Week 3 MBA 503- Managerial Decision Making Final Fall 2012
General Management
Business development
Market research
Creating Energy
Channeling Energy
Goal setting
Strategies are only as good as the people to implement them 计划再好也 要靠人来执行
怎么判断一个人是否是最合适 某个岗位的人呢?
Job Activities
1 The person does the job well
The announcement •Action
Coaching skills
Reading the traffic lights
•Developing people
•Direction & Control
•Decide on the appropriate decision strategy
你有两个助手,都能做第二件事。原则上你 可以让他们两个中的任何一个去做第二件事。
琐事只能你自己做,并且你只有时间做两件 事中的一样。
– A:你选择那个技术问题,希望稍后能挤出 时间来处理那堆琐事
– B:你选择那堆琐事,让你的一个助手来做 另外一件更富有挑战性的事
好的事情马上就会到来,一切都是最 好的安 排。下 午12时54分0秒 下午12时54分 12:54:0020.10.27
帕克大学MBA 班每年招生两次,为5月份春季班、9月份秋季班。
MBA课表学位课(DegreeCourses)60510722英语(第一外国语)English(FirstForeignLanguage) 70510013组织行为学OrganizationalBehavior70510133管理经济学(微观经济学)ManagerialEconomics 〖Microeconomics〗Robert Pindyck 清华大学出版社出版影印1997〖微观经济学〗平狄克著张军等译人民大学出版社出版1997)【管理经济学】陈章武编著清华大学出版社出版1996.2.〖西方经济学〗黎诣远主编高等教育出版社1999年7月70510213社会主义经济理论与实践SocialistEconomicTheoryandPractice 70510591管理导论IntroductiontoManagement70510633管理沟通ManagerialCommunication80510193会计学Accounting80511483运营管理OperationsManagement80511493战略管理StrategicManagement80511503营销管理Marketing[营销管理纪实版]格斯勒主编第10版菲利普•科特勒的《营销管理—分析、计划、执行和控制》80511524数据、模型与决策Data,ModelsandDecisions80511533公司理财CorporateFinance80511602商法BusinessLaw80512453宏观经济与政策环境MacroeconomicsandPolicyEnvironment选修课(electives)市场营销类课程号课程名称CourseTitle80510262销售管理SalesManagement80510532网络营销Cybermarketing80510542国际市场营销InternationalMarketing80510862消费行为学ConsumerBehavior80510872营销研究MarketingResearch80510882广告管理学AdvertisingManagement80511792战略营销StrategicMarketing80511822服务营销ServiceMarketing80511992渠道管理学ChannelManagement80512432市场营销模拟MarketingSimulation80512472整合营销传播IntegratedMarketingCommunication(IMC)金融与财务管理类课程号课程名称CourseTitle70510243国际金融InternationalFinance80510112商业银行管理CommercialBankManagement80510122投资银行业务InvestmentBankOperation80510312投资学TheoryofInvestment亚当.史密斯的《金钱游戏》希尔《像大亨般思考》墨基尔《漫步华尔街》罗威斯坦《巴菲特:美国资本家的特质》林区《征服股海》索罗斯《超越指数》施伯伦《专业投机原理》《股市大亨/新股市大亨》《金融怪杰》《论凯因斯》《股票作手回忆录》葛拉汉《智慧型股票投资人》费雪《非常潜力股》甘氏《华尔街浮沉二十五载》《股价趋势》伯恩斯坦《与天为敌》《战胜道琼斯》《放空巧术》《统计会说谎》高伯瑞《1929股市大崩盘》《混乱中的困惑》《异常大众妄想与群体疯狂》来源:(/s/blog_44c2e3510100f7vb.html) - 清华MBA管理课程课表_求索_新浪博客80510342国际贸易InternationalTrade董瑾主编:《国际贸易理论与实务(修订版)》,北京理工大学出版社,2001年。
浙江大学MBA课程设置(MBA Courses)
管理統計學(Business Statistics)
人力資源管理(Human Resource Management)
文獻閱讀與論文導寫(Literature ReadingandDissertation Guide)
MBA必修課小計(Subtotal Required Courses Credits)
管理溝通(Managerial Communication)
32Байду номын сангаас
企業倫理(Business Ethics)
商法(Business Law)
國際貿易理論與實務(International Trade)
物流與供應鏈管理(Logistics and Supply Chain)
房地產經營管理(Real Estate Management)
客戶關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)
創新管理(Innovation Management)
戰略管理(Strategic Management)
MBA核心課小計(Subtotal Core Courses Credits)
Benedictine University美国班尼迪克大学工商管理硕士(MBA)项目介绍Background 项目背景在全球经济充满挑战的今天,中国正以一枝独秀的姿态创造着高速增长的奇迹。
Introduction项目介绍班尼迪克大学美国班尼迪克大学(Benedictine University)始建于1887年,位于美国伊利诺伊州,是全美大学学科建设较为齐全的综合性大学之一,是一所享有较高声誉的著名高等学府。
2007年在U.S. News & World Report 所揭晓的CAMPUS DIVERSITY榜单中,班尼迪克大学排名第8。
美国研究生申请热门专业工商管理硕士MBA(一)—会计方向工商管理硕士,即MBA,Master of Business Administration,是源于欧美国家的一种专门培养中高级职业经理人员的专业硕士学位。
罗斯,伦道夫 W.
杰弗利 F.杰富著, 吴世农,沈艺峰,
Philip Kotler &
Kevin Lane
Keller,营销管 理,13版,中文
钱小军 陈国权
刘丽文著,《生产 与运作管理》,第 三版,清华大学出
版社,2007。 1.金占明著,《战
略管理》,第3 版,清华大学出版 2.(美)迈克尔· 波特著,陈小悦 译,《竞争战略 》,华夏出版社。 3.(美)迈克尔· 波特著,陈小悦 译,《竞争优势 》,华夏出版社。
无 范健主编,《商法 》,第二版,高等 教育出版社(北 京),北京大学出
以教师讲义和阅读 资料为主
姜彦福、张帏等编 著,《创业管理学 》,清华大学出版 社,2005年7月份
Байду номын сангаас
Managerial Economics Chapter 01
GWMBA Short Quiz-- Chapter 11. Economic profitA. Is a theoretical measure of a firm's performance and has little value in real world decision making.B. Can be calculated by subtracting implicit costs of using owner-supplied resources from the firm's total revenue.C. Is negative when costs exceed revenues.D. Is generally larger than accounting profit.2. Consider a firm that employs some resources that are owned by the firm. When accounting profit is zero, economic profitA. Must also equal zero.B. Is sure to be positive.C. Must be negative and shareholder wealth is reduced.D. Cannot be computed accurately, but the firm is breaking even nonetheless.3. Suppose Marv, the owner-manager of Marv's Hot Dogs, earned $72,000 in revenue last year. Marv's explicit costs of operation totaled $36,000. Marv has a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering and could be earning $30,000 annually as mechanical engineer.A. Marv's implicit cost of using owner-supplied resources is $36,000.B. Marv's economic profit is $36,000.C. Marv's implicit cost of using owner-supplied resources is $30,000.D. Marv's economic profit is $6,000.E. Both c and d.4. The principal-agent problem arises whenA. The principal and the agent have different objectives.B. The principal cannot enforce the contract with the agent or finds it too costly to monitor the agent.C. The principal cannot decide whether the firm should seek to maximize the expected future profits of the firm or maximize the price for which the firm can be sold.D. Both a and b.E. Both a and c.5. Moral hazardA. Occurs when managers pursue maximization of profit without regard to the interests of society in general.B. Exists when either party to a contract has an incentive to cancel the contract.C. Occurs only rarely in modern corporations.D. Is the cause of principle-agent problems.6. When a firm earns less than a normal profit,A. The revenues generated cannot pay all explicit costs and the opportunity cost of using owner-supplied resources.B. Accounting profit is negative.C. Economic profit is zero.D. Normal profit is negative.E. All of the above.7. Economic profit is the best measure of a firm's performance becauseA. Normal profit is generally too difficult to measure.B. Economic profit fully accounts for all sources of revenue.C. Only explicit costs influence managerial decisions since, in general, only explicit costs can be subtracted from revenue for the purposes of computing taxable profit.D. The opportunity cost of using ALL resources is subtracted from total revenue.8. Which of the following is an example of an implicit cost for a firm?A. The value of time worked by the owner.B. Any wages and salaries paid to employed.C. Forgone rent on property owned by firm.D. Both a and c.E. All of the above.9. During a year of operation, a firm collects $450,000 in revenue and spends $100,000 on labor expense, raw materials, rent, and utilities. The firm's owner has provided $750,000 of her own money instead of investing the money and earning a 10% annual rate of return.a. The explicit opportunity costs of using market-supplied resources are ______________. The implicit opportunity costs of using owner-supplied resources are ______________. Total economic cost is______________.b. The firm earns economic profit of ______________.c. The firm's accounting profit is ______________.d. If the owner could earn 15% annually on the money she has invested in the firm, the economic profit of the firm would be ______________ (when revenue is $450,000).GWMBA Short Quiz-- Chapter 1 Key1. Economic profita. Is a theoretical measure of a firm's performance and has little value in real world decision making.b. Can be calculated by subtracting implicit costs of using owner-supplied resources from the firm's total revenue.C. Is negative when costs exceed revenues.d. Is generally larger than accounting profit.Thomas - Chapter 01 #22. Consider a firm that employs some resources that are owned by the firm. When accounting profit is zero, economic profita. Must also equal zero.b. Is sure to be positive.C. Must be negative and shareholder wealth is reduced.d. Cannot be computed accurately, but the firm is breaking even nonetheless.Thomas - Chapter 01 #53. Suppose Marv, the owner-manager of Marv's Hot Dogs, earned $72,000 in revenue last year. Marv's explicit costs of operation totaled $36,000. Marv has a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering and could be earning $30,000 annually as mechanical engineer.a. Marv's implicit cost of using owner-supplied resources is $36,000.b. Marv's economic profit is $36,000.c. Marv's implicit cost of using owner-supplied resources is $30,000.d. Marv's economic profit is $6,000.E. Both c and d.Thomas - Chapter 01 #84. The principal-agent problem arises whena. The principal and the agent have different objectives.b. The principal cannot enforce the contract with the agent or finds it too costly to monitor the agent.c. The principal cannot decide whether the firm should seek to maximize the expected future profits of the firm or maximize the price for which the firm can be sold.D. Both a and b.e. Both a and c.Thomas - Chapter 01 #115. Moral hazarda. Occurs when managers pursue maximization of profit without regard to the interests of society in general.b. Exists when either party to a contract has an incentive to cancel the contract.c. Occurs only rarely in modern corporations.D. Is the cause of principle-agent problems.Thomas - Chapter 01 #126. When a firm earns less than a normal profit,A. The revenues generated cannot pay all explicit costs and the opportunity cost of using owner-supplied resources.b. Accounting profit is negative.c. Economic profit is zero.d. Normal profit is negative.e. All of the above.Thomas - Chapter 01 #237. Economic profit is the best measure of a firm's performance becausea. Normal profit is generally too difficult to measure.b. Economic profit fully accounts for all sources of revenue.c. Only explicit costs influence managerial decisions since, in general, only explicit costs can be subtracted from revenue for the purposes of computing taxable profit.D. The opportunity cost of using ALL resources is subtracted from total revenue.Thomas - Chapter 01 #248. Which of the following is an example of an implicit cost for a firm?a. The value of time worked by the owner.b. Any wages and salaries paid to employed.c. Forgone rent on property owned by firm.D. Both a and c.e. All of the above.Thomas - Chapter 01 #279. During a year of operation, a firm collects $450,000 in revenue and spends $100,000 on labor expense, raw materials, rent, and utilities. The firm's owner has provided $750,000 of her own money instead of investing the money and earning a 10% annual rate of return.a. The explicit opportunity costs of using market-supplied resources are ______________. The implicit opportunity costs of using owner-supplied resources are ______________. Total economic cost is______________.b. The firm earns economic profit of ______________.c. The firm's accounting profit is ______________.d. If the owner could earn 15% annually on the money she has invested in the firm, the economic profit of the firm would be ______________ (when revenue is $450,000).a. $100,000; $75,000; $175,000.b. $275,000.c. $350,000.d. $237,500.Thomas - Chapter 01 #36GWMBA Short Quiz-- Chapter 1 SummaryCategory # of QuestionsThomas - Chapter 01 9。
MBA课程教材及参考书1. 课程名称:管理学课程英文名称:Principles of Management学时:48 学分:3 开课学期:第1 学期任课教师:殷群先修课程:无教材及主要参考文献教材:斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯著,孙建敏等译:管理学(第九版),中国人民大学出版社,2004;参考书:哈罗德•孔茨著:《管理学》,经济科学出版社;约翰•斯通纳等,管理学教程,华夏出版社出版。
2. 课程名称(中文):管理经济学课程名称(英文):Managerial Economics学时:48 学分:3 开课学期:第1 学期任课教师:陈伟民先修课程:高等数学;统计学教材及主要参考文献教材:《管理经济学》[美]H克雷格·彼得森北京:中国人民大学出版社参考书:1、《管理经济学》袁志刚,上海:复旦大学出版社2、《管理经济学》吴德庆,北京:中国人民大学出版社3. 课程名称:数据、模型与决策课程英文名称:Data, Modeling and Decision-making学时:48 学分: 3 开课学期:第一学期任课教师:张相斌先修课程:线性代数、概率论与数理统计教材及主要参考文献教材:Barry Render Ralph M. Stair, Jr. Michael E. Hanna. “面向管理的数量分析”北京大学出版社,2010主要参考文献:David R. Anderson Dennis J. Sweeney et al. “数据、模型与决策”机械工业出版社,20104. 课程名称:战略管理课程英文名称:Strategy Management学时:32 学分:2 开课学期:第1 学期任课教师:刘立先修课程:管理学、管理经济学、市场营销、组织行为学等教材[1] 刘冀生.企业战略管理(第二版). 北京:清华大学出版社.2003.参考文献[2] H.明茨伯格等. 战略历程:纵览战略管理学派. 北京:机械工业出版社. 2001.[3] M.E.波特. 竞争战略. 北京:华夏出版社. 1997.[4] M.E.波特. 竞争优势. 北京:华夏出版社. 1997.[5] 格里·约翰逊、凯万·斯科尔斯:《战略管理》(双语教学版,第6版).人民邮电出版社.2005[6] 项保华. 战略管理——艺术与实务. 华夏出版社. 2002.[7] A.A. Thompson, Jr. and A.J. Strickland III. 2000. Strategic management: Concepts and cases.12th Edition, McGraw-Hill. 2002.[8] H. Mintzberg and J.B. Quinn : The Strategy Process : Concepts, contexts, cases,Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996, 1998.[9] K.R. Andrews, The concept of corporate strategy, Irwin, Homewood, IL, 1987.5. 课程名称:会计学教材及主要参考文献刘东明张雁.企业会计学:管理者视角.中国人民大学出版社(MBA精品系列).2010周晓苏著. MBA专用教材•会计学.大连出版社.2008张启銮等编.MBA会计学.大连理工大学出版社.20066、课程名称:信息系统与信息资源管理教材:《管理信息系统(第7版)》, (美)劳东著,劳帼龄译,中国人民大学出版社,2009。
M B A英语面试经典提问(全)(总7页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--MBA英语面试经典提问(75个常见问题)(全)在MBA英语面试中,在自我介绍完了老师就会开始问你问题这里列出一些常见的问题,可以认真准备。
第一部分、传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions)1、What can you tell me about yourself(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么)这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。
”In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. Itwas not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.2、 What would you like to be doing five years after graduation (在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么)你要清楚你实际上能胜任什么。
(1)目标mission/objective集体目标groupobjective内部环境internalenvironment外部环境externalenvironment计戈U planning组织organizing人事staffing领导leading控制controlling步骤process原理principle方法technique经理manager总经理generalmanager行政人员administrator主管人员supervisor企业enterprise商业business产业industry公司company效果effectiveness效率efficiency企业家entrepreneur权利power职权authority职责responsibility科学管理scientific management现代经营管理modern operational management 行为科学behavior science生产率productivity激励motivate动机motive法律law法规regulation经济体系economicsystem管理职能managerialfunction产品product月服务service利润profit满意satisfaction归属affiliation尊敬esteem自我实现self-actualization人力投入human input盈余surplus收入income成本cost资本货物capital goods机器machinery设备equipment建筑building存货inventory(2)经验法theempirical approach人际行为法theinterpersonal behavior approach集体行为法thegroup behavior approach协作社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach 社会技术系统法the social-technical systems approach 决策理论法the decision theory approach数学法the mathematical approach系统法the systems approach随机制宜法the contingency approach管理任务法the managerial roles approach经营法theoperationalapproach人际关系humanrelation心理学psychology态度attitude压力pressure冲突conflict招聘recruit鉴定appraisal选拔select培训train报酬compensation授权delegationofauthority协调coordinate业绩performance考绩制度meritsystem表现behavior下级subordinate偏差deviation检验记录inspectionrecord误工记录recordoflabor-hourslost 销售量salesvolume产品质量qualityofproducts先进技术advanced technology顾客服务customer service策略strategy结构structure(3)领先性primacy普遍性pervasiveness忧虑fear忿恨resentment士气morale解雇layoff批发wholesale零售retail程序procedure规则rule规划program预算budget共同作用synergy大型联合企业conglomerate资源resource购买acquisition增长目标growth goal专利产品proprietary product竞争对手rival晋升promotion管理决策managerial decision商业道德business ethics有竞争力。
人力资源术语英汉对照- MBA智库百科人力资源术语英汉对照出自MBA智库百科(/)人力资源管理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM)人力资源经理:( human resource manager)高级管理人员:(executive)职业:(profession)道德标准:(ethics)操作工:(operative employees)专家:(specialist)人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI)外部环境:(external environment)内部环境:(internal environment)政策:(policy)企业文化:(corporate culture)目标:(mission)股东:(shareholders)非正式组织:(informal organization)跨国公司:(multinational corporation,MNC)管理多样性:(managing diversity)工作:(job)职位:(posting)工作分析:(job analysis)工作说明:(job description)工作规范:(job specification)工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS)职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ) 行政秘书:(executive secretary)地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager)人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP)战略规划:(strategic planning)长期趋势:(long term trend)要求预测:(requirement forecast)供给预测:(availability forecast)管理人力储备:(management inventory)裁减:(downsizing)人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS)招聘:(recruitment)员工申请表:(employee requisition)招聘方法:(recruitment methods)内部提升:(Promotion From Within ,PFW)工作公告:(job posting)广告:(advertising)职业介绍所:(employment agency)特殊事件:(special events)实习:(internship)选择:(selection)选择率:(selection rate)简历:(resume)标准化:(standardization)有效性:(validity)客观性:(objectivity)规范:(norm)录用分数线:(cutoff score)准确度:(aiming)业务知识测试:(job knowledge tests)求职面试:(employment interview)非结构化面试:(unstructured interview)结构化面试:(structured interview)小组面试:(group interview)职业兴趣测试:(vocational interest tests)会议型面试:(board interview)组织变化与人力资源开发人力资源开发:(Human Resource Development,HRD) 培训:(training)开发:(development)定位:(orientation)训练:(coaching)辅导:(mentoring)经营管理策略:(business games)案例研究:(case study)会议方法:(conference method)角色扮演:(role playing)工作轮换:(job rotating)在职培训:(on-the-job training ,OJT)媒介:(media)企业文化与组织发展企业文化:(corporate culture)组织发展:(organization development,OD)调查反馈:(survey feedback)质量圈:(quality circles)目标管理:(management by objective,MBO)全面质量管理:(Total Quality Management,TQM)团队建设:(team building)职业计划与发展职业:(career)职业计划:(career planning)职业道路:(career path)职业发展:(career development)自我评价:(self-assessment)职业动机:(career anchors)绩效评价绩效评价:(Performance Appraisal,PA)小组评价:(group appraisal)业绩评定表:(rating scales method)关键事件法:(critical incident method)排列法:(ranking method)平行比较法:(paired comparison)硬性分布法:(forced distribution method)晕圈错误:(halo error)宽松:(leniency)严格:(strictness)360°反馈:(360-degree feedback)叙述法:(essay method)集中趋势:(central tendency)报酬与福利报酬:(compensation)直接经济报酬:(direct financial compensation)间接经济报酬:(indirect financial compensation)非经济报酬:(no financial compensation)公平:(equity)外部公平:(external equity)内部公平:(internal equity)员工公平:(employee equity)小组公平:(team equity)工资水平领先者:(pay leaders)现行工资率:(going rate)工资水平居后者:(pay followers)劳动力市场:(labor market)工作评价:(job evaluation)排列法:(ranking method)分类法:(classification method)因素比较法:(factor comparison method)评分法:(point method)海氏指示图表个人能力分析法:(Hay Guide Chart-profile Method) 工作定价:(job pricing)工资等级:(pay grade)工资曲线:(wage curve)工资幅度:(pay range)12. 福利和其它报酬问题福利(间接经济补偿)员工股权计划:(employee stock ownership plan,ESOP)值班津贴:(shift differential)奖金:(incentive compensation)利润分享(分红制):(profit sharing)安全与健康的工作环境安全:(safety)健康:(health)频率:(frequency rate)紧张:(stress)角色冲突:(role conflict)催眠法:(hypnosis)酗酒:(alcoholism)员工和劳动关系工会:(union)地方工会:(local union)行业工会:(craft union)产业工会:(industrial union)全国工会:(national union)谈判组:(bargaining union)劳资谈判:(collective bargaining)仲裁:(arbitration)罢工:(strike)内部员工关系:(internal employee relations) 纪律:(discipline)纪律处分:(disciplinary action)申诉:(grievance)降职:(demotion)调动:(transfer)晋升:(promotion)目标mission/ objective集体目标group objective内部环境internal environment外部环境external environment计划planning组织organizing人事staffing领导leading控制controlling步骤process原理principle方法technique经理manager总经理general manager行政人员administrator主管人员supervisor企业enterprise商业business产业industry公司company效果effectiveness效率efficiency企业家entrepreneur权利power职权authority职责responsibility科学管理scientific management现代经营管理modern operational management行为科学behavior science生产率productivity激励motivate动机motive法律law法规regulation经济体系economic system管理职能managerial function产品product服务service利润profit满意satisfaction归属affiliation尊敬esteem自我实现self-actualization人力投入human input盈余surplus收入income成本cost资本货物capital goods机器machinery设备equipment建筑building存货inventory经验法the empirical approach人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach集体行为法the group behavior approach协作社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach 社会技术系统法the social-technical systems approach 决策理论法the decision theory approach数学法the mathematical approach系统法the systems approach随机制宜法the contingency approach管理任务法the managerial roles approach 经营法the operational approach人际关系human relation心理学psychology态度attitude压力pressure冲突conflict招聘recruit鉴定appraisal选拔select培训train报酬compensation授权delegation of authority协调coordinate业绩performance考绩制度merit system表现behavior下级subordinate偏差deviation检验记录inspection record误工记录record of labor-hours lost销售量sales volume产品质量quality of products先进技术advanced technology顾客服务customer service策略strategy结构structure领先性primacy普遍性pervasiveness忧虑fear忿恨resentment士气morale解雇layoff批发wholesale零售retail程序procedure规则rule规划program预算budget共同作用synergy大型联合企业conglomerate资源resource购买acquisition增长目标growth goal专利产品proprietary product竞争对手rival晋升promotion管理决策managerial decision商业道德business ethics有竞争力的价格competitive price 供货商supplier小贩vendor利益冲突conflict of interests派生政策derivative policy开支帐户expense account批准程序approval procedure病假sick leave休假vacation工时labor-hour机时machine-hour资本支出capital outlay现金流量cash flow工资率wage rate税收率tax rate股息dividend现金状况cash position资金短缺capital shortage总预算overall budget资产负债表balance sheet可行性feasibility投入原则the commitment principle 投资回报return on investment生产能力capacity to produce实际工作者practitioner最终结果end result业绩performance个人利益personal interest福利welfare市场占有率market share创新innovation生产率productivity利润率profitability社会责任public responsibility董事会board of director组织规模size of the organization组织文化organizational culture目标管理management by objectives 评价工具appraisal tool激励方法motivational techniques控制手段control device个人价值personal worth优势strength弱点weakness机会opportunity威胁threat个人责任personal responsibility顾问counselor定量目标quantitative objective定性目标qualitative objective可考核目标verifiable objective优先priority工资表payroll策略strategy政策policy灵活性discretion多种经营diversification评估assessment一致性consistency应变策略consistency strategy公共关系public relation价值value抱负aspiration偏见prejudice审查review批准approval主要决定major decision分公司总经理division general manager 资产组合距阵portfolio matrix明星star问号question mark现金牛cash cow赖狗dog采购procurement人口因素demographic factor地理因素geographic factor公司形象company image产品系列product line合资企业joint venture破产政策liquidation strategy紧缩政策retrenchment strategy战术tactics追随followership个性individuality性格personality安全safety自主权latitude悲观的pessimistic静止的static乐观的optimistic动态的dynamic灵活的flexible抵制resistance敌对antagonism折中eclectic激励motivation潜意识subconscious地位status情感affection欲望desire压力pressure满足satisfaction自我实现的需要needs for self-actualization 尊敬的需要esteem needs归属的需要affiliation needs安全的需要security needs生理的需要physiological needs维持maintenance保健hygiene激励因素motivator概率probability强化理论reinforcement theory反馈feedback奖金bonus股票期权stock option劳资纠纷labor dispute缺勤率absenteeism人员流动turnover奖励reward特许经营franchise热诚zeal信心confidence鼓舞inspire要素ingredient忠诚loyalty奉献devotion作风style品质trait适应性adaptability进取性aggressiveness热情enthusiasm毅力persistence人际交往能力interpersonal skills行政管理能力administrative ability智力intelligence专制式领导autocratic leader民主式领导democratic leader自由放任式领导free-rein leader管理方格图the managerial grid工作效率work efficiency服从obedience领导行为leader behavior支持型领导supportive leadership参与型领导participative leadership指导型领导instrumental leadership成就取向型领导achievement-oriented leadershipAction learning:行动学习Alternation ranking method:交替排序法Annual bonus:年终分红Application forms:工作申请表Appraisal interview:评价面试Aptitudes:资质Arbitration:仲裁Attendance incentive plan:参与式激励计划Authority:职权Behavior modeling:行为模拟Behaviorally anchored rating scale (bars):行为锚定等级评价法Benchmark job:基准职位Benefits:福利Bias:个人偏见Boycott:联合抵制Bumping/layoff procedures:工作替换/临时解雇程序Burnout:耗竭Candidate-order error:候选人次序错误Capital accumulation program:资本积累方案Career anchors:职业锚Career cycle:职业周期Career planning and development:职业规划与职业发展Case study method:案例研究方法Central tendency:居中趋势Citations:传讯Civil Rights Act:民权法Classes:类Classification (or grading) method:归类(或分级)法Collective bargaining:集体谈判Comparable worth:可比价值Compensable factor:报酬因素Computerized forecas:计算机化预测Content validity:内容效度Criterion validity:效标效度Critical inc ident method:关键事件法Davis-Bacon Act (DBA):戴维斯─佩根法案Day-to-day-collective bargaining:日常集体谈判Decline stage:下降阶段Deferred profit-sharing plan:延期利润分享计划Defined benefit:固定福利Defined contribution:固定缴款Department of Labor job analysis:劳工部工作分析法Discipline:纪律Dismissal:解雇;开除Downsizing:精简Early retirement window:提前退休窗口Economic strike:经济罢工Edgar Schein:艾德加.施恩Employee compensation:职员报酬Employee orientation:雇员上岗引导Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) :雇员退休收入保障法案Employee services benefits:雇员服务福利Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP):雇员持股计划Equal Pay Act:公平工资法Establishment stage:确立阶段Exit interviews:离职面谈Expectancy chart:期望图表Experimentation:实验Exploration stage:探索阶段Fact-finder:调查Fair day's work:公平日工作Fair Labor Standards Act:公平劳动标准法案Flexible benefits programs:弹性福利计划Flex place:弹性工作地点Flextime:弹性工作时间Forced distribution method:强制分布法Four-day workweek:每周4天工作制Frederick Taylor:弗雷德里克.泰罗Functional control:职能控制Functional job analysis:功能性工作分析法Gain sharing:收益分享General economic conditions:一般经济状况Golden offerings:高龄给付Good faith bargaining:真诚的谈判Grade description:等级说明书Grades:等级Graphic rating scale:图尺度评价法Grid training:方格训练Grievance:抱怨Grievance procedure:抱怨程序Group life insurance:团体人寿保险Group pension plan:团体退休金计划Growth stage:成长阶段Guarantee corporation:担保公司Guaranteed fair treatment:有保证的公平对待Guaranteed piecework plan:有保障的计件工资制Halo effect:晕轮效应Health maintenance organization (HMO) :健康维持组织Illegal bargaining:非法谈判项目Impasse:僵持Implied authority:隐含职权Incentive plan:激励计划Individual retirement account (IRA) :个人退休账户In-house development center:企业内部开发中心Insubordination:不服从Insurance benefits:保险福利Interviews:谈话;面谈Job analysis:工作分析Job description:工作描述Job evaluation:职位评价Job instruction training (JIT) :工作指导培训Job posting:工作公告Job rotation:工作轮换Job sharing:工作分组Job specifications:工作说明书John Holland:约翰.霍兰德Junior board:初级董事会Layoff:临时解雇Leader attach training:领导者匹配训练Lifetime employment without guarantees:无保证终身解雇Line manager:直线管理者Local market conditions:地方劳动力市场Lockout:闭厂Maintenance stage:维持阶段Management assessment center:管理评价中心Management by objectives (MBO):目标管理法Management game:管理竞赛Management grid:管理方格训练Management process:管理过程Mandatory bargaining:强制谈判项目Mediation:调解Merit pay:绩效工资Merit raise:绩效加薪Mid career crisis sub stage:中期职业危机阶段Nondirective interview:非定向面试Occupational market conditions:职业市场状况Occupational orientation:职业性向Occupational Safety and Health Act:职业安全与健康法案Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):职业安全与健康管理局Occupational skills:职业技能On-the-job training (OJT) :在职培训Open-door:敞开门户Opinion survey:意见调查Organization development(OD):组织发展Outplacement counseling:向外安置顾问Paired comparison method:配对比较法Panel interview:小组面试Participant diary/logs:现场工人日记/日志Pay grade:工资等级Pension benefits:退休金福利Pension plans:退休金计划People-first values:"以人为本"的价值观Performance analysis:工作绩效分析Performance Appraisal interview:工作绩效评价面谈Personnel (or human resource) management:人事(或人力资源)管理Personnel replacement charts:人事调配图Piecework:计件Plant Closing law:工厂关闭法Point method Policies:政策Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) :职位分析问卷Position replacement cards:职位调配卡Pregnancy discrimination act:怀孕歧视法案Profit-sharing plan:利润分享计划Programmed learning:程序化教学Qualifications inventories:资格数据库Quality circle:质量圈Ranking method:排序法Rate ranges:工资率系列Ratio analysis:比率分析Reality shock:现实冲击Reliability:信度Retirement:退休Retirement benefits:退休福利Retirement counseling:退休前咨询Rings of defense:保护圈Role playing:角色扮演Salary surveys:薪资调查Savings plan:储蓄计划Scallion plan:斯坎伦计划Scatter plot:散点分析Scientific management:科学管理Self directed teams:自我指导工作小组Self-actualization:自我实现Sensitivity training:敏感性训练Serialized interview:系列化面试Severance pay:离职金Sick leave:病假Situational interview:情境面试Skip-level interview:越级谈话Social security:社会保障Speak up! :讲出来!Special awards:特殊奖励Special management development techniques:特殊的管理开发技术Stabilization sub stage:稳定阶段Staff (service) function:职能(服务)功能Standard hour plan:标准工时工资Stock option:股票期权Straight piecework:直接计件制Strategic plan:战略规划Stress interview:压力面试Strictness/leniency:偏紧/偏松Strikes:罢工Structured interview:结构化面试Succession planning:接班计划Supplement pay benefits:补充报酬福利Supplemental unemployment benefits:补充失业福利Survey feedback:调查反馈Sympathy strike:同情罢工System Ⅳ:组织体系ⅣSystem I:组织体系Task analysis:任务分析Team building:团队建设Team or group:班组Termination:解雇;终止Termination at will:随意终止Theory X:X理论Theory Y:Y理论Third-party involvement:第三方介入Training:培训Transactional analysis (TA) :人际关系心理分析Trend analysis:趋势分析Trial sub stage:尝试阶段Unclear performance standards:绩效评价标准不清Unemployment insurance:失业保险Unfair labor practice strike:不正当劳工活动罢工Unsafe acts:不安全行为Unsafe conditions:不安全环境V alidity:效度V alue-based hiring:以价值观为基础的雇佣V room-Y etton leadership trainman:维罗姆-耶顿领导能力训练V ariable compensation:可变报酬V estibule or simulated training:新雇员培训或模拟V esting:特别保护权V oluntary bargaining:自愿谈判项目V oluntary pay cut:自愿减少工资方案V oluntary time off:自愿减少时间Wage carve:工资曲线Work samples:工作样本Work sampling technique:工作样本技术Work sharing:临时性工作分担Worker involvement:雇员参与计划Worker's benefits:雇员福利Adaptability 适应性Aligning Performance for Success 协调工作以求成功业绩Applied Learning 应用的知识Building a Successful Team 建立成功团队Building Customer Loyalty 对客户忠诚Building Partnerships 建立合作关系Building Strategic Working Relationships 建立战略性工作关系Building Trust 建立互信关系Coaching 辅导Communication 沟通Continuous Learning 不断学习Contributing to Team Success 对团队成功的贡献Customer Focus 以客户为中心Decision Making 决策Delegating Responsibility 授权Developing Others 发展他人Drive for Results 注重实效Energy 精力充沛Facilitation Change 推动变革Follow-up 跟进Formal Presentation 专业演讲技巧Gaining Commitment 具有使命感Impact 影响力Information Monitoring 采集信息Initiating Action 主动采取行动Innovation 创新Job Fit 胜任工作Leading Through Mission and V alues 在使命与价值的认同中的领导才能Managing Conflict 解决冲突Managing Work (Includes Time Management) 管理工作(时间管理)Meeting Leadership 会议组织能力Meeting Participation 分享Negotiation 谈判Planning and Organizing 编制计划与组织能力Quality Orientation 质量定位Risk Taking 勇于冒险Safety A wareness 安全意识Sales Ability / Persuasiveness 销售能力/说服能力Strategic Leadership / Decision Making 战略性领导/决策制定Stress Tolerance 压力忍受能力Technical / Professional Knowledge and Skills 技术专业知识和技能Tenacity 坚忍不拔Work Standards 操作规范Action learning:行动学习Alternation ranking method:交替排序法Annual bonus:年终分红Application forms:工作申请表Appraisal interview:评价面试Aptitudes:资质Arbitration:仲裁Attendance incentive plan:参与式激励计划Authority:职权Behavior modeling:行为模拟Behaviorally anchored rating scale (bars):行为锚定等级评价法Benchmark job:基准职位Benefits:福利Bias:个人偏见Boycott:联合抵制Bumping/layoff procedures:工作替换/临时解雇程序Burnout:耗竭Candidate-order error:候选人次序错误Capital accumulation program:资本积累方案Career anchors:职业锚Career cycle:职业周期Career planning and development:职业规划与职业发展Case study method:案例研究方法Central tendency:居中趋势Citations:传讯Civil Rights Act:民权法Classes:类Classification (or grading) method:归类(或分级)法集体谈判Comparable worth:可比价值Compensable factor:报酬因素Computerized forecast:计算机化预测Content validity:内容效度Criterion validity:效标效度Critical inc ident method:关键事件法Davis-Bacon Act (DBA):戴维斯―佩根法案Day-to-day-collective bargaining:日常集体谈判Decline stage:下降阶段Deferred profit-sharing plan:延期利润分享计划Defined benefit:固定福利Defined contribution:固定缴款Department of Labor job analysis:劳工部工作分析法Discipline:纪律Dismissal:解雇;开除Downsizing:精简Early retirement window:提前退休窗口Economic strike:经济罢工Edgar Schein:艾德加•施恩Employee compensation:职员报酬Employee orientation:雇员上岗引导Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) :雇员退休收入保障法案Employee services benefits:雇员服务福利Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) :雇员持股计划Equal Pay Act:公平工资法Establishment stage:确立阶段Exit interviews:离职面谈Expectancy chart:期望图表Experimentation:实验Exploration stage:探索阶段Fact-finder:调查Fair day’s work:公平日工作Fair Labor Standards Act:公平劳动标准法案Flexible benefits programs:弹性福利计划Flex place:弹性工作地点Flextime:弹性工作时间Forced distribution method:强制分布法Four-day workweek:每周天工作制Frederick Taylor:弗雷德里克•泰罗Functional control:职能控制Functional job analysis:功能性工作分析法沟通Communication个人发展Personal Development电子学习e-Learning项目管理Project Management领导艺术Leadership团队建设Team Building管理Management商务管理类行政管理Administrative Support人力资源Human Resources商法Business Law行业Industry客户服务Customer Service知识管理Knowledge Management电子商务e-Business市场Marketing金融/财会Finance & Accounting企业运营Operations财务服务Financial Services销售Salesable 有才干的,能干的adaptable 适应性强的active 主动的,活跃的aggressive 有进取心的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办理仔细的candid 正直的competent 能胜任的constructive 建设性的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dedicated 有奉献精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的dutiful 尽职的well--educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的expressivity 善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的frank 直率的,真诚的generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的humorous 有幽默impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的motivated 目的明确的intelligent 理解力强的learned 精通某门学问的logical 条理分明的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的objective 客观的precise 一丝不苟的punctual 严守时刻的realistic 实事求是的responsible 负责的sensible 明白事理的sporting 光明正大的steady 踏实的systematic 有系统的purposeful 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的name 姓名in. 英寸pen name 笔名ft. 英尺alias 别名street 街Mr. 先生road 路Miss 小姐district 区Ms (小姐或太太)house number 门牌Mrs. 太太lane 胡同,巷age 年龄height 身高bloodtype 血型weight 体重address 地址born 生于permanent address 永久住址birthday 生日province 省birthdate 出生日期city 市birthplace 出生地点county 县home phone 住宅电话prefecture 专区office phone 办公电话autonomous region 自治区business phone 办公电话nationality 民族;国籍current address 目前住址citizenship 国籍date of birth 出生日期native place 籍贯postal code 邮政编码duel citizenship 双重国籍marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚single 未婚divorced 离异separated 分居number of children 子女人数health condition 健康状况health 健康状况excellent (身体)极佳short-sighted 近视far-sighted 远视ID card 身份证date of availability 可到职时间membership 会员、资格president 会长vice-president 副会长director 理事standing director 常务理事society 学会association 协会secretary-general 秘书长research society 研究会work experience 工作经历occupational history 工作经历professionalhistory 职业经历specific experience 具体经历responsibilities 职责second job 第二职业achievements 工作成就,业绩administer 管理assist 辅助adapted to 适应于accomplish 完成(任务等)appointed 被认命的adept in 善于analyze 分析authorized 委任的;核准的behave 表现break the record 打破纪录breakthrough 关键问题的解决control 控制conduct 经营,处理cost 成本;费用create 创造demonstrate 证明,示范decrease 减少design 设计develop 开发,发挥devise 设计,发明direct 指导double 加倍,翻一番earn 获得,赚取effect 效果,作用eliminate 消除enlarge 扩大enrich 使丰富exploit 开发(资源,产品)enliven 搞活establish 设立(公司等);使开业evaluation 估价,评价execute 实行,实施expedite 加快;促进generate 产生good at 擅长于guide 指导;操纵improve 改进,提高initiate 创始,开创innovate 改革,革新invest 投资integrate 使结合;使一体化justified 经证明的;合法化的launch 开办(新企业)maintain 保持;维修modernize 使现代化negotiate 谈判nominated 被提名;被认命的overcome 克服perfect 使完善;改善perform 执行,履行profit 利润be promoted to 被提升为be proposed as 被提名(推荐)为realize 实现(目标)获得(利润)reconstruct 重建recorded 记载的refine 精练,精制registered 已注册的regenerate 更新,使再生replace 接替,替换retrieve 挽回revenue 收益,收入scientific 科学的,系统的self-dependence 自力更生serve 服务,供职settle 解决(问题等)shorten 减低……效能simplify 简化,精简spread 传播,扩大standard 标准,规格supervises 监督,管理supply 供给,满足systematize 使系统化test 试验,检验well-trained 训练有素的valuable 有价值的target 目标,指标working model 劳动模范advanced worker 先进工作者education 学历educational history 学历educational background 教育程度curriculum 课程major 主修minor 副修educational highlights 课程重点部分curriculum included 课程包括specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程special training 特别训练social practice 社会实践part-time jobs 业余工作summer jobs 暑期工作vacation jobs 假期工作refresher course 进修课程extracurricularactivities 课外活动physical activities 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动rewards 奖励scholarship 奖学金excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会off-job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训educational system 学制cademic year 学年semester 学期(美)term 学期(英)supervisor 论文导师pass 及格fail 不及格marks 分数examination 考试degree 学位post doctorate 博士后doctor(Ph.D) 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士graduate student 研究生abroad student 留学生abroad student 留学生undergraduate 大学肆业生government-supportedstudent 公费生commoner 自费生extern 走读生intern 实习生prize fellow 奖学金生boarder 寄宿生graduate 毕业生guest student 旁听生(英)auditor 旁听生(美)day-student 走读生objective 目标position desired 希望职位job objective 工作目标employment objective 工作目标career objective 职业目标position sought 谋求职位position wanted 希望职位position appliedfor 申请职位for more specializedwork 为更专门的工作for prospectsof promotion 为晋升的前途for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任for wider experience 为扩大工作经验due to close-downof company 由于公司倒闭due to expiryof employment 由于雇用期满sought a betterjob 找到了更好的工作to seek a betterjob 找一份更好的工作hobbies 业余爱好play the guitar 弹吉他reading 阅读play chess 下棋play 话剧long distance running 长跑play bridge 打桥牌collecting stamps 集邮play tennis 打网球jogging 慢跑sewing 缝纫travelling 旅游listening to symphony 听交响乐do some clay scultures 搞泥塑。
MBA的Essay题目参考范例(1)编者按:一、学习动机和目的类:1.What educational and personal objectives do you hope to satisfy through the MBA program? ...一、学习动机和目的类:1. What educational and personal objectives do you hope to satisfy through the MBA program? (Stanford)2.What type and level of work do you expect to be engaged in five or ten years now? (Stanford)3. Why do you wish to pursue an MBA degree from Harvard Business School? What are your career aspirations and why? (Harvard)4. Briefly assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree at Kellogg. (Northwestern)5. Briefly assess your career progress to date. How does the MMM program meets your educational needs and career goals? (Northwestern)6.Describe how your experiences, both professional and personal, have led to your decision to pursue an MBA at the Wharton School this year. How does this decision relate to your career goals for the future? (Wharton)7. What are your short-term and long-term career goals? How will a Columbia Business School MBA helps you achieve these goals? (Columbia)8. What are your professional goals? How do your past and present experiences relate to those goals? (Berkeley) 9.Why are you seeking an MBA or I.M.B.A. from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business? What do youhope to experience and contribute? What are your plans and goals after you receive your degree? (Chicago)10. Describe your post-graduation career plans. How will your education, experience, and development to date support those plans? How will an MBA from the University of Michigan Business School help you attain your goals? (Michigan)11. Why do you wish to pursue the LFM Program and, in particular, the engineering program you selected? (Please be review your application.) How does this fit with your future plans? (MIT)二、失败1. Discuss a difficult or painful professional experience from which you get valuable lesson. (Stanford)2.Describe a setback, disappointment, or occasion of failure that you have experienced. How did you manage the situation, and what did you learn form it? (Harvard)3.Discuss a non-academic situation which you were disappointed in yourself. Tell us how it has affected you personally and / or professionally. (Columbia)4. If you have ever received a failing grade, been placed on Academic Probation, or been dismissed from any school, please explain. Discuss the circumstances if you attended more than one undergraduate college or began a graduate program that you did not complete. If appropriate, include an explanation of any extraordinary circumstances influencing your academic record. (Chicago)5. Describe a failure or setback in your life. How did you overcome this setback? What, if anything, would you do differently if confronted with this situation again? (Michigan) 6. What is an important lesson that you have learned in life?How did you come to learn this lesson? (MIT)。
什么是工商办理硕士MBAMBA,(Master Of Business Administration)的英文缩写,中文称工商办理硕士。
通常认为,美国最早的办理学院是1881年在美国宾夕法尼亚州大学树立的The Wharton School of finance and Economics;而工商办理硕士练习方案(MBAProgram)要晚些,诞生于哈佛大学。
4.EBSC05.PQDT学位论文UMI Pro Quest Digital Dissertations (博士论文数据库)。
收录了欧美 1000 余所大学的160多万篇学位论文,学科覆盖了数学、物理、化学、农业、生物、商业、经济、管理、社会科学、工程技术和计算机科学等。
名校MBA 英文面试题目个人信息方面的问题:针对 personal data1. What s your name?2. May T have your name, please?3. Are you Mr. /Miss?4. What ? s your surname?5. What is you family name?6. What ? s your full name?7. How do you spell your last name?8. Please give me your name.9. May I ask your name?10. T bel ieve you' re Mr. •••., aren , t you?11. Your name, please.12. How do you do, and you are …?13. Miss …,I presume-14. Would you give me your name? 针对 personal qualities1. What kind of personalities do you think you have?2. What kind of person are you?3. What types of people do like to work with?4. What types of people don' t you like to work with?5. Do you think you arc introverted 内向的 or extroverted 夕卜向的?6. Would you like to describe yourself as what kind of person you are?7. Would you like to tell me your weak points and strong points?8. What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy?9. What basic principles do you apply to you work?10. What do you think a job is?11. Are you more a follower or a 1eader?12. What attitude do you take towards life?Answers:1. I think r m honest and reliable.2. 1 feel V m initiative 主动的 and aggressive, responsible in doing things.3. To tell you the truth, I think I ,m imaginative and creative.4. T 1 ike to work with imaginative and creative persons.5. T don not 1 ike to work with the introverted people.6. I believe I , m extroverted , easy to approach and friendly to everyone.7. Frankly, I t hink V m quite out going and 1 enjoy mixing and doing things with others.8. 1 wouldn" t call myself introverted though some times I ,m inclined 趋向于 to think independently and enjoy staying all by my self, often and often I like sharing activities with others.9. I approach things very enthusiastically and I can take on jobs that bother Answers: My name is … Yes, I ,m … My surname is … My full name is … How do you do, V m …other people and work at them slowly until they get done.10.T think a job is on the one hand a way of making a 1 iving, but on the other hand, it is also a very important way to self-fulfillment. 自我实现11.. 1 think 1 am more of a leader, but 1 am team-task minded 团队精神too.12.I feel it is important to build a career. Seize the day, seize the hour. Even if it,s hard at that time. I try to get things done that day and not to let them go.有关兴趣爱好的提问1.Do you have any special interests other than your job?2.What are your hobbies?3.What other interests do you have?4.What kind of recreations do you most enjoy?Answers:My chief interest is•••Yes, …is my special interest.T 1 ike to read books, (mystery, novel, detective, fiction, non-fiction,biography)I enjoy sports.1 like dancing.5.What do you like to do in your spare time?6.What do you do when you are not working?7.How do you spend your free time?8.How do you entertain yourself after work?Answer:On weekends, I sometimes go mountain climbing with my colleagues or fishing ・9.What' s your marital status 婚姻状况?10.Could you tell me something about your family?11.Do you spend much time staying with your family?Answers:I’ m not married. /V m still a single.「ve been married for 10 years and have a daughter.I usueilly get together with my feimily on weekends because we eire all busy.Working Experience (有关工作经验方面的问题)Q: What is important to you in a job?A: For example, challenge, the feeling of accomplishment 成就感,and knowing that you have made a contribution.Q: Please tell me your present job.A: 1 am working in a garment factory 月艮装厂.My present job is to inspect the quality of products, comparatively speaking, quality control is rather simple. Although I do my job well, I am looking for a new job which is more chailenging.Q: Your resume says you have had some experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left?A: I worked in a foreign representative office for one year. However, 1 leftthere two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull. 1 found another job which is more interesting.Q: What kind of jobs have you had?A: I worked as a business coordinator in a foreign representative office, then I transferred to a joint venture as a sales manager. So I am fami1iar with the texti1e market in China.Q: What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?A: First, I think my technical background is helpful. I have enough knowledge to market the products to my customers. Secondly, 1 have studied for four months in a Marketing Training Program with satisfactory results. Finally, I have mastered the English Language. These qualifications will make me successful in my career.Q: What have you 1 earned from the jobs you have had?A: I have learned a lot about business know-how and basic office skills- In addition, I learned at my previous jobs how to coopcratc with my colleagues.Q: What, s you major weak point?A: I haven" t been involved in international business, so I don5 t have any experience, but I have studied this course in an International Business Training Center.或者:Q: What are you greatest weaknesses?A: Identify one or two, such as the following:" I tend to drive myself too hard", " I expect others to perform beyond their capacities", " 1 like to see a job done quickly, and I'm critical if it isn't." Note these weaknesses could also be regarded as desirable qualities. The trick with this question is to describe a weakness so that it could also be considered a virtue.Q: What are your greatest strengths?A: I know a lot about how the Chinese economy works, and how business is done here. Secondly, I speak English fluently. I have no difficulty with language. And, I am a hard worker when 1 have something challenging to do.Q: Please tell me about your working experience.A: 1 have five years experience in the chemical industry since 1 graduated from college. First of all 1 worked as an assistant engineer in theX X X Company. Three years later I transferred to X X X Company. Now I am working in the Sale Department of that company.Q: Where do you want to be five years from now?A: Tn five years, I'd like to have my boss's job. 仃'd like to be my own boss.) Q: What is your career objective?A: 1 want to apply my experience and education to a position in personnel administration in a Sino-America joint venture.or:I want to get a position offering challenge an responsibility in the realm of marketing.Q: Would you talk about some of your achievements at work?orQ: Can you tell me something about your achievcmcnts?A: 1 have been XXXfor ABC Company for X X Xyears. Sales of the item for which I have been responsible have increased by 14% during the last four years.其他的一些有关工作方面的问题及答案:1.What do you do?2.What kind of work are you doing now?3.How long did you work there?4.Where have you worked in the past?5.What kind of work were you doing at your previous employer" s?6.What did your work consist of exactly?7.What work were your responsible for at your previous employer" s?8.What did you most like (dislike) about your previous job?9.What were your responsibilities as a .. ?Answers:I" m a sales manager at XXX company.I have been …at…1 was in charge of1 have been working there for X X X years.I was responsible for …Educational Background (关于教育背景方面的问题)Q: what is your major?A: My major is Business Adm in istreition. T am especially int erested in "Marketing〃.Q: What are your major and minor subjects?A: My major subject is Physics and my minor subject is Practical Mathematics.Q: What subject did you major in at university?A: I majored in Economics.Q: Which university did you graduate from?A: 1 graduated from XXX University.Q: When did you graduate from university?A: I graduated from Shanghai Normal University in 1990.Q: Have you received any degrees?A: Yes. First, I received my Bachelor 文学士of Arts degree in Engl ish Literature, and then an MBA degree.Q: What course did you like best?A: Project Management. I was very interested in this course when Iwas a student. And 1 think it's very useful for my present work.Q: How did you get on with your studies in college?A: I did well in college. I was one of the top students in the class.Q: Do you feel that you have received a good general training?A; Yes, T have studied in an English training program and a computertraining program since I graduated from university. I am currentlystudying Finance at a training school.其他一些有关教育背景方面的提问方式及答案:1.What, s your educational background?2.What degrees do you have?3.What about your education?4.Now tel 1 me something about your professional education?5.What uni versity did you graduate from?6.Whats your specialty?7.What research have you even done?8.What are your major subject and minor subjects?9.How many languages can you speak?10.What foreign languages can you speak?11.Can you speak, write, and read English fluently?12.Can you manage English conversations?13.How is your Engl ish proficiency 英语水平?Answers:1.Three years ago I gradua ted from X X X Uni vers ity. I received a X X Xdegree there. X X X is my major and English is my foreign language.2. 1 have a master of XXX3.my specialty is X X X4.I like to deal with•••5.my major is 其他方面的问题:Q: Why should we accept you?A: Because firstly V ve received very good academic training, secondly, 1, ve obtained good job skills, and finally 1, m very enthusiastic about my MBA study.Q: What would you do if.・・・?A: This question is designed to test your response. For example:,z What would you do if your computer broke down during an audit?" Your answer there isn"t nearly so important as your approach to the problem. And a calm approach is best・ Start by saying, "One thing I might do is …〃Then give several al ternative choices.Q: What do you t hink is more importa nt in gett ing a job, educat io n background or experienee?A: Most job advertisements say that experience is needed or preferred, that is to say, those with experience are more likely to be hired.Q: What qualities are needed to get a promotion in a company?A: If an employee is hard-working and loyal/well-experienced in his job, creative and innovative/quick at decision-making, he is likely to be promoted.Q: What qualities are the basic requirements for 1eading positions at all levels in a company?A: In my view, a business leader should be able to build up appropriate and effective interpersonal relationship 人际关系with his/her employees and clients.Q: Why do some honest and loyal employees remain unprompted 自发的after many years of hard work?A: The position of a leader asks for more than honesty, loyalty and in dustry.Q: Do you think English is quite important in MBA study?A: Having an excellent command of English in speaking, reading, listening, and writing is critical to a MBA student as long as he wants to become an internationalized entrepreneur and doesn" t want to miss the huge potential of business opportunities in the cooperation with any company from English-speaking countries.And since MBA projects have been far more developed in US and European countries than in Chirm, an Engl ish proficiency wi 11 definitely be of a great help to the understanding and learning of advaneed theories and practices in business administration.Q: Do you know something about the development of China" s MBA projects? Can you give any suggestions on the room for improvement of China" s MBA projects?A: China began to participate in MBA programs since the early 1980s" mainly through cooperation with US and European business schools. And from 1990s,, China began to establish the degree of MBA projects.Suggestions for improvement:X Localization of MBA projects, especially focus on the establishment of our own case bank.九Market-orientat ion. China is in great need of executives who are technically sound in the fields of IT, finance, and accounting and who have a thorough 彻底的command of management theories and good communication skills and strategic viewpoints.X More attention should be drawn to the education of CTOs and CFOs besides the traditional education of CEOs.九In China, apart from CTOs, we are in great need for CFOs, those who knows the operation of capital markets as wel 1 as the gen era! manageme nt knowledge because the biggest challenges for enterprises in China are how to finance a company and how to handle the risky capital markcts.Q: What is CFO and the related responsibilities?A:X CFO is the abbreviated form of Chief Financial Officer, who is the most important and valuable position of management in modern enterprises besides CEO.九Responsibi 1 ities for CFO: handle various financial relations especially relations with the investors (investment financing), with governments (taxation, and bond supervision), and strategic business planning, and human resources management.A CFO will direct the department of planning, department of finance, department of operational management, department of ERP and department of H. R.Tn other words, CFO is responsible for al 1 the departments except departments of production and sales.We should lay more emphasis on the education and training of CFO.X Relationship between CEO and CFOCEO is the one who make decisions on the long-term objectives or missions for a company, while CFO is the one who make those ambitions and long-term planning into concrete, operable strategies especially the financial strategies. And not only that, CFO is the person who actually assess the fulfi1lment of the objectives. So theharmonious cooperation between CEO and CFO in a company is critical.一些背景资料:Q: What is the difference between MBA program at home and abroad?A: China" s MBA projects are lagging behind their counterparts at abroad in the following respects:X Teachers and teaching facilitiesAt abroad: Doctoral degree is a must for teachers in universities, and for those who teach in business schools. They have to have obtained professional education in business and management, some with educational background in economics and other pertinent sciences. And most of them have direct or indirect experience of business aclministration and they keep a close contact with enterprises through consulting services or research projects. So they can combine those management theories with enterprise practices which is quite advantageous to the MBA education.At home: We have teachers without doctoral degrees at our business schools, teachers without professional business or management background, and teachers lacking practical understanding of how an enterprise is actually operated.九Source of studentsAt abroad: basically, al 1 students applying for MBA education come from enterprises and they intend to continue their career in enterprises when they finished their MBA study. They are people with highest potentials to become excellent businessmen or businesswomen.At home: we have a more complex source of students. A large part of enrolled students are not from enterprises which means they have no former business experience. Alt hough some are excellent people t hey simply need Ionger period to become enlrepreneurs. Some choose to enter governments and intuitions after their MBA education which goes against the overall objectives of MBA programs.X System of managing MBA cducationAt abroad: business schools have seif-decision-making for their MBA projects, such as the scale of recruitment, tuitions and way of hiring teachers. The high autonomy 自治enables them to develop fast and obtain special features of their own.At home: Uni versities have little in dependence and it/ s eve n worse when it comes to business schools. Al 1 the above-mentioned decisions are made under a planning system which consequently affect the quality of MBA programs.Teaching methodsAt abroad: besides the traditional ways of teaching, that is lecture and case study, there are many kinds of different ways of education for example, field projects, group projects decision by computer simulation, guest speech , project study, consul ting reports , role plays, discussions an d sem in ars, action] earning, deba tes, inter nships, st udy trips, st ude nt presentation, problem solving and experiential exercises.At home : our teaching methods are rather limited.MBA英文面试常用词汇、短语Expressions for Personal Qualities (描述个人素质方面的用词)本性bright ability plus flexibility ability to learn good health mature dynamic 有活力的energetic honest stable personal i ty high sense of responsibility resourceful excel 1ent presentation and communication skillsability to innovatc strong initiativc technically soundgood analytical mind to solve complex issues personal confidence proven problem solving / analytical skills acute and dynamic easy to get together with people strong technical commercial sense strong negotiation and communication skills pleasant personalityinitiative对未来highly-motivated strong amb i t i on and determ in at i on to succeed career ambition ambitious ability and desire to advanee rapidly aggressiveness 做事方式well organized preparedness to work hard bilingual 双语的good people skills strong inter-personal skills hard-working enjoys working with people work(operate)independently strong leadership skill a great tearn spirit work under high pressure and time-limitation result-oriented have the commitment to meet deadlines team player good people management skillsLanguage Proficiency (描述语言能力的用词)常见形容词、名词和副词working good proficiency above-average excellent effectively fluent familiarity fluency实例:1.Working command of spoken and written English2.Good command of English with ability to understand hand-written English3.Proficiency in written and spoken English and Chinese4.Above-average English/ Chinese communication and organination ab 订ity5.An excellent understending of English6.Ability to communicate in English orally and in written form7.Effectively bilingual in English and Chinese8.Be able to communicate in and translate from English to Chinese and vice versa orally and in written form9.Fluent in English10.Fami1iarity with technical English11.Fluency in EnglishComputer Literacy (描述计算机水平的用词)常用形容词sound high hands-on high proficiency solid skillful literate good experienced 实例:1.Knowledge of microcomputer and software programming2.Sound knowledge and experienee in computer3.I lav ing experie nee in comp uter opera tion prof icie ncy in Microso ft Windows, Word and Excel4.High proficiency in computer operation5.With hands - on experience in system development including system analysisand design6.High proficiency in comp uter net working and office produc ti vity software7.Solid knowledge in personal computer operation8.Be skillful in computer applicationputer 1iterate in both English and Chinese languages10.Good worki ng kno wledge of Lotus 123 or other re la ted finan cial software11.Experienced in Oracle, Informix or Sybase and UNIX Occupational Experience(描述工作经历的用词)1.experience in international sales and ability to produce results2.experience working in multinational environment3.market-oriented with knowledge of shipping documentations and some technical background4.experience in auditing, cost accounting and taxation5.familiarity with or interest in international trade issues6. 2 years working experience in commerce and consumer products7.1-2 years marketing experience in advertising and promotion8.experience in the computerization of financial functions9.media planning or servicing international clients10.experience in staff management11.experience in networking business12.clerk experienee13. 3 years working experienee at supervisory level in production operation14.excellent experience in administrative accountingJob titles (各种职务名称)commerce and accountant (商务会计类职务)CPA ---- Certified Public AccountantChief accountantAccounting analystAccounting assistantAccounting clerkAccounting managerAccounting staffAccounting supervisorBond analystBond traderExport Sales MongerExport staffFinancial analystFinancial controllerFinancial executiveFinancial managerInternational sales staffMarketing assistantMarketing executiveMarketing managerMarketing officerMarketing personnelMarketing representativeMarket analystMarket dcvclopmcnt managerMarket oriented staffMarket researcherMarket executiveSales assistantSales clerkSales engineerSales managerSales planning staffSales promotion managerSales representativeSales supervisor Management (管理类职务)administrative assistantadministrative memageradministrative service manager administrativc staffadministrative clerkadministratorarea representative assistant manager assistant to general manager business assistant businesses manager executive director executive secretary human resources manager office administratoroffice assistantpersonnel administratorpersonnel managerpersormel supervisorsenior clerksenior consultantsenior secretaryTechnology and engineering (技术工程类职务)Production inspectorProduction managerProduction plannerProduction supervisorProject staffQC inspectorArchitectural engineerProgramming engineer 一些重要的管理名词解释:teamwork: a cooperative effort by a group or tearn to pursue a common objective. Teamwork spirit is very important for modern cooperation culture.communication: the exchange of information between individuals, for example, by mea ns of speak i ng, writ in 已or using a comm on system of sig ns or behavior. Good communication is critical for the smooth operation of any organization.sales: the exchanging of goods or services for an agreed amount of money, or a single transactionmarketing: the business activity of presenting products or services to potential customers in such a way as to make them eager to buy. Marketing includes such matters as the pricing and packaging of the product and the creation of demand by advertising and sales campaigns.management: the organizing and controlling of the affairs of a business or a particular sector of a business successfully.CEO: the abbrcviated form for the chief executive officer. MBA英文面试常用句式见面:Good morningGood afternoon.May T come in?Nice to meet you.Thank you.告别:V ve enjoyed speaking with you.That" s my pleasure. It" s been nice talking with you.Well, nice to have been talking to you.Thank you for interview with me. I hope to meet you again. 就某-个问题你如果认为自己已经冋答完毕了可以说:T think thats al 1.That "s is I thinkHave I answered your question?谈话中:Thank you for your compliment.It, s very kind of you to say so.Excuse me, I guess I don, t make myself clear.核实一下自己对对方意思的理解是否正确Do you intend to say tha t•••Do you mean•••Does that mean•••Tf T understand right…下列句型则通常用以表示举例For example,…Let me give you an example. 下列句型则通常用以表示犹豫You see,…Well, the thing is,…Well, you know, er,…T mean…Oh, let me think for a moment…Well, let me see.That" s a very big / interesting / difficult question•••Um••- er…actually…in fact…you see…the thing is••- how shall 1 put it••- sort of•••Well••- it,s like this, you see…theee…nyyy… 下列句型则通常用以了解信息Can you tel 1 me something about it?T,d 1 ike to know more about…表示你对某事感兴趣I find …quite attracting.1 have some interest in•••V m interested in•••My hobby is••••••interests me a great deal.表示你的意见As far as Tm concerned, T think…As I see it,…In my opinion•••Personal 1 believe••- 下列句型则通常用以表示重述探请某人重述某事Could you repeat that, please?Could you say that again, please?T' m sorry?I’ sorry, but I didn‘ t quite catch what you were saying.I" sorry, what" s that?探重述1 was just saying…I was just wondering••-探换一种方式重述in other words,…Let me put it another way,…That" s to say••-一般情况下,我们不鼓励大家打断考官的话,但是如果确是必要,那么请适用下列语句:Can T say something here?Can I add something?Excuse me for interrupting, but••-如何提出问题,获得更多的信息及回答技巧(1)如何提出问题I was wondering if you could help me. I'd like to know-I wonder if you could tell me•••This may sound 1 ike a dumb question, but I'd 1 ike to know…Excuse me, do you know…I hope you don't mind my asking, but I'd like to know eWou1d you mind (very much) telling monExcuse me, but could 1 ask you a quick question?Do you happen to know ••-(你是否碰巧知道…)(2)回答技巧:如何拖延Well, let me see•••Oh, let me think for a minute…T,m not sure; TT1 have to check…That's a very interesting question.(3)回答技巧:如何拒绝I" m not really sure.1 can"t answer that one.I" m sorry, I really don't know.r ve got no idea.I'd 1 ike to help you, but…That's someth ing V d rather not t alk about jus t now.Ask me another question.(别问我这个。
商务英语(4)/ 企业家讲堂
当她思考全美公司目前的状况时,她的脑海中闪现出“基于时间的竞争”、“缩短周期时间” 和“迅速反应”等一些词语。
闭卷 北三508 乔 平
6 1月12日 星期日 16:30-18:30 数据、模型与决策 核心课程 19级在职班
闭卷 北三508 何晓光
闭卷 北三508 何 刚
3 1月11日 星期六 19:00-21:00
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闭卷 北三508 陈美华
4 1月12日 星期日 9:00-11:00 组织行为学 核心课程 19级在职班
闭卷 北三708 周良文
5 1月12日 星期日 14:00-16:00
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序号 日期 星期
பைடு நூலகம்
考试形式 考试地点 主考人 备注
1 1月11日 星期六 9:00-11:00 中国特色社会主义 公共基础 19级在职班
闭卷 研究生院安排 课程组
2 1月11日 星期六 14:30-16:30 管理经济学 核心课程 19级在职班
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What choices does a manager make with respect to Accounting? Is it limited to policies? Also decides on estimates & disclosure
Enron, Worldcom- examples of direct manipulation of accounting information to deceive- outside of the rules Flexibility of GAAP with Professional judgment leads to legal earnings management.
Recognition that a previously recorded Accounts receivable will not provide a future benefit due to the fact we will not collect it, or will we??? Didn’t the rules of revenue recognition require us to determine if collection is reasonably assured???
Situation #
Situation 1
Fiscal 2010 Fiscal 2011 Fiscal 2012
Rogers receives Rogers ships large order from order to customer corp customer and receives cash Receives large order from customer Receives large order Ships order Receives cash on delivery Ships order Receives cash from customer
Situation 2
Situation 3
When do we record the revenue and why?
Performance has occurred The amount of revenue can be reasonable measured Collection of payment is reasonably assured Sounds easy?
Net cash provided by operating activities Net cash used for investing activities Net cash provided by financing activities Net decrease in cash Cash balance, December 31, 2005 Cash balance, December 31, 2006
Common methods of Bad Debt calculation
1) Direct Write Off 2) % of Sales 3) Aging of A/R balances
Revenue Recognition
When to recognize revenue?
Bad Debts Returns Discounts
Valuation- FIFO,LIFO, average cost What is included in inventory cost?
–day to day
– Long term assets
Long term liabilities shareholders
and transactions
Cash Flow Statement (Indirect Method) For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 (In thousands)
Rules vs Guidelines? Government vs Self Policing? Professional judgment? Do laws against speeding and theft stop those activities? Be vigilant- consider the source/objectives of all information If it doesn’t make sense, question it!
Is there a difference between revenue and the receipt of cash?
Is timing important?
Must there be agreement between the two parties as to whether or not something is earned?
industry risk customers contracts ownership demands need for financing moral/ethical considerations taxation
Accounts receivable balances Accounting for returns/discounts Bad debt expense & allowance for doubtful accounts
GAAP says that we record Revenue when it is earned
What happens when revenue is earned? Assets increase Revenues increase
The big question is: When is revenue earned??
Even in the US, GAAP allows for flexibility in the choice of:
Accounting Policies- more than 1 allowable option Accounting Estimates- professional judgment Disclosure- no required wording
GAAP Auditors Report- fair representation Fraudulent Activities Basic Financial Analysis
◦ Management by exception ◦ Expectations/Comparisons
Interconnection between Accounts
Meet investors expectations Maintain stock price Meet budget goals Obtain best terms for loans Avoid violation of debt covenants Obtain grants from government Minimize taxes Generally influence decisions arising out of accounting information
Amortization Method Capitalization policies
Leases When to recognize liabilities
Write-downs of obsolete and damaged inventory, Net Realizable Value
Useful lives, Write downs and write offs Salvage values
Warranty provisions Pensions Accruals
Capital Assets
Assets vs Expenses
Capitalization policies
Expensing assets Classifications Long/Short term, ordinary, unusual, extraordinary Disclosure of contingencies
Defn: “Amounts owed to an entity by customers for goods and services provided on credit”
John Friedlan, Financial Accounting, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, 2007
Management InfluenceGoals/Motivations/Objectives Earnings Management Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Inter-connection between Accounts Revenue Recognition and Accounts Receivable
$ 68 (255) 167 $ (20) 42 $ 22
Free cash flow is the amount of cash available from operations after paying for planned investments in capital, equipment, and other long-term assets. Free cash flow = Net cash flow from operating activities – Cash outflow earmarked for investments in capital, equipment (long term assets) and required dividends