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张红雨, 陈珊珊
关键词: 微波; 总磷; 消解; 水
中图分类号: X830. 2 文献标识码:B 文章编号:100326504 (2003) 0320019202
水中总磷的测定通常采用钼酸铵分光光度法[1~2 ] 。
高温高压消解样品的方法存在如下弊端: (1) 要求条件苛刻,如温度、压力要求严格; (2) 消解过程耗时较长,一次测定一般需要2h 以上。
微波技术在工业、科技及环境监测方面得到了广泛应用[ 3~4 ] ,但目前微波消解分析水样中总磷的研究在国内鲜见报道。
本研究利用微波对样品进行消解, 通过分子对微波的吸收和微波炉内交变磁场的作用, 使消解速度大大提高;还探讨了各种条件对样品消解的影响,测定水样中总磷的含量,与经典方法比较表明该方法具有高效、节能、快捷、准确的特点。
1 实验部分
1. 1 仪器
美的牌W7022J 型普通微波炉; 聚四氟乙烯密封此标准溶液含2. 0ug 的磷。
上述所有溶液的配制参见GB11893 —89 水质总磷
的测定(钼酸铵分光光度法) 。
1. 3 样品采集
采取500mL 水样冷处保存(24h 内测定) ,测定前取25mL 样品于微波消解罐中。
1. 4 实验方法
1. 4. 1水样的消解
向上述试样中加入4mL 过硫酸钾,密封旋紧,在微波炉高档功率下加热6min ,放置冷却。
1. 4. 2比色
将消解后的溶液(消解后仍浑浊的水样可经过滤纸过滤,以纯水少量多次洗涤,滤液合并) 全部转移至50mL 比色管中,用纯水稀释至刻度,向消解液中加入1mL 抗坏血酸溶液混匀,30s 后加2mL 钼酸盐溶液充分混匀。
在25 ℃水浴中放置l5min 后, 使用光程为30mm 的比色皿,在700nm 波长下,以纯水做参比,扣除空白试验的吸光度后,从校正曲线上查得磷的含量。
1. 4. 3校正曲线的绘制
在7 个微波消解罐中分别加入0. 0 ,0. 50 ,1. 00 ,3.
00 ,5. 00 ,10. 0 ,15. 0mL 磷酸盐标准溶液,并依次补加纯水使溶液总体积保持在25mL,然后按以上步骤进行处理,绘制出含量m(ug) —吸光值A 曲线。
1. 4. 4结果表示
水样中的总磷含量以C(m g·L- 1 ) 表示,按下式计算:
消解罐(容量60mL) (汕头环海工程公司产) ;惠普上分7230 型可见分光光度仪。
m C = V
1. 2 试剂
过硫酸钾50gΠL 溶液;抗坏血酸100gΠL溶液;硫酸溶液1m olΠL ;钼酸盐溶液;磷标准储备液,1. 00mL 此标准溶液含50. 0ug 的磷; 磷标准使用液, 1. 00mL
作者简介:张红雨(1972 - ),男,工程师,研究方向为水质监测分析、水处理。
式中: m —由校正曲线查得样品的含磷量,ug ; V —测定用试样体积,mL 。
2 结果与讨论
2. 1 微波功率的影响微波功率的高低直接决定样品
·19 ·
环境科学与技术第26 卷第3 期2003 年5 月
功率太低则需时间较长,消解不完全; 若高功率、时间太长时,又会使密封罐内压力太大,导致密封不严,溶液溢漏,产生误差。
湖水0. 69m gΠL的水样,固定微波加热时间6min ,改变微波
河水表3 实际样品测定结果比较
功率进行了试验(见表1) 。
表1 微波功率对消解后测定结果的影响
低档功率中档功率中高档功率高档功率加入量(mgΠL)0. 69 0. 69 0. 69 0. 69
测定值(mgΠL)0. 22 0. 40 0 . 67 0 . 69 实验表明选中高档以上功率测定值最接近实际加入量值,故本试验选用高档功率。
2. 2 微波加热时间的影响
以含总磷0. 40m gΠL 的样品, 固定微波功率在高档,改变微波加热时间。
微波加热时间分别选定为3 , 4 ,5 ,6 ,7 min ,测定结果变化趋势如图 1 。
可以看出以高档功率微波加热6min 总磷可消解完全,故选用微波加热时间为6min。
生活污水10 0. 26 0. 01 1. 14 0. 24 0. 01 1. 06 将上面实验结果进行了F 检验和t 检验,表明2 种方法没有明显差异。
总磷准确度测定结果(见表4) 。
表4 测定结果的准确度(mgΠL)样品TP 加标量测定值回收率( %) 某湖水样0. 03 0. 16 0. 19 100
标样30. 200 0. 500 0. 697 99. 4
标3 样由国家标准物质研究中心提供的标准水样稀释而成。
上面的实验结果中,回收率均在90 %~110 %之间,进一步说明了该方法的可靠性。
2. 6 效益比较
从表5 可以看出使用微波消解法比高温高压消解法有明显的经济效益。
表5 微波消解法与高温高压消解法经济效益对比
消解时间(min) 6 60 快10 倍
耗电量(度Π批) 0. 02 1 . 5~2 . 0 节电75 倍以上
图 1 微波加热时间对测定总磷结果的影响
2. 3 试液体积的影响
试验表明,微波加热时试液太多则瓶内空间太小, 会因瓶内压力过大可能导致泄露,影响测定结果。
使用60mL 容器时,试液以10~30mL 为宜,本实验选取体积小于30mL 。
3 结论
本实验结果表明,用微波消解法对水样进行消解测定总磷,具有快速省时(整个实验的消解时间仅为6min) 、节能、操作简单的特点,结果精密度好,准确度高。
[ 参考文献]
2. 4 校准曲线
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用建立的消解方法,测定了湖水、河水、污水中总[4 ] 杨明,宋巧红,席丽峰. 微波消解—紫外吸光光度法快速磷的含量。
高温高压消解法与微波消解法实验结果的测定水中总氮[J ] . 理化检验2化学分册,2001 ,37 (1) :46. 比较(见表3) 。
(上接第12 页)
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(m gΠL)
偏差( %)
(m gΠL)
偏差( %) 10 0. 14 0. 02 1. 04 0. 13 0. 01 1. 10 10 0. 10 0. 01 1. 08 0. 11 0. 02 1. 24
Environmental Science and Technol ogy
Vol . 26 , No . 3 , May 2003
Species Distribution of Composite Flocculants Made up of Polyaluminum Chlorides and Organic Flocculants XIE Lei ,HUYong2you ,ZHONG Hai2tao
( Department of E nvironmental Science and Engineering ,
South C hina University of Technology , Guangzhou 510640) Abstract : C omposite flocculants ( PAOC) , which have different b asici2 ties and OΠA ratios and made u p of polyalu minum chlorides and organ2 ics , were prepared in lab oratory. Experiment regarding species of alu2 minates existed in PAOC was conducted using the Al2Ferron timed com2 plex colorimetric method; meantime , influences of various factors : b a2 sicity , OΠA r atio and aging time were studied.
K ey words : polyaluminu m chlorides ; species distribu tion ; Al2Ferron timed complex colorimetric method ; composite flocculants
Uses of Composite Flocculants to Treat
Restaurant Effluents
ZHANG Xue2hong ,LI Mi ng2j un ,SHI Shao2xin
( Department of Engineering , Nanchang Institute
of Aeronautical Technology , Nanchang 330034)
Abstract : C omposite flocculants made u p of poly2acrylamid e ( PAM) and poly2ferric sulfate ( PFS) in different proportions were used to treat effluents of restaurants in a b ench2scale experiment. Values of C OD and transmitted light fluctuation were used to indicate the effectiveness of the treatment under different conditions such as time of flocculation , mod e of dosing , mixing velocity and concentration of PFS.
K ey words : transmitted lig ht fluctuation ; restaurants effluent ; compos2 ite flocculants ; C OD ; applied research
Rapid Determination of Total Phosphorus in Water
by Micro wave DigestΠAmmonium
Molybdate Spectrophotometry
ZHANG Hong2yu , CHEN Shan2shan
( State Monitoring Netw ork for Municipal Water Quality
Wuhan Monitoring Station , Wuhan 430034)
Abstract : This paper reports on a new method incorporating microwave digest and ammonium molybdate spectrophotometry for determining TP. Influences of power , heating time of microwave and sample volu me were studied. It has been show ed that this method is comparable with the conventional one in TP analysis of water and wastewater samples with the characteristics of fastness , accuracy and cost saving.
Rapid Determination of CO2 in Water
WANG Jing2bin1 ,QUAN Rui1 ,WEN De2zheng1 ,
BAI Li2 ,LI Shu2hua2 ,CUI Ji2zhou2
(1. Zhengzhou Municipal Environmental Monitoring C enter ,
Zhengzhou 450007 ;
2. Hena Academy of Science , Zhengzhou 450002)
Abstract : This paper presents a measuring pipette newly developed for simple and fast determination of C O2 in water. Tests with respect to in2 terferences , stability , repetition and in site application of the pipette were carried out and results were discussed.
K ey words : C O2 ; rapid determination ; method
Analysis of Vulnerability to E nvironmental
Pollution Accidents
XIONG Biao , CHEN Yan , J IAO Fei
( Environmental Monitoring C enter of Henan Province ,
Zhengzhou 450004)
Abstract : Environmental pollution accidents in association with chemi2 cal spills are discussed based on the case studies of several accidents in recent years and 1990s. Vulnerability to the accidents due to improper administration and production of chemicals is analyzed , and pollu tion accident prevention is suggested.
K ey words : pollu tion accidents ; hazard ous chemicals ; vulnerability
Predicting Pollution of Coal Dust in Coalmine Areas by Using Result of Coal2layer Sifting Test
CHEN Zhen2min , WIAN You2x uan
( Hehai University , P. O. Box 233 , Nanjing 210098) Abstract : This paper presented a new approach to prediction of coal dust pollu tion based on the result of coal2layer sifting test. According to the verification of the prediction , this method is better than the present ones2analog and wind tunnel test in terms of prediction accuracy as well as cost.
K ey words : coal dust ; result of sifting test ; coalmine areas
Frame Design of an Information Management System Based on GI S for Water Pollution Control
in the Hanjiang River
L IU Yu2li ang1 ,HOU G uo2xiang1 ,
K ey words : microwave ; total phosphorus ( TP) ; digestion ; water
WENG Li2da2,PENG Sheng2hua2
(1. College of Hydropow er , Huazhong University
of Science and Technology , Wuhan 430074 ;
2. Institute for Yangtze Water Resources Protection ,
Wuhan 430051)
Abstract : This paper described the G IS2b ased information system for。