



Design of A New Type Thrust Measuring System forMicro-turbojet EngineHongji Zhu1, Farong Du1,*, Shuai Zhao1, Zheng Xu1 and Zhan Lv11Beijing Laboratory for General Aviation Technology, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China*Corresponding authorAbstract—In order to measure thrust of the micro-turbojet engine accurately, a new type of thrust measurement system was designed. The measuring system includes test bench, load cells, data acquisition modules and computer. The test bench utilizes a suspended test bed, which is different from the test bench supported by springs for aero-engine. It has simple structure and is easy to install and debug. The errors of the measuring system are analyzed from the influence factors of the thrust line and the error of the test instrument. At last, the axial loading static calibration method of the measuring system is introduced. Calibration results show that the thrust measuring system can achieve accuracy of ±0.33%, which is satisfied with the requirement of the test.Keywords-micro-turbojet engine; thrust measuring; test bench; static calibrationI.I NTRODUCTIONWith the development of unmanned aerial vehicle technology, more and more micro-aeroengines are demanded, and the micro-turbojet engine with good performance and low cost has become a research hotspot. Depending on the magnitude of the thrust, a turbojet engine with thrust less than 1000 N is often classified as micro-turbojet engine [1]. It is important to measure the thrust accurately during engine testing and delivery, because thrust is the core parameter of micro-turbojet engine.Many scholars have carried on researches to the turbojet engine thrust measurement. Yang Quanyan designed a high-precision measuring system with AT89C52 single chip processor, and experiment results show that the system can greatly improve measuring precision [2]. Wang Runming and Luo Yi have analyzed the impact of different movable stand support on rig rigidity coefficient, and the relationship between engine thrust, support of movable stand and rigidity coefficient of test bench [3]. Zhang You, Wu Feng and He Peilei studied the factors and function of principle errors which influenced thrust measurement test bench system, that supported by spring for aeroengine, established mechanical model based on thrust eccentricity assumption, and analyzed the principle errors of aeroengine test bench by using both theoretical analysis and simulation [4]. Quan Yazhou designed a six degrees of freedom thrust measuring platform, and analyzed the whole ground test bench about the micro turbine [5].At present, the thrust measuring test bench studied by researchers is typically used for aero-engine with large thrust. The test bench is supported by springs, consists of a fixed frame, a movable frame and spring pieces. The fixed frame is rigidly connected with the base, while the movable frame is arranged on the fixed frame by spring pieces, and the turbojet engine is mounted on the movable frame. When testing, the engine thrust can be calculated by the small deformation between the fixed frame and the movable frame [3]. This type of test bench is widely used in thrust measurement of turbojet engines which have large thrust. However, it is complex and have low accuracy for the micro turbojet engines with smaller volume and thrust. Also, many manufactures of micro turbojet engine do not have the conditions to make such a test bench, which bring trouble to the development of the micro-turbojet engine. This paper designs a new kind of micro-turbojet engine ground test bench thrust measurement system, which effectively solved the problems of thrust measurement for the micro-turbojet engine.II.T HRUST M EASURING SYSTEMA.The Measuring SystemThe micro-turbojet engine thrust measuring system includes test bench, load cell, data acquisition modules, computer and so on [6]. The test bench utilizes a suspended test bed described as follows. The S-type sensor whose model is CFBLSM-100Kg is used as load cell. The ADAM-4018 and ADAM-4520 are used as data acquisition modules. And thrust measurement software is written by using VC ++ and LabVIEW which designed by National Instruments. During the test, the sensor converts the change of thrust into electric signal, then the electric signal is converted into digital signal through the data acquisition modules and transmitted to the computer at the same time. Finally, real-time monitoring and data processing of engine thrust can be done with the software written already. The system is shown as FigureⅠ.FIGURE I.THRUST MEASURING SYSTEM.2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Engineering (AIIE2016)B.The Test BenchThe structure of the test bench is shown in Figure Ⅱ, includes a fixed frame, a lever, a roller, two sliders and so on. The lower end of the lever is connected with the micro-turbojet engine through a clamp. The upper end of the lever is equipped with a roller, which is sandwiched between two sliders that can only slide in the horizontal direction along the guide rails. The two sliders are connected to the load cells respectively. Before the test, the preload force should be applied to the load cells according to the magnitude of the thrust measured. By the principle of leverage, the upper end of the lever will get the corresponding force when engine thrust acts on the lower end of the lever. At the same time, the force on the upper end of the lever is converted into the force along the horizontal direction by the contact of the roller and the sliders, acting on the two load cells.The force balance is maintained along the center axes of the two sensors. Before the experiment, assuming that the readings of two load cells were and, then:. (1)During the test, supposing the readings of two load cells are and, the ratio of the lower arm of lever to the upper arm is K, and the thrust of engine is T:. (2) So, we can get the thrust,T=.(3)FIGURE II.STRUCTURE OF THE TEST BENCH.III.E RROR ANALYSISIt is an important technical indicators of measuring accuracy to determine the merits of the test bench. The accuracy of the test bed depends mainly on random error and systematic error. Random error means an error in measurement caused by factors that vary from one measurement to another. Random error is mainly caused by random factors, such as changes in test conditions, engine stability, and laboratory personnel operations. Random errors can be reduced by repeated measurements and appropriate data processing. Unlike random errors, systematic errors can be consistently either positive or negative. The systematic error of the test bed is mainly caused by the structure of the test bed, the limitation ofthe measuring method and the precision of the test instrument. The effect of random error can be neglected when the geometryand precision of the test bed meet the design requirements. The systematic error of the thrust measurement system is analyzed from the following two aspects.A.Thrust Line DeflectionEngine thrust line deflection is mainly caused by the deformation of the load cells, the deflection of the lever, the nonuniformity of exhaust and other factors [7]. As shown in Figure Ⅲ.FIGURE III.THRUST LINE DEFLECTION.Assuming that there is a deflection α between the directionof engine thrust F and the central axis of two sensors, the measuring sensor is F. So the measurement errorδ= (T-T*)/T=(1-)*100%. (4) As α is 5 °, δ is about 0.0001%.B. Test Instruments and Data TransmissionThe ignition system, the fuel adjustment system and the data acquisition system work simultaneously on the test bench, which can easily affect the thrust signal. We can supply power separately and use shield line in order to reduce the impact onthe data transmission.TABLE I. PARAMETER OF LOAD CELLparameter unit valuesensitivity mV/V 2.0±0.05nonlinearity ≤%FS ±0.03hysteresis ≤%FS ±0.03repeatability ≤%FS ±0.03creep ≤%FS/30min ±0.03Zero output ≤%FS ±1zerotemperaturecoefficient≤%FS/℃±0.003Sensitivitytemperaturecoefficient≤%FS/℃±0.003Temperaturerange ℃ -20~+80InputresistanceΩ 350±20Outputresistance Ω 350±5Safe load limit≤%FS 150%InsulationresistanceMΩ≥5000(50VDC)RecommendexcitationV 10~15Due to the thermal radiation of the engine, the local temperature has a change of nearly 40 ° C, which brings the load cells a temperature drift. To reduce the effect of temperature on the measurement, it needs that the load cell to have a small temperature drift. The CFBLSM-100Kg load cell, whose zero temperature coefficient and sensitivity temperature coefficient are not greater than 0.003%FS/℃, meeting the accuracy requirements. The parameters of the load cell is shown in Table I.At the same time, Calculating thrust by a differentialmethod as shown in (3) with data measured from the two load cells can effectively reduces the zero temperature drift and the sensitivity temperature drift.IV.S TATIC C ALIBRATIONThe turbojet thrust measurement system needs to be calibrated regularly to ensure measurement accuracy [8]. At present, there are two ways to calibrate the test bench: plane loading and axial loading. Plane loading means that the working sensor is at the same level as the standard sensor and loader, whereas the axial loading is loading directly to the engine thrust axis [9]. Most turbojet engine test bench use the method of plane loading, which is simple to operate, but the calibration status may not be consistent with the measurement status [10]. The axial loading method was used in this test bench though the standard weight. Shown in Figure Ⅳ.Before the testing, a block should be installed at the lower end of the lever to locate the thrust axis. Then we can load on the thrust axial by a fixed pulley, rope and standard weights. Recording the gravity force of the weights as standard values and the thrust values measured by the software on computer as measured values [11].FIGURE IV.STATIC CALIBRATION.The calibration starts at 0 kilograms and loads in increments of 20 kilograms. At each time it is loaded, the standard value and the measured value are recorded, up to a full scale of 100 kilograms. Then unloading begins with 20 kilograms decreasing each time up to 0 kilograms, recording the standard values and measured values. The above operation was repeated three times, and the average of the six measurements corresponding to each standard value was calculated. If the difference between the average of each calibration point and any one of the (load and unload) records is less than the specified allowable value, the thrust measurement system is considered to be acceptable.The measured values were averaged, then linear fitting was carried out to obtain the working line equation, so we can calculate the parameters of the test rig. Shown as Table Ⅱ, the linearity and hysteresis are ±0.06%, the repeatability is ±0.21%. Calibration results show that the thrust measurement system can achieve accuracy of ±0.33%, as ±1.0% has satisfied the requirement of the test.TABLE II. RESULTS OF STATIC CALIBRATIONLoadpoint 1 2 3 4 5 6 Value of weight(Kgf) 0 20 40 60 80 100Value of measurement(Kgf) 1 Load 0.00 20.10 40.00 60.00 80.10 100.06Unload 0.00 20.00 40.10 60.03 80.00 100.00 2 Load0.00 20.08 40.04 60.10 80.10 100.10Unload0.00 20.00 40.10 60.00 80.10 100.00 3 Load 0.00 20.10 40.00 60.00 80.10 100.10Unload0.00 20.00 40.20 60.10 80.00 100.00Average of the load 0.00 20.09 40.01 60.03 80.10 100.09 Average of unload 0.00 20.00 40.13 60.04 80.03 100.00 Average of load and unload 0.00 20.05 40.07 60.04 80.07 100.04 Difference between load and unload 0.00 0.09 0.12 0.01 0.07 0.09 Full-scale output 100.04Equation of the working line 1.0003*x+0.0275Linearity ±0.06%Hysteresis ±0.06%Repeatability ±0.21%Precision ±0.33%Notes: Kgf means kilogram force. The x in equation of working line is values at each load point.V.C ONCLUSIONSThis paper introduces a new type of micro-turbojet engine thrust measuring system, which contains the test bench, load cells, data acquisition modules and computer. The test bench has a suspended test bed which is simple and easy to debug. Error analysis has been taken to this thrust measuring system. The effect of random error can be neglected when the geometry and precision of the test bed meet the design requirements. The systematic errors, which comes from the thrust line deflection, test instruments and data transmission, is within the allowable range. The static calibration method of the thrust measurement system is introduced, and the accuracy of the calibration can reach ± 0.33%.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors are grateful to, among others, Wu Jiang, Zhang Qi, Li Dan, Zheng Xiaolei and technicians of the School of Jet Propulsion of the Beihang University.R EFERENCES[1]Xia Yang, Wang Haipeng, Liu Pengpeng and Zuo Hongfu, “Research ofon-line monitoring method for small turbojet engine,” Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology, pp. 26–29, November 2012.[2]Yang Quanyan, Yang Jiming, and Han Xiaoquan, “high-precisionmeasuring system for aeroengine thrust,” Tansducer and Microsystem Technologies, vol. 27, pp. 82–83, 87, December 2008[3]Wang Runming,Luo Yi, “Supporting methods for movable stand ofaero-engine thrust measurement test bench,” Gas Turbine Experiment and Research, vol. 26, pp. 9–11, January 2013[4]Zhang You, Wu Feng, He Peilei, “Princiole errors analysis of thrustmeasurement test bench system for aeroengine,” Aeroengine, vol. 42 No.4, pp. 76–79, 42, Aug. 2016[5]Quan Yazhou, “Test bench design of the micro–turbine engine,”Changchun University of Science and Technology, 2015.[6]Wang Huan, Song Jiangtao, Lei Li. Thrust test system design for engineinstalled on aircraft, Aeronautical Science and Technology, vol. 27, pp.30–34, January 2016[7]Jiao Xianrui, “Measuring Error of Thrust,” Aviation metrology andmeasurement technology, vol. 15, pp. 20–22, Apr. 1995[8]Wu Huiming, “Present and future of calibration of test cell thrust forcemeasuring systenm,” Metrology and measurement technology, vol. 32 No.4, pp. 1–3, 13, 2012[9]Wu Huiming, Jiao Xianrui,“Study of in situ calibration technology oftest cell thrust force measuring system,” Metrology and measurement technology, vol. 29 No.1, pp. 28–30, 2009[10]Lei Li, Ye Yaozu, Ma Chang, “Thrust calibration system for aero–engine testing bench,” Engineering and Test, vol. 55 No.3, pp. 89–91, Sep. 2012[11]Huang Zhitao, Hu Zhengfeng, and Guo Weimin, “The thrustmeasurement system of the ground test bed of the W 2P1 micro-turbojet-engine,” Measurement and Control Technology, vol. 18, pp. 40–41, September 1999。



长沙学院CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY课程设计设计题目:推动架机械加工工艺及其第9工序夹具设计(年产量6000件)姓名朱龙学号2009011304同组者杨雄伟谢鸿登潘虹兵系部机电工程系专业班级机械设计制造及自动化3班指导教师张志强起止时间2012-6-11--2012-6-291长沙学院课程设计鉴定表2机械制造技术基础课程设计任务书题目:设计推动架零件的机械加工工艺规程及第9 工序的专用机床夹具。

设计要求:熟练使用计算机辅助(软件自选),独立完成(1)毛坯图、零件-毛坯合图各一张(3或4号图CAD出图,手工图为2号) (2)关键工序机械加工工艺规程卡片一张(4号图,CAPP出图)(3)指定工序夹具装配图一张(2或3号图,CAD出图可拼接)(4)夹具部分零件图1~2张(图幅自定)(5)设计说明书(一份,>10页,正文五号字,含插图)(6)夹具3D装配效果图一张(3或4号图,可渲染)以上均需输出,以书面交设计资料,保留软盘待查。


班级机本3班学生朱龙指导教师张志强2012年06 月293摘要通过几个月的学习后,我们了解了机械设计技术基础的相关知识,而本次课程设计是我们在毕业设计前一次重要的实践设计,对所学的基础课、技术基础课和专业课能很好的进行系统的复习,也是我们在进行毕业之前对所学各课程的一次深入的综合性的总复习,也是一次理论联系实际的训练,因此,它在我们四年的大学生活中占有重要的地位。









2.操作人员的资格要求2.1 操作人员必须具有相关的专业知识和技能,经过专门的培训和考试,取得相应的资格证书;2.2 个人身体健康状况良好,无眼、耳、鼻、口、脚趾等方面的疾病或残障,适宜从事该项工作;2.3 操作人员必须持有有效的用于吊装作业的安全带,并使用;2.4 操作人员必须清楚了解工作环境,并维护自身与他人的安全。

3.设备的检查3.1 推力架发动机吊装系统的所有部件必须经过检查和测试,确保设备符合安全要求,方可进行吊装作业;3.2 对于保持有效性关键的部件,如吊钩、吊索等,必须进行定期检查和测试,保证其性能和质量。

4.工作环境要求4.1 飞机必须停靠在平坦的地面上,并做好了防滑设施;4.2 周围必须没有障碍物,以免影响吊装、安装进程;4.3 必须按照标准规定的安全距离,将吊装设备与人员与机身保持安全的距离。

5.操作规程5.1 操作人员必须熟知吊装设备的性能和功能,了解设备的使用方法和操作程序;5.2 在进行吊装作业之前,必须对工作环境进行全面的检查和评估,发现存在安全隐患和其他问题,应立即终止吊装作业;5.3 吊装前的准备工作:必须确保吊装系统稳定,并进行测试和检查。

操作人员必须在吊钩下方到位,打开吊钩手柄,确保吊钩已经张开;5.4 建立通信:操作人员必须与机组人员和其他工作人员建立并保持通信;5.5 吊装作业过程中,必须确保吊装设备稳定,并保持安全距离。

操作人员必须感觉到吊装系统处于稳定状态,方可进行下一步操作;5.6 在将发动机吊装到飞机机体内部之前,必须对发动机的重心和重量进行评估和检查,并调整吊索和吊叉的位置,使吊装操作更加平稳和稳定;5.7 在完成吊装作业之后,必须进行验收和检查,确保吊装作业已经完全结束,并撤走所有的设备和工具。



第3节推力器A 通则A100 适用范围101 本节要求适用于拟用作推进、推进及转向、动力定位和辅助作业(300kW以上)的推力器装置。


102 第2章描述了对旋转机械的所有基本要求,其也是第3、第4和第5章的基础。

103 整套推力器应与DNV证书一起交付。








105 对于HS、LC和NSC,下述要求也适用:—通用机械:HSC规范9.1.1至9.1.14,HSC 规范9.7和9.8(客船)和HSC规范9.9(货船)。



A200 送审文件201 基本的运行和负荷信息应提交认可:除导管推力器外的所有推力器:—所有适用于推力器装置的运行(设计)限制(如全回转装置高速回转、可伸缩装置在船舶最大速度时的收放等的限制)。



所有推力器:—螺旋桨驱动电机启动程序包括最大启动力矩的资料(K AP系数见入级附注41.2)。

此要求不适用于已满足磨损安全系数(见表B2)且最大转矩系数K AP等于1.5或更高的推力器。










2、选择电动机容量工作机所需的功率F w V w 7 X103乂1.05P w KW = 7.82 KW1000 n w 1000 0.94其中带式输送机的效率w二0.94 (查《机械设计基础课程设计》表10-1 )。

电动机的输出功率P wP 0n其中n为电动机至滚筒主动轴传动装置的总效率,包括V带传动、一对齿轮传动、两对滚动轴承及联轴器等的效率,n值计算如下:'I :】b * g *「* c由《机械设计基础课程设计》表10-1查得V带传动效率 b =0.96,—对齿轮传动的效率g =0.97,—对滚动球轴承传动效率,0.995,联轴器效率,因此c =0.98= 0.96 0.97 0.995 0.98 = 0.908所以P w 7.82P。

KW =8.65KWn 0.908根据P0选取电动机的额定功率P m使P m二1〜1.3 P^ 8.65 ~ 11.25 KW,并由《机械设计基础课程设计》表10-110查得电动机的额定功率为P m =11 KW。



安徽省皖江机电设备有限公司目录1 用途与工作条件 (1)1.1 用途 (1)1.2 工作条件 (1)2 技术特征及型号的意义 (1)2.1 技术特征参数 (1)2.2 型号代表及意义 (2)3 系统组成及工作原理 (3)3.1 系统组成 (3)3.2 工作原理 (3)4 安装与调试 (4)4.1 安装步骤 (4)4.2 调试方法 (5)5.使用方法 (5)5.1工作流程 (5)5.1.1液压推车机的工作流程: (5)5.1.2电动推车机的工作流程 (6)5.2工作步骤 (6)5.2.1液压推车机的操作步骤: (6)5.2.2电动推车机的操作步骤 (7)6.使用注意事项 (7)7.常见的液压故障及排除方法(见附表1) (8)8.产品的储存与运输 (8)9.质量保证 (9)1 用途与工作条件1.1 用途T□□—□/□系列推车机主要用于煤矿井口或井底车场调度矿车,平板车,材料车等运输车辆及其辅助物料。


它具有生产效率高、操作简单、使用方便,安全可靠等特点1.2 工作条件1)周围温度:-10℃~40℃2)相对温度:≤ 90%3)海拔:≤2000米4)大气压力:80—120KPa5)禁止在沼气等易爆混合气体超标的井底使用6)液压站及电器部分应在具有防水场地使用,摆放的倾斜度应小于5度2 技术特征及型号的意义2.1 技术特征参数1)电动机:型号:Y160M—4;Y160L—4;Y132M-4功率:11KW; 15KW; 7.5KW电压:380V/660V2)传动方式:绳式或链式3) 动 力 源:液压泵站、电动减速机4) 推车形式:推轴式、推缓冲座式5) 传 动 力:5~10KN6) 系统压力:16MPa(液压传动)7) 传动规格:Ф16钢丝绳、Ф18×64圈环链8) 推车速度:0.3~1.0m/s9) 推车数量2.2 型号代表及意义T □ □ -- □ / □注:TLD-15/6的推车机代表意义是圆环链式电动600轨距的推车机。



课程设计螺旋推力机一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能理解螺旋推力机的定义、构造及其工作原理;2. 学生能掌握螺旋推力机在工程和日常生活中的应用;3. 学生能了解螺旋推力机的发展历程及其在我国科技发展中的地位。

技能目标:1. 学生能通过观察、实验和分析,掌握螺旋推力机的基本操作方法;2. 学生能运用所学知识,设计简单的螺旋推力机模型;3. 学生能运用科学探究的方法,解决螺旋推力机在实际应用中出现的问题。

情感态度价值观目标:1. 培养学生对机械工程领域的兴趣和好奇心,激发他们探索科学技术的热情;2. 增强学生的团队合作意识,培养他们在实践中相互协作、共同解决问题的能力;3. 培养学生的创新意识和实践能力,使他们能够关注社会发展,为我国科技事业的发展贡献自己的力量。





二、教学内容1. 螺旋推力机基础知识:- 螺旋推力机的定义与构造;- 螺旋推力机的工作原理;- 螺旋推力机的发展历程及在我国的应用。

2. 螺旋推力机的实际应用:- 螺旋推力机在工程领域的应用案例;- 螺旋推力机在生活中的应用实例;- 螺旋推力机在未来科技发展的潜在应用。

3. 螺旋推力机模型设计与制作:- 螺旋推力机模型的制作方法;- 模型制作所需的材料与工具;- 模型设计过程中需考虑的因素。

4. 螺旋推力机的操作与实验:- 螺旋推力机的基本操作方法;- 实验步骤及注意事项;- 实验数据的收集与分析。




1. 准备工作:检查推力机的各个部件是否完好,并保证试验场地的安全。

2. 启动推力机:按照推力机的操作手册,启动推力机。


3. 监测参数:使用仪表和传感器监测推力机的各项参数,包括燃料供应、点火状态、推力输出等。

4. 调整参数:根据需要,调整推力机的参数,如燃料供应量、点火时机等,以达到所需的推力输出。

5. 数据记录与分析:将推力机的参数数据记录下来,并进行分析和比对。

6. 停机:按照推力机的操作手册,正确停机推力机。


7. 清理工作:完成试验后,清洁和维护推力机的各个部件,保持其良好的工作状态。





Doc. no. MH*-OMG0033Rotary Actuated Air GripperM(D)HR2-10*M(D)HR2-15*M(D)HR2-20*M(D)HR2-30*Safety Instructions1. Product Specifications2. Operating method or operation2-1.Design precautions2-2.Selection2-3.Mounting2-4.Air supply2-5.Piping2-6.Operating environment2-7.Lubrication3. Maintenance3-1.Notes3-2.Structural drawing / Parts List-1-Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.” They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC)*1) , and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines .(Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety. etc.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.Danger Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.Warning 1. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility with specific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications based on necessary analysis and test results.The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who has determined its compatibility with the product.This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalog information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure when configuring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment. The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety is confirmed.1.The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures to prevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.2.When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above are implemented and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully.3. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact SMC beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions.1. Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a place exposed to direct sunlight.2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping, vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalog.3. An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety analysis.e in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by using a mechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.-2-Safety InstructionsCautionThe product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchange specifications or a contract if necessary.If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsThe product used is subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer” and “Compliance Requirements”.Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and Disclaimer1.The warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product is delivered,whichever is first.∗2)Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts. Please consult your nearest sales branch.2. For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly our responsibility,a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided.This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any other damage incurred due to the failure of the product.3. Prior to using SMC products, please read and understand the warranty terms and disclaimers noted in the specified catalog for the particular products.∗2) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of the vacuumpad or failure due to the deterioration of rubber material are not covered by the limitedwarranty.Compliance Requirements1. The use of SMC products with production equipment for the manufacture of weapons of massdestruction(WMD) or any other weapon is strictly prohibited.2. The exports of SMC products or technology from one country to another are governed by therelevant security laws and regulation of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the shipment of a SMC product to another country, assure that all local rules governing that export are known and followed.CautionSMC products are not intended for use as instruments for legal metrology.Measurement instruments that SMC manufactures or sells have not been qualified by type approval tests relevant to the metrology (measurement) laws of each country.Therefore, SMC products cannot be used for business or certification ordained by the metrology (measurement) laws of each country.-3-4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362URL https://Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. © 2019 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved。



第一节 设计任务推力机的原理是通过螺旋传动装置给推头传替力和运动速度。


其执行机构如下: 推力机传动装置设计 1.原始数据和条件 1)推力F=9kn ;2)推头速度V=1.5m/min ;3)工作情况: 三班制,间歇工作,单向负载,载荷平稳; 4)工作环境:有灰尘,环境最高温度为35°C 左右; 5)使用折旧期20年,4年大修一次;6)制造条件及生产批量:一般机械厂制造,小批量生产。

2..参考传动方案第二节.电动机的选择1.选择电动机(1)选择电动机类型按工作要求和条件,选用三相笼型异步电动机,封闭式结构,电压380V ,Y 型。

(2)选择电动机的容量传动装置中各部分的效率查机械手册得, 1η=0.99 联轴器2η=0.98 滚子轴承 3η=0.97 8级精度齿轮4η=0.90 丝杠5η=0.90 滑动传递 (3)确定电动机转速螺旋传送中pn v = (其中 p 导距,n 转速)取p = 10 mm ,n = p/v = 1.5/0.01 = 150(r/min)查机械手册,二级圆柱齿轮传动比为8~40故,d n =1200~6000r/min查手册采用同步转速1500r/min ,电动机型号为Y801-4,额定功率P=0.55KW ,满载转速为1390r/min ,基本符合题目要求。

型号额定功率/kW满载转速/(r/min) 启动转矩 最大转矩 Y801-4 0.55 13902.22.22.确定传动比 (1)总传动比由选定的电动机满载转速m n和工作机主动轴转速n ,可得传动装置总传动比为 (2)传动装置各级传动比分配采用浸油润滑,尽量使高速级和低速级大齿轮浸油深度相当,故取213.1i i = 3.传动装置运动和动力参数的计算 (1)各轴转速(2)各轴输入功率 各轴输出功率 (3)各轴输入转矩 电动机输出转矩, 各轴输出转矩 参数 轴名电动机轴 轴1 轴2 轴3转速n/(r/min) 1390 1390 400.58 150 功率P/kW 输入功率- 0.534 0.507 0.482 输出功率0.55 0.523 0.497 0.472 转矩T/(N*m) 输入转矩 - 3.67 12.09 30.70 输出转矩- 3.6011.85 30.09传动比i 1 3.47 2.67 效率η0.970.950.95第三节.齿轮的设计计算(一)高速级齿轮传动的设计计算1.选定齿轮类型,精度等级,材料及齿数1)按照推力机机构的传动方案,选用直齿圆柱齿轮传动2)推力机为一般工作机器,故选用8级精度(GB10095-88)。



摘要------------------------------------------------------2 第一章课程设计的目的-------------------------------------3 第二章主要设计参数和技术要求-----------------------------4 一.课程设计题目和主要技术参数--------------------------4 二.技术要求--------------------------------------------4 三.成员及分工------------------------------------------4 第三章运动设计-------------------------------------------5 一.运动参数及转速图的确定------------------------------5 二.核算主轴转速误差------------------------------------7 第四章动力设计-------------------------------------------9 一.带传动设计------------------------------------------9 二.计算转速的计算--------------------------------------10 三.齿轮模数计算及验算----------------------------------11 四.传动轴最小轴径初定----------------------------------14 五.执行轴轴径的确定------------------------------------15 六.轴承的选择------------------------------------------15 七.花键的选择------------------------------------------15 第五章主要零部件的选择-----------------------------------16 第六章校核-----------------------------------------------17 一.Ⅳ轴挠度校核----------------------------------------17 二.П轴扭转角的校核------------------------------------17 三.轴承寿命校核----------------------------------------18 第七章润滑与密封-----------------------------------------19 第八章设计结论-------------------------------------------20 参考文献--------------------------------------------------21设计分级变速主传动变速系统时,首先利用传动系统设计方法求出理想解和多个合理解。



ZW 型电动推进器型电动推进器ZW ZW TYPE ELECTRIC TYPE ELECTRIC TYPE ELECTRIC PROPELLER PROPELLER PROPELLER使用说明书Instruction Manual Instruction Manual常州贝斯特控制设备有限公司常州贝斯特控制设备有限公司CHANGZHOU BEST CONTROL EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD.(原常州市阀门驱动装置厂)特别警示和注意事项感谢贵单位使用本公司产品,请在使用前务必详细阅读本说明书,否则可能造成控制失效,损坏机构,烧毁电机等严重后果切记以下严重事项和特别警示:1 安装前应将电动推进器存放在清洁干燥的室内,若放在室外,应离地面一定高度,并应有防雨防潮措施。

2 按电动推进器上的标志吊本装置,不得连同收球网一起进行吊装。

3 电缆和导线进入后,必须确保电气箱盖和电缆进出口处密封良好,否则潮气和雨水将进入电气箱内,造成零件锈蚀和电气控制失效。

4 手动操作前应将手电动切换手柄按箭头方向推(或拉),若推不下去时需边推边转手轮,切换到位即可手动操作。



5 调试前,首先手动操作收球网,使之处于中间位置,接通电源后短时电动操作,检查输出轴的旋向与收球网的开、关方向是否一致,若相反则应调整相序(将电机的三相电源的任意两相对调)6 一般不得在阴雨天于户外打开电气箱盖、电机的密封部位,打开电气箱盖时,必须先切断电源。

7 由于专用电机为短时工作制调试时连续试车时间不可太长。

8 拆卸重装(包括电气箱盖打开后重装)时,应注意检查密封件,发现损伤应及时更换,密封部位必须盖严并螺钉紧固到位。

9 说明书中的电机电流值仅作参考,实际运行中要比该值大,电流偏大属于正常工作状态。

目 录1概述 (1)2主要技术性能参数 (1)3外形及安装尺寸 (1)4结构及传动原理 (2)5电气控制原理和接线 (3)6安装方法及使用注意事项 (5)7调整 (5)8用行程与转矩控制收球网终端位置的选择 (6)9常见故障及排除方法 (6)10检修备品 (7)1 1 概述概述概述本系列电动推进器为ZW 系列改进型。



机械设计基础课程设计设计计算说明书题目设计绞车传动装置院系专业姓名年级指导教师二零一一年五月题目:设计推力机传动装置一、总体布置简图二、工作情况单向负载,载荷平稳,间歇工作;二、原始数据圆周力F=10000F/N ,卷筒转速V=45 r/min,卷筒直径D=50mm 使年用折旧期为10三、1、设计说明书1份 2、减速器装配图1张 3、零件工作图1~3 张(一)、拟定传动装置的传动方案由题目所知传动机构类型变位齿轮减速器。



(二)、电动机的选择 1、选择电动机的型号本减速器在常温下连续工作,载荷平稳,对起动无特殊要求,但工作环境灰尘较多,故选用Y 型三相笼型感应电动机,封闭式结构,电压为380V 。

2、确定电动机功率工作机所需功率kW FV P W 510005.010*******=⨯⨯==电动机的工作功率:awP P η=电动机到推力机构的总效率为:233221ηηηη=a 由表11-1查得: 联轴器传动效率:98.01=η 每对轴承传动效率:98.02=η圆柱齿轮的传动效率:98.03=η 推力丝杆的传动效率:97.04=η代入得:⨯⨯⨯=a η=0p 5/0.84kw=5.95kw 查表电动机额定功率为5.95KW 。

3、确定电动机转速推力丝杆的速度为V=0.15m/s,则推力杆的工作转速为:min /3.575014.315.0100060100060r D v n w =⨯⨯⨯=⨯=π按表2-3推荐的传动合理范围,取二级圆柱齿轮减速器传动比为40~8'1=i ,则总传动比合理范围为40~8'=a i ,电动机转速的可选范围为:()min /2292~4.4583.5740~8''r n i n w a d =⨯==符合这一范围的同步转速有750、1000、1500、3000r/min 四种,综合考虑减轻电动机及传动装置的重量和节约资金,查得电动机型号为Y180L-4,符合要求。






我们愿凭借ISO 9001:2000质量管理体系的有效运行,为您提供高质量的精品。









目录1、概述 (1)2、型号说明 (1)3、主要技术参数 (1)4、结构及工作原理 (2)5、使用方法 (3)5.1、下井前的准备 (3)5.2、安装位置的设计 (3)5.3、操作方法 (3)5.4、钻压调节 (4)5.5、注意事项 (5)6、维修和保养 (5)6.1、准备 (5)6.2、拆卸步骤 (5)6.3、装配步骤 (6)7、充油与试验 (6)7.1、充油 (6)7.2、密封试验 (7)8、易损件及专用工具 (7)9、订货须知 (7)附录<产品易损件明细表> (9)1、概述YTJ型液力推进器是一种新型的井下钻压施加工具,其采用液力加压的方式,改变了大斜度井、水平井及开窗侧钻井中的水力效果,实现了准确加压及均匀送钻,并利用其液体弹性吸收原理使钻压保持恒定,尤其在特殊砾岩地层具有明显的减震效果。



辅助运输推车机技术规格书一、规格型号:ZT-600 1套(型号仅供参考)二、主要技术参数1、推车机长度150米,现场坡度为5。



















TLQ型液力推力器1. 概述TLQ型液力推力器是一种新型的井下工具。







2. 液力推力器的结构1——上接头;2——上喷嘴;3——变流元件;4——一级活塞;5——副缸体;6——二级活塞;7——主缸体;8——六方钻杆。





3. 工作原理TLQ型液力推力器是利用泥浆流过它以下钻具(如马达、钻头等)的压降作用在其活塞上而产生钻压。

设活塞面积为S,压力降为△P,则液力推力器产生的钻压为F=△P·S因此,它产生钻压的大小只与活塞的面积和压力降有关,活塞面积一定,可通过调整钻井参数改变压力降△P得到合适的钻压;如:某井钻井参数如下:钻压P:7~9 t排量Q:12~14 L/s喷嘴d:3只φ1.1 cm泥浆密度ρ:1.4 g/cm3根据井眼选择TLQ121,其活塞面积为133 cm2(见表8-11)P=0.082·ρQ2/(C2de4)=1.47 MPa(其中C为流量系数,de为喷嘴当量直径)F=△P·S=1.47 MPa×133 cm2=1.95 t<P(说明液力推力达不到设计钻压)将钻井参数稍作调整排量Q:14 L/s喷嘴d:3只φ0.8 cm其余参数不变P=0.082·ρQ2/(C2de4)=6.62 MPaF=△P·S=6.62 MPa×133 cm2=8.8 t≈P4. 使用注意事项4.1 地面检查用探伤仪对液力推力器进行全面探伤。

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2..参考传动方案第二节.电动机的选择1.选择电动机(1)选择电动机类型按工作要求和条件,选用三相笼型异步电动机,封闭式结构,电压380V ,Y 型。

(2)选择电动机的容量传动装置中各部分的效率查机械手册得, 1η=0.99 联轴器2η=0.98 滚子轴承3η=0.97 8级精度齿轮4η=0.90 丝杠5η=0.90 滑动传递%75.090.0*90.0*97.0*98.0*99.02325432232===****1ηηηηηηKWKW Fv P P wd 321.075.0*60*10005.1*90001000====ηη(3)确定电动机转速螺旋传送中pn v = (其中 p 导距,n 转速)取p = 10 mm ,n = p/v = 1.5/0.01 = 150(r/min)查机械手册,二级圆柱齿轮传动比为8~40故,d n =1200~6000r/min查手册采用同步转速1500r/min ,电动机型号为Y801-4,额定功率P=0.55KW ,满载转速为1390r/min ,基本符合题目要求。

型号额定功率/kW满载转速/(r/min) 启动转矩 最大转矩 Y801-4 0.55 13902.22.22.确定传动比 (1)总传动比由选定的电动机满载转速mn和工作机主动轴转速n ,可得传动装置总传动比为27.91501390===n n i m (2)传动装置各级传动比分配采用浸油润滑,尽量使高速级和低速级大齿轮浸油深度相当,故取213.1i i = 222*13.1i i i i i == i 47.367.2/27.9/21===i i i3.传动装置运动和动力参数的计算 (1)各轴转速min /13901r n n m ==min)/(15067.240058min)/(58.40047.3139023112r i n n r i n n ======(2)各轴输入功率)(482.097.0*98.0*507.0**)(507.097.0*98.0*534.0**)(534.098.0*99.0*55.0**32233212211kW P P kW P P kW P P d =========ηηηηηη 各轴输出功率)(472.098.0*482.0*')(497.098.0*507.0*')(523.098.0*534.0*'233222211kW P P kW P P kW P P =========ηηη (3)各轴输入转矩 电动机输出转矩,)*(70.30150482.0*95509550)*(09.1258.400507.0*95509550)*(67.31390534.0*95509550)*(78.3139055.0*95509550333222111m N n P T m N n P T m N n P T m N n P T m d d ============各轴输出转矩)*(09.3098.0*70.30*')*(85.1198.0*09.12*')*(60.398.0*67.3*'233222211m N T T m N T T m N T T =========ηηη 参数 轴名电动机轴轴1轴2轴3转速n/(r/min) 1390 1390 400.58 150 功率P/kW 输入功率- 0.534 0.507 0.482 输出功率0.55 0.523 0.497 0.472 转矩T/(N*m) 输入转矩 - 3.67 12.09 30.70 输出转矩- 3.6011.85 30.09传动比i 1 3.47 2.67 效率η 0.970.950.95第三节.齿轮的设计计算(一)高速级齿轮传动的设计计算1.选定齿轮类型,精度等级,材料及齿数1)按照推力机机构的传动方案,选用直齿圆柱齿轮传动2)推力机为一般工作机器,故选用8级精度(GB10095-88)。

3)材料的选择: 查机表10-1选择小齿轮材料为40Cr (调质),硬度280HBS 大齿轮材料为45钢(调质)硬度为240HBS 二者材料硬度差10HBS 。

4)选小齿轮齿数Z 1=20,大齿轮齿数 7020*47.3112===Z i Z2.按齿面接触强度 设计计算公式 d 3211(1)()[]2.32t E t H k T Z u d u φσ⨯±≥⨯确定公式内的各计算值:⑴试选定载荷系数=t K 1.3 转矩:m N T *60.3'1=⑶由表10-7齿宽系数0.1=d φ⑷由表10-6得材料的弹性影响系数218.189MPZ E =⑸由图10-21d 按齿面硬度查得小齿轮的接触疲劳强度极限lim1600H MPa σ=,大齿的接触疲劳强度极限2550,HLIM MPa σ=(6)由公式计算压力循环次数910112101110*46.347.3/10*2.1/10*20.1)20*300*8*3(*1*1390*6060======i N N jL n N h⑻由图10-19查得接触疲劳寿命系数10.90HN k =,20.95HN k =⑼ 计算接触疲劳许用应力:取失效概率为1%,安全叙述为S=1,得可得,[][]MPaSK MPaSK HN H HN H 523550*95.0540600*90.02lim 221lim 11======σσσσ 2) 计算:⑴计算小齿轮的分度圆直径,1t d 代入[H σ]中的较小值,[]mmZ u u T K d H E d t t 48.21)5238.189(*47.3147.3*11000*60.3*3.1*32.2)(*1**32.2323221=+=±≥σφ取30mm 。

⑵计算圆周速度v :113.143013902.18/601000601000t d n v m s π⨯⨯⨯⨯===⨯⨯⑶计算齿宽bb=⨯d φ d =t 11×30=30mm⑷计算齿宽与齿高之比b/h模数:1130.01.520tt d m z ====齿高:t h=2.25m =2.25 1.5=3.37mm⨯则b/h=30/3.37=8.89 ⑸计算载荷系数根据v=2.18m/s ,8级精度,由图10-8得动载系数K v =1.15;查表10-3得,1.4H F K K αα==;由表10-2查得使用系数:K 0.1=A查得8级精度的小齿轮相对支承非对称分布时:K 2231.150.1810.60.3110H d d bβφφ-=++⨯+⨯()代入数据得:2231.150.1810.6110.311030 1.447H k β-=++⨯+⨯⨯=()结合b/h=8.89查图10-13得,K βF =1.4 故载荷系数1 1.15 1.4 1.447 2.330A V H H K K K K K αβ==⨯⨯⨯=⑹按实际的载荷系数校正所得的分度圆直径, d 311tt K Kd ==1 2.3303036.421.3mm =⨯= ⑺计算模数:m==11z d 36.42/20=1.82mm3.按齿根弯曲强度设计⑴得弯曲强度的设计公式为m 3211][)(2F Sa Fa d Y Y z T K σφ⋅⨯≥1)确定各项计算值(1)由图10-20c 查得小齿轮的弯曲强度极限:MPa FE 5001=σ,大齿轮的弯曲强度极限为MPa FE 3802=σ(2)由图10-18查得弯曲疲劳寿命系数10.90FN K =,20.92FN K = (3)计算弯曲疲劳许用应力取弯曲疲劳安全系数,S=1.4, 则可得: [F σ]1=43.3214.15009.011=⨯=⨯S K FE FN σ[F σ]2=220.92380238.861.4FN FE K Sσ⨯⨯==(4)计算载荷系数KK=K A K V K αF K βF =1 1.15 1.4 1.4 2.25⨯⨯⨯= 查取齿型系数,应力校正系数得:75.1,24.255.1,80.22211====Sa Fa Sa Fa Y Y Y Y(5)计算大小齿轮的1][F Sa Fa YY σ,并加以比较111 2.80 1.550.01306[]321.43Fa Sa F Y Y σ⨯==;[]01641.086.23875.1*24.22==F Sa Fa Y Y σ2)设计计算 m mm Y Y z KT F Sa Fa d 873.001641.0*20*11000*6.3*25.2*2][)(2323211==⋅⨯≥σφ由于齿轮模数m 的大小主要取决与弯曲强度所决定的承载能力,因此只要m 》0.873就可以,故可取m=2mm,按接触强度分度圆135.63d mm =。

则小齿轮齿数Z =1135.63202d m ==,大齿轮齿数7020*47.3112===Z i Z 4.几何尺寸计算1)计算分度圆直径1120240d z m mm =⨯=⨯=;mm m z d 1402*70*22=== 2)计算中心距:mm d d a 902/)14040(2/)(21=+=+= 3)计算齿轮宽度:b=114040d d mm φ⨯=⨯=取B 2140,42mm B mm == 5.验算:)(18040/1000*6.3*2/*211N d T F t ===m N m N b KF /100)/(5.440/180*1/〈==所以设计符合条件。


3)材料的选择: 查机表10-1选择小齿轮材料为40Cr (调质),硬度280HBS 大齿轮材料为45钢(调质)硬度为240HBS 二者材料硬度差10HBS 。

4)选小齿轮齿数Z 1=20,大齿轮齿数 5420*67.2122===Z i Z 2.按齿面接触强度 设计计算公式 d 3211(1)()[]2.32t E t H k T Z u d u φσ⨯±≥⨯确定公式内的各计算值:⑴试选定载荷系数=t K 1.3 转矩:m N T *60.3'1=⑶由表10-7齿宽系数0.1=d φ⑷由表10-6得材料的弹性影响系数218.189MPZ E =⑸由图10-21d 按齿面硬度查得小齿轮的接触疲劳强度极限lim1600H MPa σ=,大齿的接触疲劳强度极限2550,HLIM MPa σ=(6)由公式计算压力循环次数910112101110*46.347.3/10*2.1/10*20.1)20*300*8*3(*1*1390*6060======i N N jL n N h⑻由图10-19查得接触疲劳寿命系数10.90HN k =,20.95HN k =⑼ 计算接触疲劳许用应力:取失效概率为1%,安全叙述为S=1,得可得,[][]MPaSK MPaSK HN H HN H 523550*95.0540600*90.02lim 221lim 11======σσσσ 2) 计算:⑴计算小齿轮的分度圆直径,1t d 代入[H σ]中的较小值,[]mmZ u u T K d H E d t t 97.31)5238.189(*47.3147.3*11000*85.11*3.1*32.2)(*1**32.2323221=+=±≥σφ取32mm 。
