
Allomorph(词素变体):An allomorph is the different variants of the same morpheme. It can be phonologically or morphologically conditioned.
See more on p. 82
“doing”---consisted of two parts “do” and “-ing”,from which we can work out a rule:we can put “ –ing” to a verb to form a “-ing’ participle.
形态学研究词素、词素的不同形态(即词素变体)极其构词法.英语 形态学是研究英语词素及其构词法的.
A word is “a minimum free form”, that is , the smallest form that can occur by itself.
The four characteristics of a word
A word is a sound or combination of sounds which we produce voluntarily with our vocal equipment.e.g. “we” [wi:]
How many allomorphs does the plural morpheme”-s’ have?
The plural “ s “has many morphologicallyconditioned allomorphs. For example.
(1) –(e)s, as in “cats”, “matches” (2) –(r)en: as in “oxen”, “children” (3) –e-: as in “men”, “women” (4) –ee-, as in “feet”, “teeth” (5) zero, as in “sheep”, “deer”
Chapter 3 Morphology 要点总结

Chapter 3 Morphology(形态学)1.What is morphology(形态学)?Morphology, as a branch of linguistics , is the study of the internal structure, forms and classes of words.eg. Unfriendly → un + friend + ly2.Morphemes(词素、语素)A morpheme is a minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function.eg. Maps→(2 units)→map + s3.Types of morphemes:free morphemes(自由语素) and bound morphemes(黏着语素)1>Free morphemes(自由语素)A.Some morphemes can stand alone as words, such morphemes are called freemorphemes.B.Rooot(词根) & Stem(词干)❶Root:a root is the based form of a word which cannot be further analyzed . It may be a free morpheme(as black in blackbird, blackboard, blacksmith) as well as a bound morpheme( -ceive in perceive认识,deceive欺骗,receive).❷Stem: a stem is any morpheme or combination of morpheme to which an inflectional affix can be added (friend in friends, friendship in friendships are both stem).C . Free Morphemes can be divided into two categories. They are:Closed Class & Opened Class(封闭词类和开放性词类)❶Closed Class(functional morphemes): a closed class is one whose membership is principle fixed or limited. (封闭类:连介代冠conjunctions, preposition, pronouns, articles)❷Open Class( lexical morphemes): an open class is one whose membership is principle indefinite or unlimited. (包括:名动形副数叹noun, verbs, adjectives)2>Bound Morphemes(黏着语素)A.Some morphemes cannot normally stand alone, but function only as parts of words.Such morphemes are called bound morphemes.Bound morphemes are actually affixes(词缀)—>prefix(前缀), suffix(后缀), infix(中缀).eg. dis- , un- , -ity, -al, -sB. Two Categories of Bound Morphemes:Derivational Morphemes(派生语素) & Inflectional Morphemes(屈折语素)❶Derivational Morphemes(派生语素): ~~ are used to make new words in the language and are often used to make words of a different grammatical category from the stem.eg. nouns→ verbs/ adj. verbs→ nouns/ adj.friend→ unfriend解除朋友关系( noun→ verb)❷Inflectional Morphemes(屈折语素):~~ are not used to produce new words, but rather to show aspects of the grammatical function of a word.①plurality(复数): - s, - es, - ies……②tense(时态): - s, - ing, - en, - ed……③possessive case(所有格): ’s④comparative/ superlative degree(比较级/最高级): -er, - esteg. dislikes → dis + +3> free morphemes(自由语素) & bound morphemes(黏着语素)❶All monomorphemic(单词素/单语素) words are free morphemes;❷These polymorphemic words are either compounds( combination of two or more free morphemes) or derivatives(words derived from free morphemes).4.Morphs(形素) and Allomorphs(语素变体)Morphs: the phonological and orthographic forms which realize morphemes are termed ― morphs‖.(语素的语音及对应拼写法的体现叫形素)Most morphemesSome morphemesAllomorphs: an allomorph is any of the different form of the same morpheme( 语素变体是同一个语素的不同形式).eg. plurality ―- s‖: map→ maps; dog→ dogs; class→ classed; mouse→ mice; sheep→ sheep Complementary distribution(互补分布):allomorph is a member of a set of morph;allomorph can’ t occur in the same environment .5> Types of Word Formation(构词法)❶Compounding(合成法)Words are formed by putting two words together, this way of building new words is called compounding.❷Derivation(派生法)Derivation is done by adding affixes to other words or morphemes.❸Conversion(转换法)Many words have more than one part of speech. A noun can become a verb easily and a verb can be used as a noun.❹Backformation(逆向构词法)As we have editor, we get edit by dropping – or . This process is called ~~❺Clipping(截短法)This process by cutting off part of word is called ~~❻Blending(混合法)A single new word can also be formed by combining two separate forms, this process iscalled ~~~❼Acronymization(缩略法)。

Bound Morpheme 黏着词素
Definition: must be attached to another morpheme
Boy Boys Boy Boy’s Beauty Beautiful Expensive Inexpensive
New word???
Bound Morpheme 黏着词素
hotchpotch mishmash
人人, 天天, 一点点, 冷冰冰,
来来往往, 点点滴滴, ……
4.Blending 拼缀法
similar to compounding,
but some parts of the free morphemes involved
Morpheme: ‘minimal unit of sound and meaning’
A further division: whether they can occur on their own or not:
Bound morpheme 黏着词素
-s in dog-s; -ed in kick-ed; cran- in cran-berry
no new word added not change syntactic class to indicate the grammatical function
E.g.: Only 8 kinds in English: N.: -’s, -s (plural nouns), V.: -ing, -ed/-en, -s (S-V agreement) Adj./Adv.: -est, -er.
Chapter 3 Morphology

Chapter 3 Morphology1、What is a morpheme? Dissect the following words into morphemes:The smallest unit of meaning.de-scrip-tion under-develop-ed photo-synthe-tic ana-tomyradia-tion geo-graph-y phil-harmon-ic de-frost-edre-fresh-ment de-mobil-iz-ed con-duct-ing sup-press-ion circum-spect dia-logue de-form-ed com-bina-tion2、Describe with examples the various types of morpheme used in English Free morpheme e.g. mate, sun, fame, likeBound morpheme: roots and affixesRoots e.g. fin-, spect-, -cideAffixes: inflectional and derivationalDerivational: prefix and suffixInflectional affixes:-ing, -ed, -(e)sPrefixes: un-, dis-, de, en-Suffixes:-ly, -less, -tion, -ize3、What are the main inflectional affixes in English? What grammatical meaning do they convey?-(e)s – plural number-(e)s – third-person、singular、present tense-(e)d – past tense-ing – progressive aspect-er – comparative degree-est – superlative degree-‟s – possessive case4、T ry to find out the meaning of the following roots in English and give two or three words that contain each of them.1、Hydro – water e.g. hydraulic, dehydrate2、Chron – time e.g. chronological, chronicle3、Demo – people e.g. democracy, demography4、Dur – lasting e.g. during, durable5、Agr – farming e.g. agriculture, agrarian6、Kilo – one thousand e.g. kilometer, kilogram7、Nym – name e.g. pseudonym, antonym8、Ped – foot e.g. centipede, impede9、Rupt – breaking e.g. rupture, abrupt10、Gress – movement e.g. progress, digress11、Poly – various e.g. polygon, polyglot12、Syn – identical e.g. synchronic, sympathy5、State the morphological rules that govern the use of the given derivational affixes.Example: -er This suffix is added to a verb to form a noun indicating the agent that carries out the action, e.g. write – writer1、-ant suffix added to a verb to form a noun indicating the agent e.g. assistant2、-ment suffix added to a verb to form its corresponding noun e.g. development3、sub- Prefix added to an adjective to form another adjective to indicate a lesser degreee.g. substandard4、-en Suffix added to an adjective to form a verb to indicate the acquisition of thequality denoted by the adjective e.g. darken5、en- Prefix added to an adjective to form a verb to indicate the acquisition of thequality denoted by the adjective e. g. enrich6、-ee Suffix added to a verb to form a noun indicating the recipient of the action denotedby the verb e.g. employee7、-ful Suffix added to a noun to form an adjective indicating the quality denoted by thenoun e.g. plentiful8、-some Suffix added to a noun to form an adjective indicating the quality denoted by thenoun e.g. quarrelsome9、-wise Suffix added to a noun to form an adverb meaning “with regard to the areaindicating by the noun” e.g. careerwise10、un- Prefix added to an adjective to indicate the absence of the quality indicated by theadjective e.g. unemployed6、What are the main features of the English compounds?1、Orthographically a compound can be written as one word, two separate words with or without a hyphen in between. E.g. armchair, follow-up.2、Syntactically, the part of speech of a compound is determined by the last element.E.g. icy-cold, greenhouse3、Semantically, the meaning of a compound is idiomatic, not calculable from the meanings of all its components.e.g. a redcoat is not a coat at all, and neither a hotdog a dog.4、Phonetically, the word stress of a compound usually falls on the first element, while the second element receives secondary stress.e.g The same form “running dog” can possibly be pronounced in two differently ways. One way to pronounce it is to give the primary stress to the noun “dog,‟ so that the fall occurs on this word and the –ing form receives secondary stress. …running dog. Thus pronounced, the form means “a dog that is running,” i.e. the action indicated by the –ing form is carried out by the noun that follows it. The other way is to put the primary stress on the first element “running” so that the fall of the intonation occurs on the syllable “run” and the word “dog”receive secondary stress: running dog. In this case, “running dog”is actually a compoundnoun and it does not means a dog that is running, but metaphorically it refers to a person who follows another person obediently in his wrong doings.7、Explain the formation and meaning of the following compounds:Example: nightcap, noun formed by combining two nouns, meaning a drink one takes before going to bed1、cat‟s paw -- noun formed by combining two nouns, meaning a person used byanother as a cool2、tablecloth -- noun formed by combining two nouns, meaning a piece of clothspread on a table to cover it3、green-eyed -- adjective formed by combining an adjective an an –ed from, meaningjealous4、green horn -- noun formed by combining an adjective and a noun, meaning a personnot experienced for a job or occupation5、update -- verb formed by combining an adverb and a verb, meaning to bringsomething up to date6、jet lag -- noun formed by combining two nouns, meaning the feeling of fatiguecaused by traveling in a jet plane crossing different time zones7、bootleg -- verb (also noun) formed by combining two nouns, meaning “ to take,carry, or sell illicit goods”8、built-in -- adjective formed by combining a past participle with a preposition,meaning “ made as an integral part”9、cockpit -- noun formed by joining two nouns, meaning the compartment in anaircraft where the pilot or the crew sit10、good-for-nothing adjective formed by joining an adjective, a preposition, and apronoun, meaning irresponsible or worthless8.Explain the following terms, using one or two examples for illustration 1)MorphologyMorphology is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. Morphology is divided into two sub-branches, inflectional morphology and lexical or derivation morphology.2)MorphemeMorpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of language. .e.g. re- is not a word, but it does carry meaning, thus re –s a morpheme3)Free morphemeFree morphemes are the morphemes which are independent units of meaning and can be used freely all by themselves or in combination with other morphemes.e.g. help, table, able4)Bound morphemeBound morphemes are the morphemes which cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word. E.g. –er, -en, dis- bio-, -less, -sym.A root is often seen as part of a word; it can never stand by itself although it bears clear, definite meaning; it must be combined with another root or an affix to form a word.e.g. liter- in literal, and literature.6)A ffixAffixes are of two types: inflectional and derivational. Inflectional affixes (inflectional morphemes) –ing,-ed manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories such as number, tense, degree, and case. Derivational affixes (derivational morphemes) are added to an existing form to create a word. E.g. in-, -er. The existing form to which a derivational affix can be added is called a stem.According to its position in the new word, affixes are divided into two kinds: prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes occur at the beginning of a word, it modify the meaning of stem, but usually do not change the part of speech of the original word, except be-, and en(m)-. Suffixes are added to the end of stems; they modify the meaning of the original word and in many cases change its part of speech.. e.g. large, enlarge, rich, enrich.7)D erivationDerivational affixes are added to an existing form to create a word. Derivation can be viewed as the addition of affixes to stems to form new words.8)C ompoundingCompounding is another popular and important way of forming new words in English. Compounding can be viewed as the combination of two or sometimes more than two words to create new words.N+N – handbook, sunshineA+N highway, easychairV+N driveway9.What are the two sub-branches of morphology? What does each of tem study?Morphology is divided into two sub-branches; inflectional morphology and lexical or derivational morphology. The former studies the inflections and the latter the study of word-formation.10.How do you distinguish a compound noun from a noun phrase?There are various ways to classify the compound words. One of them is to look at the parts of speech of the component words. Words of various parts of speech can be combined to form compounds. E.g. noun+noun (handbook), adjective+noun (highway), verb+noun (driveaway)Four features of compound.11.Why is the meaning of a compound often idiomatic?Semantically, the meaning of a compound is often idiomatic, not always being the sum total of the meanings of its components. For example, a greenhouse is not a house that12.What are inflectional and derivational affixes? What grammatical meanings do the main inflectional affixes in English convey?Inflectional affixes manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories such as number, tense, degree, and case.e.g. –(e)s, indicating plurality of nouns.-ing, indicating progressive aspect.Derivational affixes are added to an existing form to create a word.。


Chapter 3 Morphology 形态学1.Definition 定义Morphology is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.形态学是语法学的一个分支,它研究的是单词的内在结构及单词的构成规则。
The aim of morphology is to find out these rules。
Morphology is divided into two sub-branches:inflectional morphology and lexical or derivational morphology. The former studies the inflections and the latter the study of word-formation.形态学可以划分两个分支:屈折形态学和词汇形态学(也叫派生形态学).前者研究的是单词的屈折变化,后者研究的是构词法。
2.Morpheme 词素2.1Morpheme: the smallest meaningful unit of language词素:语言中最小的意义单位Just as a phoneme is the basic unit in the study of phonology, so is a morpheme the basic unit in the study of morphology。
Monomorphemic words 单词素单词2.2Types of morphemes 词素的类型2.2.1Free morphemes 自由词素The morphemes that are independent units of meaning and can be used freely all by themselves are called free morphemes。
Chapter 03 Morphology

3. The identification of words
Besides the three senses of “word” mentioned above, there are other factors which help us to identify words.
(1) Stability(稳定性): words are the most stable of all linguistic units, in respect of their internal structure. (2) Relative uninterruptibility (相对的不可隔断性): new elements are not to be inserted into a word even when there are several parts in the word. (i.e. outlaws, touch-menot) (3) A minimum free form: a word is the smallest unit which can constitute, by itself, a complete utterance.
According to their variability: variable and invariable words(可变化词和不变词)Variable words are those words which can take inflective endings; invariable words are those that cannot. According to their membership:c1osed- class and open-class words (封闭类词和开放类词) An close class is one whose membership is in principle fixed or limited. (封闭类:连介代冠) An open class is one whose membership is in principle indefinite or unlimited. (开放类:名动形副 数叹) Some newly introduced categories which are more precisely defined (P82-83): particles (小品词) auxiliaries (助动词) pro-forms (代词形式) determiners (限定词)
unit 3 Morphology

• 3.3 Derivational and inflectional morphemes
• Inflectional morphemes manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories such as “-s” in the word “books” to indicate plurality of nouns. -(e)s, indicating plurality of nouns. -(e)s, indicating third person singular, present tense. -(e)d, indicating past tense for all three persons. -ing, indicating progressive aspect. -er, indicating comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs. -est, indicating superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs. -‘s, indicating the possessive case of nouns.
• 3.5 Morphological rules of word formation
• 3.5.1 Compounds
• Compounding is to join two separate words to produce a single form.
• It is popular and important way of forming new words in English. In terms of morphemic analysis, derivation can be viewed as the addition of affixes to stems to form new words, and compounding the combination of two or sometimes more than two words to create new words.
Chapter 3 morphological structure

3.2 Morph (形素) The phonetic or 串 orthographic strings or 段、节 segments which realize morphemes are termed ‘morphs’. (体现词素的语音串和拼写字节)
morphemes are realized by single morphs like
morphemes are confined to suffixes.
grammatical meaning can they express?
tense, the comparative or superlative degree, possessive case…
3.1.1Definition of a morpheme:
is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms.
other words, the morpheme is ‘the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words.’ ( Crystal,
Free roots provide
(b) Bound roots: many Greek and Latin roots are bound.
-tain : contain, detain or retain, -ceive: conceive, deceive or receive.
词汇学morphological structure

r, uncurl the hair, undress the baby, uncork the bottle, unbutton the coat, unroll the map, undo the wrongs, unearth nd allomorph
it is a linguistic abstraction, a concept. It is a physical form representing some morphemes in a language. 行位放在大括号(braces)里来表示。如 用大括号括起来的{big}即代表行位,其语 音表现形式为/big/,其书写形式为big。 /big/和big即是行位的语音和书写的行位形 式。
words by themselves: cat,walk,kind,teach.
*Grammatical morphemes (bound morpheme 粘附行位)
may also be called affixes; affixes are segments that are
added to a root. as:cats,kindness,slowly,walking,translation
*dissimilar-- unlike; different不一样的;不同的 *dispossess:
to deprive (another) of the possession of something, such as re al property 夺取,霸占,剥夺(另一个人)的财产,如不动产

英语语言学2Morphology形态学word讲义.Chapter 3 Morphology形态学Nothing is more important to language than words.Words can carry meaning.Words are the fundamental building blocks of a language.So, is word the most basic or the minimal unit of meaning?If not, then what is?How words are formed?---morphology Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.as nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. and pronouns.New words can be added to open class words regularly with the development of human civilization.However, the number of closed class words is small and stable since few new words are added. 位)Word is the smallest free from found in language. Word can be further divided into smaller meaningful units---morphemes.the smallest unit of language that carries information about meaning or function. Words are composed of morphemes. Words may consist of one morpheme or more morphemes, e.g.1-morpheme boy, desire2-morpheme boyish, desirable3-morpheme boyishness, desirability4-morpheme gentlemanliness,undesir(e)abl(e)ity5-morpheme ungentlemanliness6-morpheme anti+dis+establish+ment+ari+an+ism Free morpheme----is one that may constitute a word (free form) by itself, such as bed, tree, sing, dance, etc.by themselves, such as ―-s‖ in ―dogs‖, ―al‖ in ―national‖, ―dis-‖ in ―disclose‖,―ed‖ in ―recorded‖,Some morphemes have a single form in all contexts, such as ―dog, bark, cat‖,etc.In other instances, there may be some variation, that is, a morpheme may have alternate shapes or phonetic forms. They are said to be the allomorphs of the morpheme.the plural morpheme may be represented by:map----maps [s]dog----dogs [z]watch----watches [iz]mouse----mice [ai]ox----oxen [n]tooth----teethsheep----sheepEach of the underlined part is called an allomorph of plural morpheme. Identify each of the major component morphemes.Classify these morphemes in terms of their contribution to the meaning and function of the larger word.Generally speaking, a complex word often consists of a root and one or more affixes. Root: constitutes the core of the word and carries the major component of its meaning. Roots typically belong to lexical categories such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and prepositions. Affix: is always a bound morpheme, and does not belong to a lexical category.Tree diagram (teach-er)V Afteach屈折词素the morphemes which change the category, or grammatical class of words, e.g. modern---modernize, length---lengthen, fool---foolish, etc.when derivational morphemes are conjoined to other morphemes, a new word is derived or formed--- may change grammatical classeg. light –lighten; nasal –nasalize;eat—edible; grave--engrave--- may not change grammatical classeg. net---internet; happy—unhappy;national—multinational; terror-terroristMany prefixes and suffixes belong to derivational morphemeseg. tele-phone; music-ianConsider: is there any prefix or suffix which doesn’t fall into derivational morphemes? Inflectional morphemes---- the morphemes which are for the most part purely grammatical markers, signifying such concepts as tense, person, mood, voice, case, number, aspect and degree;e.g.:1) number: tables apples cars2) tense: talk/talks/talking/talked3) case: John/John’s4) degree: large/larger/largestInflectional morphemes never change lexical category, never add any lexical meaning, free morpheme bound morpheme free root affix bound root (-ceive)derivational morpheme inflectional morphemeprefix suffixproductive morphological rulesSome of the rules can be used quite freely to form new words eg. un + derived words (adj.) = not ---adj. [un-Rule]unimaginable unthinkable; unmentionedunbrave (×)(un-rule more productive for adj. derived from verbs than for adj. of just one morpheme likesad---unsad??)eg. sincere---sincerity; scarce—scarcity [ity –Rule]fierce---fiercity (×)(ity-Rule becomes less productive than before)Word-formationeg. Derivational + free morphemesgirlish; reliable(stringing words together; juxtaposition of two or more than two words toform a new, composite one with distinct properties of its own) Adj. N. V. Prep.Adj. Bittersweet clearway whitewash blackoutN. Headstrong rainbow spoon-feed head-onV. Carryall pickpocket sleepwalk cutupPrep. Inborn off-licence undertake without1) two words in the same grammatical category, compound in this category;eg. landlord; bedroom; icy-cold;2) two words in different categories, compound in the class of second or final word; eg. pickpocket; headstrong; blackboard; swearwordcompound with preposition, nonpreposition part decideseg. undertake; uplift; overtake; oversee; overdoseexceptions: blackout ( n.) ; head-on (adv.);3) compounds have different stress patterns from non-compounded word sequence;e.g. 'blackbird & black 'bird;'washing machine'greenhouse & green 'house;red 'coat &'redcoat4) meaning of a compound not necessarily the sum of the meaning of its parts meaning of each compound includes at least to some extent the meaning of individual parts eg. reading room;a falling star; a looking glass (窥镜)meanings of compounds do not relate to the meanings of the individual parts at all eg. bigwig(要人,大亨); greenhorns (生手,不懂世故的人)highbrow(知识分子,自命不凡的人)/lowbrow(教养浅薄的人);turncoat变节者Conversion 转类构词(a change in the grammatical function of a word without adding or removing any part of it)Eg. a walk---to walk; a play---to playincrease (n.)--- increase (v.)conduct (n.) --- conduct (v.)I have no knowledge of the political dos and don’tsprocess of affixation. The word is not formed by adding a morpheme to a stem but by assuming a part of the stem as a suffix and removing it)Eg. editor --- edit; beggar --- begtelevision – televise; enthusiasm--- enthuse(adopting foreign words)--- loan-words借词 (retaining their original phonetic or even written forms)eg. bungalow (Hindi); spaghetti (Italian);veranda (Portuguese 阳台)bok choy (Chinese baice); alcohol (Arabic)( a direct translation of the foreign word into English)eg. superman ---Ubermensch (German)Kongfu (Chinese)( a reduction process in which a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form, often used in informal speech)Eg. ad--- advertisement; lab---laboratoryfan---fanatic; flu---influenza;math---mathematics(join the beginning of the first word to the end of the other words) Eg. smog (smoke + fog)brunch (breakfast + lunch)motel (motor + hotel)telecast (television + broadcast)(string together the initial letters of the words in a phrase, typically the names of technical apparatus and institutions, sometimes, the phrasal origin is lost )Eg. radar (radio detecting and ranging)AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) Coinage 创新构词(invention of totally new terms, least common, often brand names) eg. xerox; nylon; kleenex(面巾纸) Morphological rules provide means for forming new words, or coin new words (eg. hair spray, tea ceremony, space walk, etc.) Morphological rules may be productive or less productive (un-Rule) ;may become less productive with the passage of time (ity-Rule)。
morphological motivation例子 -回复

morphological motivation例子-回复什么是形态构词学,以及为什么它对语言学研究至关重要?形态构词学是语言学的一个分支,研究词的形态变化和构词规则。

Bound Morpheme
I. Definition: must be attached to another morpheme. II. Derivational morpheme A. may change syntactic class B. to form new (different) words C. examples: -able, -ex, un-, re-, -ness, etc. III. Inflectional morpheme A. Different forms of the same word (no new word added) B. Not change syntactic class (nor adding lexical meaning) C. To indicate aspects of the grammatical function of a word D. Only 8 kinds in English: -’s, -s (plural nouns), -ing, -ed/en, -est, -er, -s (S-V agreement)
Content Word & Function Words
Content word:
These are called open-class because speakers
can add new words to this class . These words denote concepts such as objects,action and attribute.
Morphology Structure of English Words

Morphology Structure of English WordsWords are the building material of vacabulary, then what have composed words?The answer is morphemes. The morpheme is the smallest meaningful lingustic unit of a language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms. This is just like what phonemes to a syllable. A word may be composed of one or more morphemes, such as: care( one morpheme), careful( two morphemes), carefully( three morphemes). A morpheme is a unit that consists of both sound and meaning, thus, it is different from a phoneme which only possesses sounding characteristic. A morpheme is not identical with a syllable,either, since the latter has nothing to do with meaning. A morpheme and a syllable are not necessarily correspond with each other in a word. A morpheme may be represented by one syllable, such as bid and desk, or by two or more syllables, as in berry, orange. So when we ananlyze a word, it isimpotant to have a clear understand of its morphemes after we kown how to utter it.A morpheme with the same symantic meaning may have different shapes and various forms in words. We call these different shapes and forms allomorphs of the same morpheme. Allomorphs are different in the way how they written or pronounced. For example, the plural form “s” indogs, cats and boxes are different phonological forms: /-s, -tz, -iz/ and the allomorphs –ion/-tion/-ation/-sion. When they form words, they do not differ in meaning but show a littlle differece in spelling depending on the last letter of the preceding word. Since allomorphs show no difference in meaning, it will give us a lot of convenience when we analyze a word.In order to make clear of the construction of words, we need to analyze the basic meaning uint of it-morphemes. Through the details we have above, we have known the difinition of morphemes. Then we should come to the classification of morphemes. Accoding to their degree of independence, morphemes can be divided into free and bound. A free morpheme is one that can be used alone with meaning, playing the role of a word. Namely, a free morpheme is a word in traditional sense. For example, boy, man, red. On the contrary, a bound morpheme can never be used alone. For instance, the past tense morpheme “ed”in words like, look+ed and share+ed. The bound morphemes are inflectional elements and affixes in most cases.We can either divided morphemes into roots and affixes. A root is a stable and main part of a word, and it contains the main meaning of the word. For instance, the root “write”in writes, writing, writed and writinghand. We can easily notice that each word has the a kind of semantical relationship with each other, for they share the basic semantic meaning of write. And roots can be further divided into free roots andbound roots. Free roots are free morphemes which can stand a meaning unit (as a word) alone by itself, such as sun, girl, man. A word consisting of one free root is a simple word. Free roots, just like simple words, belong to the basic word-stock, and play a very important role in forming new words in English. Different from free roots, bound roots in English won’t appear alone to convey meaning. They have to compound with other morphemes to form a meaningful word. Quite a number of roots derived from foreign sources, especially from Greek and Latin, belong to the class of bound morphemes, such as “quen” in words like frequent, consequent, sequent and “ceive” in conceive, receive, deceive. Such roots were once a word in its original language. Yet in modern English, they are no more words and cannot exisit on their own nor can they be used to form new words. But a root, no matter a free one or bound one, is the main meaningful part of a word. Having a good command of roots will be helpful when we endeavour to get the meaning of one new word.Affix has been given the definition that affix is a “collection term for the type of fomative that can be used only when added to another morpheme.” Therefore, affix can be treated as bound morphemes. They may be divided into inflectional and derivational types. The inflectional affix has a fixed number and relatively stable content. Inflectional affixs do not change meaning of the word when they are added to another word, nor do they change the class of that word. Main inflectional affix servesto express such meanings as plurality, tense, and the comparative or superlative degree. The difinition “derivational affix”comes from its function when it originates a new words after been added to a word. Many deriviational affixs have a specific semantic meaning; for instance, -er means the person with some qualities as in words like, teacher, painter, writer. And quite a number of other deriviational affixuform various words. The number of deriviational affix, although limited,is much larger than that of inflectional affixes. And the new kinds of deriviational affix has been cropping out all the time when the old ones drops out of use. The affix may be subdevided into preffix and suffix. Preffids are usually put ahead a word and suffix the opposite. We can group both preffix and suffix from teo aspect. The first one is from the angle of their linguistic origin. Native affixes are those that exisisted in English in the OE period or were formed from OE words, such as un-, il-, re-, over-,- ly, -er and –hood. Foreign affixes came as a part of loan words from foreign countries. The foreign ones were adoppted to make the formation of words more convenient. The second one is their productivity: affixes are called prouctive or living when they can be used to form new words. Those are no longer used to form new words are treated dead and unproductive.The classification of morphemes gives us another criterion when we classify word category, i,e. classification of words on a moephemic level.According to the number and types of morphemes a word contain, we can devide words into simple words derived words and compound words such as green house, forget-me-not and house wife.。

Word Structure: morphology
The Structure of Words: Morphology
Fundamental concepts in how words are composed out of smaller parts The nature of these parts The nature of the rules that combine these parts into larger units What it might mean to be a word
Basic Units
Remember that in phonology the basic distinctive units of sound are phonemes In morphology, the basic unit is the morpheme Basic definition: A morpheme is a minimal unit of sound and meaning
An Additional Point: Regular and Irregular
In the examples above, the different allomorphs have a distinct status. One of them is regular. This is the default form that appears in e.g. Wug-test environments. For other allomorphs, speakers simply have to memorize the fact that the allomorph is what it is. Example: It cannot be predicted from other facts that the plural of ox is ox-en. Demonstration: The regular plural is /z/; consider one box, two box-es. Or a Wug-test scenario. Default cases like the /z/ plural are called regular. Allomorphs that have to be memorized are called irregular.
unit 3 morphology

1983年,在阿斯彭国际设计大会的闭幕之际, 史蒂芬•乔布斯和他的好友一同埋下了一枚时光 胶囊。 众多与会者捐赠了诸如魔方,Moody Blues乐 队唱片等行行色色的物品。
不过因为这位苹果公司的已故联合创办人捐赠 了他在开会演讲时使用的丽莎鼠标,这个时光 胶囊也随之以“乔布斯时光胶囊”而闻名于世。 当年乔布斯在这个会议上就曾预言过许多未来 科技产品,包括iPad、无线网络,甚至还有苹 果应用商店。
tāo tiè jì yú kǒng zǒng chǎn mèi mào dié
饕餮 耄耋 觊觎 倥偬 谄媚
tāo tiè
号 虎 歹 食 偏旁部首
《辞海》中记载:饕餮 是“传说中的贪食的恶兽。古代钟鼎彝器上多 刻其头部形状作为装饰。 觊觎
词素 morphemes Undesirability Un + desire + -able + -ity
Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.
3.2 morphemes- the minimal units of meaning The most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morpheme. 词素
a: a stand-up collar 竖领 b: a walk-in closet 人可以走进去的大壁橱
The women have outgrown the jumpingonto-the-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era.
morphological processes1 (1)

Four Types of Morphological Processes
Affixation Modification Reduplication Clipping
1.Affixation definition:Affixation is, thus, the linguistic process speakers use to form different words by adding morphemes (affixes) at the beginning (prefixation), the middle (infixation) or the end (suffixation) of words etc. classification: According to the position of the affixes, it is divided into five major parts: prefixation, infixation, suffixation, circumfixation and transfixation. According to the meaning of the affixes, it can be divided into two branches: derivational affixation and inflectional affixation.
Morphological processes
1.The definition of a morphological process
2.Classifications of morphological processes pared with compounding, blending, coinage and acronyms 4.Questions
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Classification of morphemes
free morpheme
bound morpheme
faithful faith reddish red reader read rewrite write
Bound morpheme (or forms): a morpheme that can only exist when bound or combined with other morphemes, such as
re- in rewrite -tain in contain ment- in experiment edin worked
08词汇学week 3 Week 3 Morphological Structure of English Words
Classification of morphemes:
Affix: a bound morpheme added to another morpheme or
a groupLeabharlann of morphemes to form a new word or to provide grammatical information:
rewrite worker national nationalize difficulty worked contain, nationalization
Free and bound
Root: morpheme as the basic unchangeable part of a
word that conveys the main lexical meaning, such as
–write in rewrite teach- in teacher -tain in contain –ceive in receive free root: rewrite, teacher bound root: contain, receive
Week 3 Morphological Structure of English Words
2. Morphemes (词素) 3. Allomorphs (词素变体) 4. Classification of morphemes
Definition of word
minimal unit of sound and meaning that can be used freely in sentences
08词汇学week 3 Week 3 Morphological Structure of English Words
Allomorphs (词素变体)
1. Variant forms of a morpheme: plurality morpheme: /-s, -z, -iz/ noun morpheme: /-tion, ation, -ion, -sion/ 2. conditioned by its position or by adjoining sounds: im- as a prefix before p, b, m: imperfect, imbalance, immobile ir- as a prefix before –r: irresponsible, irreversible, irregular il- as a prefix before –l: illogical, illegal, illegible in- as a prefix before other consonants and vowels: inflexible, inexhaustible, inexcusable
1. Minimal Incapable of further segmentation without losing its meaning: desk, table
Incapable of segmentation without changing its meaning: worker, flower-pot 2. Units of sound and meaning: relationship between the two sides mostly arbitrary 3. Used freely: capable of being used either as an independent sentence or part of a sentence
08词汇学week 3 Week 3 Morphological Structure of English Words 2
Definition of morpheme (词素)
The smallest meaningful components of a word, e.g. workers ← work- + er- + -s 1. Smallest: incapable of further segmentation without losing its meaning: work-, -er, -s 2. Meaningful: two types of meaning Lexical meaning, which can be found in, e.g. work, er, etc. Grammatical meaning, which can be found in, e.g. –er, -s, etc.
08词汇学week 3 Week 3 Morphological Structure of English Words
Classification of morphemes: derivational affixes and inflectional affixes Derivational: an affix that helps form a new word rewrite worker contain national nationalize nationalization Inflectional: an affix that gives the grammatical meaning worked words doing taller
08词汇学week 3 Week 3 Morphological Structure of English Words 3
Allomorphs (词素变体)
Variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by its position or adjoining sounds
08词汇学week 3 Week 3 Morphological Structure of English Words
Classification of morphemes:
Prefix and suffix
prefix: an affix added before a morpheme or a group of morphemes rewrite contain suffix: an affix added after morpheme or a group of morphemes worker national nationalize nationalization
08词汇学week 3 Week 3 Morphological Structure of English Words 5
Classification of morphemes:
Free and bound
Free morpheme (or forms): a morpheme that can exist alone, such as
08词汇学week 3 Week 3 Morphological Structure of English Words 9
Classification of morphemes: more discussion about prefix and suffix
prefix: always derivational and carries the lexical meaning, e.g. rewrite suffix: may be derivational or inflectional derivational, carrying mainly the grammatical meaning, e.g. national (adj.), nationalize (verb), nationalization (noun), difficulty (noun), teacher (noun) Inflectional, carrying only the grammatical meaning, e.g. worked, teachers