查看完整版本: [-- 绝对全面--]NO 英语缩写中国语1 Abbreviation 缩写2 Aboard 在船上3 About ABT 约,大概4 Above Base Line A/B 在基线上5 Access Hole ACC.HOLE (人)通道口6 Access Ladder 出入用梯子7 Accessibility 可接近性8 Accessory 附属品,零件9 Accommodation Accom. 居住区10 Accommodation ladder 居住区楼梯11 Accommodation Space 居住区域12 Accumulator 蓄电池13 Acetylene Gas 乙炔气14 Acid Pickling 酸洗15 Adapter 适配器16 Additional ADD. 额外工作17 Additive 添加剂18 Adhesion Test 附着力试验19 Adjusting Piece Adj. Pc 调整用垫片20 After Peak Bulkhead A.P Bhd 尾尖舱壁21 After Peak Tank 尾尖舱22 After Perpendicular A.P 艉垂线23 Afterbody 后部船体24 Afterward AFT 向船尾方向25 Agitation 搅拌26 Air Compressor 空气压缩机27 Air Conditioning Plant 空气调节装置28 Air Ejector 空气排出器29 Air Fuel Ratio 气燃比30 Air Hole A/H 气孔31 Air Horn 气笛32 Air Pipe 空气管33 Air Test 气密实验34 Air Vent head 透气头35 Alignment 中心对齐,校准36 Allocated Stock Item ASI 分配貯藏资材37 Alternating Current AC 交流电38 Aluminizing 镀铝39 Aluminum Anode 防腐蚀铝40 Ambient Temperature 大气温度41 American National Standards Institute ANSI 美国标准协会42 American Society of Testing materials ASTM 美国材料实验协会43 Anchor 锚44 Anchor Bolt 锚栓,基础螺栓45 Anchor Chain 锚链46 Anchor Pattern 基础模式47 Anchor Pocket 锚穴48 Anchor Point 定位点49 Anchor Recess 锚穴50 Angle Valve Ang. V/V 角阀(L型)51 Anode Current 阳极电流52 Antenna 天线53 Anticorrosive Paint 防蚀漆54 Anti-Corrosive Tape 防腐蚀胶带55 Anti-Corrosive Treatment 防蚀处理56 Antifouling Paint 防污漆57 Anti-Skid Bar 防滑棒58 Appendix 附录(单数)59 Approval 认可60 Arc Strike 弧光放电61 Arc Time 发弧时间62 Arrangement ARR'T 布置,排列63 Asbestos 石棉64 As-Built Drawing 最终竣工图纸65 Assembly ASS'Y 装配66 Assembly Line 装配线67 Assembly Stage 装配工程68 Automatic Welding 自动焊接69 "Average Freight Rate Assessmentat the max of Deadweight COT" AFRAMAX AFRAMAX(8万吨位级原油运载船)70 Back Bead 背面焊接71 Back Gouging 后部表面气刨72 Backing Strip 衬垫73 Backside Undercut 背面咬边74 Balance Weight 配重75 Ballast 安定76 Ballast Control Room BCR 压载控制室77 Ballast Tank 压载舱78 Barrel 桶(158.99升)79 Base Line B.L 基线80 Base metal 母材81 Basic Desigh 基础设计82 Bead 焊珠83 Beam 横梁84 Bedplate 主机座85 Bellmouth 吸入口86 Bellows 风箱87 Bench mark 水准基点88 Bevel 斜角, 坡口89 Bevel Angle 坡口角度90 Bilge hat 舱底污水盖91 Bilge Holding Tank 舱底污水储藏罐92 Bilge Keel BLG.KEEL 舱底龙骨(防摇动)93 Bilge Plate 舭列板94 Bilge Radius 船底弯曲部的半径95 Bilge Well B/W 污水井96 Bill of Material BOM 材料明细表97 Bite Union 辊缝连接接头98 Bitumastic (Bituminous Cement) 沥青99 Blank Plate 板坯,基板100 Bleached Tar 漂白涂料101 Blind Plate 盲板102 Blister 水泡(油漆缺陷)103 Block BLK(B) 分段104 Block Assembly 分段装配105 Block Division BLK DIV. 分段划分106 Block Inspection 分段装配检查107 Blow Hole 焊接气孔108 Bollard 系船柱109 Boottop 水线漆110 Bosun(Boatswain) Store 甲板长仓库111 Both-sides Welding 双面焊112 Bottleneck 瓶颈113 Bottom BTM 船底114 Bottom Block 船底分段115 Bottom Plug 船底旋塞116 Bottom Shell Plating 船底外板117 Bottom Survery 船底检查118 Bow and Stern Construction 船首尾构造119 Bow Construction 船首构造120 Bow Door 船首门121 Bow Thruster 船头推进器122 Bowl 槽,斗,碗123 Bracket BKT OR B 加强筋板,轴板124 Brain Storming 集体研讨,想办法125 Brake Lining 闸衬,刹车面126 Brass 黄铜127 Brazing 铜焊,釬焊,硬焊128 Brazing Socket (釬)铜焊孔129 Breaking Strength 折断强度130 Breakwater 挡浪板131 Breast Hook 船首补强肘板132 Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器133 Bronze Casting 青铜铸件134 Brush Coating 毛刷涂漆135 Brush/Brush Holder 毛刷/毛刷固定器136 Bubbling 起泡137 Building Specification 建造规格书138 Bulb Plate BP 球扁钢139 Bulbous Bow 球鼻艏140 Bulk Carrier B/C 散装船141 Bulkhead BHD 舱壁142 Bulkhead Block 舱壁分段143 Bulkhead Piece 穿舱件144 Bulkhead Plan 舱壁结构图145 Bulkhead Stiffener 扶墙材146 Bulkhead Stool 舱壁托架147 Bulwark 舷墙148 Butt Welding 对接焊149 Butterfly valve 蝶型阀150 Buttock Line B.L 船体纵剖线151 Bypass Valve 旁通阀152 Cabin 船舱153 Cable Clench 电缆结154 Cable Duct 电缆通道155 Cable Tie 电线结束结156 Cable Trunk C.T 主干电缆157 Cableway 索道158 Calibration 标定159 Call Sign 呼号160 Camber 梁拱161 Canvas Cover 帆布蓬布162 Capacity Plan 容载度163 Capesize B/C 蓬角B/C164 Capstan 起锚机165 Car Carrier 汽车运输船166 Carbon Air Arc Gouging 一氧化碳气电弧气刨167 Cargo Control Room CCR 卸货控制室168 Cargo Handling System 货物处理系统169 Cargo Oil Pump 货油泵170 Cargo Segregation 货物隔离171 Cargo Space 货物区域172 Carling CARL'G (船的)短纵梁173 Carpenter's Workshop 木工车间174 Cast Iron 铸铁175 Cast Steel 铸钢176 Casting CAST'G 铸造,铸件177 Cathodic Protection 阴极保护178 Catwalk 天桥179 Cause of Defect 缺陷原因180 Caution plate 警告板181 Cavitation 气穴现象182 Center Flange Cent. Flg 中心法兰183 Center Girder 中心梁184 Center Keelson 中心线内龙骨185 Center Line C.L 中心线186 Center of Gravity C.G 重心187 Centrifugal Pump 离心泵188 Ceramic Backing 陶衬189 Certificate Cert. 检查合格证190 Chain Block 手拉葫芦191 Chain Locker C/L, CHAIN LKR 锚链锁192 Chain Pipe 锚链通过的管道193 Chain Stopper 止链器194 Chalk Test 划粉实验195 Chamfer C 倒角196 Chamfering Tool 倒角工具197 Channel CH, H(CH) 槽型钢198 Chart Room 图纸室199 Check Point 检测点200 Check Valve 止回阀201 Checked Plate CHK.PL. 花钢板202 Chemical Cleaning 化学洗涤203 Chemical Tanker 化学制品搬运船204 Chipping Hammer 破石锤205 Christening(naming) Ceremony 命名仪式206 Chronometer 记时计207 Clamp 夹钳208 Class 1 Pipe 一级管209 Class A Fires A级火灾210 Class A-60 Bulkhead A A-60 구역격벽A-60 区域舱壁211 Class Notation 船级代号212 Classification Certificate 船级证书213 Classification Rule 船级规定214 Classification Society 船级协会216 Clearance 间隙,空隙217 Cleat 夹板218 Client Request Item CRI 船主要求事项219 Clinometer 倾斜仪220 Closed Circuit Television CCTV 闭路电视221 Coaming COAM'G 舱口板222 Cold Galvanizing 冷电镀223 Collar Plate C.PL 加强板/复板224 Collier/Coal Carrier 运煤船225 Companionway 升降口226 Compartment 隔舱227 Compatibility 兼容性228 Component Assembly COMP.ASS'Y 小组装件229 Compressed Air 压缩空气230 Compulsary Item 必要项目231 Condensate Pump 冷凝泵232 Condenser 冷凝器233 Conning Station 操舵(指挥)位置234 Construction CONST. 建造235 Construction Profile 建筑结构轮廓图236 Consumables 易耗品237 Container Ship 集装箱船238 Control Panel 控制板239 Cooling Fresh Water CFW 冷却淡水240 Coordination 业务调整,相互协调241 Corrective Action Request CAR 对纠正措施的要求242 Corridor 通道, 走廊243 Corrosion Control 防腐方法244 Corrosion Inhibitor 防腐蚀剂245 Corrosion Rate 腐蚀度246 Corrugated Bulkhead CORR.BHD 槽形舱壁247 Cost Insurance and Freight CIF "到岸价(包括货价,运费,保险费)"248 Counter-balance Valve 背压阀, 反平衡阀249 Coupling Bolt 连接器螺栓250 Cowl head Ventilator 帽型通风筒251 Crack 裂纹252 Criteria 基准253 Cross Section 橫截面254 Cross Tie 交叉带255 Crossover Way 交叉通道256 Crude Oil Tanker COT 原油船257 Crude Oil Washing COW 原油清洗259 Curing 硬化干燥260 Cutting CUTT'G 切割261 Cutting Drawing 切割图纸262 Cutting Tip 气割嘴263 Cutting Torch 割矩264 D mid (Moulded Depth) 型深265 "D/B W.B.T(Double Bottom Water Ballast Tank)" 双底压载舱266 Daewoo Shipbuilding Quality DSQS 大宇造船舶建造质量标准267 Dangerous Goods 危险货物268 Davit 挂艇架269 Daytime 日间, 白天270 Deadweight Tonnage DWT (总)载重吨271 Decibel Db 分贝(噪音单位)272 Deck DK 甲板273 Deck Below 甲板下部274 Deck Block 甲板块275 Deck Composition 甲板敷料277 Deck Fittings 甲板装置278 Deck Girder 甲板梁279 Deck Longitudinal 甲板纵骨280 Deck Machinery 甲板设备281 Deck Openning 甲板开口处282 Deck Plan 甲板结构图283 Deck Plating 甲板284 Deck Store 物料间285 Deck Under 甲板下部286 Deck Water Seal 甲板水封287 Deckhouse 甲板室,上层建筑288 Deep Tank 深舱289 Defect 缺陷290 Definition 定义291 Deflection Plate 反射板292 Deformation 变形293 Degreasing 脱脂294 Dehumidifier 除湿器295 Delete 刪除, 取消296 Delivery Lead Time 交货需要时间297 Department of Trade DOT 贸易部298 Derrick Post 起重机柱299 De-rusting 去锈300 Design Load 设计载荷301 Design Load Water Line DLWL 设计满载吃水线302 Detail DET. 详细,节点303 Detail Design 详细设计304 Detailed Assembly procedure DAP 详细装配工艺305 Detector 探测器,检测机306 Deutsche Industrie Normen DIN 德国工业标准307 Deviation 偏差308 Dew Point D.P [气,雾]露点309 Diagonal Line 对角线310 Diameter DIA 直径311 Diaphragm DIAPH. 橫膈膜312 Diesel Generator D.G 柴油发电机313 Diesel Oil DO 柴油314 Disassemble 分解315 Distribution 分散316 Dock Trial 系泊试车317 Double Bevel 双斜面318 Double Bottom D/B, D.BTM 双层底319 Double Continuous Fillet Welding D.C.F.W 双面连续角焊320 Double Fillet Weld 两面填角焊321 Double Hull 双船体322 Double Skin Construction 双船体构造323 Doubling plate/Doubler D/PL. 甲板,双层板/复板324 Down-Hand welding 俯(平)焊325 Draft Gauge 压差式风压计326 Draft Marks 吃水标志327 Drain Hole D/H 排水孔328 Drain System 排水系统329 Drain Trap 放泄弯330 Dresser Coupling 带盘根套筒331 Driptray 接油(水)盘332 Dry Film Thickness DFT 干镀膜的厚度333 Drydocking 干船坞334 Duct Keel 箱子型龙骨335 Dummy 虚拟的336 Duration 为期337 Dust Collector 集尘器338 Each EA 每个,个数339 Earth Connection 接地340 Echo Sounder 回声探测仪341 Edge Welding 边缘焊接342 Effective Throat 有效喉道截面343 Efficiency 效率344 Electric Cable Pipe ECP 电缆管345 Electric Load Analysis 电器负荷分析346 Electric Resistance Welding ERW 电阻焊接347 Electro Gas Welding EGW 电气焊348 Electrode Holder 电焊钳349 Electro-Hydraulic System 电动液压系统350 Electrostatic Hazard 静电危险351 Elevation ELEV. 正面图352 Elevator 升降机,电梯353 Embarkation Light 乘船灯354 Emergency Door 太平门,紧急出口355 Emergency Escape Trunk 紧急逃生通道356 Emergency Exit 太平门,紧急出口357 Emergency Fire Pump 应急消防泵358 Emergency Power Supply 应急电源359 Enclosed Space 封闭区域360 Engine Control Console 机控台361 Engine Control Room ECR 机控室362 Engine Room Arr't E/Rm Arr't 轮机舱布置图363 Engine Room Bulkhead E/R BHD 轮机室舱壁364 Ensign Staff 船尾旗杆365 Equipment List 设备目录366 Equipment Number 设备数367 Erection EREC.(E) 合拢368 Erection Schedule 合拢计划369 Even Keel 平板龙骨370 Exhaust manifold 排气集管371 Exhaust Valve 排气阀372 Expanded metal 多孔(拉制)金属网373 Expansion EXPAN , EXP. 展开374 Expansion Joint 膨胀节375 Expansion Tank 膨胀柜376 Explosion-Proof Lamp 防爆灯377 Explosive Atmosphere 爆炸危险区域378 Exposed Deck 露天甲板379 Extension Loop 伸缩弯380 Extension Rod 伸缩尺,伸长杆381 Extra Work 额外工作382 Eye Plate 眼板383 Fabrication Fab. 制作,加工384 Fabrication Shop 加工车间385 Face Flat F/F 面板386 Fairing(up) 流线型/整形387 Fairlead 导缆孔388 Fairleader 导缆孔389 False Bottom FALSE BTM. 活(假)底390 Fashion Plate FASHION PL. (钢板)组成船首材板391 Fatigue Analysis 疲劳分析392 Fender 护舷393 Fiber Glass 玻璃纤维394 Fiber Reinforced Plastics FRP "玻璃纤维增强塑料,玻璃钢"395 Fillet Welding 角焊396 Fin Stabilizer 减摇鳍397 Final Drawing 最终图纸398 Finish Paint 最后喷漆399 Finite Element Mothod FEM 有限要素法400 Fire Control Station 消防站401 Fire Damper 防火风闸402 Fire Extinguisher 灭火器403 Fire hose Box 消防水龙管箱404 Firemain Line 消防用管路405 Fit and Weld 铆焊406 Fit-up 组装407 Fix Jig 固定夹具408 Fixture 固定设备409 Flame Screen 火焰掩蔽物410 Flat Bar F.B 扁钢411 Flatness 平面度,扁平度412 Flexible Hose 软管,挠性管413 Flexible mounting 软安装414 Float Valve 浮阀415 Floating Dock 浮船坞416 Flood Light 泛光灯,探照灯417 Flooding Test 浸水试验418 Floor 肋板419 Floor Plate 地板,肋板420 Flow Chart 流程图421 Flue Gas 烟气,废气422 Flushing 冲洗423 Flux 熔剂424 Flux Cored Arc Welding FCAW 熔芯弧焊(CO2焊接) 425 Foam Fire Extinguisher 泡沫灭火器426 Foam Monitor 泡沫喷射装置427 Foot Valve 底(背压)阀/脚踩阀428 Fore Construction 船头构造图429 Fore Perpendicular F.P 艏垂线430 Forebody 船前身431 Forecastle Deck F'CLE DK 艏楼甲板432 Foremast 前桅433 Forepeak Tank 船首尖舱434 Forged Steel 锻造钢435 Forklift Truck 叉车436 Forward FWD 向船头方向437 Foundation FDN 底落438 Frame FR. 骨架,肋骨439 Frame Space F.S 肋骨间距440 Free of Charge 免费441 Free On-Board FOB 离岸价格442 Freefall Lifeboat 自由下落式救生艇443 Fuel Oil Tank 燃油舱444 Full Penetration F.P 全焊透445 Funnel 烟道446 Funnel Mark 烟道标志447 Furniture 家具448 Galley 厨房449 Galvanizing GALV. 镀锌,电镀450 Gangway 舷梯451 Gantry Crane 龙门吊,龙门起重机452 Gas Cutting 气割453 Gas Detection System 气体探测系统454 Gas Metal Arc Welding GMAW 气体金属弧焊455 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding GTAW 气体钨弧焊456 Gasket 垫圈457 Gastight Bulkhead 气密舱壁458 Gate Valve 闸阀459 general Arrangement G/A 总布置图460 General Cargo Ship 一般货船461 General Outfitting 一般舾装462 General Stock Item GSI 一般库存资材463 Girder GIR. 梁,槽钢/珩材464 Glass Reinforced Plastics GRP 玻璃钢465 Glass Wool 玻璃丝466 "Global maritime Distressand Safety System" GMDSS 全球海上遇险安全系统467 Global Positioning System GPS 全球定位系统468 Globe Valve 截止阀469 Goliath Crane 重型龙门起重机470 Gooseneck Ventilator 鹅颈式通风筒471 Gouging 气刨,表面切割472 Grade 等级473 Grand Assembly 主要装配474 Grating 格柵,柵极475 Gravity Arc Welding 重力式弧焊476 Gravity Tank (Head Tank) 重力罐477 Grease Nipple 注油嘴478 Grid 格子479 Grinding GRIND'G.(G) 打磨480 Gross Tonnage GT 总吨数481 Guard Rail 保护栏杆482 Guide Piece 定位片483 Gunwale 船舷上缘484 Gutter Bar 围板,挡板485 Gutter Pipe 排水管486 Gyrocompass 陀螺罗经487 Half Round Bar H.R.B 半圆钢488 Hand Grip H/G, HA, Ha 把手489 Handrail 栏杆490 Handysize B/C 便利B/C (5万吨以下的B/C)491 Hatch 舱口492 Hatch Coaming 舱口拦板(边材)493 "Hatch Cover(Folding/Side Rolling/Pontoon)" "舱口盖(折叠/卷边/浮桥)"494 Hatch End Beam 舱口端梁495 Hawse pipe 锚链管496 H-Beam (H) “H” 钢497 Headroom 头上空间/吊钩净高498 Heat Resistant Paint 耐热漆499 Heat Treatment 热处理500 Heating Coil 加热盘管501 Heating Torch 切割器,焊炬502 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning HVAC 通风及空调503 Heavy Fuel Oil HFO 重燃油504 Hexagon Head Bolt 六角头螺栓505 Hexagon Wrench 六角扳手506 High Stress Zone 高应力部位507 High Temp. Cooling Water Syestem H.T.C.W System 高温冷却水系统508 High Tensile Steel 高张力钢509 hinge 铰链510 Hogging(ref: Sagging) 弯度,挠度511 Hold 货舱512 Hold Frame 舱内肋骨513 Holding-Down Bolt 压紧螺栓514 Holiday 油漆漏掉部分515 Hopper Tank 舱底污水储藏边仓516 Horizontal HORI. 水平517 Horizontal Girder 水平梁518 Horizontal Stiffener 水平防摇材519 Horizontal(Position) Welding 水平焊接520 Hull Block Construction Method HBCM 船体分段建造法521 Hull Block Painting 整块上漆522 Hull Construction 船体构造523 Hull Form Coefficient 船型系数524 Hull Fouling 船体污损525 Hull Opening 船体开口526 Hull Outfit 船体装备527 Hull Parts List 船体附件表528 Hull Piping 船体管道系统529 Hull Preservation 船体保存530 Hull Steel 船体钢材531 Hull Strength 船体强度532 Hull Weight 船体重量533 Humidity Control 湿度控制534 Hydrant Valve 消防栓535 Hydraulic Jack 液压千斤顶536 Hydraulic Lift(Cherrypicker) 液压起重机537 Hydraulic Oil 液压油538 Hydraulic Power Pack 液压动力装置539 Hydrostatic Test 水压实验540 Hygrometer 湿度计541 I- Beam (I) “I” 钢542 Ice Breaker 破冰船543 Identical 同样的544 Immersion Suit 救生服545 Immersion Time 图漆后注水可能时间546 Impact Load 冲击荷重547 Impact Wrench 套筒扳手548 Impeller 叶轮,转子549 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection ICCP 外加电源阴极保护550 Inboard 舷内的551 Incinerator 焚烧炉552 Indicating Lamp 指示灯553 Indicator 指示器,指示剂554 Inert Gas Generator IG 惰性气体发生器555 Inflammable Life Raft 膨胀式救生阀556 Injector 喷射器557 Inorganic Zinc Silicate 无机硅酸锌558 Insert Block 嵌入块559 Insert Plate INSERT PL. 嵌入板560 Inspection INSP. 检查561 Installation Drawing 安装图562 Installation Manual 安装手册563 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEEE "电气与电子工程师协会"564 Instruction Manual 安装指导说明书565 Interlock 互锁,连锁566 Intermittent Chain Welding 间断链焊567 Intermittent Staggered Welding 间歇交错焊接568 Internal Diameter ID 内径569 International Association of Classification Socities IACS 国际船级联合会570 International Electrotechnical Commision IEC 国际电工委员会571 International Gas Code IGC 国际气体编码572 International Labor Organization ILO 国际劳工组织573 International Load Line Convention ILLC 国际满载吃水线条约574 International Maritime Organization IMO 国际海事机构575 "International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code" IMDG "国际海上危险物运送规定,IMDG编号"576 "International Maritime Pilots' Association" IMPA 国际船社协会577 "International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea" COLREG 为防止海上冲突而定的国际协定578 "International Standardization Organization" ISO 国际标准化组织579 Intersection of Welding 交叉焊接580 Intrinsic Safety Barrier IS 本质安全隔离板581 Invar 不胀钢582 Inventory 详细目录583 Inverted Angle I.A. 逆角钢584 Jack Bolt 定位螺栓585 Jack Staff 旗杆586 Japanese Industrial Standard JIS 日本工业标准587 Jib Crane 悬臂起重机588 Jigs 焊机589 Jigs and Fixure 焊机及固定器具590 Joint Length 接头长度591 Jumping Stopper 止跳塞592 Junction Box JB 接线盒593 Just In Time JIT 及时供给594 Keel 龙骨595 Keel Block 底座,龙骨墩596 Keel Laying K/L 龙骨铺设597 Keel Laying Block 最初的龙骨装配块598 Keel Line 龙骨线599 Keel Plate 龙骨板600 Key Plan 索引图,总图601 Kingpost 主梁602 knuckle 肘节,转向节603 Knuckle Line K.L 折弯线,两个不同平面的交叉线604 Knuckle Point K.P 折弯点,两个不同线的交叉点605 Korea Register of Shipping KR 韩国船级协会606 Korean Industrial Standard KS 韩国标准工业规格607 Lamination 叠层608 Lap Joint 搭接处609 Lap Welding 搭焊,叠式焊接610 Lapping 搭接,重叠611 Lashing Wire 捆索612 Launching L/C (船)下水613 Lavatory 卫生间614 Lead Time 研制周期615 Leak Test 泄漏试验/密性试验616 Leg Length 焊角长度617 Length Between Perpendiculars LBP 垂线间长618 Length Overail LOA 全长619 Lever Block 操纵杆部件620 Life Buoy 救生圈621 Lifeboat 救生艇622 Lifesaving Equipment 救生装备623 Lift 升降机,升力624 Lifting Beam LIFT'G BEAM 起重横梁625 Lifting Lug LIFT'G LUG (起重)吊(挂)耳626 Light Welding 轻焊接627 Lightening Hole L/H 减(轻)重(量)孔628 Limit Switch 限位开关629 Line Heating 带钢加热630 Lines 型线图631 Liquid Penetrant Test PT 渗液探伤试验632 Liquified Gas 液化气633 Liquified Natural Gas LNG 液化天然气634 Liquified Petroleum Gas LPG 液化石油气635 List 目录,目次636 Living Quarters 居住舱637 Living Sqace 生存空间/可居住面积638 Load Line Marks 载重线标志639 Load Water Line 载重水线640 Longitudinal LONG. 纵向641 Longitudinal Bulkhead LONG.BHD 纵舱壁642 Longitudinal Space L.S 纵向间隔643 Longitudinal Strength 纵向强度644 Looking LOOK'G 观察方向645 Looking After 向船尾方向看646 Looking Forward 向船头方向看647 Loss 损失648 Louver 天窗,通气缝649 Lub. Oil Storage Tank L.O Stor. Tk 润滑油貯存舱650 Lubricating Oil LO 润滑油651 Lubricating Oil Pipe L.O Pipe 润滑油管652 Lubricator 注油器653 Luffing Cylinder 上下摆动汽缸654 M/V(Motor Vessel) 内燃机船655 Machinery Space 机器处所656 Magnetic Particale Inspection MPI 磁粉探伤检验657 Main Control Console 主控制盘658 Main Deck MAIN DK 主甲板659 Main Dimensions 主尺度660 Main Plate 主板661 Maintenance and Supply 维护及供给662 Maintenance Hatch 维护用开口663 Maker Drawing 制造者提供的图纸664 Man hole M/H 人孔665 Man hole Cover M/H COVER 人孔盖666 Manifold 歧管,总导管667 Manufacture Drawing 制作图纸668 Margin Plate 内底边板669 Marking MK 标记670 "MARPOL(The Prevention ofMarine Pollution from Ships" MARPOL 海洋污染防止协约671 Masking Tape 遮蔽胶带(涂色时防止污损)672 Master Schedule 主要日程计划/设计任务书673 Material Deficiency Report 资材缺陷报告674 Material handling 资材处理675 Material List 资材清单676 Material Preparation 资材准备677 Material Procurement 资材购买678 Material Specification 资材规格说明书679 Material Stowage and Issuing Plan 资材储存/支出计划680 Maximum MAX. 最大681 Maximum Continuous Rating MCR 最大持续功率682 Metacentric Height GM 稳心高度683 Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding MIG 金属揷入气弧焊684 Midship 船中685 Midship Section 舯横剖面686 Midship Section Coefficient 中横剖面系数687 midships 船舯部688 Minimum MIN. 最少689 Mock-Up (1:1的)模型(和实物等大的模型)691 Mooring Arr't 停泊装置692 Mooring Trial 系泊试验693 Mooring Winch 系留绞盘694 Moulded line ML. 型线695 Movable Ramp 移动用斜板696 Mushroom Ventilator 菌型通风机697 Muster List 集合表698 Nameplate 铭牌699 Nautical Instrument 航海器械700 Navigation Bridge Deck NAV.BRI.DK 驾驶甲板701 Navigation Equipment 导航设备702 NC Machine 数字控制机械703 Needle Valve 针阀704 Network 网络,计划工程表705 Nitril Butadiene Rubber NBR 腈基丁二烯橡胶706 Nominal Diameter N.D 公称直径707 Nominal Size 公称尺寸708 NON WATER TIGHT BULKHEAD N.W.T.BHD 非水密舱壁709 Nondestructive Test NDT 无损探伤710 Nonferrous Metal 非铁(有色)金属711 Non-Return Valve 止回阀712 Nonslip 防滑713 Non-Sparking Tool 防爆工具714 Normal Condition 常态715 Normal Duration 正常需要时间716 Normal Working Hours 正常工作时间717 Norweian maritime Directorate NMD 挪威海运局718 Number of Coats 涂装次数719 Numerical Control N/C 数字控制720 Official Sea Trial 官方试航721 Offsets 型值表722 Oil Coaming 防漏油舱口围板723 "Oil Companies'International Maritime Forum" OCMIF 石油公司国际海事论坛724 "Oil Discharge MonitoringEquipment" ODME 排油检测装置725 Oil Seal 油封726 Oiltight Bulkhead 油密舱壁727 Oily Water Separator 油水分离器728 On the Job Training 工作培训729 On-block Outfitting 分段舾装730 On-Board 船上,船内,甲板上731 On-Board Outfitting 船上舾装733 ON-Board Test Procedure 船上实验指导书734 On-ceiling Outfitting 上部(天花板)舾装735 One-sided Welding 单面焊接736 On-floor Outfitting 地板舾装737 ONLY 仅738 On-unit Outfitting 单元舾装739 Open Grating 格子模样的柵栏740 Open Space (Blue Sky) Fitting 露天安装741 Opening OPEN'G 开口742 Operating manual 操作说明书743 Operation Process Chart 运转工程图表744 Optical Fiber Cable 光缆745 Optimum Design 最佳设计746 Ordinary Frame 普通肋骨747 Ore Carrier 矿石运搬船748 Ore-Bulk-Oil Carrier OBO 矿油兼用船749 Outboard 船外侧750 Outdoor piping 室外管道系统751 Outfit Planning 舾装作业计划752 Outfitting OUTFIT. 舾装作业753 Outfitting 舾装作业754 Outfitting Quay 舾装码头755 Outfitting Scheduling System 舾装日程计划体系756 Outfitting Zone 舾装区域757 Outreach 舷外跨距758 Outside Diameter OD 外径759 Overboard Discharge 舷侧排水孔760 Overflow Pipe 溢流管761 Overhaul 大检(拆)修762 Overhaul inspection 检查763 Overhead (Position) Welding 仰焊764 Overhead Travelling Crane 桥式起重机765 Overheating 过热766 Overlap 重叠767 Overtime 超时768 Overweight 超载,超重769 Owner Furnished Equipment OFE 船东提供装备770 Owner's Approval Comment 船东认可意见771 Owner's Inspector 船东检查员772 Oxidation 氧化773 Pad 垫片,焊接区774 PAD Plate PAD PL. 垫板775 Padlock 挂锁,扣锁776 Paint Dipping 浸渍涂色777 Pallet 板台,W/P资材778 Pallet Material List PML 集装资材目录779 Panamax B/C 7万吨B/C780 Panel Line 平面板线781 Part Assembly 部件装配782 Part Number P/N 零(部)件号783 Partial Penetration P.P 部分焊透784 Passageway 通道785 Passenger Ship 客船786 Pedestal 軸承座,軸架787 Peel Off 剝離788 Pending 未決,保留789 Penetration Piece 贯通件790 Perforated Flat Deck PERF.FLAT DK 开口甲板791 Perforated Plate 多孔板792 Perpendicular 垂线793 Pferd Starke PS 马力794 Pillar P 支柱795 Pilot Ladder 领航员梯796 Pinhole 针孔797 Pipe Hole P/H 配管孔798 Pipe Schedule Pipe Sch 配管计划799 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram P&ID 管道及设备安装图纸800 Piping Diagram 管系图表801 Pitching 纵摇802 Plan 平面图803 Plan Approval 图纸认可804 Plan View 平面图805 Plan-Do-Check-Act Approach PDCA 計划/實施/檢査/措施的循環方式806 Planning and Scheduling 计划调度807 Plate PL. 钢板808 Platform Deck PLATM.DK 平台甲板809 Plimsoll's Line 载重线810 Polyethylene Coating 聚乙烯覆盖811 Polyurethane 聚胺脂812 Poop Deck POOP DK 艉楼甲板813 Porosity 多孔性814 Port P 左舷815 Port of Registry 船籍港816 Port Side 左弦,左侧817 Portable Tank 便携式水箱818 Post-Panamax 超巴拿马819 Pounds per Square Inch PSI 压力单位820 Pour Point 流动点821 Power Brushing P/B 动力工具使用前处理822 Power Factor 功率系数823 Power Panel 功率仪表板824 Pre-Erection P.E 分段装配,分段建造825 Preheating 预热826 Preoutfitting 预舾装827 Preservation Design 防蚀设计828 Pressure Tank 压力舱829 Preventive Maintenance PM 预防维护830 Principal Dimension 主尺度831 Process Analysis 工程分析832 Process Chart 流程图833 Process Control 流程管理834 Process Flow 工艺流程图835 Process Planning 工程计划836 Procurement Information 购买信息837 Producion Engineering 生产技术838 Producion Planning 生产计划839 Production Control 生产管理840 Production Drawing 生产图纸841 Production Need Date PND 生产需要日842 Production Technology 生产技术843 Productive Time 生产时间844 Productivity Cntrol Group PCG 生産力管理單位845 "Program Evaluation andReview Technique" PERT 工程计划评定和管理技术,统筹规划法846 Programmable Logic Controller PLC 程序逻辑控制器847 Protection Zinc 镀锌保护848 Prototype 原型,样机,样品849 Provision Crane 食品吊850 Purchase Order PO 资材购买定单851 Purchase Order Request POR 定货单要求852 Purifier 清洗器,净化器853 P-V(Pressure-Vacuum) Valve 压力/真空阀854 Qualification Test "(质量)鉴定实验,合格实验"855 Quality and Inspection Standards for Ships painting QISSP 船体涂装质量及检查标准856 Quality Control Q.C 质量控制857 Quality Control and Inspection 质量管理及检查858 Quality Deficiency Report 质量缺陷报告书859 Quality Standard 质量标准860 Quantity Q'ty 数量861 Radar Mast 雷达桅杆862 Radiator 辐射板,散热器863 Radio Room 无线电室864 Radiographic Test RT 放射线探伤试验865 Radius R 半径866 Radius End R.E 半径末端867 Rail Gate 栏杆中间的门868 Raw Material 原材料869 Reach -rod 拉杆870 Receptacle 储槽,揷座871 Re-Coating Interval 再涂装(时间)间隔872 Reefer Vessel 冷藏船873 Reference Ref. 参考874 Reference Drawing 参考图纸875 Reference Plane 基准面876 Reference Point 基准点877 Regulation 规定878 Reinforcement 加强,补强879 Relative humidity 相对湿度880 Relief Valve 安全阀881 Remnant Control 剩余材料管理882 Remote Control 遥控883 Remote Indication 遥示器884 Remote Operated Valve 遥控阀885 Repair of Defect 缺陷修理886 Repair Welding 补焊887 Rescue Boat 救生艇888 Research and Development R&D 研究开发889 Resin Chock 环氧树脂垫片890 Review of Drawing 图纸审评891 Revision Rev. 改正,修订892 Revolutions per minute RPM 每分走刀转数893 Rework 重做894 Rigging 缆具,索具895 Rolling 横摇896 Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship RO/RO Ship 汽车运输船897 Root Gap 根部间隙,焊缝根部面积898 Root Valve 分支阀899 Rope Guard 防绳罩900 Rose Box 舱底水过滤箱901 Round Bar R.B 圆钢902 Rubber Coating 橡胶涂层903 Rudder Angle Indicator 舵角指示器904 Rudder Stock 舵杆905 Rudder Trunk R/T 舵杆筒906 Rust-proof Oil 防锈油907 Sacrificial Anode 防蚀阳极908 Safe Load 安全载荷909 Safe working load SWL 安全工作载荷910 Safety Cage,Safety Hoop 安全环911 Safety Device 安全装置912 Safety Goggles 保护眼镜913 Safety Guard 保护围栏914 Safety of Life at Sea Convention SOLAS 国际海上人命安全公约915 Safety Stock 安全储备916 Safety Valve 安全阀917 Sagging (Ref. Hogging) 中垂(中拱)918 Sagging and Running 着色的凹凸及流动919 Salinity 盐分920 Scaffold Erecting 安装脚手架921 Scaffold Plank 脚手架922 Scaffold Removal 脚手架拆卸923 Scaffolding Support 按脚手架时用的支架924 Scale 尺度,刻度,比例925 Scallop 排水孔926 Scantling Draft 结构吃水927 Scantlings 构件尺寸,尺寸928 Scheduling 日程计划929 Scheduling and Control 日程计划及管理930 Schematic Piping Diagram 管道安装系统图931 Scope 适用范围932 Scope of Work 作业范围933 Screw Down Non-Return Valve SDNR 螺旋型单向阀934 Screw Pump 螺杆泵935 Scupper Pipe 排水管936 Sea Chest S/C 海底阀箱937 Seal Weld 密封焊缝938 Seamless Pipe SMLS 无缝管939 Section SEC. 截面图940 Section Modulus 剖面模数941 Sediment Davit 沉淀池用吊柱942 See berufasgenossenshaft SBG 德国船舶安全事项检查机关943 Segregation 分离944 Self Closing Valve 自闭阀945 Self Polishing Copolymer SPC 自抛光涂料946 Semi-submersible Drilling Rig 半潜式钻探设备947 Separator 分离器948 Sequence of Welding 焊接顺序949 Sewage Treatment Plant 污水处理装置950 Shackle 锚链节.卸扣951 Shaft Withdrawal Plan 船尾轴回收方案952 Shearing Force 剪应力953 Sheer 舷弧954 Sheer Strake 舷侧列板955 Shell Expansion Plan 外板展开图956 Shell Plating 列板957 Shielded Metal Arc Welding SMAW 电弧焊958 Shim Plate 垫板959 Ship maneuverability 船舶操纵性960 Ship Repair yard 修船厂961 Ship type 船型962 Shipbuilders Council of America SCA 美国造船业协会963 Shipbuilding 造船964 Shipowner 船东965 Shipside Valve 船舷阀966 Shipyard 造船厂967 Shop Primer 保护低漆968 Shop Test 车间试验969 Shore Connection 通岸接头970 Short-Circuit Test 短路实验971 Shot Blasting 喷丸处理972 Shot(of Chain) 锚链节973 Shut-Down 紧急停机974 Side Girder 旁底桁975 Side Longitudinal 舷侧纵骨976 Side Openning 舷侧开口977 Side Ramp 舷侧跳板978 Side Scuttle/Porthodle /Portlight 舷窗979 Side Shell S.S, S.SHELL 舷侧列板980 Sight Glass 观察(窥视)孔981 Silencer 消音器982 Silver Brazing Coupling 银铜焊联轴器983 Simulation 模拟实验984 Single Point Mooring SPM 单点系泊系统985 Sistership (按同一设计图纸建造的)姊妹船986 Skeg 呆木,尾鳍987 Skid Plate 滑板988 Slag Inclusion 夹渣989 Slamming 拍动,砰击990 Sleeve Joint 套筒接头991 Slop Tank 废油舱992 Slope 倾斜。
Parker Hannifin 水力卡特车系Check Valve系列产品说明说明书
ISO code 16/13, SAE Class 4 or better
.10 kg (0.2 lbs.)
Technical Data
Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulic Cartridge Systems
Bodies & Cavities
Coils & Electronics
Proportional Valves
Solenoid Valves
Manual Valves
Directional Controls
Logic Elements
Pressure Controls
Flow Controls
Load/Motor Controls
Form Tool
38 LPM (10 GPM)
350 Bar (5000 PSI)
2 drops/min. (.13 cc/min.) at 350 Bar (5000 PSI)
All parts steel. All operating parts hardened steel.
-45°C to +93.3°C (“D” Ring) (-50°F to +200°F) -31.7°C to +121.1°C (Fluorocarbon) (-25°F to +250°F)
• Spherical poppet for low leakage • “D”-Ring eliminates back-up rings • Dual sense paths for reduced ∆P • All external parts zinc plated
Air Operated Valve 产品说明书
Doc. No.SYJ300-OMO0002-AAir Operated ValveSYJA300 / SYJ3000 SeriesSafety Instructions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,3 Precautions on Design ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Selection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Mounting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Piping -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Lubrication -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Air Supply --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,6 Operating Environment ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Maintenance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 Trouble shooting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,8SafetyThese safety instructions are intende These instructions indicate the level They are all important notes s (ISO/IEC)*1), and other safety regulat *1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- Ge ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- Gen IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- ISO 10218-1992: Manipulating industria etc.Caution Cautionin minor or Warning Warning result in dea DangerDangerin death or1. The compatibility of the product decides its specifications.Since the product specified here is equipment must be decided by the p necessary analysis and test results.The expected performance and safe has determined its compatibility with This person should also continuou information, with a view to giving due equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate The product specified here may bec The assembly, operation and mai performed by an operator who is app3. Do not service or attempt to rem 1.The inspection and maintenance o prevent falling or runaway of the d 2.When the product is to be remove and the power from any appropria of all relevant products carefully.3. Before machinery/equipment is re4. Contact SMC beforehand and ta be used in any of the following c 1. Conditions and environments outs direct sunlight.2. Installation on equipment in conju vehicles, military, medical treatme beverages, emergency stop circui other applications unsuitable for th3. An application which could have n analysis.e in an interlock circuit, whichmechanical protective function, an Safety Instructionstended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equip evel of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,”for safety and must be followed in addition gulations.General rules relating to systems. General rules relating to systems. Electrical equipment of machines .(Part 1: General requi dustrial robots -Safety. on indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if or or moderate injury. ing indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk whi death or serious injury.indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if or serious injury.Warning oduct is the responsibility of the person who des ere is used under various operating conditions, c the person who designs the equipment or decides its sults. d safety assurance of the equipment will be the respon y with the product. nuously review all specifications of the product refer g due consideration to any possibility of equipment fai priate training should operate machinery and eq y become unsafe if handled incorrectly. maintenance of machines or equipment including is appropriately trained and experienced.o remove product and machinery/equipment unt nce of machinery/equipment should only be performed the driven objects have been confirmed. moved, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned opriate source is cut, and read and understand the spe ully. t is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected op and take special consideration of safety measur wing conditions.s outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors o conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation atment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in c circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications for the standard specifications described in the produ ave negative effects on people, property, or animals re hich requires the provision of double interlock for po on, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.equipment damage. tion,” “Warning” or “Danger.” n to International Standardsrequirements) ch, if not avoided, could resultk which, if not avoided, could ch, if not avoided, will resulto designs the equipment orits compatibility with specific des its specifications based on esponsibility of the person who referring to its latest catalog nt failure when configuring the d equipment.uding our products must be t until safety is confirmed.ormed after measures to ioned above are implemented e specific product precautions ed operation and malfunction.easures if the product is to oors or in a place exposed to gation, space, shipping, t in contact with food and tions, safety equipment or product catalog. als requiring special safety or possible failure by using a ation.Safe1.The product is provided for use The product herein described is ba If considering using the product in o or a contract if necessary.If anything is unclear, contact yourLimited warranty and D The product used is subject to Requirements”.Read and accept them before usingLimited warranty and Disc 1.The warranty period of the produ whichever is first.∗2)Also, the product may have spec consult your nearest sales branc2. For any failure or damage repora replacement product or neces This limited warranty applies on incurred due to the failure of the3. Prior to using SMC products, pl noted in the specified catalog fo∗2) Vacuum pads are excluded A vacuum pad is a consuma Also, even within the warran pad or failure due to the det warranty.Compliance Requirements 1. The use of SMC products with destruction (WMD) or any othe 2. The exports of SMC products relevant security laws and reg shipment of a SMC product to are known and followed. Safety InstructionsCaution use in manufacturing industries.is basically provided for peaceful use in manufactu ct in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and e your nearest sales branch. nd Disclaimer/Compliance Requi to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaim sing the product. Disclaimer product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the specified durability, running distance or replace branch. eported within the warranty period which is clea ecessary parts will be provided. es only to our product independently, and not to of the product. ts, please read and understand the warranty term og for the particular products. uded from this 1 year warranty. sumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it arranty period, the wear of a product due to the e deterioration of rubber material are not covere mentswith production equipment for the manufacture other weapon is strictly prohibited. ucts or technology from one country to anothe d regulations of the countries involved in the tra ct to another country, assure that all local rulesfacturing industries. and exchange specifications equirementsisclaimer” and “Complianceer the product is delivered,placement parts. Please s clearly our responsibility, ot to any other damage y terms and disclaimers fter it is delivered.o the use of the vacuum overed by the limited acture of weapons of massother are governed by the he transaction. Prior to the ules governing that export- 4 -Design / Selection1. Confirm the specifications Products represented designed only ( including vacuum).Do not operate beyond the range of specifications, as this can cause damage or malfunction.We do not guarantee against any damage if the product is used outside of the specification range.2. Actuator driveWhen an actuator, using a valve, take appropriate measures (coverinstallation or approach prohibition) to prevent potential danger caused by actuator operation.3. Effect of back manifold.1. Operation manual Install readingWarningWarning1. Refer to the Fittings and Tubing Precautions for handling one-touch fittings.2. Preparation before pipingBefore piping isblown out with air (flushing) or washed to remove chips, cutting oil and other debris from inside the pipe.3. Wrapping of pipe tapeWhen screwing piping or fittings into ports, ensure that chips from the pipe threads or sealing material do not enter the piping.thread ridges exposed at the end of the threads4. Connection of fittingsWhen screwing fittings into valves, tighten as follows. 1. Lubrication1) The valve has been lubricated for life by the factory 1. Type of fluidsPleaseapplications other than compressed air.1. When extremely dry air is used as the fluid,propertiesCaution WarningWarningCaution- 5 -Air Supply4. If excessive carbon powder is seen, install a mist separator on the upstream side of the valve.If excessive carbon dust is generated by thecompressor, it may adhere to the inside of a valve and cause it to malfunction.For compressed air quality, refer to SMC’s BestPneumatics catalog.Operating Environment1. Do not use in an atmosphere having corrosive gases, chemicals, sea water, water, water steam, or where there is direct contact with any of these .2. Do not use in an environment where flammable gas or explosive gas exists. The products do not have an explosion proof construction.3. Do not use in a place subject to heavy vibration and/or shock.4. The valve should not be exposed to prolonged sunlight. Use a protective cover.5. Remove any sources of excessive heat.6. If it is used in an environment where there is possible contact with oil, weld spatter, etc., exercise preventive measures.Maintenance1. Perform maintenance inspection according to the procedures indicated in the operation manual.If handled improperly, malfunction and damage of machinery or equipment may occur.2. Removal of equipment, andsupply/exhaust of compressed airWhen components are removed, first confirm that measures are in place to prevent workpieces from dropping, run-away equipment, etc. Then, cut off the supply pressure and electric power, and exhaust all compressed air from the system using the residual pressure release function.For 3-position closed center type, exhaust the residual pressure between the valve and the cylinder.When the equipment is operated after remounting or replacement, first confirm that measures are in place to prevent lurching of actuators, etc. Then, confirm that the equipment is operating normally.3. Low frequency operationValves should be operated at least once every 30 days to prevent malfunction. (Use caution regarding the air supply.)4. Manual override operationWhen the manual override is operated, connected equipment will be actuated.Operate after safety is confirmed. 1. Drain flushingRemove drainage from the air filters regularly.2. LubricationIn the case of rubber seals, once lubrication has been started, it must be continued.Use class 1 turbine oil (with no additive), VG32 because if other lubricant oil is used, it may cause malfunction. Please contact SMC for suggested class2 turbine oil (with additive), VG32.Warning Warning CautionCaution SYJA300/3000 SeriesPrecautions for 5 Port Solenoid Valve ③Be sure to read before handling. Refer to main text for detailed precautions on every series.- 6 -TROUBLESHOOTINGRemedyShould any trouble be found during operation, trace the source of the trouble in the following order and take corrective action.(Next page)③①②④①②⑤RemedyIf no improvement is achieved in spite of the above countermeasure, inside of the valve may have some failure. In this case, stop using the valve immediately.If any of followings are carried out, inside of the valve may have some failure. In this case, stop using the valve immediately.① Oil other than the specified one has been lubricated.② Lubrication has been stopped intermediately, or lubrication was suspended temporary.③ Strong impact was given.④ Alien substance such as drain and particle got into.⑤ Prohibited way of using the valve which is written at "Precautions" section in this operation manualwas carried out excluding above-mentioned.※If any trouble should happen with the uni,please send it back to the supplier for repair or replacement.A Added the SYJA3000 SS1st printing PP 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362© 2011 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved。
序号使用车间零件英文名称零件中文名称1 总装 ACTR&ELECCONT ASSY 作动器及电控装置总成2 总装 ACTR-FRDOORLOCK,LH 前门执行器,左3 总装 ADJ-SEATBELT,RH 安全带调节器4 总装 ADPT ASSY 带蓝牙接头的免提主机5 总装 AIRGUIDE-COND,LH 空调挡板(左)6 总装 AMPLASSY-POWERWDW, 电动窗放大器总成7 总装 ANT ASSY-GPS GPS天线8 总装 ANTSET-RADIO 天线放大器总成9 总装 ARMASSY-WSWIPER,AS 雨刮摇臂总成(左)10 总装 ASHTRAYASSY-CONSOLE 烟灰盒总成11 总装 AUDIOSTEERINGSW 方向盘音响控制开关12 总装 AUTOTRANSASSY-SHIP 变速箱总成13 总装 BANDASSY-FUELTANK 油箱绑带总成(右)14 总装 BAR-BATFIX,A 蓄电池压板15 涂装 BAR-TRUNK LID TORSION,LH 行李箱扭杆,左16 焊装 BASE-FUEL FILLER 加油基座17 焊装 BASE-RR SUSP SPR,LH 后悬弹簧支架,左18 总装 BAT 蓄电池19 总装 BELTASSY-BUCKLE,RR 后安全带锁扣20 总装 BELT-COMPR 压缩机皮带21 总装 BELT-PSOILPUMP 转向泵皮带22 总装 BELTSET-FRSEAT,LH3PT 前座椅安全带(右)23 总装 BLADEASSY-WSWIPER 雨刮叶片总成24 总装 BLOWERCOMPL,FR 鼓风机总成25 总装 BLUETOOTH-CONT 蓝牙主机26 总装 BMPR ASSY-RR 后保险杠总成(宝石黑+K7)27 总装 BMPR-BOUND,FRSUSPS 前悬减震垫28 涂装 BMPR-FUEL FILLER 加油口盖减振胶垫29 总装 BMPR-HOODROD 撑杆座30 涂装 BMPR-RUB 行李箱盖减振垫31 总装 BODYASSY-STRGWHEEL 方向盘总成32 焊装 BODY-SIDE,OTR RH 侧围外板,右33 总装 BOLT 六角螺栓34 总装 BOLT-COMPRBRKT 螺栓—吊耳35 总装 BOLT-CONN,OILCLOOER 连接螺栓36 总装 BOLT-EYE 接头螺栓37 总装 BOLT-SPL 螺栓38 总装 BOOSTERASSY-BRAKE,V 真空助力器39 总装 BOOTASSY-CONSOLE,M/T 换档杆装饰罩,M/T40 总装 BOOTASSY-PKB 手刹橡胶套41 焊装 BOW-ROOF,CTR 顶盖中弓形梁42 总装 BOXASSY-TRUNKLID 行李箱盖工具盒43 焊装 BRACE ASSY-CHECK LIN 前限位器支座44 焊装 BRACE ASSY-FR PLR LW 前柱下铰链支座总成45 焊装 BRACE-COWL TOP,SIDE顶罩侧板,右46 总装 BRGASSY-WHEEL 轴承总成47 总装BRKT支架48 焊装BRKT ASSY-BLOWER 风机支架49 焊装BRKT ASSY-CLUTCH PED 离合器踏板支架总成50 焊装BRKT ASSY-EXH MTG 排气管支架51 总装BRKT ASSY-FR BMPR,LH 前保险杠支架,左52 焊装BRKT ASSY-FR SEAT MT 前座椅安装支架,左53 焊装BRKT ASSY-HEATER,A 加热器支架总成,A54 焊装BRKT ASSY-JACK MTG 千斤顶支架总成55 焊装BRKT ASSY-MFLR MTG 消音器安装支架56 焊装BRKT ASSY-PKB CONT 焊接前地板手刹车支架57 焊装BRKT ASSY-RR TOWING 后挂钩支架总成58 焊装BRKT ASSY-SPARE WHEE 备胎支架59 总装BRKT-ACCELWIRE 油门线支架60 总装BRKT-ADJBOLT 支架61 总装BRKT-ASSTGRIP 拉手支架62 总装 BRKTASSY-BATMTG 电瓶支架总成63 总装 BRKTASSY-BRAKETUBE 制动阀支架总成64 总装 BRKTASSY-CANISTER 碳罐支架65 总装 BRKTASSY-INSTSTAY 仪表板支架66 总装 BRKTASSY-LIQUIDTAN 干燥瓶支架67 总装 BRKTASSY-PSTANK 动力转向油罐支架总成68 总装 BRKTASSY-RADMTG 散热器支架(右)69 总装 BRKTASSY-SEATRAILINRMTG,RH 座椅支架,右70 总装 BRKTASSY-SENMTG 传感器安装支架总成71 总装 BRKTASSY-STABMTG,L 稳定杆夹箍72 总装 BRKTASSY-SUNROOF 支架73 总装 BRKTASSY-SUPTBRG 支架总成74 总装BRKT-BRAKEHOSE,RRR 制动管支架(右)75 总装BRKT-CABLEMTG 拉索支架76 总装BRKT-CABLEPKB,RR 驻车钢索支架77 总装BRKT-CLIP 支架—线夹78 总装BRKT-CLUTCHTUBE 离合器管支架79 总装BRKT-COMPR 压缩机支架80 焊装BRKT-CONN 四通支架81 总装BRKT-CONSOLE,FR 杂物盒支架,前82 总装BRKT-CONTUNIT 电脑板支架83 总装BRKT-ENG COVER 发动机装饰盖支架84 焊装BRKT-ENG MTG 发动机安装支架85 总装BRKT-ENGMTG,RR 发动机后悬置托架86 总装BRKT-ENGMTGBLOCK,C 发动机安装支架87 总装BRKT-EXHMTG 排气管安装支架,后88 焊装BRKT-FDR,LH 前翼子板支架,左89 焊装BRKT-FILLER TUBE PRO 加油管固定支座90 焊装BRKT-FOOT REST 搁脚板支架91 总装BRKT-FRSPEAKER,RH 前扬声器支架(右)92 总装BRKT-FUELPUMP,A 油泵支架93 总装BRKT-FUELTANKMTG,F 燃油箱安装支架,前94 总装BRKT-FUSEBLOCK 保险丝盒支架95 总装BRKT-HORN 防盗喇叭支架96 总装BRKT-HOSE 管夹支架97 总装BRKT-INSTSIDE,RH 仪表板骨架支架,右98 焊装BRKT-JACK MTG 千斤顶支架99 总装BRKT-MAPLAMP 地图灯支架100 总装BRKT-PSTUBE 动力转向管支架101 总装BRKT-PULLHANDLE 把手支架102 总装BRKT-RADIO LH 音响支架,左103 总装BRKT-RADRESVRTANK 贮液罐支架总成104 总装BRKT-RESONATOR 谐振器支架105 焊装BRKT-RR BMPR SIDE,A 后保险杠侧支架,A106 焊装BRKT-RR BMPR STAY 后保险杠固定支架107 焊装BRKT-RR SEAT BACK 后排座椅靠背支架108 焊装BRKT-RR TIE DOWN HOOK RH 后挂钩支架,右109 总装BRKT-RRBMPRSIDE 保险杠侧支架110 总装BRKT-RRBMPRSIDE 后保险杠侧支架111 总装BRKT-RRSTABMTG,RH 后稳定杆支架(右)112 总装BRKT-SEN,AMB 传感器支架113 焊装BRKT-STRG POST,OTR 方向柱支架,外114 焊装BRKT-TRUNK TRIM,A 行李箱装饰板支架,A115 总装 BUSH-FRSTAB 前连接杆衬套116 总装 BUSH-LINK 橡胶套117 总装 BUSH-STAB 稳定杆衬套118 总装 BUZZERASSY 蜂鸣器119 总装 CABLE,BATTOENG 电缆120 总装 CABLEASSY-ACCEL 油门拉索总成121 总装 CABLEASSY-AUTOTRAN 自动变速箱拉索122 总装 CABLEASSY-HOODLOCK 机仓盖拉索123 总装 CABLEASSY-TRUNK&F 行李箱盖拉索总成124 总装 CALIPERASSY-RRBRAK 后制动钳总成,左125 总装 CAMERA ASSY-BACK VIEW 倒车摄像头总成126 总装 CANISTERASSY-VAPO,W 碳罐127 总装 CAPASSY-DISCWHELL 轮辋装饰罩128 总装 CAPASSY-FILLER 加油口盖总成129 总装 CAPCOMPL 散热器盖130 总装 CAP-HUB 轮骰盖131 总装 CAP-PULLHANDLE 拉手盖132 总装 CARPETASSY-FLOOR 地毯总成133 总装 CARPETASSY-TRUNKFLOOR 行李箱地毯总成134 总装 CD CHANGER ASSY CD转换器总成135 总装 CHECKLINKASSY-FRD 门限位器总成136 总装 CHMBRASSY-FUELTANK 燃油室总成137 总装 CIRCUITBREAKER 断路保护器138 总装 CLAMPHOSE 管夹139 总装 CLAMP-RODHOOD 撑杆支座140 总装 CLAMP-RODHOOD 机仓撑杆总成141 总装 CLANKASSY-BELLTRUNKLID 行李舱锁曲柄连杆142 总装 CLIP 卡扣143 总装 CLNRASSY-AIR 空气滤清器总成144 总装 CLOCKASSY-ANALOG 时钟总成145 焊装 CLOSING PLATE-FR SIDE MBR LH 前边梁盖板,左146 焊装 CLOSING PLATE-SILL,R 门槛连接板,右147 总装 CLPASSY-SPARETIRE 备胎夹总成148 总装 CLP-CHECKVALVE 单向阀夹149 总装 CLP-COMPRROD,LH 加强板(左)150 总装 COLASSY-STRG 转向柱总成151 总装 COLLAR-INSUL 套管152 总装 COLLAR-STRUTMT 定位管153 总装 COMPRCOMPL 空调压缩机总成154 总装 CONDASSY 冷凝器155 总装 CONN-DRAINHOSE,CANI 三通接头156 总装 CONSOLE ASSY RR 后杂物盒总成157 总装 CONT ASSY-CCD CCD后视主机158 总装 CONT ASSY-NAVI NAVI主机总成159 总装 CONTASSY-AIRCOND,AUTO 空调控制器160 总装 CONTASSY-BACKSONAR 倒车雷达控制器161 总装 CONTASSY-SHIFTLOCK 档位锁控制器162 总装 CONT-LTG 自动点灯控制器163 总装 CONTROLLER-AV 遥控器--NAVI164 总装 CONT-TIME 延时控制器165 总装 CONTUNIT 控制单元-防盗166 总装 CONVASSY-MAINCAT 催化转化器总成167 焊装 CORNER-RR FDR,LH 后翼子板角板,左168 总装 COVER ASSY-INST LWR RH 下安装板罩,右169 总装 COVER-ACCELSTOPPER 加速踏板限位器170 总装 COVER-AIRINT 进气口盖171 总装 COVERASSY-HOLE 转向柱护罩172 总装 COVERASSY-TRANSHOL 变速器孔罩总成173 总装 COVER-BATTCONN 电池罩174 总装 COVER-BELTANCH 安全带螺扣175 总装 COVER-BLOWERMOTOR 鼓风机罩176 总装 COVERCLUTCH-HOLE 离合器口罩177 总装 COVERCOMPL-STRGCOL 泡棉178 总装 COVERCOMPL-STRGCOL 组合开关罩总成179 总装 COVER-FRDOORCORNER 右前窗三角框180 总装 COVER-FRDOORCORNER,INRARH 前门拐角罩(右)181 总装 COVER-FRDOORCORNER,INRBRH 外后视罩饰板(右)182 总装 COVER-FRUNDER,LH 防溅板(左)183 总装 COVER-FUSIBLELINK,H 保险丝盒盖184 总装 COVER-HOLE 孔罩185 焊装 COVER-INSP HOLE 检修孔罩186 涂装 COVER-LOCATE HOLE 定位孔盖,A型φ25mm187 总装 COVER-OELTOP,RH 顶罩板,右188 总装 COVER-RELAYBOX 继电器盒罩总成189 总装 COVER-RRPLATE 孔盖190 总装 COVER-SEATHOLE 胶贴191 总装 COVER-SEATSLIDE,RRINRLH 座椅滑轨盖,后内左192 总装 COVER-SPARETIRE 备胎盖板193 总装 COVER-STRGCOL,LWR 转向柱罩外194 总装 COVER-STRUTMTG,RR 后减震器罩195 总装 COVER-TRUNKLIDLOCK 行李箱撞锁盖196 总装 COVER-WIPERARM 雨刮摇臂罩197 焊装 COWL TOP 顶罩板198 焊装 COWL TOP ASSY-SIDE,L 顶罩板侧板总成,左199 总装 CRP-HOSE,THDWIRE 管箍200 总装 CUSHASSY-RRSEAT 后座椅坐垫总成201 总装 CYLASSY-BRAKEMASTE 制动总泵202 总装 CYLASSY-CLUTCHMAST 离合器主缸总成203 总装 CYLASSY-CLUTCHOPER 离合器分泵总成204 总装 DAMPER,A 减震套205 总装 DAM-SEALANT,RRRUB 减震条206 焊装 DASH-LWR 前围下板207 焊装 DASH-UPR 上仪表板208 总装 DISC-FRBRAKE 前制动盘209 总装 DISPLAY ASSY-NAVIGATION 音响主机210 焊装 DOOR ASSY-FR,LH 前门总成,左211 总装 DOORPROTECTOR 车门护块212 总装 DRAFTERASSY-AIR,LH 通风器总成213 焊装 DRIP-FDR,RR LH 后翼子板滴水檐214 焊装 DRIP-FR PLR,RH 前立柱滴水槽215 焊装 DRIP-ROOF SIDE,CTR R 顶盖滴水檐216 总装 DUCT-ASPIRATOR 进气管217 总装 DUCTASSY-AIR,DUSTS 进气管总成218 总装 DUCT-CTRVENT,FR 中部通气管219 总装 DUCT-SIDEDEF,FRASST 侧通风管220 总装 DUCT-SIDEVENT,FRAS 侧通风管海棉221 总装 DUCT-SIDEVENT,FRDR 通风管222 总装 DVCASSY-PKB 驻车装置总成223 总装 DVCCOMPL-A/TCONT 变速操纵杆总成224 总装 DVD-ROM,MAP DVD地图光盘225 总装 EAR PHONE JACK 耳机座总成226 总装 EMBLEM-SIM SIM卡座操作说明标贴227 总装 ENG ASSY 发动机总成228 总装 ENG ASSY 发动机总成229 总装 ESCUTCHEON ASSY-F/DO 前门外拉手总成,右(宝石黑) 230 总装 ESCUT-FRDOORINSIDEHANDLE,LH 前门内把手饰盖(左)231 总装 ESCUT-STRGLOCK 点火锁饰罩232 总装 ESCUT-TELMICROPHONE 话筒饰盖233 焊装 EXT ASSY-FR SIDE MBR LH 前边梁总成延长件,左234 焊装 EXT-DASH UPR,LH 仪表板上板加强件235 焊装 EXT-FR SIDE MBR,CTR 前纵梁加长件236 焊装 EXT-RR WH OTR,RH 后轮罩外板加长件,右237 总装 FASTENER 内饰扣238 总装 FASTENERASSY-BAFFLE 卡扣239 总装 FASTENERASSY-BAFFLE 散热器防溅板卡扣240 总装 FASTENER-MLDG,BACKW 后挡风玻璃上嵌条241 总装 FASTENER-MLDG,WS 前挡风玻璃上嵌条242 总装 FASTNERASSY-FRMUD 前保险杠卡扣总成243 焊装 FDR-FR,LH 前翼子板,左244 总装 FEEDER-ANT 天线馈线245 总装 FIN ASSY-CONSOLE,RR 后杂物盒总成饰件246 总装 FIN ASSY-TRUNK LID 行李箱盖饰板总成(宝石黑)247 总装 FINASSY-CONSOLE,A/TCONT 换档杆装饰罩,A/T248 总装 FINASSY-FRDOOR,LH 左前车门护板总成249 总装 FINASSY-POWERWDWSW,FRLH 控制面板总成,后左250 总装 FINASSY-RRDOOR,LH 左后车门护板总成251 总装 FINASSY-RRPLR,LH 立柱装饰板,左后252 总装 FINASSY-RRPSHELF(W/WOOFER) 衣帽架搁板253 总装 FIN-DASHSIDE,LH 仪表板左下饰板254 总装 FIN-HUD 饰板总成-抬头显示器255 总装 FIN-INST,A 仪表板饰板,左256 总装 FIN-TRUNKSIDE,RH 行李箱右饰板257 总装 FIXER-STRGLOCK 点火锁固定板258 总装 FLASHERUNIT-COMB 闪烁灯控制器259 焊装 FLG-AIR INT 进气法兰260 焊装 FLOOR SIDE ASSY-RR,L 后地板侧板,左261 焊装 FLOOR-FR 前地板262 总装 FLTRASSY-FUEL 燃油滤清器263 总装 FOAM-WS 前风窗玻璃海绵块264 焊装 FR FDR,RH 前翼子板,右265 总装 FRCOOLINGUNITCOMPL 蒸发器总成266 总装 FRHEATERASSY 暖风机总成267 总装 GARNASSY-FRPLR,LH 前立柱饰板,左268 总装 GARNASSY-FRPLR,LWRLH 中立柱下饰板(左)269 总装 GARN-TRUNK,RRUPR 行李箱上饰板270 总装 GAUGEASSY-OILLEVEL 机油标尺杆总成271 总装 GEAR&LNKGASSY-PS 动力转向机总成272 总装 GLASS ASSY-FRDOOR,LH 前门玻璃总成(左)273 总装 GLASSASSY-WS 前风窗玻璃总成274 总装 GLASS-BACKWDWW/OD 后挡风玻璃275 总装 GLASS-RRDOORPTN,LH 三角玻璃(左)276 总装 GLASSRUN-FRDOORWD 前门玻璃密封胶条(右)277 总装 GRILLEASSY-RAD 散热器格栅总成278 总装 GRILL-FRDEF,LH 前除霜器格栅,左279 总装 GRILL-SIDEDEF,RH 前除霜器格栅,右侧280 总装 GRIPASSY-ASST 拉手总成281 总装 GROM 垫圈282 总装 GSKT-BRAKEHOSE 制动管衬垫284 总装 GSM-ANT 手机天线285 总装 GUARDASSY-DRAFTER,L 通风器护板总成286 总装 GUARDASSY-SPLASH,RA 散热器防溅板总成287 总装 GUARD-SPLASH,FRBRAK 前制动防溅板288 总装 GUIDE-AIR,ENGMTG 导气板289 总装 GUSS-COMPR,FR 压缩机角撑290 总装 HANDLEASSY-FRDOOR 内拉手(右)291 总装 HANDLEASSY-TRUNK& 行李箱盖拉手总成292 总装 HANDLE-PULL,FRDOORLH 前门把手,左293 总装 HANDSET 听筒294 焊装 HANGER-SEAT BACK 支架—座椅背部295 总装 HARN-BODY 车身线束296 总装 HARN-ENGROOM 发动机舱线束297 总装 HARN-H/F CDCHANGER CABLE ASSY CD转换器电缆线束298 总装 HARN-MAIN 主线束299 总装 HARN-ROOMLAMP 室灯线束300 总装 HARN-SUB 防滑控制线束301 总装 HARN-TAIL 车尾线束302 总装 HDLNGASSY-ROOF 顶蓬布303 总装 HEADUPDISPLAYUNIT 抬头显示装置304 焊装 HINGE ASSY-FR DOOR,U 前门上铰链总成,右305 焊装 HINGE ASSY-HOOD,LH 发动机罩铰链总成306 焊装 HINGE ASSY-TRUNK LID 行李箱盖铰链总成307 总装 HLDR-ROD 拉杆保持架308 总装 HLDR-RRDOORPTN,LH 后门角窗框卡板(左)309 总装 HLDR-RRDOORSUNSHADE 后门窗遮阳罩保持架310 总装 HLDR-SUNVISOR 遮阳板固定挂钩311 总装 HOLDER-FUELFILTER 滤清器支架312 焊装 HOOD ASSY 发动机舱盖总成313 焊装 HOODLEDGE ASSY,LH 挡泥板总成,左314 总装 HOODSW 报警开关315 总装 HOOK-FR TIE DOWN,LH 前挂钩316 总装 HOOK-RRWDWSHADE 后遮阳廉挂钩317 总装 HORN ALARM 防盗喇叭318 总装 HORNASSY-HIGH 高音喇叭319 总装 HORNASSY-LOW 低音喇叭320 总装 HOSE&TUBEASSY-RTN 回油管总成321 总装 HOSE&TUBESET-PS 动力转向油管322 总装 HOSE-AIR 进气管总成323 总装 HOSE-AIR 空气软管324 总装 HOSEASSY-BLOWBY 通风管总成366 总装 LAMPASSY-ROOM 室灯总成367 总装 LAMPASSY-RRCOMB,LH 后组合灯总成,右368 总装 LAMPASSY-SIDETURN 侧转向灯369 总装 LAMPASSY-STEP,FRDOOR,LH 左前门侧灯370 总装 LAMPASSY-TRUNKROOM 行李舱灯总成371 总装 LEVERCOMPL-ACCELPE 油门踏板总成372 焊装 LID ASSY-TRUNK 行李箱盖总成373 总装 LIDASSY-CLUSTER,C 仪表盘总成,C374 总装 LIDASSY-FUSEBLOCK 保险丝盒盖总成375 总装 LIDASSY-GLOVEBOX 资料盒盖总成376 总装 LIDASSY-SUNROOF 天窗盖377 焊装 LID-FUEL FILLER 加油口盖378 总装 LID-GLOVEBOX 资料盒盖379 总装 LID-LUCSIDE 千斤顶饰罩380 总装 LID-STRG,LH 转向罩,左381 总装 LIGHTERASSY-CIGARET 点烟器382 总装 LINKASSY-TRANSCONT 换档杆总成383 总装 LINKCOMPL-TRANSV,RH 下摆臂(右)384 总装 LNKGASSY-WSWIPER 雨刮连杆总成385 总装 LOCK&RCASSY-FRDO 前门锁机构(右)386 总装 LOCKASSY-HOOD 机仓盖锁387 总装 LOCKASSY-TRUNKLID 行李箱盖撞锁总成388 总装 MAGAZINE-VCD VCD转换器碟盒389 总装 MASK-DASHSIDEFIN(PK30) 饰盖390 总装 MASK-R/F SENSOR 开关饰盖391 总装 MATCUT 杯垫392 焊装MBR ASSY-CROSS,2ND 第二横梁393 焊装MBR ASSY-RR CROSS,CT 后横梁总成394 焊装MBR ASSY-RR SEAT CRO 后排座横梁总成395 总装 MBRASSY-ENGMTG 发动机悬置下横梁总成396 总装 MBRASSY-STRG 转向梁总成397 总装 MBRCOMPL-FRSUSP 前悬架横梁装置总成398 焊装MBR-DASH UPR CROSS 前围上板横梁399 焊装MBR-SIDE RR L 后边梁,左400 总装 METERASSY-AIRMASS 空气流量传感器401 总装 METERASSY-COMB 组合仪表402 总装 MFLRASSY-EXH,SUB 副消声器总成403 总装 MICROPHONEUNIT-TEL 话筒404 总装 MIRRORASSY-DOOR,LH 后视镜总成,左(宝石黑)405 总装 MIRRORASSY-INSIDE 车内后视镜总成406 总装 MIRRORSW 后视镜控制器407 总装 MLDG ASSY-FR DOOR LH 前门防撞饰条,左(浅灰)408 总装 MLDGASSY-FRDOOROU 右前窗下嵌条409 总装 MLDGASSY-WSSIDE,LH 前挡风压板(左)410 总装 MLDGASSY-WSUPR 前挡风上饰条总成411 总装 MLDG-BACKWDW,UPR 后挡风嵌条412 总装 MLDG-RRDOORSASH,FR 左后窗上嵌条413 总装 MLFRASSY-EXH,FR 排气管总成(前)414 总装 MLFRASSY-EXH,MAI 主消音器总成415 总装 MODULEASSY-AIRBAG,ASSY 气囊总成416 总装 MODUNIT-ENGCONT 发动机控制模板417 总装 MOTORASSY-STARTER 起动电机418 总装 MOTORCOMPL-WSWIPER 雨刮电机总成419 总装 MTGASSY-EXH,RUB 排气管吊耳420 总装 MTG-COND,LWR 冷凝器支座下421 总装 MTG-EXH,RUB 排气管吊耳422 总装 MTG-RAD,LWR 散热器胶垫(下)423 总装 MUDGUARD-CTR,FR LH 下裙摆,前左(浅灰)424 总装 NOZZLECOMPL-WSWASH 前雨刮喷嘴(左)425 总装 NOZZLE-DEF,WS 除霜器导管426 总装 NOZZLE-SIDEDEF,FRASST 侧除霜器管道(右)427 焊装 NUT WELD 焊接螺母428 总装 ORNAM ASSY-ENG COVER 发动机装饰盖总成429 总装 P/HC/RMACHINESCREW 天窗开关螺钉430 总装 PACK-BRAKEBOOSTER 垫片431 总装 PACK-FUELGAUGE 密封圈432 总装 PACK-MASTERCYL 胶垫433 总装 PAD-FR 发动机前减震垫434 总装 PANEL&PADASSY 仪表板总成435 总装 PANELCLIPASSY 夹板总成(左)436 总装 PANEL-INSTLWR,DR 转向柱下饰板437 焊装 PATCH-DASH LWR,LH 前围板衬片,左438 焊装 PATCH-TRUNK LID LOCK 行李箱盖锁辅助板439 总装 PEDALCOMPL-BRAKE,W/ 制动踏板,带支架总成440 总装 PIN-CLEVIS 定位销轴441 总装 PIN-COTTER,SPLIT 开口销442 总装 PINIONASSY-SPEEDO,W 速度传感器443 总装 PIPEASSY-COOLER,CONDTOTANK 空调高压管(干—冷)444 总装 PIPEASSY-OILCHARGI 加油管总成445 总装 PIPECOMPL-FRCOOLER,HIGH 空调高压管(蒸—干)446 总装 PIPECOMPL-FRCOOLER,LOW 前低压空调管447 焊装 PLATE-ANCH,C 加强件448 总装 PLATE-CABLELOCK 弹簧锁片449 总装 PLATE-KICKING,FRLH LED门槛踏板(左前)450 总装 PLATE-LOCK,FUELGAUG 油表锁定板451 总装 PLATE-LOCKH/BCONT 卡簧452 总装 PLATE-MODELNO 铭牌(整车)453 焊装 PLATE-NUT(R)螺母板454 总装 PLATE-TUBE,FUELTANK 油箱管护板455 焊装 PLR ASSY-CTR,INR LH 中柱内板总成456 焊装 PLR ASSY-FR,INR UPR 前立柱内上板,左457 总装 PLUG 堵塞458 涂装 PLUG-WAIST&PSHELF 行李架及中板堵盖(35×25×t2)459 总装 PROTECTOR-FLATWIRE 排水管护垫460 总装 PROTR-BACKWDWHARN 后挡风线束护夹461 总装 PROTR-FLATWIRE 胶贴462 总装 PROTR-FRFDR,LH 前翼子板防溅板总成,左463 总装 PROTR-FUELTANK 油箱护板464 总装 PROTR-HARN 胶贴465 总装 PROTR-TRUNKLIDFIN 行李箱盖护板466 焊装 PSHELF 行李搁板467 总装 PULLER-FUSE 保险丝夹468 总装 PUMPASSY-FUELINTA 油泵总成469 总装 PUMPASSY-PS 动力转向泵总成470 总装 RADASSY 散热器总成471 总装 RADASSY,W/OILCOOLE 散热器总成472 焊装 RAIL ASSY-ROOF SIDE, 顶盖侧内柱总成473 总装 RAILCOMPL-SUNROOF 天窗滑轨组件474 焊装 RAIL-ROOF,FR 前顶梁475 焊装 RAIL-ROOF,RR 顶盖后横梁476 总装 RECEIVER 接收器477 总装 RECEIVER ASSY-3 ZONE 按摩座椅接收器478 总装 REFLECTORASSY-WARNING 三角警示牌479 总装 REGCOMPL-FRDOOR,LH 前门窗升降机总成(左)480 焊装 REINF ASSY-ANCH BELT 安全带加强件481 焊装 REINF ASSY-BELT ANCH,RR OTR 安全带加强件482 焊装 REINF ASSY-DASH LWR 前围下板加强板483 焊装 REINF ASSY-FR PLR,LW 前立柱内下加强件,右484 焊装 REINF ASSY-FR SIDE MBR,RH 前边梁总成加强件,右485 焊装 REINF ASSY-HOODLEDGE 挡泥板加强件总成486 焊装 REINF ASSY-PKB 驻车安装支架487 焊装 REINF ASSY-ROOF 顶盖天窗加强框488 焊装 REINF ASSY-RR PLR,LH 后立柱加强件总成,左489 焊装 REINF ASSY-RR SIDE MBR,LH 后边梁加强件490 焊装 REINF ASSY-RR SUSP MTG L 后悬挂安装加强件总成,左491 焊装 REINF ASSY-SEAT BELT 安全带加强件总成492 焊装 REINF ASSY-WIPER MOT 雨刮电机加强件总成493 焊装 REINF PSHELF 行李箱隔板加强板494 焊装 REINF-FR ROOF RAIL 前顶梁加强件495 总装 REINF-KNEEPROTR,RH 加强件496 焊装 REINF-ROOF SIDE RAIL 顶盖侧梁加强件497 焊装 REINF-RR PANEL UPR 后围上板加强板498 焊装 REINF-WIPER PIVOT 雨刮枢轴加强件499 总装 RELAY 继电器500 总装 RELAY-HORN 喇叭继电器501 总装 REMOTE ASSY-3 ZONE CONTRC 按摩座椅遥控器502 总装 RESETSW 复位开关503 总装 RESONATORASSY 谐振器504 焊装 RET ASSY-STRIKER,LH 撞锁卡扣总成505 总装 RET -FR BMPR 前保险杠保持架506 总装 RET-SNAP 定位销507 总装 RING-CIGARETTELIGHT 点烟器护圈508 总装 RING-SNAP,BRG 内卡环509 总装 RIVET-SPL 铆钉510 总装 ROD-BATFIX 蓄电池固定拉杆511 总装 RODCOMPL-RADIUS 半径杆512 总装 ROD-CONN,STAB 后稳定杆连接杆513 总装 ROD-KEYLOCK,RH 锁芯连杆514 总装 ROD-TRUNKLIDLOCK 行李舱撞锁杆515 焊装 ROOF 顶盖516 焊装 RR PANEL-UPR 后围上板517 涂装 RUB BMPR 发动机减振垫518 总装 RUB-BMPR 缓冲块519 总装 SASHASSY-FRDOORLW 前窗玻璃导轨(右后)520 总装 SASHCOMPL-RRDOORP 后门窗框(右)521 总装 SCREENASSY-SEALING,FRDOORLH 前门防水胶膜(左)522 总装 SCREW-TAPPINGP/HTYPE2 后门窗遮阳罩螺钉523 总装 SCR-FIX,STRGLOCK 点火锁螺钉524 总装 SCR-TAPTRHDTYPE 阅读灯螺钉525 总装 SEAL ASSY-COWL TOP 顶罩板密封条526 总装 SEALASSY-RADCORE 机仓散热密封条右527 总装 SEAL-FRDOORPARTING 左前门外密封条528 总装 SEAL-GREASE,FRHUB 油封529 总装 SEAL-INSPHOLECOVER 检修孔罩密封条530 总装 SEAL-ORING(18S) O型圈531 总装 SEAL-RRDOORPARTING 后门右外密封条532 总装 SEAL-STOPPER 密封挡块533 总装 SEATASSY-FR,LH 前座椅总成(左)534 总装 SEATASSY-FRSPR,UPR 前弹簧座总成535 总装 SEATASSY-RRBACK 后座椅靠背总成536 总装 SEATASSY-RRSPR,UPR 后弹簧座总成,左537 总装 SEATBELTASSY-TONGUE,RRLH 后安全带总成(左) 538 总装 SEN ASSY-NAVIGATION 遥控接收头539 总装 SEN&DIAGNOSISASSY 气囊传感器&诊断器总成540 总装 SEN-AMB 传感器541 总装 SENASSY-ANTISKID,FR 前防抱死感应器,右542 总装 SENDERUNIT-FUELGAU 燃油表传感器543 总装 SEN-INCAR 传感器544 总装 SEN-ROTOR,ANTISKIDR 后防抱感应器转子545 总装 SENSAONARSSY-BACKSONAR,RH 雷达传感器(浅灰)546 总装 SEN-SUN 传感器547 总装 SFTASSY-FRDRIVE 驱动轴总成548 总装 SHADEASSY-SUNROOF 天窗遮阳板549 总装 SHIM-DOORLOCK 调整垫片550 总装 SHIM-LID 垫片551 总装 SHROUDASSY,W/MOTOR 风扇及电机总成552 焊装 SILL ASSY-INR,LH 门槛内板总成,左553 总装 SIM SIM卡座+连线554 总装 SPACER 垫片555 焊装 SPACER-C PEDAL BRKT C型踏板支架556 总装 SPACER-RRSTRUTINSU 垫片557 总装 SPARE TIRE ASSY 备胎总成558 总装 SPCR-BACKGLASS 后挡风玻璃垫片559 总装 SPCR-FRBMPRSIDE,LH 前保险杠左侧护垫560 总装 SPCR-GLASS 前挡风玻璃定位扣561 总装 SPCR-HDLNG 减震器垫块562 总装 SPCR-PSHELFSIDE,RR 海绵垫(铰链)563 总装 SPCR-RRBMPRSIDE,LH 后保险杠左侧护垫564 总装 SPDL-RR 后心轴565 总装 SPEAKER ASSY-NAVI NAVI扬声器总成566 总装 SPEAKERUNIT6.5FR 前扬声器567 总装 SPLASHGUARD-AIRDUCT 通风口防溅泡棉568 总装 SPLASHGUARD-HOODLED 防溅板(右)569 总装 SPR-FR 弹簧、前570 总装 SPR-FUELFILLER 加油口弹簧571 总装 SPRINGNUTM5 螺母夹572 总装 STAB-FR 前稳定杆573 焊装 STAY ASSY-FR BMPR,LH 前保险杠支架总成,左574 焊装 STAY ASSY-FR FDR,RH 前翼子板支撑板总成,右575 总装 STAYASSY-INST,ASST 仪表板支架总成,右576 总装 STAY-KEYCYL,RH 锁芯支撑架(右)577 焊装 STFNR-RR FDR, LH 后翼子板加强件578 涂装 STOPPER RUB-DOOR 发动机盖减振垫579 总装 STOPPER-DIFFMTG,LWR 挡块580 总装 STOPPER-INSUL,REBOUN 弹性加强板(左)581 总装 STOPPER-REBOUND,FRS 挡块582 总装 STRIKERASSY-DOOR 车门撞锁总成583 总装 STRIKERASSY-TRUNKL 行李箱撞锁座总成584 总装 STRIKER-GLOVEBOXLI 资料盒撞锁585 总装 STRUTASSY-FRSUSP,L 前悬支柱总成(左)586 总装 SUBWOOFER 压缩式重低音喇叭587 总装 SUNSHADEASSY-RRDOOR,RRLH 后门窗遮阳罩左588 总装 SUNVISORASSY,RH 遮阳板总成,右589 焊装 SUPT ASSY-RAD CORE 散热器芯支架总成590 总装 SUPT-ENGMTG,LH 发动机支架(左)591 总装 SUPT-INSUL 隔热垫支架592 总装 SUPT-INTMANIF 进气歧管支架593 焊装 SUPT-RR SEAT BA 后排座靠背支架总成594 焊装 SUPT-TRUNK LID LOCK 行李箱锁板595 总装 SW ASSY-RR FOG 后雾灯开关总成596 总装 SWASSY-DOOR 车门灯开关597 总装 SWASSY-HAZARD 危险警告开关598 总装 SWASSY-STOPLAMP 制动灯开关599 总装 SWASSY-SUNROOF 天窗开关总成600 总装 SWASSY-TEL 电话开关601 总装 SWCOMPL-COMB 组合开关总成602 总装 SW-HUD 抬头显示开关603 总装 SWUNIT-POWERWDW,AS 电动窗开关(右)604 总装 SWUNIT-POWERWDW,RR 后门电动窗开关605 总装 TAG-CAUTION,SELECTOR 换挡警示标贴606 总装 TANKASSY-FUEL 燃油箱总成607 总装 TANKASSY-LIQUID,W/SW 干燥瓶总成608 总装 TANKASSY-PS 动力转向罐609 总装 TANKASSY-WSWASH 清洗罐总成610 总装 TANKCOMPL-RADRESVR 贮液罐总成611 涂装 TAPE-FRDOOROUTSIDE 前门窗框外侧胶条,右612 风神物流 TIRE 备胎613 总装 TIRE ASSY 轮胎总成614 风神物流 TIRE-TBLS205/60R1591H 轮胎615 总装 TOOLSET 随车工具616 总装 TRANSAXLEASSY 变速器总成617 总装 TRAY-BAT 蓄电池托盘618 总装 TRIM-SUNROOFSIDE,LH 天窗装饰板,左619 总装 TUBEASSYBRAKE 制动管路总成,后右620 总装 TUBEASSY-BRAKE,FRL 前制动管(左)621 总装 TUBEASSY-BRAKE,FRR 制动管路总成,前右622 总装 TUBEASSY-BRAKEACTR 制动管路总成,作动器623 总装 TUBEASSY-CLUTCH,B 离合器管路总成624 总装 TUBEASSY-FILLER 加油管总成625 总装 TUBEASSY-OILCOOLER 油冷却管总成626 总装 TUBEASSY-PS 转向油散热器627 总装 TUBEASSY-RTN,PS 动力转向油管机仓右后628 总装 TUBEASSY-WSWASH 前雨刮水管629 总装 TUBE-BRTHR,B 呼吸器管630 总装 TUBECOMPL-FUEL,BRAKE&EVAP 管路总成631 总装 TUBE-FUELTANKOUTLE 供油管632 总装 TUBE-FUELTANKRTN 回油管633 总装 TUBE-VAC,BRAKEBOOST 真空管634 总装 TUBE-VENT 溢气软管Ⅰ635 总装 UNIT-HUDDISPLAY 抬头显示器636 风神物流 VALVE-AIR 气嘴637 总装 VALVEASSY-BRTHR 阀总成638 总装 VALVEASSY-CHECK 单向阀总成639 总装 VALVEASSY-DUALPROP 阀总成640 总装 VALVEASSY-FUELCHEC 单向阀总成641 总装 VCD CHANGER ASSY VCD转换器总成642 涂装 WAIST&PSHELF ASSY 门槛堵盖,小(35×25×t2)643 焊装 WAIST-RR 后腰梁644 总装 WASHER-LOCK,SPR 弹簧垫圈645 总装 WASH-OTR,SHOCKABS 前连接杆垫圈646 总装 WASH-PLAIN 垫圈647 风神物流 WEIGHTWHEELBALANCE,10G 平衡块648 焊装 WELD BOLT 焊接螺栓649 总装 WELT-BODYSIDE,FRLH 车身侧围密封条,前左650 风神物流 WHEEL-DISC,AL 轮辋651 焊装 WH-RR,INR RH 后轮罩内板,右652 总装 WIREASSY-STRG 转向线总成653 总装 WIRE-BONDING,RES 搭铁线654 总装 WSTRIPASSY-RRDOOR, 后门胶条总成(左)655 总装 WSTRIP-DRIP,LH 滴水檐胶条,左656 总装 WSTRIP-RRDOORPTNG 后门角窗胶条(左)657 总装 WSTRIP-TRUNKLID 行李舱胶条。
219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 abrasion add lubricating oil air pipe alcohol container analog-mode device argon welding Assembly line automatic screwdriver automation band-aid barcode barcode scanner basket bezel panel bottom stop breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked buzzle career card carton chain character die chassis classification cleaning cloth cleanness common equipment conservation consume, consumption conveyer conveyer belt cosmetic defect cosmetic inspect critical defect CTN Carton culture D/C Date Code defective product box defective product label defective to staking
design geometry
Features • Bidirectional metal-to-metal sealing floating slab
23.70 24.20 28.10 30.17 34.20
Operating Torque, ft-lb
Байду номын сангаас
Weight, Turns to Stroke, in. lbm open/close
Although API Spec 6A allows manufactures to qualify valves by scaling one size above and one size below the tested valve, FMC Technologies individually qualifies each Model 130plus gate valve size using nitrogen gas. In addition, FMC Technologies imposes additional perforamance requirements and endurance testing to simulate 25 years of operation in the field.
1 Abbreviation 缩写2 Aboard 在船上3 About ABT 约,大概4 Above Base Line A/B 在基线上5 Access Hole ACC.HOLE (人)通道口6 Access Ladder 出入用梯子7 Accessibility 可接近性8 Accessory 附属品,零件9 Accommodation Accom. 居住区10 Accommodation ladder 居住区楼梯11 Accommodation Space 居住区域12 Accumulator 蓄电池13 Acetylene Gas 乙炔气14 Acid Pickling 酸洗15 Adapter 适配器16 Additional ADD. 额外工作17 Additive 添加剂18 Adhesion Test 附着力试验19 Adjusting Piece Adj. Pc 调整用垫片20 After Peak Bulkhead A.P Bhd 尾尖舱壁21 After Peak Tank 尾尖舱22 After Perpendicular A.P 艉垂线23 Afterbody 后部船体24 Afterward AFT 向船尾方向25 Agitation 搅拌26 Air Compressor 空气压缩机27 Air Conditioning Plant 空气调节装置28 Air Ejector 空气排出器29 Air Fuel Ratio 气燃比30 Air Hole A/H 气孔31 Air Horn 气笛32 Air Pipe 空气管33 Air Test 气密实验34 Air Vent head 透气头35 Alignment 中心对齐,校准36 Allocated Stock Item ASI 分配貯藏资材37 Alternating Current AC 交流电38 Aluminizing 镀铝39 Aluminum Anode 防腐蚀铝40 Am bient Tem perature 大气温度41 Am erican National Standards Institute ANSI 美国标准协会42 Am erican Society of Testing m aterials ASTM 美国材料实验协会43 Anchor 锚44 Anchor Bolt 锚栓,基础螺栓45 Anchor Chain 锚链46 Anchor Pattern 基础模式47 Anchor Pocket 锚穴48 Anchor Point 定位点49 Anchor Recess 锚穴50 Angle Valve Ang. V/V 角阀(L型)51 Anode Current 阳极电流52 Antenna 天线53 Anticorrosive Paint 防蚀漆54 Anti-Corrosive Tape 防腐蚀胶带55 Anti-Corrosive Treatm ent 防蚀处理56 Antifouling Paint 防污漆57 Anti-Skid Bar 防滑棒58 Appendix 附录(单数)59 Approval 认可60 Arc Strike 弧光放电61 Arc Tim e 发弧时间62 Arrangement ARR'T 布置,排列63 Asbestos 石棉64 As-Built Drawing 最终竣工图纸65 Assem bly ASS'Y 装配66 Assem bly Line 装配线67 Assem bly Stage 装配工程68 Autom atic Welding 自动焊接69 "Average Freight Rate Assessm entat the m ax of Deadweight COT" AFRAMAX AFRAMAX(8万吨位级原油运载船)70 Back Bead 背面焊接71 Back Gouging 后部表面气刨72 Backing Strip 衬垫73 Backside Undercut 背面咬边74 Balance Weight 配重75 Ballast 安定76 Ballast Control Room BCR 压载控制室77 Ballast Tank 压载舱78 Barrel 桶(158.99升)79 Base Line B.L 基线80 Base m etal 母材81 Basic Desigh 基础设计82 Bead 焊珠83 Beam横梁84 Bedplate 主机座85 Bellmouth 吸入口86 Bellows 风箱87 Bench m ark 水准基点88 Bevel 斜角, 坡口89 Bevel Angle 坡口角度90 Bilge hat 舱底污水盖91 Bilge Holding Tank 舱底污水储藏罐92 Bilge Keel BLG.KEEL 舱底龙骨(防摇动)93 Bilge Plate 舭列板94 Bilge Radius 船底弯曲部的半径95 Bilge Well B/W 污水井96 Bill of Material BOM 材料明细表97 Bite Union 辊缝连接接头98 Bitumastic (Bituminous Cement) 沥青99 Blank Plate 板坯,基板100 Bleached Tar 漂白涂料101 Blind Plate 盲板102 Blister 水泡(油漆缺陷)103 Block BLK(B) 分段104 Block Assembly 分段装配105 Block Division BLK DIV. 分段划分106 Block Inspection 分段装配检查107 Blow Hole 焊接气孔108 Bollard 系船柱109 Boottop 水线漆110 Bosun(Boatswain) Store 甲板长仓库111 Both-sides Welding 双面焊112 Bottleneck 瓶颈113 Bottom BTM 船底114 Bottom Block 船底分段115 Bottom Plug 船底旋塞116 Bottom Shell Plating 船底外板117 Bottom Survery 船底检查118 Bow and Stern Construction 船首尾构造119 Bow Construction 船首构造120 Bow Door 船首门121 Bow Thruster 船头推进器122 Bowl 槽,斗,碗123 Bracket BKT OR B 加强筋板,轴板124 Brain Storming 集体研讨,想办法125 Brake Lining 闸衬,刹车面126 Brass 黄铜127 Brazing 铜焊,釬焊,硬焊128 Brazing Socket (釬)铜焊孔129 Breaking Strength 折断强度130 Breakwater 挡浪板131 Breast Hook 船首补强肘板132 Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器133 Bronze Casting 青铜铸件134 Brush Coating 毛刷涂漆135 Brush/Brush Holder 毛刷/毛刷固定器136 Bubbling 起泡137 Building Specification 建造规格书138 Bulb Plate BP 球扁钢139 Bulbous Bow 球鼻艏140 Bulk Carrier B/C 散装船141 Bulkhead BHD 舱壁142 Bulkhead Block 舱壁分段143 Bulkhead Piece 穿舱件144 Bulkhead Plan 舱壁结构图145 Bulkhead Stiffener 扶墙材146 Bulkhead Stool 舱壁托架147 Bulwark 舷墙148 Butt Welding 对接焊149 Butterfly valve 蝶型阀150 Buttock Line B.L 船体纵剖线151 Bypass Valve 旁通阀152 Cabin 船舱153 Cable Clench 电缆结154 Cable Duct 电缆通道155 Cable Tie 电线结束结156 Cable Trunk C.T 主干电缆157 Cableway 索道158 Calibration 标定159 Call Sign 呼号160 Camber 梁拱161 Canvas Cover 帆布蓬布162 Capacity Plan 容载度163 Capesize B/C 蓬角B/C164 Capstan 起锚机165 Car Carrier 汽车运输船166 Carbon Air Arc Gouging 一氧化碳气电弧气刨167 Cargo Control Room CCR 卸货控制室168 Cargo Handling System 货物处理系统169 Cargo Oil Pump 货油泵170 Cargo Segregation 货物隔离171 Cargo Space 货物区域172 Carling CARL'G (船的)短纵梁173 Carpenter's Workshop 木工车间174 Cast Iron 铸铁175 Cast Steel 铸钢176 Casting CAST'G 铸造,铸件177 Cathodic Protection 阴极保护178 Catwalk 天桥179 Cause of Defect 缺陷原因180 Caution plate 警告板181 Cavitation 气穴现象182 Center Flange Cent. Flg 中心法兰183 Center Girder 中心梁184 Center Keelson 中心线内龙骨185 Center Line C.L 中心线186 Center of Gravity C.G 重心187 Centrifugal Pump 离心泵188 Ceramic Backing 陶衬189 Certificate Cert. 检查合格证190 Chain Block 手拉葫芦191 Chain Locker C/L, CHAIN LKR 锚链锁192 Chain Pipe 锚链通过的管道193 Chain Stopper 止链器194 Chalk Test 划粉实验195 Chamfer C 倒角196 Chamfering Tool 倒角工具197 Channel CH, H(CH) 槽型钢198 Chart Room 图纸室199 Check Point 检测点200 Check Valve 止回阀201 Checked Plate CHK.PL. 花钢板202 Chemical Cleaning 化学洗涤203 Chemical Tanker 化学制品搬运船204 Chipping Hammer 破石锤205 Christening(naming) Ceremony 命名仪式206 Chronometer 记时计207 Clamp 夹钳208 Class 1 Pipe 一级管209 Class A Fires A级火灾210 Class A-60 Bulkhead A A-60 구역격벽A-60 区域舱壁211 Class Notation 船级代号212 Classification Certificate 船级证书213 Classification Rule 船级规定214 Classification Society 船级协会215 Clear Height 净高216 Clearance 间隙,空隙217 Cleat 夹板218 Client Request Item CRI 船主要求事项219 Clinometer 倾斜仪220 Closed Circuit Television CCTV 闭路电视221 Coaming COAM'G 舱口板222 Cold Galvanizing 冷电镀223 Collar Plate C.PL 加强板/复板224 Collier/Coal Carrier 运煤船225 Companionway 升降口226 Compart m ent 隔舱227 Compatibility 兼容性228 Component Assem bly COMP.ASS'Y 小组装件229 Compressed Air 压缩空气230 Compulsary Item 必要项目231 Condensate Pum p 冷凝泵232 Condenser 冷凝器233 Conning Station 操舵(指挥)位置234 Construction CONST. 建造235 Construction Profile 建筑结构轮廓图236 Consumables 易耗品237 Container Ship 集装箱船238 Control Panel 控制板239 Cooling Fresh Water CFW 冷却淡水240 Coordination 业务调整,相互协调241 Corrective Action Request CAR 对纠正措施的要求242 Corridor 通道, 走廊243 Corrosion Control 防腐方法244 Corrosion Inhibitor 防腐蚀剂245 Corrosion Rate 腐蚀度246 Corrugated Bulkhead CORR.BHD 槽形舱壁247 Cost Insurance and Freight CIF "到岸价(包括货价,运费,保险费)"248 Counter-balance Valve 背压阀, 反平衡阀249 Coupling Bolt 连接器螺栓250 Cowl head Ventilator 帽型通风筒251 Crack 裂纹252 Criteria 基准253 Cross Section 橫截面254 Cross Tie 交叉带255 Crossover Way 交叉通道256 Crude Oil Tanker COT 原油船257 Crude Oil Washing COW 原油清洗258 Cruiser Ship 巡洋舰259 Curing 硬化干燥260 Cutting CUTT'G 切割261 Cutting Drawing 切割图纸262 Cutting Tip 气割嘴263 Cutting Torch 割矩264 D mid (Moulded Depth) 型深265 "D/B W.B.T(Double Bottom Water Ballast Tank)" 双底压载舱266 Daewoo Shipbuilding Quality DSQS 大宇造船舶建造质量标准267 Dangerous Goods 危险货物268 Davit 挂艇架269 Daytime 日间, 白天270 Deadweight Tonnage DWT (总)载重吨271 Decibel Db 分贝(噪音单位)272 Deck DK 甲板273 Deck Below 甲板下部274 Deck Block 甲板块275 Deck Composition 甲板敷料277 Deck Fittings 甲板装置278 Deck Girder 甲板梁279 Deck Longitudinal 甲板纵骨280 Deck Machinery 甲板设备281 Deck Openning 甲板开口处282 Deck Plan 甲板结构图283 Deck Plating 甲板284 Deck Store 物料间285 Deck Under 甲板下部286 Deck Water Seal 甲板水封287 Deckhouse 甲板室,上层建筑288 Deep Tank 深舱289 Defect 缺陷290 Definition 定义291 Deflection Plate 反射板292 Deformation 变形293 Degreasing 脱脂294 Dehumidifier 除湿器295 Delete 刪除, 取消296 Delivery Lead Time 交货需要时间297 Depart ment of Trade DOT 贸易部298 Derrick Post 起重机柱299 De-rusting 去锈300 Design Load 设计载荷301 Design Load Water Line DLWL 设计满载吃水线302 Detail DET. 详细,节点303 Detail Design 详细设计304 Detailed Assembly procedure DAP 详细装配工艺305 Detector 探测器,检测机306 Deutsche Industrie Normen DIN 德国工业标准307 Deviation 偏差308 Dew Point D.P [气,雾]露点309 Diagonal Line 对角线310 Diameter DIA 直径311 Diaphragm DIAPH. 橫膈膜312 Diesel Generator D.G 柴油发电机313 Diesel Oil DO 柴油314 Disassemble 分解315 Distribution 分散316 Dock Trial 系泊试车317 Double Bevel 双斜面318 Double Bottom D/B, D.BTM 双层底319 Double Continuous Fillet Welding D.C.F.W 双面连续角焊320 Double Fillet Weld 两面填角焊321 Double Hull 双船体322 Double Skin Construction 双船体构造323 Doubling plate/Doubler D/PL. 甲板,双层板/复板324 Down-Hand welding 俯(平)焊325 Draft Gauge 压差式风压计326 Draft Marks 吃水标志327 Drain Hole D/H 排水孔328 Drain System 排水系统329 Drain Trap 放泄弯330 Dresser Coupling 带盘根套筒331 Driptray 接油(水)盘332 Dry Film Thickness DFT 干镀膜的厚度333 Drydocking 干船坞334 Duct Keel 箱子型龙骨335 Dummy 虚拟的336 Duration 为期337 Dust Collector 集尘器338 Each EA 每个,个数339 Earth Connection 接地340 Echo Sounder 回声探测仪341 Edge Welding 边缘焊接342 Effective Throat 有效喉道截面343 Efficiency 效率344 Electric Cable Pipe ECP 电缆管345 Electric Load Analysis 电器负荷分析346 Electric Resistance Welding ERW 电阻焊接347 Electro Gas Welding EGW 电气焊348 Electrode Holder 电焊钳349 Electro-Hydraulic System 电动液压系统350 Electrostatic Hazard 静电危险351 Elevation ELEV. 正面图352 Elevator 升降机,电梯353 Embarkation Light 乘船灯354 Emergency Door 太平门,紧急出口355 Emergency Escape Trunk 紧急逃生通道356 Emergency Exit 太平门,紧急出口357 Emergency Fire Pump 应急消防泵358 Emergency Power Supply 应急电源359 Enclosed Space 封闭区域360 Engine Control Console 机控台361 Engine Control Room ECR 机控室362 Engine Room Arr't E/Rm Arr't 轮机舱布置图363 Engine Room Bulkhead E/R BHD 轮机室舱壁364 Ensign Staff 船尾旗杆365 Equipment List 设备目录366 Equipment Number 设备数367 Erection EREC.(E) 合拢368 Erection Schedule 合拢计划369 Even Keel 平板龙骨370 Exhaust m anifold 排气集管371 Exhaust Valve 排气阀372 Expanded m etal 多孔(拉制)金属网373 Expansion EXPAN , EXP. 展开374 Expansion Joint 膨胀节375 Expansion Tank 膨胀柜376 Explosion-Proof Lamp 防爆灯377 Explosive At m osphere 爆炸危险区域378 Exposed Deck 露天甲板379 Extension Loop 伸缩弯380 Extension Rod 伸缩尺,伸长杆381 Extra Work 额外工作382 Eye Plate 眼板383 Fabrication Fab. 制作,加工384 Fabrication Shop 加工车间385 Face Flat F/F 面板386 Fairing(up) 流线型/整形387 Fairlead 导缆孔388 Fairleader 导缆孔389 False Bottom FALSE BTM. 活(假)底390 Fashion Plate FASHION PL. (钢板)组成船首材板391 Fatigue Analysis 疲劳分析392 Fender 护舷393 Fiber Glass 玻璃纤维394 Fiber Reinforced Plastics FRP "玻璃纤维增强塑料,玻璃钢"395 Fillet Welding 角焊396 Fin Stabilizer 减摇鳍397 Final Drawing 最终图纸398 Finish Paint 最后喷漆399 Finite Elem ent Mothod FEM 有限要素法400 Fire Control Station 消防站401 Fire Damper 防火风闸402 Fire Extinguisher 灭火器403 Fire hose Box 消防水龙管箱404 Firemain Line 消防用管路405 Fit and Weld 铆焊406 Fit-up 组装407 Fix Jig 固定夹具408 Fixture 固定设备409 Flam e Screen 火焰掩蔽物410 Flat Bar F.B 扁钢411 Flatness 平面度,扁平度412 Flexible Hose 软管,挠性管413 Flexible mounting 软安装414 Float Valve 浮阀415 Floating Dock 浮船坞416 Flood Light 泛光灯,探照灯417 Flooding Test 浸水试验418 Floor 肋板419 Floor Plate 地板,肋板420 Flow Chart 流程图421 Flue Gas 烟气,废气422 Flushing 冲洗423 Flux 熔剂424 Flux Cored Arc Welding FCAW 熔芯弧焊(CO2焊接) 425 Foam Fire Extinguisher 泡沫灭火器426 Foam Monitor 泡沫喷射装置427 Foot Valve 底(背压)阀/脚踩阀428 Fore Construction 船头构造图429 Fore Perpendicular F.P 艏垂线430 Forebody 船前身431 Forecastle Deck F'CLE DK 艏楼甲板432 Forem ast 前桅433 Forepeak Tank 船首尖舱434 Forged Steel 锻造钢435 Forklift Truck 叉车436 Forward FWD 向船头方向437 Foundation FDN 底落438 Fram e FR. 骨架,肋骨439 Fram e Space F.S 肋骨间距440 Free of Charge 免费441 Free On-Board FOB 离岸价格442 Freefall Lifeboat 自由下落式救生艇443 Fuel Oil Tank 燃油舱444 Full Penetration F.P 全焊透445 Funnel 烟道446 Funnel Mark 烟道标志447 Furniture 家具448 Galley 厨房449 Galvanizing GALV. 镀锌,电镀450 Gangway 舷梯451 Gantry Crane 龙门吊,龙门起重机452 Gas Cutting 气割453 Gas Detection System 气体探测系统454 Gas Metal Arc Welding GMAW 气体金属弧焊455 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding GTAW 气体钨弧焊456 Gasket 垫圈457 Gastight Bulkhead 气密舱壁458 Gate Valve 闸阀459 general Arrangement G/A 总布置图460 General Cargo Ship 一般货船461 General Outfitting 一般舾装462 General Stock Item GSI 一般库存资材463 Girder GIR. 梁,槽钢/珩材464 Glass Reinforced Plastics GRP 玻璃钢465 Glass Wool 玻璃丝466 "Global maritime Distressand Safety System" GMDSS 全球海上遇险安全系统467 Global Positioning System GPS 全球定位系统468 Globe Valve 截止阀469 Goliath Crane 重型龙门起重机470 Gooseneck Ventilator 鹅颈式通风筒471 Gouging 气刨,表面切割472 Grade 等级473 Grand Assembly 主要装配474 Grating 格柵,柵极475 Gravity Arc Welding 重力式弧焊476 Gravity Tank (Head Tank) 重力罐477 Grease Nipple 注油嘴478 Grid 格子479 Grinding GRIND'G.(G) 打磨480 Gross Tonnage GT 总吨数481 Guard Rail 保护栏杆482 Guide Piece 定位片483 Gunwale 船舷上缘484 Gutter Bar 围板,挡板485 Gutter Pipe 排水管486 Gyrocompass 陀螺罗经487 Half Round Bar H.R.B 半圆钢488 Hand Grip H/G, HA, Ha 把手489 Handrail 栏杆490 Handysize B/C 便利B/C (5万吨以下的B/C)491 Hatch 舱口492 Hatch Coaming 舱口拦板(边材)493 "Hatch Cover(Folding/Side Rolling/Pontoon)" "舱口盖(折叠/卷边/浮桥)"494 Hatch End Beam 舱口端梁495 Hawse pipe 锚链管496 H-Beam (H) “H” 钢497 Headroom 头上空间/吊钩净高498 Heat Resistant Paint 耐热漆499 Heat Treatm ent 热处理500 Heating Coil 加热盘管501 Heating Torch 切割器,焊炬502 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning HVAC 通风及空调503 Heavy Fuel Oil HFO 重燃油504 Hexagon Head Bolt 六角头螺栓505 Hexagon Wrench 六角扳手506 High Stress Zone 高应力部位507 High Tem p. Cooling Water Syestem H.T.C.W System 高温冷却水系统508 High Tensile Steel 高张力钢509 hinge 铰链510 Hogging(ref: Sagging) 弯度,挠度511 Hold 货舱512 Hold Frame 舱内肋骨513 Holding-Down Bolt 压紧螺栓514 Holiday 油漆漏掉部分515 Hopper Tank 舱底污水储藏边仓516 Horizontal HORI. 水平517 Horizontal Girder 水平梁518 Horizontal Stiffener 水平防摇材519 Horizontal(Position) Welding 水平焊接520 Hull Block Construction Method HBCM 船体分段建造法521 Hull Block Painting 整块上漆522 Hull Construction 船体构造523 Hull Form Coefficient 船型系数524 Hull Fouling 船体污损525 Hull Opening 船体开口526 Hull Outfit 船体装备527 Hull Parts List 船体附件表528 Hull Piping 船体管道系统529 Hull Preservation 船体保存530 Hull Steel 船体钢材531 Hull Strength 船体强度532 Hull Weight 船体重量533 Humidity Control 湿度控制534 Hydrant Valve 消防栓535 Hydraulic Jack 液压千斤顶536 Hydraulic Lift(Cherrypicker) 液压起重机537 Hydraulic Oil 液压油538 Hydraulic Power Pack 液压动力装置539 Hydrostatic Test 水压实验540 Hygrometer 湿度计541 I- Beam(I) “I” 钢542 Ice Breaker 破冰船543 Identical 同样的544 Immersion Suit 救生服545 Immersion Tim e 图漆后注水可能时间546 Impact Load 冲击荷重547 Impact Wrench 套筒扳手548 Impeller 叶轮,转子549 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection ICCP 外加电源阴极保护550 Inboard 舷内的551 Incinerator 焚烧炉552 Indicating Lamp 指示灯553 Indicator 指示器,指示剂554 Inert Gas Generator IG 惰性气体发生器555 Inflammable Life Raft 膨胀式救生阀556 Injector 喷射器557 Inorganic Zinc Silicate 无机硅酸锌558 Insert Block 嵌入块559 Insert Plate INSERT PL. 嵌入板560 Inspection INSP. 检查561 Installation Drawing 安装图562 Installation Manual 安装手册563 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEEE "电气与电子工程师协会"564 Instruction Manual 安装指导说明书565 Interlock 互锁,连锁566 Intermittent Chain Welding 间断链焊567 Intermittent Staggered Welding 间歇交错焊接568 Internal Diameter ID 内径569 International Association of Classification Socities IACS 国际船级联合会570 International Electrotechnical Commision IEC 国际电工委员会571 International Gas Code IGC 国际气体编码572 International Labor Organization ILO 国际劳工组织573 International Load Line Convention ILLC 国际满载吃水线条约574 International Maritime Organization IMO 国际海事机构575 "International MaritimeDangerous Goods Code" IMDG "国际海上危险物运送规定,IMDG编号"576 "International MaritimePilots' Association" IMPA 国际船社协会577 "International Regulations forPreventing Collisions at Sea" COLREG 为防止海上冲突而定的国际协定578 "International StandardizationOrganization" ISO 国际标准化组织579 Intersection of Welding 交叉焊接580 Intrinsic Safety Barrier IS 本质安全隔离板581 Invar 不胀钢582 Inventory 详细目录583 Inverted Angle I.A. 逆角钢584 Jack Bolt 定位螺栓585 Jack Staff 旗杆586 Japanese Industrial Standard JIS 日本工业标准587 Jib Crane 悬臂起重机588 Jigs 焊机589 Jigs and Fixure 焊机及固定器具590 Joint Length 接头长度591 Jumping Stopper 止跳塞592 Junction Box JB 接线盒593 Just In Tim e JIT 及时供给594 Keel 龙骨595 Keel Block 底座,龙骨墩596 Keel Laying K/L 龙骨铺设597 Keel Laying Block 最初的龙骨装配块598 Keel Line 龙骨线599 Keel Plate 龙骨板600 Key Plan 索引图,总图601 Kingpost 主梁602 knuckle 肘节,转向节603 Knuckle Line K.L 折弯线,两个不同平面的交叉线604 Knuckle Point K.P 折弯点,两个不同线的交叉点605 Korea Register of Shipping KR 韩国船级协会606 Korean Industrial Standard KS 韩国标准工业规格607 Lamination 叠层608 Lap Joint 搭接处609 Lap Welding 搭焊,叠式焊接610 Lapping 搭接,重叠611 Lashing Wire 捆索612 Launching L/C (船)下水613 Lavatory 卫生间614 Lead Tim e 研制周期615 Leak Test 泄漏试验/密性试验616 Leg Length 焊角长度617 Length Between Perpendiculars LBP 垂线间长618 Length Overail LOA 全长619 Lever Block 操纵杆部件620 Life Buoy 救生圈621 Lifeboat 救生艇622 Lifesaving Equipment 救生装备623 Lift 升降机,升力624 Lifting Beam LIFT'G BEAM 起重横梁625 Lifting Lug LIFT'G LUG (起重)吊(挂)耳626 Light Welding 轻焊接627 Lightening Hole L/H 减(轻)重(量)孔628 Limit Switch 限位开关629 Line Heating 带钢加热630 Lines 型线图631 Liquid Penetrant Test PT 渗液探伤试验632 Liquified Gas 液化气633 Liquified Natural Gas LNG 液化天然气634 Liquified Petroleum Gas LPG 液化石油气635 List 目录,目次636 Living Quarters 居住舱637 Living Sqace 生存空间/可居住面积638 Load Line Marks 载重线标志639 Load Water Line 载重水线640 Longitudinal LONG. 纵向641 Longitudinal Bulkhead LONG.BHD 纵舱壁642 Longitudinal Space L.S 纵向间隔643 Longitudinal Strength 纵向强度644 Looking LOOK'G 观察方向645 Looking After 向船尾方向看646 Looking Forward 向船头方向看647 Loss 损失648 Louver 天窗,通气缝649 Lub. Oil Storage Tank L.O Stor. Tk 润滑油貯存舱650 Lubricating Oil LO 润滑油651 Lubricating Oil Pipe L.O Pipe 润滑油管652 Lubricator 注油器653 Luffing Cylinder 上下摆动汽缸654 M/V(Motor Vessel) 内燃机船655 Machinery Space 机器处所656 Magnetic Particale Inspection MPI 磁粉探伤检验657 Main Control Console 主控制盘658 Main Deck MAIN DK 主甲板659 Main Dimensions 主尺度660 Main Plate 主板661 Maintenance and Supply 维护及供给662 Maintenance Hatch 维护用开口663 Maker Drawing 制造者提供的图纸664 Man hole M/H 人孔665 Man hole Cover M/H COVER 人孔盖666 Manifold 歧管,总导管667 Manufacture Drawing 制作图纸668 Margin Plate 内底边板669 Marking MK 标记670 "MARPOL(The Prevention ofMarine Pollution from Ships" MARPOL 海洋污染防止协约671 Masking Tape 遮蔽胶带(涂色时防止污损)672 Master Schedule 主要日程计划/设计任务书673 Material Deficiency Report 资材缺陷报告674 Material handling 资材处理675 Material List 资材清单676 Material Preparation 资材准备677 Material Procurement 资材购买678 Material Specification 资材规格说明书679 Material Stowage and Issuing Plan 资材储存/支出计划680 Maximum MAX. 最大681 Maximum Continuous Rating MCR 最大持续功率682 Metacentric Height GM 稳心高度683 Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding MIG 金属揷入气弧焊684 Midship 船中685 Midship Section 舯横剖面686 Midship Section Coefficient 中横剖面系数687 midships 船舯部688 Minimu m MIN. 最少689 Mock-Up (1:1的)模型(和实物等大的模型)690 Model Test 模型实验691 Mooring Arr't 停泊装置692 Mooring Trial 系泊试验693 Mooring Winch 系留绞盘694 Moulded line ML. 型线695 Movable Ramp 移动用斜板696 Mushroom Ventilator 菌型通风机697 Muster List 集合表698 Nameplate 铭牌699 Nautical Instrument 航海器械700 Navigation Bridge Deck NAV.BRI.DK 驾驶甲板701 Navigation Equipment 导航设备702 NC Machine 数字控制机械703 Needle Valve 针阀704 Network 网络,计划工程表705 Nitril Butadiene Rubber NBR 腈基丁二烯橡胶706 Nominal Diameter N.D 公称直径707 Nominal Size 公称尺寸708 NON WATER TIGHT BULKHEAD N.W.T.BHD 非水密舱壁709 Nondestructive Test NDT 无损探伤710 Nonferrous Metal 非铁(有色)金属711 Non-Return Valve 止回阀712 Nonslip 防滑713 Non-Sparking Tool 防爆工具714 Normal Condition 常态715 Normal Duration 正常需要时间716 Normal Working Hours 正常工作时间717 Norweian maritime Directorate NMD 挪威海运局718 Number of Coats 涂装次数719 Numerical Control N/C 数字控制720 Official Sea Trial 官方试航721 Offsets 型值表722 Oil Coaming 防漏油舱口围板723 "Oil Companies'International Maritime Forum" OCMIF 石油公司国际海事论坛724 "Oil Discharge MonitoringEquipment" ODME 排油检测装置725 Oil Seal 油封726 Oiltight Bulkhead 油密舱壁727 Oily Water Separator 油水分离器728 On the Job Training 工作培训729 On-block Outfitting 分段舾装730 On-Board 船上,船内,甲板上731 On-Board Outfitting 船上舾装732 Onboard Test 船上实验733 ON-Board Test Procedure 船上实验指导书734 On-ceiling Outfitting 上部(天花板)舾装735 One-sided Welding 单面焊接736 On-floor Outfitting 地板舾装737 ONLY 仅738 On-unit Outfitting 单元舾装739 Open Grating 格子模样的柵栏740 Open Space (Blue Sky) Fitting 露天安装741 Opening OPEN'G 开口742 Operating manual 操作说明书743 Operation Process Chart 运转工程图表744 Optical Fiber Cable 光缆745 Optimum Design 最佳设计746 Ordinary Frame 普通肋骨747 Ore Carrier 矿石运搬船748 Ore-Bulk-Oil Carrier OBO 矿油兼用船749 Outboard 船外侧750 Outdoor piping 室外管道系统751 Outfit Planning 舾装作业计划752 Outfitting OUTFIT. 舾装作业753 Outfitting 舾装作业754 Outfitting Quay 舾装码头755 Outfitting Scheduling System 舾装日程计划体系756 Outfitting Zone 舾装区域757 Outreach 舷外跨距758 Outside Diameter OD 外径759 Overboard Discharge 舷侧排水孔760 Overflow Pipe 溢流管761 Overhaul 大检(拆)修762 Overhaul inspection 检查763 Overhead (Position) Welding 仰焊764 Overhead Travelling Crane 桥式起重机765 Overheating 过热766 Overlap 重叠767 Overtime 超时768 Overweight 超载,超重769 Owner Furnished Equipment OFE 船东提供装备770 Owner's Approval Comment 船东认可意见771 Owner's Inspector 船东检查员772 Oxidation 氧化773 Pad 垫片,焊接区774 PAD Plate PAD PL. 垫板775 Padlock 挂锁,扣锁776 Paint Dipping 浸渍涂色777 Pallet 板台,W/P资材778 Pallet Material List PML 集装资材目录779 Panam ax B/C 7万吨B/C780 Panel Line 平面板线781 Part Assembly 部件装配782 Part Number P/N 零(部)件号783 Partial Penetration P.P 部分焊透784 Passageway 通道785 Passenger Ship 客船786 Pedestal 軸承座,軸架787 Peel Off 剝離788 Pending 未決,保留789 Penetration Piece 贯通件790 Perforated Flat Deck PERF.FLAT DK 开口甲板791 Perforated Plate 多孔板792 Perpendicular 垂线793 Pferd Starke PS 马力794 Pillar P 支柱795 Pilot Ladder 领航员梯796 Pinhole 针孔797 Pipe Hole P/H 配管孔798 Pipe Schedule Pipe Sch 配管计划799 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram P&ID 管道及设备安装图纸800 Piping Diagram 管系图表801 Pitching 纵摇802 Plan 平面图803 Plan Approval 图纸认可804 Plan View 平面图805 Plan-Do-Check-Act Approach PDCA 計划/實施/檢査/措施的循環方式806 Planning and Scheduling 计划调度807 Plate PL. 钢板808 Platform Deck PLATM.DK 平台甲板809 Plim soll's Line 载重线810 Polyethylene Coating 聚乙烯覆盖811 Polyurethane 聚胺脂812 Poop Deck POOP DK 艉楼甲板813 Porosity 多孔性814 Port P 左舷815 Port of Registry 船籍港816 Port Side 左弦,左侧817 Portable Tank 便携式水箱818 Post-Panam ax 超巴拿马819 Pounds per Square Inch PSI 压力单位820 Pour Point 流动点821 Power Brushing P/B 动力工具使用前处理822 Power Factor 功率系数823 Power Panel 功率仪表板824 Pre-Erection P.E 分段装配,分段建造825 Preheating 预热826 Preoutfitting 预舾装827 Preservation Design 防蚀设计828 Pressure Tank 压力舱829 Preventive Maintenance PM 预防维护830 Principal Dimension 主尺度831 Process Analysis 工程分析832 Process Chart 流程图833 Process Control 流程管理834 Process Flow 工艺流程图835 Process Planning 工程计划836 Procurement Information 购买信息837 Producion Engineering 生产技术838 Producion Planning 生产计划839 Production Control 生产管理840 Production Drawing 生产图纸841 Production Need Date PND 生产需要日842 Production Technology 生产技术843 Productive Tim e 生产时间844 Productivity Cntrol Group PCG 生産力管理單位845 "Program Evaluation andReview Technique" PERT 工程计划评定和管理技术,统筹规划法846 Programmable Logic Controller PLC 程序逻辑控制器847 Protection Zinc 镀锌保护848 Prototype 原型,样机,样品849 Provision Crane 食品吊850 Purchase Order PO 资材购买定单851 Purchase Order Request POR 定货单要求852 Purifier 清洗器,净化器853 P-V(Pressure-Vacuum) Valve 压力/真空阀854 Qualification Test "(质量)鉴定实验,合格实验"855 Quality and Inspection Standards for Ships painting QISSP 船体涂装质量及检查标准856 Quality Control Q.C 质量控制857 Quality Control and Inspection 质量管理及检查858 Quality Deficiency Report 质量缺陷报告书859 Quality Standard 质量标准860 Quantity Q'ty 数量861 Radar Mast 雷达桅杆862 Radiator 辐射板,散热器863 Radio Room 无线电室864 Radiographic Test RT 放射线探伤试验865 Radius R 半径866 Radius End R.E 半径末端867 Rail Gate 栏杆中间的门868 Raw Material 原材料869 Reach -rod 拉杆870 Receptacle 储槽,揷座871 Re-Coating Interval 再涂装(时间)间隔872 Reefer Vessel 冷藏船873 Reference Ref. 参考874 Reference Drawing 参考图纸875 Reference Plane 基准面876 Reference Point 基准点877 Regulation 规定878 Reinforcem ent 加强,补强879 Relative humidity 相对湿度880 Relief Valve 安全阀881 Remnant Control 剩余材料管理882 Remote Control 遥控883 Remote Indication 遥示器884 Remote Operated Valve 遥控阀885 Repair of Defect 缺陷修理886 Repair Welding 补焊887 Rescue Boat 救生艇888 Research and Development R&D 研究开发889 Resin Chock 环氧树脂垫片890 Review of Drawing 图纸审评891 Revision Rev. 改正,修订892 Revolutions per minute RPM 每分走刀转数893 Rework 重做894 Rigging 缆具,索具895 Rolling 横摇896 Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship RO/RO Ship 汽车运输船897 Root Gap 根部间隙,焊缝根部面积898 Root Valve 分支阀899 Rope Guard 防绳罩900 Rose Box 舱底水过滤箱901 Round Bar R.B 圆钢902 Rubber Coating 橡胶涂层903 Rudder Angle Indicator 舵角指示器904 Rudder Stock 舵杆905 Rudder Trunk R/T 舵杆筒906 Rust-proof Oil 防锈油907 Sacrificial Anode 防蚀阳极908 Safe Load 安全载荷909 Safe working load SWL 安全工作载荷910 Safety Cage,Safety Hoop 安全环911 Safety Device 安全装置912 Safety Goggles 保护眼镜913 Safety Guard 保护围栏914 Safety of Life at Sea Convention SOLAS 国际海上人命安全公约915 Safety Stock 安全储备916 Safety Valve 安全阀917 Sagging (Ref. Hogging) 中垂(中拱)918 Sagging and Running 着色的凹凸及流动919 Salinity 盐分920 Scaffold Erecting 安装脚手架921 Scaffold Plank 脚手架922 Scaffold Rem oval 脚手架拆卸923 Scaffolding Support 按脚手架时用的支架924 Scale 尺度,刻度,比例925 Scallop 排水孔926 Scantling Draft 结构吃水927 Scantlings 构件尺寸,尺寸928 Scheduling 日程计划929 Scheduling and Control 日程计划及管理930 Schem atic Piping Diagram 管道安装系统图931 Scope 适用范围932 Scope of Work 作业范围933 Screw Down Non-Return Valve SDNR 螺旋型单向阀934 Screw Pum p 螺杆泵935 Scupper Pipe 排水管936 Sea Chest S/C 海底阀箱937 Seal Weld 密封焊缝938 Seamless Pipe SMLS 无缝管939 Section SEC. 截面图940 Section Modulus 剖面模数941 Sediment Davit 沉淀池用吊柱942 See berufasgenossenshaft SBG 德国船舶安全事项检查机关943 Segregation 分离944 Self Closing Valve 自闭阀945 Self Polishing Copolymer SPC 自抛光涂料946 Semi-submersible Drilling Rig 半潜式钻探设备947 Separator 分离器948 Sequence of Welding 焊接顺序949 Sewage Treatm ent Plant 污水处理装置950 Shackle 锚链节.卸扣951 Shaft Withdrawal Plan 船尾轴回收方案952 Shearing Force 剪应力953 Sheer 舷弧954 Sheer Strake 舷侧列板955 Shell Expansion Plan 外板展开图956 Shell Plating 列板957 Shielded Metal Arc Welding SMAW 电弧焊958 Shim Plate 垫板959 Ship m aneuverability 船舶操纵性960 Ship Repair yard 修船厂961 Ship type 船型962 Shipbuilders Council of Am erica SCA 美国造船业协会963 Shipbuilding 造船964 Shipowner 船东965 Shipside Valve 船舷阀966 Shipyard 造船厂967 Shop Primer 保护低漆968 Shop Test 车间试验969 Shore Connection 通岸接头970 Short-Circuit Test 短路实验971 Shot Blasting 喷丸处理972 Shot(of Chain) 锚链节973 Shut-Down 紧急停机974 Side Girder 旁底桁975 Side Longitudinal 舷侧纵骨976 Side Openning 舷侧开口977 Side Ramp 舷侧跳板978 Side Scuttle/Porthodle /Portlight 舷窗979 Side Shell S.S, S.SHELL 舷侧列板980 Sight Glass 观察(窥视)孔981 Silencer 消音器982 Silver Brazing Coupling 银铜焊联轴器983 Simulation 模拟实验984 Single Point Mooring SPM 单点系泊系统985 Sistership (按同一设计图纸建造的)姊妹船986 Skeg 呆木,尾鳍987 Skid Plate 滑板988 Slag Inclusion 夹渣989 Slamming 拍动,砰击990 Sleeve Joint 套筒接头991 Slop Tank 废油舱992 Slope 倾斜993 Slot Hole 孔洞994 Slot Weld 槽焊。
Vocabulary on Power Generation(Thermal Power Plant)火电厂常用专业词汇(本人根据白身工作经验总结、归纳,希望对您有所帮助)1. stop valve/non-return valve(NRV)/check valve 截止阀;逆止阀,单向阀2. reverse valve 倒流阀3. cylinder holding 闷缸4. (cylinder)heat soaking 暖缸5. boiler hot boxup 闷炉6. boiler warm-up 暖炉7. axial thrust/stress 轴向推力8. axial shift/displacement 车由向位移9. radial displacement 径向位移10. emergency stop valve(ESV) 危急遮断阀11. steam lead pipe 导汽管12. valve body/casing 阀体,阀壳13. synchronization (with power grid) 并网14. inlet shut-off valve 进油关断阀15. flame scanner/detector 火检16. scanner fan 火检风机17. BCP: Boiler Circulation Pump 炉水循环泵18. slag remover 除渣机19. slag conveyor 捞渣机20. rotary vane feeder(RVF) 螺旋输送机(除灰站)21. ECS electric control system 电气控制系统22. ETS: emergency trip system 汽机紧急跳闸系统23. hydraulic station 液压油站24. vent/ventilation valve(V.V) 排气阀、通风阀25. ESP : Electro-Static Precipitator 静电除尘器;电除尘26. dedust transformer 电除尘变27. control valve 调阀、调门28. pilot/slide valve 滑阀29. steam header 集汽联箱30. water filling (锅炉等)上水31. bearing pillow 瓦枕32. bush 轴瓦33. forward/positive reverse/negative thrust bearing 正/负向推力轴承(瓦块)34. atmospheric/top relief valve 对空排气阀35. exhaust(gas) fan, oil vapor exhaust fan OVEF 排烟风机36. operating transformer/O.X/OPER._.FMR 工作边37. FGD: Flue Gas Desulphurization(desulfurize/ desulphurize) 烟气脱硫38. anion 阴离子39. cation 阳离子40. anion/cation bed/exchanger 阴、阳离子交换器;阴床、阳床 41. cathode 阴极 42. anode 阳极 43. cathode axis阴极磁轴44. caustic/acid storage tank 碱储存罐,酸储存罐 45. resin dosing hopper 树月旨加装斗46. CRT, cation resin regeneration tank and water storage tank阳塔,阴(树脂)再生罐兼储水罐 ART, anion resin regeneration tank 阴塔,阴(树脂)再生罐SPT, resin separation tank (树脂再生)分离塔47. MEH: micro-hydraulic control 微机电液控制48. TSI: turbine supervision instrument 汽机监视仪表49. chemical dosing 化学加药50. back wash 反洗51. AGC: Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控制Automatic Generation Control自动发电控制(一般取此义)52. ATC: Automatic Turbine Startup or Shutdown Control System汽机自启停系统53. BPS: Bypass Control System 旁路控制系统 54. CCS: Coordination Control System 单元机组协调控制系统 55. DAS : Data Acquisition System 数据采集系统56. DCS: Distributed Control System 分散控制系统57. DEH: Digital Electro-Hydraulic Control (汽机)数字电液控制系统 58. ETS: Emergency Trip System (汽机)事故跳闸系统59. FSSS: Furnace Safety Supervisory System 锅炉炉膛安全监控系统 60. MCS: Modulation Control System 模拟量控制系统61. MFT: Master Fuel Trip 主燃料跳闸 62. OFT: Oil Fuel Trip油燃料跳闸63. OPC: Over-Speed Control(汽机)超速保护控制64. SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition 65. SCS: Sequence Control System 顺序控制系统66. TSI: Turbine Supervisory Instrument67. jacking oil pump 顶轴油泵68. OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer 69. installed capacity 装机容量70. thermal stress 热应力71. main valve of desuperheating/spray water72. TD-BFP/MD-BFP: Turbine-Driven/Motor-Driven Boiler Feedwater Pump汽动给水泵、汽泵;电动给水泵、电泵73. emergency governor 危急保安器 74. auxiliary power system 厂用 电系统 75. PCV: pressure control valve 压力控制阀 76. MCC: motor control center 电机控制中心77. walkie-talkie对讲机;步话机监控与数据采集系统(汽机)监视仪表 设备原产商;厂代、工代减温水总门78. mis-operation 误操作79. shift-in-charge/shift chief-operator 值长80. SCE: shift chief engineer 当值总工程师81. meet/satisfy a condition 满足条件82. supervisor 运行监护人员83. field operator 巡操84. operation/operating floor 运转层85. operation log 运行日志86. force(certain value) 强制(某个数值,如温度、压力等)87. take/put into/in service/operation 投运、投用88. reading (仪表等的)读数89. signal is extended/connected to DCS 信号传至DCS90. work permit/permit to work 工作票91. operation checklist 操作票92. bearing burnt-out 轴承烧坏93. emulsion 乳化94. anti-emulsification time 破乳化时间95. servo valve/motor 伺服阀;伺服电机96. hydraulic servomotor; oil relay 油动机97. HP/LP bypass 高压旁路、低压旁路98. PAC临时完工证书99. EPC: engineering-procurement-c onstruction "设计-采购-安装"总承包工程100. defect maintenance/rectification i ; rectifying defect/remove 101. attend 处理故障、缺陷等102. defect register 缺陷登记/统计103. periodic maintenance 定期维修104. preventive maintenance(PM) 预防性维修105. coupling/coupler 联车由器,耦合器106. hydraulic coupler 液耦107. speed reducer 减速器108. dismantle 拆除109. install, installation; erect, erection 安装110. boxup在印度TPCIL常用来表示某项工作已经完成,封闭111. operator console 控制台112. AHP: ash handling plant 除灰站,输灰站113. GIS: gas insulated switchgear 气体绝缘开关设备;升压站114. CHP: coal handling plant 输煤站115. WTP water treatment plant 制水站116. rubber ball circulating pump 胶球(再循环)泵117. ball cleaning system; condenser online tube cleaning system清洗系统消缺118. ball screen 收球网119. ball collector 收球器120. condenser online tube leakage system 凝汽器检漏系统凝汽器胶球121. clarifying basin 澄清池122. settled water 澄清水123. blow-down flash tank 排污扩容器124. condensate extraction pump(CEP) 凝结水泵,凝泵125. VFD: Variable-Frequency Drive 变频器126. valve opening 阀门开度127. (water)intake pipe 进水管128. skilled worker 熟练工人;技工129. inter-lock/open/close 联锁、开、关130. Interlock protection 联锁保护131. air/steam supply 气源,汽源132. power(supply) 电源,供电133. grease n. 油脂;润滑脂v.给........ 上油脂134. calcium complex grease 复合钙基脂135. operating mode 运行方式136. screw pump 螺旋泵137. oil return 回油138. ash/oil deposits/accumulation 积灰;积油139. gland steam condenser 轴封加热器140. ash hopper heater 灰斗加热器141. collecting electrode rapping mechanism(CERM) 阳极振打装置142. emitting electrode rapping mechanism (EERM) 阴极振打装置143. booster pump 前置泵;增压泵144. minimum flow valve 最小流量控制阀145. drain flash tank 疏水扩容器146. vacuum pulling 抽真空147. valve block 阀组148. valve seat 阀座149. valve stem 阀杆150. valve wide open condition(VWO) (condition) 阀门全开工况151. valve packing 阀门盘根152. valve travel 阀门行程153. governing/control stage 调节级154. primary/final reheater; CRH/HRH 冷再;热再155. rolling(up) 冲转156. swinging value 晃动值157. eccentricity 偏心率,晃动度158. vibration amplitude 振动值159. high vibration 振动大160. differential expansion 胀差161. cylinder expansion 缸胀162. MSP (汽机)启动油泵163. EOP (汽机)事故油泵164. TOP (汽机)辅助润滑油泵165. motor-operated valve(MOV)电动阀,电动门166. increased/decreased load ratio 升/降负荷率167. loading rate 升负荷速度,升荷率168. pressure rise; raise/increase pressure 升压169. runup rate 升速率170. speed up/accelerate 升速171. run up (RU ; run down(RD)升负荷;降负荷172. fast cut back ( FCB 快速切负荷173. run back (RB快速减负荷174. block increase/decrease 闭锁增BI;闭锁减BD175. idle running 惰走,空转176. carbon brush 碳刷177. latch (汽机手动)打闸(停机),挂闸178. full speed 全速179. tightness/leakage test 严密性试验180. worm wheel 涡轮181. neutral earthing/ground neutral system 中性点接地系统182. grounding switch; earthing blade 接地刀闸183. auto quasi-synchronization 自动准同期184. AVR: automatic voltage regulator 自动电压调节器185. raising voltage from zero 零起升压(试验)186. no-load 空载187. negative phase sequence 负(相)序188. temperature rise test 温升试验189. water discharge pipe/pump 排水管/ 泵190. superheat degree 过热度191. AVT: all volatile treatment 全挥发性处理192. NWT: neutral water treatment 中性处理193. CWT: combined water treatment 综合处理194. sliding pressure 滑压195. self-sealing 自密封196. vacuum leakage test真空严密性试验197. permissible/allowable error 允许误差198. deviation 误差,偏差199. tolerance 公差200. cleanrance 间隙201. standard deviation STDV 标准差202. hysterisis error 回程误差203. discontinuous running 间断运行204. hydraulic shock 水击205. auxiliary steam header/tank 辅汽联箱206. isolate/isolating valve 隔离阀207. be below standard; unqualified 不合格208. television camera of furnace flame 炉膛火焰电视摄像头209. flue gas duct 烟道210. air duct 风道211. slagging, slag 结焦212. fouling 结垢213. clinker; slag 结渣214. clinker grinder 碎渣机215. feed gate 排渣门216. closed-circuit television(CCTV) 闭路电视217. 交流电AC火线live,红色R;零线neutral ,蓝色B;接地线earthing,黄色Y或绿色直流电DC 正极positive + 红色线;负极negative - 黑色线218. Boiler Feedwater Pump Turbine(BFPT)219. screwdriver 螺丝刀,起子;slot type screwdriver 一字/平口螺丝刀;Philips/cross screwdriver 十字螺丝刀220. screw 螺丝221. screw rod 螺杆222. bolts and nuts 螺栓螺帽223. pincers;vise, vice 老虎钳224. wrench 扳手225. anti-static 防静电226. megger摇表,兆欧表227. meggering 绝缘测量228. redundancy 冗余229. banking fire 锅炉压火230. full arc admission 全周进汽231. welding seam 焊缝232. coagulant凝聚剂,混凝剂233. target load 目标负荷234. enthalpy 粉,音含;物理学上指单位质量的物质所含的全部热能。
锅炉给水泵汽轮机 锅炉灭火 炉膛灭火 炉跟机运行 锅炉热平衡 锅炉主控 炉主控顺序 锅炉结构 锅炉机组 锅炉水循环 常规摸拟仪表 沸点 螺栓 等电位连结 前置泵/增压泵 增压泵 轴承润滑油泵 底梁 箱式锅炉 旁路管理系统 击穿电压 跳闸遮断器 砖拱 刷握 消泡箱 烧嘴 BGT BM BMS BFPT
循环水系统 间隙 冷段再热蒸汽
Closed circulation water pump Closed cycle Coagulant Coal-fired boiler Coarse adjustment Coil Cold air duct Cold start-up Combined to the grid Combustion Combustion air Combustion air Combustion chamber Combustion rate Common transformer
反冲洗 平衡容器 收球网 加球室 横梁 轴承 轴瓦 轴承金属温度 轴承油温 轴承回油温度 轴瓦 轴承座,底座 偏差 击穿电压 排污管 鼓风机 排污 锅炉疏水放空 锅炉 锅炉辅机 炉体 锅炉燃烧调整 锅炉效率 锅炉蒸发量 锅炉给水泵 BFP
第 3 页
伊拉克华事德电厂 综合词汇
整理日期:2016 05 01 序号 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 英文
第 6 页
伊拉克华事德电厂 综合词汇
整理日期:2016 05 01 序号 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 英文
inner ring outer ring metallic gasket funnel drain funnel rupture disk(RP) Anti-explosive disc restriction orifice(RO) mixing orifice hose connection(HC) metal hose rubber hose flexible hose quick coupling swivel joint reducer(RED) del-rust carbon steel(C.S) alloy steel structural alloy steel tool steel stainless steel(S.S) austenitic stainless steel martensitic stainless steel forged steel cast steel cast iron(C.I) grey cast iron malleable iron(M.I) nodular cast iron,nodular cast graphite iron high silicon cast iron aluminum copper brass aluminum magnesium monel titanium lead shaped steel,section steel angle steel channel I-beam wide flanged beam T-bar square bar
multiport valve sampling valve hand operated valve, manually operated valve, manual valve by-pass valve flush valve root valve, primary valve, header valve foot valve, bottom valve Elbow reducing elbow long radius elbow(ell) short radius elbow(el(s)) return elbow tee reducing tee straight tee 45°tee true “T” cross reducer (RED) concentric reducer(con red) eccentric reducer(ECC RED) branch connection bolt circle diameter flange facing , facing of flange(FOF) plain face(PF) raised face(RF) male-female(seal contact)face(MFM) male face female face(FMF) tongue groove face(TGF) tongue face(TF) groove face(GF) ring joint face(RJF) flat face , full face(FF) smooth raised face(SRF) bolt hot(cold)tightening threaded cap(THDC) socket welded cap(SWC) threaded let(THLET) socket welded let(SWLET) gasket non-metallic jacket gasket metallic jacket gasket spiral wound gasket
Parker Hannifin 液压自动泵系统Check Valves手册说明书
Bodies and CavitiesContentsParker Hannifin CorporationPARKER STANDARD BODIES AND CAVITIESC04-2....................04 Size, 2 Way.......................................................................B04-2-*...................................BC7C04-3....................04 Size, 3 Way.......................................................................B04-3-*...................................BC8C08-2....................08 Size, 2 Way.......................................................................B08-2-*...................................BC9C08-3....................08 Size, 3 Way.......................................................................B08-3-*.................................BC10C08-4....................08 Size, 4 Way.......................................................................B08-4-*.................................BC11C09-2....................09 Size, 2 Way.......................................................................B09-2-*.................................BC12C10-2....................10 Size, 2 Way.......................................................................B10-2-*.................................BC13C10-2T ..................10 Size, 2 Way, “T” Body.......................................................B10-2T-*...............................BC14C10-3....................10 Size, 3 Way.......................................................................B10-3-*.................................BC15C10-3S ..................10 Size, 3 Way, Short ............................................................B10-3S-*...............................BC16C10-4....................10 Size, 4 Way.......................................................................B10-4-*.................................BC17C11-3....................11 Size, 3 Way.......................................................................4082075................................BC18C12-2....................12 Size, 2 Way.......................................................................B12-2-*.................................BC19C12-3....................12 Size, 3 Way.......................................................................B12-3-*.................................BC20C12-3L ..................12 Size, 3 Way, Long.............................................................B12-3L-*...............................BC21C12-4....................12 Size, 4 Way.......................................................................B12-4-*.................................BC22C12-4L ..................12 Size, 4 Way, Long.............................................................B12-4L-*...............................BC23C16-2....................16 Size, 2 Way.......................................................................B16-2-*.................................BC24C16-3....................16 Size, 3 Way.......................................................................B16-3-*.................................BC25C16-3S ..................16 Size, 3 Way, Short ............................................................B16-3S-*...............................BC26C16-4....................16 Size, 4 Way.......................................................................B16-4-*.................................BC27C20-2....................20 Size, 2 Way.......................................................................B20-2-*.................................BC28C20-3S ..................20 Size, 3 Way, Short ............................................................B20-3S-*...............................BC29COUNTERBALANCE CAVITIES AND BODIESMHC-010...............Single and Dual Counterbalance Bodies................................MHC-010-*...........................BC30MHC-022...............Single and Dual Counterbalance Bodies................................MHC-022-*...........................BC31MHC-025...............Single and Dual Counterbalance Bodies................................MHC-025-*...........................BC32MHC-050...............Single and Dual Counterbalance Bodies................................MHC-050-*...........................BC33PILOT PISTON CAVITIES10 Size...................10 Size Cavity for Single Check and Pilot Piston...................................................................BC3416 Size...................16 Size Cavity for Single Check and Pilot Piston...................................................................BC3410 Size...................10 Size Cavity for Dual Check and Pilot Piston......................................................................BC3416 Size...................16 Size Cavity for Dual Check and Pilot Piston......................................................................BC34STANDARD CAVITY PLUGSCavity Plugs ..........................................................................................................................................................BC35CARTPAK BODIESBD03-PN ...............P Port Interrupt, 2-Way, Body Only .......................................BD03-PN-*............................BC36BD03-PN2.............P Port Interrupt, 2-Way, Body Only .......................................BD03-PN2-*..........................BC37BD03-PNR.............P Port Interrupt, Reducing Function, Body Only ...................BD03-PNR-*..........................BC38BD03-PNS .............P Port Interrupt, Sequencing Function, Body Only................BD03-PNS-*..........................BC39BD03-PT................P to T, Body Only...................................................................BD03-PT-*.............................BC40BD03-ABN .............A and B Port Interrupt, Body Only.........................................BD03-ABN-*..........................BC41BD03-ABX .............A and B Port Crossover, Body Only.......................................BD03-ABX-*..........................BC42BD03-ABT..............A and B Ports to Tank, Body Only..........................................BD03-ABT-*..........................BC43BD03-DDX.............Ports A and B Drain to Crossover Port, Body Only................BD03-DDX-*..........................BC44BD03-BDA .............B Port Drain to A, Body Only .................................................BD03-BDA-*..........................BC45BD03-ADB .............A Port Drain to B, Body Only .................................................BD03-ADB-*..........................BC46SERIESDESCRIPTIONBODY NO.PAGE NO.Bodies and Cavities ContentsParker Hannifin CorporationSERIES DESCRIPTION BODY NO.PAGE NO.SPECIAL BODIES AND CAVITIESCAV0W-2...............2 Port....................................................................................LB1079*................................BC47 CAVSW-3...............3 Port....................................................................................LB1081*................................BC48 CAVT11A...............3 Port or 4 Port Dual.............................................................LB1082*................................BC49 CAVT21A...............4 Port....................................................................................LB1083*................................BC50 2C..........................2 Port....................................................................................LB1021*................................BC51 2G..........................2 Port....................................................................................LB1032*................................BC52 2R..........................2 Port....................................................................................LB105**................................BC53 2U..........................2 Port....................................................................................LB102**................................BC54 2X..........................2 Port....................................................................................LB1051*................................BC55 3A..........................3 Port....................................................................................LB100**................................BC56 3C..........................3 Port or 4 Port Dual.............................................................LB100**................................BC57 3J..........................3 Port....................................................................................LB1009*................................BC58 3K..........................3 Port....................................................................................................................................BC59 3M.........................3 Port or 4 Port Dual.............................................................LB100**................................BC60 3X..........................3 Port....................................................................................LB1055*................................BC61 3Z..........................3 Port....................................................................................LB103**................................BC62 4C..........................4 Port....................................................................................LB1056*................................BC63 5A..........................5 Port....................................................................................LB103**................................BC64 53-1.......................3 Port or 4 Port Dual.............................................................LB1031*................................BC65 54-1.......................3 Port....................................................................................LB10591................................BC66 68-1.......................3 Port or 4 Port Dual.............................................................LB102**................................BC67 91-1.......................3 Port....................................................................................LB1015*................................BC68 100-1.....................5 Port....................................................................................LB1031*................................BC69BC1Bodies and CavitiesCatalog HY15-3502/USTechnical TipsParker Hannifin CorporationBC2Catalog HY15-3502/USBodies and CavitiesTechnical TipsParker Hannifin Corporation COMMON OPTIONS & FEATURES (Cont.)Pressure Drop: The pressure drop through a line body is fairly minimal. Each catalog page shows a pressure drop curve. This should be added to the pressure drop through the cartridge when trying to estimate total pressure drop for a function.Porting: Parker offers a variety of port sizes and types for each line body. While NPT or pipe ports were once very popular and are still offered, we recommend SAE ports for new applications. SAE ports and fittings provide a more secure connection than pipe ports.BSPP ports are also available.Port Numbering Change: With this catalog, we have re-numbered the ports on our 3-way line bodies. In the past, three way bodies were numbered with the nose231321Previous Design Current Designbeing port 1, the middle port labeled (3), and the top port labeled (2). Over the years, this has caused some confusion, so we have relabeled the ports sequentially from the bottom. For identifi-cation, the current design will be marked with a Parker symbol like the one shown.CAVITIESThe hole that the cartridge valve is screwed into is called a cavity. Many cartridge producers manufacture valves that fit a “common” cavity. With a “common” cavity, a valve theoretically could be removed from a cavity and replaced by another manufacturer’s product. One should be careful though to check cross drill ports and thread depths when pursuing this activity. While it is true that many manufacturer’s products fit inside another’s cavity,the cross drills sometimes expose an o-ring to pressure, causing the o-ring to be extruded.Valve / Cavity Compatibility Chart: Through acquisition, Parker Hannifin has accumulated anumber of manufacturers with “common” cavities. To accommodate all of our product lines, we havereleased a new cavity for our Winner’s Circle product line. The cavities shown in this catalog are considered Winner’s Circle Cavities. The Winner’s Circle valves are downward and upward compatible with the Parker Series of product. On each catalog page, you will find a chart like the one shown on this page. The purpose of this chart is to help identify if a valve from one acquisition can be replaced by the Winner’s Circle valve, or another acquisition. The valves are designated by the columns of the chart and thecavities by the rows. If you have an existing cavity, you find it on the chart and follow across to see which valves you may put in the cavity. For instance, using the chart below, let’s say you have an existingmanifold in which you had manufactured a FPS cavity (maybe you were using a SV2A-10). By finding the row labeled FPS and following across, you find that you could use the new Winner’s Circle product, an FPS product, or a CEC product of the same size in this cavity. A Parker or Waterman valve will not fit in this cavity without modifying the cavity. This chart is provided to help you in converting to the Winner’s Circle product line.Cavity Tools: On each catalog page, cavity tools are listed for your use in creating special manifolds. More is discussed on manifold construction in the Technical Data section of this catalog. For 3-way and 4-way valves, you will find a roughing and a finishing tool.The rougher is a step drill used to prep the cavity for the finishing tool. The rougher removes the mass of material and is necessary because the finisher is not designed for primary forming. The finisher is aprecision tool used to provide the final dimensions of the cavity. No rougher is offered for 2-way cavities because a standard drill bit can be used to remove the mass of material.Winner’s Circle X X X X XParker X X X Waterman X XXFPS X X X CECXXXW i n n e r ’s C i r c l eP a r k e rW a t e r m a nF P SC E CVALVEC A V I T YBC3Bodies and CavitiesCatalog HY15-3502/USTechnical TipsParker Hannifin CorporationBC4Catalog HY15-3502/USBodies and CavitiesTechnical TipsParker Hannifin CorporationBC5Bodies and CavitiesCatalog HY15-3502/USTechnical TipsParker Hannifin Corporation。
Check ValvesDirect and pilot operated check valve functions for applicationsup to 350 bar (5000 psi) and 227 L/min (60 USgpm)GSection ContentsTypical Application Rated FlowModel Pressure bar (psi)L/min (USgpm)Page Check Valves - Introduction, features & benefits............................................................................................................G-3 Check Valves, 2 wayCV3-4...........................350 (5000) (NEW)....................................................8 (2)..........................................................G-4 CV3–8..........................350 (5000)................................................................30 (8)........................................................G-6 CV1–10........................350 (5000) (UPGRADED).........................................45 (12)......................................................G-8 CV3–10........................350 (5000) (UPGRADED).........................................76 (20)....................................................G-10 CV16–10.......................350 (5000)................................................................76 (20)....................................................G-12 CV11–12.......................350 (5000)................................................................114 (30)...................................................G-14 CV1–16........................210 (3000)................................................................151 (40)..................................................G-16 CV2–20........................210 (3000)................................................................227 (60)..................................................G-18 Check Valves with Bypass OrificeCV6–10........................350 (5000) (NEW)....................................................76 (20)....................................................G-20 CV6–16........................210 (3000) (NEW).....................................................151 (40)..................................................G-22 Restrictive Check ValvesRCV3–10......................350 (5000) (NEW)....................................................76 (20)....................................................G-24 Single Pilot Operated Check Valves, Cartridge TypeSPC2-8.........................240 (3500)................................................................19 (5)......................................................G-26 SPC2–10......................210 (3000)................................................................23 (6)......................................................G-28 Single Pilot Operated Check Valves, In-line Housing TypeSPC1–10......................210 (3000)................................................................45 (12)....................................................G-30 SPC1–16......................210 (3000)................................................................151 (40)..................................................G-32 SPC1–20......................210 (3000)................................................................227 (60)..................................................G-34 Single Pilot Operated Check Valves, Cartridge Type (high pressure)POC1-10.......................350 (5000)................................................................57 (15)....................................................G-36 POC1-12.......................350 (5000)................................................................114 (30)..................................................G-38 Double Pilot Check Valves, Cartridge TypeDPC2–8........................240 (3500)................................................................19 (5)......................................................G-40 Double Pilot Check Valves, In-line Housing TypeDPC1–10......................210 (3000)................................................................45 (12)....................................................G-42 DPC11–12....................350 (5000) (NEW)....................................................114 (30)..................................................G-44 DPC1–16......................210 (3000)................................................................151 (40)..................................................G-46 DPC1–20......................210 (3000)................................................................227 (60)..................................................G-48This section gives basic specifications for the full line of Vickers screw-in cartridge check valves. Its purpose is to provide a quick, convenient reference tool when choosing Vickers cartridge valves or design-ing a system using these components.The Vickers range of direct and pilot operated check valves provides the hydraulic circuit designer with a wide selection of cartridge and in-line products.Two pressure ratings are shown for all products featured in this catalog. The typical application pressure rating is the maximum recommended operating pressure for the valve in a given system. The fatigue pressure rating is the pressure for the valve to be free for infinite life from metal fatigue.All poppet type check valve cartridges have hardened and ground poppets and sharp-edged ground steel seats. This provides an excellent product that isdirt-tolerant, has reliable seating, and is suitable for fast cycling with long life. Direct operated check valvesCartridges fit into industry standard cavities and may be supplied for installation in manifolds, or be provided in standard housings having SAE or BSPP ports suitable for in-line mounting.A wide selection of cracking pressures is available from 0,21 to 20,7 bar (3 to 300 psi). Thus the opportunity exists to use the valves not only as conventional check but also as low pressure relief valves.Pilot operated checkvalvesThese valves are used for:• Position load locking• As an alternative tocounterbalance valveswhere neither theoverrunning loads orrelease speed arefactors in theapplication.The high pressure POC*-10and POC*-12 series ofpilot-to-open check valvescomplement the CBV*-10and CBV*-12counterbalance cartridgesand are physicallyinterchangeable with them.The POC’s provide a lowcost alternative to loadcontrol when the dynamicsof neither overrunning loadsnor load release speed arefactors to be considered inthe design of the hydrauliccircuit for the load to becontrolled.The pilot-to-open valvespositively lock a load fromport 1 to port 2 until pilotpressure applied to port 3is sufficient to unseat thevalve. This then permitsflow from port 1 to port 2.The load can also bereleased through means ofan optional screw typeoverride.The POC*-10 covers flowup to 60 L/min (15 USgpm).The POC*-12 covers flowup to 114 L/min (30USgpm). With infinite lifequalification to a fatiguepressure rating of 310 bar(4500 psi), these POCvalves are suitable for usein a broad range of loadcontrol applications withtypical system operatingpressures up to 350 bar(5000 psi). Tailoring of thecircuit to gain energysavings while minimizingshock is obtained throughthe use of several standardcracking pressure rangesfrom 2,0 bar (30 psi) to 7bar (100 psi). Whenanti-cavitation protection isrequired, the 0,30 bar (5psi) spring should be used.For those applicationswhere pilot pressure maynot always be available, thevalve can be ordered withan optional adjustableoverride.Features and benefits•Products in this cataloghave been fatigue testedfor one million cycles at132% or 10 million cyclesat 115% of ratedpressure.• Simple load holdingdevice. Low costalternative to morecomplex solutions whenoverrunning loads are notpresent and / or controlof load release speed isnot required.• Provides high operationalefficiency and low springsettings.• Valves are offered with awide variety of standardhousings with SAE andBSPP port options in thefollowing configurations:– In-line single– In-line dual– SAE, 4-bolt, code 61– Close coupled, nipplemounted– Gasket mounted single– Gasket mounted dualThese valves can also beused in a C–10–3S orC–10–3S cavity.• Four standard crackingpressures permit energysavings, while tailoringthe hydraulic systemrequirements to minimizeshock.• Unique dual spring designprovides high operationalefficiency and a lowpressure spring optionfor effective anti-cavitation protection.• Unique design providescompact package andlow pressure drops thatmatch or exceed currentmarket expectations andprovide for excellentrepeatability and stability.• 3:1 pilot ratio satisfiessimple load holdingapplication requirements,while providing smoothoperation and longeroperating life.• Optional adjustableoverride releases theload for situations wherepilot pressure is notalways available.Single pilot checkAlso offered are SPC2-8and SPC2-10 single pilotcheck valves withpressures to 240 bar (3500psi) and flows to 23 L/min(6 USgpm). These valvesoperate similar to the POC1product but offer anopposite flow path whichoffers the designer a choiceof pilot operated checkvalve when laying out acustom manifold for easeof design.Supporting productsVickers screw incartridge valves are avail-able in a wide range ofmounting configurationsand porting options toprovide flexibility indeveloping circuits.Housings are available ineither aluminum 210 bar(3000 psi) or steel 350 bar(5000 psi) configurations.All are available with achoice of BSPP(ISO–0228/1) or SAE styleports.DescriptionThe CV3-4-B is a ball type,screw-in cartridge check valve.CV3-4Check valve21Functional SymbolProfile ViewRATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSPerformance data is typical with fluid at 21,8 cSt (105 SUS) and 49˚C (120˚F)Typical application pressure (all ports) 350 bar (5000 psi)Cartridge fatigue pressure (infinite life)350 bar (5000 psi) Rated flow 7.6 L/min (2 USgpm) Free flow cracking pressure @ 1 l/min (0.25 USgpm) 5– 0,34 bar (5 psi)Internal leakage, Port 2 to 1 5 drops/min maximum @ 210 bar (3000 psi)Temperature range -40°to 120°C (-40°to 248°F)Cavity C–4–2Fluids All general purpose hydraulic fluids such as:MIL–H–5606, SAE 10, SAE 20, etc.Filtration Cleanliness code 18/16/13Weight cartridge only 0,04 kg (0.09 lbs)Seal kit 9900174-000 Buna–N9900175-00 Viton ®Viton is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPontPressure Drop Curves Cartridge onlyOperationThis valve remains closed until the bias is reached at port 1 at which time thepoppet lifts off the seat and allows flow from port 1 to port 2.12Flow - USgpm (105 SUS oil @ 120° F)10000.511.520 3.87.6 2.532003004007142028P r e s s u r e D r o p - p s iP r e s s u r e D r o p - b a rPressure vs. Flow - L/min (21,8 cSt oil @ 49° F)Model Code CV3 – 4 (V) – B – ***– **– 00Dimensionsmm (inch)Torque cartridge inaluminum or steel housing to 8.1-13.6 Nm (6-10 ft. lbs)2453167FunctionCV3- Check valve Size 4- 4 Size21SealsBlank - Buna-N V - Viton ®Style B -Ball type43Port size000- Cartridge only Free flow cracking pressure05- 0,34 bar (5 psi)65Special features 00- None(Only required if valve has special features - omitted if “00”)79/16" HEX7/16 - 20 UNF - 2ACV3-4DescriptionThe CV3–8–P is a direct acting, poppet type check valve.CV3-8Check ValveRATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSPerformance data is typical with fluid at 21,8 cSt (105 SUS) and 49˚C (120˚F)Typical application pressure (all ports)350 bar (5000 psi)Cartridge fatigue pressure (infinite life)280 bar (4000 psi)Rated flow30 L/min (8 USgpm) Cracking pressures @ 1.0 L/min (0.25 USgpm)4– 0,28 bar (4 psi) 10– 0,7 bar (10 psi)15– 1,03 bar (15psi)25– 1,7 bar (25 psi)30– 2,07 bar (30 psi)60– 4,0 bar (60 psi)Internal leakage 5 drops/min. maximum @ 350 bar (5000 psi)CavityC-8-2Standard housing materials Aluminum or steelTemperature range -40˚ to 120˚C (-40˚ to 248˚F)FluidsAll general purpose hydraulic fluids such as:MIL–H–5606, SAE 10, SAE 20, etc.FiltrationCleanliness code 18/16/13Weight cartridge only 0,05 kg (0.12 lb)Seal kits02-165875 Buna–N 02-165877 Viton ®Viton is a registered trademark of E.I.DuPontFunctional SymbolSectional ViewPressure Drop Curves Cartridge only211P r e s s u r e D r o p - p s iP r e s s u r e D r o p - b a rFlow - USgpm (105 SUS oil @ 120°F)06010015020025030035002.55.08.00102034812162024ABCDFlow - L/min (21,8 cSt oil @ 49°F)A – CV3-8-P-O-60B – CV3-8-P-O-25C – CV3-8-P-O-10D – CV3-8-P-O-4OperationThis valve remains closed until the spring bias is reached at port 1.The poppet then lifts off the seat and allows flow from port 1 to port 2.Model Code CV3-8Dimensionsmm(inch)Torque cartridge inaluminum or steel housing 34-41 Nm (25-30 ft. lbs)FunctionCV3– Check Valve Size 8– 8 Size SealsBlank –Buna-N V – Viton ®Style P – PoppetValve housing material Omit for cartridge only A – Aluminum S – SteelPort size0– Cartridge onlyCracking Pressure 004– 0,28 bar (4 psi)010– 0,70 bar (10 psi)015– 1,03 bar (15psi)025– 1,70 bar (25 psi)030– 2,07 bar (30 psi)060– 4,00 bar (60 psi)Special Features 00– None(Only required if valve has special features - omitted if “00”)87654321CV3 – 8 (V) – P – (*) ** – *** – 00CODE PORT SIZEHOUSING NUMBER AluminumSteelFatigue ratedFatigue rated4T SAE 402-16073002-1607366T SAE 602-16073102-1607378T SAE 802-16073202-1607382G 1/4” BSPP 02-16072702-1607333G3/8” BSPP 02-16072802-160734See Section J for housing details.23451678DescriptionThe CV1-10-P is a poppet type, screw-in cartridge check valve.CV1–10Check valve211Flow - USgpm (105 SUS oil @ 120°F)Flow - L/min (21,8 St oil @ 49°F)P r e s s u r e D r o p - b a r 2468101250100150200250203040161410640102812ABCP r e s s u r e D r o p - p s iFunctional SymbolProfile ViewOperationThis valve remains closed until the bias is reached at port 1 at which time thepoppet lifts off the seat and allows flow from port 1 to port2.ImportantUpgraded to 350 bar (5000 psi)RATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSPerformance data is typical with fluid at 21,8 cSt (105 SUS) and 49˚C (120˚F)Typical application pressure (all ports) 350 bar (5000 psi)Cartridge fatigue pressure (infinite life)350 bar (5000 psi) Rated flow45 L/min (12 USgpm) Free flow cracking pressure @ 1 L/min (0.25 USgpm)005– 0,34 bar (5 psi)015– 1,03 bar (15 psi)030– 2,07 bar (30 psi)065– 4,48 bar (65 psi)080– 5,12 bar (80 psi)100– 6,90 bar (100 psi)140– 9,66 bar (140 psi)260– 17,93 bar (260 psi)300– 20,7 bar (300 psi)Internal leakage, Port 2 to 1 5 drops / min. maximum @ 350 bar (5000 psi)Temperature range –40˚ to 120˚C (–40˚ to 248˚F)Cavity C–10–2FluidsAll general purpose hydraulic fluids such as:MIL–H–5606, SAE 10, SAE 20, etc.FiltrationCleanliness code 18/16/13Standard housing materials Aluminum or Steel Weight cartridge only 0,08 kg (0.17 lb)Seal kit565803 Buna–N 566086 Viton ®Viton is a registered trademark of E.I.DuPontPressure Drop CurvesCartridge onlyA - CV1 10*P 000 065 00B - CV1 10*P 000 030 00C - CV1 10*P 000 065 00Model CodeDimensionsmm (inch)Torque cartridge in housing A - 47-54 Nm (35-40 ft. lbs)S - 68-70 Nm (50-55 ft. lbs)FunctionCV1 – Check valve Size 10– 10 Size Seals N – Buna-N V – Viton Style P – PoppetValve housing material 0– Cartridge only A – Aluminum S – SteelPort size00– Cartridge onlyFree flow cracking pressure005– 0,34 bar (5 psi)(Anti-cavitation)015– 1,03 bar (15 psi)030– 2,07 bar (30 psi)065– 4,48 bar (65 psi)080– 5,12 bar (80 psi)100– 6,90 bar (100 psi)140– 9,66 bar (140 psi)260– 17,93 bar (260 psi)300– 20,70 bar (300 psi)Special Features 00– None(Only required if valve has special features - omitted if “00”)87654321CV1 10 * P * ** *** 0012345678CODE PORT SIZEHOUSING NUMBER AluminumAluminum SteelLight DutyFatigue ratedFatigue rated3B 3/8” BSPP 02-175462––6T SAE 6566151–02-1751008T SAE 8––02-1751012G 1/4” BSPP –87670202-1751023G 3/8” BSPP –87670302-1751036H SAE 6–876700–8HSAE 6–876701–See Section J for housing details.CV1-10DescriptionThe CV3-10-P is a poppet type, screw-in cartridge check valve.CV3-10Check valveOperationThis valve remains closed until the spring bias isreached at port 1 at whichtime the poppet lifts off the seat and allows flow from port 1 to port 2.ImportantUpgraded to 350 bar (5000 psi)211Flow - USgpm (105 SUS oil @ 120°F)P r e s s u r e D r o p - p s iP r e s s u r e D r o p - b a r510152001002003004005002040608020ABC1030Flow - L/min (21,8 cSt oil @ 49°F)Functional SymbolSectional ViewRATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSPerformance data is typical with fluid at 21,8 cSt (105 SUS) and 49˚C (120˚F)Typical application pressure (all ports)350 bar (5000 psi)Cartridge fatigue pressure (infinite life)350 bar (5000 psi)Rated flow76 L/min (20 USgpm)Free flow cracking pressure @1 L/min (0.25 USgpm)003– 0,21 bar (3 psi)010– 0,69 bar (10 psi)020–1,38 bar (20 psi)035 –2,41 bar (35psi)040– 2,76 bar (40 psi)065– 4,48 bar (65 psi)100– 6,90 bar (100 psi)180–12,40 bar (180 psi)210–14,50 bar (210 psi)Internal leakage, Port 2 to 1 5 drops / min. maximum @ 350 bar (5000 psi)Temperature range –40˚ to 120˚C (–40˚ to 248˚F)Cavity C–10–2FluidsAll general purpose hydraulic fluids such asMIL–H–5606, SAE 10, SAE 20, etc.FiltrationCleanliness code 18/16/13Standard housing materials Aluminum or steel Weight cartridge only 0,08 kg (0.17 lb)Seal kit565803 Buna–N 566086 Viton ®Viton is a registered trademark of E.I.DuPontPressure Drop Curves Cartridge onlyA - CV3 10*P 000 210 00B - CV3 10*P 000 040 00C - CV3 10*P 000 003 00FunctionCV3– Check valve Size 10– 10 Size Seals N – Buna-N V – Viton ®Style P – PoppetValve housing material 0– NoneA – Aluminum S – SteelPort size 00–Cartridge onlyFree flow crackingpressure003– 0,21 bar (3 psi)(Anti-cavitation)010– 0,69 bar (10 psi)(Anti-cavitation)020– 1,38 bar (20 psi)035– 2,41 bar (35psi)040– 2,76 bar (40 psi)065– 4,48 bar (65 psi)100– 6,90 bar (100 psi)180– 12,4 bar (180 psi)210– 14,5 bar (210 psi)Special Features 00– None(Only required if valve has special features - omitted if “00”)87654321CV3 10 * P * ** *** 0012678Dimensionsmm (inch)Torque cartridge in housing A - 47-54 Nm (35-40 ft. lbs)S - 68-70 Nm (50-55 ft. lbs)CODE PORT SIZEHOUSING NUMBERAluminumAluminumSteelLight DutyFatigue ratedFatigue rated3B 3/8” BSPP 02–175462––6T SAE 6566151–02–1751008T SAE 8––02–1751012G 1/4” BSPP –87670202–1751023G 3/8” BSPP –87670302–1751036H SAE 6–876700–8H SAE 8–876701–See Section J for housing details.8,0 (0.31)345DescriptionThe CV16-10-P is a poppet type, screw-in cartridge check valve.Check Valve(side in, nose out)OperationThis valve remains closed until the spring bias isreached at port 2 at whichtime the poppet lifts off the seat and allows flow from port 2 to port 1.RATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSPerformance data is typical with fluid at 21,8 cSt (105 SUS) and 49˚C (120˚F)Typical application pressure (all ports)350 bar (5000 psi)Cartridge fatigue pressure (infinite life) 310 bar (4500 psi)Rated flow76 L/min (20 USgpm)Free flow cracking pressure @1 L/min (0.25 USgpm)5– 0,34 bar (5 psi)15– 1,03 bar (15 psi)25–1,70 bar (25 psi)50– 3,40 bar (50 psi)Internal leakage, Port 2 to 1 5 drops / min. maximum @ 350 bar (5000 psi)Temperature range –40˚ to 120˚C (–40˚ to 248˚F)Cavity C–10–2FluidsAll general purpose hydraulic fluids such as:MIL–H–5606, SAE 10, SAE 20, etc.FiltrationCleanliness code 18/16/13Standard housing materials Aluminum or steel Weight cartridge only 0,08 kg (0.17 lb)Seal kit565803 Buna–N 566086 Viton ®Viton is a registered trademark of E.I.DuPont211Flow - USgpm (105 SUS oil @ 120°F)P r e s s u r e D r o p - p s iP r e s s u r e D r o p - b a rAB1020304050602468101214161830507090110369CDFlow - L/min (21,8 cSt oil @ 49°F)Functional SymbolSectional ViewPressure Drop CurvesCartridge onlyA – CV16-10-P-O-50B – CV16-10-P-O-25C – CV16-10-P-O-15D – CV16-10-P-O-58,0 (0.31)0.875"–14 Thd.Dimensionsmm (inch)Torque cartridge in housingA- 47-54 Nm(35-40 ft. lbs)S- 68-75 Nm(50-55 ft. lbs)FunctionCV16– Check ValveSize10– 10 SizeSealsBlank – Buna-NV– Viton®StyleP– PoppetValve housing materialOmit for cartridge onlyA– AluminumS– SteelPort size0– Cartridge onlyFree flow crackingpressure5– 0,34 bar (5 psi)(Anticavitation)15– 1,03 bar (15 psi)25– 1,70 bar (25 psi)50– 3,40 bar (50 psi)Special Features00– None(Only required if valve hasspecial features - omittedif “00”)87654321CV16 – 10 (V) – P – (*) ** – *** – 00CODE PORT SIZE HOUSING NUMBERAluminum Aluminum SteelLight duty Fatigue rated Fatigue rated3B3/8” BSPP02–175462––6T SAE 6566151–02–1751008T SAE 8––02–1751012G1/4” BSPP–87670202–1751023G3/8” BSPP–87670302–1751036H SAE 6–876700–8H SAE 8–876701–See Section J for housing details.WARNINGand 36,00 (112345678DescriptionThe CV11-12 is a poppet type, screw-in cartridge check valve.Check valveOperationThis valve remains closed until the spring bias isreached at port 1 at whichtime the poppet lifts off the seat and allows flow from port 1 to port 2.RATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSPerformance data is typical with fluid at 21,8 cSt (105 SUS) and 49˚C (120˚F)Typical application pressure (all ports)350 bar (5000 psi)Cartridge fatigue pressure (infinite life)350 bar (5000 psi)Rated flow114 L/min (30 USgpm)Free flow cracking pressure @ 1 L/min (0.25 USgpm)2.5– 0,17 bar (2.5 psi)5.0– 0,35 bar (5.0 psi)10– 0,69 bar (10 psi)20–1,38 bar (20 psi)40– 2,76 bar (40 psi)80– 5,50 bar (80 psi)160– 11,0 bar (160 psi)Internal leakage, Port 2 to 1 5 drops / min. maximum @ 350 bar (5000 psi)HysteresisLess than 0,35 bar (5 psi)Temperature range –40˚ to 120˚C (–40˚ to 248˚F)Cavity C–12–2 or C–12–2UFluidsAll general purpose hydraulic fluids such as:MIL–H–5606, SAE 10, SAE 20, etc.FiltrationCleanliness code 18/16/13Standard housing materials Aluminum or steel Weight cartridge only 0,24 kg (0.54 lb)Seal kit02–165889 Buna–N 02–165888 Viton ®Viton is a registered trademark of E.I.DuPont211Flow - L/min (21,8 cSt oil @ 49°C)Flow - USgpm (105 SUS oil @ 120°F)P r e s s u r e D r o p - b a r51015202530210080604020501001502002503004681012141618A B CP r e s s u r e D r o p - p s iFunctional SymbolProfile ViewPressure Drop Curves Cartridge onlyA – CV11-12-P-O-80B – CV11-12-P-O-20C – CV11-12-P-O-2.518,91,6 (1.25) hex1.062"–12 Thd.FunctionCV11– Check valve Size 12– 12 Size SealsBlank – Buna-N V – Viton ®Style P – PoppetValve housing material Omit for cartridge only A – Aluminum S – SteelPort size0– Cartridge onlyCavityBlank – Cavity withoutundercutU – Cavity with undercutCracking pressure 2.5 – 0,17 bar (2.5 psi)5.0 – 0,35 bar (5 psi)10 – 0,69 bar (10 psi)20 – 1,38 bar (20 psi)40 – 2,75 bar (40 psi)80 – 5,50 bar (80 psi)160 – 11,0 bar (160 psi)Special Features 00– None(Only required if valve has special features - omitted if “00”)987654321CV11 – 12 (V) – P – (*) *** (U) – ** – 001234567CODE PORT SIZEHOUSING NUMBERC-12-2UC-12-2C-12-2U C-12-2Aluminum Aluminum SteelSteelFatigue ratedFatigue ratedFatigue ratedFatigue rated10T SAE 1002–16064102–16064002–16981702–16974412T SAE 1202–16064502–16064402–16979002–1697824G 1/2” BSPP 02–16111602–16111802–17251202–1720626G3/4” BSPP 02–16111502–16111702–16292202–169665See Section J for housing details.89Dimensionsmm (inch)Torque cartridge in housing A - 81-95 Nm (60-70 ft. lbs)S - 102-115 Nm (75-85 ft. lbs)Check ValveRATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSPerformance data is typical with fluid at 21,8 cSt (105 SUS) and 49˚C (120˚F)Typical application pressure (all ports)210 bar (3000 psi)Cartridge fatigue pressure (infinite life)210 bar (3000 psi)Rated flow151 L/min (40 USgpm)Free flow cracking pressure @1 L/min (0.25 USgpm)5– 0,34 bar (5 psi)20– 1,34 bar (20 psi)30– 2,07 bar (30 psi)40– 2,67 bar (40 psi)50– 3,45 bar (50 psi)100– 6,90 bar (100 psi)Internal leakage, Port 2 to 1 5 drops / min. maximum @ 210 bar (3000 psi)Temperature range –40˚ to 120˚C (–40˚ to 248˚F)Cavity C–16–2FluidsAll general purpose hydraulic fluids such as:MIL–H–5606, SAE 10, SAE 20, etc.FiltrationCleanliness code 18/16/13Standard housing materials Aluminum Weight cartridge only 0,26 kg (0.58 lb)Seal kit565810 Buna–N 889609 Viton ®Viton is a registered trademark of E.I.DuPont211Flow - USgpm (105 SUS oil @ 120°F)Flow - L/min (21,8 cSt oil @ 49°F)P r e s s u r e D r o p - p s iP r e s s u r e D r o p - b a r10203040025507510012540801201602468ABCDescriptionThe CV1-16-P is a poppet type, screw-in cartridge check valve.OperationThis valve remains closed until the spring bias isreached at port 1 at whichtime the poppet lifts off the seat and allows flow from port 1 to port 2.Functional SymbolSectional ViewPressure Drop CurvesCartridge onlyA – CV1-16-P-O-50B – CV1-16-P-O-20C – CV1-16-P-O-5Dimensionsmm (inch)Torque cartridge in aluminum housing108-122 Nm (80-90 ft. lbs)FunctionCV1– Check Valve Size 16– 16 Size SealsBlank – Buna-N V – Viton ®Style P – PoppetPort size0– Cartridge only54321CV1 – 16 (V) – P *** – ** – 001234567GDescriptionThe CV2-20-P is a poppet type, screw-in cartridge check valve.Check valveOperationThis valve remains closed until the spring bias isreached at port 1 at whichtime the poppet lifts off the seat and allows flow from port 1 to port 2.RATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSPerformance data is typical with fluid at 21,8 cSt (105 SUS) and 49˚C (120˚F)Typical application pressure (all ports) 210 bar (3000 psi)Cartridge fatigue pressure (infinite life) 210 bar (3000 psi)Rated flow227 L/min (60 USgpm)Free flow cracking pressure @1 L/min (0.25 USgpm)5– 0,34 bar (5 psi)15– 1,03 bar (15 psi)30– 2,07 bar (30 psi)60– 4,14 bar (60 psi)100– 6,90 bar (100 psi)Internal leakage, Port 2 to 1 5 drops / min. maximum @210 bar (3000 psi)Temperature range –40˚ to 120˚C (–40˚ to 248˚F)Cavity C–20–2FluidsAll general purpose hydraulic fluids such as:MIL–H–5606, SAE 10, SAE 20, etc.FiltrationCleanliness code 18/16/13Standard housing materials Aluminum Weight cartridge only 0,49 kg (1.09 lb)Seal kit889615 Buna–N 889619 Viton ®Viton is a registered trademark of E.I.DuPont211Flow - USgpm (105 SUS oil @ 120°F)P r e s s u r e D r o p - p s i P r e s s u r e D r o p - b a r10203040255075100125408015050602468120160200240ABC10Flow - L/min (21,8 cSt oil @ 49°F)Functional SymbolSectional ViewPressure Drop CurvesCartridge onlyA – CV2-20-P-O-100B – CV2-20-P-O-30C – CV2-20-P-O-5。
2006 AUTO-POWER-OFF FUNCTION ON 自动断电功能开 2016 THIS MACHINE WITHOUT MAG 机床无刀库 2081 MAG.ZERO POINT RETURN REQUESTED 刀库需回零点 2082 AXES.ZERO POINT RETURN REQUESTED 各轴需返回零点 2083 LUBRICATION PRESSURE TOO LOW 润滑压力过低 2084 DOOR WAS OPEND 安全打开 2085 ELECTRICAL CABINET DOOR WAS OPENED 电柜门开 2086 COOLANT FILTER ALARM 冷却过滤器报警 2087 COOLANT TANK LEVEL TOO LOW 冷却水位过低 2088 LUBRICATION LEVEL TOO LOW 润滑油位低 2089 气压低。 1000 ATC ARM NO IN POSITION ALARM 换刀臂没有回到原点位置 1 确认换 刀臂机械位置 2 检查 DGN X0009.6 是否为 0)3 检查 MTR 是否动作 4 按“+X” 或按'切削水关' 1001PART REACH 当 DGN NO:K2bit4 设定 1 时,在程式执行 M02 或 M30 时,侧工件计数一次。在工件计数到达参数(no;6712)所设定之数值时,此报 警产生,程式停止执行。1 将 LCD SETTLNG2 画面 PART COUNT 之计数值归 零(或参数 no;67711 归零)按 RESET 键即可消除。 1002SPINDLE CLAMP LOSE ALARM 当主轴运转时,主轴锁刀信号没有检出。 1 检查主轴锁刀信号 DGN NO;X0003.3. 2 如 DGN NO;X0003.3 为 0 的情况, 则依电路图确认硬件回路。 1003SPINDLE UNCLALARM 当主轴运行时,主轴放刀信号被检出:1 检查主轴 放刀信号 DGN NO:X0003 bit2, 2 如 DGN NO:X0003 bit2 为 1 的情况,则依 电路图确认硬件回路。 1004M06 TIME OVER 在换刀程式执行 M06 后,换刀时间计算开始,如换刀时 间超过 TIME4 所设定的时间时(T4=7000/T4=18000),此报警产生。 1005AIR PRESSURE TOO LOW 当气压源压力小于压力开关所设定的压力值时 (4Kg/CM2)在超过 TIMER7 所设定的时间后,此报警产生。1 检查压力源是 否小于 5KG/CM.2 压力源正常确认压力值(T7=3000).3 依电路图确认硬件 回路(X0003.4). 1006MAGAZINE COUNTER C3 NE C7 当储刀库 1 旋转时,计数器 C1 的计数 值与计数器 C2 的计数值不一致时,此报警产生。1 使用 MDI 将 DGN C1 与 C2 设定的数字以储刀库停止时的换刀位置的刀库号码为依据
Type CK4A Check Valves 安装、维护和零件信息说明书
Service Bulletin 50-16EJuly 2005 Installation, Service and Parts InformationFeatures:• UL Listed (Thru 3” Size)• May be installed in any position • Compact • Lightweight • Inline• Design Pressure (MRP): 34.5 bar (500 psi)“Not suitable for” discharge of reciprocating compressoror economizer port of screw compressor DescriptionThese compact valves are spring closing with a lapped, stainless steel or chrome plated seat for positive closing action and low leakage. A minimum pressure difference of 0.05 bar (0.75 psi) is required to hold the valve in the open position. Removable seat plate with combination O-ring and metal to metal knife edge seal allows the valve to be disassembled for maintenance. They may be ordered with male adapter rings for close-coupling to other Refrigerating Specialties valves and may be installed in any position.PurposeThe Type CK4A Check Valves prevent backward flow of fluid inrefrigerant suction, hot gas or liquid lines. The most frequent usefor these valves is in re-circulating (overfeed) systems. They areespecially suited for high speed compressor discharge, pump discharge, suction temperatures down to -45°C (-50°F) and hot gas lines (pan to evaporator).Certain refrigerant flows pulsate sufficiently or with a frequency in harmony with the valve’s natural frequency, which cancause “slapping” or even wholesale failure. These valves are not recommended for slow speed reciprocating compressor discharge lines (See CK1, Bulletin 50-10) or for any compressor discharge where a low speed machine discharges into the same downstream header, or for use on side port economizer lines on a screw compressor installation.OperationThese are light spring-closing check valves. An increase in the pressure drop across the valve overcomes the force of the closing spring and the disc is forced away from its seat, permitting flow. As the flow decreases, the disc is forced back against the seat by the expansion of the closing spring. Flow is then stopped.InstallationKeep dirt from entering the valve. Do not remove protective packaging until ready to install. Install the valve where it can be serviced easily. DO NOT INSTALL CHECK VALVE AT THE INLET OF A SOLENOID VALVE, OR A REGULATOR WITH AN ELECTRIC SHUT-OFF FEATURE. DO NOT INSTALL AT THE INLET OF AN OUTLET PRESSURE REGULATOR IN A SYSTEM WHERE LIQUID MAY BE TRAPPED BETWEEN TWO VALVES. When used in this application, Check Valves should always be installed at the outlet of the valves.NOTE: THE ODS COPPER FLANGES THAT ARE AVAILABLE ARE ONLY FOR INSTALLATIONS WHERE R-12, R-22, AND R-502 OR OTHER HALOCARBONREFRIGERANTS ARE USED. DO NOT USE THESEFLANGES FOR AMMONIA. FOR INSTALLATIONSUSING AMMONIA, THE FPT, SOCKET WELD, ORWELD NECK FLANGES SHOULD BE USED.The Type CK4A Valves may be installed in any position. The valve must be installed with the arrow pointing in the direction of flow.After installing the valve, tighten the flange bolts evenly.The CK4A Check Valves may be close-coupled to RefrigeratingSpecialties Refrigerant Valves by using a Refrigerating SpecialtiesMale Adapter Ring.Check Valve -- Type CK4APort Size 13 - 100mm (1/2” - 4”)For Ammonia, R12, R22, R502 and other common refrigerants2Service Bulletin 50-16E July 2005 Note: 13-32mm (1/2 - 1 1/4”) do not have Repair Kits availablePort SizeItem No.Description Qty50mm(2”)65mm (2-1/2”)75 mm (3”)100mm (4”)6Valve Seat1Available Only with Kit7O-Ring18Disc Assembly19Comp. Spring14Flange Gasket24,6,7,8,9Repair Kit-2020892020902020912020924Flange Gasket Pkg.12202081202082202083202084DimensionPort Size13 mm(1/2”)20-25mm(3/4 - 1”)32mm(1-1/4”)50 mm(2”)65mm(2-1/2”)75mm(3”)100 mm(4”) Amm7511395114148148179inch29.3 4.43 3.75 4.5 5.81 5.817.06 Bmm386295114148148179inch 1.5 2.43 3.75 4.5 5.81 5.817.06 Cmm27325060708189inch 1.06 1.252 2.37 2.75 3.19 3.50D(FPT,SW)mm6663108127146166181inch 2.64 2.52 4.25 4.99 5.75 6.537.125 ConnSize3/8, 1/2, 3/43/4”1”1-1/4”1-1/4”1-1/2”1-1/2”2”2-1/2”3”4”Emm8297117117126136171177215245298inch 3.22 3.82 4.61 4.61 4.97 5.35 6.72 6.978.479.6611.72 ConnSize 1/2 5/8 7/8 7/81-1/81-3/81-5/81-3/81-5/82-1/81-5/82-1/82-5/82-5/83-1/83-1/83-5/84-1/8 Fmm7682989919399.5111119130159193177205203250228248285inch 2.98 3.22 3.85 3.88 4.07 3.914.36 4.69 5.12 6.267.57 6.958.087.989.828.959.7611.2 Nmm91329202425282528342834373742424855inch0.370.50.750.750.930.961.090.96 1.09 1.34 1.09 1.34 1.46 1.46 1.65 1.65 1.9 2.15 Dimensional DataRepair Kits for Type CK4A Check Valves3Parker Hannifin Corporation ● Refrigerating Specialties 2445 South 25th Avenue ● Broadview, IL 60155-3858 USA 708.681.6300 FAX: 708.681.6306 ● www.parker .com/refspecServiceDirt or other foreign material in the system is the greatest single cause of valve malfunction.Before disassembling a check valve for servicing, read and become familiar with the Safe Operation Instructions in this bulletin as well as in the current issue of Safety Bulletin RSB.Check the following chart for possible symptoms andcorrections.DisassemblyCaution: If the valve to be disassembled or removed is close-coupled to a solenoid operated valve, make sure that the power supply to the valve is de-energized and all refrigerant is pumped out of the line. Refer to Page 3 as necessary. After removing the valve from between the flanges, remove the parts in the numerical order shown in the applicable exploded view. In all CK4A Valves, the seat plates with the O-rings are removed by gently tapping out the seat from the opposite end of the valve body. Use a wooden dowel for this purpose.AssemblyBefore assembling, all parts must be clean, dry and lightly coated with refrigerant oil. If an existing refrigeration valve or strainer is close-coupled to the check valve, the valves should be opened, inspected and cleaned before putting either one back in service.Refer to Page 3 as applicable. Assemble the valve in the reverse numerical order shown in the exploded view. Make sure the O-ring is firmly seated and permanently retained by the seat plate when re-assembled.WarrantyAll Refrigerating Specialties products are warranted against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year from date of shipment from originating factory. This warranty is in force only when products are properly installed, field assembled, maintained, and operated in use and service asspecifically stated in Refrigerating Specialties Catalogs or Bulletins for normal refrigeration applications, unless otherwise approved in writing by Refrigerating Specialties Division. Defective products, or parts thereof returned to the factory with transportation charges prepaid and found to be defective by factory inspection, will be replaced or repaired at Refrigerating Specialties option, free of charge, F.O.B. factory. Warranty does not cover products which have been altered, or repaired in the field; damaged in transit, or have suffered accidents, misuse, or abuse. Products disabled by dirt or other foreign substances will not be considered defective.THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE CONSTITUTES THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO REFRIGERATING SPECIALTIES PRODUCTS, AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. No employee, agent, dealer or other person is authorized to give any warranties on behalf of Refrigerating Specialties, nor to assume, for Refrigerating Specialties, any other liability in connection with any of its products.Safe Operation (See also Bulletin RSBCV)People doing any work on a refrigeration system must be qualified and completely familiar with the system and the Refrigerating Specialties Division valves involved, or all other precautions will be meaningless. This includes reading and understanding pertinent Refrigerating Specialties Division product Bulletins, and Safety Bulletin RSB prior to installation or servicing work.Where cold refrigerant liquid lines are used, it is necessary that certain precautions be taken to avoid damage which could result from liquid expansion. Temperature increase in a piping section full of solid liquid will cause high pressure due to the expanding liquid which can possibly rupture a gasket, pipe or valve. All hand valves isolating such sections should be marked, warning against accidental closing, and must not be closed until the liquid is removed. Check valves must never be installed upstream of solenoid valves, or regulators with electric shut-off, nor should hand valves upstream of solenoid valves or downstream of check valves be closed until the liquid has been removed. It is advisable to properly in-stall relief devices in any section where liquid expansion could take place or liquid may be trapped between valves.Avoid all piping or control arrangements which might produce thermal or pressure shock.For the protection of people and products, all refrigerant must be removed from the section to be worked on before a valve, strainer, or other device is opened or removed.Flanges with ODS connections are not suitable for ammonia service.。
法拉克报警 代码
G 报警清单(1)有关程序操作的报警(P/S报警)编号信息内容000 PLEASE TURN OFF POWER 输入要求切断电源的参数,切断电源。
001 TH PARITY ALARM TH报警(输入了奇偶检验不正确的字符)。
002 TV PARITY ALARM TV报警(在一个程序块中的字符数是奇数)。
003 TOO MANY DIGITS 输入的数据超过最大容许值。
004 ADDRESS NOT FOUND 在程序块的开头输入一个数值或符号而无地址。
005 NO DATA AFTER ADDRESS 地址后面没有数据,而是指定了另一个地址或EOB码。
006 ILLEGAL USE OF NEGATIVESIGN符号“-”输入错误(在地址后面输入一个不能被利用的“-”号。
007 ILLEGAL USE OF DECIMALPOINT小数点“.”输入错误(在地址后面输入一个不能被利用的小数点“.”。
009 ILLEGAL ADDRESS INPUT 在有效信息区输入不能使用的地址。
010 IMPROPER G-CODE 设定了不能使用的G码。
014 CAN NOT COMMAND G95 在未选择螺纹切削/同步进刀功能下指定了同步进刀。
015 TOO MANY AXES COMMANDED 试图使超过同时受控轴数的轴数移动。
020 OVER TOLERANCE OF RADIUS 在圆弧插补命令(G02、G03)中起点与弧心的距离和终点与弧心的距离之差超过参数()中所指定的值。
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Installation andOperationExcess Flow Check ValvesCAUTION: IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS Midland valves are used in connection with avariety of products, many of which are hazardous materials and could cause serious injury or damage.Always use extreme caution and proper equipment when involved with hazardous materials. This valve should only be handled by qualified personnel.Read all of these instructions carefully before proceeding.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!FunctionIt should be fully understood by all users of the restricted usefulness and purpose of excess flow check valves (abbreviated as EFCV). They can be relied upon to close only when the outward flow through the valve exceeds a predetermined amount of product.WARNING:Valve MisuseEFCV valves are not to be used toprotect against product loss during loading or unloading in the event of a line rupture.Valves designed for line rupture protection are available. These valves provide manual, remote, and thermally activated shut off capability. All operating personnel should be alerted to this limitation of EFCV. In railroad tank car operation, EFCV serve only to protect the tank in the event that exterior valves are removed. Operation1. As stated in the preceding paragraph, the EFCVhas a flow rated capacity (subject to a variation or tolerance due to many factors). Most EFCV are equipped with a bypass, so that product will still flow through the valve when it has checked. The bypass is designed into the valve to permit pressure to equalize above and below the float when the valve downstream is closed off, thus enabling the float of the EFCV to unseat. Therefore it is never safe to remove a valve directly above an EFCV, unless some flow of discharging product can be safely handled.2. In a derailment accident, where tank cars arerolled over, the gravity actuated float in the EFVC will probably close below the rated capacity of the EFCV because the flow rate capacity is established when the valve is vertical and flow is upward.InstallationNOTE:Conform to all regulations and yourcompany’s installation instructions. It isnot the intention of this pamphlet toconflict with or supersede these requirements.1. If the valve has been disassembled duringthe installation procedure, it is critical that the float be put back into the valve body in the correct orientation. For our 2" and 3" EFCV, the top of the float is flat across, with a small (about 1/8” x 45°) chamfer on the O.D. to mate with the valve’s seat.2. Be sure the float will slide freely up and down inthe valve body. If the float had been taken out of the valve, inspect it to see that there are no burrs, nicks or gouges on the exterior guiding surfaces that could restrict the free movement of the float.3. When welding the valve into its mounting, becareful not to get weld splatter on the inside of the valve body. Also, do not permit the valve body to become distorted when welding it in place.4. If the valve has a removable seat, the valveseat should be tightened down so that it does not become disengaged in transit. Torque the seat down securely. Midland has a wrench available to tighten down the seat.iMidland Excess Flow Check Valves are used in a variety of products, many of which are hazardous materials. The acceptance and transportation of the products are regulated by the DOT and AAR in the U.S.A., and in Canada by the CTC and Transport Canada, as well as other governmental bodies, particularly when used in stationary applications. All personnel should be familiar with and follow these regulations. Nothing in this pamphlet is intended to conflict with or supersede these regulations. Obtaining Product DrawingsAssembly drawings of Midland Excess Flow Check Valves are available at no charge, and will be mailed upon request. Address any questions concerning valve maintenance or usage to the Engineering Dept., Midland Manufacturing Corp.The information contained herein is thought to be reliable. It was gathered from knowledgeable sources, but Midland Manufacturing Corp. makes no representations or guarantees about its accuracy or completeness and assumes no liability for this information.WarrantyMidland warrants the products of its own manufacture to be free of defects in material and workmanship, for a period of 1 year from the date of invoice. Furnished materials and accessories purchased from other manufacturers are warranted only by and to the extent of those manufacturers’warranties, if any.MIDLAND MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OTHER THAN AS SPECIFICALLY STATED HERE MIDLAND MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE. Midland’s obligation under this warranty is strictly limited, at its option, to 1) repair or replacement at its factory of a like quantity of product: 2) refunding to purchaser money paid to Midland for its product: or 3) issuance of written authorization for the Purchaser to repair or replace, at costs comparable to Midland’s normal manufacturing costs those parts proven defective, provided that Purchaser has given to Midland immediate notice upon discovery of such defect Merchandise claimed to be defective shall not be returned without first obtaining Midland’s written consent. The undertaking of repair or replacement by the Purchaser, or its agents, without Midland’s written consent, shall void Midland’s warranty and relieveMidland of all responsibility. Under no circumstances shall Midland be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential or other damages of any kind in connection with the installation, operation, maintenance, repair, inspection or other use of anyproduct purchased from it.NOTICES AND WARRANTYMail to: P.O. Box 226, Skokie, IL 60076-02267733 Gross Point Road, Skokie, IL 60076-0226Phone: (847)677-0333, Fax: (847)677-0138。