



1 横河软件产品是以其制造完成时的状态或其出厂时的状态提供给用户的。除存储媒体的破损或损坏外,横河及 提供方不承担瑕疵担保责任及其他一切保证责任。如用户发现横河软件产品的存储媒体有破损或损坏时,横河 仅在其出厂后12个月内, 对其进行无偿更换(仅限于用户承担将该软件的存储媒体送至横河指定经销点的费用的 情况。)。且在任何情况下,横河对横河软件产品在质量及性能上的无瑕疵,恰当性,正确性,可靠性,最新性等 不作任何的明示或暗示的保证。横河也不保证横河软件产品与其他软件的一致性及兼容性等。 横河根据自己的判断,认为有必要时,可以对横河软件产品实施版本升级(以下称“升级”) ,进行无偿或有偿 提供。但是,横河并不承担向用户提供升级服务或升级后的产品的义务。 根据不同的产品,横河有提供有偿维修服务的可能。维修服务的范围及条件依照横河的另行规定。但是,如果 宣传手册或一般规格书中没有明确记载,横河将最多对最新版本及前一版本进行维护。前一版本为升级后5年以 内的横河软件产品。另外,关于已经停售的横河软件产品,仅对停售后5年以内的产品实施维修服务。关于标准 品以外的横河软件产品,横河不负实施维修措施的义务。对非横河更改或修正的横河软件产品,横河一概不予 应对。
本合同适用于横河的以下产品及附带提供的相关资料(以下称“横河软件产品”)。除横河另行规定的情况外,本 合同也适用于横河提供的更新版的横河软件产品及功能增加版的横河软件产品。 目标产品:DAQSTANDARD for FX1000 (Model FXA120)
1 2 有关横河软件产品,用户须以支付另行商定的使用费为代价,且只可在与以下授权数相同台数的计算机上安装 横河软件产品。横河以许可用户自己使用为目的,授予用户非垄断,不可转让的使用权。 授权数:1台 除横河书面另行许可或规定的情况外,禁止用户实施以下行为。 (a) 复制横河软件产品(允许复制一份以备用为目的软件,但必须注意妥善保管复制软件。) (b) 将横河软件产品或其使用权销售、转租、分发、转让、抵押给第三方或授予第三方再使用权,以及使横河软 件产品通过信息网络传播或发送成为可能。 (c) 通过网络在指定电脑以外的电脑上使用横河软件产品。 (d) 通过转存、逆向汇编、逆向编译、反向工程等手段将横河软件产品转换为程序源代码及其他可读取的格式或 复制此类转换;通过更改或译成他种语言将横河软件产品转换为横河所提供的形式以外的任何形式或作此类 转换尝试。 (e) 解除或试图解除横河软件产品中使用或添加的保护装置(防复制保护装置)。 (f) 删除横河软件产品中显示的著作权、商标、标志及其他标示。 横河软件产品及与其相关的一切技术、计算方式、技术诀窍和程序是属于横河或授权于横河 再使用权或转让权 的第三方的固有财产及商业机密。横河软件产品的权利归横河或相关第三方所有。横河不作将该财产权利转移 或转让给用户的任何承诺。 不得将前款中所述的固有财产及商业机密及键代码提供给使用横河软件产品时所必须的用户方高级管理人员、 职员或与之相当的人员以外的第三方。并且用户应使这些相关人员严守保密义务。 本合同被终止或被解除时,向横河退还横河软件产品及其复制软件的同时,必须彻底删除电脑或存储媒体中的 复制软件。销毁保存了横河软件产品及其复制软件的存储媒体时,必须彻底删除存储媒体中保存的内容。 横河软件产品可能会包含横河从第三方(含横河的关联公司)获得的许可再使用权或转让权的软件程序(以下称 “第三方程序”)。有关第三方程序提供方(以下称“提供方”)规定了与本合同不同的使用许可条件时,优先适 用提供方另行提出的相应条件。第三方程序中,也可能含有用户直接从提供方获得使用权的程序。 横河软件产品中可能含有已公开的源代码软件(以下称“OSS”)。有关OSS,优先适用其另行被规定的条件。

机床参数 电加工机床类

机床参数 电加工机床类

国标 0.63
0.005 0.8
MDX-104 0.01 0.025 500
0.01 /全长
0.005 0.8
JF-210G 晶体管电源

主电 机

外形尺寸 长×宽×高 (毫米)
3 3.5
1200× 1.1 1100×
200×100 120 300×200 150 200×300 250 200×300 250 250×150 250
电火花成型 机床
NGD400A 400×630
200×80 350×250 250 350×200 250
NG-CNC400 400×630
1100× 700× 1260
1600× 565×600 营口市电火花 1600× 机床总厂 565×600
1.1 6
1640× 1.4 1240×
1210× 950× 1260
1206× 400×725
1.2 1220×
1120× 2.4 1150×
300×600 320×500 320×500
160×200 (或固定 台)



For other service manuals visit our website at:/service_manuals.aspDORNER MFG. CORP .INSIDE THE USA OUTSIDE THE USA P.O. Box 20 • 975 Cottonwood Ave.TEL: 1-800-397-8664TEL: 262-367-7600Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USA FAX: 1-800-369-2440FAX: 262-367-5827851-683 Rev. B7350 Series Support StandsInstallation, Maintenance & Parts ManualDorner Mfg. Corp.2851-683 Rev. B7350 Series Support StandsTable of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................... 2Warnings - General Safety.................................................. 3Product Description............................................................. 4Specifications...................................................................... 4Support Stand Models...................................................... 4Installation........................................................................... 5Required Tools................................................................. 5Recommended Installation Sequence.............................. 5Stand Attachment To The Conveyor............................... 5Horizontal Mount Stand - Straight Sections................ 5Pivot Mount Stand - Straight Sections......................... 6Horizontal Mount Stand - Straight To Curve Section.. 7Diagonal Brace Attachment.......................................... 8Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment............................ 9Stand Height Adjustment................................................. 9Required Tools.............................................................. 9Stands With Feet........................................................... 9Stands With Casters.................................................... 10Service Parts....................................................................... 11Stand w/Feet or Casters.................................................. 11Outrigger Stand w/Feet or Casters................................. 12Notes.................................................................................. 13Return Policy. (14)IntroductionUpon receipt of shipment:•Compare shipment with packing slip. Contact factory regarding discrepancies.•Inspect packages for shipping damage. Contact carrier regarding damage.•Accessories may be shipped loose. See accessory instruc-tions for installation.Dorner’s Limited Warranty applies.Dorner reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice or obligation.IMPORTANTSome illustrations may show guards removed. DO NOT operate equipment without guards.851-683 Rev. B3Dorner Mfg. Corp.7350 Series Support StandsWarnings - General SafetyA WARNINGThe safety alert symbol, black triangle with white exclamation, is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.Climbing, sitting, walking or riding on conveyor will cause severe injury.KEEP OFF CONVEYORS.DO NOT OPERATE CONVEYORS IN ANEXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENT.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guardsor performing maintenance.A WARNINGLoosening stand height or angle adjustment screws may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.SUPPORT CONVEYOR SECTIONS PRIOR TO LOOSENING STAND HEIGHT OR ANGLE ADJUSTMENT SCREWS.A WARNINGDorner cannot control the physicalinstallation and application of conveyors. Taking protective measures is the responsibility of the user.When conveyors are used in conjunction with other equipment or as part of a multiple conveyor system, CHECK FOR POTENTIAL PINCH POINTS and other mechanical hazards before system start-up.Dorner Mfg. Corp.4851-683 Rev. B7350 Series Support StandsProduct DescriptionRefer to Figure 1 for typical stand components.Figure 1SpecificationsSupport Stand Models1 Support Stand2 Casters3 Diagonal Brace132851-683 Rev. B5Dorner Mfg. Corp.7350 Series Support StandsInstallationRequired Tools•Level •17 mm wrench •24 mm wrench •30 mm wrenchRecommended Installation Sequence•Attach the stand(s) to the conveyor.•Attach the diagonal bracing, if applicable.•Adjust the stand height and level.Stand Attachment To The ConveyorHorizontal Mount Stand - Straight Sections1.Properly support the conveyor or place the conveyor upside down on a flat surface.2.Attach the stand (Figure 2,item 1) to the conveyor (Figure 2,item 2) and tighten the four bolts (Figure 2,item 3).Figure 23.Repeat for other stands.4.Adjust the stand height. Refer to “Stand Height Adjustment” on page 9.AWARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guardsor performing maintenance.A WARNINGFailure to secure screws (Figure 2,item 3) may cause conveyor sections to drop down causing severe injury.TIGHTEN SCREWS (Figure 2,item 3) AFTER ADJUSTMENT.231Dorner Mfg. Corp.6851-683 Rev. B7350 Series Support StandsInstallationPivot Mount Stand - Straight Sections1.Properly support the conveyor or place the conveyor upside down on a flat surface.2.For slotted brackets, loosen the two bracket bolts (Figure 3,item 1) and adjust the bracket(Figure 3,item 2) so that the top is at approximately the same angle as the conveyor. Do not tighten the bolts.Figure 33.Attach the bracket (Figure 4,item 1) to the conveyor (Figure 4,item 2) and tighten the four bolts (Figure 4,item 3).Figure 44.Adjust the bracket angle on the slotted brackets(Figure 5,item 1)to match the conveyor angle until the legs are vertical and tighten the bolts (Figure 5,item 2).Figure 55.Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the other stands.6.Adjust the stand height. Refer to “Stand Height Adjustment” on page 9.12231A WARNINGFailure to secure screws (Figure 5,item 2) may cause conveyor sections to drop down causing severe injury.TIGHTEN SCREWS (Figure 5,item 2) AFTER ADJUSTMENT.21851-683 Rev. B7Dorner Mfg. Corp.7350 Series Support StandsInstallationHorizontal Mount Stand - Straight To Curve Section1.Properly support the conveyor or place the conveyor upside down on a flat surface.2.When attaching stand(Figure 6,item1)to curved section on inside curve, make sure mounting hole on stand (Figure 6,item 2) is to the outside of curve section and head of bolt is on the inside of curve section.Figure 63.When attaching stand (Figure 7,item 1) to curved section on outside curve, make sure mounting hole on stand is to the inside of curve section and head of bolt is on the outside of curve section (Figure 7,item 2).Figure 74.Connect the straight section (Figure 8,item 1) making sure that the stand mounting hole (Figure 8,item 2) is to the inside of the straight section on both sides.Figure 85.Tighten bolts on both sides of sections (Figure 9,item 1).Figure 96.Repeat as needed for other stands.7.Adjust the stand height. Refer to “Stand Height Adjustment” on page 9.Figure 10A WARNINGFailure to secure screws may cause conveyor sections to drop down causing severe injury.TIGHTEN SCREWS AFTER ADJUSTMENT.2121Outside Curve121Inside CurveInstallationDiagonal Brace Attachment1.Install the end of brace with non-threaded hole (Figure11,item1) onto the inside of the stand (Figure11,item2).123Figure112.Secure the brace with a hex head bolt and nut(Figure 11,item3).3.Attach the end of brace with threaded hole(Figure 12,item1) to the conveyor with hex head bolt(Figure 12,item2).21Figure124.Repeat steps 1 through 3 for opposite leg.5.Tighten all hardware.7350 Series Support StandsDorner Mfg. Corp.8851-683 Rev. B851-683 Rev. B9Dorner Mfg. Corp.7350 Series Support StandsPreventive Maintenance and AdjustmentStand Height AdjustmentRequired Tools•Level •17 mm wrench •24 mm wrench •30 mm wrenchStands With Feet1.Loosen the upper nut(Figure 13,item 1) on the foot stem (Figure 13,item 2).Figure 132.Rotate the lower nut up or down(Figure 13,item3) to raise or lower the stand to the desired height.3.Repeat steps 1 and 2 on the opposite stand leg.4.Use a level (Figure 14,item 1) to verify that both stand legs are the same height.Figure 145.Tighten the upper nut (Figure 13,item 1) on the foot stem (Figure 13,item 2) to secure each foot assembly.A WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance. Exposed moving parts can cause serious injury.123Maximum Height 6" (152 mm)A WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!DO NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 6" (152 mm) from the floor to the bottom of the stand.Exceeding the maximum height will allow parts to separate and may cause serious injury.1Dorner Mfg. Corp.10851-683 Rev. B7350 Series Support StandsPreventive Maintenance and AdjustmentStands With Casters1.Loosen the upper nut(Figure 15,item 1) on the caster stem (Figure 15,item 2).Figure 152.Rotate the lower nut up or down(Figure 15,item3) to raise or lower the stand to the desired height.3.Repeat steps 1 and 2 on the opposite stand leg.4.Use a level (Figure 16,item 1) to verify that both stand legs are the same height.Figure 165.Tighten the upper nut (Figure 15,item 1)on the caster stem (Figure 15,item 2) to secure each foot assembly.A WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance. Exposed moving parts can cause serious injury.A WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!DO NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 10-1/2" (267 mm) from the floor to the bottom of the stand.Exceeding the maximum height will allow parts to separate and may cause serious injury.123Maximum Height10-1/2" (267 mm)17350 Series Support Stands Service PartsStand w/Feet or Casters NOTEFor replacement parts other than those shown in this section, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory. Key Service Parts and Kits are identified by the Performance Parts Kits logo . Dorner recommends keeping these parts on hand.Item PartNumber Description1532212Pivot Mounting Bracket Left Hand(for angled conveyors)2532213Pivot Mounting Bracket Right Hand(for angled conveyors)3807-1821Washer4961016MSS Hex Head Cap Screw, M10-1.5 x 16 mm 5961012MSS Hex Head Cap Screw, M10-1.5 x 12 mm 6532036Foot Assembly7458309Caster Assembly839MB-LLL Bracing Assembly(Includes Items 5, 9 and 10)9991001MSS Nut, M10-1.5010500287-LLLLL Bracing Bar11961020MSS Hex Head Cap Screw, M10-1.5 x 20 mm LLLLL = Length in inches with 2 decimal places. Length Example: Length = 95.25" LLLLL = 09525LLL Length FormulaLLL = LLLLL - 125100with one decimal placeExample: LLL = 02175 - 125 = 20.5100LLL = 205Item PartNumber Description851-683 Rev. B11Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp.12851-683 Rev. B7350 Series Support StandsService PartsOutrigger Stand w/Feet or CastersItem Part Number Description 1532212Pivot Mounting Bracket Left Hand(for angled conveyors)2532213Pivot Mounting Bracket Right Hand(for angled conveyors)3807-1821Washer 4961016MSS Hex Head Cap Screw, M10-1.5 x 16 mm 5961012MSS Hex Head Cap Screw, M10-1.5 x 12 mm 6532036Foot Assembly 7458309Caster Assembly 839MB-LLL Bracing Assembly(Includes Items 5, 9 and 10)9991001MSS Nut, M10-1.5010500287-LLLLL Bracing Bar 11961020MSS Hex Head Cap Screw, M10-1.5 x 20 mmLLLLL = Length in inches with 2 decimal places.Length Example: Length = 95.25" LLLLL = 09525LLL Length FormulaLLL = LLLLL - 125100with one decimal placeExample: LLL = 02175 - 125 = 20.5100LLL = 205Item Part Number DescriptionNotes7350 Series Support Stands851-683 Rev. B13Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp. reserves the right to change or discontinue products without notice. Allproducts and services are covered in accordance with our standard warranty. All rights reserved. © Dorner Mfg. Corp. 2009DORNER MFG. CORP.975 Cottonwood Ave., PO Box 20Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USATEL 1-800-397-8664 (USA)FAX 1-800-369-2440 (USA)Internet: Outside the USA:TEL 1-262-367-7600FAX 1-262-367-5827Return PolicyReturns must have prior written factory authorization or they will not be accepted. Items that are returned to Dorner without authorization will not be credited nor returned to the original sender. When calling for authorization, please have the following information ready for the Dorner factory representative or your local distributor:1. Name and address of customer.2. Dorner part number(s) of item(s) being returned.3. Reason for return.4. Customer's original order number used when ordering the item(s).5. Dorner or distributor invoice number (if available, part serial number).A representative will discuss action to be taken on the returned items and provide a Returned Goods Authorization (RMA)number for reference. RMA will automatically close 30 days after being issued. To get credit, items must be new and undamaged. There will be a return charge on all items returned for credit, where Dorner was not at fault. It is the customer’s responsibility to prevent damage during return shipping. Damaged or modified items will not be accepted. The customer is responsible for return freight.Conveyors and conveyor accessoriesStandard catalog conveyors 30%MPB, 7200, 7300 Series, cleated and specialty belt 50%AquaGard & AquaPruf Series conveyors non-returnable itemsEngineered special products case by caseDrives and accessories30%Sanitary stand supports non-returnable itemsPartsStandard stock parts30%Plastic chain, cleated and specialty belts non-returnable itemsReturns will not be accepted after 60 days from original invoice date. The return charge covers inspection, cleaning, disassembly, disposal and reissuing of components to inventory. If a replacement is needed prior to evaluation of returned item, a purchase order must be issued. Credit (if any) is issued only after return and evaluation is complete.Dorner has representatives throughout the world. Contact Dorner for the name of your local representative. Our Customer Service Teams will gladly help with your questions on Dorner products.For a copy of Dorner's Warranty, contact factory, distributor, service center or visit our website at .For replacement parts, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory.851-683 Rev. B Printed in U.S.A.。


KV-W28MH11 KV-W28MN11 KV-W32MH11 KV-W32MH11
TC-M21 TC-M21A TX-21TM TC-21TIZ TX-21T1EE TC-21L1PX TC-21L1R TC-21L1RA TC-21L1EE TC-21L1RA TC-14L1RA
TC-33V30H YC-33V30HA TX-33V30X TX-33N30XE TC-29V30X TC-29V30H TX-29V30XE TC-29V30R TC-29V30RA TC-25V30H TX-25V30X TC-25V30R TC-25V30RA
2999UH 2999UXE 2999UXC 2999UC 29G9XC 29G9UC

ST735SCD,ST735SCD, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

ST735SCD,ST735SCD, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

1/11October 2002sCONVERTS +4.0V TO +6.2V INPUT TO -5V OUTPUT (735S)OR +3.5V TO +9.0V TO A NEGATIVE ADJUSTABLE OUTPUT (735T)s 1W GUARANTEED OUTPUT POWER s 72%TYPICAL EFFICIENCY s 0.8mA QUIESCENT CURRENT s 1µA SHUTDOWN MODEs 300KHZ FIXED FREQUENCY OSCILLATOR s CURRENT MODE PWM CONVERTER s LOW NOISE AND JITTER s SOFT STARTs SIMPLE APPLICATION CIRCUIT sUNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT (735S)DESCRIPTIONThe ST735S/ST735T is a Bi-CMOS,inverting switch mode DC-DC regulator with internal Power MOSFET that generates a fixed -5V (S version)or a negative adjustable (T version)output voltage from a 4V (3.5V for the 735T)to 6.2V input voltage (9V for the 735T);is guaranteed an output current of 200mA for inputs greater than 4.5V.The quiescent current for this device is typically of 0.8mA and,in shutdown mode it is reduced to1µA.These power-conserving features,along with high efficiency and applications circuits,thaT lend itself to minaturization,make the ST735S/ST735T excellent in a broad range of on-card,HDD and portable equipment applications.These device employ a high performance current mode pulse with modulation (PWM)control scheme to provide tight output voltage regulation and low noise.The fixed frequency oscillator is factory trimmed to 300KHz,allowing for easy noise filtering.The regulator in production is tested to guarantee an output accuracy within ±5%over all specified conditions.ST735S ST735T300kHz,-5V/ADJ INVERTING,NEGATIVE OUTPUTCURRENT-MODE PWMREGULATORl c -O bs o e t eP r od u t (sl c )Ob so e t et eP r od u t (sST735S/ST735T2/11ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSAbsolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.Functional operation under these condition is not implied.Note 1:The input to output differential voltage is limited to V IN +|V OUT |<12.7VTHERMAL DATACONNECTION DIAGRAM (top view)PIN DESCRIPTIONSymbol ParameterValue Unit V IN DC Input Voltage (V IN to GND)for ST735S -0.3to +7V V IN DC Input Voltage (V IN to GND)for ST735T (Note 1)-0.3to +11V SHDN Shutdown Voltage (SHDN to GND)-0.3to V IN +0.3V V LX Switch Voltage (Lx to V IN )-12.5to +0.3V V FB Feedback Voltage (V OUT to GND)-11to +0.3V V OUT Output Voltage (V OUT to GND)-11to +0.3V Other Input Voltage (SS,CC to GND)-0.3to V ++0.3V I LX Peack Switch Current 2A P tot Power Dissipation at T j =70°C DIP-8725mW SO-8470T stg Storage Temperature Range-55to +150°CT opOperating Junction Temperature Range-40to +125°CSymbol ParameterDIP-8SO-8Unit R thj-caseThermal Resistance Junction-case28°C/WPin N°Symbol Name and Function1SHDN SHUT-DOWN Control (V CC =ON GND=Shutdown2V REF Reference Output Voltage 3SSSoft Start4CC Compensation Input 5V OUT Negative Output Voltage6GND Ground7LX Switch Output8V INPositive Supply -Voltage Inputl s Ob so e t ePr od u c t () -O bST735S/ST735T3/11ORDERING CODESTYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITNOTE:1)All capacitors are X7R ceramic2)C 5can be omitted if are used higher values for the input and output capacitors (suggested C 2=47µF,C 1=100µF).3)R 1and R 2must be placed is ST735T applications only.Their values are calculated by the following formula R 2=(|V OUT |/V REF )xR 1.For R 1can be chosen any value between 2k Ωand 20k ΩAPPLICATION CIRCUITTo achieve the best performances from switching power supply topology,particular care to layout drawing is needed,in order to minimize EMI and obtain low noise.Moreover,jitter free operation ensures the full device yout design proposed on demoboard helps to lower the developing time.Wire lengths must be minimized,filter and bypass capacitors must be low ESRtype,placed as close as possible to the integrated circuit.The 4.7µF (or 6.8µF)inductor must be chosen built on a core,taking care that saturation current should be higher than the peak LX switch current.See the Peak Inductor Current vs Output Current graph.PRINTED DEMOBOARD (not in scale)TYPE DIP-8SO-8SO-8(T&R)ST735S ST735SCN ST735SCD ST735SCD-TR ST735TST735TCNST735TCDST735TCD-TRl t l u )Ob so e t ePr od u c (s )- O bs o e t eP r od c t(sST735S/ST735T4/11ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ST735S (Refer to test circuit,V IN =5V,C IN =4.7µF,C OUT =10µF all X7R ceramic,L =4.7µH (Note1),I OUT =0mA,T amb =-40to 125°C,unless otherwise specified.Typical value are referred at T amb =25°C)Note 1:Utilize of 6.8µH permits to reach higher current capability at the same operating conditions Note2:Guaranteed by design,but not tested in production Note3:Tested at I VREF =125µASymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V IN Input Voltage 4 6.2V V OUTOutput VoltageV IN =4.5V to 6.2V I OUT =0to 200mA T amb =-40to 125°C-5.25-5-4.75V V IN =4.0V to 6.2V I OUT =0to 175mA T amb =-40to 125°C-5.25-5-4.75V I OUTOutput CurrentV IN =4.5V to 6.2V T J =0to 125°C 200275mA V IN =4.5V to 6.2V I OUT =0to 175mA T amb =-40to 125°C 175mA V IN =4.0VV OUT =-5V175mAI SUPPLY Supply Current Includes Switch Current0.8 1.6mAI STANDBY Standby CurrentV SHDN =0V 110µA I SC Short Circuit Current V IN =5V 0.9A I PEAK LX Max Peak Current (Note 2)1.5A V LO Undervoltage Lock-out 3.54V ∆V OUT Line Regulation V IN =4.0V to 6.2V 0.1%/V ∆V OUT Load Regulation I OUT =0to 200mA 0.003%/mA V REF Reference Voltage T amb =25°C (Note 3) 1.225V ∆V REF Reference Drift T amb =-40to 125°C50ppm/°C R DSON LX ON Voltage 0.5ΩI LEAK LX Leakage Current V DS =10V 1µAI SH Shutdown Pin Current 1µA V IL Shutdown Input Low Threshold0.25V V IH Shutdown Input High Threshold2Vf OSC Maximum Oscillator Frequency 300KHz νEfficencyI OUT =100mA72%R CCCompensation Pin Impedance on CC Pin7.5K Ωl t l u )Ob so e t ePr od u c (s )- O bs o e t eP r od c t(sST735S/ST735T5/11ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ST735T (Refer to test circuit,V IN =5V,C IN =4.7µF,C OUT =10µF all X7R ceramic,L =4.7µH (Note1),I OUT =0mA,V O adjusted to -5V,T amb =-40to 125°C,unless otherwise specified.Typical value are referred at Tamb=25°C)Note 1:Utilize of 6.8µH permits to reach higher current capability at the same operating conditions Note2:Guaranteed by design,but not tested in production Note3:Tested at I VREF =125µASymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V IN Input Voltage 3.59V V OOutput VoltageV IN =4.5V to 6.2V I OUT =0to 200mA T amb =-40to 125°C-5.25-5-4.75V V IN =4.0V to 6.2V I OUT =0to 175mA T amb =-40to 125°C-5.25-5-4.75V I OOutput CurrentV IN =4.5V to 6.2V T amb =0to 125°C 200275mA V IN =4.5V to 6.2V I OUT =0to 175mA T amb =-40to 125°C 175mA V IN =4.0VV OUT =-5V175mAI SUPPLY Supply Current Includes Switch Current0.8 1.6mAI STANDBY Standby CurrentV SHDN =0V 110µA I SC Short Circuit Current V IN =5V 0.9A I PEAK LX Max Peak Current (Note 2)1.5A V LO Undervoltage Lock-out 3.54V ∆V OUT Line Regulation V IN =4.0V to 6.2V 0.1%/V ∆V OUT Load Regulation I OUT =0to 200mA 0.003%/mA V REF Reference Voltage T amb =25°C (Note 3) 1.225V ∆V REF Reference Drift T amb =-40to 125°C50ppm/°C R DSON LX ON Voltage 0.5ΩI LEAK LX Leakage Current V DS =10V 1µAI SH Shutdown Pin Current 1µA V IL Shutdown Input Low Threshold0.25V V IH Shutdown Input High Threshold2Vf OSC Maximum Oscillator Frequency 300KHz νEfficencyI OUT =100mA72%R CCCompensation Pin Impedance on CC Pin7.5K ΩO-O ST735S/ST735T6/11TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Referred to typical application circuit,T amb =25°C unless otherwise specified)Figure 1:Output Voltage vs TemperatureFigure 2:Reference Voltage vs Temperature Figure 3:Efficency vs TemperatureFigure 4:Efficency vs Ouput CurrentFigure 5:Efficency vs Low Ouput CurrentFigure 6:Supply Current vs TemperatureOo-OsST735S/ST735T7/11Figure7:Supply Current vs Input Voltage for ST735SFigure8:Supply Current vs Input Voltage for ST734TFigure9:Shutdown Threshold vs Temperature Figure10:Peack Inductor vs Output Current Figure11:Switch Current Limit vs Soft Start VoltageFigure12:Oscillator Frequency Vs Temperaturel l c )Ob so e t ePr o-O bs o e t eP r od u t (sST735S/ST735T8/11Figure 13:LX On Resistance vs TemperatureFigure 14:LX On Resistance vs Input Voltage Figure 15:Load TransientFigure 16:Load TransientFigure 17:Load TransientFigure 18:Switching WaveformV I =5V,I O =20mA to 200mA,C I =4.7µF,C O =100µF,t r =t f =1µs V I =5V,I O =20mA to 200mA,C I =4.7µF,C O =100µF,t f =1µsV I =5V,I O =20mA to 200mA,C I =4.7µF,C O =100µF,t r =1µsV I =5V,I O =100mAl slc)O b s oe t eP ro du ct()-O bs oe t eP ro dut(sST735S/ST735T11/11Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.© The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics© 2002 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - Canada - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States.© 芯天下--/。

Z23S4407N中文资料(AEROVOX)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

Z23S4407N中文资料(AEROVOX)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

• 专利压力灭弧符合UL810
所有AEROMET II电容都可以用时间和成本节约
EIA RS-186-3E状态测试要求.
EIA RS-186-2E湿度测试要求(TropiCAL条件).
• UL文件号E51176
• CSA文件号058450
• VDE认证可用
电压编码 电压第一个两位数
24 = 240 V交流 33 = 330 V交流 37 = 370 V交流 44 = 440 V交流 48 = 480 V交流 60 = 600 Vac
(μF额定值) 25 = 25 µF 03 = 3 µF)
AeroMet II 00 =单额定值 XX =μF价值
M = AeroMet II Z = SuperMet & ZeMax TM
22 = 1½"圆 23 = 1.75"圆 24 = 2.0"圆 26 = 2½"圆
50 = 1.25"椭圆形 42 = 1½"椭圆形 64 = 1.75"椭圆形 62 = 2.0"椭圆形
P = Supernol(M系列) S = SuperSoy(Z系列)



理想一体机故障代码RZ RV系列B23 723 分类器无足够的纸条完成分类工作。

B24 724 启动“分类纸条〞功能后按下起始键,检测到分类纸条阻塞。

B24 725 当群组-A信号启动后〔纸条空送故障〕,分类纸条阻塞检测信号在1200毫秒为“H〞。

B24 726 当群组-A信号启动后〔纸条空送故障〕,而且BUSY〔忙〕信号由L切换成H 〔或7秒后仍为“L〞〕,分类纸条阻塞检测信号为“L〞。

B31 916 于机器启动时未连接网络线缆。

B32 917 网络中的连接故障。

B32 920 由网络接口卡〔NIC〕-NAK〔接收到否认信息〕检测的故障。

B33 931 DHCP启动时未能发现DHCP效劳器。

B34 919 由本地连接打印机检测故障。

C01 512 当执行一特定时限的供墨后,油墨传感器仍未能切换成启动状态。

C01 563 油墨剩余量为零。

C01 574 于同一油墨瓶上连续五次检测到油墨。

C02 200 当传送版纸时,版纸尾于每10毫秒间歇检测中被连续检测到2次。

C02 240 版纸剩余量为零。

C02 253 于同一版纸卷上连续两次检测到无版纸。

C03 308 当版纸压缩电机启动并向版纸压缩方向运作,在检测到版纸压缩电机编码盘传感器脉冲计数到达验证值之前,先检测到废版满。

C03 313 由废版计数器检测到废版盒已满。

C04 402 纸检测传感器为关闭状态〔进纸盘上无纸〕。

D01 526 印刷滚筒未置入到机器〔滚筒连接信号、滚筒平安开关和滚筒锁定传感器为闭合状态〕。

D01 527 当将印刷滚筒置入到机器后,印刷滚筒连接信号为断开状态。

D01 528 当将印刷滚筒置入到机器后,印刷滚筒平安开关为断开状态。

D01 529 当将印刷滚筒置入到机器后,印刷滚筒锁定开关为断开状态〔超过5秒〕。

D01 530 拉出印刷滚筒时断开印刷滚筒平安开关后,印刷滚筒连接信号未于5秒切换到断开状态。

D02 532 机器使用规格不符的印刷滚筒。


29D9UXC 29D9UC 34D9UXC 34D9UC
TC-21GF12G TC-25V40Q TC-25V42G
MN152810TTD4 MN152810TTD5
TC-2550R TC-2552G TC-2950R TC-2952G TC-2995R
TC-2110 TC-2140 TC-2140M TC-2150 TC-2150R TC-2150RS TC-2160
29N6DC 29N6UXC 34N6DC 34N6UXC 43N9UXC 50N9UXC 61N9UXC等
索尼BG-1L AG-1 RG-1 BG-3S BG-1S BG-2S G3F G1
TC-2197R TC-2500GS TC-2502GS TC-2555TR TC-2555RS TC-2599RS TC-2900G TC-2900GS TC-2902G TC-2902GS TC-2999R TC-2999RS TC-2998 TC-25GF82G TC-25GF80 TC-25GF70R TC-29GF72H TC-29GF72G TC-2966RS TC-2566RS



雅图系列投影机中控控制代码汇总一览表适应机型232串口引脚定义功能及代码通讯方式AT-X5200 AT-X5250 AT-X5300 AT-X8280 系列2脚为RXD(接收)3脚为TXD(发送)5脚接地开机:28 70 77 72 31 29关机:28 70 77 72 30 29视频:28 73 72 63 31 29VGA:28 73 72 63 33 29端口:自定波特率:19200数据位:8停止位:1LX610LX620LX630系列O型232串口插座线序如图:3脚为RXD(接收)5脚为TXD(发送)4、8脚接地D型232串口插座线序:2脚为TXD(发送)3脚为RXD(接收)5脚接地开机:43 30 30 0D关机:43 30 31 0DVGA1:43 30 32 0DVGA2: 43 30 34 0D视频: 43 30 36 0D色差:43 30 33 0D色3 30 32 0D端口:自定波特率:9600数据位:8停止位:1AT-S55 AT-S58 AT-X51 说明:开机后,在菜单里有关资料项可看到软件版本1.9是已开通232串口,关机:00 00 A5 00 00 00开机:00 00 A5 01 00 02A9 00 00 A5 01 00端口:自定波特率:115200数据位:8系列69 00 00 00 00 00 06信号切换:BE EF 02 06 0057 D0 2E 00 00 00 00 0006自动信号切换开:BE EF 0306 00 89 DB 6C 00 00 0000 00 06停止位:1LX640 LX650 LX660 LX200 LX218 LX220 RCA100 LX4000 LX8000 系列D型232串口插座线序定义如图:PC 端COM 1等Projector端Control Port123456789123456789CDSGRXDTXDDTRDSRRTSCTSRINGRXDTXDSGRTSCTSN.C.N.C.N.C.N.C.(D-Sub 9 Pin)(D-Sub 9 Pin)命令码:开机:A00.关机:A01 OR A02VGA1:A05VGA2:A06视频:A33S端口:A3416进制代码:开机:41 30 30 0d.关机:41 30 31 0dVGA1:41 30 35 0dVGA2:41 30 36 0d视频:41 33 33 0dS端口:41 33 34 0dLX8000系列增加功能代码:端口:自定波特率:19200数据位:8停止位:1。



SKU P/N 型号核心价批发价媒体价主要卖点显存类型显存容量显存位宽频率输出接口渲染单元备注1A1-G000612DLG A90F-TK5缺HD6990 4G¥5,300¥5,500¥5,999新一代旗舰双核显卡,也是当前3D性能最强的显卡GDDR54GB256bitx2830/5000DVI + 4xMini DisplayPort30721A1-G000021DLG A99F-TJ5W缺HD6970水冷版 2G¥3,400¥3,500¥3,599世界頂級水冷廠商EK專供水冷解決方案,散熱效能絕佳,925/5700超高運行頻率,頂級發燒友尊選顯卡!GDDR52GB256bit925/57002xDVI + HDMI + 2xMiniDisplayPort15361A1-G6090A99F-TJ5缺HD6970 2G¥3,050¥3,150¥3,299全新架构,AMD单核新王者,第二代DX11扛鼎之作,支持DP1.2、HDMI1.4a接口,支持UVD3.0高清加速引擎GDDR52GB256bit880/55002xDVI + HDMI + 2xMiniDisplayPort15361A1-G000413DLG R99FA-PJ5HD6950恒金 2G¥2,020¥2,070¥2,199全新架构,第二代DX11显卡,支持DP1.2、HDMI1.4a接口,支持UVD3.0高清加速引擎GDDR52GB256bit800/50002xDVI + HDMI + 2xMiniDisplayPort1408 2PCS 起提1A1-G000594DLG R99FA-PI5HD6950恒金 1G¥1,850¥1,950¥1,999全新架构,第二代DX11显卡,支持DP1.2、HDMI1.4a接口,支持UVD3.0高清加速引擎GDDR51GB256bit800/50002xDVI + HDMI + 2xMiniDisplayPort1408 2PCS 起提1A1-G000797DLG R90FA-TJ5HD6870X2 双子星 2G¥3,050¥3,150¥3,199全球唯一,6870 X2,业界领导者GDDR52GB256bit900/4200DL-DVI-I+SL-DVI-D+HDMI+2*miniDP14081A1-G000865DLG R97FR-TJ6New,限量HD6870E6 2G (EYEFINITY 6)多屏专用卡,6xMini DisplayPort接口,完美支持6屏,2GB GDDR5海量高速显存。


420mm(宽)×342mm (长)×202mm (高)
570mm(宽)×342mm (长)×202mm (高)
252mm(宽)×254mm (长)×186mm (高)






2.尺寸和重量: BK7235尺寸为150mm*75mm*10mm,重量为150g,便于携带和操作。




2.内存和存储:内置4GB RAM和128GB ROM,提供较大的存储空间,可随意存储各种文件。




四、软件功能1.操作系统:搭载最新的Android 9.0操作系统,界面简洁易用。






五、其他规格1. SIM卡:支持nano SIM卡。







RC7352PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONPRODUCT SPECIFICATION RC7352Pin DescriptionPin Name Pin Number Pin Description+V S 28+V S should be bypassed to ground with a 10.0 m F tantalium capacitor placed as close to the pin as possible.-V S 16–V S should be bypassed to ground with a 10.0 m F tantalium capacitor placed as close to the pins as possible.V EE 3V EE is the negative supply for range D. This pin should be bypassed with a 0.1 m F ceramic capacitor to ground.GND 8This pin should be connected to the printed circuit board’s ground plane.I/V IN23Input reference voltage for V OUT or I OUT . In the force voltage measure current mode (FV/MI)V(I/V OUT ) = V(I/V IN )andV(I/VM) = 4 x I OUT x RWhere I OUT is the device output current and R is the range resistor.In the Force Current/Measure Voltage ModeV(I/VM) = V(I/V OUT )I/V OUT7The Load or Device under test is connected to I/V OUT . The current to the load is supplied via the appropriate range resistor with I/V OUT serving as the voltage feedback point for the PMUs internal instrumentation amplifier.SI/V 13A TTL/CMOS signal applied to this pin selects either Force Voltage/Measure Current or Force Current/Measure Voltage mode. A TTL/CMOS low level will select Force Voltage/Measure Current function. A TTL/CMOS high level selects Force Current/Measure Voltage mode.R A9Resistor R A should be placed between R A and I/V OUT . R A tolerance should be better than +0.05% to improve gain error. Maximum current for range A is shown in the equation below.The ±2 volts represents the maximum voltage V A across R A . For Range A, I A should not exceed ±20 m A, i.e., R A should be higher than or equal to 100 k W . A metal film resistor should be used to reduce inherent resistor noise (schott and pop corn noise) and improve resolution. For maximum stability, a 300 pF capacitor should be connected across R A .R B19For Range B, I B should not exceed ±200 m A, i.e., R B should be higher than or equal to 10 k W with ±0.05% tolerance. For maximum stability a 1,000 pF capacitor should be connected across R B .R C 22For Range C, I C should not exceed ±1 mA, i.e., R C should be higher than or equal to 2 k W with ±0.05% tolerance.R D 24For Range D, I D should not exceed ±40 mA, i.e., R D should be higher than or equal to 50 W with ±0.05% tolerance.D 1Two diodes must be connected between D & R D as shown in the block diagram.C A , C B 6, 25 A 30pF capacitor placed between these pins will improve stability.R DIL2Range D output for current limiting. An external resistor is connected between RDIL and D to limit current to a value I LIM = 0.8V/R LM .I OUT V I VIN ¤()4R´------------------------=I A 2V ±R A----------=R S1, 12R S1 and R S2 are TTL or CMOS compatible. The truth table below shows the range selection table.R S214R S1R S2 RangeSelectedL L AL H BH H CH L DI/V MX, I/V MN426The voltage applied to pin 4 sets the upper current or voltage limit for themeasurement at pin 15 I/VM. To set the desired limit for current measurement avoltage equaling (4 x I L x R) must be applied on this pin. R is the external resistor ofthe selected range (A, B, C, or D). For voltage measurement the voltage applied tothis pin is the limit.V HF5V HF, High Fail, is an open collector output that requires a pull-up to the logic supply.If the voltage at pin 15, I/VM, is greater than the threshold voltage at pin 4, I/V MX,V HF will become a logic low. The open collector structure makes wire-ORing ofmultiple PMU’s possible. Connect a 3,000 pF capacitor to GND to minimizeoscillation at the cross-over point.V LF29V LF mirror V HF for the lower threshold I/V MN. Connect a 3,000 pF capacitor to GND to minimize oscillation at the cross over point.V DIS21When V DIS is tied to ground output I/VM, V HF and V LF are enabled. If V DIS is open V HF and V LF will require external pullups to maintain a logic high. And I/VM will be ina high impedance state.I/VM15In the Force Voltage/Measure Current mode this output voltage is equal to four times the voltage across external resistor R of selected range A, B, C, or D through whichthe measured current is flowing ((I/V)M = 4.0 x I M x R). In the Force Current/Measure Voltage mode this output is equal to the voltage at I/V out. This output canbe disabled by applying a TTL HI on the V DIS pin. (Pin 21)V FB20V FB, voltage feedback, is the buffered output voltage, I/V OUT. This pin should notbe loaded. Connect a 50K 1% resistor from V FB to CAP_V.RADJ10The RADJ pin is provided to adjust the offset for the I SENSE function. The bestaccuracy for V/IM is obtained when RADJ is shorted to analog ground. The point isterminated with a 100 W resistor in the block diagram.CAP_I CAP_V CA 111817CA is the common point for two 50 pF compensation capacitors that improve thestability of the PMU. These components are optional and can be omitted for someloads.Pin Description (continued)Pin Name Pin Number Pin DescriptionAbsolute Maximum Ratings 1Notes:1.Absolute maximum ratings are limiting values applied individually while all other parameters are within specified operatingconditions. Functional operation under any of these conditions is NOT implied.2.Applied voltage must be current limited to specified range, and measured with respect to GND.3.Forcing voltage must be limited to specified range.4.Current is specified as conventional current flowing into the device.Recommended Operating ConditionsNotes:1.+V S + |–VS| £ 30V +V S + |–VS| ³ 242.–V S & V EE are always at the same voltage.ParameterMin.Max.Units Absolute Difference, +V S +|–VS|32VDigital Control Inputs SI/V, RS 1, RS 2, V DIS -2+6VComparator InputsI/V MN , I/V MX I/V MN £ +V S –V S £ I/V MX V I/V IN–V S £I/V IN £+V SVSymbol ParametersMin.Typ.Max.Units T C Case operating temperature 070°C +V S Positive supply voltage 110.420.020.6V –VS Negative supply voltage 1-15.75-10.0-9.5V V EE Negative supply voltage for range D 2–V SV R A Resistor for I A current range 1002000K W R B Resistor for I B current range 10200K W R C Resistor for I C current range 240K W R DResistor for I D current range501000WPRODUCT SPECIFICATION RC7352DC Electrical Characteristics+V S = 20V ±3%, –V S = -10V ±5% T A = 25°C, and external ±0.05% tolerance resistors R A = 1000k W, R B= 10k W, R C= 2k W, and R D = 50W unless otherwise specified.Symbol Parameters Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Units Forced Current/Measure VoltageI/V IN Input Voltage Range For SettingForced Current (I F)I/VF IN = 4 x I F x R-8+8 VI/V M Measured Voltage Output @ (I/V)M All ranges, full scale current-5+15V Output Sink/Source Current(I/V)M = -5V, +15V-200+200m AV MR Voltage Measured Resolution-.05±0.025+0.05 %FSR V OR Voltage Measurement Offset I/V IN = 0V; Measured @ I/VM-6.0±2+6.0mVV GE Voltage Gain Error Gain of 4-2.0+0.5+2.0%CMRR1 I OER I OUT Error Due to Common ModeLoad Voltage-5V £ I/V OUT £ +15V; Measured@ (I/V)M4560dBForced Voltage/Measure CurrentI/V IN Force Input Voltage Range All ranges, full scale current -5+15 VI/VF VOS Forced Voltage Offset I/V IN = 0V, measure I/V OUT andVFB-6.0 ±2 +6.0mV Forced Voltage Linearity Error±0.025±0.05FSR%CMRR2 VLER I OUT Measure Error Due to I/VMCommon Mode Voltage-FSR £ I OUT £ +FSR; Measured@ (I/V)M4560dBI/V OUT Forced Output Voltage Range All ranges, full scale current -5+15 V I/V M Voltage Output Equivalent toMeasured Current:(I/V)M = 4 x I F x RAll ranges, full scale voltage-8+8VI I measured; I = (I/VM)/(4R)I/V M = -8.0V, +8.0V; full scale-200+200m A Current RangesRange AI A Maximum Full Scale Current R A = 100k W (0.05%)±20m A I AMR Current Measurement Resolution guaranteed by design±0.025% I LIN Linearity3-0.05±0.025+0.05l GE Current Gain Error4-2.00.5 +2.0% I FIOS Force Current Offset5I/V IN = 0V-25±10+25nA I MIOS Measure Current Offset6I/V IN = 0V-25 ±10+25nA Range BI B Maximum Full Scale Current R B = 10k W (0.05%)±200m A I BMR Current Measurement Resolution guaranteed by design±0.025 % I LIN Linearity3-0.05±0.025+0.05l GE Current Gain Error4-2.0±0.5 +2.0% I FIOS Force Current Offset5-250±100+250nA I MIOS Measure Current Offset6-250±100+250nADC Electrical Characteristics (continued)Notes:1.CMRR is measured with V L =15V/-5V; R is R A , R B , R C or R D ; V 1 = constant; This parameter is to define the I OUT current errordue to the V L common mode voltage for a constant V 1. This parameter is guaranteed to full V 1 range. (±8V) SymbolParameters Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitsRange C I C Maximum Full Scale Current R C = 2k W (0.05%)±1mA I CMR Current Measurement Resolution guaranteed by design±.025%I LIN Linearity 3-0.05±.025+0.05%l GE Current Gain Error 4-2.0±0.5 +2.0%I FIOS Force Current Offset 5-1.5±0.5+1.5m A I MIOS Measure Current Offset 6-1.5±0.5+1.5m ARange D I C Maximum Full Scale Current R D = 50W (0.05%)±40mAI DMR Current Measurement Resolution Current Measurement Accuracy guaranteed by design±.025 %I LIN Linearity 3-0.05±.025+0.05%l GE Current Gain Error 4-2.0±0.5 +2.0%I FIOS Force Current Offset 5-50±20+50m A I MIOS Measure Current Offset 6-50±20+50m A Digital Control Inputs (SI/V, RS 1, RS 2)V IH Internal Threshold Voltage I LH Logic High Bias Current V H = 2.0V 200nA I LL Logic Low Bias Current V L = 0.8V2.0nA Digital Control Input V DISV IH Internal Threshold Voltage I LH Logic High Bias Current V H = 2.0V 1.0m A I LLLogic Low Bias CurrentV L = 0.8V2.0nA Comparator Input; I/V MAX , I/V MIN I/V MX,MN Input Voltage Range -8.0+15 V I H Input Bias Current (Logic High)V H = +15V 0.4m A I L Input Bias Current (Logic Low)V L = 0.8V 0.4m A Comparator Status Outputs; V HF , V LFV OH Output Voltage (Logic High)R PULLUP = 10k W 3.5V V OL Output Voltage (Logic Low)R PULLUP = 10k W 0.8V I OH Output Current High V OUT = 5.0V 0.1m A I OL Output Current Low1.0mA I Z Output Leakage Current Disable StateV OUT = 5.0V 0.1m A Other I+ (1.0)Positive Supply Current No load Range A 4.011.0mA I- (2.0)Positive Supply Current No load Range A4.011.0mACMRR 20D I OUT 4´R ´D V L -------------------------------------èøç÷æölog =2.CMRR is measured with V 1 = +15V/-5V; R is R A , R B , R C or R D ; I OUT = constant. This parameter is to define the currentmeasurement error due to the input voltage V 1. It guarantees all ranges and ± full scale I OUT .3.Linearity is measured against two point straight line calibration with five measurement points.4.Current Gain Error is measured with –full scale current to +full scale current. The ideal gain is 4.5.Force current is measured with I/V OUT to ground with I/V IN = 0V.6.Measured current offset is measured with I/V IN = 0V, Offset = (I/VM)/4R where R is R A , R B , R C , and R D .CMRR 20D V M D V 1------------èøç÷æölog =Current Gain Error VM 2VM 1–R I OUT2I OUT1–()-------------------------------------------------=PRODUCT SPECIFICATION RC7352AC Electrical Characteristics+V S = 20V ±3%, -V S = -10V ±5%, T A = 25°C, and external ±0.05% tolerance resistors R A = 100k W,R B = 10k W, R C = 2k W, and R D = 50W unless otherwise specified.Symbol Parameters Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Units Comparatort HL Response Time High to Low R LOAD = 10k, 5mV Overdrive 1.1m s t LH Response Time Low to High R LOAD = 10k, 5mV Overdrive450ns Differential Amplifiert MZF Response Time (setting time)1Range A 2.4ms Force Current/Measure Voltage Range B 2.3Range C 2.6Range D 2.6Voltage @ I/V M = -5.0V to +15VI F = Maxt MZF Response Time (settling time)1Ranges A 2.4ms Force Voltage/Measure Current Ranges B 2.5Ranges C 2.6Ranges D 2.7Voltage @ I/V OUT = 5.0V to +15VI M = Maxt MZF Response Time (Settling time)1Ranges A, B, C, & D 1.03msVoltage @ I/V OUT = -2.0V to +6.0V30pF from CA to CBNo Loadt DS Output Disable to Enable Time20m sNotes:1.Response Time (settling time) for Force Current/Measure Voltage mode is measured with 30pF from CA to CB andI/V IN Voltage Swings from -8.0V to +8.0V, and RL value for Range placed between I/V OUT and 5V.500K W A50K W B10K W C250W DRC7352PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Application ExamplePRODUCT SPECIFICATION RC735211RC7352PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 7/24/98 0.0m 002Stock#DS30007352Ó 1998 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices or systemswhich, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body,or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure toperform when properly used in accordance withinstructions for use provided in the labeling, can bereasonably expected to result in a significant injury of theuser.2. A critical component in any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or 。



1. 务必遵守说明书内的安全事项,以及贴在机械上的安全铭牌的内容。如果没有遵从这些内容, 可能会造成重大的人身事故或物品损害。如果需要交换用的安全铭牌,请向 MAZAK 技术服务 中心或技术中心订购。 切忌擅自进行影响机械安全性的任何改造。如果希望进行改造,请与 MAZAK 技术服务中心或 技术中心联系。 为说明细节部分,本说明书中部分例图以卸下护罩或门的状态画出。请注意,为安全起见,在 实际运转时必须装好。 本说明书根据最新材料编写, 然而因为不断的技术革新而万一在所购买的机械与本说明书内容 有所不同,请与 MAZAK 技术服务中心或技术中心联系。MAZAK 技术服务中心或技术中心将 会提供正确的资料。 请将本使用说明书保管在机械附近,以便随时查阅。 要重新订购说明书时,请与说明书编号(或机械名称、机械编号、说明书名称)一并与就近的 MAZAK 技术服务中心或技术中心联系。 说明书制作 : YAMAZAKI MAZAK CORP. 说明书编辑科
安全注置值是否正确。如果有错误,即使程序指令正确也会有机械在预测之 外的位置运转,而会有因与刀具冲突等而造成工件跳出机外的情况。 警告 ! 在圆周速度恒定控制中,当圆周速度恒定控制轴的工件坐标的现在值接近 0 时,主轴旋转变 得非常快。在机床上会有因卡盘夹持力降低而造成工件脱落的情况。必须指令安全的限制转 速。 ! 即使进行英寸/毫米切换,也不会改变原来所登记的程序、刀具信息、参数值的单位等。请 在运转之前充分确认这些数据。如果不确认而进行运转,原来正确的程序也会让机械做出完 全不同的动作。 ! 如果搞错绝对指令和相对指令而以相反的理解做出的程序运转时,将会让机械做出完全没有 预定的动作。请重新确认指令方式。 ! 如果在圆弧插补、固定循环等方面有平面选择指令错误时,因为所设想的各动作轴的动作与 实际各动作轴相互替换,因此刀具等与工件或机械的一部会有冲突的危险(仅适用于带 EIA/ISO 功能的 NC)。 ! 使镜像成为有效时, 其后的机械动作会大大变化。 请在充分理解后使用 (仅适用于带 EIA/ISO 功能的 NC)。 ! 如果在补偿功能有效期间进行机械坐标系指令、参考点返回指令,补偿会暂时变无效。如果 没有充分理解这种情况,可能认为机械彷佛做出作业人员没有预测的动作。请使补偿功能变 无效后执行这些指令(仅适用于带 EIA/ISO 功能的 NC)。 ! 屏蔽功能以被指令刀具的数据为基础进行干涉检查。请设置为与实际使用的刀具一致的刀具 信息,否则无法正确起作用。 ! INTEGREX e-系列机械可以进行车削加工,但是,G 代码和 M 代码的体系与车床中使用的 体系不同。如果错误指令 G 代码或 M 代码,将会让机械做出完全没有预定的动作。请充分 理解后再使用。



E54将印版前缘装在绿片下显示并中断机器运行印版检测传感器未检测到印版材料(反射光)E55关上前机罩显示并中断机器运行金属板未吸合到前机罩到位开关上E56关上输稿台显示并中断机器运行安全开关未被输稿台压下E57将废蜡纸盒装到位显示并中断机器运行废蜡纸设定开关的动作块未被压下E59关上自动送稿装置显示并中断机器运行自动送稿装置到位开关的动作块未被压下理想一体化速印机故障代码E60进纸盘紧急制动显示并中断机器运行进纸盘上部或下部的安全开关被激活E61滚筒尺寸错误显示并中断机器运行将错误尺寸的滚筒装到机器上E62滚筒牌子不对显示并中断机器运行将另一个牌子的滚筒装到机器中E66油墨瓶/印版架牌子错误显示并中断机器运行将别的牌子的油墨瓶和印版支架装到机器中E67缺PI电路板显示并中断机器运行缺PI电路板,或接头未装好E68大量输纸装置电源故障显示并中断机器运行理想GR2750/3750/2700/3700/1750速印机技术故障问题进入维修模式方法:同时按着按键(文字|写真+制版|印刷)同时开机不放等3秒即可进入维修模式T1(E01)主电机锁定T2(E02)升降电机锁定T3(E03)一类装版故障T4(E04)油墨溢出T5(E05)印刷位置电机锁死T6(E06)压力检测传感器故障T7(E07)GR与数据通讯错误T8(E08)GR与选配接口板出错T9 GR与分页器通讯错误T10 裁切控制板或头像处理板失灵T11 压力控制电机锁死T13 切刀电机锁死T14 夹板二类错误T15 扫描读脉冲电机错误T16 C位传感器故障T17 更换电池T18 分页器故障T19 热压电机锁死T20 翼电机锁死C21 装版故障C22 供纸错误C23 切版故障C24 机器中有切下的蜡纸条C25 卸版故障C26 废版卡在废版盒入口C27 滚筒上无版纸C31 第二进纸区卡纸C32 出纸卡纸C33 第一进纸区卡纸C34 滚筒下面卡纸C36 原稿输入故障C37 进口卡原稿C38 卡搞或原稿过大C39 出稿卡住C41 更换油墨筒C42 更换废蜡纸卷C43 清理废版盒C44 加纸T50(E50)印数或制版记数故障C51 插入磁卡C52 装好滚筒C53 把油墨筒装好C54 把蜡纸插入绿色导片下C55 关好前门C56 关好上前盖C57 装好废版盒C58 关好版纸装载单元C59 关好ADF单元C60 进纸盘紧急停止C61 滚筒尺寸错误厚纸输纸装置使电源发生故障E69大量输纸装置故障显示并中断机器运行厚纸输纸装置发生故障E71配页机故障--纸张卡在配页装置显示并中断机器运行纸张卡在配页装置上E72配页机故障--配页装置机门打开显机示并中断机器运行配页装置的机门打开E73配页机故障--纸张还在配页装置中显示并中断机器运行配页后的纸张还在配页装置格中E74配页机故障--配页装置的分页格满了显示并中断机器运行配页装置的分页满了E75配页机故障--选择的纸张幅面不对显示并中断机器运行配页装置中的纸张幅面与进纸盘中的纸张幅面不匹配E76配页机故障--纸张尺寸不能用显示并防止机器运行装在进纸盘中的纸张的尺寸与配页装置能用的纸张幅面不匹配E79分类装置中纸带用完显示并中断机器运行纸带尾部传感器检测到纸带卷的尾部。

































18.海克威5688新版机盲扫密码:0000,老版机密码:1270 19.海克威(天王星):在恢复出厂时按静音键输入1270 20.海克威HIC-3288C进入主菜单,用遥控器数字键输入1270即可。



Weld L2 Tantalum
CASE CODE TYPE 735D A B C D CLR 79/81 EQUIV. T1 T2 T3 T4 D 0.188 ± 0.016 [4.78 ± 0.41] 0.281 ± 0.016 [7.14 ± 0.41] 0.375 ± 0.016 [9.53 ± 0.41] 0.375 ± 0.016 [9.53 ± 0.41] L1 0.453 + 0.031 - 0.016 [11.51 + 0.79 - 0.41] 0.641 + 0.031 - 0.016 [16.28 + 0.79 - 0.41] 0.766 + 0.031 - 0.016 [19.46 + 0.79 - 0.41] 1.062 + 0.031 - 0.016 [26.97 + 0.79 - 0.41] L2 (Max.) 0.734 [18.64] 0.922 [23.42] 1.047 [26.59] 1.343 [34.11] E 1.500 ± 0.250 [38.10 ± 6.35] 2.250 ± 0.250 [57.15 ± 6.35] 2.250 ± 0.250 [57.15 ± 6.35] 2.250 ± 0.250 [57.15 ± 6.35]
735D, 735DE, CT79 (CECC 30202)
Vishay Tansitor
MAX DF at + 20°C (%) 10 20 22 25 42 55 40 37 40 80 95 92 103 7 11 13 16 21 35 35 35 30 48 35 48 60 60 82 7 10 11 15 25 30 23 23 37 43 43 45 MAX DCL MAX IMP. IN µA at MAX CAP. CHANGE at - 55°C + 85°C & (%) at (Ω) + 20°C + 125°C - 55°C + 85°C + 125°C 90 100 100 50 62 60 30 24 23 42 42 25 25 140 140 130 120 50 62 60 33 27 48 24 48 48 24 26 175 200 190 60 60 62 35 27 52 52 30 30 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 7.0 3.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 7.0 10 12 14 18 18 20 24 32 32 2.0 3.0 3.0 9.0 9.0 10 10 13 20 28 20 28 28 32 32 2.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 10 12 12 22 28 32 32 36 -28 -28 -28 -28 -35 -45 -58 -75 -80 -80 -80 -82 -84 -20 -20 -24 -28 -28 -35 -48 -52 -60 -70 -68 -76 -80 -80 -80 -20 -20 -24 -24 -40 -32 -48 -58 -60 -65 -75 -80 +14 +16 +16 +14 +16 +18 +18 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +10 +12 +14 +16 +13 +15 +14 +18 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +10 +12 +12 +13 +15 +15 +14 +23 +25 +25 +25 +25 +16 +16 +16 +16 +16 +18 +20 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +30 +12 +12 +14 +16 +15 +15 +15 +20 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +12 +12 +12 +15 +15 +15 +15 +23 +25 +25 +25 +25 MAX RMS RIPPLE CURRENT 40KHz (mA) 820 760 760 1230 1215 1215 1760 2100 2300 1585 1585 2300 2300 800 715 715 715 1215 1130 1130 1615 1865 1400 2025 1400 1400 1940 1865 660 580 580 1285 1285 1245 1525 1900 1375 1375 1900 1900 Document Number: 40053 Revision 17-Oct-03


















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CT79 735D 735DE MODEL
226 CAPACITANCE This is expressed in picofarads. The first two digits are the significant figures. The third is the number of zeros to follow.
735D, 735DE, CT79 (CECC 30202)
Vishay Tansitor
MAX DF at + 20°C (%) 10 20 22 25 42 55 40 37 40 80 95 92 103 7 11 13 16 21 35 35 35 30 48 35 48 60 60 82 7 10 11 15 25 30 23 23 37 43 43 45 MAX DCL MAX IMP. IN µA at MAX CAP. CHANGE at - 55°C + 85°C & (%) at (Ω) + 20°C + 125°C - 55°C + 85°C + 125°C 90 100 100 50 62 60 30 24 23 42 42 25 25 140 140 130 120 50 62 60 33 27 48 24 48 48 24 26 175 200 190 60 60 62 35 27 52 52 30 30 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 7.0 3.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 7.0 10 12 14 18 18 20 24 32 32 2.0 3.0 3.0 9.0 9.0 10 10 13 20 28 20 28 28 32 32 2.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 10 12 12 22 28 32 32 36 -28 -28 -28 -28 -35 -45 -58 -75 -80 -80 -80 -82 -84 -20 -20 -24 -28 -28 -35 -48 -52 -60 -70 -68 -76 -80 -80 -80 -20 -20 -24 -24 -40 -32 -48 -58 -60 -65 -75 -80 +14 +16 +16 +14 +16 +18 +18 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +10 +12 +14 +16 +13 +15 +14 +18 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +10 +12 +12 +13 +15 +15 +14 +23 +25 +25 +25 +25 +16 +16 +16 +16 +16 +18 +20 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +30 +12 +12 +14 +16 +15 +15 +15 +20 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +12 +12 +12 +15 +15 +15 +15 +23 +25 +25 +25 +25 MAX RMS RIPPLE CURRENT 40KHz (mA) 820 760 760 1230 1215 1215 1760 2100 2300 1585 1585 2300 2300 800 715 715 715 1215 1130 1130 1615 1865 1400 2025 1400 1400 1940 1865 660 580 580 1285 1285 1245 1525 1900 1375 1375 1900 1900 Document Number: 40053 Revision 17-Oct-03
68 120 150 220 470 560 560 1000 1500 2200 47 68 82 100 150 180 330 390 470 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800
PART NUMBER 735D686X06R3A2 735D127X06R3A2 735D157X06R3A2 735D227X06R3B2 735D477X06R3B2 735D567X06R3B2 735D567X06R3C2 735D108X06R3D2 735D158X06R3C2 735D228X06R3D2 735D476X0010A2 735D686X0010A2 735D826X0010A2 735D107X0010A2 735D157X0010B2 735D187X0010B2 735D337X0010B2 735D397X0010B2 735D477X0010C2 735D687X0010D2 735D827X0010D2 735D108X0010C2 735D128X0010C2 735D158X0010D2 735D188X0010D2
Capacitance Tolerance: At 120 Hz, + 25°C. ± 20% standard. ± 10%, ± 5% available as special. DC Leakage Current (DCL Max.): At + 25°C and above: Leakage current shall not exceed the values listed in the Standard Ratings Tables.
X0 CAPACITANCE TOLERANCE X0 = ± 20% X9 = ± 10% X5 = ± 5%
025 DC VOLTAGE RATING AT + 85°C This is expressed in volts. To complete the three-digit block, zeros precede the voltage rating. A decimal point is indicated by an "R" (6R3 = 6.3 volts).
For technical questions, contact eurowettant@
Document Number: 40053 Revision 17-Oct-03
735D, 735DE, CT79 (CECC 30202)
735D, 735DE, CT79 (CECC 30202)
Vishay Tansitor
Wet Tantalum Capacitors with Glass to Tantalum Hermetic Seal CECC 30202 AppN GRAMS (Max.) 2.6 6.2 11.6 17.7
*For insulated parts, add 0.007" [0.178] to the diameter. The insulation shall lap over the ends of the capacitor body.
Weld L2 Tantalum
CASE CODE TYPE 735D A B C D CLR 79/81 EQUIV. T1 T2 T3 T4 D 0.188 ± 0.016 [4.78 ± 0.41] 0.281 ± 0.016 [7.14 ± 0.41] 0.375 ± 0.016 [9.53 ± 0.41] 0.375 ± 0.016 [9.53 ± 0.41] L1 0.453 + 0.031 - 0.016 [11.51 + 0.79 - 0.41] 0.641 + 0.031 - 0.016 [16.28 + 0.79 - 0.41] 0.766 + 0.031 - 0.016 [19.46 + 0.79 - 0.41] 1.062 + 0.031 - 0.016 [26.97 + 0.79 - 0.41] L2 (Max.) 0.734 [18.64] 0.922 [23.42] 1.047 [26.59] 1.343 [34.11] E 1.500 ± 0.250 [38.10 ± 6.35] 2.250 ± 0.250 [57.15 ± 6.35] 2.250 ± 0.250 [57.15 ± 6.35] 2.250 ± 0.250 [57.15 ± 6.35]
CASE CODE A A A B B B C D C D A A A A B B B B C D D C C D D MAX DF at + 20°C (%) 15 21 34 40 90 106 50 72 172 170 13 21 25 30 30 30 65 74 44 46 57 92 137 114 138 MAX DCL MAX IMP. IN µA at MAX CAP. CHANGE at - 55°C + 85°C & (%) at (Ω) + 20°C + 125°C - 55°C + 85°C + 125°C 60 81 80 30 46 48 25 22 36 22 100 85 84 82 45 40 52 54 25 20 22 36 36 23 24 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 6.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 7.0 2.0 3.0 9.0 6.5 10 10 16 14 20 24 2.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 10 10 15 16 16 16 20 25 25 -40 -41 -42 -44 -60 -68 -64 -80 -90 -90 -36 -40 -40 -40 -32 -35 -54 -60 -65 -80 -80 -80 -80 -88 -88 +14 +15 +16 +16 +20 +20 +18 +25 +25 +25 +14 +15 +16 +16 +14 +14 +17 +19 +18 +25 +25 +25 +25 +30 +30 +16 +16 +16 +18 +20 +20 +20 +25 +25 +25 +16 +16 +16 +16 +16 +16 +18 +20 +20 +25 +25 +25 +25 +30 +30 MAX RMS RIPPLE CURRENT 40KHz (mA) 960 820 820 1370 1285 1255 1900 2390 1615 2265 855 820 820 820 1275 1300 1195 1195 1800 2490 2360 1720 1720 2360 2360 47