Reasons on Juvenile Delinquency
从文章的布局和结构来看,依旧按照完型文章最为典型的总分对照结构,由总述句概括出一个中心主线,整篇文章围绕着这个中心主线展开,具体的文章结构和中心主线分析如下:本文采用了总分对照结构,文章的首句即为本文的总述句,直接定义出本文的核心主题:many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence.即本文主题是有关青少年犯罪的理论,而且这些理论主要分为两大类:一类侧重于个人因素的影响,另一类侧重于社会因素的影响。
在这里小编整理了考研英语阅读的50个重要词汇,希望可以帮到大家~1. authority 权威,当局Mexican authorities noticed a large number of hospitalizations and deaths among healthy adults.墨西哥当局注意到,在成年人中有大量人住院。
One authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control.一位权威人士说道,这些极其强大的精神事件不但可以约束,还可以有意识地进行控制。
2. equivalent 等价物The digital credential would be a voluntary trusted identity system that would be the high-tech equivalent of a physical key,a fingerprint and a photo ID card.该数字证书可以成为一个自愿受信身份系统,从而成为物理密钥、指纹以及身份证的高科技等价物。
3. alternative 替代物They tend to keep a tighter hold on their purse andconsider eating at home a realistic alternative.他们更愿意握紧自己的钱包,把在家吃饭作为一种现实的替代。
4. substitute 代替物Devoted concertgoers reply that recordings are no substitute for live performance.忠诚的音乐会爱好者回答道,唱片并不能`1代替现场表演。
考研英语阅读必须掌握的 50 个重要词汇1.authority 权威,当局Mexican authorities noticed a large number of hospitalizations and deaths among healthy adults.墨西哥当局注意到,在成年人中有大量人住院。
One authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control.一位权威人士说道,这些极其强大的精神事件不但可以约束,还可以有意识地进行控制。
2.equivalent 等价物The digital credential would be a "voluntary trusted identity" system that would be the high-tech equivalent of a physical key, a fingerprint and a photo ID card.该数字证书可以成为一个"自愿受信身份"系统,从而成为物理密钥、指纹以及身份证的高科技等价物。
3.alternative 替代物They tend to keep a tighter hold on their purse and consider eating at home a realistic alternative.他们更愿意握紧自己的钱包,把在家吃饭作为一种现实的替代。
4.substitute 代替物Devoted concertgoers reply that recordings are no substitute for live performance.忠诚的音乐会爱好者回答道,唱片并不能`1 代替现场表演。
大学英语作文-大学英语作文范文- 少年犯成年犯受到相同的处罚?
大学英语作文大学英语作文范文: 少年犯成年犯受到相同的处罚?少年犯是否应该和成年犯受到相同的处罚?题目要求:Should young criminals be treated in the same way as adults by authorities? This issue has been intensely discussed for years. The following are the supporters’ and opponents’opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your views on the issue.Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.YESIf our courts take a more lenient position, then the related laws and punishment will not have a deterring effect on teenagers. As a result, teenagers are likely to commit horrible crimes since they are aware that they have legal protection.Only by taking stern legal measures against these young criminals can we bring a number of misguided young people around to the right road.In some cases, the lighter sentences might also lead to people’s resentment towards the judicial system as victims might argue that these young offenders do not confess what they have done. This could also result in insecurity in our society eventually.NOThe circumstances of a crime and the criminal’s motivation should be taken into consideration when it comes to juvenile delinquency. For example, because of distress and hunger, some teens may turn to stealing food or robbery during the period of famine. In view of the above reasons, harsh punishment, such as long-term jail might not be the best solution.Some alternatives such as community service might be better for some young offenders who lack parenting and self-discipline to get a new start in their later life.Minors are likely to be given a better chance for rehabilitation when they commit crimes because of their inexperience of life and possibly better life prospects.审题思路:本题讨论少年犯是否应该和成年犯受到相同的处罚。
社会控制理论(Social control theory)On the causes of juvenile delinquency from the perspective of control theory[Author: Liu Yingjun, Qin Guowen posted: Hunan sociological network hits: 3378 update time: 2007-8-23 article entry: Admin]The judicial statistics of juvenile delinquency in China refers to crimes committed by minors between the ages of 14 and 18 and those aged 18 to 25. However, in the field of criminal sociology in China, the age standard is adopted, and the age is defined between 12 and 25 years. [1] since the late 70s, young male and female workers suddenly acquired an independent social life, and were no longer supervised by their families and work units.[2] so, since the reform and opening up, with the economic development and social progress, young people's growth conditions and growth environment continues to improve at the same time, it also faces a grim reality, some teenagers go astray crimes. According to relevant data, before the founding of new China to the "Cultural Revolution", the issue of juvenile delinquency is not prominent. However, since the "Cultural Revolution", the crime of young people has shown an upward trend, and remains high. According to statistics, the proportion of juvenile delinquency accounts for all criminal cases: in 1991 63.7%, 1992 61.1%, 1993 60.4%, 1994 58.3%, 1995 55.2%, 1996 51.1%, 1997 49.3%, 1998 47.4%. [3] in recent years, crimes committed by persons under the age of 25 have accounted for 70% of all criminal cases. If we take the age as the variable and take the ratio of all crimes as the independent variable, we can get a positive skewed graph by making a frequency distribution map. Therefore, juvenile delinquency has becomea hot issue in criminal activities during the transition period. In recent years, juvenile delinquency in China has shown the characteristics of crime, violence, crimes, the diversity of crimes, the diversification of crime areas, the younger age of crime and the function of criminal means. This has seriously endangered social order and social stability, and there is a trend of spreading. Therefore, young people have always been the most prominent social roles and groups in China, and the issue of juvenile delinquency has become the focus of theoretical workers, government decision-making departments and the whole society. Although the study of an immense number of books in China during the transition period of juvenile crime, but mostly the lack of comprehensive, systematic and comprehensive, for the prevention and control of juvenile crime really has the guiding significance and operability is not too much.Social control (theories) has always been an important paradigm to explain the causes of juvenile delinquency. As Parsons said, "the solution of the order problem can only be achieved through standardized control."." [4] control theory hypothesis is driven by social members (including individual, group and organization) is the motive of the crime, is a part of every member of the society of humanity, every member of the society is the society of potential criminals; if the social members indulge their own desires, will inevitably people crime is crime; due to suppress or control its power is not a crime caused by weak resources. The theory of genre in many crimes in the society, research and development of social control theory and the problems of juvenile crime accompanied, attempt is very important for the integration of control theory theoryconcerning the causes of juvenile delinquency has on the prevention and control of juvenile crime is a special social group, type of theoretical value and practical significance. The research on the reasons of juvenile delinquency by control theory has been going on for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to make a brief review of the research on the causes of juvenile delinquency in the theory of control.First, a brief review of "control theory"In the twentieth Century, especially from 1930s to 60s, with the emergence of criminal problems, a large number of scholars and schools of Sociology of crime emerged in the world, especially in the United states. Then, how to classify these characters and genres and fall into the category of control theory becomes a very difficult matter. Some Chinese and foreign scholars have studied it.In the modern history of western criminology, there are generally three different views on the classification of "control theory". The first view is that the control theory only includes Chris ray (Walter C.Reckless) and Hershey (Travis Hirschi) theory, people who hold this view is the main representative of AIKE Adams (Ronald L.Akers); another view is that control theory including ray Chris and Eysenck (Hans J.Eysenck) theory, a representative to the view of nattero (Gwinn Nettler) and American Seagal (Larry J.Siegel) in contemporary criminology; the third is that the control theory should include Billy (Arthur L.Beeley), Hershey, Rice (Albert Reiss), Tobey (Jockson Toby), Chennai (F.Ivan Nye), Chris Lei et al, who hold this view including Hershey, Pelfrey (WallianV.Pelfrey) et al; China's famous criminologist Jacky Wu in the "history" in the book of the western criminology also express。
Participating in sports frequently can boost people's confidence, which is important not only to the youth but also to the elderly.翻译2:依赖计算器会影响人的心算能力(mental arithmetic)。
Relying heavily on calculators will have a negative impact on mental arithmetic.过度依赖计算器可能会对人们的心算能力有负面影响,对孩子的智力发展有威胁。
The excessive reliance on calculators is likely to have an adverse impact on children's mental arithmetic and pose a threat to their intellectual development.翻译3:很多女孩都不愿意在男人居多的行业里(male-dominated world)找工作。
Many girls are not willing to seek employment in a male-dominated world.很多女孩不愿意在男人为大多数的行业找工作,因为她们会面临在高职位升迁中的阻碍。
Numerous women are unwilling to find employment in a male-dominated world because they can face barriers to top-level promotion翻译4:环境问题已经成为公众关心的焦点。
The environmental problem has become the focus of public concern.环境问题比如温室气体的发放已经成为公共关注的焦点,因此一些规则应该被实施来处理这些问题。
PPT courseware for understanding and preventing juvenile delinquency
共同犯罪、结伙 作案多,带有 “黑帮”性质的团 伙犯罪亦有增加 趋势。
严重犯罪较多, 作案手段比较野 蛮和凶残,往往 是不计后果。
位于内蒙古自治区赤峰市北部的巴林左旗,是一座去年刚退出 贫困旗县序列的小城。在这里,一群平均年龄仅为17岁的少年,在 短短两年内酿下数十宗暴力犯罪。
现年23岁的主犯王岭被控强奸29名女性,其中28人未成年,且 有10名被害人为14岁以下的幼女。赤峰中院一审判处王岭死刑。
Types of juvenile delinquency
03: 青少年犯罪原因分析
PPT courseware for understanding and preventing juvenile delinquency
Analysis on the causes of juvenile delinquency
刑事诉讼制度及其执行方 面存在的问题
我国修改后的《刑事诉讼法》,朝着民主化、法制化 的进程迈出了一大步,但仍存在一些缺漏和尚需进一 步完善的问题。但依然可能存在一部分人受到不公正 对待和遭受枉法追究,他们可能会因此产生逆反、继 而对社会进行抵抗甚至敌视的犯罪心理。对于青少年 来说,更容易产生这种心理。由此,加强对青少年犯 罪嫌疑人、被告人的权利保障,尽量减少对其羁押,
青少年犯罪事件频发的原因英语作文There are several reasons why juvenile delinquency is on the rise in recent years. One of the main reasons is the influence of peer pressure. Teenagers often feel the need to fit in with their peers, even if it means engaging in criminal activities. This desire to be accepted can lead them to make poor choices and engage in illegal behavior.Another factor contributing to the increase in juvenile crime is the lack of proper guidance and supervision from parents or guardians. Many teenagers come from broken homes or dysfunctional families where they do not receive the necessary support and guidance. Without proper role models to look up to, these teenagers may turn to delinquent behavior as a way to cope with their feelings of neglect or abandonment.Moreover, the easy access to drugs and alcohol also plays a significant role in the prevalence of juvenile crime. Teenagers who experiment with substances at a young age are more likely to engage in criminal behavior, as these substances can impair their judgment and lead torisky decisions. Additionally, the influence of popularculture, media, and social media can glamorize criminal behavior and make it seem like an attractive option for teenagers seeking excitement or rebellion.In addition, the lack of access to education and job opportunities can also contribute to juvenile delinquency. Many teenagers who come from disadvantaged backgrounds may feel like they have limited options for their future and turn to crime as a way to make money or gain status. Without proper support and resources, these teenagers may feel like they have no other choice but to engage inillegal activities.Overall, the increase in juvenile crime can beattributed to a combination of factors, including peer pressure, lack of parental guidance, substance abuse, societal influences, and economic disparities. Addressing these root causes and providing support and resources toat-risk youth is crucial in preventing juvenile delinquency and helping teenagers make positive choices for their future.青少年犯罪事件频发的原因有很多。
青少年犯罪事件频发的原因英语作文There are several reasons why juvenile delinquency is on the rise. Firstly, family instability and dysfunction can contribute to a lack of proper guidance and discipline for teenagers. When youths do not have positive role models or a stable home environment, they may be more likely to engage in criminal behavior. Additionally, peer pressure and influence from delinquent friends can also play a significant role in leading young people astray. Adolescents are at a stage in life where they are very susceptible to the influence of their peers, and if their friends are involved in criminal activities, they may be more likely to follow suit.Furthermore, socio-economic factors such as poverty and lack of access to education and employment opportunities can also contribute to juvenile delinquency. When young people feel that they have limited prospects for their future, they may turn to crime as a way to make ends meet or to gain a sense of power and control. Inadequate support and intervention from the community and government can also exacerbate these issues.In addition, the widespread availability of drugs and alcohol can contribute to delinquent behavior among teenagers. Substance abuse can impair judgment anddecision-making, leading to criminal acts that they may not have otherwise committed.Lastly, the media and popular culture can also have a significant impact on the behavior of young people. Exposure to violent or criminal content in movies, video games, and music can desensitize youths to the consequences of criminal behavior and may even glamorize it.以上是青少年犯罪事件频发的一些原因。
青少年犯罪的原因和解决办法英语作文Juvenile delinquency is a pressing issue that has plagued societies worldwide for decades. The causes behind this concerning trend are multifaceted and complex, rooted in a combination of social, economic, and psychological factors. As we strive to address this challenge, it is crucial to examine the underlying reasons for juvenile crime and explore effective strategies to mitigate its impact on our communities.One of the primary contributors to juvenile delinquency is the influence of the family environment. Children who grow up in dysfunctional or unstable households often lack the necessary guidance, support, and positive role models to develop a strong moral compass. Parental neglect, abuse, or the absence of a nurturing family structure can lead young individuals to seek alternative sources of belonging and validation, sometimes through involvement in criminal activities. Additionally, the socioeconomic status of the family can play a significant role, as poverty, limited access to resources, and the lack of educational and recreational opportunities can push adolescents towards illicit behavior as ameans of coping or gaining a sense of control.Another significant factor in juvenile delinquency is the influence of peer groups. Adolescents are particularly susceptible to the pressures and temptations of their social circles, and the normalization of deviant behavior within these groups can have a profound impact on an individual's choices. The desire to be accepted and to maintain status within a peer group can lead young people to engage in criminal acts, even if they do not necessarily align with their personal values. This peer pressure can be further exacerbated by the presence of gang activity in certain communities, where the promise of belonging, power, and material gain can lure vulnerable youth into a life of crime.The role of the education system in addressing juvenile delinquency cannot be overlooked. Schools play a crucial part in shaping the cognitive, social, and emotional development of young individuals. However, when schools fail to provide a nurturing and supportive environment, or when they are unable to effectively identify and address the underlying issues faced by at-risk students, the risk of juvenile delinquency increases. Inadequate resources, overcrowded classrooms, and a lack of comprehensive support services can contribute to a sense of disengagement and frustration among students, leading them to seek alternative outlets, some of which may be unlawful.Furthermore, the influence of media and popular culture on the attitudes and behaviors of youth cannot be ignored. The glorification of violence, criminal activities, and antisocial behavior in various forms of media, such as films, television shows, and video games, can have a desensitizing effect on young minds. This exposure can normalize and even romanticize deviant behavior, leading some adolescents to perceive it as an acceptable or even desirable way of life.In addressing the issue of juvenile delinquency, a multifaceted approach is essential. Strengthening family structures and providing comprehensive support services for families in need is a crucial first step. This may include parenting education programs, access to mental health resources, and community-based initiatives that foster positive family dynamics and parental engagement.Simultaneously, efforts should be made to enhance the role of the education system in preventing and addressing juvenile delinquency. This can involve implementing targeted intervention programs, such as mentorship initiatives, counseling services, and alternative learning environments that cater to the unique needs of at-risk students. Additionally, investing in teacher training and professional development to better equip educators with the skills to identify and support students who may be vulnerable to criminal behavior canhave a significant impact.The influence of peer groups and the prevalence of gang activity must also be addressed through community-based initiatives. Providing youth with constructive alternative activities, such as sports, arts, and vocational programs, can help divert their attention and energy away from harmful peer influences. Collaboration between law enforcement, social services, and community organizations can also be effective in disrupting the cycle of gang involvement and offering young people positive pathways for personal growth and development.Moreover, addressing the broader societal factors that contribute to juvenile delinquency, such as poverty, inequality, and lack of access to resources, is crucial. Investing in community development, affordable housing, and comprehensive social safety nets can help alleviate the socioeconomic pressures that often drive young individuals towards criminal behavior.Finally, the role of media and popular culture in shaping the attitudes and behaviors of youth cannot be overlooked. Promoting positive, diverse, and inclusive representations in media, as well as media literacy education, can help counter the normalization of violence and antisocial behavior. Encouraging the production and distribution of media content that showcases positive role models, healthyrelationships, and constructive problem-solving strategies can be a powerful tool in addressing the influence of media on juvenile delinquency.In conclusion, the issue of juvenile delinquency is a complex and multifaceted challenge that requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach. By addressing the underlying social, economic, and psychological factors that contribute to this problem, and by implementing targeted interventions that empower and support young individuals, we can work towards a future where our communities are safer, more inclusive, and better equipped to nurture the next generation of responsible citizens.。
如何看待青少年犯罪的英语作文Juvenile delinquency is a pressing social issue that has garnered significant attention in recent years. As the world becomes increasingly complex and the challenges facing young people grow more daunting, understanding and addressing this phenomenon is crucial for the well-being of our communities and the future of our societies. In this essay, we will explore various perspectives on juvenile delinquency, examining its underlying causes, the impact it has on individuals and communities, and the approaches that can be taken to address this pressing concern.At the heart of the issue of juvenile delinquency lies a complex interplay of societal, familial, and individual factors. One of the primary contributors to youth offending is the influence of the social environment. Young people who grow up in disadvantaged neighborhoods, where poverty, crime, and lack of access to resources are prevalent, are often more susceptible to engaging in delinquent behavior. The normalization of criminal activities within these communities can lead to a skewed perception of what is acceptable and can hinder the development of positive values anddecision-making skills.Another significant factor in juvenile delinquency is the role of the family. A dysfunctional family environment, characterized by abuse, neglect, or a lack of parental guidance and support, can have a profound impact on a young person's emotional and psychological well-being. When children do not receive the nurturing and stability they need, they may turn to delinquent activities as a means of coping or seeking attention and validation.Furthermore, individual factors, such as mental health issues, learning disabilities, and substance abuse, can also contribute to the likelihood of youth engaging in criminal behavior. These challenges can impair a young person's ability to make sound decisions, regulate their emotions, and navigate the complexities of adolescence, increasing the risk of involvement in delinquent acts.The consequences of juvenile delinquency can be far-reaching and devastating, both for the individuals involved and the broader community. Young offenders who become entangled in the criminal justice system often face significant barriers to rehabilitation and reintegration, leading to a perpetual cycle of offending and incarceration. This can have long-lasting impacts on their educational and employment prospects, as well as their overall well-being and personal development.Moreover, the impact of juvenile delinquency extends beyond the individuals involved. Communities that experience high rates of youth crime often struggle with issues such as increased fear, reduced sense of safety, and a decline in social cohesion. This can lead to a deterioration of the overall quality of life and hinder the community's ability to thrive and prosper.In addressing the challenge of juvenile delinquency, a multifaceted approach is essential. This involves addressing the root causes of the problem, such as improving access to quality education, providing comprehensive mental health services, and fostering strong family support systems. By investing in preventive measures and early intervention programs, we can work to divert young people from the path of delinquency and offer them the resources and guidance they need to make positive life choices.Additionally, the criminal justice system plays a crucial role in addressing juvenile delinquency. While punishment and incarceration may be necessary in some cases, a more restorative and rehabilitative approach can be more effective in addressing the underlying issues and helping young offenders reintegrate into society. This can include programs that focus on counseling, skill development, and community service, with the goal of addressing the root causes of their behavior and equipping them with the toolsto make better choices in the future.Ultimately, tackling the challenge of juvenile delinquency requires a collaborative effort involving various stakeholders, including policymakers, educators, social service providers, and community organizations. By adopting a holistic and compassionate approach, we can work to address the complex factors that contribute to youth offending and create a society that provides young people with the support and opportunities they need to thrive.In conclusion, juvenile delinquency is a multifaceted issue that demands our attention and collective action. By understanding the underlying causes, the far-reaching consequences, and the approaches that can be taken to address this challenge, we can work towards a future where all young people have the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute positively to their communities. Through a combination of preventive measures, early intervention, and a focus on rehabilitation and reintegration, we can strive to create a more just and equitable society that empowers and supports its youth.。
未成年人犯罪的原因和改善方法的英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Why Do Some Kids Break the Law and How Can We Help Them?Have you ever wondered why some kids your age get into trouble with the law? It's a serious issue that affects many families and communities. Let me tell you more about it.First, let's understand what juvenile delinquency is. It means when kids under 18 years old commit crimes like stealing, vandalism, or hurting others. These篇2The Problem of Kids Doing Bad ThingsMany grown-ups are worried these days about kids getting into trouble and breaking the law. They call it "juvenile delinquency" which is just a fancy way of saying kids doing bad or illegal things. It's a big problem that can really mess up a kid's life if they get caught up in it.There are a lot of reasons why some kids end up doing bad stuff and getting in trouble with the police. One of the biggest reasons is their family situation. If a kid's parents are always fighting, using drugs, or not giving them enough love and attention, that kid is a lot more likely to act out and get into trouble. They might join a gang to feel like they belong somewhere.Another major cause is poverty. Kids who grow up poor and don't have enough money for basic needs are under a lot of stress. They might turn to stealing, selling drugs, or other crimes just to get by and survive. It's not right, but it's easy to see why they make those bad choices when they are desperate.Peer pressure from friends is also a huge factor, especially for teenagers. If all your friends are skipping school, doing drugs, and shoplifting, it's really hard to be the one "good kid" who doesn't go along with the crowd. Many kids get pulled into delinquent behavior just to fit in.Schools that are overcrowded, underfunded, and have bad teachers can also contribute by failing to give kids a proper education and positive environment. Bullying is another issue - kids who get bullied a lot are more likely to lash out in destructive ways.Mental health problems like depression, anxiety, ADHD, and trauma can cause some kids to act out too. Their brains just aren't fully developed yet to control strong emotions and impulses.So those are some of the biggest reasons why juvenile delinquency happens. It's a complex problem without any easy solutions. But there are lots of things communities can do to help prevent it:First, we need to provide much better support and resources for struggling families through affordable housing, food assistance, job training, counseling, and more. Making sure kids grow up in stable, loving homes is key.Schools need more money to hire better teachers, reduce class sizes, update materials, and offer counseling, after-school activities, and tutoring. Fixing up rundown schools and eliminating bullying creates a positive environment for kids.Mental health services need to be easily available and affordable for all kids who need therapy, counseling, or medications to get their mental health issues under control. Taking care of the mind is just as important as the body.Communities should create more free or low-cost recreational centers, sports leagues, clubs, and after-school programs to give kids fun, constructive things to do when not in school. Keeping them active and engaged prevents them from getting bored and getting into trouble.And finally, we need more mentorship programs that allow responsible adults to provide guidance, support, and positive role models for kids from troubled backgrounds. Sometimes all it takes is one caring person to change a kid's life trajectory.Dealing with juvenile delinquency isn't easy, but it's so important. Young people who get caught up in crime often end up in juvenile detention centers or even adult prisons later. Their lives are derailed before they even really start. By attacking the root causes and giving kids more positive environments and role models, we can help them avoid that path and become productive, law-abiding members of society. Every child deserves that chance at a bright future.篇3Why Do Kids Break the Law and What Can We Do About It?Hey there! My name is Emma, and I'm a 10-year-old kid who loves learning about the world around me. Recently, I've beenthinking a lot about why some kids my age or a little older end up breaking the law and getting into trouble. It's really sad to see, and I want to understand why it happens so we can try to help prevent it.First of all, let's talk about what we mean by "breaking the law." It basically means doing something that's against the rules set by the government and society. Things like stealing, vandalizing property, skipping school, or hurting others physically or verbally. When kids do these kinds of things, it's called "juvenile delinquency."Now, why would a kid want to do something like that? Well, there could be lots of different reasons. Sometimes, it might be because they're having problems at home. Maybe their parents are fighting a lot, or there's abuse or neglect going on. When a kid doesn't feel safe and loved at home, they might act out in negative ways to get attention or escape their situation.Other times, it could be because the kid is struggling with things like poverty, hunger, or homelessness. When you're worried about having enough food or a safe place to sleep, it can be really hard to focus on doing the right thing. Some kids might turn to stealing or other illegal activities just to survive.Mental health issues can also play a role. Kids who are dealing with things like depression, anxiety, or trauma might have a harder time controlling their emotions and making good choices. They might act out in harmful ways without really meaning to.Peer pressure is another big factor. If a kid's friends are engaging in bad behavior, they might feel pressure to do the same in order to fit in or be accepted. It's tough to be the one kid who says "no" when everyone else is saying "yes."Sometimes, it's just a matter of not knowing any better. Kids who grow up in environments where crime and violence are the norm might not realize that there are better ways to live. They might think that breaking the law is just a normal part of life.So, those are some of the reasons why kids might get into trouble with the law. But what can we do to help prevent it? Here are a few ideas:Provide support and resources for struggling families. If kids are coming from stable, loving homes, they're less likely to act out in negative ways. Things like counseling, parenting classes, and access to affordable housing and food can make a big difference.Improve education and after-school programs. Kids who are engaged in learning and have positive activities to participate in are less likely to get into trouble. Good schools and fun, educational after-school programs can keep kids busy and out of trouble.Offer mental health services. If kids are struggling with issues like depression, anxiety, or trauma, they need access to counseling and therapy to help them work through those challenges in healthy ways.Promote positive role models and mentorship programs. When kids have caring adults in their lives who can guide them and set a good example, they're more likely to make good choices. Programs that pair kids with mentors can be really helpful.Teach conflict resolution and decision-making skills. Sometimes, kids get into trouble because they don't know how to handle conflicts or make good decisions. Teaching them these skills from a young age can help prevent problems down the road.Create safe, inclusive communities. When kids feel like they belong and have a sense of community, they're less likely to engage in risky or illegal behavior. Building strong, supportiveneighborhoods where everyone looks out for each other can make a big difference.Provide opportunities for fun and recreation. Kids need outlets for their energy and creativity. If they have access to things like sports teams, art programs, and community centers, they're less likely to turn to destructive or illegal activities out of boredom or restlessness.Those are just a few ideas, but I think they could really help. At the end of the day, we all want kids to grow up feeling safe, loved, and supported. When kids have their needs met and feel like they're part of a caring community, they're much less likely to turn to crime or violence.It's going to take a lot of work from parents, teachers, community leaders, and kids themselves, but I believe we can make a difference. We just have to keep learning, listening, and working together to create a better world for everyone.篇4Yes, certainly! Here is an essay of around 2000 words on the causes of juvenile delinquency and ways to improve it, written from the perspective of an elementary school student:Why Some Kids Break the Law and What Can Be DoneHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 10-year-old kid. I want to talk to you about something really serious that's been on my mind lately – kids breaking the law. You might be surprised that a kid like me is thinking about stuff like that, but the truth is, it's a big problem in our society and it affects all of us, even us kids.Now, you might be wondering, "Why do kids even break the law in the first place?" Well, there are actually a few different reasons. Let me break it down for you:Family ProblemsFor a lot of kids who get into trouble, it starts at home. Maybe their parents are going through a tough divorce, or there's violence or abuse happening in the family. Or maybe the parents just aren't around much because they're working all the time to make ends meet. Without that stable, loving home environment, some kids can start feeling really lost and alone, and they might turn to bad behaviors to fill that void.Peer PressureAnother big reason kids break the law is because of peer pressure. We all want to fit in and be accepted by our friends, right? But sometimes, our friends might be doing things that arewrong or illegal, like shoplifting, vandalism, or even doing drugs or drinking alcohol. If we're not careful, we can get pulled into doing those things too, just to feel like we belong.Lack of OpportunitiesIn some neighborhoods, there just aren't a lot of positive things for kids to do. Maybe there aren't any good after-school programs, or the parks and playgrounds are run-down or unsafe. Without healthy outlets and activities to keep us busy, some kids might start hanging out on the streets and getting into trouble instead.Mental Health IssuesDid you know that sometimes, kids break the law because they're dealing with mental health problems like depression, anxiety, or even trauma from past experiences? When kids are struggling with big emotional issues like that, it can lead them to act out in really negative ways.So those are some of the main reasons why kids might start breaking the law. But the good news is, there are things we can do to help prevent it and get kids back on the right track.First and foremost, we need to focus on strengthening families. Parents need support and resources to create stable,loving homes for their kids. Things like parenting classes, counseling, and even just having strong community centers where families can come together could make a big difference.We also need to provide more positive opportunities for kids, especially in neighborhoods that don't have a lot of resources. That means investing in things like after-school programs, sports leagues, art and music classes, and making sure there are safe parks and playgrounds for kids to enjoy. Keeping kids busy with healthy activities is key to keeping them out of trouble.Another important thing is teaching kids how to resist peer pressure and make good choices for themselves. At school, we could have special classes or workshops on buildingself-confidence and learning how to say no to our friends when they're doing something wrong.And finally, we need to get better at identifying kids who might be struggling with mental health issues or trauma, and get them the help and support they need. Having counselors and therapists available at schools could really help a lot of kids who are dealing with big emotional challenges.I know it sounds like a lot, but if we all work together – kids, parents, teachers, and the whole community – I really believe wecan make a difference and help kids stay out of trouble and on the right path.It's so important that we take this issue seriously, because breaking the law as a kid can lead to all sorts of problems down the road. Kids who get caught up in the juvenile justice system are more likely to drop out of school, have trouble finding jobs, and even end up in prison as adults. And that's just not fair –every kid deserves a chance to live a happy, successful life.So let's all do our part to understand why some kids break the law, and work together to provide the support, opportunities, and guidance they need to make better choices. Because at the end of the day, these are just kids – our kids – and they're counting on us to help them grow into responsible, law-abiding adults.What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas on this topic too. Together, I know we can create a brighter future for all kids!篇5Why Do Some Kids Break the Law and How Can We Help Them?Hi everyone! My name is Timmy and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to talk about something really serious - kids who break the law and get into trouble. It's a big problem that affects a lot of people, including other kids like me. I've seen some of my friends starting to act up and do bad things, and it makes me really sad. I want to understand why this happens and what we can do to stop it.From what I've learned, there are a bunch of different reasons why some kids end up committing crimes or getting involved with gangs and drugs and that kind of stuff. One major cause is having a bad homelife. If a kid's parents fight a lot, don't pay much attention to them, or even abuse them, that kid is going to feel really unloved and angry. They might act out or join a gang just to feel like they belong somewhere. It's really sad.Another big reason is poverty. Families who don't have much money often live in rougher neighborhoods with more crime and less opportunities. The kids see people selling drugs or joining gangs to make money, and they start thinking that's just how life is supposed to be. They might drop out of school and get mixed up in illegal activities because they don't see another way to get by.Then there are mental health issues like depression, anxiety, ADHD, and learning disabilities. Kids struggling with those kinds of problems have a much harder time in school and life in general. If they don't get the help and support they need, they can easily fall behind, get frustrated, and act out in destructive ways.Sometimes peer pressure plays a huge role too. If a kid's friends are skipping school, doing drugs, shoplifting, or whatever, it's really hard for that kid to resist going along with the crowd, even if they know it's wrong. Fitting in and being accepted by your friends is SO important at that age.There are a bunch of other factors too like exposure to violence, lack of positive role models, substance abuse in the family, undiagnosed trauma, and more. But the bottom line is that when kids feel unloved, unsupported, and like they have no future, they are way more likely to make bad choices that can ruin their lives.So what can we do to stop this cycle and help steer kids in a better direction? In my opinion, it starts with parents and families providing a loving, stable home environment. Kids need to know they are cared about and have someone they can talk to about their problems without judgment. Families should do funactivities together, celebrate successes, and just spend quality time bonding.Schools have a huge role to play too. They need to go beyond just teaching reading and math - they should also teach kids how to manage their emotions, build good character, resolve conflicts peacefully, and develop a positive mindset. Having counselors, social workers, mentoring programs and after-school activities can make a world of difference.The community is important too. We need more neighborhood watch groups, youth programs, job opportunities for teens, and safe spaces for kids to go instead of hanging out on the streets. Police should try to get to know the local kids and build relationships based on trust, not hostility.Lastly, I think we need to fight poverty and inequality with affordable housing, better paying jobs, food assistance, and accessible healthcare - both physical and mental. Giving families the resources to meet their basic needs can dramatically improve kids' life circumstances and outcomes.I know this is a really complicated issue with no simple solutions. But I truly believe if we can spread more love, invest more in our youth, rebuild our communities, and create more opportunities for ALL kids to have a brighter future - we can turnthings around. It's going to take a lot of hard work from parents, teachers, leaders and kids like me. But I'm committed to being part of the solution, because every child deserves to grow up feeling safe, supported and hopeful.What do you all think? I'd love to hear your perspectives on this really important topic. Let's work together to create a better world for ALL kids!篇6Why Do Some Kids Break the Law and How Can We Help Them?Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to talk about a serious topic that impacts kids my age –juvenile delinquency. That's when kids under 18 years old break the law by doing things like stealing, vandalizing property, or getting into fights. It's a big problem that can really mess up a kid's life if they get caught up in it.I've been learning about this in school and it's quite interesting to understand why some kids make bad choices like that. From what I've read, there are a few main reasons:Family ProblemsA lot of kids who end up breaking the law come from families where there are issues at home. Maybe their parents fight a lot, don't have much money, abuse drugs or alcohol, or just aren't around very much to keep an eye on the kids. Growing up in an environment like that with nobody to guide you right can make it really easy to get mixed up with the wrong crowd.Peer PressureSpeaking of the wrong crowd, another big cause is peer pressure. Maybe a kid's friends start ditching school, shoplifting, tagging walls with graffiti, or doing other illegal stuff. If you hang around people like that, they might pressure you to join in too so you can be "cool" like them. It's hard to resist that pressure when you're young.Mental Health IssuesSometimes kids act out in bad ways because they are struggling with mental health problems that haven't been properly diagnosed or treated. Things like depression, anxiety, ADHD, or trauma from bad experiences can cause kids to lash out angrily or make impulsive decisions without thinking through the consequences.No After-School ActivitiesIdle hands are the devil's playground, as they say! If kids have no positive after-school activities to keep them busy and out of trouble, it's easy for them to start hanging out on the streets and getting into mischief instead. Sports teams, clubs, art classes and such are important.Obviously, kids breaking the law is bad news. It can lead to них being arrested, getting criminal records that make it hard to get jobs later, dropping out of school, or even winding up in juvenile detention centers. Yikes! So what can we do to help steer kids away from that path?Support FamiliesProviding more support to struggling families is key. Things like affordable housing, food assistance, parenting classes, domestic violence protection, and substance abuse treatment can create more stable home environments for kids. Having a caring adult presence makes a huge difference.After-School ProgramsCommunities should invest in providing after-school programs and activities to give kids positive outlets. Recreation centers with sports, libraries with activities, art classes, tutoringprograms – having constructive things to do is so important to keep kids out of trouble.Mentor ProgramsAnother great idea is mentor programs that pair kids with positive adult role models. Having someone to look up to, connect with, and get guidance from can really help kids make good choices. Mentors can expose kids to new experiences too.Mental Health CareWe need more affordable, accessible mental health services for kids and families. Having counseling, therapy, support groups and such available can address issues early before они escalate to delinquent behavior. Every school should have counselors too.Community InvolvementGetting the whole community involved in supporting kids is important. Neighborhood watch programs, after-school activity volunteers, teen job opportunities – the more the community embraces its kids, the better. We're all in this together!。
The Root Causes of Juvenile DelinquencyJuvenile delinquency, a concerning social issue, often raises eyebrows and prompts questions about the underlying reasons. This essay delves into the possible causes of juvenile delinquency, exploring factors that contribute to this complex problem.Firstly, family background and upbringing play a crucial role in juvenile delinquency. Children raised in dysfunctional families, where there is a lack of parental supervision and guidance, are more likely to engage in delinquent activities. Parental neglect, abuse, or divorce can leave children feeling unsupported and disconnected, leading them to seek validation and acceptance through negative behaviors.Secondly, peer influence cannot be ignored. Adolescents are highly influenced by their peers, and they often seek approval and acceptance within their peer group. This peer pressure can lead them to engage in delinquent behaviors such as vandalism, theft, or even violence, simply to fit in or gain status.Thirdly, the influence of media and technology cannot be underestimated. With the widespread use of smartphones and the internet, young people are constantly exposed to content that glorifies criminal behavior or portrays violence as a means to solve problems. This constant exposure can influence their perceptions and lead them to believe that such behaviors are acceptable or even admirable.Lastly, societal factors such as poverty, unemployment, and a lack of educational opportunities can also contribute to juvenile delinquency. Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds may turn to delinquent activities as a means to survive or cope with their situations.In conclusion, juvenile delinquency is a complex issue that is influenced by a range of factors. To effectively address this problem, it is crucial to understand the underlying causes and to create a supportive environment that provides youth with the tools and resources they need to make positive choices. This includes strong family support, positive peer relationships, responsible media consumption, and access to education and employment opportunities. By addressing these root causes, we can hope to reduce juvenile delinquency and foster a safer, more positive future for our youth.。
1. "Juvenile"在最基本的含义上是指年轻的、未成年的或青少年的。
这个词常常用来描述芳龄较小的人或事物,比如"juvenile delinquency"指的是青少年犯罪。
2. 然而,在一些文学作品或者学术讨论中,"juvenile"也可以指的是某种特定的风格或者特征。
一部作品被描述为"juvenile literature",表示这部作品是针对青少年读者群体的。
3. 在动植物学或者生态学领域,"juvenile"也被用来描述生物的生长阶段。
"juvenile plants"指的是幼年阶段的植物,"juvenile form"指的是幼年阶段的动物形态。
有关电视媒体对青少年的重大影响的探析中英文对照Discussion on the TV media major impact on young peoplein Chinese and English一、电视媒体对青少年的负面影响The negative effects of a, the television media on Teenagers一是在行为上。
One is in action. The television screen violence and sex, become the object of imitation of some young people, is one of the important causes of juvenile delinquency. According to the theory of behavioral science, the behavior of an individual is influenced by the ideology, the ideology is inevitably affected by the outside information. Therefore, by violence submerged teenagers will be more or less violence awareness and violence. Large amount of violence in television, become the object of imitation of teenagers, induce young people to commit crimes. Hebei province up to a survey of 100 teenagers to commit that, many teenagers make replication is violent crime reference in a simple " ".二是在学习上。
大学英语三级A级分类模拟题281(总分105.5,考试时间90分钟)Translation1. Success which encourages repetition of old behavior,is not nearly as good a teacher as failure.A. 成功鼓励人们走老路子,所以和失败相比,没有太大的教育意义。
B. 成功鼓励人们走老路子,所以和失败相比,不是一个好老师。
C. 成功鼓励人们走老路子,所以和失败相比,或许不是一个好老师。
D. 成功鼓励人们走老路子,所以和失败相比,仍然有教育意义。
2. Great efforts should be made to inform the public of the terrible consequences of neglecting environmental protection.A. 公众已经在了解保护环境的结果上做了很大努力。
B. 应大力向公众宣传忽视环境保护的可怕后果。
C. 应花大力气通知公众忽视环境保护的可怕后果。
D. 人们已经在向大众宣传保护环境的结果上做了很大努力。
3. The colleges should get their students out of the ivory tower and have their courses meet the needs of society.A. 学院应该让他们的学生脱离象牙塔,让他们的课程遭遇社会的需求。
B. 学院应该让它们的学生走出象牙塔,让它们的课程适应社会的需求。
C. 学院不应该让他们的学生留在象牙塔里,应该让学生的课程与社会的需求相一致。
D. 学院应该让他们的学生摒弃象牙塔,让他们的课程符合社会的需求。
4. A careers adviser provides information, advice and guidance to help people make realistic choices about their education, training and work.A. 职业顾问向人们提供信息和咨询,并给予指导,帮助人们规划他们的教育培训和职业。
On Juvenile Delinquency
On Juvenile DelinquencyOn Juvenile Delinquency青少年犯罪 On Juvenile Delinquency 青少年是祖国的未来希望,正确引导青少年的人生观和培养造就一批21世纪的`栋梁之才是立足当前着眼未来的一件于秋大事。
Young boys andgirls are the future of our country. It is an unremmitting task of great significance that we properly guide our youths, educate and train them so that they form a sound outlook of life and bee the pillar of the state in the 21century. 然而,当前青少年违法犯罪率在直线上升,这不仅直接危害了青少年本人和其家庭,给社会治安带来不稳定因素,而且关系到祖国的前途和命运,因此,如何预防青少年违法犯罪刨设良好的社会环境就成为摆在我们面前的一项重大课题。
However, there has been a sharp increase in juvenile delinquency, which means great harm not only to the youngsters and the families concerned but also to the destiny and prospects of our nation. For this reason, it is a to//.fwsir./picmitting transgression and crimes. 青少年违法的主要原因有以下四个方面 1社会原因。
What constitutes the four major factors leading to juvenile delinquency the society,families, schools and the psychological phsiological conditions of the youths. 而我们需要做的是1、强化家庭教育功能,明确家庭教育责任。
不良行为的英语作文关于”青少年不良行为“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Juvenile delinquency。
高分英语作文1:Juvenile delinquencyThe divorce rate of drug addicts is getting higher and higher. Growing up in a single parent family, there are psychological problems. The school and societythat feel lost should be responsible, lack of self-control and self-restraint, unable to resist the temptation of drugs and bee the victims of drug dealers.Therefore, their academic achievements should be strictly reviewed.中文翻译:离婚率越来越高,在单亲家庭长大,心理出现问题,感到迷失方向的学校和社会应该负责任,缺乏自我控制和自我约束,无法抵挡的而沦为毒贩的受害者,应对其学业成绩进行严格的。
万能作文模板2:青少年犯罪Today, the whole world is paying attention to agers, and people pay special attention to them, because they represent the future of a country. However, it is afact that agers are easy to go wrong. So we can see news about juvenile delinquency from time to time.Teenagers are not familiar with each other. People should help them to prevent them from mitting crimes. On the one hand, families are very important to agers An important and harmonious family atmosphere will guide agers to grow up healthily.If parents always fight with each other, negative effects will appear on agers. They will have a distorted concept of the world. It is reported that most juvenile criminals grow up in such an environment and bee an unhappy family.Therefore, parents have the responsibility to build a happy home for their children On the other hand, the whole society has the responsibility to help prevent juvenile delinquency. Schools should set up law courses to let students know what will happen if they break the law. TV programs should limit violent scenes.Therefore, if negative behaviors are implanted into agers' consciousness, agers should have a bright future. They are the hope of the country, so parents and the whole society have the responsibility to protect them People.中文翻译:今天,全世界都在关注青少年,人们特别关注青少年,因为他们代表着一个国家的未来,但是青少年容易走错路是一个事实,所以我们可以时不时地看到有关青少年犯罪的新闻,而青少年是不成熟的,人们应该帮助他们防止他们犯罪犯罪一方面,家庭对青少年非常重要和谐的家庭氛围会引导青少年健康成长,而如果父母总是互相争斗,负面影响就会显现在青少年身上,他们会对这个世界产生扭曲的观念,据报道,大多数青少年罪犯都是在这样的环境中成长的一个不幸福的家庭所以父母有责任为他们的孩子建立一个幸福的家庭另一方面,全社会都有责任帮助防止青少年犯罪学校应该开设法律课,让学生知道如果他们会发生什么电视节目应该限制暴力镜头,因此,消极行为植入青少年意识中,青少年应该有一个美好的未来,他们是国家的希望,所以家长和整个社会都有责任保护他们。
Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency
Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories ___1___ on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior ___2___ they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through ___3___ with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in ___4___ to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status, ___5___ as a rejection of middle-class values.Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, ___6___ the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes ___7___ lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are ___8___ to criticism.Changes in the social structure may indirectly ___9___ juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that ___10___ to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment ___11___ make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting discontent may in ___12___ lead more youths into criminal behavior.Families have also ___13___ changes these years. More families consist of one parent households or two working parents; ___14___, children are likely to have less supervision at home ___15___ was common in the traditional family ___16___. This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates.Other ___17___ causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased___18___ of drugs and alcohol, and the growing ___19___ of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act, ___20___ a direct causal relationship has not yet been established.1. [A] acting [B] relying [C] centerin [D] cementing2. [A] before [B] unless [C] until [D] because3. [A] interaction [B] assimilation [C] cooperation [D] consultation4. [A] return [B] reply [C] reference [D] response5. [A] or [B] but rather [C] but [D] or else6. [A] considering [B] ignoring [C] highlighting [D] discarding7. [A] on [B] in [C] for [D] with8. [A] immune [B] resistant [C] sensitive [D] subject9. [A] affect [B] reduce [C] check [D] reflect10. [A] point [B] lead [C] come [D] amount11. [A] in general [B] on average [C] by contrast [D] at length12. [A] case [B] short [C] turn [D] essence13. [A] survived [B] noticed [C] undertaken [D] experienced14. [A] contrarily [B] consequently [C] similarly [D] simultaneously15. [A] than [B] that [C] which [D] as16. [A] system [B] structure [C] concept [D] heritage17. [A] assessable [B] identifiable [C] negligible [D] incredible18. [A] expense [B] restriction [C] allocation [D] availability19. [A] incidence [B] awareness [C] exposure [D] popularity20. [A] provided [B] since [C] although [D] supposing答案精解1.[C] centering on 意为:以…为中心/重点”,act on(按照…行事);rely on(依赖于);comment on(评论、评述)。
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Reasons on Juvenile Delinquency
In 2001, in Kanagawa-kenJapan, two junior high students kept battering eight teachers for an hour because they were unsatisfied with their patientpersuasion. In that case, two teachers got jaw-fracture;
a pregnant teacher nearly suffered abortion. However, surprising news never stops shocking people. In a robbery in Hefei, Anhui province, 18defendants, except for the 19-year-old leader, were all minors!
Statistics shows that the rate of crimes of teenagers between 14 and 16 increased from 11.42% in 1999 to 15.09% in 2003.On the other hand, the rate of crimes of teenager between 16 to 18 keeps at 29.15%. Juvenile Delinquency has raised concern both national and international. The whole society is exploring the reasons on juvenile delinquency.
In this situation, careful studies indicate that there are mainly four factors for Juvenile Delinquency: teenagersthemselves, family, school and society.
The quality of a teenager is a determining factor for juvenile delinquency. According to a study (2009) conducted by Jin cheng, a professor of China Criminal Police College, “teenagers with lower secondary education or less consists of 47.3% of the whole criminal me mber.” It is apparent that the lack of basic characters can lead to juvenile delinquency.
Family is another area that has profound effects on juvenile delinquency.“Children who suffered cruelty in their childhood are more likely to step on the road lead to crime” according to Simon Cole, a criminologist at the University of California. However; parents don’t have enough awareness about that. Thus,unharmonious family relationship results in the juvenile delinquency.
School also hasan unshirkable responsibility for juvenile delinquency.
First of all, most schools emphasize too much on enrolment rate and care little about the psychological health of students. Meanwhile, many schools lack careful consideration on students with penalty. And more often than not, they lose heart, and give up educating them any longer. In addition, legal education is limited and is not in place.
Society also can’t escape the censure for juvenile delinquency.The horriblesocial phenomenonsuch as "yellow", "gray" and "black" pollution (which is known as "trichromatic pollution") have serious effects on teenagers. Statistics shows that 79.3% of delinquent teenagers have ever touched those unhealthy social cultures. Furthermore, Law of criminal procedure has its own drawbacks and in terms ofexecution, it also has some barriers which need improving.
To conclude, juvenile delinquency is not simply the criminal’s fault but himself, hisfamily, his school and even the society’s responsibility.Thus, it is the high time that juvenile delinquencybecame the international focus.。