



哈利波特与凤凰社21章英文原文英文标题:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - Chapter 21 English Original TextChapter 21 - The Unknowable RoomIt was hard to concentrate on anything that weekend, even though Harry had promised himself that he would finish his History of Magic essay and the presentation for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Fred, George, and Ginny were all sitting around him at the Gryffindor table at mealtimes, planning. Harry contented himself with making vague noises, and as soon as was polite, he escaped to the Room of Requirement.He had soon become as well acquainted with the Room's many tricks as the other denizens of the Hog's Head. He had been chased by the Hufflepuff cup and the fake locket and been burned by the cursed handle. The room had even sprouted a beech tree in one of its corners the previous night. There had been no sign of Draco Malfoy, or any of the Carrows, but it would have been nice if the two people he most wanted to avoid had not known exactly where and when he was planning to come.However, as he paced up and down the Charms corridor for the fifth time, the map still firmly in his hand, he came across something he had not spotted before. The map showed him, labeled as he had hoped, his current position labeled as "The Unknowable Room."He went into the room directly opposite, which looked empty to him. It was surely nobody's office as it was completely bare, but he just could notshake off the feeling that he was being watched. The wooden door creaked slightly as he pushed it open and he walked inside.The room was nearly as shabby as the one in which he was now sleeping, though quite a bit smaller. The reason for the extra space in the other room became clear as he looked around. There were no fewer than six portraits of the same girl around the room, all with the same initials written beneath, which he recognized instantly as Luna Lovegood.He moved closer to the picture, gazing at her as beautiful as ever. Luna had decorated her belongings with them. They looked in great condition, untouched by time or circumstance. And then, behind her picture, something caught his eye. It was a small, bright, and sharp gleam.Harry stepped toward it and saw that it was a tiny silver key. He picked it up and was surprised at how naturally it fit into his hand. He was even more surprised when he inserted it into the keyhole to the left of Luna's picture and, with a satisfying click, the door opened.The door led into a narrow, dimly lit passageway. The rustling noise from behind was louder, but he thought perhaps he was imagining it. He walked forward, the light from the Gryffindor common room fading until he could see only a little way ahead. He could not hear anything over the pounding of his heart. He stopped, his palms sweaty from both anticipation and nerves.What lay ahead, he did not know, but he had to find out. With every ounce of courage he possessed, he continued walking through the Unknowable Room.As he moved further into the passageway, the noise grew closer and clearer. It was not just the rustling sound anymore. There were murmurs, harsh whispers that sounded like the rustling of leaves on a blustery autumn day. There were footsteps, heavy, dragging, as if someone was being forced to walk against their will.And then, with a sudden realization, Harry gasped. He knew where he was. He had stumbled upon the meeting place, deep within the castle, where the Dark Lord himself held secret gatherings with his Death Eaters. The Unknowable Room was no longer a mystery to him; it was a dangerous nexus, a portal to the heart of Voldemort's power.Harry's mind raced as he wondered what to do next. Should he retreat, report what he had found to the Headmaster? Or should he press on, gather more information, and risk the wrath of the Dark Lord? The weight of the key in his hand seemed to pull him forward, urging him to uncover the secrets hidden within the Unknowable Room.In the end, Harry made his decision. He would continue on, navigating the treacherous halls of the Unknowable Room, and expose the hidden truth to the wizarding world. For the sake of his friends, for the sake of Hogwarts, and for the sake of all that was good, Harry would face whatever dangers lay ahead.And so, with his heart pounding, Harry took a deep breath and stepped into the darkness, ready to confront the unknown and confront the darkness that threatened to consume them all.。

历史底蕴 最具韵味的英国古老大学

历史底蕴 最具韵味的英国古老大学





留学360一起看看吧!1 University of Cambridge 剑桥大学剑桥大学为英语世界中历史第二悠久的大学,前身是一个于公元1209年成立的学者协会。


这个小镇有一条河流穿过,称为“剑河”(River Cam 又译“康河”)。




2 University of Oxford 牛津大学牛津大学建于1096年,是说英语世界中最古老的大学。


牛津的Radcliffe Camera library甚至可以作为世界学术的象征,资深哈利波特迷们定能从电影中找到它!电影中的 Hogwarts Great Hall的原型其实是牛津的Christ Church College。

3 Durham University 杜伦大学杜伦大学的教学与科研历史可以追溯到600多年前,它属于英格兰最早开设的一批大学,是仅次于牛津大学和剑桥大学的英格兰第三古老的大学。


世界名校之牛津大学哈弗大学英文ppt -

世界名校之牛津大学哈弗大学英文ppt -

Here we receive lightsacred draughts.
景点1:雷德克里夫广 场 景点2:博得利图书馆

独特的建筑风格 知名校友
历史 ”。

雷德克利夫广场(RadicliffeSquare)是大学 举行庆典及各项文艺活动的中心,这是整个 古城的中心,它远隔了主要街道的喧闹。
(包括奥巴马) 奥巴马1988年入读哈佛法学院,1991年以 magna cum laude 极优等成绩毕业。 除此之外的7位包括
John Adams, 1735-1826 President, 1797-1801 (约翰·昆 西·亚当斯)
John Quincy Adams, 1767-1848 President, 1825-29 (约翰·亚 当斯) Rutherford B. Hayes, 1822-93 President, 1877-81 (卢瑟福) Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919 President, 1901-09 (罗斯福) Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1882-1945 President, 1933-45 (富兰克林) John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963 President, 1961-63 (肯尼迪) George W. Bush, 1946- President, 2001-2009 (布什) 美国前国务卿亨利· 基辛格也出自哈佛
Let Plato be your friend and Aristotle but more let your friend be trut



英国G5高校色彩解读United Kingdom, 现代教育的发源地之一,虽然国土面积不大,但名校不计其数。


决定留学英伦的学生一定对G5高校耳熟能详,她们的地位足以匹敌美国的Ivy League. 如果你决定前往英国留学,那G5 高校一定是你最佳的选择。


剑桥大学——理智的blueUniversity of Cambridge 是一所注重求知的大学,这也是为什么剑桥培育出的精英里最多的是诺贝尔奖获得者的原因。

所以代表理智的蓝色最能体现University of Cambridge 的特点。

在学校800多年的历史中,涌现出Isaac Newton, Charles Robert Darwin 等一批引领时代的科学巨匠;造就了Francis Bacon, John Maynard Keynes 等贡献突出的文史学者;培养了John Milton, George Gordon Byron 等开创纪元的艺术大师,从这里走出了8位英国首相,92位诺贝尔奖获得者,4位菲尔兹奖得主曾为此校的师生、校友或研究人员。

这些都为University of Cambridge 奠定了世界近现代学术文化中心的地位。



申请到这所学校,不仅GPA 高,语言成绩也要相当棒。

不过如果你GPA 没有达到要求,但软实力,包括你的研究实力,项目经历等也是百里挑一的,那也是有可能申请到的。

牛津大学——深沉的black相较于University of Cambridge,University of Oxford 更注重思想教育,这使牛津培养的众多精英中以各国政要为主。



第一章:The Beetle at BayHarry learns about the trial of an underage wizard named Marietta Edgbe, who is facing punishment for betraying Dumbledore's Army to Umbridge. Hermione modifies a hat to hide the trio's faces and keep their voices unrecognizable, and they set off to try to find the next horcrux. They travel to 12 Grimmauld Place, the home of Sirius Black, and they plan to search the house for clues about the horcruxes.第二章:The Hufflepuff CupThe trio begins their search of 12 Grimmauld Place, and they find a locket that once belonged to Salazar Slytherin, which they believe to be the next horcrux. Meanwhile, they receive a message from Kreacher, the house-elf, who has information about the location of the locket. They realize that they must go to the Ministry of Magic to retrieve the locket from Umbridge, who now possesses it.第三章:The Lamentable LotamentAt the Ministry of Magic, the trio disguises themselves as employees using polyjuice potion, and they manage to retrieve the locket from Umbridge's office. However, they are caught and interrogated by Umbridge and the Death Eaters. They aresaved by the Order of the Phoenix, who arrive just in time to rescue them and take them back to 12 Grimmauld Place.第四章:The Life and Lies of Albus DumbledoreThe trio learns more about the history of the locket and its connection to Dumbledore and Grindelwald. They discover that Dumbledore had once sought the locket, but was unable to find it. In the meantime, they continue to plan their search for the other horcruxes, knowing that they must act quickly to defeat Voldemort.第五章:The Silver DoeHarry has a vision of a silver doe, which leads him to a frozen pond where he retrieves the sword of Gryffindor. Ron, who has returned to help his friends, uses the sword to destroy the locket and save Harry's life. The trio realizes that they must now focus on finding the rem本人ning horcruxes and destroying them.第六章:The Sealed TruthThe trio embarks on a journey to find the rem本人ning horcruxes, facing numerous challenges along the way. They encounter danger and betrayal, but they continue to press on,determined to do whatever it takes to defeat Voldemort and save the wizarding world.第七章:The Battle of HogwartsAs they search for the final horcrux, the trio finds themselves in the midst of the Battle of Hogwarts. They join forces with their friends and allies to fight ag本人nst Voldemort and his followers, knowing that the oue of the battle will determine the fate of the wizarding world.第八章:The End of an EraAfter a long and difficult struggle, Harry finally manages to destroy the final horcrux and defeat Voldemort once and for all. The wizarding world is saved, but not without great sacrifice. The trio and their friends mourn the loss of those who gave their lives in the battle, but they also look toward the future with hope and determination to rebuild and move forward.结语:哈利波特与凤凰社21章是一部充满惊险与奇幻的魔法冒险故事。



































赫敏学院(Harry School)位于英格兰西南部城市地区;卢卡斯学院(Lucas College)位于英格兰西南部城市地区;利文斯顿学院(Livingston)位于英格兰西南部城市地区;罗琳学院(Royal College)位于英格兰西北部城市地区;麦格教授学院(Maggie College)位于英国西北部城市地区;马斯特里赫特学院(Macrith College)位于英格兰东北部城市地区。

我们可以看到四个以“英国”为名的学院——而这四个由英国导演戴维·卡梅隆(David Cameron)执导——他们在电影版中扮演了不同类型的角色。













剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)剑桥大学是英国最古老的大学之一,创立于1209年。




牛津大学(University of Oxford)牛津大学也是英国最古老的大学之一,建于12世纪。




伦敦大学学院(University College London)伦敦大学学院是伦敦大学的一部分,也是英国最古老的大学之一。



帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)帝国理工学院是世界领先的科学、工程、医学和商业学院之一。



伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics and Political Science)伦敦政治经济学院是全球最著名的社会科学学院之一。



在牛津大学 就读是怎样的体验?

在牛津大学  就读是怎样的体验?


一般每年每个学院每个专业录取的学生基本上都会固定,比如Exeter college学院,每年物理系录取6个学生,面试的时候是物理的head tutor面试,还有其他的一些小tutor辅助一起面试,然后从众多面试者中选出6个学生,教授自己亲自手把手地带三年。


学院的门口会有每个人的鸽子洞,用来收各种信件和小传单们,还会有可爱的porter!学院的porter不只门卫的作用,基本上你有任何学院有关的问题都可以去问他,也可以帮忙签收外卖什么的……除了自己tutor最熟悉的脸就是porter了!每次见面都会很开心的和你say hi然后就一天阳光满满!

















180多年来,"牛津—剑桥划船赛"除了因为两次世界大战而中断过之外,从来不曾因为天气原因而取消过一次!2、剑桥牛津争夺“年度美臀大赛”日前,英国剑桥大学举办的"年度美臀大赛"引来社会热议,牛津大学可不会让"宿敌"独享目光焦点,便在另一个学生网站"Oxford Brookes Tab"上举办美臀赛,同样推出5女5男,还说候选者比剑桥的"更棒",要与剑桥大学争夺"年度美臀"。




王力宏牛津大学英文演讲稿:当艺术遇见国际化Good afternoon, everybody. I am honored to have this opportunity to speak to all of you at the prestigious Oxford University. Today, I would like to talk about a topic that is very close to my heart - the fusion of art and globalization.As an artist, I have been fortunate enough to have been able to see and experience a myriad of cultures and languages.I have always believed that music transcends all boundaries and borders. It has the power to bring people together, to create a sense of unity and harmony. Through my music, I aimto break down the barriers that divide us and to promote love and understanding.In today's world, where technology has made communication and travel so much easier, it is more important than ever to embrace internationalization. We are living in a global community, and we must learn to work together and respecteach other's differences. Art, in all its forms, can help to bridge the gap between nations and cultures.I believe that art has the ability to promote diversity, inspire social change, and foster collaboration. For example,through music, we can connect with people from all over the world, regardless of our language or cultural differences. We can use our art to create meaningful conversations and to explore important issues that affect us all, such as climate change, poverty, and injustice.Internationalization in art also provides opportunitiesto learn new skills and techniques from different culturesand artistic traditions. By collaborating with artists from diverse backgrounds, we can expand our creative horizons and develop new ways of approaching our art. More importantly, we can raise awareness of the richness of cultural diversity and promote cross-cultural understanding.It is also crucial to remember that art can be a powerful tool for diplomacy. By showcasing the best of our culturesand traditions, we can not only build bridges between nations, but also cultivate relationships and support economic development. When art becomes a platform for dialogue between nations, creativity becomes a powerful weapon for peace and diplomacy.In closing, I would like to express my hope that we canall work together to embrace internationalization in art. Letus remember that art is a universal language that has the power to bring us together. Let us use our art to create meaningful conversations, foster collaboration, and promote love and understanding across all nations and cultures. Thank you.。

















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介绍牛津大学和其学院的英语作文Oxford University: A Magical Place of LearningHave you ever dreamed of going to a school that feels like something out of a storybook? A place with grand old buildings, cozy libraries stuffed with books, and hallowed halls where some of the world's greatest thinkers once studied? Well, there's a university that has all those things and more - it's called Oxford!Oxford University is one of the oldest and most famous universities in the world. It was founded wayyyy back in the year 1096 - that's over 900 years ago! Can you imagine? It started out as just a few students and teachers meeting to learn together. Over many centuries, it grew into a massive university with tens of thousands of students from all over the globe.Unlike a regular university which is just one big campus, Oxford is made up of lots of smaller colleges. There are 39 colleges in total, and they're like mini communities within the larger university. Each college has its own buildings, living areas, dining halls, libraries, gardens, and traditions. It's kind of like Oxford is a big city, and each college is a fun little neighborhood within it.Some of the colleges are ancient and full of history, with buildings dating back to the 1200s and 1300s! They have thick stone walls, arched doorways, and courtyards that look like they're straight out of a Harry Potter movie. Other colleges are more modern, with sleek glass and steel buildings. But they all share a sense of grandeur and academic importance.If you attend Oxford as a student, you'd get to live at one of the colleges. Your days would be spent going to classes, studying in the college library, having lively discussions with professors, and making friends from all corners of the world. At night, you'd dine in the magnificent college dining hall on fancy meals prepared by chefs. Some colleges even have their own pubs, theaters, sports teams, and student societies to get involved in.The main University buildings and facilities are spread all across the city of Oxford. There are lecture halls, laboratories, museums, and academic departments tucked away on little lanes and hidden courtyards. You could spend years at Oxford and still not see every fascinating nook and cranny!One of the most iconic sights is the Bodleian Library. It's an enormous library that has over 13 million books! Some parts of it look like a real-life version of the Hogwarts library from HarryPotter, with ancient books lining seemingly endless shelves. The library even has a copy of every book ever published in the UK!Another must-see is the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, which has skeletons of dinosaurs and dodo birds on display. The Ashmolean Museum is one of the oldest public museums in the world and is full of archaeological treasures and ancient artifacts.Scattered throughout Oxford are also little nooks and gardens where students love to relax with books and picnics on sunny days. There's even a meadow where cows graze right in the middle of the city! With so many charming sights, it's no wonder Oxford is considered one of the most beautiful cities in England.Many of the most brilliant minds in history have studied or taught at Oxford over the centuries. The roster of famous Oxford students and teachers includes scientists like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, authors like C.S. Lewis and Oscar Wilde, philosophers and economists, and even royals and prime ministers of England.While Oxford is undoubtedly a place steeped in history and tradition, it's also constantly evolving to stay at the forefront of education and innovation. Modern students get to takecutting-edge courses in all sorts of fields, from molecular biology to computer coding to sustainable energy.At the end of their studies, Oxford graduates join an incredible alumni network that spans the globe. Over the centuries, Oxford-educated leaders have gone on to become presidents, prime ministers, Supreme Court justices,award-winning writers, tech entrepreneurs, and so much more. Just imagine - if you studied at Oxford, you could end up becoming an inspiring world leader or making an amazing breakthrough discovery someday!So as you can see, Oxford University is an absolutely enchanting place, full of hushed libraries, stunning architecture, mind-blowing museums, and a rich history going back over 900 years. Yet it's also an energetic modern institution driving innovation and preparing tomorrow's leaders.Getting to be an Oxford student would be a dream come true for any young learner! Between living in one of the cozy colleges, attending classes taught by world-class professors, and exploring Oxford's medieval buildings and bucolic scenery, every day would feel like an adventure. Who knows - you might even get to take potions classes and attend an annual wizards' ball ifyou're lucky! Okay, maybe not that last part. But Oxford is magical enough already.。

英国留学名校一览 跟着电影看名校

英国留学名校一览 跟着电影看名校



牛津大学  牛津大学(University of Oxford),简称牛津,是一所位于英国牛津市的世界顶级公立大学,建校于1167年,为英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的高等教育机构,被公认为是当今世界最顶尖的高等教育机构之一。



牛津有一个中央学校(包括校和系图书馆,以及科学实验室),38个学院以及7个永久私人公寓(Permanent Private Halls,PPHs)。


有些学院只接受研究生,这些通常都是近一个世纪建立的新学院,例如Wolfson College。

而有一个学院根本就不招收学生,那就是All Souls College。

牛津大学基督教堂学院,正式名称是“亨利八世国王在牛津建立的基督坐堂教堂学院”, 英文“The Dean, Chapter and Students of the Cathedral Church of Christ in Oxford of the Foundation of King Henry the Eighth”,是世界上唯一同时兼为主教座堂的学院。

如果,你没听过基督教会学院,你或许有听过《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 (Alice in Wonderland);又或者,该有听过《哈利波特》 (Harry Potter) 吧?基督教会学院是《哈利波特》电影的取景地之一:《哈利波特》电影的影响力,也把基督教会学院的名声再推高一层。




















近日,“头发始终乱糟糟的”英国伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)表示,英国牛津大学应该设立一个以撒切尔夫人(Margaret Thatcher)为名的学院,纪念并弥补当年没有授予她荣誉博士学位。




介绍说,约翰逊自己也是牛津大学毕业,他在全球大学峰会(Global Universities Summit)上回忆他在牛津的日子。






撒切尔夫人的母校,牛津大学萨默维尔学院(Somerville College)正计划进行大规模募款活动,成立撒切尔夫人奖学金。



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斯顿 、 艾德礼 、威 尔逊 、撤 切尔夫 人 、布莱 尔 、卡 梅伦 ,及
牛 津 向来是 伦敦 西行 路线 上 的重点 ,早在 1 0 9 6 年 ,就 已有人 在牛 津
讲学 。牛 津大 学是 英语 国家中最 古老 的 大学 。在 1 2 世 纪之 前 ,英 国
是没 有大 学 的 ,人 们都 是 去法 国和 其他 欧 陆国 家求学 。1 1 6 7 年 ,当
沙阿等 。
把牛 津作 为一 个 “ 总学 ,这 实际上 就是 牛津 大学 的前 身 。牛 津 大 学是 英 国研究 型大 学 罗素大 学集 团 、欧洲 顶尖 大学 科英 布拉集 团、
欧洲研 究型 大学联盟 以及E u m p u f n 中的核 心成 员。
其 他各界 精 英 :1 3 世 纪 的著 名学者 培根 ,1 4 世 纪 曾任

究 员 或 访

文学家查 尔斯 ・ 道奇 森等 。
督学 院食堂 ,也叫 “ 大礼 堂
基督 学院 始建于 1 5 2 4  ̄: , 督学 院食堂 是这个 学院最 重

l 牛校风景 】
牛 津大 学不 同于 其它 的大学 ,城市 与大 学融为 一体 ,街道就 从

的 学
之 所 以 有
这样的牛 校 ,你不 想看看 吗?
文/ : F 晶 晓 暖 图/ Ap p l e
【 牛 校档案 】
牛 津确 实与牛 有 关 。传说 古代 牛群涉 水而 过 ,因而 取名 牛津 。
自6 个 国家的 1 2 位 国王 ,其 中英 国国王 6 位 ,如 爱德 华七 世 、
八世 等 ;约 旦国王 阿 杜拉 二世 、泰 国国王 拉玛六 世 、荷兰 廉二 世 、东 加国王 乔治 ・ 图普五世 、挪 威 国王哈拉 尔五 世 、 五世 等 ;1 9 个 国家 的5 3 位 总统 和首 相 ,其中英 国首 相2 6 位,
入 了爱丽丝 的梦 境之 中。 纳
学 院礼 拜堂 里 的中世纪塔 楼里
津 大
皎园穿 过 。大学不 仅 没有校 门和 围墙 ,而 且 连正式 招牌也 没有 。楼 房的尖塔 在烟雨 蒙蒙 中若 隐若现 ,高 高的石 墙上 爬满老 藤 ,稀 疏 的
绿叶中绽 放着红 红 的花朵 ,小城 显得古 朴素 雅 。牛滓城 的建 筑古 色
令人 羡慕 的是 ,牛津大 学
犬 分 最 , 以 像
基 督
限 多

充员等 才能 登上

温昔 日的辉煌 。牛 津市 内有圣迈 克尔 教堂 的萨克 森人塔 楼 ,诺曼 人 碉堡 和城 墙遗 址等等 ,处 处给人 以历 史的纵 深感 ,难怪 英 国有一 句
民谚 : 穿过 牛津城 ,犹如进入 历史 。
拘传统 ,是 因为 教学 院 ,因此在
斯 利和 查尔 斯 ・ 韦斯利 ,文 学翻 译家 塞缪 尔 ・ 约 翰逊 ,1 9
S p e c i a l r e p o r t s 特别策划

[ ,
只 有 教 授 、
能 坐
普 自 通

走近 牛津基督学院的食堂。一股魔法气息扑面而来 , 这里就是 《 哈利 ・ 波特 》的取景地
S p e c i a l r e p o r t s 特别策划

起 看 产各界精英的 校

文/ 朱 七 七
提及大学 ,总有这些词情不 自禁地蹦到脑海里——哈佛、牛津 、剑桥、耶鲁… . .
为什 么 呢? 因为 它们 “ 牛” 。它 们校 园牛 ,每个 学校 都 是百 年老 校 ,用 了几 百年 的教 学 楼 ,充 满了 文化的积 淀和历 史沧桑 ;它们校友牛 ,国家元 首出 了几十个 ,亿万 富翁产生 几 十名 ,诺 贝尔 奖获 得者 的名 单一 长 串 ;它 们 的教育 理念 牛 ,要求 学生不 要 “ 死 读书 读 死 书” ,而是首 先培养 学生成 为一个 合格 的公 民 ,要求 学生 必须 了解 世界 ,要求 学生 认 识 自己 ,所 以所有牛 人在学校都 已经锻炼 成一个独 立思考 的个体 。
组 子 成 们 部 可来自教 授 们 也 和

师们一 样在 这里 用餐 。当然
毫 食
也 是 最 古 童
他 现 格 们 在 兰 一 仍 芬 起 然 多 在

占香 ,分 属于 不同历 史年 代的不 同建 筑流派 。在 牛津街 道上 散步 ,
就像 回到 了历 史之 中。在 那里可 以回忆 起过 去的 美好 时光 ,可 以重
时 的英格 兰 国王 同法兰 西 国王发 生争 吵 ,英王 一气之 下 ,把寄 读 于 巴黎 大学 的英 国学 者召 回 ,禁止 他们 再去 巴黎 大学 。这 些学者 从 巴 黎 回国 ,聚集 于牛 津 ,从事 经 院哲学 的教 学与 研究 。于 是人们 开 始
统克 林顿 、 印度总 理甘 地、澳 大利 亚总 理弗雷 泽 、加拿 大启 逊 、 巴基斯 坦总理 贝娜 齐尔 ・ 布托 ,及马来西 亚最 高元首 艾
学 院院 长 ,历 史上 第一 部完 整的英 译本 圣 经》 的组织 者 、 宗教 改 革先声 的约 翰 ・ 威克 利夫 ,1 6 世 纪的文 学家 沃尔特 .
【 牛校牛人 l
在 历 史 上 ,许 多 著 名 的 人物 曾就 读于 牛 津 ,如政 治 精 英 :来
约翰 - 多恩 ,1 8 世 纪发起 宗教 复兴 运动 ,创立 卫理 公会 的
爱 丽 丝漫 游 仙境 》 的 作 多 名人 《
魔幻牛津: 《 哈利 ・ 波特》 拍摄地
年 轻 人 或许 对 撤 切 尔夫 人 、布 莱 尔并 不 感 兴 趣 ,但 他们 一 定 勾 哈利 . 波 特》 深深着 迷过 。这 部伴 随着一代 人青 春的 系列 电影
师 的时
把这里 的每 一处精 致都 融 的作者 刘易 斯则在 马德林 写出 了小说 中的石 雕 。而