六级作文系列 1.2:对比选择型作文模板

阐明话题 The issue of ____ has recently arisen as one of the social problem, which tends to play an extremely significant role in _____. For example, the last decade has witnessed a steady rise in the number of _____.
第二句话: Consequently, there has been much controversy over the issue of _____________. Thus, as regards the issue of _____, there has been a heated discussion. On this account, the issue of ______ has given rise to great division in public opinions. 如果可以:后面可以加witness句
Probably without our consciousness, the IT technology seems to be fostering a digital age in today’s world. Moreover, the impact of the digital age on life is more conspicuous, which would be exemplified by the popularity of e-shop. 思考:exemplify 可以用什么词语代替?

英语作文模板一(对比选择类)模板一There is no consensue of opinions among people about.....(争论焦点).Some people are of the view that...(观点一),while others take an opposite side,firmly believe that...(观点二).As far as I am concerned,the former(latter)notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all,...(论据一).Furthermore,...(论据二)Among all of the supporting evidences,one is the strongest.That is,....(论据三).A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that...(总结观点).As college students,we are supposed to......(支持某种观点)模板二The vast majority of people argue that....(观点一)By saying that, they mean.....(对观点一进行阐释).But a few other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that....(观点二)An example they have presented is that.....(支持观点二的一个例子).According to a survey performed by......(某种权威机构),almost 80% of people are in favor of the idea of.....(观点二或者观点一).There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief.But if we consider it in depth,we will feel no reservation to conclude that....(从两种观点中选择你的观点).There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all,......(论据一)More importantly,....(论据二).Most important of all,.....(论据三).Based on the zbove discussions,I can easily forecast that more abd more people will......(支持你的观点)模板三Some people are in favor of the idea of doing.....(某种行为).They point out the fact that....(支持某种行为的第一论据).They also argue that....(支持某种行为的第二论据).However, other people stand on a different ground.They consider it harmful to do....(某种行为).They firmly point out that......(反对某种行为的第一论据).An example can give the details of this argument:.....(反对某种行为的第二论据).There is some truth in both arguments.But I think the disadvantages of......(某种行为).outweigh the advantages.In addion to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about,......(某种行为).also may......(可能产生的另一种弊端)To conclude,......(你所得出的结论)A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent.....(某种行为)from bringing us more harm,常用高分句型1、开头(1)、Now, ti is commonly(generally/widely) believed(held/acknowledged) that___,but I wonder whethe___.现在人们普遍认为___,但我想___。

模板一There is no consensue of opinions among people about.....(争论焦点).Some people are of the view that...(观点一),while others take an opposite side,firmly believe that...(观点二).As far as I am concerned,the former(latter)notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all,...(论据一).Furthermore,...(论据二)Among all of the supporting evidences,one is the strongest.That is,....(论据三).A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that...(总结观点).As college students,we are supposed to......(支持某种观点)模板二The vast majority of people argue that....(观点一)By saying that, they mean.....(对观点一进行阐释).But a few other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that....(观点二)An example they have presented is that.....(支持观点二的一个例子).According to a survey performed by......(某种权威机构),almost 80% of people are in favor of the idea of.....(观点二或者观点一).There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief.But if we consider it in depth,we will feel no reservation to conclude that....(从两种观点中选择你的观点).There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all,......(论据一)More importantly,....(论据二).Most important of all,.....(论据三).Based on the zbove discussions,I can easily forecast that more abd more people will......(支持你的观点)模板三Some people are in favor of the idea of doing.....(某种行为).They point out the fact that....(支持某种行为的第一论据).They also argue that....(支持某种行为的第二论据).However, other people stand on a different ground.They consider it harmful to do....(某种行为).They firmly point out that......(反对某种行为的第一论据).An example can give the details of this argument:.....(反对某种行为的第二论据).There is some truth in both arguments.But I think the disadvantages of......(某种行为).outweigh the advantages.In addion to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about,......(某种行为).also may......(可能产生的另一种弊端)To conclude,......(你所得出的结论)A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent.....(某种行为)from bringing us more harm,常用高分句型1、开头(1)、Now, ti is commonly(generally/widely) believed(held/acknowledged) that___,but I wonder whethe___.现在人们普遍认为___,但我想___。

英语作文万能模板范文对比型Title: Comparison and Contrast Essay Template。
In today's world, comparison and contrast essays are a common type of academic writing. These essays require the writer to analyze and compare two or more subjects, highlighting their similarities and differences. This type of essay is a valuable tool for developing critical thinking skills and improving analytical abilities. In this essay, we will discuss the basic structure and content of a comparison and contrast essay, as well as provide a sample essay to illustrate the key points.Body。
I. Structure of a Comparison and Contrast Essay。
A. Introduction。
1. Hook: The introduction should begin with an attention-grabbing hook to engage the reader.2. Background information: Provide a brief overview of the subjects being compared and contrasted.3. Thesis statement: Clearly state the main points of comparison and contrast that will be discussed in the essay.B. Body Paragraphs。

句子模板1. 对比不同观点/对比法:(1) When it comes to , people’s ideas/views/notions/opinions vary from person to person/from one to another.(2) There is no consensus of opinions/there are some controversies/there is no agreement among people as to do /as to the view of .(3) Whenever people , they will come across the problem of whether they should or , and it is natural for different opinions to arise.(4)The general public has been debating whether or not .(5) Some people think we should . They say that . While others think otherwise .They argue that .(6) Some people advocate that . Others hold the opposite opinion/adopt a totally different view/take an opposite side. They believe .(7) Those in favor of believe/claim that . Those oppose to argue/hold/point out that .(8) Everything has two sides and is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.2. 在两种对立观点中选择一种观点/表明自己的观点:(1) Were it left to me to decide whether we should , I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.(2) As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable/holds more weight.(3) As for me, I agree to/prefer to the former/latter idea. There are a dozen of reasons behinds my belief. First of all, .(4) Weighing up the arguments on both sides, I’m inclined to believe that .(5) In my opinion/mind, we should .(6) From my perspective/point of view, I think .(7) Personally speaking, I approve of .(8) From what I have discussed above, I can draw the conclusion that .作文模板一:1 Nowadays, wherever you go, you will hear people talk about .2 Whether you like it or not, it had become a part of our life.3 Some people who are in favor of maintain that .4 In their view, .5 While those who are against argue that .6 Besides, .7 As far as I am concerned, I stand on the side of . 8 First of all, 9 Furthermore, . 10 Besides, . 11 Therefore, . 作文模板二:1 Views/Opinion on (Attitudes towards) vary from person to person.2 Some people think that .3 They hold this opinion because (they think) .4 Others, however, take a negative / positive attitude to . (Others, nevertheless, are more pessimistic / optimistic about it).5 From their point of view, .6 Besides, .7 In my opinion/Personally /From my point view /If asked my attitude, I am more in favor of . 8 I stand on / hold this attitude /opinion / view because . 9 It’s true that , but it doesn’t mean that . 10 Therefore / In a conclusion/ To sum up, . 11 Instead, we should .One possible version:At present an increasing number of teenagers are taking part in TV talent shows, on which students’ opinions are divided. Some think that it is a stage to show their talents of art, contributing much to their social experience and self-confidence. What’s more, it’s good for their overall development.However, other students hold that the different idea that the teenagers are justimitating others rather than showing something original. Besides, some are such “star dream” followers that they can’t put their heart and soul into their study, thus affecting their study badly.In my opinion, important as study is, it’s not the only thing we can do. It is preferable to explore our abilities in other areas besides study.。

1. 模板1. Different people have different views on——2. Somepeople perfer,——.3. Others tendto, ——. 4. As tome, I agree with /to ——1.开门见山直入主体,表明对某事人们的不同看法。
5. Ofcourse,——. 6. For example,——7. But,—— 8. The following reasons canaccount for my preference——5.承认自己不赞同的看法有定的合理性。
6. 举例说明支持第五句。
7. 转折指出这种观点的不足。
9. The main reason is ——.10. A good example to illustrate is —— 11.For another,—— 12. From the foregoing,——9. 支持观点的理由。
10. 举例说明理由。
11. 理由二。
1. Different people have different views on——2. Somepeople perfer,——.3. Others tend to, ——.4. As tome, I agree with /to ——1.开门见山直入主体,表明对某事人们的不同看法。
5. Ofcourse,——.6. For example,——7. But,——8. The following reasons can account for my preference——5.承认自己不赞同的看法有定的合理性。

比较的英语作文比较类英语作文范文篇一:英语作文模板一(对比选择类)模板一Thereisnoconsensueofopinionsamongpeopleabout.....(争论焦点).Somepeopleareoftheviewthat...(观点一),whileotherstakeanoppositeside,firmlybelievethat...(观点二).AsfarasIamconcerned,theformer(latter)notionispreferablein manysenses.Thereasonsareobvious.Firstofall,...(论据一).Furthermore,...(论据二)Amongallofthesupportingevidences,oneisthestrongest.Thatis,....(论据三).Anaturalconclusionfromtheabovediscussionisthat...(总结观点).Ascollegestudents,wearesupposedto......(支持某种观点)模板二Thevastmajorityofpeoplearguethat....(观点一)Bysayingthat,theymean.....(对观点一进行阐释).Butafewotherpeopletakeanoppositeside.Theyfirmlybelievet hat....(观点二)Anexampletheyhavepresentedisthat.....(支持观点二的一个例子).Accordingtoasurveyperformedby......(某种权威机构),almost80%ofpeopleareinfavoroftheideaof.....(观点二或者观点一).Theremightbesomeelementoftruthinthesepeople’sbelief.B utifweconsideritindepth,wewillfeelnoreservationtoconcludethat.. ..(从两种观点中选择你的观点).Thereareadozenofreasonsbehindmybelief.Firstofall,......(论据一)Moreimportantly,....(论据二).Mostimportantofall,.....(论据三).Basedonthezbovediscussions,Icaneasilyforecastthatmoreab dmorepeoplewill......(支持你的观点)模板三Somepeopleareinfavoroftheideaofdoing.....(某种行为).Theypointoutthefactthat....(支持某种行为的第一论据).Theyalsoarguethat....(支持某种行为的第二论据).However,otherpeoplestandonadifferentground.Theyconside ritharmfultodo....(某种行为).Theyfirmlypointoutthat......(反对某种行为的第一论据).Anexamplecangivethedetailsofthisargument:.....(反对某种行为的第二论据).Thereissometruthinbotharguments.ButIthinkthedisadvantag esof......(某种行为).outweightheadvantages.Inaddiontotheabove-mentionednegativeeffectsitmightbringabout,......(某种行为).alsomay......(可能产生的另一种弊端)Toconclude,......(你所得出的结论)Adozenofmeasuresaresupposedtotaketoprevent.....(某种行为)frombringingusmoreharm,常用高分句型1、(1开头)、Now,tiiscommonly(generally/widely)believed(held/acknowledge d)that___,butIwonderwhethe___.现在人们普遍认为___,但我想___。

对比选择型作文模板模板一Topic: ____________1Different people have different views on 2It is held by some _____________ ・3But it is held by others _________ ・4Those who hold the first opinion think _ 5In their view, ________________ ・6In contrast, others think ______ ・7They argue that _____________ ・8As for me, I agree with /to ____ ・9admittedly, __________________ ■10Further more, _______________ .11Finally, _____________________ .12In conclusion, _______________ .信息提示:1:两种观点针对的问题或现象2:观点一3:以观点一对立的观点二4:观点一的理由5:深入阐述观点一的理由模板二topic: _______________1There is a pair of opposite ideas on_ 2Some people consider _____________ ・3However, others think ____________ , 4Some people may say ___________ ・5They hold this view because _______ . 6In contrast, others believe _________ 7They argue that _________________ . 8As to me, I am in favor of ______ ・9First, ________________________ . 10second, _____________________ ・11The most important of all _____ ・12In a word, ____________________ .信息提示:1:两种观点针对的问题或现象2:提出观点一3:提出以观点一对立的观点二4:观点一及观点一的理由5:深入阐述观点一的理由模板三:.Topic: ___________________1.When asked about __________ , different people will offer different opini ons.2.Some people take it for granted that __________________ ・3・ However, others hold _______ ・4.Some people think __________ ・5.In their opinion, _____________ ・6.While others maintain ________ ・7.They believe ________________ ■8・ For my part, I prefer ______ ・9.For one thing, ______________ .10.For another, ______________ .11.Therefore, ________________ .12.It may be safe to say ________ ・信息提示:1:两种观点针对的问题或现象2:提出观点一3:提出与观点一对立的观点二4:观点一及观点一的理由5:深入阐述观点一的理由6:观点二及观点二的理由7:深入阐述观点二的理由8:我的看法或偏好9:个人看法的依据一10:个人看法的依据二11:个人的结论12:文章的结论范文一:Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Is Test of Spoken English Necessary? You should write at lest 120 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China ) below:1.很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是2 •也有人持不同意见;(模板一)Is Test of Spoken English Necessary?1) Different people have different views, on a test of spoken English・ 2)It is held by some that adopting such a test in China is absolutelynecessary. 3)But it is held by others that it is unnecessary. 4) Those who hold the first opinion think that fluent spoken English is badly needed in today*s society・ 5) In their view, a test of spokenEnglish will bring the importance of oral English to the awareness of college students・ 6) In contrast, others think that good reading and writing skills will be enough for English learners1 taskperformance・ 7) They argue that fluent spoken English does notnecessarily mean a better future.8) As for me, I agree with the former. 9) Admittedly, the test canencourage students to try every means to improve their spoken English・ 10) Further more, the ability to speak English fluently is amust for us in a highly competitive society. 11) Finally, 1 think that the test will help a lot in my job-seeking. 12) In conclusion, a test of spoken English is necessary・范文二:(模板二)Is Test of Spoken English Necessary?1) There is a pair of opposite ideas on test of Spoken English・ 2) Somepeople consider it absolutely necessary to adopt a test of spoken English in China・ 3) However, others think that isunnecessary. 4) Some people may say that is a shame for a Chinese college student with over ten years9learning cannot even communicate with a native English speaker. 5) They hold this view because a test of spoken English will bring the importance of oral English into the awareness of college students.6) In contrast, others believe that many people do not speak English at all work・7) They argue that college students are already under considerable pressure from their courses・8) As to me, I am in favor of the former opinion. 9) First, the test canencourage college students to improve their oral English.10)second, the ability to speak English fluently is a must for anyone in the more open society. 11) The most important of all, the test willurge me to study harder. 12) In a word, the test of spoken English is necessary.范文三:Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Reading Selectively Or Extensively? You should write at lest 120 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China ) below:1.有人认为读书要有选择;2.有人认为应当博览群书;3.我的看法.(模板三)Reading Selectively Or Extensively? l)When asked about reading, different people will offer different opinions・ 2) Some people take it for granted that students should read selectively. 3) However, others hold that students should read extensively・4) Some people think that selective reading is the best way to study with high efficiency. 5) In their opinion, students can never overspend the precious time on non・professional books because their time is quite limited・ 6) While others maintain that students should absorb all kinds of knowledge. 7) They believe that students cannot get a general view about the world withoutextensive reading・8) For my part, I prefer the former opinion.9)For ore thing, reading selectively is not equal to reading with discrimination・ 10) For another, students should devote their limited time and energy to reading relevant and beneficial books・11) Therefore, reading irrelevant books only wastes their precious time. 12) It may be safe to say that reading selectively is the best policy for college students to abide by in study.范文四:Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Do “ Lucky Number “Really Bring Good Luck? You should write at lest 120 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China ) below:1.有人认为某些数字会带来好运;2.也有人认为数字和运气无关;3.试说明你的看法.(模板三)Do “ Lucky Number "Really Bring Good Luck?1) When asked about lucky numbers, different people will offer different opinions. 2) Some people take it for granted that lucky numberswill bring luck. 3) However, others hold that lucky numbers will never bring any good luck・4) Some people think that lucky numbers make one feel lucky and in turn one's lucky sense will inspire him to create lucky ideas・ 5)In their opinion, lucky numbers have been connected with lucks by the God. 6) While others maintain that lucky numbers are actually numbers, and some people like lucky numbers just for fun. 7) They believe that believing in lucky numbers is no other than a pure super- stitio n.8)For my part, I prefer the latter opinion. 9) For one thing, lucky numbers make some people feel lucky, but a lucky mind will not produce miracles・10) For another, lucky numbers can never change the objective reality. 11) Therefore, I believe the truth instead of lucky numbers・ 12) It may be safe to say that what contributes to success most is hard work rather than lucky numbers, so it is yourself who really bring you good luck・范文五:Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: My View on Job・Hopping. You should write at lest 120 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China) below:1.有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为......2.有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为......3.我的看法(模板一)My View on Job-Hopping1) Different people have different views on job-hopping・ 2)It is held by some that staying on one post and watching their achievements accumulate is the best policy. 3) But it is held by others that job-hopping from time to time can bring a full view of life and challenges ・4) Those who hold the first opinion think that frequent job-hopping is imprudent and tactless, for constant practice in a special field makes all experts・ 5) In their view, the way to success is sticking to one job for long until retirement・6) In contrast, others think that change means progress・ 7) They argue that they change their jobs in order to acquire more ability.8)As for me, I agree to the former opinion. 9) Admittedly, my profession leaves me little chance to change my job・ 10) Further more, I will spare no effort to study in the one field・ 11) Finally,I am in favor of my present job・ 12) In conclusion, this permanent job as a teacher of chemistry brings me much pleasure and excitement.范文六:Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Why I Take the College English Test Band 6.You should write at lest 120 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China ) below:1.有人认为没有必要参加大学英语六级考试(简称CET-6)2.我参加CET-6考试的理由.(模板一)Why I Take the College English Test Band 61) Different people have different views on whether we should take the College English Test Band 6 or not. (2)It is held by some that it is quite necessary because CET-6 is a well acknowledged test. 3) But it is held by others that it is unnecessary because of various reasons・4) Those who hold the first opinion think that English is useful to everyone in the long run. 5) In their view, CET-6 is an excellent opportunity to train students* adaptability to examinations. 9) In contrast, others think that the test has little effect on improving the study of college students・ 7) They argue that test scores sometimes even can't reflect the true level of' students・8) As for me, I agree with the former. 9) Admittedly, with thedevelopment of our society, English is Becoming more important for us.10) Further more, CET-6 is a good opportunity for us to test our English level. 11) Finally, even a failure may stimulate greater progress in our study. 12) In conclusion, taking CET-6 is vital for each college student.范文七:Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: My View on Opportunity. You should write at lest 120 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China) below:1 •有人认为机会是极少的, 另一些人认为人人都会有某种机会;2•你的看法如何?写出你的观点,说明你的理由,并且适当举例;3•在你的文章结尾处不要忘记写出你的结论.(模板一)My View on Opportunity1) Different people have different views on opportunity. 2) It is held by some that only the luckiest can obtain a few opportunities in this world・3) But it is held by others that everybody has his opportunities sometime in his life.(4) Those who hold the first opinion think that they are not lucky enough to have opportunities. 5) In their view, not every・ body has an opportunity in his life.6) In contrast, others think that people missed most opportunities just because they had no awareness to seize an opportunity when it came・(7)They argue that wise men catch opportunities rather than wait for them, for example, many people had watched apples falling from the tree, but only Newton discovered the Law of Gravity.(8)As for me, I agree to the latter opinion. 9) Admittedly, no one isdenied to opportunities. 10) Further more, everybody has an opportunity to be successful in his life. 11) Finally, I believe that everyone is equal in front of opportunities in many cases・ 12) In conclusion opportunities are only for the prepared minds。

选择对比英语作文模板英文回答:Compare and Contrast Essay Template。
I. Introduction。
Begin with a hook to grab the reader's attention.State the thesis statement, clearly outlining the two subjects being compared and the main points of comparison.II. Body Paragraph 1。
Focus on the first point of comparison.Provide specific evidence and examples to support your claims.Use transition words to connect ideas and maintaincoherence.III. Body Paragraph 2。
Focus on the second point of comparison.Again, provide specific evidence and examples.Consider using counterarguments and addressing potential objections.IV. Body Paragraph 3。
Compare and contrast the two subjects holistically.Highlight their similarities and differences.Discuss their relative strengths and weaknesses.V. Body Paragraph 4。
Additional body paragraphs can be added as needed tofurther explore specific aspects of the comparison.VI. Conclusion。

对比类作文英文模板英文:When it comes to comparing two things, there are a few different ways to approach it. One way is to focus on the similarities between the two, while another way is to focus on the differences. In my opinion, both approaches have their merits.If you focus on the similarities between two things, you can often find common ground and build connections between them. For example, if you're comparing twodifferent types of music, you might find that they both have a strong beat or use similar instruments. By highlighting these similarities, you can help people appreciate both types of music and see how they're related.On the other hand, if you focus on the differences between two things, you can often gain a deeper understanding of each one. For example, if you're comparingtwo different cultures, you might find that one values individualism while the other values collectivism. By understanding these differences, you can gain a better appreciation for each culture and their unique strengths.Ultimately, whether you focus on similarities or differences depends on what you're trying to achieve. Ifyou're trying to build connections and find common ground, focusing on similarities is often the way to go. But ifyou're trying to gain a deeper understanding of each thing, focusing on differences can be more effective.中文:当涉及到比较两个事物时,有几种不同的方法可以处理。

对比比较英文作文范文模板英文:As a language, English and Chinese have their own unique characteristics and structures. When it comes to writing an English essay, there are certain templates and structures that can be followed to ensure a well-organized and coherent piece of writing.One common structure for an English essay is the compare and contrast essay. This type of essay typically involves discussing the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. In the introduction, the writer should provide a brief overview of the subjects being compared and contrasted, as well as a thesis statement that clearly states the main point of the essay.The body paragraphs of a compare and contrast essay should each focus on a specific point of comparison. For example, if I were comparing the education systems in Chinaand the United States, I might have one body paragraph discussing the curriculum, another discussing the teaching methods, and a third discussing the assessment and grading systems. Within each body paragraph, it's important to provide specific examples and evidence to support the points being made.In the conclusion of a compare and contrast essay, the writer should summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a new way. It's also a good idea to leave the reader with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action.中文:英语和中文作为两种语言,各自都有其独特的特点和结构。

英语选择对比作文万能模板Title: A Universal Template for Compare and Contrast Essays。
Compare and contrast essays are a common assignment in both high school and college. These essays require students to compare and contrast two or more subjects, analyzing their similarities and differences. While the content of the essay will vary depending on the specific subjects being compared, there is a universal template that can be used to structure these essays effectively.Thesis Statement。
The thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay should clearly state the subjects being compared and contrasted, as well as the main points of comparison or contrast. For example, if comparing and contrasting two works of literature, the thesis statement might highlight the themes, characters, and narrative structure that will be analyzed in the essay.Body Paragraphs。

英语对比观点万能作文模板英文回答:In my opinion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to using social media. On one hand, social media allows us to connect with friends and family, share our experiences, and stay updated with news and events. For example, I use social media to keep in touch with relatives who live in different countries, and it's a great way to share photos and updates about my life. On the other hand, social media can also be a source of distraction and can lead to feelings of inadequacy when comparing our lives to others. I've definitely felt envious of friends who seem to have perfect lives on social media, even though I knowthat's not the whole truth.中文回答:在我看来,使用社交媒体既有优点也有缺点。

some people may say that about fourhour-long programs will make people feel a bit bored. They hold this opinion because they think the forms of most programs are familiar to the audiences, which lack creativity. On the contrary, others believe that the Spring Festival Gala adds to fun and excitement and make an extreme happy atmosphere. They argue that the cross talk and other comic performances always bring people into laughter.
总结观点段 8. 表明我的倾 向。 9. 阐述说明我 的理由一。 10. 阐述说明我 的理由二。 11. 阐述说明我 的理由三。 12. 总结全文, 重申我的观点/ 选择。
06-12: Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled On the Spring Festival Gala. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1. 许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会。 2. 有些人提出取消春节晚会。 3. 我的看法。

英语对比对照型作文模板Title: Comparison and Contrast Essay Template。
The comparison and contrast essay is a common type of academic writing that requires students to analyze and evaluate the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. This type of essay is often used in literature, history, and other humanities courses, as well as in various professional fields. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive template for writing a comparison and contrast essay, including the structure, key points to consider, and examples of transition words and phrases.Structure。
The structure of a comparison and contrast essay typically follows a specific format, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should provide a brief overview of the subjects being compared and contrasted, as well as a clear thesis statement that outlines the main points of the essay. The body paragraphs should then present the similarities and differences between the subjects in a clear and organized manner, using specific examples and evidence to support each point. Finally, the conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis in a new and insightful way.Key Points to Consider。

六级英语对比作文模板Six-Level English Composition Template for Comparison Essays。
Begin with a clear topic sentence that introduces the two subjects being compared.Provide necessary background information or definitions to set the context.State the thesis statement that presents the main argument or comparison point.Body Paragraph 1。
Topic Sentence: Focus on the first aspect of comparison.Supporting Points: Provide evidence and examples to support the comparison.Transition: Use a transitional phrase or sentence to connect to the next paragraph.Body Paragraph 2。
Topic Sentence: Focus on the second aspect of comparison.Supporting Points: Provide further evidence and examples to support the comparison.Transition: Connect to the next paragraph by highlighting the similarities or differences observed.Body Paragraph 3 (Optional)。

英语作文模板Ⅰ.对比选择型—句子模板v1.对比不同观点/对比法:v⑴henitesto,people’sideas/vies/notions/opinionsvaryfropersontoperson/f roonetoanother.v⑵Thereisnoconsensusofopinions/therearesoecontroversi es/thereisnoagreeentaongpeopleastodo/astothevieof.v⑶heneverpeople,theyilleacrosstheprobleofhethertheysh ouldor,anditisnaturalfordifferentopinionstoarise.v⑷Thegeneralpublichasbeendebatinghetherornot.v⑸Soepeoplethineshould.Theysaythat.hileothersthinothe rise.Theyarguethat.v⑹Soepeopleadvocatethat.othersholdtheoppositeopinion/ adoptatotallydifferentvie/taeanoppositeside.Theybel ieve.v⑺Thoseinfavorofbelieve/claithat.Thoseopposetoargue/h old/pointoutthat.v⑻Everythinghastosidesandisnotanexception,ithasbothad vantagesanddisadvantages.v2.在两种对立观点中选择一种观点/表明自己的观点:v⑴ereitlefttoetodecidehethereshould,Ishouldnothesitat eaoenttopreferthelatter.v⑵AsfarasIaconcerned,theforer/latternotionispreferabl e/holdsoreeight.v⑶Asfore,Iagreeto/prefertotheforer/latteridea.Therear eadozenofreasonsbehindsybelief.Firstofall,.v⑷eighingupthearguentsonbothsides,I’inclinedtobelievethat.v⑸Inyopinion/ind,eshould.v⑹Froyperspective/pointofvie,Ithin.v⑺Personallyspeaing,Iapproveof.v⑻FrohatIhavediscussedabove,Icandratheconclusionthat.v【模板一】v1Noadays,hereveryougo,youillhearpeopletalabout.2he theryoulieitornot,ithadbeeapartofourlife.v3Soepeoplehoareinfavorofaintainthat.4Intheirvie,.5 hilethosehoareagainstarguethat.6Besides,.v7AsfarasIaconcerned,Istandonthesideof.8Firstofall, 9Furtherore,.10Thirdly,.11Therefore,.v【模板二】v1Vies/opiniononvaryfropersontoperson.2Soepeoplethi nthat.3Theyholdthisopinionbecause.v4others,hoever,taeanegative/positiveattitudeto..5F rotheirpointofvie,.6Besides,.v7Inyopinion/Personally/Froypointvie/Ifasedyattitud e,Iaoreinfavorof.8Istandin/holdthisattitude/opinion /viebecause.9It’struethat,butitdoesn’teanthat.10Therefore/Inaord/Inshort,.11Instead,eshoⅡ.现象解释型—句子模板v1.分析原因:v⑴Thereareany/plentyof/anuberof/nuerousreasonsexplain ing/for.v⑵Thereasonsoflieinseveralaspects.v⑶anyfactorscontributeto.v⑷Thereareanyreasonsthatanyaccountfor.v⑸Thereasonsfor/hyareasfollos:v⑹Thereareanyreasonsforit,butgenerally,theyedoninthre eajorones.v⑺isainlycausedby.v⑻hatcausedthesechanges?.v⑼Thereareanyfactorsthathavestiulatedthishugechange.v⑽Thereasonsthatcausedchangesarediverse.ontheonehand, .ontheotherhand,.v⑾Therapidgrothofoesuchto.v2.总结归纳/说明影响/表明作者态度/以作者个人为v⑴Throughtheanalysis,ecandraaconclusionthat.v⑵Inshort/Inbrief,.v⑶Tosolvetheprobleof,e.v⑷Froallthefactsgivenabove,ecansee.v⑸consideringallthese/Taingalltheseintoconsideration/ account,Ibelieve.v⑹Asto/fore,Ibelieve.v⑺Taeeasanexaple/Inyoncase,I.v【模板一】v1Inrecentyears,.2Thishascausedalotofprobles.v3First,.4Forexaple,.5Second,..6Finally,..v7Sinceissuchaseriousproble,eshouldtaeeffectiveeasu resto.8First,eshould.9Besides,.10Andfinally,.v【模板二】v1Atpresent/Inrecentyears/Noadays,.2Itaysoedaybeeth eaintrendhen.v3Threeajoreleents/factorsouldbetaenintoconsiderationhen.4Firstofall,.5oreover,.6Last,.7Frotheirperspe ctive,.v8Everythinghasbothpositiveandnegativeaspects,andis ofnoexception.9.10Hoever,.vⅢ.原因阐释型—句子模板v1.一果多因:v⑴hy?Foronething,.Foranother,.v⑵Theansertothisprobleinvolvesanyfactors.Foronething, .Foranother,.Stillanother,.v⑶Anuberoffactors,bothphysicalandpsychologicalaffect/ bothindividualandsocialcontributeto.v⑷Anotheriportantfactoris.v⑸isalsoresponsibleforthechange/proble.v⑹certainly,theisnotthesolereasonfor.v⑺Thefactorsthatcontributetoinclude.v⑻youdon’thavetolooveryfartoidentifythereasonthat.v⑼Thansto/oingto/Dueto/Becauseof/Asaresultof.v2.一因多果v⑴Itillproduceaprofound/far-reachingeffect/ipacton…….v⑵Itinvolvessoeseriousconsequencefor…….v⑶Thereareanuberofdreadfulconsequenceof…….Perhapsth eostserious/disastrousconsequenceis…….v⑷Itaycause/resultin/leadtoahost/nuberofprobles.v⑸Itleaves/involvessoeseriousconsequenceofv⑹Theiediateresultitproduceis…….Andperhapstheostobv iousresultofis…….Ⅲ.原因阐释型—作文模板v1Noadays,eoftenhearthat.2Thisphenoenonisnotacciden tal,andthereissocialandindividualbacground.v3hy?4Foronething,.5Foranother,.6Forinstance,.7Frot hat,8e.v9AsfarasIaconcerned,Iagreethat.10Ithinthat.11.v第三段或为:9eshouldtaeeasuresto.10First,.Second,.11Finally,.Ⅳ.问题解决型—句子模板v1.提出问题:v⑴Noadays,ith,oreandore,hichcausesseriousprobleto.v⑵Noadays,.Ithasbeesuchaseriousproblehichhasarousedth econcernfro.v⑶Recently,theprobleofhasbeeincreasinglyseriousin.v⑷Today,ith,aserioussocialproblehasarisen—.v⑸Today,oreandorepeoplehaverealizedthathasbeeaveryser iousproble.v⑹Noadays,thereisgroingconcernover.v⑺currently,isbeingconsideredaajorproblein.v2.解决问题:v⑴Tosolvethisproble,.v⑵Asisnontoall,thereareanyaysto.v⑶Toputanendtothisseriousproble,inyopinion,severaleasuresshouldbetaen/adoptedby.v⑷Hocanesolvethisproble?Ithintherearethreeapproaches.v⑸Ifyouanttosolvethisproble,thefolloingadviceaybehelp ful.v⑹ysuggestionstodealith/solve/relievetheprobleareasfo llos.Inthefirstplace,.Secondly.Finally.v⑺Atfirstthought,theprobleseesfartooinvolved,butitcan certainlybesolvedhenseriouslydealtith.vⅣ.问题解决型—作文模板v1Noadays,greatiportancehasbeenattachedto.2anyaysca ncontributeto,butthefolloingonesaybeeffective.v3Firstofall,.4Besides,.5Finally,.v6Inconclusion/Tosuup,theaysIhaveentionedaboveshoul dneverbeseparatedfroeachother.7.Ⅴ.应用型—句子模板v1.信函句子模板—开头常用表达:v⑴Excuseefornotritingtoyouforsolongatie.v⑵yourletterdatedisathand.v⑶ordscannotexpressyjoyofreceivingyourletterofay8th.v⑷Iaritingto.v⑸Iaveryuchdelightedtoinforyouthat.v⑹Ihavethepleasuretotellyouthat.v2.信函句子模板—结尾常用套话:v⑴Isendyouybestished.v⑵Looingforardtohearingfroyousoon.v⑶Allthelucintheorldtoyou.v⑷Pleasegiveybestregardstoyourfaily/parents.vⅤ.应用型—作文模板v同学间的日常信件作文模板:v1Dear,v2Iagladtonothat.3Asfor____,Isupposethatcanbeagoodc hoiceforyou.4.5.6hat’sore,.7To,youaresupposedto.8arealsoofgreatiportance ,.v9Nolet’stalabout.10Firstofall,youshould.11Inaddition,.12Ifanyfurtherquestionsetoyou,donothesitatetoritetoe.v10.vyours,Ⅴ.应用型—作文模板v活动通知作文模板:vVolunteerNeededv1iththeapproachingof,istoorganizeandisnorecruitingvolunteers.v2Thisprograisplannedto.3Itaisto.4Byparticipatingin theactivity,volunteerscan.5Volunteersareexpectedto. 6Theprograillbecarriedout.v7areneeded.8Fellostudentshoeettherequireentsandant totaepartintheactivity,pleasecallusatoreailusat.v9eandjoinus!Ⅴ.应用型—作文模板v竞赛演讲稿作文模板:vAcapaignSpeechv1,v2Thanyoufor.3,4Iadelightedtoannouncethat.v5,Ihavealaysbeenconsideredas.6eanhile,.7.8Inadditi on,ifIgetelected.v9.10Ifelected,Iaconfidentthat.11Iill.v12Thanyouveryuchforyourattention.vⅤ.应用型—作文模板v导游解说词作文模板:v1,v2eleto.3Firstofall,I’dlietointroduceyself:Ia,It’syhonortobehereithallofyou,andIishyouaonderfultript oday.v4Hereisthescheduleoftheday.5isthefirstplaceearegoi ngtovisitthisorning.6Thenillbeourdestinationintheaf ternoon.7Noeareontheay....v8That’stheintroductionto.9Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasedon ’thesitatetoase.Ⅵ.综合叙事型—句子模板v1.表示时间顺序的连接词:v⑴Earlyintheorning/Intheearlyorningv⑵Intheiddleoftheday/Atnoonv⑶Lateintheafternoon/Inthelateafternoonv⑷Far/Deepintothenightv⑸Inthepast;Atpresent,;Inthefuturev⑹First;Second;Next;Then;Finallv⑺Atfirst/Inthebeginning;Atlast/Intheendv⑻Shortlyafterards/Atonce/Iediately/Allofasudden/Sudd enly/Soonv⑼Theoent…/Assoonas…/Thefirsttie…;Not…until…,Nexttie…,Before…,After…,etc.Ⅵ.综合叙事型—作文模板v1Itishentooplace.2.v3Isasight.4.5Tobeginith,.6Andthen,.7Eventually,.8A saconsequence,.v9Inyopinion,threefactorscontributeto.10First,.11Se cond,.11Last,.12Alltheseledto.v第三段或为以下模式:v9Idobelieve.vⅦ.图表型—句子模板v1.图表内容总括性描述:v⑴Ascanbeseenfrothetable,greatchangeshavebeentaingpla cein.v⑵Frotheabovetableitcanbeseenthat.v⑶Asitisshoninthetable,.v⑷Accordingtothegraph,.v⑸Itisclearfrothetablethat.v⑹Thesurvey/studyshos/suggeststhat.v⑺Accordingtothefiguresgiveninthetable.v⑻Asyouayseefrothediagra,.v⑼Thetochartsabovetellussoethingabout.v2.图表内容具体数据变化描述:v⑴increase/decreaseby…v2.increasefro…tov3.increasesteadilyfro…v4.Thereasaaredincreasein…v5.Therehasbeenarapidincreasein…v6.anincreaseofv7.declinein…v8.fourtiesasuchas…v9.aounttov10.fallfro…to…v11.appearstablev12.reachv13.continuetogrov14.hasbeengroingfasterandfastersincev15.lessthanv16.uptov17.paredithv18.thenuberof…reainsthesaeas…v分析原因:v1.Thereareany/plentyof/anuberof/nuerousreasonsexpl aining/for.v2.Thereasonsoflieinseveralaspects.v3.anyfactorscontributeto.v4.Thereareanyreasonsthatayaccountfor.v5.Thereasonsfor/hyareasfollos:.v6.Thereareanyreasonsforit,butgenerally,theyedonint hreeajorones.v7.isainlycausedby.v8.hatcausedthesechanges?.v9.Thereareanyfactorsthathavestiulatedthishugechang e.v10.Thereasonsthatcausedchangesarediverse.ontheoneh and,.ontheotherhand,.v11.Therapidgrothof.oesuchto.v总结归纳/说明影响/表明作者态度/以作者个人为例:v1.Throughtheanalysis,ecandraaconclusionthat.v2.Inshort/Inbrief,.v3.Tosolvetheprobleof,e.v4.Froallthefactsgivenabove,ecansee.v5.consideringallthese/Taingalltheseintoconsiderati on/account,Ibelieve.v6.Asto/fore,Ibelieve.v7.Taeeasanexaple/Inyoncase,I.Ⅶ.图表型—作文模板v1Accordingto/Asshoninthetable/chart/graph,theperio dfroto,increasedsignificant,hile____decreased/droppedsharply.Thereareahugenuberofreasonsbehindthisphenoenon./Thereasonsofthechangeslieinseveralaspects.3Firstofall,.4Secondly,.5Thirdly,.Allinall,ecanseethatinthepastyears/onths/ees,has/ha vebeenrising/droppingyearbyyear.7ecanalsoexpectthat.Frotheabovediscussions,ehaveenoughreasontopredictha tillhappeninthenearfuture.7Thetrenddescribedintheta ble/chart/graphillcontinueforquitealongtie.。

六级作文之对比分析型一、侧重正反对比论证Do “Lucky number” really bring good luck ?1)有些人认为某些数字会带来好运2)我认为数字和运气无关分析:第一段:提出观点段:提出一些人的“数字会带来好运”的观点和“我”反对的立场。
第三段:正面论证段:“我”的论据论证“数字与运气无关”的观点,为正面论证段Do “Lucky number” really bring good luck ?①Quite a few people believe “lucky numbers” like “8” can bring them good luck. ②Even some people spare no expense to get their telephone numbers or car numbers to include “8”. ③However, I hold the entirely different view. (提出观点段)④Of course, “lucky numbers”may sound propitious and make people feel good. ⑤For example, those who believe in “lucky numbers ” may feel hopeful and confident when they think of their “lucky numbers”. ⑥But it doesn’t mean that “lucky numbers” really bring good luck. ⑦In my opinion, “lucky numbers” are only numbers,which have nothing to do with one’s luck. (反面论证段)⑧The following reasons can account for my argument. ⑨First, no number can change the reality and make a miracle. ⑩A good example to illustrate this is a seriously injured man should be treated as soon as possible but not wait till his “lucky”date. 11Second, if lucky numbers really did work, nobody would be willing to work hard any more. 12T o conclude, we should work hard to obtain a happy life instead of depending on lucky numbers. (正面论证段)二、侧重利弊分析The Pros and Cons of college students’ taking Part-time Jobs1)分析大学生做兼职的利与弊2)谈谈我的看法分析:第一段:说明好处段:分析大学生做兼职工作有哪些好处第二段:说明坏处段:分析大学生做兼职工作带来的问题第三段:阐述观点段:阐述“我”对大学生做兼职的看法The Pros and Cons of college students’ taking Part-time Jobs①Nowadays many college students take part-time jobs in their spare time. ②There is no doubt that taking a part-time job brings about several benefits to college students. ③Above all, part-time jobs provide a valuable chance to put their theoretical knowledge intopractice. ④So their practical skills are improved greatly.⑤Furthermore, students can earn some money to help lighten the burden on their families. (说明好处段)⑥However, problems may also arise. ⑦For one thing, some students spend so much time and energy doing part-time jobs that they may neglect their study. ⑧For another, students may be cheated or hurt by their employers for lack of social experience. (说明坏处段)⑨Weighing up the advantages and disadvantages , I think that we college students should step out of campus to engage in some part-time jobs. ⑩Undoubtedly, part-time jobs open a window for us to know the society. 11 But it is worth noting that we shouldn’t put too much time and energy in doing part-time jobs and neglect our studies. 12 To conclude, if the schedule permits, doing part-time jobs in spare time is a good choice for college students.三、侧重对比论证Reading selectively or extensively?1 有人认为读书要有选择2 有人认为读书要有博览群书3 我的看法第一段: 提出人们关于读书的两种不同看法:一是读书要有选择,二是应当博览群书第二段:阐述两种对立观点各自的理由,对比论证段第三段:表明“我”更倾向于哪种观点,表明观点段Reading selectively or extensivelyWhen it comes to the way of reading, there is no complete agreement among people. Some people like to read selectively. However, others prefer to read extensively. (提出观点)Those who have the first preference believe reading selectively can save much time spent on digesting what they have read. In addition, they insist that since there are too many trashy books in the market, reading without selection may do harm to the youth and lead them to the wrong direction of life. However, still others think differently. In their opinion, they cannot get a general view about the world without extensive reading. Besides, they argue extensive reading can extend their range of knowledge and broaden their vision. (对比论证)Weighing up these two arguments, I prefer the former one. For one thing, as college students, we should those books suitable toour reading level. For another, without selection, our reading may become aimless and blind, which will be less efficient. Considering these, we may reasonably conclude that college students should read selectively. (表明观点)作业200912For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Parents Send Their Kids to Art Classes?Y ou should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1. 现在有不少家长送孩子参加各种艺术班2. 对这种做法有人表示支持,也有人并不赞成3. 我认为……200906For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On the Importance of a Name. you shuold write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1. 有人说名字或名称很重要2. 也有人觉得名字或名称无关紧要3. 我认为On the Importance of a Name。
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1.Differentpeople have different views on——1.开门见山直入主
2. Somepeople perfer,——.体,表明对某事人们
3.Others tend to, ——.的不同看法。
4.As tome, I agree with /to ——2.表明一部分人
5. Ofcourse,——.5.承认自己不赞同
8.Thefollowing reasons can account for my preference—— 6. 举例说明支持
7 转折指出这种观
8 启下句过度到下
9.Themain reason is ——.9.支持观点的理由
10.Agood example to illustrate is ——一。
12.Fromthe foregoing,——一。
2.模板二(1999 年 6 月真题)
1.There is no complete agreementamong people as to ——
2.Some people consider,——.
3.However, others think, ——.
4.Some people may say ——
5. They hold this opinionbecause——.1.开门见山直入主体,表明对某事人们的不同看法。
6.However, others believe,——
7.They argue that,——
8.Personally,I am in favor ofthe——
9.Firstly, ——. 10.Secondly,——
11.Most important of all ——
12.Taking above-mentionedfactors into consideration, we/I may reasonably conclude that ——法。
祝语 :人的一生中必须面对很多各种各样的环境,但不管处在任何环境中,我们一定要保持一颗积极向上的心态。