Cost and Management Accounting Topic1&2

The development of management accounting emerged in the 1920s, when the focus shifted from mere cost measurement to cost analysis and control, emphasizing the role of accounting in decision-making and management control.
It involves the identification, measurement, and allocation of costs, as well as the preparation of cost reports and other management information to assist management in making decisions about product pricing, production, and resource allocation.
Direct and indirect costs
Activity Identification
The first step in the activity-based costing method involves identifying the various activities that take place within the organization.
Cost allocation and collection
Cost Allocation
Allocating costs to specific departments, projects, or products is essential for accurate financial reporting and decision-making.

F5复习之决策技术及专业的成本和管理会计技术本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处一. Specialist cost and management accounting techniques(专业的成本和管理会计技术)到了F5的学习中,学员们刚一上来就会接触到很多管理会计技术,其实就是平时所说的不同的核算方法,它们分别是Activities based costing, Target costing, Life-cycle costing, Throughput accounting和Environmental accounting。
二. Decision-making techniques(决策技术)上面提到了可以帮助shareholders做出更有利的决策,那么在决策中会有一些什么样的数据和方法作为参考呢?网校为学校归纳成为了以下这个标题:Relevant cost analysis, Cost volume profit analysis, Limiting factors, Pricing decisions, Make-or-buy and other short-term decisions和Dealing with risk and uncertainty in decision-making。
其中希望学员们引起注意的是Limiting factors这个标题,因为在学习中就会发现,其中会有数形结合的问题出现,帮助学员们解决相应的问题。
Lesson1 Management Accounting Fundamentals 英文管理会计课件 Management Accounting

Contents of the MA
1. Management accounting Fundamentals ( Review Chapter 1, 2 and 13)
2. Cost behavior and Variable Costing ( Chapter 9 and 10) 3. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis (Chapter 3) 4. Decision Making (Chapter 11 and 12) 5. Capital Budgeting (Chapter 21) 6. Inventory Management ( Chapter 20) 7. Quality and Time ( Chapter 19) 8. Balanced Scorecard ( Chapter 19) 9. Transfer Pricing ( Chapter 22) 10. Performance Management and Compensation ( Chapter 23)
Topic 1:The role of management accounting
• 1 What is Management accounting? • 2 Management VS. Financial accounting • 3 The History and Current Focus of
Management Accounting
• This course combines traditional Managerial Accounting with modern Managerial Accounting. This course introduces systematically the basics theory of Managerial Accounting, planning and control, and managerial decision-making.
Cost and Managerial Accounting(成本管理会计)智慧树知到课后章节答案

Cost and Managerial Accounting(成本管理会计)智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下兰州理工大学兰州理工大学第一章测试1.Which of the following management responsibilities often involvesevaluating the results of operations against the budget? ()答案:Controlling2.Managerial accounting differs from financial accounting in that managerialaccounting ()答案:emphasizes data relevance over data objectivity3.Which of the following corporate positions is responsible for generalfinancial accounting, managerial accounting, and tax reporting? ()答案:Controller4.Of the following skills, which are needed by today's management accountants?()答案:All choices are correct5.Which of the following professional standards requires managementaccountants to continually develop their knowledge and skills? ()答案:Competence6.Critical thinking can be improved by asking yourself a series of questionsabout any issue or problem you encounter. These questions, for example,include: What is the objective? What data will I need? What assumptions am I making? Is my conclusion logical? .()答案:对7.Which of the following requires the company's CEO and CFO to assumeresponsibility for the company's financial statements and disclosures? ()答案:Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX)8.Which of the following is false? ()答案:The triple bottom line focuses on three items: net income, net assets,and return on investment .9.All of the following are business trends affecting management accounting ()答案:All choices are correct10.Which TWO of the following statements about management accountinginformation are true?()答案:They are used to aid planning;They may include non-financial information第二章测试1.Which of the following costs are treated as product costs by a merchandisingcompany, such as Walmart? ()答案:nullRalph's Sporting Goods is a merchandising company, given the following information, the Cost of Goods Sold is 417,000 ( )答案:对3.Which of the following types of companies would have work in processinventory? ()答案:Manufacturing4.Which of the following is not an activity in the value chain? ( )答案:Administration5. A cost that can be traced to a cost object is known as a ( )答案:direct cost .6.Conversion costs consist of ( )答案:direct labor and manufacturing overhead7.Which of the following is part of manufacturing overhead? ( )答案:null8.The average cost per unit can be used for predicting total costs at manydifferent output levels ()答案:错9.Sunk costs are generally relevant to decisions ()答案:错10.Which of the following types of companies will always have the Cost of GoodsSold account on their income statements? ()答案:Merchandising and manufacturing companies第三章测试1.For which of the following would job costing not be appropriate? ()对于以下哪一项,不适合采用分批法进行成本核算?答案:Manufacturer of mass-produced beverages 大规模生产饮料的制造商2.Assuming the amount of manufacturing overhead over-allocation or under-allocation is material, which account is adjusted at the end of the period? ()答案:Work in Process Inventory;Finished goods Inventory;Cost of Goods Sold3.Whenever direct material, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead arerecorded on a job cost record, an associated journal entry is made to debitwhich of the following accounts? ()答案:Work in Process Inventory4.When a job is completed, the total cost of manufacturing the job should bemoved to which of the following general ledger accounts? ()答案:Finished Goods Inventory5.When using job costing at a service firm, professional labor cost would beconsidered an indirect cost of serving the client. ()答案:错6. A company calculates the prices of jobs by adding overheads to the primecost and adding 30% to total costs as a profit margin. Job number Y256 was sold for $1,690 and incurred overheads of $694. What was the prime cost of the job? ()答案:$6067.Which of the following is/are characteristics of job costing? ()答案:null8.The following information relates to job 2468, which is being carried out by AB Company to meet a customer's order. What is the selling price to thecustomer for job 2468? ()答案:$19,5009. A firm makes special assemblies to customers' orders and uses job costing.The data for a period are:What overhead should be added to job number CC20 for the period? ( )答案:$72,76110. A firm makes special assemblies to customers' orders and uses job costing.The data for a period are:Job number BB15 was completed and delivered during the period. What was the approximate value of closing work-in-progress at the end of the period? ( )答案:$217,323第四章测试1.Activity-Based Costing System focuses on activities as the fundamental costobjects. The costs of those activities become building blocks for compiling the indirect costs of products, services, and customers. ()答案:对2.Non-Value-Added Activities neither enhance the customer's image of theproduct or service nor provide a competitive advantage; also known as waste activities()答案:对3.Cost distortion is more likely to occur when ()答案:departments incur different types of overhead and the products or jobs use the departments to a different extent4.Activities incurred regardless of how many units, batches, or products areproduced are called: ( )答案:facility-level activities5.The Walliston Group (WG) provides tax advice to multinational firms. WGcharges clients for (a) direct professional time (at an hourly rate) and (b)support services (at 30% of the direct professional costs billed). The three professionals in WG and their rates per professional hour are as follows:WG has just prepared the May 2020 bills for two clients. The hours ofprofessional time spent on each client are as follows:What amounts did WG bill to San Antonio Dominion for May 2020 ( )答案:$28,1326.Automotive Products (AP) designs and produces automotive parts. In 2014,actual variable manufacturing overhead is $308,600. There are three main departments that consume overhead resources: design, production, andengineering. Interviews with the department personnel and examination of time records yield the following detailed information:If AP uses the simple costing system that uses machine-hours as theallocation base to allocate variable manufacturing overhead to its threecustomers, the manufacturing overhead allocated to United Motor is: ( )答案:$9,2587.Automotive Products (AP) designs and produces automotive parts. In 2014,actual variable manufacturing overhead is $308,600. There are three main departments that consume overhead resources: design, production, andengineering. Interviews with the department personnel and examination of time records yield the following detailed information:If AP allocates variable manufacturing overhead to each customer in 2014 using department-based manufacturing overhead rates, the manufacturing overhead allocated to United Motor is: ( )答案:$23,8008.The potential benefits of ABC/ ABM are generally higher for companies that( )答案:Products that a company is well-suited to make and sell show small profits;All or most indirect costs are identified as output unit–level costs,batch-level costs, product-sustaining costs, or facility-sustaining costs.;Significant amounts of indirect costs are allocated using only one or two cost pools9.Product-sustaining costs (service-sustaining costs) are the costs of activitiesundertaken to support individual products or services regardless of thenumber of units or batches in which the units are produced. ( )答案:对10. A cost hierarchy categorizes various activity cost pools on the basis of thedifferent types of cost drivers, cost-allocation bases, or different degrees ofdifficulty in determining cause-and-effect (or benefits-received)relationships. ( )答案:对第五章测试1.Which one of the following statements is incorrect? ( )答案:In process costing, but not job costing, the cost of normal loss will beincorporated into normal product costs2.Equivalent units express ()答案:the amount of work done during a period in terms of fully completedunits of output.3.Process B had no opening inventory. 13,500 units of raw material weretransferred in at $4.50 per unit. Additional material at $1.25 per unit wasadded in process. Labour and overheads were $6.25 per completed unit and $2.50 per unit incomplete. If 11,750 completed units were transferred out, what was the closing inventory in Process B? ( )答案:$14,437.504.Dairymaid makes organic yogurt. The only ingredients, milk and bacteriacultures, are added at the very beginning of the fermentation process. Atmonth end, Dairymaid has 100,000 cups of yogurt that are only 25% of the way through the fermentation process. The equivalent units of directmaterials in ending work in process are ( )答案:100,000 cups5.Which of the following is false concerning process costing? ( )答案:It accumulates production costs by activities.6.Conversion costs consist of ( )答案:direct labor + manufacturing overhead7.The journal entry needed to record direct labor used but unpaid in theFinishing Department during the month would be Debit Finished GoodsInventory; Credit Wages Payable ( )答案:错8.The distinction between job costing and process costing can be summarized as ( )答案:对9.The weighted-average method computes unit costs by dividing total costs inthe Work in Process account by total equivalent units completed to date and assigns this average cost to units completed and to units in ending work-in-process inventory. ()答案:对10.Operating income can differ materially between the weighted-averagemethod and the first-in, first-out method when (1) direct material orconversion cost per equivalent unit varies significantly from period to period and (2) physical-inventory levels of work in process are large in relation to the total number of units transferred out of the process. ( )答案:对第六章测试1.Variable costs are conventionally deemed to ( )答案:be constant per unit of output2.The following is a graph of cost against level of activity. To which one of the following costs does the graph correspond? ()答案:null3. A production worker is paid a salary of $650 per month, plus an extra 5 centsfor each unit produced during the month. This labour cost is best describedas ( )答案:A semi-variable cost4.B Co has recorded the following data in the two most recent periods. What isthe best estimate of the company's fixed costs per period? ( )答案:$5,1005.According to the following EXHIBIT, the fixed cost is ( )答案:14538.056.Under absorption costing and variable costing, the calculation of productcosts can be summarized as ( )答案:对7.Why is variable costing often used for internal management purposes? ( )答案:Variable costing does not give managers incentives to build upunnecessary inventory.;Variable costing helps managers with decision making because itallows them to easily see the cost of making one more unit of product ;Variable costing and the contribution margin income statement help managers easily predict the cost of operating at different volumeswithin the relevant rangemitted Fixed Costs are fixed costs that are locked in because of previousmanagement decisions; management has little or no control over these costs in the short run. ( )答案:对9.Which of the following is false? ( )答案:The operating income of manufacturers will always be the same,regardless of whether variable or absorption costing is used10.Which of the following is false? ( )答案:Data points falling in a linear pattern suggest a weak relationshipbetween cost and volume .第七章测试1. A company makes a single product and incurs fixed costs of $30,000 permonth. Variable cost per unit is $5 and each unit sells for $15. Monthly salesdemand is 7,000 units. The breakeven point in terms of monthly sales units is:()答案:3,000 units2. A company manufactures a single product for which cost and selling pricedata are as follows.The margin of safety, expressed as a percentage of budgeted monthly sales,is : ( )答案:20%3. A single product company has a contribution to sales ratio of 40%. Fixedcosts amount to $90,000 per annum. The number of units required to breakeven is:( )答案:impossible to calculate without further information4. A company's breakeven point is 6,000 units per annum. The selling price is$90 per unit and the variable cost is $40 per unit. What are the company's annual fixed costs? ( )答案:$300,0005.The operating leverage factor indicates the percentage change in operatingincome that will occur from a 1% change in volume . It tells managers how sensitive the company's operating income is to changes in volume . ()答案:对6.Sensitivity Analysis is a "what-if" technique that asks what results will be ifactual prices or costs change or if an under lying assumption changes. ( )答案:对7.Which of the following is false regarding choosing between two coststructures( )答案:The indifference point is the point where total revenues equal totalexpenses8.Which of the following is true regarding a company that offers more than oneproduct? ( )答案:The breakeven point is dependent on sales mix assumptions.9. A company with a low operating leverage ( )答案:has relatively more variable costs than fixed costs10.Contribution margin is revenues minus all variable costs whereas grossmargin is revenues minus cost of goods sold. Contribution margin measures the risk of a loss, whereas gross margin measures the competitiveness of aproduct.()答案:对第八章测试1.Baron Co. incurs the following costs to make 25,000 switches:Switches can be purchased for $8 per switch,and all variable costs and$10,000 of fixed costs can be eliminated, however, $50,000 of fixed costsremain. Baron Co. should ( )答案:make switches2.The following data relate to the Super.The capital invested in manufacturing and distributing 9,530 units of theSuper per annum is estimated to be $36,200. If the required annual rate of return on capital invested in each product is 14%, the selling price per unit of the Super is, to the nearest $0.01: ( )答案:$144.313.Ess Company manufactures four products but next month there is likely to bea shortage of labour. The following information is available.What order should the products be made in, in order to maximize profits? ( )答案:R,Q,S,T4.The characteristics of Price-Takers can be summarized as ( )答案:Pricing approach emphasizes target costing;Heavy competition;Product lacks uniqueness;Not a brand name5.The characteristics of Price- Setters can be summarized as ( )答案:Pricing approach emphasizes cost-plus pricing;Product is more unique;Product is branded;Less competition6.Relevant information has two characteristics: (1) It pertains to the future.(2)It differs between alternatives. ()答案:对7.Considerations for Discontinuing Products, Departments, or Stores include ( )答案:null8.In making "sell as is" decisions, companies should consider all of thefollowing EXCEPT for: ( )答案:Costs incurred up to the "sell as is" decision point .9.The formula for arriving at target cost is which of the following?( )答案:Revenue minus desired profit10.Keys to making short-term decisions include which of the following? ( )答案:Both of the above第九章测试1.Flexible budgeting is the calculation of the quantity and cost of inputs thatshould have been consumed given the achieved level of production. ( )答案:对2.The advantages of the use of budgets in a management control systeminclude ( )答案:Promote communication and coordination within the organization.;Provide performance criteria.;Force management planning.3.In the budgeting and planning process for a firm, which one of the followingshould be completed first ( )答案:Strategic plan.4.Which one of the following best describes the role of top management in thebudgeting process? Top management ()答案:Needs to be involved, including using the budget process tocommunicate goals.5.Budgetary slack describes the situation in which a manager intentionallyover-budgets expenses or under-budgets revenue. ( )答案:对6.Which of the following budgets must be prepared first, as it serves as a basisfor most other budgets?()答案:Sales budget7.In preparing a corporate master budget, which one of the following is mostlikely to be prepared last? ()答案:Cash budget8.Barnes Corporation expected to sell 150,000 board games during the monthof November, and the company's master budget contained the following datarelated to the sale and production of these games:Actual sales during November were 180,000 games. Using a flexible budget, the company expects the operating income for the month of November to be ( )答案:$420,0009.The operating budgets culminate in the budgeted ( )答案:null10.DeBerg Company has developed sales projections for the calendar year.Normal cash collection experience has been that 50% of sales are collected during the month of sale and 45% in the month following sale. The remaining 5% of sales is never collected. DeBerg's budgeted cash collections for thethird calendar quarter are ( )答案:$414,000第十章测试1.Unfavorable variances should always be interpreted as "bad news" for thecompany. ( )答案:错2.Which of the following are advantages of decentralization? ( )答案:null3.In terms of responsibility centers, a large corporate division would beconsidered a(n) ( )答案:investment center .4."Number of new products developed" would be a key performance indicator(KPI) for which of the four balanced scorecard perspectives? ( )答案:Internal business5."Hours of employee training" would be a key performance indicator (KPI) forwhich of the four balanced scorecard perspectives? ( )答案:Learning and growth6.The basic purpose of a responsibility accounting system is ( )答案:Motivation.7.Listed below is selected financial information for the Western Division of theHansel Company for lastyear.If Hansel treats the Western Division as an investment center forperformance measurement purposes, whatis the before-tax return on investment (ROI) for last year? ()答案:16.67%8.The imputed interest rate used in the residual income approach toperformance evaluation can best be described as the ()答案:null9.Managerial performance can be measured in many different ways, includingreturn on investment (ROl) and residual income. A good reason for usingresidual income instead of ROl is that goal congruence is more likely to be promoted by using residual income. ( )答案:对10. A limitation of transfer prices based on actual cost is that they ()答案:Can lead to sub-optimal decisions for the company as a whole.第十一章测试1.Which of the following is true? ()答案:A standard cost is the budgeted cost for one unit2.Which of the following is not an advantage of using standard costs? ( )答案:Standards can cause unintended behavioral consequences3.Which of the following is not true about standard costing systems? ( )答案:At the end of the period, the variances are closed to the Sales Revenue account4.For the fixed overhead volume variance, if production volume is greater thanoriginally anticipated, the variance will be unfavorable . ()答案:错5.Fixed overhead budget variance is the difference between actual fixedoverhead and budgeted fixed overhead . ()答案:对6.Dolphin Ceramics produces large planters to be used in urban landscapingprojects. A special earth clay is used to make the planters. The standardquantity of clay used for each planter is 24 pounds. Dolphin uses a standard cost of $2.00 per pound of clay. Dolphin produced 3,125 planters in May. In that month, 78,125 pounds of clay were purchased and used at the total cost of $150,000. The direct material quantity variance is ( )答案:$6250 unfavorable variance7.Vemoirs, Inc,produces several different styles and sizes of picture frames.The following activity describes its overhead costs during March, the variable overhead rate variances for the month of March is ( )答案:$1,625 unfavorable variance8.Direct Labor Rate Variance tells managers how much of the total laborvariance is due to paying a higher or lower hourly wage rate than anticipated.( ).答案:对9. A company budgets to make and sell 4,000 units of its product, actual volumeare 4,200 units. The product has a standard direct labor cost of $43. Whenanalyzing its direct labor flexible- budget variance for the period, thecompany determined that its direct labor efficiency variance was anunfavorable variance of $8,600. Which one of the following is closest to the actual cost for direct labor if the total direct labor flexible- budget variance was an unfavorable variance of $4,400? ( )一家公司预算生产和销售 4,000 件产品。
Student self study copy CMA1 -Costs in the CMA System

Read the section headed “The functions of CMA” on pages 2 -3 and answer the following questions. Please work quietly and alone.
• True or False?
– The managers in an organisation must maximize the profits made or the services it supplies. – Among other thing managers have to plan future operations, analyze and evaluate results and act to remedy mistakes. – The management accountant (MA) is a member of the team who provides team members with information to help them in their task – The expertise of the MA will not improve performance – The advice given by the MA will not improve the quality of decisions made by the management team. – The MA uses data for interpretation or other management purposes
Planning – The business plan (corporate strategy) sets ____ ____ objectives, a budget decides in detail how these will be achieved in the shorter term, say a ____. – Without ________ cost estimates a budget cannot be prepared with __________. Controlling – Cost statements compare the budget with actual performance and can reveal departments which are ___________. Managers will feel more in control of their department. Estimating – If costs are analysed the information will enable a company to decide with confidence on a _________ that will cover cost and make a profit. Decision Making – The MA must explain the ____ ______ of the alternative decisions managers may choose from, such as whether to make a component “in-house” or buy it in from another company.
成本与管理会计英文课件 (1)

© 2009 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
The Value Chain Illustrated
and that are key to the success of a company include:
Cost and efficiency
Time Innovation
© 2009 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
A Five-Step Decision Making Process in Planning & Control
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Identify the problem and uncertainties Obtain information Make predictions about the future Make decisions by choosing between alternatives Implement the decision, evaluate performance, and learn
© 2009 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
Strategy & Management Accounting
Management accounting helps answer important

1000 Fuels and mining products
Agricultural products
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Source: World Trade Organization, International Trade Statistic 2010
• Identify job descriptions as either line or staff positions.
• Explain the concepts of lean production: Six Sigma, e-commerce, enterprise systems, and enterprise risk management. • Explain the importance of ethical standards in an advanced economy.
1.1 Information needs of managers and other users
1. Background
• Globalization –> More competition – >Timely, up to date, and relevant information needed
• For final exam • 15 MCQs 30 points • 5-6 Calculation questions 70 points
Main Contents of MA1

(二)管理睬计的基本内容1 .管理睬计初级阶段2 .管理睬计发展阶段(三)管理睬计职能作用1 .参与企业预料2 .参与经营决策3 .规划经营目标4 .限制经济活动5 .评价经营业绩(四)管理睬计与财务会计的区分与联系1 .管理睬计与财务会计的区分2 .管理睬计与财务会计的联系复习思索题:1 .管理睬计的基本内容是什么?2 .管理睬计形成与发展过程阅历了哪几个阶段?各阶段的主要特点是什么?3 .管理睬计的作用有哪些?4 .试论管理睬计与财务会计的区分及联系?其次章成本习性分析一、教学目的和基本要求本章内容是管理睬计的基本概念说明,通过本章学习,相识成本的各种分类,驾驭成本习性分析的有关内容。
Task1 Accounting for Management

Task 1Accounting for ManagementWhat is Management Accounting? Role of Management Accountant. Anthony’s Hierarchy.Management VS Financial Accounting. Management VS Cost Accounting.1. What is Management Accounting Management Accounting is concerned with the provision and the use of accounting information.This information is used by managers of the business to assist them when making decisions to achieve the organisation’s overall objective.2. Role of Management AccountantThe role of Management Accountant depend on the role of Management.The role of management:•Planning•Control•Decision making2. Role of Management AccountantPlanning involves :a.Establishing objectivesb.Selecting appropriate strategies to achieve those objectivesControl involves :paring the actual performance with planning performance.b.Reviewing the corporate plan.Management is decision-taking.Decision making always involves a choice between alternatives.ExampleWhich of the following is not part of the planning stage?A.Deciding on the optimal way in which an objective might beachievedB.Identifying ways which might contribute to the achievement ofspecified objectivesC.Obtaining data about actual resultsD.Identifying goals or objectivesAnswer: C3. Anthony’s HierarchyAnthony divides management activities into strategic planning, management control and operational control.•Strategic planning:'the process of deciding on objectives of the organisation, on changes inthese objectives, on the resources used to attain these objectives, and on the policies that are to govern the acquisition, use and disposition of theseresources'.•Tactical (or management) control:'the process by which managers assure that resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of the organisation'sobjectives'.•Operational control:'the process of assuring that specific tasks are carried out effectively and efficiently'.3. Anthony’s HierarchyExampleDiane carries out routine processing of invoices in the purchasing department of L Co. Joanne is Diane’s supervisor. Lesley is trying to decide how many staff will be needed if some proposed new technology is implemented. Tracey is considering the new work that L Co will be able to offer and the new markets it could enter, once the new technology is well established.Which member of L Co carries out tactical activities?A DianeB JoanneC LesleyD TraceyAnswer : C4. Management vs Financial Accounting Financial accounting systems ensure that the assets and liabilities of a business are properly accounted for, and provide information about profits and so on to shareholders and to other interested parties(external users).4. Management vs Financial Accounting Similarity:a branch of Accounting; use the same source dataDifference:information user.4. Management vs Financial AccountingFinancial Management User External and Internal InternalLegal requirement ✔✗Precision True and Fair As accurate as possible forusers needs Rules GAAP No rules bus some establishedtechniques Reporting Past data Past and present data to makedecisions about future Scope Whole organisation Segment/Divisions or whateveris needed by business Frequency Annual As requiredFormat Governed by Companies Act No set formatExampleWhich of the following statements about management accounts is/are true?I.There is a legal requirement to prepare management accounts. II.The format of management accounts is largely determined by law. III.They serve as a future planning tool and are not used as a historical record.A (i) and (ii)B (ii) and (iii)C (iii) onlyD None of the statements are correct.Answer: D5. Management vs Cost AccountingCost accounting is part of management accounting. Cost accounting provides a bank of data for the managementaccountant to use.Cost accounting is the ‘gathering of cost information and its attachment to cost objects, the establishment of budgets,standard costs and actual costs of operations, processes,activities or products; and the analysis of variances,profitability or the social use of funds.’5. Management vs Cost Accounting Cost accounting information is, in general, unsuitable for decision making.Decision-making information should be relevant and incorporate uncertainty.You’re a Champion! Thanks for staying with us. You have finished this task.。

Chapter 1An Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts Work of ManagementPlanning Planning ControllingControlling Directing and MotivatingDirecting and Motivating PlanningIdentifyalternatives.Identify alternatives.Select alternative that does the best job of furthering organization’s objectives.Select alternative that does the best job of furthering organization’s objectives.Develop budgets to guide progress toward the selected alternative.Develop budgets to guide progress toward the selected alternative.Directing and MotivatingDirecting and motivating involves managing day-to-day activities to keep the organization running smoothly.n Employee work assignments.n Routine problem solving.n Conflict resolution.n Effective communications.ControllingThe control function ensuresthat plans are being followed.The control function ensures that plans are being followed. Feedback in the form of performance reports that compare actual results with the budget are an essential part of the control function.Feedback in the form of performance reports that compare actual results with the budget are an essential part of the control function.Planning and Control CycleDecision Making Formulating long-and short-termplans (Planning)Formulating long-and short-term plans (Planning)Measuringperformance(Controlling)Measuringperformance (Controlling)Implementing plans (Directingand Motivating)Implementing plans (Directing and Motivating)Comparing actual to planned performance(Controlling)Comparing actual to planned performance (Controlling)BeginComparison of Financial and Managerial AccountingFinancial Accounting Managerial Accounting1. Users External persons who Managers who plan formake financial decisions and control an organization2. Time focus Historical perspective Future emphasis3. Verifiability Emphasis on Emphasis on relevance versus relevance verifiability for planning and control4. Precision versus Emphasis on Emphasis on timeliness precision timeliness5. Subject Primary focus is on Focuses on segmentsthe whole organization of an organization6. GAAP Must follow GAAP Need not follow GAAPand prescribed formats or any prescribed format7. Requirement Mandatory for Notexternal reports MandatoryLearning Objective 1Identify and give examples ofeach of the three basicmanufacturing cost categories.The Product DirectMaterials Direct Materials Direct Labor Direct Labor Manufacturing OverheadManufacturing Overhead Manufacturing CostsDirect MaterialsRaw materials that become an integral part of the product and that can be conveniently traced directly to it.Example: A radio installed in an automobile Example: A radio installed in an automobile Direct LaborThose labor costs that can be easily traced to individual units of product.Example:Wages paid to automobile assembly workers Example:Wages paid to automobile assembly workers Manufacturing OverheadManufacturing costs cannot be traced directly to specific units produced.Examples:Indirect materials and indirect labor Examples:Indirect materials and indirect labor Wages paid to employees who are not directlyinvolved in productionwork.Examples:Maintenanceworkers, janitors andsecurity guards.Materials used to support the production process. Examples:Lubricants andcleaning supplies used in the automobile assembly plant.Classifications of Nonmanufacturing CostsSelling Costs Costs necessary to get the order and deliverthe product.AdministrativeCostsAll executive, organizational, and clerical costs.Learning Objective 2Distinguish betweenproduct costs and periodcosts and give examplesof each.Product Costs Versus Period CostsInventoryCost of Goods SoldBalance SheetIncomeStatement SaleProduct costs include direct materials, directlabor, andmanufacturingoverhead.Period costs are not included in product costs. They are expensed on the income statement.ExpenseIncomeStatementQuick Check üWhich of the following costs would beconsidered a period rather than a product cost in a manufacturing company?A. Manufacturing equipment depreciation.B. Property taxes on corporate headquarters.C. Direct materials costs.D. Electrical costs to light the production facility.E. Sales commissions.Which of the following costs would beconsidered a period rather than a product cost in a manufacturing company?A. Manufacturing equipment depreciation.B. Property taxes on corporate headquarters.C. Direct materials costs.D. Electrical costs to light the production facility.E. Sales commissions.Quick Check üPrime Cost and Conversion Cost Direct Material Direct Material Direct Labor Direct Labor Manufacturing OverheadManufacturing Overhead Prime Cost ConversionCost Manufacturing costs are oftenclassified as follows:Comparing Merchandising and Manufacturing ActivitiesMerchandisers . . .n Buy finished goods.n Sell finished goods.Manufacturers . . .n Buy raw materials.n Produce and sell finished goods.MegaLoMartBalance SheetMerchandiser Current Assets v Cash v Receivables v Prepaid Expenses v Merchandise Inventory Manufacturer Current Assets v Cashv Receivables v Prepaid Expenses v Inventories:1.Raw Materials2.Work in Process3.Finished GoodsMerchandiser Current Assets v Cash v Receivablesv Prepaid Expenses v Merchandise Inventory Manufacturer Current Assets v Cashv Receivables v Prepaid Expenses v Inventories:1.Raw Materials2.Work in Process3.Finished GoodsBalance SheetPartially complete products –some material, labor, oroverhead has been added. Completed productsawaiting sale. Materials waiting to be processed.Learning Objective 3Prepare an incomestatement includingcalculation of the cost ofgoods sold.The Income StatementCost of goods sold for manufacturers differs only slightly from cost of goodssold for merchandisers.Manufacturing Company Cost of goods sold: Beg. finished goods inv.14,200$ + Cost of goods manufactured 234,150 Goods available for sale 248,350$ - Endingfinished goods inventory (12,100)= Cost of goodssold 236,250$ Merchandising Company Cost of goods sold: Beg. merchandise inventory 14,200$ + Purchases 234,150 Goods available for sale 248,350$ - Ending merchandise inventory (12,100) = Cost of goodssold 236,250$ Inventory Flows Beginning balance Beginning balance Additions to inventory Additions to inventory +=Ending balance Endingbalance Withdrawals frominventory Withdrawalsfrom inventory +Quick Check üIf your inventory balance at the beginning of the month was $1,000, you bought $100 during the month, and sold $300 during the month, what would be the balance at the end of the month?A. $1,000.B. $ 800.C. $1,200.D. $ 200.If your inventory balance at the beginning of the month was $1,000, you bought $100 during the month, and sold $300 during the month, what would be the balance at the end of the month?A. $1,000.B. $ 800.C. $1,200.D. $ 200.Quick Check ü$1,000 + $100 = $1,100$1,100 -$300 = $800Learning Objective 4Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured.Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured Calculates the cost of rawmaterial, direct labor andmanufacturing overheadused in production.Calculates the manufacturingcosts associated with goodsthat were finished during the period.ManufacturingWorkRaw Materials Costs In ProcessBeginning rawmaterials inventory +Raw materialspurchased =Raw materials available for usein production–Ending raw materialsinventory=Raw materials usedin productionAs items are removed from raw materials inventory and placed into the production process, they are called directmaterials.As items are removed from raw materials inventory and placed into the productionprocess, they are called direct materials.Schedule of Cost of Goods ManufacturedManufacturingWorkRaw Materials Costs In ProcessBeginning raw Direct materials materials inventory +Direct labor+Raw materials +Mfg. overhead purchased =Total manufacturing =Raw materials costs available for use in production –Ending raw materialsinventory=Raw materials used in production Conversion costs are costs incurred toconvert the direct material into a finishedproduct.Conversion costs are costs incurred to convert the direct material into a finished product.As items are removed from rawmaterials inventory and placed into the production process, they are called direct materials. As items are removed from raw materials inventory and placed into the production process, they are called direct materials. Schedule of Cost of Goods ManufacturedManufacturing WorkRaw Materials Costs In Process Beginning raw Direct materials Beginning work in materials inventory +Direct labor process inventory +Raw materials +Mfg. overhead +Total manufacturing purchased =Total manufacturing costs =Raw materials costs =Total work in available for use process for the in production period –Ending raw materials–Ending work in inventory process inventory=Raw materials used =Cost of goodsin production manufactured.All manufacturing costs incurred during the period are added to the beginning balance of work in process.All manufacturing costs incurred during the period are added to the beginning balance of work in process. Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured Manufacturing WorkRaw Materials Costs In Process Beginning raw Direct materials Beginning work in materials inventory +Direct labor process inventory +Raw materials +Mfg. overhead +Total manufacturing purchased =Total manufacturing costs =Raw materials costs =Total work in available for use process for the in production period –Ending raw materials –Ending work in inventory process inventory =Raw materials used =Cost of goods in production manufactured.Costs associated with the goods that are completed during the period are transferred to finished goods inventory.Costs associated with the goods that are completed during the period are transferred to finished goods inventory.Schedule of Cost of Goods ManufacturedWorkIn Process Finished GoodsBeginning work in Beginning finishedprocess inventory goods inventory+Manufacturing costs +Cost of goodsfor the period manufactured=Total work in process =Cost of goodsfor the period available for sale–Ending work in -Ending finishedprocess inventory goods inventory=Cost of goods Cost of goodsmanufactured sold Cost of Goods SoldManufacturing Cost FlowsSelling and Administrative Period Costs Finished Goods Cost ofGoodsSoldSelling and Administrative Manufacturing Overhead Work inProcessDirect Labor Balance Sheet Costs Inventories IncomeStatement Expenses Material Purchases Raw Materials Quick Check üBeginning raw materials inventory was $32,000. During the month, $276,000 of raw material was purchased. A count at the end of the month revealed that $28,000 of raw material was still present. What is the cost of direct material used?A.$276,000B.$272,000C.$280,000D.$ 2,000Beginning raw materials inventory was $32,000. During the month, $276,000 of raw material was purchased. A count at the end of the month revealed that $28,000 of raw material was still present. What is the cost of direct material used?A.$276,000B.$272,000C.$280,000D.$ 2,000Quick Check üBeg. raw materials 32,000$ +Raw materialspurchased 276,000=Raw materials availablefor use in production 308,000$ –Ending raw materialsinventory 28,000=Raw materials usedin production 280,000$Quick Check üDirect materials used in production totaled $280,000. Direct labor was $375,000 and factory overhead was $180,000. What were total manufacturing costs incurred for the month?A.$555,000B.$835,000C.$655,000D.Cannot be determined.Direct materials used in production totaled $280,000. Direct labor was $375,000 and factory overhead was $180,000. What were total manufacturing costs incurred for the month?A.$555,000B.$835,000C.$655,000D.Cannot be determined.Quick Check üDirect Materials 280,000$ +Direct Labor 375,000 +Mfg. Overhead 180,000=Mfg. Costs Incurredfor the Month 835,000$ Quick Check üBeginning work in process was $125,000. Manufacturing costs incurred for the month were $835,000. There were $200,000 of partially finished goods remaining in work in process inventory at the end of the month. What was the cost of goods manufactured during the month?A.$1,160,000B.$ 910,000C.$ 760,000D.Cannot be determined.Beginning work in process was $125,000. Manufacturing costs incurred for the month were $835,000. There were $200,000 of partially finished goods remaining in work in process inventory at the end of the month. What was the cost of goods manufactured during the month?A.$1,160,000B.$ 910,000C.$ 760,000D.Cannot be determined.Quick Check üBeginning work inprocess inventory 125,000$ +Mfg. costs incurredfor the period 835,000=Total work in processduring the period 960,000$ –Ending work inprocess inventory 200,000=Cost of goodsmanufactured 760,000$ Quick Check üBeginning finished goods inventory was $130,000. The cost of goods manufactured for the month was $760,000. The ending finished goods inventory was $150,000. What was the cost of goods sold for the month?A. $ 20,000.B. $740,000.C. $780,000.D. $760,000.Beginning finished goods inventory was$130,000. The cost of goods manufactured for the month was $760,000. The ending finished goods inventory was $150,000. What was the cost of goods sold for the month?A. $ 20,000.B. $740,000.C. $780,000.D. $760,000.Quick Check ü$130,000 + $760,000 = $890,000$890,000 -$150,000 = $740,000Learning Objective 5Define and giveexamples of variablecosts and fixed costs.Cost Classifications for Predicting Cost BehaviorHow a cost will react to changes in the level of business activity.v Total variable costschange when activitychanges.v Total fixed costs remainunchanged when activitychanges.How a cost will react to changes in the level of business activity.v Totalvariable costs change when activity changes.v Total fixed costs remain unchanged when activity changes.Total Variable Cost Your total long distance telephone bill is based on how many minutes you talk.Minutes Talked Tot a lL o n g D is t a n ceT elephon eBillVariable Cost Per UnitMinutes TalkedP e rM i n u te TelephoneC h argeThe cost per long distance minute talked is constant. For example, 10 cents per minute.Total Fixed CostYour monthly basic telephone bill probably does not change when youmake more local calls.Number of Local CallsM o n t h ly B a s icTelephoneB ill Fixed Cost Per Unit Number of Local Calls M o n t h l y B a s i c T e l e p h on eBillpe rLocalCa l lThe average fixed cost per local call decreases as more local calls are made.Cost Classifications for Predicting Cost BehaviorBehavior of Cost (within the relevant range)Cost In Total Per UnitVariable Total variable cost changes Variable cost per unit remains as activity level changes.the same over wide rangesof activity.Fixed Total fixed cost remains Average fixed cost per unit goes the same even when the down as activity level goes up.activity level changes.Quick Check üWhich of the following costs would be variable with respect to the number of cones sold at aBaskins & Robbins shop? (There may bemore than one correct answer.)A. The cost of lighting the store.B. The wages of the store manager.C. The cost of ice cream.D. The cost of napkins for customers.Quick Check üWhich of the following costs would be variable with respect to the number of cones sold at aBaskins & Robbins shop? (There may bemore than one correct answer.)A. The cost of lighting the store.B. The wages of the store manager.C. The cost of ice cream.D. The cost of napkins for customers.Learning Objective 6Define and giveexamples of direct andindirect costs. Assigning Costs to Cost ObjectsDirect costsn Costs that can beeasily and convenientlytraced to a unit ofproduct or other costobject.n Examples: Directmaterial and direct labor Indirect costsn Costs that cannot be easily and convenientlytraced to a unit ofproduct or other costobject.n Example: Manufacturing overheadLearning Objective 7Define and give examples ofcost classifications used inmaking decisions: differentialcosts, opportunity costs, andsunk costs.Cost Classifications for Decision MakingEvery decision involves a choicebetween at least two alternatives. Only those costs andbenefits that differbetween alternativesare relevant to thedecision. All othercosts and benefits canand should be ignored.Differential Costs and RevenuesCosts and revenues that differamong alternatives. Example:You have a job paying $1,500 per month in your hometown. You have a job offer in a neighboring city that pays $2,000 per month. The commuting cost to the city is $300 per month.Differential revenue is: $2,000 –$1,500 = $500Differential cost is:$300Net Differential Benefit is:$200Opportunity CostsThe potential benefit that is given up when one alternative is selectedover another.Example:If you werenot attending college,you could be earning$15,000 per year.Your opportunity costof attending college forone year is $15,000.Sunk CostsSunk costs cannot be changed by any decision. They are not differential costs and should be ignored when making decisions. Example:You bought an automobile that cost $10,000 two years ago. The $10,000 cost is sunk because whether you drive it, park it, trade it, or sell it, you cannot change the $10,000 cost. Quick Check üSuppose you are trying to decide whether todrive or take the train to Portland to attend a concert. You have ample cash to do either, butyou don’t want to waste money needlessly. Isthe cost of the train ticket relevant in thisdecision? In other words, should the cost of thetrain ticket affect the decision of whether youdrive or take the train to Portland?A. Yes, the cost of the train ticket is relevant.B. No, the cost of the train ticket is notrelevant.Quick Check üSuppose you are trying to decide whether todrive or take the train to Portland to attend a concert. You have ample cash to do either, but you don’t want to waste money needlessly. Is the cost of the train ticket relevant in this decision? In other words, should the cost of the train ticket affect the decision of whether you drive or take the train to Portland?A. Yes, the cost of the train ticket is relevant.B. No, the cost of the train ticket is notrelevant.Quick Check üSuppose you are trying to decide whether to drive or take the train to Portland to attend a concert. You have ample cash to do either, but you don’t want to waste money needlessly. Is the annual cost of licensing your car relevant in this decision?A. Yes, the licensing cost is relevant.B. No, the licensing cost is not relevant.Quick Check üSuppose you are trying to decide whether to drive or take the train to Portland to attend a concert. You have ample cash to do either, but you don’t want to waste money needlessly. Is the annual cost of licensing your car relevant in this decision?A. Yes, the licensing cost is relevant.B. No, the licensing cost is not relevant.Quick Check üSuppose that your car could be sold now for $5,000. Is this a sunk cost?A. Yes, it is a sunk cost.B. No, it is not a sunk cost.Suppose that your car could be sold now for $5,000. Is this a sunk cost?A. Yes, it is a sunk cost.B. No, it is not a sunk cost.Quick Check üSummary of the Types of Cost ClassificationsFinancial Reporting PredictingCost BehaviorAssigning Costs to Cost Objects Decision MakingEnd of Chapter 1。

targets included in
system should be set at such a level that m an ag e r s and th e people who work for them are motivated to achieve them.
Describe and explain the essential requirements of a management accounting system
Chapter catalogue
Management Accounting Information
Collection and Measurement of Information 内容说明内容说明内容说明 Information for Strategic, Operational and Management 内容说明内容说明内容说明 Control
1.4 The Effect of Management Style and Structure
Autocratic vs democratic 内容说明
内容说明 内容说明
An autocratic style, by contrast, means that decision 内容说明 making is exercised at a higher level and therefore the necessary information to enable the function to be carried out will similarly be provided at this level also.
Unit 6 Financial Management and Cost Management

第二部分--Unit 6 Financial Management and Cost Management Topic 1 筹资渠道 Financing SourcesTopic 2 营运资本管理 Working Capital ManagementTopic 3 股利政策 Dividend PolicyTopic 4 资本成本 The cost of capitalTopic 5 企业价值评估 Business valuationsTopic 6 本量利分析 CVP AnalysisTopic 7 绩效评价 Performance MeasurementTopic 1 筹资渠道 Financing Sources1.短期筹资 Short-term finance2.长期筹资 Long-term finance1.短期筹资 Short-term finance短期负债筹资所筹集资金的使用时间较短,一般不超过1年。
短期负债筹资具有如下特点:Funds can be raised by short-term liabilities in short time. Usually short-term liabilities are due within one year. Characteristics of short-term liabilities include the following:(1)筹资速度快,容易取得;Readily available;(2)筹资富有弹性;Flexible;(3)筹资成本较低;Financing cost is low;(4)筹资风险高。
Financing risk is high.企业可使用的短期融资渠道包括短期借款和商业信用。
A range of short-term sources of finance is available to businesses including short-term loans and trade credit.2.长期筹资 Long-term finance长期融资通常用于重要投资,与短期融资相比,成本较高且缺乏灵活性。
Ch02 Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts

costs. • Cost of regulatory
Does not include selling or general and administrative
$$$ $$$
Cost of Goods Sold
Copyright © 2006, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Flow of Costs Associated With Production
Manufacturing cost incurred during this period: $605000
Chapter 2 Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts
Copyright © 2006, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Types of Cost Classifications
There are many types of cost in operation of a business In managerial accounting, cost is defined and classified in different ways for different management purposes
Costs necessary to secure the order and deliver the product.
Cost management∶accounting and control 第十一章解答手册

CHAPTER 11 STRATEGIC COST MANAGEMENT QUESTIONS FOR WRITING AND DISCUSSION1. A competitive advantage is providing bettercustomer value for the same or lower cost or equivalent value for lower cost. The cost management system must provide infor-mation that helps identify strategies that will create a cost leadership position.2.Customer value is the difference betweenwhat a customer receives and what the customer gives up (customer realization less customer sacrifice). Cost leadership focuses on minimizing customer sacrifice. A differen-tiation strategy, on the other hand, focuses on increasing customer realization, with the goal of ensuring that the value added exceeds the costs of providing the differenti-ation. Focusing selects the customers to which value is to be delivered. Strategic po-sitioning is the choice of the mix of cost leadership, differentiation, and focusing thata company will emphasize.3.External linkages describe the relationshipbetween a firm’s value chain and the value chain of its suppliers and customers. Internal linkages are relationships among the activi ties within a firm’s value chain.anizational activities are activities thatdetermine the structure and business pro-cesses of an organization. Operational ac-tivities are the day-to-day activities that result from the structure and processes chosen by an organization. Organizational cost drivers are the structural and procedural factors that de termine a firm’s long-term cost structure.Operational cost drivers are the factors that drive the cost of the day-to-day activities.5. A structural cost driver is a factor that drivescosts associated with the organization’s structure, such as scale and scope factors.Examples include number of plants and management style. Executional cost drivers are factors that determine the cost of activi-ties related to a firm’s ability to execute successfully. Examples include degree of employee participation and plant layout efficiency.6.Value-chain analysis involves identifyingthose internal and external linkages thatresult in a firm achieving either a cost lead-ership or differentiation strategy. Managingorganizational and operational cost drivers tocreate long-term cost reductions is a key el-ement in the analysis. Value-chain analysisis a form of strategic cost management. Itshares the same goal of creating a long-termcompetitive advantage by using cost infor-mation.7.An industrial value chain is the linked set ofvalue-creating activities from basic rawmaterials to end-use customers. Knowing anactivity’s relative position in the value chainis vital for strategic analysis. For example,knowing the relative economic position in theindustrial chain may reveal a need to back-ward or forward integrate in the chain. A totalquality control strategy also reveals the im-portance of external linkages. Suppliers, forexample, create parts that are used in prod-ucts downstream in the value chain. Produc-ing defect-free parts depends strongly on thequality of parts provided by suppliers.8.The three viewpoints of product life cycle arethe marketing viewpoint, the productionviewpoint, and the consumption viewpoint.They differ by the nature of the stages andthe nature of the entity’s life being defined.The marketing viewpoint has a revenue-oriented viewpoint, the production viewpointis expense oriented, and the consumptionviewpoint is customer value oriented.9. The four stages of the marketing life cycleare introduction, growth, maturity, and de-cline. The stages relate to the sales functionover the life of the product. The introductionstage is slow growth, the growth stage israpid growth, the maturity stage is growthbut at a decreasing rate, and the declinestage is characterized by decreasing sales. 10.Life-cycle costs are all costs associated withthe product for its entire life cycle. Thesecosts correspond to the costs of the activi-ties associated with the production life cycle:research and development, production, andlogistics.11.The four stages of the consumption life cycleare purchasing, operating, maintaining, anddisposal. Post-purchase costs are thosecosts associated with operating, maintaining,and disposing of a product. Knowing thesecosts is important because a producer cancreate a competitive advantage by offeringproducts with lower post-purchase coststhan products offered by competitors.12.Agree. According to evidence, ninety percentof a product’s costs are committed duringthe development stage. Furthermore, $1spent during this stage on preproduction ac-tivities can save $8–$10 on production andpost-production activities. Clearly, the time tomanage activities is during the developmentstage.13.Target costing is the setting of a cost goalneeded to capture a given market share andearn a certain level of profits. Actions arethen taken to achieve this goal—usually byseeking ways to reduce costs to the pointwhere the plan becomes feasible (often byseeking better product designs). This is con-sistent with the cost reduction emphasisfound in life-cycle cost management.14.Cells act as a “factory within a factory.” Eachcell is dedicated to the production of a singleproduct or subassembly. Costs associatedwith the cell belong to the cell’s output. Bydecentralizing services and redeployingequipment and employees to the cell level,the quantity of directly attributable costs in-creases dramatically.15.Backflush costing is a simplified approach toaccounting for manufacturing cost flows. Ituses trigger points to determine when costsare assigned to inventory or temporaryaccounts. In the purest form, the only triggerpoint is when the goods are sold. In this var-iation, the manufacturing costs are flushedout of the system by debiting Cost of GoodsSold and crediting Accounts Payable andConversion Cost Control. Other triggerpoints are possible but entail more journalentry activity and involve some inventory ac-counts.EXERCISES 11–1a. Structuralb. Operationalc. Executionald. Executionale. Structuralf. Structuralg. Operationalh. Operationali. Structural j. Executional k. Executional l. Operational m. Operational n. Executional o. Structural p. Operational q. Executional r. Structural s. Structural t. Executional11–2Inspecting products, reworking products, and warranty work: These are all quality-related activities. This suggests a strategic change in the organizational activity, “provi d ing quality,” (an executional activity). The associated executional cost driver is quality approach. The cost of all three quality activities can be re-duced by changing the driver from acceptable quality level (AQL) to total quality management (TQM). TQM emphasizes zero defects. As the organization strives to achieve a zero defect stage, the demand for inspecting products, reworking, and warranty work diminishes. As less activity demand occurs, resource spending on these activities can be reduced. Changes in other organizational activities may also bring about cost reductions. Both “using e m ployees” (executional activity) and “grouping employees” (structural activi ty) can be beneficial. Multitask train-ing and strong employee involvement can produce reductions in the cost of the three quality-related activities. Teams, known as quality control circles, can be beneficial.Moving materials: The driver is distance moved. This suggests that some atten-tion needs to be given to the executional activity of providing plant layout. The driver is plant layout efficiency. Changing to a cellular format could bring about significant reductions in the cost of materials handling.11–2 ConcludedSetting up equipment: Setup time is the driver. Designing processes, selecting and using process technologies, and providing plant layout are all organizational activities that can affect the setup activity. By choosing a cellular arrangement where the cell is dedicated to a product, setup time can be reduced to zero. For product families, a flexible manufacturing cell can also reduce the time to an in-significant level. Finally, it may be possible to redesign the setup activity so that it becomes much more efficient.Purchasing parts: This activity is driven by the number of different parts. This is a driver that also relates to complexity, a structural activity. This suggests that re-ducing complexity will reduce the number of different parts needed and the cost of the purchasing activity. Additionally, the cost of this activity can be reduced by selecting the JIT process technology with its methods that reduce the need for parts inventories.Storing goods and materials: Reducing days in inventory reduces the cost of this activity. This suggests the possibility of looking at the structural activity: select-ing and using process technologies. There are process technology choices such as JIT and theory of constraints that produce very low levels of inventory. Expediting orders: Reducing the number of late orders (increasing the number of on-time deliveries) will reduce the cost of this activity. This suggests a need to decrease production time, perhaps by looking at organizational activities such as plant layout and providing capacity. Increasing plant layout efficiency can de-crease cycle time. Utilizing capacity efficiently can also decrease the number of late orders.11–31. Supplier cost:First, calculate the activity rates for assigning costs to suppliers:Inspecting components: $1,200,000/1,000 = $1,200 per sampling hourExpediting work: $960,000/100 = $9,600 per orderReworking products: $6,844,500/1,500 = $4,563 per rework hourWarranty work: $21,600,000/4,000 = $5,400 per warranty hour Next, calculate the cost per component by supplier:Supplier cost:Grayson Lambert Purchase cost:$144 ⨯ 200,000 ..................... $ 28,800,000$129 ⨯ 800,000 ..................... $103,200,000 Inspecting components:$1,200 ⨯ 20 ........................... 24,000$1,200 ⨯ 980 ......................... 1,176,000 Expediting work:$9,600 ⨯ 10 ........................... 96,000$9,600 ⨯ 90 ........................... 864,000 Reworking products:$4,563 ⨯ 90 ........................... 410,670$4,563 ⨯ 1,410 ...................... 6,433,830 Warranty work:$5,400 ⨯ 200 ......................... 1,080,000$5,400 ⨯ 3,800 ...................... 20,520,000 Total supplier cost .................... $ 30,410,670 $132,193,830Units supplied ........................... ÷200,000 ÷800,000 Unit cost ............................... * **Rounded to the nearest cent.The difference favors Grayson; furthermore, when the price concession is considered ($135 – $144), the cost of Grayson is $143.05, which is much less than the Lambert component. Zavner should give serious consideration to accepting the contractual offer made by Grayson. The savings are in the mil-lions.2. To assign the lost sales cost, it would be helpful to know the number of de-fective units using the Grayson component versus those using the Lambert component. Warranty hours would act as a very good substitute driver. Using this driver, the rate is $4,500,000/4,000 = $1,125 per warranty hour. The cost assigned to each component would be:Grayson LambertLost sales:$1,125 ⨯ 200 ........... $ 225,000$1,125 ⨯ 3,800 ........ $4,275,000This increases the cost of the Lambert component by $4,275,000/800,000 = $5.34 *.*Rounded.11–41. Sales revenue = $0.75 ⨯10,000,000 = $7,500,000 for each customer type.(Note: The total number of parts is the average order size times the number of sales orders.) Thus, the total customer-related activity costs are split equally: Cost allocation = 0.50 ⨯ $5,900,000 = $2,950,000The profitability of each category is calculated as follows:Sales revenue ........................................................................... $7,500,000Less: Noncustomer-related cost ($0.40 ⨯ 10,000,000) .......... 4,000,000Less: Customer-related activity costs .................................... 2,950,000 Customer profitability ......................................................... $ 550,000 This profitability measure is suspect because the customer-related costs are assigned using revenues, a driver that is not causally related to the customer-related activity costs. This approach may actually have one set of customers subsidizing the other.2. Activity-based customer costing:First, calculate the activity rates for assigning costs to suppliers:Processing sales orders: $1,100,000/11,000 = $100 per orderScheduling production: $600,000/20,000 = $30 per scheduling hourSetting up equipment: $1,800,000/15,000 = $120 per setupInspecting batches: $2,400,000/15,000 = $160 per inspection Next, assign the costs to the customers (those who place frequent orders and those who place infrequent orders):Frequent I nfrequent Processing sales orders:$100 ⨯ 10,000 .......................... $ 1,000,000$100 ⨯ 1,000 ............................ $ 100,000 Scheduling production:$30 ⨯ 17,500 ............................ 525,000$30 ⨯ 2,500 .............................. 75,000 Setting up equipment:$120 ⨯ 12,500 .......................... 1,500,000$120 ⨯ 2,500 ............................ 300,000 Inspecting batches:$160 ⨯ 12,500 .......................... 2,000,000$160 ⨯ 2,500 ............................ 400,000 Total customer cost .................... $ 5,025,000 $ 875,000Profitability:Frequent I nfrequent Sales revenue .............................. $ 7,500,000 $ 7,500,000Less: Other costs ........................ 4,000,000 4,000,000Less: Customer-related costs .... 5,025,000 875,000 Customer profitability ............ $ (1,525,000) $ 2,625,000 This outcome reveals that customers who place smaller, more frequent or-ders are not profitable. Actions must be taken to make this segment profita-ble, or this category of customers could be dropped. One possibility is to im-pose a charge for orders below a certain size, thus reducing the demands on the four customer-related activities with a subsequent reduction in cost. An-other possibility is to offer quantity discounts to encourage larger orders.DA = Direct attribution (tracing)DT = Driver tracingAL = AllocationCost Item Before JIT After JITa. Inspection costs ................................................... DT DAb. Power to heat, light, and cool plant .................... AL ALc. Minor repairs on production equipment ............. DT DAd. Salary of production supervisor (dept./cell) ....... AL DAe. Oil to lubricate machinery .................................... DT DAf. Salary of plant supervisor .................................... AL ALg. Costs to set up machinery ................................... DT DAh. Salaries of janitors................................................ AL ALi. Power to operate production equipment ............ DT DT aj. Taxes on plant and equipment ............................ AL ALk. Depreciation on production equipment .............. DT DAl. Raw materials ....................................................... DA DAm. Salary of industrial engineer ............................... DT DA bn. Parts for machinery .............................................. DT DAo. Pencils and paper clips for productionsupervisor (dept./cell) ..................................... DT DAp. Insurance on plant and equipment ..................... AL ALq. Overtime wages for cell workers ........................ DT DAr. Plant depreciation................................................. AL AL cs. Materials handling ................................................ DT DAt. Preventive maintenance ....................................... DT DAa DA, if each cell has a meter.b Assumes engineers are assigned to cells.c Some might argue that cell square footage would be a good driver so this isnow DT. (We now know how much space is dedicated to each product.)1. Maintenance cost per maintenance hour = $1,960,000/200,000= $9.80 per maintenance hourWheels: $9.80 ⨯ 60,000/52,500 = $11.20 per unitSeats: $9.80 ⨯ 60,000/52,500 = $11.20 per unitHandle bars: $9.80 ⨯ 80,000/70,000 = $11.20 per unit2. Wheels: $532,000/52,500 = $10.13* per unitSeats: $588,000/52,500 = $11.20 per unitHandle bars: $840,000/70,000 = $12.00 per unit*Rounded to the nearest cent.3. The JIT cost is more accurate because maintenance cost is directly traced toeach product. There is no need to use an activity driver such as maintenance hours to assign this cost to each product. This improved traceability can be explained by two factors: multitask training and decentralization of services. 11–71. Materials Inventory .............................................. 810,000Accounts Payable .......................................... 810,000Work-in-Process Inventory ................................. 810,000Materials Inventory ......................................... 810,000Work-in-Process Inventory ................................. 135,000Wages Payable ............................................... 135,000Overhead Control ................................................ 675,000Accounts Payable .......................................... 675,000Work-in-Process Inventory ................................. 742,500Overhead Control ........................................... 742,50011–7 ConcludedFinished Goods Inventory ................................... 1,687,500Work-in-Process Inventory ............................ 1,687,500Cost of Goods Sold ............................................. 1,687,500Finished Goods Inventory ............................. 1,687,500Accounts Receivable ........................................... 2,700,000Sales Revenue ................................................ 2,700,000Overhead Control ................................................ 67,500Cost of Goods Sold ........................................ 67,500 To close out the overapplied overheadvariance.2. Raw Materials and In Process Inventory ........... 810,000Accounts Payable .......................................... 810,000Conversion Cost Control .................................... 810,000Accounts Payable .......................................... 675,000 Wages Payable ............................................... 135,000Finished Goods Inventory ................................... 1,687,500Conversion Cost Control ............................... 877,500 Receivables-in-Process Inventory ................ 810,000Cost of Goods Sold ............................................. 1,687,500Finished Goods Inventory ............................. 1,687,500Accounts Receivable ........................................... 2,700,000Sales Revenue ................................................ 2,700,000Conversion Cost Control .................................... 67,500Cost of Goods Sold ........................................ 67,500 To close out the conversion costvariance.Raw Materials and In Process Inventory ........... 810,000 Accounts Payable .......................................... 810,000Conversion Cost Control .................................... 810,000 Accounts Payable .......................................... 675,000 Wages Payable ............................................... 135,000Cost of Goods Sold ............................................. 1,687,500 Receivables-in-Process Inventory ................ 810,000 Conversion Cost Control ............................... 877,500Accounts Receivable ........................................... 2,700,000 Sales Revenue ................................................ 2,700,000Conversion Cost Control .................................... 67,500 Cost of Goods Sold ........................................ 67,500 To close out the conversion costvariance.1. Conversion Cost Control .................................... 810,000Accounts Payable .......................................... 675,000 Wages Payable ............................................... 135,000Finished Goods Inventory ................................... 1,687,500Conversion Cost Control ............................... 877,500 Accounts Payable .......................................... 810,000Cost of Goods Sold ............................................. 1,687,500Finished Goods Inventory ............................. 1,687,500Accounts Receivable ........................................... 2,700,000Sales Revenue ................................................ 2,700,000Conversion Cost Control .................................... 67,500Cost of Goods Sold ........................................ 67,500 To close out the conversion costvariance.2. Conversion Cost Control .................................... 810,000Accounts Payable .......................................... 675,000 Wages Payable ............................................... 135,000Cost of Goods Sold ............................................. 1,687,500Accounts Payable .......................................... 810,000 Conversion Cost Control ............................... 877,500Accounts Receivable ........................................... 2,700,000Sales Revenue ................................................ 2,700,000Conversion Cost Control .................................... 67,500Cost of Goods Sold ........................................ 67,500 To close out the conversion costvariance.1. Fabrication AssemblyMaintenance:0.75 ⨯ $160,000 ....................... $ 120,0000.25 ⨯ $160,000 ....................... $ 40,000Direct overhead costs ................. 240,000 68,000 Total ........................................ $ 360,000 $ 108,000 *Allocation based on number of moves.Overhead rate (based on direct labor hours for each department): Fabrication: $360,000/24,000 = $15 per direct labor hourAssembly: $108,000/12,000 = $9 per direct labor hourUnit cost:Regular: ($15 ⨯ 1) + ($9 ⨯Super: ($15 ⨯ 2) + ($9 ⨯ 1) = $392. Regular: $76,000/8,000 = $9.50 per unitSuper: $240,000/8,000 = $30 per unitThe JIT cost is more accurate because it has more costs that can be assigned using direct tracing.3. JIT manufacturing should result in more efficient production, and, thus, costswould be reduced. For example, a cell structure would almost eliminate the materials handling requirements, and most of this cost should disappear.Multidisciplinary labor and decentralization could produce additional savings.PROBLEMS11–111. Cost per labor hour = ($5,000,000 + $7,500,000*)/250,000= $50 per hour*($30 ⨯ 250,000 DLH = $7,500,000).Cost per unit of average product = $50 ⨯2. Cost per hour = ($6,600,000 + $6,000,000*)/200,000 = $63.00 per hour*($30 ⨯ 200,000 DLH = $6,000,000).Cost per unit of average product = $63 ⨯ 1 = $633. The design changes increased non-unit-based overhead activities, while de-creasing unit-based costs. This is suggested by the fact that engineering change orders triggered a number of overhead-related activities such as changes in setup, inspection, and purchasing activities. Thus, so-called fixed overhead increased by $1,600,000. Reduction in labor content may have come at the expense of increasing the demand for non-unit-related activities. This is supported by the analysis of the effects of the design changes on setups and purchasing:Setups:Change in demand for setups = (40,000 – 20,000)/2,000= 10 stepsC hange in resource spending = 10 steps ⨯ $90,000 = $900,000Purchasing:Change in demand for purchasing = 250 – 100= 150 component typesChange in steps demanded = 150/20 = 7.5, thus requiring 8 steps (partial steps cannot be acquired)Change in variable activity cost = $150 ⨯ $2,000= $300,000Change in step-fixed cost = 8 ⨯ $50,000= $400,000Total change = $300,000 + $400,000 = $700,000The engineers did not have a correct view of the existing internal linkages. To exploit internal linkages, it is imperative that internal value-chain activities be identified with their associated cost drivers.11–11 Concluded4. The cost of producing decreases by $250,000 for the rejected design:Unit-level activities:Unit-level cost change = (260,000 – 250,000) ⨯ $30= 10,000 ⨯ $30= $300,000Setups:Setup cost change = (10,000 – 20,000)/2,000= 5-step reduction ⨯ $90,000= ($450,000) savingsPurchasing:Purchasing demand change = (75 – 100) = (25)Decrease in steps = 25/20 = 1 (rounded down to nearest whole unit)Decrease in variable cost = $2,000 ⨯ (25) = ($50,000)Decrease in step cost = $50,000 ⨯ (1) = ($50,000)Total change = $300,000 – $450,000 – $50,000 – $50,000= ($250,000)The rejected design actually produces a $250,000 savings relative to the cur-rent design. Relative to the accepted new design, the savings is $1,600,000 more! This emphasizes the importance of having the facts correct when mak-ing strategic changes. ABC links output with activities and activities with costs. Thus, any change in product design with an impact on activities could be associated with cost changes. By describing cost behavior better and es-tablishing the indicated linkages, ABC can help a manager identify the best cost reduction strategies.1. Supplier cost:First, calculate the activity rates for assigning costs to suppliers:T esting engines: $240,000/1,000 = $240 per engineReworking products: $400,000/5,000 = $80 per rework hourE xpediting orders: $300,000/100 = $3,000 per late shipmentR epairing engines: $540,000/1,250 = $432 per engineNext, calculate the cost per engine by supplier:Supplier cost:Bach Rivera Purchase cost:$270 ⨯ 10,800 .......................... $2,916,000$300 ⨯ 2,400 ............................ $ 720,000 Replacing engines:$240 ⨯ 990 ............................... 237,600$240 ⨯ 10 ................................. 2,400 Rework:$80 ⨯ 4,900 .............................. 392,000$80 ⨯ 100 ................................. 8,000 Expediting orders:$3,000 ⨯ 99 .............................. 297,000$3,000 ⨯ 1 ................................ 3,000 Repairing engines:$432 ⨯ 1,220 ............................ 527,040$432 ⨯ 30 ................................. 12,960 Total supplier cost ....................... $4,369,640 $ 746,360Units supplied .............................. ÷10,800 ÷2,400 Unit cost ..................................The Rivera engine costs less when the full supplier effects are considered.This is a better assessment of cost because it considers the costs that are caused by the supplier due to poor quality, poor reliability, and poor delivery performance.2. Given that Plata needs both suppliers, it seems sensible to first shift morebusiness to the true low-cost supplier and then take actions to help improve behavior of Bach engines. Plata could share the ABC analysis with Bach and show how the poor quality and delivery performance are affecting the costs of Plata. Plata may offer to share expertise so that Bach can improve its per-formance. ABC helps in strategic analysis by tracing costs to their sources—even if those sources are outside the factory walls. It reveals opportunities for reducing costs and improving relations with external parties (suppliers in this case).。
成本与管理会计英文版第十五版课程设计 (2)

Cost and Managerial Accounting English Version 15thEdition Course DesignIntroductionCost and Managerial Accounting is an essential course for all business-related majors. The course is designed to introduce students to the principles, techniques, and tools used in cost and managerial accounting. The m is to provide students with a clear understanding of how to manage various costs associated with the production of goods and services, and how to use this information to make informed business decisions.The fifteenth edition of the textbook Cost and Managerial Accounting is considered a comprehensive and authoritative resource in the field. The course design presented in this document is based on this textbook, and it is intended to provide a roadmap for teaching and learning the course.Learning ObjectivesThe learning objectives of the Cost and Managerial Accounting course include:•Understand the differences between cost accounting and managerial accounting•Identify and analyze various types of cost-related issues that companies encounter•Develop skills for assigning costs to products, services, and other cost centers•Use financial and non-financial information effectively to make informed decisions•Develop knowledge and skills for budgeting and forecasting•Understand the principles of performance measurement and variance analysisCourse OutlineThe Cost and Managerial Accounting course should cover the following topics:Introduction to Cost and Managerial Accounting•The role of cost and managerial accounting in decision making•Differences between financial accounting and managerial accounting•Cost concepts: direct and indirect costs, variable and fixed costs, etc.Job Order and Process Costing Systems•Job order costing and process costing systems•Assigning direct costs and indirect costs to products and services•Calculating unit costs and production volume measures Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis•Understanding the relationships between costs, volume, and profits•Breakeven analysis, contribution margin, and margin of safety•Sensitivity analysis and what-if scenariosActivity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Management•The ABC system and its advantages in management decision-making•Identifying and analyzing cost drivers and activity centers•Implementing and using the ABC system to allocate costs Budgeting and Standard Costing Systems•Preparing and using budgets for planning and control•Types of budgets: sales, production, direct material, direct labor, overhead, and cash•Variance analysis: materials, labor, and overhead variances Performance Measurement and Management•Evaluating and managing performance using various performance measures•Balanced scorecard and key performance indicators (KPIs)•Continuous improvement and the role of benchmarking Teaching StrategiesThe following teaching strategies can be used to promote effective learning in the Cost and Managerial Accounting course:Classroom LecturesClassroom lectures are a primary mode of teaching in the course, and they should cover topics from the textbook. The instructor should alsouse real-world examples to illustrate specific concepts and techniques. The lectures should also encourage student participation and provide a forum for class discussions.Team ActivitiesGroup activities, such as case studies, group projects, and team presentations, enhance student teamwork, critical thinking, and communication skills. Group activities also provide students with an opportunity to apply managerial accounting concepts in different contexts.Quizzes and ExamsQuizze s and exams serve as an assessment tool to measure students’ knowledge, understanding, and application of managerial accounting concepts. The exams should be structured to include multiple-choice questions, problem-solving questions, and short answer questions.ConclusionThe Cost and Managerial Accounting course is critical for students majoring in business. This course design provides instructors with a roadmap for teaching the course based on the fifteenth edition of the textbook Cost and Managerial Accounting. The course covers essential topics such as job order and process costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting, performance measurement, and management. The use of classroom lectures, group activities, and exams are effective teaching strategies that will help students achieve the course’s learning objectives.。

《成本会计:以管理为重心》中英文对照词汇表非正常毁损Abnormal spoilage生产成本法Absorption costing账户分析法Account analysis method会计回报率Accounting rate of return权责发生制下会计回报率Accrual accounting rate of return作业Activity作业基础的预算管理Activity-based budgeting作业成本法Activity-based costing作业管理Activity-based management实际成本Actual cost实际成本法Actual costing调整分配率途径Adjusted allocation-rate approach允许的成本Allowable cost鉴定成本Appraisal costs拟构成本Artificial costs注意力导向Attention directing自治Autonomy平均成本Average cost平均等候时间Average waiting time反冲成本法Backflush costing平衡记分卡Balanced scorecard批次级成本Batch-level costs观念系统Belief systems标杆管理Benchmarking账面价值Book value瓶颈Bottleneck边界系统Boundary systems盈亏平衡点Breakeven point预算Budget预算成本Budgeted cost预算松弛Budgetary slack预算间接成本分配率Budgeted indirect-cost rate捆绑产品Bundled product业务功能成本Business function costs副产品Byproducts资本预算Capital budgeting储囤成本Carrying costs现金预算Cash budget因果图Cause-and-effect diagram财务管理认证Certified in financial management注册管理会计师Certified management accountant财务总监Chief financial officer决定系数Coefficient of determination共谋定价Collusive pricing共同成本Common cost完整往复成本Complete reciprocated costs合成单位Composite unit商讨会法Conference method遵循质量Conformance quality常数Constant固定毛利率NRV法Constant gross-margin percentage NRV method 约束条件Constraint滚动预算Continuous budget, rolling budget贡献收益表Contribution income statement边际贡献Contribution margin单位边际贡献Contribution margin per unit边际贡献率Contribution margin percentage边际贡献比例Contribution margin ratio控制Control控制图Control chart可控性Controllability可控成本Controllable cost主计长Controller加工成本Conversion costs成本Cost成本会计Cost accounting成本会计标准委员会Cost accounting standards board成本汇集Cost accumulation成本分配Cost allocation成本分配基础Cost-allocation base成本分配基础Cost-application base成本归集Cost assignment成本-收益权衡Cost-benefit approach成本中心Cost center成本动因Cost driver成本估计Cost estimation成本函数Cost function成本层级Cost hierarchy成本流入Cost incurrence成本领先Cost leadership成本管理Cost management成本对象Cost object资本成本Cost of capital产品制造成本Cost of goods manufactured成本库Cost pool成本预测Cost predictions成本追溯Cost tracing质量成本Costs of quality, quality costs本量利分析Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis累计平均时间学习模型Cumulative average-time learning model当前成本Current cost客户成本层级Customer cost hierarchy客户生命周期成本Customer life-cycle costs客户盈利分析Customer-profitability analysis客户回应时间Customer-response time客户服务Customer service分权Decentralization决策模型Decision model决策表Decision table经营杠杆水平Degree of operating leverage分母水平Denominator level生产数量差异Denominator-level variance, Output-level overhead variance, Production-volume variance因变量Dependent variable产品或服务设计Design of products, services, or processes设计质量Design quality设计锁定成本Designed-in costs, locked-in costs诊断控制系统Diagnostic control systems差异成本Differential cost差异收入Differential revenue直接分配法Direct allocation method直接成本法Direct costing成本对象的直接成本Direct costs of a cost object直接生产人工成本Direct manufacturing labor costs直接材料成本Direct material costs直接材料存货Direct material inventory直接材料混合差异Direct material mix variance直接材料产量差异Direct material yield variance直接法Direct method折现率Discount rate现金流量折现法Discounted cash flow (DCF) methods酌量性成本Discretionary costs发送Distribution减少规模Downsizing向下需求旋转Downward demand spiral双重定价Dual pricing双成本分配率法Dual-rate cost-allocation method, dual-rate method倾销Dumping次优化决策制定Dysfunctional decision making, Incongruent decision making, suboptimal decision making经济订单数量Economic order quantity (EOQ)经济增加值Economic value added有效性Effectiveness效率Efficiency效率差异Efficiency variance, usage variance努力Effort技术成本Engineered costs约当产量Equivalent units事项Event预期货币价值Expected monetary value, expected value经验曲线Experience curve外部失败成本External failure cost设施支持成本Facility-sustaining costs工厂间接费用Factory overhead costs有利差异Favorable variance反馈Feedback财务主管Finance director财务会计Financial accounting财务预算Financial budget财务计划模型Financial planning models产成品存货Finished goods inventory先进先出分步法First-in, first-out (FIFO) process-costing method固定成本Fixed cost固定间接费用弹性预算差异Fixed overhead flexible-budget variance 固定间接费用耗费差异Fixed overhead spending variance弹性预算Flexible budget弹性预算差异Flexible-budget variance产品全部成本Full costs of the product目标一致性Goal congruence毛利率Gross margin percentage增长构成Growth component高低法High-low method同质的成本库Homogenous cost pool基本报酬率Hurdle rate混合成本核算系统Hybrid costing system空置时间Idle time假设成本Imputed costs增量成本Incremental cost增量成本分配法Incremental cost-allocation method增量收入Incremental revenue增量收入分配法Incremental revenue-allocation method增量单位时间学习模型Incremental unit-time learning model自变量Independent variable成本对象的间接成本Indirect costs of a cost object间接成本分配率Indirect-cost rate间接制造成本Indirect manufacturing costs工业工程法Industrial engineering method, Work-measurement method通货膨胀Inflation价格差异Input-price variance, price variance, rate variance内制Insourcing检验点Inspection point管理会计师协会Institute of Management Accountants交互式控制系统Interactive control systems截距项Intercept中间产品Intermediate product内部失败成本Internal failure costs内含报酬率法Internal rate-of-return (IRR) method产品存货成本Inventoriable costs存货管理Inventory management投资Investment投资中心Investment center批次Job分批成本记录Job-cost record, job-cost sheet分批法Job-costing system联合成本Joint costs联产品Joint products即时制生产Just-in-time (JIT) production, lean production即时制采购Just-in-time (JIT) purchasing改进法预算Kaizen budgeting人工时间记录Labor-time record学习曲线Learning curve生命周期预算Life-cycle budgeting生命周期成本法Life-cycle costing业务管理Line management线形成本函数Linear cost function线性规划Linear programming主产品Main product自产/外购决策Make-or-buy decisions管理会计Management accounting例外管理Management by exception管理控制系统Management control system制造单元Manufacturing cells生产周期时间Manufacturing cycle time, Manufacturing lead time分配的制造费用Manufacturing overhead allocated, Manufacturing overhead applied 制造类企业Manufacturing-sector companies安全边际Margin of safety市场营销Marketing市场分额差异Market-share variance市场规模差异Market-size variance全面预算Master budget全面预算生产能力利用Master-budget capacity utilization材料需求规划Materials requirements planning用料单Materials-requisition record商业类企业Merchandising-sector companies混合成本Mixed cost, semivariable cost道德风险Moral hazard动机Motivation多重共线性Multicollinearity多变量回归Multiple regression净利润Net income净现值法Net present value (NPV) method净可实现值法Net realizable value (NPV) method名义回报率Nominal rate of return非线性成本函数Nonlinear cost function非价值增加成本Nonvalue-added cost正常生产能力利用Normal capacity utilization正常成本法Normal costing正常毁损Normal spoilage目标函数Objective function准时表现On-time performance一次性特殊订单One-time-only special order经营预算Operating budget营业部门Operating department营业利润Operating income经营杠杆Operating leverage经营Operation经营成本核算系统Operation-costing system机会成本Opportunity cost资本机会成本Opportunity cost of capital采购订单成本Ordering costs组织架构Organization structure结果Outcomes产出单位成本Output unit-level costs外部采购Outsourcing分配过多的间接成本Overabsorbed indirect costs, Overapplied indirect costs, overallocated indirect costs加班奖金Overtime premium帕累托图Pareto Diagram局部生产力Partial productivity回收期法Payback method最大负荷定价Peak-load pricing完全竞争市场Perfectly competitive market期间成本Period costs实物计量法Physical measure method计划Planning现实的生产能力Practical capacity掠夺性定价Predatory pricing预防成本Prevention costs转入成本Previous department costs, transferred-in costs价格折扣Price discount区别定价Price discrimination价格恢复构成Price-recovery component主要成本Prime costs预测报表Pro forma statements概率Probability概率分布Probability distribution问题解决Problem solving分步成本核算系统Process-costing system产品Product产品成本Product cost产品成本互补Product-cost cross-subsidization产品差异化Product differentiation产品生命周期Product life cycle产品组合决策Product mix decisions成本高计的产品Product overcosting产品支持成本Product-sustaining costs成本少计的产品Product undercosting生产Production生产部门Production department生产量水平Production-denominator level生产力Productivity生产力构成Productivity component利润中心Profit center按比例分配Proration采购订单提前量Purchasing-order lead time采购成本Purchasing costsPV图PV graph定性因素Qualitative factors质量Quality定量因素Quantitative factors真实回报率Real rate of return交互分配法Reciprocal allocation method, reciprocal method 业务流程再造Reengineering精练化成本系统Refined costing system回归分析Regression analysis相关成本Relevant costs相关范围Relevant range相关收入Relevant revenues再订购点Reorder point要求的回报率Required rate of return研发Research and development剩余收益Residual income剩余项Residual term责任会计Responsibility accounting责任中心Responsibility center投资报酬率Return on investment收入分配Revenue allocation收入中心Revenue center收入动因Revenue driver收入对象Revenue object收入Revenues返工Rework合适规模Rightsizing安全库存Safety stock销售组合Sales mix销售组合差异Sales mix variance销售数量差异Sales-quantity variance分离点销售价值法Sales value at splitoff method销售数额差异Sales-volume variance业务记录Scorekeeping废料Scrap销售价格差异Selling-price variance敏感性分析Sensitivity analysis可分离成本Separable costs阶梯法Sequential allocation method, step-down allocation method, step-down method 顺序追溯Sequential tracing服务部门Service department, supporting department服务类企业Service-sector companies服务支持成本Service-sustaining costs单变量回归Simple regression单一成本分配率法single-rate cost-allocation method, single-rate method斜率系数Slope coefficient原始凭证Source document设定分析Specification analysis分离点Splitoff point毁损Spoilage人事管理Staff management单一个体成本分配法Stand-alone cost-allocation method单一个体收入分配法Stand-alone revenue-allocation method标准Standard标准成本Standard cost标准成本法Standard costing估计系数标准差Standard error of the estimation coefficient标准投入Standard input标准价格Standard price静态预算Static budget静态预算差异Static budget variance阶梯式成本函数Step cost function脱销成本Stockout costs战略成本管理Strategic cost management战略Strategy沉没成本Sunk costs超级变动成本法Super-variable costing, throughput costing供应链Supply chain单位目标成本Target cost per unit单位目标营业利润Target operating income per unit目标价格Target price目标投资回报率Target rate of return on investment理论生产能力Theoretical capacity约束理论Theory of constraints物料贡献Throughput contribution时间动因Time driver货币时间价值Time value of money全要素生产力Total factor productivity (TFP)全部间接费用差异Total-overhead variance转移价格Transfer price触发点Trigger point不确定性Uncertainty分配不足的间接成本underabsorbed indirect costs, underapplied indirect costs, underallocated indirect costs不利差异Unfavorable variance单位成本Unit cost未用生产能力Unused capacity价值增加成本Value-added cost价值链Value chain价值工程Value engineering变动成本Variable cost变动成本法Variable costing变动间接费用效率差异Variable overhead efficiency variance变动间接费用弹性预算差异Variable overhead flexible-budget variance变动间接费用耗费差异Variable overhead spending variance差异Variance加权平均的分步法Weighted-average process-costing method在产品存货Work-in-process inventory在产品Work-in-process。

Illustration – Apportioning overhead
The overhead cost in relation to rent is €1,000 and floor space was chosen as the most suitable basis for sharing or apportioning this cost. The total floor space available is 500 square metres (300 for department A and 200 for department B).
Causal relationship. Benefits received. Reasonableness.
Services department Personnel Laundry Cafeteria Data processing Custodial Power Security Maintenance Accounting Medical facilities shipping
Apportionment base Number of employees Kilograms of laundry Number of meals CPU minutes Square metres occupied Kilowatt hours square metres Machine hours Staff hours Cases handled Units handled
Example 3-1: Apportioning overhead cost
Example3-1 : Apportioning overhead cost
Predetermined overhead allocation
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Supply Chain Analysis
• The term supply Chain describes the flow of goods, services, and information from the initial sources of materials and services to the delivery of products to consumers, regardless of whether those activities occur in the same organization or in other organizations.
Sales Budget Production Budget Direct Material Budget Direct Labor Budget COGS Budget Selling Expense Budget Adm. Expense Budget Capital Budget Budgeted Income Statement Budgeted Balance Sheet Factory Overhead
2. 关于一个组织正在改变它们的管理会计系统的方法的调 查报告如下: (1)A公司为其销售的每一个品牌编制一个价值链利润表。 (2)B公司在一个单一报告中提供所有与取得产品高质量 水平相关的成本。 (3)C公司在其业绩报告中除了提供自己的制造成本外, 还提供了两个重要竞争对手的制造成本的估计数。 (4)D公司与供应商签订协议,直接将小批量的原料送到 生产部。 (5)E公司报告其未能在向顾客承诺的送货日期送货的次 数百分比。 要求:将每一个变化与价值链或供应链分析联系起来,或 将其与对管理人员非常重要的关键成功因素联系起来。
• • • • Competence Confidentiality Integrity Credibility
1. 价值链和成本分类,制药公司发生以下成本: (1)重新设计药品包装提高可靠性。 (2)赠送给医生推销新药的录像带。 (3)设免费专线给客户咨询药品用法与副作用。 (4)购买进行未批准药品实验的设备。 (5)做电视广告推销药品。 (6)包装工人的人工费用。 (7)销售人员超过销售份额获得的奖金。 (8)雇佣联邦快递公司给医院送药。 把上述成本项目按价值链业务只能分类。
Costs and Cost Terminology
• Accountants define cost as a resource sacrificed or forgone to achieve a specific objective. • Resource • Specific objective
Value Chain Analysis
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Research and development Design of products, services, or processes Production Marketing Distribution Customer service
Key Success Factors
• • • • Cost and efficiency Quality Time Innovation
1. 灌装车间为生产西红柿汤购入的西红柿成本。 2. 为重新设计包装以延长Pepperidge Farm饼干的保鲜时 间而购入的材料成本。 3. 支付给广告代理商Backer,Spielvogel,Bates的广告费, 它们为Campbell公司在“健康须知”栏目代理广告。 4. 支付给食品技术专家的工资,他们正在研究热量最低 的披萨饼调料Prego的可行性。 5. 支付给Safeway兑换Campbell商品的优惠券。 6. 顾客对使用Campbell产品的免费查询电话成本。 7. 早餐食品Swanson Fiesta生产线工人的手套成本。 8. 为大超市派送Pepperidge Farm饼干的送货人员的手提 电脑成本。
Cash Budget
The Purpose of the costing成本计 算
• • • • Improve decision making Plan, Control, Performance Assets and Benefits Measuring Price determination
Teaching Material
• Basic Knowledge Econominancial Accounting. • References
CMA Learning System: Part1: Financial Planning, Performance and Control Charles T. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar: Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, 13e, ISBN: 978- 7- 300- 13398- 0 中国注册会计师协会:财务成本管理,Financial Management and Cost Management, 中国财政经济出版社 Blocher, Edward J., Kung H. Chen, and Thomas W. Lin. Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, 2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002. Garrison, Ray H., and Eric W. Noreen. Managerial Accounting, 12th edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008. Hilton, Ronald W., Michael W. Maher, and Frank H. Selto. Cost Management: Strategies for Business Decisions, 2nd edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2003. McMillan, Edward J. Budgeting and Financial Management Handbook for Not-forProfit Organizations. Wessels, Walter J. Economics, 3rd edition. New York: Barrion’s, 2000.
Definition of Costs
• • • • • • • • Cost of Ownership Controllable Cost & Uncontrollable cost Discretionary cost & Committed cost Sunk Cost Flexible Cost Differential Cost Product Cost & Period Cost Manufacturing Cost & Non-manufacturing Cost
Classification类别 of Costs
• Value Chain • Operating Costs • Product Costs and Period Costs Inventory投资清单 Costs Capital Costs Expensing Costs
Operating Costs
About the Exam
• • • • • Final Exam:60% Tests:20% Homework:15% Attendance:5% Language:Bilingual
Topic 1: Cost Accounting
Difference between Management Accounting and Financial Accounting 1. Purpose of information 2. Primary users 3. Focus and emphasis 4. Rules of measurement and reports 5. Time span and type of reports 6. Behavioral implications
Key Management Accounting Guidelines
• Cost – Benefit Approach • Behavioral and Technical Considerations • Different Costs for Different Purposes
Professional Ethics
1. Roger Phone公司拟决定是否投产并销售一种标准 功能的手机。 2. Computer Magic公司拟决定是否生产并销售一款新 的家用电脑软件包,它能够与缝纫机和吸尘器链 接。目前市场上没有这样的软件。 3. 要求Christina Cosmetics公司提供一种在折扣零售店 销售的店家商标的润唇膏。 4. Marcus Meats公司正在考虑开发一种用晒干的番茄、 松仁和芦笋尖生产美味香肠的特殊生产线。 讨论:上述每一项决策遵循的是低价战略还是差异化 战略?管理会计师可以提供何种关于公司竞争优 势来源的信息?
Cost and Management Accounting
Teaching Plan
• • • • • • Bilingual Standard 48 Teaching Hours, 16 Times Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Academic Credit: 3 Learning Methods
Topic 2: Definition of Costs