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英语九年级句子 1 、生活的真谛在于创新,生活的理想在于远大,生活的艺术在于选择,生活的步履在于踏实,生活的乐趣在于追求,生活的安乐在于平淡。

The essence of life lies in innovation, the ideal of life lies in greatness, the art of life lies in choice, the step of life lies in steadiness, the joy of life lies in pursuit, and the happiness of life lies in plainness.
2 、人生十字路口是一道选择题,谨慎选择才能确保正确方向,糊涂选择就易步入歧途,放弃选择就会迷失方向。

The crossroad of life is a choice question. Only careful choice can ensure the right direction. Confused choice is easy to go astray, and giving up choice will lead to disorientation.
3 、因为你在成长的道路上,我充满信心;因为有你,我才能克服挫折;因为你,我才能认真学习。


Because you are growing up, I am full of confidence; because of you, I can overcome setbacks; because of you, I can study hard. It's like a child on his shoulder, like tears on his face, you give me strength like an angel.
4 、太阳无语,却放射出光辉;高山无语,却体现出巍峨;蓝天无语,却显露出高远;大地无语,却显示出广博;鲜花无语,却散发出芬芳;青春无语,却散发出活力。

The sun is speechless, but it radiates brilliance; the mountains are speechless, but they are majestic; the blue sky is speechless, but they are high; the earth speechless, but they are broad; the flowers speechless, but they are fragrant; the youth speechless, but they are vigorous.
5 、名人之所以能够成为名人,是因为他们在同伴嬉乐或休息时不停地攀登;凡人之所以成为凡人,是因为别人忙于攀登时他却安然入睡。

The reason why celebrities can become celebrities is that they keep climbing when their companions are playing or resting; the reason why mortals become mortals is that they fall asleep when others are busy climbing.
6 、过于欣赏自己,就发现不了别人的优点;过于赞赏别人的优点,就会看不见自己的长处。

If you appreciate yourself too much, you will not find the advantages of others; if you appreciate others' advantages too much, you will not see your own advantages.
7 、这堵石壁似摩天大厦仰面压来,高得像就要坍塌下来咄咄逼人。


This stone wall is like a skyscraper pressing on its back, as if it is about to collapse. On the top of the mountain, the dense forest looks like a huge black blanket hat on the cliff. From the black and green, there are clusters of unknown wild flowers springing out of the cliff.
8 、一个人只有保持快乐和满足,才能远离痛苦;一个人只有保持青春活力,才能激流勇进;一个人只有坚持学习,才能与时俱进;一个人只有坚持奋进,才能永远年轻。

Only by keeping happy and satisfied can one be far away from pain; only by keeping young and energetic can one advance bravely; only by persisting in learning can one keep pace with the times; only by persisting in striving can one be forever young.
9 、天空收容每一片云彩,不论其美丑,所以天空宽阔无边。



The sky holds every cloud, regardless of its beauty or ugliness, so the sky is boundless. The earth embraces every inch of land, rich or poor,
so it is vast. The ocean accepts every river, no matter how big or small, so the ocean is boundless.
1 0 、当你对自己微笑时,世上没烦事能纠缠你;当你对自己诚意时,世上没人能欺骗你。

When you smile at yourself, nothing in the world can pester you; when you are sincere to yourself, no one in the world can cheat you.
1 1 、日子总是像从指尖渡过的细纱,在不经意间悄然滑落。


The days are always like the spinning yarn passing through the fingertips, slipping down unconsciously. Those sorrows and misuses of the past passed away gently with the waves, and the joy and dimples left behind were renewed in the deep memory.
1 2 、生活需要游戏,但不能游戏人生;生活需要歌舞,但不需醉生梦死;生活需要艺术,但不能投机取巧;生活需要勇气,但不能鲁莽蛮干;生活需要重复,但不能重蹈覆辙。

Life needs games, but it can't play life; life needs singing and dancing, but it can't be drunk; life needs art, but it can't be opportunistic; life needs courage, but it can't be reckless; life needs repetition, but it can't be repeated.
1 3 、梅花傲雪,桃李争春,大自然中,有许许多多,数不尽的美的存在,然而,真正让我觉得美得惊心动魄的,是学校教学楼前那棵白玉兰。


Plum blossom Ao Xue, peach and plum contend for spring, there are many, countless beauty in nature, however, what really makes me feel breathtaking is the Magnolia in front of the school teaching building. Her beauty intoxicates me.
1 4 、人生无需后悔,逝去的事就像一阵风;人生不需要遗憾,该来的终究还是要来;人生不需要懊恼,愁白的头发难以再黑;人生不需要哀叹,丧失自信就将失去一切!
There is no need to regret in life, the past is like a gust of wind; there is no need to regret in life, and what should come will come after all; there is no need to be upset in life, and it is hard to be black with sad white hair; there is no need to lament in life, and you will lose everything if you lose confidence!
1 5 、友谊是一缕和熙的阳光,照耀着我们的心灵。



Friendship is a ray of sunshine shining on our hearts. Friendship is a bunch of gorgeous flowers that decorate our world. Friendship is a good medicine, which can cure the stubborn mind.
1 6、六月鲜艳的杜鹃花,漫山遍野。



The bright azalea in June are everywhere. I picked the most beautiful bunch and secretly put it on the teacher's desk. The faint fragrance overflowed in the office, and my heart blossomed with joy.
九年级句子 1 、最美的不一定是最可爱的,最可爱的才是最美的;最好的不一定是最合适的;最合适的才是最好的;最高大的不一定是最受尊敬的,最受尊敬的才是最高大的;最优美的不一定是最动听的,最动听的才是最优美的。

2 、从来不知道有一天我会遇上你,是否你知道有一天你会离开我。



3 、每个人都有自己的梦想,而不同的人对待自己的梦想都有所不同。



4 、每一个人都拥有生命,却并非每个人都能读懂生命;每一个人都拥有头脑,却并非每一个人都能善用头脑。


5 、倘若希望在金色的秋天收获果实,那么在寒意侵人的早春,就该卷起裤腿,去不懈地拓荒、播种、耕耘,直到收获的那一天。

6 、登上山头,向下眺望,眼前是一片金色,若是仔细观察,便看到金黄中夹带着一片片红、一片片绿的。



7 、如果你的童年不游乐,少年不好学,青年不立志,中年不创业,那么,你的生命就将随着年老而逝去。

8 、增长,似乎是一个不可逆转的话题。



9 、城河边,每隔三五步便有棵红叶榈傲然挺立着。


1 0 、我喜欢静听晶莹的雪花飘飘悠悠下落的声音,每当听到这种声音时,我仿佛看到那满天的雪花纷纷扬扬,如芦花、白梅,似柳絮,像鸭毛、鸭绒,又宛如那美丽的银蝶翩翩起舞,舞姿飘逸。

1 1 、没有敢抬头看一眼太阳,只觉得到处都耀眼,空中、屋顶、地上,都是白亮亮的一片,白里透着点红,由上到下整个像一面极大的火镜,每条都是火镜的焦点,仿佛一切东西就要燃烧起来。

1 2 、秋姑娘慢慢地来到了,把大地打扮得一片金黄。


1 3 、最不幸的生活是生活在不幸的回忆中,最不科学的生活是生活在不良的习惯里,最不理想的生活是生活在覆辙中,最绝望的生活是亲手埋葬了自己的理想。

1 4 、一个人只有保持快乐和满足,才能远离痛苦;一个人只有保持青春活力,才能激流勇进;一个人只有坚持学习,才能与时俱进;一个人只有坚持奋进,才能永远年轻。

1 5 、健康的才是美丽的,合适的才是最好的,常新的才是迷人的,平凡的才是伟大的,坚韧的才是长久的,真实的才是永恒的。

1 6、生命是盛开的花朵,它绽放得美丽,舒展,绚丽多资;生命是精美的小诗,清新流畅,意蕴悠长;生命是优美的乐曲,音律和谐,宛转悠扬;生命是流淌的江河,奔流不息,滚滚向前。

1 7 、虽然我们不能决定自己生命的长度,但可以拓宽它的宽度;虽然我们不能改变容貌,但可以展现笑容;虽然我们不能控制他人,但可以掌握自己;虽然我们不能预知明天,但可以把握今天;虽然你不能样样顺利,但你可以事事尽力。

1 8、特别是一场大雪过后,房屋、地上、庄稼像披上一层银色的衣裳。



1 9 、从伴随着哇哇啼哭的诞生,到好奇的咿呀学语,再到跌跌撞撞的蹒跚学步,我的一生好像从小就注定是充满艰难险阻的。


2 0、人生道路上既有坦道,又有泥泞;既有美景,又有陷阱,只有坚定信念又勇往直前的人才能到达胜利的终点。

2 1、当你身临暖风拂面,鸟语花香,青山绿水,良田万顷的春景时,一定会陶醉其中;当你面对如金似银,硕果累累的金秋季节时,一定会欣喜不已。


2 2 、海淀公园的乡村一角也非常怡人,今秋时节,那里长出了金黄的稻谷,像一片金海,沉甸甸的穗子压得稻秸抬不起头。


2 3、人的一生中,最光辉的一天并非是功成名就的那一天,而是从悲叹与绝望中奋起、勇往直前的那一天。

2 4 、吃亏是福不但是一种人生策略,更是一种生活智慧。


2 5、梦想是我们行动的起跑线,知识是我们前进的加速器,坚持是我们不停的步伐,智慧是我们成功的法宝。

2 6、天空被夕阳染成了血红色,桃红色的云彩倒映在流水上,整个江面变成了紫色,天边仿佛燃起大火。

2 7、看不厌,看不厌那些披星披月穿行在沙海与荒漠中的骆驼;看不厌,看不厌那些斗风斗雪在山腰上傲然挺立的苍松和在天寒地冻中绽放的梅花;看不厌,看不厌那些抗旱抗瘠在大地上潇洒着生长的野草。

2 8、父亲,你对我做的一切,我双手接下。



2 9、人生好似调味盘,酸得是惆怅,苦的是锻炼,辣的是过程,甜的是成功。

3 0 、名人之所以能够成为名人,是因为他们在同伴嬉乐或休息时不停地攀登;凡人之所以成为凡人,是因为别人忙于攀登时他却安然入睡。

九年级英语句子 1 、我们的学校就像一个大花园,多么美丽,多么可爱,我们在这里茁壮成长。


Our school is like a big garden, how beautiful, how lovely, we thrive here. We went into the classroom, only to see the window where the continuous rolling into the thick fog, the classroom is like a big steamer.
2 、它脱下破旧的外衣,又开始新的生活;它贪婪地吮吸着春天那清新、甜润的露珠儿,慢慢地长出逗人喜爱的嫩枝绿叶。

It took off its old coat and began a new life; it greedily sucked the fresh and sweet dew of spring, and slowly grew lovely young branches and green leaves.
3 、人生中最大的乐趣是奉献;思维中最美的花朵是智慧之花;前进中最快的脚步是继续;朋友中最好的记忆是笑声!
The greatest joy in life is dedication; the most beautiful flower in thinking is the flower of wisdom; the fastest step forward is to continue; the best memory in friends is laughter!
4 、节制是生活的艺术。


Abstinence is the art of life. If you can control alcohol and tobacco, joy and sorrow, greed and impulse, your life will be full of sunshine.
5 、爱是一个组合的爱,你知道我的心,心有灵犀,爱是我的生活,改变你的生活幸福的愿望,爱是繁荣的依赖性更强,在支持领域的逆境。

Love is a combination of love, you know my heart, the heart is sharp, love is my life, the desire to change your life happiness, love is more dependent on prosperity, adversity in the field of support.
6 、秋姑娘慢慢地来到了,把大地打扮得一片金黄。


Autumn girl came slowly and dressed the earth in gold. The grass on the ground is yellow, like wearing a yellow carpet, the leaves on the tree are yellow, a gust of autumn wind blows, and the leaves are like a butterfly dancing in the air.
7 、它可能是一座山,让你感受巍峨,它可能是一片海,让你体会壮阔,它可能是一首交响乐,让你领略激越,它可能是一座石雕,让你明白雄健。

It may be a mountain, let you feel lofty, it may be a sea, let you feel magnificent, it may be a symphony, let you appreciate the exciting, it may be a stone sculpture, let you understand the vigorous.
8 、多变的是天上的云,远去的是过往的风。




Changeable is the clouds in the sky, far away is the past wind. Looking from afar, I believe that the green mountain people are not old, and the
rain falls on the blue lake, which means that they are free. Love comes, willow branches perch high geese; love goes, flower stalks pay Dongliu. Everything is like flowing water, so natural.
9 、城河边,每隔三五步便有棵红叶榈傲然挺立着。


By the riverside of the city, every three or five steps, a palm tree stands proudly. The crowns of red palm trees are crowded, and the flowers are as beautiful as snow in rouge.
1 0 、海淀公园的乡村一角也非常怡人,今秋时节,那里长出了金黄的稻谷,像一片金海,沉甸甸的穗子压得稻秸抬不起头。


Haidian Park's rural corner is also very pleasant. This autumn, there grow golden rice, like a golden sea. The heavy ears are too heavy to bear the straw. A gust of wind blows, setting off the ups and downs of the green sea, which is extremely beautiful.
1 1 、面对着苍茫的群山,面对着无际的原野,面对着清澈的小溪,面对着芳郁的野花,面对着浅浅的草叶,我沉默,我惊叹,我欣喜,我欢乐,我无言。

Facing the vast mountains, the boundless wilderness, the clear stream, the fragrant wild flowers, the shallow grass leaves, I am silent, I am amazed, I am happy, I am happy, I have no words.
1 2 、梦虽虚幻,却是自己的梦想;位虽低微,却是自己的岗位;屋虽简陋,却是自己的家;志虽渺小,却是自己的追求。

Although the dream is illusory, it is one's own dream; though the position is low, it is one's own post; though the house is simple, it is one's own home; though the ambition is small, it is one's own pursuit.
1 3 、在人生征途中有许多弯路、小路、险路、暗路,只有意志坚定且永不停步的人,才有希望到达胜利的远方。

There are many detours, paths, dangerous roads and dark roads in the journey of life. Only those who are firm-minded and never stop can hope to reach the distance of victory.
1 4 、一切皆可以变,唯有我们的理想不能变;一切都可以长,唯有我们的傲气不可以长;一切都可以老,唯有我们年轻的心不能老;一切都可以退,唯有我们前进的脚步不能退。

Everything can be changed, only our ideals can't be changed; everything can be long, only our pride can't be long; everything can be old, only our young heart can't be old; everything can go back, only our forward steps can't go back.
1 5 、未来的东西就是这样:当你墨守成规时,它永远与你的昨天一样;当你积极进取时,就会化作灿烂无比的春光。

The future is like this: when you stick to the rules, it will always be the same as yesterday; when you are aggressive, it will turn into a brilliant spring.
1 6、真正的幸福正如此,愈深愈无声。

True happiness is just like this, the deeper the more silent. Every corner of the world conveys the message of happiness. It makes us realize that a happy world is so good!
1 7 、朋友,记住这美妙的空间吧!并且思考它,认识它,它奖给在迷茫和黑暗中的你带来无限光明和智慧!
Friends, remember this wonderful space! And think about it, know it, it awards you infinite light and wisdom in confusion and darkness!。
