Limit Cycle Stability Analysis of a Multi-Compartment Model for a Pressure-Limited Respirator and Lu


10.高教系列基本条件预审表 - 新版

10.高教系列基本条件预审表 - 新版

(1)Study on the stability of drum brake non-linear low Frequency vibration model
(2)Study on the limit cycle oscillation of the drum brake non-linear vibration model at low frequency
(3)A study on the stability of the low frequency vibration non-linear 2-DOF model of drum brake
(4)Theoretical Analysis of Granularity of Grinding Particles on Mixing

Bifurcations of limit cycles from quintic Hamiltonian systems with an eye-figure loop (II)

Bifurcations of limit cycles from quintic Hamiltonian systems with an eye-figure loop (II)

Abstract In this paper we consider Lie´ nard equations of the form x ˙ = y, y ˙ = −(x − 2x 3 + x 5 ) − ε(α + β x 2 + γ x 4 ) y where 0 < |ε | 1, (α, β, γ ) ∈ Λ ⊂ R3 and Λ is bounded. We prove that the least upper bound for the number of zeros of the related Abelian integrals I (h ) = (α + β x 2 + γ x 4 ) y dx
for h ∈ (1/6, ∞) is three and for h ∈ (0, ∞) is four (counted with multiplicity) for all parameters α, β and γ . This implies that the number of limit cycles that bifurcated from periodic orbits of the unperturbed system for ε = 0 outside an eye-figure loop is less than or equal to three. c 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
MSC: 34C07; 34C08; 37G15; 34M50 Keywords: Zeros of Abelian integrals; Hilbert’Байду номын сангаас 16th problem; Limit cycles



Comparison and Study on Finite Element Gravity Increase Method and Rigid Limit Equilibrium Method in Slope Stability Analysis
WANG Jing1 ,YAO Feng1 ,LIU Peng1,2 ,LYU Qi1 ( 1. POWERCHINA Xibei Engineering Corporation Ltd. ,Xi'an 710065 , China; 2. High Slope and Geological Hazard Research Treatment Division of China Hydropower Technology Research and Development Center,Xi'an 710065 , China) Abstract: Based on the introduction of the basic principle and the comparison of their advantages / disadvantages of finite element gravity increase method and rigid limit equilibrium method in slope stability analysis, the stability of the overburden slope in one dam abutment is analyzed by finite element gravity increase method and rigid limit equilibrium method respectively. The safety factor of stability and the possible location of the most dangerous sliding plane are compared. The calculation results show that the shape and the safety factor of stability of the possibly most dangerous sliding plane by two methods are basically the same. Simultaneously,it demonstrates that it is suitable to utilize the non - convergence calculated by application of finite element static balance as the failure criteria for the integrated instability of the slope. It primarily verifies that it is feasible to analyze the slope stability by finite element gravity increase method. Key words: slope stability; gravity increase method; limit equilibrium method; safety factor




Boundedness of Solutions
We d en ote syste m (1) as follows
M a nuscrip t received Au gust 27 , 2 0 08
� � �
dx xy = x ( a − bx − c x2 ) − − u ≡ xg ( x) − y φ( x ) − u ( x) , dt β + x2 ³ ´ (2) dy �x � � = y −d+ − v ≡ y [ − q ( x ) + � φ ( x )] − v ( y ) . dt β + x2 If (2) e xists a u niqu e p ositive eq uilibrium ( x ∗ , y ∗ ) in G = { (x, y ) |x > 0 , y > 0 } , the n it must satisfy x ∗ g ( x∗ ) − y ∗ φ ( x∗ ) = u ( x∗ ) , y ∗ [ −q ( x ∗ ) + � φ ( x ∗ )] = v ( y ∗ ) .
Zhigao Shi
(Jinsha n Co l lege, Fujia n A griculture a nd Fo restry U nive rsity, Fuzho u 3 5 00 0 2 , E -ma il: sh izhiga on t his pa per, a c la ss of sim plified Typ e-IV predat o r-prey system w it h linea r st a te feedba ck is invest iga te d. We pro ve the bo unded ness o f t he po sitive solut io ns to t his syst em , and a nalyze t he qua lit y of the equilibria a nd t he e xistence o f lim it cycles o f t he syst em surro unding the po sitive equilib ra . B y H opf bifurcat io n t heo ry, t he result o f having t wo lim it cycles t o t he syst em is o bta ined. Key wo rds linea r sta t e feedba ck; H olling -IV ; bo unded ness; lim it cycle; H op f bifurca t io n 20 00 M athem atic s Sub jec t C lassific ation 3 4 C0 5



前轮滑移率对汽车的制动效能和方向稳定性分析夏长高;任英文;陈松【摘要】针对极限工况下汽车的制动效能和方向稳定性问题,基于Matlab/Simulink建立八自由度整车模型以及HSRI轮胎模型,分析了前轴两轮胎分别在单独制动过程中车轮的目标滑移率对车辆横摆力矩所产生的影响.通过对开路面和J-Turn两种典型极限工况下的实车实验,表明设定较大的外前轮目标滑移率可提高车辆的制动效能,但其制动方向稳定性较差.在保证车辆具有较好的制动稳定性前提下,适当的增大外前轮目标滑移率的门限值可使车辆获得更好的制动性能,但所设定的滑移率门限值不应超过0.12.%An 8 DOF vehicle dynamics model based on HSRI tire model is established with Matlab/Simulink to analyze the influence of two front tires target slip on vehicle yaw moment in the separate braking process,aiming at braking efficiency and direction stability problem under the condition of the limit.The vehicle tests were carried out on two typical roads (Split and J-Turn).The experimental results show that the larger of the outside front wheel target slip can improves the vehicle braking efficiency,but braking direction stability will be poor.Providing the vehicle has good braking stability,reasonably increase the target slip threshold of outside front wheel can improve the vehicle braking performance and slip ratio threshold value should not exceed 0.12.【期刊名称】《机械设计与制造》【年(卷),期】2017(000)012【总页数】5页(P31-34,39)【关键词】防抱死系统;滑移率;制动方向稳定性;制动效能【作者】夏长高;任英文;陈松【作者单位】江苏大学汽车与交通工程学院,江苏镇江212013;江苏大学汽车与交通工程学院,江苏镇江212013;江苏大学汽车与交通工程学院,江苏镇江212013【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH16;U461.2车辆的制动性能是指其在行驶过程中能够在较短的时间内停止且在制动的过程中保持方向的稳定性以及在下长坡时可以维持一定车速的能力,制动效能和制动时方向稳定性通常用来作为评价汽车制动性能的两个重要指标。



Stability of hybrid system limit cycles: application to the compass gait biped RobotIan A. Hiskens'Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUrbana IL 61801 USAAbstractLimit cycles are common in hybrid systems. However the non-smooth dynamics of such systems makes stability analysis difficult. This paper uses recent extensions of trajectory sensitivity analysis to obtain the characteristic multipliers of non-smooth limit cycles. The stability of a limit cycle is determined by its characteristic multipliers. The concepts are illustrated using a compass gait biped robot example.1 IntroductionHybrid system are characterized by interactions between continuous (smooth) dynamics and discrete events. Such systems are common across a diverse range of application areas. Examples include power systems [l], robotics [2, 3], manufacturing [4] and air-traffic control [5]. In fact, any system where saturation limits are routinely encountered can be thought of as a hybrid system. The limits introduce discrete events which (often) have a significant influence on overall behaviour.Many hybrid systems exhibit periodic behaviour. Discrete events, such as saturation limits, can act to trap the evolving system state within a constrained region of state space. Therefore even when the underlying continuous dynamics are unstable, discrete events may induce a stable limit set. Limit cycles (periodic behaviour) are often created in this way. Other systems, such as robot motion, are naturally periodic.Limit cycles can be stable (attracting), unstable (repelling) or non-stable (saddle). The stability of periodic behaviour is determined by characteristic (or Floquet) multipliers. A periodic solution corresponds to a fixed point of a Poincare map. Stability of the periodic solution is equivalent to stability of the fixed point. The characteristic multipliers are the eigenvalues of the Poincare map linearized about the fixed point. Section 4 reviews the connection between this linearized map and trajectory sensitivities.Poincare maps have been used to analyse the stability of limit cycles in various forms of hybrid systems. However calculation of the underlying trajectory sensitivities has relied upon particular system structures, see for example [7, 8], or numerical differencing, for example [6]. This paper uses a recent generalization of trajectory sensitivity analysis [9] to efficiently detemine the stability of limit cycles in hybrid systems.A hybrid system model is given in Section 2. Section 3 develops the associated variational equations. This is followed in Section 4 by a review of stability analysis of limit cycles. Conclusions and extensions are presented in Section 5.2 ModelDeterministic hybrid systems can be represented by a model that is adapted from a differential-algebraic (DAE) structure. Events are incorporated via impulsive action and switching of algebraic equations, giving the Impulsive Switched (DAIS) modelwheren x R ∈ are dynamic states and my R ∈ are algebraic states;(.)δ is the Dirac delta;(.)u is the unit-step function;,:n mnj f h RR +→;(0)(),:i n mng gR R ±+→; some elements of each(.)gwill usually be identicallyzero, but no elements of the composite g should be identically zero; the()i g± aredefined with the same form as g in (2), resulting in a recursive structure for g;,dey yare selected elements of y that trigger algebraic switching and state reset(impulsive) events respectively;dyandeymay share common elements.The impulse and unit-step terms of the DAIS model can be expressed in alternative forms:Each impulse term of the summation in (1) can be expressed in the state reset formwhere the notation x+denotes the value of x just after the reset event, whilstx-andy-refer to the values of x and y just prior to the event.The contribution of each()i g± in (2) can be expressed aswith (2) becomingThis form is often more intuitive than (2).It can be convenient to establish the partitionswherex -are the continuous dynamic states, for example generator angles, velocities andfluxes;z are discrete dynamic states, such as transformer tap positions and protection relay logic states;λ are parameters such as generator reactances, controller gains and switching times. The partitioning of the differential equations f ensures that away from events,x -evolves according to .(,)x y f x --=, whilst z and λ remain constant. Similarly,the partitioning of the reset equationsjhensures thatx -and λ remain constantat reset events, but the dynamic states z are reset to new values given by(,)jh y x z--+=-. The model can capture complex behaviour, from hysteresis and non-windup limits through to rule-based systems [l]. A more extensive presentation of this model is given in [9].Away from events, system dynamics evolve smoothly according to the familiardifferential-algebraic modelwhere g is composed of(0)gtogether with appropriate choices of()i g- or()i g+ ,depending on the signs of the corresponding elements of yd. At switching events (2),some component equations of g change. To satisfy the new g = 0 equation, algebraic variables y may undergo a step change. Reset events (3) force a discrete change in elements of x. Algebraic variables may also step at a reset event to ensure g= 0 is satisfied with the altered values of x. The flows of and y are defined respectively aswhere x(t) and y(t) satisfy (l),(2), along with initial conditions,3 'Ikajectory SensitivitiesSensitivity of the flowsxφandyφto initial conditionsxare obtained bylinearizing (8),(9) about the nominal trajectory,The time-varying partial derivative matrices given in (12),(13) are known as trajectory sensitiuities, and can be expressed in the alternative formsThe formxx ,xy provides clearer insights into the development of thevariational equations describing the evolution of the sensitivities. The alternative form 0(,)x t x φ, 0(,)yt x φ highlights the connection between the sensitivities and the associated flows. It is shown in Section 4 that these sensitivities underlie the linearization of the Poincare map, and so play a major role in determining the stability of periodic solutions.Away from events, where system dynamics evolve smoothly, trajectory sensitivities 0xx andxy are obtained by differentiating (6),(7) withrespect to 0x.This giveswhere/xf x f≡∂∂, and likewise for the other Jacobian matrices. Note that,,,xyxyf fg gare evaluated along the trajectory, and hence are time varyingmatrices. It is shown in 19, 101 that the numerical solution of this(potentially high order) DAE system can be obtained as a by-product of numerically integrating the original DAE system (6),(7). The extra computational cost is minimal. Initial conditions forxx are obtained from (10) aswhere I is the identity matrix. Initial conditions for 0zy follow directly from(17),Equations (16),(17) describe the evolution of the sensitivitiesxx andxybetween events. However at an event, the sensitivities are generally discontinuous. It is necessary to calculate jump conditions describing the step change inxx andxy . For clarity, consider a single switching/reset event, so the model (1),(2) reduces(effectively) to the formLet ((),()x y ττ) be the point where the trajectory encounters the triggering hypersurface s(x,y) = 0, i.e., the point where an event is initiated. This point is called the junction point and r is the junction time. It is assumed the encounter is transversal.Just prior to event triggering, at time τ-, we haveSimilarly,,y x++are defined for time τ+, just after the event has occurred. It isshown in [9] that the jump conditions for the sensitivitiesxx are given byThe assumption that the trajectory and triggering hypersurface meet transversally ensures a non-zero denominator for 0x τ The sensitivitiesxy . immediatelyafter the event are given byFollowing the event, i.e., for t τ+>, calculation of the sensitivities proceeds according to (16),(17) until the next event is encountered. The jump conditions provide the initial conditions for the post-event calculations.4 Limit Cycle AnalysisStability of limit cycles can be determined using Poincare maps [11, 12]. This section provides a brief review of these concepts, and establishes the connection with trajectory sensitivities.A Poincark map effectively samples the flow of a periodic system once every period. The concept is illustrated in Figure 1. If the limit cycle is stable, oscillations approach the limit cycle over time. The samples provided by the corresponding Poincare map approach a fixed point. A non-stable limit cycle results in divergent oscillations. For such a case the samples of the Poincare map diverge.To define a Poincare map, consider the limit cycle Γshown in Figure 1. Let ∑ be a hyperplane transversal to Γ at*x. The trajectory emanating from*xwill again encounter ∑ at*xafter T seconds, where T is the minimum period of the limit cycle. Due to the continuity of the flowxφwith respect to initial conditions, trajectories starting on ∑ in a neighbourhood of*x. will, in approximately T seconds, intersect ∑ in the vicinity of*x. Hencexφand ∑define a mappingwhere()kT x ττ≈ is the time taken for the trajectory to return to ∑. Complete details can hefound in [11,12]. Stability of the Paincare map (22) is determined by linearizing P at the fixed point*x, i.e.,From the definition of P(z) given by (22), it follows that DP(*x) is closely related to thetrajectory sensitivities***(,)(,)xxT T x x xφφ∂≡∂. In fact, it is shown in [11] thatwhereσ is a vector normal to ∑.The matrix*(,)xT x φis exactly the trajectory sensitivity matrix after one period of the limitcycle, i.e., starting from*xand returning to*x. This matrix is called the Monodromymatrix .It is shown in [11] that for an autonomous system, one eigenvalue of *(,)xT x φ isalways 1, and the corresponding eigenvector lies along **(,)f y x The remaining eigenvalues*(,)xT x φof coincide with the eigenvalues of DP(*x ), and are known as the characteristicmultipliers mi of the periodic solution. The characteristic multipliers are independent of the choice of cross-section ∑ . Therefore, for hybrid systems, it is often convenient to choose ∑ as a triggering hypersurface corresponding to a switching or reset event that occurs along the periodic solution.Because the characteristic multipliers mi are the eigenvalues of the linear map DP(x*), they determine the stability of the Poincarb map P(kx), and hence the stability of the periodic solution.Three cases are of importance: 1. Alli m lie within the unit circle, i.e., 1im<,i ∀.The map is stable, so the periodicsolution is stable. 2. Allim lie outside the unit circle. The periodic solution is unstable.3. Someim lie outside the unit circle. The periodic solution is non-stable.Interestingly, there exists a particular cross-section*∑, such thatwhere *ς∈∑.This cross-section*∑is the hyperplane spanned by the n - 1 eigenvectors of*(,)xT x φthat are not aligned with **(,)f y x . Therefore the vector *σthat is normal to*∑ is the left eigenvector of *(,)xT x φ corresponding to the eigenvalue 1. The hyperplane*∑is invariant under*(,)xT x φ, i.e., **(,)f y x maps vectors *ς∈∑back into*∑.5 ConclusionsHybrid systems frequently exhibit periodic behaviour. However the non-smooth nature of such systems complicates stability analysis. Those complications have been addressed in this paper throughapplication of a generalization of trajectory sensitivity analysis. Deterministic hybrid systems can be represented by a set ofdifferential-algebraic equations, modified to incorporate impulse (state reset) action and constraint switching. The associated variational equations establish jump conditions that describe the evolution of sensitivities through events. These equations provide insights into expansion/contraction effects at events. This is a focus of future research.Standard Poincar6 map results extend naturally to hybrid systems. The Monodromy matrix is obtained by evaluating trajectory sensitivities over one period of the (possibly non-smooth) cyclical behaviour. One eigenvalue of this matrix is always unity. The remaining eigenvalues are the characteristic multipliers of the periodic solution. Stability is ensured if all multipliers lieReferences[l] LA. Hiskens and M.A. Pai, “Hybrid systems view of power system modelling,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2000.[2] M.H. Raibert, Legged Robots That Balance, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1986.[3] A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, and B. Espiau, “A study of the passive gait of a compass-like biped ro bot: symmetry and chaos,’’ International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 17, no. 15, 1998.[4] S. Pettersson, “Analysis and design of hybrid systems,” Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Signals and Systems, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden, 1999.[5] C. Tomlin, G. Pappas, and S. Sastry, “Conflict resolution for air traffic management:A study in multiagent hybrid systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 509-521, April 1998.[6] A. Goswami, B. Espiau, and A. Keramane, “Limit cycles in a passive compass gait biped and passivity-mimicking contr ol laws,” Journal of Au tonomous Robots, vol. 4, no. 3, 1997. 171 B.K.H. Wong, H.S.H. Chung, and S.T.S. Lee, ‘Computation of the cycle state-variable sensitivity matrix of PWM DC/DC converters and its applica tion,” IEEE Transactions on Circuit s and Systems I, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 1542-1548, October 2000.[8] M. Rubensson, B. Lennartsson, and S. Petters son, “Convergence to limit cycles in hybrid systems - an example,” in Prepri nts of 8th International Federation of Automatic Control Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theo y d Applications, Rio Patras, Greece, 1998, pp. 704-709.[9] I.A. Hiskens and M.A. Pai, “Trajectory sensitivity analysis of hyhrid systems,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 204-220, February 2000.[10]D. Chaniotis, M.A. Pai, and LA. Hiskens, “Sen sitivity analysis of differential-algebraic systems using the GMRES method - Ap plication to power systems,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Sydney, Australia, May 2001.[11]T.S Parker and L.O. Chua, Practical Numerical Algorithms for Chaotic Systems, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1989.[12]R. Seydel, Practical Bifurcation and Stability Analysis, Springer-Verlag. New York, 2nd edition, 1994.。



ZENG Ya-wu,TIAN Wei-ming
(School of Civil Engineering,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
Abstract:A method combining the elastoplastic finite element method (FEM) with the limit equilibrium method is proposed to analyze the slope stability problems. The stress,strain and displacement distributions of the slope are calculated by elastoplastic FEM. Then,the stability factor of safety of the slope is calculated with method of slices
2 xy
1 3
⎜⎛ ⎜⎝
3 2
J3 J 3/2
⎟⎞ ⎟⎠
角; J 3

2 xy
c 为材料的粘聚力;ϕ 为材料的内摩擦角。
在有限元计算中需要计算 ∂F 和 ∂F 的值,而 ∂J 2 ∂J 3
当θ = 0°及θ = 60°时,屈服面出现角点,此时 ∂F ∂J 2
本文应用上述方法进行了一个边坡算例分析, 并将分析结果与各种极限平衡法所得结果进行了比 较。



limit voltage 极限电压
load flow 潮流
load in a system 系统负荷
system load control loss 系统的负荷控制损耗
load recovery 负荷恢复
active loss 有功损耗
load reduction 减负荷 load shedding 卸负荷 load transfer 负荷转移
Y bus matrix Y 母线矩阵
network splitting 电网解列
Z bus matrix Z 母线矩阵
meter (测量仪)表,(测量)计
passive equivalent network 无源 等效网络
flicker meter 闪变仪
maximum operational mode 最 大运行方式
unsuccessful reclosure 重合闸不 成功
grid 电网,网,高压输电网
transmission grid 输电网
forecast 预测
专业英语学习资料之词汇部分 impedance 阻抗
fault impedance 故障阻抗
limit of power 功率极限,功率范

longitudinal impedance 纵 向 阻 limit of self-extinguishing current

passive bus 无源母线 slack bus 松驰结点
capability 能力
short-circuit current withstand capability
短路电流耐受能力 voltage controlled bus 电压控制



第15卷第2期2024年4月有色金属科学与工程Nonferrous Metals Science and EngineeringVol.15,No.2Apr. 2024Al 2O 3/LiAlO 2协同提升LiNi 0.92Co 0.04Mn 0.04O 2正极材料循环稳定性的研究牛小伟*1,2, 李妍泽2(1.河南省轨道交通智能安全工程技术研究中心, 郑州 450018; 2.郑州铁路职业技术学院, 郑州 450052)摘要:锂离子电池 (LIBs ) 是最普遍的储能设备之一,高镍LiNi 0.92Co 0.04Mn 0.04O 2正极因其放电比容量高而备受关注,然而,在长循环的过程中,由于正极表面的活性物质发生了化学和结构变化,LIBs 的能量存储能力会随着循环的进行而减弱。


包覆是常见的改性手段,可改善高镍LiNi 0.92Co 0.04Mn 0.04O 2正极界面稳定性并降低表面降解的程度。

但是,常规包覆方法形成的包覆层的厚度和均匀性难以调控,为了改进此问题,本研究建立了一种Al 2O 3/LiAlO 2薄膜,对LiNi 0.92Co 0.04Mn 0.04O 2具有协同改性效应,可形成厚度均匀的双包覆层,增强正极材料的循环性能和结构稳定性。

研究结果表明,Al 2O 3/LiAlO 2双包覆层可以有效抑制不可逆相变,提高材料的结构稳定性。

改性的材料展现出优异的循环稳定性,在2.75~4.40 V 电压范围内循环200圈,放电比容量为141.2 mAh/g ,容量保持率高达76.1%。


关键词:锂离子电池;均匀性;Al 2O 3/LiAlO 2双包覆层;容量保持率中图分类号:TG132;TM912 文献标志码:AStudy on improving the cycling stability of LiNi 0.92Co 0.04Mn 0.04O 2 cathodematerial by synergistic Al 2O 3/LiAlO 2NIU Xiaowei *1, 2, LI Yanze 2(1. Henan Intelligent Safety Engineering Research Center for Rail Transit , Zhengzhou 450018, China ;2. Zhengzhou Railway Vocational Technical College , Zhengzhou 450052, China )Abstract: Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are one of the most common energy storage devices, and the high nickel LiNi 0.92Co 0.04Mn 0.04O 2 positive electrode has attracted much attention due to its high specific discharge capacity. However, the energy storage capacity of LIBs will be weakened with the cycle due to the chemical and structural changes of active substances on the surface of the positive electrode during the long cycle. Understanding and mitigating these degradation mechanisms is key to reducing capacity degradation and improving the cycle life of lithium-ion batteries. Coating is a common modification method, which can improve the stability of high nickel LiNi 0.92Co 0.04Mn 0.04O 2 positive electrode interface and reduce the surface degradation degree. However, the thickness and uniformity of the coating layer formed by conventional coating methods are difficult to regulate. In order to improve this problem, the co-modification effect of the Al 2O 3/LiAlO 2 thin film on LiNi 0.92Co 0.04Mn 0.04O 2 was reported收稿日期:2023-01-12;修回日期:2023-04-24基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(62003313)通信作者:牛小伟(1988— ),讲师,主要从事轨道车辆新能源材料的开发与研究。


- II -
Slope Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Seepage by
Slope stability problem is a hot spot in the field of geotechnical engineering research, the natural slope and artificial slope exist extensively. In the highway subgrade and bank dike engineering, it becomes a difficult problem to determine safety coefficientexpressly whenconsidering the water level change and the complex factors such as rainfall. This paper uses the finite element limit equilibrium method proposed by professor Shao in analysis of the seepage slope stability considering fluid-solid interaction. As a kind of deterministic stability analysis methods based on limit equilibrium conditions, it gets the stress field through the numerical method (finite element and discrete element or boundary element, etc.) firstly, and then according to the definitions of safety factor, we can search the most dangerous slip surface using the mathematical programming method. The physical meaning of safety factor definition is clear in the method, it combines the advantages of the limit equilibrium method and finite element method (FEM), as long as the stress field is obtained, it can be convenient and quick to find out the safety coefficient, the method is very suitable for engineering calculation and its advantages are more obvious in the stability analysis under complicated conditions.



具有功能性反应的微分生态模型的极限环分析刘娟;李医民【摘要】Based on ecosystem with functional response, a differential ecosystem with functional response is established with the application of mathematics ecology. The system is discussed by using differential equations qualities theory. The system' s equilibrium points are studied. The degree and the stability of the center focus are analysed. The existence zone of the system' s limit cycle is given. By using Piocare-Bendixson theorem and Filippov transformation, the existence and uniqueness of the system' s limit cycle are proved in the case that the given parameters satisfy certain conditions. It shows that the densities of preys and predators are stable under some conditions.%在已有的功能性反应生态系统的基础上,应用数学生态学理论建立了一个具有功能性反应的微分生态系统,并应用微分方程定性理论,讨论了该微分生态系统.研究了系统的平衡点,对中心焦点的阶数和稳定性做出了分析,并给出了系统的环域构成图.在给定参数满足一定条件时,利用Poincaré - Bendixson 环域定理和Filippov变换,证明了该系统极限环的存在性和唯一性.结果表明,两种群的密度或产生周期性的变化,或都稳定在一组定值的附近,可以保持一种稳定状态.【期刊名称】《四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(035)004【总页数】5页(P500-504)【关键词】微分生态系统;平衡点;细焦点;稳定性;极限环【作者】刘娟;李医民【作者单位】蚌埠学院理学系,安徽蚌埠233030;江苏大学理学院,江苏镇江212003【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O175.12生物数学的一个重要分支是种群动力学,主要利用数学模型来描述生物系统的一些性质,从而得到现实生活中两种群的生存状态.目前众多学者对于Holling类功能反应的食饵、捕食者系统研究较多[1-5],得到了系统存在平衡点和极限环的一些结论,并讨论了平衡点的稳定性.但生物系统的发展很快,单纯的Holling类模型已不容易实现对生物系统的研究,所以Holling类模型又发展到涉及生物、化学控制[6-7],以实现外部因素对生物系统的影响.随着对生物系统的进一步研究,还可以建立一些其它类型的功能反应系统[8-12],以此说明不同的功能性反应对生物系统的影响是不一样的.文献[13]讨论了一个食饵种群对捕食者种群的影响较为明显的模型.本文在上述模型的基础上,建立了一个具功能性反应的微分生态系统,进一步推广了文献[13]的结论.描述两个种群之间的捕食与被捕食作用、相互竞争作用以及互惠共存作用的一般模型[14]为如果考虑到捕食者种群的增长率与食饵种群的密度密切相关的机理,取其中,选择的生物意义为:与常数相比,食饵种群密度的变化对捕食者种群的影响更为明显.考虑食饵种群的增长是非密度制约的因素,取其中为捕食者种群的功能性反应函数.由此,得到一个具功能性反应的微分生态系统其中,x表示食饵种群的密度,y表示捕食者种群的密度,参数a、b、c、s、m、ω、β各表示一定的生态意义,因此它们均为正常数.设由实际生态意义,只需在D内研究系统(1),作自变数变换变换后仍用t、a、m分别表示则系统(1)化为1 系统平衡点及其性态引理 1 系统(2)有平衡点 O(0,0),A(x0,0),其中且O为不稳定的结点,A为鞍点.证明在O(0,0)处有显然系统(2)的一次近似系统的特征根为所以O(0,0)为不稳定的结点.在A(x0,0)处有显然系统(2)的一次近似系统的特征根为所以A(x0,0)为鞍点.引理2 当aβω>c,abβ>1时,系统(2)在D内有唯一正平衡点其中当时,B是不稳定的焦点或结点;当时,B是稳定的焦点或结点;当时,B是中心型焦点.证明要使系统(2)在D内有正平衡点,则必须方程aβx2+(1-abβ)x-(aβω-c)=0有正根.当aβω>c,abβ>1时,方程aβx2+(1-abβ)x-(aβω-c)=0有唯一正根x1,解得此时系统(2)在 D内有唯一正平衡点容易得到在处,一次近似系统的线性化系数矩阵为设系统(2)的一次近似系统的特征方程为λ2-pλ +q=0,其中1)当时,p>0,所以λ2-pλ+q=0的根均具有正实部,故B为不稳定的焦点或结点;2)当时,p<0,所以λ2-pλ+q=0的根均具有负实部,故B为稳定的焦点或结点;3)当时,p=0,B为为一次近似系统的中心.以下对B作中心焦点判别.令,仍用x 和y分别标记和将系统(2)化为在条件下,于是,当时有其中由文献[15]的焦点判别定理知:当时,O(0,0)为系统(3)的一阶稳定细焦点,故B为系统(2)的一阶稳定细焦点.2 极限环的存在性及唯一性定理当时,系统(2)在D内的正平衡点B外围存在唯一极限环,且为稳定的.证明先证存在性.由系统(2)的奇点讨论知,当时,B为不稳定的焦点或结点,其等倾线如图1所示.其中过A(x0,0)作平行于y轴的直线x=x0,在y轴正向上取一点D(0,yD),并且有过D点作平行于x轴的直线y=yD,与直线x=x0相交于点E(x0,yD),系统(2)在直线AE上:因0<x<x0时,βyD>x0+c,故系统(2)在直线ED上:直线x=0及y=0都是系统(2)的轨线.于是,闭合曲线L=OA∪AE∪ED∪DO内含有一个不稳定的奇点B,且系统(2)的方向场都是自L外部穿向L围成的区域内,当t增加时,系统(2)的一切轨线均跑不出L,所以L构成广义Bendixson环域境界线,由Bendixson环域定理可知L内至少存在一个包含B的极限环.再证唯一性.令将系统(2)化为其中再作自变数变换dt=e-βmudτ,仍用t表示τ,将系统(2)化为Lienard系统其中1)当φ(0)=0,v≠0时表明φ(v)是单调增函数,且φ(v)满足Lipschitz条件.2),故u≠0时,ug(u)>0.易知G(±∞)=+∞.3)经过计算可得其中且有其中由于故T1<0,而所以在条件下,T2>0,故4A1A3-A22>0,所以h(u)>0,因此故单调不减.由文献[16]唯一性定理知,系统(2)围绕B至多存在一个极限环,且它存在时为稳定的.故系统(2)在D内的正平衡点B外围存在唯一极限环.3 结论对于上述具有功能性反应的微分生态系统,我们可以做出一些生物解释.如果系统(2)的轨线趋向于边界平衡点A(x0,0),则意味着捕食者种群将最终走向灭绝,而食饵种群不论初始密度如何取值,都会趋于最终的稳定密度x0.如果系统(2)的轨线趋向于正平衡点则说明尽管在开始阶段食饵种群的密度变化对捕食者种群的影响明显,但在经过一段较长时间后,不论食饵种群的密度初值和捕食者种群的密度初值如何取值,当所给参数满足以上分析得出的条件时,两者的密度或产生周期性的变化,或都稳定在一组定值的附近,可以保持一种平衡状态.致谢蚌埠学院自然科学基金(2010ZR16)对本文给予了资助,谨致谢意.参考文献[1]李秀英,王稳地.具有Holling第Ⅰ类功能反应的食饵-捕食者模型的定性分析[J].西南师范大学学报:自然科学版,2004,29(5):712-717.[2]于勇.一类具有功能性反应的顺环捕食系统概周期解的存在性[J].四川师范大学学报:自然科学版,2008,31(5):546-548.[3]鲁铁军,王美娟.一类基于比率的捕食-食饵系统的全局稳定性分析[J].应用数学和力学,2008,29(4):447-452.[4]Wang Y Q,Ma J Y.Qualitative analysis on a class of predator-prey model with HollingⅢfunctional response[J].J Biomathematics,2004,19(4):395-402.[5]任丽萍,李波.具有HollingIII功能性捕食模型的定性分析[J].四川师范大学学报:自然科学版,2009,32(6):757-762.[6]Liu B,Zhang Y J,Chen L S.Dynamic complexities of a HollingI predator-prey model concerning periodic biological and chemical control [J].Chaos,Solitons and Fractals,2004,22:123-134.[7]王爱丽,薛秋芳.具有多时滞和广义扩散的N-种群竞争反馈控制系统的持久性[J].工程数学学报,2009,26(6):985-989.[8]侯晓星,张群英.一类具时滞的禽流感模型[J].生物数学学报,2010,25(1):43-50.[9]李辉,王艺霏.具有功能性反应的时滞扩散模型的周期解与稳定性[J].东北师大学报:自然科学版,2008,40(2):22-29.[10]Mainik J,Ortlieb C P.Qualitative properties of a niche-model [J].Mathematics and Computer in Simulation,1999,49:353-374. [11]De I M,Fuente L.Diversity of temporal self-organized behaviors in a biochemical system[J].Biosystems,1999,50:83-97.[12]Moereira H N,Wang Y Q.Global stability in a class of competitive cubic system[J].Ecological Modelling,1997,102:273-285.[13]李医民,刘娟.一个微分生态系统的极限环分析[J].江苏大学学报:自然科学版,2008,29(1):89-92.[14]陈兰荪.数学生态学模型与研究方法[M].北京:科学出版社,1988. [15]韩茂安.动力系统的周期解与分支理论[M].北京:科学出版社,2002. [16]马知恩,周义仓.常微分方程定性与稳定性方法[M].北京:科学出版社,2001.。


拉压刚度 axial rigidity 拉压杆,轴向承载杆 axially loaded bar
理想弹塑性假设 elastic-perfectly plastic assumption 力法 force method 力学性能 mechanical properties 连续梁 continuous beam 连续条件 continuity condition 梁 beams 临界应力 critical stress 临界荷载 critical load
泊松比 Poisson’s ratio
ing 补偿块 compensating block e C b 材料力学 mechanics of materials ir 冲击荷载 impact load e 初应力,预应力 initial stress th 纯剪切 pure shear in 纯弯曲 pure bending s 脆性材料 brittle materials g D in 大柔度杆 long columns th 单位荷载 unit load ll 单位力偶 unit couple A 单位荷载法 unit-load method d 单向应力,单向受力 uniaxial stress n 等强度梁 beam of constant strength a 低周疲劳 low-cycle fatigue e 电桥平衡 bridge balancing tim 电阻应变计 resistance strain gage
平面弯曲 plane bending
d 平面应力状态 state of plane stress
oo 平行移轴定理 parallel axis theorem
g 平面假设
re plane cross-section assumption


其中, Fξ1 为 F 1 在 s 上的点 ξ 的值。由式(3)~(6)得
F 3 = Fξ1
即 F 3 为 F 1 在 s 上某一点的值。但是如果剪应 力的方向沿滑面 s 发生改变,并不能确保式(7)总是 成立,此时定义 3 的意义就更加模糊。
3 在有限元法中安全系数的合理选用
作者简介:郑 宏(1964–),男,博士,1985 年毕业于东北大学机械工程系,现任中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所研究员、三峡大学特聘教授,主要 从事岩土力学方面的教学与研究工作。E-mail:hzheng@。
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2005 年
年前 25 a 间的极限平衡法和有限元法在边坡稳定性 分析中的应用状态做出了非常精彩的总结。 边坡稳定性分析中最重要的概念就是安全系 数,但是不同的场合或不同的方法所使用的安全系 数的定义是有区别的,如果不加区别地对基于不同 定义的安全系数所算得的结果进行比较就会得出一 些不适当的结论。本文讨论了在极限平衡法和有限 元法中 3 种常用的安全系数定义之间的关系,指出 在利用有限元法分析边坡稳定性时,基于定义 2 所 算得的安全系数和临界滑面都不同于基于定义 3 的 相应结果,同时利用定义 3 所求得的计算结果会表 现出一些明显不合理的现象。
(实际上是 F 2 )之间的差异较大,就认为有限元所求
得的安全系数不可靠,这实际上是混淆了 2 种场合 下的安全系数的概念。 然而,如果利用有限元法来计算基于强度储备 概念的安全系数,一般都采用强度折减技术,即通 过不断地按同一比例降低土体的抗剪强度参数,并 将边坡达到临界平衡状态 [16] 时所对应的折减系数 取为 F 2 。虽然尚未从理论上证明基于有限元——强 度折减技术所算得的安全系数与基于较严格满足平 衡条件的极限平衡法所算得的安全系数的一致性, 但是文[2~16]的研究表明,这两者的计算结果非常 靠近。不仅如此,文[26]的算例还揭示基于这两者 的临界滑面也非常一致。而且,如果要发生滑坡, 临界滑面上的点必将都处于塑性流动状态,即都位 于由极限平衡状态的强度参数所决定的屈服面上, 就应该以此状态作为极限状态来考察目前尚处于安 全状态的边坡的安全储备情况。因此,作者认为如 果要使分析结果与极限平衡法的计算结果具有可比 性,那么强度折减技术应作为基于变形分析的边坡 稳定性分析的首选方法。当然,强度折减法目前尚 存在两方面的不足:其一是计算量过大,为了使边 坡达到极限状态,通常需求解很多个非线性问题; 其二是不能考虑应力路径对于边坡安全系数的影 响。



第30卷第1期 辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版) 2011年2月Vol.30 No.1 Journalof Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science ) Feb. 2011 收稿日期:2009-09-15基金项目:西部交通建设科技项目基金资助项目(200831822357) 作者介绍:罗 勇(1977-),男,贵州 毕节人,博士,主要从事岩土工程设计和地质灾害和防治方面的研究,E-mail:luoyong7966@ 文章编号:1008-0562(2011)01-0060-04节理发育反倾边坡破坏机理分析及模拟罗 勇1,龚晓南2(1.贵州省交通规划勘察设计研究院股份有限公司 地勘院,贵州 贵阳,5500012.浙江大学 岩土工程研究所,浙江 杭州,310027)摘 要:为了解决边坡岩体结构的稳定性评价及其力学变形特性,采用了离散单元理论和利用UDEC(Universal Distinct Element Code)技术,用离散块体模拟节理发育反倾边坡破坏机理和加固变性过程。


关键词:离散单元;节理;反倾;边坡;稳定性分析 中图分类号:P 642.22 文献标识码: AMechanism analysis and simulation on damage of antidi slope with well-developed jointsLUOYong 1,GONG Xiaonan 2(1.Guizhou Institute of Transportation Planning, Survey and Design, Guizhou 550001, China; 2. Institue of Geotechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)Abstract: UDEC is described as a “distinct element program”. This numerical method falls within the general classification of discontinuous analysis techniques. This study aimed to model the failure mechanism, deformation characteristic and stability evaluation on the slope at the right side of Section K44+340~K44+450 at Guiyang Wukai highway. The strength reduction method of slope stability analysis was applied in this study to model the range and trend of the plasticity development. Also, using the discrete sliding properties, the blocks slide and tension breakage evolving process of weak structural planes was modeled. This study has some practical and referential value.Keywords: distinct element; joint; antidip; slope; stability analysis0 引 言随着西部经济的腾飞和社会发展的需要,其交通基础设施建设进入了一个大发展时期,各项道路建设大幅增加。






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Production and Characterization of Recombinant Wild Type Uricase from Indonesian Coelacanth ( L. menadoensis ) and Improvement of Its Thermostability by In Silico Rational Design and Disulphide Bridges Engineering.[J]. International journal of molecular sciences,2019,20(6).[75]Johnson Audrey M,Howell Dana M. Mobility bridges a gap in care: Findings from an early mobilisation quality improvement project in acute care.[J]. Journal of clinical nursing,2019.[76]Brzyski Przemys?aw,Grudzińska Magdalena,Majerek Dariusz. Analysis of the Occurrence of Thermal Bridges in Several Variants of Connections of the Wall and the Ground Floor in Construction Technology with the Use of a Hemp-lime Composite.[J]. Materials (Basel, Switzerland),2019,12(15).[77]Hager Keri,Kading Margarette,O'Donnell Carolyn,Yapel Ann,MacDonald Danielle,Albee Jennifer Nelson,Nash Cynthia,Renier Colleen,Dean Katherine,Schneiderhan Mark. 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Monitoring induced floor vibrations: dance performance and bridge engineering[P]. Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring,2019.[118]Tianshu Li,Devin Harris. Automated construction of bridge condition inventory using natural language processing and historical inspection reports[P]. Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring,2019.以上就是关于桥梁工程英文参考文献的分享,希望对你有所帮助。

欠驱动机器人 外文文献

欠驱动机器人  外文文献

One of the most sophisticated forms of legged motion is that of biped locomotion. From a dynamic systems point of view, human locomotion stands out among other forms of biped locomotion chiefly due to the fact that during a significant part of the human walking cycle the moving body is not in the static equilibrium. At the INRIA lab of Grenoble, France, we have started working on the development of an anthropomorphic biped walker. The envisioned prototype will have elementary adaptation capability on an unforeseen uneven terrain. The purpose of the project is not limited to the realization of a complex machine, the construction and control of which nevertheless pose formidable engineering challenge. We also intend to initiate a synergy between robotics and human gait study. Human locomotion, despite being well studied and enjoying a rich database, is not well understood and a robotic simulcrum potentially can be very useful. In order to gain a better understanding of the inherently non-linear dynamics of a full-fledged walking machine we have found it instructive to first explore the behavior of a particularly simple walker model.



Journal of Chromatography A,1217(2010)858–880Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of ChromatographyAj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c h r o maReviewThe challenges of the analysis of basic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography:Some possible approaches for improved separationsDavid V.McCalley ∗Centre for Research in Biomedicine,University of the West of England,Frenchay,Bristol BS161QY,UKa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Available online 3December 2009Keywords:HPLCBasic compounds Stationary phases Reversed-phase HILICa b s t r a c tThis review considers some of the difficulties encountered with the analysis of ionised bases using reversed-phase chromatography,such as detrimental interaction with column silanol groups,and over-loading which both lead to poor peak shapes.Methods of overcoming these problems in reversed-phase (RP)separations,by judicious selection of the column and mobile phase conditions,are discussed.Hydrophilic interaction chromatography is considered as an alternative method for the separation of some basic compounds.©2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Contents 1.Introduction.........................................................................................................................................8592.Choice of column....................................................................................................................................8592.1.Column testing procedures..................................................................................................................8592.2.The Tanaka test and the Snyder hydrophobic subtraction parison of results with direct peak shape measurements...8602.3.Monolithic silica columns ...................................................................................................................8632.4.Slow column equilibration.Anion-exchange behaviour of alkylsilica RP columns e of column materials other than silica...................................................................................................8653.Choice of mobile phase..............................................................................................................................8663.1.Choice of modifier ...........................................................................................................................8663.2.Choice of mobile phase pH.Problem of reduced retention of bases at low pH.............................................................8664.Overloading .........................................................................................................................................8674.1.Overview of the problem....................................................................................................................8674.2.Possible causes of overloading ..............................................................................................................8684.3.Effect of buffer anion on overload...........................................................................................................8704.4.Overloading on mixed-mode reversed-phase/cation-exchange columns..................................................................8714.5.Effect of buffer pH on overloading ..........................................................................................................8715.Temperature effects.................................................................................................................................8736.Hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC)..................................................................................................8747.Concluding remarks.................................................................................................................................8787.1.Overloading..................................................................................................................................8787.2.Selection of mobile phase pH................................................................................................................8787.3.Quality and choice of column ...............................................................................................................8797.4.Temperature.................................................................................................................................8797.5.Alternative separation mechanisms—e.g.HILIC.............................................................................................879References...........................................................................................................................................879DOI of original article:10.1016/j.chroma.2009.11.067.∗Tel.:+441173282469;fax:+441173282904.E-mail address:david.mccalley@0021-9673/$–see front matter ©2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2009.11.068D.V.McCalley/J.Chromatogr.A1217(2010)858–8808591.IntroductionThe analysis of basic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)continues to be of interest,as over70% of pharmaceuticals are bases(with about20%being acids)[1–3].A large number of compounds of biomedical and biological signifi-cance are also bases.Reversed-phase(RP)separations are by far the most common in liquid chromatography(LC),due to advantages that include ease of use with gradient elution,compatibility with aqueous samples,versatility of the retention mechanism allowing changes in the separation to be brought about by changes in pH, organic modifier or additives,and long experience with the tech-nique,allowing the rapid establishment of suitable experimental conditions for the analysis of a given sample[4].Nevertheless,it has been recognised for a long time that the analysis of basic com-pounds poses particular difficulties in RP separations.Many of these problems are associated with the complex structure of the surface in silica-based RP packings,shown in Fig.1.The surface concentra-tion of silanols on bare silica is reported to be about8.0␮mol m−2 [5].C18ligands are too bulky to react completely with all silanols; thus,a maximum coverage of4–4.5␮mol m−2can be achieved.A further number of reactive silanols can be“endcapped”by reac-tion with smaller silylating agents such as trimethylchlorosilane, but as many as50%of the original silanol groups remain unreacted on a typical RP column.The average p K a of these silanol groups is around7.1,but their acidity can be enhanced by the presence of metal impurities in the silica.Some groups appear to be suffi-ciently acidic that their ionisation cannot be entirely suppressed using acidic mobile phases with a pH within the stability limit of typical RP columns(2.5–7.5).Over this range of operational pH values,basic compounds are likely to be ionised,leading to ionic interactions with ionised silanol groups.BH++SiO−M+→SiO−BH++M+(1) where BH+represents the protonated base,and M+the mobile phase buffer cation.The problem of poor column efficiency(N)and exponentially tailing peaks shown by small quantities of bases is often attributed to this mixed mechanism process of hydropho-bic interaction and ion-exchange with the silanols.The slower sorption–desorption kinetics of silanol ion-exchange sites(kinetic tailing)with sample ions may be responsible[6],which will occur regardless of sample size.The simple existence of two retention processes cannot per se be the sole cause of tailing,as mixed-mode phases with carboxylic acid functions embedded within a hydrophobic chain can show excellent peak symmetry for bases[7]. However,the kinetics of interaction of such embedded groups,and the stereochemistry around the active site,could be completely dif-ferent from that of ionised silanols,which may be buried beneath the hydrophobic chains on classical C18phases.Instead of sim-ple ion-exchange sites,Neue et al.[8]have proposed the existence of strong synergistic sites with combined RP and ion-exchange properties.The overall retention for bases was described by the equation:k=k RP+k IX+k∗RP k∗IX(2) where k is the total retention,k RP is the hydrophobic contribu-tion,k IX is the ion-exchange contribution from surface silanols,and k∗RP k∗IX is a multiplicative contribution of both processes.These syn-ergistic sites could correspond to the subset of very high-energy sites with slow kinetics which have been long suspected to be the cause of exponential tailing for bases,as they appear to be domi-nant in the retention process.It was shown that this type of tailing is not responsive to small changes in sample load in RP–LC at low pH[6].This result might indicate that exponential tailing is not caused by overload of a small number of strong sites on the column. In contrast,overload often gives rise to right-angled triangle peak shapes when ionisation of silanols is suppressed in RP–LC when working at low pH.Overload tailing still occurs even for the most modern columns operated under conditions where there are no or a negligible number of ionised silanols on the column surface.It was recognised more than20years ago that bonded phases synthesised from pure silica(Type B phases)made from the hydrol-ysis of metal-free tetraalkoxysilanes resulted in reduced silanol acidity,and their use has considerably improved the analysis of bases[9].Only small contamination of such materials occurs dur-ing the processing of such packings,or from the water used in the hydrolysis.Nevertheless,some other features of the analysis of these solutes(such as overloading)remain problematic,and these issues have not been resolved by the use of high-purity silica.Already in1988,Snyder and co-workers[10]had reviewed the problems of analysis of basic solutes and had proposed some pos-sible solutions.The following recommendations were made: (a)Judicious selection of the column to reduce the number of avail-able acidic sites.(b)Reduction of the mobile phase pH to suppress ionisation of thesilanols.(c)Increasing the mobile phase pH above the analyte p K a,such thatthe analyte is unprotonated.(d)Addition of a silanol blocker such as triethylamine to the mobilephase to interact preferentially with ionised silanols.(e)Reduction of the sample concentration to alleviate the satura-tion of the acidic sites.Most of the arguments in this paper remain true more than20 years later,and these conclusions can be used as a simple guide for the chromatographer aiming to achieve the best separations for basic solutes.Perhaps only the use of silanol blocking agents has fallen somewhat out of favour,as these are less necessary with modern high-purity silica phases,and can also have some undesirable effects.Such effects include the generation of addi-tional background in HPLC–MS,the difficulty of removal from the stationary phase after use leading to permanent alteration of its properties,and even chemical reaction with some solute types.This topic,and some other well-known aspects of the chromatography of bases have been covered adequately in earlier reviews[11–13]. However,other features of the chromatography of these“difficult”compounds are still extensively debated in the literature,for exam-ple,the problem of their ready overloading in RP separations.This review will concentrate on the latest research in these topics,while attempting to summarise briefly previousfindings.Thus,it will con-sider RP column choice by use of evaluation data obtained from the Tanaka and the Snyder“hydrophobic subtraction”tests;current theories and the effect of overload for ionised solutes;the use of high pH to improve peak shape;whether temperature is a useful parameter in improving peak shape;andfinally whether other sep-aration mechanisms such as HILIC can provide a viable alternative to RP–LC for the analysis of bases.2.Choice of column2.1.Column testing proceduresThe selection of an appropriate RP column for the analysis of bases can be a daunting task,as now many hundreds are com-mercially available,with a considerable number recommended especially by their manufacturers for the analysis of basic solutes. Nevertheless,several databases are now available where a large number of different columns have been subjected to the same test procedure by the same group of workers on the same or similar instruments,allowing a useful and objective comparison of perfor-860 D.V.McCalley /J.Chromatogr.A 1217(2010)858–880Fig.1.Structures present on a typical RP monomeric-bonded silica (C8)endcapped with trimethylsilyl groups.After U.D.Neue,“Silica Gel and its derivatization for Liquid Chromatography”,in “Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry”,R.A.Meyers,Ed.,John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.,Chichester (2000)11450–11472.mance to be made.A question arises as to the validity of databases constructed by evaluation of only a few or even a single column of a given type,as to whether the results obtained may be truly repre-sentative of the performance of this brand,due to column to column and batch to batch variations.However,a careful study [14,15]has suggested that columns from major manufacturers actually show a rather high degree of reproducibility,probably resulting from the use of stringent quality control procedures.Indeed,the industry is likely to be self-regulating to a degree,as dissatisfied customers would switch to the use of more reproducible brands.Tight reten-tion specifications exist in the HPLC user environment,especially in the pharmaceutical industry,and changes in the column can jeop-ardise product release.However,it is possible that a manufacturer could be forced to change the sourcing of a production raw mate-rial,which might occur for example,if the column manufacturer does not make their own silica.Thus,under some circumstances,a recently purchased column may not behave in the same way as one tested several years beforehand.Nevertheless,we believe that such situations are rare,and in most cases,manufacturers strive to main-tain the reproducibility of their products over a long period of time,as many customers have established methods on a given brand of phase.It appears more common to introduce a new name or name variant of an existing phase to mark definitively such changes or improvements to the production process.Taking this factor,and the reasonable reproducibility of commercial columns into account,it seems that the results of tests on a particular brand of column would generally reflect the performance of that brand throughout the product lifetime.Both of the column evaluation methods described in detail below incorporate strongly basic compounds as test probes.In each test,their retention is monitored at low and intermediate pH val-ues.Columns which give relatively low retention of basic probes are also likely to give higher efficiency for basic solutes,as shown by correlation studies for at least one of the procedures (see below).2.2.The Tanaka test and the Snyder hydrophobic subtraction parison of results with direct peak shape measurementsWhile many different column testing methods have been devel-oped,two have become prominent and have the distinct advantage that databases of results for many hundreds,rather than just a few columns,are available.The Tanaka method [16]and the hydropho-bic subtraction procedure developed by Snyder et al.[17]both incorporate tests which allow a user to select phases that are likely to be suitable for the separation of basic compounds.We will consider here the Tanaka method as adapted and applied by Euerby and Petersson [18]to the evaluation of over 200commercial columns that can be compared on a freely available program from Advanced Chemistry Development [19].These databases appear to be updated periodically;for instance,the ACD database contains evaluations of recently introduced sub-2␮m phases.An alternative adaptation of the Tanaka procedure and its application to a large number of different stationary phases has also been made [20],and data are again freely available [21].A fourth testing scheme is that published by the US Pharmacopeia.This protocol is an adaptation of the work of Sander and Wise [22].For activity towards bases,this method uses the tailing factor of amitriptyline (the same probe as used in the Snyder–Dolan procedure).At the time of writing,the database contained fewer columns than the two major proce-dures (∼100)and will not be considered further here.However,data for both this procedure and the Snyder–Dolan (S–D)method are available on the USP website [23].In the Tanaka–Euerby (T–E)procedure,columns are tested by measurement of k for pentylbenzene as a measure of sur-face area and surface coverage;hydrophobic selectivity from the ratio of k (pentylbenzene)/k (butylbenzene);shape selectivity from k (triphenylene)/k (o-terphenyl);hydrogen bonding capac-ity from k (caffeine)/k (phenol)in unbuffered methanol–water;total ion-exchange capacity from k (benzylamine)/k (phenol in methanol–phosphate buffer pH 7.6;and acidic ion-exchange capacity from k (benzylamine)/k (phenol)in methanol–phosphate buffer pH 2.7.The latter three tests are of particular interest for the analysis of basic solutes.The program [19]allows the comparison of the similarities and differences between various columns,and per-mits the separate weighting of the various factors—for example,columns can be ranked according solely to their total ion capacity at pH 7.6if so desired.The S–D model recognises that hydrophobic retention is the dominant process in RP chromatography,and in the absence of other retention mechanisms,plots of log k for one column versus another should be a straight line.However,these other mechanisms give rise to scatter in the plots.Clearly,ion-exchange and hydrogen bonding are important contributors to the retention of basic solutes.The general equation for retention in theD.V.McCalley/J.Chromatogr.A1217(2010)858–880861Table1Evaluation of some selected RP columns by two different procedures.For details on the procedure,see text.Column name k pentylbz k(pentbz)/k(butbz)k(triphen)/k(terph)k(caff)/k(phen)k(bzm)/k(phen)2.7k(bzm)/k(phen)7.6Tanaka–Euerby procedureChromolith 4.22 1.24 1.310.480.120.63Discovery Amide 1.65 1.35 1.810.490.190.44Discovery C18 3.32 1.48 1.510.390.100.28Inertsil ODS-37.74 1.45 1.290.480.010.29Resolve C18 2.40 1.46 1.59 1.29 1.23 4.06Spherisorb ODS-2 3.00 1.51 1.560.590.230.76Symmetry C18 6.51 1.46 1.490.410.010.68Symmetry Shield RP18 4.66 1.41 MS C18 3.52 1.42 1.260.420.100.35Xterra RP18 2.38 1.29 1.830.330.070.20H S A B C(2.8)C(7.0)Snyder procedureChromolith 1.0030.0290.008−0.0140.1030.187 Discovery Amide0.7200.013−0.6250.218−0.092−0.025 Discovery C180.9840.027−0.1280.0040.1760.153 Inertsil ODS-30.9900.022−0.146−0.023−0.474−0.334 Resolve C180.968−0.1270.335−0.046 1.921 2.144 Spherisorb ODS-20.962−0.0760.070.0340.908 1.263 Symmetry C18 1.0520.0630.018−0.021−0.3020.123 Symmetry Shield RP180.8500.027−0.4110.093−0.7280.136 Xterra MS C180.9840.012−0.143−0.0150.1330.051 Xterra RP180.757−0.043−0.4830.097−0.170−0.173model is:log˛=log k/log k(ethylbenzene)=Á Hhydrophobic − S∗steric resistance(to bulky interactions)+ˇ Acolumn H-bond acidity(non-ionised silanols)+˛ BH-bond basicity(from sorbed water)+Ä Cion interaction(ionised silanols)(3)Ethylbenzene is used as a non-polar reference solute.Greek letters represent empirical,eluent-and temperature-dependent proper-ties of the solute,which are relative to the values for ethylbenzene, for which all solute parameters are identically zero.The selection of the optimum probes for evaluation of each retention mode has been made from detailed studies.Bold capitals represent eluent-and temperature-independent properties of the column;these val-ues are relative to a hypothetical average Type B C18column.Any column which behaves identically to this hypothetical reference column will have H=1and all other values S*,A,B,C=0.The dataset of columns evaluated by this procedure is even larger than that for the T–E procedure and presently extends to at least400columns.In some versions of the program,different weightings can be assigned to each evaluation parameter,as in the Euerby procedure.Results for some RP columns selected from each database are shown in Table1.The T–E data show clearly that the older Type A bonded phases(Resolve C18and Spherisorb ODS-2)give higher retention of benzylamine relative to phenol at pH7.6(alpha values 4.06and0.76,respectively)compared with newer Type B phases based on highly pure silica(Discovery C18and Inertsil ODS-3, alpha values0.28and0.29,respectively).Similarly with the S–D method,values of C(7.0)for Resolve C18and Spherisorb ODS-2 are high(2.144and1.263,respectively)compared with Discov-ery C18and Inertsil ODS-3(0.153and−0.334,respectively.Values of alpha(benzylamine/phenol)at pH2.7and values of C(2.8)are also higher for the Type A compared with the Type B phases using both procedures,indicating general agreement between them. Snyder and co-workers[24]have correlated a published dataset of“silanol activity”for a number of RP columns(measured by the average plate number for amitriptyline and pyridine with methanol-phosphate buffer pH6.0)with values of C at pH6.0,inter-polated from C(2.8)and C(7.0).Columns with a highvalue of C(6.0) correlated with columns of high silanol activity,and those with low values of C(6.0)with low silanol activity.In a later study[6]95%of Type B columns(designated either on the basis of manufacturer claims,or on the date a column wasfirst sold)were shown to have C(2.8)≤0.25,while only11%of Type A columns satisfied this crite-rion.Tailing of basic solutes(as measured by the asymmetry factor A s)was minimal for columns with C(2.8)<0.25(i.e.Type B columns) and tended to increase for larger values of C(2.8).From Table1,the Type A phases Resolve C18and Spherisob-ODS-2,now identified as such due to values of C(2.8)≥0.25,also give the highest values of hydrogen bonding acidity(parameter A,0.335and0.07,respec-tively,determined from the retention of amide probe compounds). Similarly,these phases also gave the highest relative retention of caffeine/phenol in the Tanaka procedure(1.29and0.59,respec-tively).The data can also be used to compare the effect of other features,e.g.the performance of embedded polar group phases (EPG)and the equivalent conventional C18phase,manufactured on the same silica.EPG phases include columns with embedded amide groups within the hydrocarbon chain:or carbamate groups:EPG phases have been proposed to give better peak shapes for the analysis of bases[24,27].The incorporation of an EPG in XTerra RP18reduces somewhat the Tanaka alpha(benzylamine/phenol) 7.6parameter to0.20,compared with0.35for the XTerra MS C18 column.Similarly,the S–D C(7.0)parameter is reduced to−0.173 for the EPG compared with0.051for the conventional phase.It is862 D.V.McCalley /J.Chromatogr.A 1217(2010)858–880possible that the reduced retention of benzylamine and other bases may be caused by a layer of water that is adsorbed close to the surface of EPG phases,providing some deactivating effect for the silanol groups [25,26].Other authors have compared conventional and EPG phases bonded on the same type of silica,on the basis of peak shape measurements.It was found that on average,peak shapes were indeed improved on the latter phases [27].Neverthe-less,it appears that the EPG technology gives more improvement in performance with phases bonded on older impure silicas,rather than the modern Type B silicas [27].This result seems to be reflected in the somewhat inconclusive data from Table 1concerning the rel-ative retention of bases on conventional and EPG phases.Thus the Discovery EPG phase (amide)has a slightly larger value of the T–E alpha (benzylamine/phenol)7.6parameter (0.44)compared with the regular C18phase (0.28).In contrast,the S–D C (7.0)parameter is smaller on Discovery Amide (−0.025)compared with Discovery C18(0.153).Similarly,while the T–E procedure indicates a con-siderable lower value of alpha (benzylamine/phenol)at pH 7.6for Symmetry Shield (0.2)compared with Symmetry C18(0.68),the S–D C (7.0)parameter for the EPG phases is slightly greater (0.136)compared with the regular phase (0.123).Euerby and Petersson pointed out that the extra retentiveness of phenols on EPG phases might invalidate the results of tests for silanophilic activity which involve the use of such solutes.They therefore suggested substitut-ing benzyl alcohol for phenol in the Tanaka test.Benzyl alcohol has retention properties similar to those of phenol but does not show excess retention on EPG phases [28].These particular comparisons point to some possible differences in the compatibility of column evaluations from either method.The Hoogmartens group looked more generally at the compati-bility of results from the S–D method and their own adaptation of the Tanaka procedure [29],finding a rather poor overall correlation between the two approaches.In a previous paper,this group had demonstrated a good correlation between their own method and the Euerby results.This latter finding is perhaps not surprising,as both are based on the Tanaka method.The problem of compatibility of the S–D and Tanaka methods may well be in the different mobile phase conditions and different probe solutes used in these tests.The S–D procedure uses the retention of the strong bases amitriptyline and nortriptyline in acetonitrile–phosphate buffer to calculate the cation-exchange term C (2.8)and derives the value of C (7.0)from the C (2.8)results by multiplying by the ratio of the retention fac-tors of the quaternary amine berberine at pH 7.0and 2.8;the T–E benzylamine tests use methanol as the organic modifier.Indeed the use of these different modifiers may explain the somewhat differ-ent evaluations of the EPG phases by either method.Even using the same mobile phase conditions,McCalley and Brereton [27,30–32]showed that peak shape data was not consistent between different basic probes.Thus,for example there was little correlation between A s for codeine and nortriptyline when using methanol–phosphate buffers at pH 3.0,whereas either of these solutes has been used as a single test compound to evaluate the relative silanol activity of different phases.One phase (Waters Symmetry Shield)gave,of 9highly inert RP columns,the highest N and lowest A s for nico-tine using acetonitrile–phosphate buffer at pH 7.0but the lowest efficiency for analysis of pyridine.Fig.2shows a principal compo-nents analysis (PCA)loadings plot for analysis of nine basic solutes on eight different RP columns using a mixture of methanol with a pH 3.0buffer.Lines can be drawn from the centre of the plot to each data point.Parameters that are opposed (i.e.appear at 180◦)measure equivalent but opposite trends.Thus N and A s values are opposed,with efficiency increasing as asymmetry decreases,as expected.Parameters that are at 90◦,like the asymmetry factors of pyridine and quinine,measure unrelated trends,and thus may be evaluating relatively different aspects of the detrimental inter-action of bases with the column surface.Conversely,the asymmetry parameters of nortriptyline and diphenhydramine have a smaller angle between them,and may be measuring more related proper-ties.It might therefore not be necessary to include both substances in a test mix for these particular mobile phase conditions.For over-all evaluation of column properties exploring different aspects of detrimental interactions,a test mix could include five compounds:codeine,quinine,amphetamine,nortriptyline and pyridine.The ranking of columns at pH 7using methanol was different from that at pH 7using acetonitrile;note that these correspond to the differ-ent modifiers of the T–E and S–D evaluation schemes,respectively.Snyder and co-workers [6]also observed that the tailing of basic (cationic)solutes on a given column appeared to be solute specific,finding that values of A s for the bases amitriptyline,nortriptyline,the quaternary compound berberine,and 4-n -hexylaniline corre-lated extremely poorly (r 2=0.01–0.19).The use of multiple basic test solutes and different mobile phase modifiers at different pH values would be a considerable task for the construction of these column evaluation databases.However,inclusion of a range of test compounds would undoubtedly improve the performance of these databases.It seems certain that these differences in test solutes and conditions contribute to the lack of correlation between the S–D and T–Etests.Fig.2.PCA loadings plots based on retention factor (k ),column efficiency (N ),Dorsey–Foley column efficiency (N df )and asymmetry factor (A s ).Data for eight different Type B reversed-phase columns and nine different probe compounds with methanol–phosphate buffer pH 3.0as mobile phase.See [30].。

slope stability analysis

slope stability analysis

slope stability analysisSlope stability analysis is the process of determining the safety factor of a slope or hillside. The safety factoris the ratio of the resisting force to the driving force that is acting on the slope. The resisting force is the shear strength of the soil, rock or other material, while the driving force is the weight of the soil or other material pushing down on the slope.There are a number of methods used to analyze slope stability. These include:1. Limit equilibrium analysis - This is the most commonly used method and involves dividing the slope into slices and calculating the forces acting on each slice. The safety factor is then calculated by comparing the sum of the resisting forces to the sum of the driving forces.2. Finite element analysis - This method uses computer software to simulate the behavior of the slope underdifferent conditions. The results can be used to assess the safety factor of the slope.3. Block analysis - This method involves dividing the slope into blocks and analyzing their stability as individual units. This method is often used for rock slopes and cliffs.Factors that need to be considered when conducting a slope stability analysis include the type of soil or rock, the slope angle, the presence of groundwater, and the presence of any vegetation or man-made features on the slope.The analysis can be used to provide guidance on how to stabilize the slope and avoid slope failures or landslides.。






水利专业名词(中英) A安全储备 safety reserve安全系数 safety factor安全性 safety岸边溢洪道 river-bank spillway岸边绕渗 by-pass seepage around bank slope 岸墙 abutment wall岸塔式进水口 bank—tower intakeB坝的上游面坡度 upstream slpoe of dam坝的下游面 downstream face of dam坝顶 dam crest坝顶长度 crest length坝顶超高 freeboard of dam crest坝高 dam height坝顶高程 crest elevation坝顶宽度 crest width坝段 monolith坝基处理 foundation treatment坝基排水 drain in dam foundation坝基渗漏 leakage of dam foundation坝肩 dam abutment坝壳 dam shell坝坡 dam slope坝坡排水 drain on slope坝体混凝土分区 grade zone of concrete in dam坝体排水系统 drainage system in dam坝型选择 selection of dam type坝址选择 selection of dam site坝趾 dam toe坝踵 dam heel坝轴线 dam axis本构模型 constitutive model鼻坎 bucket比尺 scale比降 gradient闭门力 closing force边墩 side pier边界层 boundary layer边墙 side wall边缘应力 boundary stress变形观测 deformation observation变中心角变半径拱坝 variable angle and radius arch dam 标准贯入试验击数 number of standard penetration test 冰压力 ice pressure薄壁堰 sharp—crested weir薄拱坝 thin-arch dam不均匀沉降裂缝 differential settlement crack不平整度 irregularityC材料力学法 method of strength of materials材料性能分项系数 partial factor for property of material 侧槽溢洪道 side channel spillway侧轮 side roller侧收缩系数 coefficient of side contraction测缝计 joint meter插入式连接 insert type connection差动式鼻坎 differential bucket掺气 aeration掺气槽 aeration slot掺气减蚀 cavitation control by aeration厂房顶溢流 spill over power house沉降 settlement沉井基础 sunk shaft foundation沉沙池 sediment basin沉沙建筑物 sedimentary structure沉沙条渠 sedimentary channel沉陷缝 settlement joint沉陷观测 settlement observation衬砌的边值问题 boundary value problem of lining衬砌计算 lining calculation衬砌自重 dead-weight of lining承载能力 bearing capacity承载能力极限状态 limit state of bearing capacity 持住力 holding force齿墙 cut—off wall冲击波 shock wave冲沙闸 flush sluice冲刷坑 scour hole重现期 return period抽排措施 pump drainage measure抽水蓄能电站厂房 pump-storage power house出口段 outlet section初步设计阶段 preliminary design stage初参数解法 preliminary parameter solution 初生空化数 incipient cavitation number初应力法 initial stress method船闸 navigation lock垂直升船机 vertical ship lift纯拱法 independent arch method次要建筑物 secondary structure刺墙 key-wall粗粒土 coarse-grained soil错缝 staggered jointD大坝安全评价 assessment of dam safety大坝安全监控 monitor of dam safety大坝老化 dam aging大头坝 massive—head dam单层衬砌 monolayer lining单级船闸 lift lock单线船闸 single line lock挡潮闸 tide sluice挡水建筑物 retaining structure导流洞 diversion tunnel导墙 guide wall倒虹吸管 inverted siphon倒悬度 overhang等半径拱坝 constant radius arch dam等中心角变半径拱坝 constant angle and variable radius arch dam 底流消能 energy dissipation by hydraulic jump底缘 bottom edge地基变形 foundation deformation地基变形模量 deformation modulus of foundation地基处理 foundation treatment地下厂房 underground power house地下厂房变压器洞transformer tunnel of underground power house 地下厂房出线洞 bus-bar tunnel of underground power house地下厂房交通洞 access tunnel of underground power house地下厂房通风洞 ventilation tunnel of underground power house 地下厂房尾水洞 tailwater tunnel of underground power house 地下轮廓线 under outline of structure地下水 groundwater地形条件 topographical condition地形图比例尺 scale of topographical map地应力 ground stress地震 earthquake地震烈度 earthquake intensity地质条件 geological condition垫层 cushion垫座 plinth吊耳 lift eye调度 dispatch跌坎 drop—step跌流消能 drop energy dissipation跌水 drop迭代法 iteration method叠梁 stoplog丁坝 spur dike定向爆破堆石坝 directed blasting rockfill dam动强度 dynamic strength动水压力 hydrodynamic pressure洞内孔板消能 energy dissipation by orifice plate in tunnel洞内漩流消能 energy dissipation with swirling flow in tunnel 洞身段 tunnel body section洞室群 cavern group洞轴线 tunnel axis陡坡 steep slope渡槽短管型进水口 intake with pressure short pipe断层 fault堆石坝 rockfill dam对数螺旋线拱坝log spiral arch dam多级船闸 multi-stage lock多线船闸 multi-line lock多心圆拱坝 multi—centered arch dam多用途隧洞 multi-use tunnelE二道坝 secondary damF发电洞 power tunnel筏道 logway反弧段 bucket反滤层 filter防冲槽 erosion control trench防洪 flood preventi,flood control防洪限制水位 restricted stage for flood prevention防浪墙 parapet防渗墙 anti-seepage wall防渗体 anti—seepage body放空底孔 unwatering bottom outlet非常溢洪道 emergency spillway非线性有限元 non-linear finite element method非溢流重力坝 nonoverflow gravity dam分岔 fork分洪闸 flood diversion sluice分项系数 partial factor分项系数极限状态设计法 limit state design method of partial factor 封拱 arch closure封拱温度 closure temperature浮筒式升船机ship lift with floats浮箱闸门 floating camel gate浮运水闸 floating sluice辅助消能工 appurtenant energy dissipationG刚体极限平衡法 rigid limit equilibrium method刚性支护 rigid support钢筋混凝土衬砌 reinforced concrete lining钢筋计 reinforcement meter钢闸门 steel gate高边坡 high side slope高流速泄水隧洞 discharge tunnel with high velocity工程管理 project management工程规划 project plan工程量 quantity of work工程设计 engineering design工程施工 engineering construction工作桥 service bridge工作闸门 main gate拱坝坝肩岩体稳定 stability of rock mass near abutment of arch dam 拱坝布置 layout of arch dam拱坝上滑稳定分析 up—sliding stability analysis of arch dam拱坝体形 shape of arch dam拱端 arch abutment拱冠 arch crown拱冠梁法 crown cantilever method拱冠梁剖面 profile of crown cantilever拱内圈 intrados拱外圈 extrados固结 consolidation固结灌浆 consolidation grouting管涌 piping灌溉 irrigation规范 code,specification过坝建筑物 structures for passing dam过滤层 transition layer过渡区 transition zone过木机 log conveyer过木建筑物 log pass structures过鱼建筑物 fish-pass structuresH海漫 flexible涵洞 culvert河道冲刷 river bed scour荷载 load荷载组合 load combination横缝 transverse joint横拉闸门 horizontal rolling /sliding gate 洪水标准 flood standard虹吸溢洪道 siphon spillway厚高比 thickness to hight ratio弧形闸门 radial gate护岸工程 bank—protection works护坡 slope protection护坦 apron戽琉消能 bucke-type energy dissipation滑坡 land slip滑楔法 sliding wedge method环境评价 environment assessment换土垫层 cushion of replaced soil回填灌浆 backfill grouting混凝土 concrete混凝土衬砌 concrete lining混凝土防渗墙concrete cutoff wall混凝土面板 concrete face slab混凝土面板堆石坝 concrete-faced rockfill dam 混凝土重力坝 concrete gravity damJ基本荷载组合 basic load combination基本剖面 basic profile基面排水 base level drainage激光准直发 method of laser alignment极限平衡法 limit equilibrium method极限状态 limit state坚固系数 soundness coefficient剪切模量 shear modulus剪切应力 shear stress检查 inspection检修闸门 bulkhead简单条分法 simple slices method建筑材料 construction material渐变段 transition键槽 key/key—way浆砌石重力坝 cement—stone masonry gravity dam 交叉建筑物 crossing structure交通桥 access bridge校核洪水位 water level of check floo校核流量 check flood discharge接触冲刷 contact washing接触流土 soil flow on contact surface节制闸 controlling sluice结构可靠度 reliability of structure结构力学法 structural mechanics method结构系数 structural coefficient截流环 cutoff collar截水槽 cutoff trench进口段 inlet进口曲线 inlet curve进水喇叭口 inlet bellmouth进水闸 inlet sluice浸润面 saturated area浸润线 saturated line经济评价 economic assessment井式溢洪道 shaft spillway均质土坝 homogeneous earth damK开敞式溢洪道 open channel spillway开裂机理 crack mechanism勘测 exploration survey坎上水深 water depth on sill抗冲刷性 scour resistance抗冻性 frost resistance抗滑稳定安全系数 safety coefficient of stability against sliding 抗剪断公式 shear—break strength formula抗剪强度 shear strength抗裂性 crack resistance抗磨 abrasion—resistance抗侵蚀性 erosion-resistance抗震分析 analysis of earthquake resistance颗粒级配曲线 grain size distribution curve可靠度指标 reliability index可行性研究设计阶段 design stage of feasibility study空腹重力坝 hollow gravity dam空腹拱坝 hollow arch dam空化 cavitation空化数 cavitation number空蚀 cavitation damage控制堰 control weir枯水期 low water period库区 reservoir area宽顶堰 broad crested weir宽缝重力坝 slotted gravity dam宽高比 width to height ratio扩散段 expanding section扩散角 divergent angleL拦沙坎 sediment control sill拦污栅 trash rack廊道 gallery浪压力 wave pressure棱体排水 prism drainage理论分析 theory analysis力法方程 canonical equation of force method 连续式鼻坎 plain bucket联合消能 combined energy dissipation梁式渡槽 beam-type flume量水建筑物 water-measure structure裂缝 crack临界水力坡降 critical hydraulic gradient临时缝 temporary joint流量 discharge流速 flow velocity流态 flow pattern流土 soil flow流网 flow net流向 flow direction露顶式闸门 emersed gateM马蹄形断面 horseshoe section脉动压力 fluctuating pressure锚杆支护 anchor support门叶 gate flap迷宫堰 labyrinth weir面流消能 energy dissipation of surface regime 模型试验 model test摩擦公式 friction factor formula摩擦系数 coefficient of friction目标函数 objective functionN内部应力 internal stress内摩擦角 internal friction angle内水压力 internal water pressure挠度观测 deflection observation粘性土 cohesive soil碾压混凝土重力坝 roller compacted concrete gravity dam 凝聚力 cohesion扭曲式鼻坎 distorted type bucketP排沙底孔 flush bottom outlet排沙漏斗 flush funnel排沙隧洞 flush tunnel排水 drainage排水孔 drain hole排水设施 drainage facilities抛物线拱坝 parabolic arch dam喷混凝土支护shotcrete support喷锚支护 spray concrete and deadman strut漂木道 log chute平板坝 flat slab buttress dam平衡重式升船机vertical ship lift with counter weight 平面闸门 plain gate平压管 equalizing pipe坡率 slope ratio破碎带 crush zone铺盖 blanketQ启门力 lifting force砌石拱坝 stone masonry arch dam潜坝 submerged dam潜孔式闸门 submerged gate倾斜仪 clinometer曲线形沉沙池 curved sedimentary basin渠首 canal head渠道 canal渠系建筑物 canal system structure取水建筑物 water intake structureR人工材料心墙坝earth-rock dam with manufactured central core 人字闸门 mitre gate任意料区 miscellaneous aggregate zone溶洞 solution cavern柔度系数 flexibility coefficient褥垫式排水 horizontal blanket drainage软弱夹层 weak intercalationS三角网法 triangulation method三角形单元 triangular element三心圆拱坝 three center arch dam三轴试验 triaxial test上游 upstream设计洪水位 design flood level设计基准期 design reference period设计阶段 design stage设计阶段划分 dividing of design stage 设计流量 design discharge设计状况系数 design state coefficient 设计准则 design criteria伸缩缝 contraction joint渗流比降 seepage gradient渗流变形 seepage deformation渗流分析 seepage analysis渗流量 seepage discharge渗流体积力 mass force of seepage渗流系数 permeability coefficient 生态环境 ecological environment生态平衡 ecological balance失效概率 probability of failure施工导流 construction diversion施工缝 construction joint施工管理 construction management施工条件 construction condition施工图阶段 construction drawing stage实体重力坝 solid gravity dam实用剖面 practical profile实用堰 practical weir事故闸门 emergency gate视准线法 collimation method收缩段 constringent section枢纽布置 layout of hydraulic complex输水建筑物 water conveyance structure竖式排水 vertical drainage数值分析 numerical analysis双层衬砌 double—layer lining双曲拱坝 double curvature arch dam水电站地下厂房 underground power house水电站建筑物 hydroelectric station structure 水垫塘 cushion basin水工建筑物 hydraulic structure水工隧洞 hydraulic tunnel水环境 water environment水库吹程 fetch水库浸没 reservoir submersion水库渗漏 reservoir leakage水库坍岸 reservoir bank caving水库淹没 reservoir inundation水力劈裂 hydraulic fracture水利工程 hydraulic engineering,water project 水利工程设计 design of hydroproject水利工程枢纽分等 rank of hydraulic complex水利枢纽 hydraulic complex水面线 water level line水能 hydraulic energy水平位移 horizontal displacement水体污染 water pollution水土流失 water and soil loss水位急降 instantaneous reservoir drawdown水压力 hydraulic pressu水闸 sluice水质 water quality水资源 water resources顺坝 longitudinal dike四边形单元 quadrangular element塑性破坏 failure by plastic flow塑性变形 plastic deformation塑性区 plastic range锁坝 closure dike锁定器 dog deviceTT型墩 T—type pier塌落拱法 roof collapse arch method塔式进水口 tower intake台阶式溢流坝面 step—type overflow face弹塑性理论 elastoplastic theory弹性基础梁 beam on elastic foundation弹性抗力 elastic resistance弹性中心 elastic centre弹性理论 theory of elasticity特殊荷载组合 special load combination体形优化设计 shape optimizing design挑距 jet trajectory distance挑流消能 ski-jump energy dissipation挑射角 exit angle of jet调压室 surge tank贴坡排水 surface drainage on dam slope通航建筑物 navigation structure通气孔 air hole土工复合材料 geosynthetic土工膜 geomembrane土工织物 geotexile土石坝 earth—rock dam土压力 earth pressure土质材料斜墙坝 earth-rock dam with inclined soil core 土质心墙坝 earth-rock dam with central soil core驼峰堰 hump weir椭圆曲线 elliptical curveWWES型剖面堰 WES curve profile weir外水压力 external water pressure弯矩平衡 moment equilibrium围岩 surrounding rock围岩强度 strength of surrounding rock 围岩稳定分析围岩压力 surrounding rock pressu帷幕灌浆 curtain grouting维修 maintenance尾水渠 tailwater canal温度缝 temperature joint温度计 thermometer温度应变 temperature strain温度应力 temperature stress温降 temperature drop温升 temperature rise污水处理 sewage treatment无坝取水 undamed intake无粘性土 cohesionless soil无压泄水孔 free-flow outletX下游 downstream现场检查 field inspection橡胶坝 rubber dam消力池 stilling basin消能防冲设计 design of energy dissipation and erosion control 消能工 energy dissipator校核洪水位 water level of check flood校核流量 check flood discharge斜缝 inclined joint斜墙 inclined core泄洪洞 flood discharge tunnel泄洪雾化 flood discharge atomization泄水重力坝 overflow gravity dam胸墙 breast wall悬臂梁 cantiever beam汛期 flood perioY压力计 pressure meter压缩曲线 compressive curve淹没系数 coefficient of submergence扬压力 uplift养护 cure液化 liquifaction溢洪道 spillway溢流面 overflow face溢流前缘 length of overflow crest溢流堰顶 overflow crest溢流重力坝 overflow gravity dam翼墙 wing wall翼墙式连接 wing wall type connection引航道 approach channel引水渠 diversion canal引张线法 tense wire method应力分析 stress analysis应力集中 stress concentration应力应变观测 stress-strain observation应力重分布 stress redistribution永久缝 permanent joint优化设计 optimizing design有坝取水 barrage intake有效库容 effective storage预压加固 soil improvement by preloading 预应力衬砌 prestressed lining原型 prototype约束条件 constraint condition允许水力坡降allowable hydraulic gradientZ增量法 increment method闸底板 floor of slui闸墩 pier闸孔 sluice opening闸孔跨距 span of sluice opening闸门槽 gate slot闸室 chamber of sluice闸首 lock head闸址 sluice site正槽溢洪道 chute spillw正常使用极限状态 limit state of normal operation 正应力 normal stress正常溢洪道 main spillw支墩坝 buttress dam止水 watertight seal止水装置 sealing device趾板 toe slab趾墩 toe pier滞回圈 hysteresis loop主应力 principal stress纵缝 longitudinal joint阻尼比 damped ratio作用 action作用水头 working pressure head最优含水率 optimum moisture content。

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Limit Cycle Stability Analysis of a Multi-Compartment Model for a Pressure-Limited Respirator and Lung Mechanics SystemVijaySekhar Chellaboina∗,Wassim M.Haddad†,James M.Bailey‡,Hancao Li∗∗Mechanical,Aerospace,and Biomedical Engineering,The University of Tennessee,Knoxville,TN37996-2210†School of Aerospace Engineering,Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta,GA30332-0150‡Department of Anesthesiology,Northeast Georgia Medical Center,Gainesville,GA30503Abstract—Acute respiratory failure due to infection,trauma, or major surgery is one of the most common problems encoun-tered in intensive care units and mechanical ventilation is the mainstay of supportive therapy for such patients.In this paper, we develop a general mathematical model for the dynamic be-havior of a multi-compartment respiratory system in response to an arbitrary applied inspiratory pressure.Specifically,we use compartmental dynamical system theory to model and analyze the dynamics of a pressure-limited respirator and lung mechanics system,and show that the periodic orbit generated by this system is globally asymptotically stable.Furthermore, we show that the individual compartmental volumes,and hence the total lung volume,converge to steady-state end-inspiratory and end-expiratory values.I.I NTRODUCTIONAcute respiratory failure due to infection,trauma,and major surgery is one of the most common problems encoun-tered in intensive care units and mechanical ventilation is the mainstay of supportive therapy for such patients.Numer-ous mathematical models of respiratory function have been developed in the hope of better understanding pulmonary function and the process of mechanical ventilation[1–5]. However,the models that have been presented in the medical and scientific literature have typically assumed homogenous lung function.For example,in analogy to a simple electrical circuit,the most common model has assumed that the lungs can be viewed as a single compartment characterized by its compliance(the ratio of compartment volume to pressure) and the resistance to airflow into the compartment[1],[2], [5].While a few investigators have considered two compart-ment models,reflecting the fact that there are two lungs (right and left),there has been little interest in more detailed models[6–8].However,the lungs,especially diseased lungs, are heterogeneous,both functionally and anatomically,and are comprised of many subunits,or compartments,that differ in their capacities for gas exchange.Realistic models should take this heterogeneity into account.While more sophisti-cated models entail greater complexity,since the models are readily presented in the context of dynamical systems theory,sophisticated mathematical tools can be applied to their partmental lung models are described by a state vector,whose components are the volumes of the individual compartments.One interesting and important question is the stability,in the sense of dynamical systems theory,of the model.This research was supported in part by NSF under Grants ECS-0551947and ECS-0601311,and AFOSR under Grant FA9550-06-1-0240.For a simple one compartment model,it is easy to demon-strate that the model exhibits an asymptotically stable limit cycle behavior.And indeed,in clinical practice it appears that the total lung volume converges to the steady-state end-inspiratory and end-expiratory values after the institution of mechanical ventilation.However,a more subtle question for a multi-compartment lung model is whether the volumes in the individual compartments could be unstable,even when the total volume of the lung(the sum of all the compartment volumes)converges to a steady-state value. That is,is it possible that individual compartment volumes oscillate or even demonstrate chaotic behavior while the total lung volume is stable?This question has interesting clinical implications as there is also heterogeneity in the amount of bloodflowing to individual subunits of the lung.If there is significant disparity in the ratio of ventilation(reflected in the compartment volume)to bloodflow,gas exchange is impaired,resulting in decreases in the oxygen or increases in the carbon diox-ide content of blood,which is a serious clinical problem. Instability of the compartment volumes could be reflected in unstable measures of basic pulmonary function,such as oxygen or carbon dioxide levels in the blood.In this paper, we develop a generalized multi-compartment lung model and subsequently analyze its stability properties.Specifically,we use compartmental dynamical system theory to model and analyze the dynamics of a pressure-limited respirator and lung mechanics system,and show that the periodic orbit generated by this system is globally asymptotically stable. Furthermore,we show that the individual compartmental volumes,and hence the total lung volume,converge to steady-state end-inspiratory and end-expiratory values.II.N OTATION AND M ATHEMATICAL P RELIMINARIES In this section,we introduce notation,several definitions, and some key results that are necessary for developing the main results of this paper.Specifically,for x∈R n we write x≥≥0(resp.,x>>0)to indicate that every component of x is nonnegative(resp.,positive).In this case,we say that x is nonnegative or positive,respectively.Likewise,A∈R n×m is nonnegative or positive if every entry of A is nonnegative or positive,respectively,which is written as A≥≥0or A>>0,respectively.Furthermore,for A∈R n×n we write A≥0(resp.,A>0)to indicate that A is a nonnegative-definite(resp.,positive-definite)matrix.In addition,(·)T denotes transpose and(·)−1denotes inverse.LetR n+and x∈R n+are equivalent, respectively,to x≥≥0and x>>0.Finally,let e n∈R n denote the ones vector of order n,that is,e n=[1,···,1]T; if the order of e n is clear from context we simply write e for e n.Proceedings of the 2007 American Control ConferenceMarriott Marquis Hotel at Times SquareNew York City, USA, July 11-13, 2007WeC18.4The following definitions introduce the notions of essen-tially nonnegative,compartmental,and strictly ultrametric matrices.Definition 2.1([9],[10]):Let A ∈R n ×n .A is essen-tially nonnegative if A (i,j )≥0,i,j =1,...,n ,i =j .A is compartmental if A is essentially nonnegative and A T e ≤≤0.Definition 2.2([11]):Let A ∈R n ×n be such that A ≥≥0.A is strictly ultrametric if A is symmetric,A (i,i )>max {A (i,k ):k =1,...,n,k =i },i =1,...,n ,and A (i,j )≥min {A (i,k ),A (k,j )},k =1,...,n ,i,j =1,...,n,i =j .The following lemmas and propositions are key in estab-lishing the main results of the paper.Lemma 2.1([9],[10]):Let A ∈R n ×n .Then A is es-sentially nonnegative if and only if e At is nonnegative for all t ≥0.Proposition 2.1:The following statements hold:i )Let λ1,λ2≥0be such that λ1+λ2>0and let A 1,A 2∈R n ×n be strictly ultrametric.Then λ1A 1+λ2A 2is strictly ultrametric.ii )Let x ∈R n be such that x i =0or 1,i =1,...,n,and let P ∈R n ×n be a positive diagonal matrix.Then P +xx T is a strictly ultrametric matrix.Lemma 2.2([11]):Let A ∈R n ×n be such that A ≥≥0.If A is strictly ultrametric,then −A −1is essentially nonnegative and A −1e ≥≥0.Proposition 2.2:Let A ∈R n ×n and assume that there exists an n ×n matrix P >0such thatA T P +P A <0.(1)Then e A TP e A <P.Remark 2.1:It is well known that A is Hurwitz if and only if e A is Schur.Hence,it follows from Proposition 2.2that the Lyapunov function V (x )=x T P x can be used to establish the stability of both A and e A .In this paper,we consider the nonlinear periodic dynamical system˙x (t )=f (t,x (t )),x (0)=x 0,t ∈I x 0,(2)where x (t )∈D ⊆R n ,t ∈I x 0,is the system state vector,D is an open set,f :[0,∞)×D →R n satisfies f (t,x )=f (t +T,x ),x ∈D ,t ≥0,for some T >0,and I x 0=[0,τx 0),0<τx 0≤∞,is the maximal interval of existence for the solution x (·)of (2).A function x :I x 0→D is said to be a solution to (2)on the interval I x 0⊆[0,∞)with initial condition x (0)=x 0if x (t )satisfies (2)for all t ∈I x 0.It is assumed that f (·,·)is such that the solution to (2)is unique for every initial condition in D and jointly continuous in t and x 0.A sufficient condition ensuring this is Lipschitz continuity of f (t,·):D →R n for all t ∈[0,t 1]and continuity of f (·,x ):[0,t 1]→R n for all x ∈D .Here,we assume that all solutions to (2)are bounded over I x 0,and hence,by the Peano-Cauchy theorem can be extended to infinity.Next,we introduce the notions of periodic solutions and periodic orbits for (2).For the next definition,we denote the solution x (·)to (2)with initial conditon x 0∈D by s (t,x 0).11Notethat since (2)is a time-varying dynamical system it is typical todenote its solution as ˆs (t,t 0,x 0)to indicate the dependence on both the initial time t 0and the initial state x 0.In this paper,we assume that t 0=0and define s (t,x 0)△=ˆs (t,0,x 0).Definition 2.3:A solution s (t,x 0)of (2)is periodic ifthere exists a finite time T >0such that s (t +T,x 0)=s (t,x 0)for all t ≥0.A set O ⊂D is a periodic orbit of (2)if O ={x ∈D :x =s (t,x 0),0≤t ≤T }for some periodic solution s (t,x 0)of (2).Next,we introduce the notions of Lyapunov and asymp-totic stability of a periodic orbit of the nonlinear dynamical system (2).For this definition,dist (p,M )denotes the small-est distance from a point p to any point in the set M ,that is,dist (p,M ) inf x ∈M p −x .Definition 2.4:A periodic orbit O of (2)is Lyapunov stable if,for all ε>0,there exists δ=δ(ε)>0such that if dist (x 0,O )<δ,then dist (s (t,x 0),O )<ε,t ≥0.A periodic orbit O is asymptotically stable if O is Lyapunov stable and there exists ε>0such that if dist (x 0,O )<ε,then dist (s (t,x 0),O )→0as t →∞.Finally,in this paper,we develop a multi-compartment lung model based on a directed tree architecture.The fol-lowing definitions are necessary for the main results of this paper.Definition 2.5([12]):A weighted directed graph G is a triple (V ,E ,W ),where V ={v 1,v 2,...,v N }is the set of vertices ,E ={e 1,e 2,...,e M }⊆V ×V is the set of edges ,and W ∈R N ×N is the weighted adjacency matrix .Every edge e l ∈E corresponds to an ordered pair of vertices (v i ,v j )∈V ×V ,where v i and v j are the initial and terminal vertices of the edge e l .In this case,e l is incident into v j and incident out of v i .The adjacency matrix W is such that W (i,j )>0,i,j =1,...,N,if (v i ,v j )∈E ,and W (i,j )=0otherwise.The in-degree d i (v i )of v i is the number of edges incident into v i and the out-degree d o (v j )of v j is the number of edges incident out of v j .A directed path from v i 1to v i k is a set of distinct vertices {v i 1,v i 2,...,v i k }such that (v i j ,v i j +1)∈E ,j =1,...,k −1.A vertex v i is a root of G if,for every v j =v i ,there exist directed paths from v i to v j .G is connected if,for every pair of v i ,v j ∈V ,there exists v k ∈V such that there are directed paths from v k to v i and v k to v j .A vertex v i ∈V is a leaf of G if d o (v i )=0.Definition 2.6([12]):A weighted directed graph G is a weighted directed tree if G is connected and there exists a vertex v i ∈V such that d i (v i )=0and d i (v j )=1,v j ∈V \{v i }.Remark 2.2:Note that if G is a weighted directed tree,then there exists exactly one root v i ∈V and exactly one directed path from v i to v j for all v j ∈V \{v i }.See [12]for details.III.C OMPARTMENTAL M ODELING OF L UNG D YNAMICS :D ICHOTOMY A RCHITECTURE In this section,we develop a general mathematical model for the dynamic behavior of a multi-compartment respiratory system in response to an arbitrary applied inspiratory pres-sure.Here,we assume that the bronchial tree has a dichotomy architecture [13],that is,in every generation each airway unit branches in two airway units of the subsequent generation.First,however,we start by considering a single-compartment lung model as shown in Figure 1.In this model,the lungs are represented as a single lung unit with compliance c connected to a pressure source by an airway unit with resistance (to air flow)of R .At time t =0,an arbitrary pressure p in (t )is applied to the opening of the parent airway,where p in (t )is determined by the mechanical ventilator.A typical choice for p in (t )is p in (t )=αt +β,where αand βare positive constants.This pressure is applied to the airway opening over'cx (t )=p in (t ),x (0)=x in 0,0≤t ≤T in ,(3)where x (t )∈R ,t ≥0,is the lung volume,R in ∈R is theresistance to air flow during the inspiration period,x in 0∈R is the lung volume at the start of the inspiration and serves as the system initial condition.We assume that expiration is passive (due to elastic stretch of lung unit).During the expiration process,the state equation is given by R ex ˙x (t )+1c ix i (t )+n −1 j =0R inj,k jk j 2n −jl =(k j −1)2n −j +1˙x l (t )=p in (t ),x i (0)=x in i 0,0≤t ≤T in ,i =1,2,...,2n ,(5)'&%$'&%$c 1c 2c 3c 4x 1x 2x 3x 4R in2,1R in 2,2R in2,3R in2,4R in1,1R in1,2R in0,1p appFig.2.Four-compartment lung modelwhere k j =⌊k j +1−1c i x i (t )due to the compliancein i -th compartment will be equal to the difference between the external pressure applied and the resistance to air flow at every airway in the path leading from the pressure source to the i -th compartment.In particular,for i =3(see Figure 2),1c 3x 3(t )=p in (t ).Next,we consider the state equation for the expiration process.As in the single-compartment model we assume that the expiration process is passive and the external pressure applied is p ex (t ).Following an identical procedure as in the inspiration case,we obtain the state equation for expiration asR ex n,i ˙x i (t )+n −1 j =0R exj,k jk j 2n −jl =(k j −1)2n −j +1˙x l (t )+1IV.S TATE S PACE M ULTI-C OMPARTMENT L UNG M ODEL In this section,we rewrite the state equations(5)and(7) for inspiration and expiration,respectively,as a switched dynamical system.To describe the dynamics of the multi-compartment lung model in terms of a state space model, define the state vector x [x1,x2,···,x2n]T,where x i denotes the lung volume of the i-th compartment.Now,the state equation(5)for inspiration can be rewritten asR in˙x(t)+Cx(t)=p in(t)e,x(0)=x in0,0≤t≤T in,(8) where C diag[1c2n]andR innj=02j k=1R in j,k Z j,k Z T j,k,(9)where Z j,k∈R2n is such that the l-th element of Z j,k is1 for all l=(k−1)2n−j+1,(k−1)2n−j+2,...,k2n−j,k= 1,...,2j,j=0,1,...,n,and zero elsewhere.Similarly,the state equation(7)for expiration can be rewritten asR ex˙x(t)+Cx(t)=p ex(t)e,x(T in)=x ex0,T in≤t≤T,(10) where T T ex+T in andR exnj=02j k=1R ex j,k Z j,k Z T j,k.(11)Note that if R in and R ex are invertible,then(8)and(10) can be equivalently written as˙x(t)=A in x(t)+B in p in(t),x(0)=x in0,0≤t≤T in,(12)˙x(t)=A ex x(t)+B ex p ex(t),x(T in)=x ex0,T in≤t≤T ex+T in,(13) where A in△=−R−1in C,B in△=R−1in e,A ex△=−R−1ex C,and B ex R−1ex e.The following proposition states and proves several impor-tant properties of R in,R ex,A in,and A ex that are essential for the main results of this paper.Proposition4.1:Consider the dynamical system(8)and(10).Then the following statements hold:i)R in>0and R ex>0.ii)A T in C+CA in<0.iii)A T ex C+CA ex<0.iv)R in and R ex are strictly ultrametric.v)A in and A ex are compartmental and Hurwitz,andB in≥≥0and B ex≥≥0.Proof:The proof is a direct consequence of Proposition 2.1and Lemma2.2.R n+,the solution x(t),t≥0,to(14)satisfies x(t)≥≥0,t≥0.Theorem4.1:Consider the switched dynamical system (14)where x in0≥≥0.Then x(t)≥≥0,t≥0,where x(t) denotes the solution to(14).Proof:The proof is a direct consequence of Proposition 4.1and Lemma2.1.whereΓei△=ΓexΓin.Similarly,it can be shown thatx ex1=Γie x ex0+Γinδ+θ,(26) whereΓie△=ΓinΓex.More generally,x in m+1=Γei x in m+Γexθ+δ,m=0,1,...,(27) x ex m+1=Γie x ex m+Γinδ+θ,m=0,1,. (28)The following proposition states and proves two key properties forΓei andΓie which are useful in characterizing a periodic orbit for the switched dynamical system G. Proposition5.1:The following statements hold:i)ΓT ex CΓex<C andΓT in CΓin<C.ii)ΓT ei CΓei<C andΓT ie CΓie<C.Proof:The proof is a direct consequence of Proposition 4.1.R n+,the following statements hold:i)lim m→∞x in m=ˆx in and lim m→∞x ex m=ˆx ex.ii)For every t∈[0,T in],limm→∞x(t+mT)=e A in tˆx in+ t0e A in(t−τ)B in p in(τ)dτ, and for every t∈[T in,T],limm→∞x(t+mT+T in)=e A ex tˆx ex+ t0e A ex(t−τ)B ex p ex(τ+T in)dτ.Proof:The proof is a direct consequence of Proposition 5.1.R n+:x=s(t,ˆx),where s(t,ˆx)is the solution to(14)}.(29)With x in0=ˆx note that x in m=ˆx,m=1,2,...,or, equivalently,x(mT)=ˆx,m=1,2,...,which implies that Oˆx is a periodic orbit of(14).The following theorem presents the main result of this paper.Theorem5.1:Consider the switched dynamical system G given by(14).Let x(t)and y(t),t≥0,denote the solutions to(14)with initial conditions x(0)∈Remark5.2:Note that Theorem 5.1is valid for ar-bitrary nonnegative functions(possibly discontinuous) p in(t)and p ex(t)as long as T in0e−A in t B in p in(t)d t and T T in e−A ex t B ex p ex(t)d t arefinite.In the case,where p in(t)=αt+βand p ex(t)=γfor some positive constantsα,β,and γ,θandδare given byθ=A−2in[(αI+βA in)(e A in T in−I)−αA in T in]B in,δ=γA−1ex(e A ex T ex−I)B ex.Remark5.3:Note that the error dynamics e(t),t≥0, given by(30)is a switched dynamical system where each of the switched systems is a linear dynamical system,and V(e)=e T Ce is a common Lyapunov function for both linear systems.VI.A G ENERAL T REE S TRUCTURE M ODELIn this section,we extend the model presented in Sections III–V to the case where the bronchial tree has a general tree architecture[14–16].The general tree structure includes the regular and irregular dichotomy[13].Specifically,let the bronchial tree be represented by a weighted directed tree G=(V,E,R),where each vertex corresponds to a branching point of an airway unit or the terminal compartment(alve-olus)of the lung.In this case,the trachea corresponds to the root v1of the tree and all the alveoli correspond to the leaves of the tree.Every edge,(v l,v m)∈E corresponds to an airway unit and R(l,m),the weight of the edge,corresponds to the resistance of the airway unit;we use R(l,m)=R in l,m and R(l,m)=R ex l,m for resistance during inspiration and expiration,respectively.Let L {v i∈V:v i is a leaf of G}and let the number of leaves of G(or,equivalently,compartments of the lung)be n so that L={v i1,v i2,...,v in},where i k∈{1,2,...,N},k=1,2,...,n,and N is the number of vertices of the graph.To develop the dynamical model for the inspiration process,let c k,k=1,2,...,n,denote the compliance of each compartment,and let x k,k=1,2,...,n, denote the lung volume in the k-th compartment so that the state equations for inspiration are given by1Next,let x [x 1,...,x n ]T so that (31)can be written as R in ˙x (t )+Cx (t )=p in (t )e ,x (0)=x in 0,0≤t ≤T in ,where C diag[1c n ]andR in =(v l ,v m )∈ER in l,m Z l,m Z Tl,m ,(34)where Z l,m ∈R n is such that the k -th eletment of Z l,m is1if v i k ∈L l,m and 0otherwise.An identical procedure yields the state equations for expiration given by R ex ˙x (t )+Cx (t )=p ex (t )e ,x (T in )=x ex 0,T in ≤t ≤T,(35)whereR ex =(v l ,v m )∈ER ex l,m Z l,m Z Tl,m.(36)Note that it can be easily shown that R in >0and R ex >0and it follows from (34),(36),and Proposition 2.1that R in and R ex are strictly ultrametric.Hence,for a general tree structure model all of the results of Sections IV and V are valid with R in and R ex given by (34)and (36),respectively.v 1p appR in1,2v 2R in 2,3v 3R in 3,5v 5x 1,c 1R in 3,6v 6x 2,c 2R in3,7v 7x 3,c 3R in 2,4v 4R in4,8v 8x 4,c 4R in4,9v 9x 5,c 5Fig.3.Five-compartment tree structure modelTo illustrate the general tree structure lung model,consider the five-compartment model shown in Figure 3.Here,the bronchial tree is represented by a weighted directed tree G =(V ,E ,R )consisting of nine nodes V ={v 1,v 2,...,v 9}and eight edges E ={(v 1,v 2),(v 2,v 3),(v 2,v 4),(v 3,v 5),(v 3,v 6),(v 3,v 7),(v 4,v 8),(v 4,v 9)}.In this case,the set of leaves L ={v 5,v 6,...,v 9}corresponds to the five compartments of the lung.Let v i k =v k +4,k =1,...,5.Now,the pressure 1c 3x 3(t )=p in (t )−R in1,2[˙x 1(t )+˙x 2(t )+˙x 3(t )+˙x 4(t )+˙x 5(t )]−R in 2,3[˙x 1(t )+˙x 2(t )+˙x 3(t )]−R in 3,7˙x3(t ),or,equivalently,1。
