Symptoms of Orthostasis may be due to Sympathetic




医学英语试题及答案一、选择题1. What does the abbreviation “CBC” stand for?a. Complete Blood Countb. Coronary Bypass Catheterizationc. Computerized Body Checkupd. Computed Tomography Scan答案:a. Complete Blood Count2. Which of the following terms refers to a condition characterized by inflammation of the liver?a. Gastritisb. Hepatitisc. Dermatitisd. Arthritis答案:b. Hepatitis3. Which of the following statements about hypertension is true?a. It is a condition characterized by low blood pressure.b. It is a type of cancer that affects the lungs.c. It is a chronic medical condition characterized by high blood pressure.d. It is an infectious disease caused by a bacterial infection.答案:c. It is a chronic medical condition characterized by high blood pressure.4. What does the abbreviation “MRI” stand for?a. Medical Respiratory Infectionb. Magnetic Resonance Imagingc. Myocardial Infarctiond. Malignant Renal Impairment答案:b. Magnetic Resonance Imaging5. Which of the following organs is responsible for filtering waste products from the blood?a. Liverb. Kidneyc. Stomachd. Lungs答案:b. Kidney二、填空题1. The study of cells is known as ________.答案:Cytology2. The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels is called ________.答案:Cardiology3. The largest organ in the human body is the ________.答案:Skin4. The condition characterized by the inability to see in dim light is called ________.答案:Night blindness5. The abbreviation COPD stands for ________.答案:Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease三、简答题1. What is the function of red blood cells in the human body?答案:The function of red blood cells is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs for elimination.2. Define the term "antibiotic resistance."答案:Antibiotic resistance refers to the ability of bacteria or other microorganisms to resist the effects of antibiotics, making them ineffective in treating infections caused by these resistant organisms.3. What are the symptoms of a heart attack?答案:The symptoms of a heart attack may include chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, pain or discomfort in the arms, jaw, neck, or back, nausea, lightheadedness, and cold sweats.4. Name three ways to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.答案:Three ways to prevent the spread of infectious diseases are proper hand hygiene (such as washing hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer), covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and getting vaccinated.5. What are the four main types of tissue in the human body?答案:The four main types of tissue in the human body are epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue.四、解释题1. Explain the concept of "herd immunity."答案:Herd immunity refers to a situation where a large proportion of a population is immune to a particular infectious disease, either through vaccination or previous exposure to the disease. When a significant portion of the population is immune, it reduces the likelihood of the disease being transmitted to individuals who are not immune, thus providing indirect protection to the entire community.2. What is the difference between a virus and a bacteria?答案:The main difference between a virus and a bacteria is that viruses are considered non-living entities that require a host cell to replicate, whilebacteria are single-celled microorganisms capable of reproducing on their own. Additionally, bacteria can be treated with antibiotics, whereas viruses cannot.3. Describe the process of mitosis.答案:Mitosis is a type of cell division that occurs in somatic cells and results in the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells. The process involves several stages, including prophase (chromosomes condense and become visible), metaphase (chromosomes align in the middle of the cell), anaphase (chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles), and telophase (nuclear membranes form around the separated chromosomes, and the cell divides).4. What is the purpose of an ECG (electrocardiogram)?答案:An ECG is a medical test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. It is used to diagnose and monitor various heart conditions, such as arrhythmias, heart attacks, and abnormalities in heart structure. The test records the electrical signals produced by the heart and displays them as a waveform on a graph, allowing healthcare professionals to evaluate the heart's rhythm and function.5. Define the term "acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)."答案:Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a severe lung condition characterized by inflammation and fluid buildup in the lungs, leading to difficulty breathing and low blood oxygen levels. It is often caused by underlying conditions, such as pneumonia or sepsis, and can resultin respiratory failure. Treatment typically involves supportive care, such as mechanical ventilation, and addressing the underlying cause.以上为医学英语试题及答案的内容。



单词(1分)acceptable daily intake (ADI)每日容许摄入量additive添加物(剂)aerosol气溶胶allergen致敏原,变态反应原aromatics芳香族化合物arrhythmia心律失常biopsy活组织检查bronchitis支气管炎buffer缓冲剂carcinogenesis致癌作用mutagenesis致突变作用coefficient系数teratogenesis致畸作用case-control study病例对照研究cohort study队列研究chromosome染色体detergent去污剂determination测定detoxification解毒作用disintegration衰变nephrotoxicity肾毒性,中毒性肾损害glomeruli [gləʊ'meərjʊlɪ] [医] 血管小球,小球lysozyme ['laɪsəzaɪm]溶菌酶calculi ['kælkjʊlaɪ]结石systolic pressure收缩压diastolic pressure舒张压copper ['kɒpə(r)]铜selenium [sə'li:niəm]硒glial cell神经胶质细胞mortality [mɔ:'tæləti]死亡率proteinuria [prəʊti:n'jʊərɪə]蛋白尿(症)etiology [ˌi:tɪ'ɒlədʒɪ]病因学,病源论etiologic [etɪɒlɒgɪk]病因学的,病原学的calcificatio n [ˌkælsɪfɪ'keɪʃn]钙化glutathione [glu:tə'θaɪəʊn]谷胱甘肽catalase ['kætəleɪs]过氧化氢酶recovery [rɪ‘kʌvərɪ]恢复,复原carcinogen [kɑ:‘sɪnədʒən]致癌物prostate [‘prɒsteɪt]前列腺malignant [mə‘lɪgnənt]恶性的testes [‘testi:z]睾丸(testis的复数)lobe [ləʊb]叶lobular [‘lɒbjʊlə]有小叶的pituitary [pɪ‘tju:ɪtərɪ](脑)垂体adenoma [ ,ædə‘nəʊmə]腺瘤creatinine [kri: ‘ætɪni:n]肌酐prostaglandin [,prɒstə‘glændɪŋ]前列腺素combustion[kəm’bʌstʃən]燃烧,氧化emission[ɪ’mɪʃən]排放,排放物geometric mean几何平均数radioisotope [‘reidiəu ‘aisətəup]放射性同位元素toddler [‘tɒdlə(r)]学步的幼儿mobilization [,məʊbɪlaɪ’zeɪʃn]动员gender [‘dʒendə(r)]性别hematocrit [‘hemətəʊkrɪt]红细胞压积equilibrium [,i:kwɪ’lɪbrɪəm]平衡hemolysis[hɪ‘mɒlɪsɪs]溶血lactation[læk’teɪʃn]哺乳期cortical [‘kɔ:tɪkl]皮质的gray matter(脑的)灰质placenta [plə‘sentə] 胎盘cord blood脐带血hemodilution[hi:məʊdaɪ’ljʊʃən]血液稀释neuropathy[,njʊə‘rɒpəθɪ]神经病synergistic[,sɪnə‘dʒɪstɪk]协同的heme [hi:m]血红素encephalopathy [en ,sefə‘lɒpəθɪ]脑病symptom [‘sɪmptəm]症状lethargy [‘leθədʒɪ] 嗜眠vomiting [‘vɒmɪtɪŋ]呕吐irritability [,ɪrɪtə‘bɪlətɪ] 易怒dizziness [‘dɪzɪnəs] 眩晕ataxia [ə‘tæksiə]共济失调coma [‘kəʊmə] 昏迷sequelae [sɪ‘kwi:li:]后遗症( sequela的名词复数) epilepsy [‘epɪlepsɪ]癫痫cognitive[‘kɒgnətɪv] 认知的choline [‘kəʊli:n]胆碱footdrop [‘fʊtdrɒp]足下垂wristdrop[‘rɪstdrɒp]腕下垂demyelination [di:,maɪələ‘neɪʃən] 脱髓鞘作用axonal [‘æksənəl]轴突的sciatic [saɪ‘ætɪk]坐骨的,坐骨神经的reticulocyte [rɪ‘tɪkjʊləsaɪt]网织红细胞dehydratase [di:‘haɪdrəteɪz]脱水酶porphyrin[‘pɔ:fərɪn]卟啉coproporphyrin [kɒprə‘pɔ:fɪrɪn]粪卟啉coproporphyrinogen[kəprə‘pɔ:fɪrɪnədʒɪn]粪卟啉原bilirubin[,bɪlɪ‘ru:bɪn] 胆红素uric acid[‘jʊrɪk ‘æsɪd]尿酸glycosuria [,glaɪkəʊ‘sjʊərɪə] 糖尿aspartic [ə‘spɑ:tɪk] acid 天冬氨酸glutamic [ɡlu ‘tæmɪk] acid谷氨酸cystine [‘sɪs,ti:n] 胱氨酸atrophy[‘ætrəfi] 萎缩azotemia [æzə‘ti:mɪə]氮质血症nephritis[ne‘fraɪtɪs]肾炎gout[gaʊt] 痛风renin [‘ri:nɪn]肾素/血管紧张素chemotaxis [kemə‘tæk sɪs]趋化作用osteoblast [‘ɒstɪəblæst] 成骨细胞osteoclast [‘ɒstɪəklæst]破骨细胞osteocyte[‘ɒstɪəsaɪt]骨细胞calcitonin[,kælsɪ‘təʊnɪn]降钙素sterility [stə‘rɪlətɪ] 不孕不育motility [məʊ‘tɪlɪtɪ]运动性abortion [ə‘bɔ:ʃən]流产stillbirth [‘stɪl,bəθ]死产preterm delivery[,pri:‘tə:m di‘l ivəri]早产gestational [dʒe‘steɪʃənəl]妊娠期的kallikrein [kælɪ‘kri:ɪn]血管舒缓素汉译英(10个)1.镉是一种较迟发现的有毒金属。



第三部分医学英语的写作任务一标题的写作(Title)标题的结构1. 名词+介词Blindness(视觉缺失)after Treatment for Malignant Hypertension 2. 名词+分词Unilateral Neurogenic Pruritus Following Stroke中风后单侧神经性瘙痒3. 名词+不定式Suggestion to Abolish Icterus Index Determination(黄疸指数测定)where Quantitative Bilirubin Assay(胆红素定量)is Available建议能做胆红素定量的化验室不再做黄疸指数测定4. 名词+同位语Gentamicine, a Selelctive Agent for the isolation of Betahemolytic Streptocc ociβ-溶血性链球菌庆大霉素是分离β-溶血性链球菌的选择性药物5. 名词+从句Evidence that the V-sis Gene Product Transforms by Interaction with the Receptor for Platelet-derived Growth Factor血小板源性生长因子.V-sis 基因产物由血小板生成因子受体相互作用而转化的依据6. 动名词短语Preventing Stroke in patients with Atrial Fibrillation心房纤维性颤动心旁纤颤患者中风预防Detecting Acute Myocardial Infarction(急性心肌梗死)byRadio-immunoassay for Creative Kinase(酐激酶)用放射免疫法测定酐激酶诊断急性心肌梗死7. 介词短语On Controlling Rectal Cancer8. 陈述句Dietary Cholesterol is Co-carcinogenic协同致癌因素for Human Colon Cancer9. 疑问句Home or Hospital BirthsIs Treatment of Borderline Hypertension Good or Bad?注意副标题的作用1.数目:Endoluminal Stent-graft 带支架腔内搭桥for Aortic Aneurysms动脉瘤: A report of 6 cases带支架腔内搭桥治疗动脉瘤的六例报告2.重点:Aorto-arteritis 大动脉炎Chest X-ray Appearance and Its Clinical Significance大动脉炎胸部X线表现及临床意义3.方法:Gallstone Ileus(胆结石梗阻): A Retrospective Study 4.作用:Carcinoembryonic Antigen in Breast-cancer Tissue: A useful prognostic indictor乳腺癌组织中癌胚抗原——一种有用的预后指示5.疑问:Unresolved—Do drinkers have less coronary heart disease? 6.连载顺序:Physical and Chemical Studies of Human Blood Serum: II. A study of miscellaneous Disease conditions人类血清的理论研究:II. 多种病例的研究7.时间:A Collaborative 综合Study of Burn Nursing in China: 1995-1999常见标题句式举例1. 讨论型:Discussion of/ on; An approach to; A probe into; Investigation of; Evaluation of / on汉语中的“初步体会”、“试论”、“浅析”之类的谦辞可以不译。

病理生理学名词解释 pothophysiology definition

病理生理学名词解释 pothophysiology definition

Pathogenesis 发病学: the development of morbid conditions or of disease; more specifically the cellular events and reactions and other pathologic mechanisms occurring in the development of disease.Fever 发热: elevation of body temperature above the normal (37°C),which is caused by the set-point invrease due to pyrogens.Myocardial stunning 心肌顿抑: its refer to After a short period of myocardial ischemia Necrosis does not occur, But induced the structure, Metabolic and functional changes in the delayed recovery after reperfusion phenomenon, characterized by systolic dysfunction.Hepatic insufficiency 肝功能不全: a failure or partial failure of normal liver function, Various factors caused by liver damage severe damage to liver cells to metabolism, secretion, synthesis, detoxification and immune function in a serious obstacle, the body often jaundice, bleeding, secondary infection, renal dysfunction, encephalopathy.multiple organ dysfunction syndrome MODS 多器官功能障碍综合征: failure of two or more organ systems in a critically ill patient because of a complex and interrelated series of events. Following a significant insult.paradoxical alkaluria 反常性碱性尿: renal tubular acidosis –decrease HCO3 reabsorption or decrease H excretion, hyperkalemia lead to decrease renal H excretion so H in urine decreases, and the urine is alkaline instead of acidic.. paradoxical aciduria 反常性酸性尿: in alkalosis when hypokalemia occurs, renal tubular epithelium cells increase HCO3 reabsorption or increase H excretion so H in urine increases and the urine is acidic instead of alkaline. Autoinfusion 自身输液: Forcing the blood from the extremities, as by the application of a bandage or pressure device, to raise the blood pressure and fill vessels in the vital organs.Acute renal failure ARF急性肾功能衰竭:acute decline of renal function results in disturbances of homeostasis, characterized by azotemia, water electrolytes, acid-base imbalance, usually oliguria.Anion gap(AG) 阴离子间隙: The difference between the sum of cations and anions found in plasma or serum. Calcium overload 钙超载: the abnormal increase of intracellular calcium which causes cell injury.Calcium paradox 钙反常: the restoration of normal calcium concentration followed by transient no calcium perfusion my induce lethal cell injury.Conscious disorder 意识障碍: parenchymal mental disorder in which there is impairment of the ability to maintain a warness of self and environmental to respond tp environmental stimuli.Cyanosis 发绀: a bluish coloration of the skin or mucous membranes, caused by concentration of HB in capillaries>50 g/L.Dead space like ventilation死腔样通气: partial alveolar hypofusion without corresponding decrease of ventilation in pulmonary embolism, DIC, pulmonary arteritis.Disseminated intravascular coagulation DIC弥散性血管内凝血:a pathologic syndrome characterized by the disturbance of the balance of coagulation, anticoagulation and fibrinolytic processes, extensive activation of intravascular coagulation and fibrinolysis causes diffusing formation of microthrombus and bleeding.Eccentric hypertrophy离心性肥大:Hypertrophic growth of the walls of a hollow organ, especially the heart, in which the overall size and volume are enlarged.Edema 水肿: an abnormal accumulation of fluid in cells, tissues, or cavities of the body, resulting in swelling. endogenous pyrogen 内生致热源:the pyrogenic cytokines which can increase the set-point of body temperature released by EP- releasing cells.false neurotransmitter 假性神经递质: a biological amine that can be stored in presynaptic vesicles but that has little or no effect on postsynaptic receptors when released into the synaptic cleft.functional shunt 功能性分流: COPD—ventilation decreases with normal blood flow ---- V/Q<0.84 . the process of venous blood flowing through these units have not been totally arterialized and mixes into arterial blood.heart failure心力衰竭:is the inability of the heart to supply adequate blood flow and generate a cardiac putput sufficient to meet the metabolic demands of the body.hemic hypoxia 血液性缺氧:tissue hypoxia which is caused by HB decrease, degeneration or intoxication, blood becomes depleted of oxygen-carrying chemicals.hypotonic hypoxia低张性缺氧: hypoxia which is caused by decreased PaO2 so HB cant be saturated by O2, CaO2 decrease, O2 supply decrease atmospheric and respiratory hypoxia.Circulatory hypoxia循环性缺氧: hypoxia which caused by decreased blood flow, O2 supply decrease ischemic andcongestive hypoxia.Histogenous hypoxia 组织性缺氧: hypoxia which caused by O2 utilization trouble, ATP↓.hepatic encephalopathy肝性脑病: neuropsychiatric syndrome secondary to severe hepatic disease, Hepatic coma is the final stage of hepatic encephalopathy.hyperthermia 过热: greatly increased body temperature without set-point upwards, thermoregulation is out of control or in barrier.hypertonic dehydration高渗性脱水:the condition with water loss>sodium loss which causes Serum sodium concentration>150mmol/L and the osmotic pressure higher than 310mmol/L.hypotonic dehydration 低渗性脱水:the condition with sodium loss>water loss which causes Serum sodium concentration<135mmol/L and the osmotic pressure lower than 280mmol/L.hypoxia缺氧:the pathological process of the metabolic, functional and structural abnormal changes of tissue cells because they cant obtain enough oxygen or cant fully utilize oxygen.ischemia reperfusion injury 缺血再灌注损伤:reperfusion injury refers to damage to tissue caused when blood supply returns to the tissue after period of ischemia.respiratory acidosis 呼吸性酸中毒:Acidosis that is caused by retention of CO2, due to inadequate pulmonary ventilation or hypoventilation, and that results in a decrease in blood pH unless compensated for by renal retention of bicarbonate.restrictive hypoventilation限制性通气不足: alveolar hypoventilation caused by restrictive expansion of the lung (impaired activity of respiratory muscle, decreased compliance of thorax, decreased compliance of lungs, thorax fluidify or pneumothorax).hyperpolarized blocking 超极化阻滞:when neuromuscular irritability is decreased, the muscle will response less readily to neural stimulation.depolarization block去极化阻滞: Paralysis of skeletal muscle associated with loss of polarity of the motor end plate, as occurs following administration of phenomenon 无复流现象:is the failure of blood to reperfuse an ischemic area after the physical obstruction has been removed or bypassed.compensatory antiinflammatory response syndrome CARS代偿性抗炎反应综合征:heper-inflammatory (SIRS) of the immune system with overshooting release of pro-inflammatory mediators may be followed by an anti-inflammatory response characterized by paralysis of immune competence.pathological process病理过程:a process in which some common regular alterations of function, metabolism and structure take place in many difference diseases, e.g. fever, shock etc.microangiopathic hemolytic anemia 微血管病性溶血性贫血:The fragmentation of red blood cells because of narrowing or obstruction of small blood vessels. Induced by some chronic or sbacute DIC because of mechanical injury of red blood cells blocked in the capillaries.health健康: indicates not only without any evidence of disease but also a state of complete well-beingphysically psychologicallyand socially.Disease致病: is refereed as aberrant manifestation of deregulated homeostasis caused by harmful agents. Cardiogenic shock 心源性休克: shock resulting from inadequate cardiac function, as from myocardial infarction or mechanical obstruction; characteristics include hypovolemia, hypotension, cold skin, weak pulse, and confusion. cardiac insufficiency 心功能不全: inability of the heart to perform its function properly; heart failure.休克shock: a condition of acute circulatory failure due to derangement of circulatory control or loss of circulating fluid, lead tissue perfusion reduced greatly, severe dysfunction of vital organs, cell damage and eventurally death. trade-off hypothesis矫枉失衡学说:argued that pathogens would tend to evolve toward ever decreasing virulence because the death of the host (or even serious disability) is ultimately harmful to the pathogen living inside.stress 应激: nonspecific response to variety of stimuli, mainly with the activation of sympathetic adrenal medulla and hypothalamus pituitary adrenocortical axis.General adaption syndrome 全身适应综合征: an expression for prolonged stress which finally leads to homeostasis disorder and disease.systemic inflammatory response syndrome全身炎症反应综合症:uncontrolled systemic inflammatory responsefollowing severe trauma, infection, shock ,burns etc, self continuous amplification and destruction.Equal pressure point 等压点:the point along airway where the intra-airway pressure equals tp the extra-airway pressure.。

研究生医学英语Unit 4翻译

研究生医学英语Unit 4翻译

Unit 4Drug Therapy in the Older Adult老年人的药物治疗Drug therapy in the older adult population is a complex phenomenon influenced by numerous biopsychosocial factors. The elderly are the largest group of consumers of prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. The average older adult uses 4.5 prescriptions and 2.1 OTC medications and fills between 12 to 17 prescriptions yearly. The incidence发生率of adverse有害的drug reactions in the elderly is two to three times that found in young adult. This is considered to be a conservative 保守的estimate估计, because drug reactions are less well recognized in older adults and because reactions can often mimic symptoms of specific disease states.药物治疗在老年人口是一个复杂的现象,因其被众多的生物心理社会因素影响。





【英语学习资料】 医疗行业英语总结

【英语学习资料】   医疗行业英语总结


Medical condition也常用来指疾病。

在英文中,广义上Disease也包括外伤(injury)、残疾(disability)、紊乱(disorder)、综合症(syndrome)、感染(infection)以及非正常行为(deviant behavior)等。




它可以恶化(worsen)或者逐步改善(become better 或者convalesce)。



患者主述称为chief complaint、presenting symptom或者presenting complaint,它指病人看病的原因。

而最终导致诊断(diagnosis)的症状称为主要症状(cardinal symptom)。


Medical sign是医生在体检(physical examination)过程中发现的某种医学事实或者特征。










11.001疮疡sore and ulcer各种致病因素侵袭人体后引起的体表化脓性疾病。




11.005暑疖summer furuncle夏季好发于头面部的疖。

11.006石疖stone furuncle初起有头的疖。

11.007软疖soft furuncle初起无头的疖。

11.008蝼蛄疖folliculitis abscedenset suffodiens 以肿势虽小,但常一处未愈,他处又发;相联如蝼蛄串穴之状为主要表现的疖。

11.009疖病furuncle disease;furunculosis 以疖疮局部红肿热痛,根盘小,脓出即愈,反复发作,常此愈彼起,日久不愈,治疗往往不能控制其再发为主要表现的疾病。

11.010发际疮hairline boils生于项后发际处的疖病。

11.011坐板疮furunculosis of buttock生于臀部的疖病。

11.012疔疮hard furuncle好发于颜面、四肢,以形小根深,坚硬如钉,肿痛灼热,反应剧烈,易于走黄、损筋伤骨为主要表现的疮疡。

11.013颜面疔疮facial hard furuncle生于颜面的疔疮。

11.014唇疔lip furuncle生于唇部的疔疮。

11.015眉疔furuncle on eyebrow生于眉部的疔疮。

11.016颧疔furuncle on cheek生于颧部的疔疮。

11.017承浆疔furuncle on chengjiangpoint生于承浆穴部位的疔疮。

11.018人中疔furuncle on renzhongpoint生于人中穴部位的疔疮。

11.019耳疔furuncle of externalauditory meatus 生于外耳道,以外耳道局限性红肿、突起,状如粟粒或椒目,耳痛较剧为主要表现的疔疮。

医学英语(单词 词组 句子)

医学英语(单词 词组 句子)

医学英语汉译英U1血管造影术:vasography血管紧张:vasotonia组织细胞:histocyte组织细胞瘤:histocytoma发育徐缓:bradygenesis呼吸徐缓:bradypnea药物记载学:pharmacography药物癖:pharmacomania病原体:pathogen发病机理:pathogenesis微动脉造影术:microarteriography 微生物血症:microbiohemia血钙过多:hypercalcemia发育过度:hypergenesis成血细胞瘤:leucocytosis溶血素:hemolysin纤维蛋白原:fibrinogene纤维蛋白原的:fibrinogenic中性白细胞:neutrocyte中性白细胞增多:cytosis单肾的:mononephrous单狂:monomania腹膜造影术:peritoneography腹膜炎:pertonitisU2心肌病:myopathy成肌细胞瘤:myoblastoma动脉外膜炎:periarteritis周皮细胞瘤:pericytoma风湿痛:rheumatalgia风湿性硬化:rheumatosclerosis成内皮细胞瘤:endoblastoma内窥镜:endoscope脑室造影照片:ventriculogram脑室镜:ventriculoscope多小结的:multinodular多核的:multinuclear粒细胞减少:granulopenia肉芽肿的:granulomuatous神经衰弱:neurasthenia神经萎缩:neuratrophy心电图:electrocardiogram电疗法:electrotherapy腹腔积液:seroperitoneum血清容素:serolysinU3血小板紊乱:thrombopathy血栓性动脉炎:thromboarteritis败血症:septicemia脓毒败血症:septicopyemia神经纤维瘤:fibroneuroma纤维癌(硬癌):fibrocarcinoma 脓性心包炎:pyopericarditis绿脓菌病:pyocynosis死亡统计学:necrology尸体剖检:necroscopy青色尿:cyanuria 蓝视症:cyanopia嗜创伤癖:traumatophilia外伤病:traumatopathy胰腺切除:pancreatectomy胰激酶:pancreatokinaseU4脓液郁阻:ischopyosis胆汁闭止:ischocholia凝固酶:coagulase凝血致活酶:coagulin血浆过多:polyplasmia多肌麻痹:polyplegia巨人症:macrogenesis长寿(延年):macrobiosis粉瘤病:atheromatosis粥样坏死:atheronecrosis核周的:circumnuclear肾周的:circumrenal自血溶解:autohemolysis自体移植:autoplasty星球腔:astrocele成星球细胞瘤:astroblastoma 胶质肌瘤:gliomyoma胶质纤维瘤:gliofibroma偏身肌无力:hemimyasthenia 单侧萎缩:hemiatrophyU5染色体:chromosome色素固定:chromopexy肾病:renopathy促肾增大的:renotrophic血管痉挛:angiospasm血管张力过强:angiohypertonia 前列腺切除:prostatectomy前列腺肥大:prostatauxe英译汉U1vasodilator:血管扩张药vasoconstrictor:血管收缩药histoblast:成组织细胞histocytosis:组织细胞增多症bradycardia:心动徐缓bradykinesia:运动徐缓pharmacotherapy:药物疗法parmacodiagnosis:药物诊断pathography:病情记录patholysis:疾病消失hyperkinesias:运动过度hypermyotonia:肌张力过度lecuolysin:白细胞溶素lecuogenesis:白细胞生成hemogenic:血生成的hemocytology:血液细胞学fibrinogenemia:纤维蛋白原血症fibrinogenolysis:纤维蛋白原溶解peritoneoalgia:腹膜痛peritoneoscopy:腹膜镜检U2myo-asthenia:肌无力myo-atrophy:肌肉萎缩pericardectomy:心包切除术periodontitis:牙周炎rheumatosis:风湿病rheumatogenic:致风湿病的endometritis:子宫内膜炎endothelioma:内皮瘤ventriculostomy:脑室造口术ventriculography:脑室造影术granuloma:肉芽肿granulomatosis:肉芽肿病neuralgia:神经痛neuroarthropathy:神经性关节病serodermatitis: 浆液性皮炎serolipase:血清脂酶U3thrombocytopenia:血小板减少症thromboangititis:血栓性脉管炎septicogenic:致腐败的septicophlebitis:脓毒性静脉炎fibroadenoma:纤维腺瘤fibroangioma:纤维血管瘤pyoarthrosis:关节积脓pyonephritis:脓性肾炎cyanopathy:发绀病cyanemia:绀血症necrodermatitis:坏死性皮炎necropneumonia:肺坏疽traumatogenic:致创伤的traumatism:创伤病pancreatolipase:胰脂酶pancreatosarcoma:胰内瘤U4ischochymia:糜郁阻schomenia:月经停止coagulotomy:凝切开coagulometer:血凝度计polyadenitis:多腺炎polyarthritis:多关节炎macrocephalia:巨头macrocolon:巨结肠atherosclerosis:动脉粥样硬化atherogenesis:动脉粥样硬化形成autoserodiagnosis:自体血清诊断autolaryngoscopy:自检喉镜检查astrobiology:天体生物学astrocytoma:星形细胞瘤gliosarcoma:胶质肉瘤gliomyxoma:胶质粘液瘤hemialgia:偏侧痛hemianesthesia:偏身麻木U5chromoplast:有色体chromogenesis:色素形成renography:肾X线照相术renopuncture:肾穿刺angiotomy:脉管切开术angiofibroma:血管纤维瘤prostatalgia:前列腺痛prostatitis:前列腺炎词组U1血管通透性:vascular permeability药物活性物质:pharmacologically active substances局部血液动力学作用:local haemodynamic forces炎性水肿:inflammatory odema白细胞游离:leucocyte emigration浆液性渗出:serous exudate非类固醇抗炎药物:non-steroidal anti-inflammatories粘液性分泌亢进:excess mucous secretion卡他性炎症:catarrhal inflammation致炎因子:causal agentU2非特异性间质性心肌炎:nonspecific interstitial myocarditis散布在整个心肌间质中:be scattered throughout the interstitialtissue of the myocardium阿绍夫小体:Aschoff bodies来源于心肌细胞的原发性损伤:to origunate from primary injury to heart muscle cells引起各种心电图变化:to be responsible for various electrocardiographic changes在疾病的后期:in the later stages of the disease伴有心包的炎症变化:to be associated with inflammatory changes in the pericardium风湿热的特征性表现:the distinctive features of the rheumatic fever纤维素性化脓性心包炎:the fibrinopurulent pericarditis心包纤维性粘连:pericardial fibrous adhesionsU3肺动脉血栓栓塞:pulmonary thrombo-embolism原来健康的人:previous healthy individuals多发性小栓子:multiple small emboli脂肪栓塞综合症:fat embolus syndrome主要归因于缺氧:attributable largely to hypoxia广泛的点状出血:widespread petechial haemorrhages易于发生于颈部创伤:to be liable to happen in neck wounds慢性肺动脉高血压:chronic pulmonary arterial hypertension与血液搅拌在一起:to become churned up with blood阻塞肺动脉血液循环:to block the pulmonary arterial circulationU4绕过阻塞部分:beyond the point of obstructions完全闭塞:complete occlusion缺血的严重性和持续时间:the severity and duration of the ischaemia凝固性或液化性坏死:coagulative or colliquative necrosis游走到死亡组织中:to migrate into the dead issue当其老化时:as it ages死于心衰:death from heart failure伴有散在出血:with scattered haemorrhages附加栓塞性血栓形成:supperadded occlusive thrombosis对缺血异常敏感:to be remarkably susceptible to ischaemiaU5血管外周阻力:the peripheral vascular resistance平均盐摄入量:average salt intake慢性肾衰性高血压:the hypertension of chronic renal failure基础代谢缺陷:fundamental metabolic defect继发于肾脏疾病:secondary to renal disease良性特发性高血压:benign essential hypertension值得考虑:to deserve consideration积极治疗:aggressive therapy脑血管意外:cerebralvascular accident血管收缩物质:vasoconstrictor substances句子翻译U11.在急性炎症的复杂环境中,补体系统可通过不同的途径激活。



药学英语Unit14TextB注释及译文Text B How Does FDA Approve New Drugs?Under current law, all new drugs need proof that they are effective, as well as safe, before they can be approved for marketing. But it’s important to realize that no drug is absolutely safe. There is always some risk of an adverse reaction. It’s when the benefits outweigh the risks that FDA considers a drug safe enough to approve.1.outweigh [a u tˊwe?] vt. 在重量上超过;在重要性或价值方面超过根据现行法规,对于所有新药,只有经确认安全、有效,才会被批准上市。



因此,只有认定某种药物的益处大于其风险时,FDA 才会认为某种药物足够安全,可批准其上市。

In fact, it was only 25 years ago that U.S. drug law first embraced the idea of risk vs. benefit that now the key to new drugs approval. Providing evidence of safety before marketing was first required by Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act in 1938, but not until the Drug Amendments of 1962 did firms also have to show a drug’s effectiveness before marketing. Before any drug gets on the market today, FDA decides—as quickly as a thorough evaluation allows—whether the studies submitted by the drug’s sponsor(usually the manufacturer) show it to be safe and effective for its intend use.1.embrace [im'breis] vt. 包括; 包含;接受;信奉, 皈依vt. & vi.拥抱n.拥抱, 怀抱2.cosmetic [k?z'metik]n.化妆品adj.化妆用的; 美容的;装点门面的Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act联邦食品、药品和化妆法案3.Drug Amendments [?'mendm?nts] 药品法修正案4.thorough ['θ?r?u] adj.彻底的;十足的;考虑周到的5.sponsor ['sp?ns?] vt.赞助, 发起, 主办n. 申办者事实上,直到25年前美国药品管理法才刚刚引入“风险-益处评估”的概念。



医学考博真题Listening:无Vocabulary:Section A31. According to the Geneva ______no prisoners of war shall be subject to abuse.A. CustomsB. CongressesC. ConventionsD. Routines32. Environmental officials insist that something be done to ______acid rain.A. curbB. sueC. detoxifyD. condemn33. It is impossible to say how it will take place, because it will happen______, and it will not be a long process.A. spontaneouslyB. simultaneouslyC. principallyD. approximately34. Diabetes is one of the most______ and potentially dangerous disease in the world.A. crucialB. virulentC. colossalD. prevalent35. Rheumatologist advises that those with ongoing achesand pains first seek medical help to ______the problem.A. affiliateB. alleviateC. aggravateD. accelerate36. How is it possible that such______ deception has come to take place right under our noses?A. obviousB. significantC. necessaryD. widespread37. Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from ______on earth rather than bacteria on Mars.A. configurationB. constitutionC. condemnationD. contamination38. Chronic high-dose intake of vitamin A has been shown to have ______effects on bones.A. adverseB. prevalentC. instantD. purposeful39. Generally, vaccine makers _____ the virus in fertilized chicken eggs in a process that can take four to six months.A. penetrateB. designateC. generateD. exaggerate40. We are much quicker to respond, and we respond far too quickly by giving ______ to our anger.A. ventB. impulseC. temperD. offenceSection B41. The patient's condition has worsened since last night.A. improvedB. returnedC. deterioratedD. changed42. Beijing Television-Station Transmitting Tower really looks magnificent at night when it’s lit up.A. decoratedB. illustratedC. illuminatedD. entertained43. Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.A. amelioratedB. aggregatedC. deterioratedD. duplicated44. The applications of genetic engineering are abundant and choosing one appropriate for this case can be rather difficult.A. sufficientB. plentifulC. adequateD. countable45. The defect occurs in the first eight weeks of pregnancy, though no one understands why.A. deficitB. deviationC. draw backD. discrepancy46. He has been on hormone alternate therapy for four years and looks fantastic.A. successorB. replacementC. surrogateD. choice47. It had over 2,000 apartment complexes, a great market, a large number of industrial workshops, an administrative center, a number of massive religious edifices, and a regular grid pattern of streets and buildings.A. ancientB. carefullyC. very largeD. carefully protected48. When patients spend extended periods in hospital, they tend to become overly dependent and lose interest in taking care of themselves.A. extremelyB. exclusivelyC. exactlyD. explicitly49. The anxious parent was vigilant over the injured child in spite of a full array of emergency room of doctors and nurses.A. preoccupiedB. unwaryC. watchfulD. dozing50. The doctor vacillated so frequently on disease-prevention techniques that his colleagues accused him of inconsistency.A. waveredB. instigatedC. experimentedD. reliedClozeWe spend a lot of time looking at the eyes of others for social 51 —it helps us understand a person’ emotions, and make decisions about how to respond to them. We also know that adults avoid eye contact when anxious. But researchers have known far 52 about eye gazing patterns in children.According to new research by Kalina Michalska, assistant professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, we now, know that anxious children tend to avoid making eye contact, and this has consequences for how they experience fear. The 53 and less frequently they look at the eyes of others, the more likely they are to be afraid of them, even when there may be no reason to be. Her study, “Anxiety Symptom s and Children's Eye Gaze During Fear Leaming”, was published in the journal The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry."Looking at someone’s eyes helps us understand whether a person is feeling sad, angry, fearful, or surprised. As adults, we then make decisions about how to respond and what to do next. But, we know much less about eye patterns in children—so, understanding those patterns can help us learn more about the development of social learning,” Michalska said.Michalska and the team of researchers showed 82 children, 9 to 13 years old, images of two women’s faces on a computer screen. The computer was equipped with an eye tracking device that allowed them to measure 54 on the screen children were looking, and for how long. The participants were originally shown each of the two women a total of four times. Next, one of the images was 55 with a loud scream and a fearful expression, and the other one was not. At the end, children sawboth faces again without any sound or scream.The following three conclusions can be drawn from the study:1. All children spent more time looking at the eyes of a face that was paired with the loud scream than the face that was not paired with the scream, 56 they pay attention to potential threats even in the absence of outward cues.2. Children who were more anxious avoided eye contact during all three phases of the experiment, for both kinds of faces. This had consequences for how afraid they were of the faces.3. The more children avoided eye contact;the more afraid they were 57 the faces.The conclusions suggest that children spend more time looking at the eyes of a face when previously paired with something frightening suggesting they pay more attention to potentially threatening information as a way to learn more about the situation and plan what to do next.However, anxious children tend to avoid making eye contact, which leads to greater 58 experience. Even though avoiding eye contact may reduce anxiety 59 , the study finds that—over time—children may be missing out 60_ important social information. This includes that a person may no longer be threatening or scary, and yet the child continues feeling fearful of that person.51. A. environment B. cues C. relations D. answers52. A. less B. more C. enough D. beyond53. A. longer B. more anxious C. shorter D. more54. A. where B. when C. how D. what55. A. followed B. recorded C. paired D. marked56. A. suggest B. suggesting C. suggests D. being suggested57. A. to B. of D. about58. A. fear B. surprise C. sad D. angry59. A. in the long run B. for a long timeC. in the short timeD. in a long time60. A. with B. without C. of D. onReading ComprehensionPassage OneThe British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that separation from the parents during the sensitive “attachment” p eriod from birth to three may sca r a child’s personality and predispose to emotional problems in later life.Some people have drawn the conclusion from Bowlby' s work that children should not be subjected to day care before the age of three because of the parental separation it entails, and many people do believe this. It has been argued that an infant under three who is cared for outside the home may suffer because of the separation from his parents. But there are also arguments against such a strong conclusion.But traditional societies are so different from modem societies that comparisons based on just one factor are hard to interpret. Firstly, anthropologists point out that the insulated love affair between children and parents found in modem societies does not usually exist in traditional societies. For example, in some tribal societies, such as the Ngoni, the father and mother of a child did not rear their infant alone—far from it.Certainty, Bowlby’s analysis raises the pos sibilities that early day care had delayed effects. The possibility that such care might lead to, say, more mental illness or crime 15 or 20 years later can only explored by the use of statistics. However, statistical studies of this kind have not yet been carried out, and even if they were, the results would certainly be complicated and controversial. Secondly, common sense tells us that day care would not be so widespread today if parents, care-takers found children had problems with it. Thirdly, in the last decade, there have been a number of careful American studies of children in day care, and they have uniformly reported that care had a neutral or slightly positive effect on childre n’s development.Whatever the long-term effects, parents sometimes find the immediate effects difficult to deal with. Children under three are likely to protest at leaving their parents and show unhappiness. At the age of three or three and a half almost all children find the transition to nursery easy,and this is undoubtedly why more and more parents make use of child care at this time. The matter, then, is far from clear-cut, though experience and available evidence indicate early care is reasonable for infants.61. According to the passage, the consequence of parental separation________.A. still needs more statistical studiesB. has been found negative is more seriousC. is obviousD. in modem times62. The author thinks that John Bowlby’s concern___________.A. is relevant and justifiableB. is too strong to RelieveC. is utterly groundlessD. has something that deserve our attention63. What’s the result of American studies of children in day care in the last decade?A. The children’s unhappiness and protest was due to the day car e the children received.B. The bad effects of parental separation were hard to deal with.C. The effect of day care was not necessarily negative on children’s development.D. Early care was reasonable for babies since it’s practiced by so many people nowadays.64. According to the passage, which of the following is probably a reason for parents to send their children under three to day care?A. They don’t know about day care’s negative effect.B. They are too busy to care for their children.C. They want their children to be independent as early as possible.D. They want to facilitate their children to adapt to nursery at the age of about three.65. What’s the author’s attitude to people who have drawn the conclusion from Bowlby’s work that children should not be subjected to day care before the age of three?A. He supports most of their belief because Bowlby's proposition is well-grounded.B. He is sympathetic for them, for he thinks they have been misled by Bowlby.C. He doesn't totally agree with them, since the long-termeffect of day care still needs further study.D. He doesn't quite understand them, as they are contradictory in themselves. Passage TwoBy the end of this century, the average world temperature is expected to increase between one and four degrees, with widespread effects on rainfall, sea levels and animal habitats. But in the Arctic, where the effects of climate change are most intense, the rise in temperature could be twice as much.Understanding how Arctic warming will affect the people, animals, plant and marine life and econom ic activity in Canada’s North are important to the country's future, says Kent Moore, an atmospheric physicist at University of Toronto Mississauga who is participating in a long-term, international study of the marine ecosystem along the Beaufort Sea, from Alaska to the Mackenzie delta.The study will add to our knowledge of everything from the extent of sea ice in the region to how fish stocks will change to which areas could become targets for oil and gas exploration to the impact on the indigenous people who call this part of the country home.Moore, who has worked in the Arctic for more than 20 years, says his research hasalready found that thinning sea ice and changes in wind patterns are causing an important change in the marine food chain: phytoplankton(淳游植物)is blooming two to three weeks earlier. Many animals time their annual migration to the Arctic for when food is plentiful, and have not adapted to the earlier bloom. " ' Animals' behavior can evolve over a long time, but these climate changes are happening in the space of a decade, rather than hundreds of year s, ” says Moore, " Animals can't changetheir behavior that quickly. ”A warmer Arctic is expected to have important effects on human activity in the region, as the Northwest Passage becomes navigable during the summer, and resource extraction becomes more feasible. Information gained from the study will help government, industry and communities make decisions about resource management, economic development and environmental protection.Moore says the study—which involves Canadian, American and European researchers and government agencies will also use a novel technology to gather atmospheric data: remotely piloted drones. "The drones have the capability of a large research aircraft,and they’re easier to deploy,” he says, showing the researchers to gather information on a more regular basis than they would be able to with piloted aircraft.66. By the end of this century, according to the author, global warming will ______.A. start to bring about extreme weather events to humans and animalsB. increase the average world temperature by four degreesC. cause more damages to the whole world than expectedD. affect the Arctic more than any other parts of the earth67.To help understand the destructive mechanism of Arctic warming, as indicated by the passage, the international study ______.A. is conducted with every single discipline of University of TorontoB. pioneers in pursuing the widespread effects of climate changeC. involves so many countries for different intended to deal with various aspects in research68. When he ways, “Animals can’t change their behavior that quickly,” what does Moore mean by that quickly?A. The migration of the animals to the Arctic.B. The widespread effects of global warming.C. The rate of the climate change in the Arctic.D.The phytoplankton within the marine ecosystem.69. According to the author, to carry out proper human activities in the Arctic______.A. becomes more difficult than ever beforeB. is likely to build a novel economy in the regionC. will surely lower the average world temperatureD. needs the research-based supporting information70. With the drones deployed, as Moore predicts, the researchers will _______.A. involve more collaborating countries than they do nowB. get more data to be required for their researchC. use more novel technologies in researchD. conduct their research at a regular basisPassage ThreeHaving too much caffeine during pregnancy may impair baby’s liver development and increase the risk of liver disease in adulthood, according to a study published in the Journal of Endocrinology. Pregnant rats given caffeine had offspring with lower birth weights, altered growth and stress hormone levels and impaired liver development. The study findings indicate that consumption of caffeine equivalent to 2-3 cups of coffee may alter stress and growth hormone levels in a manner that can impair growth and development, and increase the risk of liver disease in adulthood.Previous studies have indicated that prenatal caffeine intake of 300 mg/day or more in women, which is approximately 2 to 3 cups coffee per day, can result in lowerbirth。



症状的作文英文怎么写英文:Symptoms can be a sign of an underlying health issue. It is important to pay attention to any changes in our body and seek medical attention if necessary. Some common symptoms include fever, headache, cough, fatigue, and body aches.For example, if I have a fever, it could be a sign of an infection or inflammation in my body. If I have a headache, it could be due to stress or a migraine. If I have a cough, it could be a symptom of a respiratory infection or allergies. If I feel fatigued and have body aches, it could be a sign of a viral illness or autoimmune disorder.It is important to note that symptoms can vary from person to person and it is always best to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.中文:症状可能是潜在健康问题的信号。





GenRx Diltiazem CD Contains the active ingredient, diltiazem hydrochlorideFor a copy of a large print leaflet, ph 1800 195 055 Consumer Medicine InformationWhat is in this leaflet Read this leaflet carefully before taking your medicine Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you do not understand anything or are worried about taking your medicine.This leaflet answers some common questions about diltiazem.It does not contain all the available information.It does not take the place of talking to your doctor or pharmacist.The information in this leaflet was last updated on the date listed on the last page. Some more recent information on your medicine may be available. Speak to your pharmacist or doctor to obtain the most up-to-date information.All medicines have risks and benefits. Your doctor has weighed the risks of you using this medicine against the benefits they expect it will have for you.Keep this leaflet with your medicine.You may want to read it again.What diltiazem is used forThe name of your medicine is GenRx Diltiazem CD. It contains the active ingredient diltiazem hydrochloride. Diltiazem belongs to a group of medicines known as calcium channel blockers or calcium antagonists.The capsules are designed to releasethe active ingredient over 24 hoursand can be taken once a day (CDstands for "controlled delivery").These medicines work by opening upblood vessels, which lowers bloodpressure and lets more blood andoxygen reach the heart. They do notchange the amount of calcium inyour blood or bones.The capsules are used by somepeople to treat hypertension (highblood pressure), by others to preventangina and by some people to treatboth of these conditions at the sametime.Angina:Angina is a pain or uncomfortablefeeling in the chest, often spreadingto the arms and neck, and sometimesthe shoulders and back. This may becaused by not enough blood andoxygen getting to the heart. Anginais usually brought on by exercise orstress.Hypertension:Everyone has blood pressure. Thispressure helps move your bloodaround your body. Your bloodpressure may be different at differenttimes of the day, depending on howbusy or worried you are. You havehypertension (high blood pressure)when your blood pressure stayshigher than is needed, even when youare calm and relaxed.There are usually no symptoms ofhypertension. The only way ofknowing that you have hypertensionis to have your blood pressurechecked on a regular basis. You mayfeel fine and have no symptoms, butif high blood pressure is not treated,it can lead to serious healthproblems.Your doctor may have prescribed thismedicine for another reason.Ask your doctor if you have anyquestions about why this producthas been prescribed for you.There is no evidence that diltiazem isaddictive.This medicine is available only witha doctor's prescription.Use in childrenThere is not enough information torecommend the use of this medicinein children.Before you takediltiazemWhen you must not take itDo not take diltiazem if you havehad an allergy to:*diltiazem*other calcium channel blockers*any of the ingredients listed at theend of this leaflet.Symptoms of an allergic reaction todiltiazem may include:*shortness of breath, wheezing ordifficulty breathing*swelling of the face, lips, tongueor other parts of the body*rash, itching or hives of the skin. Do not take this medicine if the packaging is torn or shows signs of tampering or if the capsules show visible signs of deterioration.Do not take this medicine after the expiry date (EXP) printed on the pack.If you take this medicine after the expiry date has passed, it may not work as well.Do not give this medicine to a child unless directed by your child's doctor.The safety and efficacy of diltiazem in children have not been established and therefore is not recommended. Before you start to take it Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to any other medicines, foods, dyes or preservatives.Tell your doctor if you have or have ever had any other health problems / medical conditions, including:*kidney or liver disease*diabetes*other heart conditions*heart failure*low blood pressure*certain other heart conditions, for example, slow or irregular heartbeats (unless you have apacemaker), or disease of theheart muscle*heart attack or other heart-related complications.Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are pregnant, intend to become pregnant, are breast-feeding or plan to breast-feed.Diltiazem passes into breast milk. There is a possibility that thebreast-fed baby may be affected and therefore you must not breastfeed.If you have not told your doctor about any of the above, tell them before you start taking this medicine.If you are 65 years or older, youshould be especially careful whiletaking diltiazem. Report any sideeffects promptly to your doctor. Aspeople grow older, they are morelikely to get side effects frommedicines.Taking other medicinesTell your doctor if you are takingany other medicines, includingmedicines that you buy without aprescription from your pharmacy,supermarket or health food shop.Some medicines may interfere withdiltiazem.These include:*beta-blockers such as propranololor atenolol*digoxin (medicine used to treatheart failure)*cimetidine or ranitidine(medicines used to treat refluxand stomach ulcers)*benzodiazepines e.g. diazepam,midazolam, triazolam (medicinesused to treat anxiety)*cyclosporin (medicine used tosuppress the immune system)*amiodarone (medicine used totreat irregular heart beats)*inhalation anaesthetics such ashalothane, isoflurane, enflurane(for surgery)*medicines for angina such asglyceryl trinitrate or isosorbidedinitrate*medicines for high bloodpressure*simvastatin, lovastatin,pravastatin (for lowering yourblood cholesterol)*dantrolene (a muscle relaxant)*digoxin (a medicine for heartfailure)*buspirone (a medicine foranxiety)*carbamazepine (an antiepileptic)*lithium (an antipsychotic)*theophylline (a medicine forasthma)*rifampicin (an antibiotic)Some medicines may affect the wayothers work. Your doctor orpharmacist will be able to tell youwhat to do when taking diltiazemwith other medicines.How to take thismedicineHow much to takeThe capsules should be taken once aday, preferably at the same timeevery day. Your doctor will tell youhow often and how much to take.Follow all directions given to youby your doctor or pharmacistcarefully.They may differ from theinformation contained in this leaflet.If you do not understand theinstructions on the label, ask yourdoctor or pharmacist for help.How to take itSwallow the capsules with a fullglass of water. Do not chew thecapsules.When to take itTake the capsules at about thesame time each day.Taking this medicine at the sametime each day will have the besteffect. It will also help youremember when to take yourmedicine.It does not matter if you take thecapsules before or after food.How long to take itYour medicine helps control yourangina and/or blood pressure but donot cure it. Therefore the capsulesmust be taken every day. Continuetaking the capsules for as long asyour doctor tells you to.Do not stop taking the capsules without first checking with your doctor.If you are taking this medicine for angina, your doctor may wish to gradually reduce the amount of medicine you are taking before stopping completely. This may help reduce the chance of your angina worsening.If you forget to take itIf it is almost time for your next dose, skip the dose you missed and take your next dose when you are meant to. Otherwise, take it as soon as you remember and then go back to taking it as you would normally.Do not take a double dose to make up for the dose that you missed.This may increase the chance of you getting an unwanted side effect.If you have trouble remembering when to take your medicine, ask your pharmacist for some hints.If you are not sure what to do, ask your doctor or pharmacist.If you take too much (overdose)Immediately telephone your doctor or Poisons Information Centre (telephone 13 11 26), or go to the Accident & Emergency department at your nearest hospital, if you think you or anyone else may have taken too much diltiazem.Do this even if there are no signs of discomfort or poisoning.You may need urgent medical attention. Keep these telephone numbers handy.Symptoms of an overdose may include dizziness, a slow or irregular heart beat or pain in the left arm and chest.While you are takingdiltiazemThings you must doBe sure to keep all of your doctor'sappointments so that yourprogress can be checked.If you become pregnant while youare taking diltiazem, tell yourdoctor immediately.If you plan to have surgery thatneeds a general anaesthetic, tellyour doctor or dentist that you aretaking diltiazem.Your blood pressure may dropsuddenly.If you are about to be started onany new medicines, tell your doctoror pharmacist that you are takingdiltiazem CD.Tell any other doctors, dentists andpharmacists who are treating youthat you are taking diltiazem.Things you must not doDo not stop taking your medicine,or lower the dosage, withoutchecking with your doctor.If you are taking this medicine forangina, stopping the capsulessuddenly may bring on an anginaattack. Your doctor may want you togradually reduce the amount ofdiltiazem you are taking beforestopping completely.Do not give your medicine toanyone else, even if they have thesame condition as you.Do not use your medicine to treatany other complaints unless yourdoctor tells you to.Things to be careful ofAs with other calcium channelblocker medicines, diltiazem maycause dizziness or light-headednessin some people.Make sure you know how you reactto GenRx Diltiazem CD before youdrive a car, operate machinery, or doanything else that could bedangerous if you are dizzy orlight-headed.Side effectsTell your doctor or pharmacist assoon as possible if you do not feelwell while you are taking yourmedicine.GenRx Diltiazem CD helps mostpeople with angina or high bloodpressure, but it may have unwantedside effects in a few people. If youare over 65 years of age you mayhave an increased chance of gettingside effects.All medicines can have side effects.Sometimes they are serious, most ofthe time they are not. You may needmedical treatment if you get some ofthe side effects.Ask your doctor or pharmacist toanswer any questions you mayhave.Tell your doctor if you notice anyof the following and they worryyou:*swelling of the ankles or fingers*flushing*headache*nausea*light-headedness*weakness or tiredness.These side effects are usually mild.Tell your doctor immediately, orgo to Accident & Emergency atyour nearest hospital if you noticeany of the following:*you feel continuously dizzy orlight headed*your heart beats irregularly,slowly, or very quickly*rash or hives*pain, which may be severe, inyour left arm and chest*shortness of breath, sometimeswith tiredness, weakness andreduced ability to exercise, whichmay occur together with swellingof the feet or legs, due to fluidbuild up.These may be serious side effects. You may need medical attention. Serious side effects are rare.Do not be alarmed by this list of possible side effects.You may not experience any of them.After taking this medicineStorageKeep your medicine in the pack until it is time to take it.If you take your medicine out of the pack, it may not keep wellKeep your capsules in a cool dry place where the temperature stays below 25 degrees C.Do not store any medicines in the bathroom or near a sink.Do not leave them in the car or on windowsills.Heat and dampness can destroy some medicines.Keep your medicines where children cannot reach them.A locked cupboard at leastone-and-a-half metres above the ground is a good place to store medicines.DisposalIf your doctor tells you to stop taking this medicine, or the expiry date has passed, ask your pharmacist what to do with any that are left over.Where to go for further informationPharmaceutical companies are not in a position to give people an individual diagnosis or medical advice. Your doctor or pharmacist is the best person to give you advice on the treatment of your condition.Product descriptionWhat GenRx Diltiazem CDlooks likeThe 180 mg capsules are lightturquoise blue and light blue opaquecapsules. "APO 180" is printed onthem in white ink.The 240 mg capsules are light bluecapsules. "APO 240" is printed onthem in white ink.The capsules are available in bottlesof 30 capsules.IngredientsThe capsules contain:Active ingredient:Diltiazem hydrochloride 180 mg or240 mg.Other inactive ingredients:*methylcellulose*microcrystalline cellulose*tributyl citrate*polysorbate 80*talc*eudragit*methacrylic acid copolymer*gelatin*Brilliant blue FCF CI42090*titanium dioxide.GenRx Diltiazem CD capsules do notcontain lactose, sucrose, gluten ortartrazine.Australian RegistrationNumbersGenRx Diltiazem CD 180 mgcapsules (bottles):AUST R 90918GenRx Diltiazem CD 240 mgcapsules (bottles):AUST R 90922SponsorApotex Pty Ltd66 Waterloo RoadNorth Ryde NSW 2113AustraliaGenRx is a registered trade mark ofApotex Pty Ltd.This leaflet was prepared in:June 2008.。



动脉粥样硬化的诊断标准英文回答:Diagnosis of atherosclerosis is based on a combinationof clinical assessment, imaging techniques, and laboratory tests. There are several criteria used to diagnose atherosclerosis, including:1. Symptoms: The presence of symptoms such as chestpain (angina), shortness of breath, fatigue, or leg pain while walking (claudication) may indicate the presence of atherosclerosis. These symptoms occur due to reduced blood flow to the affected organs or tissues.2. Physical examination: A physical examination may reveal signs of atherosclerosis, such as weak or absent pulses in the extremities, a bruit (abnormal sound) over an artery, or signs of organ damage, such as an enlarged heart.3. Imaging tests: Various imaging techniques can beused to visualize the arteries and detect the presence of atherosclerosis. These include:Ultrasound: Doppler ultrasound can assess blood flow and detect narrowing or blockages in the arteries.Computed tomography angiography (CTA): This non-invasive imaging technique uses X-rays and computer processing to create detailed images of the arteries.Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA): MRA uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create images of the arteries.Coronary angiography: This invasive procedureinvolves injecting a contrast dye into the coronaryarteries and taking X-ray images to visualize any blockages.4. Laboratory tests: Blood tests can provide valuable information about the risk factors and presence of atherosclerosis. These tests may include:Lipid profile: Measures the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.C-reactive protein (CRP): Elevated levels of CRP indicate inflammation, which is associated with atherosclerosis.Homocysteine: Increased levels of homocysteine are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis.In addition to these diagnostic criteria, atherosclerosis can also be diagnosed through the presence of plaques in the arteries during surgery or autopsy.中文回答:动脉粥样硬化的诊断是基于临床评估、影像技术和实验室检查的综合判断。



关于霍乱的英语作文Cholera: A Deadly but Preventable Disease.Cholera, a devastating intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, has been a scourge of humanity for centuries. This disease, which is transmitted through contaminated water or food, can lead to severe dehydration and, in extreme cases, death. Despite its devastating effects, cholera is entirely preventable and treatable.The symptoms of cholera usually appear within a few hours to five days after exposure. The initial symptoms include sudden onset of watery diarrhea, which can be severe and frequent. This is accompanied by cramps and vomiting. If untreated, the condition can rapidly lead to dehydration, which can be fatal. Other symptoms may include muscle cramps, loss of skin elasticity, and a rapid heartbeat.Cholera is transmitted primarily through the fecal-oral route. This means that the bacterium is ingested when people consume food or water that has been contaminated with feces from an infected person or animal. The bacterium can also survive in aquatic environments, particularly in water that is stagnant or poorly chlorinated. As a result, cholera outbreaks are often associated with poor sanitation and hygiene practices, as well as inadequate water treatment and supply.While the disease can affect people of all ages, it is particularly dangerous for young children and the elderly, as they are more susceptible to dehydration. Additionally, people with compromised immune systems or existing health conditions may also be at higher risk.Fortunately, cholera is entirely preventable. The key to prevention lies in proper hygiene practices,particularly handwashing with soap and water after using the toilet and before eating. Additionally, drinking water should be boiled or treated with a safe water treatment agent, and food should be cooked properly and stored inclean containers.In terms of treatment, the mainstay is the replacement of lost fluids and electrolytes to prevent dehydration. Oral rehydration solutions, which contain a specific balance of salts and sugar, are the most effective and widely used treatment for cholera. These solutions can be administered at home or in health care facilities. In severe cases, intravenous fluids may be required. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to shorten the duration of the illness and reduce the risk of complications.The global effort to combat cholera has made significant progress in recent years. However, the disease still remains a significant public health challenge, particularly in developing countries where access to clean water and adequate sanitation facilities is limited. To eradicate cholera, a multifaceted approach is needed that includes improving water and sanitation infrastructure, promoting hygiene education, and strengthening health care systems.In conclusion, cholera is a deadly but preventable disease that continues to claim lives, especially in resource-poor settings. By promoting hygiene practices, ensuring access to clean water and adequate sanitation, and providing timely treatment, we can work towards eradicating this scourge and saving lives.。



DOT is a treatment strategy in which a healthcare provider or trained observer directly observes the patient taking their medicine This ensures inheritance to the treatment plan
TB is classified as either drug sensitive or drug resistant based on its response to treatment with antibiotics
TB can also affect other parts of the body, such as the kidneys, spinl evaluation
The initial evaluation includes a through history and physical examination to identify any symptoms or risk factors for tubercles
Microbiological testing
Diagnosis of tuberculosis
Chest X-ray: This is the most common diagnostic method used to detect tuberculosis It can show abnormalities in the lungs that may be caused by the disease


甲基化得到可待因 (Codeine)
乙基化得到乙基吗啡 (Ethylmorphine)
可待因 乙基吗啡
R = CH3 R = C2H5
吗啡6位醇羟基醚化或酯化镇痛作用增强,成 瘾性加强。
甲基化后称为异可待因(Heterocodeine,5 倍)镇痛作用增强,但因惊厥和毒性作用强, 无药用价值。
N-CH3:碱性,可用于成盐 7,8-双键:可用于还原成饱和环
15 14
13 C
. HCl . 3H2O
O 5 6 OH
H [O]
H +
+ CH3NH2
C YP450(O2)
这不仅在成瘾早期是重要的,而且可以帮助解释复吸的神经基 础。
NIDA 所长Leshner 认为,发现可卡因对脑部记忆和学习通路 的影响,可以帮助人们解释从偶尔使用毒品到成瘾的转变。这 一研究强调,即使是尝试可卡因或其它毒品,也是十分危险的。



患病类英语单词Disease-related English Vocabulary (1800 words)Medical Terminology:1. Symptoms: Symptoms are the physical or mental changes that indicate the presence of a disease or condition. Examples include fever, cough, headache, and fatigue.2. Diagnosis: Diagnosis refers to the identification of a disease or condition based on symptoms, medical history, physical examination, and laboratory tests. It helps doctors determine the appropriate treatment.3. Treatment: Treatment is the medical care provided to patients to manage or cure their diseases. It can involve medications, surgeries, therapies, or lifestyle changes, depending on the condition.4. Complications: Complications are additional medical problems that arise as a result of a disease or its treatment. Examples include infections, organ damage, or side effects from medication.Common Diseases:1. Cold: The common cold is a viral infection that primarily affects the nose and throat. It causes symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, and cough. Rest and over-the-counter medications can help manage the symptoms.2. Flu: Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It presents with symptoms similar to acold but is usually more severe. Vaccination is recommended to prevent the flu.3. Asthma: Asthma is a chronic lung condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways. It can cause wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and chest tightness. Inhalers and avoidance of triggers are typically part of asthma management.4. Diabetes: Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how the body processes blood sugar (glucose). There are two main types: type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Symptoms include frequent urination, excessive thirst, fatigue, and weight loss. Treatment includes medication, diet modifications, and regular exercise.5. Hypertension: Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when the force of blood against the artery walls is consistently too high. It is often asymptomatic but can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. Lifestyle changes and medications are common treatments for hypertension.6. Cancer: Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by abnormal cell growth. It can affect any part of the body and cause various symptoms depending on the type and stage. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy.7. Depression: Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and a lack of motivation. It can impact daily functioning and quality of life. Psychotherapy and medications are commonly used to treat depression.8. Alzheimer's Disease: Alzheimer's disease is a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It is the most common form of dementia in older adults. While there is no cure, medications and lifestyle modifications can help manage symptoms.9. Arthritis: Arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints and can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling. There are different types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment options may include medication, physical therapy, and joint protection techniques.10. Stroke: A stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain is disrupted, either due to a blood clot or a hemorrhage. It can cause sudden weakness, numbness, difficulty speaking, and loss of coordination. Immediate medical attention is crucial to minimize brain damage.Remember, this is just a brief overview of disease-related vocabulary. There are hundreds of medical conditions with their own unique symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. Consult a medical professional for accurate and personalized information.。



询问病症的英语作文Title: Understanding Symptoms: A Guide to Explaining Ailments in English。

Introduction:In everyday life, it's common to encounter situations where we need to describe symptoms of an illness or health condition. Whether it's to a doctor, a friend, or a colleague, being able to articulate symptoms accurately in English can facilitate effective communication and ensure proper care. In this guide, we will explore various common symptoms and how to describe them in English.1. Physical Symptoms:Fever: When your body temperature is higher than normal, often accompanied by sweating and chills.Headache: A pain in the head or upper neck area,ranging from mild discomfort to severe throbbing.Cough: A reflex action that clears the throat of mucus or foreign irritants; may be dry or produce phlegm.Sore throat: Pain or irritation in the throat, typically worsened by swallowing.Fatigue: Extreme tiredness or lack of energy, often not relieved by rest or sleep.2. Gastrointestinal Symptoms:Nausea: Feeling the urge to vomit, often accompanied by stomach discomfort.Diarrhea: Frequent, loose, or watery bowel movements.Abdominal pain: Pain or discomfort in the stomach or abdominal area.Indigestion: Discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen,often associated with eating or drinking.3. Respiratory Symptoms:Shortness of breath: Difficulty breathing, often characterized by rapid or shallow breaths.Wheezing: A high-pitched whistling sound produced when breathing, often indicating narrowed airways.Chest pain: Pain or discomfort in the chest area, ranging from mild to severe.4. Neurological Symptoms:Dizziness: Feeling lightheaded, unsteady, or faint.Numbness: Loss of sensation or feeling in a part of the body.Tingling: A prickling or stinging sensation, often described as "pins and needles."5. Dermatological Symptoms:Rash: A change in the skin's color, texture, or appearance, often accompanied by itching or irritation.Itching: An uncomfortable sensation that prompts the desire to scratch the skin.Swelling: Enlargement or puffiness of a body part due to fluid buildup.6. Psychological Symptoms:Anxiety: Feelings of worry, nervousness, or unease, often about something with an uncertain outcome.Depression: Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or loss of interest in activities.Irritability: Easily becoming annoyed or provoked, often accompanied by mood swings.7. Describing Symptoms:Be specific: Provide details such as when the symptom started, its severity, and any factors that worsen or alleviate it.Use adjectives: Descriptive words like "sharp," "dull," "throbbing," or "burning" can help convey the nature of the symptom.Avoid self-diagnosis: While it's helpful to describe symptoms, it's important to leave diagnosis to medical professionals.Conclusion:Being able to articulate symptoms accurately in English is essential for effective communication, especially in healthcare settings. By understanding common symptoms and how to describe them, you can ensure that you receive the appropriate care and support when needed. Remember to bespecific, use descriptive language, and seek medical advice if you experience any concerning symptoms.。




Abdominal pain: have a stomach ache or pain in the stomach (肚痛;腹痛)Example: Patient was rushed to the emergency room (ER) complaining of severe abdominal pain.Abscess: (脓疮)is a collection of pus (exudate, fluid) that has accumulated within tissue due to an infection. It is a defensive reaction of the tissue to prevent the spread of infectious materials to other parts of the body.Example: One of the major complications of an abscess is the spreading of the abscess material to adjacent tissues, which may cause tissue death known as gangrene.Allergic rhinitis: 过敏性鼻炎Allergic rhinitis (allergic: allergy, rhinitis: irritation or inflammation inside the nose.)Example: Sneezing, watery eyes, and itching all may be signs of allergic rhinitis.Altitude sickness: 高山症Altitude sickness is a reaction to the lower amounts of oxygen available at high altitudes (due to the lower air pressure).Example: If you plan to go mountain climbing the Himalayas, be prepared for altitude sickness.Apert syndrome: 亚伯氏症Apert syndrome is a form of acrocephalosyndactyly, in which malformations of the skull, face, hands and feet are prevalent.Example: The baby was born with Apert Syndrome.Atherosclerosis: 动脉粥样硬化is a condition in which arteries harden or thicken due to accumulation of fatty materials. Athero SclerosisBenign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): 良性前列腺增生症Also called benign enlargement of the prostate (BEP), is an increase in size of the prostate.Example: A rectal examination may reveal benign prostatic hyperplasia.Blister (水泡):is a small pocket of fluid within the upper layers of the skin, typically caused by friction, burning, freezing, chemical exposure or infection. Most blisters are filled with a clear fluid called serum or plasma.Example: My new shoes gave me blisters on my feet!。

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EFDA Method
L F a R F a 1 R F a 2
Frequency (Hz)
HRV Method
HF: Broad, fix frequency that can include parasympathetic activity
• Normal upright posture:
(A: sitting to F: standing) – Parasympathetics withdrawal – HR increases – Exercise Reflex helps to maintain blood pressure and flow to brain – Exercise Reflex ends – Sympathetic surge to maintain vascular tone, blood pressure and flow to brain
- Reprinted, with permission, from B. Aysin
T-F Representation of Respiration
0.6 0.4
0.7 0.5
0.2 0.3 0 60 0 0 20 40 60
FRF=0.08 Hz
(Sympathetic Excess)
• Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
– Clinical: SE plus 30 bpm increase in HR or HR > 120 bpm upon standing – Pre-clinical: SE plus excessive HR increase (>15%) upon standing
– Age (avg) 63.2 yrs; range 25-96 yrs – 354 Type 2 Diabetics (avg 63.5 yrs, 161 females) – 35 Type 1 Diabetics (avg 61.1 yrs, 17 females)
• Resting Baseline (Bx) and PC Autonomic measures taken and averaged over 5 minutes each
Joseph Colombo PhD, Jorge Jacot, PhD, Elif Aysin, MS, Ben Aysin, PhD, Kevan Iffrig, BS, Aaron I. Vinik MD , PhD
International Symposium on Diabetes Neuropathy 7th Annual Congress: 29 November– 2 December 2006
2 December 2006 Ansar/Strellis Diabetes Institute
– Can be correcFra biblioteked with adrenergic antagonists
• PE can mask SW
2 December 2006 Ansar/Strellis Diabetes Institute
Patient Population
• Adult diabetic patients
2 December 2006
Ansar/Strellis Diabetes Institute
Expected Normal Changes From Bx to PC
• Parasympathetics: a decrease of 5% • Sympathetics: an increase of between 120% and 500% • HR: an increase of 10% or more, but no more than 30 bpm • BP: (systolic) an increase of between 10 and 30 mmHg
Respiratory Spectrum
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
HRV Spectrum
50 0 0
2 December 2006
Ansar/Strellis Diabetes Institute
Normal Head-Up Posture
POTS = Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, SE w/ Tachycardia OH = Orthostatic Hypotension, SW w/ Hypotension POBS = Postural Orthostatic Bradycardia Syndrome, SW or PE w/ Bradycardia POHS = Postural Orthostatic Hypertensive Syndrome, SE w/ Hypertension
– SNS withdrawal (SW) – SNS excess (SE) – PSNS excess (PE)
2 December 2006 Ansar/Strellis Diabetes Institute
Enhanced Frequency Domain Analysis Method
Symptoms of Orthostasis may be due to Sympathetic/Parasympathetic Autonomic Imbalance and can be Evaluated by HRVRespiratory Analysis with Appropriate Pathogenesis Oriented Therapeutic Choices.
2 December 2006
Ansar/Strellis Diabetes Institute
• EFDA revealed 50.8% positive for SW or PE • Clinically, 58.7% were positive for symptoms of Orthostasis • ANS indications were not found in 13.3% of the population with symptoms. Symptoms were found to be due to non-autonomic effects. • ANS indications were found in 12.0% of the population without symptoms. These indications tended to be early signs of clinical disorders. % Pts with Clinical Symptoms ANS Indications w/in Clinical Group POTS 7.5 95.8 OH 44.9 66.7 POBS 1.6 80.0 POHS 4.7 73.3
(Parasympathetic Excess)
• PE (or SW) can present with bradycardia
– Can be corrected with Cholinergic Antagonists or Alpha-adrenergic Agonists
• SE can present with a large increase in BP
– SW plus normal BP change upon standing
• Orthostatic Hypotension (OH)
– Clinical: SW plus 20 mmHg systolic and 10 mmHg diastolic BP decrease upon standing – Pre-clinical: SW plus any BP decrease upon standing
• SE can be corrected with Beta1-adrenergic Antagonists
2 December 2006 Ansar/Strellis Diabetes Institute
Autonomic Dysfunction During Head-Up Postural Change
2 December 2006 Ansar/Strellis Diabetes Institute
Autonomic Dysfunction During Head-Up Postural Change
(Sympathetic Withdrawal)
• Orthostatic Intolerance (OI)
1) Spectral Analysis of Respirations to compute Fundamental Respiratory Frequency (FRF)
2) Spectral Analysis of HRV 3) Locate FRF in HRV spectrum 4) Compute Parasympathetic (RFa) activity 5) Compute Sympathetic (LFa) activity HRV: LF: Sympathetic activity as modulated by Parasympathetic activity