
The Essence of Hotel Service: Creating Memorable Guest ExperiencesIn the highly competitive world of hospitality, providing exceptional service is not just a necessity, but a key differentiator that sets one hotel apart from the rest. Hotel service, at its core, is about creating memorable guest experiences, tailored to meet the unique needs and expectations of every individual visitor. It begins with a warm welcome and extends throughout theentire duration of the stay, ensuring that guests feel comfortable, satisfied, and well-cared for.To achieve this, hotels must have a well-trained and dedicated staff who understand the importance of providing impeccable service. Frontline employees, from receptionists to housekeeping staff, must be professional, polite, and proactive in anticipating and fulfilling guest needs. They must also be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle various situations, from handling complaints gracefully to providing timely assistance during emergencies.Beyond basic customer service skills, hotels must also invest in creating a culture of service excellence. This involves fostering a work environment that encourages innovation, teamwork, and continuous improvement. By fostering a culture where employees feel valued and motivated, hotels can ensure that their staff are not just meeting expectations, but exceeding them.In addition to staff training and culture, hotels must also pay attention to the physical aspects of their service. This includes maintaining clean and comfortable facilities, providing high-quality linens and amenities, and ensuring that all areas of the hotel, from the lobby to the guest rooms, reflect the desired brand image and atmosphere.Moreover, hotels must stay up-to-date with technologyto enhance the guest experience. From digital check-in and keyless room entry to interactive concierge services and online bookings, technology can significantly improve efficiency and convenience for guests. By leveraging technology, hotels can streamline processes, improve communication, and personalize services to meet the unique preferences of each guest.However, it's not just about the tangible aspects of service. The intangible elements, such as the emotional connection between guests and staff, are equally important.A smile, a kind word, or a genuine act of kindness canleave a lasting impression on guests and turn them into loyal, repeat customers.In summary, hotel service is about creating memorable experiences for guests by providing impeccable service, fostering a culture of excellence, maintaining high-quality facilities, leveraging technology, and fostering emotional connections. By doing so, hotels can ensure that their guests not only have a comfortable and satisfying stay, but also become brand ambassadors, sharing their positive experiences with others and driving business growth.**酒店服务的精髓:创造难忘的宾客体验**在竞争激烈的酒店业中,提供卓越的服务不仅是必要的,而且是让一家酒店脱颖而出的关键。

酒店服务质量管理外文文献翻译This article examines the issue of service quality management in the hotel industry。
The importance of providing high-quality service to customers is emphasized。
as it is a key factor in customer XXX can use to improve their service quality。
such as employee training。
customer feedback。
and service recovery。
the article highlights the role of technology in service quality management and the XXX.In the hotel industry。
providing high-XXX service during their stay。
and any ings in service quality can lead to negative reviews and a loss of business。
XXX service quality management in order to XXX.XXX employees。
hotels XXX。
hotels XXX.XXX of service quality management is service recovery。
Even with the best ns and efforts。
mistakes and service failuresXXX must have a plan in place for addressing these XXX refunds。

毕设附件外文文献翻译原文及译文(3500 字)原文Study of Service Quality Management in Hotel IndustryBorkar; SameerAbstractIt is an attempt to understand the role of quality improvement process in hospitality industry and effectiveness in making it sustainable business enterprise. It is a survey of the presently adopted quality management tools which are making the hotels operations better focused and reliable and meet the customer expectations. Descriptive research design is used to know the parameters of service quality management in hospitality industry. Exploratory research design is undertaken to dig out the service quality management practices and its effectiveness. Data analysis is done and presented; hypothesis is tested against the collected data. Since the industry continuously tries to improve upon their services to meet the levels of customer satisfaction; Study presents tools for continuous improvement process and how it benefits all the stake holders. It can be inferred from the study that the hotel implement continuous improvement process and quality management tools to remain competitive in the market. The study involves hotels of highly competitive market with limited number of respondents. This limits the study to hotel industry and has scope of including other hospitality service providers as well.Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Perception, Performance Measurement, Continuous, Improvement Process.IntroductionIt has brought paradigm shifts in the operations of hospitality industry. The overall perspective of the industry is changed due to introduction of new techniques and methods of handling various processes. Awareness among the hoteliers and the guests has fuelled the inventions focused on operations. The increased sagacity of customer satisfaction led to the use of high standards of service in industry. The new service parameters made the hoteliers to implement quality management as an effective aid. It has significantly affected hotels' ability to control and adapt to changing environments. The use of new techniques began with the simple motive of sophistication and precise activities in the given field of operation which may result in high standards of service in global economy and has allowed the rise of a leisure class.Conceptual Framework This study of Service quality management in hospitality industry is an attempt to understand the presence of quality improvement process in hospitality industry and effectiveness in making it sustainable business enterprise. It is a survey of the presently adopted quality management tools which are making the hotels operations safer, focused and reliable and meet the customer expectations.As the hospitality industry becomes more competitive there is an obvious need to retain clientele as well as increasing profitability and hence management professionals strive to improve guest satisfaction and revenues. The management professionals whom are striving for these results however often have limited understanding of research surrounding the paradigms of guest satisfaction and loyalty and financial performance. This research paper shall enlighten some of the variables and important facts of service quality resulting into guest satisfaction.Review of LiteratureCustomers of hospitality often blame themselves when dissatisfied for their bad choice. Employees must be aware that dissatisfied customers may not complain and therefore the employees should seek out sources of dissatisfaction and resolve them. (Zeithaml V., 1981, p.186 -190)It is said that service quality is what differentiates hospitality sector, however there is not an agreed definition of what service quality is. There is however a few different suggestions of how to define service quality. Dividing it into technical, functional and image components; (Greenrooms C., 1982) another is that service quality is determined by its fitness for use by internal and external customers. It is accepted that service quality is depends upon guest's needs and expectations. A definition of service quality state that quality is simply conformance to specifications, which would mean that positive quality is when a product or service specific quality meet or exceed preset standards or promises. This however seems like an easy view within the hospitality industry. The alternative definitions read as follows: 1) quality is excellence; 2)quality is value for money; 3) quality is meeting or exceeding expectations. This appears better aligned with ideas which exist within hospitality management than the first mentioned simplistic approach. Service quality and value is rather difficult to calculate, companies must therefore rely on guest's quality perceptions and expectations to get consistent results which is best achieved by asking guest's questions related to expectations and their perceptions of the service quality, which can effectively be achieved through carefully designed surveys.A major problem with service quality is variability and limited capability and robustness of the service production process. (Gummesson E., 1991) Hotels consumers have well-conceived ideas about service quality and quality attributes are considered important for most types of services, the absence of certain attributes may lead consumers to perceive service quality as poor. The presence of these attributes may not substantially improve the perceived quality of the service. Most customers would be willing to trade some convenience for a price break, and that the behavior, skill level and performance of service employees are key determinants of perceived quality of services. This is a major challenge in improving or maintaining a high level of service quality. (Tigineh M. et al 1992)Studies focusing on service quality management suggest that service firms spend too little effort on planning for service quality. The resultant costs of poor service quality planning lead to lower profitability as part of the service failures. (Stuart F., et al 1996)When discussing satisfaction, it is important to understand that guest's evaluation of service comprise of two basic distinct dimensions:service delivery and service outcome (Mattila, 1999). Research indicates that how the service was delivered (perceived functional quality) is more important than the outcome of the service process (technical quality). This research clearly indicates that effort by staff have a strong effect on guest's satisfaction judgments.Companies delivering services must broaden their examination of productivity to help settle conflicts –the leverage synergies –between improving service quality and boosting service productivity. ( Parasuraman A. 2002)A key activity is to conduct regularly scheduled review of progress by quality council or working group and management must establish a system to identify areas for future improvement and to track performance with respect to internal and external customers. They must also track the changing preferences of customer. Continuous improvement means not only being satisfied with doing a good job or process. It is accomplished by incorporating process measurement and team problem solving an all work activities. Organization must continuously strive for excellence by reducing complexity, variation and out of control process. Plan-D-Study-Act (PDSA) developed by Shewhart and later on modified by Deming is an effective improvement technique. First Plan carefully, then carry out plan, study the results and check whether the plan worked exactly as intended and act on results by identifying what worked as planned and what didn't work. Continuous process improvement is the objective and these phases of PDSA are the framework to achieve those objectives. (Besterfield D. et al 2003)The 'servicescape' -is a general term to describe the physical surroundings ofa service environment (Reimer 2005, p. 786) such as a hotel or cruise ship. Guests are sometimes unconsciously trying to obtain as much information as possible through experiences to decrease information asymmetries This causes guests to look for quality signals or cues which would provide them with information about the service, which leads us to 'cue utilization theory'. Cue utilization theory states that products or services consist of several arrays of cues that serve as surrogate indicators of product or service quality. There are both intrinsic and extrinsic cues to help guests determine quality. Consequentially, due to the limited tangibility of services, guests are often left to accept the price of the experience and the physical appearance or environment of the hotel or cruise ship itself as quality indicators. Though there are many trade and academic papers discussing guest satisfaction has been published, one can note that limited attention has been paid to the value perception and expectations guests have towards product delivery and influence price guests pay for an experience has on satisfaction and future spending. Furthermore it is also known that the role of pricing in relation to guest determinants of perceived quality of services. This is a major challenge in improving or maintaining a high level of service quality. (Tigineh M. et al 1992) Studies focusing on service quality management suggest that service firms spend too little effort on planning for service quality.The resultant costs of poor service quality planning lead to lower profitability as part of the service failures. (Stuart F., et al 1996)When discussing satisfaction, it is important to understand that guest's evaluation of service comprise of two basicdistinct dimensions: service delivery and service outcome (Mattila, 1999). Research indicates that how the service was delivered (perceived functional quality) is more important than the outcome of the service process (technical quality). This research clearly indicates that effort by staff have a strong effect on guest's satisfaction judgments. Companies delivering services must broaden their examination of productivity to help settle conflicts –the leverage synergies –between improving service quality and boosting service productivity. ( Parasuraman A. 2002)Telephonic conversation with peers and friends in hospitality industry worked a wonder giving lots of inputs in drafting this paper. Secondary data sources- For this study, data sources such as hospitality journals, Books on service quality management, organization behavior, URL on internet of various hospitality majors. Referring hospitality publications were helpful in knowing the current inventions in industry.Research Tools: Descriptive research design is used to know the attributes of service quality management in hospitality industry. Exploratory research design is undertaken to dig out the service quality management practices and its effectiveness. Data analysis is done and presented in tables. The hypothesis is tested against the collected data.Hypotheses: The hypotheses framed for the subject areHypothesis 1: Implementing service quality management as a tool for improvement in Customer Satisfaction.Hypothesis 2: Practicing Continuous Improvement program has benefited hotel. Limitation & Scope of the Study: Though there was a specific questionnaire used for collecting information, the objective of the paper was well discussed with the every contributor and whatever the information was provided by these sources is arranged for further analysis. The analysis of the available data is done on the relevance to the topic. The effectiveness of the technology in conservation of resources was always a point of consideration. The data is sifted for making it as precise as possible.Analysis and DiscussionsThere is a significant relationship between service quality management and customer satisfaction. In hospitality industry, the customer satisfaction variables such as Availability, Access, Information, Time, delivery of service, availability of personal competence, Comfortable and safer atmosphere and pollution free environment are of prime concern to every hotelier. The industry continuously tries to improve upon their services to meet the levels of customer satisfaction.The intangible nature of the service as a product means that it could be very difficult to place quantifiable terms on the features that contribute to the quality and measurement of the quality of the product is a problem for Service quality management.The customer is frequently directly involved in the delivery of the service and as such introduces an unknown and unpredictable influence on the process. The customer variability in the process makes it difficult to determine the exactrequirements of the customer and what they regard as an acceptable standard of service.This problem is magnified as it is often judgmental, based on personal preferences or even mood, rather than on technical performance that can be measured. Every hotel has a target market to cater which has very specific requirement in terms of expected and perceived quality of service.The customers come with different perception of quality every time they come to hotel and this makes it quite difficult to define quality and set the level of it. It requires hotel to continuously compare their perception against customer perception in terms of satisfaction measurement with performance measurement. The study has shown that the effective tools which management of various hotels uses for continuous improvement process and how it is dissipated amongst all the stake holders.译文酒店业服务质量管理研究博卡;萨米尔摘要本文旨在研究酒店业中质量改进过程的作用以及如何有效地推动企业的可持续发展。

文献出处: : Mbuthia Mbuthia S, Muthoni C, Muchina S. HOTEL SERVICE QUALITY: PERCEPTIONS AND SATISFACTION AMONG DOMESTIC GUESTS IN KENYA [J]. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Oman Chapter), 2013, 2(8): 22-32.原文HOTEL SERVICE QUALITY: PERCEPTIONS AND SATISFACTIONAMONG DOMESTIC GUESTS IN KENYASusan ;Caroline; StephenINTRODUCTION In Kenya, tourism is the foremost earner of foreign exchange and it contributed to to Ksh Ksh Ksh 100 100 100 billion billion billion of of of the the the GDP GDP GDP in in in 2011. 2011. 2011. According According According to to to Republic Republic Republic of of of Kenya Kenya Kenya (2012), (2012), tourism made a direct contribution to the growth of hotel industry and other related sectors. Hotels on the other hand have to invest in managing their relationships with customers customers and and and maintaining maintaining maintaining quality quality quality to to to ensure ensure ensure that that that customers customers customers whose whose whose loyalty loyalty loyalty is is is in in in the the short term will continue to be loyal in the long term. The growth in tourism is well anticipated anticipated as as as evident evident evident in in in studies studies studies and and and analyses analyses analyses conducted conducted conducted by by by experts experts experts and and and relevant relevant organizations in this industry. Kenya is home to host of five star luxury hotels most of multinational owned or franchised franchised such such such as as as Hilton Hilton Hilton Nairobi, Nairobi, Nairobi, Serena Serena Serena hotels hotels hotels and and and the the the Fairmont. Fairmont. Fairmont. There There There is is is also also also a a wide range of domestic hotels and hospitality enterprises whose service offering not only complements those of world class hotels but also serve the domestics guests or tourists. Domestic Domestic tourism tourism tourism especially especially especially in in in the the the developing developing developing world world world has has has for for for a a a long long long time time time been been viewed viewed as as as inconsequential. inconsequential. inconsequential. Gerosa Gerosa Gerosa (2003) (2003) (2003) states states states that that that domestic domestic domestic tourism tourism tourism is is is "often "often overseen", despite case studies showing a greater impact particularly on the informal sector than international tourism. Domestic tourism in in Kenya has Kenya has however received due due focus focus focus from from from tourism tourism tourism agencies agencies agencies for for for instance instance instance the the the Kenya Kenya Kenya Tourism Tourism Tourism Board Board Board planned planned planned to to use use Ksh50 Ksh50 Ksh50 million million million (around (around (around US$ US$ US$ 690 690 690 000) 000) 000) mainly mainly mainly in in in marketing marketing marketing and and and promoting promoting promoting of of domestic tourism in the country (Kenya News Agency, 2004). One of the ways of assessing the impact of such efforts would be to consider the bed occupancy rates by residents. It can be seen from Fig. 1 below that domestic bed occupancy in Kenya has been on the rise since 2002. Notable also is that there was remarkable remarkable growth growth growth in in in occupancy occupancy occupancy for for for the the the 2007/2008 2007/2008 2007/2008 period period period 26.95% 26.95% 26.95% to to to 42.35%. 42.35%. Meaning Meaning that that that domestic domestic domestic guest guest guest have have have become become become an an an important important important customer customer customer segment segment segment that that warrants warrants attention. attention. attention. On On On the the the other other other hand, hand, hand, growth growth growth rates rates rates notwithstanding notwithstanding notwithstanding inconsistencies inconsistencies are are seen seen seen in in the the decline decline to to 34% 34% 34% in in in 2009 2009 2009 which which again points to to some some some sort sort of inconsistency inconsistency a a a gap gap gap which which which requires requires requires some some some critical critical critical attention attention attention especially especially especially in in in relation relation relation to to service quality a gap this study sought to address. This study study having having appreciated the role role the the the domestic domestic hotel guests play in providing the necessary patronage, would like to make a case for studying perception of quality for the services they experience at this hotels. It is important to realize that the domestic guest may not necessarily attract the same kind of attention and receive similar similar kind kind kind of of of service service service as as as a a a foreign foreign foreign guest guest guest in in in some some some hotels hotels hotels as as as they they they may may may be be be treated treated treated as as undeserving. Tourist class hotels are sometimes referred to as 'hotels for the whites' an undertone undertone that that that may may may affect affect affect negatively negatively negatively the the the quality quality quality of of of service service service offered offered offered to to to the the the domestic domestic guest. If If domestic domestic domestic guests guests guests are are are to to to be be be encouraged encouraged encouraged to to to play play play their their their roles roles roles in in in bridging bridging bridging the the seasonality gap that is the core of the international tourism business model, then they have to perceive the services provided as being worth their money value. This study therefore therefore aimed aimed aimed at at at determining determining determining the the the guest guest guest actual actual actual experience experience experience and and and evaluation evaluation evaluation from from from the the stay hence assess how the hotel performed against perceived quality and the effect on guest satisfaction. LITERATURE REVIEW Service quality Quality concept can be viewed in various perspectives in order to fully appreciate the role it plays in the many parts of business organization especially in the hotel industry. According to Bruhn and Manfred (2006) the concept of service quality emerged as a major challenge for service companies. This is because of the characteristics of services; e specially the especially the encounter of provider a nd customer in and customer in t he the service service process, process, process, service service service quality quality quality is is is a a a more more more complex complex complex construct construct construct than than than product product product quality. quality. Indeed Indeed the the the most most most fundamental fundamental fundamental definition definition definition of of of a a a quality quality quality product product product is is is one one one that that that meets meets meets the the expectations of the customer. In hotel industry, quality is defined simply as product conformation to specifications while meeting the expectations of the customer. Since each each customer customer customer have have have their their their own own own expectations, expectations, expectations, and and and then then then service service service quality quality quality remains remains remains a a subjective subjective matter matter matter that that that befits befits befits objective objective objective assessment assessment assessment through through through understanding understanding understanding of of of various various facets of perception, their measurement and how they relate to satisfaction an issue we shall pursue in this proceeding section. Perceived service quality Several authors through their work have tried to conceptualize perceived service quality with varying illustrations especially in reference to the dimensions applied in their their studies. studies. studies. Gronroos Gronroos Gronroos (1984) (1984) (1984) in in in his his his seminal seminal seminal paper paper paper on on on service service service quality quality quality defined defined defined the the perceived quality of a given service as the result of an evaluation process, in which the consumer compares his expectations with his perception of the service received; in other other words, words, words, he he he places places places the the the perceived perceived perceived service service service and and and the the the expected expected expected service service service opposite opposite opposite one one another. another. In In In the the the same same same study, study, study, two two two factors factors factors that that that consumers consumers consumers consider consider consider when when when evaluating evaluating service quality were identified as functional quality and technical quality. The latter being being the the the process process process of of of service service service delivery delivery delivery and and and the the the former former former is is is what what what consumers consumers consumers actually actually receive from the service. Parasuraman et al. (1988) identified five dimensions in their SERVQUAL model. These were tangible elements which are the physical surrounding of the place where the service is delivered for instance how the table is set or room furnishings, reliability which which is is is seller's seller's seller's capability capability capability to to to supply supply supply the the the promised promised promised outputs outputs outputs at at at the the the stated stated stated level level level and and responsiveness responsiveness determined determined determined as as as capability capability capability to to to respond respond respond to to to and and and satisfy satisfy satisfy the the the customer's customer's wishes. Others are assurance- employees' knowledge, politeness and trustworthiness and empathy- willingness and capability to respond to individual customer desires for example example making making making the the the bed bed bed with with with the the the sheets sheets sheets of of of a a a particular particular particular colour colour colour as as as requested requested requested by by by a a customer. 译文译文肯尼亚国内消费者对酒店服务质量的看法和满意度肯尼亚国内消费者对酒店服务质量的看法和满意度苏珊,卡罗琳,斯蒂芬斯蒂芬引言引言在肯尼亚,旅游是最重要的外汇来源,它在2011年为肯尼亚的国内生产总值贡献了1000亿。

文献出处: Mbuthia S, Muthoni C, Muchina S. HOTEL SERVICE QUALITY: PERCEPTIONS AND SATISFACTION AMONG DOMESTIC GUESTS IN KENYA [J]. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Oman Chapter), 2013, 2(8): 22-32.原文HOTEL SERVICE QUALITY: PERCEPTIONS AND SATISFACTIONAMONG DOMESTIC GUESTS IN KENYASusan;Caroline; StephenINTRODUCTIONIn Kenya, tourism is the foremost earner of foreign exchange and it contributed to Ksh 100 billion of the GDP in 2011. According to Republic of Kenya (2012), tourism made a direct contribution to the growth of hotel industry and other related sectors. Hotels on the other hand have to invest in managing their relationships with customers and maintaining quality to ensure that customers whose loyalty is in the short term will continue to be loyal in the long term. The growth in tourism is well anticipated as evident in studies and analyses conducted by experts and relevant organizations in this industry.Kenya is home to host of five star luxury hotels most of multinational owned or franchised such as Hilton Nairobi, Serena hotels and the Fairmont. There is also a wide range of domestic hotels and hospitality enterprises whose service offering not only complements those of world class hotels but also serve the domestics guests ortourists.Domestic tourism especially in the developing world has for a long time been viewed as inconsequential. Gerosa (2003) states that domestic tourism is "often overseen", despite case studies showing a greater impact particularly on the informal sector than international tourism. Domestic tourism in Kenya has however received due focus from tourism agencies for instance the Kenya Tourism Board planned to use Ksh50 million (around US$ 690 000) mainly in marketing and promoting of domestic tourism in the country (Kenya News Agency, 2004).One of the ways of assessing the impact of such efforts would be to consider the bed occupancy rates by residents. It can be seen from Fig. 1 below that domestic bed occupancy in Kenya has been on the rise since 2002. Notable also is that there was remarkable growth in occupancy for the 2007/2008 period 26.95% to 42.35%. Meaning that domestic guest have become an important customer segment that warrants attention. On the other hand, growth rates notwithstanding inconsistencies are seen in the decline to 34% in 2009 which again points to some sort of inconsistency a gap which requires some critical attention especially in relation to service quality a gap this study sought to address.This study having appreciated the role the domestic hotel guests play in providing the necessary patronage, would like to make a case for studying perception of quality for the services they experience at this hotels. It is important to realize that the domestic guest may not necessarily attract the same kind of attention and receive similar kind of service as a foreign guest in some hotels as they may be treated as undeserving. Tourist class hotels are sometimes referred to as 'hotels for the whites' an undertone that may affect negatively the quality of service offered to the domestic guest.If domestic guests are to be encouraged to play their roles in bridging the seasonality gap that is the core of the international tourism business model, then they have to perceive the services provided as being worth their money value. This study therefore aimed at determining the guest actual experience and evaluation from the stay hence assess how the hotel performed against perceived quality and the effect on guest satisfaction.LITERATURE REVIEWService qualityQuality concept can be viewed in various perspectives in order to fully appreciate the role it plays in the many parts of business organization especially in the hotel industry. According to Bruhn and Manfred (2006) the concept of service quality emerged as a major challenge for service companies. This is because of the characteristics of services; especially the encounter of provider and customer in the service process, service quality is a more complex construct than product quality. Indeed the most fundamental definition of a quality product is one that meets the expectations of the customer. In hotel industry, quality is defined simply as product conformation to specifications while meeting the expectations of the customer. Since each customer have their own expectations, and then service quality remains a subjective matter that befits objective assessment through understanding of various facets of perception, their measurement and how they relate to satisfaction an issue we shall pursue in this proceeding section.Perceived service qualitySeveral authors through their work have tried to conceptualize perceived service quality with varying illustrations especially in reference to the dimensions applied intheir studies. Gronroos (1984) in his seminal paper on service quality defined the perceived quality of a given service as the result of an evaluation process, in which the consumer compares his expectations with his perception of the service received; in other words, he places the perceived service and the expected service opposite one another. In the same study, two factors that consumers consider when evaluating service quality were identified as functional quality and technical quality. The latter being the process of service delivery and the former is what consumers actually receive from the service.Parasuraman et al. (1988) identified five dimensions in their SERVQUAL model. These were tangible elements which are the physical surrounding of the place where the service is delivered for instance how the table is set or room furnishings, reliability which is seller's capability to supply the promised outputs at the stated level and responsiveness determined as capability to respond to and satisfy the customer's wishes. Others are assurance- employees' knowledge, politeness and trustworthiness and empathy- willingness and capability to respond to individual customer desires for example making the bed with the sheets of a particular colour as requested by a customer.译文肯尼亚国内消费者对酒店服务质量的看法和满意度苏珊,卡罗琳,斯蒂芬引言在肯尼亚,旅游是最重要的外汇来源,它在2011年为肯尼亚的国内生产总值贡献了1000亿。

关于酒店效劳英文文献From:P. Kotler , J . Bowen , J . Makens. Marketing for Hospitalityand Tourism ( Third Edition) [M] . Upper Saddle River ,NJ : Pren2 tice - Hall ,2022.Marketing theory suggests that the premise is satisfied with customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, quality service from the customers on the quality of experience, so to develop a scientific and effective quality of service management strategy, to maintain quality and consistent service quality, as hotel companies to shape the core competitive service force the key.The hotel service quality and customer perceived service quality constitute.Hotels provide integrated accommodation, catering, recreational and business activities as one of the services, hotel services, quality of service they provide the features and characteristics combined. The reason why customer's hotel of choice sentiment in favor of because the hotel from the product characteristics to meet customer demand for a break or business interests, but also the characteristics of hotel services (Such as comfort and efficient) just to meet the customer service grades and grade requirements. Service products inseparability of production and consumption, determines the customers interaction with the staff to complete the hotel service features and characteristics (quality of service) experience: they are the appointed time and their related facilities within the room have a right to use the hotel at the same time feel service delivery service means, such as attitude, demeanor, work efficiency. The former is the result of the experience of hotel services, which is to obtain the results of the process of experience, the hotel service quality, including the results of quality and process quality in two parts. Customers measure of the quality of results are usually objective and manageable, because the rooms and other hardware facilities are visible, and its quality, the customer had been prior to use in accordance with national and industry standards are under control, while the process of the quality of hotel services is because it is In the hotel staff and customer interaction behavior and emotional interaction to generate, as measured by both subjective and complex, and therefore can not ignore the hotelservice quality management of service process quality management.And physical quality of the product a different formation mechanism, the hotel service staff and customers interact with a process related facilities, the hotel customers are facing is not "finished product", the hotel is not in production quality, but in the delivery and consumption generates. Hotel customers will be personally involved in the formation of the quality of service, and by comparing the expected service quality and body Inspection of service quality gap, the formation of the hotel's perceived quality of service. When the customer experience of the process and results of better quality than even more than expected level, the customer will be recognized service quality, and thus satisfactory performance, loyalty and repurchase. The quality of customer expectations of the hotel and hotel marketing, publicity, customer past experiences, word of mouth dissemination of mass And personal differences in such factors as the demand is closely related to the hotel manager by managing customer expectations should be to improve the perceived quality of service.2 The hotel service quality causes of the problem analysisFormation process from the hotel service quality point of view, the hotel quality hotel services, a series of internal decision-making and results of the activities: the management of customer expectations of cognitive resolved that the hotel will be the implementation of service standards; staff will be based on standards of service delivery to the customer service; Customer then according to their own perception of hotel service experience and outcome of the process of passing quality. The quality of the formation of links in one or more errors, it will lead to a decline in customer perceived service quality.First of all, if the hotel is not an accurate understanding of customer expectations of service, such as hotel managers do not realize that customers are networked, intelligent devices and electronic management needs, the hotel management had failed to attach importance to the effective management of front-line service, or to reflect "Customer is to reduce the lobby check-in and checkout time" customer expectations, will reduce the customer's perceivedservice quality, leading hotel management to improve the quality of service to other efforts, "come to naught."Secondly, if the hotel fails to address customer expectations of service quality standards for a right, even if the hotel was full and the customer expectations are accurate, also make the quality of service, "poles apart." Such as hotel occupancy rates managers often are most concerned about quality management are not given the highest priority; or hotel service quality standards set bias-oriented rather than focus on customer-oriented operations will reduce the customer's expectations. Another example is to reduce the cost of the hotel from time to time to replace simple counter, the food and beverage refrigerator, hotel management, bureaucracy led to front-line service staff views of quality of service standards do not get enough attention and so on, will cause the decline in the quality hotel services.Again, if the hotel management and poor supervision, the staff did not diligently enforce service quality standards, even if the quality standard of accuracy, the final quality of service would be "counterproductive." Example, ignore the service process management, quality management, lack of awareness of internal marketing to mislead the staff for the smiles and greetings as a task is completed; another example, human resources hotel source management is unable to periodic training of service staff awareness and skills to develop employee performance appraisal system and incentive policies, the lack of service quality evaluation indicators will result in lower quality hotel services.Finally, if the hotel's marketing, publicity and the actual provision of services to inconsistent service delivery process does not reflect the market, the promotion of communication quality of service standards, the hotel's service quality will "come to naught." Consider the hotel marketing department and service delivery due to lack of horizontal communication, the two sides went their own ways, such as foreign propaganda is only one day in advance you can book train tickets, but the real must be three days in advance, or the marketing department exaggerated, over-commitment, will cause the hotel services,features and characteristics of unable to meet target customer needs.3 Improving the quality of hotel service’ concept and strategyThrough the above-mentioned factors affecting the causes of hotel service quality analysis, combined with the characteristics of hotel business itself, you can explore ways to solve the following three aspects of the idea of hotel service quality issues.(A)Improving the quality of hotel services in the hotel business process to create a critical competitive advantage.The hotel's competitive advantage comes from superior quality of service, but it must be clear what kind of factors determine the quality of competitive advantage, is the result of the quality of hotel services, or process quality? Customers, "lobby in three minutes to clear arrival formalities," said satisfied with the reasons for not "settle" this result, but "three minutes" embodied in efficiency. Similarly, Mr. Chang is out of the hotel door Tong soon as the door, "Mr. Zhang, please take care," pleasantly surprised because the doors boy memorize customer names to their work. Hotel service is person to person service, quality of results usually have been written in the hotel industry standards for the management, and service can not form the differences between hotel companies, high-quality process of the quality of service can only come from experience, process quality is to create core competence Hotel force the key. To this end, the hotel managers should do the following work:First, establish a "process quality (rather than the quality of results) is a hotel lifeline" of the business concept in order to hotel contact with various service sectors focus on objects, and further refine the quality standard system and service program system to ensure that front-line employees pay more attention to service standards process, but also indicators of these processes should be the employee performance appraisal and reward or punish an important basis.Second, establish a "hotel employees are an important component of product" product concept, to urge the department of human resourcesmanagement, staff recruitment gateway to good publicity "hotel service is not everyone can do well for all the work, hotel staff must have the quality of services and skills, "this concept, through the implementation of training programs to maximize employee service concept and service skills, so that customers perceived service from the well-trained staff from the heart of service.Third, the establishment of external quality control mechanism, a "mystery shopper research method" to improve the process of hotel service quality. That is, from an external investigator (such as hotel star ratings a member of industry veterans, etc.) to ordinary customer's identity, experience the surveyed hotels, in a real environment for consumption in the perspective of a professional perception hotel contact with customers every step, and to their consumption experiences, feelings, evaluation and other information in order to "customer experience report" under investigation in the form of feedback to the hotel. Compared to the internal quality check with the hotel, "mystery shopper" survey closer to the real level of hotel service quality to enable managers to accurately grasp the status of hotel service quality process, thus take appropriate corrective measures to be improved.(B) Do a good job of marketing management is an important means of improve the quality of hotel services.Hotel services production, transmission and consumption, synchronization, making the hotel front-line employees automatically become a part-time marketing staff, marketing department is no longer a hotel the only sector to communicate with customers. And physical product marketing management and quality management of each separate and distinct, the hotel most of the marketing efforts and quality of service with the formation of synchronized in time and space: to satisfy customer needs a certain extent dependent on hotel quality of service real-time front-line staff, the same line excellent quality of service staff will also help hotels to carry out an external marketing. Therefore, we can think from a marketing point of view to further narrow the gap between the idea of hotel service quality. Should be clear, the relationship betweencharacteristics of the endogenous characteristics of the service, hotel marketing, not merely to seek new customers for the ultimate goal, the marketing department should also undertake and their customer relationship management functions. Marketing to attract the customer to the hotel, but whether these customers become regular customers, to a certain extent depends on the quality of service front-line employees. Therefore, marketing department should carry out customer satisfaction survey in due course to identify the reasons for customer dissatisfaction with the quality of hotel front-line staff to take corrective measures to maximize the maintenance of hotels and customer relations.Secondly, the hotel's marketing positioning ambiguity will cause marketing, advocacy, bias, and thus affect the hotel's grasp of the customer expectations and management. Hotels on the target market, the choice of the decision to develop service standards hotel orientation, if the marketing department in order to solve the short-term financial crisis easily change their position, it will reduce the target customer perceived service quality. Example, business hotels in order to reduce the vacancy rate and discounts to attract the general public trying to take tourists, so although we can not determine whether satisfaction with tourism consumers, but can be sure that the original expectations of business customers have been destroyed, they will be an opportunity to switch to competitors.Finally, the hotel management also must implement the internal marketing ideas. If you want to enable the frontline service employee customer satisfaction, then must ask the hotel's background (including support staff and management) to enable the work of front-line staff satisfaction. Because the customer needs of quality hotel services among the employees are an integral part of the manager must not lose sight of the demand for staff management. Internal marketing is a way to employees as internal customers of the management philosophy should be a hotel marketing management and service quality management an important tool.(C) By managing customer expectations to improve customer perceivedservice quality hotelCustomer service is expected to be offset by excessive feelings of their experience, to lower customer perceived quality. Discussed above are directed at how to improve the quality of customer experience started, here on an analysis to find ways to effectively manage customer expectations. As mentioned earlier, the customer is expected of the hotel services hotel information, past experience, word of mouth communication and customer needs and value function. "Hotel information" over the quality of risk management brought about by poor management resulting from the marketing, and customers, "past experience" and "word of mouth communication" two variables are based on the "have feelings", the customers would soon have to experience the quality of at least not lower than their own or other people "have feelings" to the quality, which requires hotels to be persistent to maintain and improve the quality of service. Managers should recognize that narrowing the gap between the quality of service is by no means a planning, nor is it a sport, but the hotel must persevere, continuous improvement of the strategic work. "Customer demand" variable will affect customer expectations. In common, the current customers increasingly strong demand for Web-based technology, traditional hotel building and the need to strengthen information management, and use of modern high-tech operation of the process of transforming itself to meet customer needs and expectations. It is worth pointing out that modern technology and hotel management can also be combined to form new productive forces, it can not only bring our customers faster and more convenient, personalized service and a wealth of real-time information, but also the hotel into the information age to enable hotels to the use of hi-tech service innovation is possible, particularly in the hotel marketing, quality management, equipment, intelligent control and so on.Another point of note is how to treat star hotel standards, which affect the customer expectations of "value" variable is closely related. The higher the hotel's star higher prices, customers are bound to hotel service qualityexpectations are high. If a three-star hotel with government departments, administrative intervention on the four-star rating, price increases, and customer service to the hotel is expected to also increase, but the original three-star level of service can not be on the four-star quality to satisfy customers expectations, the customer perceived quality will fall, thus lead to customer frustration and negative word of mouth will reduce the hotel occupancy rate, the hotel star to improve the short-term incremental revenues have been the inevitable follow-up to price-cutting promotions dilution, Hotels in the whole process not only more harm than good, but also paid the loss of corporate reputation and customer confidence in this heavy price.Final should be emphasized that, while many hotels have achieved ISO9000 quality certification, it is the quality standard ISO9000 certification, the hotel emphasizes person to person, face to face contact with services. On the one hand, employees are an important part of hotel products, and their behavior will enter the service quality evaluation system; the other hand, the hotel customers to buy is not the finished product, they will be personally involved in the formation of the quality of hotel services, hotel, after all, is not a simple result the product output, ISO9000 are not representative of all the hotel service quality management. Hotel managers must be clear: the quality of service in the whole management process, the hotel how to interpret the quality of service is not important, it is important how the quality of hotel service customers perceive.。

中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Hotel Management System Integration Services1.IntroductionIt is generally accepted that the role of the web services in businesses is undoubtedly important. More and more commercial software systems extend their capability and power by using web services technology. Today the e-commerce is not merely using internet to transfer business data or supporting people to interact with dynamic web page, but are fundamentally changed by web services. The World Wide Web Consortium's Xtensible Markup Language (XML) and the Xtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) are standards defined in the interest of multi-purpose publishing and content reuse and are increasingly being deployed in the construction of web services. Since XML is looked as the canonical message format, it could tie together thousands of systems programmed by hundreds of programming languages. Any program can be mapped into web service, while any web service can also be mapped into program. In this paper, we present a next generation commercial system in hotel industry that fully integrates the hotel Front Office system, Property Management System, Customer Relationship Management System, Quality Management system, Back Office system and Central Reservations System distributed in different locations. And we found thatthis system greatly improves both the hotel customer and hotel officer’s experiences in the hotel business work flow. Because current technologies are quite mature, it seems no difficulty to integrate the existing system and the new coming systems (for example, web-based applications or mobile applications). However, currently in hotel industry there are few truly integrated systems used because there are so many heterogeneous systems already exist and scalability, maintenance, price, security issues then become huge to be overcome. From our study on Group Hotel Integration Reservation System (GHIRS), there are still challenges to integrate Enterprise Information System (EIS), Enterprise Information Portal system (EIP), Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) and Supply Chain Management system (SCM) together because of standardization, security and scalability problems, although GHIRS is one of few integration solutions to add or expand hotel software system in any size of hotel chains environment.We developed this system to integrate the business flow of hotel management by using web services and software integration technologies. In this paper, firstly we describe a scenario of hotel reservation and discuss the interaction between GHIRS and human. Secondly we analyze details of design and implementation of this system. The result and implications of the studies on the development of GHIRS are shown in the later part. Finally we discuss some problems still need to be improved and possible future directions of development.2. Hotel Reservation: A Business Case StudyOur initial thinking to develop GHIRS is to minimize the human interaction with the system. Since GHIRS is flexible and automated, it offers clear benefits for both hotel customers and hotel staff, especially for group hotel customers and group hotel companies. Group hotel companies usually have lots of hotels, restaurants, resorts, theme parks or casinos in different locations. For example, Shangri-La group has hundreds of hotels in different countries all over the world. These groups have certain customers who prefer to consume in hotels belong to the same group because they aremembership of the group and can have individual services.The first step of a scenario of hotel reservation is that the consumer plans and looks for a hotel according the location, price or whatever his criteria and then decides the hotel. Then he makes a reservation by telephone, fax, internet, or mail, or just through his travel agent. When hotel staff receives the request, they first look if they can provide available services. If there is enough resource in the hotel, they prepare the room, catering and transportation for the request and send back acknowledgement. At last the guest arrives and checks in. The business flow is quite simple; however, to accomplish all these tasks is burdensome for both the consumer side and the hotel side without an efficient and integrated hotel management system.Telephone may be a good way to make a reservation because it is beyond the limit of time and space. Guests can call hotels at any time and any place. However, it costs much when the hotel is far away from the city where guest lives; especially the hotel locates in a different country. Moreover, if there is a group of four or five people to make reservation together, it would take a long time for hotel staff to record all the information they need. Making reservation by travel agent saves consumers’ time and cost, but there is still millions of work for agent to do. They gather the requirements from consumers, then distribute to proper destination hotels. Because these hotels don’t use a same system (these thousands of hotels may use hundreds of ma nagement systems), someone, agent or hotel staff, must face the problem how to handle information from different sources with different hotel management systems to different destinations.Web service becomes the tool to solve these problems. Our web services integrate the web server and hotel management system together, and everyone gets benefit. Booking a room easily anywhere and anytime becomes possible by using GHIRS. Consumer browses websites and finds hotel using his PC, PDA or mobile phone (WAP supported), after his identity is accepted, he can book a reservation. Two minutes later he can get the acknowledgement from the hotel by mobile phone text message or multimedia message, or email sent to his email account or just acknowledgement on the dyn amic web page, if he hasn’t leave the website. Theresponse time may take a little longer because when the hotel receives the quest, in some circumstance, hotel staff should check if there is clean and vacant room left. The web service is a standard interface that all travel agents can handle, gather and distribute the reservation information easily through internet. When the reservation request is acknowledged, hotel staff prepares the room, catering, and transportation for guests. Since the information already stored in the database, every part in the hotel chains can share it and work together properly. For example, staff in front office and housekeeping department can prepare room for guests according to the data, staff in back office can stock material for catering purpose and hotel manager can check business report in Enterprise Information Portal integrated with GHIRS by his browser. Then room rent-ratio reports, room status reports, daily income reports and other real time business reports are generated. Managers of the group can access any report of any hotel by the system. In the later part of this paper, we will show how consumers, agents, and hotel staff can efficiently work together by GHIRS.GHIRS is scalable for small-to-large hotel chains and management companies, especially good for hotel group. It truly soars with seamless connectivity to global distribution systems thereby offering worldwide reservation access. It also delivers real-time, on line reservations via the Internet.3. Integration of Hotel Management System3.1 Existed SystemGHIRS is developed on the base of an existed hotel management system called FoxhisTM. FoxhisTM shares the largest part of software market in hotel industry in China. FoxhisTM version 5 has distributed Client/Server architecture that the server runs SCO-UNIX and client runs Microsoft Windows and it use Sybase database on UNIX. The system includes Front Office system, Property Management system, Quality Management system, Human Resource Management system, Enterprise Information Portal system (EIP), Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) and Supply Chain Management system (SCM).This system is largely based on intranet environment. Most of the work is done in a single hotel by the hotel staff. It’s no customer self-service. If a consumer wants to book a room, hotel staff in local hotel must help the guest to record his request, although FoxhisTM system already done lots of automatic job.When the systems are deployed in different hotels that are parts of a group, sharing data becomes a problem. Just as an example, if the group has ten hotels, there would be at least ten local databases to store the consumers’ data. Because hotels need real time respond of the system, so these ten hotels can’t deploy a central database that does not locate in the same local network. Thus one guest may have different records in different hotels and the information cannot be shared. By web services as an interface, these data can be exchanged easily.3.2 DesignRecall that our initial thinking to deploy GHIRS is to save hotel staff, travel agents and consumers’labor work the system is to link all the taches of hotel business chains. Figure1 shows how consumers, agents, hotel staff cooperate together efficiently with the system.Consumers could be divided into two categories. One is member of hotel group, who holds different classes of memberships and gains benefits like discount or special offers. These consumers usually contribute a large part of the hote l’s profit then are looked as VIP. The hotel keeps their profiles, preferences and membership account status. The other category is common guest. All these two kinds of guests and travel agents who may trade with many other hotels face the web-based interface that let them to make a reservation. For common guest, the system just requires him to input reservation information such as guest name, contact information, arrival and departure the system. The central processing server then distributes the information to appropriate hotel. Since web services technology is so good for submitting documents to long running business process flows, hotel staff could easily handle this data in and out of database management system and application server. As the membership ofhotel, a user just inputs his member id and password, room information, arrival and departure date, then finish the request. Because hotels keep members’ profile, and systems exchange profile across all hotels of the group by web services, hotel staff in different hotels could know the guest’s individual requirement and provide better services.The agents work for consumers get benefits from GHIRS as well. They may also keep the consumers’ profile and the web services interface is open to them, it is e asy to bridge their system to hotel management system. Before GHIRS is deployed, the agents should separate and process the reservation data and distribute them to different hotels, which is an onerous job. But now the agents could just press one button and all the hotel reservation is sent to destination.Hotel staff receives all request from different sources. Some policies are applied to response the request. For example, some very important guest’s request is passed automatically without confirmation, the guest could get acknowledgement in very short time. The request triggers all chains of the hotel business flow and all the preparation work is done before his arrival. But for the common customer, hotel staff would check on the anticipate date if there is vacant and clean rooms available. Because all the FoxhisTM components are integrated together, staff users needn’t change computer interface to check he room status. If it is a valid request with enough guests’ information and there is enough room left, a confirmation is sent back. If there is not enough vacant room, hotel staff will ask if guest would like to wait a time or transfer to other hotels in the hotel group or alliance hotels. In order to transfer guest’s request, data flows from local database to the central server through local web server, then it is passed to another hotels database by web services interface.3.3 ImplementationToday there are lots of platforms that could provide capabilities to integrate different system and offer other features such as security and work load balancing. The two main commercial products are Java2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and. They offer pretty much the same laundry of list of features, albeit in different ways. We choose .NET platform as our programming environment, however, here we don’t advocate which platform is better or not. Our target is to integrate these decentralized and distributed systems together. In fact, both of these platforms support XML and SOAP to accomplish our task.We use Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) as web server and Sybase database server. The firewalls separate the local networks from the public networks. This is very important from the security point of view. Each hotel of the group has a database server, an application server and a web server to deploy this multi-tier system that includes the user interface presentation tier, business presentation tier, business logical tier, and the data access tier. C# is adopted as the programming language for the core executable part. XML is the data exchange standard format.酒店管理系统集成服务1.简介人们普遍认为,网络服务角色在企业中无疑是重要的。

关于酒店的英文参考文献参考文献:1. Gu, M., Guo, H., Basinski-Ferris, J., & Li, H. (2020). Customer satisfaction in the hotel industry: A systematic review and critical synthesis. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(8), 2450-2474.该研究对酒店行业的客户满意度进行了系统综述和关键综合。
2. Lee, C. K., & Mills, J. E. (2020). Hotel revenue management: An overview and synthesis of the literature. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 86, 102399.该文综述了有关酒店营收管理的文献。
3. Kim, S., Park, J., & Morrison, A. M. (2019). Investigating the effects of online hotel reviews on consumers' decision-making: A social influence perspective. Journal of Travel Research, 58(2),215-230.该研究从社会影响的角度探讨了在线酒店评论对消费者决策的影响。

酒店的服务英语作文带翻译Hotel Service。
Nowadays, with the rapid development of tourism, the hotel industry has become an important part of the service industry. As a bridge between travelers and destinations, hotels play a crucial role in providing comfortable accommodations and quality services for guests. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of hotel services and how they can be improved to meet the needs of modern travelers.如今,随着旅游业的快速发展,酒店业已成为服务业的重要组成部分。
First and foremost, the importance of hotel services cannot be overstated. When travelers are away from home,they rely on hotels to provide them with a comfortable and welcoming environment. This includes clean and well-maintained rooms, friendly and efficient staff, and a range of amenities to make their stay enjoyable. In addition, hotels also play a crucial role in providing information and assistance to guests, such as recommendations for local attractions, transportation options, and dining choices.首先,酒店服务的重要性不言而喻。

IntroductionHotel management is a complex and multifaceted process that requires careful planning, organization, and coordination. With the increasing competition in the hotel industry, effective management is crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction, profitability, and sustainable growth. This document aims to provide a comprehensive overview of a hotel management system, highlighting key aspects such as organization structure, departmental functions, and operational procedures.I. Organization Structure1. General Manager: As the highest-ranking executive, the General Manager is responsible for overseeing the overall operations of the hotel, including strategic planning, financial management, and ensuring compliance with local regulations.2. Departmental Managers: Reporting to the General Manager, departmental managers are responsible for the day-to-day operations of their respective departments, such as Front Office, Housekeeping, Food and Beverage, and Human Resources.3. Staff Members: The backbone of the hotel, staff members perform various tasks to ensure smooth operations, including receptionists, housekeepers, chefs, waiters, and security guards.II. Departmental Functions1. Front Office: The Front Office is responsible for customer check-in, check-out, reservations, and handling inquiries. Key functions include managing room assignments, handling billing, and ensuring guest satisfaction.2. Housekeeping: Housekeeping is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and quality of guest rooms and public areas. Functions include room cleaning, laundry, and ensuring compliance with health and safety standards.3. Food and Beverage: The Food and Beverage department is responsiblefor providing quality dining and beverage services to guests and eventattendees. Functions include managing restaurants, bars, and banquet halls, as well as catering services.4. Human Resources: Human Resources is responsible for recruiting, training, and managing the hotel staff. Functions include developing and implementing HR policies, managing employee benefits, and ensuring compliance with labor laws.III. Operational Procedures1. Check-in/Check-out Process: Guests are required to present a valid ID and payment method upon check-in. The Front Office staff will assign a room, provide room keys, and handle billing. Upon check-out, guests must return room keys and settle any outstanding charges.2. Room Service: Guests can order room service by contacting the Front Office. The Food and Beverage department will prepare and deliver the requested items to the guest's room.3. Security: The hotel employs a dedicated security team to ensure the safety and security of guests and property. Security measures include patrolling the hotel premises, monitoring access points, and responding to emergencies.4. Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the hotel's facilities and equipment are in good working condition. Maintenancestaff are responsible for conducting routine inspections, repairing issues, and ensuring compliance with safety standards.IV. Customer ServiceCustomer satisfaction is a top priority in hotel management. To achieve this, the following practices should be implemented:1. Staff Training: Regular training programs should be conducted to enhance staff skills, knowledge, and customer service abilities.2. Feedback Collection: Guest feedback should be actively sought and analyzed to identify areas for improvement.3. Continuous Improvement: Based on feedback and performance metrics, the hotel management should strive for continuous improvement in all aspects of operations.ConclusionAn effective hotel management system is essential for ensuring smooth operations, customer satisfaction, and profitability. By implementing a well-structured organization, clear departmental functions, and operational procedures, hotels can achieve their goals and maintain a competitive edge in the industry. Continuous improvement and a focus on customer service will further enhance the hotel's reputation and ensure long-term success.。

提高酒店服务质量10步走Customers are definitely the most important stakeholders in hotel business. If your hotel does not offer quality services to its customers they will find an alternative hotel that serves them well and in due time you may have to close down due to lack of customers. Here are 11 viable steps that will help your hotel to improve the quality of its services to customers.说到酒店经营,客户才是最重要的利益相关者。
酒店该如何提高服务质量?1. Online servicesThe world has become a globa l village and the internet is becoming its economic hub. It’s important that the hotel should not limit its services to its premises; it should also offer online services and stay in touch with its customers in the online platform. Services such as online booking, customer care and online car hire services should be availed online to improve the quality of customer service.在线服务地球村不断发展,而互联网则成为其经济活动中心,酒店不可能仍然只守着店面,必须走到线上平台,为客户提供在线服务、与客户保持互动沟通。

酒店服务作文英文英文:Hotel service is an essential part of the hospitality industry. As a frequent traveler, I have had various experiences with hotel services. In my opinion, a goodhotel service should be efficient, friendly, and attentiveto guests' needs.Efficiency is crucial in hotel service. Guests expect quick check-in and check-out processes, prompt room service, and timely responses to their requests. For instance, I remember staying in a hotel where the staff was well-organized and efficient. They provided me with a room key within a minute of my arrival, and the room was clean and ready for me to use.Friendliness is another important aspect of hotel service. Hotel staff should always greet guests with asmile and be willing to assist them with any queries theymay have. I once stayed in a hotel where the staff was exceptionally friendly and went out of their way to make me feel welcome. They even recommended some local restaurants and attractions for me to visit.Lastly, hotel staff should be attentive to guests' needs. They should be responsive to guests' requests and ensure that their stay is comfortable. For example, I once had a problem with the air conditioning in my room, and the hotel staff promptly fixed it and even offered me a complimentary drink as an apology.中文:酒店服务是款待业的重要组成部分。

酒店服务质量影响因素英语作文(1) the impact of hotel management system and conceptHotel management system and concept is the most fundamental factor affecting the quality of hotel service, because the management system and management concept have an important guiding role in the development of the hotel, only a perfect and correct management system and management concept will lead the enterprise into the right development path.(2) The influence of hotel cultureHotel culture also has the very big difference to the quality of hotel services, the culture of the hotel's own development is exerts a profound and lasting, it will not only affect employee work attitude, can also affect the consumer sentiment, good corporate culture will deepen the affection between staff, will deepen the consumer to the hotel's own sense of identity and belonging, this for improve the quality of hotel service Of great significance.(3) The impact of staff qualityEmployees as the main body of hotel service consumers, it is themost obvious, and the influence of only a professional, high-quality staff to provide better service to consumers, so, these three factors all affect the quality of the hotel's services together, only to the improvement of the whole, these three aspects will greatly improve the level of service quality in the hospitality industry in China.Problems existing in the service quality of hotels in China.In recent years, although the development of hotel industry in China is rapidly, has obtained relatively good results, but there are still many practical problems waiting for us to solve, first of all, in the process of hotel service quality development in our country, the fundamental problem of the most common is the low level of hotel service quality, hotel management efficiency is low.Due to the relatively late start of China's hotel industry, At present our country is relative to lag behind the international standard hotel service quality, high service level, high standards of management efficiency is indispensable to improve the hotel service power, and the development of hotel industry in China just lacking in this respect, but the main reason for this problem is most of the hotels has yet to establish an effective system of hotel management,so lead to the hotel each service Links all have certain drawbacks. In addition, due to the low management efficiency of the hotel itself, to a certain extent. Also will affect the hotel staff service work, this will further reduce the hotel's service quality, make the management of the hotel industry in our country overall presented the 'superficial form a service quality, management problems, therefore, improve the overall service quality and efficiency of management in the hospitality industry is of important significance.。


酒店服务质量外文文献翻译XXX to the country's economy。
with Ksh100 n of GDP generated in 2011.The Republic of Kenya (2012) XXX to the growth of the XXX。
XXX quality。
The growth of the tourism industry is expected。
XXX.XXX DOMESTIC GUESTSHotel service quality is XXX service quality。
The study focuses on the Tangaza and Sarova hotels。
which are among the most popular XXX。
XXX hotels。
and the data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics.FINDINGSThe XXX service quality of both Tangaza and Sarova hotels as good。
but there were some areas where improvement was needed。
These areas included the availability of parking。
the quality of food。
and the speed of service。
The study also found that the XXX.IMPLICATIONSXXX。
XXX to address customer concerns。
By doing so。
hotels XXX of their service quality and are satisfied with their stay.XXX luxury hotels。
酒店服务与顾客满意度 外文文献翻译

文献出处:Amin M, Yahya Z, Ismayatim W F A, et al. Service quality dimension and customer satisfaction: an empirical study in the Malaysian hotel industry[J]. Services Marketing Quarterly, 2013, 34(2): 115-125.第一部分为译文,第二部分为原文。
默认格式:中文五号宋体,英文五号Times New Roma,行间距1.5倍。
据预测,2011 - 2013年,东盟国家的游客,如中国,印度和中东地区东方将会越来越多地访问马来西亚。
服务质量提升 外文文档Service quality improvement

Service quality improvementBo EdvardssonThe authorBo Edvardsson is Associate Professor and Director of the Service Research Centre, University of Karlstad, Sweden.AbstractThe topic for this article is quality improvement in service operations. Quality improvement is used as a collective expression for quality assurance, quality management and quality control. Service operations refer to private as well as to public service operations and to services in manufacturing companies. Although services play a predominant role as regards GDP and employment in the OECD countries, we still know very little about quality management in service operations. Concepts and models in organization theories, marketing and other fields are, to a great extent, based on studies of and experience from manufacturing companies. Quality is no exception, even though it has received some attention during the past 15 years, especially from researchers in Scandinavia.IntroductionDuring the past ten years I have devoted my time primarily to the field of quality in services, mainly as a researcher but also as a consultant. In order to understand how to manage and improve quality in service companies, we must first understand the partly unique characteristics and production logic of services. Therefore, I will begin by discussing the quality concept and the logic of service production, then go on to consider the quality concept in a service context and end with 13 propositions on quality improvement. I will also mention some trends in service quality. This study is based on recent research on and experiences from leading service companies. One important source is my research report “Service development with built-in quality” (1996, in Swedish).Service – a customer resultThe International Standardization Organization (ISO) defines a service as a part of the total production concept. A product is the result of a production process. To produce means to create added value, that is to say – the created value is larger than the sum of resources expended during the production process. This added valued is continuously assessed in a market economy, and customer choices play a key role.Services are often “invisible” and thus difficult for the supplier to explain and for the customer to assess. This places special demands on marketing to prevent wrong, often excessive expectations of the market. The expectations which are created by marketing affect the customer’s perception of the outcome.I believe that the concept of service should be approached from a customer perspective. It is the customer’s total perception of the outcome which is “the service”. It forms the perception of quality and determines whether he is satisfied or not. Customers have different values and different grounds for assessment; they may perceive one and the same service in different ways, but what they do not perceive does not exist – is not a customer outcome.Service – a customer processA service is generated by a process. The customer outcome is created in this process. Processes which generate services are different from those in which goods are manufactured. In the latter case the manufacturing process takes place at one time and in one place, the customer is not present, nor does he participate in the process. In the case of services, however, the customer does take part in the process as co producer. The customer is present and affects the result in terms of added value and quality. The role, participation and responsibility of the customer in service production must therefore be made clear. This is an important task in service development, as is the construction of customer-friendly, pedagogical customer processes.Viewing the customer as co-producer of services has far-reaching implications for organizing operations, marketing and monitoring quality. The behavior of the customer, what is logical and reasonable from the customer’s perspective, must be taken into account as the various processes are built up. How should we deal with the fact that customers have ideas, suggestions, feelings etc. which make it necessary to assume that different customers will behave differently and that one and the same customer may behave very differently on different occasions? How can we create the best prerequisites for a good customer outcome when we cannot control the whole process in which the service is produced?Service – the prerequisites for the serviceIn the two previous sections I have highlighted two sides of the concept of service based on the customer perspective: the customer outcome and the customer process. The customer as the recipient and judge of the service in terms of addedvalue and quality –the customer outcome, and the customer as co-producer of the service in his partially unique manner –the customer process. In quality terms we may speak of outcome quality and process quality. In this section I highlight a third aspect of the service concept. The customer’s total perception of a certain service is thus based on his perception of the outcome and the process. The customer outcome and the customer process are, in their turn, dependent on the prerequisites in the form of resources which have been built up to provide the service or, in other words, to make the service possible (see Figure 1).It is important to remember that service companies do not provide services but rather the prerequisites for various services. A company does not sell services but opportunities for services, which are generated in partially unique customer processes with partly different customer outcomes. A logical consequence of this reasoning is that the most central goal of service development is to provide the best and right prerequisites for well-functioning customer processes and attractive customer outcomes. By prerequisites for the service I mean, for instance, the technical resources, the administrative routines and procedures which customers must understand and use. By attractive customer outcomes I mean that, in the eyes of the customer, the service is associated with added value and quality. Naturally, all this has to be achieved with some profitability for the company and to the reasonable satisfaction of the employees.If we assume that customers are co producers, this means that they are either an asset or a “disruptive factor” in the set of resources providing the prerequisites for the service. It also means that some of the prerequisites exist outside the service company, with the customer or supplier/partner and therefore generally cannot be influenced or controlled. A “good” service is characterized by the fact that the prerequisites within the service company interact with the those of the partners and the customers. A strategic question is how the customer’s resources in various aspects should and could be utilized. An important and strategic task is to answer this question. The company provides the prerequisites for the service. The precondition for good services is provided by the prerequisites in the service company, at its partner/supplier and with the customer. Creating the right prerequisites for a good customer process and a good customer outcome is the main task of service development.Service qualityA common definition of service quality is that the service should correspond to the customers’ expectations and sa tisfy their needs and requirements. The definition iscustomer-oriented, but should not be interpreted as meaning that the service provider should always comply with the customer and his wishes. That it is the customer who decides what is good or bad quality does not mean that the customer is always right or that the customer can always fully articulate or verbalize his needs and wishes. In order to also detect and understand non-verbalized customer needs, a sense of insight, a functional dialog with the customer and an understanding of his situation are required.It is often appropriate to distinguish three groups of people whose expectations, needs and demands should be taken into account; apart from customers, these are employees and owners. We do not wa nt to play down the importance of customers’ perception of quality – on the contrary – but to be able to offer customers the right quality; the other two groups must also be satisfied. My definition of quality is that it satisfies needs and meets expectations; those of the customers, employees and owners. It is essential to fully understand the various needs and expectations of these groups, how they are formed and how they change. When developing services, it is crucial to build in the right quality by balancing these partly contradictory demands on the service.Satisfied customers spread the good news quickly, something which is satisfying for the employees and most likely also for the owners. Quality improvement can be regarded as a game where all participants are winners. This should be the point of departure for all quality development.Quality for whom and of what?Two central questions are: quality for whom – the subjects? and quality of what – the objects? My answer is: quality for customers, employees and owners and quality in the service concept, the service process and the service system. This can be illustrated in the form a quality matrix as shown in Figure 2.Quality concept and quality factorsA language is built on concepts that have meaning and content which can be interpreted differently by different actors. It is of the utmost importance to develop and adapt a quality language that can be understood within the company. Of course, this does not require a new language, but it is important to make sure that there is a common interpretation and understanding of the concepts.Below are some general quality concepts. Grönroos (1983) describes service quality as both technical and functional, the first meaning what the customer gets andthe latter how the customer receives the service. When a customer assesses service quality, the company’s profile or image acts a “filter”. If a company has a positive image, it is easier to overlook smaller mistakes in its service delivery; to regard them as temporary disturbances.Townsend and Gebhart (1986) speak of “quality in fact” and “quality in perception”. Quality in fact means that established specifications have been met. Quality in perception, on the other hand, means that the customer feels that he has received the quality he expected. Consequently, it does not suffice toattain quality in fact, if quality in perception is not achieved.On the basis of research carried out in manufacturing companies, Gummesson (1988a,b, 1991) has suggested the terms “construction quality”, that is to say quality built into the construction of a service, “production quality”, denoting how the service is produced, “delivery quality”, meaning the way in which the service is delivered, and finally, “relations quality”, desc ribing the quality in the interaction with the customer.Gummesson stresses that relations quality not only describes relations between customer and service producer. Each company exists in a network where relations to other actors such as suppliers, competitors, authorities etc. also are important. Nor should relations quality be underestimated internally. Good relations qualities can decrease the negative effects of shortcomings in the other three categories.Relations quality is related to the process, i.e. it has to do with how the service is produced and delivered, but I would like to stress that it can also be affected by the results, meaning what the customer gets. A much worse result than expected can dramatically change relations. A customer thus dissatisfied can break all contacts with the company regardless of how good the construction, production and delivery qualities are. A company’s relations must be constantly nourished and strengthened. Good relations are built on trust between two or more parties – a trust which can take a long time to build but which can be quickly destroyed. Good customer relations can be established and improved through customer care and complaint handling.Quality factorsQuality development requires a well defined quality concept, for instance in the form of quality factors. I have chosen to use “quality factors” as a summarizing concept for what some researchers call determinants, such as quality criteria, quality dimensions or quality categories. A number of studies have mapped out the most significant factors which enable customers to form an opinion of service quality.Trust/dependability is a quality factor which a number of studies indicate to be the most important (Lewis and Entwistle, 1990; Thomasson, 1993; Zeithaml et al., 1990). Simplicity/availability is another factor stressed in service literature (Thomasson 1993). Recovery, i.e. the company’s ability to handle critical situations is yet another important factor (Albrecht and Zemke 1985; Grönroos, 1990). A fourth category consists of factors dealing with the employees’ actions/ roles in service production. Customer treatment is an example of this category.The customer’s picture of the service company’s employees, their experience, knowledge and competence combined with their commitment and willingness to serve, affects customer-perceived quality. It is a matter of both ability and willingness to serve – the latter not least important.Dependability and trust are central components of the quality concept from the perspective of the customer. He wants to rest assured that the service will be delivered as agreed, that what he gets conforms with what has been promised and meets with his expectations. The employees must inspire confidence and give him a feeling of credibility and trustworthiness. All in all, he must feel that the supplying company has the capacity and competence to deliver the service requested.Empathy is another factor which has to do with genuine interest in the customer. It entails personal attentiveness, an ability “to enter” into and identify with another person’s situation. Such an ability is an important quality factor for most customers.Yet another factor is the handling of critical incidents and customer complaints. By this I mean the ability to see that a customer is disappointed with the service and that one can master the situation and set things right. It is when the customer does not get what he expects that he becomes aware of what he actually gets. In such divergent situations the service provider has a golden opportunity to communicate and demonstrate his capacity. The professional handling of critical incidents and customer complaints has been shown to strengthen customer relations and lead to the customer’s improved opinion o f the quality. On the other hand, nonprofessional actions can lead to strong dissatisfaction or to a broken relation. Furthermore, they may lead to the spreading of negative rumors on the market, the effect of which can be very costly. (The handling of critical incidents and customer complaints will be discussed further below.)Quality researchBerry, Parasuraman and Zeithaml are among the best-known researchers on service quality. They have studied customer-perceived quality in four servicecategories: banks, stockbrokers, credit card companies, and companies selling household machinery. In this study, service quality was described by means of ten factors: dependability, willingness, competence, availability, courtesy, communication, thrustworthiness, assurance, empathy and tangibility. In a later study, the authors reduced the ten factors to five claiming that these are valid in general terms (Parasuraman et al., 1985):• Tangibility;• Dependability;• Willingness, readiness;• Assurance;• Empathy, insight.Tangibility refers to the physical environment in the service organization; premises, equipment, personnel and dress code, i.e. what it is easy for the customer to observe. Dependability is the company’s ability to fulfill its commitments. Price agreements and other conditions are to be fulfilled, time limits kept and the service is to be carried out correctly from the beginning. Willingness and readiness mean carrying out the service punctually and quickly, being there for the customer and being available when he needs assistance. Assurance refers to the employees’ knowledge and competence and their ability to inspire reliance and trust.Service quality is often highly dependent on the customer’s contacts and relations with the employees. His trust is often more related to a specific person than to the company (Thomasson, 1993). Trust between the actors is a prerequisite for good relations. Trust in a company and its personnel is also tied to their ability to solve problems and handle critical incidents.Personal attention has proved to be a central quality factor, and in his studies on quality evaluation Hornik (1992) found that purchasing behavior was positively affected by a light touch. In one of the studies of restaurant services, touch turned out to have a positive influence on the diner’s quality assessment as well as on the size of the tip he gave for the waiters. The biggest effect of touch was achieved in the meeting between male waiter and female restaurant guest.The cost or price factor will act as a cue or substitute for the quality of products and should therefore also be taken into consideration in connection with analyses of factors which form quality expectations and evaluations. In focus-group interviews at Florida Power and Light the customers pointed out that cost is a quality factor. Sweeney et al. (1992) explored what cues customers use when choosing a restaurantand found that price was a major factor which affected their expectations of quality and the choice of restaurant.Quality mapsGeneral quality factors constitute an important but insufficient foundation in service development. They must be given a more precise and context-defined content. One way is to describe quality in the form of a quality map made up of quality factors and definitions of these in the form of variables, and where the significance of the variables is indicated (see Figure 3).With the point of departure in relevant generic quality factors and data from various customer and quality studies in a service company, the quality concept in the specific service is given a content expressed in the customers’ own words. In focus group interviews (focus on quality in the specific service) the respondents are asked to verify the descriptions. After a number of interviews and data-saturation concerning quality factors (which reasonably describe what quality is in the specific service), these are specified in the form of variables and their meaning. This data collection can also be carried out in the form of focus group interviews. It is, of course, possible to generate data in other or complementary ways – but it is essential that the customers are given an opportunity to express their thoughts in their own words. In this way, the quality concept is filled with exact meaning, formulated and “accepted” by the customers themselves. Naturally, quality maps can be generated which mirror different customer groups as well as employees and owners. The same type of data generating technique should be used for the different partner groups.The quality map is a description or a reproduction of what quality means to the various partner groups. It often becomes apparent that the quality concept has different – perhaps very different meanings – to different groups. Proceeding from the variables in the quality map, a questionnaire can be designed to measure the present quality status according to evaluations made by customers and other partner groups. The questions or statements are based on the variables in the quality map. Thus, each variable will receive a mark. A socalled marking map is shown in Figure 4. Here, all the variables or only the quality factors can be recorded, the mark they are given being the mean value of the variables included. In order to make it sufficiently specific for guidance in service development, the variable level emerges as the most suitable.This description (these descriptions) – significance and mark – offers guidance for service development with built-in quality. It lays the foundation for adapting thenew service to customer needs. It can also be used as a resource in determining how customer expectations and perhaps also customer behavior should be directed.Figure 5 is an example from Florida Power and Light (FPL), known among other things for their way of measuring customer perceived quality. FPL is one of the few companies outside Japan (the others being Philips in Taiwan and a couple of American companies) who have received the Deming prize for high quality.Thirteen propositions on success in quality improvementIn this section I will present 13 propositions on service quality which can be regarded as “my attempt at a synthesis” as a guide to new service development with built-in quality. They are all underpinned by international service research. I do not claim them to be all encompassing but they cover central needs. My purpose has been to present what characterizes successful service companies and what can be learnt from them:(1) The Managing Director should be the foremost practitioner of leadership from the top designing and spreading a quality policy, formulating challenging goals, plans and routines for all parts of the business and dividing the responsibility within the organization.(2) Service quality has become a field for strategic development, an important ingredient in the business idea as well as a central management task at all levels. Quality should be placed at the center – it is a question of leadership and company culture.(3) Successful service companies are characterized by focus on the customers. They map and understand their customers’ articulated and unarticulated needs and the factors which steer the customers’ desired or adequate services respectively; much of this is done through dialog. They are sensitive to ideas and expectations of the customers without being governed in all respects by them.(4) Quality improvement is everybody’s responsibility. Each co-worker has knowledge, resources and authority to provide the right quality. Each person checks the quality in his own job mainly because the company is organized to produce a dialog with internal as well as external customers. In this forum the customer confirms his satisfaction or dissatisfaction.(5) Focus on new service development and service design. It is becoming more and more apparent that it is essential to build-in prerequisites for the right quality from the beginning when designing new services.(6) Stress on development of a process focus: continuous improvement andreengineering – moving from a focus on structure to a focus on processes with process owners – as a matter of prevention. This means developing an organization to prevent mistakes from happening as opposed to discovering mistakes through inspection and then taking measures to correct them. Continuous quality improvements in the process and “process re-engineering” complement each other.(7) Quality improvement drives productivity and profitability.(8) Benchmarking: comparing one’s own organization with others – also other lines of business – and learning from them, not copying but accepting what with some adaptation will support one’s own quality work.(9) Service guarantees of various kinds can make a service more distinct and help create realistic customer expectations. They have also proved a good tool in strengthening internal quality work.(10) Stress on complaint management as a tool for discovering customer dissatisfaction, learning how to handle the situation, compensating for the mistake and explaining why it happened. In such situations one has a golden opportunity to demonstrate good quality – a unique chance to correct a quality failing.(11) Stress on employee commitment and customer involvement for customer perceived total quality. This requires challenging and engaging tasks, good relations with the co-workers and the manager.(12) Increased stress on the systematic measuring of quality for customers, employees and owners. Such a holistic perspective is necessary when setting up realistic quality goals. One measures against the goals and follows up on quality and economy simultaneously and in the same group. When quality and economic results are integrated, company improvement is naturally and unmistakably placed at the center.(13) Rewarding quality improvement base d on facts is, according to Juran, “a prerequisite for successful quality work in the long run”.。

原文In today's world competition is the talent competition, high-quality human capital is the hotel industry continued to be healthy and stable development of the fundamental guarantee. With the hotel employees in the quality of ideas and sense ofself-development and growing the concept of democracy, the hotel that thepeople-oriented service sector in terms of human resource management staff revealed low awareness of service with low staff turnover rate increased the title and so on. This paper analyzes the status quo, therefore, material incentives, moral incentives, as well as the incentive system and a combination of four-star hotel human resources management of the actual situation of the modern hotel management incentive mechanism has done a preliminary study. In addition, some hotels in human capital development to improve the human capital level of the hotel's strategy and measures.Chapter 1 Analysis of the hotel industryHotel industry, in the final analysis is the talent competition. Management of the core issue is the question. In hotel management in the use of human resources management to obtain a competitive advantage more and more cases.Case: newspapers and magazines continue to publish articles reporting the adverse conditions of the service sector, front-line staff error continuously, the attitude of the poor is ignored customers home. Lack of skilled staff, in the face of the high rate of loss of the services sector is suffering to those who come into contact with customers to inject new vitality enterprises. Analysis showed that: when a person was a high degree of motivation, he will take the initiative to work hard to provide the customers with the best possible service; and have not been inspired, he will save energy as much as possible. The primary task of modern managers is to kindle the enthusiasm of staff working inside the fire, to drive the staff work to show the outstanding organizations in order to achieve the best performance expectations. In the enterprise has been an excellent leader in recognition of this point, only the "people-oriented" corporate governance can be in today's fierce competition for survival, development, and prosperity. Management is an art, staff motivation is the art of art, the soul of the enterprise employees. Staff to design effective incentive mechanism to increase the enthusiasm of the staff. So that it can be in various different corporate culture and organizational structure of the enterprise environment to play their maximum potential in order to achieve the expectations of the target organizations. Let us first of all, let me incentive divided into three categories: material incentives, moral incentives and the design of incentive mechanisms, through these three types of analysis and understanding, so that we understand the role of incentive mechanism and significance of the enterprise so as to establish an effective incentive system. We are encouraged by the following methods to fall into two categories: material and spiritual encouragement and incentives; incentives of thesemethods of understanding and knowledge in order to let us realize that the role of incentives.Chapter 2 material incentivesMaterial incentives is the way to the adoption of incentives to encourage trade union work.Its main manifestations of positive incentives, such as wages, bonuses, allowances, benefits, etc.; negative incentives such as fines. Material needs is the first of human needs, is engaged in social activities of all the basic motive, therefore, the material incentives to encourage the main mode is the internal use of Chinese enterprises are very common mode of an incentive.Excitation method is 2.1Hotel reward is the good organization of the behavior of employees or work performance and in recognition of the positive. Incentives as a means of staff motivation, incentives designed to induce employees by their exemplary acts to maintain and carry forward and set an example for all staff, for staff morale Fen play a positive role in promoting. Make good use of this means we must pay attention to the following: (a) awards to be timely, and an incentive to innovation. (B) the attention of other employees of the psychological. Constantly set new goals, to play down the past focus on the future, to establish a correct view of the fair. (C). Emphasis on incentive groups, activities in a modern hotel in the achievement of organizational goals, personal dignity and achievements, both need to go through the joint efforts of groups can be achieved, the emphasis on incentive groups, is conducive to the formation of a unified staff the ideological understanding, and enhance the cohesion of staff to enhance their competitiveness.2.2 negative excitation methodPunishment is a negative incentive is a modern hotel staff in order to correct the bad behavior, and to obtain a compulsory measure. Applied correctly, can be made to the wrong acts of a very good deterrent. However, employees must not be punished mainly as a supplementary means only, otherwise it will backfire. In the use of the means to pay attention to the following points: (a) those that can not teach and to punish. Give education top priority should be on the incorrigible or those who have serious consequences for the implementation of punishment, and punishment can not be hosted attention. (B) select a reasonable and effective punishment, and the scope can not be too large, but not a total negation of the attention to small or large, the psychological harm to employees. (C) will be a matter of principle to the combination of flexibility and principles, adhered to more stringent enforcement. In strictaccordance with the provisions of the system under the premise of a certain degree of flexibility is absolutely necessary, so in a reasonable incentive to be strict, strict fair, a large number so as to achieve the purpose of education, although, material incentives is not a panacea, but we have to reasonable use of material incentives that adouble-edged sword. For example: in the Jeju Island Group has a management program such that when the staff came to the company the first day of work, the company will staff the case of some families, such as economic conditions in a multifaceted understanding of the understanding on the establishment of a staff personal data, in the day-to-day work of the staff analysis of data, work in the future, managers will be on the previous analysis of the implementation of effective employee incentive program. Comprehensive understanding of the needs of employees and the quality of work is good or bad, according to the situation of constant incentive to develop accurate, thereby mobilizing the hotel staff to achieve each and every performance should be.Inspire the spirit of Chapter 3Management experts point out that Pitt had "side-effects will be rewarded, because of the high prize money would blockade the news to each other and affect the normal development, the social atmosphere will be errors." Enterprise alone, therefore the material may not be able to play the role of incentives, so they have another incentive - the spirit of encouragement. On this incentive, I roughly divided into the following categories: goals motivation and participation in competitive incentives and other incentives.译文:当今世界竞争是人才的竞争,高素质的人力资本是酒店业得以健康持续稳定发展的根本保证。
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文献出处:Borkar S, Koranne S. Study of Service Quality Management in Hotel Industry [J]. Pacific Business Review International, 2014, 6(9): 21-25.原文Study of Service Quality Management in Hotel IndustryBorkar; SameerAbstractIt is an attempt to understand the role of quality improvement process in hospitality industry and effectiveness in making it sustainable business enterprise. It is a survey of the presently adopted quality management tools which are making the hotels operations better focused and reliable and meet the customer expectations. Descriptive research design is used to know the parameters of service quality management in hospitality industry. Exploratory research design is undertaken to dig out the service quality management practices and its effectiveness. Data analysis is done and presented; hypothesis is tested against the collected data. Since the industry continuously tries to improve upon their services to meet the levels of customer satisfaction; Study presents tools for continuous improvement process and how it benefits all the stake holders. It can be inferred from the study that the hotel implement continuous improvement process and quality management tools to remain competitive in the market. The study involves hotels of highly competitive market with limited number of respondents. This limits the study to hotel industry and has scope of including other hospitality service providers as well.Keywords:Customer Satisfaction, Perception, Performance Measurement, Continuous, Improvement Process.IntroductionIt has brought paradigm shifts in the operations of hospitality industry. The overall perspective of the industry is changed due to introduction of new techniquesand methods of handling various processes. Awareness among the hoteliers and the guests has fuelled the inventions focused on operations. The increased sagacity of customer satisfaction led to the use of high standards of service in industry. The new service parameters made the hoteliers to implement quality management as an effective aid. It has significantly affected hotels' ability to control and adapt to changing environments. The use of new techniques began with the simple motive of sophistication and precise activities in the given field of operation which may result in high standards of service in global economy and has allowed the rise of a leisure class.Conceptual Framework This study of Service quality management in hospitality industry is an attempt to understand the presence of quality improvement process in hospitality industry and effectiveness in making it sustainable business enterprise. It is a survey of the presently adopted quality management tools which are making the hotels operations safer, focused and reliable and meet the customer expectations.As the hospitality industry becomes more competitive there is an obvious need to retain clientele as well as increasing profitability and hence management professionals strive to improve guest satisfaction and revenues. The management professionals whom are striving for these results however often have limited understanding of research surrounding the paradigms of guest satisfaction and loyalty and financial performance. This research paper shall enlighten some of the variables and important facts of service quality resulting into guest satisfaction.Review of LiteratureCustomers of hospitality often blame themselves when dissatisfied for their bad choice. Employees must be aware that dissatisfied customers may not complain and therefore the employees should seek out sources of dissatisfaction and resolve them. (Zeithaml V., 1981, p.186 -190)It is said that service quality is what differentiates hospitality sector, however there is not an agreed definition of what service quality is. There is however a few different suggestions of how to define service quality. Dividing it into technical, functional and image components; (Greenrooms C., 1982) another is that service quality is determined by its fitness for use by internal andexternal customers. It is accepted that service quality is depends upon guest's needs and expectations. A definition of service quality state that quality is simply conformance to specifications, which would mean that positive quality is when a product or service specific quality meet or exceed preset standards or promises. This however seems like an easy view within the hospitality industry. The alternative definitions read as follows: 1) quality is excellence; 2) quality is value for money; 3) quality is meeting or exceeding expectations. This appears better aligned with ideas which exist within hospitality management than the first mentioned simplistic approach. Service quality and value is rather difficult to calculate, companies must therefore rely on guest's quality perceptions and expectations to get consistent results which is best achieved by asking guest's questions related to expectations and their perceptions of the service quality, which can effectively be achieved through carefully designed surveys.A major problem with service quality is variability and limited capability and robustness of the service production process. (Gummesson E., 1991) Hotels consumers have well-conceived ideas about service quality and quality attributes are considered important for most types of services, the absence of certain attributes may lead consumers to perceive service quality as poor. The presence of these attributes may not substantially improve the perceived quality of the service. Most customers would be willing to trade some convenience for a price break, and that the behavior, skill level and performance of service employees are key determinants of perceived quality of services. This is a major challenge in improving or maintaining a high level of service quality. (Tigineh M. et al 1992)Studies focusing on service quality management suggest that service firms spend too little effort on planning for service quality. The resultant costs of poor service quality planning lead to lower profitability as part of the service failures. (Stuart F., et al 1996)When discussing satisfaction, it is important to understand that guest's evaluation of service comprise of two basic distinct dimensions: service delivery and service outcome (Mattila, 1999). Research indicates that how the service was delivered (perceived functional quality) is more important than the outcome of the service process (technical quality). This researchclearly indicates that effort by staff have a strong effect on guest's satisfaction judgments.Companies delivering services must broaden their examination of productivity to help settle conflicts – the leverage synergies – between improving service quality and boosting service productivity. ( Parasuraman A. 2002)A key activity is to conduct regularly scheduled review of progress by quality council or working group and management must establish a system to identify areas for future improvement and to track performance with respect to internal and external customers. They must also track the changing preferences of customer.Continuous improvement means not only being satisfied with doing a good job or process. It is accomplished by incorporating process measurement and team problem solving an all work activities. Organization must continuously strive for excellence by reducing complexity, variation and out of control process. Plan-D-Study-Act (PDSA) developed by Shewhart and later on modified by Deming is an effective improvement technique. First Plan carefully, then carry out plan, study the results and check whether the plan worked exactly as intended and act on results by identifying what worked as planned and what didn't work. Continuous process improvement is the objective and these phases of PDSA are the framework to achieve those objectives. (Besterfield D. et al 2003)The 'servicescape' -is a general term to describe the physical surroundings of a service environment (Reimer 2005, p. 786) such as a hotel or cruise ship. Guests are sometimes unconsciously trying to obtain as much information as possible through experiences to decrease information asymmetries This causes guests to look for quality signals or cues which would provide them with information about the service, which leads us to 'cue utilization theory'. Cue utilization theory states that products or services consist of several arrays of cues that serve as surrogate indicators of product or service quality. There are both intrinsic and extrinsic cues to help guests determine quality. Consequentially, due to the limited tangibility of services, guests are often left to accept the price of the experience and the physical appearance or environment of the hotel or cruise ship itself as quality indicators. Though there are many trade andacademic papers discussing guest satisfaction has been published, one can note that limited attention has been paid to the value perception and expectations guests have towards product delivery and influence price guests pay for an experience has on satisfaction and future spending. Furthermore it is also known that the role of pricing in relation to guest determinants of perceived quality of services. This is a major challenge in improving or maintaining a high level of service quality. (Tigineh M. et al 1992)Studies focusing on service quality management suggest that service firms spend too little effort on planning for service quality.The resultant costs of poor service quality planning lead to lower profitability as part of the service failures. (Stuart F., et al 1996)When discussing satisfaction, it is important to understand that guest's evaluation of service comprise of two basic distinct dimensions: service delivery and service outcome (Mattila, 1999). Research indicates that how the service was delivered (perceived functional quality) is more important than the outcome of the service process (technical quality). This research clearly indicates that effort by staff have a strong effect on guest's satisfaction judgments. Companies delivering services must broaden their examination of productivity to help settle conflicts –the leverage synergies –between improving service quality and boosting service productivity. ( Parasuraman A. 2002) Telephonic conversation with peers and friends in hospitality industry worked a wonder giving lots of inputs in drafting this paper. Secondary data sources- For this study, data sources such as hospitality journals, Books on service quality management, organization behavior, URL on internet of various hospitality majors. Referring hospitality publications were helpful in knowing the current inventions in industry.Research Tools: Descriptive research design is used to know the attributes of service quality management in hospitality industry. Exploratory research design is undertaken to dig out the service quality management practices and its effectiveness. Data analysis is done and presented in tables. The hypothesis is tested against the collected data.Hypotheses:The hypotheses framed for the subject are Hypothesis 1:Implementing service quality management as a tool for improvement in Customer Satisfaction.Hypothesis 2: Practicing Continuous Improvement program has benefited hotel.Limitation & Scope of the Study: Though there was a specific questionnaire used for collecting information, the objective of the paper was well discussed with the every contributor and whatever the information was provided by these sources is arranged for further analysis. The analysis of the available data is done on the relevance to the topic. The effectiveness of the technology in conservation of resources was always a point of consideration. The data is sifted for making it as precise as possible.Analysis and DiscussionsThere is a significant relationship between service quality management and customer satisfaction. In hospitality industry, the customer satisfaction variables such as Availability, Access, Information, Time, delivery of service, availability of personal competence, Comfortable and safer atmosphere and pollution free environment are of prime concern to every hotelier. The industry continuously tries to improve upon their services to meet the levels of customer satisfaction.The intangible nature of the service as a product means that it could be very difficult to place quantifiable terms on the features that contribute to the quality and measurement of the quality of the product is a problem for Service quality management. The customer is frequently directly involved in the delivery of the service and as such introduces an unknown and unpredictable influence on the process.The customer variability in the process makes it difficult to determine the exact requirements of the customer and what they regard as an acceptable standard of service.This problem is magnified as it is often judgmental, based on personal preferences or even mood, rather than on technical performance that can be measured. Every hotel has a target market to cater which has very specific requirement in terms of expected and perceived quality of service.The customers come with different perception of quality every time they come to hotel and this makes it quite difficult to define quality and set the level of it. It requires hotel to continuously compare their perception against customer perception in terms of satisfaction measurement with performance measurement. The study has shown that the effective tools which management of various hotels uses for continuous improvement process and how it is dissipated amongst all the stake holders.译文酒店业服务质量管理研究博卡;萨米尔摘要本文旨在研究酒店业中质量改进过程的作用以及如何有效地推动企业的可持续发展。