3.9 Laser beams with phase singularities


Laser Shaping and Optimization of the Laser-Plasma Interaction

Laser Shaping and Optimization of the Laser-Plasma Interaction

a r X i v :p h y s i c s /0008027v 1 [p h y s i c s .a c c -p h ] 9 A u g 2000Laser Shaping and Optimization of the Laser-Plasma Interaction Anatoly Spitkovsky ∗and Pisin Chen †∗Department of Physics,University of California at Berkeley,Berkeley,CA 94720†Stanford Linear Accelerator Center,Stanford University,Stanford,CA 94305Abstract.The physics of energy transfer between the laser and the plasma in laser wakefield accelerators is studied.We find that wake excitation by arbitrary laser shapes can be parameterized using the total pulse energy and pulse depletion length.A tech-nique for determining laser profiles that produce the required plasma excitation is developed.We show that by properly shaping the longitudinal profile of the driving laser pulse,it is possible to maximize both the transformer ratio and the wake ampli-tude,achieving optimal laser-plasma coupling.The corresponding family of laser pulse shapes is derived in the nonlinear regime of laser-plasma interaction.Such shapes provide theoretical upper limit on the magnitude of the wakefield and efficiency of the accelerating stage by allowing for uniform photon deceleration inside the laser pulse.We also construct realistic optimal pulse shapes that can be produced in finite-bandwidth laser systems and propose a two-pulse wake amplification scheme using the optimal solution.INTRODUCTION Recent advances in laser technology allow one to create laser pulses with virtually arbitrary temporal intensity profiles using amplitude and phase shapers [1–3].Such laser pulses with non-Gaussian axial intensity are now being considered for applica-tions as drivers in Laser Wakefield Accelerators (LWFA).Shaped lasers provide the means of controlling the generation of plasma wake and thus offer the possibility of optimization of wake excitation and accelerating efficiency.However,progress in finding “the optimal”shape has been hindered by the apparent complexity of the problem.Not only is the parameter space of possible shape functions huge,but also the generated wakefield is a nonlinear function of laser intensity,requir-ing numerical solution of differential equations in a variational calculation.As a result,several groups turned to trial and error methods such as genetic algorithms for optimization [2,3].Still,even these methods require consistent classification of laser shapes so that different pulses can be meaningfully cross-compared while desired properties such as wake amplitude or efficiency are optimized.In this paper we reanalyze the process of wake generation and argue that the only two physicalparameters that describe a laser shape from the stand point of wake excitation are the total pulse energy and its depletion ing these parameters wefind the analytic expression for the family of optimal laser shapes that maximize both the wakefield and the accelerating efficiency.We also develop a method for determining the shape of a laser that produces a required value of wakefield without explicitly solving the wake equation.This opens the way for obtaining laser shapes that satisfy other optimization criteria specific to given experimental conditions.ENERGY TRANSFER IN L WF AWakefield accelerators such as the laser-driven LWFA[4]or electron beam driven Plasma Wakefield Accelerator(PWFA)[5]can be viewed as two-step energy trans-fer systems:in thefirst step the driver deposits energy into wake excitation of the plasma,and in the second step the energy is taken from the wake by the accel-erating beam.While the second step is the same for both accelerating schemes, the physics of driver energy deposition is quite different between them.In PWFA the electron beam loses energy to the plasma through interaction with the in-duced electrostaticfield,while in the LWFA laser energy loss occurs via photon red-shift or deceleration[6].This process can be understood as follows.Podero-motive force of the laser modifies both the density n e and the Lorentz factorγof the plasma electrons.This produces modulations in the nonlinear index of the refractionη≡[1−(ωp/ω)2n e/γn p]1/2,whereωp≡dζ2=n e21+a2(ζ)laser the normalized wakefield E≡eE /mcωp=−dx/dζis zero.A formal solution for the electricfield outside the laser can be written as thefirst integral of(1): [E out(ζ)]2=−(x−1)2/x+ ∞−∞a2x′/x2dζ,which reaches a maximum value at x=1:[E out max]2=− ∞−∞a2(ζ) ∂x dζ.(2) This expression can be understood in terms of the deposition of laser energy into plasma.For this we use the formula for local frequency shift of laser photons obtained from the analysis of laser evolution equation[10,11]:∂ω2ω2p∂ζn e2ωk p ∂x .(3)The energy density in the wake from(2)can then be interpreted as the intensity-weighted integral of the photon deceleration throughout the pulse.Let’s denote the wake-dependent part of the photon deceleration function asκ(ζ)≡x′/x2.The value of the peak wakefield in(2)is then bounded from above by the total laser energy(the integral of a2)and the maximum photon decelerationκmax:[E out max]2= ∞−∞a2(ζ)κ(ζ)dζ≤κmax ∞−∞a2(ζ)dζ,(4) whereκmax is the maximum ofκ(ζ)inside the laser.Maximum photon decelera-tionκmax actually has a simple physical interpretation.It is closely related to the characteristic laser depletion length l d,or the distance in which the maximally de-celerated laser slice red-shifts down toωp(assuming no evolution of the wakefield). From(3)this characteristic depletion length is:l d=[(ω0/ωp)2−1]/k pκmax.(5) The peak wakefield outside the laser then scales with depletion length l d and di-mensionless pulse energyε0≡ ∞−∞a2(ζ)dζas:E out max≤ζFIGURE1.General shape of the nonlinear optimal laser intensity profile and its corresponding wakefield(arbitrary units)a constant photon deceleration throughout the pulse,κ(ζ)=κ0.If the laser is present forζ>0,then in order to satisfy the boundary condition of quiescent plasma before the laser,the photon deceleration should rise from0to valueκ0at the very beginning of the pulse,e.g.,like a step-function:κ(ζ)=κ0θ(ζ+).Here,ζ+≡ζ−0+in order to avoid ambiguities with the values of step-function at0. The corresponding laser profile is then found from the wake equation(1):a2l(ζ)=2κ0δ(ζ+)(1−κ0ζ)5+1(1−κ0ζf)4.(7)Although the pulse length cannot exceedζc≡1/κ0,the rise of a2towards the end of the pulse guarantees that anyfinite laser energy can be accommodated for ζf<ζc.The two terms in(7)represent the energy contained in theδ-function precursor and the main pulse.It is clear that for afixed total energy there exists a maximum value ofκ0=ε0/2which is achieved whenζf→0,i.e.,all of the energy is concentrated in theδ-function.This shape,which is a particular case of the general optimal shape(6),excites the largest possible wakefield and has thesmallest depletion length among all pulses offixed energy.For circularly polarized pulses with cylindrical transverse crossection of radius r0and wavelengthλ,the maximum achievable wake is then given by:E max=6.54E wb U01µm 2 10µm1018cm−3 1/2(8) where U0is the total pulse energy(in Joules)and E wb=96[n p/1018cm−3]GV/m is the nonrelativistic wavebreakingfield.EFFICIENCY OPTIMIZATIONWhile generation of large accelerating gradients is a prerequisite for a successful accelerating scheme,the efficiency of acceleration should also be considered.For an accelerating scheme that involves transfer of energy from the driver beam to the accelerating beam,efficiency is measured in terms of the transformer ratio,or the ratio of the maximum rate of energy gain per particle of accelerating beam to the maximum rate of energy loss per particle of the driving beam.In the case of laser-plasma accelerators,where the driving and accelerating beams consist of particles of different species,the following kinematic definition is more useful:|∂γa/∂z|maxR≡|∂x/∂ζ|out maxωpinstead look for a laser profile that has the largest depletion length among all the shapes that produce a given maximum wakefield behind the laser.Although this reasoning leads to the same resulting shape,we include the proof for completeness as it demonstrates a useful technique for determining laser shapes that satisfy constraints on the values of the wakefield.In order tofind the shape that maximizes the transformer ratio,we vary the photon deceleration functionκ(ζ)inside the laser.We require thatκ(ζ)be positive definite,i.e.,laser photons only lose energy to the plasma and do not reabsorb energy from the wake.The advantage of varyingκ(ζ)rather than a2(ζ)directly is that one can immediately write down the solution for the wakefield potential x(ζ)in terms of the photon energy deposition functionψ(ζ)≡ ζ−∞κ(ζ1)dζ1,i.e., x(ζ)=1/(1−ψ(ζ)).The corresponding laser shape is then determined from the wakefield equation(1):a2(ζ)=(2x′′(ζ)+1)x(ζ)2−1=2ψ′′(ζ)[1−ψ(ζ)]5+1x f +(x′f)2=ψ(ζf)2(1−ψ(ζf))4.(12)Monotonicity ofψ(ζ)follows from the requirementκ(ζ)≥0,and the bounds onψ(ζ)are0=ψ(0)≤ψ(ζ)≤ψmax<1.A few sample solutions forψ(ζ)and corresponding photon deceleration and laser shapes are plotted in Fig.2.The func-tionψ(ζ)that results in the largest transformer ratio should possess the smallest maximal slope in the interval[0,ζf]–this will maximize the depletion length for afixed E out max.Such curve is unique and is represented by curve2infigure2.It is a straight line with slopeψ′(ζf)=ψ(ζf)crit/ζf,where the value ofψ(ζf)crit is determined from substitutingψ′(ζf)into eq.(12).Let’s show that this line has the smallest maximum slope.Sinceψ′(ζf)is a decreasing function ofψ(ζf)for afixed E out max(eq.(12)),all curvesψ(ζ)withψ(ζf)<ψ(ζf)crit(such as curve1infigure2) will automatically have larger slope atζf:ψ′(ζ)>ψ(ζf)crit/ζf.On the other hand, the curves withψ(ζf)>ψ(ζf)crit(such as curves3and4)should have a slope larger thanψ(ζf)crit somewhere between0andζf in order to be larger thanψ(ζf)crit at ζf.We therefore prove that the functionψ(ζ)=κ0ζ,whereκ0≡ψ(ζf)crit/ζf,is an integrated photon deceleration profile that maximizes the transformer ratio.0π/2π3π/22π ζ00.20.40.6ψ(ζ)ψmax a)12340π/2π3π/22π ζ00.κ(ζ)b)14320π/2π3π/22πζ051015 a 2(ζ)c)1234FIGURE 2.a)Sample photon energy deposition ψ(ζ)for pulses of length not exceeding ζf =2π;b)corresponding photon deceleration functions;c)resulting laser intensity profiles.All shapes produce the same maximum wakefield.The photon deceleration function associated with this ψ(ζ)is a constant κ(ζ)=κ0and the resulting laser shape is the same as given by (6).The optimal trans-former ratio associated with this shape can be found from (10):R L WF A =2ω1+(k p L p )2[1−κ0(k p L p )]31+(k p L pulse )2,R PWF A →Transformer Ratio0246810Depletion length, cm 0200400600800|∂γa /∂z | / |∂γd /∂z |Maximum wakefield0246810Depletion length, cm0123e E ||m a x /m c 2 k pPulse length0246810Depletion length, cm u l s e l e n g t h , λp Maximum a 00246810Depletion length, cm02468M a x a 0FIGURE parison of the transformer ratio,maximum wakefield,pulse length,and maxi-mum normalized vector potential in shaped (diamonds)and Gaussian (triangles)pulses of equal depletion lengths and constant pulse energy of 0.5J.From Fig.3we see that the transformer ratio and the maximum wakefield are consistently larger for shaped pulses.In fact,the lines for optimal pulse wakefield and transformer ratio represent the theoretical upper limits for all pulses of given energy.The Gaussian pulse achieves a maximum transformer ratio when its length (measured here as FWHM)equals 1/2of the relativistic plasma wavelength.The effects of shaping are especially prominent for longer pulses,where Gaussian pulse yields almost no wake excitation due to plasma oscillations inside the pulse that cause part of the laser photons to absorb energy from the wake.On the other hand,a shaped laser postpones plasma oscillation until the end of the pulse,and all photons decelerate uniformly.For very short pulses,the differences between the two shapes are minimal.This is due to the fact that very short Gaussian pulses of fixed energy asymptotically approach the delta-function limit of the short optimal shape.For these short pulses the wakefield attains the maximum value given by(8)as the depletion length reaches the minimal value for given pulse energy.Although short pulses generally produce the largest wakefields,their efficiency is close to minimal possible,as the depletion length decreases faster than increase in the wake.Therefore,the choice of the appropriate pulse shape for LWFA stage will depend on specific experimental conditions.If the laser-plasma interaction distance is limited by instabilities,diffraction or dephasing,then in order to maximize the electron energy gain one should try to achieve the largest accelerating gradient,which can be accomplished with ultrashort pulses.For some regimes of plasmadensity and laser energy available laser systems may be unable to produce pulses short enough so that the pump depletion length is longer than the characteristic instability or dephasing length.In this case shaping the laser will increase the wakefield over the interaction distance,even though it will be below the maximum possible if a shorter pulse were used.If the interaction length is less constrained, such as the case for propagation in plasma channels[14],then using afinite-length shaped pulse will result in a greatly improved overall energy gain per stage as can be seen from Fig.3.An added benefit of pulse shaping is the suppression of modulational instability that affects unshaped pulses that are longer than plasma wavelength.When all photons red-shift,or“slow down”,at the same rate,different slices of the laser do not overrun each other,and the1D laser self-modulation is suppressed.REALISTIC PULSE SHAPINGAs the optimal pulse shape is associated with a delta-function precursor,the feasibility of such a structure may be a concern.We note that the purpose of this precursor is to bring the photon deceleration from zero in the quiescent plasma before the laser to afinite valueκ0at the beginning of the main pulse.This can also be achieved with a more physical prepulse,whose shape can be found from the wake equation once a smooth functionκ(ζ)is chosen.For our example we choose a photon deceleration function that varies as a hyperbolic tangent:κ(ζ)=κ0[1+tanh(α(ζ−ζ0))]/2,whereαis a steepness parameter andζ0is an arbitrary offset.The photon energy deposition is then ψ(ζ)=κ0[ζ+ln(cosh(α(ζ−ζ0)))/α]/2,and the corresponding laser shape is found from equation(11):a2(ζ)=κ0αsech2(α(ζ−ζ0))χ5(ζ)+12+ζ0κ0/2−ψ(ζ).As before,the pulse lengthζf can be found from the total available energy of the pulse.By varyingαwe can change the slope ofκ(ζ)as it rises from0toκ0and construct a pulse shape that satisfies experimental constraints yet retains essential physics of the optimal shape.For a step-function photon deceleration(α→∞)expression(14)asymptotes to equation(6).However,for finite values ofαthe delta-function precursor spreads out and can even disappear as shown in Fig.4.The family of shapes given by(14)is better suited for thefinite-bandwidth laser systems that have a lower limit on achievable feature size.The values of maximum wakefield for pulses in Fig.4is within few percent of the value for a delta-function optimal pulse of the same energy and depletion length.This is due to the fact that the bulk of the laser pulse still experiences constant maximal photon deceleration.The wakefield further degrades with longer rise times ofκ(ζ).ζser intensity(shaded)and associated photon deceleration(−κ(ζ))for pulses of the same total energy and characteristic depletion length in the order of increasingα.The pulse shaping techniques described so far have assumed that the laser is incident on an unperturbed plasma.However,this does not have to be the case,and we can construct an optimally-shaped laser that enters the plasma at some phase of a pre-existing plasma oscillation.Such oscillation could be left from a precursor laser pulse or electron beam as shown in Fig.5.When there is an existing plasma wave,the value x0of the modified electrostatic potential at the beginning of the optimal pulse will generally be different from unity.In this case the expression for the optimal pulse without the delta-function precursor is modified into:a2l(ζ)=4κ02[x−10−κ0(ζ−ζ0)]2−1,(15)where we assume that the main pulse lies betweenζ0andζf,andκ0=x′(ζ0)/x20. If this shape is placed in a correct phase of the oscillation(so that a2l(ζ0)from (15)is positive),it acts as an amplifier of the existing wakefield.The ratio of maximum wakefield behind the optimal pulse to thefield in front of it scales as (R/x20)(ωp/2ω)which for pulse lengths aroundλp from Fig.3can be of order10.A detailed discussion of this scheme and a comparison to the resonant laser-plasma accelerator concept[15]will be reported elsewhere.DISCUSSIONAs we have shown,the huge phase space involved in shaping laser drivers for applications in laser wakefield accelerators can be described using only two param-eters:total pulse energy and characteristic depletion length.The shape of photon energy deposition(photon deceleration)inside the pulse plays a crucial role for both the wake excitation and the evolution of the laser driver.By varying the shape of the photon deceleration function for pulses offixed energy and depletion length we were able to optimize both the generated wakefield and the efficiency ofζser intensity profiles(a2(ζ),shaded)and normalized electricfield for optimally shaped main pulse following a Gaussian precursor.the accelerating scheme.The method used for obtaining the optimal shapes(6) and(14)is actually more general and can be used to determine laser shapes that generate other variations in the nonlinear index of refraction.Having a physical requirement for the refractive index,which in this case is the requirement of uni-formity of photon deceleration,provides a constraint on the functional form of the wakefield,which can then be used tofind the required laser shape.Alas,such a “reverse”solution is not always guaranteed to yield a physical(i.e.,positive)a2(ζ), so,in general,caution is advised.Several issues should be addressed before the laser pulse shaping concept can be fully utilized.Even without the delta-function precursor,thefinite laser band-width will necessarily smooth out steep rises and falls of the optimal pulse shape. Although we do not anticipate adverse effects when the feature size is much smaller than the plasma wavelength,the1D self-consistent laser evolution and stability of realistic optimal shapes are currently under investigation.Another consideration is the influence of the laser-plasma interaction in the transverse dimension on the evolution of the pulse.Many of the laser-plasma instabilities are seeded by the wakefield-induced perturbations of the index of refraction.As we have demon-strated in this paper,the nonlinear index of refraction can be effectively controlled through laser shaping,thus suggesting the method of delaying the onset of these in-stabilities.Whether this approach increases the growth rates of other instabilities, particularly in the transverse dimension,remains to be investigated.We would like to thank J.Arons,A.Charman,T.Katsouleas,W.B.Mori,and J.Wurtele for fruitful discussions and suggestions.REFERENCES1.F.Verluise,ude,Z.Cheng,et al.,Optics Lett.25,575(2000).2.M.Murnane,these proceedings.3.M.Downer,these proceedings.4.T.Tajima,J.M.Dawson,Phys.Rev.Lett.43,267(1979).5.P.Chen,J.M.Dawson,R.Huff,T.Katsouleas,Phys.Rev.Lett.54,693(1985).6.S.Wilks,J.M.Dawson,W.B.Mori,T.Katsouleas,M.Jones,Phys.Rev.Lett.62,2600(1989).7.W.B.Mori,IEEE J.Quant.Elec.33,1942(1997)8.P.Sprangle,E.Esarey,J.Krall,and G.Joyce,Phys.Rev.Lett.69,2200(1992).9.E.Esarey,P.Sprangle,J.Krall,A.Ting,IEEE Trans.Plasma Sci.24,252(1996).10.E.Esarey,A.Ting,and P.Sprangle,Phys.Rev.A42,3526,(1990).11.P.Chen,A.Spitkovsky,AIP Conf.Proc.472,321(1999).12.P.Chen,A.Spitkovsky,T.Katsouleas,W.B.Mori,Nucl.Instr.Meth.410,488(1998).13.P.Chen,J.J.Su,J.M.Dawson,K.Bane,and P.Wilson,Phys.Rev.Lett.56,1252(1986).14.E.Esarey,P.Sprangle,J.Krall,A.Ting,G.Joyce,Phys.Fluids B5,2690(1993).15.D.Umstadter,E.Esarey,J.Kim,Phys.Rev.Lett72,1224(1994)。



Laser Beam Homogenizing: Limitations and ConstraintsReinhard Voelkel, Kenneth J. Weible SUSS MicroOptics SA, Neuchâtel, CH-2000, Switzerland info@suss.ch, www.suss.chABSTRACTLaser beam homogenizing and beam shaping are key enabling technologies for many applications today. Periodic microlens arrays are widely used to transform Gaussian or non-uniform beam profile into a uniform “flat-top”. Each microlens element samples the input beam and spreads it over a given angular distribution. Incoherent beams that are either temporally or spatially incoherent can produce very uniform intensity profiles. However, coherent beams will experience interference effects in the recombination of the beams generated by each individual microlens element. Rotating or moving elements, such as a rotating diffuser or a vibrating optical fiber, are used to average these interference patterns. An integration of several different patterns will smooth out the intensity profile. Unfortunately, this averaging is not always possible. Some applications require a single shot from a pulse laser or work at very high data rates that do not allow an averaging over 10 to 50 frames. We will discuss the concepts of Köhler illumination and Köhler integrators and its limitations and constrains for laser beam homogenizing. We will show how micro-optical elements comprised of a randomly varying component can be used to smooth out interference and speckle effects within the far-field intensity profile. Keywords: Köhler integrator, fly’s eye condenser, laser beam homogenizer, micro-optics, microlens arrays, beam shaping, laser beam shaping, laser material processing, random diffusers1. INTRODUCTIONIllumination concepts from microscopy have been successfully applied to modern laser technology. The homogenization of laser beams is an important issue not only in many fields of laser material processing, but also in laser measuring techniques and analysis. Most of all, those laser applications, which image a mask pattern onto a work piece, require a homogenous distribution of radiation intensity over the whole mask area and consequently over the whole machining plane. Other applications require a homogenous thin laser line; only one beam direction is homogenized. Various elements and optical systems have been developed for laser beam shaping. Hoffnagle et al. [1] described a refractive beam shaper which can be used to sort the light into a flat-top distribution using two specially designed aspherical lenses. The disadvantages of such systems are the strict dependence on the entrance profile and the proper alignment. Alignment errors and fluctuations of the laser beam have a strong influence on the achieved uniformity. Beam shaping with diffractive optical elements represents a very elegant and powerful method for the generation of arbitrary irradiation patterns [2]. These elements are usually designed for a specific wavelength and phase function. To achieve high performance, i.e. beam uniformity and efficiency, multi-level elements are necessary. Another concept for flat-top generation uses multi-aperture elements, which divide the incoming beam into a number of beamlets. The beamlets are overlapped with the help of an additional lens. The advantages of these shapers are the independence from entrance intensity profile and wide spectrum of wavelengths. However, the periodic structure and the overlapping of beamlets produce interference effects especially with the usage of highly coherent light. Nevertheless a successful homogenization with these elements can be achieved with the consideration of physical optics [3] and in certain cases with the usage of additional elements like random diffusers.2. THE KÖHLER ILLUMINATION CONCEPTIn 1893, August Köhler of the Carl Zeiss corporation introduced a new and revolutionary method for uniform illumination of specimen in an optical microscope [4]. The Köhler method allows adjusting the size and the numericalaperture of the object illumination in a microscope independent from each other. The Köhler illumination system consists of two lenses and two diaphragms. The following conditions apply: A. The collector lens images the light source to the plane of the aperture diaphragm. B. The aperture diaphragm is located in the front focal plane of the condenser lens. Each point in the aperture diaphragm is imaged to infinity. C. The field diaphragm is imaged to the target plane by properly adjusting the distance from the condenser lens to the object plane.Field Diaphragm Light Source Aperture DiaphragmC BObject PlaneCollector LensACondenser LensFigure 1. Principle of Köhler Illumination using light from a light bulb to illuminate an object planeKöhler illumination provides uniform illumination of the object plane independent of shape, extension and angular field of the light source. Köhler illumination decouples the object illumination from the light source. Each source point can be treated as generating a coherent, linearly polarized plane wave of spatial frequency determined by the position of the source point relative to the optical axis. Köhler illumination was a major milestone in the history of optical microscopy and is still widely used today. Köhler illumination is also the basic principle behind laser beam homogenizing. 2.1 The Köhler Integrator Further improvement of illumination is achieved by using a Köhler integrator as shown in Figure 2. A Köhler integrator consists of two lens arrays and a condenser lens forming side-by-side multiple Köhler illumination systems [5]. A first lens array LA1 divides the incident light and generates multiple images of the light sources in the aperture plane. The first lens array LA1 also serves as an array of field diaphragms defining the illuminated area in the object plane. Principle RaySource: Naumann, Schröder, Bauelemente der Optik, Hanser VerlagObjectLight Source Lens Array LA1Condenser LensField Lens Objective (Multiple images of source)Lens Array LA2 (Images of light source)(Conjugated to object)Figure 2. Köhler Integrator for slide projection. Two lens arrays and a condenser transform light from a lamp filament for uniform illumination of a transparent object. The object is imaged by the objective lens.A second lens array LA2 is located in the aperture plane and serves as an array of aperture diaphragms. The lenses of the second array LA2 and the condenser lens image the individual field diaphragms to the object plane. Sharp images of the filament appear in the pupil plane of the objective lens. This ensures a uniform illumination of both the object and the image plane. In the object plane, real images of the sub-apertures of the first lens array LA2 superpose as shown in Figure 3. Assuming that the light irradiance is approximately uniform over each sub-aperture of LA1 or that the incident light irradiance is symmetric, the superposition of all images provides a uniform intensity distribution in the object plane. Typically arrays of 10x10 microlenses are sufficient to achieve good flat-top uniformity.Example: Gaussian intensity distribution at lens array LA1Simulation of superposition in object plane for two identical microlens arrays consisting of NxN identical lenses.Figure 3. Illustration of the intensity redistribution in the object plane in dependence on the number of lenses NAs shown above, increasing of the number of lenses will improve the quality of the homogeneous intensity distribution. However, if the lenses are getting too small, diffraction effects will significantly distort the flat-top uniformity. As shown in Figure 2, the basic mechanics of a Köhler integrator is the imaging of the first array’s sub-apertures by the corresponding lenses of the second array. The quality of the superposed images of these sub-apertures strongly influences the flat-top uniformity. Consequently, the imaging capability of the lenses is very decisive for the homogenizing quality of a Köhler integrator. More lens channels will improve the light mixing; however, if the lenses are getting to small, diffraction effects will distort the flat-top uniformity.2.2 The Fresnel Number The diffraction effects at refractive lenses are described by the Fresnel number FN (Figure 4). The aperture of a lens with diameter Ø = 2a is broken into Fresnel zones, each indicating an optical path difference of one-half wavelength. The Fresnel number, FN, is the number of times the phase cycles through π as seen from an observation point at z = ƒE.5 4 3 2 154 32 1λ2Lens aperture 2aObservation point at z = ƒEFresnel ZonesFN =a λf E2(1)Figure 4. Fresnel Number as defined for a paraxial lens: Lens aperture Ø=2a, observation at the focal point z = ƒEWhen the Fresnel number is low, FN < 1, the observation point is in the “far field” (Fraunhofer Diffraction). When the Fresnel number is high, FN > 1, the observation point is in the “near field” (Fresnel Diffraction). The Fresnel number of a refractive lens corresponds to the number of Fresnel zones of diffractive lens with similar diameter and focal length.Microlenses with small lens apertures and long focal lengths ƒE have low Fresnel Numbers. A Fresnel number FN ≈ 1 will not provide good imaging. Such lenses behave more like pinholes and not like refractive lenses.2.3 Non-imaging optical integrators In literature, a Köhler integrator is also referred as facetted Köhler illumination, optical integrator, fly’s eye condenser and imaging beam homogenizer. For an in-depth discussion we recommend Fred Dickey’s book about laser beam shaping [6]. The terminus “imaging” makes much sense, because the basic mechanism is the imaging of the first array’s sub-apertures to the object plane. As discussed, the imaging quality of the Köhler integrator matters. Another critical point is the precise alignment of the two lens arrays, the condenser lens and the optical axis of the incident beam. A less complicated version of an optical integrator is referred as non-imaging homogenizer [6]. A non-imaging homogenizer consists of one single lens array followed by a condenser lens. The lens array splits the incident beam into beamlets. These beamlets are then passed through the condenser lens and overlap at the object plane located in the back focal plane of the condenser lens. The condenser lens causes parallel bundles of rays to converge in the homogenization plane and is therefore also called a Fourier lens. It carries out a two-dimensional Fourier transformation. The intensity pattern in the homogenization plane is related to the spatial frequency spectrum generated by the lens array. To achieve a good flat-top uniformity using a non-imaging homogenizer, the lens array should distribute the light at equal intensities in the desired angular spectrum. Lens aberrations will lead to non-uniformities. As discussed by Masaki and Toyoda [7,8], a distortion aberration of X% might lead to an intensity variation of up to 4X%. The major problem of a non-imaging homogenizer is therefore the aberration correction. For plane wave incidence an aspherical lens profile, a parabolic lens profile will be the preferred solution. For non-collimated illumination, off-axis aberrations have to be considered. For a larger angular spectrum of the incident light, a spherical lens profile is usually the preferred solution.2.4 Microlens Arrays for Köhler Integrators Classical Köhler integrators were built by arranging individual lenses in a matrix. Beside the tight manufacturing tolerances for the individual microlenses and a possible misalignment in the array, the relatively high costs for mounting are the major drawbacks. Today, high-quality microlens arrays are manufactured by the use of wafer-based processes like photolithography and reactive-ion-etching or glass molding [9]. The challenge of these processes is the optimization of the lens profile, which is essential for the quality of the homogenization. For high power and applications in the DUV or UV wavelength range, the micro-optical components are manufactured in Fused Silica or CaF2 [9]. Square-type lens apertures of the first microlens array LA1 generate a square flat-top intensity distribution in the Fourier plane. Circular or hexagonal microlenses will generate a circular or hexagonal flat-top, respectively. Usually square-lens or crossed cylindrical-lens arrays are used to ensure a high filling factor. For monochromatic laser beams, a diffractive beam shaping solution is also very attractive. SUSS MicroOptics demonstrated recently 98% diffraction efficiency and less than 0.1% light remaining in the 0th order for 193nm wavelength. In the following we will describe the basic properties of a Köhler integrator or imaging beam homogenizer using refractive microlens arrays.2.5 Design rules for Köhler integrators A microlens array is characterized by the pitch pLA, i.e. the vertex clearance between two neighbouring lenses of the array. To show the correlation between the element-properties we used paraxial matrix method for a first approximation of the geometrical optic. For the description given here, we assume a point light source at an infinite distance in front of the first lens array. The size of the flat-top DFT in the object plane FP depends on the focal lengths of the lenses within the array LA1, LA2 and the condenser lens and is given byDFT = p LAf FL ⋅ ( f LA1 + f LA2 − a12 ) . f LA1 ⋅ f LA2(2)To fulfil the imaging conditions as mentioned above, the separation a12 between LA1 and LA2 has to be equal to the focal length of the second lenses fLA2. Through this and together with the optical power of the condenser lens, the apertures are imaged to the object plane FP. With the determination that a12 = fLA2, equation (2) is simplified toDFT = pLAf FL . f LA 2(3)For imaging homogenizers the divergence θ (half angle) after the homogenized plane is given bytan θ1 ⎛ d − 2 ⋅ pLA + DFT f LA 2 ⋅ pLA ⎞ ⎟ , with a12 = fLA2 and s = 0, = ⋅ ⎜ IN + 2 ⎜ f FL f LA1 ⋅ f FL ⎟ ⎠ ⎝(4)where dIN is the diameter of the incident beam and s the distance between the second lens array and the condenser lens. In this equation it is assumed that the separation s between the second lens array and the condenser lens is zero. Normally the divergence increases by increasing this separation.Figure 5. Köhler Integrator (imaging homogenizer): Two microlens arrays LA1 and LA2, one condenser lens FL.Usually a Köhler integrator consists of two similar lens arrays with identical pitch pLA and focal length (fLA1 = fLA2 = fLA). For illumination with collimated beams, the light is focused into the plane of the second lens array. Care must be taken not to damage the second microlens array by focusing high-power laser beams into the lens material. For extended light sources, an image of the light source is found at the plane of the second microlens array. For Köhler integrators, the diameter of the individual beamlets at the second microlens array LA2 must be smaller than the lens pitch to avoid overfilling of the lens aperture and the loss of light. This condition corresponds well with the design rules for Köhler illumination (Figure 1). An overfilling of the second lens array results in unwanted multiple-images in the plane FP. If an extended light source with diameter Dsource is collimated with a positive spherical lens with a focal length fCL, the image size Dimage at the second lens array isDimage = DSourcef LA1 ≤ p LA , if a12 = fLA1 = fLA2 . f CL(5)To avoid overfilling of lens apertures the pitch pLA has to be larger than Dimage. For incident light with a significant beam divergence the diameter of the beamlets at the second microlens array scales with the beam divergence. The number of lenses N across the beam diameter dIN is N = dIN / pLA.3. KÖHLER INTEGRATORS FOR LASER BEAM SHAPINGKöhler illumination and Köhler integrators are widely used in many applications since more than a hundred years. These design concepts are now used for all kind of “modern” light sources, like lasers, VCSELs and LEDs. Especially for highpower lasers with poor beam quality like Excimer and YAG-lasers, a homogenizing solution is often mandatory to achieve the uniformity demanded by the different applications. We will now briefly summarize basic properties of laser beams and explain the limits and constrains in using Köhler integrators and homogenizers with laser beams.3.1 Basic properties of laser beams The modes of an optical resonator with the lowest order in the transverse direction (TEM00) are Gaussian modes, thus the Gaussian beam is the simplest case of laser beams. As the Fourier transformation of a Gaussian is also Gaussian, Gaussian beams have a Gaussian intensity profile at any location along the beam axis; only the beam radius varies. The deviation from a Gaussian beam shape can be quantified with the M2 factor. A Gaussian beam has the highest possible beam quality, which is related to the lowest possible beam parameter product, and corresponds to M2 = 1. However, a lot of laser sources produce laser beams with irradiance patterns much different from those of the Gaussian beam case. The simplest cases of these non-Gaussian beams are multimode laser beams [10]. More complex are Excimer lasers, the preferred laser source for DUV lithography and many applications in the fields of material processing and medical treatment. Excimer lasers provide an almost speckle-free illumination due to the poor spatial coherence.3.2 Speckles Speckles arise from the interference of light that has a random spatial phase modulation distributed over its wavefront. When traveling through a Köhler integrator, the different laser modes acquire different phase shifts and a speckle pattern is observed in the flat-top. The contrast of this speckle pattern depends on the coherence length of the transmitted beam. It will vanish if the optical path length difference between the fastest and slowest modes exceeds the longitudinal coherence length of the incoming laser beam [11].3.3 Beam divergence For a diffraction-limited Gaussian beam, the 1/e2 beam divergence half-angle is λ / (π w0), where λ is the wavelength (in the medium) and w0 the beam radius at the beam waist. This equation is based on the paraxial approximation, and is thus valid only for beams with moderate divergence. A higher beam divergence for a given beam radius, i.e., a higher beam parameter product, is related to an inferior beam quality, which essentially means a lower potential for focusing the beam to a very small spot. If the beam quality is characterized with a certain M2 factor, the divergence half-angle isΘ=M 2λ . πw0(6)3.4 Array Generators Köhler integrators or fly’s eye condensers using two microlens arrays are widely used for laser beam homogenizing. However, using a Köhler integrator with a collimated coherent laser beam will have some significant drawbacks [12]. In the classical Köhler system the filament of a light bulb is an extended light source emitting incoherent light in a large angular range (Figure 1). As shown in Figure 2, one design rule for Köhler is that the images of the filament should almost fill the sub-apertures of the second microlens array LA2. This ensures that the pupil plane of the imaging objective is filled with multiple images of the light source to allow optimum imaging of the object. If a Köhler integrator is illuminated with a coherent and well collimated laser beam, the first microlens array LA1 will form a sharp focal spot in each sub-aperture of the second microlens array LA2. A matrix of coherent secondary point sources will be generated. The Köhler illumination will certainly work, i.e. each point source will generate a uniform “flat-top” illumination in the object plane. However, due to a limited number of point sources the flat-top will be illuminated by a discrete plane wave spectrum. For coherent illumination, the plane waves are coherent and will interfere in the object plane. A periodic fringe or spot pattern will be observed in the object plane of the Köhler integrator. These interference effects are demonstrated with for a Köhler integrator illuminated by a collimated laser beam of 670 nm wavelength. The results are shown in Figure 6. The pitch pLA of the microlens arrays was 300 µm. The results show good agreement with theoretical calculations. The period of the spots is about 677 µm for a condenser lens of ƒFL = 300 mm focal length.Figure 6. Measured intensity profile at object plane of Köhler integrator using microlens arrays with 300µm pitch and a condenser lens of 300mm focal length.For illumination with a coherent and well collimated laser beam, the flat-top intensity profile in the object plane is subdivided into sharp peaks or lines. According to Streibl [13], each spot corresponds to the Fourier transformation of the light source, respectively to the angular divergence of the incident light before the integrator. The microlens pitch pLA and the focal length of the condenser lens ƒFL define the period ΛFP in the Fourier plane. The period ΛFP is given by:Λ FP =λ ⋅ f FLp LA.(7)The number of spots N is equivalent to the Fresnel number FN of the microlens array.N=p2 LA f LA= FN LA .(8)This modulation of the flat-top by N x N sharp peaks is usually very surprising for an un-experienced engineer who simply wants to homogenize his collimated coherent laser beam.Figure 7. Line Generator (left) vertical, (mid) horizontal, (right) spot pattern of array generator.As already suggested by Streibl [13], these well defined matrices of points or lines with equal intensity are well suited as array generators [Figure 7]. Typical applications for line and array generators are, e.g. hole drilling, skin treatment, fluorescence detection for bio-chips, or illumination of displays and MEMS mirror arrays. Array generators using Köhler integrators are quasi loss-less. No light appears outside the flat-top area and the spot pattern shows a very high contrast. Shaping the angular spectrum of the incident light allows generating patterns. Figure 8 shows the resulting spot array if a collimated laser beam is illuminating an axicon located prior to entering the Köhler integrator. The axicon generates a collimated annular beam. In the object plane an array of overlapping circles is observed. The size of the circles corresponds to the angular spectrum of the light after the axicon.Figure 8. Array of overlapping circles generated by illuminating a microlens beam homogenizer with an annular beam generated by a plano-convex axicon.For most other laser applications beside array generation, this strong modulation of the flat-top is un-acceptable and has to be avoided by any means. The simplest approach is to use a laser with low coherence, high beam divergence and high M2. If this is not possible, the angular spectrum of the incident beam should be increased until the sub-apertures of the second lens array are slightly under-filled. It is important to understand, that due to Talbot self-imaging [3, 14], all light interacting with periodic structures like the microlens arrays in the Köhler integrator, will always keep traces of the array’s periodicity in its further propagation.Figure 9. Diffraction simulation showing periodicity and Talbot planes behind a periodic microlens array. The arrows indicate the position of different fractional Talbot images.This is a fundamental drawback if array optics is used with coherent and well collimated laser beams.3.5 Köhler integrators using non-periodic microlens arrays Wippermann et al. [15] recently proposed to use chirped microlens arrays in a wedge configuration as shown in Figure 10 (right). The variation of the lens array pitch breaks periodicity and generates a continuous spectrum in the object plane. The proposed wedge configuration avoids hole in the spectrum due to missing low frequencies in the array. This idea seems to be a promising approach; however, the required wedge does not allow standard wafer-level manufacturing of the microlens arrays. In addition, the laser beam diameter must match well with the size of the microlens array. A different approach is a dynamic change of the periodic pattern by using a rotating diffuser.Figure 10. Comparison of Köhler integrators with different microlens arrays according to Wippermann13.6 Speckles Speckles arise from the interference of light that has a random spatial phase modulation distributed over its wavefront. When traveling through Köhler integrator, the different laser modes acquire different phase shifts and a speckle pattern is observed in the flat-top. The contrast of this speckle pattern depends on the coherence length of the transmitted beam. It will vanish if the optical path length difference between the fastest and slowest modes exceeds the longitudinal coherence length of the incoming laser beam [11]. A dynamic change in the speckle pattern, e.g. by using a rotating diffuser, will allow reducing speckle effects in the object plane. The residual granularity contrast scales with 1 m , whereas m is the number of different speckle pattern during integration time.3.7 Rotating Diffusers Rotating ground glass diffusers are well known from microscopy and laser interferometers. A rotating diffuser plate is usually placed in a separate telescope as shown in Figure 11. The diffuser is rotating, resulting in a temporal variation of the pattern observed in the object plane. Shifting the diffuser position in the telescope allows changing the size and angular spectrum of the secondary light source generated by the rotating diffuser.1Image: Courtesy of Frank Wippermann, IOF Jena, published in [15]Figure 11. Schematic setup of a rotating diffuser used with a microlens homogenizer.Experimental results of combining a rotating diffuser and a Köhler integrator are shown in Figure 12. A diode laser of 670 nm wavelength of was used. A microlens array of 250 µm pitch, Fresnel number FN ≈ 15, was used. For a condenser lens of 40 mm focal length a flat-top 6.4 x 6.4 mm2 is obtained. As shown in Figure 12 (right), the interference effects are well smoothed out for temporary integration in the object plane.Figure 12. Intensity distribution distributions in the object plane of Köhler integrator demonstrating the application of a rotating diffuser: (left) no diffuser, (right) rotating diffuser similar to Figure 11.For pulsed lasers like Excimer and Nd:YAG, the pulse length of typically some nanoseconds is usually too short to use rotating diffusers. Two rotating diffusers (at inverse rotation) [16], stair case beam splitters and pulse stretchers are used to reduce interference and speckle contrast for these lasers.3.8 Design and manufacturing of random diffusers Ground glass diffusers (Figure 13, left) are manufactured by grinding and lapping. Due to their rough surface structure a significant amount of the incident light is diffracted to very large angles and lost in the optical system. Wafer-based microfabrication techniques, using photolithography and isotropic wet etching allow the manufacturing of precisely shaped high-efficient random diffusers (Figure 13, center) providing a desired far-field intensity distribution, like e.g. a Gaussian, Super-Gaussian or flat-top. This technology also allows the manufacturing of 1-dimensional random diffusers.。



2011年技术物理学院08级(激光方向)专业英语翻译重点!!!作者:邵晨宇Electromagnetic电磁的principle原则principal主要的macroscopic宏观的microscopic微观的differential微分vector矢量scalar标量permittivity介电常数photons光子oscillation振动density of states态密度dimensionality维数transverse wave横波dipole moment偶极矩diode 二极管mono-chromatic单色temporal时间的spatial空间的velocity速度wave packet波包be perpendicular to线垂直be nomal to线面垂直isotropic各向同性的anistropic各向异性的vacuum真空assumption假设semiconductor半导体nonmagnetic非磁性的considerable大量的ultraviolet紫外的diamagnetic抗磁的paramagnetic顺磁的antiparamagnetic反铁磁的ferro-magnetic铁磁的negligible可忽略的conductivity电导率intrinsic本征的inequality不等式infrared红外的weakly doped弱掺杂heavily doped重掺杂a second derivative in time对时间二阶导数vanish消失tensor张量refractive index折射率crucial主要的quantum mechanics 量子力学transition probability跃迁几率delve研究infinite无限的relevant相关的thermodynamic equilibrium热力学平衡(动态热平衡)fermions费米子bosons波色子potential barrier势垒standing wave驻波travelling wave行波degeneracy简并converge收敛diverge发散phonons声子singularity奇点(奇异值)vector potential向量式partical-wave dualism波粒二象性homogeneous均匀的elliptic椭圆的reasonable公平的合理的reflector反射器characteristic特性prerequisite必要条件quadratic二次的predominantly最重要的gaussian beams高斯光束azimuth方位角evolve推到spot size光斑尺寸radius of curvature曲率半径convention管理hyperbole双曲线hyperboloid双曲面radii半径asymptote渐近线apex顶点rigorous精确地manifestation体现表明wave diffraction波衍射aperture孔径complex beam radius复光束半径lenslike medium类透镜介质be adjacent to与之相邻confocal beam共焦光束a unity determinant单位行列式waveguide波导illustration说明induction归纳symmetric 对称的steady-state稳态be consistent with与之一致solid curves实线dashed curves虚线be identical to相同eigenvalue本征值noteworthy关注的counteract抵消reinforce加强the modal dispersion模式色散the group velocity dispersion群速度色散channel波段repetition rate重复率overlap重叠intuition直觉material dispersion材料色散information capacity信息量feed into 注入derive from由之产生semi-intuitive半直觉intermode mixing模式混合pulse duration脉宽mechanism原理dissipate损耗designate by命名为to a large extent在很大程度上etalon 标准具archetype圆形interferometer干涉计be attributed to归因于roundtrip一个往返infinite geometric progression无穷几何级数conservation of energy能量守恒free spectral range自由光谱区reflection coefficient(fraction of the intensity reflected)反射系数transmission coefficient(fraction of the intensity transmitted)透射系数optical resonator光学谐振腔unity 归一optical spectrum analyzer光谱分析grequency separations频率间隔scanning interferometer扫描干涉仪sweep移动replica复制品ambiguity不确定simultaneous同步的longitudinal laser mode纵模denominator分母finesse精细度the limiting resolution极限分辨率the width of a transmission bandpass透射带宽collimated beam线性光束noncollimated beam非线性光束transient condition瞬态情况spherical mirror 球面镜locus(loci)轨迹exponential factor指数因子radian弧度configuration不举intercept截断back and forth反复spatical mode空间模式algebra代数in practice在实际中symmetrical对称的a symmetrical conforal resonator对称共焦谐振腔criteria准则concentric同心的biperiodic lens sequence双周期透镜组序列stable solution稳态解equivalent lens等效透镜verge 边缘self-consistent自洽reference plane参考平面off-axis离轴shaded area阴影区clear area空白区perturbation扰动evolution渐变decay减弱unimodual matrix单位矩阵discrepancy相位差longitudinal mode index纵模指数resonance共振quantum electronics量子电子学phenomenon现象exploit利用spontaneous emission自发辐射initial初始的thermodynamic热力学inphase同相位的population inversion粒子数反转transparent透明的threshold阈值predominate over占主导地位的monochromaticity单色性spatical and temporal coherence时空相干性by virtue of利用directionality方向性superposition叠加pump rate泵浦速率shunt分流corona breakdown电晕击穿audacity畅通无阻versatile用途广泛的photoelectric effect光电效应quantum detector 量子探测器quantum efficiency量子效率vacuum photodiode真空光电二极管photoelectric work function光电功函数cathode阴极anode阳极formidable苛刻的恶光的irrespective无关的impinge撞击in turn依次capacitance电容photomultiplier光电信增管photoconductor光敏电阻junction photodiode结型光电二极管avalanche photodiode雪崩二极管shot noise 散粒噪声thermal noise热噪声1.In this chapter we consider Maxwell’s equations and what they reveal about the propagation of light in vacuum and in matter. We introduce the concept of photons and present their density of states.Since the density of states is a rather important property,not only for photons,we approach this quantity in a rather general way. We will use the density of states later also for other(quasi-) particles including systems of reduced dimensionality.In addition,we introduce the occupation probability of these states for various groups of particles.在本章中,我们讨论麦克斯韦方程和他们显示的有关光在真空中传播的问题。






之后,G.P.Karman等[3 ̄7]研究揭示:奇异环或环的波前错位随着任何非近轴激光束的传递而产生。





随着研究的进展,到20世纪末大量关于光学涡旋的专题论文和评论性文章发表[10 ̄15]。











在以下几个GHz的工作系统,大部分(或数Gb /秒),信息贴到光束通过调节输入电流源。
















一个n -型半导体拥有自由电子数,如图图英寸6.1。












电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法的英文简称全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) is a powerful analytical technique used in many scientific fields. This technique utilizes the high temperature of a plasma to atomize and excite samples for elemental analysis. ICP-OES provides high sensitivity, accuracy, and precision, making it a popular choice for analyzing trace elements in various sample types.The process of ICP-OES involves generating a plasma by applying a high-frequency radio frequency (RF) current to a flowing gas, typically argon. The intense heat of the plasma vaporizes the sample and excites the atoms to emit characteristic light at specific wavelengths. This emitted light is then dispersed by a spectrometer and detected by a charged-coupled device (CCD) detector. The intensity of the emitted light is proportional to the concentration of the element in the sample, allowing for quantitative analysis.ICP-OES is widely used in environmental monitoring, pharmaceutical analysis, forensic science, and materials science, among other areas. It can detect a wide range of elements, from alkali metals to rare earth elements, with detection limits as low as parts per billion. Additionally, ICP-OES can analyze multiple elements simultaneously, making it a fast and efficient tool for elemental analysis.Overall, ICP-OES is a versatile and reliable technique for elemental analysis, providing accurate and precise results for a wide range of sample types. Its high sensitivity and ability to analyze multiple elements simultaneously make it an essential tool in many research and industrial laboratories.篇2Title: ICP-OES: The Technique Behind Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission SpectroscopyIntroductionInductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy, commonly abbreviated as ICP-OES, is a powerful analytical technique used for the quantitative analysis of elements present in a sample. This technique utilizes the principles of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and optical emission spectroscopy (OES) toprovide accurate and precise measurements of the elemental composition of a sample. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of ICP-OES and its applications in various fields.Principles of ICP-OESICP-OES operates by generating a high-temperature plasma consisting of ionized gas atoms by introducing a sample into an argon gas stream. The plasma is sustained by an induction coil, which induces an electric current that generates heat, forming a high-energy environment capable of atomizing and ionizing the sample components. As the atoms and ions return to their ground state, they emit light at characteristic wavelengths, which can be measured by a spectrometer to identify and quantify the elements present in the sample.Advantages of ICP-OESICP-OES offers several advantages over other analytical techniques, making it a preferred choice for elemental analysis in various industries. Some of the key advantages of ICP-OES include:- High sensitivity and detection limits: ICP-OES can detect elements at trace levels, making it suitable for a wide range ofapplications, including environmental monitoring and pharmaceutical analysis.- Multi-element analysis: ICP-OES is capable of analyzing multiple elements simultaneously, providing comprehensive information on the elemental composition of a sample.- Wide dynamic range: ICP-OES can analyze elements across a wide concentration range, from parts-per-billion to percent levels, making it suitable for diverse sample types.- Speed and efficiency: ICP-OES offers rapid analysis times, allowing for high sample throughput and increased productivity.- Minimal sample preparation: ICP-OES requires minimal sample preparation, saving time and reducing the risk of sample contamination.Applications of ICP-OESICP-OES is widely used in various industries and research fields for elemental analysis due to its versatility and accuracy. Some common applications of ICP-OES include:- Environmental analysis: ICP-OES is used for the analysis of trace elements in soil, water, and air samples to assess environmental contamination levels.- Geological analysis: ICP-OES is employed in the analysis of rocks, minerals, and ores to determine their elemental composition and identify valuable mineral deposits.- Pharmaceutical analysis: ICP-OES is used in the pharmaceutical industry for the analysis of drug formulations, determining the elemental impurities present in pharmaceutical products.- Food and beverage analysis: ICP-OES is utilized for the analysis of food and beverage products to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and assess product safety.ConclusionICP-OES is a versatile and reliable technique for elemental analysis, offering high sensitivity, multi-element capabilities, and rapid analysis times. With its wide range of applications in various fields, ICP-OES has become an essential tool for researchers, analysts, and industry professionals seeking accurate and precise elemental analysis. As technology continues to advance, ICP-OES is expected to play a key role in shaping the future of analytical chemistry and elemental analysis.篇3Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-ES) is a powerful analytical technique widely used in various fields including environmental monitoring, pharmaceutical analysis, and material science. This technique is based on the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) as the excitation source and the emission spectroscopy for detecting and quantifying elements present in a sample.ICP-ES offers several advantages over other analytical methods. Firstly, it provides a high sensitivity, allowing for the detection of trace elements at parts per billion or even parts per trillion levels. This makes ICP-ES ideal for analyzing samples with low concentrations of elements of interest. Secondly, ICP-ES has a wide dynamic range, enabling the simultaneous analysis of multiple elements present in a sample. This feature is particularly useful when analyzing complex samples containing a diverse range of elements. Additionally, ICP-ES offers excellent precision and accuracy, making it a reliable technique for quantitative analysis.The principle of ICP-ES involves the generation of ahigh-temperature plasma by inducing an electric current in a gas (typically argon) using a radiofrequency source. The plasma reaches temperatures of up to 10,000 Kelvin, causing the sampleto be atomized and ionized. As a result, the atoms and ions emit characteristic radiation when transitioning from excited states to ground states. The emitted radiation is then dispersed and detected by a spectrometer, allowing for the identification and quantification of elements based on their unique emission spectra.The use of inductively coupled plasma as the excitation source offers several advantages over other excitation sources, such as flame atomic absorption spectroscopy and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy. Firstly, the high temperature of the plasma ensures complete atomization and ionization of the sample, leading to higher sensitivity and lower detection limits. Secondly, the plasma provides a stable and robust excitation source, resulting in reliable and reproducible analytical results. Additionally, the high energy density of the plasma allows for the analysis of refractory elements that are difficult to atomize using other excitation sources.ICP-ES is a versatile technique that can be used for the analysis of a wide range of samples, including liquids, solids, and gases. It is commonly used for the analysis of environmental samples, such as water, soil, and air, to monitor the levels of toxic elements and pollutants. In the pharmaceutical industry, ICP-ESis used for the analysis of drug formulations to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. In material science, ICP-ES is employed for the analysis of metals, alloys, and ceramics to determine their elemental composition and purity.In conclusion, Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-ES) is a powerful analytical technique that offers high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and excellent precision for the analysis of trace elements in various samples. Its use of inductively coupled plasma as the excitation source provides several advantages over other excitation sources, making it a popular choice in analytical laboratories worldwide. With its versatility and reliability, ICP-ES is a valuable tool for research, quality control, and environmental monitoring applications.。



When real lasers finally arrived—in 1960—writers and moviemakers immediately leaped upon their destructive power and substituted the word “laser” for ray gun. A laser was one of the leading pieces of machinery in the James Bond techno-spy thriller Goldfinger in the early 1960s. As you may recall, Bond (Sean Connery played the role at the time) was tied down to a metal table by the villain Goldfinger, his legs spread apart, while a laser made its way directly toward his genitals. The laser’s bright, red, thick beam easily cut a swath through the table. It obviously had the power to tear him asunder, lengthwise.
· Lasers produce light of only one color. Or, to say it in a more technical way, the light is monochromatic. Ordinary light combines all the colors of visible light (i.e., the spectrum). Mixed together, they come out white. Laser beams have been produced in every color of the rainbow (red is the most common laser color), as well as in many kinds of invisible light, but each laser can emit one color and one color only. There are such things as tunable lasers, which can be adjusted to produce several different colors, but even they can emit only one color at a time.[2] A few lasers can emit several monochromatic wavelengths at once—but not a continuous spectrum containing all the colors of visible light as a light bulb does. And then there are many lasers that project invisible light, such as infrared and ultraviolet light.



Appl.Phys.A74,19–25(2002)/Digital Object Identifier(DOI)10.1007/s003390100893Applied Physics AMaterialsScience&ProcessingFemtosecond laser ablation of silicon–modification thresholds and morphologyJ.Bonse∗,S.Baudach,J.Krüger,W.Kautek,M.LenznerLaboratory for Thin Film Technology,Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing(BAM),Unter den Eichen87,12205Berlin,Germany Received:4December2000/Revised version:29March2001/Published online:20June2001– Springer-Verlag2001Abstract.We investigated the initial modification and abla-tion of crystalline silicon with single and multiple Ti:sapphire laser pulses of5to400fs duration.In accordance with earlier established models,we found the phenomena amorphization, melting,re-crystallization,nucleated vaporization,and abla-tion to occur with increasing laserfluence down to the short-est pulse durations.We noticed new morphological features (bubbles)as well as familiar ones(ripples,columns).A nearly constant ablation thresholdfluence on the order of0.2J/cm2 for all pulse durations and multiple-pulse irradiation was ob-served.For a duration of≈100fs,significant incubation can be observed,whereas for5fs pulses,the ablation threshold does not depend on the pulse number within the experimental error.For micromachining of silicon,a pulse duration of less than500fs is not advantageous.PACS:79.20D;42.70.QMicromachining with ultrashort laser pulses has attracted growing interest even in industry and medicine since the ap-propriate lasers were made readily available for a wide set of parameters[1,2].It has been demonstrated that ultrashort pulses bear the potential for precise micromachining(later-ally and vertically)in transparent dielectrics[3].In the course of investigations with femtosecond pulses,it became obvious that the detailed mechanisms of damage to solids caused by laser light are far from fully understood.A number of phenomena concerning photo-induced mod-ification of silicon surfaces have been explored in different ranges of wavelength,intensity and duration of the applied laser pulses.In this paper,we want to extend the existing investigations on laser-induced surface damage in silicon to pulse durations as short as5fs.We also observed several different phenomena;we try to methodically“file”these ob-servations into a physical overview.We will demonstrate that the so-far-assumed sequence of physical processes,namely amorphization[4],melting[5, 6],re-crystallization[4,7],nucleated vaporization[8],andfi-nally ablation[9],can also account for these experimental re-∗Corresponding author.(Fax:+49-30/8104-1827,E-mail:joern.bonse@bam.de)sults.Various well-known features,for example,ripples[10] and columns[11],could be realized and appropriately ex-plained as well.In Sect.1,the current knowledge about the interaction between laser pulses and silicon is reviewed. Our experimental results are shown and compared to this in Sect.2.1Physical considerationsThe deposition of the laser energy into a solid is usually viewed in the quantum-mechanical formalism of particle in-teraction.The incident pulse energy is absorbed by the elec-trons,dependent on the peak intensity,by one-,two-or more-photon absorption.Absorption by free carriers(sometimes called inverse bremsstrahlung)depends on the number of al-ready existing carriers and is therefore a subsequent process. The same applies to collisional ionization,which utilizes part of the energy of highly excited carriers to generate new free electrons.These carriers then thermalize to a Fermi–Dirac distribution while transferring their excess energy to phonons, typically on a time scale of100fs.These phonons afterwards recombine to a Bose–Einstein distribution in a few picosec-onds[12].During the detailed exploitation of pulsed-laser annealing(PLA,typically done with nanosecond pulses),a “plasma-annealing”model was established,which stated that a non-thermal“bond softening”was responsible for the loss of the crystal structure[13,14].Recently,this non-thermal model was shown to be applicable for several semiconductors irradiated with femtosecond pulses[15–18].So far,no spatial transport of energy out of the excitation region has been considered.In order to treat the subsequent processes,including melting,boiling,and ablation of mate-rial,one usually uses either a two-temperature model[19,20], which distinguishes between electron and lattice(ion)tem-peratures,or a completely classical model of thermal trans-port in a continuum[8,21].The latter one describes phase changes from the molten phase to a gas,considering the ex-istence of transient thermodynamical states(such as super-heated liquids)due to the rapid action of the ultrashort laser pulses.The physical mechanisms that are involved in photo-excitation of the solid are manifested also in irreversible20changes of the irradiated surface.These changes can be used for identification of some of the processes and also for deter-mination of their thresholdfluences.After irradiation with short laser pulses,re-solidification of molten material was observed to happen in two stages: amorphization and re-crystallization[4].The difference was simply attributed to the amount of energy deposited in the ma-terial(the temperature)and the consequent cooling velocity. At lower temperatures,the material has not enough time to re-crystallize from the melt,thus leaving the semiconductor in an amorphous state.In regions with higher temperatures, cooling is sufficiently slow to allow re-crystallization.Already in previous experiments,a rather mysterious phe-nomenon has been discovered after the solids have been ir-radiated with multiple subsequent pulses[22].Finally termed “ripples”,these periodic surface structures appear as lines orthogonal to the direction of the electricfield vector of the incident light and show a period on the order of the wave-length of the generating light[10,23].The generally accepted explanation of these ripples is an interference between the in-cident light and a surface wave(generated by scattering).This interference leads to periodic modulation of the absorbed in-tensity and consequently to modulated ablation.Column formation in crystalline silicon as a result of multi-pulse laser irradiation has been observed in the past at different laser wavelengths(UV–NIR),for different pulse durations(fs–ns),and in different environments(vacuum, air,different gases).A certain number of laser pulses is re-quired to initiate the self-organized growth process of Si microcolumns in the irradiated region.This phenomenon is of major importance because it can limit the precision of laser ablation.For the treatment with ultrashort(fs) laser pulses,the Si-column formation was observed by sev-eral groups under different experimental conditions(λ= 248nm,τ=105fs,vacuum[24];λ=390nm,τ=250fs, vacuum[9];λ=620nm,τ=300fs,air[25];λ=780nm,τ=100fs,SF6,Cl2,N2,He,vacuum[11]).The phenomenon was also found for short-pulse(ns)excimer-laser irradiation (λ=193nm,τ=23ns,air[26];λ=248nm,τ=25ns, SF6,N2,O2,Ar[27];λ=248nm,τ=12ns,vacuum[28];λ=308nm,τ=28ns,vacuum[29]).The process strongly depends on the number of pulses ap-plied to the same spot and the laserfluence.A further key parameter for the formation process and the shape of the microstructures seems to be the ambient environment.Ox-idizing or halogen-containing atmospheres such as air,O2 or SF6support the generation of high-aspect-ratio pillars, whereas the formation of sharp spikes can be reduced in vac-uum,N2or He[11].On the other hand,column formation is rather insensitive to the laser wavelength[9,11,24,25]and the pulse duration[30,31].Influences of the doping concen-tration have not been observed[11,27].For these reasons, a chemical control of the dimensions of microcolumns seems to be possible[31].2Experimental results and analysisExperiments were carried out with two different Ti:sap-phire laser systems,a commercial CPA system(SPECTRA PHYSICS,Spitfire)at the BAM Berlin and the Vienna sys-tem,comprised of an amplifier and hollowfiber compressor,which is capable of producing5-fs pulses with a maximum energy of500µJ[32].The pulse duration of the latter one was changed between5fs and400fs by inserting dispersive material(glass blocks)in the beam path.The experimen-tal conditions were kept similar.The center wavelengths of the linearly polarized laser pulses differed by only20nm (BAM:800nm,Vienna:780nm).The different repetition rates(BAM:10Hz,Vienna:1kHz)should have no influence on the experimental results because every physical process known to be important here is terminated after1ms.An im-portant measurement–actually the one that dominates the overall error–is the energy detection.Here we used a py-roelectric detector BESTEC PM200(BAM)and the OPHIR pulse energy detector NOV A(Vienna),respectively.Different pulse numbers with varying energy were fo-cused to a diameter on the order of several10µm(BAM: f=60mm plano-convex lens,Vienna:R=100mm spher-ical silver mirror)onto the polished(111)surface of n-doped silicon samples.On these samples,a native oxide layer of about2.7nm thickness has been found from ellip-sometric measurements.For higher appliedfluences(in the single-pulse case for5-fs pulses),the sample was placed in a slightly evacuated chamber(p≈10−4mbar)in order to pre-vent ionization or non-linear effects in air and resulting pulse distortions.Inspection of the irradiated surface regions was performed using an optical microscope(Reichert–Jung,Polyvar)in No-marski mode.A more detailed characterization of morpho-logical changes of the laser-modified areas was done by means of a scanning electron microscope(SEM)equipped with a cold-field electron emission cathode(Hitachi,S-4100, accelerating voltage10kV)and an atomic force microscope (AFM,Digital Instruments,Dimension3000SPM)operated in tapping mode.Anticipating the results of our investigations,we outline the principal physical processes occurring on the Si surface after a Gaussian laser pulse was incident in Fig.1.For com-parison,a damage spot on the silicon surface generated by a single laser pulse is shown in Fig.2exhibiting different cir-cular regions of modification,annealing,and ablation.The formation of ripples cannot be seen in this picture because it only occurs after irradiation with multiple pulses onto the same sample spot.In the following section,these thresholds will be further investigated and classified quantitatively.2.1Modification thresholdsSome of the early experiments on laser-induced modification of silicon surfaces distinguish regions of amorphization and crystallization[4].We observed the same phenomena in our experiments,but the zone of amorphization showed a fur-ther substructure which we believe is related to oxidation of the surface layers of silicon.The thresholds of oxidation and amorphization are so close together that unambiguous iden-tification is hardly possible.However,in order to take this fact into account,we call the physical process in this region modification rather than amorphization.The thresholdfluences for these phenomena can be de-termined similar to the ablation thresholdfluence,namely measuring the diameter of the modified areas versus the pulse fluence and extrapolating to zero[33].In Fig.3,the square of21/xFig.1.Physical processes during the modification of silicon with femtosec-ond laser pulses and their threshold fluencesFig.2.Nomarski optical micrograph of the silicon sample surface treated with a single laser pulse in air (λ=800nm,τ=130fs,Φ0=1.5J /cm 2).The outermost ring has a diameter of 45µmthe diameter (corresponding to a modified area)is depicted versus increasing peak fluence of the laser pulses.Extending the regression of this line to zero yields the threshold values to Φmod =0.26J /cm 2and Φann =0.55J /cm 2,respectively.Forthe applied pulse duration,this is identical to the single-pulse threshold measured by Pronko et al.[20].The ablation thresholds of multi-shot experiments in air for different pulse durations are shown in Fig.4.For pulse durations below 100fs,the threshold becomes constant,a be-havior that is well known for metals [34].For higher pulse numbers,one can find no more evidence for crystallization or oxidation/amorphization.A clean edge of ablation as in Fig.9a can be recognized.From the dimen-sions of these craters,an ablation threshold is determined which cannot be distinguished from other thresholds due to morphological changes in the irradiated surface region.The values in Fig.4are significantly lower than the single-pulse thresholds evaluated from Fig.3,because the thresholds of modification and ablation depend on the number of applied laser pulses.This incubation effect rests on a non-ablating modification of the sample material by the laser pulses in such a manner that the threshold for damage decreases.This effect has been extensively studied at the surface of single-crystal metals [35].A dependence in the form of a power law was found:Φmod (N )=Φmod (1)·N ξ−1.(1)Φmod (N )denotes the modification threshold fluence for N laser pulses,and ξis a material-dependent coefficient.In-cubation is related to an accumulation of energy (i.e.non-complete dissipation of the deposited energy)into plastic stress–strain of the metal.However,this formula has also suc-cessfully been employed in the case of indium phosphide (InP)[36],where it is unclear whether intermediate storage of laser energy is mechanical or,for example,chemical (as in several glasses by F-center formation [37]).In Fig.5,the dependence of N ·Φmod (N )on the number of pulses is plot-ted for our data.The fit according to (1)(solid line)yields a coefficient ξof 0.84.From Fig.5,one can conclude that there is significant in-cubation in silicon for pulses with a duration of ≈100fs.Laser fluence Φ0[ J/cm 2]1S q u a r e d d i a m e t e r D 2[µm 2]1000200030000.50.35Fig.3.Diameter (squared)of modification and re-crystallization of the sili-con surface versus the incident peak fluence of the laser pulse (λ=800nm,τ=130fs,N =1,in air).Squares belong to the areas of modification,whereas circles belong to the re-crystallization regions.Solid lines are lin-ear regressions within the semi-logarithmic plot.The deviation of the data from the regression for high fluences is attributed to a slightly non-Gaussian beam profile (caused by apertures)22T h r e s h o l d f l u e n c e [J /c m 2]Fig.4.Ablation threshold fluence of n-Si(111)for several pulse durations,100pulses per spot,in air.Values measured at λ=780nm,except the solid circle (λ=800nm)Number of pulses N110100N ∗Φm o d (N ) [ J /c m 2]110Fig.5.Threshold fluence of laser-induced damage of silicon versus num-ber of laser pulses with a duration of τ=130fs and λ=800nm in an air environment.The solid line represents a least-squares-fit with (1),where ξ=0.84Fig.6.AFM picture of damage in silicon generated with a single Ti:sapphire laser pulse (λ=780nm,τ=5fs,Φ0=7.7J /cm 2).Dark areas indicate more ablated material.The inset at the bottom of the picture is a line-scan along the dotted white line ,the depth scale is indicated in blackThe precise nature of this effect,whether energy is stored in the form of chemical modification or by mechanical stress (as in the case of metals),cannot be deduced from these results.Interestingly,single-shot measurements with 5-fs pulses yield a damage threshold of 0.20±0.05J /cm 2,which agrees with the threshold achieved with multiple pulses within the experimental error (compare Fig.4).Obviously –for these short pulses –there is no such intermediate storage of energy below the damage threshold as it was found,for example,in fused silica [38].2.2Single-pulse experimentsSurface images taken with an atomic force microscope (AFM)and a scanning electron microscope (SEM)reveal in-teresting morphological features of the damaged areas.TheFig.7a,b.SEM picture (0◦)of damage in silicon generated with Ti:sap-phire laser pulses in air (λ=780nm,τ=5fs,Φ0=2.5J /cm 2,N =5).Three different regions of modification (ablation including ripples,re-crystallization,and amorphization)can be recognized.a Full view,b detail23formation of circular substructures (holes)within the cavities can be observed (see Fig.6).These holes vanish or are ob-scured by other morphological features when the same spot is illuminated with subsequent pulses.With increasing laser fluence,the size of these holes increases.Phenomena such as these are frequently attributed to a locally enhanced car-rier density generated either by an inhomogeneous laser beam profile or by locally enhanced absorption (scratches,crystal defects,dust).An initialization of inhomogeneous surface structures due to “hot spots”in the beam profile can be ruled out because –due to the efficient spatial filtering by guiding in a hollow fiber –the Vienna system exhibits an extremely smooth beam profile [32].External surface impurities (dust,scratches due to pol-ishing)cannot be significant,as we will see in the follow-ing argument.We consider indirect two-photon absorption with a coefficient of only 1cm /GW [39]as the domin-ant carrier-generating mechanism.Calculating the penetra-tion depth induced by this mechanism,one finds that the number of absorbing atoms in the excited volume is far smaller than the number of photons supposedly absorbed in this volume.Thus,even the indirect two-photon absorp-tion is already strongly saturated.Virtually all available electrons are excited and it is hardly conceivable that the carrier density exhibits local spikes (e.g.by absorption of defects)so distinct that locally enhanced ablation could occur.Although an enhancement of surface absorption is no appropriate explanation for the observed substructures,en-hancement of absorption at depth in the semiconductor (where the light intensity already dropped one or moreordersFig.9a–f.SEM pictures (60◦)of damage in silicon generated with Ti:sapphire laser pulses in air.a Φ0=1.0J /cm 2,b 1.3J /cm 2,c 1.8J /cm 2(λ=780nm,τ=100fs,N =100).d Φ0=2.0J /cm 2,e 2.8J /cm 2,f 4.1J /cm 2(λ=800nm,τ=130fs,N =100)of magnitude)could account for an evolving inhomogeneous energy deposition.Consequently,after the strongly saturated and overheated surface layer was removed by phase explosion,normal boil-ing including inhomogeneous nucleation of bubbles occurs in the remaining liquid layer [21].This scenario is sup-ported by the fact that larger bubbles are formed in regions of higher fluences,i.e.regions of higher temperature (and therefore slower cooling)where bubbles have more time togrow.Fig.8.SEM picture (0◦)of damage in silicon generated with Ti:sapphire laser pulses in air (λ=800nm,τ=130fs,Φ0=0.42J /cm 2,N =5)242.3Ablation with multiple pulsesThe application of a moderate number(N≈5)of laser pulses leads to characteristic laser-induced periodic surface struc-tures(ripples).In single-pulse experiments,these highly ori-ented structures were not observed,indicating that a feed-back mechanism is involved during the formation of the sur-face patterns.Fig.7shows typical surface damage in silicon(λ=800nm,τ=5fs)at afluence of2.5J/cm2.Three dif-ferent modified zones are clearly visible(compare Fig.1): ablation and ripple-formation in the central region,anneal-ing in thefirst annular structure,and modification in the outer annular border.It is interesting to note,that all these surface modifications known from longer pulses also occur at this ul-trashort pulse duration of5fs.A magnified view(Fig.7b) reveals average lateral ripple periods between650nm and 750nm which is comparable to the laser wavelength.The rip-ples were always oriented perpendicular to the electric-field vector of the incident radiation.Thus,we attribute this phe-nomenon to the well-known mechanism of interference andsubsequent localfield enhancement[10].Small globules of re-deposited material were observed on the top of the surface corrugations.The same characteristic ripple morphology was detected in the central crater region at an≈25times longer pulse duration(λ=800nm,τ=130fs,Φ0=0.42J/cm2,N=5, see Fig.8).Additionally,some outspread periodic patterned(triangular)regions are seen in the direction of the electric field.A further increased number of laser pulses(N≈100) leads to another characteristic surface morphology:the columns or pillars,already introduced in Sect.1.A certain pulse number is required to nucleate the column growth pro-cess.The evolution of silicon microcones and mirocolumns in a series of laser-generated craters,obtained with a con-stant number of100Ti:sapphire laser pulses(τ=100fs at λ=780nm,andτ=130fs atλ=800nm)at varying peak fluences in air is shown in Fig.9.At a comparatively lowfluence of1.0J/cm2(which is ≈5−6times above the ablation threshold),a uniformly ablated crater with a rough,but featureless bottom can be seen as well as highly directed nearly wavelength-sized rip-ple structures in the border region(Fig.9a).With increas-ing laserfluence,small conical structures arise from the bottom of the craters to form the initial stages of micro-columns(Fig.9b,c).The lateral and vertical extent of the columns and the spacing between them strongly depends on the localfluence.In the center of the irradiated area, the columns are wider,taller and more sparse.In the bor-der region they are packed closer together.Up to afluence of≈2J/cm2,the columns are formed in the middle of the crater(Fig.9d),while at higherfluences(Φ0=2.8J/cm2) the morphology appears crown-like.At this stage of devel-opment,the columns can protrude above the original surface plane(Fig.9e),which provides conclusive evidence for the redeposition/re-crystallization origin of these columns.At further increased laserfluences ofΦ0≈4.1J/cm2,a volcano-like structure is observed within the ablated region(Fig.9f). It is probably formed by not completely ejected mate-rial,which is redeposited at the crater walls when the crater depth exceeds a certain value.The height of the columns grows with an increasing number of laser pulses.If a critical size is reached,a destruction of the Si pillars occurs[24].Concerning the formation mechanism of the silicon columns,we suggest a similar explanation as Lowndes et al.[31].Initial surface corrugation inhomogeneously nucle-ates from local vaporization(bubble ejection from the melt layer)and/or ripple formation and subsequently re-deposited material.On the edges of these corrugations,the absorbed local laserfluence is reduced due to an altered angle of inci-dence of the laser radiation.Therefore,ablation takes place preferably at the minima and maxima of the surface topog-raphy.The silicon-rich vapor which is formed at the grooves cools during the material transport(expansion of the vapor plume)and can be re-deposited at the protruding features of the surface.During a large number of these transport cycles,a highly protruding column can be formed.Addi-tionally,the effect can be enhanced by multiple reflections of the incident laser radiation on the bodies of thecolumns, Fig.10a,b.Cross-sectional SEM picture of damage in silicon gener-ated with Ti:sapphire laser pulses in air(λ=800nm,τ=130fs,Φ0= 0.65J/cm2,N=500).a Full view,b detail25Fig.11.Scheme of the different morphological phenomena after irradiation of the silicon surface with linearly polarized femtosecond laser pulses of typically 100fs durationwhich “guides”the light into the grooves.Therefore,the re-gions between the columns again act as emitters of ablated material.A cross-section through a crater (depth ≈9µm)in silicon obtained after the application of 500subsequent laser pulses in air (λ=800nm,τ=130fs,Φ0=0.65J /cm 2)is shown in Fig.10a.A detail of the crater wall can be seen in Fig.10b.Besides an irregular surface morphology and remaining parts of small columns,only a thin thermally or chemically modi-fied layer (depth <500nm)is visible.Figure 11summarizes the different morphological fea-tures (bubbles,ripples,microcolumns)formed after irradi-ation of silicon surfaces with linearly polarized laser pulses for pulse durations of approximately 100fs.3ConclusionWe investigated laser-induced modification and ablation of silicon surfaces with laser pulse durations in the range be-tween 5fs and 400fs.The multi-pulse ablation threshold flu-ence is almost constant around 0.2J /cm 2.We found several physical processes resulting in clearly distinguishable mor-phological features.These are (from lower to higher fluences)oxidation,amorphization,re-crystallization,the formation of bubbles due to boiling below the surface,and finally ablation.Other features occur while treating the sample with multiple subsequent pulses,namely ripple formation,column growth,and crater formation due to material removal.Although these phenomena can limit the precision of micromachining,there are potential applications of controlled manufactured sili-con microcolumns and needles,for example,field-emission sources in the display technology [40].With respect to the feasibility of using femtosecond pulses for microstructuring of semiconductors one can state that –in contrast to transpar-ent materials –a reduction of the pulse duration below 500fs does not offer significant advantage,because of the nearly constant ablation threshold fluence and the similarity of the observed surface morphologies.Acknowledgements.We thank Birgid Strauss,Sigrid Benemann,and Marion Männ (all at BAM)for their technical assistance.M.L.acknowledges sup-port by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF)under grant No.P-12762.We are grateful to Harald Bergner and Gabriele Pfeiffer from the Fach-hochschule Jena for help with the AFM.References1.R.Haigh,D.Hayden,P.Longo,T.Neary,A.Wagner:Proc.SPIE 3546,477(1998)2.M.H.Niemz:Laser–Tissue Interactions (Springer,Berlin,Heidelberg 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Laser Welding of Stainless Steels

Laser Welding of Stainless Steels

Facts about lasers for welding
CO2 laser Nd3+:YAG laser Lamp-pumped LD-pumped Disk laser Diode laser Fiber laser
A case study: Laser beam welding of martensitic stainless steels in constrained overlap configuration
A measure of Lasers’ capability to be ☺ propagated with low divergence and ☺ focused to a small spot by a lens or mirror Beam Quality is measured by M2 or BPP (Beam Product Parameter, mm.mrad) Ratio of divergence of actual beam to a theoretical diffraction limited beam with same waist diameter M2= 1; Ideal Gaussian Beam, perfectly diffraction limited Smaller focus at constant aperture and focal Value of M2 tends to increase with length increasing laser power Longer working distance at constant aperture A higher power density by a smaller spot size and spot diameter with the same optics, or Smaller aperture (‘slim optics’) at constant The same power density at lower laser power focal diameter and working distance

强激光与粒子束 英文版

强激光与粒子束 英文版

强激光与粒子束英文版English: Strong laser and particle beams are two advanced technologies that have revolutionized the field of physics and engineering. Strong laser beams are high-energy beams of focused light that can be used in a wide range of applications, from cutting and welding materials to medical procedures and scientific research. These beams are produced using powerful lasers that can generate intense light pulses with peak powers in the megawatt range. Particle beams, on the other hand, are streams of charged or neutral particles, such as electrons, protons, or ions, that are accelerated to high velocities using electromagnetic fields. These beams are used in a variety of applications, including particle accelerators, radiation therapy for cancer treatment, and semiconductor manufacturing. Both strong laser beams and particle beams have unique properties and can be used in combination to achieve even more powerful and precise results in various fields of science and technology.Translated content: 强激光和粒子束是两种先进的技术,彻底改变了物理和工程领域。



第29卷 第6期2005年12月激 光 技 术LASER TECHNOLOGYVol .29,No .6December,2005 文章编号:100123806(2005)0620667203激光模式对激光熔覆层质量的影响李 胜,胡乾午,曾晓雁3(华中科技大学激光技术国家重点实验室,武汉430074)摘要:分别采用多模和低阶模的CO 2激光束研究了激光模式对于Fe 基合金激光熔覆层质量的影响。


关键词:激光熔覆;激光模式;几何形貌;微观组织;硬度中图分类号:TG665 文献标识码:AEffect of l a ser m ode on the qua lity of l a ser cl add i n g l ayersL I S heng,HU Q ian 2w u,ZEN G X iao 2yan(Nati onal Laborat ory of Laser Technol ogy,HUST,W uhan 430074,China )Abstract:The effects of laser mode on the quality of Fe 2based all oy laser cladding layers are studied using a multi m ode CO 2laser and a l ow order mode C O 2laser res pectively .Results show that the appearances of different zones of the multi m ode laser cladding layers are flatter than those of the l o w order mode laser cladding layers,es pecially in the melted zone .The difference of the laser mode als o influences the m icr ostructure and the hardness of the cladding layers t o s ome extent .Key words:laser cladding;laser mode;geometrical mor phol ogy;m icr ostructure;hardness 作者简介:李 胜(19732),男,博士研究生,主要从事激光表面强化与改性方面的研究。



·惯性约束聚变物理与技术·激光等离子体不稳定性及其抑制方案研究*余诗瀚1,2, 李晓锋1,2, 翁苏明1,2, 赵 耀3, 马行行1,2, 陈 民1,2, 盛政明1,2(1. 上海交通大学 物理与天文学院 激光等离子体实验室,上海 200240; 2. 上海交通大学 IFSA 协同创新中心,上海 200240;3. 中国科学院 上海光学精密机械研究所 高功率激光物理联合实验室,上海 201800)摘 要: 受激拉曼散射、受激布里渊散射等激光等离子体不稳定性(LPI )是激光等离子体物理领域最重要的研究课题之一。

特别是在激光驱动的惯性约束聚变中,LPI 会造成相当份额的激光能量损失,破坏辐射对称性,产生的超热电子还会预热靶丸,进而影响压缩效率和聚变能量增益。

近期,在美国国家点火装置上开展的实验表明对LPI 物理过程的充分理解和有效控制对成功实现ICF 点火至关重要。

我们对近期LPI 方面的一系列研究进展进行了简单介绍与讨论。

首先,回顾了描述LPI 过程的三波耦合理论,由此得出了LPI 在线性阶段的增长率。

接着讨论了一些复杂情景下的LPI 物理过程,譬如LPI 的非线性发展阶段、级联LPI 、多光束LPI 以及LPI 间的非线性耦合。

最后,着重介绍了一系列抑制LPI 的技术方案,包括束匀滑技术、光束时域整形、宽带激光、偏振旋转激光以及外加磁场等。

关键词: 激光等离子体不稳定性; 惯性约束聚变; 受激拉曼散射; 受激布里渊散射; 宽带激光 中图分类号: O534. 文献标志码: A doi : 10.11884/HPLPB202133.200125Laser plasma instabilities and their suppression strategiesYü Shihan 1,2, Li Xiaofeng 1,2, Weng Suming 1,2, Zhao Yao 3, Ma Hanghang 1,2, Chen Min 1,2, Sheng Zhengming 1,2(1. School of Physics and Astronomy , Shanghai Jiaotong University , Shanghai 200240, China ;2. Collaborative Innovation Center of IFSA , Shanghai Jiaotong University , Shanghai 200240, China ;3. Key Laboratory of High Power Laser and Physics , Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shanghai 201800, China )Abstract : The issue of laser plasma instabilities (LPIs) including stimulated Raman scattering, stimulated Brillouin scattering and so on is one of the most fascinating subjects in laser plasma physics. In particular, LPIs may cause significant laser energy loss and produce hot electrons to preheat fusion targets, which affect target compression and fusion energy gain in laser-driven inertial confinement fusion. Recent experiments carried out on the National Ignition Facility, the largest laser facility in the world for laser fusion, indicate that the understanding and the control of LPIs are essential to the realization of laser fusion. In this paper, we present a review on recent studies of LPIs.Firstly, we retrospect the classical theoretical model of LPIs, which offers a good estimation of growth rate in the linear development stage. Then, we discuss some progresses on the understanding of LPIs in more complex and real scenarios, such as LPI development in the nonlinear regions, cascaded LPIs, multi-beam LPIs, and nonlinear couplings between LPIs. Following the exploration of LPI physics, we emphasize on the strategies for the control of LPIs,including beam smoothing techniques, temporal profile shaping, broadband laser, laser polarization rotation, external magnetic field and so on.Key words : laser plasma instabilities ; inertial confinement fusion ; stimulated Raman scattering ;stimulated Brillouin scattering ; broadband laser激光等离子体不稳定性(LPI )是一种典型的参量不稳定性。


s pa per , e a do p cl o d co mp i n g Ab st rac t: In hi sc al esc i e nti f i cc om put i ng i nv ol v i ng t h ec onst ruc ti on of i nas p e ci fi cs ci e ni fi c co mp i ng fi el d fo r i si rm at h e m at i c alm ode l s and num e r i c al si m ul at i o ns, e t c [ 1-3] . a l iai o n,di s r i b i o na nd d n a mi c e en di bi l i a s In t h i s pape r, c l oud c om put i ng i s appl i e d to a par t i c ul ar fo l l os : We� o ba i ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ hi g h-e n er g pa r a bo l i cs el f- s i mi are ai n w h i c ht h e m ode lofour passi v e l m ode -l oc ke d l a r p ls e sb n me r i ca ls i m l ai o n s i n g o rn o nEr-dope df i b e rl ase ri sc onst r uc t e d,t h e pul see v ol ut i on i n t h ef i b e r l ase r ar esi m ul ate d and t h ec h i r p i nsi deth e di s r i b ed p a s s ie l mo de -l o cke d E r - do p e d fi ber - si out put se l f m i l ar pul se s i s e xt rac t e d usi ng se v e r al l a s er mo de l. Fo r r es ea r chi ng cha r a c er i s i cs o f he s e m e t h ods w i t hul t ra-h i g hc om put at i onal c om pl e xi t. a e - br ea ki n g - fr ee � s el f- s i mi l a rp l s es , chi r p o f H i g h e ne rg opt i c al pul se s h av ew i de spr e ad appl i he m m sb e e r a c e d. W e p r o po s e s e er a l i me c at i ons i n f i b e rc om m uni c ati ons,l ase r pr oc e ss and ul fr e qe n c a na ls i s me ho ds a do p ed i n chi r p e r a ctr a -f ast opt i c s, e tc[ 4-8 ] .I n f i b e r c om m uni c ati ons i o no f lr a -s ho ro p i ca lp l s e sfo r he fi r s i me � f i e l d,Fi b e r c ab l e s use d i n opt i c al c om m uni c at i on s sa n d di s c s s he a d a na g e sa nd di s a d a na g e so f � te m se xh i b i ta l oss of 0 . 3 dB / k m ne ar 1550 nm he m i n hi s pa r i c l a r a pp l i cai o n. � w h i c hi s m uc hl ow e rt h an th el oss atan ot h e rw av e K e w ords: cl o d co mp i n g; s ci e ni fi c co mp i n g; l e ng th .M ode -l oc ke d Er-dope df i b e rl ase rs c om m onl pa s s ie l mo de -l o cke d E� r -do p e d fi be rl a s er ; s el fope r ati ng at t h ec e nte r w av e l e ng t h of 1550 nm c an s i mi l a r p l s e ; fr e qe n c chi r p � sat i sf th en e e ds of opt i c alc om m uni c ati on s ste m s; � � th e r e f orei ti sw i de l i nv e sti g at e d i n r e c e nt e ar s[ 9] . I. IN O D C IO N -l - dope In a passi v e l m ode oc ke d Er df i b e rl ase r ,f un dam e nt alse c h -sh ape d[ 2 ]b r i gh t and dark sol i t ons c an -pe H i gh r f or m anc ec l oud c om put i ng h as t h eav ai l ab i l i t beob tai ne dt h oug hbal an c i ng t h ee f f e c ts of ne t av e rofa m assi v enum b e rofc om put e r sf or pe r f orm i ng l ar ge



Elect‎r omag‎n etic‎电磁的pr‎i ncip‎l e原则p‎r inci‎p al主要‎的macr‎o scop‎i c宏观的‎m icro‎s copi‎c 微观的d‎i ffer‎e ntia‎l微分ve‎c tor矢‎量scal‎a r标量p‎e rmit‎t ivit‎y介电常数‎p hoto‎n s光子o‎s cill‎a tion‎振动den‎s ity ‎o f st‎a tes态‎密度dim‎e nsio‎n alit‎y维数tr‎a nsve‎r se w‎a ve横波‎d ipol‎e mom‎e nt偶极‎矩diod‎e二极管m‎o no-c‎h roma‎t ic单色‎t empo‎r al时间‎的spat‎i al空间‎的velo‎c ity速‎度wave‎pack‎e t波包b‎e per‎p endi‎c ular‎to线垂‎直 be ‎n omal‎to线面‎垂直iso‎t ropi‎c各向同性‎的anis‎t ropi‎c各向异性‎的vacu‎u m真空a‎s sump‎t ion假‎设semi‎c ondu‎c tor半‎导体non‎m agne‎t ic非磁‎性的con‎s ider‎a ble大‎量的ult‎r avio‎l et紫外‎的diam‎a gnet‎i c抗磁的‎p aram‎a gnet‎i c顺磁的‎a ntip‎a rama‎g neti‎c反铁磁的‎f erro‎-magn‎e tic铁‎磁的neg‎l igib‎l e可忽略‎的cond‎u ctiv‎i ty电导‎率intr‎i nsic‎本征的in‎e qual‎i ty不等‎式infr‎a red 红‎外的wea‎k ly d‎o ped弱‎掺杂hea‎v ily ‎d oped‎重掺杂a ‎s econ‎d der‎i vati‎v e in‎time‎对时间二阶‎导数van‎i sh消失‎t enso‎r张量re‎f ract‎i ve i‎n dex折‎射率cru‎c ial主‎要的qua‎n tum ‎m echa‎n ics量‎子力学tr‎a nsit‎i on p‎r obab‎i lity‎跃迁几率d‎e lve研‎究infi‎n ite无‎限的rel‎e vant‎相关的th‎e rmod‎y nami‎c equ‎i libr‎i um热力‎学平衡(动‎态热平衡)‎f ermi‎o ns费米‎子boso‎n s波色子‎p oten‎t ial ‎b arri‎e r势垒s‎t andi‎n g wa‎v e驻波t‎r avel‎l ing ‎w ave行‎波dege‎n erac‎y简并co‎n verg‎e收敛di‎v erge‎发散pho‎n ons声‎子sing‎u lari‎t y奇点(‎奇异值)v‎e ctor‎pote‎n tial‎向量式pa‎r tica‎l-wav‎e dua‎l ism波‎粒二象性h‎o moge‎n eous‎均匀的el‎l ipti‎c 椭圆的r‎e ason‎a ble公‎平的合理的‎r efle‎c tor反‎射器cha‎r acte‎r isti‎c特性pr‎e requ‎i site‎必要条件q‎u adra‎t ic二次‎的pred‎o mina‎n tly最‎重要的ga‎u ssia‎n bea‎m s高斯光‎束azim‎u th方位‎角evol‎v e推到s‎p ot s‎i ze光斑‎尺寸rad‎i us o‎f cur‎v atur‎e曲率半径‎c onve‎n tion‎管理hyp‎e rbol‎e双曲线h‎y perb‎o loid‎双曲面ra‎d ii半径‎a symp‎t ote渐‎近线ape‎x顶点ri‎g orou‎s精确地m‎a nife‎s tati‎o n体现表‎明wave‎diff‎r acti‎o n波衍射‎a pert‎u re孔径‎c ompl‎e x be‎a m ra‎d ius 复‎光束半径l‎e nsli‎k e me‎d ium类‎透镜介质b‎e adj‎a cent‎to与之‎相邻con‎f ocal‎beam‎共焦光束a‎unit‎y det‎e rmin‎a nt单位‎行列式wa‎v egui‎d e波导i‎l lust‎r atio‎n说明in‎d ucti‎o n归纳s‎y mmet‎r ic对称‎的stea‎d y-st‎a te稳态‎b e co‎n sist‎e nt w‎i th与之‎一致sol‎i d cu‎r ves实‎线dash‎e d cu‎r ves虚‎线be i‎d enti‎c al t‎o相同ei‎g enva‎l ue本征‎值note‎w orth‎y关注的c‎o unte‎r act抵‎消rein‎f orce‎加强the‎moda‎l dis‎p ersi‎o n模式色‎散the ‎g roup‎velo‎c ity ‎d ispe‎r sion‎群速度色散‎c hann‎e l波段r‎e peti‎t ion ‎r ate重‎复率ove‎r lap重‎叠intu‎i tion‎直觉mat‎e rial‎disp‎e rsio‎n材料色散‎i nfor‎m atio‎n cap‎a city‎信息量fe‎e d in‎t o注入d‎e rive‎from‎由之产生s‎e mi-i‎n tuit‎i ve半直‎觉inte‎r mode‎mixi‎n g模式混‎合puls‎e dur‎a tion‎脉宽mec‎h anis‎m原理di‎s sipa‎t e损耗d‎e sign‎a te b‎y命名为t‎o a l‎a rge ‎e xten‎t在很大程‎度上eta‎l on标准‎具arch‎e type‎圆形int‎e rfer‎o mete‎r干涉计b‎e att‎r ibut‎e d to‎归因于ro‎u ndtr‎i p 一个往‎返infi‎n ite ‎g eome‎t ric ‎p rogr‎e ssio‎n无穷几何‎级数con‎s erva‎t ion ‎o f en‎e rgy能‎量守恒fr‎e e sp‎e ctra‎l ran‎g e自由光‎谱区ref‎l ecti‎o n co‎e ffic‎i ent(‎f ract‎i on o‎f the‎inte‎n sity‎refl‎e cted‎)反射系数‎t rans‎m issi‎o n co‎e ffic‎i ent(‎f ract‎i on o‎f the‎inte‎n sity‎tran‎s mitt‎e d)透射‎系数opt‎i cal ‎r eson‎a tor光‎学谐振腔u‎n ity归‎一opti‎c al s‎p ectr‎u m an‎a lyze‎r光谱分析‎g requ‎e ncy ‎s epar‎a tion‎s频率间隔‎s cann‎i ng i‎n terf‎e rome‎t er扫描‎干涉仪sw‎e ep移动‎r epli‎c a复制品‎a mbig‎u ity不‎确定sim‎u ltan‎e ous同‎步的lon‎g itud‎i nal ‎l aser‎mode‎纵模den‎o mina‎t or分母‎f ines‎s e精细度‎t he l‎i miti‎n g re‎s olut‎i on极限‎分辨率th‎e wid‎t h of‎atr‎a nsmi‎s sion‎band‎p ass透‎射带宽co‎l lima‎t ed b‎e am线性‎光束non‎c olli‎m ated‎beam‎非线性光束‎t rans‎i ent ‎c ondi‎t ion瞬‎态情况sp‎h eric‎a l mi‎r ror ‎球面镜lo‎c us(l‎o ci)轨‎迹expo‎n enti‎a l fa‎c tor指‎数因子ra‎d ian弧‎度conf‎i gura‎t ion不‎举inte‎r cept‎截断bac‎k and‎fort‎h反复sp‎a tica‎l mod‎e空间模式‎a lgeb‎r a代数i‎n pra‎c tice‎在实际中s‎y mmet‎r ical‎对称的a ‎s ymme‎t rica‎l con‎f oral‎reso‎n ator‎对称共焦谐‎振腔cri‎t eria‎准则con‎c entr‎i c同心的‎b iper‎i odic‎lens‎sequ‎e nce双‎周期透镜组‎序列sta‎b le s‎o luti‎o n稳态解‎e quiv‎a lent‎lens‎等效透镜v‎e rge ‎边缘sel‎f-con‎s iste‎n t自洽r‎e fere‎n ce p‎l ane参‎考平面of‎f-axi‎s离轴sh‎a ded ‎a rea阴‎影区cle‎a r ar‎e a空白区‎p ertu‎r bati‎o n扰动e‎v olut‎i on渐变‎d ecay‎减弱uni‎m odua‎l mat‎r ix单位‎矩阵dis‎c repa‎n cy相位‎差long‎i tudi‎n al m‎o de i‎n dex纵‎模指数re‎s onan‎c e共振q‎u antu‎m ele‎c tron‎i cs量子‎电子学ph‎e nome‎n on现象‎e xplo‎i t利用s‎p onta‎n eous‎emis‎s ion自‎发辐射in‎i tial‎初始的th‎e rmod‎y nami‎c热力学i‎n phas‎e同相位的‎p opul‎a tion‎inve‎r sion‎粒子数反转‎t rans‎p aren‎t透明的t‎h resh‎o ld阈值‎p redo‎m inat‎e ove‎r占主导地‎位的mon‎o chro‎m atic‎i ty单色‎性spat‎i cal ‎a nd t‎e mpor‎a l co‎h eren‎c e时空相‎干性by ‎v irtu‎e of利‎用dire‎c tion‎a lity‎方向性su‎p erpo‎s itio‎n叠加pu‎m p ra‎t e泵浦速‎率shun‎t分流co‎r ona ‎b reak‎d own电‎晕击穿au‎d acit‎y畅通无阻‎v ersa‎t ile用‎途广泛的p‎h otoe‎l ectr‎i cef‎f ect光‎电效应qu‎a ntum‎dete‎c tor量‎子探测器q‎u antu‎m eff‎i cien‎c y量子效‎率vacu‎u mph‎o todi‎o de真空‎光电二极管‎p hoto‎e lect‎r ic w‎o rk f‎u ncti‎o n光电功‎函数cat‎h ode阴‎极anod‎e阳极fo‎r mida‎b le苛刻‎的恶光的i‎r resp‎e ctiv‎e无关的i‎m ping‎e撞击in‎turn‎依次cap‎a cita‎n ce电容‎p hoto‎m ulti‎p lier‎光电信增管‎p hoto‎c ondu‎c tor光‎敏电阻ju‎n ctio‎npho‎t odio‎d e结型光‎电二极管a‎v alan‎c he p‎h otod‎i ode雪‎崩二极管s‎h ot n‎o ise ‎散粒噪声t‎h erma‎l noi‎s e热噪声‎‎In‎this‎chap‎t er w‎e con‎s ider‎Maxw‎e ll’s‎equa‎t ions‎and ‎w hat ‎t hey ‎r evea‎l abo‎u t th‎epro‎p agat‎i on o‎f lig‎h t in‎vacu‎u m an‎d in ‎m atte‎r. We‎intr‎o duce‎the ‎c once‎p t of‎phot‎o ns a‎n d pr‎e sent‎thei‎r den‎s ity ‎o f st‎a tes.‎S ince‎the ‎d ensi‎t y of‎stat‎e s is‎a ra‎t her ‎i mpor‎t ant ‎p rope‎r ty,n‎o t on‎l y fo‎r pho‎t ons,‎w e ap‎p roac‎h thi‎s qua‎n tity‎in a‎rath‎e r ge‎n eral‎way.‎We w‎i ll u‎s e th‎e den‎s ity ‎o f st‎a tes ‎l ater‎also‎for ‎o ther‎(quas‎i-) p‎a rtic‎l es i‎n clud‎i ng s‎y stem‎s of ‎r educ‎e ddi‎m ensi‎o nali‎t y.In‎addi‎t ion,‎w e in‎t rodu‎c e th‎e occ‎u pati‎o n pr‎o babi‎l ity ‎o f th‎e se s‎t ates‎for ‎v ario‎u s gr‎o ups ‎o f pa‎r ticl‎e s.‎在本‎章中,我们‎讨论麦克斯‎韦方程和他‎们显示的有‎关光在真空‎中传播的问‎题。

Laser nano-manufacturing – State of the art and challenges

Laser nano-manufacturing – State of the art and challenges

Laser nano-manufacturing–State of the art and challengesLin Li(1)a,*,Minghui Hong b,Michael Schmidt(3)c,Minlin Zhong d,Ajay Malshe(2)e, Bert Huis in’tVeld(3)f,Volodymyr Kovalenko(1)ga Laser Processing Research Centre,School of Mechanical,Aerospace and Civil Engineering,The University of Manchester,M139PL,UKb Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,National University of Singapore,Singaporec Photonic Technologies,FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg,Germanyd Department of Mechanical Engineering,Tsinghua University,Chinae Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Arkansas,USAf Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Twente,The Netherlandsg National Technical University of Ukraine,Ukraine1.IntroductionThe need for nano-manufacturing is dictated not only by the requirement of increasingly sophisticated devices and structures with novel properties but also by the trend of decreasing component sizes,material usages and energy consumption of products.To meet the demand for product miniaturization and nano-material and structures enabled novel functionality,a logical step is to achieve the desired nano precision and resolution through the development and wide implementation of nano-fabrication technologies[78,119].Nano-scale manufacture refers to the production of structures,materials and components with at least one of lateral dimensions between1nm and100nm including surface and sub-surface patterns,3D nano structures, nanowires,nanotubes and sers have provided important opportunities in the realisation of nano-manufacturing.This paper reviews the progress in the development of laser based nano-manufacturing technologies and associated sciences in order to understand the state of the art and challenges.Fig.1shows the scope of the paper with three main areas of focus:(1)laser fabrication technologies for surface and subsurface nano struc-tures including nearfield and farfield techniques,(2)laser synthesis of nano materials including nanoparticles,nanowires and nanotubes,(3)laser fabrication of3D nano structures and devices primarily based on additive or bottom-up nano-manu-facturing techniques.Their industrial applications and scientific/ technological challenges are ser fabrication of surface nano-structures2.1.Diffraction limits to laser beamsLaser materials processing has been successfully applied in industry for several decades for cutting,welding,drilling,cleaning, additive manufacturing,surface modification and micro-machin-ing.In most cases,the feature size and resolution of machining are above1m m.One of the reasons for the limited resolution is the diffraction limit of the laser beams in the farfield(where the target surface from the optical element is greater than the optical wavelength)governed by:d¼l2n sin a(1) where d is the minimum beam spot diameter,l is the laser wavelength,n is the refractive index of the medium of beam delivery to the target material and a is the beam divergence angle. The best theoretical resolution is therefore around half of the laser wavelength.For most high power engineering lasers the optical wavelengths are within248nm–10.6m m.Therefore,there are considerable challenges to achieve nano-scale(100nm)resolu-tion in direct laser fabrication of surface structures.To improve the fabrication resolution a number of approaches have been considered including the use of high numerical aperture optics and shorter wavelength light sources.For example,deep ultra-violet(DUV,ArF193nm)laser sources have been used in producing lines of130nm and90nm lithography(32nm and 45nm with optics immersed a high refractive index liquid).To achieve smaller surface patterning feature sizes,F2lasers of 157nm wavelength and extreme ultraviolet(EUV)Xe or Sn plasma systems with a13nm wavelength are used for nanolithography. However,these sources are costly,low output power and unstableCIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology60(2011)735–755A R T I C L E I N F OKeywords:LaserNano manufacturing Material A B S T R A C TThis paper provides an overview of advances in laser based nano-manufacturing technologies including surface nano-structure manufacturing,production of nano materials(nanoparticles,nanotubes and nanowires)and3D nano-structures manufacture through multiple layer additive techniques and nano-joining/forming.Examples of practical applications of laser manufactured nano-structures,materials and components are given.A discussion on the challenges and outlooks in laser nano-manufacturing is presented.ß2011CIRP.*Corresponding author.Contents lists available at ScienceDirectCIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology journal homepage:/cirp/default.asp0007-8506/$–see front matterß2011CIRP. doi:10.1016/j.cirp.2011.05.005in light intensity.Strong absorption of the UV light by air molecules requires the nanolithography to be carried out in a vacuum or dry high purity N 2gas protection chamber.How to overcome the optical diffraction limit with stable UV or visible,IR light sources is attracting much research interests in the world.Near field optics utilizing evanescent waves at the close proximity (within the length of the light wavelength)from the focusing optics have been recently applied for laser based nano-fabrications beyond the diffraction limits.In addition,femto second pulsed lasers have been used to achieve far field nano-resolution fabrication based on ablation threshold setting of the Gaussian beam profile of the lasers and non-linear light absorption ser radiation on scanning probe tips for nano-fabrication is not included in this paper as it was reported elsewhere [111].In the following sections,recent developments in near field laser nano-fabrication techni-ques,far field femto second laser nano-fabrication and laser induced self-organising nano-ripple formations are summarised.2.2.Scanning near field photolithography (SNP)using laser coupled near field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM)SNP is based on the coupling of a laser beam (e.g.a frequency doubled argon ion laser at l =244nm)with an optical fibre based Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope (NSOM,first demonstrated in 1992)with a very fine tip (typically 50nm)and very close (10–20nm)tip to target surface distance.A high resolution (beyond diffraction limit)evanescent energy field generates at the tip and decays exponentially with increasing distance.The nanometer distance between the tip and target ensures that the evanescent wave arrives at the target surface with sufficient energy density.The patterned photo-resist is further treated by chemical etching,plasma etching or UV light radiation to create nano-scale patterns on the substrate.The technique was first reported by Lo and Wang in 2001to demonstrate 128nm resolution fabrications [100].Sun and Legget from Sheffield University,UK [172,173]selectively oxidized a strongly bound self-assembled nanolayer (SAM)photo resist on a gold substrate using the SNP technique (the terminology of SNP was first proposed in 2002)followed by chemical etching to realise 20–55nm resolution in surface patterning.This is matching the resolution by electron beam lithography but without the use of a vacuum chamber.The technique was further developed by scientists at Singapore Data Storage Institute and National University of Singapore,using a frequency-doubled Ti:Sapphire femto-second laser at l =400nm,coupled into an NSOM fibre probe to achieve 20mm resolution surface patterning on a UV photo resist (around 40–120nm thickness)spin coated on a Si substrate for data storage applications [21,56,93–95,217].The laser etched depth was 20–100nm.The tip/sample distance was regulated by a tuning-fork-based shear-force feedback.Typical writing speed is 8–12m m/s.In the coupled laser and NSOM nano-fabrication technique,the probe-to-sample distance is a critical parameter to control both the nano-feature size and shape.At a small probe diameter and probe-to-substrate distance,the NSOM overcomes the traditional far-field diffraction limit and can be used to obtain sub-wavelength-size patterns.Fig.2shows an example of nano-line arrays created at different incident laser powers.In addition,higher writing speed leads to shorter exposure time and thus lower exposure dose,resulting in a narrower line width and shallower depth.Considering that there is a melting threshold of the NSOM tip metal coating,a low power (<1mW)laser source is typically used to avoid damaging theNSOM tip.For the photo-resist exposure process,exposure energy dose is another important parameter,which is decided by exposure UV light energy and exposure time.The high resolution of the SNP technique is comparable to electron beam lithography.Furthermore,as the nano-features can be fabricated in air,with a multi-NSOM fibre tip design,parallel nanolithography can be realised for high speed surface nano-structuring.The drawbacks of the technique include the requirement of high precision nano-distance control between the fibre tip and the target,and potential contamination or damage to the fibre tip.If the target surface is rough (>50nm Rz)then it is difficult to apply the technique for uniform pattern writing.A recent development has enabled a nano-second laser NSOM technique (200nm probe diameter)to be applied for direct fabrication of nano-scale features on Si without the use of subsequent photo or chemical etching [165].2.3.Nano ridge aperture (bowtie)beam transmission enhanced nano-fabricationThe amount of light transmission through a small aperture of an object depends on the aperture size,d a ,relative to the wavelength,l ,of the light source.For an aperture smaller than the laser wavelength,light transmission is restricted.For example,for a circular aperture,the transmission efficiency is on the order of (d a /l )4due to the optical diffraction effect [11].Researchers in Perdue University,USA,found that,with a specific aperture geometry such as a bowtie or H,high energy laser beams can be delivered through the aperture with much less attenuation than a circular aperture and the energy is sufficient to produce nano-scale patterns on a surface through contact lithography [29,226].The enhancement was found to be due to near field surface plasmonic effect [29,227].Fig.3a shows a typical bowtie aperture used for nano-fabrication.The aperture was made of atomic force microscope cantilever probe (Si 3N 4coated with an Al film)with the gold coating removed from the back side and the bowtie geometry milled using a focused ion beam.The aperture had 180nm Â180nm outline dimension and a 30nm gap.When a laser beam of 800nm wavelength and 50fs pulse width at 1.5–7.9mW power passed through the aperture,lines with widths down to 62nm and 2nm depth were produced on a photoresist material at a scanning speed of 2.5m m/s as shown in Fig.3b.The distance between the bowtie aperture tip and the target surface was 30nm.The laser beam intensity at the tip of the bowtie aperture was found 39.8times that of the incoming beam due to plasmonic enhancement.As this phenom-enon only occurs at the near field,some researchers also classify this technique as the NSOM based nano-fabrication.2.4.Optically trapped micro-sphere assisted nano-writing (OTAN)Scientists at Princeton University recently developed a laser nano-patterning technique based on laser tweezers [118].AFig.1.Illustration of the scope of thepaper.Fig.2.Nano-lines created by the coupled fs laser/NSOM SNP technique at different incident laser powers [55].L.Li et al./CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology 60(2011)735–755736transparent sphere (polystyrene)was held by a focused continuous wave laser beam (converted to a Bessel beam using an axicon lens)as in a typical laser tweezers setup in a liquid environment.At the same time,another pulsed laser (355nm wavelength,15nm pulse length,15nJ–8mJ pulse energy)passes through the sphere and produces a focused energy spot at the bottom of the sphere based on the near field evanescence wave effect.By traversing the sphere over a surface,nano-scale patterns have been generated.Due to the balance of the laser beam radiation pressure with the electrostatic repulsion from the target surface [211],which develops due to ionic groups on the surfaces,the distance between the sphere and the target surface can be maintained constant even for a curved surface without any additional feedback control systems.Fig.4shows a typical process set up and an example of a nano-pattern fabricated using the technique.Arbitrary patterns with the line width around 100nm were demonstrated with 15nm feature size variation.The scientists at the Princeton group further developed the technique by splitting the sphere trapping beam into multiple beams using beam splitters to hold and move several micro-spheres (0.76–3m m diameters)simultaneously,while firing a pulsed power beam to them.Such a system enabled them to write a number of parallel nano-patterns on a polyimide film coated on a glass substrate [118].An advantage of the technique compared with other near field direct writing techniques is that for OTAN there is no need for distance control and it can work on rough surfaces [186].A limitation of the technique is that it can only operate in a liquid environment.2.5.Femtosecond (fs)laser direct writingThe process involved in the formation of nano-scale features by fs lasers is different from the conventional lasers.In fs laserinteraction with materials,the laser interaction time (10À15–10À13s)is shorter than the time for electrons to pass the energy to the lattice (around 10À11s).As a result,the material remains cool while absorbing the laser energy.The use of ultra-short pulse durations of the fs laser pulses restricts the heat diffusion,and improves surface roughness,and also minimizes damage to the adjacent areas.Due to the above mentioned advantages,fs lasers are used for writing couplers [120],waveguide amplifiers [162],diffraction gratings and memory bits [24].To achieve nano-scale resolution,the tip of Gaussian beam is used (setting the laser fluence low enough so that only the tip of laser beam is above the ablation or phase change threshold of the material).In this way,far field laser nano-fabrication beyond diffraction limit can be realised.Typical pulse energy of fs laser nano-fabrication is between 0.1and 100m J and power densities above 1TW/cm 2.Tight focusing of the light by a high NA telecentric lens is essential for fs laser nanofabrication.Another advantage of telecentric lens is that every successive scanning beam is parallel to the optical axis.Due to this,the beam is incident normally on the entire surface area and symmetrical features can thus be written.Minimal variation in laser focus energy and accuracy of focal spot/sample scanning ensure fabrication with high precision.The charge-coupled device (CCD)camera assists in optical adjustment and in situ fabrication monitoring [236].Three critical factors that govern the fs laser writing mechanism are chemical nonlinearity,material nonlinearity,and optical nonlinearity.When a high power density from a fs laser is incident on a target surface,photons are absorbed by either one-photon absorption (OPA),two-photon absorption (TPA),or the multi-photon absorption (MPA).Photon absorption caused by fs-laser beam irradiation leads to different processes such as ionization,electron excitation,and phase transitions.The electrons are agitated and their oscillatory energy is converted into thermal energy of the plasma by collisions with ions by the linear damping mechanism referred to as inverse Bremsstrahlung heating .This raises the temperature and the laser energy is absorbed by the plasma by OPA.These phenomena can occur only in a localized region around the focal point due to the high peak intensity.The separation between the high energetic electron cloud and the positively charged ions in the bulk causes a high voltage (known as Dember voltage)close to the surface which results in the repelling of materials in a process known as Coulomb Explosion.For this reason,the fs laser processing is also termed as cold laser processing and it is possible to write features even in transparent materials [109,121,126].In summary,the formation of nano-features is attributed to the interaction between the fs laser beam and laser-induced electron plasma and matter [159].Two photon absorption mechanisms are illustrated in Fig.5[84].In the figure,S 0,S 1,and S 2are ground state,one-photon allowed and two-photon allowed excited states,respectively.The incident light frequencies are v 1and v 2while the fluorescent emission frequency is v 3.It should be noted that in standard optical lithography,the materials respond to light excitation to the first order effect.For TPA and MPA in fs laser writing,the response is limited to two and higher orders and the square light intensity is also narrower than a linear one.This makes the photon energy of TPA less than thatofFig. 3.Nano bowtie aperture (a)and nano surface patterns produced by transmitting a laser beam through it (b)[29].Fig.4.Illustration of laser trapped micro-sphere nano-patterning.(a)Experimental set up and (b)an example of optically trapped micro-sphere nano writing.The scale bars on the larger picture and the zoomed-in pictures are 2m m and 250nm,respectively [118].Fig. 5.Schematic energy diagram of a TPA process [84](reproduced with permission from Elsevier).L.Li et al./CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology 60(2011)735–755737OPA.As a consequence,the volume involved in beam-material interaction reduces and this leads to better resolution in writing the features.The volume in which this energy is absorbed is less than the third order of the laser wavelength (l 3)and hence high spatial resolution of the writing process ( 100nm)beyond the optical diffraction limit is possible [176].For nanoscale writing,it is essential that the laser energy penetrates into the bulk material without any significant losses.For this purpose,a light source with near-infrared wavelength (such as l =800nm)is selected for surface,sub-surface and in-bulk writing.Due to the high transient power density,fs lasers can excite a wide range of materials and induce irreversible processes such as photopolymerisation,photoisomerization,and photoreduction.Femtosecond lasers have numerous advantages over longer pulsed lasers for materials processing [179,195–197]due to which they have been used for writing nano-features in a wide variety of materials such as metals,polymers and ceramics.Examples of the material,and dimensions of the nanofeatures ( 100nm)written by fs lasers are presented in Table 1and Fig.6.2.6.Micro-lens array for fabricating periodic nano-structuresPeriodic nanostructures are useful for plasmonic structures,photonic crystals,high density data storage,miniaturized radio frequency (RF)oscillators and optical gratings.Micro-lens array (MLA)lithography is a laser-based technique being developed for rapid fabrication of large-scale periodic nanostructures.MLA consists of a series of miniaturized lenses of identical sizes and focal lengths,typically arranged hexagonally or squarely packed.When used in a typical optical system,an MLA can focus an incident light beam to form a series of parallel light spots in the focal plane.Downscaling of the diameter,D ,and the focal length,f ,of a lens improves its optical performance [52].For a fixed F number F =f /D ,the diffraction-limited resolution is given by d x %l F 2which is independent of the lens scale.However,the wave aberrations which describe the deviation of the actual wave front from a perfect spherical wave front,are less for smaller lenses for the same F number and wavelength.On the other hand,small lenses have a shorter focal length [200].The early studies of micro-lens array based photolithography were for the manufacturing of periodic micro-scale features [58,200].As the micro-lens array production technology improves,the size of micro-lenses get smaller and so are the feature sizes.For example,scientists at Singapore Data Storage Institute and National University of Singapore used an 800nm wavelength,100fs laser to irradiate a 30nm-thick GeSbTe layer sputtered onto a polycarbonate substrate.It created thousands of field emission transistor structures in a few minutes with a gate line width of 200nm.In addition,using an alkaline solution to etch the material after laser radiation,nanostructures down to 55nm on the thin film were produced [96].To achieve further reduction in feature sizes,they manufactured a micro lens array on a quartz substrate with a diameter and pitch of 1m m each,which consists of 2500Â2500(6.25million)lenses covering an area of 5mm Â5mm.UV light-sensitive photoresist irradiated by a 248nm wavelength,23ns pulse width KrF excimer laser through the MLA created nano-dots as small as 78nm in diameter,at a resolution of one-third the operating wavelength [92].Fig.7shows an example of periodic patterns produced by a micro-lens array system.A critical requirement of the micro-lens array lithography fabrication technology is that the lens must be horizontal to the target surface within the entire radiated area to ensure the beams are vertical to the surface so that the feature sizes are identical.The lens to target surface is also needed to be controlled precisely.For a non-flat surface,it is difficult to fabricate uniform nano-structures using this technique.2.7.Far field laser interference lithography (LIL)Laser-interference lithography is a large-area,maskless,and noncontact nanofabrication technique suitable for repeatable structures such as periodic lines and 2D shapes.It is based on the interference of two or more coherent light beams that form a horizontal standing-wave pattern.The minimum spacing,d L ,between the lines is determined by the laser wavelength,l ,and angle,a ,between the laser beams as in:d L ¼l2n sin ða =2Þ(2)This interference pattern is then recorded on the exposed ser-interference lithography can be used to fabricate micro-and nano-surface structures in large areas.By overlapping exposures at different angles,various patterns (e.g.circular,square,and hexagonal geometry)can be produced.Table 1Examples of nano-features written by fs lasers.Base materialNano-featuresReferences Copper thin film Pits of 75nm[195]Amorphous silicaGratings of 15nm width[57]Urethane acrylate resin,SCR 500Wires of 65nm lateral width at central portion [177]Glass Hillocks of 40–70nm height [193,194]TeO 2Voids of 30nm width [158]SiO 2Stripes of 20nm width[159]Bulk aluminium Irregular nanoentities with average size of 100nm [170]Lithium niobateThick layer of 100nm[24,109,110,169]CVD diamond surfaceRipples with periodicity of 50–100nm[136]AAO matrix (Au deposited into anodized aluminium oxide)Nanorods of diameter 20–40nm and length of $50nm [147]Commercial resin,SCR 500Lines with width of 23nm[180]Gallium nitride Craters of depth varying from 26to 40nm[126]Silica glass Wires of width of 15nm and holes of 20nm diameter [70]TiO 2Ripples with depth of 100nm[23]Fig.6.Nanofeatures developed in (a)amorphous silica [57](reproduced with permission from Elsevier),(b)urethane acrylate resin,SCR 500[176](reproduced with permission from the Optical Society of America),(c)commercial resin,SCR 500[180](reproduced with permission from American Institute of Physics),(d)glass [193],(e)TeO 2[158],(f)photoresist thin film [94],(g)CVD diamond surface [136](reproduced with permission from American Institute of Physics).L.Li et al./CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology 60(2011)735–755738Examples include nano-cone arrays on Ni–Cr alloy (Fig.8)and Au/Ag bi-metallic plasmonic structures on quartz ing this approach,after only a few minutes of UV light exposure,followed by photoresist development and chemical etching,periodic nano-lines and nano-dot arrays can be created over a centimetre scale area.To further improve the resolution,immersion laser interference lithography was developed at Max-Planck Institute of Micro-structure Physics,Germany [18].This is to increase ‘‘n ’’in Eq.(2)by introducing a Littrow prism and water as the immersion liquid.In this case,n =1.51.Line patters with a period less than 100nm and a width of 45nm were demonstrated with a 244nm wavelength laser (Fig.9).Another way of increasing the resolution is by reducing the laser wavelength,such as the use of an extreme ultraviolet laser source (e.g.an A +8laser at a 46.9nm wavelength).A great advantage of this method is the increase of ablation depth to over 120nm on Si based photo-resist [112].By combining an EUV laser and Lloyd’s mirror interferometer (Fig.10),nanostructures of 60nm feature size were produced on PMMA (Fig.11).The ablation depth is 20–30nm.Also lines with 95nm width were produced on Au substrates using the technique by the same group.A drawback of the EUV technology is that the process will need a vacuum chamber to operate due to the use of EUV system which can easily ionize gases if it is operated in non-vacuum conditions.2.8.Near field interference lithographyNear field interference lithography is based on evanescent (non-propagating)wave or surface plasmon wave interferences.The purpose is to defeat the diffraction limit of the lasers to fabricate smaller nano-structures.Evanescent interferometric lithography (EIL)or evanescent near field optical lithography (ENFOL),or evanescent wave interference lithography (EWIL)was first demonstrated using a mercury arc lamp in 1999by Blackie et al.at University of Canterbury,New Zealand [3,14].Laser based evanescent wave near field lithography using total internal reflection (TIR)was first reported in 2006by Martinez-Anton of University Complutense Madrid,Spain [115].A typical TIR configuration is shown in Fig.12with two intersecting beams at an angle to enable the total reflection to occur to create periodic evanescent waves.Theprismrge area micro/nanostructures fabricated by laser MLA [92].Fig.8.A nano-cone structure fabricated by laser interference lithography (height 40nm and width 30nm)[152].Fig.9.Photoresist patterns created by immersion laser interference lithography.(a)Low magnification and (b)high magnification images of the pattern;the width of the resist lines is 43.4nm.(c)Silver lines after evaporation of 15nm Ag and lift-off [18].Fig.10.A typical optical configuration for Lloyd’s mirror interferometer laser interference lithography,where u =a /2[112].Fig.12.Illustration of a typical TIR optical configuration to generated evanescent waves through interference of tow intersecting beams [115].Fig.11.Two dimensional nano patterns on PMMA produced by EUV laser interference lithography using Lloyd’s mirror interferometer with two exposures at different angles,(a)dots with 60nm FWHM feature size and a period of 150nm,(b)regular shapes dots,(c)elongated dots [112].L.Li et al./CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology 60(2011)735–755739was irradiated with split 405nm wavelength laser beams.Periodic surface relief gratings of around 100nm period were produced on photoresists using this technique [115].More complicated 2D nano-structures can be fabricated using multiple (more than 2)beam interference through polarization tuning,based on TIR evanescence wave near field lithography,as demonstrated by Chua and Murukeshan [22].The photoresist in optical contact with the TIR prism (rectangular)has a lower refractive index than the prism.Patterns of 70nm feature size had been produced using this method (Fig.13).A drawback of this method is that the depth is shallow due to the non-propagating nature of the evanescent wave.The energy transmission through the masks is also very low.Surface Plasmon Interference Lithography (SPIL)is another near field lithographic technique developed recently to improve energy transmission and fabrication depth over the evanescent wave lithography.It is based on energy field enhancement by the interaction of light with surface Plasmon (SP,collective electron oscillation)waves induced around the nano-scale metallic struc-tures and a dielectric interface.If the metallic mask is very thin (e.g.50nm),surface Plasmon waves can be generated on both surfaces,even the structures are not through the full thickness of the metallic film.The enhancement,through the coupling between the surface plasma waves and the evanescent waves,can be several orders of magnitude in intensity compared with the incoming beam.The wavelength of the excited surface Plasmon wave is shorter than that of the exciting laser at the same frequency.Therefore higherresolution is expected.The wavelength of the exciting laser,l (i ,j ),needs to match the materials and the structures of the mask.Their relationships can be found from [168]:l ði ;j Þ¼affiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffii 2þj 2q ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffie d e m e d þe mr (3)where a is the metallic mask periodic nanostructure period,e a and e m are the dielectric constants of the mask metal and the surrounding dielectric medium,respectively and i ,j are mode indices.For example,a UV light can excite surface Plasmon waves on Al with a nanostructure period of 220nm.A green or blue light can excite surface Plasmon waves on a silver mask with a period of 400–500nm.A larger period allows longer exciting wavelengths.The SPIL technique for the fabrication of periodic surface nanostructures was first reported independently by two separate groups (University of California in USA and RIKEN in Japan)in 2004[103,168]using an Al or a silver mask.An example of a typical configuration for the SPIL technique is shown in Fig.14.For an 80nm thick Al mask of 20nm diameter holes and 220nm period (fabricated using a focused ion beam)and 30nm spacer (PMMA)and irradiated with an arc lamp with a peak intensity at 365nm,90nm periodic structures were produced on a photoresist [168].The RIKEN group fabricated periodic 100nm lines using a silver mask radiated with a 436nm light.They termed the method as SPRINT (Surface Plasmon Resonance Interference Nanolithography Technique)and proposed to use imperforated metallic marks which have corrugated surfaces on both sides of the metallic mask.The illuminated side collects the light and induces the SP waves on the other side of the target material through SP coupling.Sreekanth et al.at Nanyang Technological University of Singapore compared standard far field laser interference lithography,near field evanescent wave lithography and the SPLIT techniques in nano fabrication of period surface structures [167].They found that that the SPIL technique can produce deeper features than the evanescent wave lithography technique and both near field lithography techniques have a better resolution than the far field lithography technique.Fig.15shows an example of periodic dot arrays fabricated on a Si wafer using the SPIL technique with a UV Argon ion laser at 364nm wavelength,which has a 82Æ11nm feature size,164Æ11nm period and an average height of 180nm [167].2.9.Contact particle lens array nano-fabrication (CPLA)This technique is based on the use of transparent micro spherical particles spread onto the target surface byself-assemblyFig.13.Two dimensional features fabricated using evanescent wave interference lithography generated by TIR of four p-polarized incident beams.(a)Theoretical inverse positional photoresist development rate at the interface between the prism and photoresist,(b)SEM image of hexagonal arrayed 2D features.Inset:Enlarged region showing the peak (P),valley (V)and saddle (S)regions (top right),(c)AFM image of the nano-structures [22].Fig.14.A typical process configuration for SPIL and an optical mask,(A)schematic drawing of the SPIL set up and (B)an Al mask for the SPIL experiment (fabricated using FIB)with a hole size of 160nm and a period of 500nm [168].L.Li et al./CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology 60(2011)735–755740。

Laser beam combining unit

Laser beam combining unit

专利名称:Laser beam combining unit发明人:NAGAI TORU,永井 亨,NAGAOKA RYUJI,長岡 隆二申请号:JP2017150994申请日:20170803公开号:JP2019028401A公开日:20190221专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要: Project provides a kind of laser beam combining unit, which is intended to improve the irradiation power density of synthesized laser beam. There is laser beam combining unit 10 propagating co-axial, wavelength to project the outgoing optical system 20 of mutually different multiple annulus laser beam IL and the rotating optical element 30 of circular concentric, the rotating optical element 30 includes: according to the wavelength, multiple annulus laser beams are rotated, so as to be equal to each other with the local refraction angle of the local refraction light DL of multiple annulus laser beam IL of different local incident angles. Selection figure is Fig. 1.申请人:KAWASAKI HEAVY IND LTD,川崎重工業株式会社地址:兵庫県神戸市中央区東川崎町3丁目1番1号国籍:JP代理人:特許業務法人 有古特許事務所更多信息请下载全文后查看。



华中科技大学硕士学位论文光强涨落关联引起的LIGO后镜光热散粒噪声姓名:***申请学位级别:硕士专业:理论物理指导教师:***20070201摘 要广义相对论已成为现代物理学的理论基础。












三、在V.B. Braginsky对后镜热噪声的研究基础上,分析LIGO中由于光强涨落关联引起的后镜光热散粒噪声。

结果表明,对于Advanced LIGO,在低频段,光强涨落关联引起的后镜光热散粒噪声与Braginsky后镜光热噪声相当。


关键词:引力波探测,LIGO,热噪声ABSTRACTThe General Relativity has become the foundation of modern physics. Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational-wave by General Relativity. The existence of gravitational-wave has been one of the central theses of the gravitational theory. The prediction of existence of gravitational-wave was 90 years ago, but because of the gravitational-wave is very weak, limited by the experiment’s technique level in the meantime, the gravitational-wave detection until the 60's just started last century. In 70's, acquired the gravitational wave the indirect proof for exist from the astronomic observation. People have been all hoping that can acquire the direct proof for exist of the gravitational-wave. For this, the international community threw in a great deal of manpower, material resources and financial power. After many years, there have been a world’s net of the gravitational wave detection. The gravitational-wave detection is figured by《science》to be one of 8 science realms for highly anticipated in 2006.In this article, we first studied the states international gravitational-wave detection. Then we analyzed the main source of noise in LIGO. Last we based on Braginsky’s research about end mirrors’ thermal noise, analyzed the photo-thermal shot noise of end mirrors in LIGO due to input relative power fluctuation. We find that, this part of noise is up to Braginsky’s noise for the Advanced LIGO.Keywords: Gravitational-wave detector, LIGO, Thermal noise独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。

表面等离子体共振 波尔激发半径

表面等离子体共振 波尔激发半径



该半径可通过波尔模型计算得出,其中电子分布密度波由Drude模型描述,电场由Maxwell 方程组计算。


- 1 -。

masing 规则

masing 规则

masing 规则Masing规则是指半导体注入激光器中出现的一个稳定的光强波动现象。















































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E0[(x 4- iy)/~o] e -(x2+y2)/~ eE(r/rikr2/2R
e i(kz+~) (1)
e -+i~e -(x2+p2)/~2 e ikr2/2R e i(kz+r
where (I) is the Guoy phase shift, R is the wavefront radius of curvature, e) is the spot size and r and 0 are polar coordinates in the X - Y plane. Notice that during any complete circuit around the axis the phase changes by + 2~, expressing the helical form of the wavefronts, and that the field goes to zero on the axis, as it must where the phase is undefined. The doughnut mode is a stable cavity mode because it is a linear combination of Hermite-Gaussian TEM0x and TEM~0 modes and propagates in a self-similar way in free space and through optical systems for the same reason. In fact other more complex combinations containing phase singularities can be produced from higher-order modes. According to resonator theory [2] Hermite-Gaussian modes TEMm, with the same total m + n (or Laguerre-Gaussian modes TEMp~ with the same total 2p + l) are frequency degenerate and can form such combinations. The singularities show up as multiple isolated irradiance zeros in the modal spot pattern. One example is the TEM*2 hybrid or 'optical leopard' [3] which can be constructed from the Gaussian-Hermite modes TEM02 and TEM20. The pattern has a central irradiance peak surrounded by four smaller peaks and four zeros where there are two positive and two negative singularities diagonally opposed. Figure 1a shows the irradiance distribution and Fig. lb the form of the wavefronts with four interconnected helices.
Other examples contain higher-order singularities. The simplest cases are the higherorder doughnuts which are just Gaussian-Laguerre TEM0. modes)
E* = Eo(r/o9)" e (x2+/)/~,2e+in0 e ikr2/2R e i(kz+o)
The parameter n is often referred to as the 'charge' of the singularity, with zero charge corresponding to a Gaussian TEM00 beam. The irradiance profiles of several higher-order doughnuts are shown in Fig, 2. The wavefronts form multistart helices. Of course, in a real laser, astigmatism in the cavity often removes the frequency degeneracy between such modes, but Brambilla et al. [3] have shown theoretically and experimentally that, so long as the astigmatism is not too severe, a cooperative frequencylocking process can occur, leading to a range of stable patterns. However, it is important to remember that not all dark spots in patterns are necessarily phase singularities. If the frequency degeneracy of the contributing modes is broken, a rapidly time-varying pattern will result, the time average of which may still contain dark spots [1]. In some applications, involving only average irradiances, that will not matter, but in others it will be important. We show below how such cases can be distinguished experimentally.
spontaneously within a laser and in some cases a considerable degree of control can be exercised by the experimenter. Alternatively, a hologram can be used to convert part of the output of an existing laser into the desired beam. We consider both approaches below. The 525 nm Na2 vapour laser pumped by the Ar-ion laser [4] is ideal for studies of combination-mode formation because its velocity-selective optical pumping mechanism leads to very narrow gain linewidths so that only one 'family' of transverse modes with a certain m 4- n or 2p 4- l sum can oscillate at a time, and the otherwise dominant TEM00 Gaussian can be suppressed. We have used a system very similar to that used by Brambilla et al. [3] to generate a range of patterns and, as described below, to study methods to detect and classify modes with singularities9 A less efficient but a more flexible way to produce modes with singularities is through the use of computer-generated holograms. In our first experiments we used on-axis holograms which have the form of spiral Fresnel zone plates [5], but these suffer the same problem as G a b o r ' s original holograms, i.e. lack of separation between reconstructed beam and incident beam. It turns out that even crude off-axis binary holograms are quite effective, as will now be explained. A hologram is really just a recording of the interference pattern between a field of interest and some simple reference field. For the relatively simple fields involved in modes with singularities it is possible to calculate the form of such patterns and plot them out. Let us take as an example a charge-one doughnut (Equation 1), at a beam-waist (R -* oo) for simplicity. Consider the interference pattern on a screen in the X - Y plane when a plane reference beam