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1、"We can usually learn much more from peopl e whose vi ews we share than from people whose views contradi ct our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit l earni ng." 1.我们通常从和我们意见统一的人那里学到的东西比从和我们意见相悖的人那里学到的东西多的多;意见分歧阻碍了学习。

Although we can learn knowledge from people whose vi ews we share, the knowledge i s limited, si nce the sphere of knowledge of the people who share the same opinion are confined to same level of cogni tion with us.
It will be quite di fferent if we communi cate with people whose views contradi ct to ours.
Admitted that, it i s little harder or even bitter to accept opposite views for us due to our self-assertion i s impai red caused by other‟s challenge.
2、"Competition i s ul timately more benefi ci al than detrimental to society." 2.竞争对社会的好处大于坏处。

Through competing, the one who i s most eligible i s put on the right place, and then will produce much more val ues than those who are not competent as he or she.
While, on the other hand, i f a competi tion is fraught wi th adulterati on and illegality, it will bring deteriorati on to the society rather than progress. A case in point i s related to market economi cs.
3."It i s more i mportant to allocate money for immediate, exi sting social problems than to spend it on l ong-term research that might help future generations." 3.我们应该把更多的钱用在当前的问题上,而不是用在可能有助于我们后代的长期的研究项目上。

When we enjoy the fruits of industriali sation and democracy, we are, on the other si de, confronted wi th social problems brought by as another consequence of thi s process.
Firstly, i mmediate, exi sti ng social problems that baffled us deepl y need to be resol ved as qui ckly as possible so to restore a sound society and conduce its healthy development.
However, many present social problems cannot be resol ved immediately as we hoped.
Furthermore, neglecti ng l ong-term researches that may help future generations, overemphasizing to focus on the present problems, may result in incomplete resol uti on to these social problems, whi ch can merel y be an expedience rather than a resol uti on.
4."No field of study can advance signi fi cantl y unless outsi ders bring their knowl edge and experience to that field of study." 4.如果没有失败者介绍自己的经验和知识,没有哪个领域的研究会取得长足的进步。

I agree wi th the assertion that signi fi cant advances in knowledge requi re experti se form vari ous fiel ds.
A. No area of intellectual inqui ry operates i n a vacuum, that i s, sci ences in various fiel ds are inextri cably related.
B. Sci entifi c breakthrough in one certain area may be great contribute to advancement in another or several other fi elds.
C. New sci enti fi c fields often emerge i n the i nteracti on among different di sciplines.
D. Sciences of other areas are i ndi spensable for a certai n creation i n a fiel d to be viabl e and perfect.
Related example: 1) Radioactivi ty i s the starti ng point for cancer treatment, for the dating techniques used on ancient obj ects, rocks and the universe, and for molecular biology and modem geneti cs; i t is al so the source of nucl ear energy and the atomi c bomb.
2) In i nvention of telescope i nitiated in the magni fying tube, a great advancement in opti cs. Thus began the age of telescopi c astronomy 3) Computer—nearly all the sci enti fi c areas
5."A nation shoul d requi re all its students to study the same national curri cul um until they enter college rather than allow school s i n different parts of the nation to determine whi ch academi c courses to offer." 5.一个国家应该要求所有的学生在上大学前都学习相同的课程,而不应该允许不同地区的学校擅自决定自己的教学领域。

Firstly, with the same nati onal curri culum, it i s convenient for educationi st of di fferent parts of the nati on to scientifi cally arrange and prepare the classes of the curri culum.
Secondly, thinking of the possible di fferences, i t i s unwi se to all ow school s rather than a nation to choose the courses for the students.
A nation rather than the school s i n di fferent parts of the nation determine the national curri culum for the students, however, i t does mean that the l ocal school s have no freedom to choose any course for l ocal students.
6."The most effective way to understand contemporary culture i s to anal yze the trends of i ts youth." 6.了解当代文化最有效的途径是分析它在形成初期的发展趋势。


We al ways regard youth as the future of the society. Although they are young, fresh and i mmature, they are al so shrewd, full of passi on and vi tality.
Actually, studying the trends of a country's youth, may hel p to understand i ts contemporary cul ture, si nce that youth i s the pioneer of a country, i n thi s sense, they mi rrors the development of the country.
Since youth i s only a fraction of the society, studying them and thei r culture j ust provide us one perspecti ve of the whole cul ture.
In my view, compare wi th the youth, those conventions and traditions consti tute the foundation of the contemporary cul ture.
7."The video camera provides such an accurate and convinci ng record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentati on than written records." 7.数码相机可以精确地拍摄当代人们的生活,它的重要性已经超过了纸笔记录。

Our li fe has gone through great changes since the video camera came into being, whi ch provi des a totally new and di fferent way of recording life to the tradi tional written methods.
Compared wi th wri tten records, video documentati on i s much l ess influenced by the one who took record and the one who i nterprete i t. Another conspi cious advantage of vi deo records i s its i ntegri ty.
Y et i t‟s rash to say that vi deo camera has al ready won over traditional wri tten documents and become the new domination of documentation fiel d since video record i s limited i n several aspects. We cannot say whether video camera or the wri tten document i s more important than the other in that each one has its i rreplaceabl e merits and values. V ideo camera offers the accurate and convinci ng method of recording whi ch can revive life in before while tradi tional wri tten document can provide a more detailed and rati onal record i n lower cost.
8."It i s often necessary, even desi rabl e, for politi cal leaders to wi thhold information from the publi c." 8.政治领导们在公众面前有所保留是必要的,甚至是必须的。

Firstly, politi cal leaders, i n a democracy regime, will harm the proper right of people as they withhold i nformation from the publi c. Secondly, withholdi ng i nformation from the publi c will result i n corruption i n the government, and therefore bring detri ment to society.
Admittedly, sometimes i t i s necessary for politi cal leaders to keep the publi c from know something, such as country‟s top secrete, whi ch i s indi spensable and hel pful for a country in defending aggression and keeping safety.
9"Academi c di sci plines have become so speci alized i n recent years that schol ars' i deas reach onl y a narrow audience. Until schol ars can reach a wider audience, thei r ideas will have little use." 9.今年来学术领域更加专业化,以至于学者门的研究只作用于很小范围内的人群。


As a matter of fact, the more speci alized the ideas, the less accessibl e to them.
However, specializati on does not have any i mpact on the value of
scholars‟ ideas.
Actually, i t i s not necessary for the publi c to understand all abstruse ideas scholars hold. For example, most people do not know how the CPU is running in the personal computer, but thi s does not hamper them to usi ng computers.
10"Governments must ensure that their major ci ties receive the financi al support they need i n order to thrive, because i t i s primarily in ci ties that a nation's cul tural traditions are preserved and generated." 10.政府必须保证主要城市用于发展的财政支持,因为国家的文化传统发源于并保留在这些主要城市
It i s al ways true that big ci ties of a country boom not onl y i n economy but al so in culture.
Actually, not all the major ci ties of a country are bound to the responsi bility of preservi ng a nation‟s cul ture tradi tions. Indeed, i n some maj or cities, where have less cul ture tradi tions, i t creates a better environment for development than i n those citi es where long cul ture tradi tions are preserved.
Nevertheless, admitted that, there are al so some major cities that are characterized by thei r long culture tradi tions, si milarly, either small ci ties, or villages and towns, in spite of not being major ci ties, are the places where culture traditions generated and handed down be generations.
11"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students i n the process of solving the world's most persi stent soci al problems." 11.所有的国家都应该帮助建立起一个全球性的大学,用来培养学生们解决世界上最顽固头疼的社会问题。

Though each social problem appears to be different in di fferent nations, as theft in affl uent nations may be conducted more for psychologi cal reasons rather than for the value of the i ssue wi th regard to its counterpart in poor nati ons, there i s al ways a radi cal key lying beneath.
On the other hand, though nearl y all the soci al probl ems are persi sting i n every nation, some may be di sasters i n one nation while slight flaw i n another. Such a global universi ty asks for the support from all nations of the world.
12"People's atti tudes are determi ned more by their i mmediate si tuation or surroundings than by any internal characteri sti c." 12.人们的态度更多情况下取决于当时的处境和环境,并非人们的性格特点。

We are li ving in the society. W e have families, friends and colleagues. We communi cate each other, and have i nfluence on or being influenced by others.
Immediate si tuation or surroundings play enormous influence on
shaping our attitudes and moods toward exterior.
However, what people express in respondi ng to thei r si tuation and surroundings i s based on thei r i nternal characteristi c, whi ch develop on the combination of intellectual and moral s.
As a matter of fact, people‟s attitudes are determined by the compound effect of si tuati on and internal characteri sti c.
13"Many of the world's lesser-known l anguages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countri es in whi ch these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."13.许多世界上鲜为人知的语言由于越来越少的人使用而逐渐消失。


With the development of gl obalization, increasi ng cooperation wi thi n countries brings each country both prosperi ties especially i n sci ence and technology, and impact on culture.
When retrospecti ng devel opment of recent hi story, we may find many languages of the world are becoming exti nct.
While, with the di sappeari ng of native language, at the same time, native cul ture constructed on the language i s perishing.
14"It is necessary for everyone to read poetry, novel s, mythology and other types of imaginati ve literature." 14.每个人都有必要去阅读诗、小说、神话和其他的幻想类的文学作品。


We have been brought up wi th fairy tales, mythologies and science fi ctions.
Imaginative literature i s characteri zed by fancy and illusi on, whi ch can i nspi re our imaginati on as well as intelligence.
However, when we immerse in the fantasy contrived by i maginative work, we should al so noti ce i ts dark si de.
15"The stability of a society depends on how i t responds to the extremes of human behavior."15.社会的安定取决于它对人们极端行为的响应和措施
Though i t seems impossible that there will be a society as serene as paradi se wi thout any ki nd of horrible extremes of human behavi or, i t should never be an excuse for the failure of keeping the happening of extremes under effective control.
But the stability of a society asks for much more than just agile responds and firm puni shment to the extremes of human behavior. The stability of a soci ety even requires its adequet conduction to some seemingl y ordinary human behaviors i n speci fi c si tuati ons.
A stable and heal thy society i s cherished by everyone.
16"Although many people think that the l uxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are enti rel y harmless, i n fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and i ndependent individual s."16.尽管很多人认为现在奢侈安逸的生活是无害的,但实际上这样的生活阻止了人们培养坚强独立的性格Without modern facilities, we could hardly do anything.
While, without such modern facilities, can we become truly strong and independent individual s?
It i s important us for to realize the li mitation of modern facilities and that potential danger whi ch will be aroused if we l ost our domination over modern facilities and too rely on them.
17"There are two types of laws: j ust and unjust. Every i ndividual i n a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to di sobey and resi st unjust laws." 17.有两种法律:公平的和不公平的。

Laws and regulations are set up al ong wi th the entrenchment of a government serving as a means to control the country.
Since laws are built up under the power of government, whi ch represents the publi c interest whereas run by a few i ndividual s, i t i s qui te possible that laws are constituted in the name of representing the majority while on the contrary in a few i ndividual s favor.
Faci ng unjust laws, every individual has the very responsi bility to resi st them.
No matter that whether every i ndi vidual could reach an agreement on unj ust or not, one point i s important that we should put forward our opi nions toward unjust laws.
18"Only by being forced to defend an i dea agai nst the doubts and contrasti ng views of others does one really di scover the val ue of that idea." 18.只有通过质疑某个观点,并把它与其他观点进行比较,人们才能真正理解那个观点的价值。



Think of those i deas whi ch we have long been used to, maybe si nce we are young.
When the idea hel d i s challenged, however, we are moti vated to defend i t agai nst doubts and di sagreements.
Anyway, one shoul d never be a bigot, who sti cks to his own point of view and never budge even i f lethal errors are rooted i n.
19"If a soci ety i s to thrive, it must put i ts own overall success before the well-being of i ts indivi dual ci tizens." 19.一个社会要发展,必须先取得整体的发展,再去发展社会中的个人。



The achievement of social enti re success owns much to ceasel ess and assi duous hard work of every ci tizen.
If a country overemphasizes the priori ty of i ts overall success i n the process of thrivi ng, it ri sks to obtaini ng the achievement at the expense of individual‟s i nterest.
However, not every i ndi vidual‟s i nterest accords wi th that of society. Ti m:A society i s a community comprised by the members. It exi sts because i ts members exist. In my opi nion, its overall success entirely depends on the welfare of i ts individual ci tizens. Such welfare should be priori tized.
Prior to our analysi s, we need to agree upon the defini tion of "overall success". H ypotheti cally, i f we eliminate the elderl y, the weak, the mentally and physi cally handi capped, and the unfit, then clearly our society consi sts of only heal thy and i ntelligent members. It will likely become producti ve, and thus make considerabl e advancement.
Does thi s consi derable advancement mean overall success? If it does, then we shoul d i ndeed adopt a poli cy of master race, such as the one advocated by Nazis. W e should place our emphasi s on the society's success ahead of the wel fare of i ndi vidual members.
My defi nition of overall success, however, i s di fferent. Rather, happiness of i ts members i s the mai n cri terion. If members are stressful throughout thei r life, thi s society i s not deemed successful even i f it enables i ts members to land on Mars.
Again, hypotheti cally, let us say that our worl d popul ation i s reduced from 6.2 billion to 100 million. All the unfit have been annihilated. These 100 million peopl e are good looking, tall, smart, young, and healthy. Thei r earth i s filled with bounti ful food and i s equipped with advanced technol ogy. Now, let us examine the likelihood that they will be happy.
Fi rst, thi s master race still cannot defy aging and death. The members will age and die. But according to their own regulati ons, people at the age of, say, 50 must be phased out. So, what do you thi nk that those reaching ages of 35, 40, or 45 will feel? Second, other than agi ng, the members do not dare to show any sign of weakness. If they are si ck, they'd better pretend to be well. If they do not understand something, they will pretend that they are bright. If they are unable to accompli sh some tasks, they will appear to be competent. So they constantly live in pretense and anxiety.
Finally, how will these cut-off limits of unfi tness be defined? It is law of nature that nobody on earth i s perfect. Nobody can possi bly possess every ni ce attri bute in hi m. If he i s bri ght, but physi cally weak, will he be eliminated? The soci ety will become chaoti c, as there will be constant debates over the definiti on of unfitness.
In summary, based on three reasons stated above, members of thi s
society will not likel y live happy lives. If they will not, the society, deemed by me, i s not successful. If I am allowed to uphold my own definiti on, then clearl y we shoul d accept every member, weak and strong alike, as he i s, and pri oritize hi s well bei ng. The society does not necessarily have to make progress.
20"National governments should devote more of thei r soci al programs and servi ces to children than to adults." 20.政府为儿童所想所做应该比成人多
Adults, who make up the major work force of our society, are where the fortune and power of the nation lying, thus the premi se of the social stability.
Faraway from the superfi cial impressi on that nati onal government has set enough social programs and servi ces to help adults, the fact i s that, such help still can not meet the request and even worse i s that some of them are not adequetly conducted to bear the assumed outcomings.
As we have to keep suffi ci ent noti ce on adults affai rs, we shall absolutely never fail to provi de children a safe, clean and ni ce environment for them to grow happily and robustly.
21"Reform i s sel dom brought about by people who are concerned wi th thei r own reputati on and social standing. Those who are really in earnest about reforming a government, an educational system, or any other i nstitution must be willing to be viewed wi th di sdai n by the rest of the worl d." 21.在乎自己声望和社会地位的人很少能带来改革。


Though no explici t stati c data, i t‟s not di ffi cul t to find that earnest i n seeki ng personal reputation i s al ways bound wi th eagerness to invol ve in soci al affai rs such as reforming.
Then there seems to be a paradox, si nce earnest in soci al affai rs al ways goes wi th ardor for personal reputation, how one manages to sacrifi ce the latter for the former?
Y et i t‟s unfai r to i gnore the contri bution to any benefi cial reformin g of common people who may not show so much care for earning reputation or standing.
22"Many people believe that a few i ndi vidual s or small groups (family, friends, teachers, celebrities, for example) have caused them to think and behave i n the way they do. Y et it i s al ways society as a whole that defines us and our attitudes, not a few i ndivi dual s." 22.很多人认为一些个人和小的群体(例如家庭、朋友、老师、名人)影响了他们的思维和做法。

society as a whole defi nes us and our atti tudes.
in daily life, we are more often affected by those persons, who are
around us
each individual i s under dual i mpact both of soci ety as a whole and small groups as a part
23"Contemporary technology makes available many small pieces of factual informati on. A s a result, people have become so preoccupied wi th bi ts of fragmented i nformation that they pay too little attention to the larger i ssues and overall perspecti ves." 23.当前的科学技术提供的信息总是由很多小的信息片段组成。

这导致了人们总是专注于零碎的信息,而很少注意到大的问题和整体的框架结构2.1 access to great deal of information help people to get a wider view of an i ssue, thus help them prevent being limited i n thoughts.
2.2 i n order to discri mitate between i mportant i nformation and trifl e ones, people i mprove themselves i n the ability to understand, anal yse, compare and rationalize, whi ch i s very useful for them to get a better command of large i ssues ( need profound understanding and capability to deal wi th complicated cases)
2.3 to prevent preoccupation by fragmented i nformation, peopl e should hold right view on i nformation, not to assimulate all, but to percollate relevant ones from those needing only a glance.
24"People i n positi ons of power are most effective when they exerci se caution and restraint in the use of that power." 24.当权者小心谨慎并且有限度的使用他们权力的时候他们的工作才最有效
2.1 people wi thout cauti n and restraint tent to abuse the power they are granted
2.2 caution and restraint assi st people to have better understand and make better use of the power
2.3 cauti on and restrai nt do not mean tying onesel f up
25"Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requi res real effort and courage i s to move i n the opposite direction—in other words, to make things as si mpl e as possibl e." 25.每个人都能把事情搞大搞复杂。

2.1 to make things simple means to have profound understandi ng of the whole matter, to di scri minate between essence and peripheral s, and ul timatel y to refi ne the bi g and complex body of knowledge into principles
2.2 i t‟s relati vely easier to pi ck out the facial di fferences between thi ngs than to dug out the underlying similarities
2.3 moving i n the opposi te di recti on calls for courage not onl y because one should face the dazzling amount of ideas, phenomenon, informati on, data and presumpti ons, but al so because he/she i s al ways in ri sk of total lose since any new di scovery that contracts their theory will nullify most of thei r efforts
Ti m: Mainstream people tend to compli cate things or matters, so that the outsiders may not be able to understand what they are doing. Consequently, they can safely protect their own j ob securi ties or professi onal presti ge. Examples abound. Once I was asking a composer why he used a certain bass accompani ment in one of hi s compositi ons. He appeared to be insulted by my questions. Hi s response was like: who are you to ask me such a stupid questi on? The composi tion i s such a complicated and diffi cult task. It took me so many years to learn it. And you, an amateur, expect me to explain it in a few minutes? In truth, it i s my belief that, if my friend i s willing, and i f he i s a good composer himsel f, he should be able to answer my question in a very si mple manner.
比如,猴哥的这个花果山share资源和ideas,di scoveri es,真好.原来很arduous和arid的事情变得easy了
26"Most people would agree that buildi ngs represent a valuabl e record of any society's past, but controversy ari ses when ol d buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such si tuati ons, modern devel opment should be given precedence over the preservati on of hi stori c buildings so that contemporary needs can be served." 26.很多人认为建筑代表了一个社会过去的历史价值,但是当现代城市的规划者想要利用老建筑占用的地盘做新的规划时,就会引起很多争辩。


i. Histori c buildi ngs are i rrecoverable resources we should preserve not only for ourselves but for our decendants
ii. Histori c buildings are valuable records of a soci ety‟s past, and they serve more as travel attractions, ci ty emblems.
iii. Some ol d buildings whi ch are of less val ue and in bad state can be removed for contemporary needs for ground. But modern planners should avoid destroyi ng hi stori c buildings for modern purposes. Better approachments should be work out for the dilemma.
27"No one can possibl y achieve success in the world by conforming to conventional practi ces and conventional ways of thinking." 27.遵守传统经验和想法的人是不会成功的
How do we evaluate whether we are success? Maybe we shoul d discuss i t from two aspects individually and socially. On the one hand, success i s based on the indivi dual‟s sel f-perception of the outcome.
On the other hand, in a stri ct defini tion, success means important achievement, whi ch contributes greatly to society, obtai ns acknowledge by the others and gains brilliant fame.
When we retrospect the devel opment of the hi story, any important
progress was pulled by successful innovation, whi ch acqui red by the genius who do not confi rm the conventi onal practi ces and thoughts.
28"Students should memorize facts onl y after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explai n those facts. Students who have learned only facts have l earned very little." 28.学生们只有在学习了事实的来龙去脉后才有必要记住这些事实。

In the process of studying, no matter i n whatever di scipline, we are requi red to memorize facts that are indispensable for us to master the knowledge.
To have a better understand of an affai r, we need not only to kwon the fact, but al so the i deas, trends and concepts that help to explai n the fact.
29"Publi c fi gures such as actors, poli ti cians, and athletes shoul d expect people to be i nterested i n their pri vate lives. When they seek a publi c role, they should expect that they will lose at l east some of their privacy." 29.公众人物,例如演员、政治家和运动员应该预料到人们对他们私生活的关注。

Though they are taki ng the publi c appearance most for j ob, publi c figures such as actors, poli ti cians and athl etes can hardl y count on people to separate clearly thei r publi c role from pri vate li ves, as i s even impossible to themsel ves.
Ironi cally, though some publi c figures do feel uneasy wi th the buzzing paparazzi, or loathe the unsati sfiable i nterest into thei r personal lives, most of them have to concede that they cannot live wi thout these troubles
Anyway, a publi c fi gure i s all the same to everyone of us physi cally and mentally, no matter how si gni fi cant a role he/she plays in publi c life.
30"The primary goal of technologi cal advancement shoul d be to increase peopl e's effi ciency so that everyone has more l ei sure time." 30.技术进步的最主要的目标就是提高人们的效率,使得每个人都有更多的闲暇时间
First of all, as we have wi tnessed, achievement in technology has immensely improved people‟s effi ciency, such as assembly-line, robots. Computer, etc.
Besides, when people enjoy relative more l ei sure ti me brought by improved effi ciency, on the same ti me, society has encountered other problems, such as the problem of employment.
As a matter of fact, increasing effi ci ency i s merel y a byproduct of the advance of technology.
31"Money spent on research i s almost al ways a good investment, even when the results of that research are controversial." 31.花费在研究上的金钱总是很好的投资,即使研究结果是有争论的A. Research i s the expl oration of the unknown for true answers to our questions, and for lasting sol uti ons to our enduring problems. B. Research i s al so the chief means by whi ch we humans attempt to sati sfy our insatiable appetite for knowledge, and our cravi ng to understand ourselves and the worl d around us.
C. Many researches may be controversial and the results of them may bri ng to people some harm, after all they are of greater benefi t in the short or long term.
Related Examples: 1) Research of atomi c energy,
2) Research of radi oactivi ty: the starting point for cancer treatment, for the dating techniques used on ancient objects, rocks and the universe, and for molecular biology and modem geneti cs.
3) Copemi cus's heliocentri c theory; Galileo's research i n astronomy.
4) Technique of cloning
32"A school or college should pay its teachers at the same rate in all disci plines, regardless of di fferences in salaries for related fiel ds i n the world outside of school. For example, entry-level teachers i n mathemati cs and in the arts shoul d recei ve the same pay, even i f outside of school, math speci alists earn a much hi gher salary on average than do speci alists in the arts." 32.学校或者大学应该付给所有学科老师相同的工资,而不必理会校内外教师的薪水差异。

It‟s absurd to for a school or college to pay i ts teachers merel y according to the salaries for related fields in the world oursi de of school.
Y et absol utely same rate of salary to teachers of all di sciplines i s unfai r, too.
Another latent problem in same salary rate for all di sciplines i s that i t will undermi ne teachers of thei r work enthusi asm.
33"Creating an appealing i mage has become more important i n contemporary soci ety than i s the reality or truth behind that image." 33.在当今社会,引人的表面现象比现象背后的本质重要得多Not like in movies, where actors and actresses can shift freely from a role of betrayer to a hero i n one day, an individual may show an attractive image before the publi c, but thi s contrived mask cannot sustain l ong.
Once some once-brilliant images collapse, the overall trust i n paradigms of the publi c will break down as well.
Though our soci ety calls for appealig i mages, who can domi nate the view of value of the publi c, give them power and confi dence when diffi culties occur, and inspire them to work hard and wi n, there i s not
