Connecting puter Moni讲义tor Cable:连接计算机监控电缆


























■ 接觸部份 (contacts) 1、接觸部份有兩種主要類型:端子(terminal)和插針(pin)。
2、端子(或插針)具有兩個端部:前端和後端。前端總是結合端,它同另一端 子交合形成接觸。後端總是起端接作用,或是壓接或接連導線(導體)。
4 接網絡和計算機時,要使用4級連接器。
分立導線 單根導線或電纜
廣泛用於多 種電子設備
由兩根小號絕緣導線繞絞在一起,覆以外皮而組成的電纜。 計算機網絡 兩個導線通常良好絕緣。普通電話電纜和家用導線都是雙絞 線。
❖ M/B基本結構 ❖ M/B常見連接器的應用
主板基本結構 1、南、北橋芯片是主板的靈 魂。 2、北橋芯片主要負責CPU與內 存之間的數據交換和傳輸,還 承擔著AGP總線或PCI-E 16X的 控制、管理和傳輸工作。 3、南橋芯片則負責與 USB1.1/2.0、AC'97聲卡、 10/100/1000M網卡、PATA設備、 SATA設備、PCI總線設備、串 行設備、並行設備、RAID構架 和外置無線設備的溝通、管理 和傳輸工作。
■ 連接器用的金屬
下表所列為連接器接觸部份常採用的金屬,以及它們各自的優缺點。 注意接觸部分所用的基體金屬中都有銅合金,藉以保證良好的導電性、 導熱性、機械性能和可工藝性。

fenix3 中英文对照说明书

fenix3 中英文对照说明书
fēnix® 3
Owner’s Manual
翻译仅供参考,如有错误之处,请不吝指出,联系QQ:12594065 (SUNG),随时交流修正
February 2015
Printed in Taiwan
Table of Contents
Setting a Training Target .设...定....训...练...目...标........................................... 7 Cancelling a Training Target .取...消...训...练...目....标................................. 7
Setting up Garmin express 设...置.... G...a..r.m..i.n.. .e..x.p..r.e..s.s....................... 1
Activities .运...动..................................................................... 1 Starting an Activity .开...始...活...动............................................................ 2 Stopping an Activity .停...止...活...动.......................................................... 2 Skiing .滑...雪...................................................................................... 2



NETWORKINGCONNECTIVITYExplanation and Working NETWORKING CONNECTIVITY is being described as the process of connecting the varied parts of networks to one another. A computer network possesses the collections of printers, computers and different others type of equipment that are connected together in such a manner so that communication can be held between them.At present, millions of people share information as well as data with each other via using somekind of networks. However, after seeing the given activity one most important question that tends to arises in the mind of an individual is that how the whole process of sharing information with the help of computer networks happen.On the other hand, the given thing will also put another question in a p erson’s mind that is how a machine can decide that specific message belongs to the particular computer. In this article, detail description is being given in relation to the respective aspect. We will explain you about networking connectivity in details.BASICS OF NETWORKING CONNECTIVITYPrior to improving the understanding of the Networking connectivityprocess, it is vital to improving the knowledge of the networks that are in computer networks. The discussion of the same is given below:Peer to Peer networksThe given form of network is used when there are not more than computers are being used in the network. On the other hand, in the respective type of network strict security is not very much essential. The term peer is beingused in this because all the computers that are being used in this have a similar type of status.In addition to this, they also use equal footing with an aim to communicate with each other. In this network, different types of files such as spreadsheet and word processing are shared. On the other hand, different computers on the network tend to share devices such as printers and scanners, etc. They all are connected to any one computer in the network.Client/server networkIt is being regarded as another type of network. In today’s scenario, the given form of network is more popular than the previous one. It can also be said that this network is used for the large network. Here, the server plays the role of storage. In this context, it stores different applications as well as files that are being shared over the network in an effectual way.The performance which is being given by server is higher than the performance of computers. In addition to this, apart from storing the files, the server also plays the role of controller in the network. In accordance with the given context, itcontrols the network access of the different other computers and they are referred from the name of client computers. We are giving you best knowledge related to the topic you have selected.MAJOR DEVICES OF NETWORKING CONNECTIVITYJust like above before getting into the working process of computer networking connectivity, we need to improve the understanding in relation to different major devices that tends to play a vital role in the networking connectivity. The details in relation to the same are given below:Network interface card (NIC):The name itself suggests its meaning. But in simple words, we can say that it is the card which interfaces between computer and network. Thus, it is basically an expansion card which is being installed on the computer. The main aim of this card is to connect the computer with the network. In addition to this, it can also be said that the given device will also provide an electrical, physical and electronic connection to the media in the network.The NIC comes in two forms. Here, either it could be in the form of an expansion card or itcould be built in the motherboard of the computer system. However, it has been examined that in most of the cases network interface card connects to the computers with the help of the expansion slot. The given slot is very much special. This is due to the reason that the respective slot placed on the computer’s motherboard. Due to this, peripheral can directly be plugged into this.On the other hand, it is also examined that NIC possesses LEDs (Light emitting diodes) which assist in the task of diagnosing problems that are associated with the functionality of NIC.Suppose if there are two different types of NIC is there then among two one will be Link LEDs whose main work is to show that when proper connectivity to the active network is being detected. This whole scenario will give an indication the card is receiving proper signals from the hub or the switch. Besides this, Active LED is the most popular LED. This indicates the receipt of framed from or to the network.Hub:It is also being considered as another major component of the networking connectivity. Herein, it can be said that in the star topologyEthernet network, the hub is basically the type of device which connects the different segments of the network together.In this single, single cable is used as a medium with an aim to form a connection between different devices in the network to the hub. In addition to this, it can also be said that any kind of transmission that is being received on the one port will be being sent out to all other port in the hub.This thing will allow CSMA/CD on the transmitter with regard to performing the function of monitoring for the collision. For example, if onesender sends something then in this situation station whose address mentioned in the sender list will receive it. However, it can also be said that the hub is nothing more than the glorified repeaters that do not possess the capability to recognize the frame boundaries as well as data structures. It is due to the presence of a given aspect only hubs play the act of tool which does not possess any intelligence.Switch:The third major component which is used in the networking connectivity is called by the name of the switch. It is just similar to the hub. Here, itforms the connection between the multiple segments of the network. However, one major difference that exists between hub and switch is that hubs do not possess any kind of filter.Thus, whatever thing that hub receives over the network will be sent to all other computers. But, in comparison to this the switch will basically recognize the frame boundaries and give attention to the MAC address of the incoming frames and on the basis of the given address switch will send the file to the correct the address. However, if file send does not possess any recognizable address then in the givensituation it will be again sent to the sender location.In addition to this, in many satiation switch will play the role like a hub. For example, the location of the destination is not known then in the given situation switch will react much like a hub and as a result of this it floods out the frame at each and every port. However, except for the port over which it is being received. The switch is more effective than the hub because it is able to give support to the full wire speed on every port.Bridge:It is basically called by the name of the transparent bridge. It is being typed of a network device that tends to connect the two similar segments of networks together. The main role of the bridge is to keep the traffic separated from the different sides of the bridge. From this, it can be said that the bridge is also function just like its name. Here, information or the packets is being transmitted to the other side of the bridge if it is intended for the station on the other side. In addition to this, it can also be said that the main reason for using the bridge in the networking connectivity is to form the connectionbetween two segments and to divide the bust networks into two segments.Router:It is being regarded as the most popular term which is being used in the networking connectivity. This connects multiple segments of the network in the inter-network. In the networking, a router plays the role of the decision and maker and thus it decides that how in best and possible manner network data can be sent to its respective destination on the network. However, it is to be evaluated that the work of the router is very complex in nature.Here, CPU is dedicated to the task of routing different functions. Further, due to the complexity of router, it is possible for with regard to performing the functions of other types of devices such as firewalls and gateways, etc that is also involved in the network. This can be made possible by implementing the features of the given devices in the software of the router.Gateway:It is the combination of the hardware and software that tends to connect the dissimilar network environment. It is also being regarded as the most complex of the network environment.This is due to the reason that gateway tends to perform translation of multiple layers of the OSI model in an effectual way. For instance, the gateway is the type of device which connects the LAN environment to the mainframe environment. These two environments are completely different from each other. LAN environment complies with the distributed processing whereas the mainframe environment complies with centralized processing.Thus, we can say that networking connectivitycomprises of these all main devices that enable all the things working over the network. But,apart from this, there are other devices also such as modem and wireless access points also that also have a very important role in the network. Along with these two devices, detail description is being given in relation to other devices also that has importance in the computer network.Modem:Modem performs the function of modulation and demodulation and thus it converts digital data into analog data and the vice versa. It is of three basic types such as POTS, DSL, and Cable, etc.Wireless Access Network: The wireless access network gives the opportunity to the mobile user with regard to connecting themselves over the network with the help of wireless devices. It is also similar to hub and switch but it connects multiple wireless devices to form the network.Firewall: It is being regarded as one of the most important devices in networking connectivity. The main role of a firewall is to provide protection to the LAN resources from the attackers that are present on the internet. On the other hand, the firewall also assists in the task of preventing the computers over the network withregard to access the varied types of services on the internet. Additionally, this can also be used as the filter packets that are based on the rules and network administrative sets. The given rules will basically state that what are the specific types of information or the data can be flow on the computer network. Thus, it assists in the process of maintaining the security of computer over the network that is prone to the many types of risks. In simple words, it can also be stated that the firewall is the standalone black box that can be set up in software on the server or router. The firewall should have two basic types ofnetwork. Here, one should be on the public side and others should be at the private side.Transceivers:This is also called by the name of the media converter. On the other hand, transceivers are small devices that can be seen on the network. These devices are very simple in nature that allows NIC (Network interface card) and the other networking devices to form the connection with the different type of Medias. On the other hand, there are many NIC that tends to possess a special converter that tends to give theopportunity to this to perform the functions like hubs and switches, etcMANNER IN WHICH NETWORKING CONNECTIVITY WORKSIn the earlier part, we have improved the knowledge about the major components of the networking connectivity. Hence, in this section discussion is being carried out in relation to the overall process of the computer network. Thus, here the answer is given to the question that is “How Networking connectivity works?”.How Networking connectivity worksThe diagram which is being depicted above simply defines the whole process which is being carried out on the networking connectivityin an effectual manner. The whole process begins with the internet. The internet possesses lots and lots of information that are being shared between people via mediums like the mobile phone and computer etc.The computers that are present in the network tend to have a connection to the network. If one computer sends some information in this situation the information is being received by all the computers that are present in the network.However, each computer in the network will have different MAC address that distinguishes themselves from each other.For example, person A has transferred some file to B over the internet. Then in the given situation, the file sent by A will give an address which is called by the name of MAC.After the given phase, the data sent will be transferred over the internet. In this phase, the role of the router comes. The main function of a router is to route the specific data packets into a particular location as per their MAC address.From this, it can be said that for computer network router plays the function like the human brain and thus it gives direction to the data packets. However, after going through with the router phase the data which is being sent by the person A will go to the switch. The main function of the switch is to further provide direction to the data packets. Thus, it segregates the data as per the address which is being written over it.After the function of switches accomplished the data is being sent to their specific destination and after the packets clear the switch path then it will arrive at the network interface which isbasically a card that forms the interface between the network and the computer.After that packets are being opened and information about the URL address is being taken. However, after this, the data packet encounters the firewall. The main aim of the firewall is to restrict the access of virus and other ineffective information over the internet.Once the data will clear the firewall step, then in the given situation the data will transfer through LAN or the wireless network. Thus, it can be said that it is the end of computer networkprocess. Here, finally, the data packets will be sent to the respective user.Here, the information which is being sent by A is being received by B. It is the very simple way to improve the understanding regarding the whole computer networking process.BENEFITS OF NETWORKINGAs we have seen that how computer networking makes the whole process of transferring information from one place to another quite simple. In accordance with the given context,there are different benefits examined that are related to the concept of networking.It allows cost effective resource sharing: It is being regarded as one of a most significant benefit that is associated with the concept like networking. In this regard, it can be said that with the help of networking an individual can share information from one place to another without investing much money on the same. It could be proved as the beneficial aspect for the companies. This is due to the reason that the money saved from this activity can be used by firm for some other important purpose.Improves storage efficiency as well as volumes: This happen when the business enterprise tends use network for storing different information. Here, individual can store huge data over network.CONCLUSIONIt can be stated from the whole study that in order to improve the knowledge about the whole working process of networking connectivity. It is important for the individual that it should improve its understanding of different major terminologies that are associated with the same. This is due to the reason that if the given thing isnot improved then in this situation it will become very difficult for the individual with regard to understanding the whole process of network working in an effectual way.。
























MODEM Mobile Connection设备使用说明说明书

MODEM Mobile Connection设备使用说明说明书

FAQ & AnswersIf you meet problems in service, please refer to the following answers for guidance. Ifthe problems persist, please contact your supplier via the contact detail in your operator user guide.Problem DescriptionPossible Causes Problem Solving The system cannot run the installation program automaticallyThe system configuration is having difficulty with the auto-run software. The device will appear as a virtual disc in ‘My Computer’ on the PC’s start menu. Click on the icon and start the autorun.exe. If you have previously installed a version of the program, please uninstall it first.After installation, the system doesn't install the driver program properly.The system configuration is having difficulty with the auto-run software. Please install the driver program manually. The driver program can be found in the installation folder; C:\Program Files\MODEM Mobile Connection\driversAfter the device is plugged in, the UI program doesn't run automatically.The system configuration is incorrect. Please open the UI program manually. You can find it in the Start menu: ¨C:\Program menu or an alias icon on the desktop.1. You are in the place where there is no GSM/ GPRS/EDGE/WCDMA /HSDPA(HSUPA) network coverage. Such places include underground parking garages, tunnels, and someremote rural areas.1.Change the location to find a coverage.2. The device is not properly connected.2. Close the device safely as usual,pull out the device and reinsert the device again.3. The SIM/USIM card isn't inserted properly.3. Remove and reinsert the SIM/USIM card correctly.After restarting the computer, there is no signalindicated.4. The MODEM device is positioned in such a way as that adversely affects the devices signal reception.4. Adjust the angle/position of the MODEM device or its proximity to other electronic devices.When the Device is being installed, the computer cannot find it.1. The installation programs of the MODEM device have not been installed properly. 1. Run the installation program first then connect the device. Now install the drivers as normal in Windows.2. The device is not connected properly. 2. Restart the computer, or reconnect the device.3. The SIM/USIM card is not inserted properly.3. Reinsert the SIM/USIM cardcorrectly.1. The SMS center number is incorrect.1. Your device is preconfigured so itis unlikely that it will need changing. However if it is missing or incorrect contact your operator.Sent Message failure.2. The network is busy or you are in an area with no signal.2. Try later or move to an area with a stronger signal.1. You are in the place where there is no GSM/ GPRS/ EDGE/ WCDMA/ HSDPA(HSUPA) network coverage. 1. Move to an area with good signal.2. The network is busy.2. Try later.3. The APN in the user configuration file is incorrect.3. Check the APN in the userconfiguration file in the "Network settings".4. The device data is corrupted.4. Local network access or the target server maybe experiencing problems. Retry data request.Data connection failed.5. The network type has been selected manually, but is incorrect.5. Reselect the network type according to the type of the SIM/USIM card.1. After connection, you are unable to open web pages.1. Check that the APN in the configuration files is correct.2. IE browser is causing problems.2. Upgrade to the new version or reinstall the IE browser.3. Your operating system maybe infected by a virus. Worm Blaster for xample can affect upload and downloaded data flow, resulting in an inability to access a website.e 3. Use the professional anti-virussoftware to check and remove the virus. Connected to the Internet, but it cannot open any website page.4. You have connected to an APN which cannot connect to the Internet.4. This happens when you are changing any preset operator value in the setting section. Check the entry and enter the correct APN from your operator.。


tunnel 隧道
Lesson 64 The Channel Tunnel
the Channel
the Channel Tunnel
port n.港口 the European continent
connect v.连接 connection n.连接
connect…to 与…相连
找出文中含有if的句子: 1. The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall
chimneys were built above sea levels. 将来
2. If a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh
A. be B. been C. is D. have been
3. If he _____ me tomorrow, I would let him know.
A. should call
B. should not have been able
C. were not able D. are not able
It is + adj. + (for sb) to do
platform n.月台,站台
serve as 充当,担任
This platform would serve as a port and a railway station.
In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you.
air behind it.



Connect the power adapter连接电源适配器電源アダプタを接続する1Turn on your tablet开启平板电脑タブレットの電源を入れる3Dock the tablet对接平板电脑タブレットをドッキングする2Printed in China.2013-08© 2013 Dell Inc.Features功能部件 | 外観Product support and manuals 产品支持和手册製品サポートとマニュアル/support/support/manuals /windows8Contact Dell 与 Dell 联络デルへのお問い合わせ/contactdellRegulatory and safety 管制和安全認可と安全性/regulatory_complianceRegulatory model and type 管制型号和类型認可モデルと認可タイプK10A K10A001Información para NOM, o Norma Oficial MexicanaLa información que se proporciona a continuación se mostrará en los dispositivos que se describen en este documento, en conformidad con los requisitos de la Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM):Importador:Dell México S.A. de C.V.Paseo de la Reforma 2620 - Piso 11.° Col. Lomas Altas 11950 México, D.F.Número de modelo reglamentario:K10AVoltaje de entrada:100 V CA–240 V CA Corriente de entrada (máxima):1,30 AFrecuencia de entrada:50 Hz–60 Hz Corriente de salida:2,31 A Voltaje de salida:19,5 VCC1. USB 3.0 connector2. audio connector3. power status light4. docking connector5. power connector6. USB 3.0 connectors7. network connector8. HDMI connector9. DisplayPort connector1. USB 3.0 连接器2. 音频连接器3. 电源状态指示灯4. 对接连接器5. 电源连接器6. USB 3.0 连接器7. 网络连接器8. HDMI 连接器9. DisplayPort 连接器1. USB 3.0 コネクタ2. オーディオコネクタ3. 電源ステータスライト4. ドッキングコネクタ5. 電源コネクタ6. USB 3.0 コネクタ7. ネットワークコネクタ8. HDMI コネクタ9. DisplayPort コネクタ。



计算机的连接方式英语作文1. There are various ways to connect computers together. One common method is through Ethernet cables. These cables are plugged into the Ethernet ports on each computer, allowing them to communicate and share data with each other. It's a simple and straightforward way to establish a connection.2. Another way to connect computers is through Wi-Fi. With the help of a wireless router, computers can connectto the internet and to each other without the need for any physical cables. This provides flexibility and convenience, allowing users to move around freely while staying connected.3. In addition to Ethernet and Wi-Fi, computers canalso be connected using Bluetooth. This wireless technology allows for short-range communication between devices. It's commonly used for connecting peripherals such as keyboards, mice, and speakers to a computer. Bluetooth is a convenientoption for those who prefer a cable-free setup.4. Some computers can also be connected using a USB cable. This method is often used to transfer files or connect devices such as smartphones or external hard drives to a computer. USB connections are reliable and can provide fast data transfer speeds, making them a popular choice for many users.5. For more advanced networking needs, computers can be connected through a local area network (LAN). This involves connecting multiple computers together using switches or routers. LANs are commonly used in offices or homes where multiple devices need to share resources and access the internet.6. Lastly, computers can also be connected remotely through the internet. This is done using virtual private networks (VPNs) or remote desktop software. It allows users to access their computers from anywhere in the world, providing a convenient way to work or access files remotely.Remember, these are just a few examples of how computers can be connected. The technology is constantly evolving, and new methods of connection are being developed all the time.。



A repeater is an electronic device that regenerates data. It extends the physical length of a network. As a signal is transmitted, it may lose strength, and a weak signal may be interpreted erroneously by a receiver. A repeater can regenerate the signal and send it to the rest of the network. Figure 8C-2 shows a network with and without a repeater.
Repeaters operate only in the physical layer of the OSI model. They do not recognize physical or logical addresses. They simply regenerate every signal they receive. Repeaters, popular when the dominant topology was the bus topology, often connected two buses to increase the length of the network.
Traditionally, a gateway is a connecting device that act as a protocol converter. It allows two networks, each with a different set of protocols for all seven OSI layers, to be connected to each other and communicate. A gateway is usually a computer installed with the necessary software. The gateway understands the protocols used by each connected network and is therefore able to translate from one to another. For example, a gateway can connect a network using the AppleTalk protocol to a network using the Novell Netware protocol.

Configuring Internet Access for a Network 配置internet 网络访问.ppt

Configuring Internet Access for a Network 配置internet 网络访问.ppt
This routing protocol runs on the interface that you select below Interfaces:
Static Routes
Local Area Connection
Network Routing
Options for Connecting a Network to the Internet
Connecting to the Internet by Using a Router Securing Internet Connections by Using a Firewall Connecting to the Internet by Using NAT Connecting to the Internet by Using Internet Connection
Network Address Translation (NAT) Global
Event logging: Log errors only Log errors and warnings Log the maximum amount of information Disable event logging
Remote Access Policies Show DHCP Allocator Information
Remote Access Logging Show DNS Proxy Information…
Delete Refresh Export List…
Properties Help

nVent LENTON Connect 混凝土条连接器说明书

nVent LENTON Connect 混凝土条连接器说明书

Figure 1 - AssemblyFigure 3 - Detail ASolid contact between bar and stop pin as shown.STOP PINIf a bolt head does not shear, the installer should verify that theappropriate torque was met (see Table 1). If a minimum covermust be maintained, the bolt head can be cut off after the propertorque has been applied.If a bolt strips during installation, evidenced by a loss ofresistance to the applied torque, stop the installationimmediately. Remove the un-sheared, damaged bolt. ContactnVent for Technical Support.See equipment specifications on Page 2.TIGHTENTIGHTENStep 1: Read all instructions and procedures beforecommencing splicing. Ensure the nVent LENTON Connectcoupler is sized properly for the bars being spliced and perproject plans.Step 2: Ensure the rebar is free of any excessive dirt, concreteslurry, rust, etc. which may affect product performance. Ensuremaximum rebar lip does not exceed limits set in Table 2.Excessive shear lip interferes with rebar installation.Step 3: Insert rebar into nVent LENTON Connect coupler untilcontact is made with the center stop pin as shown in Figure 3.Rebar must be flush against center stop pin.Step 4: Pre-torque each bolt to the corresponding value inTable 1. Start with the bolts in the middle, and work insequence to the outside as shown in Figure 2. Duringinstallation ensure the rebar is in contact with both of theserrated rails. The serrated rails need to remain in themanufactured positions during installation. The serrated railsare held in place by a positional weld. Cracking of thepositional weld during assembly is acceptable.Step 5: Perform a secondary tightening in the same order untilthe bolt heads shear.Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for other side of the coupler. SERRATEDINSTRUCTION SHEETWARNING:nVent products shall be installed and used only as indicated in nVent product instruction sheets and training materials. Instruction sheets are available at and from your 1.nVent customer service representative.nVent products must never be used for a purpose other than the purpose for which they were designed or in a manner that exceeds specified load ratings.2.All instructions must be completely followed to ensure proper and safe installation and performance.3.Improper installation, misuse, misapplication or other failure to completely follow nVent's instructions and warnings may cause product malfunction, property damage, serious bodily 4.injury and/or death, and void your warranty.The customer is responsible for:a. Conformance to all governing codes.b. The integrity of structures to which the products are attached, including their capability of safely accepting the loads imposed, as evaluated by a qualified engineer.c. Using appropriate industry standard hardware as noted above.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS:All governing codes and regulations and those required by the job site must be observed.Always use appropriate safety equipment such as eye protection, hard hat, and gloves as appropriate to the application.Table 1. Bolt Torque ValuesEquipment SpecificationsTo reach the specified torques in Table 1, a 1" square drive pneumatic impact wrench and air compressor are required for coupler sizes 25 and larger. The air compressor should have a minimum of 185CFM at an operating air presure of 100 psi. This required air flow is to be delivered to the driver through a 3/4" to 1" air hose. An impact wrench must have a minimum torque capacity of 250 ft-lb for coupler sizes 16-22, 500 ft-lbs for coupler size 25, and 1000 ft-lbs for coupler sizes 28 and greater. Other tools such as electric impact wrenches, nut-runners or hand wrenches may be used as long as the appropriate torque is attained and validated.Table 2 - Maximum Shear LipINSTRUCTION SHEET。

Dorner impac Conveyor Controller 连接器套件说明书

Dorner impac Conveyor Controller 连接器套件说明书

851-119Catalog 7580MI-ENG-0.01PD 03/96Controller to Controller Linking Cable Kit (75-80)The Controller to Controller Linking Cable Kit is a pre-con-figured cabling package that enable the impac Conveyor Con-troller to be interconnected to another impac Conveyor Con-troller or a PLC/PC/Process Machine for coordinated control.The kit includes instructions, a 30 ft (9 m) Cable (consisting of five color-coded #18 AWG wires), 1/2 NPT Cord Grip assem-blies, Tools and Metric Mounting Hardware to aid in the instal-HDescriptionCord & Cord Grip Assembly (677733)T-slot Cover Strip (675232)4 mm Hex Key Wrench (807-564)Label (823-107)M6 x 10 mm Button Head Screw (910610M)Zip Tie Mount (805-608)Single Drop-In T-bars (639971M)Zip Tie (805-063)Figure 1: Linking Cable Kit Components(75-80)AD EF GE119–01aE119–01bCovered under patent numbers 156,260 & 174,435 and corre-sponding patents and patent applications in other countries.E119–02Figure 2: Linking Cable Kit (75-80)Controller to Controller Linking Cable Installation/Testing/OperationDisconnect power to the Conveyor and to the impac Conveyor Controller. Due to the wide variety of setups & applications, guard-ing is the responsibility of the end user.1.Verify all kit parts are present.2.Route the Linking cable from the first Controller to the second impac Conveyor Controller (or PLC/PC/Process Controller) as follows:a.Cable routing should not run near any moving conveyor parts, where it could possibly be damaged or cause damage to the conveyor.b.The conveyor T -slots or optional 6 ft (1829 mm) or 12.5-ft (3810 mm) Wire Troughs (Dorner #75-85-6 or #75-85-12) can be used to route wiring cable. For additional Wire Trough information, refer to separate Setup & Installation Guide (not provided).c.To contain a long run of wiring cable in the conveyor T -slot channel, use several short lengths of T Strips (B) (Figure 3). Or, to completely contain a long run of cable, purchase T-slot Cover Strip Figure 3: T-slot Cover Strip Mounting DetailE119–10bTo route Cable over a previously mounted component or to anchor Cable, use Zip Tie Mounts (F) and Single Drop-in T-bars (G), (Figure 4).Secure each Zip Tie Mount (F) with an M6 x 10 mm Button Head Cap Screw (E). Tighten the Screws with the 4 mm Hex Key Wrench (C) provided.GFigure 4: Zip Tie Mounting DetailE119–04bFigure 5 shows a typical wire routing of two impac Conveyor Controllers using the conveyor’s T-slotNOTE:The following connections are for a sample application that requires Conveyor #1 to follow the operation of Con-veyor #2. When #2 runs, #1 is allowed to run. When #2 stops, #1 must stop. Refer to the impac Application Guide for details on other application designs and wiring con-nections.In addition, when inserting a wire into a Terminal Block termination, be sure to tightly anchor the wire by tighten-ing the screw and double-check that wire has been fully For Conveyor #2impac Conveyor ControllerInsert wire #3 (Green) into the terminal MR1.Insert wire #4 (Brown) into the terminal MR2.Wires #2 (Black), #1 (Red) and #5 (White) should be individually taped-off since they are not used in this application.For Conveyor #1impac Conveyor Controller Remove factory jumper from between terminals RR1 and RR2.Insert wire #3 (Green) into the terminal RR1.Insert wire #4 (Brown) into the terminal RR2.Wires #2 (Black), #1 (Red) and #5 (White) should be individually taped-off since they are not used in this application.impac for Conveyor #1Red #1Black #2SPARE6.Test operation as follows:a.Be sure both impac Conveyor Controller On/OffSwitches are OFF and that conveyor is ready to run.Then, begin the test by re-connecting power to bothimpac Conveyor Controllers. Do not turn on powerat this time. Keep both impacb.Operation of the conveyor may vary depending on thechosen application. Consult theGuide for your particular application.The sample application of Figure 5 requires that Conveyor #1 follows operation of Conveyor #2. When #2 runs, #1 is allowed to run. When #2 stops, #1 must stop.Turn the impac ON/OFF switch, for Conveyor #1 ON. Conveyor #1 should not run. Now, turn the impac ON/OFF Switch, for Conveyor #2 ON. Now, both Conveyors should run.After correct operation is exhibited, normal operation processes can be continued.Dorner Mfg. Corp. reserves the right to change or discontinue products without notice. All products and。

















欧阳地创编8. 医学上可以利用蛭的唾液提取蛭素,生产抗血栓药物。










外研版七年级英语上册 背景资料+教案+课件+随堂练+单元讲解Unit1新课落实(3)

外研版七年级英语上册 背景资料+教案+课件+随堂练+单元讲解Unit1新课落实(3)

Unit 1
(1)Please give me ________.
A.two paper
B.two paperes
C.two piece of paper D.two pieces of paper
(2)Can you pass me ________? We have none in our
Unit 1
2 First,open a new document…Next, you write your homework…then click “save”…Finally… 首先,新建一个文档……下一步,写你的作业……然后, 点击“保存”……最后…… [探究] (1)在英语中,描述一个动作过程的先后顺序,常用 副词:first…next…then…finally… 意为“首先……其 次……然后……最后……”。 (2) next还有“下一个;隔壁”等意思。例如: next week 下周; in the next room 在隔壁房间 (3)finally的同义词组是at last,at last的反义词组是at first。
互译 5.on the left of…__在___…___…___的___左__ 边
e the keyboard ___用___键___盘_______ the document __保___存___文___件_____
8.of course ______当___然_______
Unit 1
(1)The boy is learning ________ the piano.
B.playing play



connection· n.[kə'nekʃn]( connections )· 双解释义· U1.连接,联结the act of connecting· C2.联系; 关系the state of being connected; relationship· C3.连接点; 连接物sth that connects· P4.熟人,业务上的客户person whom one knows socially or through business· 基本要点•connection的基本意思是“连接,联结”,引申可指“联系,关系”“连接点; 连接物”。


•· 词汇搭配••break〔cut〕a connection切断联系•establish〔form, make〕a connection建立联系•have a connection with sb 与某人有联系Array••close connection密切的关系•loose connection松散的联系•logical connection逻辑上的联系•outside connection(电话)外线Array••business connections商业联系•parallel connection并联•series connection串联1/ 2· 句型例句•How long will the connection of the telephone take?接通电话需要多长时间?The company has connections with a number of American firms.这家公司与许多美国公司有往来。

He heard about it through one of his connections.他通过一个客户知道了这件事。

迪士瓦机指南 - 迪士瓦机 Home Connect 连接说明书

迪士瓦机指南 - 迪士瓦机 Home Connect 连接说明书
4. Place the lid back on the dispenser and turn to close.
2. Add rinse aid up to the max mark.
The programme data has been measured in the laboratory according to European standard EN 60436. The consumption figures depend on the programme and additional function selected. The running time will change if the rinse aid system is switched off or rinse aid needs to be added.
7. To cancel the programme, press
approx. 4 seconds.
The programme is cancelled and ends after ap-
prox. 1 minute.
Cleaning filters
ilters for
6. Re-assemble the filter system.
7. Insert the filter system into the appliance and turn the coarse filter clockwise. Make sure that the arrow markings match up.
2. Pull up the lower spray arm to remove.
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