国际贸易 考试试卷(二)
全国自考国际贸易理论与实务(单项选择题)模拟试卷2(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.地理大发现后,下列关于贸易流向的说法正确的是A.欧洲从美洲进口制造品B.非洲向欧洲输出奴隶C.美洲向欧洲输出茶叶D.欧洲从亚洲进口茶叶和香料正确答案:D 涉及知识点:导论2.世界各国在进行货物贸易统计时,计算进口额的依据一般都是A.CIF金额B.CFR金额C.FOB金额D.CPT金额正确答案:A 涉及知识点:导论3.在国际分工的萌芽阶段,国际分工主要出现在A.工业国与工业国之间B.发达国家与发展中国家之间C.宗主国和殖民地之间D.发展中国家和发展中国家之间正确答案:C 涉及知识点:对外贸易政策及理论依据4.按照差别待遇和特定的实施情况,关税可分为A.进口税、出口税和过境税局B.进口附加税、差价税、特惠税、普惠税C.从量税、从价税、混合税和选择税D.财政关税、保护关税正确答案:B 涉及知识点:国家实施贸易政策的措施5.关税同盟要求建立超国家机构,历史上典型的关税同盟是A.安第斯条约组织B.东南亚国家联盟C.南美共同市场D.欧洲经济共同体正确答案:D 涉及知识点:区域经济一体化6.在世界贸易组织的运行过程中,通过最惠同待遇、国民待遇、互惠待遇等条款体现的基本原则是A.贸易自由化原则B.非歧视性原则C.促进公平竞争原则D.对发展中国家特殊优惠原则正确答案:B 涉及知识点:世界贸易组织7.根据《2000通则》的规定,若按CFR术语成交则货物风险的划分A.以装运港货物越过船舷为界B.以装运港船边交货为界C.以货交第一承运人为界D.以目的港交货为界正确答案:A 涉及知识点:国际贸易术语与价格8.出口清关责任由买方承担的贸易术语是A.FCAB.FOBC.EXWD.FAS正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际贸易术语与价格9.航空货物运输中开展最为普遍的一种运输方式是A.包机运输B.集中托运C.班机运输D.航空急件传送正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际货物运输10.洗后再运至原定目的港所花费费用已超过服装的保险价值,则这批服装损失应属于A.单独海损B.共同海损C.实际全损D.推定全损正确答案:D 涉及知识点:国际货物运输保险11.在CIP条件下,卖方按惯例投保的保险金额一般是在合同价格的基础上加成A.5%投保B.10%投保C.5%一10%投保D.15%投保正确答案:B 涉及知识点:国际货物运输保险12.我公司以CIF条件出口一批货物,按《2000年通则》的规定,我方应替国外客户投保A.一切险B.水渍险C.平安险D.一切险加战争险正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际货物运输保险13.根据中国人民保险公司的海洋货物运输保险条款,下列险别中属于特别附加险的是A.黄曲霉素险B.平安险C.水渍险D.偷窃、提货不着险正确答案:A 涉及知识点:国际货物运输保险14.对买方而言,最好的支付方式为A.信用证B.即期付款交单C.远期付款交单D.承兑交单正确答案:D 涉及知识点:国际贸易货款的收付15.在国际贸易业务中,信用证的开证人通常是A.买方B.卖方C.买方的开户银行D.卖方的开户银行正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际贸易货款的收付16.下列检验证书中用于证明卖方所交货物质量状况的凭证是A.重量检验证书B.产地证明书C.财产价值鉴定证书D.品质检验证书正确答案:D 涉及知识点:国际贸易争议的预防和处理17.下列属卖方违约情况的是A.提供的货运单据份数不齐B.不按期开证C.不按合同规定如期派船D.合同条款规定欠妥正确答案:A 涉及知识点:国际贸易争议的预防和处理18.根据法院的判例,索赔的金额一般是A.实际损失B.商业利润C.实际损失加上预期的商业利润D.损失方要求数额正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际货物买卖合同的磋商与订立19.“XX公司:欲购美加净牙膏大号1万打,请报CIF价(签字)”,这份传真是A.询盘B.发盘C.还盘D.接受正确答案:A 涉及知识点:国际货物买卖合同的磋商与订立20.下列商品中,主要通过拍卖方式交易的商品是A.谷物B.原油C.有色金属D.茶叶正确答案:D 涉及知识点:国际分工与世界市场21.国际分工发展的基础是A.自然条件B.市场规模C.劳动规模D.国际生产关系正确答案:A 涉及知识点:国际分工与世界市场22.在贸易条约与协定中,全面规定两困间经济贸易关系,内容广泛,涉及缔约国之间经济贸易关系各个方面的是A.贸易议定B.通商航海条约C.支付协定D.国际商品协定正确答案:B 涉及知识点:国际贸易条约与协定23.在贸易条约与协定中,通常适用的法律待遇条款是A.最惠国待遇条款B.普惠制条款C.选择性保障条款D.授权条款正确答案:A 涉及知识点:国际贸易条约与协定24.世界贸易组织实行的最惠国待遇是A.有条件的最惠国待遇B.无条件的最惠国待遇C.“美洲式”最惠国待遇D.“亚洲式”最惠国待遇正确答案:B 涉及知识点:国际贸易条约与协定25.乌拉圭回合谈判达成的某个协议规定,所有参加方必须将一切非关税壁垒措施换成关税,实行关税化,这个协议是A.纺织品与服装贸易协议B.农产品协议C.服务贸易总协定D.民用航空器贸易协定正确答案:B 涉及知识点:国际贸易条约与协定。
浙江长征职业技术学院2009/2010学年第一学期《国际贸易概论》课程期末试卷(B卷)课程代码:05050109 考试形式:开卷考试时量:90分钟班级姓名学号一、名词解释(每小题5分,计20分)非关税壁垒专断的海关估价非歧视原则差价税二、单项选择题(每小题1分,计20分)5.主要指在产品生产或制造过程中为生产过程的顺利进行提供的服务的是( )。
A. 生产前服务B.生产后服务C. 生产服务D. 消费服务6.根据服务贸易产品使用生产要素的密集程度,可将服务贸易分为()。
A. 资本密集型服务B. 技术密集型服务C. 劳动密集型服务D. 知识密集型服务7. 在关税与贸易总协定乌拉圭回合服务贸易谈判期间,谈判小组曾经提出依据服务在商品中的属性进行服务贸易分类,据此服务贸易分为()。
A. 以商品形式存在的服务B. 对商品实物具有补充作用的服务C. 对商品实物形态具有替代功能的服务D. 具有商品属性却与其它商品无关联的服务9. 2004年8月达成的多哈回合框架协议决定在多哈回合启动( )谈判。
A. 贸易与投资B. 贸易与竞争政策C. 政府采购透明度D. 贸易便利化10.世贸组织( )部长级会议的重要成果是批准了中国加入世贸组织。
A. 新加坡B. 日内瓦C. 西雅图D. 多哈11.2001年是中国经济改革和开放的一个重要年份。
A. 141B. 142 43 D. 1441、对H-O理论的第一次实证检验的经济学家( )。
A. 大卫·李嘉图B. 亚当·斯密C. 里昂惕夫D. 托马斯·孟2.主要是指社会各阶层或各种生产要素在收入上的相对平衡的是( )。
A. 社会公平B. 国家安全C. 保护公平竞争论D. 保护就业论3. 赫克歇尔-俄林主张的贸易理论是( )。
A. 绝对优势理论B. 比较优势理论C. 要素禀赋理论D. 重商主义4. 不仅将不公平案的起诉权从总统下放到美国贸易代表(相当于外贸部长)手中,还要求贸易代表在每年4月30日将“不公平贸易国家”的名单递交国会的是( )。
3、在资本主义原始积累时期,出现了___ _______和______ ____之间最初分工形式。
三、选择题(1×15=15分)1、国际分工的形成阶段是-------------------------------------------------------( )A、12~13世纪B、14~15世纪C、16~18世纪D、18~19世纪2、国际贸易和世界市场的基础是-----------------------------------------------( )A、国际价值B、国际商品流动C、国际分工D、国际资本流动3、国际分工产生与发展的基础是------------------------------------------------( )A、人口规模B、国家的出现C、自然条件D、资本的国际化4、第一次工业革命,使国际分工进入到----------------------------------------( )A、萌芽阶段B、形成阶段C、发展阶段D、深化阶段5、国际分工形成与发展的决定因素是------------------------------------------( )A、自然条件B、上层建筑C、生产力发展水平D、资本国际化6、社会分工的前提条件是-------- ------------------------------------------------( )A、生产力的增长B、自然条件变化C、劳动规模D、市场规模7、在影响国际分工的诸因素中,国际分工深入发展的重要条件是-------( )A、社会生产力B、资本国际化C、国际生产关系D、上层建筑8、在资本原始积累时期,国际分工主要是在( )之间进行的。
2.复进口是(2)的变形,指____ ______(3)的本国货物(4)再输入。
6. _________(13)只提供国际分工的可能性,不提供__________(14),它们之间的转化需要一定的_____________(15),因而对于国际分工而言,__________(16)居于主导地位。
三、单项选择题(1×15=15分)1.一国一定时期内某种商品的进口量小于出口量称为 ( )。
A.贸易顺差 B.贸易逆差C.净出口 D.净进口2.真正能够反映一个国家对外贸易实际规模的指标是 ( )。
A.对外贸易量 B.对外贸易额C.对外贸易依存度 D.对外贸易值3.日本在汽车贸易方面出口量大于进口量,日本是汽车的()。
国际贸易货款的收付练习试卷2(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 必答题 2. 选答题 4. 论述题必答题在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求1.在国际贸易业务中,信用证的开证申请人通常是( )A.进口商B.卖方C.买方的开户银行D.卖方的开户银行正确答案:A解析:开证申请人是向开证行申请开立信用证的人,是信用证业务的发起人。
知识模块:国际贸易货款的收付2.在信用证方式下,通知银行的职责是( )A.通知受益人银行B.接受申请人委托,开立信用证C.买入跟单汇票并垫付资金D.实际支付货款正确答案:A解析:通知银行只证明信用证的真实性,并不承担其他义务。
知识模块:国际贸易货款的收付3.银行审单议付的依据是( )A.合同与信用证B.合同与单据C.单据与信用证D.信用证与委托书正确答案:C解析:银行审单议付的依据是单据与信用证。
知识模块:国际贸易货款的收付4.信用证开立的依据是( )A.汇票B.本票C.发票D.买卖合同正确答案:D解析:信用证的开立是以买卖合同作为依据,但信用证一经开出,就成为独立于买卖合同以外的另一种契约,不受买卖合同的约束。
知识模块:国际贸易货款的收付5.在实际业务中,承担信用证审证任务的当事人是( )A.银行和进出口公司B.银行C.受益人D.生产企业正确答案:C解析:在实际业务中,承担信用证审证任务的当事人是出口人。
知识模块:国际贸易货款的收付6.国际贸易中所使用的信用证绝大部分是( )A.光票信用证B.跟单信用证C.可撤销信用证D.保兑信用证正确答案:B解析:国际贸易所使用的信用证绝大部分是跟单信用证。
知识模块:国际贸易货款的收付7.贸易结算中的预支信用证和非贸易结算中的旅游信用证都属于( )A.跟单信用证B.光票信用证C.循环信用证D.议付信用证正确答案:B解析:光票信用证是指凭不附有单据的汇票付款的信用证。
Chapter 21.Choose the right answer from each of the following.1) Incoterms are a standard set of terms and abbreviations developed by _______.A. the International Law AssociationB. the International Chamber of CommerceC. the United Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentD. American commercial groups2) In the international trade practices regarding trade terms, which of the following is the most influential and widely used _______.A. Hague RulesB. Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932C. Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941D. Incoterms3) INCOTERMS2010 includes _________ trade terms.A.11B. 12 C 13 D.144) As far as risks taken by the seller are concerned,A. CIF is bigger than CFR.B. CIF is as the same as CFR.C. CFR is bigger than CIF.D. FOB is bigger than CFR.5) The term FOB should be followed by:A. point of originB. port of importationC. port of destinationD. port of shipment6) Under the trade term CFR, the _______ must contract for the cargo transport insurance.A. buyerB. sellerC. consignorD. carrier7)FOB, CIF and CFR terms should only be used for ________transport.A. sea and inland waterwayB. railC. airD. road8) Under term______, the buyer bears the loading cost.A. FOB Free InB. FOB TrimmedC. FOB StowedD. FOB Liner Terms9) Under term______, the buyer clears the goods for export.A. EXWB. FOBC. DAPD. DDP10) Which of the following prices quoted is correct?D1000 per M/T CIF USAB. USD 200 per ton CIFC3 New YorkC. USD150 per case CIFD. USD 100 per dozen CIFC3 New York2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.1) Under CFR, the seller must pay the usual freight rate and any additional costs that arise en route. ( )2) The terms FOB, CFR and CIF are applicable to all modes of transport. ( )3) Each term has a “liability point”, which means that costs and risks are all moved over to another party from that very point. ( )4) EXW contract is called "physical delivery" while CFR is “symbolic delivery”.( )5)Under CIF the seller also has to procure marine insurance against the buyer’s risk of lossof or damage to the goods during the carriage. ( )Chapter 31. Review and Discussion Questions1)How is packing of goods classified in international trade? What are some of themajor functions of each type of packing?2)Please describe the standardized form of shipping mark suggested by ISO?3)What is neutral packing? Why is it used in international trade?2. Choose the right answer from each of the following.1)________ , usually made of jute, are suitable for transporting such cargoes as cement, fertilizer, flour, animal feeding products, chemicals, etc.A. BalesB. SacksC. CartonsD. Cases2)________ are a kind of portable platforms intended for handling, storing, or movingmaterials and packages;A. Flexible containersB. Large metal containersC. Corrugated boxesD. Pallets3) ______ acts as “a silent salesman”.A. Shipping packingB. Shipping markC. Sales packingD. Neutral packing4) Neutral packing is chiefly used for _______different limitations and politicaldiscriminations of importing countries and regions.A. openingB. setting upC. setting asideD. breaking through5) _______ is composed of a specific geometric figure, abbreviations of consignee, the port ofdestination and the package number.A. Shipping markB. Indicative markC. Warning markD. No mark6) _______ , also called dangerous cargo marks, are used to remind the cargohandlers to take necessary safety measures.A. Indicative marksB. Warning marksC. Shipping marksD. Sales packing7) ________ are mainly used for transport packing of hazardous goods.A. Warning marksB. Shipping marksC. Indicative marksD. Subsidiary marks8) _______ should clearly stipulate the packing material, manner of packing, packing specification, packing expenses to be borne, shipping marks and so on.A. Quality clauseB. Quantity clauseC. Shipment clauseD. Packing clause9) According to international trade practice, shipping marks are usually designated by _________ and it is not necessary to specify them in the contract.A. the importerB. the exporterC. the carrierD. the forwarder3. Decide whether the following statements are true or false1) The primary function of sales packaging is to protect the product . ( )2) Transport packing is not only adopted as a form of protection to reduce the risks of goods being damaged in transit and prevent pilferage, but also used for the propose of promoting sales. ( )3) UPC and EAN are the two main bar codes used internationally. ( )4) Neutral packing is a kind of packing which only shows the origin of country and doesn’t show the name and address of the manufacturer. ( )5) Shipping marks are not only stenciled on the transport packing of cargoes but also appear on the commercial documents such as invoices, insurance policy or certificate, bills of lading, etc. ( )6) ISO has suggested a standardized form of shipping mark, which is composed of a specific geometric figure, abbreviations or initials of a consignee, the port of destination and the package number. ( )7) Requirements for shipping marks for road, railway and air transport are the same as those for ocean transport. ( )8) Generally speaking, the packing expenses are included in the price, and shall be borne by the exporter. ( )9) In international sales of goods, “seaworthy packing”, “customary packing” and “seller’s usual packi ng” are commonly used in the packing clause. They are favorable for the seller. ( )Chapter 41. Review and Discussion Questions1) What are the major types of transportation in international cargo transport?2) What are the characteristics of liner transport?3) What are the differences between voyage charter and time charter?4) What are the main functions of B/L?5) What main points are included in the clause of shipment2. Choose the right answer from each of the following.1) If items marked with “AD Val.”, the freight is to be calculated on the basis of _______ of the cargo concerned.A. weightB. price or valueC. measurementD. volume2) Freight under liner transportation _______.A. needs to stipulate demurrage and dispatch money between the shipper and the carrierB. does not include loading and unloading costC. consists of basic charges and additional chargesD. is collected based on gross weight of the goods3) Airway bill is NOT________.A. a transport contract between the consignor and the carrierB. a document for customs clearanceC. a document for bank negotiationD. a document of title4) ________is the most commonly used transportation mode, which occupies 2/3 of international transportationA. Railway transportationB. Maritime transportationC. Air transportationD. Parcel transportation5) In international trade, the importer often does not require_______.A. shipped B/LB. clean B/LC. blank B/LD. order B/L6) _______ can be transferred after endorsement.A. straight B/LB. blank B/LC. order B/LD. through B/L7) Multi-modal transport operator is responsible for _________.A. the first voyageB. the whole voyageC. the ocean transport C. the last voyage8) Under ______ character, the ship-owner only rents the charterer the boat.A. demiseB. timeC. voyageD. booking9) _____is suitable for conveying fresh, emergent and seasonal goods.A. scheduled airlinesB. chartered carrierC. consolidated consignmentD. liners10) ______ can be freely bought and sold just like commodities.A. Railway billB. Airway billC. Shipping adviceD. Ocean bill of lading11)Under time charter,the charterer is not liable for costs such as_______.A.fuel expenses B.crew wages C.port charges D.loading and unloading expenses12) When applying to CIF,the expression of ocean bill of lading freight is ____.A. freight prepaidB. freight collectC. freight paidD. freight unpaid13)The person to whom the goods are shipped is called _______.A.the consignorB.the consigneeC.the shipperD.the manufacturer14)When one of the original bills of lading was surrendered to the carrier, the others become_______.A.valid B.validity C.invalid D.invalidity15)_______ are those covering shipment between direct ports of loading and discharge. A.Sipped bills of lading B.Clean bills of ladingC.Straight bills of lading D.Direct bills of lading16)When the goods arrive at the port of destination, _____ issue an Arrival Notice to inform the Notify Party about the cargo discharge point and other information.A. shipperB. carrierC. receiverD. ship owner17)In the following expressions,________ are not the proper ways of stipulating time of shipment.A. Shipment on or about June 20,2005B. Shipment not later than July 31st ,2005C. Shipment on June 20,2005D. Shipment to be made immediately18)As a consolidator, the forwarder will provide the service in his own name and issuea _______. .A.master bill of ladingB.house bill of ladingC.straight bill of ladingD.sea waybill19)Which of the following costs are payable by the charterer under a time charter party. _______. A. bunker costs and demurrageB.hull insurance and port chargesC.port charges and bunker costsD.wages of crew and hull insurance20)Which of the following charter party forms is used in a voyage charter. _______ A.GENCON B.BALTIME C.NYPE D.BARECON21)Piggyback is a system of unitized multimodal land transport by _______.A.road and sea B.road and rail C.road and air D.road and road22)Laytime and demurrage clause normally appeared in the _______Charter Party.A. TimeB. VoyageC. BareboatD. TCT23)Which of the following terms on the B/L shows that the Bill of Lading is clean B/L? _______A. insufficient packingB. one carton shortC. in apparent good order and conditionD. missing safety seal24) Which of the following modes of container transport may not be FCL/FCL_______A.CY/CYB.DOOR/DOORC.DOOR/CYD.CFS/CFS25) The terms under which the shipowner is not responsible for loading and discharging stowage and trimming costs is_______A. FOBSTB. FIOSTC. FIOSD. FIO26)The_______is the most important document for air cargo transportation.A.B/LB.AWBC.SWBD.L/C3. Decide whether the following statements are true or false1) The loading and unloading charges are included in the freight of the liners. ( )2) In order to clarify who will bear the loading and unloading charges in voyage charter transportation, the clause “Free in and out”is set forth in the Voyage Charter Party. This means the charterer shall be responsible for both loading and unloading charges.( )3) Dispatch money is a fine imposed on the charterer for the delay in the loading andunloading of the goods. ( )4) Straight B/L can be transferred through endorsement. ( )5) A bill of lading is both a receipt for merchandise and an evidence of contract for carriage. ( )6) Advantages of containerization include less handling of cargo, more protection against pilferage, reduced cost of transportation.( )7) Order B/L can be transferred with or without endorsement. ( )8) In international multi-modal transportation, a multi-modal transport operator will issue a combined transport document and be responsible for the safe carriage of the whole voyage. ( )9)The port charges are payable by shipowner during the period of voyage charter. ()10)LCL/LCL denotes the container service where the shipper is responsible for stuffing and the carrier is responsible for stripping. ()11)When traders set the time for shipment in a contract,the exporter should consider whether he can get the goods ready before the shipment date and whether the ship is available if the goods are ready. ()12) The date marked on the B/L is the date on which the carrier takes delivery of the goods. ()13)Tramp service is a carrier who operates a regular scheduled service. The vessels are usually chartered at negotiated rates,particularly when the quantity of cargo is large.()14)The Voyage chartering party includes the payment of dispatch and demurrage. ()15)Normally tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand.( )16)Under the voyage chartering, the shipowner is responsible for the fixed running expenses as well as for the voyage expenses.( )17)Specific Commodity Rates are normally lower than General Cargo Rates in air cargo transportation.( )18)Time of Shipment refers to the time limit for loading the goods at the port of shipment.19)Time chartering means that the charterer hires the vessel for a period of time without crew. ()20)The V oyage Charter means that the vessel is put at the disposal of the Charterer for a certain period employment without any crew. )21)Straight Bill of Lading are not negotiable and cannot be transferred to third parties.( )22)One of the advantages in multimodal transport is to minimize time loss at transshipment point.( )23)Usually, an Air Way bill is non-negotiable, that is, the goods must be sent to the consignee titled in the Air Waybill.( )Chapter 51.Choose the right answer from each of the following.1)This bid is ______ your reply reaching us within 15 working days from today.A up toB subject toC subjecting toD subjected to2)Our offer can only be left______ for five days, so you’d better e-mail us your acceptance.A acceptanceB correctC definiteD open3)Please reply to our inquiry ______ your earliest convenience.A byB uponC forD at4)Please note that our offer remains valid ______ July 15 for your acceptance.A. forB. onC. inD. until5) We find your quotation ______ men's shirts much too high.A. onB. forC. atD. to6)Bob is _______ the market for your new product, why don’t you call him right now?A atB inC seekingD entering7)a definite offer will be _______ on the offerer if the offer is accepted by the offeree.A. boundB. bindedC. boundedD. binding2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false1)It is a widely accepted rule in international trade that silence and inactivity on the part of offeree constitute acceptance( )2)If an offer does not indicate the offerer’s clear reservation about the validity, then the offer shall be regarded as a definite offer3)According to the Convention, an offer becomes valid as soon as it is dispatch.4)According to Convention, an offer should not be regarded as a definite offer unless it expressly indicates all the details relating to the transaction, including the validity for acceptance and the phrase to indicate finality.5)According to Convention, under no circumstances can an offer be revoked once it is made by the offerer.( )6)When accepting an offer, there should be no any material modification, addition or restriction in the acceptance. Otherwise such an offer would be regarded as a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counteroffer.()Chapter 61. Review and Discussion Questions1) What payment instruments are used in international trade?2) What is the difference between a bill of exchange and a promissory note?3) Describe the types of remittance and their advantages and disadvantages.4) What is the difference between clean collection and documentary collection?5) Describe the types of documentary collection.6) What is L/C? Which type of L/C is commonly used?7) What is the relationship between the L/C and the sales contract?2.Choose the right answer from each of the following.1) A draft is like a check that can be endorsed but it isn't a title to goods, like ______.A. a bill of ladingB. an inspection certificateC. a certificate of originD. an insurance certificate2) Documentary credit seeks ______ from the bank.A. guaranteeB. no guaranteeC. no protectionD. insurance3) The most common and safest payment method for international sales transactions is__________.A. Cash in AdvanceB. RemittanceC. CollectionD. L/C4) A bank informs the beneficiary that another bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor.The bank informing the beneficiary does not add its engagement. This bank is acting as________.A. an advising bankB. a confirming bankC. an issuing bankD. a negotiation bank5) A collecting bank is employed by ______.A.the principalB.the remitting bankC.the drawerD.the drawee6) The documentary collection provides the seller with a greater degree of protection than shipping on ______A.Open accountB.Banker’s letter of guaranteeC.Banker’s draftD.Documentary credit7) In what circumstances would the beneficiary of a confirmed documentary credit not receive payment? ______.A.Failure of the applicantB.Failure of the issuing bankC.Failure to fulfill the credit termsD.Failure to fulfill the commercial contract8)In a documentary credit transaction, payment is made in exchange for:A. goodsB. shipping documentsC. commercial invoiceD. bill of exchange9)These are four main methods of securing payment in international trade:(1) payment under documentary credit(2) open account(3) collection, that is document against payment or acceptance of a bill of exchange(4) payment in advanceFrom an exporter's point of view, the order of preference is ______.A. (4) , (2) , (3) , (1)B. (4) , (1) , (3) , (2)C. (4) , (3) , (1) , (2)D. (2) , (4) , (1) , (3)11) In terms of the risk for the exporter to get payment, the risk of the paymentmethods from the highest to the least is:A. L/C, D/P, D/A, and OAB. OA, D/A, D/P and L/CC. L/C, D/A, D/P and OAD. L/C, OA, D/A and D/P12) Under _________, the importer borrows the shipping documents from the collectingbank and takes the goods. When the draft matures, he effects payment.A. D/P at sightB. D/P after sightC. D/AD. D/D13) According to UCP600, which of the following documents must be issued /drawn bythe beneficiary unless otherwise stipulated by the Credit?A. draftB. B/LC. inspection certificateD. insurance policy14) If a buyer has goods delivered to him in installments at specified intervals, ________is often used so as to simplify formalities and reduce expensesA. a back-to-back L/CB. a revolving L/CC. a standby L/CD. a deferred payment L/C3.Decide whether the following statements are true or false1) In export business, the exporter generally chooses soft currency and in import, hetries to use hard currency. ( )2) Most of the promissory notes in use today are issued by individuals rather than bybanks. ( )3) A draft involves three parties: the drawer, the drawee and the payee. ( )4) The letter of credit is usually forwarded to the exporter by the importer. ( )5) Of the three types of remittance, T/T is most commonly used because of the fast speed.( )6) Remittance belongs to commercial credit while collection and letter of credit belong tobanker’s credit. ( )7) A clean L/C is favoured by the importers in international trade, because if it is used,the importers run no risks. ( )8)The exporter will run more risks to adopt D/A at 30 days sight than D/P at 30 days aftersight. ( )9) A standby L/C is different from a documentary L/C because under the documentary L/C,the issuing bank holds itself responsible for the payment of the goods, but under a standby L/C, the issuing bank holds itself responsible only after the applicant has not fulfilled its obligations. ( )10) In the context of international trade, the drawer and payer is usually the seller and thedrawee and payee is usually the buyer.( )11) A check is always paid upon presentation. ( )Chapter 71. Review and Discussion Questions.1) What are the fundamental principles of insurance?2) What are the major types of risks in marine cargo transport?3) What’s the difference between General Average and Particular Average?4) What are the major types of basic risks coverage and additional risks coverage?5) Explain the scope of coverage of F.P.A. and W.P.A.?6) What is W/W Clause?7) What is the difference between the insurance policy and insurance certificate?8) How to choose the right insurance coverage?2. Choose the right answer from each of the following.1) ________is defined as loss arising in the consequence of extraordinary and intentionalsacrifice made, or expenses incurred, for the common safety of the ship and cargo.A.Particular average B.General averageC.Without average D.With average2)Which of the following risks is not covered by the All Risks coverage of marine cargo transport insurance_______.A. delayB. floodC. lightningD. heavy weather3)WPA is one of the ______.A. basic risksB. additional risksC. special additional risksD. general additional risks4)Which of the following risks is not covered by the AR coverage of marine cargo transport insurance?A. marine perilsB. strandingC. pilferageD. inherent vice5) The insurer is not responsible for partial loss of or damage to cargo caused by natural calamities under the( )A.W AB.FPAC. All RisksD.Institute Cargo Clauses (A)6) In insurance, the party who insures others against possible loss or damage and promises to effect payment in case of loss or damage is called the _______A. insuredB. consigneeC. insurerD. consignor7) The All Risks of marine cargo transport insurance covers risks of__________.A. war and strikeB. general averageC. inherent vice of goodsD. stranding of ship8) Under the trade term CFR, the _______ must contract for the cargo transport insurance.A. buyerB. sellerC. consignorD. carrier9) General perils refer to natural ________and fortuitous accidents.A. calamitiesB. damagesC. lossesD. franchises10) Which of the following insurance coverage does not cover total loss of to cargo caused by earthquake or lightning? ( )A. W AB.FPAC. Institute Cargo Clause(B)D. Institute Cargo Clause(C)11)Which of the following risks are covered by the All Risks coverage of PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses?A. war and fireB. strike and delayC. aflatoxin and on deckD. heavy weather and fire3.Decide whether the following statements are true or false1) An insurance contract is essentially a contract between the insurer and the insured. ( )2) The amount of money the insurer agrees to cover by insurance against the subject matter is the insured amount, which is normally 110% of CIF value of the consignment. ( )3) Under CIF term, the seller has to procure insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage. ( )4) FPA coverage does not include total losses resulting from specific accidents, like an earthquake. ( )5) Special additional coverage such as war risks, strikes and so on must be taken out together with F.P.A. .W.A. or A.R. ( )6) General average and salvage charges are covered both in FPA and WA coverage. ( )7) A.R. does not cover risks of war and special additional risks but cover the general additional risks. ( )8) Three types of risks are covered by ocean marine insurance, namely the perils of the sea, the extraneous risks and the force majeure. ( )9) If you have insured your goods against A.R., you will get compensated whatever risks occurs to your goods. ( )10) A.R. covers all losses and damages to the goods caused by perils of the sea and extraneous risks.11)Ocean marine insurance covers two types of losses, partial loss and total loss. ( )12)Partial loss or damage is never recoverable with W A. ( )13)In ocean marine insurance, general average is to be borne by the carrier, who may, upon presentation of evidence of the loss, recover the loss from the underwriter. ( )14)In ocean marine insurance, the assured can recover more than actual loss provided that he can provide evidence of further losses contingent on the actual loss. ( )Chapter 81. Review and Discussion Questions1) Why must there be the inspection clause in international trade contracts? What does the inspection clause generally include?2) Please explain the three major ways of stipulating the place and time of inspection.3) How disputes are settled in international trade?4) What are some of the major characteristics of a force majeure event?5) Please give examples of three ways to set the scope of force majeure.6) Why is arbitration a commonly used settlement of disputes in international trade?2.Choose the right answer from each of the following.1. The necessary precondition of settling disputes by arbitration is that_______.A. there must be a sales contract between the disputing partiesB. there must be an arbitration agreement between the disputing partiesC. there must be mediation taking place firstD. there must be litigation taking place first2) Which of the following statements is not true about a force majeure event?A. A force majeure event may occur before the conclusion of the contractB. A force majeure event may lead to cancellation of the contract or delayed performance of the contractC. A force majeure event can be caused by natural forcesD. A force majeure event can be caused by social forces3) The most widely used way of stipulating the place and time of inspection in the contract is _______.A. shipping quality and weightB. landed quality and weightC. inspection at the port of shipment and re-inspection at the port of destinationD. shipping quantity and landed quality4) The award of arbitration is usually ______.A. finalB. not binding on all partiesC. amendableD. rejective5) Which of the following events is usually stipulated in the contract as force majeure?A. warB. rise of priceC. manufacturer’s refusal to supply to the sellerD. late delivery6) Generally, there is/are _____ way(s) to stipulate “force majeure” clauses.A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 47) Which of the following is governmental inspection body? _______A. Underwriter’s LaboratoryB. Lloyd’s SurveyorC. Food and Drugs AdministrationD. Societe General De Surveillance8) Which of the following is not true about the features of arbitration? _____A. The litigants should submit themselves voluntarily to an arbitrator.B. An arbitration agreement in written form between the parties concerned is prerequisite for arbitration.C. The aware is final and binding on both parties.D. Once the arbitration body is chosen, there is no need to stipulate the rule of arbitration procedure in the arbitration agreement because the rule of the arbitration body is applicable3. Decide whether the following statements are true or false1) For one contract, only one method and one standard should be used to ensure consistency in inspection. ( )2) Arbitration can be used to settle criminal cases as well as civil cases. ( )3) Usually an arbitration tribunal can consist of one, two or three arbitrators. ( )4) An arbitration award must be in written form with or without explanations or reasons. ( ) 7) When the departure term (EXW) is used, the commodity should be inspected at the factory or warehouse where the delivery is made. ( )8) If shipping quality is used in inspection, the inspection must be conducted at the seller’s factory only. ( )9) The party who suffers a force majeure event can decide to terminate the contract without notice to the other party. ( )。
期末考试试卷二一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分)1.假远期信用证的远期汇票利息由( )负担。
A.受益人B.议付行C.付款行D.开证人2.信用证的到期地点应视信用证规定而定,在我国外贸实务中,通常使用的到期地点为( )。
A.出口地B.进口地C.第三地D.开证行所在地3.交易磋商的两个基本环节是( )。
A.询盘、接受B.发盘、签合同C.接受、签合同D.发盘、接受4.在交易磋商中,有条件的接受是( )。
A.还盘的一种形式B.接受的一种形式C.发盘的一种形式D.发盘的邀请5.卖方可向买方催证的情况为( )。
A.买方提前备货B.买方拖延开证C.合同刚刚签订D.汇率变化6.我国出具不可抗力事故证明的机构为( )。
A.商会B.仲裁机构C.商检局D.贸促会7.下列哪个为索赔的依据( )。
A.货损、公司、L/CB.货损、商检证、L/CC.货损、合同、商检证D.商检证、保险单、发票8.在CIF出口贸易中,由于码头工人野蛮装运导致货物包装破损,收货后买方应找索赔方为( )。
A.ICC(A)B.ICC(B)C.ICC(C)D.ICC(D)10.使用托收方式时,托收行和代收行在贷款收进方面( )。
A.没有责任B.承担部分责任C.有责任D.视情况分析11.在以规格与样品同时使用的出口贸易中,国外买方验货的质量依据一般为( )。
A.规格B.样品C.规格和样品D.规格或样品12.英美法系中达到与大陆法系处理违约金过高的同样效果的方法是( )。
A.预约赔偿金B.罚金C.两者均是D.两者均不是13.不可转让的汇票,其收款人应为( )。
A.指示性抬头B.限制性抬头C.持票人抬头D.某人抬头14.对卖方延迟交货常用的救济方法有( )。
A.实际履行和解除合同B.实际履行和损害赔偿C.解除合同和损害赔偿D.购买替代货物和损害赔偿15.报关时提交的单据主要有( )。
真题考试:2022 国际贸易理论与实务真题及答案(2)
![真题考试:2022 国际贸易理论与实务真题及答案(2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9d095138974bcf84b9d528ea81c758f5f61f2934.png)
真题考试:2022 国际贸易理论与实务真题及答案(2)共162道题1、下列关于比较优势理论的叙述,正确的是(单选题)A. 由亚当•斯密提出B. 属于新古典贸易理论C. 一国如果在某种产品生产上具有比别国更高的劳动生产率,那么该国在该种产品生产上就具有比较优势D. 只要各国存在劳动生产率的相对差异,就会出现产品生产成本的相对差异试题答案:D2、最惠国待遇条款和国民待遇条款体现的是关税与贸易总协定的(单选题)A. 非歧视原则B. 关税减让原则C. 一般禁止数量限制原则D. 公平竞争原则试题答案:A3、销售代理协议最为重要的一项条款是 ( ) (单选题)A. 非竞争条款B. 佣金条款C. 售后服务条款D. 最低成交额条款试题答案:B4、采用国际铁路联运运送货物时,卖方凭以向买方结算货款的货运单据是 ( ) (单选题)A. 运单正本B. 运单副本C. 运行报单D. 货物交付单试题答案:B5、凭不附有单据的汇票付款的信用证是(单选题)A. 可撤销信用证B. 对开信用证C. 光票信用证D. 保兑信用证试题答案:C6、关于发盘的撤回与撤销,下列说法正确的是(单选题)A. 撤回发生在发盘生效后,撤销发生在发盘生效前B. 撤回发生在发盘生效前,撤销发生在发盘生效后C. 两者都发生在发盘生效前D. 两者都发生在发盘生效后试题答案:B7、税额与商品价格的涨落成正比关系的关税征收方式是( ) (单选题)A. 从量税B. 复合税C. 选择税D. 从价税试题答案:D8、下列属于商业信用的支付方式有 ( )(多选题)A. 即期信用证B. 远期信用证C. 电汇D. 信汇E. 付款交单试题答案:C,D,E9、《2010通则》中卖方承担责任最大的贸易术语是(单选题)A. EXWB. CIFC. DATD. DDP试题答案:D10、根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,下列属于交易磋商中必不可少的环节是(单选题)A. 询盘B. 还盘C. 发盘D. 签订书面合同试题答案:C11、下列术语中买方承担的风险、责任和费用最大的是( ) (单选题)A. CIFB. DDPC. EXWD. FOB试题答案:C12、下列结算方式中,对出口方而言风险最小的是 ( ) (单选题)A. 即期信用证B. 赊账交易C. 付款交单D. 承兑交单试题答案:A13、由设备供应方向设备进口方承诺购买一定数量或金额的由该设备直接生产出来的产品,这种补偿贸易的做法称为(单选题)A. 间接产品补偿B. 直接产品补偿C. 劳务补偿D. 多边补偿试题答案:B14、下列支付方式中属于商业信用的是 ( ) (单选题)A. 电汇B. 假远期信用证C. 跟单信用证D. 光票信用证试题答案:A15、选择销售代理时,应注意的事项有(多选题)A. 选择国外代理的渠道和考查B. 选择国外代理商的标准C. 选择合适的寄售地点D. 选择合适的代销人E. 慎重选择经销商试题答案:A,B16、在总配额内按国别或地区分配给固定的配额,这种配额的分配方式是 ( ) (单选题)A. 全球配额B. 关税配额C. 国别配额D. 总配额试题答案:C17、成员方之间完全废除关税与数量限制,建立统一对外关税,允许生产要素跨国界自由流动的区域经济一体化形式是(单选题)A. 优惠贸易安排B. 自由贸易区C. 关税同盟D. 共同市场试题答案:D18、下列欧盟机构中代表成员国利益的是(单选题)A. 欧洲理事会B. 欧洲议会C. 欧洲法院D. 欧盟委员会试题答案:A19、目前我国的货物出口结构,按《联合国国际贸易标准分类》比重最高的是(单选题)A. 食品B. 机械及运输设备C. 化工产品D. 劳动密集型产品试题答案:B20、下列支付方式中,属于商业信用的有(多选题)A. 信用证B. 跟单托收C. 信汇D. 票汇E. 电汇试题答案:B,C,D,E21、下列价格条款中,表述正确的有(多选题)A. 每公吨200美元FOB重庆B. 每箱50元CIF英国C. 每台300欧元CF伦敦D. 每辆40美元CFR纽约E. 2000日元CIF东京试题答案:A,C,D22、下列不属于非关税措施的是(单选题)A. 国内税B. 进口最低限价C. 差价税D. 协议配额试题答案:C23、在我国国际贸易业务中,最常用的、比较公平合理的商品检验办法是(单选题)A. 在进口国检验B. 在出口国检验C. 出口国检验、进口国复验D. 装运港检验重量、目的港检验品质试题答案:C24、在电子商务中,消费者利用互联网直接参与经济活动的形式是(单选题)A. B2BB. B2GC. B2CD. C2A试题答案:C25、根据《跟单信用证统一惯例600》的规定,如果合同和信用证的装运条款中没有明确规定是否允许分批和转船,则( ) (单选题)A. 不允许分批,不允许转船B. 不允许分批,允许转船C. 允许分批,允许转船D. 允许分批,不允许转船试题答案:C26、下列价格条款中,表述正确的有(多选题)A. 每公吨200美元FOB重庆B. 每箱50元CIF英国C. 每台300欧元CF伦敦D. 每辆40美元CFR纽约E. 2000日元CIF东京试题答案:A,C,D27、根据《跟单信用证统一惯例600》的规定,如果合同和信用证的装运条款中没有明确规定是否允许分批和转船,则( ) (单选题)A. 不允许分批,不允许转船B. 不允许分批,允许转船C. 允许分批,允许转船D. 允许分批,不允许转船试题答案:C28、在班轮运价表中用字母“M”表示的计收标准为(单选题)A. 按货物毛重计收B. 按货物体积计收C. 按商品价格计收D. 按货物件数计收试题答案:B29、在信用证支付方式下,将信用证通知受益人的是(单选题)A. 开证行B. 通知行C. 保兑行D. 付款行试题答案:B30、缮制结汇单据时应做到 ( )(多选题)A. 正确B. 完整C. 及时D. 简明E. 整洁试题答案:A,B,C,D,E31、适用于生丝、羊毛和棉花等经济价值较高、含水量又极不稳定的商品的计重方法是 ( ) (单选题)A. 毛重B. 净重C. 公量D. 理论重量试题答案:C32、在我国国际贸易业务中,最常用的、比较公平合理的商品检验办法是(单选题)A. 在进口国检验B. 在出口国检验C. 出口国检验、进口国复验D. 装运港检验重量、目的港检验品质试题答案:C33、唯一可以享有利用信用证支取款项权利的人是( ) (单选题)A. 开证行B. 开证申请人C. 受益人D. 承兑人试题答案:C34、下列属于保护贸易理论的有(多选题)A. 重商主义B. 绝对优势理论C. 比较优势理论D. 中心一外围论E. 保护幼稚工业论试题答案:A,D,E35、根据联合国贸易与发展会议列举的非关税措施,下列属于技术性非关税措施的是(单选题)A. 反倾销B. 反补贴C. 专营D. 绿色壁垒试题答案:D36、下列结算方式中,对卖方而言风险最大的是(单选题)A. 预付货款B. 跟单信用证C. 付款交单D. 承兑交单试题答案:D37、为了便于运输、仓储和验关工作的进行,避免错发错运,在运输包装上印刷简单的图形、文字和数字,称为(单选题)A. 指示性标志B. 安全标志C. 警告性标志D. 运输标志试题答案:D38、根据汇出行向汇入行发出汇款委托的方式,汇付可以分为(多选题)A. 汇款B. 跟单托收C. 信汇D. 票汇E. 电汇试题答案:C,D,E39、《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》认为,构成根本性违约时,受害方(单选题)A. 可解除合同,并提出损害赔偿B. 只能提出损害赔偿C. 可解除合同,不能提出损害赔偿D. 不能解除合同,也不能提出损害赔偿试题答案:A40、在国际贸易中,最常见的重量计算方法是(单选题)A. 毛重B. 净重C. 公量D. 理论重量试题答案:B41、目前我国货物出口中,比重最大的是 ( ) (单选题)A. 初级产品B. 机械与运输设备C. 化工产品D. 劳动密集型产品试题答案:B42、既有自愿性,又有强制性的解决争议的方式是 ( ) (单选题)A. 协商B. 调解C. 仲裁D. 诉讼试题答案:C43、最惠国待遇条款和国民待遇条款体现的是关税与贸易总协定的(单选题)A. 非歧视原则B. 关税减让原则C. 一般禁止数量限制原则D. 公平竞争原则试题答案:A44、我方8月19日发盘,限8月21日复到有效。
(╳)三、选择题(每⼩题1分,共15分)1、能够⽐较确切地反映⼀国对外贸易实际规模,便于各个时期进⾏⽐较的是(D )A.贸易顺差B.对外贸易额C.对外贸易商品结构D.对外贸易量2、亚当斯密的国际分⼯理论是(A )A.绝对优势理论B.⽐较优势理论C.机会成本学说D.边际成本学说4、共同市场在关税同盟的基础上,实现了(B )A. 对外统⼀的关税税率B.⽣产要素的⾃由流动C. 制定某些经济社会政策D.货物的⾃由流动5、某国的国民⽣产总值为2万亿美元,商品进⼝值为1200亿美元,出⼝值为800亿美元,则该国对外贸易依存度为(A )A. 10%B. 11%C. 12%D. 9%6、经济同盟与共同市场相⽐,不同之处在于(C )A.实现货物的⾃由移动B.实现⽣产要素的⾃由移动C.制定和执⾏统⼀对外的某些共同的经济与社会政策D.政策完全⼀致7、在商品价格下降的情况下,加强了关税保护作⽤的税收是(B )A.从价税B.从量税C.选择税D.混合税8、贸易顺差是指(A )A.出⼝总额⼤于进⼝总额B.进⼝总额⼤于出⼝总额C.国际收⽀为正D.国际收⽀为负9、以1990年为基期,2000年某国的进⼝商品价格指数为120,出⼝价格指数为144,则该国的净贸易条件为(A )A. 1.2B. 0.83C. 1.1D. 1.310、各国征收反倾销税的⽬的在于(A )A.抵制商品倾销,保护本国的市场与⼯业B.防⽌本国商品不顾成本到国外倾销C.保护本国出⼝商的利益D.保护本国进⼝商的利益11、我国正式加⼊世界贸易组织的⽇期是(C )A. 2001年11⽉9⽇B. 1997年10⽉1⽇C. 2001年12⽉11⽇D. 1999年11⽉15⽇12、世界贸易组织正式成⽴的⽇期为(C )A. 1948年4⽉23⽇B. 1965年7⽉11⽇C. 1995年1⽉1⽇D. 1999年11⽉5⽇13、关境与国境的关系是关境(D )国境A.⼤于B.等于C.⼩于D.⼤于、等于、⼩于14、关贸总协定规定缔约⽅保护本国产品的⼿段只能是(B )A.数量限制B.关税C.⾮关税措施D.限制进⼝15、以低于国内价格甚⾄低于成本价格,在某⼀国外市场上倾销商品,在打垮⼤部分竞争对⼿,垄断市场后,再提⾼价格,这种倾销⽅式是(B )A.偶然性倾销B.掠夺性倾销C.长期性倾销D.永久性倾销四、名词解释(第1—7个名词,每词3分,第8个名词4分,共25分。
()A 非关税B 关税C价格 D 垄断2、北美自由贸易区成员国包括。
()A 美国加拿大B 美国加拿大墨西哥C 美国南美洲D 美国中南美洲3、设A、B、C三国对进口小麦征税如下,A国15%,B国12%,C国11%结盟后,内部关税免税,对外A国征收10%进口税,B国征收12%,C国征收15%。
则这种形成的一体化是()A 优惠贸易安排B 自由贸易区C 关税同盟D 共同市场4、总协定规定缔约国原则上应取消()A 是最惠国待遇B 数量限制C 国民待遇D 关税措施5、出口方银行直接向外国的进口厂商或进口方银行提供的货款叫()A 卖方信贷B 买方信贷C 短期信贷D 中期信贷6、以占领、垄断和掠夺国外市场,获取高额利润为目的的商品倾销方式是()A 偶然性倾销B 间歇性倾销C 长期性倾销D 社会性倾销7、不是鼓励出口的措施有()A 出口信贷B 商品倾销C 外汇管制D 出口信贷国家担保制E 出口补贴8、在一定时期内对某些商品的进口数量或金额规定最高额数,超过者便不准进口叫()A 绝对配额B 全球关税配额C 国别关税配额D 关税配额9、进口限额针对某些商品的进口加以直接限制。
自考公共课考试:2022 国际贸易真题及答案(2)
![自考公共课考试:2022 国际贸易真题及答案(2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2b8eb72aba68a98271fe910ef12d2af90242a8c2.png)
自考公共课考试:2022 国际贸易真题及答案(2)共174道题1、下列选项中,属于企业市场营销价格的有(多选题)A. 出口报价B. 国外市场定价C. 协议价格D. 调拨价格E. 倾销价格试题答案:A,B,C,D,E2、国际贸易条约与协定的结构同其他国际条约一样,一般包括(多选题)A. 序言B. 正文C. 条约和协定的有效期D. 签字目期E. 代表签字试题答案:A,B,C,D,E3、根据商品移动的方向,对外贸易可以分为 ()(多选题)A. 出口贸易B. 进口贸易C. 过境贸易D. 复出口与复进口E. 净出口与净进口试题答案:A,B,C,D,E4、按供求关系区分,在供过于求时,形成(单选题)A. 卖方市场B. 买方市场C. 寡头市场D. 垄断市场试题答案:B5、国际标准化组织为保护全球环境和世界经济持续发展而制订的系列环境管理标准是(单选题)A. IS014000B. SA8000C. ASOUN9000D. IS09001试题答案:A6、卖方在指定的地区范围和期限内,把指定的商品出售给指定的买方,这是(单选题)A. 包销B. 代理C. 寄售D. 拍卖试题答案:A7、下列世界市场价格种类中,不属于代表价格的是 () (单选题)A. 成交价格B. 交易所价格D. 出口报价试题答案:D8、下列选项中,属于国际贸易发展动因的有(多选题)A. 生产方式的要求B. 经济发展阶段的差异C. 各国经济资源禀赋相同D. 各国之间生产要素缺乏流动性E. 经济全球化与规模经济试题答案:A,B,D,E9、国际生产折中理论所强调的优势不包括 () (单选题)A. 所有权优势B. 内部化优势C. 管理权优势D. 区位优势试题答案:C10、下列内容中,一般不属于国际贸易条约组成部分的是 () (单选题)A. 序言B. 正文C. 约尾D. 附件试题答案:D11、荷兰式拍卖属于(单选题)A. 增价拍卖C. 密封拍卖D. 按箱拍卖试题答案:B12、下列世界市场价格种类中,不属于代表价格的是 () (单选题)A. 成交价格B. 交易所价格C. 拍卖价格D. 出口报价试题答案:D13、海关在计征各种商品的关税时,以课税对象的价值量为课税标准,这是 () (单选题)A. 从量税B. 从价税C. 混合税D. 选择税试题答案:B14、根据《建立世界知识产权组织公约》,知识产权包括(多选题)A. 关于文学、艺术及科学作品有关的权利B. 关于在一切领域中因人的努力而产生的发明C. 关于科学发展的权利D. 关于工业品式样的权利E. 关于制止不正当竞争的权利试题答案:A,B,C,D,E15、按供求关系区分,在供不应求时,形成(单选题)A. 卖方市场B. 买方市场C. 寡头市场D. 垄断市场试题答案:A16、某国大豆进口关税的从量税率为l00美元,吨,从价税率为l0%,并且该关税的类别是混合税。
国际贸易考试试题一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 国际贸易中,"FOB"条款指的是:A. 货物交付买方B. 卖方负责运输到指定港口C. 卖方负责货物装船D. 买方负责货物装船2. 以下哪项不是世界贸易组织(WTO)的基本原则?A. 非歧视原则B. 互惠原则C. 贸易自由化D. 贸易保护主义3. 汇率变动对国际贸易的影响不包括:A. 影响出口商品的价格竞争力B. 影响进口商品的成本C. 影响跨国公司的投资决策D. 直接提高或降低国内生产总值(GDP)4. 以下哪个术语属于国际贸易术语解释通则(Incoterms)?A. EXWB. DDPC. CPTD. 以上都是5. 贸易保护主义通常不包括以下哪种措施:A. 关税壁垒B. 配额限制C. 出口补贴D. 投资自由化6. 国际贸易中,"CIF"条款中"I"代表:A. Insurance(保险)B. Information(信息)C. Import(进口)D. International(国际)7. 多边贸易体系的优势不包括:A. 减少贸易壁垒B. 促进贸易自由化C. 增强国家间的经济依赖D. 降低交易成本8. 以下哪项不是贸易顺差的影响因素?A. 国内生产成本B. 国内消费水平C. 国际市场的需求D. 国内储蓄率9. 贸易平衡是指:A. 出口总额等于进口总额B. 出口总额大于进口总额C. 出口总额小于进口总额D. 以上都不是10. 经济一体化对国际贸易的影响不包括:A. 促进区域内贸易增长B. 减少区域内贸易壁垒C. 增加区域外贸易壁垒D. 促进全球贸易增长二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 以下哪些因素可能影响国际贸易的交易成本?A. 运输成本B. 保险费用C. 信息不对称D. 政治风险12. 贸易自由化可能带来的负面影响包括:A. 国内产业的保护B. 国内失业增加C. 贸易逆差扩大D. 贸易顺差减少13. 以下哪些属于国际贸易中的支付方式?A. 信用证B. 托收C. 直接汇款D. 现金交易14. 以下哪些因素可能影响汇率的波动?A. 货币政策B. 国际贸易收支C. 政治稳定性D. 经济预期15. 贸易保护主义可能带来的后果包括:A. 贸易伙伴的报复性措施B. 国内消费者成本增加C. 国际贸易环境恶化D. 国内产业竞争力提升三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)16. 请简述国际贸易中常见的贸易壁垒有哪些,并说明它们对国际贸易的影响。
三、单项选择题(每个1分,共15分)1、新贸易保护主义出现和加强有着深厚的经济和政治原因,其一是主要工业发达国家的对外贸易发展不平衡,美国贸易( )急剧上升,成为新贸易保护主义的重要发源地。
A、出口额B、顺差C、逆差D、出口指数2、一国把自己生产的商品输往国外市场销售,称为( )A、出口贸易B、进口贸易C、国际贸易D、国内贸易3、协议配额是由双方协商确定,通常不会引起轰动( )的反感于报复,并可使出口国对于配额的实施有所谅解与配合,较易执行。
A、资本密集型产品B、劳动密集型产品C、技术密集型产品D、成本密集型产品6、晚期重商主义认为增加一国财富的手段就是发展对外贸易,但必须遵循的原则是卖给外国人的商品总值应( )购买他们的商品总值,从而通过每年的贸易顺差来增加货币流入量,“货币生产贸易,贸易会增多货币”,只有输出货币才能输入更多的货币、A、小于B、大于C、等于D、不等于7、从价税=商品( )×从价税率A、重量B、质量C、数量D、总值8、目前世界上经济一体化程度最高的组织是( )A、美加墨自由贸易区B、欧洲联盟(欧盟)C、亚太经合组织D、东南亚国家联盟9、影响国际分工的决定因素( )A、自然条件B、人口、生产规模及市场规模C、资本输出与资本流动D、社会生产力水平10、关贸总协定在数量限制上的原则是( )A、禁止数量限制B、一般禁止数量限制,但规定一些例外C、允许全面实施数量限制D、除纺织品外,其他均不允许11、在发放进口配额时不能贯彻国别政策的配额有( )A、全球配额B、国别配额C、自由配额D、协议配额12、李斯特幼稚工业保护论认为,限制进口的最终目的是( )A、维持国内垄断高价B、保护国内所有产业市场C、防止外国低价倾销D、发展本国生产力,以利竞争13、某国1988年国民生产总值为1200亿美元同年该国出口贸易为240亿美元进口贸易额为200亿美元、这一年该国贸易依存度为( )A、出口贸易依存度为16.6%B、进口贸易依存度为20%C、对外贸易依存度为36.6%D、对外贸易依存度为16.6%14、国际商品协定的主要对象是( )A、发展中国家的制成品B、发展中国家的初级产品C、发达国家的制成品D、发达国家的初级产品15、某国政府规定,1994年从中国进口布鞋不得超过100万双,这种限制称为( )A、关税配额B、全球配额C、自限配额D、国别配额四、多项选择题(每题2分,共8分)1、保护贸易理论的主要代表人物是( )A、亚当·斯密B、大卫·李嘉图C、凯恩斯D、汉密尔顿E、李斯特2、GATT乌拉圭回合谈判中增加的新议题( )A、倾销与仅倾销B、服务贸易C、纺织品与服务贸易D、知识产权保护E、与贸易有关的投资措施3、某国1992年贸易规模为:出口380亿美元,进口312亿美元,这一年该国贸易状况为( )A、顺差68亿美元B、净出口68亿美元C、入超68亿美元D、净进口68亿美元E、贸易总额692亿美元4、一国对进口商品征收反倾销税必须根据以下事实( )A、进口产品低于其正常价格B、对进口国同类产业造成损害C、进口产品是否接受政府补贴D、对进口国消费者造成损害E、进口产品是否低于进口国同类产品价格五、是非题(每题1分,共10分)1、关境等同于国境。
东北大学继续教育学院国际贸易(二)试卷(作业考核线上1) A 卷学习中心:亳州学习中心院校学号: C35580118900070姓名任少东(共 6 页)一、选择题(25道,各2分,共50分)1. 对外贸易额是指一定时期内(D)。
A.货物进出口B.服务进出口C.国境D.关境3.商品生产国与商品消费国通过第三国进行的贸易,对第三国来说是(C )A.直接贸易B.间接贸易C.转口贸易D.过境贸易4.转口贸易又称(A )A.中转贸易B.间接贸易C.第三国贸易D.边境贸易5.国际分工形成和发展的决定性因素是(C )A.自然条件B.国际生产关系C.社会生产力D.各国的政策6.国际分工与国际贸易理论的创始者是(A)A.亚当•斯密B.大卫•李嘉图C.赫克歇尔D.俄林7. 亚当•斯密提出(A )论。
A.绝对成本B.比较成本C.比较利益D.相对成本8.假如A国使用同样的时间比B国生产更多的同种商品X,那么A国在商品X的生产上(B )A.有相对利益B.有绝对利益C.相对有利D.绝对不利9. (A )是指贸易双方交换的是同一产业所生产的产品。
A.产业内贸易B.产业间贸易C. 公司内贸易D.中间产品贸易10. 在资本主义生产方式准备时期,为促进原始资本积累,西欧各国实行(C )。
A.自由贸易政策B.保护幼稚工业政策C.重商主义下的贸易保护政策D.超贸易保护政策11. 关税的税收主体是(D )A.进出口货物B.当地海关C.实际消费者D.本国进出口商12. 征收关税的最初目的多为(C )A.保护本国农业发展B.保护本国工业发展C.获取财政收入D.保护本国生产13. 对某个国家或地区进口的商品或部分商品给予特别优惠的低关税或免税待遇,这种税是(A )A.特惠税B.差价税C.普通税D.差额税14. 普惠制的主要原则是(B )。
1. 包销协议从实质上说是一份( )。
A. 买卖合同B. 代理合同C. 寄售合同D. 拍卖合同2. 独家代理和包销两种贸易方式,( )。
A. 前者是委托代理关系,后者是买卖关系B. 前者是买卖关系,后者是委托代理关系C. 都是委托代理关系D. 都是买卖关系3. 根据《 2000 年通则》的解释, FOB 术语只适用于( )A. 航空运输B. 内河运输C. 铁路运输D. 海运和内河运输4. 经销商在规定的期限和地域内,对指定的商品享有独家专营权,通过使用独家专营权开展销售业务获得利润的贸易方式是( )。
A. 招标B. 代理C. 寄售D. 包销5. 经销数额一般采用规定( )的做法,这也是卖方要保证供应的数额。
A. 最低承购额B. 最高承购额C. 中间承购额D. 盈利承购额6. 在国际贸易中,大多数经销协议中所采用的作价方法是( )。
A. 分批作价B. 暂不作价C. 一次作价D. 汇率弹性作价7. 《英国货物买卖法》将违约的形式划分为( )A. 违反要件和违反担保B. 不履行债务和延迟履行债务C. 轻微的违约和重大的违约D. 根本性违约和非根本性违约8. 电子商务的分类中,B2B指的是()A. 商业机构对商业机构的电子商务B. 商业机构对消费者的电子商务C. 商业机构对行政机构的电子商务D. 消费者对行政机构的电子商务9. 寄售作为一种贸易方式,是按双方签订的协议进行运作的,其协议双方之间的关系是()A. 买卖关系B. 委托与受托关系C. 经销关系D. 包销关系10. 在下列成交的合同中不属于装运合同的是()。
modity divadeB(江南博哥).international divadeC.direct divadeD.service divade参考答案:C参考解析:A项,commodity trade表示商品贸易;B项,international trade 表示国际贸易;D项,service trade表示服务贸易。
国际贸易原理模拟试题1一、单选题 20题×1=20分1. 1998年某国的出口贸易额为1840亿美元.进口贸易额为1400亿美元.该国的国民生产总值为20000亿美元.则该国的对外贸易依存度为(C )A.12.8%B.14.7%C.16.2%D.18.5%2.A国规定2005年从B国进口打火机数量不得超过100万只.这种贸易限制措施属于( C )A.“自动”出口配额B.关税配额C.国别配额D.全球配额3.按照《服务贸易总协定》的定义.“从一成员的境内向另一成员的境内提供服务”.称为( B )A.境外消费B.过境交付C.自然人流动D.商业性存在4.从需求角度解释国际贸易产生原因的理论是(D )A. 产业内贸易说B. 技术差距说C. 人力资本说D. 偏好相似说5.当进口总额超过出口总额时.可称之为(BCE )A. 贸易顺差B. 贸易逆差C. 贸易赤字D. 出超E. 入超6. 美元兑马克升值.马克兑日元升值.会促使 CA,美对德日出口 B.日美对德出口C . 德日对美出口 D.德对美日出口7.共同市场与完全经济一体化相比.前者未实现(D )A. 生产要素在成员国之间的自由流动B. 统一的对外关税政策C. 货物在成员国之间的自由流动D. 统一的对外经济社会政策8.关税的税收客体是( C )。
A.外国进出口商B.本国进出口商C.进出口货物D.海关9.关税国盟比自由贸易区一体化程度更高.体现为(BD )A. 对非成员国实行统一的非关税政策B. 对非成员国实行统一的关税政策C. 消除了成员国经济贸易政策方面的差异D. 消除了贸易偏转效应E. 实现了区域内生产要素的自由流动10. 一国 2003 年进、出口额分别是 350 亿美元和 300 亿美元.国民生产总值是 1625 亿美元.则其对外贸易依存度为( D )A.18.4%B.21.5%C.30%D.40%11.过境货物一般不可在过境区内(C )A.短期储存B.重新包装C.加工制造D.重新分类12.假定某国净贸易条件以1980年为基期是100.2000年出口价格指数为90.进口价格指数为120.则该国2000年的净贸易条件为(A )A.75B.90C.120D.13313.假设葡萄牙生产每单位酒所需劳动人数比英国少 40 人.生产每单位毛呢比英国少10 人.那么下列表述错误的是( D )A.葡萄牙在两种产品的生产上都具有绝对优势B.葡萄牙在毛呢的生产上具有比较优势C.葡萄牙在酒的生产上具有比较优势D.英国在毛呢的生产上具有比较优势14进口国家并不是对所有进口的商品都一律征收高关税.一般说来(C )。
《国际贸易实务》期末考试试卷学号:姓名:成绩:班级:课序号:任课教师:一、是非判断题(是者打√,非者打×,每题1分,共20分)得分____________ 1.国际贸易惯例可以作为解决国际贸易争端的裁决或判决依据。
《国际贸易实务》期末考试试卷及答案(一)一.判断题:(10分)1. 某外商来电要我方提供大豆,要求按含油量20%,含水分15%,不完善粒6%,杂质1%的规格订立合同,对此,在一般情况下,我方可以接受。
(X )2. 若卖方交付货物的品质在约定的品质机动幅度或品质公差范围内,除非买卖双方另有规定,一般不另行增减价格。
( ,V, )3. 在出口贸易中,表示品质的方法多种多样,为了明确责任,最好采用既凭样品,又凭规格买卖的方法。
( X )4. 根据《公约》的规定,如卖方所交货物多于约定数量,买方可以全部收下合同规定和卖方多交的货物,也可以全部拒收合同规定和卖方多交的货物。
(X )5. 以毛作净就是以净重代替毛重。
(X )6. 保险公司对陆运战争险的承保责任起讫与海运战争险的承保责任起讫都是“仓至仓”。
( X )7. 不论在何种情况下,固定作价都比非固定作价有利。
( X )8. 佣金和折扣都可分为明佣(扣)和暗佣(扣)两种。
(,V, )9. 含佣价=净价/(1一佣金率),其中的净价一定是FOB价。
( X )10. FOB价格术语的变形是因装货费用的负担问题而产生的,而CIF价格术语的变形则是因卸货费用的负担问题而产生的。
( ,V, )二.单项选择题:(15分)1. 在交货数量前加上“约”或“大约”字样,按《UCP500》的规定,这种约定可解释为交货数量不超过( A )的增减幅度。
A.10% B.5% C.2.5% D.1.5%2. 在品质条款的规定上,对某些比较难掌握其品质的工业制成品或农副产品,我们多在合同中规定( C )。
A.溢短装条款 B.增减价条款C.品质公差或品质机动幅度 D.商品的净重3. 凭卖方样品成交时,应留存( B )以备交货时核查之用。
A.回样 B.复样C.参考样 D.对等样品4. 《1932年华沙一牛津规则》是国际法协会专门为解释( C )合同而制定的。
A.FOB B.CFR C.CIF D.FCA5. CIF Ex Ship's Hold与DES相比,买方承担的风险( A )。
国际贸易实务练习试卷2(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题 3. 判断题 4. 名词解释 5. 简答题7. 案例分析题单项选择题1.“FCA”贸易术语是指( )。
A.运费付至指定目的地B.运费、保险费付至指定目的地C.货交承运人指定地点D.装运港船上交货正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务2.采用FCA贸易术语,应由( )。
A.买方负责办理运输和保险B.卖方负责办理运输和保险C.由买方负责办理运输,卖方负责保险D.由卖方负责办理运输,买方负责保险正确答案:A 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务3.FCA贸易术语下,买卖双方风险界限的分界点是( )。
A.装运港B.内陆指定地点C.货交承运人D.货交第一承运人正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务4.按照《2000年通则》的解释,FAS条件下买卖双方风险划分的界限是( )。
A.装运港船边B.装运港船上C.目的港船边D.目的港船上正确答案:A 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务5.根据《2000年通则》的解释,采用( )术语成交时,卖方要负责订立运输合同,但不负责货物从交货地点至目的地的风险。
A.E组B.F组C.C组D.D组正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务6.《INCOTEMS2000》C组贸易术语与其他各组贸易术语的重要区别之一是( )。
A.交货地点不同B.风险划分地点不同C.风险和费用划分的地点相分离D.以上都不是正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务7.专门解释CIF合同的国际贸易惯例是( )。
A.《华沙—牛津规则》B.《美国对外贸易定义》C.《国际贸易术语解释通则》D.《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》正确答案:A 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务8.在国际贸易中,就卖方承担的风险而言( )。
A.CIF比CFR大B.CFR比CIF大C.CIF与CFR相同D.无法比较正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务9.在CIF条件下应由( )负责租船订舱。
A.买方B.卖方C.收货代理人D.委托人正确答案:B 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务10.按CIF术语成交的合同,货物在运输途中因火灾被焚,应由( )。
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A 李斯特主义
B 马歇尔主义
C 凯恩斯主义
D 斯塔福主义
A 价格的国际绝对差
B 成本的国际绝对差
C 成本的比例差
D 生产要素的价格
A 外贸是资本主义生产方式确立的决定因素
B 对外贸易决定了资本主义的产生
C 对外贸易促进了资本主义的产生
D 二者无本质上的联系
A 1948年
B 1995年
C 1986年
D 1999年
A 亚当。
李嘉图C 约翰。
穆勒 D 马歇尔
A 贸易创造效果
B 贸易转移效果
C 贸易扩大效果D贸易利得效果
A 补偿贸易
B 加工贸易
C 租赁贸易
D 单纯的商品购销形式
A 平均价值
B 使用价值
C 国际价值
D 生产价格
A 排他性许可证协议
B 独占许可协议
C 普通许可协议
D 交叉许可协议10.以下政策属于国家鼓励出口的政策是()。
A 技术壁垒
B 外汇管制
C 本币高估
D 外汇倾销