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Unit 4 Emerging Adulthood
Suggested answers for reference:
1.The graph shows the results of a survey of emerging adults.
2.It may be concluded that almost half of the respondents are not sure whether they have reached adulthood;
and accepting responsibility for oneself and becoming financially independent are considered the most important indicators of adulthood as listed in the questionnaire.
3.I don't think that I have reached adulthood. This is mainly because I haven't found a suitable job to support
myself yet. To my mind, being financially independent is a marker of adulthood.
4.Accepting responsibility for yourself.
I. Understanding the Text
1.Text Organization
prehension Check
2.1Digging into detail
1.Today the average age of getting married is 26 for women and 28 for men.
2.Because they expect a lot more out of work. They want to find work that is personally fulfilling and is
itself an adventure.
3.By emerging adulthood, they refer to a new life period which runs typically from age 18 to 25.
4.Identity explorations, instability, self-focus, feeling in-between and a sense of possibilities.
5.Because they think that young people can make use of the freedom of emerging adulthood to have experiences, otherwise they couldn't have no matter when they were younger or older.
6.Some emerging adults feel overwhelmed by the challenges of this life stage,
7.Be patient with emerging adults.
8.It can help ease our anxiety and may allow us to appreciate their energy, optimism and appetite for life.
2.2Understanding difficult sentences
I. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. B
II.Focusing on Language in Context
1.Key Words & Expressions
1.New measures have been introduced to ease traffic congestion in the city.
2.Although she began as her brother's research assistant, she went on to pursue her own independent studies.
3.The optimistic view is that college student enrollment: is climbing and will continue to do so, only at a
slower-than-anticipated rate.
4.She's just relieved to have snagged a fairly secure job, and doesn't have to look at the want ads all day.
5.Parents have a legal obliwtion to ensure that their child receives nine years of compulsory education.
6.The company had $2.1 billion in net cash at the end of last year, equal to about 51% of its market value.
7.Peter and Jane begin to feel more like roommates rather than a couple. It might be a sign that their
marriage is heading for trouble.
8.Instead of following the career path designed by his parents, he managed to carve out a successful
photographic career for himself.
9.In my view, Jeff must put aside his pride and apologize to his wife and children.
10.If we served more soft drinks, there would be fewer hangovers and, above all, fewer drink-driving
11.He intends to prepare himself to make his wav in the world by first getting a college degree.
11.1hope that we can move things along and get the negotiations going again.
13.Most emerging adults are very optimistic, believing that they have good chances of living “better than
their parents did."
14.John drifted alonr aimlessly after graduating from college, saying that he wanted to figure out
what he wanted to do with his life.
15.At some colleges and universities, every student completes an internship to bridge the gap between
academics and the working world.
1. an appetite
2. anticipate 3, anxiety 4. text
5. the man's identity
6. identified
7. exceeding
8. option
1.Fueling the boom in the local tourist industry is a new breed of younger, independent travelers from the
2.With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen.
3.Its just typical of Dan to spend all that money on exercise equipment and then lose interest two months
1.1am so grateful to my parents' qenernus financial support that I can complete college debt-free and live
on my own right after graduation.
5.He couldn't figure out why his son quit his well-paid job and started his own business.
6.Teachers need to strike a delicate bagnee between instructing their students and letting them discover
things for themselves.
7.She went to New York University to study the violin, then moved on to Yale for a masters degree in
8.Most people now spend their late teens through their mid-twenties in self-focused exploration as they try
out different possibilities in love and work.
9.There are employment opportunities with private enterprises, state and local governments as well as
nonprofit organizations such as the Red Cross.
1.Leavinv home has always been an important milestone in a person's life and a sign that an individual has
entered adulthood.
2.The health club's culture is so alluring that most of its clients want to come back.
3.When it comes to the environment problem, developed countries should invest more and do mo re to help
dnvelopinR countries move forward.
4.The survey indicated that the top three characteristics of becoming an adult include accepting personal
responsibilities, making decisions indecendentln and financial independence from parents.
5.Bob has been out of a job for a while drifting along aimlusslv all day Ion".
6.Walking down the street, they saw a big mall decorated with various kinds of neon signs.
7.We had a good time there, listening to mu$ic while denkinR tea.
8.At that time with a large family to feed, I was so busy trying to m己ke a living that I didn't care about
what was going on abroad.
9.Having don。
her homework/home assignment, little Jenny played the piano as usual.
3.Sentence Patterns
1.The writer ends his article with the question: What should you choose: time or money?
2.Asked why he failed to foresee what would happen, Roger said, *'How should I know?,1
3.Since Mary is badly treated in the company, why shouldn't she quit the job?
4.The woman gave the 911 operator a description of the truck, said she was nervous and asked, "What should I
1.If you have any problems with these arrangements, please get in touch with me.
2. A recent survey shows young adults have a lot of trouble/difficulty doing household chores.
3.More and more parents have great difficulty communicating with their children.
prehensive Practice 4.1
Adolescence, the period between childhood and adulthood, seems to have stretched out, lasting up to 25 or beyond. Instead of adulthood arriving all at once we find it gradually emar刖日over a much longer period as members of this new breed of in-betweeners try to ont what to do with their lives. They are likely to want to try out various options, sampling a variety of different jobs. This often leaves their parents feeling some dnx 沁ty as they fear their children may be just drifting along: rather than settling in a stable job. As for taking on the responsibilities of parenthood themselves, young people typically £ut that aside until much later
in life than was the case in the past.
Working from the interviews with 300 young people aged 18 to 29 in cities around the nation over five years, Professor Arnett proposed a new life stage he calls "emerging adulthood.M He describes it as the time from the end of adolescence to the young-adult holding a stable job, getting married and taking the responsibilities of parenthood. He identified several features typical of emerging adulthood, such as identity explorations, instability, self-focus, feeling in-between, and a sense of possibilities. Arnett's research shows that emerging adults want a lot out of life — a job that is fascina【in& and personally fulfilling and a lasting relationship with a partner.
Reading 1
prehension Check for Reading 1
l.T 2.T 3. F 4.F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T
Reading 2
Comprehension Check for Reading 2
1.Not being independent by a certain age is a source of shame in the United States.
2.It shows that 36 percent of young American adults aged 18 to 31 — the so-called Millennial generation —
were living in their parents' home in 2012.
3. A combination of economic, educational and cultural factors.
4.They will come under attack/strong criticism if they still depend on their parents financially.
5.They come from one-child families, lack a sense of independence, and have been spoiled by their parents and
6.There is some synergy between the cohabiting generations. That's to say, both young adults and their parents
are willing to live together for mutual benefits.
1.Viewing & Listening
1)People born in the 1980s or '90s are generally considered to be Millennials.
2)So it*s the generation born after 1980 to either late baby boomers or early Gen Xers. Last year, Pew
Research reported that Millennials have less money than the generations before them, but they're more optimistic about having it In the future. Politically, they say they're mo「e independent than their predecessors and they're less likely to describe themselves as
patriotic than Generation Xers or baby boomers. Millennials are the ,
generation in U.S. history. Their shared expertise with technology is something that
separates them in the U.S. workforce.
3)The way they think and the way they communicate is completely different. They move at a much faster speed
mentally than any other generation before. They are amazing learners. Millennials can go in and learn anything very, very quick. Their brain is very adaptable. Change doesn't scare them as much as other generations because they had to learn something new every day.
4)So what makes them different? Millennials are the first generation to have always had the Internet, which
has transformed the way people network rnd socialize I can't live without my iPhone. I just — I feel naked if I don't have it on me.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Time for the Shoutout.
A 22-year-old is considered to be part of which generation?
If you think you know it, shout it out.
Is it Millennials, Baby Boomers, Silent Generation or Generation X?
You've got three seconds.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: People born in the 1980s or 90s are generally considered to be Millennials. Thafs your answer and that's your Shoutout.
AZUZ: OK, so it's the generation born after 1980 to either late baby boomers or early Gen Xers. Last year, Pew Research reported that Millennials have less money than the generations before them, but they're more optimistic about having it In the future. Politically, they say they're more independent than their predecessors and they*re less likely to describe themselves as patriotic than Generation Xers or baby boomers. Millennials are the most racially diverse generation in U.S. history. Their shared expertise with technology is something that separates them in the U.S. workforce.
RICHARD QUEST, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The Millennial mindset is different from any generation before. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:Sometimes people don't understand like that, you know, work is what you do and not
necessarily who you are.
RYAN HEALY, : People in Generation Y have been told that they can be whatever they want to be and they can do whatever they want to do since they were kids. The goal is to be happy, to find meaning. And they're figuring that out as they go.
QUEST: Life coach Christine Hassler is advising them on how to manage their money. She's an expert on Millennials. And Hassler says she's constantly surprised by their potential.
CHRISTINE HASSLER, MILLENNIAL COACH: The way they think and the way they communicate is completely different. They move at a much faster speed mentally than any other generation before. They are amazing learners. Millennials can go in and learn anything very, very quick. Their brain is very adaptable. Change doesn't scare them as much as other generations because they had to learn something new every day.
QUEST: So what makes them different? Millennials are the first generation to have always had the Internet which has transformed the way people network and socialize.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I can't live without my iPhone. I just — I feel naked if I don't have it on me. QUEST? This constant plugged-in life has its drawbacks for these Millennials.
HASSLER: They come in and they get this reputation of being entitled or being — multi-tasking too much or not knowing how to communicate with older members of the generation — or — with older generations, because they just rely on technology much more than a Gen Xer or a baby boomer would.
QUEST: At work, Millennials are increasingly coveted as employees. More and more businesses want to tap into their expertise and drive.
MARIAN SALZMAN, CEO, EURO RSC6 WORLDWIDE PR: They're the new marketplace, the/re the new brains. They come with
all the social media tools and tricks embedded in them as natives.
QUEST: Still, these are challenging times. According to a recent United Nations report, some 75
million youths globally now find themselves without work. The numbers speak for themselves. It is
extraordinary the optimism that Millennials can bring to the most challenging of situations.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A lot of the jobs that our parents' generation, you know, worked won't exist anymore, but
it*s also exciting, because it means we get to invent new careers.
QUEST:True Millennials are not revolutionaries. They don't want to tear down the system. Oh, no, this generation just wants to run it.
Richard Quest, CNN, London.。