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外文翻译原文science 2

/locate/rggThe stages and duration of formation of gold mineralizationat copper-skarn deposits (Altai–Sayan folded area )I.V. Gaskov *, A.S. Borisenko, V.V. Babich, E.A. NaumovV.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,prosp. Akad. Koptyuga 3, Novosibirsk, 630090, RussiaReceived 20 March 2009; accepted l6 November 2009AbstractGold mineralization at copper-skarn deposits (Tardanskoe, Murzinskoe, Sinyukhinskoe, Choiskoe) in the Altai–Sayan folded area is related to different hydrothermal-metasomatic formations. It was produced at 400–150 ºC in several stages spanning 5–6 Myr, which determined the diversity of its mineral assemblages. Gold mineralization associated with magnetite bodies is spatially correlated with magnesian and calcareous skarns, whereas gold mineralization in crushing zones and along fault sutures in moderate- and low-temperature hydrothermal-metasomatic rocks (propylites, beresites, serpentinites, and argillizites) is of postskarn formation. Different stages were manifested with different intensities at gold deposits. For example, the Sinyukhinskoe deposit abounds in early high-temperature mineral assemblages; the Choiskoe deposit, in low-temperature ones; and the Tardanskoe and Murzinskoe deposits are rich in both early and late gold minerals. Formation of commercial gold mineralization at different copper-skarn deposits is due to the combination of gold mineralization produced at different stages as a result of formation of intricate igneous complexes (Tannu-Ola, Ust’-Belaya, and Yugala) composed of differentiated rocks from gabbros to granites.© 2010, V.S. Sobolev IGM, Siberian Branch of the RAS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Keywords: gold mineralization; skarns, copper-skarn deposits; hydrothermal-metasomatic formationsIntroductionRecent data on the isotope geology and geochronology of rocks and ores and geological data on the ore genesis gaps proved that ore deposits formed for a much longer time than was assumed earlier (Rundkvist, 1997). This is also true for commercial gold mineralization at many Cu-skarn deposits in the Altai–Sayan folded area (ASFA).Gold-containing Cu-skarn deposits are widespread in many ore districts of the ASFA: Gorny Altai (Sinyukhinskoe,Murzinskoe, Choiskoe), Kuznetsk Alatau (Natal’evskoe, Fe-dorovskoe), Gornaya Shoria (Maisko-Lebedskoe), and Tuva (Tardanskoe, Khopto). Most of them are commercial deposits (Fig. 1).Skarn formation processes at these deposits were related to the Early and Middle Paleozoic granitoid magmatism in the Tannu-Ola (eastern Tuva), Yugala (Sinyukha, northeastern Altai), and Ust’-Belaya (northwestern Altai) intrusive com-plexes (Gusev, 2007; Shokalsky et al., 2000). Formation of commercial gold mineralization was a longer and more intricate process (Gaskov, 2008). In most part of these deposits, gold mineralization is the product of multistage ore process, which is characterized by different mineral composi-tions and spatial occurrences. Almost all these deposits bear gold mineralization spatially and genetically related to skarns and aposkarns in assemblage with magnetite and sulfides (Korobeinikov and Matsyushevskii, 1976; Korobeinikov and Zotov, 2006; Korobeinikov et al., 1987; Vakhrushev, 1972)and gold mineralization isolated from skarns and represented by sulfide-containing (pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite)hydrothermal products of moderate-temperature assemblage in crushing zones (Shcherbakov, 1974). Often, the deposits also bear epithermal gold-containing assemblage with low-tem-perature sulfides, tellurides, and selenides usually developed at the final stage of mineral formation in rocks of different compositions, including sedimentary, igneous, and skarn (Gas-kov, 2008; Gaskov et al., 2005).The recently obtained ages of ore formation products and igneous rocks (Gaskov, 2008; Rudnev et al., 2004, 2006;Shokalsky et al., 2000) provide a new concept of the sequence of ore formation and its duration and relation with multiphasemagmatism.Russian Geology and Geophysics 51 (2010) 1091–1101*Corresponding author.E-mail address : (I.V. Gaskov)doi:10.1016/j.rgg.2010.0.0011068-7971/$-see front matter D 2010, IG M, Siberian Branch of the RAS.Published by E lsevier B.V .All rights reserved.V S. .Sabolev 9Let us dwell on the specific features of gold mineralization at particular deposits.Gold mineralization at Cu-skarn depositsThe Tardanskoe deposit is localized in the zone of the Kaa-Khem deep fault, in the exocontact part of the Kopto-Baisyut gabbro-diorite-plagiogranite massif (Fig. 2) (Korobe-inikov and Zotov, 2006; Korobeinikov et al., 1987). At the massif contact, Lower Cambrian volcanogenic-carbonate de-posits are transformed into magnesian and calcareous skarns described in detail earlier (Korobeinikov, 1999; Korobeinikov and Matsyushevskii, 1976; Korobeinikov et al., 1997). The skarn bodies are spatially close to aposkarn metasomatites bearing actinolite, tremolite, epidote, serpentine, chlorite, talc,quartz, carbonate, magnetite, and hematite.Gold mineralization at the deposit is of two types: (1) in skarn-magnetite rocks and (2) in metasomatites of linear crushing zones. These types have specific mineralogical and geochemical features.Gold mineralization in skarn-magnetite ores is widespread at the deposit. It is described elsewhere (Korobeinikov and Matsyushevskii, 1976; Korobeinikov and Zotov, 2006; Koro-beinikov et al., 1987; Kudryavtseva, 1969). Gold is spatially related to areas of sulfide mineralization, and its contents are in direct correlation with the amount of sulfide minerals.Gold-sulfide mineralization is extremely unevenly distributed and is localized at the sites of magnetite ores that underwent cataclasis as well as in magnetite microcracks and interstices.The total amount of sulfides (pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, and scarcer sphalerite, pyrrhotite, and arsenopyrite) is 1–3%. Gold occurs as fine thin (0.3–0.01 mm) native segregations. This is mainly high-fineness gold (820–990) (Fig. 3, a ) with impuri-ties of silver (up to 13.6%) and copper (up to 5.07%).According to Korobeinikov (1999) and Korobeinikov and Matsyushevskii (1976), the temperatures of formation of magnetite ores were 430–550 ºC, whereas the gold-sulfide assemblage and the hosting metasomatites (actinolite, tre-molite, serpentine, talc) were produced at 250–320 ºC (Gaskov et al., 2005; Vakhrushev, 1972).Gold mineralization in crushing zones is localized in steeply dipping linear tectonic structures of NW, NE, and NS strikes (Fig. 2), which develop after different rocks, including volcanosedimentary, igneous, and skarn ones. These zones reach several hundred meters in length and few tens of meters in width. The petrographic composition of these zones is di-verse and depends mainly on the composition of initial rocks that underwent transformation later. The rocks are metaso-matic, close in composition to propylites, listwaenites, talc-containing and sericite-quartz metasomatites, and beresite-like rocks. Almost each type of hydrothermal-metasomatic rocks is intimately associated with ore minerals. Though the total volume of these minerals does not exceed 3–5%, they are extremely diverse in composition and are extremely unevenly distributed. Along with sulfide minerals typical of Cu-skarn deposits (chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite, chalcocite,digenite, sphalerite, galena), the mineralized zones of the deposit abound in tellurides—hessite (Ag 2Te), tellurobis-muthite (Bi 2Te 3), and tetradymite (Bi 2Te 2S),—and low-tem-perature Co and Ni sulfides and sulfoarsenides (Table 1). The latter have a variable composition and often consist of intermediate phases of continuous mineral series, e.g., allo-clasite(CoAsS)–arsenopyrite(FeAsS) or siegenite(CoNi 2S 4)–violarite(FeNi 2S 4).Gold occurs mainly as native fine thin (0.01–0.5 mm)disseminations in rock microcracks and as inclusions in pyrite,chalcopyrite, and bornite. The gold fineness varies over a broad range of values—from 440 to 820 (Fig. 3, b ). The lowest-fineness gold segregations are compositionally similar to electrum and have high contents of Ag (up to 54.78%) and Hg impurity (up to 3.65%).On the flanks of mineralized crushing zones, there is sometimes gold mineralization in low-temperature argillitized rocks of chlorite-kaolinite-carbonate-hydromica composition.This gold is of low fineness (no more than 600). The mainimpurities are Ag (20–66%) and Hg (up to 5.47%). The formation temperatures of sulfide-telluride assemblages andFig. 1. Schematic occurrence of gold-bearing Cu-skarn deposits in the Altai-Sayan folded area: 1, Murzinskoe; 2, Sinyukhinskoe; 3, Choiskoe; 4, Maisko-Lebedskoe;5, Fedorovskoe; 6, Natal’evskoe; 7, Tardanskoe; 8, Kopto.1092I.V. Gaskov et al. / Russian Geology and Geophysics 51 (2010) 1091–1101gold mineralization in metasomatites and argillitized rocks are within 200–75 ºC.The Murzinskoe deposit is localized at the contact of a small stock-like granodiorite body of the Ust’-Belaya gabbro-diorite complex (Fig. 4). In the exocontact zone, calcareous skarns composed of garnet, pyroxene, wollastonite, and mag-netite develop after the calcareous sandstones of the Murzinka Formation (D1-2). In the local zones, there are aposkarnFig. 2. Schematic geologic structure of the Tardanskoe deposit (compiled after the data of K.M. Kil’chichakov and L.V. Kopylova and our new data). 1–4, Lower Paleozoic deposits: 1, andesitic porphyrites and tuffs with siltstone and sandstone interbeds in the lower part of the Tumat-Taiga Formation (Cm 1tm 1); 2, quartz porphyrites with interbeds of andesitic porphyrites and limestones in the upper part of the Tumat-Taiga Formation (Cm 1tm 2); 3, limestones and calcareous shales of the Tapsa Formation (Cm 1tp); 4, Lower and Middle Silurian conglomerates and sandstones (S 1-2); 5, Quaternary deposits (Q IV ); 6, 7, Lower Paleozoic igneous rocks of the Tannu-Ola complex (γδO 1-2): 6, gabbro-diorite-plagiogranite formation; 7, small granite-porphyry and quartz diorite bodies; 8, calcareous and magnesian skarns; 9, hydrothermal-metasomatic rocks in mineralized crushing zones; 10, gold orebodies; 11, tectonic zones; 12, geologic boundaries.I.V. Gaskov et al. / Russian Geology and Geophysics 51 (2010) 1091–11011093Fig. 3. Variations in gold fineness in gold ores from skarn-magnetite bodies (a) and in ores from mineralized crushing zones (b) at the Tardanskoe deposit.Table 1. Mineral parageneses in gold-bearing ores produced at different stages and composition of host rocks at Au-Cu-skarn depositsDeposit Early aposkarn Au-sulfide mineralization in magnetite-skarn rocks Late Au-telluride-sulfide mineralization in superposed crushingzonesOre parageneses Host rocks Ore parageneses Host rocksTardanskoe Magneite (Fe3O4)Pyrite (FeS2)Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2)Bornite (Cu5FeS4)Sphalerite (ZnS)Pyrrhotite (FeS)Arsenopyrite (FeAsS)Gold (Au)Magnesian skarns (pyroxene +fassayite + phlogopite +pargasite + forsterite + spinel).Calcareous skarns (pyroxene +garnet + epidote +wollastonite + skapolite).Aposkarn serpentine andserpentine-chlorite rocksCobaltite (CoFe)AsSGlaucodot (Co,Fe)AsSSiegenite (CoNi2S4)Violarite (FeNi2S4)Hessite (Ag2Te)Gold (Au)Propylites, listvaenites, talc-serpentine-containing andsericite-quartz metasomatites,and argillitized rocksMurzinskoe Magnetite (Fe3O4)Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2)Pyrite (FeS2)Bornite (Cu5FeS4)Sphalerite (ZnS)Galena (PbS)FahloreArsenopyrite (FeAsS)Clinobisvanite (BiVO4)Gold (Au)Calcareous skarns (garnet +pyroxene + wollastonite).Aposkarn metasomatic rocks(quartz + epidote + chlorite +actinolite)Cinnabar (HgS)Metacinnabarite (HgS)Bismuthine (Bi2S3)Aikinite (CuPbBiS3)Emplectite (CuBiS2)Berryite [Pb2(Cu,Ag)3Bi5S11]Naumannite (Ag2Se)Polybasite (Ag16Sb2S11)Barite (BaSO4)Gold (Au)Quartz and quartz-carbonateveins, near-vein metasomatitesof quartz-chlorite-carbonatecomposition, and argillitizedrocksSinyukhinskoe Magnetite (Fe3O4)Pyrite (FeS2)Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2)Bornite (Cu5FeS4)Chalcocite (Cu2S)Sphalerite (ZnS)Pyrrhotite (FeS)Cubanite (CuFe2S3)Gold (Au)Wollastonite, garnet-wollastonite, garnet-pyroxeneand pyroxene skarns, andaposkarn metasomatic rocks(chlorite + actinolite + calcite)Tetradymite (Bi2TeS)Siegenite (CoNi2S4)Cobaltite ((CoNiFe)AsS)Melonite (NiTe2)Wittichenite (Cu3BiS3)Hessite (Ag2Te)Petzite (AuAg3Te2)Altaite (PbTe)Clausthalite (PbSe)Gold (Au)Local zones of actinolite-chlorite-calcite-quartzcompositionChoiskoe Magnetite (Fe3O4)Pyrite (FeS2)Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2)Gold (Au)Garnet, garnet-pyroxene,garnet-wollastonite, andpyroxene-epidote skarnsTetradymite (BiTe2S)Ingodite (Bi2TeS)Joseite (Bi4TeS2)Hedleyite (Bi2Te)Tellurobismuthite (Bi2Te3)Bismuthite (Bi2S3),Native bismuth (Bi)Gold (Au)Quartz and quartz-carbonateveins and quartz-carbonate-chlorite metasomatites1094I.V. Gaskov et al. / Russian Geology and Geophysics 51 (2010) 1091–1101metasomatic rocks consisting of quartz, epidote, calcite,chlorite, actinolite, and, more seldom, tourmaline, apatite, and rodonite.Gold mineralization at the Murzinskoe deposit was earlier ascribed to gold-skarn type. But recent data have shown that only a minor part of the deposit ores — scarce postskarn sulfide mineralization spatially associated with skarn-magnet-ite bodies—can be referred to this type. Most of the commer-cial ores occur in mineralized crushing zones. They form gold-sulfide mineralization in quartz and quartz-carbonate veins and near-vein metasomatites in a 300–400 m thick zone stretching in the N-NW direction for more than 3 km (Fig. 4).The crust of weathering widespread at the deposit contains hypergene copper minerals: malachite, chrysocolla, azurite,chalcocite, coveline, and high-fineness gold.Gold-sulfide mineralization spatially associated with skarn-magnetite bodies is superposed on skarn rocks. It was produced either at the regressive stage of the skarn formation or at the postskarn hydrothermal-metasomatic stage and was accompanied by the formation of moderate- and low-tempera-ture metasomatic minerals—chlorite, actinolite, epidote, and quartz. Sulfide mineralization is unevenly distributed and occurs as veinlet-disseminated chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite,and sphalerite. It amounts to few percent. Gold occurs as fine thin (0.5–0.01 mm) native segregations. It is mainly of high fineness (840–994) (Fig. 5, a ).In crushing zones (Fig. 4), gold mineralization was found in quartz-carbonate-sulfide veinlets and veins in hydrothermal-metasomatic rocks of quartz-chlorite-carbonate composition with kaolinite, hydromica, and adularia (argillizite formation)developing after different rocks—skarns, hornfelses, shales,siltstones, and limestones,—often beyond skarning and horn-felsing zones. The quartz veins are 0.1 to 2.0 m (on average,0.4 m) thick, of N-S strike and eastern dip. In contrast to the gold-skarn-magnetite type, this mineralization is of more complex composition. In addition to minerals typical of skarn deposits (chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite, sphalerite, and galena),it includes fahlore, arsenopyrite (FeAsS), cinnabar (HgS),metacinnabarite (HgS), bismuthine (Bi 2S 3), aikinite (CuPb BiS 3), emplectite (CuBiS 2), berryite [Pb 2(Cu,Ag)3Bi 5S 11],naumannite (Ag 2Se), polybasite (Ag 16Sb 2S 11), scheelite (Ca 3WO 4), hematite (Fe 2O 3), clinobisvanite (BiVO 4), bariteFig. 4. Schematic geologic structure of the Murzinskoe deposit. 1, mica-sili-ceous shales (O 1); 2, sandstones, siltstones, and aleuropelites (S 1); 3, terri-genous-carbonate deposits (D 1-2): a , conglomerates, b , limestones, c , sand-stones; 4, granodiorites of the Ust’-Belaya complex (D 3); 5, altered rocks and metasomatites: a , hornfelses, b , skarns, c , quartz-tourmaline metasomatites;6, mineralized crushing zones; 7, faults: a , established, b , predicted; 8, other types of mineralization: a , Murzinka-3 (Au), b, skarn Fe.Fig. 5. Variations in the fineness of gold associated with skarn-magnetite bodies (a ) and gold from ores of mineralized crushing zones (b ) at the Murzin-skoe deposit.I.V. Gaskov et al. / Russian Geology and Geophysics 51 (2010) 1091–11011095(BaSO 4), and gold (Table 1). The content of gold in the ores varies over a broad range of values, from 0.1 to 232 ppm.This gold occurs as fine (<0.1 mm) thin segregations in assemblage with sulfides. Its fineness also greatly varies (640–840), but, compared with the first type of ores, low-fine-ness gold prevails here (Fig. 5, b ).The presence of cinnabar, sulfides and sulfosalts of Bi, Se,and Sb, and barite, predominance of low-fineness gold and electrum, and low-temperature wallrock alteration (formation of kaolinite, hydromica, and adularia) differ these ores from earlier formed ores in skarn-magnetite bodies. The gap between the skarn and ore formation processes is evidenced from the presence of basite dikes cutting the skarns, which bear superposed gold mineralization of this type. At the same time, the presence of gold–cinnabar intergrowths and fine dissemination of gold in cinnabar, presence of Hg-minerals (cinnabar, Hg-sphalerite, saucovite) in the ores, and high contents of As, Sb, and Ti (typical elements of many Au-Hg deposits) permit this mineralization to be referred to as epithermal Au-Hg type (Borisenko et al., 2006). Thermometric studies showed that the homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz veins in the northern and central parts ofthe mineralized zone are 215–200 ºC and decrease to 160–130 ºC in the southern part.Fig. 6. Schematic geologic structure of the Sinyukhinskoe deposit (compiled by Gusev (2007) and supplemented by our data). 1, loose Quaternary deposits; 2–6, rocksof the Choya (O 1cs), Elanda (C−2-3el), Ust’-Sema (C −2us), and Upper Ynyrga (C −2vy) Formations: 2, conglomerates, 3, siltstones, 4, sandstones, 5, limestones,6, andesite-basaltic porphyrites; 7–9, rocks of the Yugala (Sinyukha) complex: 7, granites and granodiorites of the early phase (γδD 2-3), 8, granites of the late phase (γD 2-3), 9, dolerite and gabbro-dolerite dikes; 10, plagiogranites of the Sarakoksha complex (ν C −2); 11, skarns; 12, sites with gold mineralization (1, Pervyi Rudnyi (First Ore), 2, Zapadnyi (Western), 3, Faifanov, 4, West Faifanov, 5, Ynyrga, 6, Nizhnii (Lower), 7, Tushkenek, 9, Gorbunov); 13, faults.1096I.V. Gaskov et al. / Russian Geology and Geophysics 51 (2010) 1091–1101The Sinyukhinskoe deposit is localized in northeastern Altai, at the contact of the large (600 km 2) complex Sarakok-sha pluton and Cambrian volcanosedimentary strata of the Ust’-Sema Formation (Shcherbakov, 1967; Vakhrushev, 1972)(Fig. 6). According to Shokalsky et al. (2000) and Gusev (2007), this massif includes the Lower Cambrian Sarakoksha diorite-tonalite-plagiogranite complex and Lower Devonian Yugala gabbro-diorite-granite complex (Sinyukha complex (Gusev, 2003)). It is in the latter complex that the commercial mineralization of the Sinyukha ore field is localized. In the contact zone of the Sinyukha massif, skarns of different compositions are developed in horizons of carbonate rocks and tuffs. Wollastonite and garnet-wollastonite varieties are the most widespread, and garnet-pyroxene and pyroxene ones are scarcer. Near the contact with basic effusive bodies, small magnetite orebodies have been revealed among garnet-py-roxene skarns.Gold mineralization occurs mainly among wollastonite,garnet-wollastonite, and pyroxene-wollastonite skarns and is intimately associated with an assemblage of sulfide minerals.The latter are dominated by bornite, chalcocite, chalcopyrite,and pyrite, which compose ore zones in these rocks and are present in the form of nest-disseminations and stockworks. In local zones of actinolite-chlorite-calcite-quartz composition we found minor amounts of sphalerite, pyrrhotite, cubanite, and tetradymite. There are also occasional findings of rare miner-als, such as siegenite (CoNi 2S 4), cobaltite ((CoNiFe)AsS),melonite (NiTe 2), wittichenite (Cu 3BiS 3), gessite (Ag 2Te),petzite (AuAg 3Te 2), altaite (PbTe), and clausthalite (PbSe)(Table 1). The total content of sulfides does not exceed 5–10%. The sulfides are extremely unevenly distributed—from occasional dissemination to densely disseminated, almost massive ores. The composition of sulfide mineralization slightly changes with depth: Gold-chalcocite-bornite assem-blage is changed by gold-chalcopyrite one. The accumulation of gold-sulfide mineralization was accompanied by the hy-drothermal-metasomatic alteration of the host skarns with the formation of actinolite, chlorite, and calcite near ore veins and nests. Magnetite ores are poorer in gold, and sulfide-free rocks(marbles and diorite-porphyry and granite-porphyry dikes)virtually lack it.Fig. 7. Variations in gold fineness in ores from the Sinyukhinskoe deposit.Fig. 8. Schematic geologic structure of the Choiskoe deposit (compiled by Gusev and Gusev (1998) and supplemented by our data). 1–5, rocks of the Ishpa (O 1is) andTandosha (C−2-3td) Formations: 1, conglomerates, 2, siltstones, 3, sandstones, 4, limestones, 5, felsic tuffs; 6–7, granitoids of the Yugala complex: 6, granites and granodiorites of the early phase (γδD 2-3), 7, leucocratic granites of the late phase (γD 2-3); 8, granite-porphyry, diorite, and lamprophyre dikes (γδD 2-3); 9, skarns;10, gold mineralization occurrences (1, occurrence of the Central skarn deposit, 2, Pikhtovyi, 3, Smorodinovyi); 11, faults.I.V. Gaskov et al. / Russian Geology and Geophysics 51 (2010) 1091–11011097Gold often occurs in ores as native segregations in the form of hooks, fine wires, lumps, and sheets intimately intergrown with bornite, chalcocite, and chalcopyrite. Sometimes, native gold segregations are observed as fine inclusions in cracks and interstices of skarn minerals, most often, wollastonite. These gold particles are mainly no larger than hundredths of millimeter. The gold of primary ores of the Sinyukhinskoe deposit is of high fineness varying over a narrow range of values (911–964) (Fig. 7). The fineness of gold decreases to 860–870 only in its parageneses with tellurides, selenides, and rare sulfide minerals (Roslyakova et al., 1999). The main impurities in gold are silver (up to 19%) and copper (up to 1.7%). The content of Hg does not exceed 0.1%. By the formation conditions, these ores are postskarn hydrothermal,with their deposition temperatures not exceeding 350 ºC (Roslyakova et al., 1999; Shcherbakov, 1972).The Choiskoe deposit is localized 20 km northeast of the Sinyukha ore field, in the zone of contact between the Upper Cambrian terrigenous-carbonate deposits of the Ishpa Forma-tion and the Choya granitoid massif referred to the Lower Devonian Yugala gabbro-diorite-granite complex (Fig. 8). The Choya granitoid massif is small at the surface (1 × 5 km) and extends from west to east, tracing the Choya fault (Gusev,2007). The deposit abounds in dikes of dolerite porphyrites,diorites, and granite-porphyry and in rocks of the lamprophyre series—kersantites, minette, and spessartites. The zone of contact between the granitoids of the Choya massif and the horizons of limestones and terrigenous-carbonate rocks is composed of skarns, which form linear zones extending in the NE direction, like the other rocks. Most bodies are of persistent thickness, ~100 m. By composition, the skarn bodies are divided into zones of garnet, garnet-pyroxene, pyroxene,garnet-wollastonite, and pyroxene-epidote skarns. In the skarn zones and near lamprophyre bodies, poor scheelite-molybde-nite mineralization in quartz veins was established (Gusev,1998).Gold mineralization at the deposit occurs in linear tectonic zones and is not spatially associated with skarns. It develops as quartz veins and quartz-carbonate and quartz-carbonate-chlorite veinlets and nests with gold-sulfide mineralization in crushing and brecciation zones in both the skarns and the granitoids of the Choya massif (Fig. 8).The mineral composition of these objects is nearly the same—gold-sulfide and gold-telluride parageneses. A numberof rare tellurides have been revealed among the Choya deposit ores: tetradymite (BiTe 2S), ingodite (Bi 2TeS), joseite (Bi 4TeS 2), hedleyite (Bi 2Te), tellurobismuthite (Bi 2Te 3), bis-muthine (Bi 2S 3), and native bismuth (Table 1). Magnetite,pyrite, and chalcopyrite, typical minerals of Cu-skarn deposits,are extremely scarce here. The total content of sulfides does not exceed few percent. They occur mainly as fine thin dissemination and do not form large accumulations and nests.Gold in the Choya deposit ores occurs as fine inclusions in sulfide and telluride minerals in quartz veinlets and as intergrowths with ore minerals. The gold particles are hun-dredths and tenths of millimeter in size. By chemical compo-sition, the gold is divided into two groups: medium-fineness (843–880) and high-fineness (940–959); the latter is probably of exogenous nature (Fig. 9). The gold contains Ag (3–12.5 wt.%) and Hg (0–0.48 wt.%) impurities and Cu traces.The thermometric studies showed that homogenization of primary gas-liquid inclusions into liquid proceeds at 126–150 ºC in quartz and at 105–128 ºC in calcite from ore-bear-ing veins.The sequence and duration of formation of gold mineralization and its correlation with magmatism As seen from the above data, gold mineralization at all considered Cu-skarn deposits has a complex multistage for-mation history. But the same stages at different deposits ran with different intensities. For example, at the Sinyukhinskoe deposit, mainly early high-temperature mineral assemblages are widespread, whereas at the Choiskoe deposit, low-tempera-ture ones. The Tardanskoe and Murzinskoe deposits bear both early and late minerals. To elucidate the peculiarities of gold-ore formation, establish the correlation between different types of gold mineralization and magmatic activity, and evaluate the duration of ore formation, we performed Ar-Ar and U-Pb dating of different mineralization and igneous rocks from the Tardanskoe and Murzinskoe deposits.Our investigations have shown that the formation of gold mineralization at the Tardanskoe deposit lasted for a longer time than it was supposed earlier. Skarn mineralization formed at the contact of diorites with carbonate rocks as a result of the intrusion of the Kopto-Baisyut massif. Ar-Ar biotite dating of the massif yielded an age of 485.7 ± 4.4 Ma corresponding to the Early Ordovician (Table 2). The skarns at the massif contact as well as magnetite ores and gold-sulfide mineraliza-tion (pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, bornite, gold) spatially and genetically associated with skarn-magnetite bodies are of similar age. Gold was deposited together with sulfides, as evidenced from the direct correlation between the contents of gold and sulfides (especially chalcopyrite) and from gold inclusions in the sulfides. The formation of skarn and aposkarn mineralization was followed (with some temporal gap) by the intrusion of dike and stock-like small granitoid bodies, which is indicated by their cutting of the sulfide-bearing skarn and magnetite bodies. Ar-Ar dating of these granite bodies yielded an age of 484.2 ±4.3 Ma (Table 2).Fig. 9. Variations in gold fineness in ores from the Choiskoe deposit.1098I.V. Gaskov et al. / Russian Geology and Geophysics 51 (2010) 1091–1101。

九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 I’m excite

九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 I’m excite

九年级英语上册Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 I’m excite dabout the thingsthat will be discovered in thefuture重点词组句型词汇归纳素材(新版)仁爱版编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(九年级英语上册Unit 4 Amazi ngScience Topic 2 I’m excitedabout the things that will be discovered in the future重点词组句型词汇归纳素材(新版)仁爱版)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。


本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为九年级英语上册Unit 4 Amazing Science T opic 2 I’m excitedabout the things thatwill be discovered in the future重点词组句型词汇归纳素材(新版)仁爱版的全部内容。

Unit4 Topic2一、重点词汇:ﻫ1。

be used for +ving 被用做……2. come true 实现3。

It’s said that 据说ﻫ4. during/inone's life 某人一生ﻫ5。

be known as 以……(身份)而著名ﻫ6。

know/sayfor certain确切知道/肯定地说ﻫ7。

all the time 一直、总是8。

no longer=not…any longer不再(no more, not…any more)ﻫ9。

as long as 只要ﻫ10. as far as 就……,尽……ﻫ11. make a great contribution 对……作12。



初三上册英语AmazingScience要点精讲:Topic2分开小节整理作为英语学习的基础是不可懈怠的,初三上册英语AmazingScience要点已经为大家整理出来,希望对大家学习有帮助! Hi, Maria! A wonderful movie will be shown tonight. Shall we go to watch it? 玛丽亚,你好!一场精彩的电影将在今晚上映。

我们一起去看好吗? Great! What&rsquo;s it about? 太好了!它是关于什幺内容的? It&rsquo;s about life in space. 有关太空生活的。

 That sounds exciting. 听起来很令人兴奋。

 Yes. All the people travel by spaceship in the movie, and they can visit planets like Mars. 是的。


 Really? Kangkang, do you think people will live on Mars in the future? 真的吗?康康,你认为人类将来能够在火星上生活吗? Yes. I think we will live in space one day. Houses, schools and hospitals will be built on Mars. We will be able to do anything that can be done on the earth. 是的,我认为有一天我们会在太空生活。



 What fun! I can&rsquo;t wait. 多幺有趣啊!我等不及了。

2019年人教版英语必修三课后练:Unit 4 Astronomy:the science Section 2 课后 Word版含答案

2019年人教版英语必修三课后练:Unit 4 Astronomy:the science Section 2 课后 Word版含答案

Unit 4 Section ⅡⅠ.单句语法填空1.Mary is very proud because her father is an astronaut.解析:考查冠词。



2.They don't allow parking(park) in front of the office.解析:考查非谓语动词。


allow doing sth.允许做某事,为固定用法。

3.How we can raise enough money for the project remains to_be_discussed(discuss).解析:考查非谓语动词。



4.Tom,as well as his parents,is_watching(watch) TV at present.解析:考查主谓一致和时态。


as well as连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词的数与其前的名词或代词保持一致;且根据时间状语at present可知,此处要用现在进行时。

5.It seems to me that you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.解析:考查主语从句。



6.It is uncertain what side effects the medicine will bring about.解析:考查主语从句。



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hUnit 12 My favorite subject is science2!

hUnit 12 My favorite subject is science2!

B: My favorite _______ subject is art.
your art ______? A: Who is _____ teacher
B: My art teacher _____ is Mrs Jones.

Ask and answer in pairs: A: What is your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is … A: Why do you like …? B: Because I think it’s … A: Who is your … teacher? B: My … teacher is Mr. / Mrs. /Miss / Ms …
Favorite subject
Why? When?
Report: My favorite subject is … and … Because I think … My friend…
Favorite Favorite Favorite Favorite Favorite Name day subject city sport movie
2a.Listen and put the conversation in order.
4 -Because it’s fun. _____ 2 -My favorite subject is P.E. _____ -What’s your favorite subject? _____ 1 -Why do you like P.E.? _____ 3
you Hi, my name is …My favorite … Because I think …

新教材 人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册全书精品教学课件(共681页)

新教材 人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册全书精品教学课件(共681页)
Unit 1 Science and Scientists Unit 2 Bridging Cultures P140 Unit 3 Food and culture P283 Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land P409 Unit 5 First Aid P548
Unit 1 Science and Scientists
25.transform vt.使改观;使改变形态 vi.改变;转变
26.microscope n.显微镜

1..once and for all 最终地;彻底地
2.subscribe to 同意;赞同
3.thanks to 幸亏;由于
4.water pump 水泵 5.attend to 照料;照顾 6.die from 死于…… 7.give birth 分娩 general 一般来说 9.find out 查明 a result of 由于……

Ⅱ.阅读导学 A.阅读P2—P3课文,根据事件发生的先后顺序排序。 ( 2 )John Snow began to test two theories. ( 1 )An outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854. ( 5 )John Snow marked the deaths on a map. ( 3 )He announced that the water carried the disease. ( 7 )John Snow investigated two streets where the outbreak was very severe. ( 4 )King Cholera was defeated. ( 8 )He found that most of the deaths were near a water pump. ( 6 )He had the handle removed from the water pump.



《材料科学基础2》课程简介课程编号:02024036课程名称:材料科学基础2 [5E] /Fundamentals of MaterialsScience 2学分:2. 5学时:40适用专业:无机非金属材料建议修读学期:第5学期先修课程:物理化学,材料科学基础1 [无]考核方式与成绩评定标准:闭卷考试教材与主要参考书目:Ll]无机材料学基础,张其土,华东理工大学出版社[2]无机材料科学基础,陆佩文,武汉理工大学出版社[3]材料科学基础,张联盟,武汉理工大学出版社内容概述:本课程是无机非金属材料工程专业本科生的重要专业基础课,是一门理论性很强、涉及面广的课程,是本专业的专业课开设前所必须学的课程。


The course of fUndamentals of materials science, which is highly theoretical, and almost involves all the sides of materials science, is an important fundamental one for the students majoring in inorganic materials science and engineering. Thus it is set to be taught before other specialized courses. It aims at allowing the students to master the relations between materials compositions, structures and properties, and to establish a good theoretical base for the research and development of new materials in the future.《材料科学基础2》[无]教学大纲课程编号:02024036课程名称:材料科学基础2 /Fundamentals of Materials Science 2学分:2. 5学时:40适用专业:无机非金属材料建议修读学期:第5学期先修课程:物理化学,材料科学基础1 [无]一、课程性质、目的与任务【课程性质】本课程是无机非金属材料工程专业(建材方向、陶瓷与耐火材料方向)本科生的重要专业基础课,是一门理论性很强、涉及面广的课程,是本专业的专业课开设前所必须学的课程。


• The most useful literature has often been created by consultants rather than academics
• But most professors of management attempt to emulate the physical sciences
Description 2
How we think about social science
• It is easy to accept that theories affect society • We create theories because we hope that
“Think like this” “Act like this”
Sociology of knowledge
• Our position in society influences what we believe
• If we are rich, society is working well • If we are poor, society is not working well • Culture, religion, and educational background
all shape what we see and how we think • Hence, there is an interaction between society
and what we think
The nature of knowledge in economics


traffic lights




Papa Westray

Papa Westray





冠词分不定冠词(The Indefinite Article)和定冠词(The definite Article)两种。

a (an) 是不定冠词,a用在辅音之前:如a book, a man; an用在元音之前,如:an old man, an hour, an interesting book等。



这是不定冠词a (an)的基本用法。

如:She is a girl. I am a teacher. Please pass me an apple.2、指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。

如:He borrowed a story-book from the library.A Wang is looking for you. 一位姓王的同志正在找你。


如:I have a mouth, a nose and two eyes.4、用于某些固定词组中。

如:a bit, a few, a little, a lot of, a piece of, a cup of, a glass of, a pile of, a pair of, have a good time, for a while, for a long time等。

5、用在抽象名词前,表具体的介绍——a + 抽象名词,起具体化的作用。

如:This little girl is a joy to her parents. 这女孩对她父母来说是一个乐趣。

It is a pleasure to talk with you. 跟您交谈真是一件愉快的事情。

It is an honour to me to attend the meeting. 参加这个会,对我来说是一种荣誉。

unit 1 computerscience_2 计算机系统概论(双语课件)专业英语课件

unit 1 computerscience_2 计算机系统概论(双语课件)专业英语课件
• Text • Numeric values • Images • Audio • and video
Boolean Operation
• Bits are stored and manipulated inside computer .
• 1=true • 0=False • Manipulating bits as called Boolean
NOT Gate
AND Gate
• A device that produces the output of a Boolean operation when give the operation’s input values is called a “Gate”.
Data Storage
By Suresh Foreign Teacher East China Institute of Technology
Data Storage
• Data Representation and storage of data within a computer.
The Types of data we will consider
• Gates provide the building blocks from which computer are constructed one important step in this direction .
• Collection of circuit are know as flip-flops. • A flip-flop is a circuit that produces an
• Indeed, technology know as Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI).



Science重磅报道一种强大佐剂2'3'-cGAMP,可显著增强流感疫苗的抗病毒能力!APExBIO2月21日,国际顶级期刊《Science》报道了一篇重磅文章,来自哈佛大学Mei X. Wu和复旦大学陆路等研究人员发现在流感疫苗中添加某种佐剂可以提高其抗多种流感病毒的能力。

这种佐剂是2'3'-cGAMP(2', 3'-环鸟苷单磷酸-腺苷单磷酸),将该佐剂与灭活的病毒一起制成鼻喷雾剂使用可有效诱导小鼠和雪貂体内的异型免疫反应,可以强效防御所有五种测试的流感病毒株。

2'3'-cGAMP使用肺表面活性剂的脂质成分来封装,可以在不破坏肺表面活性剂层和肺泡上皮细胞屏障的情况下,进入肺泡巨噬细胞,激活该细胞和肺泡上皮细胞中的STING 通路,导致有效的抗病毒T细胞和体液免疫反应,而没有伴随的免疫病理学。

研究论文题目为“ Pulmonary surfactant–biomimetic nanoparticles potentiate heterosubtypic influenza immunity ” 。

Science 21 Feb 2020.对于流感疫苗开发,最好的一种情况是使用单一疫苗来对抗多种流感病毒菌株,即诱导抗病毒常驻记忆T细胞(TRM细胞),该细胞可以介导针对多种不同亚型菌株的交叉保护(异型免疫)。






鲁教版英语七年级下Unit2 I,;m going to study computer science (2)

鲁教版英语七年级下Unit2 I,;m going to study computer science (2)

Unit 2 I’m going to study computer science .Section A 1a – 2c)【学习目标】知识目标:词汇:grow up, computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist句型:—What are you going to be when you grow up? —I’m going to be a /an….—How are you going to do that? —I’m going to …技能目标:学习运用一般将来时(be going to )谈论自己的梦想和表达奋斗的想法。



【预习导学】※预习导航写出下列有关职业名词:程序师___________工程师____________飞行员_____________教师___________演员__________篮球运动员__________________电脑程序员___________钢琴家__________科学家__________驾驶员___________小提琴手__________计算机程序_____________________长大________________短语:学习计算机科学_______________每天练习篮球_________努力学习数学__________学习表演课程_________________【自主尝试】一句型转换1. He is going to take guitar lessons every day(改为一般疑问句)_______ he going to _______ guitar lessons every day ?2. Mom is going to do some shopping this afternoon(对划线部分提问)_______ is Mom going to _______ this afternoon?3. I want to be a pilot when I grow up.(改为同义句)I _______ ______________ a pilot when I grow up4. They going to move a new city called Donghai.(改为否定句)They _______ to move a new city called Donghai.5 .My sister is going to be an actress when she grows up . (对划线部分提问)_______ is your sister going to _______ when she grows up?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________检查预习检测的职业,并听写2. free talkA: What do you want to be when you grow up ? B: I want to be …. A: How are you going to do that? B: I’m going to… 活动二:听力练习1. 1b Listen twice and fill in the blanks. Then match the items.2. 2a Listen twice. What is Cheng Han going to do? Check the correct boxes in the picture.3. 2b Listen twice again. What are Cheng Han’s pla ns for the future? Complete the chart. 活动三:pairwork Talk about your future intentions.A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be… A: How are you going to do that? B: I’m going to … A: Where are you going to work? B: I’m going to … A: When are you going to start? B: I’m going to…【当堂训练】I 补全句子:1、When I grow up, I want to be an e _____________.2、My uncle is a computer p_________________, he is good at computer.3、Computer s_________________ is Jake's favorite subject.4、Mary's father is an airline p____________. II 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1、Mary _______________(go) fishing with her mother next week.2、I ___________(meet) a famous actor last Sunday.3、I'm going to _______________(take )some acting lessons in ShangHai.4、Tom started ___________________(ride )a bike when he was six years old.5、My brother __________________(take )these photos two days ago. III 单项选择( )1、—What is Nancy going to be when she________? __Maybe she is going to be a math teacher.A. growB. growsC. grow upD. grows up( )2、—How are you going to be a computer programmer? —I ’m going to _______. A. take piano lessons B. keep fit C. eat healthy food D. study computer science 【课后巩固】1、 背诵本课所学的单词、短语和句子2、 完成相关练习:( ) 【学习反思】1、 本节课最重要的3个短语和2个句子是什么?______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2、 本节课最重要的用法是什么?本节课你的困惑?自我评价:非常好( )好( )一般( )仍须努力( ) Section A 2d – 3c )college education medicine university article team question send foreign 2掌握以下句型1 I ’m going to keep on writing stories ,of course2 My parents wants me to be a doctor, but I am not sure about it 技能目标:正确使用be going to 来表达自己将来的打算 情感态度:。

Unit2 My favorite subject is science 2 Section B

Unit2 My favorite subject is science 2 Section B
Your friend,
Yu Mei
Task 5 给李华写一封信,介绍一下你的周五吧,可以借鉴一下 2b 的句型哦。
D8e:ar0J0en—ny,8:40 Chinese
I am very busy on Friday. At 8:00 I
hs8aa:yv5se0itm—isaut9hs.:e3fIut0l,ibsuntoIttmhfuinnak.tiTht hisedtieffaicchueltr.
really relaxing! How about you? When are your classes? What is your favorite
s1u3b:je3c0t?—14:10 P.E.
Your friend,
14:25—15:05 art
Yu Mei
Dear Li Hua,
I am very busy on Friday …… (At… I have …… It’s …..) …… How about you? When are your classes? What is your favorite subject?
It is my favorite subject. Our Chinese
t1e1ac:h3e5r —, M1r2s.:1W0ang,Lisugnrecaht fun. My
classes finish at 1:50, but after that I
h1a2v:e4a0n—ar1t 3le:s2so0n forhtiwsotohroyurs. It is
—What’s his favorite subject? —_H_i_s_f_a_v_o_r_it_e_s_u_b_j_e_c_t_is__m__a_th_.____.



月末综合练习一(考查范围:Unit 1~Unit 2时间:60分钟满分:100分)听力部分(30分)Ⅰ.Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

)(10分)() C.bus()2.A.plane B.train C.Italian()3.A.right B.must C.left()4.A.follow B.slow C.borrow()5.A.straight B.street C.helmetⅡ.Listen and number.(听录音,标序号。

)(10分)Ⅲ.Listen and choose.(听录音,选答语。

)(10分)()1.A.You must look right.B.You can take the No.3 bus.C.Go at a green light.()2.A.What a great museum!B.I want to go to the museum.C.It’s next to the cinema.()3.A.Yes, it is.B.It’s over there.C.There is a hospital.()4.A.By bike.B.The zoo is near here.C.You can see this in the subway.()5.A.We must look right before crossing the road.B.OK.C.You must drive slowly.笔试部分(70分)Ⅳ.Read and choose.(根据描述选一选正确的交通工具。

)(5分)()1.I go to the park by subway.()2.I go to the USA by plane.()3.I go to China by ship.()4.I go to the cinema by taxi.()5.I go to Hainan by train.Ⅴ.Read and circle.(小熊套圈。

笔译 WK 2 词句翻译

笔译 WK 2 词句翻译

7. Jefferson believed that governments are, at best,
necessary evil.杰弗逊认为,再好的政府也是人们厌 恶的机构,但没有它又不行。
Key to homework
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6.
They demand better working conditions.他们要求改善工作条件。 He was exhausted physically, fiscally and mentally.他的体力,财力和 精力都耗尽了。 He taught me the value of an opportunity.他教导我要珍惜每一个机会。 The government called for the establishment of more technical schools. 号召建立 He was eloquent and elegant.他有口才,有风度。 The increasing prosperity of China has brought pride to all the Chinese people in the world.中国日益昌盛,全世界华人为之骄傲。
“你去搞清楚河塘的深浅,……”( Go and find out the depth of the river …... 厚薄不一的砖块不宜砌墙。Bricks of different thickness are not right for a wall. ……宽窄正合适。….. is just the right size for ……. 这两根钢管长短差不多。These two steel pipes are about the same length 块儿大小要均匀;pieces of similar sizes are expected. 肉的老嫩可以看出来; tenderness 根据运转的快慢speed 冬天来了,要时刻注意动物园里动物的冷暖。As winter is coming, we should always make sure that animals in the zoo have proper shelter from cold.
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ReviewRegulatory roles and molecular signaling of TNF familymembers in osteoclastsXu Feng *Department of Pathology,University of Alabama at Birmingham,1670University BLVD,VH G046B,Birmingham,AL 35294,USAReceived 1December 2004;accepted 24January 2005Available online 14March 2005Received by A.J.van WijnenAbstractThe tumor necrosis factor (TNF)family has been one of the most intensively studied families of proteins in the past two decades.The TNF family constitutes 19members that mediate diverse biological functions in a variety of cellular systems.The TNF family members regulate cellular functions through binding to membrane-bound receptors belonging to the TNF receptor (TNFR)family.Members of the TNFR family lack intrinsic kinase activity and thus they initiate signaling by interacting intracellular signaling molecules such as TNFR associated factor (TRAF),TNFR associated death domain (TRADD)and Fas-associated death domain (FADD).In bone metabolism,it has been shown that numerous TNF family members including receptor activator of nuclear factor n B ligand (RANKL),TNF-a ,Fas ligand (FasL)and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)play pivotal roles in the differentiation,function,survival and/or apoptosis of osteoclasts,the principal bone-resorbing cells.These TNF family members not only regulate physiological bone remodeling but they are also implicated in the pathogenesis of various bone diseases such as osteoporosis and bone loss in inflammatory conditions.This review will focus on our current understanding of the regulatory roles and molecular signaling of these TNF family members in osteoclasts.D 2005Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Osteoclast;RANKL;TNF-a ;FasL;TRAIL;Bone remodeling0378-1119/$-see front matter D 2005Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.gene.2005.01.014Abbreviations:AP-1,activator protein-1;ASK1,apoptosis signal-regulated kinase-1;CARD,caspase recruiting domain;CFU-GM,colony forming unit-granulocyte/macrophage;CRD,cysteine-rich repeat;CTR,calcitonin receptor;DD,death domain;DED,death effector domain;ERK,extracellular signal-regulated kinase;FasL,Fas ligand;FADD,Fas associated death domain;GCKR,germinal center kinase related;HSC,hematopoietic stem cell;IAP,inhibitor of apoptosis protein;I n B,inhibitor of kappa B;IKK,I n B kinase;IL,interleukin;JNK,Jun N-terminal kinase;LT-a ,lymphotoxin a ;MAPK,mitogen-activated protein kinase;MAP3K,MAPK kinase kinase;MADD,MAP kinase-activating death domain;M-CSF,monocyte/macrophage-colony stimulating factor;MEKK,MAPK/ERK kinase kinase;MKK3,MAPK kinase 3;NF-n B,nuclear factor kappa B;NFAT,nuclear factor of activated T cell;NIK,NF-n B-inducing kinase;OPG,osteoprotegrin;OPGL,osteoprotegrin ligand;ODF,osteoclast differentiation factor;PI3-kinase,phosphoinositide-3OH kinase;PIP3,phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-phosphate;PH,pleckstrin homology;PKB,protein kinase B;RA,rheumatoid arthritis;RANK,receptor activator of NF-n B;RANKL,RANK ligand;RIP,receptor interacting protein;TAK1,TGF-h -activated kinase 1;TGF-h ,transforming growth factor h ;THD,TNF homology domain;TNF,tumor necrosis factor;TNFR,TNF receptor;TRAF,TNFR associated factor;TRADD,TNFR associated death domain;TRAIL,TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand;TRAIL-R,TRAIL receptor;TRAP,tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase;TRANCE,TNF-related activation-induced cytokine;TLR,Toll-like receptor.*Tel.:+12059750990;fax:+12059341775.E-mail address:xfeng@.Gene 350(2005)1–13/locate/gene1.IntroductionSince the molecular cloning of cDNAs for TNF-a and lymphotoxin a(LT-a,also named TNF-h),the first two members of the TNF family,in early1980s(Gray et al.,1984; Pennica et al.,1984),the TNF family has been expanded to include19members(Bodmer et al.,2002;Locksley et al., 2001).The TNF family proteins are expressed as type II homo-or hetero-trimeric transmembrane proteins with exception of only one member VEGI,which lacks a predicted transmembrane domain and is therefore synthesized as a secreted soluble protein(Bodmer et al.,2002).Some of the membrane-bound TNF family members may be cleaved at membrane proximal residues to generate soluble forms. Structurally,these proteins are characterized by a conserved domain termed TNF homology domain(THD)in their C-terminal domains,which are the extracellular domains of the membrane-bound members(Pennica et al.,1984).Function-ally,despite that the founding members TNF-a and LT-a were initially identified as proteins that possess tumor cytotoxicity,it has been now recognized that members of the TNF family regulate a variety of cellular functions such as cell differentiation,function,survival and/or apoptosis(Gaur and Aggarwal,2003).The TNF family members exert the diverse cellular functions by binding and activating their respective receptors belonging to the TNFR family(Bodmer et al., 2002;Locksley et al.,2001).This receptor family consists of29known members that are typically single-spanning type I transmembrane proteins with extracellular domains containing two to four homologous cysteine-rich repeats (CRD).However,a few TNFR members exist as secreted soluble proteins.For those members occurring as trans-membrane proteins,they have a cytoplasmic domain of variable length bearing little sequence homology(Arch and Thompson,1999;Bodmer et al.,2002;Darnay and Aggarwal,1999).Moreover,these TNFR family members can be divided into two subfamilies based on the presence of a death domain(DD)in their cytoplasmic domains:(1) the DD-containing receptors such as TNFR1,Fas,TRAIL-R1and TRAIL-R2;and(2)the receptors lacking a DD such as RANK,TNFR2,CD27and CD40(Arch and Thompson,1999;Bodmer et al.,2002).Members of the TNFR family lack intrinsic enzymatic activity in their intracellular domains.As a result,they transduce signaling by recruiting adapter proteins,primarily DD-containing proteins and members of the TRAF family. The DD-containing proteins include FADD and TRADD. These proteins link the DD-containing receptors to down-stream proteases of the caspase family necessary for activation of apoptosis.The TRAF family contains six members(TRAFs1,2,3,4,5and6),each containing a ring and zinc finger motif in their N-terminal and C-terminal domains that mediate self association and protein interaction (Inoue et al.,2000).The TRAFs link either the DD-containing receptors(via other adapter proteins)or the receptor lacking a DD to activation of various signaling pathways such as NF-n B,JNK,ERK and p38(Baud and Karin,2001;Locksley et al.,2001).The TNF family regulates cellular differentiation,func-tion,survival and/or apoptosis in a variety of cell types/ tissues/organs.As such,the TNF family has been shown to play important roles in regulating the following key biological processes such as lymphoid organogenesis,acute immune response,inflammation,bone homeostasis,mam-mary gland development,hair follicle and sweat gland development,and neural development(Locksley et al., 2001).Given the diverse roles the TNF family plays,it could not be possible to discuss the actions of all the TNF family members with enough details in a single review.This review will focus on the regulatory roles of several TNF family members in osteoclast biology and the signaling pathways activated by their corresponding receptors to exert their effects on osteoclasts.2.The TNF family and osteoclast biologyOsteoclasts are our body’s principal bone-resorbing cells that not only play a critical role in skeleton development and maintenance but are also implicated in the pathogenesis of various bone diseases including menopausal osteoporosis (Manolagas,1998;Pacifici,2001;Ross and Teitelbaum, 2001).Osteoclasts are multinucleated giant cells that differentiate from cells of hematopoietic origin(Ross and Teitelbaum,2001;Suda et al.,1992;Teitelbaum et al., 1997).The osteoclast differentiation involves several major stages outlined in Fig.1.The hematopoietic stem cells (HSC)give rise to circulating mononuclear cells termed colony forming unit-granulocyte/macrophage(CFU-GM). Macrophage/monocyte-colony forming factor(M-CSF) stimulates the proliferation of CFU-GM to maintain a pool of mononuclear cells in monocyte/macrophage lineage, which are widely viewed as osteoclast precursors and characterized by lack of two osteoclast markers:tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase(TRAP)and calcitonin receptor (CTR).The mononuclear precursors are attracted to prospective resorption sites by an unknown mechanism (presumably by chemotaxis)and they will then attach onto bone matrix to differentiate into prefusion osteoclasts with the stimulation of M-CSF and RANKL.The prefusion cells become both TRAP-and CTR-positive.With continuous stimulation of M-CSF and RANKL,the prefusion osteo-clasts will further differentiate by fusion to become multi-nucleated cells.The multinucleated osteoclasts are not functional since they lack the ruffled membrane that is critical for bone resorption.RANKL continue to play an important role in activating osteoclasts by stimulating formation of the ruffled membrane(Jilka et al.,1999;Lacey et al.,1998;Suda et al.,1999).In addition,RANKL also promotes the survival of mature osteoclasts(Fuller et al., 1998;Lum et al.,1999;Wong et al.,1999a).X.Feng/Gene350(2005)1–13 2Thus,the critical role for the TNF family in osteoclast biology can be easily appreciated given that RANKL,a member of the TNF family,has been recognized as one of the most prominent factors regulating osteoclast formation, activation and survival(Fig.1).Moreover,the importance of the TNF family in osteoclast biology is further supported by the findings that a number of other TNF family members including TNF-a,FasL and TRAIL also play roles in modulating the differentiation,function, survival and/or apoptosis of osteoclasts.Together,these TNF family members not only regulate physiological bone remodeling but are also implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous bone disorders.In this review,I will first provide a concise and updated review of physiological and/or pathological roles of these TNF family members in bone metabolism.These TNF family proteins exert their effects on bone remodeling by activating distinct intra-cellular signaling pathways in osteoclasts.Enormous efforts have been devoted to elucidate the signaling pathways in the past several years.Therefore,as the second focus,I will review our current understanding of the signaling pathways activated by these factors in osteoclasts.A discussion on these TNF members in a single review may provide an opportunity for comparison and contrast of the roles and signaling mechanisms of these distinct TNF family members in osteoclasts.3.RANKL3.1.RANKL and its receptors RANK and OPGRANKL,also known as OPGL,ODF and TRANCE, was identified independently by two bone groups(Lacey et al.,1998;Yasuda et al.,1998)and two immunology groups(Anderson et al.,1997;Wong et al.,1997)in the late1990s.To date,RANKL has been shown to play pivotal roles in regulating various biological processes such as bone homeostasis(Teitelbaum,2000;Yasuda et al.,1998),immune function(Anderson et al.,1997;Wong et al.,1999b)and mammary gland development(Fata et al.,2000).RANKL is involved in bone metabolism by mediating osteoclast differentiation,function and survival (Lacey et al.,1998;Yasuda et al.,1998;Hsu et al.,1999).The discovery of RANKL helped establish that osteo-blasts/stromal cells support osteoclast differentiation pri-marily by serving as a source of RANKL as well as M-CSF (Suda et al.,1999)(Fig.2).Osteoblasts/stromal cells express both M-CSF and RANKL(membrane-bound RANKL and soluble RANKL).M-CSF and RANKL will bind to their respective receptor c-fms and RANK expressed on osteo-clast precursors to stimulate osteoclast formation.In vitro, M-CSF and RANKL have been shown to be sufficient for osteoclastogenesis(Quinn et al.,1998).In mature osteo-clasts,RANKL mediates osteoclast activation and survival (Lacey et al.,1998;Suda et al.,1999;Lum et al.,1999; Wong et al.,1999a).In addition,osteoblasts/stromal cells also produce a factor called OPG,which is decoy receptor for RANKL.OPG inhibits RANKL function by competingM-CSF RANKL M-CSF RANKLM-CSFHSC Cells of monocytes/macrophage lineagesPrefusionosteoclastsMultinucleatedosteoclastsCFU-GMProliferationCTR(-)TRAP(-)CTR(+)TRAP(+)Multinucleation(+)Ruffled Membrane (-)(+)Activated OsteoclastsFig.1.Osteoclast differentiation pathway.HSC:hematopoietic stem cell,CFU-GM:colony forming unit granulocyte/macrophage,CTR:calcitonin receptor, TRAP:tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase.Mature OsteoclastsFig.2.Model on the action of the RANKL/RANK system in osteoclasts.sRANKL:soluble RANKL.X.Feng/Gene350(2005)1–133with RANK for RANKL(Suda et al.,1999;Teitelbaum, 2000).Moreover,the unraveling of the RANKL/RANK system has also helped reveal that many osteotropic hormones and cytokines regulate osteoclast formation and function through modulating RANKL expression by osteoblasts/ stromal cells(Hofbauer,1999;Hofbauer et al.,2000;Ross, 2000)(Fig.2).For instance,it has been known for a quite long time that in vitro generation of osteoclasts by co-culturing osteoblasts/stromal cells and osteoclast precursors requires1a,25-(OH)2vitamin D3and dexamethasone. However,it was not clear until the discovery of the RANKL/RANK system that1a,25(OH)2vitamin D3and dexamethasone stimulate ostoeclast formation in the co-culture system by up-regulating RANKL production by osteoblasts/stromal cells(Kitazawa et al.,1999;Yasuda et al.,1998).In addition,other osteotropic hormones and cytokines such as IL-1,TNF-a,prostaglandin E2,IL-11and parathyroid hormone have also been shown to stimulate RANKL gene expression in osteoblasts and stromal cells (Hofbauer et al.,1999;Lee and Lorenzo,1999;Yasuda et al.,1998).In contrast,transforming growth factor h(TGF-h)suppresses RANKL gene expression(Takai et al.,1998).Both RANKL and RANK are essential for the osteo-clastogenic process since mice lacking the gene for either protein developed osteopetrosis due to failure to form osteoclasts(Dougall et al.,1999;Kong et al.,1999a,b;Li et al.,2000).Consistently,knockout mice deficient for OPG developed early onset of osteoporosis due to elevated osteoclast differentiation(Bucay et al.,1998),whereas transgenic mice over-expressing OPG exhibited osteopet-rosis,resulting from a decrease in late stages of osteoclast differentiation(Simonet et al.,1997).Taken together,these data indicate that the RANKL/RANK system plays an essential role in skeletal development and bone remodeling.On the other hand,the RANKL/RANK system is also implicated in the pathogenesis of various bone diseases such as postmenopausal osteoporosis,bone loss in rheumatoid arthritis(RA)and tumor-induced osteolysis.A recent study showed that RANKL plays a pathological role in post-menopausal osteoporosis(Eghbali-Fatourechi et al.,2003). Specifically,estrogen deficiency leads to the elevated expression of RANKL on both osteoblasts and lympho-cytes.Moreover,RANKL expressed on activated T cells is also implicated in inducing bone loss and joint destruction in RA(Kong et al.,1999a).Finally,RANKL has been shown to contribute to bone metastasis and/or osteolysis in breast and prostate cancers(Kitazawa and Kitazawa,2002; Zhang et al.,2001a).3.2.RANK signaling in osteoclastsSince the cloning of RANKL and RANK,enormous efforts have been undertaken to elucidate RANK-initiated intracellular signaling in osteoclast differentiation,function and survival.RANK was identified as a TNFR family member lacking a DD(Anderson et al.,1997).Thus, presumably RANK transduces intracellular signals by utilizing TRAF proteins.Indeed,numerous studies showed that RANK directly interacts with TRAF proteins and these interactions may be responsible for activating the NF-n B complex and JNK(Darnay et al.,1998,1999;Galibert et al.,1998;Hsu et al.,1999;Kim et al.,1999;Wong et al., 1998).Collectively,TRAF1,2,3,5and6were shown to be able to bind to RANK in in vitro binding assays and/or in transformed cells in context of over-expression.TRAF4 appears to be a nuclear protein(Inoue et al.,2000),which does not interact with RANK.These early RANK-TRAF interaction studies suggested that RANK may contain multiple TRAF-binding motifs that regulate osteoclast differentiation,function and/or survival.Subsequently, recent functional studies indicated that RANK indeed contains multiple domains that are able to mediate osteoclast formation and function(Armstrong et al.,2002; Liu et al.,2004).More specifically,three RANK cytoplas-mic motifs,PFQEP369–373,PVQEET559–564and PVQEQG604–609,are capable of independently mediating osteoclast formation and function(Liu et al.,2004)(Fig.3). In addition,PVQEET559–564and PVQEQG604–609are more potent than PFQEP369–373in mediating osteoclast formation (Liu et al.,2004).The functional identification of these RANK motifs has not only revealed the complexity of the RANK signaling but also laid a foundation for further elucidation of RANK-initiated signaling in osteoclasts.Just for convenience of discussion below,PFQEP369–373, PVQEET559–564and PVQEQG604–609are designated as Motif1,Motif2and Motif3,respectively.3.2.1.Signaling initiated by RANK cytoplasmic motif PFQEP369–373(Motif1)Motif1has been previously shown to be a TRAF6-binding motif(Ye et al.,2002).A cell-permeable decoy peptide derived from this motif blocked osteoclast formation (Ye et al.,2002),establishing the functional relevance of this binding to osteoclast formation.Moreover,the functional involvement of TRAF6in RANK signaling was further substantiated by the finding that TRAF6À/Àmice exhibited defect in osteoclast differentiation and/or function(Lomaga et al.,1999;Naito et al.,1999).Motif1activates NF-n B and three mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK)pathways(JNK,ERK and p38)in response to RANKL stimulation(Liu et al.,2004). Activation of these pathways by Motif1involves the formation of a protein complex containing TRAF6,TGF-h-activated kinase1(TAK1)and an adaptor protein TAB2 (Fig.3).TAK1is a member of MAPK kinase kinase (MAP3K)family that is activated by various cytokines (Yamaguchi et al.,1995).In RANK signaling,it was shown that the RANKL-induced formation of the complex con-taining TRAF6,TAK1and TAB2leads to the activation of TAK1(Mizukami et al.,2002).TAB2facilitates the formation of the complex by linking TAK1to TRAF6X.Feng/Gene350(2005)1–13 4(Mizukami et al.,2002).Activated TAK1phosphorylates NF-n B-inducing kinase (NIK)to activate the I n B kinase (IKK)a h g complex (Ninomiya-Tsuji et al.,1999),leading to the activation of NF-n B pathway (Fig.3).In addition,activated TAK1also activates JNK pathway (Lee et al.,2002b;Shirakabe et al.,1997).Activation of p38is mediated by TAB1which has been shown to be able to bind and recruit p38to the TRAF6-TAK1complex (Ge et al.,2002).However,how Motif 1activates ERK pathway remains unclear but it is likely that TRAF6is also involved in the process (Fig.3).RANKL activates Akt/protein kinase B (PKB)pathway through TRAF6(Wong et al.,1999a )and Motif 1was shown to be a TRAF6binding site.Thus,although it has not been experimentally confirmed,Motif 1may also initiate down-stream signaling leading to the activation of Akt/PKB pathway.This is achieved by RANKL-induced formation of a signaling complex containing both c-Src and TRAF6at the site (Fig.3).In the signaling complex,TRAF6enhances the kinase activity of c-Src,leading to the activation of phosphoinositide-3-OH kinase (PI3-kinase)(Wong et al.,1999a ).Activated PI3-kinase in turn stimulates the formation of phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-phosphate (PIP3)at the plasma membrane,which results in the recruitment of Akt/PKB via its pleckstrin homology (PH)domain.Akt/PKB is then activated at the membrane (Wong et al.,1999a )(Fig.3).Recent studies revealed that RANKL activates tran-scription factor,nuclear factor of activated T-cell 2(NFAT2,also known as NFATc1),which plays an important role in osteoclastogenesis (Ishida et al.,2002;Takayanagi et al.,2002).Moreover,the activation of NFAT2is in part mediated by TRAF6(Takayanagi et al.,2002).RANKL-induced recruitment of TRAF6mobilizes intracellular calcium,which results in the activation of calcineurin (Takayanagi et al.,2002).Activated calcineurin in turn dephosphorylates and activates NFAT1,which will trans-locate into nuclei to form a ternary complex with c-Fos and c-Jun at the promoter for NFAT2gene to stimulates the expression of NFAT2(Ikeda et al.,2004)(Fig.3).But,how TRAF6mobilizes intracellular Ca 2+remains unknown.3.2.2.Signaling initiated by RANK cytoplasmic motifs PVQEET 559–564(Motif 2)and PVQEQG 604–609(Motif 3)While the signaling pathways initiated by Motif 1have been largely elucidated,those activated by Motif 2and Motif 3still remain obscure.The first issue would be which TRAF protein functionally binds to each of the motifs (Fig.3).Previous in vitro data suggested that Motif 2and Motif 3may bind TRAF proteins other than TRAF6(Galibert et al.,1998).In line with this finding,Galibert et al.(1998)showed that Motif 2interacts with TRAF3and Motif 3is capable of binding TRAF1,TRAF2and TRAF5.But,another in vitro study demonstrated that neither TRAF1nor TRAF3interacts with RANK (Hsu et al.,1999).Given the uncertainty,additional studies are needed to functionally identify TRAF proteins that specifically bind to these RANK motifs.Nevertheless,it has been shown that Motif 2activates NF-n B and p38pathways in osteoclast pre-cursors,whereas Motif 3activates only NF-n B pathway (Liu et al.,2004).Future functional identification of TRAF proteins bind to Motif 2and Motif 3will facilitate the elucidation of downstream signaling pathways leading to the activation of NF-n B and/or p38pathway by these two motifs.RANK ExternalDomain TMRANK Cytoplasmic DomainMotif 1Motif 2Motif 3Fig.3.RANK signaling in osteoclast differentiation,function and survival.OC:osteoclast,TM:transmembrane domain.X.Feng /Gene 350(2005)1–1353.2.3.Role of distinct pathways activated by RANK in osteoclast formation,function and survivalAs summarized in Fig.3,RANK initiates6major known signaling pathways through different signaling cascades in response to RANKL.These pathways play distinct roles in osteoclast differentiation,function and survival.NF-n B and JNK(leading to AP-1activation) pathways are essential for osteoclast differentiation(Fran-zoso et al.,1997;Grigoriadis et al.,1994).Mice lacking both p50and p52,members of NF-n B,develop osteopet-rosis due to complete lack of osteoclasts(Franzoso et al., 1997).Similarly,mice lacking c-fos,a component of AP-1, do not form osteoclasts(Grigoriadis et al.,1994),leading to osteopetrosis.Moreover,NF-n B also plays a critical role in osteoclastic bone resorption(Miyazaki et al.,2000)and osteoclast survival(Jimi et al.,1998).Akt primarily plays a role in promoting osteoclast survival(Lee et al.,2001; Wong et al.,1999a),while NFAT2has been recently shown to be a critical transcription factor for osteoclastogenesis (Ishida et al.,2002;Takayanagi et al.,2002)(Fig.3).Other two MAPK pathways(ERK and p38)are also involved in osteoclast differentiation and/or survival.ERK plays a functional role not only in osteoclast differentiation but also in survival(Lee et al.,2001,2002a).In contrast,p38 was shown to be only involved in mediating osteoclasto-genesis(Lee et al.,2002a;Li et al.,2002,2003;Matsumoto et al.,2000b)(Fig.3).3.3.Perspectives and future directionsThe unraveling of the critical role of the RANKL/RANK system in osteoclast differentiation,function and survival represents a major milestone in the understanding of osteoclast biology.In the past6years,we have witnessed many important advances in the investigation of physio-logical and pathological roles of the RANKL/RANK system in bone remodeling.However,the RANK-initiated intra-cellular signaling pathways have not been completely elucidated.Notably,despite numerous early studies indi-cated that RANK may contain multiple motifs that are able to mediate osteoclast differentiation and function by recruiting different TRAF proteins(Darnay et al.,1998, 1999;Galibert et al.,1998;Hsu et al.,1999;Kim et al., 1999;Wong et al.,1998),the prevailing view has still been that RANK-initiated signaling is primarily mediated through TRAF6(Boyle et al.,2003).The recent demonstration of functional involvement of three different RANK motifs in osteoclast formation and function has pointed to additional complexity of RANK signaling that has not yet been fully recognized(Armstrong et al.,2002;Liu et al.,2004).Especially,the three motifs activate different sets of signaling pathways(Liu et al.,2004),suggesting that these motifs do not utilize the same TRAF protein to transduce downstream signaling(Fig.3).Since Motif1has been previously shown to recruit TRAF6to activate various pathways(Ye et al.,2002),Motif2and Motif3may bind TRAF proteins other than TRAF6.This is consistent with the previous data that RANK region containing Motif2and Motif3does not interact with TRAF6(Galibert et al., 1998).The functional identification of TRAF proteins binding to these two motifs in the future will be a key step in elucidation of signaling pathways activated by these two motifs(Fig.3).Moreover,although Motif1is capable of activating more signaling pathways(NF-n B,JNK,ERK and p38)than Motif2(NF-n B and p38)and Motif3(NF-n B only),Motif2and Motif3are more potent in stimulating osteoclast differentiation(Liu et al.,2004)(Fig.3).Future studies directed to address this difference may reveal more insights into the mechanism underlying RANKL-mediated osteoclast differentiation.The previous investigation of RANK signaling in osteoclasts also generated a few controversies.The most notable one is regarding the precise role of TRAF6in osteoclast biology.Two TRAF6knockout mice were ge-nerated by different laboratories(Lomaga et al.,1999;Naito et al.,1999).Both groups showed that their TRAF6À/Àmice developed osteopetrosis due to impaired bone resorption, supporting an important role for TRAF6in bone remodel-ing.However,one group showed that deletion of TRAF6 blocked osteoclast differentiation while the other group demonstrated that the absence of TRAF6impaired only osteoclast function without affecting osteoclast formation. The functional identification of three RANK motifs capable of independently mediating osteoclast formation supports that TRAF6is not essential for osteoclast formation, because only one of the three functional motifs has been shown to utilize TRAF6(Fig.3).Mutation of the TRAF6-binding RANK motif did not affect osteoclast formation in vitro(Liu et al.,2004).Nonetheless,additional studies, better by independent laboratories,are needed to further clarify the role of TRAF6in osteoclast differentiation.A definitive establishment of role of TRAF6in osteoclast differentiation is essential for further elucidation of RANK signaling,and probably for understanding osteoclast biology as a whole,especially given that several cytokines have been shown to modulate osteoclast formation and function through TRAF6.For instance,it was shown that INF-g inhibits osteoclast differentiation by inducing degra-dation of TRAF6(Takayanagi et al.,2000),which is based on the premise that TRAF6is essential for osteoclast formation.4.TNF-A4.1.TNF-a and its receptors TNFR1and TNFR2TNF-a represents another important member of the TNF family that modulates osteoclast formation and function (Lam et al.,2002;Nanes,2003;Romas et al.,2002).TNF-a exerts its function via two receptors,TNFR1(also known as p55),which contains a DD(Himmler et al.,1990;LoetscherX.Feng/Gene350(2005)1–13 6et al.,1990;Nophar et al.,1990),and TNFR2(also known as p75),which lacks a DD(Gray et al.,1990;Schall et al., 1990;Smith et al.,1990).As discussed above,RANKL and its receptor RANK are essential for osteoclastogenesis since the mice deficient for either RANKL or RANK completely lack osteoclasts(Dougall et al.,1999;Kong et al.,1999a,b; Li et al.,2000).In contrast,the mice lacking TNF-a or its receptors do not exhibit any bone defects(Marino et al., 1997;Peschon et al.,1998),indicating that TNF-a-mediated signaling are not essential for skeletal development and physiological bone remodeling.Nonetheless,TNF-a has been shown to be implicated in the pathogenesis of postmenopausal osteoporosis(Nanes, 2003;Pacifici,1996,1998,2001).The pathological role for TNF-a in postmenopausal osteoporosis was initially pro-posed based on the early observations that TNF-a is able to promote osteoclastogenesis in vitro and estrogen inhibits TNF-a production by cells such as human osteoblasts and peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro(Manolagas and Jilka,1995;Pacifici et al.,1991;Pacifici,1996).Recent studies demonstrated that knockout mice deficient for either TNF-a or TNFR1are resistant to ovariectomy-induced bone loss(Roggia et al.,2001),confirming the pathological role of TNF-a in postmenopausal osteoporosis.Moreover,it was also shown that nude mice,which lack T lymphocytes,are protected from ovariectomy-induced bone loss(Cenci et al., 2000),revealing that circulating T cells are the major source of estrogen-regulated TNF-a.As a key pro-inflammatory and potent osteoclastogenic cytokine,TNF-a is also involved in bone loss in various inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis(Assuma et al., 1998;Lam et al.,2002;Nanes,2003;Romas et al.,2002). Activated macrophages are believed to be the major source of TNF-a in these inflammatory conditions(Nishimura et al.,2003;Romas et al.,2002).4.2.TNFR1and TNFR2signaling in osteoclastsBoth TNFR1and TNFR2are implicated in osteoclast formation and function.TNFR1positively regulates osteo-clast formation and function(Abu-Amer et al.,2000; Roggia et al.,2001).In contrast,TNFR2exerts an inhibitory effect on osteoclast formation and function(Abu-Amer et al.,2000).Moreover,it has been established that TNF-a exerts its effect on osteoclast differentiation and function by activating various signaling pathways including NF-n B (Wei et al.,2002),JNK(Wei et al.,2002),p38(Li et al., 2003;Matsumoto et al.,2000a;Wei et al.,2002),ERK(Lee et al.,2001;Wei et al.,2002)and Akt(Wei et al.,2002)in osteoclast precursors/osteoclasts(Fig.4).The specific roles of these pathways in osteoclast biology have been discussed above and summarized in Fig.3.Although it is now clear that TNF-a is capable of activating NF-n B,JNK,p38,ERK and Akt pathways in osteoclast precursors/osteoclasts,the precise signaling cascades leading to the activation of these pathways have largely not been functionally established in osteoclast precursors/osteoclasts.TNFR1-and TNFR2-activated signaling pathways have been intensively investigated in a variety of other cell types. Fig.4summarizes the current understanding of the signaling pathways initiated by TNFR1and TNFR2primarily based on the studies involving cells other than osteoclast precursors/osteoclasts.It is worthwhile to emphasize that many of the pathways described in Fig.4have been shown to be applicable to many different cell types(Dempsey et al., 2003;Locksley et al.,2001;Wajant et al.,2003).Thus,it isFig.4.TNFR1and TNFR2signaling in osteoclast differentiation,function and/or survival.X.Feng/Gene350(2005)1–137。
