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1. Actions should be taken timely once the control cabinet raises alarm or out of water and dispersant, in case to damage the control system.
当控制箱发出警报故障或缺水,缺化油剂时应及时 处理,以免损坏控制系统
water can atomize through bouncing off the reflector.
Lampblack or flue gas mixes up with fog while flowing up
The oil purification coefficiency of the new type Grease Extractor can be more than 90%, the isolation rate of gas and smoke can reach at least 50%. 新型运水烟罩对油的净化率可达90%以上,对烟 及气味的隔绝率可达50%以上。
摘自《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》第八八十十一一条 排放油烟的 餐饮服务业经营者应当安装油烟净化设施并保持正常使用用,或者采取其 他油烟净化措施,使油烟达标排放,并防止止对附近居民的正常生生活环 境造成污染;
摘自《 DB31/844-2014上海市餐饮业油烟排放标准》
4.1 新建餐饮服务企业自2015年5月1日起,现有餐饮服务企业自2016年5月1日起执 行表1规定的餐饮油烟浓度排放限值。
4.2 产生餐饮油烟的餐饮服务企业应按规范设置集气罩、排风管道和排风机,并安 装使用经环境保护产品认证的油烟净化设备。新建企业应安装使用在认证检验中餐 饮油烟去除效率≥90%的设备,否则视同超标。 4.3 餐饮油烟净化设施应与排风机联动,其额定处理风量不应小于实际处理风量。 4.4 餐饮油烟净化设施应定期维护保养,记录相应情况并保留台账备查。
Drain valve Drain Pipe go through to kitchen sink Working Principle of Grease Extractor
Purification Principle of Grease Extractor
Due to the special design of the sprayer, circulating water
Drain outlet
produced. It plays a role in purification and separation. Oil Overflow outlet
and smell afloat with water.
because of the mandatory air draft. On account of the not
high wind speed, the fog with dispersant combines with
lampblack to the utmost extent, Saponification is
Through the turning effect of gas-water separating fan, gas of water vapor mixture will be pumped out by ventilation system, water flows back to water-cycling system. 穿过雾水区的水气混合体在气水分离扇的旋转作用下,气 体被抽风系统的风机抽走,水又流回水循环系统。
Add dispersant till it reaches 2/3 volume of the whole cabinet as well as lack-dispersant sensor. Once hearing the alarm sound, dispersant should be added again. 将化油剂箱加入油剂约整箱容积的2/3处,并插入缺化油剂 感应器,使用过程中如听到报警声应添加化油剂。
Stainless steel centrifugal filter
Movable bulkhead
Water supply Solenoid valve
Dispersant supply solenoid valve
Control panel of Grease Contractor
Drainage Pipeline
Press the power button, the system is to run automatically. 按下电源,系统将自动运行
Time of each circulation: 50min 每一循环时间:50分钟;
Maintenance of Grease Extractor
Feature: full-automatic control, fireproofing, separating vent from the whistler to avoid Oxygen hose from heat due to the water sprinkler system; attractive and durable, easy to clean up because the oil can’t accumulate. There are single Grease Extractor and double Grease Extractor two types. 产品特点:全自动控制,具备防火功能,因洒水 系统将烟罩与排气道分割使风喉能避免被火热蔓 延;外形美观耐用,并因油污不易积聚,因此方 便清理及长期保持清洁卫生。有单运水烟罩和双 运水烟罩。
Water level indicator
Water Inlet
Usage of Grease Extractor
After installation, keep the inlet value open all the time, the tank float of control cabinet will open automatically to let the water in. After full of water, add 100g dispersant, and it will be full-automatically later. Put the water level sensor into the cabinet. If the alarm is on during using, stop and check it. 安装完毕后,使进水阀处于常开状态,运水烟罩控制箱的 水箱浮球会全自动打开进水,水满后加100g化油剂,以后 化油剂全自动添加,并将水位电感应器插入水箱内,使用 过程中如听到报警声,应停机检查。
Circular Diagram of Grease Extractor
Centrifugal Dewatering Fan
Repair baffle
Water collected sink and inlet pipe
Fume Emission
Mains Water Supply Pipe The atomization nozzle is one every 20cm
2. After everyday usage, clean the transport tank with no addle left( screw out the overflow tube to let water out).Wash the filter/strainer to make the cabinet clean.
the system • Normal operation: system cycle operation • Dispersant: injection dispersant • Alarm: a refueling dispersant is required
Dispersant reservoir Check valve
Fog met with oil is hit on the water holding board, then
enter the control system. 与油烟相遇过的雾水打在托水板上流回水槽,由水槽进入 控制系统
Fan Air outlet
Supply air outlet
Circulating water tank
Water supply pipe filter
Power supply is linked to the kitchen exhaust fan
Maintenance bypass valve
Anti-fog Lamp
Pressure gage
Control Panel
Water supply valve
Control System
Grease Extractor
Purification Principle of Grease Extractor
Purification Principle of Grease Extractor
Circular Diagram of Grease Extractor 运水烟罩循环示意图
Usage & Maintenance of Grease Extractor
Stephen Zhang
What’s The Name Of This Equipment In Kitchen?
Grease Extractor Installation Legal Basis
flowed in Grease Extractor sprinkles into the vent through
the sprayer, making it flabelliform-fog, with large cover area and free of spray dead corner. Some large drops of
Overview of Grease Extractor
Grease Extractor is a new type environment friendly product and it’s usually made of stainless steel. 运水烟罩是一种新型的环保产品,产品材质一般 由不锈钢制造。
Control Panel
Kitchen Platform
• Switch: maintenance/restart • Power fuse: prevent system current
overload • Water pump fuses: prevent pump current
overload • Power supply: normal power supply of
Cover in front of the hood is at least 2 meters above the ground
The circulating pumps supply each sprinkler with at least 3 l/min and operating pressure 1 ~ 2 kg
1. Actions should be taken timely once the control cabinet raises alarm or out of water and dispersant, in case to damage the control system.
当控制箱发出警报故障或缺水,缺化油剂时应及时 处理,以免损坏控制系统
water can atomize through bouncing off the reflector.
Lampblack or flue gas mixes up with fog while flowing up
The oil purification coefficiency of the new type Grease Extractor can be more than 90%, the isolation rate of gas and smoke can reach at least 50%. 新型运水烟罩对油的净化率可达90%以上,对烟 及气味的隔绝率可达50%以上。
摘自《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》第八八十十一一条 排放油烟的 餐饮服务业经营者应当安装油烟净化设施并保持正常使用用,或者采取其 他油烟净化措施,使油烟达标排放,并防止止对附近居民的正常生生活环 境造成污染;
摘自《 DB31/844-2014上海市餐饮业油烟排放标准》
4.1 新建餐饮服务企业自2015年5月1日起,现有餐饮服务企业自2016年5月1日起执 行表1规定的餐饮油烟浓度排放限值。
4.2 产生餐饮油烟的餐饮服务企业应按规范设置集气罩、排风管道和排风机,并安 装使用经环境保护产品认证的油烟净化设备。新建企业应安装使用在认证检验中餐 饮油烟去除效率≥90%的设备,否则视同超标。 4.3 餐饮油烟净化设施应与排风机联动,其额定处理风量不应小于实际处理风量。 4.4 餐饮油烟净化设施应定期维护保养,记录相应情况并保留台账备查。
Drain valve Drain Pipe go through to kitchen sink Working Principle of Grease Extractor
Purification Principle of Grease Extractor
Due to the special design of the sprayer, circulating water
Drain outlet
produced. It plays a role in purification and separation. Oil Overflow outlet
and smell afloat with water.
because of the mandatory air draft. On account of the not
high wind speed, the fog with dispersant combines with
lampblack to the utmost extent, Saponification is
Through the turning effect of gas-water separating fan, gas of water vapor mixture will be pumped out by ventilation system, water flows back to water-cycling system. 穿过雾水区的水气混合体在气水分离扇的旋转作用下,气 体被抽风系统的风机抽走,水又流回水循环系统。
Add dispersant till it reaches 2/3 volume of the whole cabinet as well as lack-dispersant sensor. Once hearing the alarm sound, dispersant should be added again. 将化油剂箱加入油剂约整箱容积的2/3处,并插入缺化油剂 感应器,使用过程中如听到报警声应添加化油剂。
Stainless steel centrifugal filter
Movable bulkhead
Water supply Solenoid valve
Dispersant supply solenoid valve
Control panel of Grease Contractor
Drainage Pipeline
Press the power button, the system is to run automatically. 按下电源,系统将自动运行
Time of each circulation: 50min 每一循环时间:50分钟;
Maintenance of Grease Extractor
Feature: full-automatic control, fireproofing, separating vent from the whistler to avoid Oxygen hose from heat due to the water sprinkler system; attractive and durable, easy to clean up because the oil can’t accumulate. There are single Grease Extractor and double Grease Extractor two types. 产品特点:全自动控制,具备防火功能,因洒水 系统将烟罩与排气道分割使风喉能避免被火热蔓 延;外形美观耐用,并因油污不易积聚,因此方 便清理及长期保持清洁卫生。有单运水烟罩和双 运水烟罩。
Water level indicator
Water Inlet
Usage of Grease Extractor
After installation, keep the inlet value open all the time, the tank float of control cabinet will open automatically to let the water in. After full of water, add 100g dispersant, and it will be full-automatically later. Put the water level sensor into the cabinet. If the alarm is on during using, stop and check it. 安装完毕后,使进水阀处于常开状态,运水烟罩控制箱的 水箱浮球会全自动打开进水,水满后加100g化油剂,以后 化油剂全自动添加,并将水位电感应器插入水箱内,使用 过程中如听到报警声,应停机检查。
Circular Diagram of Grease Extractor
Centrifugal Dewatering Fan
Repair baffle
Water collected sink and inlet pipe
Fume Emission
Mains Water Supply Pipe The atomization nozzle is one every 20cm
2. After everyday usage, clean the transport tank with no addle left( screw out the overflow tube to let water out).Wash the filter/strainer to make the cabinet clean.
the system • Normal operation: system cycle operation • Dispersant: injection dispersant • Alarm: a refueling dispersant is required
Dispersant reservoir Check valve
Fog met with oil is hit on the water holding board, then
enter the control system. 与油烟相遇过的雾水打在托水板上流回水槽,由水槽进入 控制系统
Fan Air outlet
Supply air outlet
Circulating water tank
Water supply pipe filter
Power supply is linked to the kitchen exhaust fan
Maintenance bypass valve
Anti-fog Lamp
Pressure gage
Control Panel
Water supply valve
Control System
Grease Extractor
Purification Principle of Grease Extractor
Purification Principle of Grease Extractor
Circular Diagram of Grease Extractor 运水烟罩循环示意图
Usage & Maintenance of Grease Extractor
Stephen Zhang
What’s The Name Of This Equipment In Kitchen?
Grease Extractor Installation Legal Basis
flowed in Grease Extractor sprinkles into the vent through
the sprayer, making it flabelliform-fog, with large cover area and free of spray dead corner. Some large drops of
Overview of Grease Extractor
Grease Extractor is a new type environment friendly product and it’s usually made of stainless steel. 运水烟罩是一种新型的环保产品,产品材质一般 由不锈钢制造。
Control Panel
Kitchen Platform
• Switch: maintenance/restart • Power fuse: prevent system current
overload • Water pump fuses: prevent pump current
overload • Power supply: normal power supply of
Cover in front of the hood is at least 2 meters above the ground
The circulating pumps supply each sprinkler with at least 3 l/min and operating pressure 1 ~ 2 kg