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Expression of MiR200a, miR93, Metastasis-related Gene RECK and MMP2_MMP9 in Human Cervical C
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 14, 20132113DOI:/10.7314/APJCP .2013.14.3.2113MiR200a, miR93, RECK and MMP2/MMP9 Expression in Human Cervical CarcinomaAsian Pacific J Cancer Prev, 14 (3), 2113-2118IntroductionIn the worldwide, cervical cancer remains the third most common cancer in women globally after breast and colorectal cancer. However, 86% of all deaths caused by cervical cancer occur in developing countries (Arbyn et al., 2011). Data from the IARC GLOBOCAN 2008 database (http://globocan.iarc.fr/fact sheets/cancers/cervix.asp) estimate that there are 529, 512 new cases of cervical cancer diagnosed per year globally, corresponding to an age standardized incidence rate (ASIR) of 15.2/100,000 and 274,967 deaths. There is a striking difference in incidence of and mortality from cervical cancer in different regions of the world (Denny, 2012) So well-characteristic biomarkers are necessary for early diagnosis, to predict metastatic progression.Metastatic disease, rather than the primary tumor itself, is responsible for the death in most solid tumors, including cervical carcinoma (Lee et al., 1997; Welch et al., 2000; Yang et al., 2004). Degradation of basal membranes and the extracellular matrix (ECM) is essential for angiogenesis, invasion metastasis, and matrixDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China *For correspondence: zanghu@AbstractAim and Background: Cervical cancer remains the third most common cancer in women globally after breast and colorectal cancer. Well-characterized biomarkers are necessary for early diagnosis and to predict metastatic progression and effective therapy. MiRNAs can regulate gene expression, cell growth, differentiation and apoptosis by targeting mRNAs for translational repression or degradation in tumor cells. The present study was conducted to assess expression of miR93, miR200a, RECK, MMP2, MMP9 in invasive cervical carcinoma, and analyze their clinical significance. Method: A total of 116 patients with invasive cervical carcinoma and 100 patients undergoing hysterectomy for benign lesions were retrospectively examined. Quantitative real-time PCR was performed to determine expression of miR93 and miR200a while RECK, MMP2, MMP9 and MVD were assessed by immunohistochemical staining. Results: Cervical carcinoma patients demonstrated up-regulation of miR-93, miR-200a, MMP2 and MMP9, with down-regulation of RECK as compared to benign lesion tissues. RECK was significantly inversely related to invasion and lymphatic metastasis. The 5-year survival rate for patients with strong RECK expression was significantly higher than that with weakly expressing tumors. Conclusion: MiR-93 and miR-200a are associated with metastasis and invasion of cervical carcinoma. Thus together with RECK they are potential prognostic markers for cervical carcinoma. RECK cooperating with MMP2, MMP9 expression is a significant prognostic factor correlated with long-term survival for patients with invasive cervical carcinoma.Keywords: miR-93 - miR-200a - RECK - MMP2 - MMP9 - MVD RESEARCH ARTICLEExpression of MiR200a, miR93, Metastasis-related Gene RECK and MMP2/MMP9 in Human Cervical Carcinoma - Relationship with PrognosisLing Wang, Qiang Wang, He-Lian Li, Li-Ying Han*metalloproteinases (MMPs) are potent enzymes that play a key role in these processes (Sabrina et al., 2012).Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) (gelatinase A, 72 kDa) and Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) (gelatinase B, 92 kDa) cleave type IV collagen and gelatin, which are the main structural components of the basal membrane (Toi et al., 1998). Expression of MMP-9 and MMP-2 has been implicated in the development and progression of many tumors, such as prostate, colorectal, breast cancer and cervical cancer (Liabakk et al., 1996; Kodate et al., 1997; Eissa et al., 2007; Rita et al., 2009).Several miRNAs are reported be associated with cervical carcinoma, Up-regulation of miR-200a and miR-93 promotes metastasis and tumor invasion. According to computational methodology current predictions-MicroCosm MMP2 is target gene to miR93, and TIMP1 is target gene to miR200a, while TIMP3 is target gene to miR93.MicroRNAs (miRNAs) is a novel class of small non-coding RNA molecules, 20-25 nucleotides in length, were shown to have important posttranscriptional gene regulatory functions. While miRNAs seed regionLing Wang et alAsian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 14, 20132114which comprised of 2-8 nucleotides at 5’ end, target to special mRNA at 3’ untranslated region (UTR) (Bartel et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2009). If the complementarity of the miRNA-mRNA complex is perfect, miRNAs can exert translational repression function. However, if the complementarity is not perfect, the translation of the target mRNA is suppressed. To date, more than 1900 human mature miRNAs have been identified (http://www.miRbase. org/index. shtml), which are supposed to regulate more than 10% of protein coding genes (Wu et al., 2008), approximately one-third of expressed human genes contain miRNA regulatory target sites. Thus, this suggests that different clusters of miRNAs can regulate the cassette of specific genes which involve in one specific kind of cellular function together (Yang et al., 2003). It has been reported that RECK over-expression decreases the amount of active MMP-2 and MMP-9 and inhibits metastatic activity in vitro (Oh et al., 2001) and in vivo (Chang et al., 2008). RECK is a membrane-anchored glycoprotein of approximately 110 kDa containing multiple epidermal growth factor-like repeats and serine protease inhibitor-like domains. Down-regulation of RECK in several tumor cell lines and oncogene-transformed fibroblasts identified RECK as a common negative target for oncogenic signals. RECK low-expression, a hallmark of cancer, has been demonstrated to create a hypoxic tumor microenvironment.The aim of our study was to test the expression of miR200a and miR93 in cervical carcinoma, we propose the induction of the correlation between the expression of miR200a, miR93 and MMP2/9,RECK genes and to investigate whether miR200a, miR93 and MMP-2, MMP2/9 and RECK are expressed in a related pattern respectively in cervical carcinoma. Furthermore, we evaluate important prognostic parameters, analyzed the expression of RECK with 5-year survival rate, to conclude whether RECK is an independent factor to evaluate prognosis.Materials and MethodsTissue specimensCervical carcinoma specimens were obtained from patients undergone primary hysterectomy at the Department of Gynecology from Jan 2005 to Sep 2007, while control group were obtained from patients undergone hysterectomy for benign lesion. The specimens were frozen in liquid nitrogen at -80 ℃ within 30 minutes after isolated, and all cases were obtained from archives of the Department of Pathology in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Jilin University. The H&E stained slides of the cases were reviewed by gynecological pathologist. Morphology and protein expression were evaluated in consecutive sections. All protocols were reviewed and approved by the Ethical Committee of Second Affiliated Hospital of Jilin University. Written consent was obtained from all participating patients.Follow-upPatients were followed regularly for 5 years at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Jilin University. All patientswere followed until death or the study closing date (September 30, 2012). Disease-free survival (DFS) rate, which measured the first recurrence at any site, and overall survival (OS), measuring death from any case, were the two assessments used for prognostic analyses. Patients were re-examined (history, ultrasound examination, cervical screening test) once every 3 months during the first year, once every 6 months from the second year to the third year, and once every year after that. During the follow-up period, 6 patients were loss of follow up. 26 patients had disease recurrence and 36 patients died. miRNA isolationMiRNA was extracted from the tissue using the mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit (AM1561, Ambion) for hysterectomy specimen according to the protocols. The quantity and quality of the miRNA was verified with the NanoDrop spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Incorporated, Wilmington DE, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Quantitative real-time PCR (QPCR)miRNAs was reverse transcribed in a 20 μl reaction using the one step primescript miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit (Takara, D350A). Forward primer sequences miR93: CAAAGTGCTGTTCGTGCAGGTAG, miR200a: GTAA CACTGTCTGGTAACGATGQPCR was performed on a BioMad Real-Time PCR System (ABI) using Power- SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Takara, DRR081) in a 20 μl reaction and U6 as an endogenous control, miRlet-7 as positive control, result was determined using the 2-ΔΔCT . The QPCR experiments were run triplely within each experiment run, relative expression values were normalized to standard deviations from the mean.Immunohistochemical stainTo determine the expression of RECK, MMP2, MMP9 and MVD, immunohistochemical staining was carried out using the two-step plus poly-HRP method as described previously. After blocking with 3% hydrogen peroxide, the slides were incubated with primary anti-RECK antibody, anti-MMP2 antibody, anti-MMP9 antibody and CD34 antibody (1:50 goat mAb respectively; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA). Afterwards, the slides were stained with the two-step plus poly-HRP antigoat IgG detection system (ZSGB-Bio, Beijing, China). For negative controls, the primary antibody was substituted with PBS in order to confirm the specificity of the primary antibody.Evaluation of immunohistochemical stainingTwo experienced investigators, who provided a consensus opinion of stain patterns by light microscopy, evaluated sections. RECK, MMP2 and MMP9 expression was estimated from the staining intensity and graded as follows: Grade 0, no staining (-); Grade 1, faint staining (+); Grade 2, moderate staining (++); and Grade 3, strong staining (+++). The positively stained area (distribution) was expressed as the percentage of the whole area under evaluation and scored as follows: 0, no staining; 1, 1~25% positive cells; 2, 26~50% positive cells; 3, 51~75%Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 14, 20132115P0.0002 0.0193 0.0062Table 2. Correlation Between RECK Expression andVarious Clinicopathological Features in Cervical Cancer PatientsN RECK positive χ2 Pnegative positive (%)Stage I 64 33 31 48.44 6.198 0.1024 II 33 21 12 36.36 III 17 12 5 29.41 IV 2 2 0 0 Grade I 23 13 10 43.48 3.6204 0.1636 II 63 42 21 33.33 III 30 15 15 50 Invasive depth T2 66 43 23 34.85 0.0184 T3-T4 50 36 24 48 Lymph node status N1-N3 15 14 1 6.67 0.0237 N0 101 58 53 52.48 Squamous carcinoma 99 60 39 39.4 1 adenocarcinoma 17 11 6 35.29in Cervical Carcinoma in Relation to Normal TissueA BFigure 2. Expression of RECK, MMP2, MMP9. (A)expression of RECK in control group; (B) expression of RECK in cervical carcinoma; (C) expression of MMP2 in cervical carcinoma; (D) expression of MMP9 in cervical carcinoma; (E) MVD expression in control group; (F) expression of MVD in cervical carcinomapositive cells; and 4, 76~100% positive cells. Overall expression was then graded as low expression (score 0~2), intermediate expression (score 3~5), and high expression (score 6~7).Statistical analysisAnalysis were carried out by BioMad CFX system and statistical software SPSS 14.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). The correlation of RECK, MMP2/9 expression with patients’ clinicopathological factors was analyzed by the Fisher’s exact test. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate OS. Survival differences according to RECK expression were analyzed by the log-rank test. The risk ratio and its 95% confidence interval were recorded for each marker. P -values< 0.05 were considered statistically significant in all of the analysis.ResultsMean age of the total 116 patients was 49.3±2.39 years (24~77 years). 36 patients (31.03%) died, and 74 patients (63.79%) were alive at the end of research. Results of qPCR showed that miR93 and miR200a expression was higher in cervical carcinoma tissues (Figure 1A, Figure 1B). RECK was detected in the cytoplasm of normal cells (Figure 2A, Figure 2B), and of cervical carcinoma specimen its expression was much lower than that in control group, MMP9, MMP2 was detected in the cytoplasm of cells (Figure 2C, Figure 2D). MMP2 and MMP9 expression was significantly higher in cervical carcinoma than that in control group (Table 1). Accordingto Cox regression analysis result, the expression of MMP2 was positively related to expression of miR93 (P =0.0027) and miR200a (P =0.0016). However, higher expression of RECK related to lower expression of MMP2, MMP9. We also examined positive RECK staining in different clinopathological factors such as stage, grade, invasion depth and lymph node metastasis (Table 2). These data indicated that the frequency of RECK expression in high-grade was much higher than in low-grade cervical carcinoma. RECK expression, however, was significantly associated with lymph node metastasis (P =0.0237)Ling Wang et alAsian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 14, 20132116and invasive depth (P =0.0184). Lymph node negative patients had higher RECK expression (53/101, 52.48%) than lymph node positive patients (1/15, 6.67%). Deeper invasive patients had lower RECK expression (24/50, 48%) than lower invasive patients (23/66, 34.85%). We found that histopathological grade, pathological TNM stage have no significance as prognostic predicators (Table 2). Multivariate analysis was carried out on the same set of patients for RECK expression and pathological predictors using the Cox regression model. The results indicated that RECK status (risk ratio, 3.312; P <0.05) was independent prognostic factor.Microscopic observation of MVD staining showed that in cervical carcinoma group, micro-vascular arranged disorderly, size and shape were irregular, thickness of vascular wall was nonuniform (Figure 2F), while in control group, clearer expression of micro-vascular endothelial cells were round or oval and in regular shape (Figure 2E). According to the Cox regression analysis, RECK expression in cervical carcinoma was negatively associated with MVD value (r=-0397, p =0.0495) (Table 3).To determine the relation between RECK expression and prognosis, Patients were divided into two groups on the basis of their prognosis. Our results indicated that patients with a poor prognosis(recurrence or metastasis) had low levels of RECK expression (P <0.05). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that RECK positive patients also had significantly higher OS rates (P <0.05, log-rank test; Figure 3A).RECK positive patients had higher DFS rates compared with RECK negative patients (P =0.0387, log-rank test; Figure 3B).DiscussionAccumulating reports demonstrated that miRNAs have been observed in a variety of human cancers, and miRNA signatures accurately reflect the developmental lineagesand differential expression states of tumors by microarray profiling studies (Lu et al., 2005; Rosenfeld et al., 2008) Furthermore, they certified miRNAs involved in tumor cells invasion, apoptosis, angiogenesis and metastasis through regulation to target genes of corresponding signal pathways (MA et al., 2012). In previous research on human cervical cancer, expression of miR-15a, miR-20b, miR-21 and miR-224 is obviously increased in tissue and let-7c, miR-143, miR-199a-5p, miR-203 and miR-145 is reduced (Pereira et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2008). In our study, miRNAs expressions were quantified by using quantitative real-time PCR in which miR-93, miR-200a were up-regulated in cervical carcinoma tissue. Their expressions were accompanied by over-expression in MMP-2, MMP-9 and suppression in RECK gene.The miR-93 gene is located on chromosome 7q22.1, it can suppress proliferation and differentiation of cancer stem cells, while promoting tumor growth and malignant cells survival (Fang et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2011; Suling et al., 2012). In the present study, mir-93 expression was 5.29 fold higher compared to normal tissue. Our data are consistent with other reports indicating that mir-93 expression increased with cervical carcinoma (Lui et al., 2007). By microcosm predictor system, MMP2 has the target gene in 3’ UTR to miR-93, also TIMP3 is the proposal target gene of miR-93 ,whose sequence GAUGGACGUGCUUGUCGUGAAA was relatively complemented with CTTTCTATGTGCAAGGCACTTT in TIMP3 (/enright-srv /microcosm/htdocs/targets/v5). Endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors TIMPs are necessary to block the mitogenic stimuli in the vascular endothelium (Curran et al., 2000). TIMP3 is inhibitor of MMP2 and associated with actin and serve to stabilize microfilaments, so it act as tumor suppressor gene (Perry, 2001). miR93 was indentified up-regulated expression of MMP2 in cervical carcinoma, for the up-regulated mir-93, the inhibiting function of tumor suppressor genes TIMP3 maybe suppressed. But this hypothesis has not been certified. The miR-200a gene is located on chromosome 1P36.33, and can enhance invasion and growth of malignant cells. In this study, miR-200a was over-expressed by 3.65 folds in cervical carcinoma compared to normal tissues respectively. Similar studies indicated the miR-200a was up regulated which may supporting the concept that miR-200a functions as oncogene (Cong et al., 2013; Rasheed et al., 2013; Yu et al., 2013). In our study, the over-expression of miR-200a was associated with the over-expression of MMP2, MMP9. According to Microcosm target gene predictor system, TIMP1 is the corresponding target gene of miR-200a. miR-200a has been supposed to involve in down-regulating of TIMP1, whose inhibitor function to MMP2 and MMP9 is weakened and led to over-expression of MMP2 and MMP9. Similar research instructed that miR-200b is overexpressed in endometrial adenocarcinomas and enhances MMP2 activity by down regulating TIMP2 in human endometrial cancer cell Line HEC-1A cells (Dai et al., 2013). But the accurate mechanism in cervical carcinoma still need to certified in vitro until now.In this research, RECK expression is suppressedTable 3. Expression of MVD in Cervical Carcinoma and Control Tissue (n)P n MVD P RECK r (n/*400) (positive) [n(%)] Cervical carcinoma 116 19.4615±3.0718 0.000 48(40.31) -0.397Control group 100 12.0000±2.6629 0.0495 86(86.0)Figure 3. Kaplan–eier Analysis for Disease-free Survival (DFS) and Overall Survival (OS) Based on RECK Expression in Cervical Carcinoma Patients.(A) Kaplan–Meier analysis for OS based on RECK expression in patients with cervical carcinoma (P =0.0399, log–rank test); (B) Kaplan–Meier analysis for DFS based on RECK expression in patients with cervical carcinoma (P = 0.0387, log–rank test). RECK(+): RECK-positive patients (n =48 ); RECK(-): RECK-negative patients (n = 68)Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 14, 20132117DOI:/10.7314/APJCP .2013.14.3.2113MiR200a, miR93, RECK and MMP2/MMP9 Expression in Human Cervical Carcinomain cervical carcinoma tissue when compared to benign lesion tissue. There are almost certainly pathways by which RECK is down-regulated in cancer. Hypoxia induces RECK down-regulation through the recruitment of HDAC1 and HIF-1α to the rHRE2 site in the promoter and the inhibition of hypoxic RECK silencing would be a therapeutic and preventive target for early tumorigenesis (Zhang et al., 2012). However, the CpG island promoter hypermethylation is associated silencing of tumor suppressor genes, which is the most recognized epigenetic disruption in human tumors (Rodriguez et al., 2011). Low RECK expression is closely correlated with high MMP2, MMP9 expression. In addition, increased expression of MMP2, MMP9 with decreased expression of RECK in invasive cervical carcinoma irrespective of histological grading supports the fact that RECK has a negative effect on the invasiveness of cervical cancer. Mori had found (Mori T et al., 2007) that MMP-2 activity, but not its mRNA expression, was significantly down-regulated in HT1080 cells after they were transferred into the RECK plasmid (Bin Zhang et al., 2009). Similarly, our results showed a negative correlation between RECK and MMP-2 protein expression. In HUVECs, specific inhibition of MMP-2 significantly antagonized the effect of RECK depletion on β1-integrin signaling, cell proliferation, and tube elongation (Namwat et al., 2011). Moreover, RECK-mediated suppression of MMP-9 promoter activity requires 12-O- tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-responsive element (TRE) and KB sites. Moreover, the binding ability of Fra-1 and c-Jun to TRE within the MMP-9 promoter region was suppressed by RECK (Satoshi et al., 2007). In this research, MVD CD34 for tumors with lower-expression RECK is obviously increased, which indicates that RECK can inhibit angiogenesis. Targeting RECK specifically in tumor-associated vascular endothelial cells resulted in tumor regression (Takao et al., 2010).RECK positive patients showed higher 5-year survival rates and DFS rates. Furthermore, we found that RECK expression was significantly associated with lymph node metastasis and deeper invasion. HER-2/neu oncogene inhibits the expression of RECK to promote cell invasion (Tsung-Te et al., 2012). Hypermethylation of RECK promoter is also a common event in human ESCC, which occurs concurrently in tumor-adjacent normal mucosa and is correlated with poor prognosis in ESCC patients (Long NK et al., 2008). RECK displays as a metastasis suppressor and up-regulation of RECK expression could provide a potential therapy to improve the prognosis (Namwat et al., 2011).In conclusion, MiR-93, miR-200a is associated with metastasis and invasion of cervical carcinoma, thus MiR-93, miR-200a, RECK expression is a potentially prognostic marker for cervical carcinoma. 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1目录1 ORACLE BIEE基础 (4)1.1 OBIEE 概述 (4)1.1.1 BIEE 历史 (4)1.1.2 数据模型 (4)1.2 BIEE 安装 (5)1.2.1 JDK要求 (5)1.2.2 下载BIEE (6)1.2.3 安装BIEE (6)1.2.4 Logs (9)1.3 配置 (9)1.3.1 安装后的目录 (9)1.3.2 几个重要的配置文件 (9)1.4 预览Demo效果 (10)1.4.1 启动BI服务和OC4J (10)1.4.2 打开BIEE仪表盘 (11)2 BIEE 开发步骤 (12)2.1 数据库 (12)2.1.1 安装数据库 (12)2.2 创建资料库 (12)2.2.1 资料库 (12)2.3 创建物理模型 (13)2.3.1 导入物理表 (13)2.3.2 选择维度表和事实表 (14)2.3.3 完成物理模型 (15)2.3.4 新建主键和外键 (16)2.4 创建逻辑模型 (18)2.4.1 创建逻辑层 (18)2.4.2 查看逻辑层 (19)2.4.3 修改逻辑层 (19)2.5 创建展现模型 (20)2.5.1 创建展现层 (20)2.6 保存资料库 (21)2.6.1 保存资料库 (21)2.6.2 修改密码 (22)2.7 发布资料库 (22)2.7.1 修改NQSConfig.INI (22)2.7.2 重启Oracle BI Server (22)2.8 Answers –答复 (23)2.8.1 登陆BI Dashboards (23)2.8.2 选择主题 (23)2.8.4 新建文件夹 (25)2.8.5 保存报表 (26)2.9 Dashboards –仪表盘 (27)2.9.1 创建仪表盘 (27)2.9.2 编辑仪表盘 (27)2.9.3 查看仪表盘 (28)3 Answer详细介绍 (29)3.1 列 (29)3.1.1 新建报表 (29)3.1.2 列属性 (30)3.1.3 fx-编辑属性 (30)3.1.4 添加筛选器 (31)3.1.5 最终效果 (32)3.2 答复 (33)3.2.1 Prompts-报表提示 (33)3.2.2 Title-标题 (33)3.2.3 Legend-图例 (34)3.2.4 Narrative-叙述内容 (35)3.2.5 Ticker-标记视图 (36)3.2.6 合计 (37)3.2.7 Chart-图表 (38)3.2.8 Pivot Table-数据透视图 (39)3.2.9 Gauge-计量表 (39)3.2.10 Column Selector-列选择器 (41)3.2.11 View Selector-视图选择器 (41)4 Dashboard详细介绍 (43)4.1 仪表盘设置 (43)4.1.1 管理 (43)4.1.2 我的账户 (43)4.2 仪表盘功能 (43)4.2.1 Dashboard Prompt-仪表盘提示 (44)4.2.2 Link or Image-链接或图像 (44)4.2.3 Embedded Content-嵌入式内容 (45)4.2.4 Text-文本 (46)4.2.5 Briefing Book-简要簿 (47)4.2.6 Folder-文件夹 (49)4.2.7 Guided Nav. Link-引导导航链接 (49)4.2.8 Briefing Book Nav. Link-工作簿导航链接 (50)4.2.9 BI Publisher 报表 (51)4.2.10 条件显示内容 (51)5 Delivers介绍 (53)5.1 Scheduler 配置 (53)5.1.1 安装计划表 (53)5.1.3 添加用户认证 (55)5.1.4 查看Scheduler (56)5.2 Delivers应用 (57)5.2.1 编辑我的客户 (57)5.2.2 创建iBot (58)5.2.3 查看Alerts (60)5.2.4 发送Mail (60)6 其他功能介绍............................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
unit10 E-Commerce Security
为了保证信息在网络输送的过程当中的隐秘性, 数据被编码成另外一种语言,通常是某种数字格 式,在接受者一端才被解码。
3.Encryption software uses pieces of additional software known as keys to ensure that only the creators and recipients of information are able to access it. 编码软件使用叫作密匙的附加软件,来保证只有 信息的发出者和接受者才能获得信息。
There are many threats on the Internet to E-commerce business.It requires new technologies and systems to provide a secure transaction environment.
How to Assure E-Commerce Security
Basic security issues mainly includes:authentication (the process by which one entity verifies that another entity is who he,she,or it to be), authorization(the process ensures that a person has the right to access certain resources)and auditing(the process of collecting information about attempts to access particular resources,use particular privileges,or perform other security actions).
ANALYSIS OF A PLATE WITH STRESS CONCENTRATIONSUniversity of Massachusetts Lowell Mechanical Engineering DepartmentOne University Ave. Lowell MA, 01854Instructor: Professor James SherwoodBy: Dimitri SoteropoulosPrograms Utilized: Abaqus/CAE 6.9-EF1Problem Description:This tutorial illustrates the effects of various stress concentrations on a plate. Three different stress concentrations are incorporated into the geometry of and aluminum plate: a hole, fillets, and a crack. The mesh of the plate is designed and refined to fit the conditions of the geometry.Creating the Model Geometry•Go to the Start Menu and open Abaqus CAE•You may be prompted with an Abaqus/CAE 6.9 Extended Functionality box (Figure 1). Close this box by clicking the X in the top right hand corner.Figure 1. Abaqus/CAE 6.9 Extended Functionality box.•Once the Extended Functionality box is exited, the ABAQUS CAE Viewport should look similar to Figure 2. (Please note the model tree is the series of functions listed on the left hand side of the viewport, while theFigure 2. ABAQUS CAE Viewport•To create the model geometry of the aluminum plate, a sketch of the face of the part must be generated.•Using the left mouse button, double click Parts in the model tree and the Create Part (Figure 3a) dialog box appears. Enter a new name for the part (PLATE), and under the Base Feature tab choose Shell for shape and Planar for type. Change the approximate size option to 20. The Create Part dialog box should look identical to Figure 3b.•Click Continue… and the graphics window will change to a set of gridlines.Figure 3a. Create Part Dialog Box Figure 3b. Create Part Dialog Box (PLATE)• For the first step in generating the model geometry an outline of the plate must be created.Click the Create Isolated Point icon in the module. (Remember, the module is the series of icons to the right of the model tree)• At the bottom of the viewport the Pick a point – or enter X,Y: option will appear. Points will beentered using X,Y coordinates. Enter the X,Y coordinates of the points listed in Table 1. After each entry hit enter on the keyboard and the point will appear in the viewport. (Enter the points in the x,y format)Table 1. Points for GeometryPoint X Coordinate Y Coordinate1 -2.5 0.752 -2.0 0.753 -1.5 0.754 -0.75 0.755 0.75 0.756 1.25 0.757 1.5 0.758 1.5 0.59 2.5 0.510 2.5 -0.511 1.5 -0.512 1.5 -0.7513 1.25 -0.7514 0.75 -0.7515 -0.75 -0.7516 -1.5 -0.7517 -2.0 -0.7518 -2.5 -0.7519 0 020 -0.25 021 0.25•If all of the points have been entered correctly, the viewport should look similar to Figure 4. To auto scale the points to fit the screen hit F6 on the computer keyboard.Figure 4. Geometry Points•Click the Create Lines: Connected icon in the module, click and create lines between points1 & 2,2 & 3,3 & 4,4 & 5,5 & 6. After the fifth line has been created click the center scroll wheelon the mouse to exit the creation of this segment of lines.•Create lines between points 13 & 14, 14 & 15, 15 & 16, 16 & 17, 17 & 18. After the fifth line has been created click the center scroll wheel on the mouse to exit the creation of this segment of lines.•Next, create lines between points 8 & 9, 9 & 10, 10 & 11. After the third line has been created click the center scroll wheel on the mouse to exit the creation of this segment of lines. •Finally, create a line between points 1 & 18. Press Esc on the computer keyboard to exit the Create Lines: Connected tool. At this point of the sketch the geometry should look similar to that in Figure 5.X,Y Coordinates•The final step in drawing the plate geometry is to create a hole and two fillets. Click the Createdenote the center point for the circle. Next click point 20, this will select a perimeter point for the circle. Press Esc on the computer keyboard to exit the Create Circle: Center and Perimetertool.•Finally, click the Create Arc: Center and Two Endpoints icon in the module. For a center point the first filet click point 7. Next click point 8 to denote a start point for the arc. Finally click point 6 for an endpoint for the arc. Repeat the same steps to create the second filet for points12 (center), 13 (start), 11 (end). Press Esc on the computer keyboard to exit the Create Arc:Center and Two Endpoints tool.•The completed geometry should look similar to that in Figure 6.Figure 6. Geometry Complete•The geometry of the plate is now complete. Click Done at the bottom of the viewport to exit the sketching viewport. Upon exiting the sketching viewport, the part should turn a solid grey color(Figure 7).Figure 7. Plate With Hole (Part Module)Defining Material Properties•To define material properties for this model, double click on Materials in the model tree and theEdit Material dialog box will appear (Figure 8a). Enter a Name for the material (ALUMINUM),and click the Mechanical tab, highlight Elasticity and click Elastic. Enter values of Young’sModulus = 10E06 Psi, and Poisson’s Ratio = 0.3. After the material properties have beenentered, the Edit Material dialog box should look identical to Figure 8b.•Click OK.Figure 8a. Edit Material Dialog Box Figure 8b. Edit Material Dialog Box (ALUMINUM) •Please note there is no dropdown menu or feature in ABAQUS that sets specific units. All of thedimensions have been input in inches; therefore the respective Young’s Modulus units shouldbe entered in Psi (Pounds per square inch). The units chosen for the definition of the materialproperties should be consistent and dictate what units should be used for the dimensions of the structure.•At this point in preprocessing, the model should be saved. Click File then click Save. Name the file Plate With Hole Tutorial. The file will save as a Model Database (*.cae*) file. It may be ofinterest to save the file after each section of this tutorial.Creating Sections•To create a shell section in ABAQUS, double click Sections in the model tree and the Create Section dialog box will appear (Figure 9a). Enter a Name for the section (SHELL), and chooseShell under the Category Tab, and Homogeneous under the Type tab. Your Create Sectiondialog box should look identical to that in Figure 9b.•Click Continue…Figure 9a. Create Section Dialog Box Figure 9b. Create Section Dialog Box (SHELL) •The Edit Section dialog box will then appear where a value for the respective Shell thickness canbe prescribed for this section. Because only one material has been created, the Material isdefaulted to ALUMINUM. If multiple materials had been created, the dropdown menu could be used to prescribe a different material to this section.•Under the basic tab enter 0.25 for the Shell thickness. Change the Thickness integration rule: to Gauss. When this is done the number of Thickness integration points will default to 3. The Edit section dialog box should look identical to that in Figure 10.•Click OK.Figure 13. Edit Section Dialog Box (SHELL)Assigning Sections•Now that the shell section has been created, it can be assigned to the geometry. In the model tree, click the + to the left of the Parts icon, this will further expand the model tree’s options.Next, click the + to the left of the part called PLATE, further expanding the model tree (Figure16).•. Using the cursor, draw a box around the whole part. If the section has been chosen correctly the part will change color from grey to red (Figure 15).•Click Done.Figure 15. Selected Geometry•The Edit Section Assignment dialog box will appear. Ensure that SHELL is selected under the Section option. Under the Shell offset option make sure the drop down definition is set toMiddle surface. The Edit Section Assignment dialog box should look identical to that in Figure16.Figure 16. Edit Section Assignment (SHELL)•Click OK. The geometry should now turn to a green color.Creating an Instance•Before the part will be meshed, it can be brought into the assembly. To do this task, click the + to the left of Assembly in the model tree. The model tree will expand and should look identical to Figure 17.Figure 17. Model Tree Expansion (Assembly)•Double click on the Instances icon in the expanded model tree. This feature will allow multiple parts to be brought into the assembly. The Create Instance dialog box will appear (Figure 18).Under the Instance Type Option make sure to click Independent (mesh on instance).Figure 18. Create Instance Dialog Box•Click OK. If this step was done correctly the model should turn a blue color (Figure 19).Figure 19. Instance PartCreating a Mesh•To create a mesh for the model geometry, expand the PLATE-1 instance in the model tree and double click Mesh (Empty). Be sure to mesh in the ASSEMBLY part of the model tree and not the PARTS section. If this selection is done correctly, then the geometry should change color to pink.•The first step in creating the mesh is to partition the geometry. Click the Partition Face: Sketchicon in the module. You will be prompted to click an edge or axis, click one of the edges of the geometry and the sketching plane will appear.•Using the Create Lines: Connected icon in the module create lines such that the geometry looks identical to that in Figure 20.Figure 20. Partitioned Geometry•Click Done. The sketching tool will automatically be exited.•Click Done.•The next step in creating a mesh is to seed the part. Since a refined mesh is desired aroundholes and cracks each edge will be meshed accordingly. Click and hold the Seed Part icon in the mesh module and six icons will appear. Hover the cursor over the Seed Edge: Biased iconand release the button on the cursor.•The edges listed in Figure 21 are to be seeded with a bias. Table 2 lists the edge number (1-10), the bias ratio, and how many elements along the length of that edge. Note, when clicking theedge to be seeded, click the side of the edge where the bias should be denser. A red arrow will point where the mesh will be more refined.Figure 21. Selected Biased EdgesTable 2. Biased Edges Edge Number Bias Ratio # of Elements 1 3 15 2 3 15 3 3 15 4 3 155 3 106 3 107 3 108 3 109 3 1010 3 10• Now that all of the biased edges have been seeded, the edges shown in Figure 22 will be seededwith equal spacing of the nodes. Click the Seed Edge: By Number icon in the module. Seed the edges listed in Figure 22 with their respective values shown in Table 3.Figure 22. Selected Equal Edges1 23 456 8 9 710 1213 11141615 17 20 21 22 2324 1819Edge Number Bias Ratio # of Elements11 0 1012 0 1013 0 1014 0 1515 0 1516 0 1517 0 1518 0 6019 0 6020 0 3021 0 3022 0 1523 0 3024 0 30•If the part has been seeded correctly, the viewport should look similar to that in Figure 23.Figure 23. Seeded Part•The next step in creating the mesh is to assign mesh controls. Click the Assign Mesh Controlsicon in the model tree. Using the cursor draw a box around the whole geometry. If this is done correctly the color of the part will turn from pink to red.•Click Done.•The Mesh Controls dialog box will immediately appear. Under the Element Shape option click Quad. Under the Technique option click Structured. You may be prompted by an Abaqus dialog box, click Yes.•Click OK.•All of the regions of the model should turn a green color except for the two regions that define the central hole (Figure 24).Figure 24. Mesh Regions•While the Assign Mesh Controls option is still selected hold shift on the computer keyboard and click the two sections that define the central hole. If this is done correctly they will turn from a pink to a red color.•Click Done.•The Mesh Controls dialog box will immediately appear. Under the Element Shape option click Quad. Under the Technique option click Structured. You will be prompted by an Abaqus dialog box, click Yes. Click the Redefine Region Corners… option in the Mesh Controls dialog box. At the bottom of the viewport, click Select New.•While holding shift of the keyboard click the four nodes that join the two regions along the x-axis (Figure 24).•Click Done. Click OK.•The part is ready to be meshed. Click the Mesh Part Instance Icon In the module. •Click Yes. If the mesh has been generated properly, the part should look similar to Figure 25.Figure 25. Meshed PartCreating a Crack•Now that the geometry has been meshed, a crack will be created on the part. In the Model Tree, expand the Engineering Features by clicking the + sign. If this has been done correctly, themodel tree should look similar to that in Figure 26.Figure 26. Model Tree Expansion (Crack)•Double click Engineering Features in the model tree and top toolbar of the screen will change.At the top toolbar click Special and in the dropdown menu hover the cursor over Crack and click Assign Seam… (Figure 27).Figure 27. Assign Seam Dropdown Menu•Click the horizontal line created in the partition to assign the line to be modeled as a seam. (This line is the central horizontal line located at the left side of the part).•Click Done.•Click Done.Creating a Step• A Step is where the user defines the type of loading, e.g. Static or Dynamic, and defines the boundary conditions, e.g. support constraints and forces.•In the model tree, double click the Steps icon. The Create Step dialog box will appear (Figure 28a). Create a Name for the step called LOADING STEP. Under Procedure type chooseGeneral > Static, General. The Create Step dialog box should look identical to Figure 28b.Figure 28a. Create Step Dialog Box Figure 28b. Create Step Dialog Box (LOADING STEP) •Click Continue…, and the Edit Step dialog box will immediately appear (Figure 29).Figure 29. Edit Step Dialog Box•Click OK to accept the default values for the various options.Apply Constraint Boundary Conditions•Boundary conditions will be defined which will simulate a fixed (also known as “clamped”) beam at one end with a tip load.•Double click BCs in the model tree and the Create Boundary Condition dialog box will appear (Figure 30a). Create a Name for the boundary condition called FIXED, and under the Step drop down menu make sure to choose Initial. Under the Category option choose Mechanical, andchoose Symmetry/Antisymmetry/Encastre under the Types for Selected Step option. TheCreate Boundary Condition dialog box should look identical to that in Figure 30b.Figure 30a. Create Boundary Condition Figure 30b. Create Boundary Condition (FIXED) •Click Continue…•Click on the left edge of the part. If the edge has been selected correctly it will turn a red color.•Click Done.•The Edit Boundary Condition dialog box will immediately appear. Click ENCASTRE (U1=U2=U3=UR1=UR2=UR3=0). The Edit Boundary Condition dialog box should look identical to that in Figure 31.Figure 31. Edit Boundary Condition Dialog Box• Click OK .Applying an Axial Load to the Structure• An axial load of 500 lbs will be applied on the right side of the structure. Double click Loads inthe model tree and the create load dialog box will appear (Figure 32a). Create a Name for the load called AXIAL . Ensure that the Step option is set to LOADING STEP and that the Category is set to Mechanical . For the Types for Selected step option choose Shell edge load . The Create Load dialog box should look similar to Figure 32b.Figure 32a. Create Load Figure 32b. Create Load (AXIAL)• Click Continue …• Click the right edge of the part.•Click Done. The Edit Load dialog box will immediately appear (Figure 33a). Under Magnitude enter -500, under the Traction is defined per unit dropdown menu choose undeformed area.The Edit Load dialog box should look similar to Figure 33b.Figure 33a. Edit Load Dialog Box Figure 33b. Edit Load Dialog Box (AXIAL) •Click OK. If this has been done correctly, small purple arrows will appear on that edge in the direction of the loading.Creating a Job•To create a job for this model, double click the Jobs icon in the model tree. Up to this point, you have been preprocessing the model. A job will take the input file created by the preprocessor and process the model, i.e. perform the analysis. In the Create Job dialog box, create a Namefor this job called AXIAL. Blank spaces are not allowed in a job name. Thus the use of theunderline in the name. The Create Job dialog box should look identical to that in Figure 34.Figure 34. Create Job Dialog Box (AXIAL)•Click Continue…•The Edit Job dialog box will immediately appear (Figure 35).Figure 35. Edit Job Dialog Box (AXIAL)•Accept the default values and click OK.Setting the Work Directory•To ensure that the input files write to the correct folder, setting the work directory must be accomplished. At the top of the screen, click File and in the dropdown menu click Set Work Directory… (Figure 36).Figure 36. Set Work Directory•The Set Work Directory screen will immediately appear (Figure 37). Click Select… and use standard Windows practice to select (and possibly create) a subdirectory.Figure 37. Set Work Directory (FOLDERS)•Click OK.•Click OK.Writing the Input File (.inp)•To write the input file of the job that was created, first click the + next to the Jobs(1) icon in the model tree.•Right click the job called AXIAL and click the Write Input option. This choice will write an input file (.inp) of this model to the work directory.•It may be helpful to go to the folder on the computer to which the work directory is set to ensure that the input file was written there.Model Analysis (ABAQUS Command)Method #1•Go to the Start Menu and open Abaqus Command•ABAQUS is set to a default directory (Example E:\>). To change directories in the Abaqus Command type the directory of choice followed by a colon (D:) then hit Enter.•To access a specific directory within that drive type cd followed by the specific folder name in that directory (e.g., cd APPLIED STRENGTHS T.A) then hit Enter.•Now that the correct directory has been sourced in the command window type abaqus inter j=AXIAL and then hit enter.•If the job has completed successfully the Abaqus prompt should look similar to Figure 38.Figure 38. Abaqus Command Prompt (COMPLETED)cdMethod #2•An alternative method for submitting an *.inp file for processing by ABAQUS can be accomplished with ABAQUS CAE•Right click the job called AXIAL and click the Submit option.•If you see a warning:Click OK. The intent of this warning is to prevent the user from accidentally overwriting apreviously completed analysis with the same name.•The model will now be submitted for analysis by ABAQUS and the progress can be viewed in the status window at the bottom of the screen.Postprocessing using ABAQUS CAE•After the analysis has successfully completed in the Abaqus Command window using Method #1 or using Method #2, return to view the ABAQUS CAE viewport.•Because the last step of creating the model was to create a job/write (and possibly submit) an input file, the AXIAL job should still be highlighted in ABAQUS CAE model tree. Right click theAXIAL job and then click Results.•If this selection was done correctly, the model should turn to a green color and the geometry will have rotated to an isometric view (Figure 39).Figure 39. Analysis Results Isometric View•To rotate the model back into the X Y plane for viewing, click View in the toolbar at the top of the screen. Next, Click Toolbars and make sure the option Views has a check mark to the left of it. If not, then click it.•The Views toolbar will appear (Figure 40), and the Apply Front View button can be clicked to view the model in the X Y plane.Figure 40. Views Toolbar•To view the deformed shape of the model, click the Plot Contours on Deformed Shape iconin the Visualization module. The model should look similar to that in Figure 41.Figure 41. Deformed Shape (AXIAL)Conclusion•Save the file by doing either File > Save or clicking the disk icon•This completes the Finite Element Analysis of a Plate with Stress Concentrations Tutorial.。
Backup Exec备份实施1 .安装Backup Exec1.1安装BackupExec控制台将光盘插入光驱,屏幕中出现选择语言栏,选择简体中文,若没有自动提示,请运行光盘中的Browser.exe 文件。
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BIEE内置函数参考手册版本:V1.0第1页共43页文档变更记录第2页共43页目录1.聚合 (7)1.1.Aggregate At (7)1.2.Avg(平均值) (7)1.3.AvgDistinct(去重平均值) (7)1.4.Mavg(移动平均值) (8)1.5.BottomN (8)1.6.Count(非空值行数) (9)1.7.CountDistinct(去重去空行行数) (9)1.8.Count*() (9)1.9.Max(最大值) (10)1.10.Min(最小值) (10)1.11.Median(中位数) (11)1.12.Ntile (11)1.13.Percentile(百分位数) (12)1.14.Rank(排序) (12)1.15.TopN(排序) (13)1.16.StdDev(标准差) (13)1.17.Sum(求和) (14)1.18.SumDistinct(去重求和) (14)2.运行聚合 (15)2.1.MAVG (15)2.2.MSUM (15)2.3.RSUM (15)2.4.RCOUNT (16)2.5.RMAX (16)2.6.RMIN (17)3.字符串 (17)3.1.ASCII(美国信息交换标准代码) (17)第3页共43页3.3.Bit_Length (18)3.4.Char_Length(返回字符串长度) (18)3.5.Concat(连接) (19)3.6.Insert(改写) (19)3.7.Left(从左侧截取) (19)3.8.Right(从右侧截取) (20)3.9.Substring(字符串截取) (20)3.10.Length(长度) (20)3.11.Locate(字符串位置) (21)3.12.LocateN (21)3.13.Position(字符串位置) (22)3.14.Lower(转换小写) (22)3.15.Upper(转换大写) (23)3.16.Octet_Length (23)3.17.Repeat(复制) (23)3.18.Replace(替换) (24)3.19.Space(插入空格) (24)3.20.TrimBoth (24)3.21.TrimLeading (25)3.22.TrimTrailing (25)4.数字 (25)4.1.Abs(绝对值) (25)4.2.Acos(反余弦) (26)4.3.Asin(反正弦) (26)4.4.Atan(反正切) (26)4.5.Atan2 (27)4.6.Cos(余弦) (27)4.7.Cot(余切) (27)第4页共43页4.9.Sin(正弦) (28)4.10.Ceilling(小数舍入到最大整数) (28)4.11.Floor(小数舍入到最小整数) (29)4.12.Round(四舍五入) (29)4.13.Truncate(返回指定小数位) (29)4.14.Degrees(角度) (30)4.15.Radians(弧度) (30)4.16.Exp (30)4.17.Log(自然对数) (30)4.18.Log10(对数) (31)4.19.Mod(商的余数) (31)4.20.Pi(圆周率) (31)4.21.Power (32)4.22.Rand(0~1随机数) (32)4.23.RandFromSeed(伪随机数) (32)4.24.Sign (32)4.25.Sqrt(平方根) (33)5.日历/日期 (33)5.1.Current_Date(当前日期) (33)5.2.Current_Time(当前时间) (33)5.3.Current_TimeStamp(当前日期/时间戳) (34)5.4.Now(当前时间戳) (34)5.5.TimestampAdd(添加时间戳) (34)5.6.TimestampDiff(时间戳间隔总数) (34)5.7.DayOfYear(年中第几天) (35)5.8.Day_of_Quarter(季度中第几天) (35)5.9.DayOfMonth(月中第几天) (35)5.10.DayOfWeek(周中星期几) (36)第5页共43页5.11.Quarter_Of_Year(一年中哪个季度) (36)5.12.Month_Of_Quarter(季度中哪个月) (36)5.13.Week_Of_Quarter(季度中哪个周) (37)5.14.Week_Of_Year(年中哪个周) (37)5.15.Year(年) (37)5.16.Month(月份) (37)5.17.Hour(小时) (38)5.18.Minute(分钟) (38)5.19.Second(秒) (38)5.20.DayName(所在日期名称-英文缩写) (39)5.21.MonthName(所在月份名称-英文缩写) (39)6.转换 (39)6.1.Cast (39)6.2.IfNull (39)6.3.ValueOf (40)7.系统 (40)7.1.Database (40)er (40)8.表达式 (40)8.1.Case(Switch) (40)8.2.Case(If) (41)9.数据库函数 (41)9.1.Evaluate (41)9.2.Evaluate Aggregate (41)10.时间序列计算 (42)10.1.AGO (42)10.2.Period Rolling (42)10.3.To_Date (43)第6页共43页第7页共43页1. 聚合1.1. A ggregate At说明: 此函数根据指定的级别累计列。
建立物理层一.创建新的库:1.选择start-programs-administrative-service;2.在services对话框中,停止Oracle BI service;3.点击start-programs –Oracle business intelligence-administration打开Oracle BIadministration tool;4.点击File-new打开新建对话框;5.键入你要创建的文件名-保存;二.导入数据源:1.File-Import-fromDatabase;2.在查找数据源的对话框中选中你所创建的数据源并输入你的用户名和密码,点击OK;3.在导入对话框中选择你要用到的文件夹;4.在文件夹中选择放有数据的表;5.只在tables和keys前面打钩;6.在连接池对话框中,要更改数据源名字,要注意是TNS服务名而不是ODBC DSN,点击OK,点击CLOSE;7.Tools-update All Row Counts(更新数据);8.完成;创建Physical Joins:1.右键点击数据源文件夹选择Physical Diagram-Object and All Joins你可以选择数据源在工具条上点击Physical Diagram button按钮。
2.在Physical Diagram右键点击空白区域选择ZOOM可以调整表的大小;3.在工具条上选择New Foreign Key按钮;4.点击表弹出外键对话框;5.添加链接条件如:(CHANNELS.CHANNEL_ID=SALES.CHANNEL_ID);6.当完成所有连接时,点击右上角的X关闭对话框;7.保存,File-save;8.检查,完成;建立商业模式和绘图层库:一.创建商业模型:1.在业务模式和绘图层中,右键单击空白区域,并选择新的商业模式;2.在业务模型对话框中填写他的名字,Available for queries不打钩,Description空着;3.单击OK;二.创建逻辑表1.在创建的业务模型上点击右键选择new project-logical table;2.在逻辑表对话框中键入逻辑表的名字;3.点击OK 完成;三.创建逻辑列1.在物理层展开所需表;2.寻找所需列;3.把所需列从物理层拖拽到模型层下;4.双击所需列弹出列对话框,选择Aggregation属性,在Default aggregarion rule:选择Sum;5.点击OK完成;四.创建逻辑连接:1.在物理层选择所需要的表;2.拖拽选择的表从物理层到模型层,现在维表的颜色是黄色的,等你建立好连接以后就会变白;3.右键点击模型,选择business model diagram-whole diagram;4.重新安排表图标,让他们都是可见的,把事实表放在中间;5.在工具条上点击New Complex Join按钮,连接是从事实表到逻辑表;6.点击逻辑表然后点击事实表在逻辑表窗口,这一步很重要,事实表是多对一个关系,输入名字并保持对话框其他不变;7.重复6,把其他的逻辑表和事实表连接起来;8.点击右上角的X关闭窗口;9.保存并检查一致性;重命名业务模型1.点击Tools-Utilities;2.选择Rename Wizard然后Execute;3.选择业务模型;4.点击Add Hierarchy-next-select none-;5.选择Logical table and logical column;6.Next-All text lowercase-add;7.选择Change specified text-add8.选择Frist letter of each word capital-add;9.选择Change specified text 在Find和Replace with中键入值,casesensitrve打钩-add-next-finish;10.Save;删除步必要的模型对象47页1.选择右键删除;创建维层次1.右键选择表-Create Dimension;2.右键-expend all(展开);3.点击右键-new object-parent lecel,输入名字和级数;4.拖动列到层下,右键点击拖动的列-new logic level key;建设表示层1.从模型库拖拽文件到表示层;2.确保表示层的数据和模型层的数据一致,然后保存;测试和验证库1.File-check global-consistency-yes;你可以看见警告,和错误;2.模型层文件颜色变为浅蓝,双击它发现a vailable for queries选项被钩上;3.保存;启用查询日志1.点击manage- securety-users-administrator(双击)将Logging Level改为2;2.保存-推出;更改NQSConfig.ini文件:1.将[REPOSITORY]下的Star = SH.rpd,DEFAULT;2.[CACHE]下的改为ENABLE= NO;3.保存修改;开启OracleBIServices服务(三个必要服务Oracle BI Server service;Oracle BI PresentationServer, Oracle BI Java Host);用OracleBIAnswers进行查询:1.Start > Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > Presentation Services;2.输入用户名和密码-Answers-选择文件-创建计算度量:有三种方式,用逻辑列,物理列,计算程序;组织表示层:用初始化块和变量:创建一个动态的变量库:增加复合源:198-224(暂时略过)。
CHECK LISTAPPLICATION TO REGISTER TRAINING PROGRAMME WITHPEMBANGUNAN SUMBER MANUSIA BERHADUNDER THE PROLUS SCHEMEName of Training Programme:______________________________________________________ Attached herewith are the application form and the relevant documents to register the training programmes with PSMB under the PROLUS Scheme: [Please tick ( / ) in the appropriate box].Payment of RM300 for each training programme as mentioned above.(Please pay by cheque or postal order or money order or bank draft in the name ofPembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad).9 sets of application form PSMB/TP/PRO/2/06 (Please refer to Appendix B1) which includethe following additional supporting documents :-(i) 9 sets of Training Programme Summary (Please use format as per Appendix B2) whichinclude the Title, Objective, Target Group, Course Content and Methodology.(ii) 9 sets of Trainers Biodata for at least 2 trainers for each training program/course.(Please use format as per Appendix B3).1 set of comprehensive training manual / complete trainer’s guidelines.Approval letter to use training manual from :-____________________________________________________________________(If training manual is prepared/owed by other parties).Training programme Evaluation Form/list of trainee’s attendance for the last two (2)sessions.Authorisation letter from the Ministry of Education / LAN/ Institution of HigherLearning from local or overseas for Diploma or Franchise Programme.Breakdown of training hours and training fee(s) for each module for TrainingProgramme at Certificate/Diploma Level (Rrefer to the examples in Appendix B4)Video tape or other simulation equipments which are used during the trainingprogramme(If used during the session).APPLICATION TO REGISTER TRAINING PROGRAMME WITHPEMBANGUNAN SUMBER MANUSIA BERHADUNDER THE PROLUS SCHEMEOne (1) original copy together with eight (8) photocopies of this form are required for each training programme. All items in this form must be completed. Where the space provided is not adequate, please provide the information on a separate sheet and attach it to the form. Where information is not yet available, please indicate accordingly. All information given will be held in the strictest confidence.DETAILS OF TRAINERItem 11 - 15 must be completed for trainers who conduct training programmes fully or partially.DETAILS OF TRAINING PROGRAMME CONDUCTED BEFOREDECLARATIONAPPENDIX B2PROJECT MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT1.0 WHO SHOULD ATTENDThis training programme is relevant for personnel from the Middle Management, Project Managers, Project Engineers who are responsible to plan and implement new projects of their respective companies.2.0 OBJECTIVEWith the knowledge and skills acquired at the end of the training programme, the trainees will be able to use the techniques systematically to plan and streamline all related projects to reduce time and cost efficiently.3.0 TRAINING PROGRAMME OUTLINE3.1 Introduction to Project and Activity Management and Logic Networking3.2 Estimation of Activity Duration-Time Duration-Critical Route-Deferment and“Floats”3.3 To calculate the probability on the 3 times estimation on the projectaccording to the time given.3.4 Problems In Resources Allocation3.5 Project Monitoring-Status Report-Updating-Feedback4.0 METHODOLOGY4.1 This training delivery includes lecture, group discussion, practical exercises andvideo presentation.APPENDIX B3 EXAMPLE OF MODULE, COURSE FEE, TRAINER AND BREAKDOWN OF TOTAL HOURS FOR DIPLOMA TRAINING PROGRAMMETRAINERS’ LISTAPPENDIX B4A. TRAINER’S BACKGROUNDNAME I/C NO : :NATIONALITY TELEPHONE NO. : :FAX NO. :B. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION :C. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION :D.E. SHORT COURSES ATTENDEDYEARS OF CAREER EXPERIENCE::F. EXPERIENCE IN TRAINING :G. CURRENT OCCUPATION :H. OTHER INFORMATION :TRAINER’S SIGNATURE:___________________________ DATE :__________________。
The partition function of 2d string theory
a rXiv:h ep-th/92831v111A ug1992IASSNS-HEP-92/48YCTP-P22-92hepth@xxx.9208031The Partition Function of 2D String Theory Robbert Dijkgraaf 1School of Natural Sciences Institute for Advanced Study Princeton,NJ 08540Gregory Moore and Ronen Plesser Department of Physics Yale University New Haven,CT 06511-8167We derive a compact and explicit expression for the generating functional of all correla-tion functions of tachyon operators in 2D string theory.This expression makes manifest relations of the c =1system to KP flow and W 1+∞constraints.Moreover we derive aKontsevich-Penner integral representation of this generating functional.August 11,19921.IntroductionOne of the beautiful aspects of the matrix-model formulation of c<1string theory is that it gives a natural and mathematically precise formulation of the partition function of strings moving in different backgrounds.This result began with Kazakov’s fundamental discovery of the appearance of matterfields in the one-matrix model[1]and culminated in the discovery of the generalized KdVflow equations and the associated W N constraints in the c<1matrix models coupled to gravity[2–6].Recently these results have been further deepened through the use of a Kontsevich matrix model representation for the tau functions relevant to theseflows[7],see also[8,9].Analogous results in the c=1model have been strangely absent,and this paper is afirst step in an attempt to change that situation. Using recently developed techniques for calculating tachyon correlators in the c=1model we derive a simple and compact expression(equation(3.10))for the generating functional of tachyon correlators,or equivalently the string partition function in an arbitrary tachyon background,valid to all orders in string perturbation theory.In Euclidean space this quantity can be interpreted as the partition function of a nonlinear sigma model as a function of an infinite set of coupling constants t k,¯t k for a set of marginal operators. Upon appropriate analytic continuation to Minkowski space the partition function may be interpreted as the string S-matrix in a coherent state basis.One immediate consequence of our result(3.10)is that the partition function is natu-rally represented as a tau function of the Toda hierarchy.From this result we obtain W∞flow equations(equation4.10)when the c=1coordinate X is compactified at the self-dual radius.Moreover,this expression can be used to derive a Kontsevich-Penner representa-tion of the partition function as a matrix integral,as described in sectionfive below.In section six we discuss how time-independent changes in the matrix model backgroundfit into our formalism,and in section seven we discuss some open problems and the relation of this work to other recent papers on c=1and W∞.2.Defining correlation functionsIn a particular background,string propagation in a two-dimensional spacetime is described on the string worldsheet by the conformalfield theory of a massless scalar X coupled to a c=25Liouville theoryφwith worldsheet action(excluding ghosts)A= 12R(2)φ+µe√Via its dual interpretation as the conformal gauge action for the coupling of X to two-dimensional gravity,(2.1)isexpressible asthecontinuumlimitofa sumover discretized surfaces.The discrete sum,as is by now well known,is generated by a matrix integral.In the double scaling limit which leads to the continuum theory this is in turn equivalent to a theory of free nonrelativistic fermions with actionS = ∞−∞dxdλˆψ† i ddλ2−V (λ) ˆψ.(2.2)The potential V (λ)in (2.2)is required to approach −1Γ(−|q |) Σe iqX/√2(1−12φso that the bounding circles C have lengths ℓ= C e φ/√sinπ|p |µ−|p |/2I |p |(2√r 2−p 2µ−r/2I r (2√2The behavior of V (λ)for negative λis irrelevant to all orders of perturbation theory in 1/µ.Indeed,the results of this paper should be interpreted in this perturbative sense.Many results are true in the nonperturbative context and we will indicate this in the appropriate places.Where we mention nonperturbative results we will refer to potentials which grow sufficiently rapidly for large negative λ.In [10]these were termed “type I”models.whereˆB r,p are redundant operators for p/∈Z Z.We may thus extract tachyon correlators from macroscopic loop amplitudes asni=1W(ℓi,q i) =n i=1Γ(−|q i|)ℓ|q i|i n i=1T q i +O(ℓ2i) +analytic inℓi.(2.5)The matrix model formulation of the theory leads to a simple computation of the appro-priate limits of loop amplitudes.In the matrix model the macroscopic loop is related by a Laplace transform to the eigenvalue densityˆρ(λ,x)=ˆψ†ˆψ(λ,x):W(ℓ,x)= ∞0e−ℓλˆρ(λ,x)dλW(ℓ,q)= ∞−∞e iqx W(ℓ,x)dx.(2.6) DefiningˆW(z,x)= ∞0e−zℓW(ℓ,x)dℓ(2.7) we recoverˆρ(λ,x)=−i2)/βwith m∈Z Z.The eigenvalue correlator can be written as:ˆρ(λi ,q i ) =∞ m =−∞ σ∈Σn n k =1I (Q σk ,λσ(k ),λσ(k +1))(3.1)where Σn is the set of permutations of n objects,Q σk ≡p m +q σ(1)+···+q σ(k ).The λdependence of the correlator is determined by the function I (q,λ1,λ2)=(I (−q,λ1,λ2))∗=λ1|1√4|λ21−λ22|R [q,λ1,λ2]=R q exp i (µ+iq )log (λ1λ2)−i 4λ2with an infinite wallat λ=0it is given byR q =i 1−ie −π(µ+iq ) 2−iµ+q )2+iµ−q ).(3.3)Inserting(3.2)in the expression (3.1)leads to a sum of terms.The calculation of tachyon correlators requires the extraction of those terms in the sum with the correct asymptotic dependence on λi .For each permutation σ,at most a finite number of terms in the sum over the loop momentum p m contribute to the result.A graphical procedure for performing this extraction was developed in [10]and used to derive an explicit expression for arbitrary tachyon correlators.We divide the tachyon insertions into “incoming”(q <0)and ‘outgoing”(q >0)particles.As in a Feynman diagram there is a vertex in the (x,λ)half-space corresponding to each operator ˆρ(x,λ).While the final result will of course be independent of the order in which the λi are increased to infinity,in intermediate steps we will choose some order and locate the vertices accordingly.Points are connected by line segments,representing the integral I ,to form a one-loop graph.Since the expression for I in (3.2)has two terms we have both direct and reflected propagators as in fig.1.Each line segment carries a momentum and an arrow.Note that in fig.1the reflected propagator,which we call simply a “bounce,”is composedof two segments with opposite arrows and momenta.These line segments are joined to form a one-loop graph according to the following rules:RH1.Lines with positive(negative)momenta slope upwards to the right(left).RH2.At any vertex arrows are conserved and momentum is conserved as time flows upwards.In particular momentum q i is inserted at the vertex infig.2.RH3.Outgoing vertices at(x out,λout)all have later times than incoming vertices (x in,λin):x out>x in.Diagrams drawn according to these rules correspond to possible physical processes in real time and were hence termed“real histories”.The connected tachyon correlation function is found by summing the terms in(3.1)corresponding to all real histories,and reads schematicallyni=1T q i =(−i)n RH± m bounces R Q(−R Q)∗.(3.4)The graphical rules allow one to convert(3.4)into an explicit formula for the amplitude [10].In the next subsection we will show that this result may be written quite simply in terms of free fermionicfields,representing a fermionized version of the free relativistic bosonicfield which describes the asymptotic behavior of the tachyon.3.2.Free Energy in terms of free oscillatorsOne of the central results of[10]is that the graphical rules described above are equiv-alent to the composition of three transformations on the scattering states:fermionization, free fermion scattering,and bosonization:i f→b◦S ff◦i b→f as infig.3.The various real his-tories correspond to the possible contractions among the incoming and outgoing fermions, and the fermion scattering matrix describes a simple one-body process,given essentially by the phase shift in the nonrelativistic problem.It should be noted that this does not imply the(false)statement that bosonization is exact for the nonrelativistic fermion prob-lem.Rather,it is a statement about the asymptotics of certain correlators in the theory for a particular class of potentials.Here we will rewrite the tachyon amplitude using this formulation as a matrix element of a certain operator in the conformalfield theory of a free Weyl fermion.It is convenient to define rescaled tachyon vertex operators V q =µ1−|q |/2T q and two free scalar fields ∂φin/out = n αin/out n z −n −1,such thatn i =1V n i /βm j =1V −n ′j /β =−(iµ)n2with expansionsψ(z )=m ∈Z Z ψm +12z −m −1{ψr ,¯ψs }=δr +s,0.(3.6)Now the result of [10]states that (3.5)is equivalent toψin−(m +12)¯ψin −(m +12).(3.7)Unitarity of the tachyon S -matrix is equivalent to the identityR q R ∗−q =1(3.8)on the reflection factors.3Using this,we can rewrite (3.7)as a unitary transformationψin (z )=Sψout (z )S −1¯ψin (z )=S ¯ψout (z )S −1S =:exp m ∈Z Z log R p m ψout−(m +12 :.(3.9)Thus we may write the full generating functional for connected Green’s functions in terms of a single free boson with modes αn :µ2F ≡ e n ≥1t n V n/β+ n ≥1¯t n V −n/β c=−1µ2F 1+···.This formula is anenormous simplification over previous expressions for c =1amplitudes.The generating function for all amplitudes isZ =e µ2F .(3.11)4.W 1+∞constraintsIn correlation functions of tachyons with integer (Euclidean)momentum,the bounce factors R q of(3.3)simplify due to the following identityR ∗ξR n −ξ=(−iµ)−n1µ∂Zw n dzz )m 0|eiµ n ≥1t n αn ψ(z )¯ψ(w )Se iµ n ≥1¯t n α−n |0(4.2)At the self-dual radius β=1,where all tachyon momenta are integral,we may simplify the sum on m using (4.1)(−iµ)−n (−iµ+z ∂z )m (4.3)the latter sum acting like a delta function.Now integrate by parts and use the identity(−iµ−z ∂∂z)n z iµ.(4.4)It is convenient to bosonizeψ(z)=eφ(z),¯ψ(z)=e−φ(z)and shift the zero mode:˜φ(z)=φ(z)+iµlog z.(4.5)Taking the operator product of the two exponentials inφ,and using the delta function and charge conservation wefind the operator:dw(iµ)−n1∂¯t n=Z−1 dw(iµ)−(n+1)w+ n>0nt n w n−1−1∂t n w−n−1.(4.8) The genus zero result of[18]is easily obtained from this as the leading term at largeµ. (Note that this was obtained atβ=∞but genus zero correlators are independent ofβ[17].)The operators P(n)(z)=:e−˜φ(z)∂n e˜φ(z):and their derivatives generate the algebra W1+∞[19].The standard generators are related to these byW(n)(z)=n−1l=0(−1)l(2n−2)l∂l P(n−l)(z).(4.9)The rescaling of the scalarfield required to obtain(4.8)is simply a change of basis effected by the operator:e log(iµ)πφ˜φ:whereπφis the momentum conjugate to˜φ.Inserting this we can rewrite(4.7)as∂Z5.Tau-functions and the Kontsevich-Penner matrix integralIn this section we will point out that the above reformulation of the generating func-tional of the c=1string represents mathematically aτ-function of the Toda Lattice hierarchy.The Toda Lattice naturally contains the KP and KdV hierarchies,and thus the c=1results are closely related to the expressions obtained for c<1.We will also show how to rewrite the partition function(at the self-dual radius)as a matrix integral, generalizing expressions previously considered by Kontsevich[7]and Penner[20].5.1.Grassmannians and tau-functionsLet usfirst briefly explain the notion of a tau-function and its relation with the universal Grassmannian.For more details see e.g.[21]and[22].We will focus here on the relation with conformalfield theory instead of the Lax pair formulation.Consider a two-dimensional free chiral scalarfieldϕ(z),with the usual mode expansion∂ϕ(z)= nαn z−n−1.(5.1)The reader is encouraged to think about this scalarfield as the target space tachyonfield at spatial infinity with a periodic Euclidean time coordinate.We have a Hilbert space H built on the vacuum|0 ,and as in the case of a harmonic oscillator one can consider coherent states,∞ n=1it nα−n(5.2)|t =expand their Hermitian conjugates∞ n=1−it nαn(5.3)t|= 0|exp(The parameters t n are considered to be real here.)Now to any state|W in the Hilbert space H we can associate a coherent state wavefunctionτW(t)by considering the inner productτW(t)= t|W .(5.4)This function is a tau-function of the KP hierarchy if and only if the state|W lies in the so-called Grassmannian.To explain the concept of the Grassmannian we have to turn to the alternative de-scription of this chiral conformalfield theory in terms of chiral Weyl fermionsψ(z),¯ψ(z) by means of the well-known bosonization formulas4i∂ϕ=¯ψψ,ψ=e iϕ,¯ψ=e−iϕ.(5.5)Loosely speaking,the Grassmannian can be defined as the collection of all fermionic Bogo-liobov transforms of the vacuum|0 .That is,the state|W belongs to the Grassmannian if it is annihilated by particular linear combinations of the fermionic creation and annihilation operators.)|W =0,n≥0,(5.6) (ψn+12or equivalently,|W =S·|0 ,S=exp n,m A nm¯ψ−n−12.(5.7)Note that the operator S can be considered as an element of the infinite-dimensional linear group,S∈GL(∞,4Since we do not wish toflaunt tradition we change conventions for bosonization in this section relative to the previous sections.with|¯t and t|the coherent states(5.2)and(5.3)and S a general GL(∞,z−n i.(5.12)nWith this choice of parameterization,and after taking into account a normal ordering contribution,the tau-function can be written asdet v j−1(z i)τ(t)=The techniques of the double-scaled matrix models leads to two important results.First, the partition functionτ(t)is a tau-function of the KP hierarchy,that is,it can be written asτ(t)= t|W = t|S|0 ,(5.16) for some state|W and matrix S∈GL(∞,ipz p−1z p+1/λ· ∞−∞dy·y n·e i(z p y−y p+1p+1)/λ.(5.19)p+1Here Y and Z are both N×N Hermitian matrices,and the parameterization of the KP times t k in terms of the matrix Z isλt k=∆(V′(z))2·det V′′(Z)·5.3.The Kontsevich-Penner integralWe have seen that the c=1partition function can be succinctly written as a tau-function of the Toda Lattice hierarchyτ(t,¯t)= t|S|¯t .(5.23)Forfixed¯t k we recover a tau-function of the KP hierarchy,which we can study with the techniques of the previous subsection.Indeed the operators O n of the minimal models should now be compared to the outgoing tachyons of the c=1model.We want to determine in more detail the element W(¯t)in the Grassmannian that parametrizes this particular orbit of the KPflows.To this end we have to consider the state|W(¯t) =S·U(¯t)·|0 ,U(¯t)=exp∞ n=1iµ¯t nα−n.(5.24)We will describe|W(¯t) by giving a basis v k(z;¯t),k≥0,of one-particle wave-functions. First we observe that the operator U(¯t)acts on the wave-functions z n by simple multipli-cationU(¯t):z n→exp iµ¯t k z−k ·z n.(5.25) Similarly we have for the action of S a multiplicationS:z n→R p n·z n.(5.26)We have already seen that the reflection factors R pncontain all the relevant information of the c=1matrix model.At radiusβthey can be chosen to beR pn =(−iµ)−n+1βΓ(12Γ(1with a normalization constant c k such that v k(z;0)=z k.(This corresponds to the normal ordering of the S-matrix in(3.9).)Since the reflection factor is basically a gamma function, the result can be expressed as a Laplace transformv k(z;¯t)=c′(z)· ∞0dy·y k·y−iµβ+(β−1)/2e iµ(y/z)βexp iµ¯t k y−k (5.29) Here the constant c′(z)is given byc′(z)=β(−iµ/zβ)1√2−iµ).(5.30)These integral representations are of Kontsevich type if and only ifβ=1,that is,only at the self-dual radius.Indeed in that case we havev k(z;¯t)=c′(z)· ∞0dy·y k·exp iµ y/z−log y+ ¯t k y−k (5.31) Therefore,following the procedure in[8,9],we can write the following matrix integral representation for the generating functional.Define the integralσ(Z,¯t)= dY e iµT r[Y Z−1+V(Y)],(5.32) whereV(Y)=−log Y+ ¯t k Y−k,(5.33) and we integrate over positive definite matrices Y.Then we haveτ(t,¯t)=σ(Z,¯t)nT rZ−n.(5.35) Note that with this normalizationτ(t,0)=1,which is appropriate since we consider normalized correlation functions.In order to write down the result(5.34)we had to treat the incoming and outgoing tachyons very differently,parametrizing the outgoing states through(5.35),whereas the coupling coefficients to the incoming states enter the matrix integral in a much more straightforward fashion.Equation(5.34)should be considered as an asymptotic expansion inµ−1,but,for small enough t k,¯t k the expansion in these variables will be convergent.In some cases,(e.g.the sine-Gordon case considered in[26]) the expansion has afinite radius of convergence,and as we increase|t k|beyond the radius of convergence we can have phase transitions.5.4.The partition functionMatrix integrals of the above type have appeared in the work of the mathematicians Harer and Zagier[27]and Penner[20]in their investigations of the Euler characteristic of the moduli space M g,s of Riemann surfaces with g handles and s punctures.(See[28]for more details on these wonderful calculations.)The double scaling limit of this so-called Penner integral was considered by Distler and Vafa[29]who also speculated on the relation with c=1string theory.Their work has been followed by a number of papers concerned with double scaling limits and multi-critical behaviour of matrix models with logarithmic potentials[25].All these papers considered essentially the case Z=1and¯t n=0,in the notation of(5.32).Distler and Vafa noticed that—after a double scaling limit and an analytic contin-uation—the Penner matrix integral could reproduce the c=1partition function at the self-dual radiusβ=1.Recall that the free energy at that radius is given by[30]∂2Fxe−iµx x/22µ2logµ−12g(2g−2)µ2−2g.(5.37)(Up to analytic terms inµ.)This makes one wonder whether our result(5.34)can be sharpened to give the unnormalized correlation functions.To this end let us put the incoming coupling constants¯t k to zero(and thereby also t k=0)and take a closer look at the integralσ(Z)= dY e iµT r[Y Z−1−log Y].(5.38) First of all it has a trivial Z-dependenceσ(Z)=(det Z)N−iµ·σ(1).(5.39) Actually,it is convenient to work with the quantity F defined bye F=(πi/µ)−N2As an asymptotic expansion in 1/µit has the representatione F = dY ·e iµ ∞k =21dY·eiµ1µ)−N/2 (−iµ)iµΓ(−iµ) N N−1p =1(1−p/iµ)N −p(5.44)from which one may obtain the formulae:F g,s =(−1)s B 2g2g (2g −2)1−(1−x )2−2g ,g ≥2,F 1(x )=−12(1−x )2log(1−x )+32x .(5.47)The double-scaling limit considered by Distler and Vafa in[29]keeps N−iµfixed,while sending N,µ→∞(and x→1in(5.47).).This is clearly only possible for imaginary µ,which is precisely the case they study.However,here we want to consider a simpler limit in whichµis keptfixed,but N tends to infinity.We already mentioned that the parameterization(5.35)only makes sense in this limit.Indeed,the absence of a double scaling limit is very much in the spirit of Kontsevich integrals.The contribution for genus 2or higher have a smooth limit,as is evident from(5.47).(Recall,we send x→∞.) However,we have to worry about the genus zero and one pieces,which have to be corrected by hand.(This is by the way also true for the double scaling limit.)Combining all ingredients we obtain the followingfinal result for the unnormalized generating functional for the c=1string theoryτ(t,¯t)=c(Z)· dY exp iµT r Y Z−1−log Y+ ¯t k Y−k .(5.48) where the normalization constant is given byc(Z)=e−iµN(2πi/µ)N2/2(det Z)iµ−N(5.49)(1+iN/µ)112µ112e32N/µ.The expression(5.48)has a smooth large N limit.6.Other BackgroundsThe results of the previous sections comprise in principle a calculation of the partition function in arbitrary tachyon backgrounds(subject to the equations of motion).The full space of classical backgrounds in the theory includes in addition to these excitations of the“discrete states”corresponding to global modes like the radius of the1D universe and generalizations thereof.Of these,the ones best understood in terms of the matrix model are the zero-momentum excitations which are thought to be represented by variations in the double-scaled potential.In this section we study the dependence of the amplitudes on these extra parameters.We note that in principle the formulation of section three applies in arbitrary potentials.What we add here is a study of the variation of the reflection factor R q,hence of the partition function,under variations of the potential.6.1.Dependence on βThe most obvious parameter is β,the radius at which we compactify the scalar field X .The formulas of section four are valid for arbitrary β,however as pointed out in [17],correlation functions at different radii are related.The relation is most simply written in terms of rescaled couplings t n .DefiningˆF [t n ,¯t n ;β;µ]≡µ2F [µn 2β−1¯t n ;β;µ](6.1)so that derivatives of ˆFyield correlation functions of T q ,we have ˆF [t n ,¯t n ;β;µ]=1∂µ2β∂2β−1t (n/β),µn∂t n ∂¯t n =µnn −1 m =0R ∗p mR n −p m =i n n −1 m =0(−iµ−m )n .(6.3)Inverting the operator in (6.2)assin(∂∂2−iµ−x )n (6.5)in agreement with the result of [10].6.2.Other zero-momentum modesThe matrix model naturally suggests candidate representatives of the special states at zero X momentum.Operators with the appropriate quantum numbers may be introduced as generating variations in the double-scaled potential V (λ).Their correlators may thus be studied by analysis of the variation of the partition function Z computed above under these changes in V .From the definition of I (q,λ1,λ2)we can obtain directly constraints on thevariation of R q.Essentially these follow upon integration by parts from the linear Gelfand-Dikii equation satisfied by a product of Sturm-Liouville eigenfunctions[31].Explicitly,we haveL q,k R q=0k≥−1L q,k=−k(k2−1)∂∂s+2 p≥0s p(2k+p+2)∂k5In[33]proposals for c=1flow equations were made by taking the N→∞limit of the W N constraints of the c<1models.It should be noted that,although our equations have some similarities to the proposals of[33],they are not equivalent.From the relation of these results to a Kontsevich-type matrix model it appears that we have taken a step closer to a unified description of all the c≤1models along the lines proposed by[8,9].Moreover,the description(5.48)of the partition function is a strong hint that the c=1correlators have a description in terms of a topologicalfield theory.If this is so then the present results provide a direct bridge between a topologicalfield theory at the self-dual radius and the local physics of the c=1tachyon in the uncompactified theory.There have been many discussions of W∞symmetry in the c=1system.Our con-straints are related to the results of[15,34–36].The other modes of the W∞currents appearing in equation(4.10)define a set of operatorsσn(T q)whose correlation functions are determined by the subleading terms proportional toλ−|q|−2n in the largeλasymp-totics of the eigenvalue correlators.6These“operators”exist at any radius for X and have free fermion representations as fermion bilinears.Their correlators are also given by a Toda tau function generalizing that in(3.10).Note that these operators appear at any momentum q and are related to fractional powers ofℓ(or,equivalently,ofλ).Therefore, at generic q they cannot be the special state operators but rather are related to contact terms associated to singular geometries created by intersecting macroscopic loops[15].At integer q the distinction between special states and theσn(T q)is less clear.We hope to return to the subtleties of these contact terms in a future publication.The W∞symmetry we have discussed might also be related to the W∞Ward identities of[37–43].In these references the Liouvillefield is treated as a freefield,in other words, one works atµ=0.One should be cautious about identifying these W∞symmetries with those of the matrix model.As we have emphasized,the W∞modes of the matrix model σn(T q)are constructed from the tachyon degrees of freedom in distinction to the W∞currents of[37–43].Moreover,our Ward identities are highly nonlinear when expressed in terms of the correlation functions7in contrast to the quadratic identities of[39–43]. Finally the ghost sector of the theory is crucial in[39–43],leading to many more“special state operators”at given X,φmomenta than are considered in[15,34–36].Clearly there is a certain amount of tension between these two approaches and further work is needed to see if these differences are superficial or essential.We must emphasize that at c =1the W ∞-constraints are actually somewhat sec-ondary,since we have an explicit solution of the appropriate Toda tau function given by (3.10).Analogous representations for thec <1tau functions (at nontopological points)replace the simple operator S by complicated and uncomputable objects like the “star operators”of [44].This is why the Virasoro constraints at c <1are essential to the actual computation of amplitudes.It would be interesting to investigate further the physical properties of these different time-dependent backgrounds.In [18,26]some results along these lines were discussed.Our result (3.10)should allow a much more complete analysis of the space of time-dependent backgrounds in 2D string theory and the various phase transitions occurring as one in-creases the coordinates t k .What is needed for further progress is a more effective way to compute the tau function (perhaps from the Kontsevich representation)or a deeper understanding of the infinite dimensional geometry of the associated Grassmannian.AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank T.Banks,E.Martinec,N.Seiberg,C.Vafa,and H.Verlinde for discussions.This work is supported by DOE grant DE-AC02-76ER03075and by a Presidential Young Investigator Award (G.M.,R.P.)and by the W.M.Keck foundation (R.D.).G.M would like to thank the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences for hospitality.Appendix A.Dependence on the potentialIn this appendix we will derive constraints on the dependence of the free energy upon the double-scaled matrix model potential V (λ).We restrict attention to variations of the potential which preserve the asymptotics V (λ)∼−1H −µ−iq |λ2 =−∞−∞dλδV (λ)I (q,λ1,λ)I (q,λ,λ2).(A.1)We now recall the calculation of I from[10](see appendix A of this work for a detailed calculation for particular potentials).For simplicity let q>0.We will make use of the eigenfunctions of H=d22∓iz e±iλ2.(A.2) In terms of these we can write the resolvent quite easily by imposing the boundary condi-tions and the defining property(H−z)I(q,λ1,λ2)=δ(λ1−λ2)as in[10]I(q,λ1,λ2)=−iθ(λ1−λ2) χ−(z,λ1)χ+(z,λ2)+R qχ−(z,λ1)χ−(z,λ2) +(λ1↔λ2).(A.3)The reflection factor R q contains all the effects of the potential,and for the standard V is given by(3.3).Inserting this into(A.1)and neglecting terms of orderδV(λ1,2)for large λi,wefind that a variation of V yieldsδR q=−i ∞−∞dλδV(λ)ψ(z,λ)2(A.4) whereψ=χ++R qχ−is the solution satisfying the boundary conditions at smallλ.The integrand F(z,λ)=ψ(z,λ)2in(A.4)satisfies a differential equation[31]following from that satisfied byψF′′′−4(V(λ)+z)F′−2V′F=0(A.5) where primes denoteλdifferentiation.Let us choose as a convenient set of variations of the potentialδV(λ)=ǫe−ℓλ.Inserting this in(A.4)and integrating by parts wefind8[ℓ3−4zℓ−4ℓV(−d dℓ)]δR q=0.(A.6) The integration by parts is justified by the limiting conditions we have imposed uponψandδV.Formally expanding V= n≥0s nλn the bounce factor becomes a function of the s j: R q=R q[s1,s2,...].RewritingδV as a motion in s j and inserting the resulting expression forδR q in(A.6)we obtain(after shifting s0)L q,k R q=0k≥−1+2 p≥0s p(2k+p+2)∂L q,k=−k(k2−1)∂∂sk8The similarity of this to the WdW equation of[16]is no coincidence;setting z=µand λ1=λ2wefind that(A.1)is essentially the WdW wavefunction of the cosmological constant.。
Adobe Sign合规性分析 21 CFR Part 11和Annex 11说明书
W H I T E P A P E RAdobe SignAn Analysis of Shared Responsibilities for 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11 ComplianceTable of Contents1 Introduction 32 Scope and Audience 33 Background 3 3.1 Adobe Sign System Overview 3 3.2 A dobe Sign Identity Management 43.3 Key Terms 64 C onformance with Regulations 6 4.1 21 CFR Part 11 64.2 EudraLex Volume 4 Annex 11 215 Contact Info 316 Disclaimer 321 IntroductionWhile increasingly more Healthcare and Life Science organizations are benefiting from the advantages of digital document management, these companies must adhere to strict regulatory requirements if using computer systemsto generate and manage electronic records and electronic signatures in the place of paper-and-ink-based records. Each jurisdiction has its own set of rules, but all havethe common interest of ensuring electronic recordsand electronic signatures are considered trustworthy, reliable, and equivalent to paper records and hand-written signatures.• 21 CFR Part 11: Under the United States (U.S.) Code of Federal Regulations, 21 CFR Part 11 provides requirements for electronic records and electronic signatures.• Annex 11: Under the European Union (EU) EudraLex rules and regulations governing medicinal products,Volume 4 Annex 11 establishes the conventions for using computerised systems.Adobe Sign is a cloud-based electronic signature service that allows users to implement automated electronic signature workflows in place of traditional paper-and-ink signature processes. With Adobe Sign, electronic signature requests are emailed to signers with unique hyperlinks to documents and added security measures (such as user authentication and password-protection) are possible. Cloud signatures can be used to apply a certificate-based digital signature, such as advanced or qualified e-signatures as defined by the EU eIDAS regulation. If implemented properly, it is possible to satisfy 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11 requirements when using Adobe Sign to execute electronic signatures.This paper presents an analysis of the technical features and the procedural controls that allow for the applicationof compliant signatures using Adobe Sign. This assessment focuses on how Adobe and the organization using Adobe Sign share responsibilities for achieving compliance.2 Scope and Audience While various use cases are possible with Adobe Sign, this paper pertains to the use of Adobe Sign for the application of electronic signatures to controlled GxP documents in a manner that is 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11 compliant.This paper focuses on the Adobe Sign electronic signature service. The use of Adobe Acrobat and Reader for desktop certificate-based signatures and PDF signatures is not covered in this document.The intended reader of this paper is the Healthcare and Life Science organization using Adobe Sign as part of a GxP regulated process (“customer”).Electronic signatures are a way to indicate consent or approval on digital documents and forms. A digital signature is a specific implementation of an electronic signaturethat uses a certificate-based digital ID to verify the signer’s identity and binds the signature to the document with encryption. Adobe Sign supports both electronic signatures and digital signatures. Since a digital signature is a type of electronic signature, the term “electronic signature” will be used throughout this document when evaluating the Adobe Sign services.3 Background3.1 Adobe Sign System Overview Adobe Sign, an Adobe Document Cloud solution, is a cloud-based electronic signature service offered in a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model managed by Adobe (the service provider). The configuration of the Adobe Sign services with the settings needed for the customer’s business processes is managed through their Adobe Sign account.Licensed users must be added to a customer’s Adobe Sign account. Electronic signature functionality is made available to active, fully enabled users within the Adobe Sign account (internal users). Active internal users are authorized to use electronic signature functionality based on the privileges assigned to them in Adobe Sign (e.g. sending and/or signing privileges). A sender may upload a document in the AdobeSign portal and send an email notification to inform each signer that the document is available for signature. Invited signers can access and sign the document from any device through a secure web browser session.The Adobe Sign application can be configured to use single or multi-factor authentication methods to verify the signer’s identity, with options to do so at various points in time (e.g. upon system login, upon opening an agreement to view the document, and when applying a signature).Once all requested electronic signatures have been applied to a document, the system can be configured to send a hyperlink for the signed record to the individual who sent the document for signature and to all signers. Internal users can access the signed record via the hyperlink or directly from the Adobe Sign portal. As external users do not have access to the Adobe Sign account, they can access the signed record via the hyperlink only.For each signed record, an audit report is created. The audit report includes the identity of each signer and a timestamp indicating the date and time at which the electronic signature was applied. The signed record and its audit report are available in PDF format and are certified using public key infrastructure (PKI) digital certificates. These can be retrieved for retention in a system used by the customerto manage electronic records, e.g. electronic document management system (EDMS).Transactional data (including original documents, workflow events, and final signed PDF documents) are securely stored within the data layer (databases and file store) managedby Adobe. The Adobe Sign infrastructure resides in top-tier data centers managed by trusted cloud service providers. Additional information related to the Adobe Sign system architecture and governance processes is provided in the Adobe Sign Security Overview White Paper.Backed by numerous security features, processes, and controls, Adobe Sign is compliant with rigorous security standards, including SOC 2 Type 2, ISO 27001, and PCI DSS. For additional technical details on applicable information system controls in place, the latest Adobe Document Cloud SOC 2 Type 2 attestation report is available upon request from Adobe account representatives.It is the responsibility of the customer using Adobe Sign as part of a GxP regulated process to evaluate system features and to select options that meet their business needs. The customer must also implement appropriate processes and safeguards to govern their business activities.3.2 A dobe Sign IdentityManagementIdentity management is fundamental to obtaining a legal signature, as the falsification of one’s identity results in a fraudulent signature. A strong identity verification process is required to establish a trustworthy link between who someone claims to be and who they really are. Identification is the act of presenting some record or qualifying personal information to confirm a person’s existence. This is usually performed just once, by validating an official ID document or other piece of personally identifiable information. Typically, this verification is carried out by the customer or a trust service provider (TSP) and, pursuant to 21 CFR Part 11.100(b), is done prior to assigning an individual the credentials needed to identify themself to the Adobe Sign service.Identity authentication is the process of confirming that a person is who they claim to be. Methods for authenticating users generally rely on at least one of the following: something you have (e.g. smart card), something you know (e.g. password) something you are (e.g. biometrics).A person’s identity must be authenticated each time they access a system or resources.Adobe supports the following identity types:• Adobe ID is for Adobe-hosted, user-managed accounts.The individual user creates, owns and manages the ID.• Enterprise ID is for Adobe-hosted, enterprise-managed accounts. The organization (customer) creates, ownsand manages the ID. User accounts can be created on verified domains.• Federated ID is for enterprise-managed accounts.The organization (customer) creates, owns and manages the ID. Additionally, the organization (customer)manages user credentials and uses Single Sign On (SSO) via a SAML 2.0 compliant identity provider.Adobe Sign supports several different choices to authenticate users. Users can be those who use the application to send documents (and have a Sign licence)as well as those who access documents that were sent to them for their signature. Because most users have unique access to one email account, the first level of identity authentication to Adobe Sign is achieved by sending an email request to a specific person.• Adobe Sign authentication — This option requires signers to log in with an account created with Adobe.Because Adobe Sign uses email as a delivery mechanism, the Adobe Sign authentication method used on its own is considered single factor authentication.The authentication is rendered more robust and secure when an additional method (i.e. multi-factor authentication) is used. The following second-factor authentication methods are available in Adobe Sign:• Password based authentication — This option requires that the signer enter a unique password before beingallowed to sign a document.• Phone authentication — This option requires signers to enter a verification code that is sent to their phonevia SMS or voice call before being allowed to sign adocument.• Knowledge-based authentication (KBA) — This option provides a higher level of authentication in which thesigner is asked a number of personal questions, e.g.“What is your mother’s maiden name?”. The signer must answer all questions correctly before being allowed tosign a document. • Government ID authentication — This method instructs the recipient to supply an image of a government-issued document (Driver's license, Passport) and evaluates the authenticity of that document.Additionally, Adobe Sign may be used in conjunctionwith Adobe-approved trust service providers to verify signer identity.Users with administrative privileges can configure a customer’s account to mandate the use of a specific method to verify the signer’s identity. Different authentication controls can be configured to accommodate internal and external recipients. Before they can sign a document,the signer is prompted to confirm their identity using the authentication method that is chosen for this recipient type. Adobe Sign uses a role-based model to control authorization and system access. Users with administrative privileges can add individuals as Adobe Sign users to the customer’s account and can assign roles (Signer, Sender)to grant signing and sending authority to select individuals within their account.For additional technical details, see the Adobe Identity Management Services Security Overview.3.3 Key TermsAgreement The customer-facing object that Adobe Sign creates from the uploaded files (documents) that are routed for signature."Agreement" is the term used to define both the object during the process of obtaining signatures and the final PDF that isgenerated.Note: A signed agreement is used interchangeably with the term “Record”.Customer Members of a health or life science organization using Adobe Sign as part of a GxP regulated processGxP Set of compliance regulations including but not limited to, Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Distribution Practice (GDP), and Good Pharmacovigilance Practice (GVP)Public key infrastructure (PKI)A technology approach for the creation, storage, distribution, and revocation of digital certificates which are used to verify that a specific public key belongs to a particular entity (person or organization).Recipient An individual assigned a request to apply an electronic signature to a document. The recipient may be designated as internal or external, as follows:• An internal recipient is any active user (as identified by the email address) within the same Adobe Sign account fromwhich the agreement was sent and who is the recipient of a request to apply an electronic signature. Internal recipientmay be used interchangeably with internal signer or internal user throughout the document. An internal user is not per sesomeone who has an email address from the customer’s email domain.• An external recipient is any individual whose email address is not included in the account-level user list and who is therecipient of a request to apply an electronic signature. External recipient may be used interchangeably with externalsigner or external user throughout the document.Record An agreement that has been signed by all required Signers.4 C onformance with RegulationsIn this section, the compliance requirements of 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11 are evaluated to determine how the Adobe Sign cloud service conforms with the regulations. In addition to Adobe Sign technical controls, the organization using Adobe Sign as part of a GxP regulated process (“customer”) is responsible for defining and implementing processes to ensure that Adobe Sign is used in a controlled manner that meets the regulatory requirements.4.1 21 CFR Part 1121 CFR Part 11 defines the requirements for electronic document and signature submissions to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This law specifically details FDA regulations for “electronic records, electronic signatures, and handwritten signatures executed to electronic records to be trustworthy, reliable, and generally equivalent to paper records and handwritten signatures executed on paper.” 21 CFR Part 11 mandates that life science organizations using electronic signatures meet three distinct categories of compliance requirements: 1. Security for “closed systems” (Subpart B, Sec. 11.10)2. Security for “open systems” (Subpart B, Sec. 11.30)3. Requirements for executing an electronic signature(Subpart B, Sec. 11.50 and Sec. 11.70; Subpart C)Under 21 CFR Part 11, a “system” is described as either closed or open. A closed system is an environment in which system access is controlled by the individuals who are responsible for the content of the electronic records that are in the system. Conversely, an open system is an environment in which system access is not controlled by individuals who are responsible for the content of electronic records that are in the system. Adobe Sign is generally considered tobe an open system; however, customers can also createa closed system for their organization if the customerhas administrators who manage system access and the individual users are responsible for the content of the electronic records.Regulations (21 CFR Part 11)Subpart C — Electronic Signatures4.2 EudraLex Volume 4 Annex 11EudraLex is the collection of rules and regulations governing medicinal products in the European Union (EU). Of the 10 volumes that constitute EudraLex, Volume 4 contains guidance for the interpretation of the principles and guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for medicinal products for human and veterinary use. Volume 4 is supported by numerous Annexes, including Annex 11 which broadly addresses the use of computerised systems in GMP regulated activities. Regulations (EU Volume 4 Annex 11)5 Contact InfoTo learn more about how Adobe Sign can benefit your organization, contact your Adobe sales representative today at1-800-87ADOBE.This document was prepared through a collaboration between Adobe and Montrium Inc. Learn about Montrium at www. .6 DisclaimerThis document is intended to help businesses analyze their responsibilities relating to 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11 Compliance. Adobe does not provide legal advice on any specific use cases, and this analysis is not meant to provide any specific legal guidance. To apply this analysis to any specific use case needs, please consult an attorney. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Adobe provides this material on an "as-is" basis. Adobe disclaims and makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to this material, express, implied or statutory, including representations, guarantees or warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or accuracy。
暗黑2Udie Too1_10F11b详细图文教程UdieToo1_10F11b这个修改器很好用的我的D版光碟都可以用修改方法人物技能任务关卡之类的我就不说了只说修改装备属性首先你要下这个修改器Udi eToo1_10F11b在百度上搜索就能找到这个修改器应该适用于暗黑所有版本我试过1.09 1.10 1.11这三个版本都可以用把解出来的所有文件复制粘贴到暗黑2目录下注意现在你还无法打开修改器你要先进游戏创建个人物在保存退出来游戏里有人物也要经过此步骤否则无法使用修改器现在让我们来暗黑目录下找到UdieTo o汉化版.exe打开它进入你建好的人物比如你建立的是亚马逊拿她的盾来解说吧右键点盾点编辑物品★ITEM 后边有一堆小方块看到了吗鼠标放到第一个方块显示的是CleanItem 点这个是把这个物品所有属性清零原始化了第二个方块是改这个物品颜色时使用的你刚改完物品颜色这个物品是损坏的你要是这样保存会进不了游戏现在看Item下边框里有很多数据前几排都不用管是物品本身的数据不能改改了会损坏倒数第二行每个装备都会有这个4个在一起的蓝色的数据例图点他往上看名称是Qu ality往下看有个2oxo2这个是物品的颜色用鼠标点这个2手动修改为2是白色4是蓝色5是套装颜色6是黄色7是暗金8是橙色改成比如说8橙色以后你在看看物品本身属性多了一行红色的字这就意味着这个物品已经是损毁了无法进入游戏现在你可以去点第二个方块了就是Dele te Propert ies 连点上6.7下就行了在去看看物品那行红字没有了但是名字还是橙色这就表示你成功了数据往下拉多出了一些乱码似的东西点最后一个方块Refres h Item刷新一下就显示正常了颜色这个数据前边那一行数据名字是Dro p level是物品的等级颜色后边有3个不一样的0不用管他截过去往后看有2行数据这是物品的耐久和耐久上限接着是第三个方块Set Sockets点他选是出来的数据是改这个物品的打孔数打孔不会超过物品本身可拥有孔数的上限比如说用短剑你改3个孔进去就是2个孔接下来咱们可以改装备属性了往修改器右边看在★List右边也有一堆方块第1个方块里的数据就是我们往装备上添加的属性 2.3.4方块基本没什么用都是把物品改成已有的一些成品装备我看了看就没写第5个方块是物品的名第6个方块是物品的字例如灵魂之歌灵魂是名歌是字7.8方块也没用现在咱们回到第1个方块来添加一些属性有些属性需要你改数据有些不用例如第一个St rength这个是223力量鼠标左键点他鼠标就变成一个小棒了想取消就在空白处在点一下左键把小棒点到物品身上物品属性就多了这个223在看底下的数据也多了看不清刷新一下多了一行白色的 1 这就是这个属性的数据点他显示是255 你可以改少点进去的力量就不是223了一般这样的不用修改如果你添加的属性是ADDCLASS SKILL 物品属性多了2个7 你在看数据多出来挨着的111一共六个3个白色的3个灰色的点他们分别是7 这个属性是7级职业技能需要改前边3个白色的1 0亚1法2死3圣4野5德6刺你若不改这个默认是7没有这个职业进去就不会有这个属性的显示咱们在来加这个SKILLON GET HIT 这个是被击中时发出的技能看物品多出来的属性是631023 127 在下边数据里找多出来的3样挨着在一起不同的满点1 点他们看分别是这些数字63是技能的等级1023是你需要修改的技能数据默认的是满数1023不改没技能127是分比的几率我把这三个数改为10 121 50 这样就是被击中时50的几率敌人受到10级天堂之拳的伤害一般我加★的都需要修改装备每样最多可以加一个AU RA / 等级31★灵气赋予一件装备你砸上去7个圣骑的光环没用他只出一个一身下来10件分别每件砸一个的话那你脚下就可以同时放出所有的光环了添加的装备属性里我没记的数据就是空的添加完了记得点对勾不点对勾就去保存那样没用保存时人物不能在游戏里否则无法写入数据这点东西我弄了1个多星期差点没给我累死大家拿去用吧不要改的太离谱否则就失去游戏的乐趣了我就改了个打只怪127复活为暗黑破坏神_ 打了没几分钟就没心情了呵以下是我写的数据 STRENGT H / 223力量 ENERGY/ 95精力 DEXTERI TY / 95敏捷VITALIT Y / 95体力MAX LIFE / 479生命MAX MANA / 223法力MAX AMINA / 223精力最大值 MAX STAMINA / 223耐力最大值鞋专用ENHANCE D DEFENSE/ 511防御强化ENCHANC ED DAMAGE/ 511增强伤害 ENCHANC ED MIN DMG / 增加伤害底限ATTACKRA TING/ 1023准确率 CHANCEOF BLOCKIN G / 63增加格挡可能性MIN 1-HANDEDDMG / 63最小伤害值MAX 1-HANDEDDMG / 123最大伤害值 MIN 2-HANDEDDMG / 63最小伤害值MAX 2-HANDEDDMG / 127最大伤害值REGENER A TE MANA PLUS / 法力重生255HEAL STEMINA PLUS / 恢复耐力加255 DEFENSE / 2037防御DEF VS MISSILE / 511对飞射性防御DEFVS MELEE / 255对近战防御 DAMAGEREDUCHD BY / 伤害减少63MAGIC DMG REDUCED BY / 法术伤害减少63 DAMAGEREDUCED BY / 伤害减少255MAGIC RESISTA NCE / 抗魔法255MAX MAGIC RESISTA NCE / 31最大魔法抵抗 FIRE RESISTA NCE / 抗火205 MAX FIRE RESISTA NCE / 31最大火焰抵抗LIGHTNI NG RESISTA NCE / 抗闪电205MAX LIGHTNI NG RESISTA NCE / 31最大闪电抵抗COLD RESISTA NCE / 抗寒205 MAX COLD RESISTA NCE / 31最大冰冻抵抗 POISONRESISTA NCE / 抗毒205 MAX POISONRESISTA NCE / 31最大毒素抵抗 FIRE DAMAGE/ 增加255-511的火焰伤害MAX FIRE DAMAGE/ 511火焰伤害最大值LIGHTNI NG DAMAGE/ 增加63-1023的闪电伤害MAX LIGHTNI NG DMG / 1023闪电伤害最大值 MAGIC DAMAGE/ 增加255-511的魔法伤害MAX MAGIC DAMAGE/ 511魔法伤害最大值COLD DAMAGE/ 增加255-511的冰冷伤害 MAX COLD DAMAGE/ 511冰冷伤害最大值POISONDAMAGE/ 加2042毒素伤害20秒MAX POISONDMG / 1023毒素伤害上限LIFE STOLENPER HIT MIN / 127击中偷取生命 MANA STOLENPER HIT MIN / 127击中偷取法力 ATTACKSPEED NV / 急速攻击速度REPLENI SH LIFE / 生命补满33LIFE / 增加生命上限53 MANA / 增加法力上限53 ATTACKE R TAKES DAMAGEOF / 攻击者受到伤害127 EXTRA GOLD FROM MONSTER S / 411额外金币从怪物身上取得 CHANCEOF GETTING MAGIC ITEMS / 155更佳的机会取得魔法装备KNOCK BACK / 击退ADD CLASS SKILL / 7★技能0亚1法2死3圣4野5德6刺 ADD EXPERIE NCE / 461转为经验值获得HEAL AFTER KILL / 127生命值在杀死后获得REDUCED PRICES/ 降低所有商人的价格127LIGHT RADIUS/ 11照亮范围REQUIRE MENTS/ 需求155 INCREAS ED ATTACKSPEED / ★急速攻击速度107增加准确率 FASTERRUN/WALK / 107高速跑步/行走NON CLASS SKILL / 63等级★技能致 FASTERHIT RECOVER Y RA TE / 107快速再度攻击 FASTERBLOCK RA TE / 107较快速格挡率 FASTERCAST RA TE / 107高速施展速度 SINGLESKILL / 7★致REST IN PEACE / 杀死怪物回复平静POISONLENGTHREDUCED BY / 毒素的持续效果降低235DAMAGE/ 伤害491 HIT CAUSESMONSTER TO FLEE / 击中使怪物逃跑100 HIT BLINDSTARGET/ 击中使目标目盲127 DAMAGETO MANA / 63受损的生命移致法力IGNORETARGETDEFENSE / 忽视目标防御力 TARGETDEFENSE / -127目标防御 PREVENT MONSTER HEAL / 防止怪物自疗HALF FREEZEDURATIO N / 冰冻时间减半BONUS TO ATTACKRATING/ 491额外攻击准确率加成REDUCEMONSTER DEFENSE PER HIT / -1每次击中降低怪物防御 DAMAGETO DEMONS/ 491对恶魔的伤害DAMAGETO UNDEAD/ 491对不死生物的伤害ATTACKRATINGAGAINST DEMONS/ 895对抗恶魔准确率ATTACKRATINGAGAINST UNDEAD/ 895对抗不死生物准确率THROWAB LE / 可投掷ELEMENT AL SKILL / 7火焰技能ALLSKILL LEVELS/ 7所有技能 ATTACKE R TAKES LIGHTNI NG DMG OF / 攻击者受到电击伤害31 ATTACKFREEZES TARGET/ 冻结目标31CHANCEOF OPEN WOUNDS/ 127撕开伤口机会CHANCEOF CRUSHIN G BLOW / 127造成压碎性打击的几率 KICK DAMAGE/ 127脚踢伤害MANA AFTER EACH KILL / 127点法力在每杀一个敌人后取得LIFE AFTER EACH DEMON KILL / 127生命在每杀一个恶魔后取得 CHANCEOF DEADLYSTRIKE/ 127致命攻击 FIRE ABSORBS/ 火焰吸收127FIRE ABSORBS/ 127火焰吸收LIGHTNI NG ABSORBS/ 闪电吸收127LIGHTNI NG ABSORBS/ 127闪电吸收 MAGIC ABSORBS / 魔法吸收127 MAGIC ABSORBS / 127魔法吸收COLD ABSORBS/ 冰冷吸收127COLD ABSORBS/ 127冰冷吸收 SLOWS TARGETBY / 使目标减慢127 AURA / 等级31★灵气赋予INDESTR UCTIBL E / 无法破坏CANNOTBE FROZEN/ 无法冰冻 SLOWERSTAMINA DRAIN / 107减慢精力消耗 REANIMA TE / 127复活为★ PIERCEATTACK/ 穿刺攻击 FIRE MAGIC ARROWSOR BOL TS / 射出魔法箭矢FIRE EXPLOSI VE ARROWSOR BOL TS / 箭矢或十字弓弹火焰爆炸SKILL ON ATTACK/ 攻击时★SKILL ON KILL / 杀死敌人时★SKILL ON DEA TH / 死去时★SKILL ON HIT / 打击时★SKILL ON LEVELUP / 升级时★SKILL ON GET HIT / 被击中时★ CHARGED SKILL / 聚气★角色 DEFENSE / 防御 ENHANCE D DEFENSE / 防御强化LIFE / 生命MANA / 法力 MAXIMUM DAMAGE/ 最大伤害值ENHANCE D MAXDMG/ 增加伤害上限STRENGT H / 力量DEXTERI TY / 敏捷ENERGY/ 精力VITALIT Y / 体力ATT RATING/ 准确率 BONUS TO ATT RATING/ 额外的攻击准确率加成MAXIMUM COLD DMG / 寒冷伤害最大值MAXIMUM FIRE DMG / 火焰伤害最大值 MAXIMUM LIGHTNI NG DMG / 闪电伤害最大值MAXIMUM POISONDMG / 毒素伤害最大值COLD RESISTA NCE / 抗寒FIRE RESISTA NCE / 抗火LIGHTNI NG RESISTA NCE / 抗闪电POISONRESISTA NCE / 抗毒ABSORBS COLD DAMAGE/ 吸收冰冷伤害ABSORBS FIRE DAMAGE/ 吸收火焰伤害ABSORBS LIGHTNI NG DAMAGE/ 吸收闪电伤害ATTACKE R TAKES DAMAGEOF / 攻击者受到伤害 EXTRA GOLD FROM MONSTER S / 额外金币从怪物身上取得CHANCEOF GETTING MAGIC / 更佳机会取得魔法装备 HEAL STAMINA PLUS / 恢复体力加MAXIMUM STAMINA/ 精力最大值DAMAGETO DEMONS/ 对抗恶魔的伤害DAMAGETO UNDEAD/ 对抗不死生物的伤害 ATT RATINGAGAINST DEMONS/ 对抗恶魔准确率 ATT RATINGAGAINST UNDEAD/ 对抗不死生物准确率CHANCEOF CRUSHIN G BLOW / 造成压碎性打击的几率CHANCEOF OPEN WOUNDS/ 撕开伤口机会KICK DAMAGE/ 脚踢伤害CHANCEOF DEADLYSTRIKE/ 致命攻击REPAIRI DURABIL TY IN SECONDS/ 恢复耐久1于2秒之内REPLENI SH I QUANTIT Y IN SECONDS/ 恢复数量INCREAS ED STACK SIZE / 增加的空间ITEM_PI ERCE_C OLD / -205对敌人冰冻系抗性 ITEM_PI ERCE_F IRE / -205对敌人火焰系抗性 ITEM_PI ERCE_L TNG / -205对敌人闪电系抗性ITEM_PI ERCE_P OIS / -205对敌人毒素系抗性PASSIVE_FIRE_MASTER Y / 461对火焰技能伤害PASSIVE_LTNG_MASTER Y / 461对闪电技能伤害PASSIVE_COLD_MASTER Y / 461对冰冷技能伤害PASSIVE_POIS_MASTER Y / 461对毒素技能伤害PASSIVE_FIRE_PIERCE/ -255对敌人火焰系抗性PASSIVE_LTNG_PIERCE/ -255对敌人闪电系抗性PASSIVE_COLD_PIERCE/ -255对敌人冰冷系抗性PASSIVE_POIS_PIERCE/ -255对敌人毒素系抗综合了网上各类教程以及我个人自己的使用情况为了方便更多的初学者更快掌握Ud ietoo的使用方法同时也方便自己查阅特制作以下教程。
A Peer-to-Peer Spatial Cloaking Algorithm for AnonymousLocation-based Services∗Chi-Yin Chow Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Minnesota Minneapolis,MN cchow@ Mohamed F.MokbelDepartment of ComputerScience and EngineeringUniversity of MinnesotaMinneapolis,MNmokbel@Xuan LiuIBM Thomas J.WatsonResearch CenterHawthorne,NYxuanliu@ABSTRACTThis paper tackles a major privacy threat in current location-based services where users have to report their ex-act locations to the database server in order to obtain their desired services.For example,a mobile user asking about her nearest restaurant has to report her exact location.With untrusted service providers,reporting private location in-formation may lead to several privacy threats.In this pa-per,we present a peer-to-peer(P2P)spatial cloaking algo-rithm in which mobile and stationary users can entertain location-based services without revealing their exact loca-tion information.The main idea is that before requesting any location-based service,the mobile user will form a group from her peers via single-hop communication and/or multi-hop routing.Then,the spatial cloaked area is computed as the region that covers the entire group of peers.Two modes of operations are supported within the proposed P2P spa-tial cloaking algorithm,namely,the on-demand mode and the proactive mode.Experimental results show that the P2P spatial cloaking algorithm operated in the on-demand mode has lower communication cost and better quality of services than the proactive mode,but the on-demand incurs longer response time.Categories and Subject Descriptors:H.2.8[Database Applications]:Spatial databases and GISGeneral Terms:Algorithms and Experimentation. Keywords:Mobile computing,location-based services,lo-cation privacy and spatial cloaking.1.INTRODUCTIONThe emergence of state-of-the-art location-detection de-vices,e.g.,cellular phones,global positioning system(GPS) devices,and radio-frequency identification(RFID)chips re-sults in a location-dependent information access paradigm,∗This work is supported in part by the Grants-in-Aid of Re-search,Artistry,and Scholarship,University of Minnesota. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.ACM-GIS’06,November10-11,2006,Arlington,Virginia,USA. Copyright2006ACM1-59593-529-0/06/0011...$5.00.known as location-based services(LBS)[30].In LBS,mobile users have the ability to issue location-based queries to the location-based database server.Examples of such queries include“where is my nearest gas station”,“what are the restaurants within one mile of my location”,and“what is the traffic condition within ten minutes of my route”.To get the precise answer of these queries,the user has to pro-vide her exact location information to the database server. With untrustworthy servers,adversaries may access sensi-tive information about specific individuals based on their location information and issued queries.For example,an adversary may check a user’s habit and interest by knowing the places she visits and the time of each visit,or someone can track the locations of his ex-friends.In fact,in many cases,GPS devices have been used in stalking personal lo-cations[12,39].To tackle this major privacy concern,three centralized privacy-preserving frameworks are proposed for LBS[13,14,31],in which a trusted third party is used as a middleware to blur user locations into spatial regions to achieve k-anonymity,i.e.,a user is indistinguishable among other k−1users.The centralized privacy-preserving frame-work possesses the following shortcomings:1)The central-ized trusted third party could be the system bottleneck or single point of failure.2)Since the centralized third party has the complete knowledge of the location information and queries of all users,it may pose a serious privacy threat when the third party is attacked by adversaries.In this paper,we propose a peer-to-peer(P2P)spatial cloaking algorithm.Mobile users adopting the P2P spatial cloaking algorithm can protect their privacy without seeking help from any centralized third party.Other than the short-comings of the centralized approach,our work is also moti-vated by the following facts:1)The computation power and storage capacity of most mobile devices have been improv-ing at a fast pace.2)P2P communication technologies,such as IEEE802.11and Bluetooth,have been widely deployed.3)Many new applications based on P2P information shar-ing have rapidly taken shape,e.g.,cooperative information access[9,32]and P2P spatio-temporal query processing[20, 24].Figure1gives an illustrative example of P2P spatial cloak-ing.The mobile user A wants tofind her nearest gas station while beingfive anonymous,i.e.,the user is indistinguish-able amongfive users.Thus,the mobile user A has to look around andfind other four peers to collaborate as a group. In this example,the four peers are B,C,D,and E.Then, the mobile user A cloaks her exact location into a spatialA B CDEBase Stationregion that covers the entire group of mobile users A ,B ,C ,D ,and E .The mobile user A randomly selects one of the mobile users within the group as an agent .In the ex-ample given in Figure 1,the mobile user D is selected as an agent.Then,the mobile user A sends her query (i.e.,what is the nearest gas station)along with her cloaked spa-tial region to the agent.The agent forwards the query to the location-based database server through a base station.Since the location-based database server processes the query based on the cloaked spatial region,it can only give a list of candidate answers that includes the actual answers and some false positives.After the agent receives the candidate answers,it forwards the candidate answers to the mobile user A .Finally,the mobile user A gets the actual answer by filtering out all the false positives.The proposed P2P spatial cloaking algorithm can operate in two modes:on-demand and proactive .In the on-demand mode,mobile clients execute the cloaking algorithm when they need to access information from the location-based database server.On the other side,in the proactive mode,mobile clients periodically look around to find the desired number of peers.Thus,they can cloak their exact locations into spatial regions whenever they want to retrieve informa-tion from the location-based database server.In general,the contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:1.We introduce a distributed system architecture for pro-viding anonymous location-based services (LBS)for mobile users.2.We propose the first P2P spatial cloaking algorithm for mobile users to entertain high quality location-based services without compromising their privacy.3.We provide experimental evidence that our proposed algorithm is efficient in terms of the response time,is scalable to large numbers of mobile clients,and is effective as it provides high-quality services for mobile clients without the need of exact location information.The rest of this paper is organized as follows.Section 2highlights the related work.The system model of the P2P spatial cloaking algorithm is presented in Section 3.The P2P spatial cloaking algorithm is described in Section 4.Section 5discusses the integration of the P2P spatial cloak-ing algorithm with privacy-aware location-based database servers.Section 6depicts the experimental evaluation of the P2P spatial cloaking algorithm.Finally,Section 7con-cludes this paper.2.RELATED WORKThe k -anonymity model [37,38]has been widely used in maintaining privacy in databases [5,26,27,28].The main idea is to have each tuple in the table as k -anonymous,i.e.,indistinguishable among other k −1tuples.Although we aim for the similar k -anonymity model for the P2P spatial cloaking algorithm,none of these techniques can be applied to protect user privacy for LBS,mainly for the following four reasons:1)These techniques preserve the privacy of the stored data.In our model,we aim not to store the data at all.Instead,we store perturbed versions of the data.Thus,data privacy is managed before storing the data.2)These approaches protect the data not the queries.In anonymous LBS,we aim to protect the user who issues the query to the location-based database server.For example,a mobile user who wants to ask about her nearest gas station needs to pro-tect her location while the location information of the gas station is not protected.3)These approaches guarantee the k -anonymity for a snapshot of the database.In LBS,the user location is continuously changing.Such dynamic be-havior calls for continuous maintenance of the k -anonymity model.(4)These approaches assume a unified k -anonymity requirement for all the stored records.In our P2P spatial cloaking algorithm,k -anonymity is a user-specified privacy requirement which may have a different value for each user.Motivated by the privacy threats of location-detection de-vices [1,4,6,40],several research efforts are dedicated to protect the locations of mobile users (e.g.,false dummies [23],landmark objects [18],and location perturbation [10,13,14]).The most closed approaches to ours are two centralized spatial cloaking algorithms,namely,the spatio-temporal cloaking [14]and the CliqueCloak algorithm [13],and one decentralized privacy-preserving algorithm [23].The spatio-temporal cloaking algorithm [14]assumes that all users have the same k -anonymity requirements.Furthermore,it lacks the scalability because it deals with each single request of each user individually.The CliqueCloak algorithm [13]as-sumes a different k -anonymity requirement for each user.However,since it has large computation overhead,it is lim-ited to a small k -anonymity requirement,i.e.,k is from 5to 10.A decentralized privacy-preserving algorithm is proposed for LBS [23].The main idea is that the mobile client sends a set of false locations,called dummies ,along with its true location to the location-based database server.However,the disadvantages of using dummies are threefold.First,the user has to generate realistic dummies to pre-vent the adversary from guessing its true location.Second,the location-based database server wastes a lot of resources to process the dummies.Finally,the adversary may esti-mate the user location by using cellular positioning tech-niques [34],e.g.,the time-of-arrival (TOA),the time differ-ence of arrival (TDOA)and the direction of arrival (DOA).Although several existing distributed group formation al-gorithms can be used to find peers in a mobile environment,they are not designed for privacy preserving in LBS.Some algorithms are limited to only finding the neighboring peers,e.g.,lowest-ID [11],largest-connectivity (degree)[33]and mobility-based clustering algorithms [2,25].When a mo-bile user with a strict privacy requirement,i.e.,the value of k −1is larger than the number of neighboring peers,it has to enlist other peers for help via multi-hop routing.Other algorithms do not have this limitation,but they are designed for grouping stable mobile clients together to facil-Location-based Database ServerDatabase ServerDatabase ServerFigure 2:The system architectureitate efficient data replica allocation,e.g.,dynamic connec-tivity based group algorithm [16]and mobility-based clus-tering algorithm,called DRAM [19].Our work is different from these approaches in that we propose a P2P spatial cloaking algorithm that is dedicated for mobile users to dis-cover other k −1peers via single-hop communication and/or via multi-hop routing,in order to preserve user privacy in LBS.3.SYSTEM MODELFigure 2depicts the system architecture for the pro-posed P2P spatial cloaking algorithm which contains two main components:mobile clients and location-based data-base server .Each mobile client has its own privacy profile that specifies its desired level of privacy.A privacy profile includes two parameters,k and A min ,k indicates that the user wants to be k -anonymous,i.e.,indistinguishable among k users,while A min specifies the minimum resolution of the cloaked spatial region.The larger the value of k and A min ,the more strict privacy requirements a user needs.Mobile users have the ability to change their privacy profile at any time.Our employed privacy profile matches the privacy re-quirements of mobiles users as depicted by several social science studies (e.g.,see [4,15,17,22,29]).In this architecture,each mobile user is equipped with two wireless network interface cards;one of them is dedicated to communicate with the location-based database server through the base station,while the other one is devoted to the communication with other peers.A similar multi-interface technique has been used to implement IP multi-homing for stream control transmission protocol (SCTP),in which a machine is installed with multiple network in-terface cards,and each assigned a different IP address [36].Similarly,in mobile P2P cooperation environment,mobile users have a network connection to access information from the server,e.g.,through a wireless modem or a base station,and the mobile users also have the ability to communicate with other peers via a wireless LAN,e.g.,IEEE 802.11or Bluetooth [9,24,32].Furthermore,each mobile client is equipped with a positioning device, e.g.,GPS or sensor-based local positioning systems,to determine its current lo-cation information.4.P2P SPATIAL CLOAKINGIn this section,we present the data structure and the P2P spatial cloaking algorithm.Then,we describe two operation modes of the algorithm:on-demand and proactive .4.1Data StructureThe entire system area is divided into grid.The mobile client communicates with each other to discover other k −1peers,in order to achieve the k -anonymity requirement.TheAlgorithm 1P2P Spatial Cloaking:Request Originator m 1:Function P2PCloaking-Originator (h ,k )2://Phase 1:Peer searching phase 3:The hop distance h is set to h4:The set of discovered peers T is set to {∅},and the number ofdiscovered peers k =|T |=05:while k <k −1do6:Broadcast a FORM GROUP request with the parameter h (Al-gorithm 2gives the response of each peer p that receives this request)7:T is the set of peers that respond back to m by executingAlgorithm 28:k =|T |;9:if k <k −1then 10:if T =T then 11:Suspend the request 12:end if 13:h ←h +1;14:T ←T ;15:end if 16:end while17://Phase 2:Location adjustment phase 18:for all T i ∈T do19:|mT i .p |←the greatest possible distance between m and T i .pby considering the timestamp of T i .p ’s reply and maximum speed20:end for21://Phase 3:Spatial cloaking phase22:Form a group with k −1peers having the smallest |mp |23:h ←the largest hop distance h p of the selected k −1peers 24:Determine a grid area A that covers the entire group 25:if A <A min then26:Extend the area of A till it covers A min 27:end if28:Randomly select a mobile client of the group as an agent 29:Forward the query and A to the agentmobile client can thus blur its exact location into a cloaked spatial region that is the minimum grid area covering the k −1peers and itself,and satisfies A min as well.The grid area is represented by the ID of the left-bottom and right-top cells,i.e.,(l,b )and (r,t ).In addition,each mobile client maintains a parameter h that is the required hop distance of the last peer searching.The initial value of h is equal to one.4.2AlgorithmFigure 3gives a running example for the P2P spatial cloaking algorithm.There are 15mobile clients,m 1to m 15,represented as solid circles.m 8is the request originator,other black circles represent the mobile clients received the request from m 8.The dotted circles represent the commu-nication range of the mobile client,and the arrow represents the movement direction.Algorithms 1and 2give the pseudo code for the request originator (denoted as m )and the re-quest receivers (denoted as p ),respectively.In general,the algorithm consists of the following three phases:Phase 1:Peer searching phase .The request origina-tor m wants to retrieve information from the location-based database server.m first sets h to h ,a set of discovered peers T to {∅}and the number of discovered peers k to zero,i.e.,|T |.(Lines 3to 4in Algorithm 1).Then,m broadcasts a FORM GROUP request along with a message sequence ID and the hop distance h to its neighboring peers (Line 6in Algorithm 1).m listens to the network and waits for the reply from its neighboring peers.Algorithm 2describes how a peer p responds to the FORM GROUP request along with a hop distance h and aFigure3:P2P spatial cloaking algorithm.Algorithm2P2P Spatial Cloaking:Request Receiver p1:Function P2PCloaking-Receiver(h)2://Let r be the request forwarder3:if the request is duplicate then4:Reply r with an ACK message5:return;6:end if7:h p←1;8:if h=1then9:Send the tuple T=<p,(x p,y p),v maxp ,t p,h p>to r10:else11:h←h−1;12:Broadcast a FORM GROUP request with the parameter h 13:T p is the set of peers that respond back to p14:for all T i∈T p do15:T i.h p←T i.h p+1;16:end for17:T p←T p∪{<p,(x p,y p),v maxp ,t p,h p>};18:Send T p back to r19:end ifmessage sequence ID from another peer(denoted as r)that is either the request originator or the forwarder of the re-quest.First,p checks if it is a duplicate request based on the message sequence ID.If it is a duplicate request,it sim-ply replies r with an ACK message without processing the request.Otherwise,p processes the request based on the value of h:Case1:h= 1.p turns in a tuple that contains its ID,current location,maximum movement speed,a timestamp and a hop distance(it is set to one),i.e.,< p,(x p,y p),v max p,t p,h p>,to r(Line9in Algorithm2). Case2:h> 1.p decrements h and broadcasts the FORM GROUP request with the updated h and the origi-nal message sequence ID to its neighboring peers.p keeps listening to the network,until it collects the replies from all its neighboring peers.After that,p increments the h p of each collected tuple,and then it appends its own tuple to the collected tuples T p.Finally,it sends T p back to r (Lines11to18in Algorithm2).After m collects the tuples T from its neighboring peers, if m cannotfind other k−1peers with a hop distance of h,it increments h and re-broadcasts the FORM GROUP request along with a new message sequence ID and h.m repeatedly increments h till itfinds other k−1peers(Lines6to14in Algorithm1).However,if mfinds the same set of peers in two consecutive broadcasts,i.e.,with hop distances h and h+1,there are not enough connected peers for m.Thus, m has to relax its privacy profile,i.e.,use a smaller value of k,or to be suspended for a period of time(Line11in Algorithm1).Figures3(a)and3(b)depict single-hop and multi-hop peer searching in our running example,respectively.In Fig-ure3(a),the request originator,m8,(e.g.,k=5)canfind k−1peers via single-hop communication,so m8sets h=1. Since h=1,its neighboring peers,m5,m6,m7,m9,m10, and m11,will not further broadcast the FORM GROUP re-quest.On the other hand,in Figure3(b),m8does not connect to k−1peers directly,so it has to set h>1.Thus, its neighboring peers,m7,m10,and m11,will broadcast the FORM GROUP request along with a decremented hop dis-tance,i.e.,h=h−1,and the original message sequence ID to their neighboring peers.Phase2:Location adjustment phase.Since the peer keeps moving,we have to capture the movement between the time when the peer sends its tuple and the current time. For each received tuple from a peer p,the request originator, m,determines the greatest possible distance between them by an equation,|mp |=|mp|+(t c−t p)×v max p,where |mp|is the Euclidean distance between m and p at time t p,i.e.,|mp|=(x m−x p)2+(y m−y p)2,t c is the currenttime,t p is the timestamp of the tuple and v maxpis the maximum speed of p(Lines18to20in Algorithm1).In this paper,a conservative approach is used to determine the distance,because we assume that the peer will move with the maximum speed in any direction.If p gives its movement direction,m has the ability to determine a more precise distance between them.Figure3(c)illustrates that,for each discovered peer,the circle represents the largest region where the peer can lo-cate at time t c.The greatest possible distance between the request originator m8and its discovered peer,m5,m6,m7, m9,m10,or m11is represented by a dotted line.For exam-ple,the distance of the line m8m 11is the greatest possible distance between m8and m11at time t c,i.e.,|m8m 11|. Phase3:Spatial cloaking phase.In this phase,the request originator,m,forms a virtual group with the k−1 nearest peers,based on the greatest possible distance be-tween them(Line22in Algorithm1).To adapt to the dynamic network topology and k-anonymity requirement, m sets h to the largest value of h p of the selected k−1 peers(Line15in Algorithm1).Then,m determines the minimum grid area A covering the entire group(Line24in Algorithm1).If the area of A is less than A min,m extends A,until it satisfies A min(Lines25to27in Algorithm1). Figure3(c)gives the k−1nearest peers,m6,m7,m10,and m11to the request originator,m8.For example,the privacy profile of m8is(k=5,A min=20cells),and the required cloaked spatial region of m8is represented by a bold rectan-gle,as depicted in Figure3(d).To issue the query to the location-based database server anonymously,m randomly selects a mobile client in the group as an agent(Line28in Algorithm1).Then,m sendsthe query along with the cloaked spatial region,i.e.,A,to the agent(Line29in Algorithm1).The agent forwards thequery to the location-based database server.After the serverprocesses the query with respect to the cloaked spatial re-gion,it sends a list of candidate answers back to the agent.The agent forwards the candidate answer to m,and then mfilters out the false positives from the candidate answers. 4.3Modes of OperationsThe P2P spatial cloaking algorithm can operate in twomodes,on-demand and proactive.The on-demand mode:The mobile client only executesthe algorithm when it needs to retrieve information from the location-based database server.The algorithm operatedin the on-demand mode generally incurs less communica-tion overhead than the proactive mode,because the mobileclient only executes the algorithm when necessary.However,it suffers from a longer response time than the algorithm op-erated in the proactive mode.The proactive mode:The mobile client adopting theproactive mode periodically executes the algorithm in back-ground.The mobile client can cloak its location into a spa-tial region immediately,once it wants to communicate withthe location-based database server.The proactive mode pro-vides a better response time than the on-demand mode,but it generally incurs higher communication overhead and giveslower quality of service than the on-demand mode.5.ANONYMOUS LOCATION-BASEDSERVICESHaving the spatial cloaked region as an output form Algo-rithm1,the mobile user m sends her request to the location-based server through an agent p that is randomly selected.Existing location-based database servers can support onlyexact point locations rather than cloaked regions.In or-der to be able to work with a spatial region,location-basedservers need to be equipped with a privacy-aware queryprocessor(e.g.,see[29,31]).The main idea of the privacy-aware query processor is to return a list of candidate answerrather than the exact query answer.Then,the mobile user m willfilter the candidate list to eliminate its false positives andfind its exact answer.The tighter the spatial cloaked re-gion,the lower is the size of the candidate answer,and hencethe better is the performance of the privacy-aware query processor.However,tight cloaked regions may represent re-laxed privacy constrained.Thus,a trade-offbetween the user privacy and the quality of service can be achieved[31]. Figure4(a)depicts such scenario by showing the data stored at the server side.There are32target objects,i.e., gas stations,T1to T32represented as black circles,the shaded area represents the spatial cloaked area of the mo-bile client who issued the query.For clarification,the actual mobile client location is plotted in Figure4(a)as a black square inside the cloaked area.However,such information is neither stored at the server side nor revealed to the server. The privacy-aware query processor determines a range that includes all target objects that are possibly contributing to the answer given that the actual location of the mobile client could be anywhere within the shaded area.The range is rep-resented as a bold rectangle,as depicted in Figure4(b).The server sends a list of candidate answers,i.e.,T8,T12,T13, T16,T17,T21,and T22,back to the agent.The agent next for-(a)Server Side(b)Client SideFigure4:Anonymous location-based services wards the candidate answers to the requesting mobile client either through single-hop communication or through multi-hop routing.Finally,the mobile client can get the actualanswer,i.e.,T13,byfiltering out the false positives from thecandidate answers.The algorithmic details of the privacy-aware query proces-sor is beyond the scope of this paper.Interested readers are referred to[31]for more details.6.EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSIn this section,we evaluate and compare the scalabilityand efficiency of the P2P spatial cloaking algorithm in boththe on-demand and proactive modes with respect to the av-erage response time per query,the average number of mes-sages per query,and the size of the returned candidate an-swers from the location-based database server.The queryresponse time in the on-demand mode is defined as the timeelapsed between a mobile client starting to search k−1peersand receiving the candidate answers from the agent.On theother hand,the query response time in the proactive mode is defined as the time elapsed between a mobile client startingto forward its query along with the cloaked spatial regionto the agent and receiving the candidate answers from theagent.The simulation model is implemented in C++usingCSIM[35].In all the experiments in this section,we consider an in-dividual random walk model that is based on“random way-point”model[7,8].At the beginning,the mobile clientsare randomly distributed in a spatial space of1,000×1,000square meters,in which a uniform grid structure of100×100cells is constructed.Each mobile client randomly chooses itsown destination in the space with a randomly determined speed s from a uniform distribution U(v min,v max).When the mobile client reaches the destination,it comes to a stand-still for one second to determine its next destination.Afterthat,the mobile client moves towards its new destinationwith another speed.All the mobile clients repeat this move-ment behavior during the simulation.The time interval be-tween two consecutive queries generated by a mobile client follows an exponential distribution with a mean of ten sec-onds.All the experiments consider one half-duplex wirelesschannel for a mobile client to communicate with its peers with a total bandwidth of2Mbps and a transmission range of250meters.When a mobile client wants to communicate with other peers or the location-based database server,it has to wait if the requested channel is busy.In the simulated mobile environment,there is a centralized location-based database server,and one wireless communication channel between the location-based database server and the mobile。
Lose/lose (Avoiding)
Explain the following words or phrases: get back, get even murder, suicide two-edged sword Translate the paragraph.
Dictation Impeding the negotiation
Plenty for everyone Demanding and rewarding
No concession
If nobody wins, No interests being a loser isn’t so gained. bad.
Chapter 10 International Business Negotiation
Learning Objectives
To know the necessity of negotiation To understand the 5 kinds of negotiating
strategies To grasp the basic negotiation skills To know the cultural influences on negotiation
Both make concessions Jointly agree
Satisfy most interests of both parties
10.1 The Nature of IBN
Preparation comes first! 3 Stages: Pre-negotiation Negotiation Post-negotiation
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OracleOBIEE详细入门1目录1 ORACLE BIEE基础 (4)1.1 OBIEE 概述 (4)1.1.1 BIEE 历史 (4)1.1.2 数据模型 (4)1.2 BIEE 安装 (5)1.2.1 JDK要求 (5)1.2.2 下载BIEE (6)1.2.3 安装BIEE (6)1.2.4 Logs (8)1.3 配置 (9)1.3.1 安装后的目录 (9)1.3.2 几个重要的配置文件 (9)1.4 预览Demo效果 (9)1.4.1 启动BI服务和OC4J (9)1.4.2 打开BIEE仪表盘 (10)2 BIEE 开发步骤 (12)2.1 数据库 (12)2.1.1 安装数据库 (12)2.2 创建资料库 (12)2.2.1 资料库 (12)2.3 创建物理模型 (13)2.3.1 导入物理表 (13)2.3.2 选择维度表和事实表 (14)2.3.3 完成物理模型 (15)2.3.4 新建主键和外键 (16)2.4 创建逻辑模型 (18)2.4.1 创建逻辑层 (18)2.4.2 查看逻辑层 (19)2.4.3 修改逻辑层 (19)2.5 创建展现模型 (20)2.5.1 创建展现层 (20)2.6 保存资料库 (21)2.6.1 保存资料库 (21)2.6.2 修改密码 (22)2.7 发布资料库 (22)2.7.1 修改NQSConfig.INI (22) 2.7.2 重启Oracle BI Server (22) 2.8 Answers –答复 (23)2.8.1 登陆BI Dashboards (23) 2.8.2 选择主题 (23)2.8.4 新建文件夹 (25)2.8.5 保存报表 (26)2.9 Dashboards –仪表盘 (27) 2.9.1 创建仪表盘 (27)2.9.2 编辑仪表盘 (27)2.9.3 查看仪表盘 (28)3 Answer详细介绍 (29)3.1 列 (29)3.1.1 新建报表 (29)3.1.2 列属性 (30)3.1.3 fx-编辑属性 (30)3.1.4 添加筛选器 (31)3.1.5 最终效果 (32)3.2 答复 (33)3.2.1 Prompts-报表提示 (33) 3.2.2 Title-标题 (33)3.2.3 Legend-图例 (34)3.2.4 Narrative-叙述内容 (35)3.2.5 Ticker-标记视图 (36)3.2.6 合计 (37)3.2.7 Chart-图表 (38)3.2.8 Pivot Table-数据透视图 (39)3.2.9 Gauge-计量表 (39)3.2.10 Column Selector-列选择器 (41)3.2.11 View Selector-视图选择器 (41)4 Dashboard详细介绍 (43)4.1 仪表盘设置 (43)4.1.1 管理 (43)4.1.2 我的账户 (43)4.2 仪表盘功能 (43)4.2.1 Dashboard Prompt-仪表盘提示 (44)4.2.2 Link or Image-链接或图像 (44)4.2.3 Embedded Content-嵌入式内容 (45)4.2.4 Text-文本 (46)4.2.5 Briefing Book-简要簿 (47)4.2.6 Folder-文件夹 (49)4.2.7 Guided Nav. Link-引导导航链接 (49)4.2.8 Briefing Book Nav. Link-工作簿导航链接 (50) 4.2.9 BI Publisher 报表 (51)4.2.10 条件显示内容 (51)5 Delivers介绍 (53)5.1 Scheduler 配置 (53)5.1.1 安装计划表 (53)5.1.3 添加用户认证 (55)5.1.4 查看Scheduler (56)5.2 Delivers应用 (57)5.2.1 编辑我的客户 (57)5.2.2 创建iBot (58)5.2.3 查看Alerts (60)5.2.4 发送Mail (60)6 其他功能介绍......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Quartus ii 10.0教程说明本文的部分章节,来源于本人翻译的Terasic DE2-115的英文入门文档。
平台硬件:艾米电子EP2C8-2010增强版套件软件:Quartus II 10.0 + ModelSim-Altera 6.5e (Quartus II 10.0) Starter Edition内容•典型的CAD流程•开始•新建工程•录入Verilog设计•编译设计•引脚分配•仿真设计电路•编程及配置到FPGA器件•测试设计电路典型的CAD流程计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件,使得运用可编程逻辑器件实现所需逻辑电路,变得容易。
典型的FPGA CAD设计流程如图1所示。
图1 典型的FPGA CAD设计流程CAD流程包含以下步骤:•设计输入——所需电路可通过原理图方式或硬件描述语言方式(如Verilog或VHDL)进行设计。
•布局布线——CAD Fitter工具决定网表中定义的LEs如何布置成FPGA芯片中的实际LEs。
本指南介绍Quartus II软件的基本特征。
使用GUI来实现Quartus II指令。
通过本份指南,读者将学习到:•新建工程•使用Verilog代码录入设计•将综合的电路布局到Altera FPGA•分配电路的输入输出到FPGA上的指定引脚•仿真设计电路•编程配置艾米电子EP2C8核心板上的FPGA芯片1. 开始在Quartus II中设计的每个逻辑电路或子电路,叫做一个工程。
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FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICSMINOR PROGRAMS A V AILABLE TO FBE STUDENTS1. Candidates admitted to the first year of study in the academic year 2010-11 and thereafter aregiven an option to pursue minor(s) within the Faculty according to the criteria listed in this section:Programmes (Note 2)Minor(s) offered byBEcon/BEcon&FinBBA BBA(A&F)BBA(IBGM)BSc(QFin)A. School of Business- Accounting √√ x √√- HRM √√√√√- IS √√√√√- Marketing √√√√√B. School of Economics and Finance- Economics x √√√√- Finance x √x(Note 1)√ x√ - Option availablex - Option not available2.Candidates are also free to choose additional major(s) or minor(s) in disciplines outside theFaculty. Please consult with the relevant Faculties on offerings and requirements of theirdisciplines.Note 1. The requirements for the minor in Finance under the BBA(Acc&Fin) vary slightly from theminor in Finance offered by the School of Economics and Finance.Note 2. Due to the stringent requirements of the BBA(IS) and the BBA(Law) programmes, and in conjunction with the maximum requirement of 216 credits for a degree programme, there are insufficient credits available in the double-degree programmes to pursue a minor.MINOR REQUIREMENTS(A) MINORS OFFERED BY THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS(Courses shall not be double-counted in the minor programmes offered by Faculty ofBusiness and Economics. The required course shall be applied to one minor programme andan advanced level course, as listed in the annex, will be taken in lieu of where necessary.)1. Minor in AccountingStudents are required to take and gain no fewer than 36 credits of the approved courses offered by theSchool of Business. The courses should be taken in the following manner:Course code Course CreditsCore: 18 creditsBUSI0019 IntermediateaccountingI 6BUSI0020 IntermediateaccountingII 6BUSI0028 Management accounting II 6Elective: 18 credits (select three from the following)BUSI0003 Advanced financial accounting 6BUSI0006 Auditing 6BUSI0018 Hong Kong taxation 6accounting 6BUSI0021 InternationalTaxation 6BUSI0085 AdvancedBUSI0086 Controllership 62. Minor in Human Resource Management (HRM)Students are required to take and gain no fewer than 36 credits of the approved courses offered by theSchool of Business. The courses should be taken in the following manner:Course code Course CreditsCore: 18 credits (select three from the following)behaviour 6BUSI1005 OrganizationalBUSI0029 Human resource management and business strategy 6BUSI0034 Human resource: theory and practice 6BUSI2003 Leadership 6 Elective: 18 credits (select three from the following)BUSI0015 Principles of entrepreneurship 6BUSI0023 Operations and quality management 6BUSI0026 Employmentand labour relations 6ECON0103 Economics of human resources 6POLI0037 Managing people in public organizations 6PSYC0063 Industrial/organizationalpsychology 63. Minor in Information Systems (IS)Students are required to take and gain no fewer than 36 credits of the approved courses offered by theSchool of Business. The courses should be taken in the following manner:Course code Course CreditsCore: 18 creditsBUSI0052 Databasedevelopment and management 6BUSI0059 Information systems analysis and design 6BUSI0060 Information systems development and project mgmt I 6Elective: 18 creditselective***18BUSIxxxx IS*** Electives in Information Systems area offered by the School of Business.4. Minor in MarketingStudents are required to take and gain no fewer than 36 credits of the approved courses offered by theSchool of Business. The courses should be taken in the following manner:Course code Course CreditsCore: 18 creditsbehaviour 6BUSI0050 Consumerresearch 6BUSI0031 Marketingmanagement 6BUSI0004 AdvertisingElective: 18 credits (select three from the following)marketing 6BUSI0038 ServicesBUSI0066. Marketing on the commercial internet 6marketing 6BUSI0071 StrategicBUSI0022 Internationalmarketing 6BUSI3511 Selective topics in marketing strategy 6BUSI3512 Developing marketing competence through branding 6___________________________________________________________________________(B) MINORS OFFERED BY THE SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE(Courses shall not be double-counted in the minor programmes offered by Faculty of Business and Economics. The required course shall be applied to one minor programme and an advanced level course, as listed in the annex, will be taken in lieu of where necessary.)1. Minor in EconomicsStudents are required to take and gain no fewer than 36 credits of the approved courses offered by the School of Economics and Finance. The courses should be taken in the following manner:Course code Course title CreditsECON2101/ ECON2113 Microeconomic theory orMicroeconomic analysis6ECONxxxx/FINAxxxxYear two or three electives listed below 30Notes:1.ECON2101 Microeconomic theory/ECON2113 Microeconomic analysis should be taken inthe second year except with special permission from the Director of School of Economics and Finance.Year 2 coursesCourse code Course title CreditsECON2102./ ECON2114. Macroeconomic theory orMacroeconomic analysis6Year 2 or 3 coursesCourse code Course title Credits ECON0103. Economics of human resources 6 ECON0104. Publicfinance 6 ECON0106. Games and decisions 6 ECON0107. History of economic thought 6 ECON0109. Topics in macroeconomics 6 ECON0204. The economics of finance 6 ECON0205. Theories of investment 6 ECON0206. Capitaltheory 6 ECON0207. Monetaryeconomics 6 ECON0208. Economics of banking 6 ECON0209. Finance and development 6 ECON0210. Investment, technology, and economic growth 6 ECON0301. Theory of international trade 6 ECON0302. Internationalfinance 6 ECON0401. Comparativeeconomicsystems 6 ECON0402. Industrialorganization 6 ECON0403. The economics of property rights 6 ECON0405. The economics of law 6 ECON0406. The economy and the state 6 ECON0501. Economicdevelopment 6 ECON0503. Urbaneconomics 6 ECON0504. Transportationeconomics 6 ECON0601. Economic development of China 6Course code Course title CreditsECON0602. Foreign trade and investment in China 6ECON0603. The economic system of Hong Kong 6ECON0605. Economic history in China 6ECON0606. Current economic affairs 6ECON0607. Economics of population changes 6ECON0608. Great events in history: an economic analysis 6econometrics 6ECON0701. IntroductoryECON0702. Mathematical methods in economics 6economics 6ECON0703. MathematicalECON0706. Uncertainty and information 6forecasting 6ECON0707. EconomicECON3108. Selected topics in price theory 6evaluation 6ECON3505. Projectbanking 6FINA0103. InternationalYear 3 coursesCourse code Course title Creditscourse 6ECON3801. Reading2. Minor in FinanceStudents are required to take and gain no fewer than 36 credits of the approved courses offered by the School of Economics and Finance. The courses should be taken in the following manner:Course code Course CreditsCore: 12 creditsFINA2802 Investments and portfolio analysis 6FINA0301 Derivative 6Elective: 24 credits (select four from the following)FINA0003 Current Asian finance: issues, ideas and practice 3FINA0102 Financial markets and institutions 6of commercial banks 6FINA0104 ManagementFINA0106 Insurance: theory and practice 6FINA0302 Theories of corporate finance 6FINA0804 Fixed income securities 6FINA0805 Real estate finance 6INTERNATIONAL/ GLOBAL CONTENT COURSES FOR FBE STUDENTSTo gain international or global perspectives, candidates are strongly encouraged to enroll in a course with international or global content or by taking a Common Core Curriculum course in Global Issues (AoI).FBE courses:Course code Course Creditsaccounting 6 BUSI0021. Internationalmarketing 6 BUSI0022. Internationalcorporations 6 BUSI0032. Multinationalbusiness 6 BUSI0044. InternationalBUSI0089. Studies on China's competitiveness 6 BUSI0090. The European business environment 6 BUSI3001. Global analysis team project 6 BUSI3012. International and cross-boundary trade law 6 ECON0301. Theory of international trade 6Finance 6 ECON0302. InternationalECON0601. Economic development of China 6 ECON0602. Foreign trade and investment in China 6 FINA0501. Asian financial institutions 6Non-FBE courses:Course code Course Credits GEOG2101. Globalizing China I: resources, politics, and population 6 GEOG2106. Globalizing greater China: politics, economy, and society 6 POLI0019. Hong Kong and the world 6 POLI0033. Problems of the Third World 6 POLI0052. International relations of East Asia 6 POLI0059. China and the world 6 POLI0080. Global political economy 6 POLI0087. Global and world order 6perspective in human services 6 SOWK0077. InternationalSOCI0009. Economic development and social change 6 SOCI0014. Globalization, work and industry 6(Note the above course lists are not exhaustive)MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE COURSES FOR FBE STUDENTSCandidates are not permitted to enroll in courses where significant portions of the course contents overlap with each other, or where the courses are mutually exclusive.Courses Code Course Credits Mutually exclusivecourses BUSI1006. Principles and practices of modern business 3 •BUSI0015•YSOB0001 BUSI0015. Principles of entrepreneurship 6 •BUSI1006•BUSI3602•YSOB0001I 6 •BUSI0007accountingBUSI0027. ManagementBUSI0052. Database development and management 6 •CSIS02786 •CSIS0234 BUSI0073. Data communications and networkingmanagementBUSI0095. Creativity and business innovation 6 •BUSI0013•BUSI0087•BUSI0006•BUSI0003•BUSI0015•YSOB0001•STAT2314•STAT2804 ECON1003. Analysis of economic data 6 •STAT0301•STAT0302•STAT1301•STAT1306•STAT1801•ECON2113•ECON2114•ECON2101•ECON2102 ECON0205. Theories of investment 6 •ECON0210 FINA0301. Derivatives 6 •ISME3010•MATH2906•STAT2820•STAT3303•STAT2812finance 6 •MATH2906 FINA0402. MathematicalFINA1002. Introduction to finance 6 •BUSI0016•FINA1003finance 6 •BUSI0016 FINA1003. Corporate•FINA1002•STAT2807•STAT2309•STAT3806。