students, focusing on listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.- Utilized various teaching methods, including group discussions, interactive activities, and multimedia resources, to engage students and enhance their learning experience.- Conducted assessments and provided constructive feedback to students to foster their language development.- Organized extracurricular activities, such as English clubs and language exchange programs, to encourage students' language practice outside the classroom.- Collaborated with colleagues to develop interdisciplinary projects to integrate English language skills with other subjects.English Tutor - ABC Language Center, City, State- Provided one-on-one tutoring sessions to students of different ages and proficiency levels, tailoring lessons to address their individual needs and goals.- Helped students improve their English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and overall communication skills.- Prepared personalized lesson plans and supplementary learning materials to facilitate students' progress.- Monitored students' progress and adjusted teaching methods accordingly to ensure their continuous improvement.- Assisted students in preparing for English proficiency exams, such as TOEFL and IELTS.Skills:- Excellent command of the English language, both written and spoken.- Proficient in using educational technology and online learning platforms.- Strong communication and interpersonal skills.- Ability to motivate and inspire students.- Highly organized and detail-oriented.References:Available upon request.English Teacher Resume Sample 2Name: Emily ThompsonAddress: 456 Oak Avenue, City, State, ZipPhone: (987) 654-3210Email:***********************Objective:Passionate and dedicated English teacher with a proven track record of student achievement seeking a position in a dynamic educational environment. Committed to creating a positive learning atmosphere and inspiring students to develop their English language skills.Education:Master of Education in English Language Teaching - University of XYZ, City, StateBachelor of Arts in English Literature - ABC University, City, StateTeaching Certification - State Certification BoardExperience:English Language Instructor - ABC Academy, City, State- Designed and implemented English language lesson plans for middle school students, focusing on grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills.- Utilized a variety of interactive teaching methods, including role-playing, debates, and multimedia resources, to engage students and promote active learning.- Monitored students' progress through regular assessments and provided personalized feedback to support their language development.- Collaborated with colleagues to develop and deliver professional development workshops for teachers, sharing best practices and innovative teaching strategies.- Organized language immersion programs and cultural exchange activities to enhance students' understanding of English-speaking cultures.English Conversation Teacher - XYZ Language School, City, State- Conducted conversational English classes for adult learners, focusing on improving their oral communication skills and fluency.- Created a relaxed and supportive learning environment to encourage students to practice speaking English confidently.- Designed and implemented interactive activities and discussions to promote students' vocabulary expansion, listening comprehension, and pronunciation.- Tailored lessons to meet individual learners' needs and interests, incorporating topics such as current events and cultural aspects of English-speaking countries.- Provided feedback and encouragement to students, fostering their self-confidence and motivation to continue improving their language skills.Skills:- In-depth knowledge of English language teaching methodologies and pedagogical approaches.- Ability to create engaging and interactive lesson plans tailored to students' linguistic needs and interests.- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.- Proficient in using technology and online resources to enhance learning outcomes.- Strong organizational and multitasking abilities.References:Available upon request.English Teacher Resume Sample 3Name: Sarah JohnsonAddress: 789 Elm Street, City, State, ZipPhone: (555) 123-4567Email:**********************Objective:Experienced and dedicated English teacher seeking a challenging position in an international school. Committed to fostering a love for the English language in students and helping them achieve their language learning goals.Education:Bachelor of Education in English Language Teaching - XYZ University, City, StateTESOL Certification - ABC TESOL Institute, CityExperience:English Teacher - XYZ International School, City, State- Developed and implemented English language curriculum for primary school students, focusing on speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.- Utilized engaging teaching techniques, such as games, storytelling, and multimedia resources, to make learning enjoyable and effective.- Designed and delivered differentiated lessons to accommodate students' diverse learning styles and abilities.- Conducted regular assessments and provided constructive feedback to foster students' language proficiency.- Organized and led English language camps and workshops to further enhance students' language skills.ESL Instructor - ABC Language Institute, City, State- Taught English as a Second Language (ESL) to adult learners from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.- Planned and implemented communicative and task-based lessons to develop students' practical English language skills.- Created a supportive and inclusive classroom environment to encourage students to engage in English language activities with confidence.- Incorporated authentic materials, such as news articles and videos, to enhance students' language and cultural awareness.- Assisted students in preparing for language proficiency exams, such as Cambridge English exams and TOEIC.Skills:- Strong command of the English language, both written and spoken.- Cultural sensitivity and ability to work effectively with diverse student populations.- Excellent classroom management and discipline skills.- Proficient in using technology in the classroom to enhance learning outcomes.- Excellent organizational and time management abilities. References:Available upon request.。


求职信英语教师简历范文(Your Address)(City, State, Zip Code)(Date)(Hiring Manager’s Name)(School Name)(Address)(City, State, Zip Code)Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the English teaching position at your school as advertised. With a strong background in English literature and a passion for teaching, I am confident in my ability to contribute positively to the academic environment at your institution.I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from XYZ University with honors. During my time at university, I had the opportunity to study various works of literature from different time periods and cultures. This has not only broadened my knowledge of the subject but has also allowed me to develop critical thinking skills that I believe are essential for effective teaching.After graduating, I completed a teaching certification program and gained experience teaching English as a second language to students of different age groups and proficiency levels. This experience has equipped me with the necessary skills to tailor myteaching methods to suit the individual needs of each student and create a dynamic and engaging learning environment in the classroom.In addition to my teaching experience, I have also had the opportunity to work as a tutor, helping students improve their reading and writing skills. This experience has given me a deeper understanding of the challenges that students face when learning English and has reinforced my belief in the importance of providing personalized attention to help students reach their full potential.I am a firm believer in the power of literature to inspire and enrich the lives of students. I am dedicated to fostering a love of reading and writing in my students and helping them develop the communication skills that are crucial for success in both academia and the real world.I am excited about the prospect of joining your team of dedicated educators and contributing to the academic success of your students. I am confident that my passion for teaching, combined with my experience and qualifications, make me a strong candidate for the English teaching position at your school.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experience can contribute to the academic excellence at your school.Sincerely,(Your Name)。
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