《浪漫主义在《傲慢与偏见》中的表现》1. 引言1.1 概述《傲慢与偏见》是英国作家简·奥斯丁在19世纪末创作的一部经典小说,被广泛认为是世界文学史上的杰作之一。
1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分来阐述浪漫主义在《傲慢与偏见》中的表现。
1.3 目的本文旨在通过分析《傲慢与偏见》中浪漫主义的表现,帮助读者更好地理解和欣赏这部经典小说。
2. 浪漫主义的定义和特点2.1 浪漫主义概述浪漫主义是一种19世纪欧洲文学艺术运动,它追求想象力、感情和个人体验的自由表达。
2.2 浪漫主义文学特点浪漫主义文学具有以下几个特点:- 强调情感与想象力:浪漫主义作品注重描绘人类内心世界中的情感冲突和欲望,并通过想象力来探索人类精神世界。
- 追求自由和独立:浪漫主义强调个体的自由和独立,反对传统社会规范的束缚。
- 反对工业化与进步:浪漫主义者对于工业化引起的生活方式变革持怀疑态度,并倾向于回归大自然和田园生活。
( c o lo Hu n t s n S ca S in e ,No t Unv riy f C ia。 Tay a h n i S h o f ma i e a d oi l ce cs i rh ie st o h n iu n S a x
山西农业大 学学报 ( 社会科 学版 )第 8 ( 6 卷 第 期) 015 019
所有伟大 的作家里 ,简 ・ 奥斯 汀是最难 在伟大 的那
瞬间抓住 的 。 那 么奥斯汀 的伟大反 映在哪里 呢? ”
是她笔下 那 一 次一 次 的舞 会 、一 回一 回的 串 门 喝
得 心应手 的好材料 ,她也 自称是在 “ 两寸象 牙上细
茶 、一场一 场的家宴 和一桌一桌 的纸牌 ,还是那些
六部小 说 ,其 中 《 傲慢 与偏 见 》知名度 最高 。本文
将以 《 傲慢与偏 见 》为例详 细讨论 奥斯汀 的写作特
奥 斯 汀 笔 下 的人 物
奥 斯汀 出生在 一个 乡村牧 师家庭 ,自小在 家里 接受教 育 ,终身未嫁 。她在家 乡过 了四十多年 平静
Ke r s Lov n r ige;A s i ia i nd c nta t r y y wo d : e a d ma ra sm lton a o r s ;Ion
没有财产、第二漂亮的女儿 + 头脑一般、家资殷实的表亲=安稳的生活:这就是现实主义!但简〃奥斯丁“舍不得”这么写,因为她心含“浪漫”,心中充满了对美好婚姻的向往,所以她引着Darcy走向了Lizzy。
辽宁大学学报 ( 哲学社会科学版)
J our nal of L iaoning Univer sity ( Philosop hy and Social Sciences )
N ov. 2006 Vo l. 34 N o. 6
奥斯丁 傲慢与偏见 中的浪漫主义倾向
邻居与知道了点谁家或谁的隐私。就连滑稽可笑 的反面人物所言所为也只停留在令读者忍俊不禁 的层面上而已。回归自然、 倡导纯朴是 傲慢与偏 见 的又一个浪漫主义思想的创作特征。宁静、 清 新的乡村景象与污浊、 嘈杂的城市景象, 形成了鲜明 的对照, 这种对比的写法是典型的浪漫主义创作特 征, 也表达了作者对提倡自然和人性回归的向往。 三、 理想化的人物性格刻画 浪漫主义的另一突出特征表现为主观理想, 抒 发强烈的个人感情。 傲慢与偏见 中的人物性格 刻画的对比, 即现实与理想的对比 , 表现了奥斯丁 的理想化的浪漫主义特征。小说中的夏绿蒂是当 时社会的现实代表 , 而伊丽莎白则是作者的理想化 的代表。奥斯丁在小说的开篇就向人们展示了当 时社会的婚姻观: 凡有产业的单身汉, 总要娶位 太太 , 这已经成了一 条举世公认的真 理 。在 18 世纪的英国, 一个没有财产的中产阶级小姐除了 嫁人外, 几乎没有其他手段可以用来作为自己终 身的生活依靠。在这样的时代背景下 , 女性的生活 应该是以恪守妇道, 以家庭为中心 , 通常处于受支 配、 被选择的被动地位。女性在婚姻中表现出强烈 的依附意识。在 傲慢与偏见 中 , 夏绿蒂就是现实 与理性的典型代表。她能和主人公伊丽莎白成为 朋友 , 也从某种程度上说明她是一个冰雪聪明的女 子。但就是这样一个中产阶级社会的女性 , 在无望 的现实影响下 , 也同意 结婚到底是她一贯的目标 尽管结婚并不一定会叫人幸福 , 但总算给她 自己安排了一个最可靠的储藏室 , 日后可以不致 挨冻受饥 。为了世俗的利益她可以出卖自己美好 的感情。夏绿蒂的个人婚姻代表了时代特征, 代表 了世俗现实。然而 , 女主人公伊丽莎白作为作者的 理想化人物, 却表现出与当时社会美德标准相冲突 的性格特点。她具有独立的意识 , 表现出一个充满 智慧、 幽默、 活力, 又具有良好教育的女子。班纳特 先生在第一章里 , 当伊丽莎白还没有露面时就说 过, 别的女儿都糊涂 , 只有伊丽莎白聪明 等话。 从女主人公伊丽莎白凭自己的聪明大方博得了众 目所瞩的男子达西先生的爱慕, 击败了 情敌 彬格 莱小姐, 争取到了自己的终身幸福和她对夏绿蒂接 受柯林斯求婚的态度等充分反映出她的理想的爱 情观。在面对当时社会上的 大凡家境不好而又受
1. 引言
2. 浪漫主义背景
3. 浪漫主义特点
6. 小说评价
7. 结论
本科毕业论文《傲慢与偏见》中的浪漫主义倾向Cherie Wei燕山大学2011年6月本科毕业论文《傲慢与偏见》中的浪漫主义倾向学院(系):里仁学院年级专业: 08级商务英语学生姓名: Cherie Wei指导教师: Mr. Zheng答辩日期: 2012/6/17Romantic Tendency in Pride and PrejudiceCherie WeiA Thesis Submitted asa Partial Fulfillment for the Degree ofB.A. in EnglishLiren College ofYanshan UniversityJune 17th, 2012摘要摘要简·奥斯汀是英国浪漫主义时期的第一位女性小说家。
然而, 奥斯汀不仅是伟大的现实主义作家, 同时也具有强烈的浪漫主义创作倾向。
本文通过解读《傲慢与偏见》中的浪漫主义特征, 验证了简·奥斯汀在创作时所体现的浪漫主义倾向。
本文也有助于增进我们对奥斯汀创作思想的了解, 并拓宽对其小说艺术成就的研究。
关键词:浪漫主义;简·奥斯汀;《傲慢与偏见》I燕山大学本科生毕业论文AbstractJane Austen, the first female novelist lived in the romantic period of the British history, portrayed her fictional world as a place of humans of flesh and blood with feelings and responses and foibles and weaknesses that characterize the human species. Most previous researchers have focused on Jane Austen's realistic thinking in her writing. However, Austen is not only a great realistic novelist but also has a strong tendency of Romanticism. Her masterpiece Pride and Prejudice is a best example to illustrate the romantic sentiments.This thesis makes a study of the romantic tendency in the novel through the methods of literature review and text analysis. This paper elaborates the romantic tendency from four perspectives that are Jane Austen's creation of romantic characters, her advocacy of perfect marriage, her inspiration of appreciating nature and her exaggeration in description style.By interpreting the romantic elements in Pride and Prejudice, this paper proves the romantic tendency in Jane Austen's writings. This thesis also helps to enrich people’s understanding of Jane Austen and enlighten a better appreciation of her artistic accomplishments.Key words: Romanticism; Jane Austen; pride and prejudiceIIContentsContents摘要 (I)Abstract .......................................................................................................... I I Contents .. (III)Introduction (1)Chapter One Literature Review (3)1.1 Romanticism in Britain (3)1. 1. 1 Historical background (3)1. 1. 2 Intellectual background (3)1. 1. 3 Characteristic features of the Romantic Movement (4)1. 1. 4 Summary (5)1.2 Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice (5)1.2.1 Jane Austen's romantic experience (5)1.2.2 General introduction to Pride and Prejudice (7) Plotline of Pride and Prejudice (7) Narrative techniques in Pride and Prejudice (8)1.3 Foreign research on Romantic tendency in Pride and Prejudice (9)1.4 Domestic research on Romantic tendency in Pride and Prejudice.. 9 Chapter 2 Embodiment of Romantic Tendency in Pride and Prejudice (11)2.1 Creation of romantic characters (11)2.1.1 Elizabeth Bennet (11)2.1.2 Mr. Darcy (13)2.1.3 Jane Bennet (15)2.1.4 Mrs. Bennet (17)2.1.5 Lydia Bennet (18)2.1.6 Charlotte Lucas (19)2.1.7 Summary (21)III燕山大学本科生毕业论文2.2 Advocacy of perfect marriage (21)2.2.1 Marriage in the foundation of complementation: Elizabeth'smarriage (21)2.2.2 Marriage based on similarity: Jane's marriage (22)2.2.3 Ideal example of parents: Mrs. Gardiner's marriage (22)2.2.4 Summary (24)2.3 Inspiration of appreciating nature (24)2.3.1 Beautiful sceneries displayed in the novel (24)2.3.2 Indirect allusion to the social chaos (26)2.3.3 Summary (26)2.4 Exaggeration in description Style (27)2.4.1 Vivid descriptions of Mrs. Bennet. (27)2.4.2 Abundant reflections of Mr. Darcy's feelings (28)2.4.3 Summary (29)Conclusion (31)References (33)Acknowledgments (35)IVIntroductionIntroductionPride and Prejudice displays the country life in Jane Austen's time, in which young men and young women are seeking for their happiness both in marriage and in life. Vivid characters are laughing and crying in daily talks, and they are dancing and communicating in social assembles. We hear Mrs. Bennet's complaints, we enjoy Elizabeth's vivacity, we admire Mr. Darcy's self-improvement, we cherish Jane's sweetness, we respect Charlotte's choice, we pity Mr. Bingley's dependence, we despise Mr. Wickham's hypocrisy, we wonder about Mr. Bennet's oddity, we worry about Lydia's immaturity, and we laugh at Mr. Collins's stupidity.Most of the characters acquire what they want in the novel. Perfect marriage that based on affections and strong economic foundations are perceived by the fighting lovers. Jane Bennet and Mr. Bingley are smiling in the happy ending. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy hold hands and together go to marriage.Beautiful sceneries in Pemberley are vividly displayed that attract people's desire for the quiet life in countryside.We are amazed by Jane Austen's narrative skills. We burst into laugh when Mr. Bennet tricks his wife, and we sorrow with Elizabeth's painful feelings. We follow the guide of the almighty narrator, and we are fascinated by the description of the subtle sentiments.The secret of Jane Austen's fascination lies in the fact that her understanding of human nature is so accurate that it is forever capable of awakening warm echoes in human bosoms. That secret also made her fictions a microcosm of the world at large with virtues and vices and archetypes of human behavior to which all humanity of all time can relate.Through the methods of literature review and text analysis, this thesis explores the romantic tendency in Pride and Prejudice from four perspectives, which are Austen's creation of romantic characters, her advocacy of perfect marriage, and her inspiration of appreciating nature as well as her exaggeration in1燕山大学本科生毕业论文description style.This paper consists of four parts. Romanticism is briefly introduced at the beginning of this paper. Jane Austen's romantic experience is revealed afterwards, which can be considered as a trace to her romantic creation. The plotline and narrative techniques of Pride and prejudice are simply set forth at the end of Literature Review.In the second chapter, four arguments about the romantic tendency of the novel are completed rightly in sequence. The first one consists of the analysis of six characters in the novel. The second part covers three happy marriages, which include Elizabeth's marriage, Jane's Marriage, and Mrs. Gardiner's marriage. The third section pictures the beauties of nature and uncovers the indications of social unrest. The final aspect portrays the descriptions of Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Darcy.The last part is the conclusion which summarizes this paper and highlights the significance of the study on the romantic tendency of Pride and prejudice.2Chapter 1 Literature ReviewChapter One Literature Review1.1 Romanticism in BritainThe publication of lyrical ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge started the movement of romanticism in the literary arena. The essence of this new movement is the glorification of instinct and emotion, a deep veneration of nature, and a flaming zeal to remark the world.1. 1. 1 Historical backgroundThe three revolutions have given the political and social factors to the rise of the Romantic Movement. Under the influence of the American and French revolutions, national liberation movements and democratic movements swept across Britain. The very foundation of aristocratic rule in England was violently shaken by political reforms and mass demonstrations. The industrial revolution brought great wealth to the rich and worsened working and living conditions of the poor. Many skilled workers were replaced by women and children with the invention of new machines. Ignorant of the real causes that brought them such a disaster, workers in various places attributed their miseries and growing poverty to the introduction of the new machines. Hence there broke out a machine-breaking movement. Workers organized themselves and gave voice to their distress by breaking machines. However, the government took repressive measures against it.(Luo, 1)1. 1. 2 Intellectual backgroundThe shift in literature from emphasis on reason to instinct and emotion was intellectually prepared for by a number of thinkers in the second half of the 18th century.Rousseau (1712-1778), the French philosopher, is generally regarded as the father of romanticism. He maintains that in the really vital problems of life it is much safer to rely on feelings, and to follow instincts and emotions. He preaches that civilized men should return to nature, to a primitive state of life.(Luo, 2)燕山大学本科生毕业论文Edmund Burker (1729-1790), a political philosopher, whose early work A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1756) links the sublime and the beautiful to human emotions and physical senses as well as imaginations, thus elevating the function of instincts and emotions.(Luo, 2)Another thinker who exerts much influence on the romantic changes is Thomas Paine (1737-1809) whose The Rights of Man asserts that “man has no property in man”(Luo, 3) and claims that it is the right of the people to overthrow a government that opposes people. This assertion of individual rights is in direct opposition of Neo-classicist’s thinking of binding oneself to traditions and conventions.(Luo, 2)1. 1. 3 Characteristic features of the Romantic Movement(1) Subjectivism: The romantic poets are more interested in the feelings, thoughts, and experience of themselves rather than in the objective world or in the action of men. They describe poetry as “the spontaneous outflow of powerful feelings” (Luo, 3) which expresses the poet’s mind. The poetry of the Romanticism Age in England is distinctive for its high degree of imagination.(2) Simplicity: Romantic poets take to using everyday language spoken by ordinary people. Under the influence of American and French revolutions, there is a growth of democratic feelings, and an increasing belief that every human being is worth being praised. Hence the revival of folk literature appears and the real wakening interest in the life of common people prevails. There also is a sense of universal brotherhood, and a growing sympathy for the suffering of the people. The Romantic Movement is characterized by a humanitarian idealism. Many poets have a vision of the brotherhood, universal sharing, and the ultimate freedom of human spirits.(Luo, 3)(3) Worship of nature: The romantic poets are worshipers of nature, especially the sublime aspect of a natural scene, some treat nature as a living entity that shares the poet's feelings. Some even regard nature as the revelation ofChapter 1 Literature ReviewGod.(Luo, 3)1. 1. 4 SummaryIt should be known that the term "romanticism" is not known to the poets and novelists themselves in their lifetime. It is a term applied to them half a century later by literary historians. Romanticism is a philosophy held about life in general that affects a group of people both in its contemporary time and later periods.1.2 Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice1.2.1 Jane Austen's romantic experienceAn unforgettable romance of Jane Austen was recalled by Syrie James in her The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen published in January 2008. Two events of great importance around 1800 were introduced at the beginning of the story. One was the retirement of Austen's father that forced them to move from Bath to Lyme, where she met Mr. Ashford by chance. The other was that Austen and her mother and sister lost economic reliance after his father's death. Her father's dying words motivated Austen to continue her literary creation.Two men had proposed to Austen before she accepted Mr. Ashford. Harris asked Austen to be the mistress of Mandytown, and she said "Yes" to him. However, she changed her mind the next day refusing to sacrifice affection to marry for economic benefits. Austen acquainted Mr. Morton, the clergy through her mother's friend Mrs. Jenkins. Mr. Morton was a warm-hearted man but a little snobbish, who could not understand Austen's literary pursuit. Austen turned down Mr. Morton's proposal without hesitation. He then proposed to her friend Miss Alicia and succeeded.Austen strolled about the pier in Lyme with her brother Henry. When she accidentally slipped from the stairs a gentleman saved her, and he was Mr. Ashford. They two fell in love with each other at the first sight. They both were fond of peaceful country life and loved to appreciate works made by Walter Scott, Samuel Johnson and William Wordsworth. Mr. Ashford praised highly of Austen燕山大学本科生毕业论文when he knew that she was resolved to be a novelist and she had drafted three novels. Austen voiced her perplexities to him that she was lack of confidence in fulfilling the novels, and she was worried about the publishing of them. Mr. Ashford spoke highly of Austen's literary talent and he also claimed that he had friends in the publishing industry who might help solve the problem of publishing.During the second separation of them two, Austen was informed by Mrs. Jenkins that Mr. Ashford had engaged with Miss Isabella from the wealthy Churchill family. She felt so deceived that no longer listened to his explanations.Austen went to London to visit his brother Henry with her heart broken. While Mr. Ashford was as well in London busy with publishing Austen's first novel Sense and Sensibility. When Miss Isabella was in love with an officer named Wellington, she asked the dissolution of marriage, and Mr. Ashford readily accepted it. He rushed to Austen's residence, and firstly declared that her first novel Sense and Sensibility was to be published. He then explained to her with his engagement and proposed a marriage to her. Austen was immersed in a huge joy by the spate of good news. However, soon the bad news followed. Mr. Ashford's family was facing bankruptcy when his father made an improper investment. At the same time, Miss Isabella's father found that Wellington was nothing but a dandy after an investigation. Isabella lifted the marriage with him in no time.Thus, the only way to defuse the crisis seemed to be the re-engagement between Miss Isabella and Mr. Ashford. Mr. Ashford attached his loyalty to Austen, but she gave up the memorable affair for the benefits of her lover and his whole family.In the afterword of the novel, James testifies at the coincidence of the memoirs and historical facts, and insists that the memoirs was Austen's own writing.Having experienced such a romantic and magnificent love, no wonder JaneChapter 1 Literature ReviewAusten can vividly portrayed the mental world of men and women in love.She must have infused her novels with her romantic expectations which could not be realized in reality whereas they can be fulfilled in her imagination.1.2.2 General introduction to Pride and Prejudice1.2.2.1 Plotline of Pride and PrejudiceThe subject of Pride and Prejudice centered on marriage. Jane Austen vividly depicted six marriages in this book. Namely, Mr. Bennet's marriage, Mr. Colins and Charlotte Lucas's marriage, Mr. Wickham and Lydia Bennet's marriage, Jane Bennet and Mr. Bingley's marriage, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy 's marriage and Mr. Gardiner's marriage. Each marriage was different from the other. Mr. Bennet despised his wife for her mean understanding and uncertain temper. He married her for her beautiful countenance and soon regretted it. Before Charlotte Lucas encouraged Mr. Colins to ask a marriage with her, he had proposed to Elizabeth without results. His cousin declined him for lack of feelings. The bond between Mr. Colins and Charlotte Lucas was based on mutual needs. The man was in want of an eligible wife to meet the requirement of his patroness Lady Catherine de Bourgh. The woman asked for a comfortable home which the clergyman can readily provide. Lydia Bennet eloped with Mr. Wickham without realizing the scandal she brought to her family. Mr. Wickham eventually married Lydia under Mr. Darcy's intervention. Jane Bennet was a sweet and shy girl, she was in love with Mr. Bingley but she doubted his affections for her. Mr. Bingley, on the other hand, admired Jane all the time. However, he was convinced by his friend and sisters that she had no feelings for him and they two could not be together because of her low connections. They two were parted but think of each other constantly. Finally, following the suggestions and support of Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley proposed to Jane Bennet and they got married happily. Mr. Darcy's pride mortified Elizabeth Bennet's esteem the first time they met. She then grew prejudice on him. Later Mr. Darcy fell in love with Elizabeth and he overcame his reasons and proposes to her. While the woman felt insulted with his proposing remarks and refused him. They met again in Mr.燕山大学本科生毕业论文Darcy's grand estate and enjoyed each other's company before the dreadful news of Lydia's elopement came. When Elizabeth knew Mr.Darcy's contribution in Mr. Wickham marrying Lydia, she saw more of the man's goodness. Lady Catherine de Bourgh's involvement in the affairs between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth on the contrary contributed to the combination of the two. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner were described as such a good couple that they two share same interests and possessed kind hearts. They gave their nieces suggestions which were failed to provide by their own parents. They also offered help to them without asking for rewards. They were perhaps what couples and parents should be in Austen's eyes. Narrative techniques in Pride and PrejudiceThe narrator in Pride and Prejudice, though speak in first person, is in charge of the narrative. She knows what has happened and will happen, and is free to move in the consciousness of her characters. Austen's narrator provides social and financial information on the main dramatic personae and judgments of their moral and social character. From the very first chapter in the novel, the narrator provides a very brief, humorous introduction in the form of a general statement in the present tense: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife" (P&P, 2) Which follows by a dramatic set-piece featuring Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, interrupted only by very brief narrative stage-directions and comments that "Mr. Bennet made no answer", "This was invitation enough"; (P&P, 2). Only at the end of this lively conversational exchange, the narrator introduces their warring personalities: "Mr. Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice ... She was a woman of mean understanding, little information and uncertain temper". (P&P, 5)The narrative skills that mainly applied by the narrator in Pride and Prejudice not only fascinate the tortuous plots, but also attach Austen's emotions and expectations to the development of the fate of the charterers. Descriptions about Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Darcy will be analyzed in the fourth point of chapterChapter 1 Literature Reviewtwo.1.3 Foreign research on Romantic tendency in Pride and PrejudiceThe famous writer and critic Virginia Woolf acclaimed Jane Austen as the most perfect artist among women, and pointed out that she was a woman with deep emotions. This in some extent uncovered the romantic sentiments of Jane Austen.Beth Lau (2009) explores Jane Austen's romantic tendency by "demonstrating that Austen shares many characteristics generally associated with the male poets in the romantic period" and the male poets enjoys characteristics commonly displayed by Jane Austen. She argues that imagination has been used in Austen's character creation.In Brownell’s Significance of Setting and Social Company in Pride and Prejudice: The Influence of the Romantic Hero on the Reader’s Changing Perception of Mr. Darcy, she revealed the romantic theme of pride and prejudice in discoursing Mr. Darcy’s role as a romantic hero. The Romantic hero was the usual literary theme of Austen’s period,who "was painted as isolated and misunderstood, forcing him or her to overcome a hardship or internal struggle in order to attain his or her desire. In Darcy’s case, his desire starts as the wish simply to gain Elizabeth’s hand in marriage, but with the rejection of his first proposal his desire becomes the wish to gain Elizabeth’s heart". W hile in the end he succeeds.1.4 Domestic research on Romantic tendency in Pride and PrejudiceEmotional components are unbalanced throughout the six novels written by Jane Austen, and her romantic tendency seemed to be developed in a wavy way. Austen implied her sympathy towards the Romantic Movement by representing the struggle between two forces in Sense and Sensibility, and Pride and Prejudice燕山大学本科生毕业论文reached her first peak in romantic writing. Wang Bin (1983) thus commented, and it is the bourgeois democratic ideology that determines the emotional component or Romantic tendencies in Austen. She displayed obvious discontentment to men's dominant position in the British capitalist society. Like many other romanticists, Austen expressed her dissatisfaction with the performance of individuals being placed on the opposite side of society. She contempted the traditional concepts of authority, and emphasized the significance of personal emotion, as well as praised the spirit of independence that transcends traditional fetters.Cui Lihua (2006) examined romantic tendency of pride and prejudice in four perspectives. She first declared Jane Austen's romantic by elaborating her desire for wonderful marriage. She then argued that the idealization of characters in Pride and Prejudice revealed the romantic tendency of the author. She continued to display romanticism in the book by expounding Austen’s fondness of nature and the artistic techniques that she used in the great novel. Though Miss Cui analyzed topic in full range, every point she mentioned was in want of further evidence and clear logic. These issues will be solved in this paper.Chapter 2 Embodiment of Romantic Tendency in Pride and Prejudice Chapter 2 Embodiment of Romantic Tendency inPride and Prejudice2.1 Creation of romantic charactersIn his preface to lyrical ballads, William Wordsworth confessed that "the principle object, which I proposed in these poems was to choose incidents and situations in common life, and to relate and describe them, and at the same time, to throw over them a certain coloring of imagination". (Luo, 6) Pride and Prejudice, which mainly deals with the common lives of ordinary people, is in line with Wordsworth's principle. Undoubtedly, Jane Austen did devote some "imagination" in the creation and description of her characters in the novel. Six romantic characters are to be analyzed hereinafter.2.1.1 Elizabeth BennetElizabeth was the second daughter of the Bennets. "She had a lively, playful disposition". (P&P, 14) "With more quickness of observation and less pliancy of temper, and with a judgment too unassailed by and attention to herself" (P&P, 19), she was considerably sensible. She saw through Miss Bingley's hypocrisy and her little scheme, which was the combination of her brother with Miss Darcy and herself with Mr. Darcy. Elizabeth resolutely declined her cousin Mr. Collins's offer for marriage with the belief that they two could not make each party happy, though accepted him might secure her economically and her whole family would benefit from it.Elizabeth was thoughtful, independent and self-corrective. She told her sister that "the more I see the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it, and everyday confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of either merit or sense". (P&P, 176) When Mr. Darcy's aunt Lady Catherine de Bourgh threatened her not to be engaged with her nephew, Elizabeth on the contrary assured her that "I am only resolved to act in that manner which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with燕山大学本科生毕业论文me". (P&P, 463) After reading Mr. Darcy's letter which explained his connection and dissension with Mr. Wickham, she recalled her conversation with Mr.Wickham at Mr. Philips's. She then “saw the indelicacy of putting himself forward as he had done, and the inconsistency of his professions with his conduct". (P&P, 267) She also "grew absolutely ashamed of herself. Of neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think without feeling that she had been blind, partial, prejudiced, absurd". (P&P, 269) Till that moment she knew herself clearly to be vain and that caused her lose her sense and judgment.Elizabeth had two romances in the novel, though she did not count the first one in which she was blinded by Mr. Wickham's good appearance and polite manners and she liked him very much. Her mood and emotions were greatly influenced by him. Although she did not admitted it, she once thought that "a young man, like you, whose very countenance may vouch for your being amiable". (P&P, 107) With him she was like a girl who fell in love, because she "could think of nothing but of Mr.Wickham, and of what of nothing but Mr. Wickham". (P&P, 111) Her love for Mr. Darcy concealed for some time, as she suddenly realized it until she thought that she had lost him forever. He then came to her and confessed his never-changing admiration. She told him that her feelings changed greatly and accepted him with pleasure.Vanity almost rooted in every woman's heart and Elizabeth no exception. She disapproved Mr. Darcy because his pride mortified hers the first time they met. Mr. Wickham, a gentlemanlike, handsome young man with pleasing address, caught every lady's attention the very time he appeared in Meryton. He confined in his fake miserable history to Elizabeth and at the same time showed his forbearance, which made her approved him highly and thought his accompanying her was all the compliment that offered to herself. When Mr. Wickham was engaged with Miss King, Elizabeth's "heart had been but slightly touched, and her vanity as satisfied with believing that she would have been his only choice, had fortune permitted it". (P&P, 195) She even understood him properly for marryingfor money, whereas she greatly condemned Charlotte of doing so. The third time she met Mr. Darcy, his change of behaviour and the way he treated her relatives "gratified her exceedingly, for the compliment must be all for herself". (P&P, 328) She actually admitted her vanity when she was well-informed with Mr. Wickham and Mr. Darcy’s characters.Elizabeth was also a sentimental girl. When she traveled to Pemberley with her uncle and aunt, she accidentally ran into Mr. Darcy and was very embarrassed for she turned him down the time he proposed and said harsh words to him. She considered her presence at his estate the most unfortunate thing in the world. After their first awkward meeting, "she longed to know what at that moment was passing in his mind, in what manner he thought of her, and whether, in defiance of everything, she was still dear to him". (P&P, 324) As Lydia's elopement brought the family great pain, Elizabeth was more concerned about Mr.Darcy's views. "Had she known nothing of Darcy, she could have borne the dread of Lydia's infamy somewhat better. It would have spared her, one sleepless night out of two". (P&P, 383) When the disaster was rightly solved, "she was humbled, she was grieved, she repented, though she hardly knew of what. She became jealous of his esteem, when she could no longer hope to be benefited by it. “(P&P, 400) Elizabeth Bennet was one of the liveliest woman figures in English novels. Who was happy, smart, lively, a little peacockish, sentimental and capable of self-improvement. She was a complete person with strengths and weaknesses, and she made efforts to improve herself. As Wordsworth had pointed out that romantic work should depict ordinary people and colour them, Jane Austen made Elizabeth no goddess without defects, she in fact was a vivid person radiant with strong emotions and sentiments that were presented in the whole cause of the novel.2.1.2 Mr. DarcyAt the very beginning of the novel, Mr. Darcy was considered to be a "fine, tall, handsome, noble man with ten thousand a year". Yet he was also "to be discovered to be proud, to be above his company and above being pleased". (P&P,。
文艺 生活 L I TE R AT URE L I F E
世 界 文 艺
从《 傲 慢与偏 见》 看作 者 的浪漫主义风格
袁 谦
( 湖 南外 贸职业技术 学院 , 湖南 长沙 4 1 0 1 1 4 )
摘 要 : 简・ 奥斯汀作品的浪漫主义风格 一直倍 受读 者关注, 在她的作品 中人 们可以清晰的体会到作 品情感与现 实情感
算式 皆大欢喜的结局 , 从 中我们也能体会到简 ・ 奥斯汀的浪漫主 义情怀 ,作者通过小说人物情感 的发展将 自己在现实 中无法实
现、 难 以寄托 的情 感得 以实 现 , 就 如同一个人在做着好 梦 , 明知 是梦却不愿意醒来。 小说 中柯林斯与夏绿蒂 ; 丽迪亚和威科姆的 爱情 、 婚姻就是隐藏在童话 因素下的现实 , 在这些人 身上我们能 看到童话般 的开始 , 英俊 、 美貌 ; 财富 、 地位 , 使人们对 于他 们的
爱情原本还充盈 着一 些幻想 ,这些就是童话 因素 带给人的美好 祈望。 然 而主观理想与现实 的矛盾 , 使小说 的剧情发展开始趋于
现实化 , 柯林斯 阿谀 奉承 、 现实冷漠 , 他对于爱情 的认 知就是 娶
在着一些人类普遍存在的不完美 , 最终 , 伊丽莎 白改变 了 自己对 达西 的偏见 , 达西也放下 了 自己的傲慢 , 小说塑造的人物身上都
体现着现实生活 中人类的各种缺点 ,作 者理想化的对这些缺点 进行 了诠释 , 随着故事 的发 展“ 好人 ” 身上 的缺点逐渐 的得 到 了 纠正, 并且他 们最终获得 了幸福 ; “ 坏人 ” 也得 到了应 有 的下场 ,
使我们 看到 一个备受现 实压迫却 不放 弃梦想的女性形 象, 并被她 所散发的浪漫 主义情感深深吸引 , 心怀憧憬 的品读她 的 大作 , 享受她 作品 中的浪漫主义风格 。
中 图 分 类号 :1 6 4 I0 .
文 献标 识 码 : A
文 章 编 号 :0 2 2 12 0 ) 6 0 7 0 !0 —3 9 ( 0 60 —0 4 3  ̄
位 富裕 的衣 食无 忧 的男子 结婚 , 们在 社会上 没 有 她
上 有举足 轻重 的重 要 地 位 , 的才 华 、 识 令 全 世 她 学 界 的男 性 才子 羡 慕不 已 。就 是 这 样 洞 察 深 邃 的 女 性对 奥斯 丁 的才学也 推崇 备至 , 她为 女性 之 中最 称 完美 的艺 术家 , 并指 出简 ・ 斯丁 是一 个感情 很 深 奥 的女人 。伍 尔 夫 的这 种评 论从 侧 面告诉 人们 : 奥 在 斯 丁理智 的现 实 主义 的 笔法下 , 视 出的是 情感 的 透 浪漫主义 的胸怀 。她 的《 慢 与偏 见 》 常 : 为 傲 常 波视 是 对话艺 术 、 反讽艺 术及 戏剧 性特 色 、 姻 、 婚 理性 与
的对现 实 的摹 仿 ” 而浪 漫 主义则 是“ 现 实提 升到 , 把
理想 , 或者说 , 想的表 现” / 慢与 偏见 》 理 。/ 傲 一书 中
崇 尚幸福 而 美满 的婚姻 , 完美 的家庭 模式 的 对
憧 憬 , 出作 者 的浪 漫 情 怀 。席 勒 在 《 素朴 的与 透 论 感伤 的诗 》 1 9 ) ( 7 6 一文 中 , 从历 史 发展 的 观点 讨 , 探 了古典 主 义 ( 素 朴 的 诗 ” 与 浪 漫 主 义 ( 感 伤 的 “ ) “ 诗” 的起 源 和 区别 , 为古 典 主义 是 “ 可能 完 满 ) 认 尽
关键词 : 《 傲慢 与偏见 》;浪漫主义 ;美学 中图分 类号 :I 1 0 6 文献标 志码 :A 文章编号 :1 6 7 4 — 9 4 9 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 0 2 — 0 1 8 4 — 0 2
文 学 作 品 中蕴 藏 着 作 者 对 人 生 的 理解 和 对 真 善 美 的体 对 比。另外 ,舞会 上 达西 先生 态度 傲 慢 ,引起 了大 部分人 的 悟 ,也 正 因如此 ,文学 作 品 中的美 学 才富 有极 强 的感 染 力 。 妒恨 , 自达西 先生 出场 时起 ,作 者就 约束 了他 的交 际权 与 话 《 傲慢 与偏 见 》将 英 国 1 8 世纪 末 至 l 9 世纪 初 巾产 阶级 的爱情 语权 ,用 局 外人 的视 角 对周 边 的一 切进行 审视 。不 断创 造这 与婚姻 作 为主题 ,运 用生 动 的人 物 、诙谐 的语 言 、巧 妙 的情 样 的空 白点 ,引发 了作 品 中其他 人 物对他 的误 解 与偏见 ,并 节 ,以及富有人生哲理与智慧的叙事 ,给予人们无限遐想与 且加大了读者对人物性格进行准确把握的难度 ,有效地设 置
小 说 的开端 就 对班 纳 特先 生 与 达西 先生 的性 格进 行 了 描 观能 动性对 “ 空 白”进 行再 创造 。 绘 ,使读 者 怀着 对笑 点 的期 待进 行 阅读 。读 者的期 待也 因男 简 ・ 奥斯 汀在 《 傲 慢 与偏 见 》中对 “ 召唤 结构 ”进 行 了 女 主人 公 的傲 慢 与偏 见 不 断发 生变 化 。如被认 为 狂妄 、傲 慢 巧妙设计 ,故事 的一开始就点出了那个时代的婚恋观。符合 的达西 能否征 服 伊丽 莎 白?简 和彬格 莱 先生 能否 获得 完满 的 “ 单身汉”与 “ 有钱”两项标准的男人 “ 总要娶位太太 ”, 婚 姻 ?彬 格 莱先 生 悄然 离 开尼 日斐 花 园既拒 绝 了班纳 特夫 人 作者 确信 这样 的观 点能 够引 发读 者 的共 鸣 。作者 由此 将读 者 的邀请 ,又 打破 了读者 对 这对 有情 人 的期待 ,从 而给 予读 者 领人 一个 和财 富联 系 紧密 的择偶 群体 中 ,让 读者 迅速 进人 到 无 限 的联想 :为何彬 格 莱 只稍 作停 留 ?他能 否克 服重 重阻 碍 小说情节之中。此外 ,在介绍达西先生与彬格莱先生的家庭 最终与简在一起 ?作者运用陌生化的方式为两者的结合做 了
欧洲浪漫主义文学与《傲慢与偏见》的对比1. 引言1.1 概述欧洲浪漫主义文学和《傲慢与偏见》是两个不同的文学时期和作品。
1.2 文章结构本文将分为五个部分进行讨论。
1.3 目的本文旨在通过对欧洲浪漫主义文学和《傲慢与偏见》的深入研究和对比分析,探讨两者在叙事风格、人物形象以及社会背景和价值观上的异同。
2. 欧洲浪漫主义文学2.1 定义和背景欧洲浪漫主义文学是指18世纪末到19世纪初在欧洲兴起的一种文学运动,它反对启蒙时代理性思维和实用主义观念,强调个人情感、自然、想象力与灵魂的内在体验。
2.2 主要特点欧洲浪漫主义文学具有以下几个主要特点:a) 强调个人情感:浪漫主义文学推崇强烈而深刻的情感表达,关注作家或艺术家内心深处的体验和情感状况。
《傲慢与偏见》读后感 小说中现实与浪漫的交融
论简・奥斯丁《傲慢与偏见》中的浪漫主义倾向3崔丽华(鞍山师范学院外语系,辽宁鞍山114005) 摘要:简・奥斯丁是19世纪著名的现实主义小说家,也是一位具有浪漫主义倾向的小说家。
关键词:简・奥斯丁;《傲慢与偏见》;浪漫主义;理性;情感中图分类号:I10614 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-3291(2006)06-0047-03 简・奥斯丁是19世纪著名的现实主义小说家,也是一位具有浪漫主义倾向的小说家。
1.简·奥斯丁的婚姻观在《傲慢与偏见》中的体现 [J], 张聪
2.简析《傲慢与偏见》中简·奥斯丁所体现的婚姻观 [J], 刘蕾
3.基于“隐含作者”的《傲慢与偏见》中简•奥斯丁的男性立场研究 [J], 吴建
4.简·奥斯丁《傲慢与偏见》中女性角色性格特点赏析 [J], 韩静怡
5.论简·奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观 [J], 邝江红
【作者单位】阳泉师范高等专科学校,山西阳泉 045000
1.构建一个理想化的智慧天堂:《吾国与吾民》中的中国人文主义,中庸之道,及浪漫主义美学思想 [J], 舒翩然
2.构建一个理想化的智慧天堂:《吾国与吾民》中的中国人文主义,中庸之道,及浪漫主义美学思想 [J], 舒翩然
3.电影《傲慢与偏见》的浪漫主义美学解构 [J], 王新灵
4.构建一个理想化的智慧天堂:《吾国与吾民》中的中国人文主义,中庸之道,及浪漫主义美学思想 [J], 舒翩然
5.闻一多的诗歌美学观及其发展演变——从积极浪漫主义到革命现实主义的美学历程 [J], 龙泉明
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摘 ; 要:简·奥斯汀作品的浪漫主义风格一直倍受读者关注,在她的作品中人们可以清晰的体会到作品情感与现实情感的交融,同时也能感受到一种脱离了现实的理想主义、浪漫主义风格。
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