



1996年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学二试题一、填空题(本题共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分.把答案填在题中横线上.) (1) 设232()x y x e -=+,则0x y ='=______.(2)121(x dx -+=⎰______.(3) 微分方程250y y y '''++=的通解为______.(4) 31lim sin ln(1)sin ln(1)x x x x →∞⎡⎤+-+=⎢⎥⎣⎦______.(5) 由曲线1,2y x x x=+=及2y =所围图形的面积S =______.二、选择题(本题共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内.)(1) 设当0x →时,2(1)xe ax bx -++是比2x 高阶的无穷小,则 ( )(A) 1,12a b == (B) 1,1a b == (C) 1,12a b =-=- (D) 1,1a b =-=(2) 设函数()f x 在区间(,)δδ-内有定义,若当(,)x δδ∈-时,恒有2|()|f x x ≤,则0x =必是()f x 的 ( ) (A) 间断点 (B) 连续而不可导的点 (C) 可导的点,且(0)0f '= (D) 可导的点,且(0)0f '≠(3) 设()f x 处处可导,则 ( )(A) 当lim ()x f x →-∞=-∞,必有lim ()x f x →-∞'=-∞(B) 当lim ()x f x →-∞'=-∞,必有lim ()x f x →-∞=-∞(C) 当lim ()x f x →+∞=+∞,必有lim ()x f x →+∞'=+∞(D) 当lim ()x f x →+∞'=+∞,必有lim ()x f x →+∞=+∞(4) 在区间(,)-∞+∞内,方程1142||||cos 0x x x +-= ( )(A) 无实根 (B) 有且仅有一个实根(C) 有且仅有两个实根 (D) 有无穷多个实根(5) 设(),()f x g x 在区间[,]a b 上连续,且()()g x f x m <<(m 为常数),由曲线(),y g x =(),y f x x a ==及x b =所围平面图形绕直线y m =旋转而成的旋转体体积为 ( )(A) [][]2()()()()bam f x g x f x g x dx π-+-⎰(B) [][]2()()()()bam f x g x f x g x dx π---⎰(C) [][]()()()()bam f x g x f x g x dx π-+-⎰(D)[][]()()()()bam f x g x f x g x dx π---⎰三、(本题共6小题,每小题5分,满分30分.) (1)计算ln 0⎰.(2) 求1sin dxx +⎰.(3) 设2022(),[()],t x f u du y f t ⎧=⎪⎨⎪=⎩⎰其中()f u 具有二阶导数,且()0f u ≠,求22d y dx .(4) 求函数1()1xf x x-=+在0x =点处带拉格朗日型余项的n 阶泰勒展开式. (5) 求微分方程2y y x '''+=的通解.(6) 设有一正椭圆柱体,其底面的长、短轴分别为22a b 、,用过此柱体底面的短轴与底面成α角(02πα<<)的平面截此柱体,得一锲形体(如图),求此锲形体的体积V .四、(本题满分8分)计算不定积分22arctan (1)xdx x x +⎰.α五、(本题满分8分)设函数2312,1,(),12,1216, 2.x x f x x x x x ⎧-<-⎪=-≤≤⎨⎪->⎩(1) 写出()f x 的反函数()g x 的表达式;(2) ()g x 是否有间断点、不可导点,若有,指出这些点.六、(本题满分8分)设函数()y y x =由方程3222221y y xy x -+-=所确定,试求()y y x =的驻点,并判别它是否为极值点.七、(本题满分8分)设()f x 在区间[,]a b 上具有二阶导数,且()()0f a f b ==,()()0f a f b ''>,试证明:存在(,)a b ξ∈和(,)a b η∈,使()0f ξ=及()0f η''=.八、(本题满分8分)设()f x 为连续函数,(1) 求初值问题0(),0x y ay f x y ='+=⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩的解()y x ,其中a 为正的常数;(2) 若|()|f x k ≤(k 为常数),证明:当0x ≥时,有|()|(1)ax ky x e a-≤-.1996年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学二试题解析一、填空题(本题共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分.) (1)【答案】13【解析】132221132x xy x e e ,---⎛⎫⎛⎫'=+⋅- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭02111323x y =⎛⎫'=-= ⎪⎝⎭.(2)【答案】2【解析】注意到对称区间上奇偶函数的积分性质,有原式()1122112121022x x dx dx --⎡⎤⎡⎤=+-==+=⎣⎦⎣⎦⎰⎰. 【相关知识点】对称区间上奇偶函数的积分性质:若()f x 在[,]a a -上连续且为奇函数,则()0aaf x dx -=⎰;若()f x 在[,]a a -上连续且为偶函数,则0()2()aaaf x dx f x dx -=⎰⎰.(3)【答案】()12cos2sin 2xy ec x c x -=+【解析】因为250y y y '''++=是常系数的线性齐次方程,其特征方程2250r r ++=有一对共轭复根1212r ,r i.=-±故通解为()12cos2sin 2xy e c x c x -=+.(4)【答案】2【解析】因为x →∞时,sin ln 1ln 1k k kx x x⎛⎫⎛⎫++ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭(k 为常数),所以, 原式3131lim sin ln 1lim sin ln 1lim lim 312x x x x x x x x x x x x →∞→∞→∞→∞⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=+-+=⋅-⋅=-= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭. (5)【答案】1ln 22-【解析】曲线1y x ,x =+2y =的交点是()12,,2211,x y x x x '-⎛⎫'=+= ⎪⎝⎭当1x >时 1y x x=+(单调上升)在2y =上方,于是 212211211ln 2ln 2.22S x dx x x x x ⎛⎫=+-⎪⎝⎭⎛⎫=+-=- ⎪⎝⎭⎰二、选择题(本题共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分.)(1)【答案】(A)【解析】方法1:用带皮亚诺余项泰勒公式.由()21x e ax bx -++()()222112!x x x ax bx ο⎛⎫=+++-++ ⎪⎝⎭()()()222112b x a x x x οο⎛⎫=-+-+ ⎪⎝⎭令,可得 10111202b ,a ,b .a ,-=⎧⎪⇒==⎨-=⎪⎩应选(A). 方法2:用洛必达法则.由2200(1)2lim lim 0,2x x x x e ax bx e ax bx x→→-++--=洛 有 ()lim 210 1.xx e ax b b b →--=-=⇒=又由 0022121limlim 02222x x x x e ax b e a a a x →→----===⇒=. 应选(A).(2)【答案】(C)【解析】方法一:首先,当0x =时,|(0)|0(0)0f f ≤⇒=. 而按照可导定义我们考察2()(0)()00(0)f x f f x x x x x x x-≤=≤=→→,由夹逼准则, 0()(0)(0)lim0x f x f f x→-'==,故应选(C).方法二:显然,(0)0f =,由2|()|f x x ≤,(,)x δδ∈-,得2()1(,0)(0,)f x x xδδ≤∈-,,即2()f x x有界,且 200()(0)()(0)limlim 0x x f x f f x f x x x →→-⎛⎫'==⋅= ⎪⎝⎭. 故应选(C).方法三:排除法.令3(),(0)0,f x x f '==故(A)、(B)、(D)均不对,应选(C).【相关知识点】定理:有界函数与无穷小的乘积是无穷小. (3)【答案】(D)【解析】方法一:排除法.例如()f x x =,则(A),(C)不对;又令()xf x e -=,则(B)不对.故应选择(D).方法二:由lim ()x f x →+∞'=+∞,对于0M >,存在0x ,使得当0x x >时,()f x M '>.由此,当0x x >时,由拉格朗日中值定理,0000()()()()()()()f x f x f x x f x M x x x ξ'=+->+-→+∞→+∞,从而有lim ()x f x →+∞=+∞,故应选择(D).【相关知识点】拉格朗日中值定理:如果函数()f x 满足(1) 在闭区间[,]a b 上连续; (2) 在开区间(,)a b 内可导,那么在(,)a b 内至少有一点ξ(a b ξ<<),使等式()()()()f b f a f b a ξ'-=-成立.(4)【答案】(C)【解析】令1142()||||cos f x x x x =+-,则()()f x f x -=,故()f x 是偶函数,考察()f x 在(0,)+∞内的实数个数:1142()cos f x x x x =+-(0x >).首先注意到(0)10f =-<,1142()()()10,222f πππ=+>>当02x π<<时,由零值定理,函数()f x 必有零点,且由314211()sin 042f x x x x --'=++>,()f x 在(0,)2π单调递增,故()f x 有唯一零点.当2x π≥时,11114242()cos ()()10,22f x x x x ππ=+-≥+->没有零点; 因此,()f x 在(0,)+∞有一个零点.又由于()f x 是偶函数,()f x 在(,)-∞+∞有两个零点.故应选(C).【相关知识点】零点定理:设函数()f x 在闭区间[,]a b 上连续,且()f a 与()f b 异号(即()()0f a f b ⋅<),那么在开区间(,)a b 内至少有一点ξ,使()0f ξ=.(5)【答案】(B) 【解析】见上图,作垂直分割,相应于[],x x dx +的小竖条的体积微元22(())(())dV m g x dx m f x dx ππ=---[][](())(())(())(())m g x m f x m g x m f x dx π=-+-⋅--- [][]2()()()()m g x f x f x g x dx π=--⋅-,于是 [][]2()()()()ba V m g x f x f x g x dx π=--⋅-⎰,故选择(B).三、(本题共6小题,每小题5分,满分30分.)(1)【解析】方法一:换元法.u =,则221ln(1),21u x u dx du u=--=-, 所以2ln 220011111)2)11211u du du du u u u u==-=+----+⎰1ln(22==. 方法二:换元法.令sin xe t -=,则cos ln sin ,sin t x t dx dt t =-=-,:0ln 2:26x t ππ→⇒→,ln 62026cos 1cos sin sin sin t t dt t dt t tππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫=⋅-=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎰⎰⎰2266ln(csc cot)cos ln(22t t tππππ=--=-.方法三:分部积分法和换元法结合.原式ln2ln00()xe e--==-⎰⎰22ln2xxe e--=-+⎰令x e t=,则:0ln2:12x t→⇒→,原式2211ln(22t=-+=-++⎰ln(22=-+. 【相关知识点】1.1csc ln csc cotsinxdx dx x x Cx==-+⎰⎰,2. 0a>时,ln x C=++.(2)【解析】方法一:2(1sin)1sin1sin(1sin)(1sin)cosdx x dx xdxx x x x--==++-⎰⎰⎰22221sin cosseccos cos cosxdx d xdx xdxx x x=-=+⎰⎰⎰⎰1tancosx Cx=-+.方法二:21sin(cos sin)22dx dxx xx=++⎰⎰222(1tan)sec222(1tan)(1tan)1tan222xdxdx Cx x x+===-++++⎰⎰.方法三:换元法.令tan2xt=,则22222tan22arctan,,sin11tan1t tx t dx xt t t====+++,原式2221222221(1)111tan12dtdt C Ct xt t tt=⋅==-+=-+++++++⎰⎰.(3)【解析】这是由参数方程所确定的函数,其导数为22222()()24()()dydy f t f t tdt tf tdxdx f tdt'⋅⋅'===,所以 2222221()(4())4()4()2()d y d dy dt d dt tf t f t tf t t dx dt dx dx dt dx f t ''''⎡⎤=⋅=⋅=+⋅⋅⎣⎦ 22224()2()()f t t f t f t '''⎡⎤=+⎣⎦. (4)【解析】函数()f x 在0x =处带拉格朗日余项的泰勒展开式为()(1)1(0)()()(0)(0),(01)!(1)!n n n n f f x f x f f x x x n n θθ++'=++++<<+.对于函数1()1xf x x -=+,有 12()12(1)1,1f x x x-=-=+-+2()2(1)(1),f x x -'=⋅-+3()2(1)(2)(1),f x x -''=⋅-⋅-+ ,,()(1)()2(1)!(1)n n n f x n x -+=-⋅+所以 ()(0)2(1)!,(1,2,3),n n fn n =-⋅ =故 121112()122(1)2(1)(01)1(1)n n n n n xx f x x x x xx θθ+++-==-+++-+- <<++.(5)【解析】方法一:微分方程2y y x ''+=对应的齐次方程0y y '''+=的特征方程为20r r +=,两个根为120,1r r ==-,故齐次方程的通解为12x y c c e -=+.设非齐次方程的特解2()Y x ax bx c =⋅++,代入方程可以得到1,1,23a b c ==-=, 因此方程通解为3212123xy c c ex x x -=++-+. 方法二:方程可以写成2()y y x ''+=,积分得303x y y c '+=+,这是一阶线性非齐次微分方程,可直接利用通解公式求解.通解为30(())3dxdx xy e c e dx C -⎰⎰=++⎰33001(())()33xx x x xx e c e dx C e x de c e C --=++=++⎰⎰320(3)3x xx x e x e e x dx c Ce --=-++⎰ 332200(2)33x x xx x x x x x e e x dx c Ce e e x e xdx c Ce ----=-++=--++⎰⎰ 3202()3x x x x x x e e x e c Ce --=-+-++ 32123x x x x c Ce -=-+++. 方法三:作为可降阶的二阶方程,令y P '=,则y P '''=,方程化为2P P x '+=,这是一阶线性非齐次微分方程,可直接利用通解公式求解.通解为220020()(22)2 2.x x x x x x xP e c x e dx e c x e xe e c e x x ---=+=+-+=+-+⎰再积分得 321223xx y c c e x x -=++-+. 【相关知识点】1.二阶线性非齐次方程解的结构:设*()y x 是二阶线性非齐次方程()()()y P x y Q x y f x '''++=的一个特解.()Y x 是与之对应的齐次方程 ()()0y P x y Q x y '''++=的通解,则*()()y Y x y x =+是非齐次方程的通解.2. 二阶常系数线性齐次方程通解的求解方法:对于求解二阶常系数线性齐次方程的通解()Y x ,可用特征方程法求解:即()()0y P x y Q x y '''++=中的()P x 、()Q x 均是常数,方程变为0y py qy '''++=.其特征方程写为20r pr q ++=,在复数域内解出两个特征根12,r r ; 分三种情况:(1) 两个不相等的实数根12,r r ,则通解为1212;rx r x y C eC e =+(2) 两个相等的实数根12r r =,则通解为()112;rxy C C x e =+(3) 一对共轭复根1,2r i αβ=±,则通解为()12cos sin .xy e C x C x αββ=+其中12,C C 为常数.3.对于求解二阶线性非齐次方程()()()y P x y Q x y f x '''++=的一个特解*()y x ,可用待定系数法,有结论如下:如果()(),x m f x P x e λ=则二阶常系数线性非齐次方程具有形如*()()k xm y x x Q x e λ=的特解,其中()m Q x 是与()m P x 相同次数的多项式,而k 按λ不是特征方程的根、是特征方程的单根或是特征方程的重根依次取0、1或2.如果()[()cos ()sin ]xl n f x e P x x P x x λωω=+,则二阶常系数非齐次线性微分方程()()()y p x y q x y f x '''++=的特解可设为*(1)(2)[()cos ()sin ]k x m m y x e R x x R x x λωω=+,其中(1)()m R x 与(2)()m R x 是m 次多项式,{}max ,m l n =,而k 按i λω+(或i λω-)不是特征方程的根、或是特征方程的单根依次取为0或1. 4. 一阶线性非齐次方程()()y P x y Q x '+=的通解为()()()P x dx P x dx y e Q x e dx C -⎛⎫⎰⎰=+ ⎪⎝⎭⎰, 其中C 为任意常数. (6)【解析】建立坐标系,底面椭圆方程为22221x y a b+=.方法一:以垂直于y 轴的平面截此楔形体所得的截面为直角三角形,其中一条直角边长为x=tan α, 故截面面积为22221()()tan 2a S y b y bα=-⋅. 楔形体的体积为222220022()tan ()tan 3bb a V S y dy b y dy a b b αα==-=⎰⎰.方法二:以垂直于x 轴的平面截此楔形体所得的截面为矩形,其中一条边长为2y =另一条边长为tan x α⋅, 故截面面积为()2tan bS x aα=,楔形体的体积为200222()tan tan 3aa b V S x dx a b a αα===⎰⎰.四、(本题满分8分)【解析】方法一:分部积分法.2222arctan arctan arctan (1)1x x xdx dx dx x x x x =-++⎰⎰⎰1arctan ()arctan (arctan )xd xd x x=--⎰⎰2211arctan arctan (1)2dx x x x x x -+-+⎰分部 22111arctan ()arctan 12x x dx x x x x =-+--+⎰ 22111arctan ln ln(1)arctan 22x x x x C x =-+-+-+.方法二:换元法与分部积分法结合.令arctan x t =,则2tan ,sec x t dx tdt ==,2222222arctan sec cot (1)tan (1tan )tan x t t t dx dt dt t tdt x x t t t ===++⎰⎰⎰⎰2(csc 1)(cot )t t dt td t tdt =-=--⎰⎰⎰21cot cot 2t t dt t -+-⎰分部 2cos 1cot sin 2x t t dt t x =-+-⎰211cot sin sin 2t t d t t t =-+-⎰21cot ln sin 2t t t t C =-+-+.五、(本题满分8分)【分析】为了正确写出函数()f x 的反函数()g x ,并快捷地判断出函数()g x 的连续性、可导性,须知道如下关于反函数的有关性质.【相关知识点】反函数的性质:① 若函数()f x 是单调且连续的,则反函数()g x 有相同的单调性且也是连续的;② 函数()f x 的值域即为反函数()g x 的定义域;③ 1()()g x f x '=',故函数()f x 的不可导点和使()0f x '=的点x 对应的值()f x 均为()g x 的不可导点.【解析】(1) 由题设,函数()f x的反函数为1,()18,16,8.12xg x xxx⎧<-⎪⎪⎪=-≤≤⎨⎪+⎪>⎪⎩(2) 方法一:考察()f x的连续性与导函数.注意2312,1,(),12,1216,2x xf x x xx x⎧-<-⎪=-≤≤⎨⎪->⎩在(,1),(1,2),(2,)-∞--+∞区间上()f x分别与初等函数相同,故连续.在1,2x x=-=处分别左、右连续,故连续.易求得24,1,()3,12,(1)4,(1)3,12,2(2)12,(2)12(2)12.x xf x x x f fxf f f-+-+-<-⎧⎪'''=-<<-=-=⎨⎪>⎩'''==⇒=由于函数()f x在(,)-∞+∞内单调上升且连续,故函数()g x在(,)-∞+∞上单调且连续,没有间断点.由于仅有0x=时()0f x'=且(0)0f=,故0x=是()g x的不可导点;仅有1x=-是()f x的不可导点(左、右导数∃,但不相等),因此()g x在(1)1f-=-处不可导.方法二:直接考察()g x的连续性与可导性.注意1,()18,16,8,12xg x xxx⎧<-⎪⎪⎪=-≤≤⎨⎪+⎪>⎪⎩在(,1),(1,8),(8,)-∞--+∞区间上()g x分别与初等函数相同,故连续.在1,8x x=-=处分别左、右连续,故连续,即()g x在(,)-∞+∞连续,没有间断点.()g x在(,1),(1,8),(8,)-∞--+∞内分别与初等函数相同,在0x =不可导,其余均可导.在1x =-处,1111(1),(1),43x x g g -++=--=-'⎛'''-==-== ⎝ (1)g '⇒-不∃.在8x =处,881161(8),(8),121212x x x g g -+-+=='+'⎛⎫''====⎪⎝⎭ (8)g '⇒∃.因此,()g x 在(,)-∞+∞内仅有0x =与1x =-两个不可导点.六、(本题满分8分)【解析】方程两边对x 求导,得22320,(32)0.y y yy xy y x y y x y y x ''''-++-=-++-= ①令0,y '=得y x =,代入原方程得32210x x --=,解之得唯一驻点1x =;对①两边再求导又得22(32)(32)10x y y x y y y x y y '''''-++-++-=. ②以1,0x y y '===代入②得11210,0,2x y y =''''-==> 1x =是极小点.【相关知识点】1.驻点:通常称导数等于零的点为函数的驻点(或稳定点,临界点). 2.函数在驻点处取得极大值或极小值的判定定理.当函数()f x 在驻点处的二阶导数存在且不为零时,可以利用下述定理来判定()f x 在驻点处取得极大值还是极小值.定理:设函数()f x 在0x 处具有二阶导数且00()0,()0f x f x '''=≠,那么 (1) 当0()0f x ''<时,函数()f x 在0x 处取得极大值; (2) 当0()0f x ''>时,函数()f x 在0x 处取得极小值.七、(本题满分8分)【解析】首先证明(,)a b ξ∃∈,使()0f ξ=:方法一:用零点定理.主要是要证明()f x 在(,)a b 有正值点与负值点.不妨设()0,f a '>()0f b '>.由()()lim ()()0x a f x f a f a f a x a ++→-''==>-与极限局部保号性,知在x a =的某右邻域,()()0f x f a x a->-,从而()0f x >,因而111,,()0x b x a f x ∃>>>;类似地,由()0f b '>可证2122,,()0x x x b f x ∃<<<.由零点定理,12(,)(,)x x a b ξ∃∈⊂,使()0f ξ=.方法二:反证法.假设在(,)a b 内()0f x ≠,则由()f x 的连续性可得()0f x >,或()0f x <,不妨设()0f x >.由导数定义与极限局部保号性,()()()()()lim lim 0x a x a f x f a f x f a f a x ax a +++→→-''===≥--,()()()()()lim lim 0x b x b f x f b f x f b f b x b x b ---→→-''===≤--, 从而()()0f a f b ''≤,与()()0f a f b ''>矛盾.其次,证明(,)a b η∃∈,()0f η''=:由于()()()0f a f f b ξ===,根据罗尔定理,12(,),(,)a b ηξηξ∃∈∈,使12()()0f f ηη''==;又由罗尔定理, 12(,)(,),()0a b f ηηηη''∃∈⊂=.注:由0()0f x '>可得:在000(,),()()x x f x f x δ-<;在000(,),()()x x f x f x δ+>.注意由0()0f x '>得不到()f x 在00(,)x x δδ-+单调增的结果!【相关知识点】1.零点定理:设函数()f x 在闭区间[,]a b 上连续,且()f a 与()f b 异号(即()()0f a f b ⋅<),那么在开区间(,)a b 内至少有一点ξ,使()0f ξ=.2.函数极限的局部保号性定理:如果0lim ()x x f x A →=,且0A >(或0A <),那么存在常数0δ>,使得当00x x δ<-<时,有()0f x >(或()0f x <).3. 函数极限局部保号性定理的推论:如果在0x 的某去心邻域内()0f x ≥(或()0f x ≤),而且0lim ()x x f x A →=,那么0A ≥(或0A ≤).4.罗尔定理:如果函数()f x 满足(1) 在闭区间[,]a b 上连续; (2) 在开区间(,)a b 内可导;(3) 在区间端点处的函数值相等,即()()f a f b =, 那么在(,)a b 内至少有一点ξ(a b ξ<<),使得()0f ξ'=.八、(本题满分8分)【解析】(1) ()y ay f x '+=为一阶线性非齐次微分方程,可直接利用通解公式求解.通解为[]()()()ax ax ax y x e f x e dx C e F x C --⎡⎤=+=+⎣⎦⎰,其中()F x 是()axf x e 的任一原函数,由(0)0y =得(0)C F =-,故[]0()()(0)()xax ax at y x e F x F e e f t dt --=-=⎰.(2) 当0x ≥时,0()()()xxaxat axat y x ee f t dt ee f t dt --=⋅≤⎰⎰001(1)x x ax at ax at ax k ke e dt ke e e a a---⎛⎫≤⋅=⋅=- ⎪⎝⎭⎰.【相关知识点】一阶线性非齐次方程()()y P x y Q x '+=的通解为()()()P x dx P x dx y e Q x e dx C -⎛⎫⎰⎰=+ ⎪⎝⎭⎰, 其中C 为任意常数.。



1999年年全真试题Part ⅠCloze TestDirections:For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points)Industrial safety does not just happen. Companies 1 low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them 2 and active. When the work is well done, a 3 of accident free operations is established 4 time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.Successful safety programs may 5 greatly in the emphasis placed on certain aspects of the program. Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by 6 rules or regulations. 7 others depend on an emotional appeal to the worker. But, there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained.There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial standpoint alone, safety 8 . The fewer the injury 9 , the better the workman’s insurance rate. This may mean the difference between operating at 10 or at a loss.1.[A]at [B]in [C]on [D]with2.[A]alive [B]vivid [C]mobile [D]diverse3.[A]regulation [B]climate [C]circumstance [D]requirement4.[A]where [B]how [C]what [D]unless5.[A]alter [B]differ [C]shift [D]distinguish6.[A]constituting [B]aggravating [C]observing [D]justifying7.[A]Some [B]Many [C]Even [D]Still8.[A]comes off [B]turns up [C]pays off [D]holds up9.[A]claims [B]reports [C]declarations [D]proclamations10.[A]an advantage [B]a benefit [C]an interest [D]a profitPart ⅡReading ComprehensionDirections:Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Then mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (40 points)Passage 1It’s a rough world out there. Step outside and you could break a leg slipping on your doormat. Light up the stove and you could burn down the house. Luckily, if the doormat or stove failed to warn of coming disaster, a successful lawsuit might compensate you for your troubles. Or so thethinking has gone since the early 1980s, when juries began holding more companies liable for their customers’ misfortunes.Feeling threatened, companies responded by writing ever longer warning labels, trying to anticipate every possible accident. Today, stepladders carry labels several inches long that warn, among other things, that you might—surprise!—fall off. The label on a child’s Batman cape cautions that the toy “does not enable user to fly”.While warnings are often appropriate and necessary—the dangers of drug interactions, for example—and many are required by state or federal regulations, it isn’t clear that they actu ally protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured. About 50 percent of the companies lose when injured customers take them to court.Now the tide appears to be turning. As personal injury claims continue as before, some courts are beginning to side with defendants, especially in cases where a warning label probably wouldn’t have changed anything. In May, Julie Nimmons, president of Schutt Sports in Illinois, successfully fought a lawsuit involving a football player who was paralyzed in a game while wearing a Schutt helmet. “We’re really sorry he has become paralyzed, but helmets aren’t designed to prevent those kinds of injuries, ” says Nimmons. The jury agreed that the nature of the game, not the helmet, was the reason for t he athlete’s injury. At the same time, the American Law Institute—a group of judges, lawyers, and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight—issued new guidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones. “Important information can get buried in a sea of trivialities, ” says a law professor at Cornell Law School who helped draft the new guidelines. If the moderate end of the legal community has its way, the information on products might actually be provided for the benefit of customers and not as protection against legal liability.11. What were things like in 1980s when accidents happened?[A]Customers might be relieved of their disasters through lawsuits.[B]Injured customers could expect protection from the legal system.[C]Companies would avoid being sued by providing new warnings.[D]Juries tended to find fault with the compensations companies promised.12. Manufacturers as mentioned in the passage tend to.[A]satisfy customers by writing long warnings on products[B]become honest in describing the inadequacies of their products[C]make the best use of labels to avoid legal liability[D]feel obliged to view customers’safety as their first concern13. The case of Schutt helmet demonstrated that.[A]some injury claims were no longer supported by law[B]helmets were not designed to prevent injuries[C]product labels would eventually be discarded[D]some sports games might lose popularity with athletes14. The author’s attitude towards the issue seems to be.[A]biased [B]indifferent [C]puzzling [D]objectivePassage 2In the first year or so of Web business, most of the action has revolved around efforts to tap the consumer market. More recently, as the Web proved to be more than a fashion, companies have started to buy and sell products and services with one another. Such business to business sales make sense because business people typically know what product they’re looking for.Nonetheless, many companies still hesitate to use the Web because of doubts about its reliability. “Businesses need to feel they can trust the pathway between them and the supplier,” says senior analyst Blane Erwin of Forrester Research. Some companies are limiting the risk by conducting online transactions only with established business partners who are given access to the company’s private intranet.Another major shift in the model for Internet commerce concerns the technology available for marketing. Unt il recently, Internet marketing activities have focused on strategies to “pull” customers into sites. In the past year, however, software companies have developed tools that allow companies to “push” information directly out to consumers, transmitting mark eting messages directly to targeted customers. Most notably, the Pointcast Network uses a screen saver to deliver a continually updated stream of news and advertisements to subscribers’ computer monitors. Subscribers can customize the information they want to receive and proceed directly to a company’s Web site. Companies such as Virtual Vineyards are already starting to use similar technologies to push messages to customers about special sales, product offerings, or other events. But push technology has earned the contempt of many Web users. Online culture thinks highly of the notion that the information flowing onto the screen comes there by specific request. Once commercial promotion begins to fill the screen uninvited, the distinction between the Web and television fades. That’s a prospect that horrifies Net purists.But it is hardly inevitable that companies on the Web will need to resort to push strategies to make money. The examples of Virtual Vineyards, Amazon .com, and other pioneers show that a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right mix of interactivity, hospitality, and security will attract online customers. And the cost of computing power continues to free fall, which is a good sign for any enterprise setting up shop in silicon. People looking back 5 or 10 years from now may well wonder why so few companies took the online plunge.15. We learn from the beginning of the passage that Web business.[A]has been striving to expand its market[B]intended to follow a fanciful fashion[C]tried but in vain to control the market[D]has been booming for one year or so16. Speaking of the online technology available for marketing, the author implies that.[A]the technology is popular with many Web users[B]businesses have faith in the reliability of online transactions[C]there is a radical change in strategy[D]it is accessible limitedly to established partners17. In the view of Net purists, .[A]there should be no marketing messages in online culture[B]money making should be given priority to on the Web[C]the Web should be able to function as the television set[D]there should be no online commercial information without requests18. We learn from the last paragraph that.[A]pushing information on the Web is essential to Internet commerce[B]interactivity, hospitality and security are important to online customers[C]leading companies began to take the online plunge decades ago[D]setting up shops in silicon is independent of the cost of computing powerPassage 3An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students’ career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical educational reform. Very few writers on the subject have explored this distinction—indeed, contradiction—which goes to the heart of what is wrong with the campaign to put computers in the classroom.An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a technical education, justified for reasons radically different from why education is universally required by law. It is not simply to raise everyone’s job prospects that all children are legally required to attend school into their teens. Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself. But this was not always the case; before it was legally required for all children to attend school until a certain age, it was widely accepted that some were just not equipped by nature to pursue this kind of education. With optimism characteristic of all industrialized countries, we came to accept that everyone is fit to be educated. Computer education advocates forsake this optimistic notion for a pessimism that betrays their otherwise cheery outlook. Banking on the confusion between educational and vocational reasons for bringing computers into schools, computered advocates often emphasize the job prospects of graduates over their educational achievement.There are some good arguments for a technical education given the right kind of student. Many European schools introduce the concept of professional training early on in order to make sure children are properly equipped for the professions they want to join. It is, however, presumptuous to insist that there will only be so many jobs for so many scientists, so many businessmen, so many accountants. Besides, this is unlikely to produce the needed number of every kind of professional in a country as large as ours and where the economy is spread over so many states and involves so many international corporations.But, for a small group of students, professional training might be the way to go since well developed skills, all other factors being equal, can be the difference between having a job and not. Of course, the basics of using any computer these days are very simple. It does not take a lifelong acquaintance to pick up various software programs. If one wanted to become a computer engineer, that is, of course, an entirely different story. Basic computer skills take—at the very longest—a couple of months to learn. In any case, basic computer skills are only complementary to the host of real skills that are necessary to becoming any kind of professional. It should be observed, of course, that no school, vocational or not, is helped by a confusion over its purpose.19. The author thinks the present rush to put computers in the classroom is.[A]far reaching [B]dubiously oriented[C]self contradictory [D]radically reformatory20. The belief that education is indispensable to all children.[A]is indicative of a pessimism in disguise[B]came into being along with the arrival of computers[C]is deeply rooted in the minds of computer ed advocates[D]originated from the optimistic attitude of industrialized countries21. It could be inferred from the passage that in the author’s country the European model of professional training is.[A]dependent upon the starting age of candidates[B]worth trying in various social sections[C]of little practical value[D]attractive to every kind of professional22. According to the author, basic computer skills should be.[A]included as an auxiliary course in school[B]highlighted in acquisition of professional qualifications[C]mastered through a life long course[D]equally emphasized by any school, vocational or otherwisePassage 4When a Scottish research team startled the world by revealing 3 months ago that it had cloned an adult sheep, President Clinton moved swiftly. Declaring that he was opposed to using this unusual animal husbandry technique to clone humans, he ordered that federal funds not be used for such an experiment—although no one had proposed to do so—and asked an independent panel of experts chaired by Princeton President Harold Shapiro to report back to the White House in 90 days with recommendations for a national policy on human cloning. That group—the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC)—has been working feverishly to put its wisdom on paper, and at a meeting on 17 May, members agreed on a near final draft of their recommendations.NBAC will ask that Clinton’s 90day ban on federal funds for human cloning be extended indefinitely, and possibly that it be made law. But NBAC members are planning to word the recommendation narrowly to avoid new restrictions on research that involves the cloning of human DNA or cells—routine in molecular biology. The panel has not yet reached agreement on a crucial question, however, whether to recommend legislation that would make it a crime for private funding to be used for human cloning.In a draft preface to the recommendations, discussed at the 17 May meeting, Shapiro suggested that the panel had found a broad consen sus that it would be “morally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by adult nuclear cloning.” Shapiro explained during the meeting that the moral doubt stems mainly from fears about the risk to the health of the child. The panel then informally accepted several general conclusions, although some details have not been settled.NBAC plans to call for a continued ban on federal government funding for any attempt to clone body cell nuclei to create a child. Because current federal law already forbids the use of federal funds to create embryos (the earliest stage of human offspring before birth) for research or to knowingly endanger an embryo’s life, NBAC will remain silent on embryo research.NBAC members also indicated that they would appeal to privately funded researchers and clinics not to try to clone humans by body cell nuclear transfer. But they were divided on whetherto go further by calling for a federal law that would impose a complete ban on human cloning. Shapiro and most members favored an appeal for such legislation, but in a phone interview, he said this issue was still “up in the air”.23. We can learn from the first paragraph that.[A]federal funds have been used in a project to clone humans[B]the White House responded strongly to the news of cloning[C]NBAC was authorized to control the misuse of cloning technique[D]the White House has got the panel’s recommendations on cloning24. The panel agreed on all of the following except that.[A]the ban on federal funds for human cloning should be made a law[B]the cloning of human DNA is not to be put under more control[C]it is criminal to use private funding for human cloning[D]it would be against ethical values to clone a human being25. NBAC will leave the issue of embryo research undiscussed because.[A]embryo research is just a current development of cloning[B]the health of the child is not the main concern of embryo research[C]an embryo’s life will not be endangered in embryo research[D]the issue is explicitly stated and settled in the law26. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that.[A]some NBAC members hesitate to ban human cloning completely[B] a law banning human cloning is to be passed in no time[C]privately funded researchers will respond positively to NBAC’s appeal[D]the issue of human cloning will soon be settledPassage 5Science, in practice, depends far less on the experiments it prepares than on the preparedness of the minds of the men who watch the experiments. Sir Isaac Newton supposedly discovered gravity through the fall of an apple. Apples had been falling in many places for centuries and thousands of people had seen them fall. But Newton for years had been curious about the cause of the orbital motion of the moon and planets. What kept them in place? Why didn’t they fall out of the sky? The fact that the apple fell down toward the earth and not up into the tree answered the question he had been asking himself about those larger fruits of the heavens, the moon and the planets.How many men would have considered the possibility of an apple falling up into the tree? Newton did because he was not trying to predict anything. He was just wondering. His mind was ready for the unpredictable. Unpredictability is part of the essential nature of res earch. If you don’t have unpredictable things, you don’t have research. Scientists tend to forget this when writing their cut and dried reports for the technical journals, but history is filled with examples of it.In talking to some scientists, particularly younger ones, you might gather the impression that they find the “scientific method” a substitute for imaginative thought. I’ve attended research conferences where a scientist has been asked what he thinks about the advisability of continuing a certain experiment. The scientist has frowned, looked at the graphs, and said, “the data are still inconclusive.” “We know that,” the men from the budget office have said, “but what do you think?Is it worthwhile going on? What do you think we might expect?” The s cientist has been shocked at having even been asked to speculate.What this amounts to, of course, is that the scientist has become the victim of his own writings. He has put forward unquestioned claims so consistently that he not only believes them himself, but has convinced industrial and business management that they are true. If experiments are planned and carried out according to plan as faithfully as the reports in the science journals indicate, then it is perfectly logical for management to expect research to produce results measurable in dollars and cents. It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope. Nor, if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect, is management to be blamed for discriminating against the “odd balls” among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who “work well with the team”.27. The author wants to prove with the example of Isaac Newton that.[A]inquiring minds are more important than scientific experiments[B]science advances when fruitful researches are conducted[C]scientists seldom forget the essential nature of research[D]unpredictability weighs less than prediction in scientific research28. The author asserts that scientists.[A]shouldn’t replace “scientific method”with imaginative thought[B]shouldn’t neglect to speculate on unpredictable things[C]should write more concise reports for technical journals[D]should be confident about their research findings29. It seems that some young scientists.[A]have a keen interest in prediction[B]often speculate on the future[C]think highly of creative thinking[D]stick to “scientific method”30. The author implies that the results of scientific research.[A]may not be as profitable as they are expected[B]can be measured in dollars and cents[C]rely on conformity to a standard pattern[D]are mostly underestimated by managementPart ⅢEnglish Chinese TranslationDirections:Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points)31)While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past. Caught in the web of its own time and place, each generation of historians determines anew what is significant for it in the past. In this search the evidence found is always incomplete and scattered; it is also frequently partial or partisan. The irony of thehistorian’s craft is that its practitioners always know that their efforts are but contributions to an unending process.32)Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. While history once revered its affinity to literature and philosophy, the emerging social sciences seemed to afford greater opportunities for asking new questions and providing rewarding approaches to an understanding of the past. Social science methodologies had to be adapted to a discipline governed by the primacy of historical sources rather than the imperatives of the contemporary world. 33)During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.Methodology is a term that remains inherently ambiguous in the historical profession. 34)There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry. Historians, especially those so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of “tunnel method,” frequently fall victim to the “technical fallacy.” Also common in the natural sciences, the technicist fallacy mistakenly identifies the discipline as a whole with certain parts of its technical implementation.35)It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources, and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.Section ⅣWriting(15 points)36. Directions:A. Study the following graphs carefully and write an essay in at less than 150 words.B. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET 2.C. Your essay should cover three points:a. effect of the country’s growing human population on its wildl ife,b. possible reasons for the effect,c. your suggestion for wildlife protection试题精解Part ⅠCloze Test一、文章总体分析本文是围绕安全生产这个话题的一篇论证性文章。



1999年年全真试题PartⅠClozeTestDirections:Foreachnumberedblankinthefollowingpassage,therearefourchoicesmarked[A],[B],[C]and [D].ChoosethebestoneandmarkyouransweronANSWERSHEET1byblackeningthecorrespondingletterinthebr acketswithapencil.(10points)panies1lowaccidentratesplantheirsafetyprograms,workhardtoorgani zethem,andcontinueworkingtokeepthem2andactive.Whentheworkiswelldone,a3ofaccidentfreeoperationsisestablished4timelostduetoinjuriesiskeptataminimum.Successfulsafetyprogramsmay5greatlyintheemphasisplacedoncertainaspectsoftheprogram.Someplacegreat emphasisonmechanicalguarding.Othersstresssafeworkpracticesby6rulesorregulations.7othersdependonanemotio nalappealtotheworker.But,therearecertainbasicideasthatmustbeusedineveryprogramifmaximumresultsaretobeobt ained.Therecanbenoquestionaboutthevalueofasafetyprogram.Fromafinancialstandpointalone,safety8.Thefewerth einjury9,thebettertheworkman’sinsurancerate.Thismaymeanthedifferencebetweenoperatingat10orataloss.1.[A]at [B]in [C]on [D]with2.[A]alive [B]vivid [C]mobile [D]diverse3.[A]regulation [B]climate [C]circumstance [D]requirement4.[A]where [B]how [C]what [D]unless5.[A]alter [B]differ [C]shift [D]distinguish6.[A]constituting [B]aggravating [C]observing [D]justifying7.[A]Some [B]Many [C]Even [D]Still8.[A]comesoff [B]turnsup [C]paysoff [D]holdsup9.[A]claims [B]reports [C]declarations [D]proclamations10.[A]anadvantage [B]abenefit [C]aninterest [D]aprofitPartⅡReadingComprehensionDirections:Eachofthepassagesbelowisfollowedbysomequestions.Foreachquestiontherearefouranswersmarked[A],[B],[C]and[D].Readthepassagescarefullyandchoosethebestanswertoeachofthequestions.ThenmarkyouransweronANSW ERSHEET1byblackeningthecorrespondingletterinthebracketswithapencil.(40points)Passage1It’saroughworldoutthere.Stepoutsideandyoucouldbreakalegslippingonyourdoormat.Lightupthestoveandyou couldburndownthehouse.Luckily,ifthedoormatorstovefailedtowarnofcomingdisaster,asuccessfullawsuitmightco mpensateyouforyourtroubles.Orsothethinkinghasgonesincetheearly1980s,whenjuriesbeganholdingmorecompani esliablefortheircustomers’misfortunes.Feelingthreatened,companiesrespondedbywritingeverlongerwarninglabels,tryingtoanticipateeverypossibleaccident.Today,stepladderscarrylabelsseveralincheslongtha twarn,amongotherthings,thatyoumight—surprise!—falloff.Thelabelon achild’sBatmancapecautionsthatthetoy“doesnotenableusertofly”.Whilewarningsareoftenappropriateandnecessary—thedangersofdruginteractions,forexample—andmanyare requiredbystateorfederal regulations,itisn’tclearthattheyactuallyprotectthemanufacturersandsellersfromliabilityif acustomerisinjured.About50percentofthecompanieslosewheninjuredcustomerstakethemtocourt.Nowthetideappearstobeturning.Aspersonalinjuryclaimscontinueasbefore,somecourtsarebeginningtosidewit hdefendants,especiallyincaseswhereawarninglabelprobablywouldn’thavechangedanything.InMay,JulieNimmon s,presidentofSchuttSportsinIllinois,successfullyfoughtalawsuitinvolvingafootballplayerwhowasparalyzedinaga mewhilewearingaSchutthelmet.“We’rereallysorryhehasbecomeparalyzed,buthelmetsaren’tdesignedtopreventtho sekindsofinjuries,”saysNimmons.Thejuryagreedthatthenatureofthegame,notthehelmet,wasthereasonfortheathlet e’sinjury.Atthesametime,theAmericanLawInstitute—agroupofjudges,lawyers,andacademicswhoserecommendat ionscarrysubstantialweight—issuednewguidelinesfortortlawstatingthatcompaniesneednotwarncustomersofobvio usdangersorbombardthemwithalengthylistofpossibleones.“Importantinformationcangetburiedinaseaoftrivialities ,”saysalawprofessoratCornellL awSchoolwhohelpeddraftthenewguidelines.Ifthemoderateendofthelegalcommuni tyhasitsway,theinformationonproductsmightactuallybeprovidedforthebenefitofcustomersandnotasprotectionagai nstlegalliability.11.Whatwerethingslikein1980swhenaccidentshappened?[A]Customersmightberelievedoftheirdisastersthroughlawsuits.[B]Injuredcustomerscouldexpectprotectionfromthelegalsystem.[C]Companieswouldavoidbeingsuedbyprovidingnewwarnings.[D]Juriestendedtofindfaultwiththecompensationscompaniespromised.12.Manufacturersasmentionedinthepassagetendto.[A]satisfycustomersbywritinglongwarningsonproducts[B]becomehonestindescribingtheinadequaciesoftheirproducts[C]makethebestuseoflabelstoavoidlegalliability[D]feelobligedtoviewcustomers’safetyastheirfirstconcern13.ThecaseofSchutthelmetdemonstratedthat.[A]someinjuryclaimswerenolongersupportedbylaw[B]helmetswerenotdesignedtopreventinjuries[C]productlabelswouldeventuallybediscarded[D]somesportsgamesmightlosepopularitywithathletes14.Theauthor’sattitudetowardstheissueseemstobe.[A]biased [B]indifferent [C]puzzling [D]objectivePassage2InthefirstyearorsoofWebbusiness,mostoftheactionhasrevolvedaroundeffortstotaptheconsumermarket.Morer ecently,astheWebprovedtobemorethanafashion,companieshavestartedtobuyandsellproductsandserviceswithonea nother.Suchbusiness to businesssalesmakesensebecausebusinesspeopletypicallyknowwhatproductthey’relookingfor.Nonetheless,manycompaniesstillhesitatetousetheWebbecauseofdoubtsaboutitsreliability.“Businessesneedt ofeeltheycantrustthepathwaybetweenthema ndthesupplier,”sayssenioranalystBlaneErwinofForresterResearch.So mecompaniesarelimitingtheriskbyconductingonlinetransactionsonlywithestablishedbusinesspartnerswhoaregive naccesstothecompany’sprivateintranet.AnothermajorshiftinthemodelforInternetcommerceconcernsthetechnologyavailableformarketing.Untilrece ntly,Internetmarketingactivitieshavefocusedonstrategiesto“pull”customersintosites.Inthepastyear,however,softw arecompanieshavedevelopedtoolsthatallowcompaniesto“push”informationdirectlyouttoconsumers,transmitt ing marketingmessagesdirectlytotargetedcustomers.Mostnotably,thePointcastNetworkusesascreensavertodeliveracontinuallyupdatedstreamofnewsandadvertisementstosubscribers’computermonitors.Subscriberscancustomizethei nformationtheywanttoreceiveandproceeddirectlyt oacompany’paniessuchasVirtualVineyardsareal readystartingtousesimilartechnologiestopushmessagestocustomersaboutspecialsales,productofferings,orotherev ents.ButpushtechnologyhasearnedthecontemptofmanyWebusers.Onlineculturethinkshighlyofthenotionthattheinf ormationflowingontothescreencomestherebyspecificrequest.Oncecommercialpromotionbeginstofillthescreenuni nvited,thedistinctionbetweentheWebandtelevisionfades.That’saprospectthathorrifiesNetpurists.ButitishardlyinevitablethatcompaniesontheWebwillneedtoresorttopushstrategiestomakemoney.Theexampl esofVirtualVineyards,,andotherpioneersshowthataWebsitesellingtherightkindofproductswiththerig htmixofinteractivity,hospitality,andsecuritywillattractonlinecustomers.Andthecostofcomputingpowercontinuest ofreefall,whichisagoodsignforanyenterprisesettingupshopinsilicon.Peoplelookingback5or10yearsfromnowmay wellwonderwhysofewcompaniestooktheonlineplunge.15.WelearnfromthebeginningofthepassagethatWebbusiness.[A]hasbeenstrivingtoexpanditsmarket[B]intendedtofollowafancifulfashion[C]triedbutinvaintocontrolthemarket[D]hasbeenboomingforoneyearorso16.Speakingoftheonlinetechnologyavailableformarketing,theauthorimpliesthat.[A]thetechnologyispopularwithmanyWebusers[B]businesseshavefaithinthereliabilityofonlinetransactions[C]thereisaradicalchangeinstrategy[D]itisaccessiblelimitedlytoestablishedpartners17.IntheviewofNetpurists,.[A]thereshouldbenomarketingmessagesinonlineculture[B]moneymakingshouldbegivenprioritytoontheWeb[C]theWebshouldbeabletofunctionasthetelevisionset[D]thereshouldbenoonlinecommercialinformationwithoutrequests18.Welearnfromthelastparagraphthat.[A]pushinginformationontheWebisessentialtoInternetcommerce[B]interactivity,hospitalityandsecurityareimportanttoonlinecustomers[C]leadingcompaniesbegantotaketheonlineplungedecadesago[D]settingupshopsinsiliconisindependentofthecostofcomputingpowerPassage3Aninvisibleborderdividesthosearguingforcomputersintheclassroomonthebehalfofstudents’careerprospectsa ndthosearguingforcomputersintheclassroomforbroaderreasonsofradicaleducationalreform.Veryfewwritersonthes ubjecthaveexploredthisdistinction—indeed,contradiction—whichgoestotheheartofwhatiswrongwiththecampaig ntoputcomputersintheclassroom.Aneducationthataimsatgettingastudentacertainkindofjobisatechnicaleducation,justifiedforreasonsradicallyd ifferentfromwhyeducationisuniversallyrequiredbylaw.Itisnotsimplytoraiseeveryone’sjobprospectsthatallchildre narelegallyrequiredtoattendschoolintotheirteens.Rather,wehaveacertainconceptionoftheAmericancitizen,acharac terwhoisincompleteifhecannotcompetentlyassesshowhislivelihoodandhappinessareaffectedbythingsoutsideofhi mself.Butthiswasnotalwaysthecase;beforeitwaslegallyrequiredforallchildrentoattendschooluntilacertainage,itwa swidelyacceptedthatsomewerejustnotequippedbynaturetopursuethiskindofeducation.Withoptimismcharacteristi cofallindustrializedcountries,putereducationadvocatesforsakethisoptimisticnotionforapessimismthatbetraystheirotherwisecheeryoutlook.Bankingontheconfusionbetweeneducationalandvocationalreasonsforbringingcomputersintoschools,computeredadvocates oftenemphasizethejobprospectsofgraduatesovertheireducationalachievement.Therearesomegoodargumentsforatechnicaleducationgiventherightkindofstudent.ManyEuropeanschoolsintr oducetheconceptofprofessionaltrainingearlyoninordertomakesurechildrenareproperlyequippedfortheprofessions theywanttojoin.Itis,however,presumptuoustoinsistthattherewillonlybesomanyjobsforsomanyscientists,somanyb usinessmen,somanyaccountants.Besides,thisisunlikelytoproducetheneedednumberofeverykindofprofessionalina countryaslargeasoursandwheretheeconomyisspreadoversomanystatesandinvolvessomanyinternationalcorporatio ns.But,forasmallgroupofstudents,professionaltrainingmightbethewaytogosincewelldevelopedskills,allotherfactorsbeingequal,canbethedifferencebetweenhavingajobandnot.Ofcourse,thebasicsofus inganycomputerthesedaysareverysimple.Itdoesnottakealifelongacquaintancetopickupvarioussoftwareprograms.I fonewantedtobecomeacomputerengineer,thatis,ofcourse,anentirelydifferentstory.Basiccomputerskillstake—atth everylongest—acoupleofmonthstolearn.Inanycase,basiccomputerskillsareonlycomplementarytothehostofrealski llsthatarenecessarytobecominganykindofprofessional.Itshouldbeobserved,ofcourse,thatnoschool,vocationalorno t,ishelpedbyaconfusionoveritspurpose.19.Theauthorthinksthepresentrushtoputcomputersintheclassroomis.[A]far reaching [B]dubiouslyoriented[C]self contradictory [D]radicallyreformatory20.Thebeliefthateducationisindispensabletoallchildren.[A]isindicativeofapessimismindisguise[B]cameintobeingalongwiththearrivalofcomputers[C]isdeeplyrootedinthemindsofcomputer edadvocates[D]originatedfromtheoptimisticattitudeofindustrializedcountries21.Itcouldbeinferredfromthepassagethatintheauthor’scountrythe Europeanmodelofprofessionaltrainingis.[A]dependentuponthestartingageofcandidates[B]worthtryinginvarioussocialsections[C]oflittlepracticalvalue[D]attractivetoeverykindofprofessional22.Accordingtotheauthor,basiccomputerskillsshouldbe.[A]includedasanauxiliarycourseinschool[B]highlightedinacquisitionofprofessionalqualifications[C]masteredthroughalife longcourse[D]equallyemphasizedbyanyschool,vocationalorotherwisePassage4WhenaScottishresearchteamstartledtheworldbyrevealing3monthsagothatithadclonedanadultsheep,Presiden tClintonmovedswiftly.Declaringthathewasopposedtousingthisunusualanimalhusbandrytechniquetoclonehumans ,heorderedthatfederalfundsnotbeusedforsuchanexperiment—althoughnoonehadproposedtodoso—andaskedanin dependentpanelofexpertschairedbyPrincetonPresidentHaroldShapirotoreportbacktotheWhiteHousein90dayswit hrecommendationsforanationalpolicyonhumancloning.Thatgroup—theNationalBioethicsAdvisoryCommission(NBAC)—hasbeenworkingfeverishlytoputitswisdomonpaper,andatameetingon17May,membersagreedonanearfinaldraftoftheirrecommendations.NBACwillaskthatClinton’s90daybanonfederalfundsforhumancloningbeextendedindefinitely,andpossiblythatitbemadelaw.ButNBACmembersareplanningtowordtherecommendationnarrowlytoavoidnewrestrictionsonresearchthatinvolvesthecloningofhuma nDNAorcells—routineinmolecularbiology.Thepanelhasnotyetreachedagreementonacrucialquestion,however,wh ethertorecommendlegislationthatwouldmakeitacrimeforprivatefundingtobeusedforhumancloning.Inadraftprefacetotherecommendations,discussedatthe17Maymeeting,Shapirosuggestedthatthepanelhadfoun dabroadconsensusthatitwouldbe“morallyunacceptabletoattempttocreateahumanchildbyadultnuclearcloning.”Sha piroexplainedduringthemeetingthatthemoraldoubtstemsmainlyfromfearsabouttherisktothehealthofthechild.Thep aneltheninformallyacceptedseveralgeneralconclusions,althoughsomedetailshavenotbeensettled.NBACplanstocallforacontinuedbanonfederalgovernmentfundingforanyattempttoclonebodycellnucleitocrea teachild.Becausecurrentfederallawalreadyforbidstheuseoffederalfundstocreateembryos(theearlieststageofhuman offspringbeforebirth)forresearchortoknowinglyendangeranembryo’slife,NBACwillremainsilentonembryoresear ch.NBACmembersalsoindicatedthattheywouldappealtoprivatelyfundedresearchersandclinicsnottotrytocloneh umansbybodycellnucleartransfer.Buttheyweredividedonwhethertogofurtherbycallingforafederallawthatwouldim poseacompletebanonhumancloning.Shapiroandmostmembersfavoredanappealforsuchlegislation,butinaphoneint erview,hesaidthisissuewasstill“upintheair”.23.Wecanlearnfromthefirstparagraphthat.[A]federalfundshavebeenusedinaprojecttoclonehumans[B]theWhiteHouserespondedstronglytothenewsofcloning[C]NBACwasauthorizedtocontrolthemisuseofcloningtechnique[D]theWhiteHousehasgotthepanel’srecommendationsoncloning24.Thepanelagreedonallofthefollowingexceptthat.[A]thebanonfederalfundsforhumancloningshouldbemadealaw[B]thecloningofhumanDNAisnottobeputundermorecontrol[C]itiscriminaltouseprivatefundingforhumancloning[D]itwouldbeagainstethicalvaluestocloneahumanbeing25.NBACwillleavetheissueofembryoresearchundiscussedbecause.[A]embryoresearchisjustacurrentdevelopmentofcloning[B]thehealthofthechildisnotthemainconcernofembryoresearch[C]anembryo’slifewillnotbeendangeredinembryoresearch[D]theissueisexplicitlystatedandsettledinthelaw26.Itcanbeinferredfromthelastparagraphthat.[A]someNBACmembershesitatetobanhumancloningcompletely[B]alawbanninghumancloningistobepassedinnotime[C]privatelyfundedresearcherswillrespondpositivelytoNBAC’sappeal[D]theissueofhumancloningwillsoonbesettledPassage5Science,inpractice,dependsfarlessontheexperimentsitpreparesthanonthepreparednessofthemindsofthemenw howatchtheexperiments.SirIsaacNewtonsupposedlydiscoveredgravitythroughthefallofanapple.Appleshadbeenfa llinginmanyplacesforcenturiesandthousandsofpeoplehadseenthemfall.ButNewtonforyearshadbeencuriousaboutt hecauseoftheorbitalmotionofthemoonandplanets.Whatkepttheminplace?Whydidn’ttheyfalloutofthesky?Thefactt hattheapplefelldowntowardtheearthandnotupintothetreeansweredthequestionhehadbeenaskinghimselfaboutthose largerfruitsoftheheavens,themoonandtheplanets.Howmanymenwouldhaveconsideredthepossibilityofanapplefallingupintothetree?Newtondidbecausehewas nottryingtopredictanything.Hewasjustwondering.Hismindwasreadyfortheunpredictable.Unpredictabilityispartoftheessentialnatureofresea rch.Ifyoudon’thaveunpredictablethings,youdon’thaveresearch.Scientiststendtoforgetthi swhenwritingtheircutanddriedreportsforthetechnicaljournals,buthistoryisfilledwithexamplesofit.Intalkingtosomescientists,particularlyyoungerones,youmightgathertheimpression thattheyfindthe“scientific method”asubstituteforimaginativethought.I’veattendedresearchconferenceswhereascientisthasbeenaskedwhathe thinksabouttheadvisabilityofcontinuingacertainexperiment.Thescientisthasfrowned,lookedatthegraphs,andsaid,“thedataarestillinco nclusive.”“Weknowthat,”themenfromthebudgetofficehavesaid,“butwhatdoyouthink?Isitwort hwhilegoingon?Whatdoyouthinkwemightexpect?”Thescientisthasbeenshockedathavingevenbeenaskedtospecula te.Whatthisamountsto,ofcourse,isthatthescientisthasbecomethevictimofhisownwritings.Hehasputforwardunq uestionedclaimssoconsistentlythathenotonlybelievesthemhimself,buthasconvincedindustrialandbusinessmanage mentthattheyaretrue.Ifexperimentsareplannedandcarriedoutaccordingtoplanasfaithfullyasthereportsinthesciencej ournalsindicate,thenitisperfectlylogicalformanagementtoexpectresearchtoproduceresultsmeasurableindollarsand cents.Itisentirelyreasonableforauditorstobelievethatscientistswhoknowexactlywheretheyaregoingandhowtheywi llgetthereshouldnotbedistractedbythenecessityofkeepingoneeyeonthecashregisterwhiletheothereyeisonthemicros cope.Nor,ifregularityandconformitytoastandardpatternareasdesirabletothescientistasthewritingofhispaperswould appeartoreflect,ismanagementtobeblamedfordiscriminatingagainstthe“oddballs”amongresearchersinfavorofm or econventionalthinkerswho“workwellwiththeteam”.27.TheauthorwantstoprovewiththeexampleofIsaacNewtonthat.[A]inquiringmindsaremoreimportantthanscientificexperiments[B]scienceadvanceswhenfruitfulresearchesareconducted[C]scientistsseldomforgettheessentialnatureofresearch[D]unpredictabilityweighslessthanpredictioninscientificresearch28.Theauthorassertsthatscientists.[A]shouldn’treplace“scientificmethod”withimaginativethought[B]shouldn’tneglecttospeculateonunpredictablethings[C]shouldwritemoreconcisereportsfortechnicaljournals[D]shouldbeconfidentabouttheirresearchfindings29.Itseemsthatsomeyoungscientists.[A]haveakeeninterestinprediction[B]oftenspeculateonthefuture[C]thinkhighlyofcreativethinking[D]stickto“scientificmethod”30.Theauthorimpliesthattheresultsofscientificresearch.[A]maynotbeasprofitableastheyareexpected[B]canbemeasuredindollarsandcents[C]relyonconformitytoastandardpattern[D]aremostlyunderestimatedbymanagementPartⅢEnglish ChineseTranslationDirections:ReadthefollowingpassagecarefullyandthentranslatetheunderlinedsegmentsintoChinese.Yourtranslationmus tbewrittenclearlyonANSWERSHEET2.(15points)31)Whiletherearealmostasmanydefinitionsofhistoryastherearehistorians,modernpracticemostcloselyconformstoonet hatseeshistoryastheattempttorecreateandexplainthesignificanteventsofthepast.Caughtinthewebofitsowntimeandplace,eachgenerationofhistoriansdeterminesanewwhatissignificantforitinthepast.Inthissearchtheevidencefoundisa lwaysincompleteandscattered;itisalsofrequentlypartialorpartisan.Theironyofthehi storian’scraftisthatitspractition ersalwaysknowthattheireffortsarebutcontributionstoanunendingprocess.32)Interestinhistoricalmethodshasarisenlessthroughexternalchallengetothevalidityofhistoryasanintellectualdisciplin eandmorefrominternalquarrelsamonghistoriansthemselves.Whilehistoryoncerevereditsaffinitytoliteratureandphi losophy,theemergingsocialsciencesseemedtoaffordgreateropportunitiesforaskingnewquestionsandprovidingrew ardingapproachestoanunderstandingofthepast.Socialsciencemethodologieshadtobeadaptedtoadisciplinegoverne dbytheprimacyofhistoricalsourcesratherthantheimperativesofthecontemporaryworld.33)Duringthistransfer,traditionalhistoricalmethodswereaugmentedbyadditionalmethodologiesdesignedtointerpretth enewformsofevidenceinthehistoricalstudy.Methodologyisatermthatremainsinherentlyambiguousinthehistoricalprofession.34)Thereisnoagreementwhethermethodologyreferstotheconceptspeculiartohistoricalworkingeneralortotheresearcht echniquesappropriatetothevariousbranchesofhistoricalinquiry.Historians,especiallythosesoblindedbytheirresearc hintereststhattheyhavebeenaccusedof“tunnelmethod,”frequentlyfallvictimtothe“technicalfallacy.”Alsocommoni nthenaturalsciences,thetechnicistfallacymistakenlyidentifiesthedisciplineasawholewithcertainpartsofitstechnical implementation.35)Itappliesequallytotraditionalhistorianswhoviewhistoryasonlytheexternalandinternalcriticismofsources,andtosoci alsciencehistorianswhoequatetheiractivitywithspecifictechniques.SectionⅣWriting(15points)36.Directions:A.Studythefollowinggraphscarefullyandwriteanessayinatlessthan150words.B.YouressaymustbewrittenclearlyontheANSWERSHEET2.C.Youressayshouldcoverthreepoints:a.effectofthecountry’sgrowinghumanpopulationonitswildlife,b.possiblereasonsfortheeffect,c.yoursuggestionforwildlifeprotection试题精解PartⅠClozeTest一、文章总体分析本文是围绕安全生产这个话题的一篇论证性文章。



1996年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学三试题一、填空题(本题共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分.把答案填在题中横线上.) (1) 设方程yx y =确定y 是x 的函数,则dy =___________.(2) 设()arcsin x f x dx x C =+⎰,则1()dx f x =⎰___________.. (3) 设()00,x y 是抛物线2y ax bx c =++上的一点,若在该点的切线过原点,则系数应满足的关系是___________. (4) 设123222212311111231111n nn n n n n a a a a A a a a a a a a a ----⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦,123n x x X x x ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦,1111B ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦, 其中(;,1,2,,)i j a a i j i j n ≠≠=.则线性方程组T A X B =的解是___________.(5) 设由来自正态总体2~(,0.9)X N μ容量为9的简单随机样本,得样本均值5X=,则未知参数μ的置信度为0.95的置信区间为___________.二、选择题(本题共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内.)(1) 累次积分cos 2(cos ,sin )d f r r rdr πθθθθ⎰⎰可以写成 ( )(A) 10(,)dy f x y dx ⎰(B) 10(,)dy f x y dx ⎰ (C)11(,)dx f x y dy ⎰⎰(D) 10(,)dx f x y dy ⎰(2) 下述各选项正确的是 ( ) (A) 若21nn u∞=∑和21nn v∞=∑都收敛,则21()nn n uv ∞=+∑收敛(B)1n nn u v∞=∑收敛,则21nn u∞=∑与21nn v∞=∑都收敛(C) 若正项级数1nn u∞=∑发散,则1nu n≥(D) 若级数1nn u∞=∑收敛,且(1,2,)n n u v n ≥=,则级数1n n v ∞=∑也收敛(3) 设n 阶矩阵A 非奇异(2n ≥),A *是矩阵A 的伴随矩阵,则 ( )(A) 1()n A AA -**= (B) 1()n A A A +**= (C) 2()n AAA -**= (D) 2()n A AA +**=(4) 设有任意两个n 维向量组1,,m αα和1,,m ββ,若存在两组不全为零的数1,,m λλ 和1,,m k k ,使111111()()()()0m m m m m m k k k k λαλαλβλβ+++++-++-=,则( )(A) 1,,m αα和1,,m ββ都线性相关 (B) 1,,m αα和1,,m ββ都线性无关(C) 1111,,,,,m m m m αβαβαβαβ++--线性无关 (D) 1111,,,,,m m m m αβαβαβαβ++--线性相关(5) 已知0()1P B <<且()1212[]()()P A A B P A B P A B +=+,则下列选项成立的是( )(A) ()1212[]()()P A A B P A B P A B +=+(B) ()1212()()P A B A B P A B P A B +=+ (C) ()1212()()P A A P A B P A B +=+(D) ()()1122()()()PB P A P B A P A P B A =+三、(本题满分6分)设(),0,()0,0,xg x e x f x xx -⎧-≠⎪=⎨⎪=⎩其中()g x 有二阶连续导数,且(0)1,(0)1g g '==-. (1)求()f x ';(2)讨论()f x '在(,)-∞+∞上的连续性. 四、(本题满分6分)设函数()zf u =,方程()()xyu u p t dt ϕ=+⎰确定u 是,x y 的函数,其中(),()f u u ϕ可微;()p t ,()u ϕ'连续,且()1u ϕ'≠.求()()z zp y p x x y∂∂+∂∂. 五、(本题满分6分)计算2(1)xx xe dx e -+∞-+⎰.六、(本题满分5分)设()f x 在区间[0,1]上可微,且满足条件120(1)2()f xf x dx =⎰.试证:存在(0,1)ξ∈使七、(本题满分6分)设某种商品的单价为p 时,售出的商品数量Q 可以表示成aQ c p b=-+,其中a b 、、 c 均为正数,且a bc >.(1) 求p 在何范围变化时,使相应销售额增加或减少.(2) 要使销售额最大,商品单价p 应取何值最大销售额是多少八、(本题满分6分)求微分方程dy dx =的通解. 九、(本题满分8分)设矩阵01010000010012A y ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦. (1) 已知A 的一个特征值为3,试求y ; (2) 求矩阵P ,使()()TAP AP 为对角矩阵. 十、(本题满分8分)设向量12,,,t ααα是齐次线性方程组0AX =的一个基础解系,向量β不是方程组0AX =的解,即0A β≠.试证明:向量组12,,,,t ββαβαβα+++线性无关.十一、(本题满分7分)假设一部机器在一天内发生故障的概率为0.2,机器发生故障时全天停止工作,若一周5个工作日里无故障,可获利润10万元;发生一次故障仍可获得利润5万元;发生两次故障所获利润0元;发生三次或三次以上故障就要亏损2万元.求一周内期望利润是多少 十二、(本题满分6分)考虑一元二次方程20x Bx C ++=,其中B C 、分别是将一枚色子(骰子)接连掷两次先后出现的点数.求该方程有实根的概率p 和有重根的概率q .十三、(本题满分6分)假设12,,,n X X X 是来自总体X 的简单随机样本;已知(1,2,3,4)k k EX a k ==.证明:当n 充分大时,随机变量211n n i i Z X n ==∑近似服从正态分布,并指出其分布参数.1996年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学三试题解析一、填空题(本题共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分,把答案填在题中横线上.) (1)【答案】()1ln dxx y +【解析】方法1:方程yx y =两边取对数得ln ln ln yx y y y ==,再两边求微分,()()11ln 1ln 1dx y dy dy dx x x y =+⇒=+()()ln 10x y +≠. 方法2:把yx y =变形得ln y yx e=,然后两边求微分得()()()ln ln 1ln 1ln y y y dx e d y y y y dy x y dy ==+=+,由此可得 ()1.1ln dy dx x y =+(2)【答案】C【解析】由()arcsin x f x dx x C =+⎰,两边求导数有()1()arcsin ()xf x x f x '==⇒=于是有1()dx f x ⎰212==⎰C =.(3)【答案】0c a≥(或2ax c =),b 任意 【解析】对2y ax bx c =++两边求导得()0022y ax b,y x ax b,''=+=+所以过()00x ,y 的切线方程为()()0002y y ax b x x ,-=+-即又题设知切线过原点()00,,把0x y ==代入上式,得2200002ax bx c ax bx ,---=--即20ax c.= 由于系数0a ≠,所以,系数应满足的关系为0c a≥(或2ax c =),b 任意. (4)【答案】()1000T,,,【解析】因为A 是范德蒙行列式,由i j a a ≠知()0i j A a a =-≠∏.根据解与系数矩阵秩的关系,所以方程组TAX B =有唯一解.根据克莱姆法则,对于2111112122222133332111111111n n n n n nnn x a a a x a a a x a a a x a a a ----⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦, 易见 1230n D A ,D D D .=====所以TAX B =的解为12310n x ,x x x =====,即()1000T,,,,.【相关知识点】克莱姆法则:若线性非齐次方程组 或简记为 112nij ji j a xb ,i ,,,n ===∑其系数行列式1112121222120n n n n nna a a a a a D a a a =≠,则方程组有唯一解 其中j D 是用常数项12n b ,b ,,b 替换D 中第j 列所成的行列式,即1111111121212212111,j ,j n ,j ,j n j n n,j nn,j nna ab a a a a b a a D a a b a a -+-+-+=.(5)【答案】(4.412,5.588)【解析】可以用两种方法求解: (1)已知方差220.9σ=,对正态总体的数学期望μ进行估计,可根据因2(,0.9)XN μ,设有n 个样本,样本均值11ni i X X n ==∑,有20.9(,)XN n μ,将其标准化,由公式~(0,1)X N 得:由正态分布分为点的定义21P u αα⎫⎪<=-⎬⎪⎭可确定临界值2αu ,进而确定相应的置信区间22(x u x u αα-+.(2)本题是在单个正态总体方差已知条件下,求期望值μ的置信区间问题.由教材上已经求出的置信区间22x u x u αα⎛-+ ⎝,其中21,(0,1)P Uu U N αα⎧⎫<=-⎨⎬⎩⎭,可以直接得出答案.方法1:由题设,95.01=-α,可见.05.0=α查标准正态分布表知分位点.96.12=αu 本题9n =,5X =, 因此,根据 95.0}96.11{=<-nX P μ,有1.96}0.95P <=,即 {4.412 5.588}0.95P μ<<=, 故μ的置信度为0.95的置信区间是(4.412,5.588) .方法2:由题设,95.01=-α,查得.96.12=αu20.9σ=,9n =, 5X =代入22(x u x u αα-+得置信区间(4.412,5.588).二、选择题(本题共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内.) (1)【答案】(D)【解析】方法1:由题设知,积分区域在极坐标系cos ,sin x r y r θθ==中是即是由221124x y ⎛⎫-+= ⎪⎝⎭与x 轴在第一象限所围成的平面图形,如右图.由于D 的最左边点的横坐标是0,最右点的横坐标是1, 下边界方程是0y ,=上边界的方程是y =,从而D的直角坐标表示是故(D)正确.方法2:采取逐步淘汰法.由于(A)中二重积分的积分区域的极坐标表示为 而(B)中的积分区域是单位圆在第一象限的部分, (C)中的积分区域是正方形(){}0101x,y |x ,y ,≤≤≤≤所以,他们都是不正确的.故应选(D). (2)【答案】(A)【解析】由于级数21nn u∞=∑和21nn v∞=∑都收敛,可见级数()221nn n uv ∞=+∑收敛.由不等式及比较判别法知级数12n nn u v∞=∑收敛,从而12n nn u v∞=∑收敛.又因为()2222n n nnn n u v u v u v ,+=++即级数()21n n n u v ∞=+∑收敛,故应选(A).设()21112nn u ,v n ,,n ===,可知(B)不正确. 设()21112n u n ,,n n=-=,可知(C)不正确.设()()11112n nn u ,v n ,,nn--==-=,可知(D)不正确.注:在本题中命题(D)“若级数1nn u∞=∑收敛,且(1,2,)n n u v n ≥=,则级数1n n v ∞=∑也收敛.”不正确,这表明:比较判别法适用于正项级数收敛(或级数绝对收敛)的判别,但对任意项级数一般是不适用的.这是任意项级数与正项级数收敛性判别中的一个根本区别. (3)【答案】(C)【解析】伴随矩阵的基本关系式为AA A A A E **==,现将A *视为关系式中的矩阵A ,则有()A A A E ****=.方法一:由1n A A-*=及1()AA A*-=,可得 故应选(C). 方法二:由()AA A E ****=,左乘A 得1()()n AA A AA -***=,即1()()n A E A AA -**=.故应选(C). (4)【答案】(D)【解析】本题考查对向量组线性相关、线性无关概念的理解.若向量组12,,,s γγγ线性无关,即若11220s s x x x γγγ+++=,必有120,0,,0s x x x ===.既然1,,m λλ与1,,m k k 不全为零,由此推不出某向量组线性无关,故应排除(B)、(C).一般情况下,对于 不能保证必有11220,s s k k k ααα+++=及110,s s l l ββ++=故(A)不正确.由已知条件,有()()()()1111110m m m m m m k k λαβλαβαβαβ+++++-++-=,又1,,m λλ与1,,m k k 不全为零,故1111,,,,,m m m m αβαβαβαβ++--线性相关.故选(D). (5)【答案】(B)【解析】依题意 因()0P B >,故有()()1212)(PA B A B P A B P A B +=+.因此应选(B).注:有些考生错误地选择(D).他们认为(D)是全概率公式,对任何事件B 都成立,但是忽略了全概率公式中要求作为条件的事件12,A A 应满足12()0,()0P A P A >>,且12,A A 是对立事件. 【相关知识点】条件概率公式:()(|)()P AB P B A P A =.三、(本题满分6分)【解析】(1) 由于()g x 有二阶连续导数,故当0x ≠时,()f x 也具有二阶连续导数,此时,()f x '可直接计算,且()f x '连续;当0x =时,需用导数的定义求(0)f '.当0x ≠时, 22[()]()()()(1)().x x xx g x e g x e xg x g x x e f x x x ---''+-+-++'== 当0x =时,由导数定义及洛必达法则,有2000()()()(0)1(0)lim lim lim 222x x x x x x g x e g x e g x e g f x x ---→→→'''''-+--'==洛洛. 所以 2()()(1),0,()(0)1,0.2xxg x g x x e x x f x g x -'⎧-++≠⎪⎪'=⎨''-⎪=⎪⎩(2) ()f x '在0x =点的连续性要用定义来判定.因为在0x =处,有0()(0)1lim(0)22x x g x e g f -→''''--'===.而()f x '在0x ≠处是连续函数,所以()f x '在(,)-∞+∞上为连续函数. 四、(本题满分6分) 【解析】由()zf u =可得(),()z u z u f u f u x x y y∂∂∂∂''==∂∂∂∂. 在方程()()xyu u p t dt ϕ=+⎰两边分别对,x y 求偏导数,得所以()(),1()1()u p x u p y x u y u ϕϕ∂∂-==''∂-∂-. 于是()()()()()()()01()1()z z p x p y p x p y p y p x f u x y u u ϕϕ⎡⎤∂∂'+=-=⎢⎥''∂∂--⎣⎦. 五、(本题满分6分)【分析】题的被积函数是幂函数与指数函数两类不同的函数相乘,应该用分部积分法. 【解析】方法1:因为 所以20lim ln(1)ln 2.(1)1x x x x x x xe xe dx e e e -+∞-→+∞⎡⎤=-++⎢⎥++⎣⎦⎰而 lim ln(1)lim ln (1)11x x x x xxx x x xe xe e e e e e -→+∞→+∞⎡⎤⎧⎫⎡⎤-+=-+⎨⎬⎢⎥⎣⎦++⎣⎦⎩⎭lim001x x xe →+∞-=-=+,故原式ln 2=. 方法2:220001(1)(1)1x x x x x xe xe dx dx xd e e e -+∞+∞+∞-==-+++⎰⎰⎰六、(本题满分5分)【分析】由结论可知,若令()()x xf x ϕ=,则()()()x f x xf x ϕ''=+.因此,只需证明()x ϕ在[0,1]内某一区间上满足罗尔定理的条件. 【解析】令()()x xf x ϕ=,由积分中值定理可知,存在1(0,)2η∈,使112201()()()2xf x dx x dx ϕϕη==⎰⎰,由已知条件,有1201(1)2()2()(),2f xf x dx ϕηϕη==⋅=⎰于是且()x ϕ在(,1)η上可导,故由罗尔定理可知,存在(,1)(0,1),ξη∈⊂使得()0,ϕξ'=即()()0.f f ξξξ'+=【相关知识点】1.积分中值定理:如果函数()f x 在积分区间[ ,]a b 上连续,则在[ ,]a b 上至少存在一个点ξ,使下式成立:()()()()baf x dx f b a a b ξξ=-≤≤⎰.这个公式叫做积分中值公式. 2.罗尔定理:如果函数()f x 满足(1)在闭区间[ ,]a b 上连续; (2)在开区间()a,b 内可导;(3)在区间端点处的函数值相等,即()()f a f b =,那么在()a,b 内至少有一点ξ(a b ξ<<),使得()0f ξ'=.七、(本题满分6分)【分析】利用函数的单调性的判定,如果在x 的某个区间上导函数()0f x '≥,则函数()f x 单调递增,反之递减.【解析】(1)设售出商品的销售额为R ,则 令0,R '=得00p b ==>.当0p <<时,0R '>,所以随单价p 的增加,相应销售额R 也将增加.当p >时,有0R '<,所以随单价p 的增加,相应销售额R 将减少. (2)由(1)可知,当p =时,销售额R 取得最大值,最大销售额为2maxR b c ⎡⎤⎫⎥==⎪⎪⎥⎭⎥⎦. 八、(本题满分6分) 【解析】令y zx =,则dy dz z x dx dx=+. 当0x >时,原方程化为dzz xz dx +=,dx x =-,其通解为1ln(ln z x C =-+ 或C z x=.代回原变量,得通解(0)y C x =>.当0x <时,原方程的解与0x >时相同,理由如下: 令t x =-,于是0t>,而且dy dy dx dydt dx dt dx =⋅=-===从而有通解(0)y C t +=>,即(0)y C x =<.综合得,方程的通解为y C =.注:由于未给定自变量x 的取值范围,因而在本题求解过程中,引入新未知函数yzx=后得=,从而,应当分别对0x >和0x <求解,在类似的问题中,这一点应当牢记. 九、(本题满分8分)【分析】本题的(1)是考查特征值的基本概念,而(2)是把实对称矩阵合同于对角矩阵的问题转化成二次型求标准形的问题,用二次型的理论与方法来处理矩阵中的问题. 【解析】(1)因为3λ=是A 的特征值,故所以2y =. (2)由于TAA =,要2()()T T AP AP P A P ==Λ,而是对称矩阵,故可构造二次型2Tx A x ,将其化为标准形T y y Λ.即有2A 与Λ合同.亦即2T P A P =Λ.方法一:配方法.由于 22222123434558T x A x x x x x x x =++++那么,令1122334444,,,,5y x y x y x x y x ===+=即经坐标变换有 222221234955T x A x y y y y =+++.所以,取 10000100400150001P ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦,有 211()()595T T AP AP P A P ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦. 方法二:正交变换法.二次型22222123434558Tx A x x x x x x x =++++对应的矩阵为21000010000540045A ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦, 其特征多项式231000010(1)(9)005445E A λλλλλλλ---==------.2A 的特征值12341,1,1,9λλλλ====.由21()0E A x λ-=,即12340000000000044000440x x x x ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦,和24()0E A x λ-=,即12348000080000044000440x x x x ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦,分别求得对应1,2,31λ=的线性无关特征向量123(1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,1,1)T T T ααα===-,和49λ=的特征向量4(0,0,1,1)Tα=.对123,,ααα用施密特正交化方法得123,,βββ,再将4α单位化为4β,其中:1234(1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0),,T T T Tββββ====. 取正交矩阵[]123410000100000,,,P ββββ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥==⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣,则 1221119T P A P P A P -⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦, 即 211()()19T T AP AP P A P ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦. 十、(本题满分8分)【解析】证法1: (定义法)若有一组数12,,,,,t k k k k 使得1122()()()0,t t k k k k ββαβαβα+++++++= (1)则因12,,,t ααα是0AX =的解,知0(1,2,,)i A i t α==,用A 左乘上式的两边,有12()0t k k k k A β++++=. (2)由于0A β≠,故120t k k k k ++++=. 对(1)重新分组为121122()0t t t k k k k k k k βααα++++++++=. (3) 把(2)代入(3)得 11220t t k k k ααα+++=.由于12,,,t ααα是基础解系,它们线性无关,故必有120,0,,0t k k k ===.代入(2)式得:0k =.因此向量组12,,,,t ββαβαβα+++线性无关.证法2: (用秩)经初等变换向量组的秩不变.把第一列的-1倍分别加至其余各列,有 因此 ()()1212,,,,,,,,.t t rr ββαβαβαβααα+++=由于12,,,t ααα是基础解系,它们是线性无关的,秩()12,,,t r t ααα=,又β必不能由12,,,t ααα线性表出(否则0A β=),故()12,,,,1t r t αααβ=+.所以 ()12,,,, 1.t rt ββαβαβα+++=+即向量组12,,,,t ββαβαβα+++线性无关.十一、(本题满分7分)【解析】设一周5个工作日内发生故障的天数为X ,则X 服从二项分布即(5,0.2)B . 由二项分布的概率计算公式,有设一周内所获利润Y (万元),则Y 是X 的函数,且 由离散型随机变量数学期望计算公式,100.3276850.409620.05792 5.20896EY =⨯+⨯-⨯=(万元).【相关知识点】1.二项分布的概率计算公式:若(,)YB n p ~,则{}(1)k kn k n P Y k C p p -==-, 0,1,,k n =.2.离散型随机变量数学期望计算公式:{}1()nkk k E X xP X x ==⋅=∑.十二、(本题满分6分)【解析】一枚色子(骰子)接连掷两次,其样本空间中样本点总数为36.设事件1A =“方程有实根”,2A =“方程有重根”,则{}221404B A B C C ⎧⎫=-≥=≤⎨⎬⎩⎭.用列举法求有利于i A 的样本点个数(1,2i =),具体做法见下表:有利于的意思就是使不等式24B C ≤尽可能的成立,则需要B 越大越好,C 越小越好.当B 取遍1,2,3,4,5,6时,由古典型概率计算公式得到【相关知识点】古典型概率计算公式:().i i A P A =有利于事件的样本点数样本空间的总数十三、(本题满分6分) 【解析】依题意,12,,,n X X X 独立同分布,可见22212,,,n X X X 也独立同分布.由(1,2,3,4)k k EX a k ==及方差计算公式,有因此,根据中心极限定理的极限分布是标准正态分布,即当n 充分大时,n Z 近似服从参数为2422(,)a a a n-的正态分布. 【相关知识点】1.列维-林德伯格中心极限定理,又称独立同分布的中心极限定理:设随机变量12,,,n X X X 独立同分布,方差存在,记μ与2σ()0σ<<+∞分别是它们相同的期望和方差,则对任意实数x ,恒有 其中()x Φ是标准正态分布函数.2.方差计算公式:22()()()D X E X E X =-.。



目 录1999年复旦大学新闻学院新闻与传播理论考研真题2000年复旦大学新闻学院新闻与传播理论考研真题(部分)2001年复旦大学新闻学院新闻与传播理论考研真题2002年复旦大学新闻学院新闻与传播理论考研真题2003年复旦大学新闻学院新闻传播学基础考研真题(含部分答案)2004年复旦大学新闻学院新闻传播学基础考研真题(含部分答案)2005年复旦大学新闻学院新闻传播学基础考研真题及详解2006年复旦大学新闻学院新闻传播学基础考研真题及详解2007年复旦大学新闻学院714新闻传播学基础考研真题及详解2008年复旦大学新闻学院714新闻传播学基础考研真题及详解2009年复旦大学新闻学院714新闻传播学基础考研真题及详解2010年复旦大学新闻学院714新闻传播学基础考研真题(回忆版,含部分答案)2011年复旦大学新闻学院714新闻传播学基础考研真题及详解2012年复旦大学新闻学院714新闻传播学基础考研真题及详解2013年复旦大学新闻学院714新闻传播学基础考研真题及详解2014年复旦大学新闻学院714新闻传播学基础考研真题及详解2015年复旦大学新闻学院714新闻传播学基础考研真题及详解2016年复旦大学新闻学院714新闻传播学基础考研真题及详解2017年复旦大学新闻学院714新闻传播学基础考研真题及详解1999年复旦大学新闻学院新闻与传播理论考研真题附文字版试题:复旦大学1999年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:新闻与传播理论一、填空(每格1分)1.新闻事业的发展水平主要是由_______决定的。







考试科目:电动力学 考试时间:1999,2,1
招生专业:理论物理 研究方向:粒子物理 非线性光学
ⅰ 一半径为R 的不接地的导体球的中心与坐标原点重合,求上总电荷为零,两个电量为q 的点电荷置于x 轴上x=b,x=-c 处(b c>a),求:
1: 球外空间的电势
2:x=b 处的电荷所受的作用力
ⅱ 两个无限大,相互平行的平面上均有面电流流动,其面电流密度大小均为K ,并且方向相反。

求全空间的磁失势A 和磁感应强度B.
ⅲ 长和宽分别是a 和b 的矩形波导管内电磁波的群速度定义为:
g v =W
P 其中P 为单位时间内通过截面的电磁能量的周期平均值。

W 为单位长度波导管内的电磁能量的周期平均值,如管内为真空,对波mn TE (m,n 均大于零)求P 和W 并由此求出g v . ⅳ 电磁场存在时的动量守恒定律可表示为: f +t
g ∂∂ = -▽.T 其中g 为电磁场的动量密度,T 为动量流密度张量。


ⅴ 位于坐标原点电偶极矩为0P 的电偶极子,以匀角速度w 绕通过其中心的z 轴平面转动,
求辐射场E ,B.辐射场能流密度S 的平均值和平均辐射功率。

ⅵ 在惯性系S 中观测到:两个宇宙飞船A 和B 分别在两条平行直线上匀速运动,其速度大小均为 c/2,方向相反,两平行线相距d ,飞船的大小远小于d ,当两飞船相距为d 时,由飞船以3c/4得速度(也是在S 系中观测到的)沿直线抛出一小球,问:
1:从飞船A 上的观察者来看,为使小球正好与B 相遇,小球应沿什么方向抛出? 2:在飞船A 上的观察者来看,小球的速率是多少?。

生物化学考研真题doc (99年)

生物化学考研真题doc (99年)


















A.PEB.PCC.PSD.PI5.胰蛋白酶的亲和标记物为:A.TLCKB.TPCKC.DFPD.PITC6.Arg的pK1=2.17,pK2=9.04,pK3=12.48,其pI等于:A.5.61B.7.33C.7.90D.10.767.在细胞的DNA中:A.用一个碱基对替换另一个碱基对的突变成为点突变B.插入一个碱基对的突变称为点突变C.一个基因位点上的突变称为点突变D.改变一个基因的突变称为点突变8.大肠杆菌RNA聚合酶的Sigma因子A.是识别转录终止点的亚基B.是识别转录起始点的亚基C.是不可替换的亚基D.是不可解离的亚基9.真核生物mRNA poly(A)尾巴的加接信号A.在转录终止之后B.在转录终止点之前C.在转录终止点上D.在mRNA的5’末端10.在大肠杆菌核糖体中A.大核糖体亚基负责肽键的合成B. S12蛋白负责肽键的合成C.L8蛋白负责肽键的合成D. 16sRNA负责肽键的合成三.填空题(26%)1.大多数转氨酶需要作为氨基受体,而且催化反应的平衡常数为左右。


H2C2O4 == CO + CO2 + H2O(CO2 用 NaOH 溶液吸收)
三 简答题:
1 B4O5(OH)42- + 5H2O == 2H3BO3 + 2B(OH)4-.水解产生的酸(H3BO3)和碱(B(OH)4-)能够抵抗 外来少量碱和酸,故具有缓冲作用。
2 NaH + D2O == NaOD + HD↑ 3 第五周期,ⅦB 族,HTcO4。 4 f-f 跃迁,核外不成对电子多,以及电子轨道磁矩对顺磁性的贡献。
14 镧系元素位于周期表的什么位置?填写下表:
ⅡA 族 ⅢB 族 ⅣB 族
周期 5
周期 6

周期 7
15 指出下列分子或离子的几何构型及中心原子的杂化态:
BF4- 2 TeF4 3 BrF4- 4 XeOF4 5 ClO3F 6 Fe(CO)5 7 IOF3 8 Cu(H2O)42+
10 H2SO2, H2SO3, H2SO5, H2S2O3, H2S2O4, H2S2O5, H2S2O6, H2S2O7, H2S2O8. 次硫酸 亚硫酸 过一硫酸 硫代硫酸 连二亚硫酸,焦亚硫酸 连二硫酸 焦硫酸,过二硫酸
11 (1) 紫红色;
(2) △0=20300cm-1; (3) 由于 John-Teller 效应,使激发态 2eg 谱项分裂成 2 个能级的缘故。 12 NH3和 N(CH3)3 结构相似,均为三角锥形,但三甲硅胺却为平面三角形。因为除形成σ键外, 每个硅原子的 3d 空轨道能与 N 的孤对电子占据的 p 轨道相互重迭,形成π42 键,因而平
















































华东理工大学1998年研究生入学考试试题一、简答题(20分)1. 简述搅拌釜中加挡板或导流筒的主要作用是什么?2. 试写出回转真空过过滤机单位面积滤液量q 与转速n 、浸入面积分率ψ以及过滤常数的关系式,并说明过滤面积为什么用转鼓面积而不用A×φ?3. 当沉降处于斯托克斯定律区时,试写出非球形颗粒的等沉降速度当量直径d e 计算式。

4. 流化床的压降与哪些因素有关?5. 蒸发器提高液体循环速度的意义有哪些?6. 简述什么是汽液传质板式塔操作中的转相点?7. 何谓萃取操作的选择性系数?什么情况下β=∞?8. 什么是转盘萃取塔的特性速度?9. 在连续干燥器之前用预热器加热空气,被加热空气所获得的热量Q 按其去向可分为哪四项?干燥器热效率定义为哪些项之比?10. 提高连续干燥器的热效率的措施有哪些?二、 流体输送计算(20分)图示输水管路,用离心泵将江水输送至常压高位槽。

已知吸入管路直径φ70×3mm ,管长L AB =15m ,压出管路直径φ60×3mm ,管长L CD =80m (管长均包括局部阻力的当量长度),摩擦系数λ均为0.03,ΔZ=12m ,离心泵的特性曲线为: H e =30−6×105V 2,式中H e :m ;V :m 3/s 。

试求:1. 管路流量为多少m 3/h ?2. 旱季江面下降3m ,与原流量相比,此时流量下降百分之几?3. 江面下降后,B 处的真空表和C 处的压力表读数各有什么变化(定性分析)?三、吸收计算(20分)用填料吸收塔吸收混合气中的有用组分,塔底入塔气体的浓度y 1=0.1(摩尔分率,下同),回收率为90%,用纯溶剂吸收,液气比L/G=1,操作条件下,物系的相平衡关系为y=0.5x ,H OG =1m ,气膜控制。

试求:1. 完成此任务所需调料层的高度H ;2. 若采用纯溶剂分成两股加料(流程如图虚线),一股L/2y y L/2L,x 2溶剂仍从塔顶加入,另一股L/2溶剂从距离塔顶2m处加入。



2000(中国考古学)一问答题1阐述长江中游新石器时代考古学的发展序列2阐述冶铁技术的发明,铁器的使用及其在社会发展中的作用3阐述曹魏邺城的布局及其意义二简答题 1 简介三星堆遗址 2 简介楼兰古城址三名词解释 1 盟书 2 俑2000年(考古学概论)一名词解释 1 关键柱(关键柱的定义及其作用,什么时候可以打掉它)2 磁方位角(方位角的定义,方位罗盘刻度如何标定,怎样使用方位罗盘测量地面上直线的角度)3 器物标签(器物标签有哪些记录项目,如何使用标签,如何填写标签)4 考古图5 考古类型学6 苏秉琦二问答题1 在考古记录中为什么已经使用了照相记录,还要用绘图记录?考古绘图根据什么原理绘制?其原理的要点是什么?考古绘图如何使用这个原理?考古绘图有哪些基本方法?考古绘图用那些方法来表现器物的内部结构?2 什么是考古学文化?考古学文化与古代人们共同体的关系如何?2001年(中国考古学)一问答题 1 从河姆渡文化遗存可以看出河姆渡人在哪些方面取得辉煌成就? 2 “三代断代工程”取得哪些重要成果? 3 泉州宋元港有哪些重要考古发现?二遗址介绍 1 广州秦汉造船工厂遗址 2 隋唐扬州城遗址三名词解释 1 人牲 2 浑铸法 3 买地券 4 经幢2002(中古考古)一论述题1论述黄河中游地区新石器时代晚期文化(龙山时代)的社会性质2用考古资料对商代晚期墓葬中带墓道的大墓进行分类二简答题1 简述周原遗址的重要考古发现及意义2简述汉长安城的考古发现三名词解释1和县猿人 2 昙石山文化 3 俑 4 黄肠题凑 5 瓦当 6 建窑2002年(考古学概论)一,名词解释1 黄肠题凑2 玉衣3 原始瓷器4 半剖视5 《金石录》6 贾兰坡 7人殉和人牲 8 刮削器和砍砸器二问答题1简述正投影原理及其在考古绘图上的运用2考古文物记年法有哪些?3阐述现代考古学的研究方法和技术手段4谈谈磨制石器与玉器2003年(中国考古学)一名词解释1 彭头山文化2 田野考古3 曾侯乙墓 4青瓷 5 湖熟文化 6 几何印纹陶文化 7苏秉琦二简答题1 战国时期都城有哪些特点?2 隋唐含嘉仓有什么作用和意义三论述题1 论述良渚文化的特征2 用考古材料论述晚商时期的社会经济的发展2004年(中国考古学)一名词解释1 打制石器制作方法2 小长梁文化3 老官台文化4 郑韩故城5 崇安(武夷山)汉城6 巩县宋陵二问答题1试述东南沿海(闽台、岭南)新石器时代主要考古学文化及其特征 2 中原地区汉代一般墓葬的主要类型与特征 3 周口店“北京猿人”遗址的发现及其意义 4 试述中国考古学发展的新趋势2005年(中国考古学)一名词解释(8选6)1 北京猿人2 曾侯乙墓3 石龙头文化4 仰韶文化5 秦始皇兵马俑坑6 唐三彩7 土墩墓8 白沙宋墓二问答题1 试述长江下游及杭州湾区新石器文化的主要器型、内涵、特征2试述商代都城考古的主要收获3 从两广汉墓的内涵特征看岭南地区的民族文化融合吉林大学2003考古题一、名词解释:(共15分)1、考古学2、遗存3、放射性碳定年4、遗址5、聚落二、请说出与考古学相关的主要学科以及它们各自的主要作用。



第3章 数字特征1. (1987年、数学一、填空)设随机变量X 的概率密度函数,1)(122-+-=x x e x f π则E(X)=( ),)(X D =( ).[答案 填:1;21.]由X 的概率密度函数可见X~N(1,21),则E(X)=1,)(X D =21.2. (1990年、数学一、填空)设随机变量X 服从参数为2的泊松分布,且Z=3X-2, 则E(X)=( ). [答案 填:4]3. (1990年、数学一、计算)设二维随机变量(X,Y)在区域D:0<x<1,|y|<x内服从均匀分布,求:(1)对于X 的边缘密度函数;(2)随机变量Z=2X+1的方差。

解:(1)由于D 的面积为1,则(X,Y)的联合密度为⎩⎨⎧<<<=0,x |y |1,x 1 ,1),(其他y x f当0<x<1时,x dy dy y x f x f xxX21),()(===⎰⎰-+∞∞-,其他事情下0)(=x f X.(2)322)( )(1=⋅==⎰⎰∞+∞-xdx x dx x f x X E X 212)( )(1222=⋅==⎰⎰∞+∞-xdx x dx x f x X E X 181))(()(22=-=X E EX X D4. (1991年、数学一、填空)设X~N(2,2σ)且P{2<X<4}=0.3,则P{X<0}=( )。

[答案 填:知识归纳整理0.2]3.0212)0(2220}42{=-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛Φ=Φ-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛Φ=⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧<-<=<<σσσσX P X P即8.02=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛Φσ,则2.021222}0{=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛Φ-=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-Φ=⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧-<-=<σσσσX P X P 5. (1992年、数学一、填空)设随机变量X 服从参数为1的指数分布,则=+-)(2X e X E ( ).[答案 填:34]6. (1995年、数学一、填空)设X 表示10次独立重复射击命中目标的次数且每次命中率为0.4,则2EX =( )。



95-99年北京师范大学--动物学考研试题1995年(每题10分)1. 试述多细胞动物的起源。

2. 人体下列组织那些来源于外胚层:A.口腔上皮B.胃粘膜C.呼吸道上皮D.真皮3. 用显微镜观察组织切片时,如果观察不清楚,应如何操作调试才能获得清晰效果。

4. 简述华枝睾吸虫的生活史,并说明人和动物是如何感染该吸虫的。

5. 解释名词真体腔同律分节水管系统后位肾(opisthonephros)韦伯氏器(Weberian organ)6. 指出始祖鸟化石的似鸟类与似爬行类的特征7. 试述动物命名法规中,有关新种订名的要点,并举出一动物的拉丁学名8. 海洋鱼类及鸟类如何排出饮入体内海水中的过量盐分9. 指出下列动物所分布的动物地理界:营(土冢)鸟蜂鸟朱鹮狮犰狳黑猩猩弓鳍鱼大熊猫喙头蜥虎10.简述种群的存活曲线1996年1. 两侧对称,三胚层是在哪类动物最早出现的,有何进步意义?2. 昆虫纲特征。

3. 举例说明体腔的类型。

4. 浮浪幼虫,牟勒氏幼虫,担轮幼虫各出现于哪类动物,对了解动物进化有何意义?5. 试述文昌鱼的摄食及食物在消化道内运送的途径。

6. 肺鱼亚纲、总鳍亚纲和辐鳍亚纲鱼类的主要特征和代表动物。

7. 一头骨化石经鉴定是哺乳动物,试述其主要依据。

8. 绘制模式图说明脊椎动物植物性神经系统的特征。

(以上每题10分)9. 说明以下动物的分类地位,或解释有关名词:(20分)海蜇海参栉红蜘蛛日本血吸虫鲍鱼生态位动物区系洄游种群增长曲线弧胸型肩带1997年1. 体腔有哪几种类型?说明各种体腔的结构特点和生物学意义,并分别指出存在于哪些动物类群。

(10分)2. 软体动物门中的主要类群生活方式差异显著,试述它们在形态、结构上的适应性特征。

(15分)3. 简述显微镜观察未染色的草履虫活体时,应如何操作才能达到较好的实验效果?(5分)4. 水管系统和水沟系分别是哪个门动物特有的结构?功能各是什么?(5分)5. 指出无脊椎动物有哪些对称形式?举例说明。



《金属学与热处理》研究生入学试题(99年入学)一、选择题(单项选择) (20分,每题2分)1、A,B两晶体,如果a)所属的空间点阵相同,则此两晶体的结构相同;b)晶体结构相同,它们所属的空间点阵可能不同;c)晶体结构相同,它们所属的空间阵必然相同;d)所属的空间点阵不同,两晶体的结构可能相同。

2、体心立方(bcc)晶体中间隙半径比面心立方(fcc)中的小,但bcc的致密度却比fcc低,这是因为:a). bcc中原子半径小;b).bcc中的密排方向<111>上的原子排列比fcc密排方向上的原子排列松散;c).bcc中的原子密排面{110}的数量太少;d).bcc中原子的配位数比fcc中原子配位数低。


4、纯金属在某一温度T(T<T m)平衡凝固时,当临界晶核形成后,晶核能进一步长大,这是因为:a) γ>γ*表面自由能变化可以忽略不计;b) γ>γ*体积自由能的增加大于表面自由能的增加;c) γ>γ*体积自由能的增加小于表面自由能的增加;d) γ>γ*体积自由能的减少(绝对值)大于表面自由能的增值。

5、Cu5Zn8,Cu9Al4,Cu31Sn8虽然化学成分不同,但晶体结构相同,均属γ黄铜结构,这是因为:a).Zn, Al, Sn三种元素的原子半径相近;b).这三种中间相的电子浓度相同;c).Zn, Al, Sn三种元素的电负性相近;d).Zn ,Al, Sn三种元素晶体结构相同。


7、位错线和滑移矢量之间的关系是:a). 刃位错中位错线和滑移矢量垂直,螺位错中位错线和滑移矢量平行;b). 刃位错中位错线和滑移矢量平行,螺位错中位错线和滑移矢量垂直;c). 刃位错和螺位错中位错线和滑移矢量都平行;d). 刃位错和螺位错中位错线和滑移矢量都垂直。



自然地理考研试题中科院新疆生态与地理所研究生试题自然地理学试题2003年一名词解释大气环流洪积扇土壤结构沙漠化植物群落定振波俯冲型板块干洁空气雪线潜水二简答1 简述地球的圈层构造。

2 图示大气的垂直分层。

3 简述地貌的成因。

4 简述主要的成土过程。

5 简述生态系统的结构和功能。

三论述1 试述影响流域水量平衡的因素及水量平衡方程?2 论述全球气候变化的原因和未来气候可能的变化?2004年一名词解释承压水雅丹林德曼效率准平原 3S ENSO 生物圈种群土地流量干燥度泥石流非地带性牛轭湖二简答题1、简述气候变化的原因2、简述冰川对地理环境的影响3、简述自然区划的原则4、简述大气中水汽凝结的基本条件5、简述风蚀作用的过程6、影响土壤发育的因素三综述题1、举例说明生态系统的调节作用2、论述我国西北干旱地区在水土开发过程中出现的生态环境问题及其调控对策中科院地理所自然地理2004年名词:1.生物圈2.气候3.太阳辐射4.降水5.径流6.风蚀作用7.植物群落8.土地退化9.土壤剖面10.地域分异规律简答:1.气候变化2.基本地貌类型3.水量平衡4.成土学说5生态系统的组分与结构论述:1.试述地带性学说2.试述中国自然界的最基本特征2005年名词:1.矿物2.地下水的总矿化度3.季风4.河流5.地域分异规律6.生物群落7.对流层8.土壤9.(忘了)10.(忘了)简答:1.生物多样性的价值2.自然区划原则3.土壤的物质组成4.地球表面的基本特征5.影响地貌形成因素论述:1.陆地生态系统的主要类型。

2.自然地理学的研究对象分科以及各学科的联系北师大自然地理1999年一、解释下列名称(每题5分,共30分)1.新构造运动 2.内海 3. 大陆架 4.牛轭湖 5.生态幅度6.土壤相对年龄二、什么是生态系统?试举例说明生态系统的结构与功能(15分)。



四、什么是土壤?土壤资源具有哪些的特点? (15分)。


(1) f ( x) 在 x 0 处连续 f (0) f (0) f (0) 2 2(a 2) 6a 6 a 1 ; (2) x 0 是 f ( x) 的可去间断点 f (0) f (0) f (0)
2(a 2 2) 6a 6 a 2 .
§2. 洛必达法则 1. “ 0 0 ” 不定式极限的计算法则
a. 自变量趋于有限数情况
x x0 x x0
设函数 f ( x ) 与 g ( x ) 满足条件:
(1) lim f ( x) lim g ( x) 0 (2) g ' ( x) 0
f ' ( x) (3) lim A (或 ) ; x x0 g ' ( x) 0 f ( x) 则不定式 极限 : lim A (或 ) 。 x x0 g ( x) 0
x x0
ln(1 ax3 ) , x0 x arcsin x 设函数 f ( x) 6 x 0 ; 问 a 为何值时 , e ax x 2 ax 1 x 0 x x sin 4 (1) f ( x) 在 x 0 处连续; 2) x 0 是 f ( x) 的可去间断点? ( ( 03 年考研题 )
e x e x 2 求:lim 的值 。 x 0 1 cos x
e x e x 2 0 解:lim ( ) x 0 1 cos x 0
x x cos x 0 1 cos x x sin x 0 解: lim ( ) lim ( ) x 0 x sin x x 0 0 1 cos x 0



1991年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学三试题一、填空题(本题满分15分,每小题3分.把答案填在题中横线上.) (1) 设sin ,xyz e =则dz = _______.(2) 设曲线()3f x x ax =+与()2g x bx c =+都通过点()10,,-且在点()10,-有公共切线,则a =_______,b = _______,c = _______. (3) 设()x f x xe =,则()()nf x 在点x = _______处取极小值 _______.(4) 设A 和B 为可逆矩阵,00A X B⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭为分块矩阵,则1X -= _______. (5) 设随机变量X 的分布函数为则X 的概率分布为 _______.二、选择题(本题满分15分,每小题3分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内.)(1) 下列各式中正确的是 ( )(A) 01lim 11x x x +→⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭ (B) 01lim 1xx e x +→⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭ (C) 1lim 1xx e x →∞⎛⎫-=- ⎪⎝⎭ (D) 1lim 1xx e x -→∞⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭(2) 设10(1,2,)na n n≤≤=则下列级数中肯定收敛的是 ( ) (A)1nn a∞=∑ (B)1(1)nn n a ∞=-∑(C)1n ∞=21(1)n n n a ∞=-∑(3) 设A 为n 阶可逆矩阵,λ是A 的一个特征根,则A 的伴随矩阵*A 的特征根之一是( )(A) 1n A λ- (B) 1A λ- (C) A λ (D) nA λ(4) 设A 和B 是任意两个概率不为零的不相容事件,则下列结论中肯定正确的是 ( )(A) A 与B 不相容 (B) A 与B 相容 (C) ()()()PAB P A P B = (D) ()()P A B P A -=(5) 对于任意两个随机变量X 和Y ,若()()()E XY E X E Y =⋅,则 ( )(A) ()()()D XY D X D Y =⋅ (B) ()()()D X Y D X D Y +=+ (C) X 和Y 独立 (D) X 和Y 不独立 三、(本题满分5分)求极限 120lim x xnxxx e e e n →⎛⎫+++⎪⎝⎭,其中n 是给定的自然数. 四、(本题满分5分)计算二重积分DIydxdy =⎰⎰,其中D 是由x 轴,y 轴与曲线1=所围成的区域,0,0a b >>. 五、(本题满分5分)求微分方程22dyxyx y dx=+满足条件2x e y e ==的特解. 六、(本题满分6分)假设曲线1L :()2101y x x =-≤≤、x 轴和y 轴所围区域被曲线2L :2y ax =分为面积相等的两部分,其中a 是大于零的常数,试确定a 的值. 七、(本题满分8分)某厂家生产的一种产品同时在两个市场销售,售价分别为1p 和2p ;销售量分别为1q 和2q ;需求函数分别为112402q .p =-和2210005q .p =-,总成本函数为()123540C q q .=++ 试问:厂家如何确定两个市场的售价,能使其获得的总利润最大?最大利润为多少? 八、(本题满分6分)试证明函数1()(1)x f x x=+在区间(0,)+∞内单调增加.九、(本题满分7分)设有三维列向量 问λ取何值时,(1) β可由123,,ααα线性表示,且表达式唯一 (2) β可由123,,ααα线性表示,且表达式不唯一 (3) β不能由123,,ααα线性表示 十、(本题满分6分)考虑二次型22212312132344224f x x x x x x x x x λ=+++-+.问λ取何值时,f 为正定二次型. 十一、(本题满分6分)试证明n 维列向量组12,,,n ααα线性无关的充分必要条件是1112121222120T T T nT T T nT T T n n n nD αααααααααααααααααα=≠,其中Ti α表示列向量i α的转置,1,2,,i n =.十二、(本题满分5分)一汽车沿一街道行驶,需要通过三个均设有红绿信号灯的路口,每个信号灯为红或绿与其他信号灯为红或绿相互独立,且红绿两种信号显示的时间相等,以X 表示该汽车首次遇到红灯前已通过的路口的个数.求X 的概率分布.十三、(本题满分6分)假设随机变量X 和Y 在圆域222x y r +≤上服从联合均匀分布. (1) 求X 和Y 的相关系数ρ;(2) 问X 和Y 是否独立 十四、(本题满分5分)设总体X 的概率密度为 其中0λ>是未知参数,0a >是已知常数.试根据来自总体X 的简单随机样本12,,,n X X X ,求λ的最大似然估计量ˆλ. 1991年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学三试题解析一、填空题(本题满分15分,每小题3分.) (1)【答案】()sin cos xyexy ydx xdy +【解析】方法一:先求出两个偏导数z x ∂∂和zy∂∂,然后再写出全微分dz , sin sin sin sin cos cos cos cos xy xyxy xy z e xy y ye xy x ze xy x xe xy y∂⎧=⋅⋅=⎪∂⎪⎨∂⎪=⋅⋅=∂⎪⎩, 所以 sin sin cos cos xy xy z zdz dx dy ye xydx xe xydy x y∂∂=+=+∂∂ sin cos ()xye xy ydx xdy =+.方法二:利用一阶全微分形式不变性和微分四则运算法则直接计算dz .()()()sin xy sin xy sin xy sin xy dz d e e d sin xy e cos xydxy e cos xy ydx xdy ====+.(2)【答案】1a =-,1b =-,1c =【解析】由于曲线()f x 与()g x 都通过点()10,,-则()()11010f a g b c -=--=⎧⎪⎨-=+=⎪⎩, 又曲线()f x 与()g x 在点()10,-有公切线,则()()11f g ''-=-,即()()()211133122x x f x a a g bx b =-=-''-=+=+=-==-,亦即32a b +=-,解之得 1a =-,1b =-,1c =. (3)【答案】()1x n =-+;()1n e -+-【解析】由高阶导数的莱布尼兹公式()()()()0nn k n k k n k uv C u v -==∑可知, 00()x xx xe ne x n e =++++=+.对函数()()()n gx f x =求导,并令()0g x '=,得()(1)()(1)0n x g x f x x n e +'==++=,解之得驻点()1x n =-+,且()0,(1),()()0,(1),()g x x n g x g x x n g x '<<-+⎧⎨'>>-+⎩函数严格单调递减函数严格单调递增;;故()1x n =-+是函数()()()n g x f x =的极小值点,极小值为()11(1)(1)(1)n n n g n f n n n e e ------=--=--+=-.(4)【答案】110B A --⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭【解析】利用分块矩阵,按可逆矩阵定义有12340000X X A E X X BE ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭, 由对应元素或块相等,即3412,0,0,.AX E AX BX BX E =⎧⎪=⎪⎨=⎪⎪=⎩从A 和B 均为可逆矩阵知113412,0,0,X A X X X B --====.故应填110B A--⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭. (5)【答案】【解析】因为随机变量X 的分布函数()F x 在各区间上的解析式都与自变量x 无关,所以在()F x 的连续点,{}0P X x ==,只有在()F x 的间断点处X 取值的概率才大于零,且{}{}{}()(0)P X x P X x P X x F x F x ==≤-<=--,则{1}(1)(10)0.4P X F F =-=----=,因此X 的概率分布为二、选择题(本题满分15分,每小题3分.) (1)【答案】(A)【解析】由重要极限1lim(1)xx e x →∞+=可知,极限 (1)111lim(1)lim[1()]x x x x e x x-⋅--→∞→∞-=+-=,(1)111lim(1)lim(1)x x x x e x x-⋅--→∞→∞+=+=.而极限 00111lim ln(1)lim ln(1)ln(1)001lim (1)lim x x x x x x x x x x x e e e x++→→+++++→→+===, 令1t x=,则 01ln(1)1lim ln(1)lim lim 01t t x t x x t t+→+∞→+∞→++==+洛,所以 01lim ln(1)001lim (1)1x x x x x e e x+→++→+===. 故选项(A)正确. (2)【答案】(D)【解析】因为2221(1)nn na a n -=<,由211n n ∞=∑收敛及比较判别法可知21(1)n n n a ∞=-∑绝对收敛.即(D)正确.另外,设1(1,2)2na n n==,则可知 (A) 11111122nn n n an n ∞∞∞=====∑∑∑, (C) 111212n n n n∞∞∞=====∑ 都不正确.设21210,(1,2)4n n a a n n-===,则可知(B)不正确. (3)【答案】(B).【解析】由λ为A 的特征值可知,存在非零向量X ,使得AX X λ=.两端同时乘以*A ,有 **()A X A AX λ=,由公式*AA A =得到*A X A X λ=.于是*1A X A X λ-=.按特征值定义知1A λ-是伴随矩阵*A 的特征值.故应选(B).【相关知识点】矩阵特征值与特征向量的定义:设A 是n 阶矩阵,若存在数λ及非零的n 维列向量X 使得AX X λ=成立,则称λ是矩阵A 的特征值,称非零向量X 是矩阵A 的特征向量.(4)【答案】(D)【解析】A B AB =,如果A B =Ω,则A B =∅,即A 与B 互不相容;如果A B ≠Ω,则A B ≠∅,即A 与B 相容.由于A 、B 的任意性,故选项(A)(B)均不正确.任何事件A 一定可以表示为两个互不相容事件AB 与AB 的和. 又因AB =∅,从而A B AB A -==,另外要注意区分独立与互不相容两个概念,不要错误地把A 、B 互不相容等同于A 、B 相互独立而错选(C).A ,B 不相容,()P A ,()P B 均不为零,因此()()0P AB P =∅=,()()()P AB P A P B .≠即(C)不正确. 用排除法应选(D).事实上,()()()()PA B P A P AB P A .-=-=(5)【答案】(B)【解析】由于()()()E XY E X E Y =,因此有 故应选(B).【相关知识点】若两个随机变量X ,Y 的方差都大于零,则下面四个命题是等价的:1) ()()()E XY E X E Y =; 2)()()()D X Y D X D Y +=+;3) cov(,)0X Y =; 4)X 和Y 不相关,即X 和Y 的相关系数0ρ=.三、(本题满分5分)【解析】方法一:这是 1∞型未定式极限.1220112ln lim 00lim lim x x nx x x nx xx e e e e e e x xnxxn x n x x e e e e en →⎛⎫⎛⎫++++++ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭→→⎛⎫+++== ⎪⎝⎭20ln()ln limx x nx x e e e n x e→+++-=,其中指数上的极限是型未定式,由洛必达法则,有220212(1)1lim 22x x nx x xnxx e e ne n n n n e e e n n →++++++++====+++. 所以 11220lim n xxnxxx e e e e n +→⎛⎫+++=⎪⎝⎭. 方法二:由于 112211xxnxx xnxxxe e e e e en n ⎛⎫⎛⎫++++++=+-⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭, 记21x x nxe e e y n+++=-,则当0x →时0y →,从而1112000lim lim(1)lim (1)y xxnxxxyxx x x e e e y y n →→→⎡⎤⎛⎫+++=+=+⎢⎥ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦. 而10lim(1)yy y e →+=,所以01limlim (1)x y y xyx x y e →→⎡⎤+=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦. 又因 200(1)(1)(1)lim limx x nx x x y e e e x nx→→-+-++-=2000111111limlim lim (12)2x x nx x x x e e e n n n x x x n→→→⎡⎤---+=++++++=⎢⎥⎣⎦洛. 所以11220lim n x xnxxx e e e e n+→⎛⎫+++=⎪⎝⎭. 四、(本题满分5分)【解析】积分区域D 如图阴影部分所示.1=,得21y b ⎛=- ⎝. 因此 ((22412120001122ba b aaDb Iydxdy dx ydy dx y dx ⎛⎡⎤==== ⎢⎥⎣⎦⎝⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰. 令1t =有2(1),2(1)x a t dx a t dt =-=--,故 15621245200()5630t t ab ab t t dt ab ⎛⎫=-=-= ⎪⎝⎭⎰.五、(本题满分5分)【解析】将原方程化为2221y dy x y xy dx xyx ⎛⎫+ ⎪+⎝⎭==,由此可见原方程是齐次微分方程. 令y ux =,有,dy duu x dx dx=+将其代入上式,得21dy du u u x dx dx u +=+=, 化简得1du x dx u =,即dx udu x =.积分得 21ln .2u x C =+ 将y ux=代入上式,得通解222(ln )y x x C =+. 由条件2x e y e ==,即2242(ln )e e e C =+求得1C =.所以222(ln 1)y x x =+所求微分方程的特解.六、(本题满分6分)【解析】先求出曲线1L 和2L 的交点,然后利用定积分求出平面图形面积1S 和2S ,如图:由()()221010y x x y ax a ⎧=-≤≤⎪⎨= >⎪⎩ 得1x a y .a ⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪+⎩所以 112120(1)S S S ydx x dx =+==-⎰⎰1301233x x ⎡⎤=-=⎢⎥⎣⎦,3013a x x +⎡=-=⎢⎣⎦.又因为12S S =,所以223=,2=,解得3a .= 七、(本题满分8分)【解析】方法1:总收入函数为2211221122240210005R p q p q p .p p .p =+=-+-,总利润函数为2211223202120051395p .p p .p =-+--. 由极值的必要条件,得方程组 即1280120p ,p ==.因驻点的唯一,且由问题的实际含义可知必有最大利润.故当1280120p ,p ==时,厂家所获得的总利润最大,其最大总利润为方法2:两个市场的价格函数分别为1122120520020p q ,p q =-=-,总收入函数为()()11221122120520020R p q p q q q q q =+=-+-,总利润函数为2211228051602035q q q q =-+--. 由极值的必要条件,得方程组因驻点的唯一,且由问题的实际含义可知必有最大利润.故当1284q ,q ==,即180p ,=2120p =时,厂家所获得的总利润最大,其最大总利润为1284605q ,q L ===.八、(本题满分6分)【解析】因为(0,)x ∈+∞,所以1()(1)0x f x x=+>.1ln(1)1()(1)x xxf x e x+=+=,两边对x 求导,得112ln(1)ln(1)1()1111()ln(1)(1)ln(1)111x x x xxx x f x e e x x x x x ++⎡⎤⋅-'⎢⎥⎡⎤⎡⎤'==⋅++=++-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥+⎣⎦⎣⎦⎢⎥+⎣⎦. 令11()ln(1)1g x x x=+-+,为证函数()f x 为增函数,只需()0f x '>在(0,)+∞上成立,,即()0,(0,)g x x >∈+∞.方法一:利用单调性.由于 22211111()ln(1)11(1)(1)1x g x x x x x x x-'-⎡⎤'=+-=-=-⎢⎥+++⎣⎦+, 且(0,)x ∈+∞,故21()0(1)g x x x '=-<+,所以函数()g x 在(0,)+∞上单调减少. 又11lim ()lim[ln(1)]01x x g x x x→∞→∞=+-=+,于是有()0,(0,)g x x >∈+∞.从而 1()(1)()0x f x g x x'=+>,(0,)x ∈+∞,于是函数()f x 在(0,)+∞单调增加.方法二:利用拉格朗日中值定理. 令 11ln(1)ln()ln(1)ln (1)()x x x u x u x x x++==+-=+-, 所以在区间(,1)x x +存在一点ξ,使得1(1)()()(1)()u x u x u x x u ξξξ''+-=+-==,即11ln(1)x ξ+=.又因为01x x ξ<<<+,所以1111x xξ<<+,所以 1111ln(1)1x x xξ<+=<+. 故对一切(0,)x ∈+∞,有111()(1)[ln(1)]01x f x x x x'=++->+.函数()f x 在(0,)+∞单调增加.九、(本题满分7分)【解析】设112233x x x ,αααβ++=将分量代入得到方程组对方程组的增广矩阵作初等行变换. 第一行分别乘以有()1-、()1λ-+加到第二行和第三行上,有22211101110111011120λλλλλλλλλλλλλ++⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥+→-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥+---⎣⎦⎣⎦, 再第二行加到第三行上,所以有2211100300λλλλλλλλ+⎡⎤⎢⎥→-⎢⎥⎢⎥--+⎣⎦.若0λ≠且230,λλ+≠即0λ≠且3λ≠-,则()()3r A r A ==,方程组有唯一解,即β可由123,,ααα线性表示且表达式唯一.若0λ=,则()()13r A r A ==<,方程组有无穷多解,β可由123,,ααα线性表示,且表达式不唯一. 若3λ=,则()()23r A ,r A ==,方程组无解,从而β不能由123,,ααα线性表示.【相关知识点】非齐次线性方程组有解的判定定理:设A 是m n ⨯矩阵,线性方程组Ax b =有解的充分必要条件是系数矩阵的秩等于增广矩阵()A A b =的秩,即是()()r A r A =(或者说,b 可由A 的列向量12,,,n ααα线表出,亦等同于12,,,n ααα与12,,,,n b ααα是等价向量组).设A 是m n ⨯矩阵,线性方程组Ax b =,则 (1) 有唯一解 ⇔ ()().r A r A n == (2) 有无穷多解⇔ ()().r A r A n =<(3) 无解 ⇔ ()1().r A r A +=⇔b 不能由A 的列向量12,,,n ααα线表出.十、(本题满分6分)【解析】关于判定二次型正定这类题目时,用“顺序主子式全大于0”的方法最为简捷.二次型f 的矩阵为1142124A λλ-⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦,其顺序主子式为 正定的充分必要条件是各阶顺序主子式都大于0,所以有12310,(2)(2)0,4(1)(2)04A λλλλλλ∆>∆==-+>∆==--+>.解出其交集为(2,1)-,故(2,1)λ∈-时,f 为正定二次型. 【相关知识点】二次型的定义:含有n 个变量12,,,n x x x 的二次齐次多项式(即每项都是二次的多项式)()1211,,,,nnn ij i j i j f x x x a x x ===∑∑ 其中ij ji a a =,称为n 元二次型,令()12,,,Tn x x x x =,()ij A a =,则二次型可用矩阵乘法表示为其中A 是对称矩阵()T A A =,称A 为二次型()12,,,n f x x x 的矩阵.十一、(本题满分6分) 【解析】记12(,,,)n A ααα=,则12,,,n ααα线性无关的充分必要条件是0A ≠.由于[]1111212212221212,,,T T T T n T T T TT n n T T T Tn n n n n A A αααααααααααααααααααααααα⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦,从而取行列式,有2T T D A A A A A ===.由此可见12,,,n ααα线性无关的充分必要条件是0D ≠.【相关知识点】m 个n 维向量12m ,,,ααα线性相关的充分必要条件是齐次方程组 有非零解.特别地,n 个n 维向量12,,,n ααα线性相关的充分必要条件是行列式12,,,0n ααα=.十二、(本题满分5分)【解析】首先确定X 的可能值是0123,,,,其次计算X 取各种可能值的概率.设事件i A =“汽车在第i 个路口首次遇到红灯”,123i ,,,=且i A 相互独立. 事件i A 发生表示该汽车首次遇到红灯前已通过的路口的个数为1i -.所以有 则X 的概率分布为注:此题易犯的一个错误是将{}3P X =计算为412,这是由于该街道仅有三个设有红绿信号灯的路口,3X=仅表示所有三个信号灯路口均为绿灯,而不存在第四个有信号灯路口问题.十三、(本题满分6分)【解析】二维均匀分布(,)X Y 的联合密度函数为1, (,),(,) 0, (,),D x y D S f x y x y D ⎧∈⎪=⎨⎪∉⎩D S 是区域D 的面积,2,D S r π=所以(,)X Y 的联合密度22222221,(,)0,x y rf x y rx y r π⎧+≤⎪=⎨⎪+>⎩. 由连续型随机变量边缘分布的定义,X 和Y 的概率密度1()f x 和2()f y 为2()(,))f y f x y dx y r +∞-∞==≤⎰. 由一维连续型随机变量的数学期望的定义:()EX x f x dx +∞-∞=⋅⎰, []()()().E g X g x f x dx +∞-∞=⋅⎰若()f x 为奇函数,积分区间关于原点对称,则积分为零,即是()0rrf x dx -=⎰.故 22,rrEXr π-=⎰22rrEY r π-=⎰,由于被积函数为奇函数,故 0EX EY ==.()2222cov(,)x y r xyX Y E XY EX EY dxdy r π+≤=-⋅=⎰⎰, 因为此二重积分区域关于x 轴对称,被积函数为y 的奇函数,所以积分式为0.cov(,)0X Y =.由相关系数计算公式ρ=,于是X 和Y 的相关系数0ρ=.(2)由于12(,)()()f x y f x f y ≡,可见随机变量X 和Y 不独立. 十四、(本题满分5分)【解析】最大似然估计,实质上就是找出使似然函数最大的那个参数,问题的关键在于构造似然函数.现题设给出概率密度函数(;)f x λ,则似然函数(由于ln L 是单调递增函数,L 取最大与ln L 取最大取到的θ是一致的,而加对数后能把连乘转换成累加,这样求导,找极值比较方便).由对数似然方程1ln 0,n i i L n X αλλ=∂=-=∂∑ 得λ的最大似然估计值1ˆnii nX αλ==∑.所以得λ的最大似然估计量为 1ˆnii nX αλ==∑.【相关知识点】似然函数的定义:设12,,...,n x x x 是相应于样本12,,...,n X X X 的一组观测值,则似然函数为:12121()(,,,;)(;)(;)(;)(;)nn i n i L f x x x f x f x f x f x θθθθθθ====∏.。



99年英语考研阅读问题和选项翻译11.What were things like in 1980s when accidents happened? 11.在20世纪80年代当发生事故时,情况会如何?[A] Customers might be relieved of theirdisasters through lawsuits.[A] 顾客可以通过诉讼而免受灾难。

[B] Injured customers could expect protection from the legal system. [B] 受伤的顾客有望得到法律体制的保护。

[C] Companies would avoid being sued by providing new warnings. [C] 公司将通过提供新的警示语避免被起诉。

[D] Juries tended to find fault with the compensations companies promised. [D] 陪审团倾向于对公司所承诺的赔偿严加挑剔。

12.Manufacturers as mentioned in thepassage tend to.12.文中提及生产厂商往往。

[A] satisfy customers by writing long warnings on products [A] 通过在产品上写长长的警示语使顾客满意[B] become honest in describing theinadequacies of their products[B] 诚实描述自己产品不足[C] make the best use of labels to avoidlegal liability[C] 充分利用标签避免法律责任[D] feel obliged to view customers safety as their first concern [D] 不得不视顾客的安全为自己的第一考虑13.The case of Schutt helmet demonstratedthat.13.Schutt头盔的案例说明。

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99年考研英语单词1. legislation [ˌledʒisˌleiʃən]n.立法,制定法律;法律,法规2. panel [ˌpænəl]n.镶板;面;(门、墙等上面的)嵌板;控制板vt.选定(陪审团);把…分格;在…上置鞍垫;把…镶入框架内3. routine [ru:ˌti:n]n.[计算机]程序;例行公事;日常工作;固定节目adj.例行的;常规的;日常的;普通的4. restriction [rɪˌstrɪkʃən]n.限制,限定;拘束,束缚;管制5. narrowly [ˌnærəʊlɪ]adv.狭窄地;勉强地;严密地;仔细地6. indefinitely [ɪnˌdefɵnətlɪ]adv.无限期地;不定期地;不明确地;遥遥无期地7. feverishly [ˌfi:vərɪʃlɪ]adv.发热地;狂热地,兴奋地8. commission [kəˌmiʃən]n.委员会,委员;[商]佣金,手续费;任命,委任;委任状vt.委任,授予;使服役;使(船)服役9. advisory [ædˌvaɪzəri:]adj.劝告的,忠告的;提供咨询的;顾问的n.报告;公告10. chair [tʃɛə]n.椅子;大学教授职位;主持会议的主席(的席位或职位);讲座vt.主持;使……入座;使就任要职11. independent [ˌɪndiˌpendənt]adj.自主的;不相关连的;无党派的;不相干的人所做的(或提供的)n.独立自主的人;无党派人士12. propose [prəˌpəuz]vt.提议,建议;打算,计划;推荐,提名;求婚vi.做出计划,打算;求婚13. husbandry [ˌhʌzbəndri:] n.农业;资源管理,妥善管理14. swiftly [ˌswɪftlɪ]adv.迅速地,敏捷地;倏忽;飞;赶15. revealing [rɪˌvi:lɪŋ]adj.有启示作用的,给人启发的;透露真情的;袒胸露肩的v.显示,展示;揭示,揭露;泄露16. startle [ˌstɑ:tl]vt.使震惊,使大吃一惊;使惊跳,使惊吓vi.惊吓;受惊;惊跳n.惊愕;惊恐;震惊,吃惊;惊跳17. vocational [vəuˌkeiʃənl]adj.职业的,行业的;天职的;有助于职业的18. qualification [ˌkwɔlifiˌkeiʃən]n.资格,授权;条件,限制;合格证书n.资格;限制;学历19. acquisition [ˌækwiˌziʃən]n.获得;取得;获得物;[无线]探测20. auxiliary [ɔ:ɡˌziljəri]adj.辅助的;备用的,补充的;附加的;副的n.助动词;辅助者,辅助人员;附属机构,附属团体;辅助设备21. disguise [disˌɡaiz]vt.隐瞒,掩饰;伪装,假装;化装;掩盖n.伪装;伪装品;用作伪装的东西;托辞,借口22. pessimism [ˌpesəˌmɪzəm]n.悲观;悲观情绪;悲观主义23. indicative [inˌdikətiv]adj.象征的;指示的,表示的;[语]陈述的,直陈的n.[语]陈述语气24. reformatory [rɪˌfɔ:məˌtɔ:ri:, -ˌtəʊri:]n.美,史(少年犯)教养院,管教所adj.起改革作用的,感化的25. radically [ˌrædɪkəlɪ]adv.根本地;彻底地;完全地;激进地26. self-contradictory [ˌselfˌkɔntrəˌdiktəri]adj.自相矛盾的27. oriented [ˌɔ:rientid,ˌəurientid]adj.导向的;以……为方向的;定向的;定方向28. dubious [ˌdju:bjəs]adj.半信半疑的,犹豫不决的;可疑的;暧昧的,含糊的;不可靠的29. far-reaching [ˌfɑ:ˌri:tʃɪŋ]adj.深远的,广泛的,深至远处的30. confusion [kənˌfju:ʒən]n.混乱;混淆;困惑31. host [həust]n.[计算机]主机;主人,东道主;节目主持人;酒店业主vt.当主人;主办宴会,主持节目;款待,做东vi.做主人,做东道主32. complementary [ˌkɔmpləˌmentəri:, -tri:]adj.互补的;补充的,补足的33. pick up [pik ʌp]v.捡起;(尤指偶然地、无意地、不费劲地)得到;学会;爬[站]起34. lifelong [ˌlaɪfˌlɔ:ŋ, -ˌlɔŋ]adj.毕生的,终身的;永生不渝的35. international corporation多国(跨国)公司36. be unlikely to [bi: ʌnˌlaɪkli: tu:]不大可能(做)...37. presumptuous [prɪˌzʌmptʃu:əs]adj.自以为是的,专横的,冒失的adv.自以为是地,专横地,冒失地n.自以为是,专横,冒失38. argument [ˌɑ:ɡju:mənt]n.争论,争吵;论据;[数]幅角;主题,情节39. graduate [ˌɡrædjuit]vi.渐变;渐渐变为(与into连用);渐渐消逝(与away连用);取得资格(与as连用)vt.授予学位或毕业证书;从…接受学位;分成等级;标以刻度n.美毕业生;英大学毕业生;(已经取得学士学位正在攻读高级学位的)研究生;量筒adj.美毕业了的,研究生的;有(学士)学位的40. banking [ˌbæŋkɪŋ]n.银行业务;银行家的职业;筑堤v.堆积(bank的现在分词);筑(堤);将(钱)存入银行;(转弯时)倾斜飞行41. outlook [ˌautluk]n.前景,展望;观点,见解;景色;眺望处v.瞪着看,瞧;比……漂亮;用目光压倒42. betray [biˌtrei]vt.对……不忠;背叛;出卖;泄露43. notion [ˌnəuʃən]n.概念,观念;意见,见解;奇想;打算44. forsake [fəˌseik]vt.放弃,舍弃;断念;摒弃(坏习惯)45. characteristic [ˌkæriktəˌristik]adj.特有的;独特的;表示特性的;显示……的特征的n.特性,特征,特色,[数](对数的)首数;独特性;性质46. pursue [pəˌsju:]vt.继续;追求;进行;追捕vi.追,追赶;继续进行47. assess [əˌses]vt.评定;估价;对(财产、收入等)进行估价(作为征税根据);确定(损害赔偿金、税款、罚款等)的金额48. competently [ˌkɒmpɪtəntli]adv.胜任地,适合地49. character [ˌkæriktə]n.性格,品质;特征;[计] 字符;人物,角色vt.刻,印;使具有特征50. conception [kənˌsepʃən]n.受精,怀孕;胚胎;概念;设想,构想51. certain [ˌsə:tn]adj.某一;必然的;已确定的pron.[动词用复数]某些52. rather [ˌrɑ:ðə]adv.稍微,有点;相当,颇;宁愿;相反地int.当然啦,怎么不53. teens [ti:nz]n.十几岁;十三至十九数字(或号码);青少年们;十几岁(teen的名词复数);古悲哀;痛苦;(13-19岁的)青少年54. legally [ˌli:gəlɪ]adv.法律上,合法地55. universally [ˌju:nɪˌvɜ:səlɪ]adv.普遍地;一般地;人人;处处56. justified [ˌdʒʌstɪfaɪd]adj.有正当理由的,合理的;事出有因的v.调整;证明…有道理(justify的过去式和过去分词)57. technical [ˌteknikəl]adj.技术(性)的,工艺的,学术(上)的,专门(技术)的,艺术的;[法]根据法律的,法律上的;[商]人造的,用工业方法制造的,由市场内部因素(如投机等)引起的;〈美俚〉外表的,表面上的,浅薄的58. campaign [kæmˌpein]n.运动;竞选运动;战役;季节性竞赛vi.参加[发起]运动,参加竞选;参战,参加战役;作战59. go to the heart of涉及……的核心问题60. contradiction [ˌkɔntrəˌdikʃən]n.矛盾;否认,反驳61. indeed [inˌdi:d]adv.的确,确实,实在;实际上,真正地;真的,真是;甚至62. subject [ˌsʌbdʒikt]n.主题,话题;学科,科目;[哲]主观adj.须服从……的;(在君主等)统治下的v.提供,提出;使……隶属63. radical [ˌrædikəl,ˌrædɪkl]adj.根本的,基本的;激进的;彻底的;[植]根生的n.激进分子;根基,原子团;[数学]根数64. broader [brɔ:də]adj.较广阔的,较广泛的;宽的(broad的比较级);宽宏的;清楚的;…宽(用于表示距离的量度之后)65. prospect [ˌprɔspekt]n.前景;期望;眺望处;景象vi.勘探;勘察;(矿等)有希望;有前途vt.找矿;对……进行仔细调查66. on the behalf of代表67. divide [diˌvaid]vt.&amp; vi.分;划分;分离;(使)产生分歧n.分水岭,分界线;分配68. border [ˌbɔ:də]n.边;镶边;包边;边界vt.&amp; vi.与…接界,在…的边上vt.沿…的边,环绕…,给…镶边vi.近似,毗邻69. board [bɔ:d]n.板;董事会;甲板;膳食vt.上(船、车或飞机);收费供……膳宿;使搭伙,使寄宿;强行登(船)vi.(火车、轮船、飞机等)接受乘客;搭伙,寄宿70. invisible [inˌvizəbl]adj.看不见的;不易为视线所见的,隐匿的;无形的(指银行、旅游等服务);不引人注目的n.看不见的人71. priority [praiˌɔriti]n.优先,优先权;(时间,序上的)先,前;优先考虑的事;[数]优先次序72. accessible [ækˌsesəbəl]adj.易接近的;可理解的;易相处的;易感的73. fanciful [ˌfænsɪfəl]adj.(指人)富于幻想的;(指物)设计或装饰新颖奇特的;奇怪的,稀奇的;不现实74. strive to力图;力求75. plunge [plʌndʒ]vt.用力插入;使陷入vi.跳入;全心投入;突降,俯冲n.投入,陷入;游泳,跳水76. silicon [ˌsilikən]n.化硅;硅元素77. enterprise [ˌentəpraiz]n.企(事)业单位;事业,计划;事业心,进取心78. free fall [fri: fɔ:l]n.自由降落(尤指降落伞张开前的降落),(尤指火箭等的)惯性运动79. security [siˌkjuəriti]n.安全;保证,担保;保护,防护;有价证券adj.安全的,保安的,保密的80. hospitality [ˌhɔspiˌtæliti]n.殷勤;招待,款待;(气候,环境等的)宜人,适宜81. interactivity [ˌɪntərækˌtɪvəti]相互作用82. resort [rɪˌzɔːt]vi.求助于或诉诸某事物,采取某手段或方法应急或作为对策n.求助,凭借,诉诸;热闹场所,娱乐场,度假胜地;采用的办法;常去,人多,人群n.常去;求助[凭借]的对象;度假胜地83. inevitable [inˌevitəbl]adj.不可避免的;必然发生的;非正总会发生的;必然发生的事84. purist [ˌpjuərist]n.语言纯正癖者;纯化论者;力求纯化的人85. horrifies [ˌhɔrifaiz]v.使震惊,使感到恐怖(horrify的第三人称单数)86. distinction [disˌtiŋkʃən]n.区别;荣誉;特质;卓越87. uninvited [ˌʌnɪnˌvaɪtɪd]adj.未经要求的,未获邀请的,不速而至的88. promotion [prəˌməʊʃən]n.促进,增进;提升,升级;(商品等的)推广;发扬89. contempt [kənˌtempt]n.轻视;轻蔑;(对规则、危险等的)藐视;不顾90. offering [ˌɔ:fərɪŋ,ˌɔfə-]n.提议;课程;贡品,祭品;奉献物v.提供(offer的ing形式)91. proceed [prəˌsi:d]vi.进行;前进;(沿特定路线)行进;(尤指打断后)继续说n.收入,获利92. customize [ˌkʌstəˌmaɪz]vt.定制,定做;按规格改制93. subscribe [səbˌskraib]vt.&amp; vi.认捐,捐赠;签署,题词,署名;认购;订阅,订购94. deliver [diˌlivə]vt.发表;递送;交付;使分娩vi.投递;传送95. notably [ˌnəʊtəblɪ]adv.“notable“的派生;显著地;尤其96. targeted [ˌtɑ:ɡitid][医]定向的97. transmitted [trænzˌmitid]v.发射,播送,广播(transmit的过去式和过去分词);传播;传导;传(热、声等)98. concern [kənˌsə:n]vt.涉及,关系到;使关心,使担忧;参与n.关心;关系,有关;顾虑;公司或企业99. intranet [ˌintrənet]n.内联网101. give access to [ɡiv ˌækses tu:]接见,准许出入102. conduct [kənˌdʌkt]vt.&amp; vi.引导;带领;控制;传导vt.组织;安排;实施;执行adj.指挥,带领,护送vi.(在乐队里)当指挥;(在公共电汽车或火车上)当售票员;指路n.举止;行为;管理(方式);实施(方式)103. transaction [trænˌzækʃən]n.交易,业务,事务;办理,处理;(一笔)交易,(一项)事务;(学会等的)会议记录,学报104. senior [ˌsi:njə]adj.(级别、地位等)较高的;资深的;年长的;美最高年级的n.上级;美毕业班学生;较年长者;地位较高的,资历较深的105. nonetheless [ˌnʌnðəˌles]adv.虽然如此,但是106. typically [ˌtɪpɪklɪ]adv.典型地;代表性地;通常107. tap [tæp]vt.开发;(从容器等)汲取(液体);割[打]开……取[放]液体vi.轻声走;跳踢踏舞n.轻敲;塞子;电话窃听;(补鞋的)掌子108. revolve [riˌvɔlv]vt.&amp; vi.使旋转;反复考虑;使循环vi.旋转;循环出现;反复考虑109. objective [əbˌdʒektiv]adj.客观的,实体的;目标的;[语]宾格的;[医]他觉的n.目标,任务;[光]物镜;[语]宾语,宾格;[事]出击目标110. popularity [ˌpɔpjəˌlærɪti:]n.普及;流行;名气,名望,通俗性,大众性;人望111. discard [disˌkɑ:d]vt.丢弃,抛弃;解雇;出牌n.被抛弃的人[物];丢弃,抛弃;打出的牌;打出的牌vi.出无用的牌;垫牌112. eventually [iˌventjuəli]adv.终于,最后;竟;总归;终久113. claim [kleim]vt.声称;断言;需要;索取vi.提出要求n.(根据权利而提出的)要求;声称;断言;索赔114. demonstrate [ˌdemənstreit]vt.证明,证实;论证;显示,展示;演示,说明vi.示威游行115. helmet [ˌhelmit]n.头盔;钢盔;盔形物,盔状物;[植]盔状花冠vt.给……戴上头盔116. much oblige to you感谢117. oblige to [əˌblaidʒ tu:](因…)对…感谢118. label [ˌleibəl]n.标签;称标记,符号;[建] 门或窗户上面的线脚vt.贴标签于;把……称为;把……列为;[化]用放射性元素使(元素或原子等)示踪119. inadequacies [ɪnˌædɪkwəsi:z]n.不充分(inadequacy的名词复数);不足;毛病;缺陷120. promise [ˌprɔmis]vt.允诺,许诺;给人以……的指望或希望vi.许诺;有指望,有前途n.许诺;希望,指望;允诺的东西121. compensations [ˌkɔmpenˌseiʃənz]n.(翻译学中的)代偿(compensation的名词复数);补偿(或赔偿)物;[生物学]补偿机能;使坏的情况变好的事物122. sued [sju:d]v.(为要求赔偿损失而)起诉(sue的过去式和过去分词);控告;请求;要求(尤用于法庭)123. lawsuit [ˌlɔ:ˌsu:t]n.诉讼;诉讼案件124. relieve [riˌli:v]vt.解除;缓解;换班;(去厕所的一种委婉说法)方便125. liability [ˌlaiəˌbiliti]n.责任;倾向;债务;口妨碍126. moderate [ˌmɔdərit]adj.有节制的;稳健的,温和的;适度的,中等的;美俚慢吞吞的vt.使和缓;主持;节制vi.变缓和;作主持人127. have its way随心所欲,走自己的路128. legal [ˌli:ɡəl]adj.法律的;合法的;法定的;法律(上)的n.法定权利;依法必须登报的声明129. trivialities [ˌtrɪvi:ˌælɪti:z]n.平凡(triviality的名词复数);琐屑的事物;无聊的事;(人的)浅薄130. lengthy [ˌleŋkθi:, ˌleŋ-]adj.长的,漫长的;冗长的;啰唆的(演说,文章等)131. bombard [bɔmˌbɑ:d, ˌbɔmˌbɑ:d]vt.炮击,轰炸;核以高能量粒子或放射能冲击n.射石炮(古代的臼炮)132. stating [steitɪŋ]v.规定(state的现在分词);陈述;确定;[法律]详述(案情等)133. tort [tɔːt,tɔːrt]n.律民事侵权行为134. guideline [ˌɡaidlain]n.指导方针;指导原则;135. issue [ˌisju:]n.问题;(报刊的)期,号;发行物;流出vt.发行;发布;流出vi.发行;造成……结果;在……上挑起争论136. substantial [səbˌstænʃəl]adj.充实的;实质的,真正的;有实力的;有财产的n.本质;重要材料137. carry substantial weight举足轻重;有份量的138. unsubstantial [ˌʌnsəbˌstænʃəl]adj.无实质的,不坚固的,薄弱的139. recommendation [ˌrekəmenˌdeiʃən]n.推荐;推荐信;建议;可取之处140. paralyze [ˌpærəˌlaɪz]vt.使瘫痪,使麻痹;使不能正常活动141. paralyzing [ˌpærəˌlaɪzɪŋ]v.使瘫痪,使麻痹(paralyze的现在分词);使不能正常活动142. case [keis]n.(实)例,事例;情况,状况;诉讼(事件),案件,判例;容器(箱,盒)vt.把……装入箱(或盒等)内;加盖于;包围,围住;[俚语](尤指盗窃前)探察,侦查,窥测143. defendant [diˌfendənt]n. [法]被告人;adj. [法]被告的;辩护的144. tide [taid]n.潮汐;潮流,趋势;时机;时期,季节vt.顺应潮水航行;使随潮水漂行145. manufacturer [ˌmænjuˌfæktʃərə]n.制造商,制造厂;厂主;[经]厂商146. manufacture [ˌmænjuˌfæktʃə]vt.制造,生产;捏造,虚构;加工;从事制造n.制造;制成品,产品;工业,工厂;(文学作品等的)粗制滥造147. appropriate [əˌprəupriit]adj.适当的;恰当的;合适的vt.占用,拨出148. caution [ˌkɔ:ʃən]n.小心,谨慎;劝告,警告;〈英〉担保;〈口〉须警惕的事或人vt.警告;劝告149. cape [keip]n.斗篷;披肩;海角;岬150. surprise [səˌpraiz]vt.使惊奇,使诧异;意外发现[撞见],出其不意获得;突袭n.令人吃惊的事物;意想不到(或突然)的事;令人惊奇的事(或消息等);惊奇,惊讶151. stepladder [ˌsteplædə]n.活梯152. anticipate [ænˌtisipeit]vt. 预感;预见;预料;先于……行动;vi. 过早地提出;过早地考虑(或说、做)一件事;(在口头或用文字)预言;预测153. misfortune [misˌfɔ:tʃən]n.不幸;厄运;不幸的事;灾难154. liable for对.....负责155. juries [ˌdʒuəriz]n.陪审团(jury的名词复数);评判委员会156. compensate [ˌkɔmpenseit]vt.补偿,赔偿;报酬;抵消vi.补偿,弥补157. doormat [ˌdɔ:mæt]n.门前地垫158. slipping [ˌslipiŋ]adj.美俚渐渐松驰的,渐渐不行了的,渐渐变懒的v.滑(slip的现在分词);滑脱;下降;(健康状况等)变差159. rough [rʌf]adj.粗糙的,崎岖不平的;粗鲁的;狂暴的,汹涌的;未经加工的vt.粗暴地对待;使粗糙;草拟n.粗糙的部分;艰难,苦难;(高尔夫球场的)深草区adv.粗暴地vi.举止粗野160. profit [ˌprɔfit]n.收益,得益;利润;红利;净值利润率vt.有益于…,对…有益的;得益,得益;创利润vi.有益;获利161. interest [ˌintrist]n.兴趣,爱好;利害关系,利益;利息;趣味,感兴趣的事vt.使产生兴趣;使参与,使加入;引起……的意愿;使产生关系162. benefit [ˌbenifit]n.利益,好处;救济金,津贴;义演,义卖;恩惠,恩泽vt.有益于,有助于;使受益;得益,受益163. advantage [ədˌvɑ:ntidʒ]n.有利条件;益处;优越(性);处于支配地位vt.有利于;有益于;促进;使处于有利地位vi.得益,获利164. declaration [ˌdekləˌreiʃən]n.宣言,布告,公告,声明;(纳税品在海关的)申报;[法](原告的)申诉,(证人的)陈述,口供;[牌]摊牌,叫牌165. hold up [həuld ʌp]举起;支持;拦住;拦劫166. pay off [pei ɔf]付清;(付清工资后)解雇;非正取得成功;使得益167. turn up [tə:n ʌp]开大;翻起;出现;(尤指失去后偶然)被发现168. come off [kʌm ɔf]非正成功;举行;表现;能被去掉(或除去)169. distinguish from [disˌtiŋɡwiʃ frɔm]辨别;识别;显示出特性;将…与…区别开170. justifying [ˌdʒʌstifaiŋ]v.证明…有理(justify的现在分词);为…辩护;对…作出解释;为…辩解(或辩护)171. observation [ˌɔbzə:ˌveiʃən]n.观察;观察力;注意;观察报告172. aggravating [ˌæɡrəveitiŋ]adj.使恶化的,加重的,恼人的v.使恶化(aggravate的现在分词);使更严重;激怒;使恼火173. constituting [ˌkɔnstitju:tɪŋ]v.建立(constitute的现在分词);指定;(合法或正式地)成立;构成174. consisting [kənˌsistɪŋ]v.由…组成(consist的现在分词);包括;存在于;表现为(常与in 连用)175. distinguish [disˌtiŋɡwiʃ]vi.区分,辨别,分清;辨别是非vt.区分,辨别,分清;辨别出,识别;引人注目,有别于;使杰出,使著名176. shift [ʃift]vt.&amp; vi.改变;去掉;摆脱掉;换挡vt.换……的衣服,更(衣);卖,出售;[计算机]使(数据)位移vi.(汽车)换挡;换衣服;蒙混;自己谋生n.移动,转移,转换;变迁,变化,变换,替换,更换,掉换,更易,代用;(汽车等的)变速177. differ [ˌdifə]vi.不同,相异;不同意,意见相左;争吵178. climate [ˌklaimit]n.气候;水土,风土;(社会思想等的)趋势,倾向;思潮179. regulation [ˌreɡjuˌleiʃən]n.管理;控制;规章;规则adj.规定的,必须穿戴的,必须使用的180. mobile [ˌməubail]adj.移动的,可移动的;变化的;易变的,不稳的;交融的n.风铃,(可随风摆动的)悬挂饰物181. diverse [daiˌvəs]adj.不同的,多种多样的;变化多的;形形色色的182. keep alive [ki:p əˌlaiv]使活[燃]着,使继续着183. vivid [ˌvivid]adj.生动的;(记忆、描述等)清晰的;(人的想像)丰富的;(光、颜色等)鲜艳的,耀眼的184. at the rate of [æt ðə reit ɔv]以…速度185. guarding [ˌɡɑ:diŋ]adj.保护的,监护的v.保护,控制(guard的现在分词)186. at a loss [æt ə lɔs]不知所措;亏本;困惑;神思恍惚187. appeal to [əˌpi:l tu:]诉诸武力;向…投诉;向…呼吁;对…有吸引力188. appeal [əˌpi:l]n. 上诉;[体育]诉请;呼吁;(迫切的)要求(帮助、同情等)恳求;vi. (迫切)要求;有吸引力;求助(于);提请注意;vt. 将……移交上级法院审理189. emotional [iˌməuʃənl]adj. 表现强烈情感的;令人动情的;易动感情的;感情脆弱的190. mechanical [miˌkænikəl]adj. 机械的,机械学的;呆板的;体力的;手工操作的191. industrial [inˌdʌstriəl]adj. 工业的,产业的;从事工业的;供工业用的;来自勤劳的;n. 工业股票;工业工人192. draft [drɑ:ft]n.汇票;草稿;选派;(尤指房间、烟囱、炉子等供暖系统中的)(小股)气流vt.起草;制定;征募vi.拟稿;绘样;作草图adj.初步画出或(写出)的;(设计、草图、提纲或版本)正在起草中的,草拟的;以草稿形式的;草图的193. preface [ˌprefis]n.序言,引语;开端,前奏;[宗](弥撒的)序诵,序祷vi.&amp;vt.作为……的序言,作为……的开端;作序;给……作序;开始,导致194. broad [brɔ:d]adj.宽的;辽阔的,广袤的;广泛的,一般的;粗俗的,猥亵的n.宽大扁平的部分;〈俚语〉女人adv.充分的,完全的195. morally [ˌmɔ:rəlɪ]adv.道德上,有道德地;确实地196. informally [ɪnˌfɔ:məlɪ]adv.非正式地;不拘礼节地;通俗地197. general [ˌdʒenərəl]adj.大致的;综合的;总的,全体的;普遍的n.上将;一般;一般原则;常规198. settle [ˌsetl]vt.解决;安排;使定居;使沉淀vi.下沉;定居n.高背长靠椅199. settled [ˌsetld]adj.不变的,稳定的;固定的;妥;停当200. call for [kɔ:l fɔ:]去接(某人);去取(某物);需要;要求201. embryo [ˌembriəu]n.生胚,胚胎;胚芽;初期202. knowingly [ˌnəʊɪŋlɪ]adv.会意地;故意地;狡黠地,机警地;“knowing”的派生203. endanger [enˌdeɪndʒə]vt.危及,使遭受危险204. divided [dɪˌvaɪdɪd]adj.分离的,被分割的,分裂的v.分(divide的过去式和过去分词);划分;分离;(使)产生分歧205. go further [ɡəu ˌfə:ðə]进一步地说[做]206. ban [bæn]vt.禁止,下令禁止;剥夺权利;[古]诅咒n.禁止,禁令;谴责;诅咒,诅骂;革出教门207. complete [kəmˌpli:t]adj.(用以强调)完全的;完成的;达到结尾的;完整的vt.完成,使完满;完成或结束;填写(表格)208. impose on [imˌpəuz ɔn]把…加于;强与…为伴;使硬缠着;给…带来麻烦209. favored [ˌfeɪvəd]adj.受到优待的;有天赋的;受优惠的;有利的v.支持(favor的过去式和过去分词);赞成;照顾;促成210. up in the air [ʌp in ðə eə(r)]悬而未决211. authorized [ˌɔ:θəraizd]adj.权威认可的,审定的,经授权的v.授权,批准,委托(authorize的过去式和过去分词)212. misuse [mɪsˌju:z]vt.使用……不当;把……派作不正当的用途;虐待;滥用n.用错,滥用;误用者vt.把……派作不正当的用途;虐待;滥用213. ethical [ˌeθikəl]adj.伦理学的;道德的,伦理的;凭处方出售的n.凭医师处方出售的药品214. explicitly [ɪkˌsplɪsɪtli]adv.明白地,明确地215. stated [ˌsteitid]adj.定期的,规定的,一定的v.规定(state的过去式和过去分词);陈述;确定;[法律]详述(案情等)216. completely [kəmˌpli:tli]adv.完全地;完整地;完全,彻底,全部,一干二净;很,非常,充分,十分,万分217. in no time马上,立即;即将218. preparedness [priˌpɛədnis,priˌpɛəridnis]n.有准备,已准备219. supposedly [səˌpəʊzdlɪ]adv.据认为;据推测;据称;一般相信220. orbital [ˌɔ:bɪtl]adj.轨道的;眼窝的221. motion [ˌməuʃən]n.运动;手势;动机,意向;请求vt.打手势;向某人点头或摇头示意;打手势要求[指示]vi.运动;打手势222. predict [priˌdikt]vt.预言,预测;预示,预告vi.预言,预示:预言某事,预言223. wondering [ˌwʌndəriŋ]adj.显出(或感到)惊奇,觉得奇怪,疑惑的224. unpredictability不可预测性,不可预知性225. cut [kʌt]vt.&amp; vi.将(某物)切开(或分割)vt.削减;剪切;切成;删剪vi.电影;(为决定谁先出牌等)切牌;可被切割;可用于切割n.切口;削减;剪裁;切片226. dried [draid]adj.干燥的,干缩的v.变干,把……弄干(dry的过去式和过去分词)227. gather [ˌɡæðə]vt.收集;聚集,搜集;收紧,收缩;采集vi.逐渐增加,积聚n.聚集;衣褶228. substitute [ˌsʌbstitju:t]vt.&amp; vi.代替,替换,代用n.代替者;替补(运动员);替代物;[语法学]代用词vi.用…替代229. advisability [ədˌvaɪzəˌbɪləti]n.明智230. frowned [fraund]v.皱眉(frown的过去式和过去分词)231. inconclusive [ˌɪnkənˌklu:sɪv]adj.不确定的,非决定性的,无结果的;不能使人信服的;无效的;模棱两可232. amount [əˌmaunt]n.量,数量;总额;本利之和;全部效果,全部含义vi.(在意义、价值、效果、程度等方面)等于;等同,接近;合计,总共;发展成为233. unquestioned [ʌnˌkwestʃənd]adj.不成为问题的,无疑问的234. consistently [kənˌsɪstəntlɪ]adv.一贯地,坚持地,固守地;总235. convinced [kənˌvɪnst]adj.确信的;深信的;有坚定信仰的v.使确信(convince的过去分词);说服236. logical [ˌlɔdʒikəl]adj.逻辑(上)的;符合逻辑的;推理正确的;合乎常理的237. expect [iksˌpekt]vt.期望;预料;要求;认为(某事)会发生vi.预期;期待;怀胎;怀孕238. auditor [ˌɔ:ditə]n.审计员;查账员;听者;旁听生239. distracted [dɪˌstræktɪd]adj. 思想不集中的;心烦意乱的;遭受矛盾的感情的;vt. 使分心(distract的过去式和过去分词)240. register [ˌredʒistə]n.登记,注册;记录;登记薄;自动记录器vt.登记,注册;(仪表等)指示;表示,表达;(感情)流露vi.登记,注册;留下印象;完全符合;[印刷]对齐241. discriminating [dɪˌskrɪməˌneɪtɪŋ]adj.有鉴别能力的,有识别能力的v.分别,辨别,区分(discriminate的现在分词);歧视,有差别地对待242. conventional [kənˌvenʃənl]adj.传统的;习用的,平常的;依照惯例的;约定的243. inquiring [inˌkwaiəriŋ]adj.咨询的,打听的,爱追根究底的v.打听,询问(inquire的现在分词)244. fruitful [ˌfru:tful]adj.果实累累的;肥沃的;效果好的245. conducted [kənˌdʌkt]vt.实施;为人;指挥(军队,乐队等);[物]传导(热,电等)vt.&amp; vi.引导,带领vi.指挥乐队v.引导(conduct的过去式和过去分词);带领;控制;传导246. seldom [ˌseldəm]adv.很少,罕见;难得;不大247. assert [əˌsə:t]vt.声称,断言;维护,坚持;坚持自己的主张;生效248. speculate [ˌspekjuleit]vt.思索,猜测,推测vi.投机;推测;思索249. concise [kənˌsais]adj.简明的,简洁的;简约;精炼250. keen [ki:n]adj.厉害的,强烈的;敏锐的,敏捷的;锐利的;热心的vi.(为死者)恸哭,哀号n.〈英〉号哭,恸哭251. conformity [kənˌfɔ:miti]n.符合;一致;遵从;依照252. conform [kənˌfɔ:m]vi.符合;遵照;适应环境vt.使遵守;使一致;使顺从adj.一致的;顺从的253. anew [əˌnu:, əˌnju:]adv.再,重新254. partial [ˌpɑ:ʃəl]adj.部分的;偏爱的;偏袒的;钟爱的n.[数学]偏微商255. partisan [ˌpɑ:tiˌzæn]adj.党派性的;偏袒的;游击队的n.党羽,强硬支持者;游击队员;戟的一种256. irony [ˌaiərəni]n.反语;讽刺,冷嘲;具有讽刺意味的事;[语]反语法adj.铁的;似铁的;含铁的257. craft [krɑ:ft]n.技术,手艺,技艺;狡诈;行会成员vt.手工制作;精巧地制作258. practitioner [prækˌtiʃənə]n.从业者,执业者;[基督教科学派] 信仰疗法术士259. contribute to [kənˌtribjut tu:]v.捐献vt.促成;投稿260. arisen [əˌrɪzn](arise的过去分词)v.呈现,出现,发生(arise的过去分词);(由…)引起;起身261. validity [vəˌlɪdɪtɪ]n.有效,合法性;效力;正确,正当;正确性262. revered [ri'viəd]v.崇敬,尊崇,敬畏(revere的过去式和过去分词)263. affinity [əˌfɪnɪti:]n.密切关系,姻亲关系;(男女之间的)吸引力,吸引人的异性;类同;类似,近似264. emerging [iˌmə:dʒɪŋ]adj.(用作定语)新兴的v.出现(emerge的现在分词);露头;形成;事实265. rewarding [rɪˌwɔ:dɪŋ]adj.值得的;有报酬的266. approaches [əˌproʊtʃiz]n.(处理问题、完成任务的)方法(approach的名词复数);近似(值)v.接近,走近,靠近(approach的第三人称单数);(在性质、数量、质量、情形、时间等方面)近似;接洽;使移近267. methodology [ˌmeθəˌdɔlədʒi:]n.(从事某一活动的)一套方法;方法学;方法论268. adapt [əˌdæpt]vi.适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)(to)vt.改编,改写;改变……以适合(for)269. primacy [ˌpraiməsi]n.首位,第一位;卓越;(英国教会)大主教的职务270. imperative [imˌperətiv]adj.必要的,不可避免的;命令的,专横的;势在必行的;[语]祈使的n.必要的事;命令;规则;[语]祈使语气271. contemporary [kənˌtempərəri]adj.当代的,现代的;同时代的,同属一个时期的n.同代人;同辈人;同龄人;当代人272. augment [ɔ:ɡˌment]vt.增强,加强;增加,增添;(使)扩张,扩大n.增加,补充物273. interpret [inˌtə:prit]vt.解释;理解;诠释,体现;口译vi.作解释;作口译274. term [tə:m]n.学期;条款;术语;期限vt.把…称为;把…叫做275. remain [riˌmein]n.剩余物,残骸;残余;遗迹;遗体vi.留下;保持;留待;依然vi.&amp; link-v.搁置;剩余,剩下;逗留;终属,归于276. inherently [ɪnˌherəntli]adv.天性地,固有地277. ambiguous [æmˌbiɡjuəs]adj.含糊的,不明确的;引起歧义的;有两种或多种意思的;模棱两可278. profession [prəˌfeʃən]n.职业,专业;同行;宣称;信念,信仰279. peculiar [piˌkju:ljə]adj.奇怪的,古怪的;异常的;特有的,特殊的n.专有特权,专有财产;[多用于英国]特殊教堂280. in general [in ˌdʒenərəl]一般而言,总的来说adv.通常;大体上281. technique [tekˌni:k]n.技巧,技术,手段;技能;手法282. inquiry [inˌkwaiəri]n.调查,审查;询问,质问,质询,追究;探究;打听283. accuse of [əˌkju:z ɔv]指责,控告284. tunnel [ˌtʌnəl]n.隧道;地道;烟道;(动物栖息的)穴vi.打通隧道;挖掘隧道vt.在……挖掘隧道;在……打开通道285. frequently [ˌfri:kwəntlɪ]adv.频繁地,屡次地;往往;动;动辄286. victim [ˌviktim]n.牺牲者,受害者;自找苦吃的人;受骗者,上当者;为祭祀杀死的动物(或人)287. technicist [ˌteknisist]n.技术员,技师288. fallacy [ˌfæləsi:]n.谬误,谬见;谬论;错误289. mistakenly [mɪˌsteɪkənlɪ]adv.错误地,被误解地290. implementation [ˌɪmplɪmənˌteɪ-ʃən]n.成就;贯彻;implement的变形;安装启用291. apply to [əˌplai tu:]适用于;运用;致力于;涂抹292. equally [ˌi:kwɵlɪ]adv.相等地;平等地;公正地;平均293. criticism [ˌkritisizəm]n.批评,批判;鉴定,审定,考证,校勘;苛求,[哲]批判主义;评论,评论文章294. equate [ɪˌkweɪt]vt.使相等;相当于;等同295. specific [spiˌsifik]adj.明确的;特种的;具体的;[免疫学]特效的n.特效药;特性;细节;显著的性质,特性296. consensus [kənˌsensəs]n.一致;舆论;一致同意,合意。
