第十二讲 受限被解释变量(高级计量经济学课件-对外经济贸易大学 潘红宇)
EViews是一款功能强大的计量经济学 软件,提供数据处理、统计分析、模型
详细讲解EViews中的统计分析工具, 包括描述性统计、假设检验、方差分
数据导入与预处理 介绍如何在EViews中导入数据,进行 数据清洗、转换和预处理等操作。
随着大数据时代的到来,机器学 习算法在数据挖掘、预测和分类 等方面展现出强大的能力,为计 量经济学提供了新的研究工具和 方法。
机器学习在计量经济 学中的应用领域
机器学习在计量经济学中的应用 领域广泛,如变量选择、模型选 择、非线性模型估计、高维数据 处理等。
机器学习在计量经济 学中的常用算法
机器学习在计量经济学中常用的 算法包括决策树、随机森林、支 持向量机(SVM)、神经网络等。 这些算法可以用于分类、回归、 聚类等任务,提高模型的预测精 度和解释力。
同时具有时间序列和截面数据的特征,能够提供更多的信息、更多的变化、更少共 线性、更多的自由度和更高的估计效率。
固定效应模型(Fixed Effects Model)
随机效应模型(Random Effects Mode…
介绍一元线性回归模型的基本形式, 解释因变量、自变量和误差项的含义, 阐述最小二乘法(OLS)进行参数估 计的原理。
科技的进步和创新对经济增长和产业产出的提高具有们了解整个经济体系的运行规律,为国家和政府 制定政策提供科学依据,促进经济的可持续发展。
宏观经济学关注整体经济活动和政策,研究因素如GDP、通货膨胀和失业率等。它是了解现代经济 和制定政策的重要基础。
3 失业率
1 消费者价格指数(CPI)
2 出口和进口
3 经济增长率
宏观经济学研究经济整体运行和政策制定,涉及国家经济的增长、通货膨胀、 失业和相关政策等。了解宏观经济学是理解现代经济的关键。
1 G D P (国内生产总值)
2 通货膨胀和通货紧缩
通货膨胀指货币供应量过多,物价普遍上涨;通货紧缩指货币供应量过少,物价普遍下 跌。
1 财政政策
2 货币政策
通过调整货币供应量和利率来影响经济的货币流通和信贷活动,以达到稳定价格和促进 经济增长的目标。
课程使用的教材及教学参考资料使用的教材:计量经济学(Basic Econometrics) 第三版,[美]古扎拉蒂(DamodarN.Gujarati) 著,林少宫译,中国人民大学2000年3月第1版。
教学参考资料:1. 王维国,《计量经济学》,东北财经大学2001.2.Aaron C. Johnson, Econometrics Basic and Applied学时分配表第一讲引言:经济计量学的特征及研究X围第一节什么是计量经济学一、计量经济学的来源二、计量经济学的定义计量经济学几种定义。
• 高雪梅主编(2005).?计量经济分析方法与建模:
△ 初、中、高级计量经济学
• 初级以计量经济学的数理统计学根底知识和经
• 中级以用矩阵描述的经典的线性单方程模型理
论与方法、经典的线性联立方程模型理论与方 法,以及传统的应用模型为主要内容;
• 克莱因成为其理论与应用的集大成者
• 经典计量经济学在理论方法方面特征是: • ⑴ 模型类型—随机模型; • ⑵ 模型导向—理论导向; • ⑶ 模型构造—线性或者可以化为线性,因
果分析,解释变量具有同等地位,模型具有明 确的形式和参数;
• ⑷ 数据类型—以时间序列数据或者截面数
据为样本,被解释变量为服从正态分布的连续 随机变量;
参考书目 7.William H. Greene?计量经济学分析?,中国社会 科学出版社。 清华大学出版社出了该书的英文影印本 8. Michael Intriligator, Ronald Bodkin and Cheng Hsiao.?Econometric models, techniques, and applications?, Prentice Hall Inc. 9.Robert S. Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfeld?计 量经济学模型与经济预测?,机械工业出版社。 10.Ramu Ramanathan.?应用经济计量学?,机械 工业出版社。
• 宏观计量经济学名称由来已久,但是它的主要
• 经典宏观计量经济学:利用计量经济学理论方
经典计量经济学(Classical Econometrics) 一般指20世纪70年代以前发展并广泛应用的 计量经济学。 R.Frish创立 T.Haavelmo建立了它的概率论基础 L.R.Klein成为其理论与应用集大成者
△ 在经济学科中占据极重要的地位
克萨莱缪因尔(森R(.KPl.eSianm)ue:ls“on计)量:经“济第学 已二经次在世经界济大学战科后中的居经于济最学重是要计的量地经 位济”学,的“时在代大”多。数大学和学院中, 计量经济学的讲授已经成为经济学 课程表中最有权威的一部分”。
△ 经济理论 △ 数学模型 △ 经济数学模型 △ 计量经济学模型 △ 经济理论分析(行为分析)→数理
分析 →数量分析
△ 广义计量经济学和狭义计量经济学 △ 初、中、高级计量经济学 △ 理论计量经济学和应用计量经济学 △ 经典计量经济学和非经典计量经济学 △ 微观计量经济学和宏观计量经济学
第一章 概述
一、课程教学说明 二、计量经济学的研究内容 三、经典计量经济学模型的建模步骤 四、计量经济学模型的应用
§1.1 《计量经济学》课程说明
⒈ 课程性质
性质:专业基础课 必修/考试 学分:2.5 40学时(24+16)
△ 初、中、高级计量经济学
初级以计量经济学的数理统计学基础知识 和经典的线性单方程模型理论与方法为主 要内容;
© 陈强,《高级计量经济学及Stata 应用》课件,第二版,2014 年,高等教育出版社。
第 14 章受限被解释变量被解释变量的取值范围有时受限制,称为“受限被解释变量”(Limited Dependent Variable)。
14.1 断尾回归对线性模型yi =xi'β +εi,假设只有满足yi≥c 的数据才能观测到。
被解释变量在100,000 处存在“左边断尾”。
2⎨断尾随机变量的概率分布随机变量 y 断尾后,其概率密度随之变化。
记 y 的概率密度为 f ( y ) ,在 c 处左边断尾后的条件密度函数为⎧ f ( y ) 若 y > c f ( y | y > c ) = ⎪⎪⎩P( y 0, > c ) , 若 y ≤ c由于概率密度曲线下面积为 1,故断尾变量的密度函数乘以因子1 。
P( y > c )图14.1 断尾的效果3断尾分布的期望也发生变化。
对于最简单情形,y ~ N (0, 1),可证明(参见附录)E( y |y >c) = φ(c)1 -Φ(c)对于任意实数c,定义“反米尔斯比率”(Inverse Mill’s Ratio,简记IMR)为则E( y | y >c) =λ(c)。
λ(c) ≡φ(c)1 -Φ(c)4图14.2 反米尔斯比率56对 于 正 态 分 布 y ~ N (μ, σ 2) , 定 义 y - μz ≡σ~ N (0, 1) , 则y = μ + σ z 。
故E( y | y > c ) = E(μ + σ z | μ + σ z > c ) = E ⎡⎣μ + σ z z > (c - μ) ⎤⎦= μ + σ E ⎣⎡ z z > (c - μ) σ ⎦⎤ = μ + σ ⋅ λ [(c - μ) σ ]对于模型y = x 'β + ε ,ε | x ~ N (0, σ 2 ),则y | x ~ N ( x 'β , σ 2),故iiiiiiiiE( y i | y i > c ) = x i 'β + σ ⋅ λ [(c - x i 'β ) σ ]如 果 用 OLS 估 计 y i = x i 'β + εi , 则 遗 漏 了 非 线 性 项σ ⋅ λ [(c - x i 'β ) σ ],与x i 相关,导致 OLS 不一致。
(完整word版)计量经济学中级教程(潘省初 清华大学出版社)课后习题答案
计量经济学中级教程习题参考答案第一章 绪论1.1 一般说来,计量经济分析按照以下步骤进行:(1)陈述理论(或假说) (2)建立计量经济模型 (3)收集数据(4)估计参数 (5)假设检验 (6)预测和政策分析 1.2 我们在计量经济模型中列出了影响因变量的解释变量,但它(它们)仅是影响因变量的主要因素,还有很多对因变量有影响的因素,它们相对而言不那么重要,因而未被包括在模型中。
为了使模型更现实,我们有必要在模型中引进扰动项u 来代表所有影响因变量的其它因素,这些因素包括相对而言不重要因而未被引入模型的变量,以及纯粹的随机因素。
1.3 时间序列数据是按时间周期(即按固定的时间间隔)收集的数据,如年度或季度的国民生产总值、就业、货币供给、财政赤字或某人一生中每年的收入都是时间序列的例子。
1.4 估计量是指一个公式或方法,它告诉人们怎样用手中样本所提供的信息去估计总体参数。
如Y 就是一个估计量,1nii YYn==∑。
第二章 经典线性回归模型2.1 判断题(说明对错;如果错误,则予以更正) (1)对 (2)对 (3)错只要线性回归模型满足假设条件(1)~(4),OLS 估计量就是BLUE 。
(4)错R 2 =ESS/TSS 。
因为∑=22)ˆ(tx Var σβ,只有当∑2t x 保持恒定时,上述说法才正确。
2.2 应采用(1),因为由(2)和(3)的回归结果可知,除X 1外,其余解释变量的系数均不显著。
理论: 由于被解释变量某些值取不到,故存在断尾,导致概率密 度函数和期望等都发生变化……仍用极大似然函数进行估 计。 操作:P213中 案例分析:以数据集laborsub.dta为例,估计一个决定妇女 劳动时间的模型。 1、先看一下lfp的分布 use laborsub.dta,clear tab lfp
内容页 若该值很大,为正,则用零膨胀;很小,为负,则用标准。 (设计好之后可以删掉这个文本框哦) 命令:p205中(零膨胀泊松、零膨胀负二项) 2、案例 被解释变量的分布 use CRIME1.dta,clear tab narr86 OLS回归 reg narr86 pcnv avgsen tottime ptime86 qemp86 inc86 black hispan born60,r 泊松回归 poisson narr86 pcnv avgsen tottime ptime86 qemp86 inc86 black hispan born60,r nolog 计算泊松的边际效应:mfx
(2) 进行ordered Logit估计: (设计好之后可以删掉这个文本框哦) ologit rating83c ia83 dia,nolog 预测、列出结果: predict r2 r3 r4 r5 (option pr assumed;predicted probabilties) list r2 r3 r4 r5 in 1/1
1、潜变量:不可观测。 2、随机效用法:由于存在很多决定效用的未知因素以及未 来的不确定性,So效用方程中包含一个扰动项,故曰”随 机' 3、比较:二者都可依据累积分布函数的分布形式不同各自 采取Probit或logit模型;但随机效用法比较容易推广到多值 选择的情形。
© 陈强,《高级计量经济学及Stata 应用》课件,第二版,2014年,高等教育出版社。
第14章 受限被解释变量被解释变量的取值范围有时受限制,称为“受限被解释变量”(Limited Dependent Variable)。
14.1 断 尾 回 归对线性模型i i i y ε'=+x β,假设只有满足i y c ≥的数据才能观测到。
例:i y 为所有企业的销售收入,而统计局只收集规模以上企业2数据,比如100,000i y ≥。
断尾随机变量的概率分布随机变量y 断尾后,其概率密度随之变化。
记y 的概率密度为()f y ,在c 处左边断尾后的条件密度函数为(),P()(|)0,若若f y y c y c f y y c y c ⎧>⎪>>=⎨⎪≤⎩由于概率密度曲线下面积为1,故断尾变量的密度函数乘以因子1P()y c >。
3图14.1 断尾的效果4断尾分布的期望也发生变化。
对于最简单情形,~(0,1)y N ,可证明(参见附录)()E(|)1()c y y c c φ>=-Φ对于任意实数c ,定义“反米尔斯比率”(Inverse Mill ’s Ratio ,简记IMR)为()()1()c c c φλ≡-Φ则E(|)()y y c c λ>=。
5图14.2 反米尔斯比率6对于正态分布2~(,)y N μσ,定义~(0,1)y z N μσ-≡,则y z μσ=+。
故[]E(|)E(|)E ()E ()()y y c z z c z z c z z c c μσμσμσμσμσμσμσλμσ⎡⎤>=++>=+>-⎣⎦⎡⎤=+>-=+⋅-⎣⎦对于模型i i i y ε'=+x β,2|~(0,)i i N εσx ,则2|~(,)i i i y N σ'x x β,故[]E(|)()i i i i y y c c σλσ''>=+⋅-x x ββ如果用OLS 估计i i iy ε'=+x β,则遗漏了非线性项[]()i c σλσ'⋅-x β,与i x 相关,导致OLS 不一致。
◆概念 各个 Yi 值与条件均值 E(Yi X i ) 的偏差 u i 代表排除在模型以外的 所有因素对Y的影响。
◆性质: u i 是期望为0有一定分布的随机变量 重要性:随机扰动项的性质决定着计量经济方法的选择
高级计量经济学——本课程核心 第4部分 时间序列计量模型
第10章 第11章 第12章 第13章
时间序列模型 协整与误差修正模型 向量自回归模型 时间序列条件异方差模型
高级计量经济学——本课程核心 第5部分 回归分析的深入议题
第14章 面板数据计量模型 ——固定效应与随机效应模型 第15章 二元因变量模型 ——probit与logit回归模型 第16章 计量经济模型的建立 ——传统与现代计量经济学方法论
第二节 一元线性回归模型的参数估计
◆OLS的基本思想: ●不同的估计方法可得到不同的样本回归参 ˆ ˆ ˆ 数 1和 2 ,所估计的 Yi 也不同。 ˆ ●理想的估计方法应使 Yi 与 Yi 的差即剩余 ei 越小越好 ●因 ei 可正可负,所以可以取 ei 2 最小 即 ^ ^ 2 2 min ei min (Yi 1 2 X i )
Yi 0 1 X i ui
上式表示变量Yi和Xi之间的真实关系。其中Yi 称被解释变量(因变量),Xi称解释变量(自变 量),ui称随机误差项,0称常数项,1称回归系 数(通常未知)。 上述模型可以分为两部分。 (1)回归函数部分,E(Yi) = 0 + 1 Xi, (2)随机部分, ui 。
第十二讲 受限被解释变量
原理同PROBIT模型,需要了解似然函数的一阶条 件和广义残差 广义残差的定义
N ˆ / ˆi ˆ) ( xi' log L G ˆ x x i i i x i 0 ' ˆ ˆ ˆ) iI 0 1 ( xi / iI1 i 1 2 N ˆ (x' ˆ / ˆ ˆ xi' ) log L i G ( 2) i ˆ ( 1 ) 0 i 2 2 ' ˆ ˆ 1 ( xi / ˆ ˆ ) iI1 iI 0变量取正数和0 2)又称censored regression model 3)例如:y表示买汽车的支出,工作时间,工资 y=0+1x1+…+xk+u, y=0, 4)标准TOBIT模型,潜变量原则上可以取负值, 只是观测不到。
例如工资问题,假设工资小于0,是不合适的,实际情况是 观测到被解释变量取值,不是因为归并,而是消费者的 选择,选择不工作。 W1=A1x+u1消费者希望得到的工资 W2=A2x+u2消费者可以得到的工资 实际情况是如果W2 > W1,工作工资等于W2 。否则不工作工 资等于0 W= A2x+u2 , u2 - u1 > A1x- A2x W=0
例 假设考虑已婚妇女是否参加工作,假设有3种选择: 不工作,兼职,全职。有序多元选择模型 yi* xi' i
y1 1 if yi* 0 2 if 0 yi* 3 if yi*
P( y i 1 | xi ) P( yi * 0 | xi ) ( xi' ) P( y i 2 | xi ) P( y i * 0 | xi ) ( xi' ) ( xi' ) P( y i 3 | xi ) P( yi * | xi ) 1 ( xi' )
内容页 ( 2)拟合优度:由于不存在平方和分解公式,故无法计算 (设计好之后可以删掉这个文本框哦) R2,但Stata可汇报一个准R2,公式13.13;或者,将 预测值与实际值进行比较,计算准确预测的百分比。 命令192下
案例分析:P193上 以womenwk.dta为例 1、Ols估计: Use womenwk.dta,clear Reg work age married children education 2、Probit估计 Probit work age married children education,nolog 计算其边际效应mfx 计算其准确预测的比率estat clas 3、Logit估计 Logit work age married children education,nolog Estat clas
(2) 进行ordered Logit估计: (设计好之后可以删掉这个文本框哦) ologit rating83c ia83 dia,nolog 预测、列出结果: predict r2 r3 r4 r5 (option pr assumed;predicted probabilties) list r2 r3 r4 r5 in 1/1
高级计量经济学及STATA应用: 离散因变量模型
标准的Probit模型和Logit模型都是假设扰动项同方差, 再据此写出似然函数,但实际并非总是如此,扰动项可能 存在异方差,需进行似然比检验(LR检验) 1、原假设H0:扰动项同方差 2、结果:看p值,若接受H0,则可使用同方差的probit模 型;否则使用异方差的probit模型。 3、异方差情况下的probit估计的命令为: hetprob y x1 x2 x3,het(varlist) 4、案例:
WEEK 10: MACROECONOMETRICS Introduction1.The concept of stationarity2.Spurious regressions3.Testing for unit roots4.Cointegration analysis1. S TATIONARITYConditions for t y to be a stationary time series process i. t E y constant t ii. t Var y constant tiii. ,t t k Cov y y constant t and all k≠0 Autoregressive time series1t t t y y- Notice no constant and t is a white noise error term.- AR(1) model – time series behaviour of t y is largely explained by its value in the previous period.- Necessary condition for stationarity 1 , if , 1 series is explosive and if 1 have a unit root.Example 1 – Stationary AR(1) ModelSTATA codeset obs 500 /*set number of observations*/gen time=_n /*create time trend*/gen y=0 if time==1 /* first observation set y=0*/gen e=rnormal(0, 1) /*create a random number*/replace y=(0.67*y[_n-1])+e if time~=1 /*AR(1) model =0.67*/ twoway (line y time) /*line plot*/Example 2 – Explosive AR(1) ModelSTATA codeset obs 500 /*set number of observations*/gen time=_n /*create time trend*/gen y=0 if time==1 /* first observation set y=0*/gen e=rnormal(0, 1) /*create a random number*/replace y=(1.16*y[_n-1])+e if time~=1 /*AR(1) model =1.16*/ twoway (line y time) /*line plot*/Example 3 – Non-stationary AR(1) ModelSTATA codeset obs 500 /*set number of observations*/gen time=_n /*create time trend*/gen y=0 if time==1 /* first observation set y=0*/ gen e=rnormal(0, 1) /*create a random number*/ replace y=y[_n-1]+e if time~=1 /*AR(1) model =1*/ twoway (line x time) /*line plot*/ Noticety is not mean reverting. Random walk =1In the model:1t t t y yif 1 then t y is said to contain a UNIT ROOT i.e. is non-stationarySo 1t t t y y subtract 1t y from the LHS and RHS:111t t t t t y y y yt t y and because t is white noise t y is a stationary series.Example 3 (continued) – Non-stationary AR(1) Model and First Difference- A series t y is integrated of order one, i.e. t y I (1), and contains a unit root if t y is non-stationary but t y is a stationary series.- Possible that the series t y needs to be differenced more than once to achieve a stationary process.- A series t y is integrated of order d , i.e. t y I (d) if t y is non-stationary but d t y is a stationary series: Note: 211t t t t t t t y y y y y y y2.S PURIOUS REGRESSIONWhy worry whether t y is stationary?Most macroeconomic time series are trended and in most cases non-stationary processes.Using OLS to model non-stationary data can lead to problems and incorrect conclusions.a.high R squared often >0.95b.high t valuesc.theoretically variables in the analysis have no interrelationship Why does non-stationarity arise in macro data?Economic time series e.g. GDP, money supply, employment, all tend to grow at an annual rate.Such series non-stationary as the mean is continually rising. Even after differencing the series cannot be made stationary.So, usually take logarithms of time series data before undertaking econometric analysis.Take logarithm of a series which exhibits an average growth rate it will follow a linear trend and become an integrated series, i.e. one which is stationarity after differencing.Consider t y which grows by 10% per period, thus11.1t t y yTake the log of both the LHS and RHS, then1log log 1.1log t t y yThe lagged dependent variable has a unit coefficient and log 1.1 is a constant. The series would now be I(1), see example 3.Consider the model01t t t y xCLRM assumptions require that both variables have zero mean and constant variance (i.e. stationary, see (1i and 1ii)).If these assumption are violated and the series are non-stationary Granger and Newbold (1974) proved that results obtained are totally spurious. Granger, C. and P. Newbold (1974) Spurious regressions in econometrics. Journal of Econometrics, 2, 111-120.‘Rule of thumb’ for detecting a spurious regression:or,a.2R DWRb.12Logic behind spurious regression.Consider two unrelated series that are non-stationary, then:– both either together, or one will whilst the other .– Either way likely to find a +ve or –ve significant relationship.PROFESSOR KARL TAYLOR ECN6540 2017-18 Example 4 – Spurious Regression: Artificial DataSource | SS df MS Number of obs = 500-------------+------------------------------ F( 1, 498) = 143.04Model | 9096.19185 1 9096.19185 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual | 31668.4706 498 63.5913065 R-squared = 0.2231-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.2216Total | 40764.6625 499 81.6927104 Root MSE = 7.9744------------------------------------------------------------------------------y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------x | .9443085 .0789556 11.96 0.000 .7891813 1.099436_cons | 3.505432 .4156699 8.43 0.000 2.688749 4.322114------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Durbin-Watson d-statistic (2, 500) = 0.0316917Example 5 – Spurious Regression: Economic DataRegress by OLS the logarithm of GDP against the logarithm of M2. Quarterly time series data over the period 1975Q1 until 1997Q4.01log log tt t gdp muse "C:\Karl's files\2016-17\ECN6540\LECTURES\spurious1.dta", cleargen date=q(1975q1)+_n-1format date %tq tsset dategen lgdp=log(gdp) gen lm=log(m) reg lgdp lm estat dwatsonSource | SS df MS Number of obs = 92 -------------+------------------------------ F( 1, 90) = 547.56 Model | 1.78659606 1 1.78659606 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | .29365627 90 .003262847 R-squared = 0.8588 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.8573 Total | 2.08025233 91 .022859916 Root MSE = .05712 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lgdp | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- lm | .219892 .0093971 23.40 0.000 .201223 .2385611 _cons | 3.075618 .0571457 53.82 0.000 2.962088 3.189147 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Durbin-Watson d-statistic( 2, 92) = 0.032836Regression fits the data well – both variables trended.Why is this regression spurious?In the model 01t t t y x there are four possible scenarios:a. Both t y and t x are stationary processes and so the CLRM is appropriate and OLS is BLUE;b. t y and t x are integrated of difference orders, e.g. I(0) and I(1), – the regression is now meaningless, since t y has a constant mean and t x drifts over time;c. t y and t x are integrated of the same order, e.g. I(1), and t contains a stochastic trend, i.e. I(1). This is the case of a spurious regression. Could re-estimate the model in first differences.d. t y and t x are integrated of the same order,e.g. I(1), and t is a stationary process, i.e. I(0). In this special case t y and t x are said to be cointegrated .Hence testing for non-stationarity is extremely important.3. T ESTING FOR UNIT ROOTSTesting the order of integration is a test for the number of unit roots.i. Test t y to see if stationary. If stationary then t y I (0); if not stationary then t y I (d); d >0.ii. Take first differences of t y i.e. 1t t t y y y then test t y to see ifstationary. If stationary then t y I (1); if not stationary then t y I (d); d >0.iii. Take the second difference of t y i.e. 21t t t t y y y y then test 2t yto see if stationary. If stationary then t y I (2); if not stationary then t y I (d); d >0.Continue process until stationary.Dickey-Fuller Test for Unit RootsDickey and Fuller (1979) Distribution of the estimators for autoregressive time series with a unit root. Journal of the American Statistical Association , 74, 427-431.Dickey and Fuller (1981) Likelihood ratio statistics for autoregressive time series with a unit root. Econometrica , 49, 1057-1072.Test based on testing for the existence of a unit root.Start with an AR(1) model:1t t t y yTo test for a unit root 0:1H 1:1HCan re-write the above model by subtracting 1t y from both sides:111111t t t t t tt t t t y y y y y y y(1)1To test for a unit root the null and alternative hypotheses are 0:0H 1:0HDickey and Fuller proposed two alternative regression equations which can be used for testing the presence of a unit root:1t t t y y (2)Testing for a unit root based upon eq. (1) is only valid if the d.g.p has a zero mean and no trend. So eq. (2) includes a constant in the random walk process.1t t t y t y (3)Allows for a non zero mean and trend component in the series.The DF test for a unit root is based upon a conventional t test on from one of the three models.Critical values (based upon Mackinnon, 1991): MODEL 1% 5% 10% 1t t t y y 1t t t y y -3.43 -2.86 -2.57 1t t t y t y -3.96 -3.41 -3.13 Standard critical values -2.33 -1.65 -1.28If t statistic is greater than the critical value then the null hypothesis of a unit root is rejected and can conclude that t y is a stationary process.3.1 Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test for Unit RootsUnlikely that the error term t in eqs. (1) to (3) is white noise – auto/serial correlation.Dickey and Fuller proposed augmenting the DF test by including extra lagged terms of the dependent variable to eliminate the presence of autocorrelation.11p k t k k t t t y y y (4)11p k t k k t t t y y y (5)11p k t k k t t t y y y t (6)Again the difference between eqs. (4) to (6) concerns the inclusion of a constant and trend.An important consideration is the optimal lag length p.-If p is too small then the remaining autocorrelation will bias the test.-If p is too large then the power of the test will suffer.Ng and Perron (1995) suggest firstly, set an upper bound for p i.e. p . Then estimate the ADF test based on the p lag length.If the absolute value of the t-statistic for testing the significance of the last lagged difference is greater than 1.6 then set p=p and perform the unit root test. Otherwise, reduce the lag length by one and repeat the process.Rule of thumb (Schwert, 1989),0.25int12100Tp3.2 Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (1992)Testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the alternative of a unit root. How sure are we that economic time series have a unit root? Journal of Econometrics , 54, 159-178.KPSS test differs to the DF and ADF null hypothesis is stationarity. Model decomposed into trend, random walk (t r ) and a stationary error term:21,0u t tt t tt t IID u u r r r t yThe initial value of t r is fixed and serves the role of the intercept 0r . Thestationary null hypothesis is that 20u since tis stationary, hence under the null hypothesis t y is trend stationary.To undertake the test:i. Regress t y of on an intercept and time trend, i.e. t t y t ;ii. Save the OLS residuals from (i) ˆt t eand compute the partial sum process, i.e. 1t s t s S e ;iii. Test statistic is LM, given by:221ˆT tt KPSS S .2ˆis an estimate of the error variance RSS/T (may be corrected for autocorrelation);iv. Critical value at 5% level 0.145. If trend omitted from (i) then the criticalvalue at the 5% level is 0.463.Example 6 – Unit Root Tests – ADF test: Nelson & Plosser U.S. Data Nelson, C.R. and Plosser, C.I. (1982), Trends and Random Walks in Macroeconomic Time Series, Journal of Monetary Economics, 10, 139–162.clear all /*clear memory*/use /ec-p/data/macro/nelsonplosser.dta /*load data*/ keep year lip lsp500 /*keep a subset of Nelson and Plosser variables*/drop if lip==. | lsp500==. /*drop any missing observation*/tsset year /*set year as time identifier*/twoway (line lip year) (line lsp500 year, yaxis(2)) /*plot data over time*//*ADF tests on industrial production*/dfuller lip, regress noconstant lags(3) /*ADF test no constant or trend eq.(4) */ dfuller lip, regress lags(3) /*ADF test constant no trend eq.(5) */dfuller lip, regress trend lags(3) /*ADF test constant and trend eq.(6) *//*ADF tests on S&P 500 index*/dfuller lsp500, regress noconstant lags(3) /*ADF test no constant or trend eq.(4) */ dfuller lsp500, regress lags(3) /*ADF test constant no trend eq.(5) */dfuller lsp500, regress trend lags(3) /*ADF test constant and trend eq.(6) *//*ADF tests on industrial production*/dfuller lip, regress noconstant lags(3) /*ADF test no constant or trend eq.(4) */ Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root Number of obs = 96---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller ---------Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% CriticalStatistic Value Value Value------------------------------------------------------------------------------Z(t) 2.640 -2.602 -1.950 -1.610------------------------------------------------------------------------------D.lip | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------lip |L1. | .0121854 .0046149 2.64 0.010 .0030198 .0213511LD. | .0855473 .1060297 0.81 0.422 -.1250368 .2961313L2D. | -.0727104 .1059196 -0.69 0.494 -.2830758 .1376551L3D. | .0177574 .1045445 0.17 0.865 -.189877 .2253918------------------------------------------------------------------------------dfuller lip, regress lags(3) /*ADF test constant no trend eq.(5) */Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root Number of obs = 96 ---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller --------- Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical Statistic Value Value Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z(t) -0.687 -3.516 -2.893 -2.582 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D.lip | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- lip |L1. | -.006546 .0095294 -0.69 0.494 -.025475 .0123831 LD. | .05638 .1046247 0.54 0.591 -.1514442 .2642041 L2D. | -.0932085 .1041037 -0.90 0.373 -.2999977 .1135807 L3D. | -.0161771 .1034743 -0.16 0.876 -.2217161 .1893618 _cons | .0627725 .0281174 2.23 0.028 .0069208 .1186242 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------dfuller lip, regress trend lags(3) /*ADF test constant and trend eq.(6) */Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root Number of obs = 96---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller --------- Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical Statistic Value Value Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z(t) -3.298 -4.049 -3.454 -3.152 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D.lip | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- lip |L1. | -.2207902 .0669447 -3.30 0.001 -.3537874 -.0877929 LD. | .168619 .1054778 1.60 0.113 -.040931 .378169 L2D. | .0151678 .10462 0.14 0.885 -.1926782 .2230138 L3D. | .0831198 .1031807 0.81 0.423 -.1218666 .2881062 _trend | .0088867 .0027512 3.23 0.002 .0034209 .0143524 _cons | .1611592 .0405474 3.97 0.000 .0806046 .2417137 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note can find given 10.220810.220810.7792/*ADF tests on S&P 500 index*/dfuller lsp500, regress noconstant lags(3) /*ADF test no constant & trend eq.(4) */ Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root Number of obs = 96---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller ---------Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% CriticalStatistic Value Value Value------------------------------------------------------------------------------Z(t) 1.567 -2.602 -1.950 -1.610------------------------------------------------------------------------------D.lsp500 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------lsp500 |L1. | .0106279 .0067804 1.57 0.120 -.0028386 .0240944LD. | .2531512 .1064478 2.38 0.019 .0417367 .4645658L2D. | -.1932357 .107425 -1.80 0.075 -.406591 .0201196L3D. | -.017031 .1064838 -0.16 0.873 -.228517 .194455------------------------------------------------------------------------------dfuller lsp500, regress lags(3) /*ADF test constant no trend eq.(5) */ Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root Number of obs = 96 ---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller --------- Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical Statistic Value Value Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z(t) 0.059 -3.516 -2.893 -2.582 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D.lsp500 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- lsp500 |L1. | .0011734 .0200279 0.06 0.953 -.0386096 .0409564 LD. | .2612615 .1080976 2.42 0.018 .046539 .475984 L2D. | -.1856923 .1089062 -1.71 0.092 -.4020212 .0306366 L3D. | -.0079754 .1084307 -0.07 0.942 -.2233596 .2074089 _cons | .0252099 .0502234 0.50 0.617 -.0745527 .1249725 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------dfuller lsp500, regress trend lags(3) /*ADF test constant and trend eq.(6) */ Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root Number of obs = 96---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller ---------Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% CriticalStatistic Value Value Value------------------------------------------------------------------------------Z(t) -2.121 -4.049 -3.454 -3.152------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D.lsp500 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------lsp500 |L1. | -.0969978 .0457218 -2.12 0.037 -.1878321 -.0061635LD. | .3015991 .1068021 2.82 0.006 .0894181 .5137802L2D. | -.1405117 .1079217 -1.30 0.196 -.3549171 .0738936L3D. | .0396776 .1076543 0.37 0.713 -.1741965 .2535517_trend | .0032803 .0013813 2.37 0.020 .0005362 .0060245_cons | .0942689 .0569704 1.65 0.101 -.0189127 .2074505------------------------------------------------------------------------------So both industrial production and the S&P 500 index definitely not stationary over the period, i.e. not I(0).Order of integration?Take first difference then undertake test again.In STATA the first difference operator is D, second difference operator is D2 /*ADF tests on industrial production first differenced*/dfuller D.lip, lags(3) /*ADF test constant no trend eq.(5) */dfuller D.lip, trend lags(3) /*ADF test constant and trend eq.(6) *//*ADF tests on S&P 500 index first differenced*/dfuller D.lsp500, lags(3) /*ADF test constant no trend eq.(5) */dfuller D.lsp500, trend lags(3) /*ADF test constant and trend eq.(6) *//*ADF tests on industrial production first differenced*/dfuller D.lip, lags(3) /*ADF test constant no trend eq.(5) */Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root Number of obs = 95 ---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller --------- Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical Statistic Value Value Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z(t) -5.624 -3.517 -2.894 -2.582 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------dfuller D.lip, trend lags(3) /*ADF test constant and trend eq.(6) */ Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root Number of obs = 95---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller --------- Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical Statistic Value Value Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z(t) -5.600 -4.051 -3.455 -3.153 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/*ADF tests on S&P 500 index first differenced*/dfuller D.lsp500, lags(3) /*ADF test constant no trend eq.(5) */Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root Number of obs = 95 ---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller --------- Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical Statistic Value Value Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z(t) -5.996 -3.517 -2.894 -2.582 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------dfuller D.lsp500, trend lags(3) /*ADF test constant and trend eq.(6) */ Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root Number of obs = 95---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller --------- Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical Statistic Value Value Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z(t) -6.149 -4.051 -3.455 -3.153 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hence both industrial production and the S&P 500 index are I(1).4.C OINTEGRATION-Trended data can create problems due to spurious regressions.-Most macro variables are trended and hence non-stationary.-Hence the problem of spurious regressions is likely in macro models. Solution?Difference the data until it becomes stationary.Problemsi.If the model is correctly specified in both y and x then differencing bothvariables means the error process is also differenced non-invertibleMA process, estimation difficulties;ii.Once the model is differenced it can no longer have a unique long run solution.4.1 Cointegration DefinitionsWhere the regression of one non-stationary variable y on one or more non-stationary variables ,,,12k x x x results in a non spurious regression.Then a long run equilibrium relationship exists between the variables.Hence cointegration should only occur where there is a relationship linking the variables.We will only consider the case of two variables t y and t x i.e. not multivariate cointegration.If there is a long run equilibrium relationship between t y and t x , despite them both rising over time (trended), then a linear combination of the two variables must be I(0).A linear combination can be taken from the model:01t t t y xConsider the residuals:01ˆˆˆt t t t e y xIf t e I (0) then t y and t x are said to be cointegrated.10, is known as the cointegrating vector.Definitions:i. Time series t y and t x cointegrated of order d , b where d ≥b ≥0, which canbe written as t t x y , CI (d,b ), if both series are I(d ) and a linear combinationexists between the variables integrated of order I(d-b ). Then ,12 is the cointegrating vector (there is only one).ii. Generalisation, multivariate cointegration: let t Z denote an n×1 vector ofthe series ,,,,123nt t t t Z Z Z Z , if each it Z is I(d ) and an n×1 vector exists such that ' t Z I (d-b ) then it Z CI (d,b ). Can be more than one cointegrating vector.4.2Testing for Cointegration in single equationsEngle, R. and C. Granger (1987) Cointegration and error correction: Representation, estimation and testing. Econometrica, 35, 251-276.Step 1-By definition cointegration requires that the variables are integrated of the same order I(d).-So apply ADF tests to infer the number of unit roots in each variable.i.If both t y and t x are I(0) then OLS and appropriate.ii.If t y and t x are integrated to different orders, e.g. I(0) and I(1), then they can-not be cointegrated.iii.If both t y and t x are integrated to the same order, e.g. I(1), then go to step 2.Step 2- If both t y and t x are integrated to the same order, in macro data usually I(1), then estimate the long run equilibrium relationship:01t t t y x- Obtain the residuals from the model, t e .- If there is no cointegration then the results will be spurious (see section 2).- If the variables are cointegrated then OLS yields super-consistent estimatesfor the cointegrating parameter 1ˆ .Step 3- Test the residuals from step 2 for stationarity using the ADF test:11p k t k k t t t u e e e- If t e I (0) then t y and t x are cointegrated.- Note critical value differ to those standard ADF tests:Critical values (based upon Engle-Granger, 1987): MODEL 1% 5% 10%Lags (ADF) -3.73 -3.17-2.91Example 7 – Engle Granger Cointegration Use King et al. data for the U.S.:King, R. G., C. I. Plosser, J. H. Stock, and M. W. Watson. 1991. Stochastic trends and economic fluctuations. American Economic Review , 81, 819–840.Model logarithm of consumption (c) as a function of the logarithm of gdp (y).01log log t t t c yclear all /*clear memory*/use /data/r11/balance2 /*load data*/ tsset time /*set year as time identifier*/ twoway (line y time) (line c time, yaxis(2))/*STEP 1 - order of integration*//*ADF tests on real gdp*/dfuller y, regress trend lags(4) /*ADF test constant and trend eq.(6)*/ /*ADF tests on consumption*/dfuller c, regress trend lags(4) /*ADF test constant and trend eq.(6)*/ /*STEP 2 - estimate long run relationship*/regress c ypredict e, resid /*gain residuals*/estat dwatson /*durbin watson statistic*//*STEP 3 - test residuals for stationarity*/dfuller e, regress noconstant lags(4) /*ADF test on residual*//*step 1 - order of integration*//*ADF tests on real gdp*/Dfuller y, regress trend lags(4) /*ADF test constant and trend eq.(6)*/Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root Number of obs = 91---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller --------- Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical Statistic Value Value Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z(t) -2.133 -4.060 -3.459 -3.155 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D.y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y |L1. | -.0089805 .0042109 -2.13 0.036 -.0173543 -.0006067 LD. | .6394239 .1096428 5.83 0.000 .4213873 .8574606 L2D. | -.0055359 .1296175 -0.04 0.966 -.2632945 .2522227 L3D. | .0906288 .1302257 0.70 0.488 -.1683393 .3495969 L4D. | .0008952 .1130575 0.01 0.994 -.2239321 .2257225 _trend | .0001668 .0000632 2.64 0.010 .0000411 .0002926 _cons | .0260383 .0118528 2.20 0.031 .0024678 .0496088 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/*ADF tests on consumption*/dfuller c, regress trend lags(4) /*ADF test constant and trend eq.(6)*/ Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root Number of obs = 91 ---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller --------- Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical Statistic Value Value Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z(t) -1.622 -4.060 -3.459 -3.155 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D.c | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- c |L1. | -.0063104 .0038897 -1.62 0.108 -.0140456 .0014248 LD. | .6579478 .1068026 6.16 0.000 .4455591 .8703365 L2D. | .1038069 .1289307 0.81 0.423 -.152586 .3601998 L3D. | .2031445 .1317853 1.54 0.127 -.0589249 .465214 L4D. | -.2282238 .1125153 -2.03 0.046 -.4519729 -.0044747 _trend | .0001326 .0000526 2.52 0.014 .0000279 .0002372 _cons | .0180606 .0109068 1.66 0.101 -.0036288 .0397499 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------。
● WAPM的运用
ΔpΔy-Δp1Δx1- Δp2Δx2≧0 ◆产品价格变动而要素价格不变
ΔpΔy ≧0 ★利润函数对产品价格的一阶导数 即为供给函数 y
厂商愿意并且能够提供的供给量与 产品价格及要素价格之间的对应关系
供给函数中的每一个产量都是给定 要素价格和产品价格下,使厂商利润最 大的产量
◆推导 ★由利润函数导出供给函数
由生产函数得到要素的条件需求函数 将条件需求函数带入生产函数
x1 数量数量
MR1(y1)=MR2(y2)=MC (y1+y2)
需求价格弹性较高的市场,产品售 价较低,反之较高
市场1 P
C ( y ,x 2 ) M 1 x 1 ( p i 1 ,p 2 n ,x 2 ,y p ) p 2 x 2
C ( y ) M [ p 1 x 1 ( p 1 , i p 2 , y n ) p 2 x 2 ( p 1 , p 2 , y ) C (y)C s[y,x2(y)] C (y*)C s(y*,k*)
Lecture 1 The Solow Growth Model Romer(2001), Advanced Macroeconomics, Chapter 1 Blanchard, Olivier J., 2nd edition, Macroeconomics, Prentice Hall曼昆,《宏观经济学》,人民大学,2000年巴罗,萨拉伊马丁,《经济增长》,中国社会科学出版社,2000年Some Basic Facts about Economic Growth Assumptions of One-Sector Growth Models The Dynamics of the ModelThe Impact of a Change in the Saving Rate The Speed of ConvergenceThe Solow Model and the Central Questions of Growth TheoryEmpirical Applications一、Some Basic Facts about EconomicGrowth: the stylized facts of growth 1. Economic growth through deep time(F2)2. The stylized facts✓ 0,>>y L Y (F3)✓ o k L K >> ,(F4)✓ tcons Y K Y K tan ,==(F5)✓ tcons YP YWt cons YP t cons KP tan 1,tan ,tan =-====ρ3. international differences in the standard of living (F6)4. The Solow growth modelThe ultimate objective of research on economic growth is to determine whether there are possibilities for raising overall growth or bringing standards of living in poor countries closer to those in the worldleaders.The Solow model is the starting point for almost all analyses of growth.The principal conclusion of the Solow model is that the accumulation ofphysical capital cannot account for either the vast growth over time in output per person or the cast geographic differences in output per person. The model treats other potential sources of differences in real incomes as either exogenous and thus not explained by the model.( in the case of technological progress) or absent altogether(in the case of positive externalities from capital).二、 Basic assumptions of one-sectorgrowth models1. Input and Output),(t t t t L A K F Y1) Labor-augmenting or Harrod-neutral),(t t t t L K A F Y = capitalaugmenting),(t t t t L K F A Y = Hicks-ueutral2) The ratio of capital to output, K/Y, eventually settles down 3) Constant returns to scale (first-degree homogeneity)✓ The economy is big enough that the gains from specialization have been exhausted.✓ Inputs other than capital, labor, and knowledge are relatively unimportant. 4) intensive form :)()1,(t t k f ALK F ALY y ===✓ The amount of output per unit of effective labor depends only on the quantity of capital per unit of effective labor, and not on the overall size of theeconomy.✓ output per worker)(k Af ALY AL Y ==5) Assumptions 0)0(=f 0,0<''>'f f)(lim )(lim 0='∞='∞→→k f k f k k ( Inada conditions)✓ The path of the economy does not diverge✓ Cobb-Douglas functionαα==kALK k f )()(2. the evolution of the input into production1) Labor and knowledge grow at constant rates:nt L L nL L eL L t tt ntt +=⇔=⇔=00ln )ln(gtL A gA A eA A t tt gtt +=⇔=⇔=00ln )ln(2) Investment and capital formationtt t t t sY S I dtdK dtdK I S G I T S =====+=+t t tK sY Kδ-=三、 The simple dynamics of growth model1. The Harrod-Domar model1) The fixed-coefficients productionfunction⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡αυ=t t t L K Y ,min2) Saving, investment, and the warranted rate of growthυ==s I Y3) Labor force growth:g n Y +=4) The Harrod-Domar condition:υ=+s g n2. The Solow model1) Cobb-Douglas function(F7)kk y ALK AL YK Y k k MPk kMPkkALY y AL K Y )(1)1()(0)(211===υ<-αα=∂∂>α====-α-ααα-α2) The dynamics of kg yLY k f LeK f LeY EY y E K F Y eL E gtgtt t t tg n t +=======+ )()()(),()(0O ne way: actual and break-even investmentk g n k sf k dtdk tt)()(δ++-==0)()(>⇒δ++>kk g n k sf t , k is rising0)()(>⇒δ++<k k g n k sf t , k is falling 0)()(>⇒δ++=k k g n k sf t, k is constant*)(*)(k g n k sf δ++=T he second way: speedk g n k sf k dtdk tt)()(δ++-==)()()ln(δ++-=g n kk sf dt k d t t)(**)(δ++=g n k k sf)()ln(1δ++-=-αg n skdtk d tt)]([)ln()()ln(1δ++-⨯α=α==-ααg n skdtk d dtk dlin dty d tt t t3) the balanced growth path*************)(*k A L K y A L Y y k Y K k L A K Y L A Y k f y t tt t t t t t t t t t t t ======**)(k sgn k f ++δ=nLL g n II CC KK Y Y =>+==== 0)()()()(====ALIAL C AL K AL Yg LIL C L K L Y ====)()()()()]()([)()()),((t t t t t tt t t t t t t k f k k f A k f L K k f A dL L A K F d w '-='-==)()),((t t t t t k f dKL A K F d r '==t t t t t Y K r L w =+tt tt t t L K L k f k k f A K k f L w K r S S ⋅'-⋅'==*)](**)([**)(*)](**)([**)(k f k k f k k f '-⋅'=(constant)The Solow model implies that, regardless of its starting point, the economy converges to a balanced growth path --- a situation where each variable of the model is growing at a constant rate. On the balanced growth path, the growth rate of output per worker is determined solely by the rate of technological progress.四、 The impact of a change in the savingrateThe division of the government ’spurchanses between consumption and investment goods, the division of its revenues between taxed and borrowing, and its tax treatments of saving andinvestment are all likely to affect the fraction of output that is invested.1. the impact on output(F24,F25)A change in the saving rate has a level effect but not a growth effec t: it changes the economy’s balanced growth path, and thus the level of output per worker at any point in time, but it does not affect the growth rate of output per worker in the balanced growth path.In the Solow model only changes in the rate of technological progress have growth effects; all other changes have only level effects .2. saving and consumption (welfare) )()()()1(t t t t k sf k f k f s c -=-=*)(*)(*)(*)(*)()1(*);(**k g n k f k sf k f k f s c s k k δ++-=-=-== sg n s k g n g n s k f s c ∂δ∂δ++-δ'=∂∂),,,(*)](),,,(*([*if )(),,,(*(δ++>δ'g n g n s k f , 0*>∂∂s c if )(),,,(*(δ++<δ'g n g n s k f , 0*<∂∂s c if )(),,,(*(δ++=δ'g n g n s k f ,0*=∂∂s c the golden-rule level of the capital stock: Consumption is at its maximum possible level among balanced growth paths . δ++=δ'=g n g n s k f MPK )),,,(*(Quantitative Implications1. The effect of s on output in the long run s g n s k k f s y ∂δ∂'=∂∂),,,(**)(*),,,(*)()),,,(*(δδ++=δg n s k g n g n s k sf0*)()(*)(*>'-δ++=∂∂k f s g n k f s k ?*)()(*)(*)(*k f s g n k f k f sy '-δ++'=∂∂*)](/*)(*[1*)(/*)(***k f k f k k f k f k s y y s'-'=∂∂⋅ *)(/*)(*k f k f k 'is the elasticity ofoutput with respect to capital at *k k =. Denoting this by *)(k K α*)(1*)(**k k s y y sK K α-α=∂∂⋅If markets are competitive and there are no externalities, *)(/*)(*k f k f k ' is the share of total income that goes to capital on the balanced growth path. 31*)(≈αk K 21**=∂∂⋅⇒s y y sA 10% increase in the saving rate (from20% of output to 22%) raises output per worker in the long run by about 5% relative to the path it would have followed.Significant changes in saving have only moderate effects on the level of output on the balanced growth path.2. The speed of convergence1) One way)()(δ++-==γg n k k sf k k k k k f )(资本的平均产品。
© 陈强,《高级计量经济学及Stata 应用》课件,第二版,2014年,高等教育出版社。
第14章 受限被解释变量被解释变量的取值范围有时受限制,称为“受限被解释变量”(Limited Dependent Variable)。
断 尾 回 归对线性模型i i i y ε'=+x β,假设只有满足i y c ≥的数据才能观测到。
例:i y 为所有企业的销售收入,而统计局只收集规模以上企业数据,比如100,000i y ≥。
断尾随机变量的概率分布随机变量y 断尾后,其概率密度随之变化。
记y 的概率密度为()f y ,在c 处左边断尾后的条件密度函数为(),P()(|)0,若若f y y c y c f y y c y c ⎧>⎪>>=⎨⎪≤⎩由于概率密度曲线下面积为1,故断尾变量的密度函数乘以因子1P()y c >。
对于最简单情形,~(0,1)y N ,可证明(参见附录)()E(|)1()c y y c c φ>=-Φ对于任意实数c ,定义“反米尔斯比率”(Inverse Mill ’s Ratio ,简记IMR)为()()1()c c c φλ≡-Φ则E(|)()y y c c λ>=。
图反米尔斯比率对于正态分布2~(,)y N μσ,定义~(0,1)y z N μσ-≡,则y z μσ=+。
故[]E(|)E(|)E ()E ()()y y c z z c z z c z z c c μσμσμσμσμσμμσλμσ⎡⎤>=++>=+>-⎣⎦⎡⎤=+>-=+⋅-⎣⎦对于模型i i i y ε'=+x β,2|~(0,)i i N εσx ,则2|~(,)i i i y N σ'x x β,故[]E(|)()i i i i y y c c σλ''>=+⋅-x x ββ如果用OLS 估计i i i y ε'=+x β,则遗漏了非线性项[]()i c σλσ'⋅-x β,与i x 相关,导致OLS 不一致。
第十二讲 受限被解释变量
y1 1 if yi* 0 2 if 0 yi* 3 if yi*
P( y i 1 | xi ) P( yi * 0 | xi ) ( xi' ) P( y i 2 | xi ) P( y i * 0 | xi ) ( xi' ) ( xi' ) P( y i 3 | xi ) P( yi * | xi ) 1 ( xi' )
已婚妇女工作时间长度,使用TOBIT模型。 因变量:工作时间(小时) 解释变量 线性模型(OLS) TOBIT(ML) Nwifeinc -3.45 -8.81 Educ 28.76 80.65 Exper 65.67 131.56 Exper2 -0.7 -1.86 Age -30.51 -54.41 Kidslt6 -442.09 -894.02 Kidsge6 -32.78 -16.22 C 1330.48 3819.09
1)被解释变量取正数和0 2)又称censored regression model 3)例如:y表示买汽车的支出,工作时间,工资 y=0+1x1+…+xk+u, y=0, 4)标准TOBIT模型,潜变量原则上可以取负值, 只是观测不到。
例如工资问题,假设工资小于0,是不合适的,实际情况是 观测到被解释变量取值,不是因为归并,而是消费者的 选择,选择不工作。 W1=A1x+u1消费者希望得到的工资 W2=A2x+u2消费者可以得到的工资 实际情况是如果W2 > W1,工作工资等于W2 。否则不工作工 资等于0 W= A2x+u2 , u2 - u1 > A1x- A2x W=0
是拟合的标准误,并将预测值命名为p;第三步预测的是预测的 标准误,并将其命名为f;最后一步列出原序列值whrs和各预测 值的前10个观测值。
这里,我们主要是为了和后面断尾回归的结果进行比 较。
2 断尾回归的操作
truncreg depvar [indepvar] [if] [in] [weight] [,options]
其中,truncreg代表“断尾回归”的基本命令语句, depvar代表被解释变量的名称,indepvar代表解释变 量的名称,if代表条件语句,in代表范围语句,weight 代表权重语句,options代表其他选项。表11.2显示了 各options选项及其含义。
regress mpg wgt 其中,第一步为生成一个新变量wgt,其值为变量
2 截取回归的操作
tobit depvar [indepvar] [if] [in] [weight], ll[(#)] ul[(#)] [options]
对于“laborsupply.dta”的数据而言,1975年没有工作 的妇女的劳动时间都被设定为0,事实上也就是其具 体劳动时间的数据没有被统计到,这样,我们可以进 行一个左端断尾的回归,命令如下:
truncreg whrs kl6 k618 wa we, ll(0)
其中,tobit代表“截取回归”的基本命令语句,depvar代表被 解释变量的名称,indepvar代表解释变量的名称,if代表条件语 句,in代表范围语句,weight代表权重语句,options代表其他 选项。可用的options选项包括offset()、vce()、level()等,其含 义和断尾回归处相同。此外,ll表示左截取点,ul表示右截取点, 这两个选项至少需要设定一个,可以同时设定。对于ll和ul选项, 可以设定截取点的值,也可以不设定。当只键入ll或ul选项而不 设定截取点的值时,tobit命令会自动设定被解释变量的最小值 为左截取点(当ll选项被设定时),被解释变量的最大值为右截 取点(当ul选项被设定时)。
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, j 1,2,... M
优点:解释变量可以是不同选择的特征,例如交通方式, 不同交通方式对同一个人花费的时间是不同的;另外可 以是消费者的特征,不同收入,不同性别的人会选择不 同的交通方式,例如其他情况相同时,男性比女性更爱 选择开车旅行。
该模型的一个主要缺陷是independent of irrelevant alternatives(IIA) 即pi/pj与其他选择无关。 例如选择交通工具:例如选择1表示选家庭汽车, 选择2表示选蓝色长途公共汽车,根据 Multinomial logit model,不管其他选择是选择 火车还是选择红色长途公共汽车, p1/p2是一样 的。
PROBIT模型假设存在一个潜在模型 y*=0+1x1+…+xk+u,u~N(0,1) y=1,如果y*>0 y=0,如果y*0 如果当y*>0时,可以观测到数据,得到一个新模型 y*=0+1x1+…+xk+u,u~N(0,2) y=y*,如果y*>0 y=0,如果y*0
例 假设考虑已婚妇女是否参加工作,假设有3种选择: 不工作,兼职,全职。有序多元选择模型 y i* xi' i
y1 1 if y i* 0 2 if 0 y i* 3 if y i*
P( yi 1 | xi ) P( yi * 0 | xi ) ( xi' ) P( yi 2 | xi ) P( yi * 0 | xi ) ( xi' ) ( xi' ) P( yi 3 | xi ) P( yi * | xi ) 1 ( xi' )
已婚妇女工作时间长度,使用TOBIT模型。 因变量:工作时间(小时) 解释变量 线性模型(OLS) TOBIT(ML) Nwifeinc -3.45 -8.81 Educ 28.76 80.65 Exper 65.67 131.56 Exper2 -0.7 -1.86 Age -30.51 -54.41 Kidslt6 -442.09 -894.02 Kidsge6 -32.78 -16.22 C 1330.48 3819.09
1)被解释变量取正数和0 2)又称censored regression model 3)例如:y表示买汽车的支出,工作时间,工资 y=0+1x1+…+xk+u, y=0, 4)标准TOBIT模型,潜变量原则上可以取负值, 只是观测不到。
例如工资问题,假设工资小于0,是不合适的,实际情况是 观测到被解释变量取值,不是因为归并,而是消费者的 选择,选择不工作。 W1=A1x+u1消费者希望得到的工资 W2=A2x+u2消费者可以得到的工资 实际情况是如果W2 > W1,工作工资等于W2 。否则不工作工 资等于0 W= A2x+u2 , u2 - u1 > A1x- A2x W=0
只要比率相同,计算出的概率就相同。为了唯一 确定参数,假设1=0,=1
Multinomial logit model(independent logit model)
P( yi j )
' exp( xij )
1 exp( x ) ... exp( x )
log L( , ) f ( y i | y i 0)
2 i 1 N
1 2
( y i xi' ) 2 xi' exp{ }] log ( )} 2 2
Ordered response models
假设有多项选择,并且存在顺序,例如信用评级。 存在一个潜变量,假设有M种选择
假设模型为 y i* 0 xi' i , i ~ N (0, 2 )
y1 1 if y i* 1 2 if 1 y i* 2 3 if y i* 2
1 0 ' P ( y i 1 | xi ) P ( y i * 1 | xi ) ( xi )
1)OLS法和TOBIT模型的系数符号一致 2)技术条件期望的边际影响利用公式=0.645,所 以教育每更加1年的边际影响是( 0.451 ) (80.65) 3)对TOBIT模型的基本判断。可以构造一个 PROBIT 模型,当y》0时,另y=1。PROBIT模 型的系数=/。如果它们差别很大说明模型有 问题。
y x i
* i ' i
yi j if j 1 yi* j
0 , 1 0, M
如果假设扰动项独立同分布的标准正态分布得到ordered probit model;如果假设时逻辑分布得到ordered logit model
Ordered response models
ˆi xi' e
ˆiG ( 2) iG z i' ˆ ˆ
G ( 2) i
ˆ e i x
' i
G ( 2) ' i i
y*=0+1x1+…+xk+u,u~N(0,2) y=y*,如果y*>0 (y,x)观测不到,如果y*0 似然函数
Hale Waihona Puke TOBIT模型的识别检验原理同PROBIT模型,需要了解似然函数的一阶条 件和广义残差 广义残差的定义
N ˆ ˆ ˆ ( xi' / ) i log L ˆ xi xi iG xi 0 ' ˆ ˆ ˆ iI 0 1 ( xi / ) iI1 i 1 N ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ xi' ( xi' / ) log L 2i ˆ ( 2 1) iG ( 2) 0 2 ' ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ iI 0 1 ( xi / ) iI1 i 1
log L( , ) log[1 (
2 iI 0
)] log[
1 2
( y i xi' ) 2 exp{ }] 2 2
P( y i 0) xi' k ( ) xik E ( y i ) xi' k ( ) xik