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This is paradise, called the 'island of the gods' by locals because of the estimated 20,000 Hindu temples and shrines, where visitors are drawn by a gentle vibe, great beaches, excellent
(Kuta Beach)和水明漾(Seminyak)等热点旅游 of Kuta Beach and Seminyak is less than four
景区只有不到四公里的路程,但如果时间不 kilometers, but can take up to a frustrating hour
赶巧的话,游客可能不得不花上一个小时的 if visitors arrive at the wrong time of day. It's a
surf and a thriving tradition of local arts, music 巴厘岛在那次事件以及 2005 年的又一次恐怖 and dance. 炸弹袭击后强劲 复苏。如 今大多数的 游客来
自澳大利亚,而在那两次袭击当中共有 92 名 A record 2.3 million foreigners visited Bali in
在整个东南亚地 区都会看 到这种情况 。在泰 国的苏梅岛(island of Koh Samui),田园风情 已经让位给了四 处蔓延的 酒店、现场 音乐表
villas, tourist-related crime and rising demand for power and water that threatens to outstrip the capacity of local utility companies.
The route is lined with stores selling designer furniture for villas owned by foreigners and rich locals, as well as bars, stores selling fake designer clothes, and fast-food chains. Balinese workers busily wash down sidewalks and
还有酒吧、假名 牌服饰店 和速食连锁 店。巴
厘岛本地工人忙 着冲洗人 行道,并且 把压扁
的空啤酒罐、食 品包装纸 、不成对的 橡胶凉
这里是被当 地人称 为“诸 神之岛 ”的天 堂,因 为它有大约 20,000 处印度教寺庙和圣坛。游 客们被舒适的环 境、壮美 的海滩、绝 妙的海 浪和欣欣向荣的 当地艺术 、音乐和舞 蹈等传 统文化而吸引,从四面八方来到这里。
Trouble in Paradise
乘 计 程 车 从 巴 厘 岛 的 伍 拉 • 赖 国 际 机 场 The journey by taxi from Bali's Ngurah Rai
(Ngurah Rai International Airport)到库塔海滩 International Airport to the popular tourist areas
Asia. On the Thai island of Koh Samui, rustic
他说,“很久以前就来到这里的人们有一些抱 怨,他们对巴厘岛 20 年前的情景有一种怀旧 情绪。但是看 看纽约、柏 林和东京— —巴厘 岛也是一样。它正在发生变化。”
charm has given way to sprawling hotels, live-music venues, French bakeries and beach discos. The sleepy town of Siem Reap, Cambodia, home to the famed Angkor Wat temple complex, went from 12 hotels in 2000 to
infrastructure in the area when they're building 巴 厘 岛 旅 游 业 管 理 委 员 会 (Bali Tourism new developments, he says. Board) 的共同主 席班戈 斯 •苏迪 布亚(Bagus
Sudibya)表示,巴厘岛的发展就是一种进步的 The pattern has been seen across Southeast
度假村。 游客人数激增, 使巴厘岛 上的大部分 地区变 得越来越繁荣,但它同时也给岛上的 400 万 居民带来了一系 列全新的 问题:交通 拥堵到 了可怕的地步, 景区新项 目的开发似 乎永无 止境,非法修建 归外国人 所有的别墅 ,与游 客相关的犯罪案 件增多, 电力和水资 源需求 上升(很可能会 超出当地 公共事业公 司的处 理能力)。
演场地、法式面 包店和海 滩迪斯可舞 厅。在 柬埔寨安静的暹粒(Siem Reap)小镇——吴哥 窟(Angkor Wat)寺庙群的所在地——其酒店 数已经从 2000 年的 12 家发展到今天的超过 120 家。
'Since lots of construction work has been happening here, it floods every time it rains. It never happened before,' says Sudika, a Balinese bartender at the Hard Rock Café on Kuta Beach. No one seems to be thinking about the
more than 120 today. 但是,大多数游 客造访巴 厘岛并不是 为了感
受纽约风情。尽 管一个旅 游胜地因为 其受欢 迎程度上升而失 去部分原 有魅力的事 例并不 鲜见,但是巴厘 岛存在的 问题似乎还 不止是 几个裸体游客、 庞大的沙 滩酒店建筑 群和过
Bagus Sudibya, co-chairman of the Bali Tourism Board, says the development of Bali is just progress.
at New York, Berlin, Tokyo—Bali is the same. It's changing.'
sweep up crushed beer cans, food wrappers, the 2010 年,到巴厘岛旅游的外国游客数量创下 odd rubber sandal and other detritus. 了历史新高,达到了 230 万人,比 2002 年几
乎翻了主义分子在当年 10 月一个 周六的晚上在库 塔的一间 酒吧和夜总 会引爆 了两枚炸弹,造成了 202 人死亡。
时间。车子空调开到最大,一路上走走停停。 stop-and-go drive with the air-conditioning on
小轿车、大货车、公共汽车和摩托车争相鸣 full-blast as cars, delivery trucks, buses and
着喇叭在狭窄的道路上挤来挤去,这些道路 motorbikes jostle and honk along narrow roads
苏迪卡是巴厘岛 本地人, 在卡塔海滩 的硬石 咖啡馆(Hard Rock Café)当招待员。他说,“自 从大量建筑在这 里开始兴 建,每次下 雨都会 爆发洪水。这种事情以前从来都没有发生 过。”他还说,当他们开发新项目的时候,似 乎没有人考虑过这里的基础设施建设。
The surge in tourist arrivals has brought increased prosperity to much of the island. But it has also created a completely new set of problems for Bali's four million inhabitants: The island is now home to horrendous traffic jams, a seemingly endless succession of new resort projects, illegally built foreign-owned
attacks. Bali has also benefited from an upswing in regional travel by Asians, including Japanese, South Koreans and increasingly Chinese. Tourism and its supporting industries account for around 85% of the island's economy, and around 80% of all foreign visitors to Indonesia go only to Bali, according to immigration figures.
多的西式咖啡连锁店所显现出的审美趣味低 'There are complaints from people coming here
for a long time, and they have nostalgia about
what Bali was 20 years ago,' he says. 'But look
澳大利亚人遇难。巴厘岛也因为亚洲日益兴 2010, nearly double the number in 2002, a
起的区域性旅游而受益,蜂拥而至的亚洲游 painful year in Bali's psyche: Two bombs set
客中有日本人、韩国人和越来越多的中国人。 off by Muslim extremists at a bar and nightclub
well as a second terrorist bombing in 2005.
Charlie Cole for The Wall Street Journal
Most of the visitors today are from Australia,
库塔海滩即将建成的耗资 7000 万美元的海边 which lost a total of 92 people in the two
修建于上世纪八十年代,那时巴厘岛还是背 built in the 1980s, when Bali was still mainly a
backpacker and budget destination.
道路两旁有很多 出售名牌 家俱的商店 ,这都
是为外国人和当 地富人的 别墅准备的 ,此外
按照巴厘岛入境事务处的统计数字,旅游业 in Kuta one October Saturday night killed 202
及相关产业的产值占到全岛经济总量的大约 people.
85%,在所有 去印 尼旅游 的外国 游客中 大约
有 80%的人只去巴厘岛。
The island has rebounded strongly from it, as
巴厘岛当局了 解岛上不断 恶化的情 况。2009 年,巴厘省省长埃•马德•帕斯蒂卡 (I Made Pastika)警告巴厘岛当局称,在岛上的 400 条 河流和水道中,已经有 260 条由于无节制的 发展、森林采伐 和地下水 的过度使用 而无法 正常发挥作用。今年 2 月,他宣布暂停在岛 上的主要景区开 发新的酒 店,并且提 醒当地 政府负责人在宗 教圣地附 近发放建筑 许可是 违反巴厘省法律的。