上海教育出版社小学英语三年级起点四年级上册 Project 4-优秀

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四年级上Project 4Seasons and weather

本节课是一节关于季节和天气的写作课,它是Module 4 The world around us Unit 12 weather后面的Project部分。在学习和讨论完weather单元后,同学们回顾一下三年级学过季节相关内容,让我们动手画一画季节图,通过头脑风暴激活已学单词及短语,并思考这几个问题:1. Which season do you like? 2. How is the weather in … ? 3. Where can you go? 4. What can you do? 说一说孩子们最喜欢的季节。小组合作,相互帮扶,每位同学在组内汇报并分享自己的季节短文,最后在全班同学面前展示自己绘制的季节图和朗读自己写的短文(my favorite season)。让孩子们在真实的情境中去思考、去锻炼、去学习,并感受通过努力获得成功的乐趣。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims

1.Knowledge aims:

(1)Key words and phrases :

seasons: springsummer autumn/fall winter

weather: warm hot cool winter sunny windy cloudy rainy

(2) key sentence structures:

---How is the weather in … ?

---Which season do you like?

---Where can you go?

---What can you do?

2.Ability aims:

(1)Students know how to talk about the seasons and weather;

(2)Students can draw a picture of their favorite season and write about their

favorite season.

3.Moral aims:

(1)Students are brave to show and tell;

(2)Help each other in group-work;

(3)Learn to share.

Ⅱ. Teaching key and difficult points

1.Review what we have learned about the seasons and weather.

2.Students are brave to show their pictures and tell us about their favorite season.Ⅲ. Teaching aids

card pictures, recorder, PPT, video, multimedia …

Ⅳ. Teaching methods

Communicative method, task-based approach

Ⅴ. Teaching procedures

Ⅵ. Blackboard design

Ⅶ. Teaching reflection


2. 小组合作学习方式,培养了孩子们互助学习和团队合作精神;

3. 真实有效的情境教学,孩子们乐于表达,主动学习;

4. 在课堂中,让孩子们切实有效地去深度学习。
