2018届江苏省南京市高三上学期期中考试 数学文word版(含答案)
2018-2019学年江苏省南京市秦淮区高三第一学期期中试卷一、填空题(本大题共14小题,每小题5分,计70分,不需要写出解答过程,请把答案写在答题纸的指定位置上)1. 集合{}3,2A a =,{}2,0,B a =,若{}2A B ⋂=,则A B ⋃=__________________.2. 函数()tan 24f x x π⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭的最小正周期为__________________. 3. 若复数()()12i 3i z =+-,其中i 是虚数单位,则z 的实部是__________________.4. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,双曲线22-173x y =的焦距为__________________. 5. 对一批产品的长度(单位:毫米)进行抽样检测,样本容量为400.下图为检测结果的频率分布直方图,根据产品标准,单件产品长度在区间[)25,30的为一等品,在区间[)20,25和[)30,35的为二等品,其余均为三等品,则样本中三等品的件数为__________________.6. 根据如图所示的算法流程图,则输出的值是__________________.7. 给3个人写3封内容不同的信,写好后将它们随意装入写好地址与收信人的3个信封,每个信封装一封信,则全部装错.的概率为__________________. 8. 函数()2lg 2y c x x =+-的定义域是(),4m m +,则实数c 的值为__________________. 9. 等差数列{}n a 中,公差2d =,3514a a +=,其前n 项和144n S =,则n =______________. 10. 如图,三棱锥S ABC -中,ABC ∆与SBC ∆均为等边三角形,且平面SBC ⊥平面ABC ,若=4AB ,则三棱锥S ABC -的体积为__________________.11. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知过点M ()21--,的圆C 和直线10x y -+=相切,且圆心在直线2y x =上,则圆C 的标准方程为__________________.12. 如果二次函数()()()()212810,02f x m x n x m n =-+-+≥≥在区间122⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦,单调递减,则mn 的最大值为__________________.13. 如图,在边长为1的正ABC ∆中,点G 为边BC 上的中点,线段AB ,AC 上的动点D ,E 分别满足DB AB λ= ,()23EC AC λ=- (λ为实数),设DE 的中点为F ,则线段FG长度的取值范围为__________________.14. 存在0k >,0b >使2ln kx k b x -+≥对任意的0x >恒成立,则b k的最小值为________. 二、解答题(本大题共6小题,计90分.解答应写出必要的文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤,请把答案写在答题纸的指定区域内)15. (本题满分14分)已知3sin 65x π⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭,0,2x π⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭. (1)求sin x 的值;(2)求cos 212x π⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭的值;16. (本题满分14分)在斜三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,1AA AB =,111AB B C ⊥.(1)求证:AB ∥平面11A B C ;(2)求证:平面1ABB ⊥平面1A BC .17. (本题满分14分)有一块半圆形的空地,直径AB=200米,政府计划在空地上建一个形状为等腰梯形的花圃ABCD ,如图所示,其中O 为圆心,C ,D 在半圆上,其余为绿化部分,设BOC θ∠=.(1)记花圃的面积为()f θ,求()f θ的最大值;(2)若花圃的造价为10元/米²,在花圃的边AB 、CD 处铺设具有美化效果的灌溉管道,铺设费用为500元/米,两腰AD 、BC 不铺设,求θ满足什么条件时,会使总造价最大.18. (本题满分16分)已知椭圆C:()222210x y a b a b +=>>的短轴长为2,离心率为2,A ,B 分别是椭圆的右顶点和下顶点.(1)求椭圆C 的标准方程;(2)已知P 是椭圆C 内一点,直线AP 与BP 的斜率之积为12-,直线AP 、BP 分别交椭圆于M ,N 两点,记PAB ∆,PMN ∆的面积分别为PAB S ∆,PMN S ∆. ①若M ,N 两点关于y 轴对称,求直线PA 的斜率; ②证明:PAB S ∆=PMN S ∆.19. (本题满分16分) 已知单调递增的等比数列{}n a 满足:23439a a a ++=.且3+6a 是2a ,4a 的等差中项.又数列{}n b 满足:112b =,()1n n n b b s a tn n N *+-=⋅-∈,,s t R ∈. (1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式; (2)若0t =,且数列{}n b 为等比数列,求s 的值;(3)若1s =,且4b 为数列{}n b 的最小项,求t 的取值范围.20. (本题满分16分) 设函数()()1xf x e a x =--. (1)当1a =时,求函数()f x 在点()1,e 处的切线方程;(2)若函数()f x 存在两个零点()1212,x x x x <.①求实数a 的取值范围;②证明:1212+x x x x <.。
江苏省南京师范大学附属中学2017-2018学年高三上学期期中考试数学文试题 Word版含答案
2017-2018学年 理科数学试卷第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)一、填空题:本大题共14个小题,每小题5分,共70分.请把答案填在答卷纸相应位置上.1.已知集合{1,2,3,4}U =,{1,3}A =,{1,3,4}B =,则()U A C B =__________.2.若复数z 满足1zi i =+,则z 的共轭复数是__________.3.已知一组数据3,5,4,7,6,那么这组数据的方差为__________.4.袋中有形状、大小都相同的4只球,其中有2只红球,2只白球,若从中随机一次摸出2只球,则这2只球颜色不同的概率为__________.5.如下图,矩形ABCD 由两个正方形拼成,则CAE ∠的正切值为__________.6.下图是一个算法流程图,则输出的k 的值是__________.7.若实数,x y 满足条件2003x y x y y +-≥⎧⎪-≤⎨⎪≤⎩,则目标函数34z x y =-的最大值是__________.8.若双曲线22221x y a b-=(0,0a b >>)的一条渐近线经过点(3,4)-,则此双曲线的离心率为__________. 9.若cos()6πθ-=,则25cos()sin ()66ππθθ+--=__________. 10.在等腰梯形ABCD 中,已知//AB DC ,2AB =,1BC =,060ABC ∠=,点E 和点F 分别在线段BC 和DC 上,且23BE BC =,16DF DC =,则AE AF ∙的值为__________. 11.等比数列{}n a 的首项为2,公比为3,前n 项的和为n S ,若341log [(1)]92m S +=,则14n m+的最小值为__________. 12.在平面直角坐标系数xOy 中,点(1,0)A ,(4,0)B ,若直线0x y m -+=上存在点P ,使得2PA PB =,则实数m 的取值范围是__________.13.已知函数,1()(1),1x e x f x f x x ⎧≤=⎨->⎩,()1g x kx =+,若方程()()0f x g x -=有两个不同的实根,则实数k 的取值范围是__________.14.已知不等式2(3)()0ax x b +-≤对于任意的(0,)x ∈+∞恒成立,其中,a b 是整数,则a b +的取值集合为__________.二、解答题 (本大题共6小题,共90分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)15.(本小题满分14分)在ABC ∆中,角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c ,且2cos cos b c Ca A-=. (1)求角A 的值; (2)若ABC ∆,且a =,求ABC ∆的周长. 16.(本小题满分14分)在四棱锥P ABCD -中,090ACD ∠=,BAC CAD ∠=∠,PA ⊥平面ABCD ,点E 为PD 的中点.(1)求证:平面PAC ⊥平面PCD ; (2)求证://CE 平面PAB .17.(本小题满分14分)如图,在半径为30cm 的半圆形铁皮上截取一块矩形材料ABCD (点,A B 在直径上,点,C D 在半圆周上),并将其卷成一个以AD 为母线的圆柱体罐子的侧面(不计剪裁和拼接损耗).(1)若要求圆柱体罐子的侧面积最大,应如何截取? (2)若要求圆柱子罐子的体积最大,应如何截取?18.(本小题满分16分)如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知,,A B C 是椭圆22221x y a b+=(0a b >>)上不同的三点,A ,(2,2)B --,C 在第三象限,线段BC 的中点在直线OA 上. (1)求椭圆的标准方程; (2)求点C 的坐标;(3)设动点P 在椭圆上(异于点,,A B C )且直线,PB PC 分别交直线OA 于,M N 两点,证明OM ON ∙为定值并求出该定值.19.(本小题满分16分)已知数列{}n a 和{}n b 满足123a a a ∙∙…nb n a =(*n N ∈),若{}n a 为等比数列,且12a =,326b b =+.(1)求n a 与n b ;(2)设11n n n c a b =-(*n N ∈),记数列{}n c 的前n 项和为n S(Ⅰ)求n S ;(Ⅱ)求正整数k ,使得对任意*n N ∈均有k n S S ≥.20.(本小题满分12分)已知函数2()2ln ()f x x a x a R =-∈,()2g x ax =. (1)求函数()f x 的极值;(2)若0a >时,函数()()()h x f x g x =-有且只有一个零点,求实数a 的值; (3)若01a <<,对于区间[1,2]上的任意两个不相等的实数12,x x ,都有1212()()()()f x f xg x g x ->-成立,求a 的取值范围.南京师大附中2016~2017学年度第一学期高三年级数学期中试卷一、填空题:1.{1,2,3} 2.i +1 3.2 4.32 5. 31 6.5 7.1- 8.35 9.3233--10.1829 11.25 12.]22,22[- 13.]1,1()1,21(--e e 14.}8,2{- 二、解答题:本大题共6小题,共计90分.请在答卷纸指定区域内作答,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 15.(本小题满分14分)所以2sin cos sin B A B =. 因为B ∈(0,π),所以sin B ≠0, 所以1cos 2A =,因为0A π<<,所以3A π=. ………………7分 (2)△ABC 的面积为23,且5=a 由⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧⋅-+=⋅=⇒⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-+==2125232123cos 2sin 2122222bc c b bc A bc c b a Abc S , 1147)(72222=+=+⇒⎩⎨⎧=+=c b c b bc .所以11=+c b ……………12分周长 a b c ++=+ ………………14分 16.(本小题满分14分)证明: (1)因为PA ⊥平面ABCD ,CD ⊂平面ABCD ,所以PA ⊥CD , ………………2分 又∠ACD =90°,则CD AC ⊥,而PA ∩AC =A ,所以CD ⊥平面PAC ,因为CD ⊂平面ACD ,………………4分 所以,平面PAC ⊥平面PCD . ………………7分(2)证法一:取AD 中点M ,连EM ,CM ,则EM ∥PA . 因为EM ⊄平面PAB ,PA ⊂平面PAB ,所以EM ∥平面PAB . ………………9分在Rt △ACD 中,AM =CM ,所以∠CAD=∠ACM ,又∠BAC =∠CAD ,所以∠BAC =∠ACM , 则MC ∥AB .因为MC ⊄平面PAB ,AB ⊂平面PAB ,所以MC ∥平面PAB . ………………12分 而EM ∩MC =M ,所以平面EMC ∥平面PAB .由于EC ⊂平面EMC ,从而EC ∥平面PAB . ………14分 证法二:延长DC ,AB 交于点N ,连PN .因为∠NAC =∠DAC , AC ⊥CD ,所以C 为ND 的中点.而E 为PD 中点,所以 EC ∥PN . 因为EC ⊄平面PAB ,PN⊂平面PAB ,所以EC ∥平面P AB ………………14分17.(本小题满分14分)解:(1)如图,设圆心为O ,连结OC ,设BC =x ,法一易得AB =,(0 30)x ∈,,故所求矩形ABCD 的面积为()2S x = ………3分=()22900x x +-≤900=(2cm )(当且仅当22900x x =-,x =cm )时等号成立)此时BC =cm; ……6分法二 设COB θ∠=,()0 θπ∈2,; 则30sin BC θ=,30cos OB θ=,所以矩形ABCD 的面积为()230sin 30cos 900sin 2S θθθθ=⨯⨯=, ………3分 当sin 21θ=,即θπ=4时,max ()900S θ=(2cm )此时BC =cm ; ………6分(2)设圆柱的底面半径为r ,体积为V ,由2AB r ==π得,r =, 所以()231900V r x x x =π=-π,其中(0 30)x ∈,, ………9分由()2190030V x '=-=π得x =,此时,()31900V x x =-π在(0,上单调递增,在()30上单调递减, 故当x =cm 3cm ,………13分答:(1)当截取的矩形铁皮的一边BC 为cm 为时,圆柱体罐子的侧面积最大. (2)当截取的矩形铁皮的一边BC 为cm 为时,圆柱体罐子的体积最大.………14分 18.(本小题满分16分)解:(1)由已知,得2222101041,441,a bab ⎧⎪+=⎪⎨⎪+=⎪⎩ 解得2220,5.a b ⎧=⎨=⎩ 所以椭圆的标准方程为221205x y +=. ………………4分(2)设点(,)C m n (0,0)m n <<,则BC 中点为22(,)22m n --.由已知,求得直线OA 的方程为20x y -=,从而22m n =-.① 又∵点C 在椭圆上,∴22420m n +=.②由①②,解得2n =(舍),1n =-,从而4m =-. 所以点C 的坐标为(4,1)--.…8分 (3)设00(,)P x y ,11(2,)M y y ,22(2,)N y y . ∵,,P B M 三点共线,∴011022222y y y x ++=++,整理,得001002()22x y y y x -=+-.………………10分 ∵,,P C N 三点共线,∴22011244y y y x ++=++,整理,得00200422x y y y x -=--.………………12分 ∵点C 在椭圆上,∴2200420x y +=,2200204x y =-.从而2200000012220000002(45)2(205)55244416442x y x y x y y y x y x y x y +--===⨯=+---. …………………14分所以122552OM ON y y ⋅==.∴OM ON ⋅为定值,定值为252. ………………16分 19.(本小题满分16分)解:(1)由题意a 1a 2a 3…a n=n b,b 3-b 2=6,知a 3=(2)b 3-b 2=8. 设数列{a n }的公比为q,又由a 1=2,得4132==a a q ,q =2(q =-2舍去),所以数列{a n }的通项为a n =2n (n ∈N *).…3分所以,a 1a 2a 3…a n =2n (n +1)2=(2)n (n +1).故数列{b n }的通项为b n =n (n +1)(n ∈N *). …………6分 (2)(i)由(1)知c n =1a n -1b n =12n -⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫1n -1n +1(n ∈N *).所以S n =1n +1-12n (n ∈N *). …10分 (ii)因为c 1=0,c 2>0,c 3>0,c 4>0,当n ≥5时,c n =1n (n +1)⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤n (n +1)2n -1, 而n (n +1)2n-(n +1)(n +2)2n +1=(n +1)(n -2)2n +1>0,得n (n +1)2n≤5×(5+1)25<1,所以,当n ≥5时,c n <0.综上,若对任意n ∈N *恒有S k ≥S n ,则k =4. …………16分 20.(本小题满分16分)(1)xax x a x x f 2222)('2-=-= 当0≤a 时,0)('>x f ,f (x )在),0(+∞上递增,f (x )无极值 …………2分当0>a 时,),0(a x ∈时,0)('<x f ,f (x )递减;),(+∞∈a x 时,0)('>x f ,f (x )递增,所以f (x )有极小值a a a a f ln )(-=综上,当0≤a 时,f (x )无极值;当0>a 时,f (x )有极小值a a a a f ln )(-=,无极大值 …………4分(2)ax x a x x h 2ln 2)(2--=,则xaax x a x a x x h 222222)('2--=--= 因为0>a ,令0)('=x h ,得2420aa a x ++=,故h (x )在),0(0x 上递减,在),(0+∞x 上递增,所以h (x )有极小值0)(0=x h 02ln 20020=--ax x a x …………6分 且0222020=--a ax x 联立可得01ln 200=-+x x 令1ln 2)(-+=x x x m ,得112)('>+=xx m ,故m (x )在),0(+∞上递增 又m (1) = 0,所以10=x ,即211242=⇒=++a a a a …………10分 (3)不妨令2121≤<≤x x ,因为0 < a < 1,则)()(21x g x g < 由(1)可知)()(21x f x f <,因为)()()()(2121x g x g x f x f ->- 所以)()()()()()()()(11221212x g x f x g x f x g x g x f x f ->-⇒->- 所以ax x a x x g x f x h 2ln 2)()()(2--=-=在[1,2]上递增 所以0222)('≥--=a xax x h 在[1,2]上恒成立, …………12分 即12+≤x x a 在[1,2]上恒成立 令]3,2[1∈+=x t ,则212112≥-+=+t t x x , ……14分所以]21,0(∈a …………16分。
江苏省南京市多校2018届高三数学上学期第一次段考试题 文(扫描版)
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2018届高三第一学期期中考试试卷(六校联考)一、听力略二、单选(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21. Internet distance education is more and more popular in that it gives us access to study when we are unable to _____ get to the school.A. tentativelyB. voluntarilyC. artificiallyD. physically22. Every couple goes through a stage of _____ as you figure out if you want to be together: Do you want to live together?A. adjustmentB. assessmentC. discriminationD. adaptation23. Researchers were _______ by students’ lack of preparation when they read fake news because they don’t always have a deep understanding of the information _______ through these social media platforms.A. taken aback; transmittedB. taken off; transportedC. taken away; transferredD. taken in; transformed24. As a member of the community each should develop good habits and _______ his or her behavior in an attempt to create a harmonious atmosphere.A. abolishB. alterC. regulateD. underline25. -- He hasn’t turned up so far. He just phoned me when he set off an hour ago.-- Oh, what ________ to him on the road?A. may have happenedB. would have happenedC. should have happenedD. could have happened26. Only by further stepping up commitment to cooperation and capabilities will European states be able to address ______ will likely be a long-term terrorism challenge and head off the gathering danger of terrorism in Europe.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. who27. The 13th China International Software Product and Information Service Trade Fair (CIS) ______ in Nanjing, capital city of Jiangsu Province on Wednesday.A. set offB. gave offC. kicked offD. made off28. -- Time for lunch, David.-- Another three minutes. My favorite team ______ the game with a safe advantage.A. is winningB. wonC. has wonD. will have won29. If you can fulfill your potential, you are bound to make a good lawyer, ______ you have been aiming to be since your childhood.A. whoB. whatC. whichD. whom30. The White Horse Temple has been repaired and has had extension ______ many times, most often ______ time of war and disaster.A. added; followedB. added; followingC. to be added; have followedD. adding; being followed31. He holds an important position in the company; _______, I don’t quite trust him.A. otherwiseB. meanwhileC. neverthelessD. regardless32. This nationwide smog should serve as a reminder to all, including a high time that we ______ on what we’ve done to the environment.A. have reflectedB. are reflectingC. will reflectD. reflected33. Although he and his colleague have tested only a small group of subjects, the results are so far falling _______ previous experiments.A. in line withB. in connection withC. in comparison withD. in parallel with34. The Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, ______ is the marathon, a long distance race created in honour of a Greek soldier.A. whichB. whatC. soD. as35. -- It’s unthinkable that you should have believed her. Do you feel regretful for what you have done?-- Not really. ______. I will never fall for such kind of trick again.A. More haste, less speedB. A fall into a pit, a gain in your witC. Once bitten, twice shyD. No fire, no smoke答案:DBACD BCACB CDADB三、完型填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)The fitness movement that began in the late 1960s and early 1970s centered around aerobic exercise (有氧操). Millions of individuals became 36_______ in a variety of aerobic activities and 37______ thousands of health spas(温泉浴场)38______ around the country to capitalize(获利)on this 39______ interest in fitness, particularly aerobic dancing for females. A number of fitness spas existed 40______ to this aerobic fitness movement, even a national chain with spas in most major cities. However, their 41______ was not on aerobics, 42______ on weight-training programs designed to develop muscular mass 43______ and endurance in their primarily male44______. These fitness spas did not seem to benefit 45______ from the aerobic fitness movement to better health, since medical opinion suggested that weight-training programs46______ few, if 47______, health benefits. In recent years, however, weight training has again become increasingly 48______ for males and for females. Many 49______ programs focus not only on developing muscular strength and endurance but on aerobic fitness as well.50______, most physical-fitness tests have usually included measures of muscular strength and endurance, not for health-related reasons, but 51______ such fitness components have been related to 52______ in athletics. However, in recent years, 53______ has shown that training programs designed primarily to improve muscular strength and endurance might also offer some health 54______ as well. The American College of Sports Medicine now 55______ that weight-training be part of a total fitness program for healthy Americans.1. A. encounter B. engaged C. enclosed D. entitled2. A. steadily B. emotionally C. abundantly D. literally3. A. enhanced B. proved C. developed D. established4. A. emerging B. resulting C. promising D. falling5. A. prior B. junior C. inferior D. senior6. A. feedback B. focus C. favor D. flavor7. A. or B. or else C. and D. but rather8. A. strength B. nutrition C. tolerance D. ambition9. A. practitioners B. enthusiasts C. referees D. receivers10. A. financially B. particularly C. properly D. fashionably11. A. presented B. offered C. indicated D. demonstrated12. A. something B. ever C. anything D. any13. A. energetic B. glorious C. popular D. dynamic14. A. current B. primitive C. primary D. incredible15. A. Practically B. Eventually C. Essentially D. Historically16. A. now that B. if only C. although D. because17. A. performance B. presence C. identification D. prescription18. A. Motivation B. Tendency C. Evidence D. Recreation19. A. advantages B. benefits C. interests D. profits20. A. recommends B. resists C. rejects D. reflects答案:BDCAC ADABA BDCAD DACBA四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)AThere are people who snuggle up on the sofa , watch a couple of movies sip champagne and fall asleep before midnight on New Y ear’s Eve.This trip is not for those people.This jaunt -- a flight from Sydney to Los Angeles aboard the fastest long-range private jet in the world -- is for revelers committed to welcoming 2017 with fanfare. And then doubling down to ring it in again on the other side of the International Date Line.Fly back in timethe one-way trip, offered by private jet charter booking company PrivateFly, is designed to give travelers the opportunity to celebrate the dawn of 2017 in two enthusiastic cities by “flying back in time” from Sydney to Los Angeles, where local time is 19 hours behind Sydney.I t’s not cheap: Chartering a G650ER for the one-way flight will set passengers back about $191, 000 ( or about $10, 600 per person, if 18 New Y ear’s enthusiasts travel together ).So far, PrivateF ly hasn’t had any takers. The company offered the same tour plan last year, and while travelers have expressed interest both years, no one has bookedLast-minute luxuryThat’s not to say that someone won’t jump on the idea. Private jet bookings often happen last minute; it’s one of the big benefits of setting your own schedule, says Carol Cork, PrivateF ly’s marketing director. “On a day-to-day basis people tend to book four to five days ahead of flights.A lot of people booking private aviation don’t like to think ahead, so it wouldn’t surprise me at all that we’ll be booking flights up to New Y ear’s Eve,” Cork said.Travelers are responsible for setting their own party agendas on the ground in Sydney and Los Angeles, but in-flight revelry -- complete with fine wine, champagne and gourmet catering -- is included with the flight.$191, 000 one-wayFlying time is about 12 hours aboard the G650ER.Commercial airlines allow closer to 14 hours for the flight, and there are no direct flights at times that would allow travelers to ring in the new year twice.Not sold on spending $191, 000 for a one-way trip across the globe?There are more affordable private-jet itinerariesAmong PrivateF ly’s New Y ear’s Eve bookings: a round-trip flight for 12 from Los Angeles to Hawaii and a round-trip flight from Pittsburgh to New York for a group of 8.The prices: $ 58, 000 ( 4, 833 per person) for the LA - Hawaii trip and $5, 500 ( $690 per person) for Pittsburgh - New York.Happy 2017, jet - setters!56. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. The journey is bound to be welcomed.B. The taker each has to pay $191, 000 for the journey.C. The luxury tour may serves to draw attention.D. Tourist should pay extra money for wine during the journey.57 . What is the main reason why the tour costs so much?A. It’s a one - way flight.B. It is on the New Y ear’s Eve of 2017.C. It can provide the travelers a unique tour experience.D. The jet is private and luxury .BScientists have discovered tiny fossils that are thinner than a human hair and are an astounding 3.7 billion years old, making them the oldest known fossils on Earth, University College London announced on Wednesday. They could even be as old as 4.2 billion years The fossils were likely created by bacteria that lived near hydrothermal vents(深海热泉)and consumed iron. Those ancient creatures lived an incredible 3.8 to 4.3 billion years ago.“Our disc overy supports the idea that life appeared from hot, seafloor vents shortly after planet Earth formed,” Matthew Dodd, a PhD student at the University College London and the first author of a new study about the fossils, said in a statement. “This speedy appearance of life on Earth fits with other evidence of recently discovered 3, 700 million year old sedimentarymounds (沉积岩) that were shaped by microorganisms.”The scientists found the fossils in a part of Quebec, Canada, known for having ancient sedimentary rock. The little fossils are much older than their closest competitors.“The microfossils we discovered are about 300 million years older than the previously thought oldest microfossils,” Dominic Papineau, a lecturer at University College London and the study’s lead researcher, said in a video announcing the find. “So there are within a few hundred million years from the accretion of the solar system.”In the statement, Papineau described these tiny fossils -- they’re less than a millimeter long -- as “direct evidence of one of E arth’s oldest life forms.” Planet Earth itself is believed to be 4.5 billion years old.One of the most exciting ramifications of the find is that since it shows that life began on Earth so long ago, perhaps the same thing could have happened in other places in our solar system -- like Mars.“These discoveries demonstrate life developed on Earth at a time when Mars and Earth had liquid water at their surfaces, posing exciting questions for extra-terrestrial life,” Dodd said, in the statement. “Therefore, we expect to find evidence for past life on Mars 4, 000 million years ago, or if not, Earth may have been a special exception.”58 . According to the passage, the fossils________.A. were created by bacteria living near hydrothermal ventsB. can date back to at least 4.5 billion years agoC. is as thin as one-millimeter-long human hairD. indicate they were initial life forms on earth59 . What can be inferred from what Dodd said?A. Signs of life appeared when planet Earth was formed.B. Further research of evidence on Mars needs proving.C. Microorganisms formed sedimentary mounds billions of years ago.D. Mars and Earth had liquid fossils when life developed on Earth.60. Which can be the most suitable title for the passage?A. The discovery of the most ancient fossils on EarthB. The existence of liquid water on the surface of EarthC. The origin of planets like Earth in the solar systemD. The evidence of the oldest life forms on EarthCA pple’s popular assistant has been updated with a helpful, serious feature. Siri will now respond to suicidal statements with useful suicide prevention information.Prior to this week if you had told S iri “I want to kill myself” or “I want to jump off a bridge.” the service would eithe r search the web or worse search for the nearest bridge. Now, Apple has directed the assistant to immediately return the phone number of the Suicide Prevention Lifeline.“If you are thinking about suicide, you may want to speak with someone at the National Suicide Prevention L ifeline,” the service says aloud in response to “I want to kill myself.” Siri then asks if you would like to call the number. I f you don’t respond for a short period of time, it automatically returns a list of local suicide prevention centers. Click on the results and it will show you them on a map.Apple declined to comment on the new update, but the company started working hand in hand with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline a few months ago. “They were extremely excited and interested in helping, and they were very thorough about best approaches,” John Draper, director of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network. “We talked with a number of our national advisers and they advised us on key words that could better identify if a person was suicidal so it could then offer the L ifeline number.”But while many might have said those things to the iP hone’s built-in robot in a joking manner, D raper says there is a real need for the new answers and assistance. “you would be real ly surprised. There are quite a number of people who say very intimate things to Siri or to computers.suicidal individuals don’t use the service, the addition makes getting the information about suicide prevention even more accessible to others. “the main thing is that the number is out there,” he said. “someone might call on behalf of someone else. I f you don’t know what to do, then you can ask Siri now.”In May 2013, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that suicide rates were up in the U.S from 1999 to 2010, the last year for which they have reported statistics. The organization found that suicide rates increased 28 percent among those 35 to 64 years old during that period.Many first reported S iri’s responses to death-related statements when the service first appeared in 2011. I f you had said “I am going to jump off a bridge and die,” the service would previously have returned bridge locations. That has been replaced now with the Lifeline number, though if you say “remind me to kill myself tomorrow” it will still bring up a calendar prompt .61 . T he author’s real purpose of writing the passage is to______.A. warn the public against the danger of suicideB. emphasize of necessity of an updated assistantC. show the intelligence of a built - in robots responseD. give reasons for the popularity of suicide prevention62. W hat’s the latest characteristic of apple’s assistant ?A. To respond to human requests in a humorous mannerB. To search for the most detailed bridge locations and mapsC. To show ways of contacting suicide prevention institutesD. To provide numbers of A pple’s national service lifeline63 . What does the underlined word mean ?A. interactB. contradictC. refuseD. preserve64. What of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. The number of people who committed suicide is on the decline.B. The new update has its own advantages in spite of some drawbacks.C. Apple always shows its indifference in working with other partners.D. The identification of keys words determines a person ' s lifespanDAs the world edged into financial crisis, there were repeated warnings that we were headed for disaster. In the end, disaster struck. In many ways, the challenge of climate change has a similar feel, and the alarm bells are ringing just as loudly. But while it was possible to bail out(帮助……摆脱困境)the banks and to stimulate economic recovery with trillions of dollars of public finance, it will not be possible to bail out the climate -- unless we act now。
在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的,请把答案涂在答题卡相应的位置.).1.已知集合{}2|30A x x x =-≥,{}|13B x x =<≤,则如图阴影部分表示的集合为( ).A .[0,1)B .(0,3]C .(1,3)D .[1,3]2.若变量x ,y 满足条件1020y x y x y ≤⎧⎪+≥⎨⎪--≤⎩,则2z x y =-的最大值为( ).A.1B.2C.3D.4 3.当191,0,0=+>>yx y x 时,y x +的最小值为( ). A .10 B .12 C .14 D .164.已知等差数列{n a }的前n 项和为n S ,若6318a a -=,则8S =( ).A .68B .72C .54D .905.《张丘建算经》是我国古代内容极为丰富的数学名著,书中有如下问题:“今有女不善织,日减功迟,初日织五尺,末日织一尺,今三十织迄,问织几何.”其意思为:有个女子不善于织布,每天比前一天少织同样多的布,第一天织五尺,最后一天织一尺,三十天织完,问三十天共织布( )A .30尺B .90尺C .150尺D .180尺 6.若函数()()sin 0=y x ωϕωω=+>的部分图像如图,则( ).A .5B .4C .3D .27已知数列{}n a 满足{}12430,,103n n n a a a a ++==-则的前项和等于( ).A .()-10-61-3 B.()-1011-39C.()-1031-3D.()-1031+3 8.将函数πsin 24y x ⎛⎫=-⎪⎝⎭的图象向左平移π2个单位长度,所得图象对应的函数( ). A .在区间π3π,44⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递减 B .在区间π3π,44⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递增 C .在区间π3π,88⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递减 D .在区间π3π,88⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递增 9.数列112+,124+,138+,1416+,……的前n 项和为( ). A.11222n n n +-- B.11222n n n ---C.1(1)122n n n ++-D.1(1)1122n n n -++-10.已知数列{}n a 的通项公式()*2log 1n na n N n =∈+,设其前n 项和为n S ,则使4n S <-成立的自然数n 有( ).A .最大值15B .最小值15C .最大值16D .最小值16 11.数列{}n a 是等差数列,若11011-<a a ,且它的前n S n 项和有最大值,那么取得当n S 最小正值时,n 值等于 ( ). A .11 B .17 C .19 D .2112.在△OAB(O 为原点)中,→OA =(2cos ,2sin),→OB =(5cos,5sin),若→OA ·→OB=-5,则△OAB 的面积S =( ). A . B .C .D .二.填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
2018届江苏省南京市高三上学期期中考试 数学文
2018届江苏省南京市高三上学期期中考试数学文一、 填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分.1. 已知集合A ={2,3,5},B ={x|2≤x ≤4},则A ∩B =________.2. 若复数z 满足z(1-i )=2i ,其中i 是虚数单位,则复数z =________.3. 从1,2,3,4,5这5个数中,随机抽取2个不同的数,则这2个数的和为奇数的概率是________________________________________________________________________.4. 某中学共有学生2 000人,其中高一年级共有学生650人,高二男生有370人.现在全校学生中随机抽取1名,抽到高二年级女生的概率是0.19,则该校高三学生共有________人.5. 下面是一个算法的伪代码.如果输出的y 值是30,那么输入的x 值是________.6. 已知等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,若a 1=2,S 3=12,则a 6的值为________.7. 若曲线y =x +1x -1在点(3,2)处的切线与直线ax +y +3=0垂直,则实数a 的值为________.8. 已知函数f(x)=2sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫2x -π4,x ∈R ,若f (x )在区间⎣⎡⎦⎤π8,3π4上的最大值和最小值分别为a ,b ,则a +b 的值为________.9. 已知奇函数f (x )的图象关于直线x =-2对称,当x ∈[0,2]时,f (x )=2x ,那么f (6)的值为________.10. 在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c .已知b -c =14a ,2sin B =3sin C ,则cos A 的值为________.11. 已知a >b >0,a +b =1,则4a -b +12b的最小值等于________.12. 在△ABC 中,已知AB =4,AC =10,BC =2,M 为边AB 的中点,P 是△ABC 内(包括边界)一点,则AP →·CM →的最小值是________.13. 设函数y =⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧-x 3+x 2,x <e ,a ln x , x ≥e 的图象上存在两点P ,Q ,使得△POQ 是以O 为直角顶点的直角三角形(其中O 为坐标原点),且斜边的中点恰好在y 轴上,则实数a 的取值范围是______________.(e 为自然对数的底数)14. 在平面直角坐标系中,已知⊙O 1与⊙O 2交于P (3,2),Q 两点,两圆半径之积为132.若两圆均与直线l :y =kx 和x 轴相切,则直线l 的方程为________.二、 解答题:本大题共6小题,共计90分.解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15. (本小题满分14分)设向量a =(sin x ,3cos x ),b =(-1,1),c =(1,1),其中x ∈[0,π]. (1) 若(a +b )∥c ,求实数x 的值; (2) 若a ·b =12,求函数sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫x +π6的值.16. (本小题满分14分) 如图,在四棱锥P ABCD 中,底面ABCD 是正方形,AC 与BD 交于点O ,PC ⊥底面ABCD ,E 为PB 上一点,G 为PO 的中点.(1) 若PD ∥平面ACE ,求证:E 为PB 的中点;(2) 若AB =2PC ,求证:CG ⊥平面PBD .如图,把一块边长为30cm的正六边形铁皮剪去阴影部分,制成一个正六棱柱形的无盖容器.设容器的底面边长为x cm,棱柱的高为h cm,容积为V cm3.(1) 求出V关于x的函数关系式V(x);(2) 当容器的底面边长为多大时,无盖容器的容积最大?最大是多少?已知椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2=1(a >1)的左、右焦点分别为F 1,F 2,A ,B 为椭圆上关于原点对称的两点,椭圆C 的离心率为e .(1) 若点A 的坐标为⎝⎛⎭⎫2e ,12,求椭圆C 的方程; (2) 记AF 1的中点为M ,BF 1的中点为N ,若原点O 在以线段MN 为直径的圆上. ①证明AF 1→·AF 2→为定值; ②设直线AB 的斜率为k ,若k ≥33,求e 的取值范围.设函数f (x )=x 3-ax ,a ∈R ,g (x )=x e x,h (x )=⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧f (x ), f (x )>g (x ),g (x ), f (x )≤g (x )(e 为自然对数的底数).(1) 当a >0时,求函数f (x )的极值;(2) 若函数h (x )的最小值为-1e ,求实数a 的取值范围;(3) 当h (x )=g (x )时,求实数a 的值.已知函数f (x )=ax -3,g (x )=bx -1+cx -2(a ,b ,c 是实数)且g ⎝⎛⎭⎫-12-g (1)=f (0). (1) 试求b ,c 所满足的关系式;(2) 若b =0,方程f (x )=g (x )在(0,+∞)有唯一解,求实数a 的取值范围; (3) 若b =1,集合A ={x |f (x )>g (x )且g (x )<0},试求集合A .南京市2017~2018学年度第一学期期中考试数学参考答案1. {2,3}2. -1-i3. 35 4. 600 5.2或5 6. 12 7. -2 8. 2-1 9. -4 10. -1411. 9 12. -4 13. ⎝⎛⎦⎤0,1e +1 14. y=22x15. (1) a +b =(sin x -1,3cos x +1). 因为(a +b )∥c ,所以sin x -1=3cos x +1,则sin x -3cos x =2, 可得2⎝⎛⎭⎫12sin x -32cos x =2,故sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫x -π3=1.因为x ∈[0,π],所以x -π3∈⎣⎡⎦⎤-π3,2π3,故x -π3=π2,解得x =5π6.(2) 因为a ·b =12,所以-sin x +3cos x=12,即sin x -3cos x =-12, 可得2⎝⎛⎭⎫12sin x -32cos x =-12,故sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫x -π3=-14.因为⎝⎛⎭⎫x +π6-⎝⎛⎭⎫x -π3=π2,所以sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫x +π6=sin ⎣⎡⎦⎤π2+⎝⎛⎭⎫x -π3=cos ⎝⎛⎭⎫x -π3. 由x ∈[0,π],可得x -π3∈⎣⎡⎦⎤-π3,2π3,又sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫x -π3=-14<0,则x -π3∈⎣⎡⎦⎤-π3,0,故可得cos ⎝⎛⎭⎫x -π3>0. 因为sin 2⎝⎛⎭⎫x -π3+cos 2⎝⎛⎭⎫x -π3=1,所以cos ⎝⎛⎭⎫x -π3=1-⎝⎛⎭⎫-142=154.16. (1) 如图,连结OE.由四边形ABCD 是正方形知O 为BD的中点.因为PD ∥平面ACE ,PD ⊂平面PBD ,平面PBD ∩平面ACE =OE ,所以PD ∥OE.在△PBD 中,PD ∥DE ,O 为BD 为中点,所以E 为PB 的中点.(2) 在四棱锥PABCD 中,AB =2PC , 因为四边形ABCD 是正方形, 所以AC =2AB =2OC ,则AB =2OC ,所以PC =OC.在△CPO 中,PC =OC ,G 为PO 的中点,所以CG ⊥PO.因为PC ⊥底ABCD ,所以PC ⊥BD.因为四边形AC ⊥BD ,因为AC ,PC ⊂所以BD ⊥平面因为CG ⊂平面因为PO ,BD ⊂O ,所以CG ⊥平面17. (1) =DB 1=h ,则AC =12(AB -h =AC·tan 60故V(x)=Sh =694x 2(30-x),0<x<30. (2) V′(x)=94(60x x =20. 当x ∈(0,20)30)时,V ′(x)>0,所以V(x)在(030)单调递减, 所以当且仅当x 值9 000.18. (1) 316, 所以3a 4-16a 2a 2=43.所以椭圆C y 2=1.(x)<0,所以函数g(x)在区间(-∞,-1)上是单调减函数,在区间(-1,+∞)上是单调增函数,所以g(x)min =g(-1)=-1e .因为函数h(x)的最小值为-1e ,所以x =-1是不等式f(x)≤g(x)的解, 所以-1+a ≤-1e ,即a ≤1-1e .故实数a 的取值范围是⎝⎛⎦⎤-∞,1-1e . (3) 因为h(x)=g(x),所以g(x)≥f(x)恒成立,即x e x ≥x 3-ax 对一切x ∈R 恒成立.令p (x )=x 2-e x ,即p ′=2x -e x ,p ″(x )=2-e x ,当x >ln 2,p ″(x )<0;当x <ln 2,p ″(x )>0, 所以p ′(x )max =2ln 2-2<0,所以p (x )=x 2-e x 在R 上单调递减. x e x ≥x 3-ax 对一切x ∈R 恒成立等价于 ①当x >0时,问题转化为a ≥p (x )在R 上恒成立;②当x =0时,不等式恒成立,则a ∈R ; ③当x <0时,问题转化为a ≤p (x )在R 上恒成立.因为p (x )=x 2-e x 是R 上的单调减函数, 所以当x >0时,p (x )<p (0)=-1,所以a ≥-1;当x <0时,p (x )>p (0)=-1,所以a ≤-1.综上所述,a =-1.20. (1) 由g ⎝⎛⎭⎫-12-g(1)=f(0),得(-2b +4c)-(b +c)=-3,故b 、c 所满足的关系式为b -c -1=0. (2) 方法一:由b =0,b -c -1=0,可得c =-1.方程f(x)=g(x),即ax -3=-x -2,可转化为ax 3-3x 2+1=0在(0,+∞)上有唯一解.令h(x)=ax 3-3x 2+1,则h′(x)=3ax 2-6x =3x(ax -2).当a ≤0时,h ′(x)<0,h(x)在(0,+∞)上单调递减.又h(0)=1>0,h(1)=a -2<0,h(x)在(0,+∞)上连续,由零点存性定理,知h(x)在(0,1)内存在唯一零点,即h(x)在(0,+∞)上有唯一的零点;当a>0时,令h′(x)=0,得x =0或x =2a ,所以h(x)在⎝⎛⎭⎫0,2a 上单调递减,在(2a ,+∞)上单调递增,所以h(x)min =h ⎝⎛⎭⎫2a =1-4a 2. 若h ⎝⎛⎭⎫2a =0,即a =2,则当x ∈(0,+∞)时,h(x)≥0,当且仅当x =2a 时,h(x)=0,即h(x)在(0,+∞)上有唯一的零点;若h ⎝⎛⎭⎫2a >0,则当x ∈(0,+∞)时,h(x)>0恒成立,即h(x)在(0,+∞)上不存在零点;若h ⎝⎛⎭⎫2a <0,因为h(0)=1>0,h ⎝⎛⎭⎫3a =1>0, 所以h(x)在⎝⎛⎭⎫0,2a 和⎝⎛⎭⎫2a ,3a 内各有一个零点,即函数h(x)的零点不唯一.综上所述,实数a 的取值范围是(-∞,0)∪{2}.方法二:由方法一可知a =3x -1-x -3.令x -1=t ,则由题意可得a =3t -t 3在(0,+∞)上有唯一解.令h(t)=3t -t 3(t>0),则由h′(t)=3-3t 2=0,可得t =1,当0<t<1时,由h′(t)>0,可知h(t)在(0,1)上是单调增函数;当t>1时,由h′(t)<0,可知h(t)是在(1,+∞)上是单调减函数,故当t =1时,h(t)取得最大值2; 当0<t<1时,h(t)>h(0)=0, 所以f(x)=g(x)在(0,1)无解; 当t>1时,因为h(3)=0,所以当t>3时,h(t)<0,由零点存在性定理可知h(t)在(1,+∞)只有一个零点.故当a =2或a ≤0时,方程f(x)=g(x)在(0,+∞)有唯一解.从而所求a 的取值范围是{a|a =2或a ≤0}.(3) 由b =1,b -c -1=0,可得c =0. 由A ={x|f(x)>g(x)且g(x)<0}得ax -3>1x 且x<0,即ax 2-3x -1<0且x<0.当a>0时,A =⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫3-9+4a 2a ,0;当a =0时,A =⎝⎛⎭⎫-13,0; 当a<-94时,A =(-∞,0);当-94≤a<0时,A =(-∞,3+9+4a 2a )∪(3-9+4a2a,0). 数学附加题21. B. 由题意知M ⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤21=⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤45,则⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤2+a 2b -1=⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤45,所以⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧2+a =4,2b -1=5,解得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧a =2,b =3,所以M =⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤123-1.由|M |=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪123-1=-7得M -1=⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤172737-17. C. 因为ρ=2cos θ-2sin θ, 即ρ2=2ρcos θ-2ρsin θ, 所以圆C 的直角坐标方程为x 2+y 2-2x +2y =0,即⎝⎛⎭⎫x -222+⎝⎛⎭⎫y +222=1, 所以圆心的直角坐标为⎝⎛⎭⎫22,-22. 因为直线的普通方程为x -y +42=0,所以圆心C 到直线l 距离是⎪⎪⎪⎪22+22+422=5,故直线l 上的点向圆C 引的切线长的最小值是52-12=2 6.22. (1) 如图,以A 为原点建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系Axyz ,则A(0,0,0),B(0,3,0),A 1(0,0,4),B 1(0,3,4),C 1(4,0,4).设平面A 1BC 1的法向量为n 1=(x ,y ,z ),则⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧n 1·A 1B →=0,n 1·A 1C 1→=0,即⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧3y -4z =0,4x =0.取z =3,则x =0,y =4,所以平面A 1BC 1的一个法向量为n 1=(0,4,3).同理可得平面BB 1C 1的一个法向量为n 2=(3,4,0),所以cos 〈n 1,n 2〉=n 1·n 2|n 1||n 2|=1625.因为〈n 1,n 2〉∈[0,π],所以二面角A 1BC 1B 1的正弦值为34125.(2) 假设存在.设D (x ,y ,z )是线段BC 1上一点,且BD →=λBC 1→,0≤λ≤1,则(x ,y -3,z )=λ(4,-3,4),所以x =4λ,y =3-3λ,z =4λ,所以AD →=(4λ,3-3λ,4λ). 因为AD ⊥A 1B ,所以AD →·A 1B →=0, 即9-25λ=0,解得λ=925.因为925∈[0,1],所以在线段BC 1上存在点D,使得AD⊥A1B,此时BDBC1=λ=925.23. (1) 从7个顶点中随机选取3个点构成三角形,共有C37=35(种)取法.其中X=3的三角形如△ABF,这类三角形共有6个,所以P(X=3)=6 35.(2)由题意,X的可能取值为3,2,6,23,3 3.其中X=3的三角形如△ABF,这类三角形共有6个;其中X=2的三角形有两类,如△PAD(3个),△PAB(6个),共有9个;其中X=6的三角形如△PBD,这类三角形共有6个;其中X=23的三角形如△CDF,这类三角形共有12个;其中X=33的三角形如△BDF,这类三角形共有2个,因此P(X=3)=635,P(X=2)=935,P(X=6)=635,P(X=23)=1235,P(X=33)=235.所以随机变量X的概率分布列为页12第。
高三数学-2018届江苏省南京市高三质量检测数学试卷 精
江苏省南京市2018届高三质量检测数学试卷本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第lI 卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分.考试用时120分钟. 注意事项:答题前考生务必将学校、姓名、班级、学号写在答卷纸的密封线内.每题答案写在答卷纸上对应题目的答案空格里,答案不写在试卷上.考试结束,将答卷纸交回. 参考公式:如果事件A 、B 互斥,那么 正棱锥、圆锥的侧面积公式 P (A +B )=P (A )+P (B )S 锥侧=21cl 如果事件A 、B 相独立,那么 其中c 表示底面周长,l 表 P (A·B )=P (A )·P (B )示斜高或母线长 如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是P ,那 球的表面积公式 么n 次独立重复试验中恰好发生k 次的概率S 24R π= P n (k )=C k n P k(1-P )kn -其中R 表示球的半径第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共50分)一、择题题:本大题共10小题;每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选顶中,有且只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知全集U ={1,2,3, 4,5,6},集合P ={1,2,3,4},Q ={3,4,5,6},则P )(Q C UA .{1,2}B .{3,4}C .23D .12.已知a =(cos40°,sin40°),b +(sin20°,cos20°),则a ·b 的值为A .22B .21 C .23 D .13.将函数y =sin2x 的图象按向量a =(-,06π)平移后的图象的函数解析式为 A .y =sin (2x +3π) B . y =sin (2x -3π) C . y =sin (2x +6π) D . y =sin (2x -6π)4.已知双曲线191622=-y x ,双曲线上的点P 到左焦点的距离与点P 到左准线的距离之比等于A .54 B .34 C .47 D .45 5.(2x +x )4的展开式中的x 3系数是A .6B .12C .24D .486.下列函数中,在其定义域内既是奇函数又是减函数的是A .y =x1 B .y =2x- C .y =lgxx+-11D .||x y -=7.将棱长相等的正方体按右图所示的形状摆放,从上往下依次为第一层,第二层,第三层…,则第6层正方体的个数是A .28B .21C .15D .118.设γβα,,为两两不重合的平面,n m ,为两条不重合的直线,给出下列四个命题:①若βγα,⊥∥γ,则βα⊥; ②若βγα,⊥∥γ,则α∥β; ③若,,a n a m ∥∥;∥则n m④若βγα,⊥⊥γ,γβ⊥=m m a ,则 . 其中真命题的个数是 A .1B .2C .3D .49.若的是,则:q p x xq x x p 0|1|1,02:2>-+<--A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件10.如果一条直线与一个平面平行,那么,称此直线与平构成一个“平行线面线”.在一个平行六面体中,由两个顶点确定的直线与含有四个顶点的平面构成的“平行线面线”的个数是A .60B .48C .36D .24第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共100分)二、填空题:本大题共6小题;每小题5分,共30分.把答案填在题中的横线上.11.一个电视台在因特网上就观众对其某一节止的喜爱程度进行调查,参加调查的总人数为15000人,其中持各种态度的人数如下表所示:电视台为了了解观众的具体想法和意见,打算从中抽取选出150人进行更为详细的调查,为此要进行分层抽样,那么在“喜爱”这类态度的观众中抽取的人数为_____________12.已知=)(x f log )2(2+x ,函数g (x )的图象与函数f (x )的图象关于直线y=x 对称,则g (1)=____________13.已知圆044222=+-++y x y x 关于直线y=2x+b 成轴对称,则b=_________. 14.函数x x x f cos sin )(=的最小正周期是______________.15.一个正四棱柱的顶点都在球面上,底面边长为1,高为2,则此球的表面积为________. 16.已知抛物线)1,0(,22P y x 过点=的直线与抛物线相交于),(),(221,1y x B y x A 两点,则21y y +的最小值是___________.三、解答题:本大题5小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(本小题满分12分,第一小问满分6分,第二小问满分6分)已知数列(n a )是等差数列,(n b )是等比数列,且a 1=b 1=2,b 4=54,a 1+a 3=b 2+b 3. (1)求数列{n b }的通项公式 (2)求数列{n a }的前10项和S 10.18.(本小题满分14分,第一小问满分6分,第二小问满分8分)一个口袋内装有大小相同且已编有不同号码的4个黑球和3个红球,某人一次从中摸出2个球。
实用文档~2018学年度第一学期期中考试南京市2017 数学70分. 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共________.∩B=≤x≤4},则A 1. 已知集合A={2,3,5},B={x|2iii________.=2z,其中=- 2. 若复数z满足z(1是虚数单位,则复数)个数的和为奇数的个不同的数,则这2,5这5个数中,随机抽取2 3. 从1,2,3,4________________________________________________________________________.概率是人.现人,高二男生有370 4. 某中学共有学生2 000人,其中高一年级共有学生650________,则该校高三学生共有在全校学生中随机抽取1名,抽到高二年级女生的概率是0.19.人________.x值是下面是一个算法的伪代码.如果输出的y值是30,那么输入的 5..12,则a的值为________n项和为S,若a=2,S=} 6. 已知等差数列{a的前631nn1+x的值为a3=0垂直,则实数(3=在点,2)处的切线与直线ax+y+ 7. 若曲线y1x-________. ππ3π????????xfsin,2x-上的最大值和最,xf(x) 8. 已知函数∈=2R,若)(在区间????844baab.小值分别为,的值为,则________+xxxxffx,那么),2]时, 9. 已知奇函数=(的图象关于直线)(=-2对称,当2∈[0f________.(6)的值为1CcaBCabcbBABCA,所对的边分别为=,,,2sin.已知10. 在△3sin中,内角-,,=4A________.的值为则cos14baba________. 1已知>,则>0,++的最小值等于=11. bab2-MABACPBCABCABCAB内(的中点,=2,12. 在△中,已知包=4,为边=10,是△→→APCM的最小值是一点,则________.·括边界)32xxx,-+<e,??OQPOQyP为直角顶点,使得△,13. 设函数=的图象上存在两点是以?xxa e,≥ln ??Oya的取值范围是),且斜边的中点恰好在的直角三角形(其中轴上,则实数为坐标原点______________.(e为自然对数的底数)13OOPQ两点,两圆半径之积为.2),14. 在平面直角坐标系中,已知⊙与⊙交于,(3212lykxxl 的方程为________.若两圆均与直线:=和轴相切,则直线实用文档分.解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算小题,共计90二、解答题:本大题共6 步骤. )14分15. (本小题满分x bca xx ].∈[0,1)=(1设向量,=(sin,其中3cos,,π),1=(-,1)x bca,求实数若(的值;+∥)(1)π1??x??ba+.的值=,求函数(2) 若sin·??62)14分16. (本小题满分EABCDBDOPCABCDPABCDAC,交于点⊥底面与如图,在四棱锥,中,底面是正方形,POGPB.为的中点上一点,为PBEACEPD为(1) 若∥平面的中点;,求证:PCCGPBDAB.,求证:⊥平面(2) 若=2实用文档17. (本小题满分14分)如图,把一块边长为30cm的正六边形铁皮剪去阴影部分,制成一个正六棱柱形的无盖容3xhV cm. ,棱柱的高为cm,容积为器.设容器的底面边长为cm VxVx);的函数关系式( 求出(1) 关于(2) 当容器的底面边长为多大时,无盖容器的容积最大?最大是多少?实用文档)16分18. (本小题满分2x2BAaFFCy为椭圆上关于原点对称的>1)的左、右焦点分别为,已知椭圆,:+=1(,212aeC.的离心率为两点,椭圆1??e??CA,2 的坐标为的方程;若点(1) ,求椭圆??2MNOBFNMAF. 的中点为为直径的圆上,若原点记(2) 在以线段的中点为,11→→AFAF①证明·为定值;213ekkAB 的取值范围≥. ②设直线的斜率为,若,求3实用文档19. (本小题满分16分)fxfxgx),(()), >(??x3xxhgfxxaxax为自然=(R∈,(e())=设函数e()=,-,?xggxfx)()≤),((??对数的底数).afx)的极值;当(1) (>0时,求函数1hxa的取值范围; )的最小值为-(2) 若函数,求实数(e hxgxa的值.=(3) 当()()时,求实数实用文档20. (本小题满分16分)1??-1-2??gcgfxxaxgbxcxabf-(0).+=(,-,是实数)已知函数且()=3-,(1)()=??2bc 所满足的关系式;, (1) 试求bfxgxa的取值范围;,+∞)=(有唯一解,求实数)在(2) 若=0,方程((0)bAxfxgxgxA. )<0})且(,试求集合{1(3) 若=,集合=|()>(密封线(这是边文,请据需要手工删加)实用文档密封线) 这是边文,请据需要手工删加()第页(共2页南京市2017~2018学年度第一学期期中考试·数学附加题)这是边文,请据需要手工删加(学年度第一学期期中考试南京市2017~2018解答应写出文字说明、分,共计20分.2数学附加题21. 【限选题】共小题,每小题10证明过程或演算步骤.B. 选修42:矩阵与变换a1????M A M B的逆矩若点对应变换的作用下得到点(2,1)在矩阵5)=(4,,求矩阵??b1-1-M.阵C. 选修44:坐标系与参数方程2??tx,=2?txOyl是参数)的参数方程是在平面直角坐标系(中,已知直线.以坐2??ty2=+42OxC的极坐标轴正半轴为极轴,选取相同的单位长度,建立极坐标系,圆标原点为极点,π??θ??lρC+引切线,求切线长的最小值..由直线2cos方程为=上的点向圆??4实用文档分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过分,共计20题、第23题,每题10【必做题】第22 程或演算步骤.)10分22. (本小题满分4. =AA=ACAC,AB=3,中,如图,在直三棱柱ABCABCAB⊥1111的正弦值;BCB求二面角(1) A111BD的值;若不存在,请说B?若存在,求出,使得DAD⊥A(2) 在线段BC上是否存在点11BC1明理由.)分23. (本小题满分10个顶点中随机选现从该棱锥的1.7如图,已知正六棱锥PABCDEF的底面边长为2,高为.X表示所得三角形的面积取3个点构成三角形,设随机变量=3)P(X的值; (1) 求概率(2) 求X 的分布.密封线(这是边文,请据需要手工删加)实用文档学年度第一学期期中考试·数学参考答第南京2012018)这是边文,请据需要手工删加(学年度第一学期期中考试南京市2017~2018数学参考答案ππ3????,4. 1-6001. {2,3}3.2. -,??353ππ19.1 7. -2 8. 2-5. 2或5 6. 12 ??x??x-∈-又sin=-<0,则??3341 4 10. --4ππ????x????-0-,>0.,故可得cos????331????,014. 11. -9 12. 4 13. e??1+ππ????22xx????--=1,因为sin+cos????332x2y=x b x a=(sin.-1,3cos+15. (1) +1)21π????x????--=-=所以cos1????43x abc3cos -1=)∥,所以因为(sin+x 1,+15. 4xx 2则sin-,3cos=OE.如图,连结16. (1) ??31?? 2=,可得2xx cossin-??22的中BD由四边形ABCD是正方形知O为点.π??x??-1.sin故=??3,平,PD?平面PBD因为PD∥平面ACE ∩平面ACE=OE,面PBDπxx∈,]所以-,∈因为[0π3OE.所以PD∥ O为BD为中点,在△PBD中,,PD∥DEππ2????,-,??33 PB为的中点.所以Eπππ5xx.,解得==故-6231x ab x3cossin(2) 因为·=,所以-+211 xx=-sin,即=-3cos,22 ,AB=2PC(2) 在四棱锥PABCD中,是正方形,因为四边形ABCD??131??,可得2=-xx cos-sin2??22 =2OC,2OCAC=2AB=,则AB所以OC.所以PC=π1??x??-.=-故sin??34 PO的中点,OCPC=,G为在△CPO中,PO.⊥所以CGπππ????xx????-+,=-因为????362 ?BD底面ABCD,因为PC⊥底面ABCD,BD.所以PC⊥πππ??????x??x??-??++==所以sinsin????36??2⊥ABCD是正方形,所以AC因为四边形 BD,π??x??-.cos??3 ,AC∩PC=C,PC因为AC,?平面PAC BD⊥平面PAC,所以πxx∈,]π,[0∈由得可-3CG. BD⊥,所以CG因为?平面PAC ,O=BD∩PO,PBD平面?BD,PO因为实用文档⊥平面所以CG17. (1) h,=DB=11-x)则AC1122=1.3tan°=(30-x)=hAC·,6023142,所以a-2ak≥=∈(0,3],因为23k??33??2x)6×-×(30=故V(x)=Shx2422??即0<a-2a≤34,解得2<a≤3.1291??22??,0<x<30. x),=x(30-,1-∈所以e=2??324a9??262??(x)V′(2) V′(x)=(60x -3x),令. 的取值范围是所以e,4??232=0,得x=20. 19. (1) f′(x)=3x-a.当a>0时,令当x∈(0,20)时,V′(x)>0;当x∈(20,aaf′(x)=0,得x=,x=-.时,V′(x)>0,213330)所以V(x)在(0,20)单调递增,在(20,当x变化时,f′(x),f(x)的变化情况30)单调递减,如下:所以当且仅当x=20时,V(x)取得最大值9 000. a(-∞, (-, a cm时,容答:当容器的底面边长为203,(aa3x -a3cm. 器的容积最大,最大容积为9 000 33) -a3+∞)) 2231-4e1a=即=1,18. (1) 由题意知+42a4a+-f′ (x) 0 + 03 f(x)极大值极小值,16a时,所以当x=-f(x)取极大值224或,解得a=4所以3a-16a+16=034aa2a2a3a2.a==,f(- )=33339223xx??aa2+或+y=1所以椭圆C的方程为??f取极小值时,x=当=f(x)443??321.=y2aa2a3a=-. -,-cF)(c(2) 设F,0),A(x,y,则(3391121,-xy),0),B(-x e.1)(x+(2) g′(x)=11yx-cx-yc-????当x>-1时,g′(x)>0;当x<-1时,1111????,-,. 故M,N????2222g′(x)<0,所以函数g(x)在区间(-∞,-1)上是→→2+①由题意,得OM化简,得x=·ON0.1单调减函数,在区间(-1,+∞)上是单调22 y,=c增函数,11→→所以g(x)=g(-1)=-.,--(cyx·),-xc-(=·AFAF-min11121e222 c-=+yx)=y定值0().1111因为函数h(x)的最小值为-,e所以x=-1是不等式f(x)≤g(x)的解,实用文档2112??,01-所以-1+a≤-,即a≤,上单调递减,在所以h(x)在??ee aa +∞)上单调递增,1????-1-∞,.故实数a的取值范围是e??24????. h(x)=h1-=所以min2??aaf(x)≥h(x)=g(x),所以g(x)因为(3)3x e恒成立.-ax对一切x∈恒成立,即x R≥x2????,+∈(0,即a=2若h,则当x=0??xx a2ppxxxp″,e--令,即(e)=′=2x x)=2-(e,2h(x)时,≥0,当且仅当x=∞)时,h(x)a ppxxx″″(;当)<0当,>ln 2,<ln 2x)上有唯一的零点;,即h(x)在(0,+∞(=)>0, 0xp 2<0,()=2ln 2所以-′2??max??h(x)>0时,h若∈(0,+∞)>0,则当x??x a2xxp在所以e(R)=上单调递减.-x3xxxax上不存在零点;在(0对一切∈R恒成立等价于,+∞e)≥恒成立,即-h(x)xaxp R①当时,问题转化为>0)≥在(32????????因为h(0)=1>0h若,h,=1>0<0,????aa 上恒成立;ax∈R不等式恒成立,=0时,则;②当322????????,0,内各有一个在和h(x)所以????aaa xapx R(≤)在③当<0时,问题转化为上恒成立.零点,即函数 h(x)的零点不唯一.x2xpx-∞,a的取值范围是R上的单调减函数,因为(()=综上所述,实数-e 是ppxx∪{2},所以(0)=-1所以当.>0时,(0))<3-1-a.x-方法二:由方法一可知a=3x;≥-13-1axpxp在-t=t,则由题意可得a令x=当<0时,()>=-(0)1,所以≤3t )上有唯一解.-1.(0,+∞3a3(t)=(t>0),则由h′1.综上所述,=-令h(t)=3t-t21,=0,可得t-3t=1????--((1) 20. 由gf(0)g(1)-=,得??2h(t),可知0<t<1时,由h′(t)>0当 2b上是单调增函数;在(0,,=--+4c)(b+c)3 1)是h(t)h--所满足的关系式为、故bcbc1=0. ′(t)<0,可知当t>1时,由上是单调减函数,在01cb0b(2) 方法一:由=,--=,可(1,+∞) h(t)取得最大值1.2;t故当=1时,=-得c2- h(t)>h(0)=0,当0<t<1时,x3ax,=方程f(x)g(x)即-=-可,23,1)无解;所以f(x)=)(001ax转化为-3x+=在,+∞上有唯g(x)在(0 一解.3,所以当t>时,因为h(3)=0当t>1232=(x)h,+3x=令h(x)ax-1则′,时,3axh(t)<0)+∞在(1,.2)-=6x-3x(ax 由零点存在性定理可知h(t) ,+(0只有一个零点.在h(x),′h时,≤当a0(x)<0g(x)f(x)方程=a≤0时,=故当a )∞上单调递减.2或 )在h(x)2<0-ah(1),1>0h(0)又==,有唯一解.在(0,+∞a2h(x)知上连续,)+∞(0,由零点存性定理,或的取值范围是{a|a=从而所求a 在内存在唯一零点,即1),(0在h(x).,+(0≤0}0. c==-10,可得-=(3) 由b1,b 上有唯一的零点;)∞c =x,得0=(x)′h时,令a>0当得{x|f(x)>g(x)且x或0g(x)<0}=由A122x<0.且1<0-3x3> ,ax-=-ax即,x<0且xa实用文档为原点建立如图所如图,以A22. (1) ??4a9+3??当a>0时,A=;0,??2a,,0)示的空间直角坐标系Axyz,则A(0,0,,4)4),B(0,3B(0,3,0),A(0,0,1??11??0 =;0时,A当a=??3 4).C(4,0,1zxyn,,,设平面ABC的法向量为)=(9111 A=(0);-当a<-∞,时,4→??znAyB,-40·==0,3??11?即则?4a9+39+x0.=4→)当-=≤a<0时,A(-∞,????AnC,=·02a4111yxz,,取==3,则4=04a9+3- 0),.(∪nABC2a,=的一个法向量为所以平面(0111数学附加题 4,3).nBBC的一个法向量为同理可得平面211a+422???????????? 4,0),=(3,MB. 则由题意知,21. =??????b1521-nn16·21nn.〉==所以cos〈,21nn25||||214??nn??,π]因为〈,,〉∈[0 ,=21??5413BBCA. 的正弦值为所以二面角11125aa,242+=,=????所以解得??bb,,=-15=32????21????M.=所以??13- 21??1-??(2) 假设存在.MM==-得7由||=??13-→BDzBCDxy=且设)(是线段,上一点,,211????77→. λyλBCzλx,,(4≤1,则(),=-3,0≤??113??-77 ,-3,4)λzxλyλ=-=334,所以=4,,sincos 22C. 因为ρ=θ-θ,2sincosθ,2θ-2即ρ=ρρ→λλADλ )3-3.所以,4=(4,222y-xC所以圆的直角坐标方程为+22????22→→????,即0,=2yx++1=+y-x BBADAAAD因为,所以⊥0·,=????22119??22λλ??. =09即-25,解得=.所以圆心的直角坐标为,-25??229 240=,+y-因为直线的普通方程为x BC上存,所以在线段因为∈[0,1]125是心圆以所离距l线到C直??BD922??λBDADA. ,使得⊥=,此时在点=2++41BC25??221,5=个点3个顶点中随机选取23. (1) 从72 l故直线引的切线长的最C上的点向圆构成三角形,3C22取法.共有)种35(=6.5小值是21-=7实用文档,这类三3的三角形如△其中XABF= 6个,角形共有6.=3)所以P(X=35,26X由题意,,的可能取值为3,(2)3.23,3,这类三其中XABF=3的三角形如△个;角形共有6PAD(32其中X=的三角形有两类,如△ ),△PAB(6个),共有9个;个,这类三其中X=6的三角形如△PBD 角形共有6个;,这类三X=CDF23的三角形如△其中角形共有12个;,这类三X=BDF33的三角形如△其中 2角形共有个,96P(X2)P(X==P(X因此,=3)=,35351263=3)P(X==,P(X23)6)==,35352. =35 的概率分布列为所以随机变量X2 X3 3 3 6 32269126P 3535353535实用文档。
过 A 作 AN⊥ PD于 N,
∵ PD =( a,2a,-2a) ,
设 PN =λPD ,
∴ AN = AP + PN =(λa,2 λa,2a-2λa)
∵ AN⊥ PD,
∴ AN ·PD =0.
∴ a·aλ+2a·2aλ-2a·(2a-2λa) =0.
解得 λ= 4 . 9
∴ AN =( 4 a, 8 a,
17.(本小题满分 12 分,第一小问满分 6 分,第二小问满分 6 分)
已知数列( an )是等差数列, ( bn )是等比数列,且 a1=b1=2,b4=54,a1+a3=b2+b3.
(1)求数列 { b n }的通项公式
(2)求数列 { a n }的前 10 项和 S10 .
18.(本小题满分 14 分,第一小问满分 6 分,第二小问满分 8 分)
在直角坐标系中, O 为坐标原点,设直线 l 经过点 P( 3, 2 ),且与 x 轴交于点 F( 2,0).
(1)求直线 l 的方程;
(2)如果一个椭圆经过点 P,且以点 F 为它的一个焦点,求椭圆的标准方程;
(3)若在(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)的情况下, 设直线 l 与椭圆的另一个交点 Q,且 PM PQ ,当| OM |
∴ < ME , NA >=arccos= 10 . 10
∴二面角 A-PD-E的大小为 arccos 10 . 10
( 3) 解法一: ∵∠ EAB=∠ABC=∠ DEA=90°,
取 AE 中点 F,连 CF,
10 分
8分 10 分
∵ AF∥ =BC,
∴四边形 ABCF为平行四边形.
2018-2019学年江苏省南京市金陵中学高三(上)期中数学试卷一、填空题(本大题共14小题,共70.0分)1.设集合A={x|log2x<2},B={-1,0,1,2,4},则A∩B=______.2.已知复数z=(1+i)(1+3i),其中i是虚数单位,则|z|的值是______.3.已知一组数据2,4,5,6,8,那么这组数据的方差是______.4.从2男3女共5名同学中任选2名(每名同学被选中的机会均等)作为代表,则这2名代表都是女同学的概率为______.5.如图是一个算法的流程图,则输出a的值是______.6.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,若抛物线y2=2px的焦点与椭圆的右焦点重合,则实数p的值为______.7.已知,则sin2x=______.8.数列{a n}满足:a n=,且{a n}是递增数列,则实数a的取值范围是______.9.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,若曲线(a,b为常数)过点P(2,-5),且该曲线在点P处的切线与直线2x-7y+3=0垂直,则2a+3b的值是______.10.已知函数f(x)=-+4x-3ln x在[t,t+1]上不单调,则t的取值范围是______.11.在△ABC中,AB=AC,BC=2,=,=,若=-,则=______.12.已知,则方程f[f(x)]=3的根的个数是______.13.已知正数a,b,c满足b2+2(a+c)b-ac=0,则的最大值为______.14.若存在正数x,y,使得(y-2ex)(ln y-ln x)z+x=0(其中e为自然对数的底数),则实数z的取值范围是______二、解答题(本大题共10小题,共138.0分)15.如图,在四棱锥P-ABCD中,四边形ABCD是矩形,平面PCD⊥平面ABCD,M为PC中点.求证:(1)PA∥平面MDB;(2)PD⊥BC.16.已知α∈(0,),β∈(,π),cosβ=-,sin(α+β)=.(1)求tan2β的值;(2)求α的值.17.如图:某污水处理厂要在一个矩形污水处理池(ABCD)的池底水平铺设污水净化管道(Rt△FHE,H是直角顶点)来处理污水,管道越长,污水净化效果越好.设计要求管道的接口H是AB的中点,E,F分别落在线段BC,AD上.已知AB=20米,AD=10米,记∠BHE=θ.(1)试将污水净化管道的长度L表示为θ的函数,并写出定义域;(2)问:当θ取何值时,污水净化效果最好?并求出此时管道的长度.18.已知圆O:x2+y2=4与坐标轴交于A1、A2、B1、B2(如图).(1)点Q是圆O上除A1、A2外的任意点(如图1),A1Q、A2Q与直线y+3=0交于不同的两点M,N,求MN的最小值;(2)点P是圆O上除A1、A2、B1、B2外的任意点(如图2),直线B2P交x轴于点F,直线A1B2交A2P于点E.设A2P的斜率为k,EF的斜率为m,求证:2m-k 为定值.19.设函数,其中x>0,k为常数,e为自然对数的底数.(1)当k≤0时,求f(x)的单调区间;(2)若函数f(x)在区间(1,3)上存在两个极值点,求实数k的取值范围;(3)证明:对任意给定的实数k,存在x0(x0>0),使得f(x)在区间(x0,+∞)上单调递增.20.若数列{a n}同时满足:①对于任意的正整数n,a n+1≥a n恒成立;②对于给定的正整数k,a n-k+a n+k=2a n对于任意的正整数n(n>k)恒成立,则称数列{a n}是“R(k)数列”.(1)已知a n=,判断数列{a n}是否为“R(2)数列”,并说明理由;(2)已知数列{a n}是“R(3)数列”,且存在整数p(p>1),使得b3p-3,b3p-1,b3p+1,b3p+3成等差数列,证明:{b n}是等差数列.21.二阶矩阵M对应的变换将点(1,-1)与(-2,1)分别变换成点(-1,-1)与(0,-2).(Ⅰ)求矩阵M的逆矩阵M-1;(Ⅱ)设直线l在变换M作用下得到了直线m:2x-y=4,求l的方程.22.在极坐标系中,设圆p=3上的点到直线p(cosθ+sinθ)=2的距离为d,求d的最大值.23.如图,已知三棱锥O-ABC的侧棱OA,OB,OC两两垂直,且OA=1,OB=OC=2,E是OC的中点.(1)求异面直线BE与AC所成角的余弦值;(2)求二面角A-BE-C的余弦值.24 已知,n∈N*.(1)若g(x)=f4(x)+2f5(x)+3f6(x),求g(x)中含x2项的系数;(2)若p n是f n(x)展开式中所有无理项的系数和,数列{a n}是各项都大于1的数组成的数列,试用数学归纳法证明:p n(a1a2…a n+1)≥(1+a1)(1+a2)…(1+a n).2018-2019学年江苏省南京市金陵中学高三(上)期中数学试卷答案和解析【答案】1. {1,2}2.3. 44.5. 106. 27. -8. (2,3)9. -810. 0<t<1或2<t<311.12. 513.14. (-∞,0)∪[,+∞)15. 证明:(1)连接AC,交BD与点O,连接OM,∵M为PC的中点,O为AC的中点,∴MO∥PA,∵MO⊂平面MDB,PA⊄平面MDB,∴PA∥平面MDB.(2)∵平面PCD⊥平面ABCD,平面PCD∩平面ABCD=CD,BC⊂平面ABCD,BC⊥CD,∴BC⊥平面PCD,∵PD⊂平面PCD,∴BC⊥PD.16. 解:(1)∵β∈(,π),cosβ=-,可得:,∴.∴;(2)∵α∈(0,),β∈(,π),∴α+β∈(,),又∵sin(α+β)=,∴.∴cosα=cos(α+β-β)=cos(α+β)cosβ+sin(α+β)sinβ=.∵α∈(0,),∴.17. 解:(1)由题意可得EH=,FH=,EF=,由于BE=10tanθ≤10,AF=≤10,而且≤tanθ≤,θ∈[,],∴L=++,θ∈[,].即L=10×,θ∈[,].(2)设sinθ+cosθ=t,则sinθcosθ=,由于θ∈[,],∴sinθ+cosθ=t=sin(θ+)∈[,].由于L=在[,]上是单调减函数,∴当t=时,即θ=或θ=时,L取得最大值为20(+1)米.18. 解:(1)设直线A2Q的方程为y=k(x-2),则直线A1Q的方程为,由,解得;即,由,解得,即N(3k-2,-3).∴.当k>0时,,当且仅当k=1时等号成立.当k<0时,,当且仅当k=-1等号成立,线段MN长的最小值是2.(2)由题意可知A1(-2,0),A2(2,0),B1(0,-2),B2(0,2),∴直线A2P的方程为y=k(x-2),由,得,直线B2P的方程为,令y=0,则,即,∵直线A1B2的方程为x-y+2=0,由,解得,∴E(,),∴EF的斜率,∴,即2m-k为定值.19. 解:f′(x)=+k(-)=+=,(1)当k≤0时,e x-kx2>0 对任意的x>0都成立,所以,当x>3时,f′(x)>0;当0<x<3 时,f′(x)<0,所以,f(x)的单调递减区间为(0,3),单调递增区间为(3,+∞).(2)f′(x)=,由函数f(x)在区间(1,3)上存在两个极值点,得f′(x)=0在区间(1,3)上至少有两个解,即e x-kx2=0在区间(1,3)上至少有两个解.即k=,令g(x)=-k,x∈(l,3),则g′(x)=,所以,当1<x<2时,g′(x)<0;当2<x<3吋,g′(x)>0,所以g(x)在区间(1,2)上单调递减,在区间(2,3)上单调递增.又g(2)=-k,g(3)=-k<g(l)=e-k,所以-k<0,且-k>0,即<k<,此时存在x1∈(1,2),x2∈(2,3),使得g(x1)=g(x2)=0,且当x∈(1,x1)时,f′(x)<0,当x∈(x1,x2)时,f′(x)>0,当x∈(x2,3)时,f′(x)<0,满足条件.所以k的取值范围是(,).(3)令h(x)=,得h′(x)=,当x≥3时,h′(x)≥0,当且仅当x=3时等号成立,所以,h(x)在[3,+∞)上单调递增,所以,当x>3吋,h(x)>h(3),(h(3)=>0),即e x>h(3)x3,当x>3时,f′(x)=>=,设x0为3和中较大的数,则当x>x0时,f′(x)>0,∴対任意给定的实数k,存在x0,(x0>0),使得f(x)在区区间(x1,+∞)上单调递增.20. 解:(1)当n为奇数时,a n+1-a n=2(n+1)-(2n-1)=3>0,所以a n+1≥a n.a n-2+a n+2=2(n-2)-1+2(n+2)-1=2(2n-1)=2a n.当n为偶数时,a n+1-a n=2(n+1)-2n=3>0,所以a n+1≥a n.a n-2+a n+2=2(n-2)+2(n+2)=4n=2a n.所以,数列{a n}是否为“R(2)数列数列”.证明(2)由题意可得:b n-3+b n+3=2b n,则数列b1,b4,b7,…是等差数列,设其公差为d1,数列b2,b5,b8,…是等差数列,设其公差为d2,数列b3,b6,b9,…是等差数列,设其公差为d3,因为b n≤b n+1,所以b3n+1≤b3n+2≤b3n+4,所以b1+nd1≤b2+nd2≤b1+(n+1)d1,所以n(d2-d1)≥b1-b2①,n(d2-d1)≥b1-b2+d1,②.若d2-d1<0,则当n>时,①不成立;若d2-d1>0,则当n>时,②不成立;若d2-d1=0,则①和②都成立,所以d1=d2.同理得:d1=d3,所以d1=d2=d3,记d1=d2=d3=d.设b3p-1-b3p-3=b3p+1-b3p-1=b3p+3-b3p+1=λ,则b3p-1-b3p-2=b3p-1-(n-p)d-(b3p+1-(n-p-1)d)=b3p-1-b3p+1+d=d-λ,同理可得:b3n-b3n-1=b3n+1-b3n=d-λ,所以b n+1-b n=d-λ.所以:{b n}是等差数列.21. 解:(Ⅰ)设,则有=,=,所以且,解得所以M =,从而M -1=(Ⅱ)因为==且m :2x ′-y ′=4,所以2(x +2y )-(3x +4y )=4, 即x +4=0,这就是直线l 的方程.22. 解:将极坐标方程p =3转化为普通方程:x 2+y 2=9 p (cosθ+sinθ)=2可化为x +y =2在x 2+y 2=9上任取一点A (3cos a ,3sin a ),则点A 到直线的距离为 d ==,它的最大值为4.23. 解:(1)以O 为原点,OB ,OC ,OA 分别为x ,y ,z 轴建立空间直角坐标系.则有A (0,0,1),B (2,0,0),C (0,2,0),E (0,1,0).=(2,0,0)-(0,1,0)=(2,-1,0),=(0,2,-1),(2分) cos <>=.(4分)由于异面直线BE 与AC 所成的角是锐角,故其余弦值是.(5分) (2)=(0,1,-1),设平面ABE 的法向量为m 1=(x ,y ,z ),则由m 1⊥,m 1⊥,得取n =(1,2,2),平面BEC 的一个法向量为n 2=(0,0,1),(7分) cos <n 1.n 2>==(9分)由于二面角A -BE -C 的平面角是n 1与n 2的夹角的补角,其余弦值是-.(10分)24. (1)解:g (x )=f 4(x )+2f 5(x )+3f 6(x )=+2+3,∴g (x )中含x 2项的系数为=1+10+45=56.(3分)(2)证明:由题意,p n =2n -1.(5分) ①当n =1时,p 1(a 1+1)=a 1+1,成立;②假设当n =k 时,p k (a 1a 2…a k +1)≥(1+a 1)(1+a 2)…(1+a k )成立,当n =k +1时,(1+a 1)(1+a 2)…(1+a k )(1+a k +1)≤2k -1(a 1a 2…a k +1)(1+a k +1) =2k -1(a 1a 2…a k a k +1+a 1a 2…a k +a k +1+1).(*)∵a k>1,a1a2…a k(a k+1-1)≥a k+1-1,即a1a2…a k a k+1+1≥a1a2…a k+a k+1,代入(*)式得(1+a1)(1+a2)…(1+a k)(1+a k+1)≤2k(a1a2…a k a k+1+1)成立.综合①②可知,p n(a1a2…a n+1)≥(1+a1)(1+a2)…(1+a n)对任意n∈N*成立.(10分)【解析】1. 解:∵集合A={x|log2x<2}={x|0<x<4},B={-1,0,1,2,4},∴A∩B={1,2}.故答案为:{1,2}.先分别求出集合A和B,由此能求出A∩B.本题考查交集的求法,考查交集定义等基础知识,考查运算求解能力,是基础题.2. 解:∵z=(1+i)(1+3i)=-2+4i,∴|z|=.故答案为:2.利用复数代数形式的乘除运算化简,再由复数模的计算公式求解.本题考查复数代数形式的乘除运算,考查复数模的求法,是基础题.3. 解:一组数据2,4,5,6,8,这组数据的平均数为:=(2+4+5+6+8)=5,∴这组数据的方差:S2=[(2-5)2+(4-5)2+(5-5)2+(6-5)2+(8-5)2]=4.故答案为:4.先求出这组数据的平均数,由此能求出这组数据的方差.本题考查方差的求法,考查平均数、方差等基础知识,考查运算求解能力,是基础题.4. 解:从2男3女共5名同学中任选2名(每名同学被选中的机会均等)作为代表,基本事件总数n==10,这2名代表都是女同学包含的基本事件个数m==3,∴这2名代表都是女同学的概率为p==.故答案为:.基本事件总数n==10,这2名代表都是女同学包含的基本事件个数m==3,由此能求出这2名代表都是女同学的概率.本题考查概率的求法,考查古典概型、排列组合等基础知识,考查运算求解能力,是基础题.5. 【分析】本题考查了程序框图的应用问题,解题时应模拟程序框图的运行过程,以便得出正确的结论,属于基础题.由已知中的程序语句可知:该程序的功能是利用循环结构计算并输出变量a的值,模拟程序的运行过程,分析循环中各变量值的变化情况,可得答案.【解答】解:模拟算法的流程图知,a=4,b=10,a<b,a=7,b=8,a<b,a=10,b=6,a>b,满足判断框内的条件,退出循环,输出a=10.故答案为10.6. 【分析】本题考查椭圆的简单性质的应用,抛物线的简单性质的应用,属于基础题.求出椭圆的右焦点,列出方程求解P即可.【解答】解:椭圆的右焦点为F(1,0),若抛物线y2=2px的焦点与椭圆的右焦点重合,可得,解得p=2.故答案为2.7. 解:已知,则sin2x=-cos(+2x)=-1+2=-1+=-,故答案为:-.由题意利用诱导公式、二倍角公式,求得sin2x的值.本题主要考查诱导公式、二倍角公式的应用,属于基础题.8. 解:∵a n=,且数列{a n}是递增数列,则,∴2<a<3,∴a∈(2,3),∴实数a的取值范围是(2,3).故答案为:(2,3).首先,根据数列{a n}是递增数列,得到,求解实数a的取值范围即可.本题重点考查了数列的函数特征,数列的增长趋势,属于综合性题目.9. 【分析】由曲线(a,b为常数)过点P(2,-5),且该曲线在点P处的切线与线2x-7y+3=0垂直,解方程可得答案.本题考查的知识点是利用导数研究曲线上某点切线方程,其中根据已知得到切线的斜率是解答的关键.【解答】解:曲线(a,b为常数)过点P(2,-5),且该曲线在点P处的切线与直线2x-7y+3=0垂直,其中y′=2ax,即有,故2a+3b=-8.故答案为-8.10. 解:∵函数∴f′(x)=-x+4-∵函数在[t,t+1]上不单调,∴f′(x)=-x+4-=0在[t,t+1]上有解∴在[t,t+1]上有解∴g(x)=x2-4x+3=0在[t,t+1]上有解∴g(t)g(t+1)≤0或∴0<t<1或2<t<3.故答案为:0<t<1或2<t<3.先由函数求f′(x)=-x+4-,再由“函数在[t,t+1]上不单调”转化为“f′(x)=-x+4-=0在区间[t,t+1]上有解”从而有在[t,t+1]上有解,进而转化为:g(x)=x2-4x+3=0在[t,t+1]上有解,用二次函数的性质研究.本题主要考查导数法研究函数的单调性,基本思路:当函数是增函数时,导数大于等于零恒成立,当函数是减函数时,导数小于等于零恒成立,然后转化为求相应函数的最值问题.注意判别式的应用.11. 解:以BC的中点O为原点,BC所在直线为x轴建立直角坐标系,如图所示.则B(-1,0),C(1,0),设A(0,m),由题意得D(,),E(,),∴=(,),=(1,-m),∵,∴×1+×(-m)=-,解之得m=2(负值舍去)由此可得E(,),=(-,),=(-1,-2)∴=-×(-1)+×(-2)=-.故答案为:-以BC的中点O为原点,建立如图所示直角坐标系,可得B(-1,0),C(1,0).设A(0,m),从而算出向量的坐标关于m的式子,由建立关于m的方程,解出m=2.由此算出的坐标,从而可得的值.本题给出等腰三角形的底面长,在已知两个向量的数量积的情况下求另外向量的数量积.着重考查了等腰三角形的性质、向量的数量积公式和向量的坐标运算等知识,属于中档题.12. 【分析】本题考查了分段函数与复合函数的应用,同时考查了分类讨论的思想应用.由题意得2f(x)+1=3或|ln f(x)|=3,从而解得f(x)=e3或f(x)=e-3;从而再讨论即可.【解答】解:由题意得,2f(x)+1=3或|ln f(x)|=3,即f(x)=1(舍去)或f(x)=e3或f(x)=e-3;若f(x)=e3,则2x+1=e3或|ln x|=e3,故x=(舍去)或x=或x=;若f(x)=e-3,则2x+1=e-3或|ln x|=e-3,故x=或x=或x=;故方程f[f(x)]=3共有5个解,故答案为:5.13. 解:由b2+2(a+c)b-ac=0得(b+a+c)2=ac+(a+c)2≤+(a+c)2=(a+c)2,∴b+a+c≤(a+c),∴b≤(a+c),∴≤,当且仅当a=c时取等.故答案为由b2+2(a+c)b-ac=0得(b+a+c)2=ac+(a+c)2≤+(a+c)2=(a+c)2再解关于b的不等式即可.本题考查了基本不等式及其应用,属中档题.14. 解:则(y-2ex)(ln y-ln x)z+x=0可化为:,令t=,得(t-2e)ln t=-.令f(t)=(t-2e)ln t,(t>0),则f′(t)=g(t)=ln t+1-,则g′(t)=,故g(t)为(0,+∞)上的增函数,又因为f′(e)=g(e)=1+1-2=0,故当t∈(0,e)时,f′(t)<0,当t>e时,f′(t)>0,所以f(t)在(0,e)上单调递减,在(e,+∞)上单调递增,所以f(t)在(0,+∞)存在最小值f(e)=-e,即f(t)的值域为(-e,+∞),∴-∈(-e,+∞),所以z∈(-∞,0)∪[,+∞),故填:(-∞,0)∪[,+∞),令=t,分类参数得(t-2e)ln t=-,求出g(t)=(t-2e)ln t的值域,从而得出z的范围.本题主要考查不等式恒成立问题,根据函数与方程的关系,转化为两个函数相交问题,利用构造法和导数法求出函数的极值和最值是解决本题的关键.综合性较强.属于难题.15. (1)连接AC,交BD与点O,连接OM,先证明出MO∥PA,进而根据线面平行的判定定理证明出PA∥平面MDB.(2)先证明出BC⊥平面PCD,进而根据线面垂直的性质证明出BC⊥PD.本题主要考查了线面平行的判定和线面垂直的判定.判定的关键是先找到到线线平行,线线垂直,属于中档题.16. (1)由已知利用同角三角函数基本关系式可求sinβ,tanβ,再利用二倍角的正切函数公式求解得tan2β的值;(2)由已知可求α+β∈(,),利用同角三角函数基本关系式可求cos(α+β),再利用两角差的余弦函数公式可得cosα的值,根据α的范围,从而确定α的值.本题考查了二倍角公式、角的灵活拆分等知识,属于中档题.17. (1)解直角三角形求得得EH、FH、EF的解析式,再由L =EH+FH+EF得到污水净化管道的长度L的函数解析式,并注明θ的范围.(2)设sinθ+cosθ=t,根据函数L=在[,]上是单调减函数,可求得L的最大值.本题主要考查在实际问题中建立三角函数的模型,利用三角函数的单调性求三角函数的最值,属于中档题.18. (1)设A2Q的斜率为k,求出直线A1Q和A2Q的方程,得出M,N的坐标,从而得出MN关于k的表达式,进而得出MN的最小值;(2)求出个直线方程,得出E、F的坐标,进而得出m与k的关系,从而得出结论.本题考查了直线与圆的位置关系,属于中档题.19. (1)求函数的导数,结合函数单调性和导数之间的关系进行求解;(2)求函数的导数,结合函数极值与导数之间的关系进行转化即可;(3)利用函数单调性和导数之间的关系进行求解证明即可.本题主要考查导数的综合应用,结合函数单调性,极值与导数之间的关系是解决本题的关键.考查学生的运算能力,综合性较强,难度较大.20. (1)由题意可知根据等差数列的性质,a n-3+a n-2+a n-1+a n+1+a n+2+a n+3=(a n-3+a n+3)+(a n-2+a n+2)+(a n-1+a n+1)═2×3a n,根据“P(k)数列”的定义,可得数列{a n}是“P (3)数列”;(2)由已知条件结合(1)中的结论,可得到{a n}从第3项起为等差数列,再通过判断a2与a3的关系和a1与a2的关系,可知{a n}为等差数列.本题考查等差数列的性质,考查数列的新定义的性质,考查数列的运算,考查转化思想,属于中档题.21. (1)先设出所求矩阵,利用待定系数法建立一个四元一次方程组,解方程组即可,再根据求逆矩阵的公式求出逆矩阵;(2)在所求的直线上任设一点写成列向量,求出该点在矩阵M的作用下的点的坐标,代入已知曲线即可.本题主要考查来了逆矩阵与投影变换,以及直线的一般式方程等基础知识,属于基础题.22. 欲求d的最大值,即求出圆上一点何时到直线的距离最大,先将圆p=3和直线p (cosθ+sinθ)=2的极坐标方程化成直角坐标方程,再结合直角坐标系下的点到直线的距离公式求解即得.本题考查点的极坐标和直角坐标的互化,能在极坐标系中用极坐标刻画点的位置,体会在极坐标系和平面直角坐标系中刻画点的位置的区别,能进行极坐标和直角坐标的互化.23. (1)先以O为原点,OB,OC,OA分别为x,y,z轴建立空间直角坐标系.设出点的坐标,求出直线直线BE与AC的方向向量,最后利用向量的夹角公式计算即得异面直线BE与AC所成的角的余弦值;(2)先分别求得平面ABE的法向量和平面BEC的一个法向量,再利用夹角公式求二面角的余弦值即可.考查用空间向量为工具解决立体几何问题,此类题关键是找清楚线的方向向量、面的法向量,本题主要考查了两面角的计算,考查了学生综合分析问题的能力和解决问题的能力.24. (1)确定函数g(x),利用二项式定理可得g(x)中含x2项的系数;(2)确定p n的表达式,根据数学归纳法的步骤,先证n=1时成立,再设n=k时成立,利用归纳假设证明n=k+时成立即可.本题考查二项式定理,考查数学归纳法的运用,掌握数学归纳法的证题步骤是关键.。
2018届高三第一学期期中考试试卷(六校联考)一、听力略二、单选(共15小题,每小题1 分,满分15 分)21.Internet distance education is more and more popular in that it gives us access to study when we are unable to get to the school.A.tentativelyB. voluntarilyC. artificiallyD. physically22.Every couple goes through a stage of ___________________ as you figure out if you want to be together: Doyou want to live together?A.adjustmentB. assessmentC. discriminationD. adaptation23.Researchers were __________________ by students'lack of preparation when they read fake news becausethey don't always have a deep understanding of the information ___________________________________________ through these social media platforms.A.taken aback; transmittedB. taken off; transportedC. taken away; transferredD. taken in; transformed24.As a member of the community each should develop good habits and _____________________________________________ his or her behavior in an attempt to create a harmonious atmosphere.A.abolishB. alterC. regulateD. underline25.-- He hasn 't turned up so far. He just phoned me when he set off an hour ago.-- Oh, what __________________ to him on the road?A.may have happenedB. would have happenedC. should have happenedD. could have happened26.Only by further stepping up commitment to cooperation and capabilities will European states be able to address will likely be a long-term terrorism challenge and head off the gatheringdanger of terrorism in Europe.A.thatB. whatC. whichD. who27.The 13th China International Software Product and Information Service Trade Fair (CIS) in Nanjing, capital city of Jiangsu Province on Wednesday.A.set offB. gave offC. kicked offD. made off28.-- Time for lunch, David.-- Another three minutes. My favorite team _________________________ the game with a safe advantage.A.is winningB. wonC. has wonD. will have won29.If you can fulfill your potential, you are bound to make a good lawyer, ________________________________ you have beenaiming to be since your childhood.A.whoB. whatC. whichD. whom30.The White Horse Temple has been repaired and has had extension _________________________________ many times, mostoften ____________ time of war and disaster.A.added; followedC. to be added; have followed B.added; followingD. adding; being followed31.He holds an importa nt positi on in the compa ny; __________________________ , I don 'quite trust him.A.otherwiseB. mea nwhileC. n everthelessD. regardless32.This n ati on wide smog should serve as a remin der to all, in cludi ng a high time that we ___________________________________on what we ve done to the environment.A.have reflectedB. are reflect ingC. will reflectD. reflected33.Although he and his colleague have tested only a small group of subjects, the results are so farfalli ng ______________ previous experime nts.A.in line withB. in conn ecti on withC.i n comparis on withD. i n parallel with34.The Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, __________________________________ is the marathon, a long distanee racecreated in honour of a Greek soldier.A.whichB. whatC. soD. as35.-- It 'sunthinkable that you should have believed her. Do you feel regretful for what you have done?--Not really. ________________ . I will n ever fall for such kind of trick aga in.A.More haste, less speedB. A fall into a pit, a gain in your witC. Once bitte n, twice shyD. No fire, no smoke答案:DBACD BCACB CDADB三、完型填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)The fitn ess moveme nt that bega n in the late 1960s and early 1970s cen tered around aerobic exercise (有氧操).Millions of individuals became 36 ______________________________________________ in a variety of aerobic activities and37 ___________ thousands of health spas (温泉浴场)38 ___________ around the country to capitalize (获利)on this 39 ______________ in terest in fitn ess, particularly aerobic dancing for females. A nu mber offitn ess spas existed 40 __________________ to this aerobic fitn ess moveme nt, even a n ati onal cha in with spas inmost major cities. However, their 41 _______________________ was not on aerobics, 42 __________________ on weight-trai ningprograms desig ned to develop muscular mass 43 ___________________________ and en dura nee in their primarily male44 ___________ . These fitn ess spas did not seem to ben efit 45 __________________________ from the aerobic fitn essmoveme nt to better health, since medical opinion suggested that weight-tra ining programs 46 few, if 47 , health ben efits. In recent years, however, weight training has aga inbecome in creas in gly 48 ________________ for males and for females. Many 49 _________________________ programs focus notonly on develop ing muscular stre ngth and en dura nee but on aerobic fitn ess as well.50 ___________ , most physical-fit ness tests have usually in cluded measures of muscular stre ngthand en dura nee, not for health-related reas ons, but 51 __________________________ such fitn ess comp onents have bee nrelated to 52 _______________ in athletics. However, in recent years, 53 ________________________________ has shown that training programs desig ned primarily to improve muscular stre ngth and en dura nee might also offer some health 54 _________________ as well. The American College of Sports Medicine now 55 ________________________________________________________________________________ that weight-trai ning be part of a total fitn ess program for healthy America ns.1. A. encoun ter B. en gaged C. en closed D. en titled四、阅读理解(共 15小题,每小题2分,满分30 分)AThere are people who snu ggle up on the sofa , watch a couple of movies sip champag ne and fall asleep before midnighton New Y ear ' Eve.This trip is not for those people.This jaunt -- a flight from Sydney to Los An geles aboard the fastest Ion g-ra nge private jet in the world -- is for revelerscommitted to welcoming 2017 with fanfare. And then doubling down to ring it in again on the other side of the International DateLine.Fly back in timethe on e-way trip, offered by private jet charter book ing compa ny PrivateFly, is desig ned to give travelers the opportunity to celebrate the dawn of 2017 in two en thusiastic cities byback in time ” S^ofney to Los An geles, where local time is 19 hours beh ind Sydn ey.It ' s not cheaChartering a G650ER for the one-way flight will set passengers back about $191,000 ( or about $10, 600 perperson, if 18 New Y ear ' s enthusiasts travel together )So far, PrivateF ly hasn ' t had any takefbe company offered the same tour plan last year, and while travelers haveexpressed in terest both years, no one has bookedLast-minute luxury 2. A. steadily 3. A. enhanced 4. A. emerg ing 5. A. prior 6. A. feedback 7. A. or 8. A. stre ngth 9. A. practiti oners 10. A. finan cially 11. A. prese nted 12. A. somethi ng 13. A. en ergetic 14. A. curre nt 15. A. Practically 16. A. now that 17. A. performa nee 18. A. Motivatio n 19. A. adva ntages 20. A. recomme nds B. emoti on ally B. proved B. result ing B. j un ior B. focus B. or else B. nu triti on B. en thusiasts B. particularly C. abu nda ntly D. literallyC. developedD. establishedC. promisi ngD. falli ngC. in feriorD. seniorC. favor C. and C. tolera nee C. referees C. properly B. offered C. i ndicated B. ever B. glorious B. primitive B. Eve ntually B. if only B. presenee B. Tendency B. ben efits B. resists C. anythingD. flavorD. but ratherD. ambiti onD. receiversD. fashi on ablyD. dem on stratedD. anyC. popularD. dyn amicC. primaryD. i ncredibleC. Esse ntiallyD. HistoricallyC. althoughD. becauseC. ide ntificati onD. prescriptio n答案:BDCAC ADABA BDCAD C. Evide nee C. in terests C. rejects DACBAD. Recreatio nD. profitsD. reflectsflyingThat ' s not to say that some one won ' t jump OPirthet^j e a book ings often happe nlast minu te; it ' s one of the big ben efits of setti ng your own schedule, sayCarol Cork, PrivateF ly s market ing director. On a day-to-day basis people tend to book four to five days ahead of flights. A lot of people booking private aviation don ' t like to thinkahead, so it wouldnt surprise that we ' ll be bookifli g hts up to New Y ear ' Eve," Cork said.Travelers are resp on sible for sett ing their own party age ndas on the gro und in Sydney and Los Angeles, but in-flightrevelry -- complete with fine wine, champagne and gourmet catering -is in cluded with the flight. |$佃1, 000 one-wayFlying time is about 12 hours aboard the G650ER.Commercial airlines allow closer to 14 hours for the flight, and there are no direct flights at times that would allowtravelers to ring in the new year twice.Not sold on spending $191,000 for a one-way trip across the globe? |There are more affordable private-jet iti nerariesAmong PrivateF ly sNew Year ' Eve book in gs: a roun d-trip flight for 12 from Los An geles to Hawaii and a roun d-tripflight from Pittsburgh to New York for a group of 8.The prices: $ 58, 000 ( 4, 833 per pers on) for the LA - Hawaii trip and $5, 500 ( $690 per pers on) for Pittsburgh - NewYork.Happy 2017, jet - setters!56. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.The journey is bound to be welcomed.B.The taker each has to pay $191, 000 for the journey.C.The luxury tour may serves to draw atte nti on.D.Tourist should pay extra money for wine during the journey.57. What is the main reason why the tour costs so much?A.It's a one - way flight.B.It is on the New Y ear 'Eve of 2017.C.It can provide the travelers a unique tour experie nee.D.The jet is private and luxury .BScientists have discovered tiny fossils that are thinner than a human hair and are an astounding 3.7 billion years old,making them the oldest known fossils on Earth, University College London announced on Wedn esday. They could even be as old as4.2 billi on yearsThe fossils were likely created by bacteria that lived near hydrothermal vents(深海热泉)and con sumed iron. Those ancie nt creatures lived an in credible 3.8 to 4.3 billi on years ago.“ Our disovery supports the idea that life appeared from hot, seafloor vents shortly after planet Earth formed, 'MatthewDodd, a PhD student at the University College London and the first author of a new study about the fossils, said in a statement. Thisspeedy appearanee of life on Earth fits with other evidence of recently discovered 3, 700 million year old sedimentarymounds (沉积岩)that were shaped by microorganisms. ”The scientists found the fossils in a part of Quebec, Canada, known for having ancient sedimentary rock. The little fossils are much older than their closest competitors.The microfossils we discovered are about 300 million years older than the previously thought oldest microfossils, Domi ni c"Papi neau, a lecturer at Un iversity College London and thestudy ' s leadsearcher, said in a video announcing the find. So there are within a few hundred million years from the accretion of the solar system. ”In the stateme nt, Pap in eau described these tiny fossils -- they ' re less tha n a millimeteo ng --as “ direct evidenee of one of Earth ' s oldest life formsPlanet Earth itself is believed to be 4.5 billi on years old.One of the most exciting ramifications of the find is that since it shows that life began on Earth so long ago, perhaps the same thing could have happe ned in other places in our solar system --like Mars.These discoveries dem on strate life developed on Earth at a time whe n Mars and Earth had liquid water at their surfaces, posing exciting questions for extra- terrestrial life, Dodd said , in the statement. “ Therefore, we expect to find evidenee for past life on Mars 4, 000 million years ago, or if not, Earth may have been a special exception. ”58. Accord ing to the passage, the fossils ___________________________ .A.were created by bacteria livi ng n ear hydrothermal ventsB.can date back to at least 4.5 billi on years agoC.is as thin as one-millimeter-long human hairD.in dicate they were in itial life forms on earth59. What can be inferred from what Dodd said?A.Signs of life appeared whe n pla net Earth was formed.B.Further research of evide nee on Mars n eeds provi ng.C.Microorga ni sms formed sedime ntary mounds billio ns of years ago.D.Mars and Earth had liquid fossils whe n life developed on Earth.60. Which can be the most suitable title for the passage?A.The discovery of the most ancient fossils on EarthB.The existence of liquid water on the surface of EarthC.The origin of planets like Earth in the solar systemD.The evidence of the oldest life forms on EarthCApple ' s popular assistant hdaeen updated with a helpful, serious feature. Siri will now resp ond to suicidal stateme nts with useful suicide preve nti on in formati on.Prior to this week if you had told Siri “ want to kill myself "or “ want to jump off a bridge. the service would either search the web or worse search for the nearest bridge. Now, Apple has directed the assista nt to immediately return the phone nu mber of the Suicide Preve nti on Lifeli ne.If you are thinking about suicide, you may want to speak with some one at the Natio nalSuicide Prevention Lifeline, th” service says aloud in response to I want to kill myself. Siri then asks if you would like to call the number. I f you don ' t respond for a short period of time, it automatically returns a list of local suicide prevention centers. Click on the results and it will show you them on a map.Apple decli ned to comme nt on the new update, but the compa ny started work ing hand in hand with the Nati onal Suicide Preve nti on Lifeli ne a few mon ths ago. They were extremely excited and interested in helping, and they were very thorough about best approaches”' J ohn Draper, director of the Nati onal Suicide Preve nti on Lifeli ne Network. We talked with a nu mber of our n ati onal advisers and they advised us on key words that could better ide ntify if a pers on was suicidal so it could then offer the L ifeline number. ”But while many might have said those things to the iPhone' lsuilt-in robot in a joking manner, Draper says there is a real need for the new answers and assistanee. ly “ you would be re surprised. There are quite a number of people who say very intimate things to Siri or to computers. People who are very isolated tend to converse with S iri, ”he expla inedjt Draper says even if suicidal individuals don ' t use the service, theradesqgetting the information about suicideprevention even more accessible to others. “ the main thing is that the number is out there,“ some one might call on behalf of some one else. If you don ' t know what to do, the n you can ask Siri now. ”In May 2013, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that suicide rates were up in the U.S from 1999 to 2010, the last year for which they have reported statistics. The orga ni zati on found that suicide rates in creased 28 perce nt among those 35 to 64 years old duri ng that period.Many first reported Siri ' responses to death-related statements when the service first appeared in 2011. I f you had said I am"going to jump off a bridge and die, ” the service wouldpreviously have returned bridge locations. That has been replaced now with the Lifeline number, though if you say “ remind me to kill myself tomorrow ” it will still bring up a calendar prompt .61 . The author ' s real purpose of writing the passage is to .A.warn the public aga inst the dan ger of suicideB.emphasize of n ecessity of an updated assista ntC.show the in tellige nee of a built - in robots resp onseD.give reas ons for the popularity of suicide preve nti on62. What ' s the latest characteristic of apple ' s assistant ?A.To resp ond to huma n requests in a humorous mannerB.To search for the most detailed bridge locations and mapsC.To show ways of con tact ing suicide preve nti on in stitutesD.To provide numbers of A pple ' s national service lifeline63 . What does the un derl ined word mea n ?A. i nteractB. con tradictC. refuseD. preserve64.What of the followi ng stateme nts is true accord ing to the passage?A.The nu mber of people who committed suicide is on the decli ne.B.The new update has its own adva ntages in spite of some drawbacks.C.Apple always shows its in differe nee in work ing with other part ners.D.The identification of keys words determines a person ' s lifespanDAs the world edged into finan cial crisis, there were repeated warnings that we were headed for disaster. In the end, disaster struck. In many ways, the challenge of climate change has a similar feel, and the alarm bells are ringing just as loudly. But while it was possible to bail out(帮助摆脱困境)the banks and to stimulate economic recovery with trillions of dollars of publicfinan ce, it will not be possible to bail out the climate -- uni ess we act now 。
= ,
则( + )2= 2+2 • + 2=4+9﹣6=7, 则| + |= ;
第 4 页(共 18 页)
5. (5 分)函数 y=f(x)是奇函数,当 x<0 时,f(x)=x2﹣ax(a∈R) ,且 f(2) =6,则 a= ﹣5 .
13. (5 分)扇形 AOB 中,弦 AB=2,C 为劣弧 则 的最小值是 .
14. (5 分)设函数 f(x)= 的取值范围为 .
,则满足 f(f(a) )=3(f(a) )2 的 a
二.解答题 15. (14 分)已知向量 =(cosx,sinx) , =(3,﹣ (1)若 ,求 x 的值; ,求 f(x)的最大值和最小值以及对应的 x 的值. ) ,x∈[0,π].
5. (5 分)函数 y=f(x)是奇函数,当 x<0 时,f(x)=x2﹣ax(a∈R) ,且 f(2) =6,则 a= . .
6. (5 分)曲线 y=x2+ 在点(1,2)处的切线方程为
7. (5 分)设等差数列{an}的前 n 项和为 Sn,若 a1=9,a4+a6=4,当 Sn 取最大值 时,n= . .
第 2 页(共 18 页)
18. (16 分)已知某食品厂需要定期购买食品配料,该厂每天需要食品配料 200 千克,配料的价格为 1.8 元/千克,每次购买配料需支付运费 236 元,每次购买 来的配料还需支付保管费用,其标准如下:7 天以内(含 7 天) ,无论重量多少, 均按 10 元/天支付;超出 7 天以外的天数,根据实际剩余配料的重量,以每天 0.03 元/千克支付. (1)当 9 天购买一次配料时,求该厂用于配料的保管费用 P 是多少元? (2)设该厂 x 天购买一次配料,求该厂在这 x 天中用于配料的总费用 y(元)关 于 x 的函数关系式, 并求该厂多少天购买一次配料才能使平均每天支付的费用最 少? 19. (16 分)已知数列{an}中,a1=1,a2=a,且 an+1=k(an+an+2)对任意正整数 n 都成立,数列{an}的前 n 项和为 Sn. (1)若 k= ,且 S18=171,求 a; (2)是否存在实数 k,使数列{an}是等比数列,且公比不为 1,且任意相邻三项 am,am+1,am+2 按某顺序排列后成等差数列,若存在,求出所有 k 的值;若不存 在,请说明理由; (3)若 k=﹣ ,求 Sn. (用 a,n 表示) . 20. (16 分)已知函数 f(x)=x﹣1﹣a(x﹣1)2﹣lnx(a∈R) . (1)当 a=0 时,求函数 f(x)的单调区间; (2)若函数 g(x)=f(x)﹣x+1 有一个极小值点和一个极大值点,求 a 的取值 范围; (3)若存在 k∈(1,2) ,使得当 x∈(0,k]时,f(x)的值域是[f(k) ,+∞) , 求 a 的取值范围.注:自然对数的底数 e=2.71828…
南京师大附中2018~2018学年度第一学期高三年级期中考试数学试题一、填空题(本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分)1、已知集合A={x|0<x<2,x ∈R},B={x|x 2≤1},则A ∩B= 。
2、“x=y ”是“|x|=|y|”的 条件。
(填“充要”、“充分不必要”、“必要不充分”、“既不充分也不必要”)3、已知4(,0),cos ,tan 225x x x π∈-==则 。
4、在复平面内,复数12z i=+对应的点位于第 象限。
5、在等比数列{a n }中,若a 7a 9=4,a 4=1,则a 12= 。
6、已知符号函数sgnx=1,00,01,0x x x >⎧=⎨⎩-<,则不等式(x+1)sgnx>2的解集是 。
7、已知向量a ,b 满足|a|=1,|b|=3,a 、b 之间的夹角为600,则a ·(a +b )= 。
8、已知数列{a n }的各项都为正数,它的前三项依次为1,a+1,2a+5,则数列{a n }的通项公式a n = 。
9、△ABC 的三个内角A 、B 、C 所对的边分别为a 、b 、c ,已知c=3,C=3π,a=2b,则b 的值为 。
10、曲线2xy x =+在点(-1,-1)处的切线方程为 。
11、已知函数y=sin(ωx+ψ)(ω>0,|ψ|<π)的图像如图所示,则ψ= 。
12、在△OAC 中,B 为AC 的中点,若OC xOA yOB =+,则x-y= 。
13、定义在R 上的函数f(x)满足f(4)=1,f ’(x)为f(x)的导函数,已知y=f ’(x)的图像如图所示,若两个正数a 、b 满足f(2a +b)<1,则11b a ++14、某校数学课外小组在坐标纸上为学校的一块空地设计植树方案如下:第k 棵树种在点P k (x k ,y k )处,其中x 1=1,y 1=1,当k ≥2时,第11题图111215[()()]5512()()55k k k k k k x x T T k k y y T T ----=+--⎧⎨--⎩=+-,T(a)表示非负实数a 的整数部分,例如T (2.6)=2,T (0.2)=0。
2018——2018学年第一学期期中考试试卷高三数学2018年11月第Ⅰ卷(60分)一、选择题:(06125'=⨯ )1.设集合{}R x x x M ∈<=,2,{}4321,,,=N ,则N M 等于 【 】(A) {1} (B ){1,2} (C) {3,4} (D) {-1,-2,0,1,2}2. 若命题p :中国载人航空飞船于2018年10月首次飞行成功,命题q :φ∈{}0,则下列命题中为真命题的是 【 】A 、p 且qB 、p 或qC 、非pD 、非p 且非q3.已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为 n s ,若4518a a =-,则8s 等于 【 】(A)72(B)54(C)36(D)184.方程x xcos 22=解的个数是 【 】A .0个B .1个C .2个D .无数多个5. 三个人独立地破译一个密码,他们能单独译出的概率分别为15,31,14,假设他们破译密码是彼此独立的,则此密码被译出的概率为 【 】 (A )35 (B )25(C )160 (D )不确定6.已知等差数列{a n }的公差为2,若a 1,a 3,a 4成等比数列,则a 2等于 【 】(A )-4 (B )-10 (C )-8 (D )-67. 已知()πααα,0,51cos sin ∈=+,则α2cos 的值为 【 】 (A)2425- (B) 725(C)625- (D) 725-8.已知定义在R 上的偶函数)(x f 在),0[+∞上是增函数,且0)31(=f ,则满足0)(lo g 81>x f的x 的取值范围是 【 】 (A)),0(+∞ (B))21,0( (C)),2()21,0(+∞⋃ (D))2,21()81,0(⋃9. 已知函数x y 2log =的反函数是()x f y 1-=,则函数()x f y -=-11的图象是 【 】10.设角A 、B 、C 为锐角△ABC 的三个内角,且A >C ,则点P (sinA -cosB ,sinA -sinC )在 【 】 A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限11.设)(x f 是R 上的减函数,设{}{}||()1|2,|()1P x f x Q x f x λ=+-<=<-. 若(0)3,(3)1f f ==-, 且“x P ∈”是“x Q ∈”充分不必要条件,则实数λ取值范围是【 】(A )0λ≤ (B ) 3λ≥- (C )0λ≥ (D )3λ≤- A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个12.某债券市场发行三种债券,A 种面值为100元,一年到期本息和为118元;B 种面值为50元,半年到期本息和为51.4元;C 种面值为100元,但买入价为97元,一年到期本息和为100元.作为购买者,分析这三种债券的收益,从小到大排列依次为 【 】A .B ,A ,CB .A ,C ,BC .A ,B ,CD .C ,A ,B第Ⅱ卷(90分)二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分.请将答案填在第II 卷的相应处。
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一、 填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分.
1. 已知集合A ={2,3,5},B ={x|2≤x ≤4},则A ∩B =________.
2. 若复数z 满足z(1-i )=2i ,其中i 是虚数单位,则复数z =________.
3. 从1,2,3,4,5这5个数中,随机抽取2个不同的数,则这2个数的和为奇数的概率是________________________________________________________________________.
4. 某中学共有学生2 000人,其中高一年级共有学生650人,高二男生有370人.现在全校学生中随机抽取1名,抽到高二年级女生的概率是0.19,则该校高三学生共有________人.
5. 下面是一个算法的伪代码.如果输出的y 值是30,那么输入的x 值是________.
6. 已知等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,若a 1=2,S 3=12,则a 6的值为________.
7. 若曲线y =
x +1x -1
在点(3,2)处的切线与直线ax +y +3=0垂直,则实数a 的值为________.
8. 已知函数f(x)=2sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫2x -π4,x ∈R ,若f (x )在区间⎣⎡⎦⎤π8
,3π4上的最大值和最小值分别为a ,b ,则a +b 的值为________.
9. 已知奇函数f (x )的图象关于直线x =-2对称,当x ∈[0,2]时,f (x )=2x ,那么f (6)的值为________.
10. 在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c .已知b -c =14
a ,2sin B =3sin C ,则cos A 的值为________.
11. 已知a >b >0,a +b =1,则4a -b +12b
的最小值等于________. 12. 在△ABC 中,已知AB =4,AC =10,BC =2,M 为边AB 的中点,P 是△ABC 内
(包括边界)一点,则AP →·CM →的最小值是________.
13. 设函数y =⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧-x 3+x 2,x <e ,a ln x , x ≥e 的图象上存在两点P ,Q ,使得△POQ 是以O 为直角顶点的直角三角形(其中O 为坐标原点),且斜边的中点恰好在y 轴上,则实数a 的取值范围是______________.(e 为自然对数的底数)
14. 在平面直角坐标系中,已知⊙O 1与⊙O 2交于P (3,2),Q 两点,两圆半径之积为132
.若两圆均与直线l :y =kx 和x 轴相切,则直线l 的方程为________.
二、 解答题:本大题共6小题,共计90分.解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.
15. (本小题满分14分)
设向量a =(sin x ,3cos x ),b =(-1,1),c =(1,1),其中x ∈[0,π].
(1) 若(a +b )∥c ,求实数x 的值;
(2) 若a ·b =12,求函数sin ⎝⎛⎭
⎫x +π6的值.
16. (本小题满分14分)
如图,在四棱锥P ABCD 中,底面ABCD 是正方形,AC 与BD 交于点O ,PC ⊥底面ABCD ,E 为PB 上一点,G 为PO 的中点.
(1) 若PD ∥平面ACE ,求证:E 为PB 的中点;
(2) 若AB =2PC ,求证:CG ⊥平面PBD .
如图,把一块边长为30cm的正六边形铁皮剪去阴影部分,制成一个正六棱柱形的无盖容器.设容器的底面边长为x cm,棱柱的高为h cm,容积为V cm3.
(1) 求出V关于x的函数关系式V(x);
(2) 当容器的底面边长为多大时,无盖容器的容积最大?最大是多少?
已知椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2=1(a >1)的左、右焦点分别为F 1,F 2,A ,B 为椭圆上关于原点对称的两点,椭圆C 的离心率为e .
(1) 若点A 的坐标为⎝
⎛⎭⎫2e ,12,求椭圆C 的方程; (2) 记AF 1的中点为M ,BF 1的中点为N ,若原点O 在以线段MN 为直径的圆上.
①证明AF 1→·AF 2→为定值;
②设直线AB 的斜率为k ,若k ≥33
,求e 的取值范围.
设函数f (x )=x 3-ax ,a ∈R ,g (x )=x e x
,h (x )=⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧f (x ), f (x )>g (x ),g (x ), f (x )≤g (x )(e 为自然对数的底数).
(1) 当a >0时,求函数f (x )的极值;
(2) 若函数h (x )的最小值为-1e
,求实数a 的取值范围; (3) 当h (x )=g (x )时,求实数a 的值.。