Infrared regularization with vector mesons and baryons
关键词:粒子群优化算法,智能算法,背包问题,最优化AbstractKnapsack problem is NP-hard problem to solve the knapsack problem solving combinatorial optimization problems faced by one of the wide range of applications in the real background, while the particle swarm algorithm as a swarm intelligence algorithm, by following the current search for the optimal.The value to find the global optimum. Based on the analysis of the knapsack problem, using the particle swarm algorithm with inertia weight and with a shrinkage factor improved particle swarm optimization to solve the two thirty-dimensional and eleven-dimensional 0/1 knapsack problem, through a multi-trials, and ultimately obtained the optimal solution to the knapsack problem with known optimal solution consistent.Keywords: Particle swarm optimization algorithm, the intelligent algorithm, knapsack problem, optimization,目录1 绪论 (1)1.1组合优化问题 (1)1.2背包问题 (1)1.3对背包问题的研究 (2)1.4本文的结构 (4)2 优化算法和背包问题 (5)2.1粒子群算法 (6)2.2背包问题 (7)2.3本章小结 (9)3 基本粒子群算法在背包问题中的应用 (10)3.1基本粒子群算法 (10)3.2基于基本粒子群算法的背包问题 (11)3.3本章小结 (21)4 基于改进型粒子群算法的背包问题 (22)4.1引入惯性权重与收缩因子的改进型粒子群算法 (22)4.2基于改进型粒子群算法的背包问题 (24)4.3本章小结 (28)5 总结与展望 (29)5.1本文总结 (29)5.2展望 (29)参考文献 (30)致谢 .......................................错误!未定义书签。
随机傅里叶特征映射随机傅里叶特征映射(Random Fourier Feature Mapping)是一种基于傅里叶变换的非线性特征映射方法,用于处理高维数据的机器学习问题。
在传统的机器学习模型中,如支持向量机(Support Vector Machines)和高斯过程(Gaussian Processes)等,通常需要计算高维空间中的核函数。
L I U Z h e n - q i , B A 0 L i - j u n , C HE N Z h o n g
r De p a r t m e n t o f E l e c t r o n i c S c i e n c e , X i a me n U n i v e r s i t y , Xi a me n 3 6 1 0 0 5 , C h i n a )
刘振 圻 , 包立君 , 陈 忠
( 厦 门大学电子科 学系, 福建 厦门 3 6 1 0 0 5 )
摘 要: 为了提高磁共振成像的图像 质量 , 提 出了一种基于 自适应对偶字典的超分辨率 去噪重建方法 , 在超分辨率重建过程 中引入去噪功能 , 使 得改善图像 分辨率的同时能够有效地滤除 图像 中的噪声 , 实现 了超分辨率重建和去噪技术 的有机结合 。该 方法利用聚类一P c A算 法提取图像的主要特征来构造主特征字典 , 采用 训练方法设计 出表达图像 细节信 息的 自学 习字 典 , 两者 结合构成的 自适应对偶字典具有 良好 的稀疏度和 自适应性 。实验表 明, 与其他超分辨率算法相 比, 该方法超分辨率重建效果显 著, 峰值信噪 比和平均结构相似度均有所提高。
第2 8 卷第 4 期
2 0 1 3 年8 月
பைடு நூலகம்光 电技术 应 用
V O1 . 28. NO. 4
Au g u s t , 2 01 3
信号 与信息处理 ・
基 于 自适应对偶 字典的磁共振 图像 的超 分辨率重建
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这个框架可以非常有效的实现整个图像的扩散。但是,它是不适合在并行计算环境中运行。这是因为当前像素的处理无法启动直到前一个像素已加密。即使有多个处理元素(PE),这种计算仍然是在一个串行模式下工作。此限制了其应用平台,因为许多基于FPGA / CPLD或者数字电路的设备可以支持并行处理。随着并行计算技术的应用,加密速度可以大大加快。
稀疏卷积 建立 规则表 rulebook
1. 稀疏卷积的概念稀疏卷积是一种卷积运算的方式,它通过利用输入数据的稀疏性来减少计算量和内存占用。
2. 稀疏卷积的应用稀疏卷积在图像处理中有着广泛的应用,特别是在大尺寸图像的处理过程中。
3. 建立规则表的重要性在使用稀疏卷积进行图像处理或深度学习任务时,建立规则表是非常重要的。
4. 个人观点和理解在我看来,稀疏卷积是一种非常重要的技术,它可以帮助我们在图像处理和深度学习领域取得更好的效果。
强化学习算法中的稀疏表示学习方法详解强化学习(Reinforcement Learning, RL)是一种机器学习方法,其目标是使智能体(agent)通过与环境的交互,学习到如何在未知环境中做出最优的决策。
稀疏表示学习(Sparse Representation Learning)则是一种用于特征提取和数据降维的方法,通过学习数据的稀疏表达形式,可以更好地捕捉数据的潜在结构和特征。
1. 字典学习字典学习是一种常用的稀疏表示学习方法,其目标是学习一组基函数(字典),使得数据能够被这组基函数线性表示。
摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction
具体地,对于每个隐藏层的激活值a,L1正则化可以定义为λ * |a|,其中λ是一个控制稀疏程度的超参数。
【摘要】本文建立了自伴算子奇异连续谱的三个定理,它们推广了Barry Simon近期所获得的一些重要结果.
1.一类Schr dinger算子的连续谱测度(英文) [J], Shang Pengjian (Dept. of Appl. Math., Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044)
2.广义Morrey空间中奇异积分算子和极大算子的加权不等式(英文) [J], 刘岚
3.一类不连续奇异Strum-Liouville算子的渐近估计(英文) [J], 周立广;王万义;索建青
4.带变量Calderón-Zygmund核的奇异积分算子在加权Morrey空间上的有界性(英文) [J], 潘亚丽;李昌文;温宗良
5.奇异2n阶J-自伴向量微分算子的预解算子 [J], 刘肖云;王忠
中图分 类号 : 0 1 。 2 19
文 献标 识码 : A
0 引 言
量子 化 问题 在 于 研 究 量 子 化 导偏 差 逼 近 某一 特定概 率测 度 , 一 测度 是在 有 限支 撑下 离散 的概 这
i i a ( : lr n )
n— ∞ 一 ■
I(J r
涉及. 为此我们将主要研 究随机 自 相似集上一个质量分布的量子化维数. 本文利用概率论 中 学 数 期望 的性 质和反 证 法证 明 了量 子理 论 中的 一个 定理 在 随机 情 况 下 也 成 立 , 而 为我 们研 究 随机 从
自相似 集 的量子 化 维数提 供 了一 个重要 的理 论基础 . 关 键 词 : Ha sof 维数 ; ud r f 随机 自相似 集 ; 随机 测度 ; 量子 维数
量子维数 D 存在且满足下列等式 : ,
∑ (c 蔫 =1 p )
1 概 念 和标 记
设 ( , J)是一 完 备 概 率 空 问 , , F, P ( P)是 一
的 n维量 子偏 差定 义 为 :
()=i { m n Ji f
一 I () l :
使 上述定 义 中 ( )式 成立 的 ∈ , 中 cr( 1 其 ad )
Hale Waihona Puke ≤r 我们称为 r t , 级测度 的n 最优集 , c ) 用 ( 来 表示. 定义 级测度 的上、 下量子维数为 :
i sp ) = lm u
日— … ∞ 一 1U y 一 .1“ ,
dr 维数的研究得到启发 , o f 我们研究随机 自 相似集
为了解决这个问题,研究人员们引入了支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)模型在垃圾邮件过滤中的应用。
【作者单位】西安邮电大学通信与信息工程学院西安710121;西安邮电大学电子工程学院西安 710121
1.基于高维广义超混沌猫映射的彩色图像加密算法 [J], 彭嘉星;鲍芳
2.一种新的基于超混沌映射的图像融合加密算法 [J], 薛香莲;王键
3.基于超混沌映射的医学图像小波域加密算法 [J], 梁涤青;陈志刚;邓小鸿
4.基于超混沌映射的位平面彩色图像加密算法 [J], 黎桠娟; 叶瑞松
5.基于量子混沌映射和Chen超混沌映射的图像加密算法 [J], 张晓宇;张健
1.基于相位一致性和自适应极坐标变换的图像匹配方法 [J], 肖志涛;邱虹;耿磊;张芳;吴骏
2.基于拓扑不变性的非编码点匹配方法研究 [J], 楚万秀;戴惠良;于永坤;郑晓杰
3.基于点集不变性匹配的目标检测与识别方法 [J], 田原;梁德群;吴更石
4.基于群体智能的三维碎片全局最优匹配方法 [J], 孙家泽;耿国华
5.基于形状骨架图匹配的文物碎片自动重组方法 [J], 张雨禾;耿国华;魏潇然;张靖;周明全
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a r X i v :0808.3174v 1 [h e p -p h ] 23 A u g 2008Preprint typeset in JHEP style -HYPER VERSIONPeter Christian Bruns Universit¨a t Bonn,Helmholtz–Institut f¨u r Strahlen–und Kernphysik (Theorie),D-53115Bonn,Germany Ulf-G.Meißner Universit¨a t Bonn,Helmholtz–Institut f¨u r Strahlen–und Kernphysik (Theorie)and Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics,D-53115Bonn,Germany and Forschungszentrum J¨u lich,Institut f¨u r Kernphysik (Theorie)and J¨u lich Center for Hadron Physics,D-52425J¨u lich,Germany Abstract:We extend the method of infrared regularization to spin-1fields coupled to baryons.As an application,we discuss the axial form factor of the nucleon.Keywords:Chiral Lagrangians,QCD,vector mesons.1.IntroductionIn a recent work[1],the scheme of infrared regularization(developed in its original form by Becher and Leutwyler[2])was extended to the case of explicit meson resonances interacting with soft pions,as e.g.thefirst step towards a systematic inclusion of vector mesons in the meson sector of Chiral Perturbation Theory(ChPT).It is the aim of this article to provide a further extension of infrared regularization to the situation where baryons as well as vector mesons are present.This can be considered as a synthesis of the results in[1] and[2].Such an extension is not only of interest in itself,but can be applied to a plethora of observables,where vector and axial-vector mesons are known to play an important role, such as the electroweak form factors of the nucleon.As one example we mention the contribution of theπρloop to the strangeness form factors of the nucleon[3,4].Infrared regularization(IR)is a solution to the following problem.The presence of mass scales which must be considered as’heavy’compared to the masses and momenta of the soft pions will in general mess up the usual power counting rules of ChPT by which the perturbation series of the effective theory is ordered[5–7].This observation wasfirst made when baryons were incorporated in the framework of ChPT[8](for a recent review on baryon ChPT we refer to[9]).The procedure of infrared regularization separates the (dimensionally regularized)one-loop graphs of baryon ChPT into a part which stems from the soft pion contribution and a part generated from loop momenta close to the’heavy’scale.The latter portion of the loop graph,called the’regular’part,will usually not be in accord with the low-energy power counting,but can always be absorbed in local terms derived from the effective Lagrangian.It is therefore dropped from the loop graph,and only thefirst part,called the infrared singular part of the loop integral,is kept.Though both the vector mesons and the baryons interact as’heavy’particles with the pions,the power counting is different for the two species,at least for the kinds of Feynman graphs we consider in this work.There,the vector mesons appear only as internal lines with small momenta far from their mass shell,so that the resonance propagator is counted as O(q0) (where q indicates some small momentum scale or Goldstone boson mass),while the baryon propagator is counted as O(q−1),since the baryon is pushed from its mass shell only by a small amount due to its interaction with the soft pions and vector mesons.In the graphs we treat here,only one single baryon is present,with the baryon line running through the diagram undergoing only soft interactions.The number of the virtual vector mesons, however,is notfixed.The pion propagator is counted as O(q−2),as usual,both the pion momentum and the pion mass being of O(q).Appropriate powers of q are also assigned to vertices from the effective Lagrangian.Finally,the measure of every d-dimensional loop integration is booked as O(q d).This counting scheme applies,of course,to tree graphs, but also to the infrared singular,or soft,parts of the loop graphs.The regular parts of the loop graphs are not guaranteed to obey the power counting rules.These general remarks will be exemplified in the following sections.Before working out the case where both baryons and vector mesons appear in a Feyn-man diagram,we will briefly review the scheme of infrared regularization for loop integrals where only one heavy scale shows up.This will not only serve to give a unified presenta-tion of the method,but also provide some results needed for an application of the general scheme to the axial form factor of the nucleon.Before starting with the presentation of the formalism,let us mention that the loop integrals studied in this work have also been treated,using a different regularization scheme which is in some respect complementary to the one used here,in Ref.[10].2.IR regularization in the pion-nucleon systemWhen only pions and nucleons are treated as explicitfields of the effective theory,the fundamental loop integral one has to consider isI MB(p2)= d d l((p−l)2−m2)(l2−M2).(2.1)Here,M is the pion mass(being of chiral order O(q))and m is the nucleon mass.Applying the low-energy power counting scheme outlined in the introduction,one would assign a chiral order of q d−3to this integral.We will see in a moment that only an appropriately extracted low-energy part of I MB will obey this power counting requirement.All the other pion-nucleon loop integrals are either only trivially modified by the in-frared regularization scheme,or they can be derived from eq.(2.1)(see sec.6of[2]).For example,the scalar tadpole integral containing only the pion propagator is not modifiedat all,as there is no’hard momentum’structure present that could lead to a nonvanishing regular part of this integral.Thus we haveI IR M=I M= d d l l2−M2,and a direct calculation givesI IR M=Γ(1−d (4π)d(2π)di(2π)d 10dz2) 2 10dz2,(2.4)where we have definedα=M2/m2(note the difference to ref.[2],where this letter is reserved forαBL=M/m).Fractional powers of the small variableαwill be produced near z=0:there,the integrand is approximately(α)dnear z =1.The extraction of the part of the integral proportional to d -dependent powers of αnow proceeds as follows:the parameter integration is split into two parts like 10= ∞0− ∞1.(2.5)We will first show that the second integral on the regular,i.e.expandable,in the variable α.This is easy to see,because for z ≥1,the integrand can be expanded like(z 2−αz +α)d 2+k )2)αk z 2 k .(2.6)Interchanging integration and summation (which is a valid operation at least for some range of d ),one gets for the regular partR ≡m d −4Γ(2−d(4π)d (z 2−αz +α)2−d 2)2+O (α).(2.7)At this point we should make the remark that the extension of the parameter integration to infinity will lead to divergences as d increases.The infrared singular or regular parts are then defined as follows:The parameter integrals are computed for the range of d where they are well-defined,and the result will be continued analytically to arbitrary values of d .This amounts to the suppression of power divergences of the parameter integrals,which have nothing to do with the infrared singularity at z =0,and will be cancelled anyway on the r.h.s.of eq.(2.5).Next we must show that the first term on the r.h.s.of eq.(2.5)is proportional to a d -dependent power of α.To see this,we substitute z =√(z 2−αz +α)2−d αd −3 ∞0dy αy +1)2−dαsimilar to eq.(2.6).Thus we have found that theparameter integral from zero to infinity is proportional to a d -dependent power of α.Theinfrared singular part I IR MBof the loop integral therefore equals I IR MB =−m d −4Γ(2−d(4π)d (z 2−αz +α)2−d αd −32∞ k =0√k !Γ k +12 .(2.8)As d →4,this has the well-known leading termI IR MB (d →4)=1m +...,where the dots indicate terms of higher order in M/m .This is clearly in accord with the low-energy power counting.In contrast to that,the first term of the expansion of the reg-ular part R obviously violates this counting when d →4.The infrared regularization nowprescribes to drop R from the loop contribution and substitute I IR MB for I MB.Moreover, the poles of I IR MB in d−4are also absorbed in a renormalization of the masses and coupling constants of the effective Lagrangian.Again,for a more general and comprehensive treat-ment of the IR scheme in the pion-nucleon system,the reader should consult the original article of Becher and Leutwyler[2].3.IR regularization for vector mesons and pionsIn this section,we consider another case of infrared regularization,first examined in[1]. The internal baryon lines from the preceding section are now replaced by vector meson lines, however,the vector mesons do not show up as external particles in the graphs we consider here(an example for the treatment of such a graph can be found in sec.11of[1]).The only external particles here are pions(or,in some cases,soft photons etc.),so that there are only small external momenta of order O(q)flowing into the loop.The fundamental scalar loop integral is in this caseI MV(q2)= d d l((q−l)2−M2V)(l2−M2),(3.1)where M V is the mass of the heavy meson resonance and q is some small external momentum (small with respect to the resonance mass M V).This is,in principle,the same function as in eq.(2.1),so the reader might ask why we devote this section to the examination of this case.The point is that the extraction of the infrared singular part of I MV must proceed along different lines here.As shown in[1],a splitting like that of eq.(2.5)does not amount to a separation into infrared singular and regular parts as in the preceding section.This can be traced back to the fact that the extension of the parameter integrals to infinity leads to a singular behaviour of the loop function near q2=0.Of course,also I IR MB has such a singularity as the external momentum squared goes to zero(see sec.5.4of[2]),but the point p2=0lies far outside the low-energy region in that case.Here,however,the point q2=0lies at the center of the low-energy region,so the infrared singular and regular parts can not be expressed as parameter integrals from zero or one to infinity,respectively.For example,a’regular’part defined as being proportional to the parameter integral from one to infinity would not be expandable around q2=0,as it should be in order to be able to absorb the corresponding terms in a renormalization of the local operators in the effective Lagrangian.To circumvent this difficulty,we will take up the following simple idea from[1].We observe that I MV is analytic at q2=0,the only singularity being the threshold branch point at q2=(M V+M)2,which is far outside the range of small q2-values.Expanding I MV in q2,the analyticity properties in that variable are obvious.Each coefficient in this expansion can be split into an infrared singular and a regular part almost like in eq.(2.5). Extracting the infrared singular part proportional to d-dependent powers of the pion mass of each coefficient,and resumming the series,one arrives at a well-defined expression for the infrared singular part of the loop integral I MV that is(by construction)expandable in the small variable q2/M2V.To start with the analysis,let us first consider the special case where the external momentum vanishes:q =0.Then we haveI MV (0)= d d l (l 2−M 2V)(l 2−M 2)=1(2π)d i (2π)diM 2−M 2V d d l l 2−M 2.(3.2)It should be clear that there will only be corrections of O (q 2)to this result when we compute the regularized integral for nonvanishing q .We introduce the following variables,˜α=M 2M 2V ,(3.3)which we assume to be small in the sense that ˜α,˜β≪1.Just like in sec.2,we use the Feynman parameter trick to writeI MV (q 2)=−M d −4V Γ(2−d (4π)d (˜βz 2+z (1−˜α−˜β)+˜α)2−d 2)2 10dz 2 1+˜βz 22−2.This can be expanded according toI MV (q 2)=−M d −4V2∞ k =0Γ(d k !Γ(d 2)dz2 ˜βz2(z (1−˜α−˜β)+˜α)2+k −d 2−1+k y 2k 2.(3.5)Divergences of the parameter integral due to the extension of the upper limit to infinity are again handled by analytic continuation in d.It can be expressed in terms of Gamma functions:∞0dy y2k2=Γ(2k+1)Γ(1−d(1−˜α−˜β)2k+1Γ(2−d2−1) 2−1−k)=(−1)kΓ(2−dΓ(2−d(4π)d 2−1∞ k=0(−˜α˜β)k2−k) (2π)di(q2+l2−M2V)k+1→ d d l l2−M2∞ k=0(2q·l)k(2π)di(2q·l)kWhile thefirst step is just the expansion of the vector meson propagator pole imposed by the prescription,the second step deserves a comment:There,we have used the same trick of partial fractions to split offsome hard momentum contributions as in the treatment of I MV(0),but now this was performed k+1times.In the last step,summation and integration were ing the formulad d l l2−M2=(−q2M2)n M d−2Γ(n+1Γ(12−n)2(3.8)and the fact that the loop integrals in the series vanish if k is odd,the result of the transformation isI soft MV (q2)=M d−22∞ n=0(−4q2M2)n2)Γ(1−dΓ(1Γ(n+1)=4nΓ(n+1Γ(1Using these kinematic relations,we can rewrite the fundamental scalar loop integral I MBV (k 2)≡ d d l ((p −l )2−m 2)((k +l )2−M 2V )(l 2−M 2)(4.2)with the help of the usual Feynman parameter trick,asd d l(y ((p −l )2−m 2)+x ((k +l )2−M 2V)+(1−x −y )(l 2−M 2))3.(4.3)Doing the loop integration in the usual manner,we getI MBV (k 2)=m d −6Γ(3−d(4π)d (y 2−αy +α+β(x 2+xy )+x (γ−α−β))3−dm 2≪1,β=k 2m 2∼O (1).were used.In particular,we have assumed here that the nucleon and the meson resonance are roughly of the same order of magnitude (in the real world,we have γ∼2/3for the rho resonance,which is good enough for our purposes).We should remark here that there is,of course,a second graph with the same topology,where the pion and the resonance line are interchanged (see fig.2).The expression for thecorresponding scalar loop integral is˜I MBV (k 2)≡ d d l ((¯p −l )2−m 2)((l −k )2−M 2V)(l 2−M 2).(4.5)However,the reader can convince himself that,due to the on-shell kinematics specified in eq.(4.1),this will give exactly the same expression as in eq.(4.4).Thus,we can focus on the integral I MBV .In analogy to sec.3,it will be instructive to begin with the special case where k =0.Since we must split offthe terms where only propagators of heavy particles occur,we can obviously apply the same partial fraction method that led to eq.(3.2).The remaining pion-nucleon integral can be dealt with as in sec.2.This givesI IR MBV (0)=I IR MB(m 2)2)2∞0 ∞0dxdy 2=m d −62)2 ∞0dy 2(compare the last line with the l.h.s of eq.(2.8)).Once again,the possible divergence for large d at x →∞was regularized by analytic continuation from small d as before.It is reassuring to see that eq.(4.6)is reproduced in this way.The extension of both parameterinte-Figure 1:Illustration of the integration rangesfor the infrared singular and the regular part ofI MBV .The shaded triangle is the region inte-grated over in eq.(4.4).The three rays indi-cate the extension of the connections from thesoft point at (0,0)to the hard line from (0,1)to(1,0).grations to infinity is the natural generaliza-tion of the prescription used in sec.2.This can be seen as follows.In eq.(4.3),we chose our Feynman parameters such that the pion propagator contributes with the weight one at x =y =0,while the vector meson and the nucleon propagator have their maximum weight at (x,y )=(1,0)and (0,1),respec-tively.Consequently,the infrared singular-ity is located in parameter space at the point (x,y )=(0,0).Indeed,a look at eq.(4.4)confirms that the integrand in that expres-sion is approximately αdrange be extended to infinity,in each coefficient of the expansion.We must expect that a similar phenomenon will occur in the present case.To exclude this from the start,we expand I MBV in analogy to eq.(3.7):I MBV (k 2)=m d −62∞ j =0Γ(d Γ(d 2)dxdy (βx (x +y ))j 2+j=m d −62∞ j =0Γ(d Γ(d 2)dxdy ( j l =0 j l βj x l +j y j −l )2+j .There is still some β-dependence in the denominator,but in that combination,it will turn out to be harmless.We extend the parameter integrations to Q +and defineI IR MBV (k 2)=m d −62∞ j =0Γ(d Γ(d 2)dxdy ( j l =0 j l βj x l +j y j −l )2+j .Since the denominator is always positive for 0<α≪1,|β|≪1,the x -integration can readily be done using the formula∞0dx x n b n +1Γ(n +1)Γ(D −(n +1))(4π)d 2−l )(γ−α−β)j +l +1×× ∞0y j −l dy 2−l .In the next step,we can write down the chiral expansion of the y -integral,using the same method as in sec.2.The generalized formula is∞0dy y n αn +1−2D ∞ k =0√k !Γ(n +k +12)(4π)d αd −3+j +l +k 2)Γ(3−d −l −j +k 2Γ(j −l +1)Γ(k +1)Γ(l +1).(4.9)The only expressions we have not expanded in the small variables are the factors of (γ−α−β)in the denominator,but this can of course be done:the corresponding geometric series is absolutely convergent due to the assumption that γ∼O (1).To complete the proof that eq.(4.9)is the correct infrared singular part of I MBV ,we have to show that all the terms we dropped in the extraction procedure described aboveare regular inα.Those terms are proportional to parameter integrals over the region R+, of the general typeR j= R+dxdy(x(x+y))j2+j= ∞z=1 z x=0dxdz(xz)j2+j.Here we have traded the variable y for z≡x+y.Onefinds that the function(z−x)2+x(γ−β)f(z,x)=001100110011001100110011N(p)N(p)P(l)A(k)N(p)N(p)p−l P(l)p−l A(k)V(l−k)V(l+k)Figure 2:Triangle graphs contributing to the axial form factor of the nucleon.The dashed line represents the pion,while the double line stands for the vector meson.The letter A indicates the external axial source,N denotes the nucleon under consideration.graphs of fig.(2),with one nucleon,one pion and one resonance line,in the framework of the extended infrared regularization scheme developed in the preceding sections.First,we must set up the necessary formalism and collect the various terms from the effective Lagrangian we need for the computation.By Lorentz invariance,the matrix element of the axial currentA i µ(x )≡¯q (x )γµγ5τi2m +G T (t )σµνk ν2u (p )e ikx .(5.1)In the above expressions,q is the quark field spinor,q T =(u,d ),N ′is the outgoing nucleon with momentum ¯p ,N labels the incoming nucleon with momentum p ,and k =¯p −p ,t ≡k 2.The symbols τi denote the usual Pauli matrices.Finally,¯u ′and u are the Dirac spinors associated with the outgoing and incoming nucleon,respectively.Assuming perfect isospin symmetry and charge conjugation invariance,as we will do here,leads to G T ≡0.The relation of G A and G P to the quantities F 1,2used in [13]is F 1(t )=G A (t ),2mF 2(t )=−G P (t ).For later reference,we give the representation of G A up to order q 3that can be found in [13]:G A (t )=g A +4¯d16M 2+d 22t −g 3A M 224πmF 2 3+3g 2A −4c 3m +8c 4m +O (q 4).(5.2)Here F and g A denote the pion decay constant and the nucleon axial charge in the chiral limit,respectively,while the coefficients c i ,d i are LECs showing up in the pion-nucleon effective Lagrangian at order two and three,respectively.For a precise definition of the underlying Lagrangian see ref.[17].We now turn back to the calculation of the axial form factor in the presence of vector mesons.We write down the relevant terms in the effective Lagrangian and give the neces-sary rules for the vertices and propagators required for the calculation.First,the lowest order chiral Lagrangian for the pion-nucleon interaction readsL(1)N=¯ψ(i/D−m)ψ+g A2F ,uµ=i{u†,∂µu}+u†rµu−ulµu†,rµ=vµ+aµ,lµ=vµ−aµ.In the last line,we have introduced external isovector vector and axial-vector sources,vµand aµ,vµ=v iµτi2.The covariant derivative Dµin eq.(5.3)is defined asDµ=∂µ+Γµ,Γµ=12u†rµu−i2F/qγ5τafor an outgoing pion of momentum q.Now we turn to the effective Lagrangians involving the vector mesonfields.We choose a representation in terms of an antisymmetric tensorfield Wµν[1,15,18].The corresponding free Lagrangian isL kin W=−14M2V WµνWµν ,whereWµν=12W iµντi= ρ02ρ+ρ−−ρ02µν.The brackets ... denote the trace in isospin space.From L kin W,one derives the tensorfield propagator in momentum space,T ijµν,ρσ(k)=iδijM2V−k2.At lowest chiral order,the interaction of the rho meson with the pions is given by[15]L int W=F V2 F+µνWµν +iG V2 [uµ,uν]Wµν .(5.4)In thefirst term we have used the definitionsF±µν=uF Lµνu†±u†F Rµνu,F Lµν=∂µlν−∂νlµ−i[lµ,lν],F Rµν=∂µrν−∂νrµ−i[rµ,rν].The external sources rµ,lµare counted as O(q),so that F±µνis of chiral order O(q2).Also, uµis of O(q).Therefore,L int W leads to vertices of chiral order O(q2).Using the method of external sources to derive Greens functions from the generating functional,we must extract the amplitudes linear in the source aµto compute the matrix element of eq.(5.1).For the triangle graphs considered here,we need the vertex that connects the vector meson and the pion with the external axial source.From eq.(5.4),wefind the corresponding vertex ruleǫiac G V2F(kµgντ−kνgµτ) .Here i,a,c are the isospin indices associated with the axial source aτ,the pion and the vector mesonfield Wµν,respectively,q is the four-momentum of the outgoing pion.Since k and q are counted as small momenta,the chiral order of this vertex rule is in accord with the power counting for the interaction Lagrangian.The restrictions of chiral symmetry are not that strong for the interaction of the vector mesons with the nucleons:Here,there are terms of chiral order O(q0).The leading terms of the interaction Lagrangian have been given in ref.[19].For the SU(2)case we consider here,the relevant terms areL NW=R V¯ψσµνWµνψ+S V¯ψγµDνWµνψ+T V¯ψγµDλWµνDλDνψ+U V¯ψσλνWµνDλDµψ.(5.5) In the notation of[19],we have R V=R D+R F,S V=S D+S F,etc.The definition of σµνis standard,σµν=i[γµ,γν]/2.It turns out that only the piece proportional to G V from eq.(5.4)and the piece proportional to R V from eq.(5.5)contribute at lowest order to the diagrams computed here,the chiral expansion of which starts at O(q3)(given that a scheme like infrared regularization is used that preserves the power counting rules).To keep the presentation short,we show only the contribution from those terms and therefore neglect some higher order contributions.However,this will be sufficient to compare our results to the representation up to O(q3)given by Schweizer[13].The evaluation of thefirst graph gives(seefig.(2))I1= d d l F(lµgντ−lνgµτ)ǫiac i2F/lγ5τa iTµν,ρσcd(l−k)√(2π)d R V2iσµντciTµν,ρσcd(l+k)2F/lγ5τa i F(lρgστ−lσgρτ)ǫida .We have left out the Dirac spinors ¯u ,u here.Since we consider on-shell nucleons,we can use the Dirac equation to simplify the numerators of the integrals,¯u (¯p )/¯p =¯u (¯p )m ,/p u (p )=mu (p ).We will make some remarks on the computation of I 1(the computation of I 2can be done analogously).In a first step,we reduce the full loop integral to a linear combination of scalar loop integrals,which have been treated in detail in the preceding sections.Scalar loop integrals without a pion propagator denominator are dropped using infrared regularization,since they are pure regular parts.Therefore we can replace l 2→M 2everywhere in the numerator.With the abbreviation g 1=2√M 2VF 2we getI 1=g 1τid d l 2(k τ−l τ)(/l /k −/k /l ))γ5(2π)d i ((M 2−k ·l )(l ρ−k ρ)σρτ+i((l −k )2−M 2V )(l 2−M 2)− d d l ((¯p −l )2−m 2)(l 2−M 2).For completeness,we shall give the relevant loop integrals with tensor structures in ing the coefficient functions defined there,the result for the first integral I 1can be written asI 1=−ig 1τi (γτI (γ)1+k τI (k )1+¯p τI (p )1)γ5,(5.6)where the coefficients readI (γ)1=2m (M 2V −k 2)C 1+mk 2(I A MBV +I B MBV )(M 2+M 2V −k 2)−mM 2(M 2+M 2V −k 2)I MBV +mM 2I MB ,I (k )1=2m 2(M 2V −k 2)(3C 2+C 3+4C 4)+4m 2M 2(I A MBV +I B MBV )−2m 2(M 2V −k 2)(3I A MBV +I B MBV )+2m 2(I A MBV −I B MBV )(M 2+M 2V −k 2)−4m 2M 2I MBV +t (1)MV +(M 2V−2k 2)I (1)MV +(k 2−M 2V )I MV +(M 2+M 2V −k 2)(I MV −I (1)MV ),I (p )1=2m 2(M 2V −k 2)(3C 2−C 3−2C 4)+4m 2M 2(I A MBV −I B MBV)−2m 2(I A MBV −I B MBV )(M 2+M 2V −k 2)+2t (0)MV −2m 2I (1)MB +(M 2+M 2V −k 2)(I (1)MV −I MV )−I M .What concerns the evaluation of I 2,we note that it is given byI 2=−ig 1τi (γτI (γ)2+k τI (k )2+p τI (p )2)γ5,(5.7)withI (γ)2=I (γ)1,I (k )2=I (k )1,I (p )2=−I (p )1.The sum of both graphs therefore givesI1+2=I1+I2=−ig1τi(γτI(γ)1+2+kτI(k)1+2)γ5, withI(γ) 1+2=2I(γ)1,I(k)1+2=2I(k)1+I(p)1.In the sum of the two graphs,the contribution proportional to(¯p+p)τcancels,as was to be expected on general grounds(see the remarks following eq.(5.1)).We are now in a position to display the decomposition of the graphs as a linear combination of the scalar loop integrals worked out in the preceding sections:I(γ)1+2=c(γ)MBV I IR MBV+c(γ)MB I IR MB+c(γ)MV I IR MV,(5.8) I(k)1+2=c(k)MBV I IR MBV+c(k)MB I IR MB+c(k)MV I IR MV+c(k)M I M.(5.9) The expressions for the coefficients c(γ)readc(γ)MBV=4m(d−2)k2(k2−4m2)(M2V+(d−3)k2)((2m2−M2)k2+2m2(M2−M2V)) , c(γ)MV=2m(d−2)k4(k2−4m2) ((d−2)k2−4(d−1)m2)M6V−2((d−2)k4+(dM2−2(d+1)m2)k2−4(d−1)m2M2)M4V+((d−2)k6+4(d−5)m2k4−2(d−4)M2k4+((d−2)k2−4(d−1)m2)M4)M2V −4(d−3)k2m2(k2−M2)2 ,c(k)MB=1(d−2)k2(k2−4m2)(M2V+(d−3)k2)(k2−M2−M2V) ,c(k)M=M2VHere we used the abbreviations k4≡(k2)2and k6≡(k2)3.In view of the denominators of the coefficients c(γ,k),which contain powers of k2,it is advantageous to expand the scalar loop integrals in the small variableβ=γ˜βfirst.From eqs.(3.7,4.9),wefindI IR MV=I Mm2d(α−γ)3 +...andI IR MBV=I IR MB2(d−1)m4(γ−α)3 +O(β2).Inserting theβ-expansions of the scalar loop integrals in the expressions for I(γ,k)1+2from eqs.(5.8,5.9),one observes that the poles in the variableβ∼k2cancel.In thefinal step, we must insert the expansion of the scalar loop integral I IR MB in the second small variable α∼M2,which can directly be read offfrom eq.(2.8).The expression for I M is given in eq.(2.2).Doing this,taking the limit d→4and comparing to the decomposition of the matrix element in eq.(5.1),onefinds the following O(q3)-contribution of I1and I2to the axial form factor G A:G1+2 A =−g12g A G V R V2G V R V2gρNN¯ψ γµρµ·τ−κρ2mR VUsing this in eq.(5.11),we getc4=gρNNκρG V4m.In the last step,we have assumed a universal rho coupling,M V G V≡F2gρππ=F2gρNN as well as the KSFR relation M2V=2F2g2ρNN[20](see also the recent discussion in the framework of effectivefield theory in ref.[21]).This agrees with the rho-contribution to c4 found in[16].Furthermore,there is no rho contribution to the LEC c3according to this work.The result of eq.(5.11)is not surprising for itself,but the agreement of ourfindings with previous resonance saturation analyses demonstrates one very important thing,namely, that the variants of the infrared regularization scheme derived in the previous sections are consistent with the standard case of infrared regularization in the pion-nucleon sector used in[13].As a side remark,we note that the leading order result from the triangle graphs shows no t−dependence and therefore gives no contribution to the axial radius.However,the leading contribution to the axial radius can also be related to meson resonances,namely, to a tree-level exchange of an axial-vector meson.The pertinent calculation can be found in[22],where the axial vector meson-couplings to the pions and nucleons arefitted to experimental data for G A(t)(for an earlier study based on chiral Lagrangians,see[23]). Equivalently,it can be parametrized by a certain LEC,named d22in[13](see eq.(5.2)). As already mentioned at the beginning of sec.5,the difference between the two approaches just amounts to a resummation of higher order pared to the leading order term,the t-dependent part derived from the triangle graphs is suppressed by factors of the small variableα,which is a reflection of the fact that the infrared regularized loop integrals preserve the chiral power counting.6.SummaryIn this paper we have presented an extension of the infrared regularization scheme that allows for an inclusion of explicit(vector and axial-vector)meson resonances in the single-nucleon sector of ChPT.For the processes we have considered here,the meson resonances do not appear as external particles,and the corresponding power counting rules for the internal resonance lines are set up such that the resonance four-momentum is considered to be small compared to its mass.The infrared regularization scheme extracts the part of the one-loop graphs to which this power counting scheme applies(for any value of the dimension parameter d used in dimensional regularization),while the remaining parts of the loop graphs will in general violate the power counting requirements,but can be absorbed in a renormalization of the local terms of the effective Lagrangian.After a short review of the infrared regularization procedure used for the pion-nucleon and the vector meson-pion system in sec.2and3,respectively,we have combined the analyses of these sections in sec.4.There,we consider the simplest example of a Feynman graph where nucleons,pions as well as(vector)meson resonances show up.It is shown how。