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swing 挥击
ground ball, grounder 地滚球
liner, line drive 平直球
fly ball 腾空球
hit, safety hit 安全打
one base hit ⼀垒打
two base hit ⼆垒打
three base hit 三垒打
home run, homer 本垒打
sacrifice hit 牺牲打
sacrifice bunt 牺牲触击
sacrifice fly 牺牲腾空球
squeeze bunt 抢分触击
run and hit, hit and run 击跑配合战术safe 安全上垒
base on balls 四球安全上垒
struck-out 三击出局
run,score 得分
batting order 击球次序
wild pitch (投⼿)暴投
pick-off (投⼿)牵制跑垒员的传球balk (棒球)投⼿犯规
put-out 接杀
out, down, away 出局
touch out 触杀
force out 封杀
assist 助杀
run down 夹杀
double play, double kill 双杀
triple play, triple kill 三杀
wild throw 野传球
passed ball 接⼿漏接球
ball in play, live ball 继续⽐赛, 活球
ball not in play, dead ball 死球
cover 补位
back up 策应
cut-off 拦接
play shallow 近迫防守
play deep 後撤防守
appeal play 申诉⾏为
called game 有效⽐赛
forfeited game ⽐赛弃权
batting average 安打率
fielding average 防守率
earned run 投⼿责任失分
complete game ⽆安打⽆得分获胜的⽐赛12.Wrestling 搏击类竞技
Greek-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤wrestler 摔跤运动员
standing wrestling 站⽴摔
on-the-ground wrestling 跪撑摔
bridge ⾓⼒桥
free style wrestling ⾃由式摔跤
bar arm with grapevine 锁臂缠腿double leg lock 抱单腿拦腿摔。
