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瓦釜雷鸣 瓦釜(fǔ):沙锅,比喻庸才。 声音低沉的沙锅发出雷鸣般的响声。比 喻无德无才的人占据高位,威风一时。 犹如“小人得志”、“庸才显赫”。 出处——《楚辞〃卜居》:“黄钟毁弃, 瓦釜雷鸣。” the unworthy people were influential and in high places
Examples 负笈 (jí )(背着书箱到远处去求学) study 付梓 (fù zǐ)(印刷) be published
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Examples 戛戛独造 (jiá) ( 形容文章别出心裁,富有独创精神) one’s own original creation 圭臬 (guī niè)(规则;法度) standard
Improve your English
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Now you’re talking. 你这才叫人话。 你到底说了和我意的话了。 That's sure to be a real gas. 那实在是好玩的事。
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• • • • • •

嗳暧姝姝于一先生之言 (ài shū) be self-satisfied with what we’ve learnt from only one master 嚆矢 (hāo shǐ) (响箭。因发射时声先于箭而到,故常 用以比喻事物的开端。先声。) be the earliest one
bandwidth blue tooth microwave supermarket splashdown white-collar
Eight Ways in Translation of Words
• brain trust • bottle-neck • brain drain • Ecstasy • It is more than transient everydayness. • 这远非一时的柴米油盐问题。
Improve your English and Chinese
Improve your English
Examples • • • • • • • • I’ll buy it. 我不懂。 请告诉我。/我洗耳恭听。 (Just) imagine it. 不可能。/想不到。/你就想去吧! You’re telling me. 我早知道了。 还用你告诉我。
英汉翻译技巧 English Translation Skills
2011年第1学期 张弢
Unit Six
Warm-Up ——词的速记与速译
• • • • • • • • • •
皮草 Fur 喇叭裤脚 Bell bottom 露背装 Backless dress 羽绒服 Down jacket 成衣 Ready-made clothes
Eight Ways in Translation of Words
Pictographic Translation

H-beam O-ring U-steel V-belt X-brace Y-curve

工字梁 环形圈 槽钢 三角背带 交叉支撑 叉形曲线
The End
Baidu Nhomakorabea
Eight Ways in Translation of Words
• boomer • cybercafé • smart card • win-win
Eight Ways in Translation of Words
• • • • • •
练习与答案 • 我们有一些基本的设备,如羽绒服、登山靴 和登山绳。 • We have some basic things such as a down jacket, climbing boots, and climbing rope. • 这件白色露背礼服和你的风格和肤色十分相 配。 • The white backless dress goes perfectly with your style and skin color.
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• John can be relied on, he eats no fish and plays the game. • The security council has been seized of
the question since then.
Eight Ways in Translation of Words
• To kill sb. as an example. • 杀鸡给猴看,杀一儆百 • Please withhold the handout. • 请不要发这些材料。 • The same is not true with a mortal illness. • 如果是得了不治之症,情况就不一样了。
Watch and Guess
My best feature, so I am told. We bought the pub and built it up from nothing. I mean, we are flying. I’m glad to see you’re finally on board. So long.
Eight Ways in Translation of Words

redshirt swan song Blue brick mindlessness togetherness
• so subtle and careful an observer • 以为如此精细的观察者 • his mendacity and dishonesty • 他的狡诈 • a grim and tragic Christmas • 一个惨淡的圣诞节 • The body and mind cramped by work. • 有害工作造成的身心困顿
Come, come! don’t be so devilishly sulky: it’s boyish. 得,得,也用不着那样的不开心,这完 全是孩子气。 Why, man, you’re a genius, a master of masters. 哎,先生,你真是个天才,大师中的大 师(圣人中的圣人)。
Improve your Chinese
Examples 弋获 (泛指擒获;射得;获得) if you want to gain anything,….. 泰斗 a renowned master 执牛耳者 the acknowledged leader
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Eight Ways in Translation of Words
Transliteration • • • • • • bungee calorie Citroen clone domino euro • • • • • • hacker internet pizza quinine The Times Wall Street
练习与答案 • 她肩上披着一张银狐皮。 • She was wearing a silver fox fur across her shoulders. • 给我看看那条喇叭裤行吗? • Would you show me the bell-bottom pants? • 你们有适合我穿的现成的衣服吗? • Do you have any ready-made clothes that will fit me?