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结果18例均插管成功;其中1次成功17例(94.44%),完成插管时间(27±16) s,插管呛咳8例(44.44%), 24 h内随访无明显其它并发症。
Abstract: Objective To study the light rod-guided tracheal intubation technique of emergency treatment of difficult tracheal intubation ill pre hospital.Methods To “stick on the edge of the incisors-thyroid cartilage angle n(a vertical gate)at 70°〜90° plastic fomiing-7n sliape» and then coat the endotracheal tube in the oropharynx, along the axis to the exploration of the pharyngeal cavity, open the light transmittance using the soft tissues of the neck, see clear spot and place in thyrocricoid (or) see the light beam along the axis of tracheal conduction that homeopathy into the endotracheal tube, and simultaneously pull rod.Results 18 cases were successfully intubated. 17 cases were successful in 1 cases (94.44%), the time of intubation (27+16) s, 8 cases of intubation cough ( 44.44% ) , 24 h follow-up , no obvious other complications.Conclusion Light rod-guided tracheal intubation technique is a safe and effective, simple and practical, easy to master, it is recommended to apply the first aid technique ・
Key words: Light rod-guided; Tracheal intubation; Pre-hospital first aid:Difficult tracheal intubation
已广泛用于全麻困难气管插管[2], 用于院前急救困难气管插管的报道很少。
1」一般资料本研究经院伦理委员会批准,选择2015年1月〜12月院前急救困难气管插管患者18例,男11例,女7例,平均年龄(60+38)岁,体重(60+35) kgo 脑伤、脑溢血昏迷者5例,呼衰5例,其他8例;张口度<2 cm 1例;颊甲间距<6.5 cm 3例;颈椎活动受限1例;Mallampati分级Ill〜IV者13例。
1.2困难气道的判断标准经过专业培训的院前急救主治医师现场评估患者具有下列情形之一者:张口度v2cm;颊屮间距<6.5 cm;Mallampati分级111~1\'';BIM>30;颈椎活动受限。