将正确答案的序号填在下面的表格内)1.边说边笑吃东西,食物容易误入气管,其原因是( ) A.气流冲击,声门裂开大 B.气流冲击,喉腔扩大 C.会厌软骨没能盖住喉口的入口 D.环状软骨扩大2.某人不小心手被刀割伤,流血一直不易被止住。
他可能是血液中什么成分缺少?( )A .血浆 B. 红细胞 C. 白细胞 D.血小板3.构成人体细胞的基本物质和供给生命活动能量的主要物质是下列哪一组( ) A.蛋白质、脂肪 B.蛋白质、糖类 C.糖类、蛋白质 D.维生素、脂肪4.当动脉瓣关闭时,心脏内的血流方向是( )A. 心房→心室B.心房→心室C.心室→动脉D. 心室→心房→动脉 5.气体进入人体的通道顺序是 ( )A.鼻.咽.喉.支气管.气管B.鼻.喉.咽.气管.支气管C.鼻.咽.口腔.喉.气管.支气管D.鼻.咽.喉.气管.支气管6.小林这几天刷牙时发现牙龈经常出血,你应当建议他多吃一些( )A.米饭、馒头B.鱼、肉、奶、蛋C.新鲜蔬菜、水果D.奶油、巧克力7.血液能不停地在血管、心脏组成的封闭的管道内循环流动,其动力来自( )A.心脏有节律的收缩和舒张 B.动脉的收缩和舒张C.静脉的收缩和舒张D. 心房有节律的收缩和舒张8.在人体血液循环中,不存在瓣膜结构的是()A.心室和心房之间B.心室和动脉之间C.动脉内D.静脉内9.有一家共五口人,其中三人的皮肤很粗糙,并且一到夜晚就看不清物体。
他们的食物中可能缺少()A.维生素AB.维生素BC.维生素CD.维生素D10.人类的祖先是:()A.大猩猩B.长臂猿C.森林古猿D.类人猿11.人的是生命是宝贵的,新生命的起点是:()A.婴儿出生B. 精子成熟C.卵子成熟D.精卵结合成受精卵12.痰生成的部位是()A.鼻腔黏膜B.喉腔侧壁C.气管和支气管黏膜D.食道黏膜13.肺泡中的氧气进入肺泡周围毛细血管的血液中,至少通过的细胞层数是()A.1层B.2层C.3层D.4层14.用鼻呼吸比用口呼吸好,这是因为()A.鼻黏膜分泌的黏液能杀死细菌B.鼻黏膜有纤毛,能阻挡细菌C.鼻黏膜有嗅细胞,能产生嗅觉D.鼻腔使空气变得温暖.湿润和清洁15.进入血液的氧,通过血液循环输送到全身各处的组织细胞内的什么部位被利用? () A.细胞核 B.细胞质 C.叶绿体 D.线粒体二、科学实验题(5分)16.根据用显微镜观察小鱼尾鳍内的血液流动实验回答下列问题:(1)图中的ABC 分别是什么血管呢?A B C (2)红细胞通过毛细血管的方式是?(3)红细胞单行通过毛细血管,与毛细血管的功能有什么关系呢?三、材料解析题(30分)17.(9分)如图是人体心脏结构模式图,请回答有关问题:(1)某人患感冒,若静脉注射药物,经过心脏各腔的先后顺序______ ___(填数码)。
辽宁省大石桥市水源二中2013-2014学年七年级10月阶段检测语文试题(12)一、积累与运用(40分)1.下列词语中加点的字音形完全正确的一项是( ) (3分)A.寻觅(mì) 地煞(shà)苛责( kē)指高气扬(zhǐ)B.琐闻(suǒ)戏谑(xuè)诽谤(fěi)俗不可耐(nài)C.享受(xiǎng)差役(chāi)仓惶(huáng)乐以教和(lè)D.祖藉(jí)和睦(mù)执著(zhuó)风餐露宿(cān)2.下列各句中,没有错别字的一项是()(3分)A.树荫无垠酷爱明正言顺B.骚动寂寥刹那汉马功劳C.绚丽失踪宰割任劳任怨D.欺凌抑制晕倒风刀霜箭3.依次填入下面语段中的词语恰当的一项是()(3分)______面对的人生境遇多么艰难,_______把国家大势收在眼底,把人生冷暖记在心头,那么,再多的暗淡却不能将自己_______,________明天的朝阳是度过黑暗的最好慰藉,绚丽的彩虹是走出风雨的最大激励。
辽宁省大石桥市水源二中七年级语文下学期期中检测试题 新人教版
辽宁省大石桥市水源二中2012-2013学年七年级下学期期中检测语文试题新人教版考试时间100分钟,满分120分一、积累与运用(30分)1.指出下列词语中加点字注音有误的一项()(3分)A.滂.沱(pāng) 摄.(shè)影窥伺.(sì)腼.腆(miǎn )B.名誉.(yù)堕.落(duò)慷.慨(kāng)沮.丧(jǔ)C.耸.听(sǒng)把柄.(bǐng)恫.吓(tóng)遏.制(è)D.污垢.(gòu )喧.闹(xuān)萦.回( yíng)忧郁.(yù)2.选出下面词语完全正确的一项()(3分)A .花团锦簇踽踽独行豁然开朗高瞻远嘱B. 水泻不通津津有味翩翩起舞孤苦伶仃C.怒不可遏引经据典轻举妄动相提并伦D.涓涓细流不解之缘跃跃欲试如痴如醉3.下面词语运用不恰当的一项是()(3分)A.春日的午后,小丽怡然自得....地在阳台上看书。
4.结合语境选词填空,恰当的一项是( )(3分)中国书法,是我国民族文化的瑰宝。
辽宁省大石桥市水源镇第二初级中学2013-2014学年七年级政治下学期期中试题 (word版含答案)
辽宁省大石桥市水源镇第二初级中学2013-2014学年七年级下学期期中考试政治试题(考试时间:40分钟,试卷满分:50分)1.自信的人在面对学习、工作和生活的挑战时,会说()A.“我咋办呢?” B.“我能行!” C.“小菜一碟。
” D.“我可以吗?”2.下列对自立的理解正确的是()A.自立就是能帮助别人做事情 B.自立就是自己的事情自己做C.自立就是遇事有主见,不商量 D.自立就是能自己挣钱养活自己3.著名漫画家朱德庸十多岁的时候发现自己对文字反应迟钝,但对图形很敏感。
①自尊②自信③自立④自强⑤自负A.①②③④ B.②③④⑤ C.①③④⑤ D.①②④⑤7.金无足赤,人无完人。
一个人有缺点并不可怕,关键是()A.知道自己有缺点 B.知道每个人都有缺点C.能够正确对待自己的缺点,将缺点转换为优点 D.能够承认有缺点8.自负者和自卑者①都无法燃起成功的火焰②都是自信的误区③都有“我是老大,你算什么”的心理④都不具有走向成功的良好心理素质()A.②③④ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.①②③9.小颖这次期末考试成绩不太理想,自尊的她应该这样想()A.我考得这么差,我真是一无是处B.我才不在乎成绩呢,我在运动会上总能为班级争光,一样可以得到尊重C.我会奋起直追,努力把成绩赶上去D.谁问我成绩,谁就是伤害我的自尊10.真正有自尊心的人,必定是________的人。
辽宁省大石桥市水源镇第二初级中学2013-2014学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题(无答案)(考试时间:100分钟,试卷满分:120分)1 There’s eraser on the desk. It’s .A a ; Ms LiB an ; Ms LiC a ; Ms LiD an ; Ms Li’s2 The beautiful city is about years old.A hundred ofB two hundredsC two hundreds ofD two hundred3 An old friend always helps with English .A I ; ourB me ; mineC I ; myD me; my4 It’s a fine day today. What about ? Good idea!A going swimmingB to go swimmingC go to swimD going to swim5 Reading in bed isn’t our eyes.A good atB bad forC good forD well in6 She always worry her son..A forB withC aboutD at7 do you want?A What elseB What else thingsC What otherD Else what8 I will go there in .A two daysB two day’sC two days timeD two-days9 His mother is able the car , but she won’t drive it .A to drive ; any moreB driving; any moreC to drive ; no timeD drive ;no more10 They will find new ways .A travelB travelingC to travelD to traveling11 -- are the sausages?--- Forty yuan a kilo.A How manyB WhatC WhyD How much12 Cathy will 2000 yuan for this computer.A payB costC takeD spend13 They won’t go out and have a picnic the bad weather.A soB becauseC because ofD but14 When will you there?A getB get toC arrive atD reach to15 Can you tell me the way the bank?A forB ofC toD at16 The restaurant is the bank.A nextB pastC overD opposite17 The museum is the bank and the cinema.A inB betweenC amongD on18 My mother is strict me and she is strict her work, too.A in; withB with ; inC in ; onD on ; with19 She was born a small village 1999.A in ; inB in ; onC on; inD at ; at20 There some meat in the fridge yesterday.A isB areC wasD were二完形填空(10分)It is evening, 1 old cock(公鸡) is 2 in a tall tree. A fox comes to the tree and looks at the cock.“Hello, Mr. Cock, I have some good news for you. ” says the fox.“Oh? ” says the cock. “What is it?”“All the animals 3 good friends now. Let’s 4 friends, too. Pleasecome down and play 5 me.”“Fine!” says the cock. “I’m very glad to hear that. ” Then he looks up. “Look! There is something over there.”“ 6 are you looking at?” asks the fox.“Oh, I see some animals over there. 7 coming this way.”“Animals? ”“Yes. Oh, they’re dogs.”“What? Dogs !” asks the fox. “Well . . . well, I 8 now. Goodbye.”“Wait, Mr. Fox,” says the cock. “ 9 go. They are only dogs. And dogs are our friends now.”“Yes. But they 10 that yet.”“I see, I see,” says the cock. He smiles and goes to sleep in the tree. ( )1.A. the B. an C. a D. X( )2.A. sit B. sits C. sitting D. siting( )3.A. is B. am C. are D. be( )4.A. are B. be C. is D. am( )5.A. and B. to C. for D. with( )6.A. What B. How C. Whose D. Where( )7.A. He is B. They are C. She is D. It is( )8.A. must to go B. must go C. must going D. must to going( )9.A. No. B. Not C. Don’t D. Doesn’t( )10.A. aren’t know B. doesn’t know C. don’t know D. isn’t know 三阅读理解(40分)Passage 1Mr. Brown is an American. He is now in Beijing with his family. Thi s is his first visit to China. They are going to stay in china for thr ee weeks. They want t o visit some cities and villages. They hope to l earn some Chinese, too. Mr. Brown is a doctor. He is going to visit s ome hospitals in Beijing. Mr. Brown is a school teacher. She is going to visit some schools. Their daughter is a student. She is going to meet some Chinese students. They are going to take a lot of photos of c hina. When they are back to American, they are going to show the photo s to their friends. They want the American people to know more about C hina.( )1.Where is Mr. Brown now?A. In AmericanB. In ChinaC. In England( )2.How long are they going to stay in china?A.for three weeksB.for two daysC. for a month( )3.Which places do they want to visit?A. some citiesB. some villagesC. some cities and villages ( )4.What does Mr. Brown do?A. He is a teacherB. He is a doctorC. He is a student ( )5.Which of following is right?A. This is Mr. Brown’s second visit to China.B. Mr. Brown’s daughter is a teacher.C. The Browns want the American people to know more about China. Passage 2Julia and her family will do some sightseeing in some foreign countr ies. She is looking at some places on her computer. In Sydney, there a re many museums, parks, theatres and tourist places. There are also ni ce beaches. Julia enjoys visiting the zoo. She likes going to see the koala bears and kangaroos there. Her father likes climbing the Sydney Harbor Bridge. Her mother likes taking photos there. Julia also gets s ome information about Tokyo. There are about 12 million people in Toky o. Julia’s sister likes shopping at clothes stores. Japanese food is very nice. Julia wants to go to Tokyo because she likes eating noodles, sushi and sashimi. But Julia’s father doesn’t like the food. Th ey like visiting Tokyo Dis neyland. It is near the city. They want to get there by train.( )1. How does Julia get the information for traveling ?A. She gets the information on television.B. She gets the information from a magazine.C. She gets the information on the radio.D. She gets the information from the Internet.( )2. What does Julia’s father like doing in Sydney?A. He likes seeing the koala bears.B. He likes climbing the Sydney Harbor Bridge.C. He likes shopping.D. He likes taking photos.( )3. Where is Julia’s sister going to shop?A. At shoe shops.B. At clothes shops.C. At fruit shops.D. At book shops.( )4. Why does Julia want to go to Japan?A. Because she likes eating food there.B. Because she likes taking photos there.C. Because she likes shopping there.D. Because she likes visiting the zoo.( )5. Which is Not Right according to the passage?A. Julia and her family aren’t from Australia.B. Julia and her family get some information about Sydney and Toky o.C. Julia and her family will go to Tokyo Disneyland by train.D. Julia and her family all like Japanese food.Passage 3The technology is improving every day. We will see some very exciting home robots(机器人) in the next few years. In the future the robots can do lots of things:★ Getting thingsIn a few years, it will be possible (可能)to tell your home robot to g et a piece of bread for you. The robot will use its eyes and an arm to get the bread for you.★ Watering plants(植物)Future robots will carry water to water plants.★ Telling danger (危险)A home robot will find out fire, smoke(吸烟) and other danger easily. Every night the robot will make its rounds to make sure(确保) that e verything is right.★ Looking after(照顾)childrenA robot will help us look after our children well when we are not at h ome.( )1. A robot will get something for you with __________.A. a handB. eyes and a legC. an armD. eyes and an arm( )2. What do es “make its round” mean in Chinese?A.转圈B.巡查C.工作D. 制作( )3. What will robots do when people are not at home?A. Robots will do housework with the children.B. Robots will cook for the children.C. Robots will look after the children.D. Robots will smoke with the children.( )4. Robots can do all the following things EXCEPT (除了) _________ _.A. Carry heavy things.B. Look after children.C. Look after plants.D. Get things for people.( )5. What is the passage about?A. The food of robots.B. The dream of robots.C. The future of robots.Passage4Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her pare nts. She doesn't know Chinese, but she is trying (努力) to study and speak it. She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends. Som etimes they don't understand (理解) her, because she can't speak Chine se well.It's Saturday morning. Mary goes out. She is on her way to the park. She is going there to see a flower show (展览). But she doesn't know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy can't understand he r. Then she takes out a pen and some paper. She draws flowers on it, g ives the picture to the boy and says something about it. The boy smile s and then shows (指给) Mary the way to the park.( ) 1. Where does Mary live now? She lives in ____.A. AmericaB. EnglandC. ChinaD. Canada( ) 2. She can speak ____ Chinese.A. muchB. a littleC. littleD. a few( ) 3. She likes ____ Chinese with her ____.A. speak, parentsB. speaking, f riendsC. speaks, girl-friendsD. speaking, teachers( ) 4. Where is she going?A. To a new school.B. To see her friends.C. To a farm.D. To see some flowers.( ) 5. How does she ask the way to the flower show?A. She asks the way in Chinese.B. She asks the way with a si gh (标志).C. She draws a picture to ask the way.D. She doesn't ask any people.四,词汇应用(10分)A 根据句意及汉语,首字母提示完成单词1 She is a (认真的)gir l.2 We’re going to go o lessons on Sunday.3 There won’t be any schools in the .4 Everything is half (价格)。
辽宁省大石桥市水源镇第二初级中学七年级地理下学期期中试题 新人教版
2014---2015学年度下学期期中质量检测七年地理试题(考试时间:35分钟,试卷满分:50分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 题号答案1.七大洲中面积最大和最小的是()A.亚洲和大洋洲 B.非洲和南极洲 C.北美洲和欧洲 D.亚洲和欧洲2.亚洲最大的平原是()A.西西伯利亚平原 B.华北平原 C.印度河平原 D.恒河平原3.关于日本的叙述,正确的是 ( )A.是一个多民族的国家B.地势低,多平原,耕地面积广C.文化具有东西方兼容的特点D.多火山、地震,属温带海洋性气候4. 下列有“世界办公室”之称的国家是()A.中国B.日本C.美国D.印度5.印度发展信息技术服务外包产业的有利条件是 ( )①劳动力成本较低②英语普及③人力资源丰富④信息技术发展较早⑤铁矿资源丰富⑥交通运输发展较早A. ①②③④B.②③④⑤C.③④⑤⑥D. ①②④⑤6.在俄罗斯交通运输业的部门结构中,货物运输的主要方式是 ( )A.铁路和管道B.公路和航空C.管道和海运D.内河和航空7.国际上习惯将俄罗斯划分为哪一大洲国家()A.亚洲B.北美洲C.欧洲D.非洲8. 亚洲分布最广的气候类型是( )A.温带大陆性气候B.温带季风气候C.热带雨林气候D.高原山地气候9. 亚洲东部和南部,由于常受夏季风的影响易发生 ( )A.台风灾害 B.旱涝灾害 C.寒潮灾害 D.降水多,只发生涝灾10. 俄罗斯河流众多,被称为“母亲河”的是 ( )A.鄂毕河 B.叶尼塞河 C.伏尔加河 D.勒拿河11. 下列半岛气候最干旱的是( )A.印度半岛B.中南半岛C.阿拉伯半岛D.朝鲜半岛12. 世界陆地表面的最低点位于( )A.西西伯利亚平原B.印度河平原C.长江中下游平原D.死海13. 下列河流注入太平洋的是( )A.叶尼塞河B.恒河 C.湄公河D.印度河14.下列国家与首都搭配正确的是( )A.英国——巴黎B.法国——伦敦C.德国——柏林D.意大利——雅典. 15.下列三幅等高线地形图所表示的三种地形,在印度半岛自北而南排列为()A.甲乙丙 B.乙甲丙 C.乙丙甲 D.丙甲乙二、综合题(共35分)16.将下列欧洲西部的旅游景点与该国连线(5分)白金汉宫荷兰风车英国峡湾风光挪威阿尔卑斯山意大利罗马古斗兽场瑞士17.读甲、乙两图,回答下列问题。
A.④②①③⑤ B.③⑤④②① C.③⑤①④②D.①④②⑤③7.仿写:(2分)书籍好比一架梯子,它能引导我们登上知识的殿堂。
辽宁省大石桥市水源镇第二初级中学七年级英语下学期期中试题 外研版
(20分)()1.—_______ is this pen? —It’s mine.A. WhatB. WhoseC. WhereD. How()2.Is this ______ watch? Call Jim ______ 458-6458.A. your; atB. you; atC. your; inD. you; in()3.Tom ______ with his friends every Sunday afternoon.A. play the tennisB. play tennisC. plays the tennisD. plays tennis()4.I’d like ______ the zoo with you this afternoon.A. goB. to goC. to go toD. go to ()5.What about going ______?A. swimB. swimmingC. swimsD. to swim ()6.We don’t like to climb the hill ______ a hot afternoon.A. onB. inC. atD. by ()7.—What will you be________? —I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll be a doctor like my father.A. right nowB. in the futureC. at onceD. at the moment()8.That boy can write songs and play the guitar ________.A. such asB. as good asC. as wellD. as well as()9.—There is ______ sale on in the shop today. Let’s go together.—Please wait ______ minute. I’ll finish my homework first.A. a; theB. the; aC. a; aD. the; the()10.The woman often ________for her clothes on the Internet. ' A. gets B. pays C. spends D. takes ()11.This blue coat looks nice. I want to ________.A. try up itB. try on itC. try it upD. try it on()12.Can you tell me ______ to get there? —Yes, you can get there by bus.A. whatB. howC. whereD. when()13._____ the bridge and you can see the hospital on your right.A. Go crossB. Go acrossC. Walk crossD.Across()14.Mrs Brown ______ a big house ______ a garden.A. have; inB. has; inC. has; withD. have; with()15.Does the panda eat meat? _______.A. No, they didn’tB. No, it doesn’tC. Yes, it doesn’tD. No, it didn’t()16. everyone here yesterday?A. WasB. IsC. AreD. Were ()17.Lucy and Lily _____ China next week.A. is visitB. are visitingC. visitD. visits()18. —How ______ will the boss be back? —In three days.A. farB. soonC. longD. often()19. I’m _______. Could y ou give me something to eat?A. thirstyB. tiredC. hungryD. ill()20. He is always strict his studentsA. withB. atC. forD.toII.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意。
七年级下学期语文期中试题(考试时间:120分钟,试卷满分:120分)一、积累与运用(30分)1.给加点的字注音或根据拼音写出汉字(2分)岑.寂()对峙.()涟yī( ) juàn( ) 顾2.在下面的括号里改正错别字(2分)(1)水泻不通()(2)花团紧簇()(3)高瞻远嘱()(4)佁然自得()3. 下列句子中,加点成语使用不正确的一项是(3分)()A.一想到母亲临终时思念爱子的情景,他就会心胆俱裂....,热泪盈眶。
4. 依次填入下列句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是(3分)()①优酷和土豆联合向美国证券交易委员会提交的一份SEC文件,详细了优酷土豆闪电合并的过程。
A.披露欣慰不以为意 B.披露高兴不以为然C.透露高兴不以为意 D.透露欣慰不以为然5在原句上修改下列病句(2分)(1)这场球赛的输赢,不仅关系到球队的名声,而是关系到学校的荣誉。
abM P N1232013—2014学年度下学期期中质量检测七年数学试题(考试时间:120分钟,试卷满分:120分)一、选择题(每题3分,共24分)1.下图是北京奥运会福娃图,通过平移可将福娃“欢欢”移动到图(欢欢) A B C D2.下列说法错误的是A. 1的平方根是1B. –1的立方根是-1C.2是2的平方根 D. 正数有两个平方根,且这两个平方根之和等于03.下列方程组不是二元一次方程组的是34A 257x y x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩264B 257x x y -=⎧⎨+=⎩3427x y C x z +=⎧⎨+=⎩4D 257x y x y -=⎧⎨+=⎩ 4.如图所示,在灌溉农田时,要把河(直线l 表示一条河)中的 水引到农田P 处,设计了四条路线PA ,PB ,PC ,PD (其中PB ⊥l ), 你选择哪条路线挖渠才能使渠道最短. A .PAB .PBC .PCD .PD5.如图,a b ∥,M ,N 分别在a ,b 上,P 为两平行线间一点, 那么123∠+∠+∠= A .180°B .270°C .360°D .540°6.方程组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ 2x +y =■,x+y =3的解为⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x =2,y =■,则被遮盖的两个数分别为. A .1,2 B .2,4 C .2,3 D .5,1A BC a 1 23A BE 7.坐标平面内下列各点中,在x 轴上的点是 A.(0,3) B.)0,3(- C.)2,1(- D.)3,2(--8.某班为奖励在校运会上取得较好成绩的运动员,花了400元钱购买甲、乙两种奖品共 30件,其中甲种奖品每件16元,乙种奖品每件12元,求甲乙两种奖品各买多少件? 该问题中,若设购买甲种奖品x 件,乙种奖品y 件,则方程组正确的是.A.⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ x +y =3012x +16y =400B.⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ x +y =3016x +12y =400C.⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ 12x +16y =30x +y =400D.⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧16x +12y =30x +y =400二、填空题(每题3分,共24分) 9.的平方根是;3的算数平方根是;–1的立方根是.10.如图,已知a b ∥,170∠= ,240∠= ,则3∠=. 11.把命题“对顶角相等”写成“如果……,那么……。
1.隋朝政权的基础是A.北齐B.东魏C.西魏D.北周2.中国人饮茶历史悠久,那么什么时候开始中国盛行饮茶之风呢?A.唐代 B.明代 C.清代 D.宋代3.我国诗歌创作的黄金时代是A.汉朝 B.唐朝 C.宋元时期 D.明清时期4. ”惜秦皇汉武,略输文采,唐宗宋祖稍逊风骚”中的”宋祖”指的是A.秦始皇B.刘邦C.李世民D.赵匡胤5.南宋最大的商业都市是A.开封B.临安C.广州D.泉州6. 宋朝时期,逐渐跃居粮食产量首位的农作物是A.水稻B.小麦C.粟D. 玉米7. 在我国古代某一市民生活的讲座中多次提到“瓦子”“勾栏”,他介绍的是哪一朝代A.秦朝B.汉朝C.唐朝D.宋朝8. 2013年4月20日,四川雅安发生地震,又一次造成了人员伤亡和经济损失,早在北宋前期,四川地区商业繁荣,出现了世界上最早的纸币是A.会子B.关子C.交子D.瓦子9.唐朝长安城内繁华的商业区叫做A.坊B.市C.瓦肆D.勾栏10.下列是对鉴真和玄奘的叙述,其中错误..的是A.他们都是唐朝僧人B.他们都在对外交往中作出了重大贡献C.鉴真东渡和玄奘西游都是为了向所到国家传播佛学D.他们都为完成自己的使命历尽艰辛11.我国唐朝创制且闻名于世的陶器艺术珍品是七年历史下(期中)第1页共4页A.唐三彩B.青瓷C.白瓷D.青花瓷12.下列反映唐朝民族关系融洽的佳句,不正确的一项是A.“回鹘衣装回鹘马” B.“车书本一家”C.“和同为一家” D.“唐风洋溢奈良城”13.从唐朝中后期开始的经济重心南移,完成于A.北宋B.南宋C.元朝D.明朝14.“国破山河在,城春草木深,感时花濺泪,恨别鸟惊心。
辽宁省大石桥市水源二中七年级语文下学期期中检测试题 新人教版
考试时间100分钟,满分120分一、积累与运用(30分)1.指出下列词语中加点字注音有误的一项()(3分)A.滂.沱(pāng) 摄.(shè)影窥伺.(sì)腼.腆(miǎn )B.名誉.(yù)堕.落(duò)慷.慨(kāng)沮.丧(jǔ)C.耸.听(sǒng)把柄.(bǐng)恫.吓(tóng)遏.制(è)D.污垢.(gòu )喧.闹(xuān)萦.回( yíng)忧郁.(yù)2.选出下面词语完全正确的一项()(3分)A .花团锦簇踽踽独行豁然开朗高瞻远嘱B. 水泻不通津津有味翩翩起舞孤苦伶仃C.怒不可遏引经据典轻举妄动相提并伦D.涓涓细流不解之缘跃跃欲试如痴如醉3.下面词语运用不恰当的一项是()(3分)A.春日的午后,小丽怡然自得....地在阳台上看书。
4.结合语境选词填空,恰当的一项是( )(3分)中国书法,是我国民族文化的瑰宝。
12014—2015学年度下学期期末质量检测七年级语文试卷(考试时间120分钟,试卷满分120分)题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分一、积累与运用(满分30分)1.下列词语中加点字读音全对的一项是:( )(2分) A. 奇崛.(ju é) 辟.易(b ì) 金罍.(l ěi) 丰腴.(y ú) B. 隽.妙(j ùn) 蹇.劣ji ǎn) 憩.息(q ì) 隽.逸(ju àn) C. 猥.鄙(w ěi) 盛馔.(zhu àn) 岑.寂(c én) 绮.丽(q ǐ) D. 剽.悍(pi āo) 滂.沱(p āng) 对峙.(zh ì) 颠簸.(b ō) 2.下列词语中,书写完全正确的一项是( )(2分) A .招摇过市 引经居典 鞭长莫及 首屈一指 B .别俱匠心 因地制宜 重峦叠嶂 孤苦伶仃 C .轻举妄动 翩翩起舞 相题并论 津津有味D .水泄不通 养尊处优 花团锦簇 怡然自得 3.下列句中加点词语使用不恰当的一项是( )(2分) A .这些年轻人做事都靠电脑,但只要一停电,他们就束手无策....了。
B .老板严苛的目光使他觉得无地自容....,恨不得挖个地洞钻下去。
C .平时不努力,临考前的加班加点终究无济于事....,我只有自咽苦果。
D .我们漫步在林荫道上,沿途的风景络绎不绝....。
4.依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是( )(2分)散文犹如中国文学园地中的一朵奇葩,在几千年的发展中,留下了许多________的经学 校班 级姓 名考 号典名作,________着一代代炎黄子孙,每一篇佳作都是历史的折射,记录着历史的________。
A.不言而喻滋润苦痛获取 B.脍炙人口滋养沧桑汲取C.不可名状养育磨难吸取 D.家喻户晓培养苦难吸收5.选出下列句子顺序排列正确的一项()(2分)①可以说,想象力应用多少是评价一个人智力高低的标准之一。
(20分)()1. Would you like the Summer Palace with me?A. visitB. visitingC. to visitD. visits()2.—When do you go to school Monday?—7:30.A. in; AtB. on; AtC. on; InD. at; In()3.—What‟s the of that blue coat? —It‟s 120 yuan.A. placeB. priceC. plan()4.—is the Taijiquan class?—It‟s at Garden Hotel.A. WhereB. WhenC. WhatD. Who()5. is the day after Friday.A. SundayB. ThursdayC. TuesdayD. Saturday()6.—What lessons do you like, Betty? —I like English, I don‟t like history.A. andB. orC. butD. so()7. I about my school day in this email.A. speakB. sayC. talkD. tell()8.—I‟d like some apple juice.? —Some water, please.A. How do you like itB. Do you have someC. What about youD. Do you like it()9. He often goes to work ______ subway.A. byB. onC. inD. takes the()10. This is a wolf. It in the forest.A. European; liveB. European; livesC. Europe; liveD. Europe; lives ()11. Sixteen people visit Beijing Zoo every day.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of()12. I don‟t think we can live _________ plants! If the plants die, we will all die.A. withB. asC. withoutD. not have()13. It ___________me half an hour to walk to school.A. takeB. spendC. takesD. spends()14. He is only______ 8-year-old boy.A. anB. aC. theD. /()15. It‟s unfriendly ________others.A. point atB. to point outC. pointing atD. to point at()16. Tony‟s sister often goes to concerts and usually buys CDs by ______favourite singers.A. her; sheB. she; herC. she; sheD. her; her()17.—What do you think of Lucia? —I love her. She is really from other girls.A. fatB. healthyC. happyD. different()18.There is going to ________ a class meeting tomorrow.A. isB. hasC. beD. have()19.—What day is it today?—.A. It‟s eight o‟clockB. It‟s a fine dayC. It‟s in the afternoonD. It‟s Wednesday()20.—Let‟s go to a tennis match this evening.—.A. Thank you very muchB. That‟s a great ideaC. Have a good timeD. It‟s not very goodII. 完型填空.(共10分)How are you ? It is very nice __21__ you to write __22__me. From your letter I know a lot __23__your school. Now I __24__ you know something about me and my school . I am thirteen years old. I am in Class Two ,Grade One. My father is a __25___. He teaches English. My mother is a doctor. She works in a __26_. I __27__early and __28__English. Our school is big. It has 2,000 students and 200 teachers. All the teachers and students work ___29_. Please come and have a look _30__ our school ifyou have free time.()21. A. of B. on C. for D. to()22. A. from B. of C. in D. to()23. A. of B. for C. about D. to()24. A. let B. say C. talk D. know()25. A. teacher B. worker C. student D. doctor()26. A. school B. hospital C. factory D. hotel()27.A. go to bed B. have lessons C. get up D. come here()28. A. look B. see C. watch D. read()29. A. hard B. hardly C. careful D. fast()30. A. at B. in C. on D. toIII.阅读理解(每小题2分,满分40 分)AMy name is Amanda. I get many presents on my birthday. Do you want to have a look?I like collecting (收集) different kinds of watches. My aunt buys this red watch for me in Hong Kong. I love cars very much. My father is so nice. He knows me well. This blue model(模型) car is from him. He buys it in Canada. My sister gives me this pair of yellow trainers. Blue is my favourite colour, but I like the trainers very much. The two books are from my friends Joy and Christina. We like reading very much. After school we always go to the library to read books.()31. Who gives a watch to Amanda?A. Her sister.B. Her father.C. Her friends.D. Her aunt.()32. Amanda doesn‟t get on her birthday.A. a watchB. a model carC. a pair of jeansD. two books ()33. What colour does Amanda like best?A. Red.B. Yellow.C. Orange.D. Blue.()34. Where may you see Amanda after school?A. In the library.B. In the classroom.C. On the playground.D. In the lab.()35. What‟s the best title(标题) for this passage?A. My Birthday PartyB. My Birthday PresentsC. My Good FriendsD. My Big FamilyBThere are four season in a year: spring, summer autumn and winter.Spring is the best season of the year. The weather gets warmer and the days get longer. The crops begin to grow. The trees turn green and flowers come out.Summer comes after spring. It is the warmest season. It often rains and the crops grow fast. The best sport in summer is swimming. Children often go swimming in rivers and lakes.Autumn is a busy season. The days get shorter and the nights get longer. It is harvest time. The farmers are busy. They are getting in the crops.Winter is the coldest season of the year. Sometimes it snows and the fields are all while. Skating is the best sport in winter. Many boys and girls often go skating. But the farmers are still busy. They are getting ready for the next year.()36. How many seasons are there in a year?A. ThreeB. FourC. FiveD. six()37. What is the weather like in spring?A. HotB. WarmC. ColdD. Cool()38.Which season comes after spring?A. SpringB. SummerC. AutumnD. winter()39. What sport is the best in winter?A. CyclingB. SkiingC. SkatingD. Swimming()40. What are the farmers busy doing in winter?A. They are busy getting in the crops.B. They are busy getting ready for the next year.C. They are busy planting trees and flowersD. They are busy doing sports.C()41. Men bow and shake hands to greet each other in_______.A. the United StatesB. South KoreaC. FinlandD. the Philippines()42. In the US and Finland, _______usually hug or kiss to greet each other.A. all peopleB. menC. friends and family membersD. women()43. People greet each other with a handshake in______.A. the United StatesB. South KoreaC. the PhilippinesD. all of the above()44. In Philippines men sometimes ______to greet.A. kiss on the cheekB. hugC. pat each other on the backD. bow()45. The passage mainly tells us_______.A. people in different countries have different ways to eatB. people in different countries greet in different waysC. travelling can open our eyesD. we should go to foreign countriesDIt was a beautiful spring morning. There wasn‟t a cloud in the sky, and the sun was warm but not too hot, so Mr. Hunt was surprised(惊讶)when he saw an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong black umbrella ( 雨伞) in his hand.Mr. Hunt said to him, “Are we going to have rain today, do you think?”“No,” said the old man, “I don‟t think so.”“Then are you carrying the umbrella to keep the sun off you?”“No, the sun is not very hot in spring.”Mr. Hunt looked at the big umbrella again, and the man said, “I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong, so I really need a walking-stick, but when I carry a walking-stick, …Look at that poor old man‟, and I don‟t like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weather, people only say, …Look at that stupid(傻的) man.‟”( )46. What was the weather like in that morning? It was _____.A. fineB. hotC. rainyD. cloudy( )47. The old man carries an umbrella to _____.A. keep the sun offB. keep the rain offC. help him to walkD. keep the snow off( )48. The man ____ the people to say he was an old man.A. likedB. wantedC. didn‟t likeD. didn‟t hate( )49. The man would like people to say he was____.A. an old manB. a stupid manC. an old man instead of(而不是)a stupid manD. a stupid man instead of an old man.( )50.“So I really need a walking-stick…” What‟s the meaning of “walking-stick”?A. 枝条B. 拐杖C. 小车D.手推车IV.补全对话(每小题2分,满分10分)A: There is a big football match this weekend. 51B:That‟s great!52 Array A:It‟s at People‟s Stadium.B: 53A:It‟s on Sunday afternoon. atfour o‟clock.B: 54A:It‟s 20 yuan. A student‟s ticket is 10 yuan.B: 55 Let‟s go this Sunday afternoon.51. 52. 53. 54. 55.V.根据句意及汉语提示写单词(5分)56. I want to be a _______ (作家) like William Shakespeare when I grow up.57. His English name is Jane, but his _______ (真实的) name is Liu Lihua.58. Is there anything interesting in today‟s _______ (报纸)?59. Her hope is to _______ (成为) a teacher in the future.60. His sister _______ (结婚) two years ago.VI用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(5分)61.At the moment, Lily __________(play)the piano.62.He finished ______(do) his homework just now.63.Please _____(keep) quiet in the classroom.64.Tony can _____(speak) Chinese and English.65.My father _____(begin) to work at the age of 18.ⅤII. 句型转换。
辽宁省大石桥市水源二中2013-2014学年七年级英语10月阶段检测试题一、单项选择(共20分)( ) 1. This is book.A. IB. meC. myD. I’m( ) 2. ----- Sit down please.----- ____________.A. Thank youB. Good afternoonC. I’m sorryD. Goodbye( ) 3. What are ____________?A . this B. it C. these D. that( ) 4. There are five _______on the table.A. applesB. waterC. eggD. boxs( ) 5. ------________ is the banana?------ It’s yellow.A. WhatB. WhereC. What colourD. How old ( ) 6. ------_________ is my bag? ------ It’s on the deskA. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. How many( )7. ----- Mr. Green is ___ teacher. He is ___English teacher.A. a; aB. a; anC. an; aD. an; an( )8. -----_______ do you spell “tree”? ----T—R—E---EA. WhereB. WhyC. WhatD. How( ) 9.---This is my father ---Hello , ____ Liu.A, Miss B. Mr. C. Mrs. D. Father( ) 10. ---Linda, your coat is nice(漂亮的). ----________.A. Thank youB. NoC. That’s right. D . /( ) 11. This is my friend. ____ is Lily.A. HisB. SheC. HerD. Its( ) 12. —What's your name? —My name is ________.A.Li xiaoLing B.Li Xiaoling C.Li Xiao ling D.Li xiaoling ( ) 13. “Hi, Xiao Ming! Nice to meet you.” “___”A.Fine, thank you. B.I'm fine, too.C.Nice to meet you, too. D.How are you?( ) 14. What's this? ________ a red apple.A.This is B.It's C.It D.This's( ) 15. 11. There ______ an apple and two eggs on the table.A isB amC beD are( ) 16.--- are you in? I am in Class 5.A .what class B. What class C. How D. How old( ) 17.----- up your hands, please.页)七年英语(预备篇)第2页(共8页)A. SitB. StandC. CloseD. Put.( ) 18. What’s your number?-------A. I’m Betty.B. I’m eleven.C. I’m in Class 1.D. It’sseven two six.( )19.________ you spell your name? Yes, I ________A.Can; can B.Can; am C.Do; can D.Are; can( ) 20. Is this your mother? Yes, _________A. She isB. it isC. this isD. I am二、根据题意填词 (10分)1.Are you a n student here?2.I’m in Class E,Mr. Chen’s clas s.3.What’s your t number?4Good a ,Mike.5.What are you in ? I’m in Class 2. 6Are you in Class 3?,I’m in Class 4.7.L to the teacher, please. Yes.8.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,9.My phone number (be) 679 856.10.It’s time (go) now.A.C.( )2A.No.( )3A.C.Miss Wang.( )4A .Good morningB .Good afternoonC .What‘s your nameD .I'm fine( )5.当你在路上碰到熟人时,你应该说________A .How are you?B .Goodbye.C .Fine, thank you.D .I'm fine.四、用am, is, are 填空. (10分)(1) — _____ you Mr Black? — Yes, I ______.(2) This ________ Jim Green.(3) My name ___ Li Fen. What __ your name? (4) — How _____ you, Mr King? — I ________ fine, thank you.(5) — What is this in English? — It ________ a desk.(6) How ______ Mr White? ---- He ____ OK.五、交际英语配对。
辽宁省大石桥市水源镇第二初级中学七年级语文下学期期中试题 新人教版
2014---2015学年度下学期期中质量检测七年语文试题(考试时间:120分钟,试卷满分:120分)一、积累与运用(满分30分)1.下列词语中加点字的注音完全正确的一项是()(2分)A.枯瘠.(jí) 丰腴.(yú) 对峙.(zì) 忍俊不禁.(jìn)B.憩.息(qì) 蹇.劣(jiǎn) 猥.鄙(wěi) 不胜.其烦(shèng)C.引吭.(kàng) 窥.伺(kuī) 岑.寂(cén) 蹑.手蹑脚(niè)D.分娩.(wǎn) 翌.日(yì) 恫吓.(hè) 洛绎.不绝(yì)2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是()(2分)A. 家喻户小翩翩起舞津津有味高瞻远瞩B.无地自容鲜为人知争妍斗艳不可思议C.融融泄泄瞬息万变相题并论怡然自得D.左顾右盼浑身解数三眼一版空空如也3.下列各句中,加点成语使用不恰当的一项是()(2分)A.现代科学技术的发展真是日新月异,让人目瞪口呆....。
( )真正去认识一棵树( )必须从叶枝根本,从过去的清风到枝干的神韵都注意到,同样,当我们正视生命时,( )只从细微末节着眼,( ) 是对自己生命的一种污蔑.A.但却如果便B.因为就如果便C.而却因为就D.但就因为就5.下列句子排列顺序恰当的一项是()(2分)①人格是什么?②只有恪守纯洁、崇高的人格。
)1.----Can you swim?------A. Yes, I doB. No, I don’tC. Yes, I canD. No, I can2.---Is this book ? ---No, it isn’tA. theirs ; theirB. hers, hisC. your, mineD. your, my3.--- bag is this ? ---It’s Tom’s.A. WhoB. Who’sC. WhoseD. What4.Don’t worry us . We can l ook after ourselves now.A. toB. forC. withD. about5.---Are you English ? –Yes, I always get good grades .A. bad forB. good forC. well inD. good at6.---What are you doing ? ---I am my math book .Next class is match.A. looking upB. looking forC. looking atD. looking out7.It’s going to tomorrow .A. rainingB. rainsC. rainedD. rain8. There an English test in our class next week.A. is going to beB. will haveC. is going to haveD. has9.The boy is looking forward to a good time after the exam.A. to haveB. hasC. havingD. have10.My father will be back from Beijing a week.A. forB. inC. afterD. by11.I hope your dream willA. come trueB. I’m sorryC. come inD. come on12.---May I use your ruler ?--- Here you are .A. CertainlyB. I’m sorryC. Wait !D. Why ?13.Our way of life is changing online shopping .A. because ofB. according toC. instead ofD. may be14.Walk along the street you’ll see underground station .A. and, aB. and, anC. but, aD. but, an.15.—Is there a bookshop near the school ?----A. Yes ,it is .B. No, it isn’t .C. Yes, there is .D. No, there aren’t.二、完型填空(10分)What will our life be like in the future? Each family will have a 1 in the future. You can ask it to do everything 2 you. It will serve you 3 hours a day, so you are free all day. The robot will 4 like a human. It can talk with you when you are 5 .You won’t know it is a human 6 a robot when you meet it in the street.People will have 7 time to work and more time to travel. The vehicles in the future will fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings with it. They will 8you to any place you want to visit. You can go to 9 when you have a travel if you feel tired. All vehicles will be 10 because they are driven by robots.()1 A plan B rocket C robot D computer()2 A in B on C about D for()3 A 10 B 12 C 20 D 24()4 A teach B live C walk D leave()5 A happy B alone C out D sad()6 A and B but C because D or()7 A some B more C less D few()8 A help B make C want D take()9 A school B work C the zoo D sleep()10 A pleasant B safe C dangerous D happy三、阅读理解(30分)AIt is Sunday today. Ann is shopping with her mother. She wants her mother to buy a new sweater for her. In a clothing shop, she finds an orange one. She tries it on (试穿). It is too small. She wants a bigger one, but the b igger ones are not orange. Ann doesn’t like other colours. Her mother asks:” Shall we go to another shop to have a look? ” So they go out of the shop and go into another one.The second shop is bigger than the first, and in it there are many kinds of sweaters of different sizes and colours. Ann tries on an orange one. It is too big. She tries a smaller one. It is OK.“How much is it ?” Ann’s mother asks the women who sells clothes. Then they find it too dear (贵), and they don’t have so much money with them.“Would you like a cheaper one ? ” The women asks.“ No, we shall take this one. My daughter likes it. We will come back to buy it tomorrow. ” Ann’s mother answers.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。
辽宁省大石桥市水源二中七年级政治下学期期中检测试题 新人教版
”以下对自尊和尊重他人的理解,不正确的是A.知耻是自尊的重要表现B.尊重他人是自尊的需要,也是自我完善的需要C.自尊的人总是在乎他人对自己的评价D.善于欣赏接纳他人,不做有损他人人格的事,才能真正做到尊重他人7.2013年3月30日报道:大连一初中生刀杀俩店员,疑被斥学习不好伤自尊,这件事启示我们A.知耻是自尊的重要表现 B.自尊的人总是在乎他人对自己的评价C.自尊要适度 D.一个自尊的人,应该维护自尊而掩饰缺点8.初中生小何说话直爽,有一天,她对小钱说:“你太胖了,穿这件白色连衣裙不好看,简直像笨锗!”小何的这种说法A.是不可取的。
她不能对小钱说,但可以对其他人说 B.是可取的。
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A.④②①③⑤ B.③⑤④②① C.③⑤①④② D.①④②⑤③7.仿写:(2分)七年语文下(期中)第1页共8页书籍好比一架梯子,它能引导我们登上知识的殿堂。
译文:_______________________________________________________________12.甲、乙两个文段的主要意思各是什么?(4分)甲文:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __乙文:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __13.甲、乙两个文段都写荷花,都表达了作者对荷花的喜爱和赞美之情,但赞美和喜爱的原因有所不同,请用简洁的语言分析。
(3分)___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __(二)阅读下面这首古诗城南曾巩雨过横塘水满堤,乱山高下路东西。
七年语文期中参考答案二、10.⑴长枝节,生出枝节⑵少⑶停止⑷都 11.⑴(人们)可以远远地观赏,却不能贴近去玩弄。