婚礼相关英文单词&词组Wedding ceremony ['wedɪŋ] ['seriməuni]结婚典礼Wedding reception ['wedɪŋ][ri'sepʃən]婚宴Register office ['redʒistə] ['ɔfis, 'ɔ:-]结婚登记处Trousseau ['truːsəu]嫁妆Usher ['ʌʃə]引宾员V ows [vaus]婚誓Say one's vows 立下婚誓Wedding day 举行婚礼的日子Wedding anniversary [,æni'və:səri]结婚周年纪念日bride [braid]新娘bridegroom or groom [ɡru:m]新郎officiator [ɔfi'keitə]主婚人pastor ['pɑ:stə]牧师groomsman ['ɡruːmzmən]伴郎bridesmaid ['braɪdzmeɪd]伴娘honeymoon ['hʌnimu:n]蜜月wedding dress [dres]婚纱、结婚礼服wedding ring [riŋ]结婚戒指wed in a civil ceremony ['sivəl]民间的,有礼貌的登记结婚marriage certificate ['mæridʒ] [sə'tifikeit] 结婚证guest [ɡest] 来宾marriage after divorce [di'vɔ:s]离婚再婚wedding march [mɑ:tʃ]进行曲婚礼进行曲mixed marriage [mikst] 混合,弄混异族通婚truss [trʌs] 桁架flower ['flaʊə] 鲜花cloth [klɔθ] 布结婚周年表达Paper wedding ['peipə] 纸,纸做的纸婚一周年Tin wedding [tin] 锡锡婚十周年Crystal wedding ['kristəl]水晶水晶婚15周年China wedding 搪瓷婚20周年Silver wedding ['silvə] 银的银婚25周年Pearl wedding [pə:l]珍珠珍珠婚30周年Ruby wedding ['ru:bi]红宝石红宝石婚40周年Sapphire wedding ['sæfaiə]蓝宝石蓝宝石婚45周年Golden wedding ['ɡəuldən]金色的金婚50周年Emerald wedding ['emərəld]翡翠翡翠婚55周年Diamond wedding ['daiəmənd]钻石钻石婚60-70周年百年金钻。
30条英汉互译经典情感语录:爱不是占有,而是欣赏 1、Lovemakesyoursoulcrawloutfromitshidingplace.爱让你的灵魂不再躲藏2、Whenyoulookatme,whenyouthinkofme,Iaminparadise.你望着我,想着我时,我仿若身在天堂。
8、Love'samaladywithoutacure.?爱是一种不治之症9、Loveisbeingstupidtogether.爱就是一起犯傻10、Iwillpartwithanythingforyoubutyou.为你舍得了全世界,却舍不下你11、Loveiswhenthedesiretobedesiredtakesyousobadlythatyoufeelyou coulddieofit.渴求被对方需要的念头热切得让人痛苦,这就是爱。
(一)中国结(the Chinese knot)最初是由手工艺人(craftsman)发明的,经过数百年不断改进(constant improvement),已经成为一种优雅多彩的艺术和工艺(elegant and colorful arts and crafts)。
在古代,人民用它来记录事件(be used to record events),但是现在主要用于装饰的目的(for decorative)。
“结”在中文里意味着爱情、婚姻和团聚(marriage and reunion),中国结常常作为礼物交换(be changed as gifts)或作为饰品(as ornaments)求好运(pray for good luck)和辟邪(ward off evil spirits)。
这种形式的手工艺代代相传(be handed down from generation to generation),现在已经在中国和世界给的越来越受欢迎(become increasingly popular)。
The Chinese knot was originally invented by some craftsmen.After several hundred years of constant improvement,it has become a kind of elegant and colorful arts and crafts.In ancient times,it was used to record events,but now mainly used for decorative purpose.Knot in Chinese means love,marriage and reunion,Chinese knot are often exchanged as gifts or as ornaments to pray for good luck and ward off evil spirits.Handed down from generation to generation,this form of handicrafts has now become increasingly popular in China and all over the world.(二)现在,有些教师和家长总会遇见个别孩子沉溺于电脑网络等虚拟世界难以自拔的情况,他们常常把上网聊天等当做自己每一天的“必修课”,而且投入的精力越来越多。
marriage课文翻译marriage课文翻译marriage,意为婚姻,结婚,各位同学,下面是marriage课文翻译,请看:marriage课文翻译marriage课文1 “Conventional people,” says Mr. Bertrand Russell, “like to pretend thatdifficulties in regard to marriage are a new thing.” I could not help wondering, as I read this sentence, where one can meet these conventional people who think, or pretend to think, as conventional people do. I have known hundreds of conventional people, and I cannot remember one of them who thought the things conventional people seem to think. They were all, for example, convinced that marriage was a state beset with difficulties, and that these difficulties were as old, if not as the hills, at least as the day on which Adam lost a rib and gained a wife. A younger generation of conventional people has grown up in recent years, and it may be that they have a rosier conception of marriage than their ancestors; but the conventional people of the Victorian era were under no illusions on the subject. Their cynical attitude to marriage may be gathered from the enthusiastic reception they gave to Punch?s advice to those about to marry -“Don?t.”2 I doubt, indeed, whether the horrors of marriage were ever depicted morecruelly than during the conventional nineteenth century. The comic papers and music-halls made the miseries a standing dish. “You can always tell whether a man?s married or single from theway he?s dressed,” said the comedian. “Look at the single man: no buttons on his shirt. Look at the married man: no shirt.” The humour was crude; but it went home to the honest Victorian heart. If marriage were to be judged by the songs conventional people used to sing about it in the music-halls, it would seem a hell mainly populated by twins and leech-like mothers-in-law. The rare experiences of Darby and Joan were, it is true, occasionally hymned, reducing strong men smelling strongly of alcohol to reverent silence; but, on the whole, the audience felt more normal when a comedian came out with an anti-marital refrain such as:O why did I leave my little back room In Bloomsbury,Where I could live on a pound a week In luxury(I forget the next line). But since I have married Maria,I?ve jumped out of the frying-pan Into the blooming fire.3 No difficulties? Why, the very nigger-minstrels of my boyhood used to opentheir performance with a chorus which began:Married! Married! O pity those who?re married. Those who go and take a wife must be very green.4 It is possible that the comedians exaggerated, and that Victorian wives were notall viragos with pokers, who beat their tipsy husbands for staying out too late. But at least they and their audiences refrained from painting marriage as an inevitable Paradise. Even the clergy would go no farther than to say that marriages were made in Heaven. That they did not believe that marriage necessarily ended there is shown by the fact that one of them wrote a “best-seller” bearing the title How to Be Happy Though Married.5 I doubt, indeed, whether common opinion in any age has ever looked onmarriage as an untroubled Paradise. I consulted a dictionary of quotations on the subject and discovered that few of the opinions quoted were rose-coloured. These opinions, it may be objected, are the opinions of unconventional people, but it is also true that they are opinions treasured and kept alive by conventional people. We have the reputed saying of the henpecked Socrates, for example, when asked whether it was better to marry or not: “Whichever you do, you will repent.” We have Montaigne writing: “It happens as one sees in cages. The birds outside despair of ever getting in; those inside are equally desirous of getting out.” Bacon is no more prenuptial with his caustic quotation: “He was reputed one of the wise men that made answer to the question when a man should marry: ?A young man not yet; an elder man not at all.?” Burton is far from encouraging! “One was never married, and that?s his hell; another is, and that?s his plague.” Pepys scribbled in his diary: “Strange to say what delight we married people have to see these poor folk decoyed into our condition.”6 The pious Jeremy Taylor was as keenly aware that marriage is not all bliss.“Marriage,” he declared, “hath in it less of beauty and more of safety than the single life - it hath more care but less danger; it is more merry and more sad; it is fuller of sorrows and fuller of joys.” The sentimental and optimistic Steele can do no better than: “The marriage state, with and without the affection suitable to it, is the completest image of Heaven and Hell we are capable of receiving in this life.” 7 Rousseau denied that a perfect marriage had ever been known. “I have oftenthought,” he wrote, “that if only one could prolong the joy of love in marriage we should have paradise on earth. That is a thing which has never been hitherto.” Dr. Johnson is not quoted in the dictionary; but everyone will remember how, devoted husband though he was, he denied that the state of marriage was natural to man. “Sir,” he declared, “it is so far from being natural for a man and woman to live in a state of marriage that we find all the motives which they have for remaining in that connexion and the restraints which civilised society imposes to prevent separation are hardly s ufficient to keep them together.”8 When one reads the things that have been said about marriage from onegeneration to another, one cannot but be amazed at the courage with which the young go on marrying. Almost everybody, conventional and unconventional, seems to have painted the troubles of marriage in the darkest colours. So pessimistic were the conventional novelists of the nineteenth century about marriage that they seldom dared to prolong their stories beyond the wedding bells. Married people in plays and novels are seldom enviable, and, as time goes on, they seem to get more and more miserable. Even conventional people nowadays enjoy the story of a thoroughly unhappy marriage. It is only fair to say, however, that in modern times we like to imagine that nearly everybody, single as well as married, is unhappy. As social reformers we are all for happiness, but as thinkers and aesthetes we are on the side of misery.9 The truth is that we are a difficulty-conscious generation. Whether or not wemake life even more difficult than it would otherwise be by constantly talking about our difficulties I do not know. Isometimes suspect that half our difficulties are imaginary and that if we kept quiet about them they would disappear. Is it quite certain that the ostrich by burying his head in the sand never escapes his pursuers? I look forward to the day when a great naturalist will discover that it is to this practice that the ostrich owes his survival.marriage翻译婚姻罗伯特·林德1伯特兰·罗素先生说:“凡人百姓喜欢假装说婚姻中遇到的困难是新鲜事。
Take you, to be my wife ,my partner in life and my one true love .
I will cherish our ship and love you today ,tomorrow, and forever.
I will trust you and honor you .I will laugh with you and cry with you .
Diamond Wedding---80年
White gold wedding---70年 Diamond wedding---60年 Golden wedding---50年
Ruby wedding---40年 Pearl wedding---30年 Silver wedding---25年 Porcelain wedding---20年 Tin the wedding---10年
整一定社会的婚姻关系的法律规范的总和,是 一定社会的婚姻制度上的集中表现。)
❖ Marriage requires conditions(
结婚要具备的条件)1.男性法定结婚年龄22周 岁,女性法定结婚年龄20周岁。(禁止结婚) 1.直系血亲和三代以内的旁系血亲2ment of marriage (经营婚姻)
The decathlon we run a marriage (经营婚姻的十项全能)
① accommodation (迁就)
② Tolerance(容忍)
To yield (屈服)
To adapt to (适应)
无论是两家的父母还是他们的兄弟姐妹,叔叔阿姨,都有任何权利干涉他们的生活- 那是他们最重要的人。
家庭关系、称谓祖先ancestor代generation血统,后辈,后代descent后辈,子孙offspring夫妻couple父母亲parents丈夫husband妻子wife父亲father母亲mother男的male女的female单身single孩子child儿子son女儿daughter领养的adopted child (foster) 兄弟brother姐妹sister双胞胎twin(外)祖父母grandparents (外)祖父grandfather(外)祖母grandmother奶奶,外婆grandma奶奶,姥姥granny爷爷,外公grandpa岳父,公公father-in-law岳母,婆婆mother-in-law女婿son-in-law儿媳daughter-in-law大伯子brother-in-law继父stepfather继母stepmother叔,伯,舅,姑夫,姨夫uncle姨妈,姑妈,婶母,伯母,舅母aunt 侄儿,外甥nephew侄女,外甥女niece堂(表)兄弟姐妹cousin名字first name (given name)姓氏last name (family name) 亲属,家人folk女孩girl男孩boy 产儿newborn baby婴儿baby吃奶的孩子sucking亲戚relationship主人master女主人,女能人,情妇mistress鳏夫widower产妇lying-in woman寡妇widow孤儿orphan未婚夫fiance未婚妻fiancee第三者,第三方thirdparty成年人adult安乐窝cospy nest爱人sweetheart爱称pet name暧昧关系dubious relationship把兄弟败家子spendthrift (wastrel )同胞兄弟blood brothers (full brothers) 宝宝,宝贝darling本家a member of the same clan表姐妹female cousin表亲关系cousinship婊子whore薄情郎heartless lover娼妓street girl成人adult成家get married成年人grow-up (come of age)未成年be under age重孙great-grandson重孙女great-granddaughter处女virgin (maiden)老处女old maiden大妈(尊称年长的妇人)aunt大娘,大妈father’s elder brother’s wife 成人,大人adult (grown-up)大嫂(称呼已婚妇女)elder sister大少爷,挥霍的人spendthrift大婶儿aunt大叔uncle大爷father’s elder brother (uncle)单身汉bachelor荡妇vampire嫡亲blood relations嫡亲兄弟blood brothers (whole brothers)嫡堂兄妹cousin-german非婚生bastardy非婚生子bastard非婚生女bastarda非亲非故be neither kith nor kin分家break up the family and live apart世代from generation to generation收养关系adoptive relationship收养继承人heir by adoption收养人consignee守寡live in widowhood手足之情brotherly affection叔祖granduncle叔祖母grandaunt说亲act as matchmaker私生子bastard (illegitimate child)胎儿foetus (embryo)同父异母兄弟consanguineous brothers同母所生子女children of the same venter同性恋homosexuality血统blood relationship名门望族distinguished family小老婆concubine小两口young couple孝敬give presents to孝顺show filial obedience白头偕老stick to each other till the hair turns gray玄孙great-great-grandson血亲关系blood ties养父foster father养母foster mother生育,养give birth to姨表姐妹female maternal cousins姨表兄弟male maternal cousins姨太太(口)concubine遗骨remains遗腹子posthumous child遗孤orphan遗孀widow (relict) 初恋first love分手say good-bye房事sexual intercourse非法同居illegal cohabitation同房sleep together同居cohabit初婚first marriage婚前检查pre-martial check-ups婚生子女children born in wedlock非婚生子女children born out of wedlock 婚姻marriage定婚be betrothed家庭family包办婚姻arranged marriage买卖婚姻mercenary marriage婚姻状况marital status结婚登记marriage registration恋爱结婚love match金婚golden wedding退婚break off an engagement晚婚late marriage离婚divorced复婚resume matrimonial relation晚婚marry at a mature age未婚unmarried已婚married婚嫁marriage分居separated分居live apart家谱family tree家庭背景family background家庭出身family origin家庭出身class origin工人家庭出身come from a worker’s family 家长制patrirchy亲属,眷属family dependants郎舅a man and his wife’s brother老爷爷great grandfather老祖宗ancestor (forefather)离婚夫妇的子女child of divorce连襟husbands of sisters领养一个孩子adopt a child领养人adopter领养子女adopted children孪生姐妹twin sisters盟兄弟,结拜兄弟sworn brothers奶妈wet nurse配偶spouse旁系血亲collacteral relative泼妇collateral relatives by blood妾concubine远亲distant relative亲兄弟blood brother情敌rival in love情夫lover情妇mistress亲家relatives by marriage乳名child’s pet name (infant name)赡养support one’s parents新生儿newborn baby生育子女bear children过了生育年龄be past one’s child-bearing age 抚养bring up (foster)父辈elder generation复姓compound surname改嫁remarry高祖(paternal) great-great-grandfather高祖母(paternal) great-great-grandmother根苗(指子孙)offspring孤儿orphan孤儿寡妇orphan and widow寡妇widow鳏夫widower过继adopt a young relative户主head of a household皇家imperial family皇亲国戚a kinsman of the emperor皇室贵胄a scion of royalty皇太后empress dowager皇太子crown prince皇族imperial kinsmen义父adoptive father义母adoptive mother义女adopted daughter义子adopted child远房亲戚a distant relative孕妇pregnant woman怀孕be pregnant 杂种hybrid (crossbreed)早产儿premature infant早熟的孩子a precocious child证婚人chief witness at a wedding ceremony 直系亲属lineal relative侄孙grandnephew侄孙女grandniece侄子nephew侄媳妇nephew’s wife妯娌sisters-in-law列祖列宗successive generations同宗of the same clan正宗orthodox school宗祠ancestral hall宗族patriarchal clan族人clansman族长clan elder族谱pedigree of a clan坐月子lying-in。
Fun English:与“婚姻”有关的英语美好的婚姻像和煦的春风拂面,让你感受到温柔和体贴;像明媚的阳光照在身上,暖在心里;像大海涌起的道道波澜,在人生的旅途中留下明丽的风景。
1.求婚的几种英语表达方法单刀直入法Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给(娶)我吗?Would you be my wife/husband?你愿意当我的妻子/丈夫吗?迂回暗示法I think it's time we took some vows.我想是我们该许下誓言的时候了。
I think it's time we settled down...我想是我们该稳定下来的时候了......I want to spend the rest of my life with you.我要与你共度余生。
I want to be with you forever.我要永远与你相守。
咬文嚼字法Let's get hitched!我们成为比翼鸟吧!Let's tie the knot!我们结为连理枝吧!强迫中奖法I want to have your children.我要跟你生宝宝。
2.结婚用到的英语:bride新娘bridegroom or groom 新郎officiator 主婚人pastor 牧师groomsman 伴郎bridesmaid伴娘honeymoon 蜜月wedding ceremony 结婚典礼wedding reception 婚宴register office 结婚登记处trousseau 嫁妆usher 引宾员vows 婚誓say one's vows 立下婚誓wedding day 举行婚礼的日子wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日wedding dress 婚纱、结婚礼服wed in a civil ceremony 登记结婚marriage certificate 结婚证guest 来宾marriage after divorce 再婚wedding march 婚礼进行曲mixed marriage 涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻3.结婚周年表达Paper wedding 纸婚一周年Tin wedding 锡婚两周年Crystal wedding 水晶婚15周年China wedding 搪瓷婚20周年Silver wedding 银婚25周年Pearl wedding 珍珠婚30周年Ruby wedding 红宝石婚40周年Sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚45周年Golden wedding--金婚50周年Emerald wedding--翠玉婚55周年Diamond wedding--钻石婚60-70周年。
爱情及婚姻英语词汇Single woman /bachlorette 单身女郎Luck a lot 缘分Matchmaker月下老人Marriage go-between 媒人Matrimonial agency 婚姻介绍所matrimonial matrimony matrimonial matrimonyBlind date 相亲Pull one’s heartstrings 打动心弦Mutual attraction 相互吸引Fall in love at first sight 一见钟情One’s own wishful thinking 一厢情愿Whole-hearted love 全心全意的爱情Inseparable love 如胶似漆的爱情Everlasting love 永恒的爱情Platonic love 精神恋爱One-sided love 单相思Lose one’s love 失恋Fancy sick 害相思病的Love token 定情信物L over’s vows 山盟海誓Rival in love 情敌Old flame 旧情人Court 求爱 court 法院球场朝廷求爱Propose for marriage 求婚Finance(husband-to-be) 未婚夫Financee(wife-to-be) 未婚妻Intended wife 未婚妻Couple-to-be 未婚夫妻Beauty is in the eyes of the lover情人眼里出西施Trial marriage 试婚Cohabitation 同居Marriage mad in Heaven 天生一对Freedom of marriage 婚姻自主Arranged marriage 包办婚姻Mercenary marriage 买卖婚姻Left-hand marriage 门户不当的婚姻Marriage certificate 结婚证Family background 家境Be well-matched in social and economic status 门当户对Be filial to one’s parents 孝敬父母Other half 配偶Broken family 破碎家庭Divorce by consent 协议离婚Wedding ceremony 婚礼Wedding march 结婚进行曲Auspicious day 黄道吉日Wedding night 花烛夜Wedding feast 喜宴Bridal chamber 洞房Well-matched couple 很般配的一对Ex-husband/wifeWedding card 喜贴Wedding ring 婚姻戒指Dowry 嫁妆Match-maker/go-between 媒人Marriage propose 提亲Groomsman/best man 男傧相Bride-maids 女傧相。
一、婚姻状态1. Single - 单身Eg: She is still single and looking for a partner.2. Engaged - 订婚Eg: They got engaged last month and are planning their wedding.3. Married - 已婚Eg: They have been happily married for over 10 years.4. Divorced - 离婚Eg: After years of conflict, they decided to get divorced.5. Separated - 分居Eg: They are legally separated but have not yet finalized their divorce.6. Widowed - 寡居Eg: She became widowed after her husband passed away.二、婚礼相关词汇1. Bride - 新娘Eg: The bride looked stunning in her wedding gown.2. Groom - 新郎Eg: The groom wore a traditional tuxedo for the wedding.3. Wedding - 婚礼Eg: The wedding ceremony was held in a beautiful church.4. Marriage certificate - 结婚证书Eg: They signed the marriage certificate to legalize their union. 5. Vows - 婚誓Eg: They exchanged heartfelt vows during the wedding ceremony.6. Reception - 婚宴Eg: The wedding reception was filled with joy and celebration.三、家庭成员1. Husband - 丈夫Eg: Her husband is a doctor and works at a local hospital.2. Wife - 妻子Eg: She is a devoted wife and takes care of her family.3. In-laws - 姻亲Eg: They have a close relationship with their in-laws.4. Parents - 父母Eg: Her parents attended the wedding and gave a heartfelt speech.5. Children - 子女Eg: They have two children, a boy and a girl.6. Siblings - 兄弟姐妹Eg: He has two siblings, an older sister and a younger brother.四、婚姻生活1. Love - 爱Eg: Love is the foundation of a strong marriage.2. Trust - 信任Eg: Trust is essential for a healthy relationship.3. Communication - 沟通Eg: Effective communication is the key to resolving conflicts. 4. Compromise - 妥协Eg: In a marriage, both partners need to learn to compromise. 5. Support - 支持Eg: They always support each other in achieving their goals.6. Partnership - 伴侣关系Eg: A successful marriage is built on a strong partnership.五、婚姻问题1. Conflict - 冲突Eg: It is common for couples to experience conflicts in their marriage.2. Infidelity - 不忠Eg: Infidelity can cause serious damage to a marriage.3. Divorce - 离婚Eg: They decided to get a divorce after years of unhappiness.4. Counseling - 婚姻咨询Eg: They sought professional counseling to save their marriage.5. Reconciliation - 和解Eg: After a period of separation, they managed to reconcile and rebuild their relationship.六、婚姻庆祝1. Anniversary - 周年纪念Eg: They celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary with a romantic dinner.2. Surprise - 惊喜Eg: He planned a surprise party for his wife's birthday.3. Gift - 礼物Eg: They exchanged thoughtful gifts on their anniversary.4. Toast - 祝酒Eg: During the wedding reception, friends and family gave heartfelt toasts.5. Celebration - 庆祝活动Eg: The whole family gathered for a celebration of their parents' golden anniversary.以上是关于婚姻类的英语词汇复习,通过学习这些词汇,我们能更好地理解和表达与婚姻相关的话题。
我们先来了解一些和夫妻相关的基本词汇:1. husband –丈夫2. wife –妻子3. spouse –配偶4. married couple –已婚夫妇5. marriage –婚姻6. wedding –婚礼7. engagement –订婚8. honeymoon –蜜月9. anniversary –周年纪念日在家庭生活中,夫妻之间相互之间的关系和责任也是非常重要的。
下面是一些描述夫妻关系的短语:1. I love you –我爱你2. You mean everything to me –你对我来说很重要3. I am grateful for your love –我为你的爱感到感恩4. You are my rock –你是我的支柱5. I appreciate everything you do for me –我感激你为我所做的一切当夫妻间遇到困难或者矛盾时,也需要学会解决问题和化解冲突。
中华人民共和国婚姻法的中英对照《中华人民共和国婚姻法的中英对照》1. 引言婚姻是社会基本单位的组成部分,对于每个个体而言,婚姻也是人生中重要的一环。
2. 中华人民共和国婚姻法概述中华人民共和国婚姻法是于1980年颁布的一部基本法律,旨在规范和保护婚姻家庭关系,维护家庭稳定和社会和谐。
3. 《中华人民共和国婚姻法》中英对照下面是《中华人民共和国婚姻法》的部分内容,以便进行中英对照:第一条,婚姻是自愿的男女双方建立家庭的协议。
Article 1 Marriage is a voluntary agreement between a man and a woman to establish a family.第二条,夫妻双方在婚姻关系中一律平等。
Article 2 Both husband and wife are equal in the marriage relationship.第三条,夫妻双方有平等的权利和义务。
Article 3 Both husband and wife have equal rights and obligations.......4. 个人观点和理解从中英对照的部分内容可以看出,中华人民共和国婚姻法强调了夫妻平等、自愿建立家庭等原则。
5. 总结通过中英对照,《中华人民共和国婚姻法》的重要内容得以清晰表达。
Lesson Twenty Marriage 婚姻marriage n.marry vt.marry A to B My father married me to a doctor.I am married to a doctor.marry sb. off She finally married her daughter off.marry sb. I married Rick.She married money.marry vi. A and B married last year.marry above oneself marry below oneselfmarried adj. be married to sb He is a married man.marriage Marriage in haste and repent at leisure.Marriage may be compared to a cage:the birds outside despair to get in andthose within despair to get outside.2002Lesson Twenty Marriage 婚姻My elder sister is married, but she doesn‘t want to start a family yet. 我姐姐结婚了,但还不想要孩⼦。
familyI have closed family.I have a big family.He married above himself.He married into the Kennedy family. 家族mother-in-law 岳母Sino-Tibetan-familyGemp3anic-family 语系2003Lesson Twenty Marriage 婚姻She gets on well with her mother-in-law.她和她婆婆相处得很好。
内容单身证明中国内地结婚证(新版本与老版本)国外结婚证(美国各州、加拿大、澳大利亚)中国内地离婚证明国外离婚证明与判决(美国各州、加拿大、澳大利亚)翻译时可直接套用:单身证明版本1(带原文和译文)Embassy of the United States of AmericaMarriageability Affidavit×××××)Municipality of ××)THE EMBASSY OF THE ) ssUNITED STATES OF AMERICA)I, ×××(full name), an American Citizen who is the bearer of Passport No.*******, born in×××××, USA on ××××, hereby swear under oath that I have never been married; and I further swear that I am now single and other wise legally free to marry.I intend to marry ×××, who is resident in ××××.Affiant Signature××Day××Month××××YearI certify that on this ××day of ××××, 20××, the individual named above appeared before me, and being duly sworn, made the statement set forth in this instrument. I assume no responsibility for the truth or the falsity of the representations that appear in this document.(signature)Consular Officer×××Consular Associate(印章) 美国大使馆单身证明×××国)×××市)美国大使馆) 宣誓证词我, ×××(全名)系为美国公民,我的护照号为********。
marriage的意思n. 结婚,婚姻生活,密切结合,合并marriage用法marriage可以用作名词marriage的基本意思是“结婚”,也可指“婚姻状况”,即在法律上和精神上男女两性结合的一种生活形式。
marriage用作名词的用法例句The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop.他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。
It was a pleasant surprise to learn of her marriage.得知她结婚是件令人惊喜的事。
Marriage is an institution in most societies.婚姻是大多数社会早已确立的制度。
marriage用法例句1、After a three-weekend courtship, Pamela accepted Randolphsproposal of marriage.经过3个周末的追求之后,帕梅拉接受了伦道夫的求婚。
2、After sixteen years of marriage they have grown bored with each other.结婚16年后,他们已经渐渐彼此厌倦了。
3、Mr Olaechea has British residency by virtue of his marriage.奥拉伊奇先生通过结婚而取得在英国的永久居留权。
marriage词组| 习惯用语marriage law 婚姻法happy marriage 美满的婚姻marriage certificate 结婚证书gay marriage 同性恋婚姻successful marriage 成功的婚姻marriage registration 结婚登记by marriage 与婚姻有关的,因婚姻而产生的marriage ceremony 结婚仪式,结婚典礼marriage age 结婚年龄marriage proposal 求婚marriage license 结婚证arranged marriage 家庭包办婚姻marriage contract (婚前预定财产权,继承权等的)结婚契约forced marriage 逼婚trial marriage 试婚mercenary marriage 买卖婚姻;着眼实利的婚姻mixed marriage 异族通婚civil marriage 公证结婚;世俗婚礼;非宗教仪式婚姻propose marriage 求婚marriage vows 婚礼宣誓marriage英语例句库1.They want through a bigamous marriage ceremony.他们举世闻名行了重婚婚礼。
结婚英语说法1:marry结婚英语说法2:couple结婚英语说法3:marry up结婚的相关短语:结婚证书marriage lines ; License to Wed ; marriage certificate ; certificate of marriage结婚礼服 wedding dress ; wedding gown ; wedding garment ;A Suit for Wedding登记结婚 wed in a civil ceremony ; be married at a registry结婚的英语例句:1. After sixteen years of marriage they have grown bored with each other.结婚16年后,他们已经渐渐彼此厌倦了。
2. The carpet was a wedding present from the Prime Minister.这张地毯是首相送的结婚礼物。
3. Mr Olaechea has British residency by virtue of his marriage.奥拉伊奇先生通过结婚而取得在英国的永久居留权。
4. I lived there once myself, before I got married.我结婚前曾独自在那儿住过。
5. He was surprised they had married — they had seemed so different.他俩居然结婚了——这让他非常惊讶,因为他们实在是太不一样了。
6. I would like my wedding cake decorated with cupids.我想在我的结婚蛋糕上装饰一些丘比特的造型。
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1. AS A high-powered media executive in New York city, Leah had been wary of marriage. After seeing other women get “mommy-tracked” at work, she was ambivalent about letting children compromise her career. But love has a way of making a hash of plans, and these days she and her husband manage two full-time jobs and the care of their 18-month-old daughter. Leah still works nearly 50 hours a week and earns a bit more than her husband, but she also handles most of the routine caregiving, cooking and cleaning at home. Juggling everything often leaves her feeling “inadequate,” she admits, but she chalks it up to the struggle of trying to have it all. “Rich world problems, right?” she says with a chuckle.2. While fewer women are marching to the altar—the proportion of those married before the age of 30 has fallen from 50% in 1960 to around 20% today—the ones that do increasingly look like Leah. Highly educated, financially independent women were once among the least likely to get hitched. Now they are getting married at a faster rate than their lesser-educated peers, and often to highly educated men. These unions are not only the most common, but also the most harmonious. New data showthat America’s divorce rate has continued its plunge from its 1981 peak—from 5.3 to 3.2 divorces per 1,000 people in 2014—but this decline is largely concentrated among the better-educated. Among college graduates who married in the early 2000s, only around 11% divorced within seven years, according to data from Justin Wolfers of the University of Michigan.3. This has created a fairly uneven marriage market. Although the returns to a college education have risen sharply in recent decades, America’s college-graduation rate has been inching up slowly, and now hovers at around 40%. Women make up a growing share: those born in 1975, for example, were around 20% more likely to complete a four-year degree than their male counterparts. Meanwhile, women with less education are stuck with a stock of less-appealing men. Women of nearly all levels of education have seen their earning power climb since the 1970s, while the earnings of men without a college degree have fallen between 5% and 25%, according to David Autor and Melanie Wasserman, both economists at MIT. Less-educated men also tend to have more anachronistic views about who should do what at home: they are not onlyless comfortable with partnerships in which women earn more, they also tend to be less-attentive parents and less helpful around the house than their better-educated peers.4. This asymmetry is especially profound for African-American women, whose store of available men has been whittled down further by higher rates of incarceration and mortality. Inter-racial marriage is becoming more common but remains relatively rare. Black women are half as likely as black men to marry someone of another hue, according to the Pew Research Centre. Mismatched desires among lesser-educated men and women have shrunk the share of households headed by a married couple from two-thirds in 1960 to less than half today. The proportion of children being raised by a single parent has more than doubled in the past four decades. More than seven in ten births to African-American women are outside marriage Here’s your whisky, darling 亲爱的,来杯威士忌吧Concentrating gains from marriage at the top has exacerbated existing trends in inequality.5. On most measures, the children of married couples arealready more likely to fare better than those with single parents. But well-educated parents often have more money for schools, safer neighbourhoods and nutritious food, and fewer children to invest in (owing to the higher opportunity cost of child-rearing for career-oriented women). Well-educated parents spend more time with their children than their less-educated peers. For mothers the gap is only a few extra hours a week, but among fathers the difference is considerable: those with a job and a college degree spend more than double the time of less-educated men, according to Jonathan Guryan of Northwestern University and his co-authors.6.Having fewer sprogs makes it easier to continue this support through early adulthood, which more parents seem to be doing. Nearly 43% of all young men (ages 18 to 34) and more than a third of all young women have yet to flee the nest, according to a new Pew analysis of census data. This boom in late-bloomers may be another sign of privilege. A recent paper from the New York Fed found that this trend can largely be attributed to the surge in student debt over the past decade or so, and it is better-off children who tend to enroll in college in the first place. Children fromhomes with an annual income of over $108,650, for example, are nearly twice as likely to enroll than those from homes that make less than $34,160, according to a report from the Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education.7.Y et while marriage has been transformed, the roles played by each partner in the home have been slower to change. A recent Pew study found that in households where both parents work full time, more of the day-to-day parenting responsibilities fall to women. Mothers are twice as likely as fathers to say that being a working parent has hurt their careers, in no small part because many employers still function according to a single breadwinner model. This is slowly changing, particularly as more women start out-earning men. In couples with two full-time working parents, 26% of women earn around the same amount as their partners, and 22% earn more, according to Pew.8.Conservative policymakers often argue that getting poorer women to marry will improve the lot of their children. But programmes to encourage more people to wed never seem to work. This is largely because most Americans arealready quite convinced of the value of marriage, and even poorer people hold the institution in high regard, according to a new survey of public views of the American family from Deseret News and Brigham Young University. Most agree that marriage is the best arrangement for raising children, and many still hope to trade vows one day. Unlike Europeans, who are moving away from marriage, even younger Americans generally expect to put a ring on it, and view cohabitation as a practical step along the way.9.T he distance between the number of people with favourable views of marriage and the number actually getting married is best explained by this: many of the marriages available do not offer a good deal for women. Yet those who assume the breakdown of the nuclear family reflects a growing crisis of morals might otherwise take heart: the decline in marriage in America has coincided with a similarly precipitous decline in juvenile crime, teenage pregnancy and adolescent drug-use, and fewer children are dropping out of high-school. Those who still hope to woo more people to the altar might keep in mind that the marriage market is ultimately like any market: people buy in if the price is right.作为纽约市一位工作忙碌的媒体主管,Leah对婚姻一直十分小心。