5 中英文对照 土木工程 外文翻译 英文文献-混凝土应力实验

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粗骨料采用5~20 石灰岩碎石。









3.1 劈拉强度和轴拉极限强度














F1 0.642
F2 0.862
F3 0.794
F4 0.589
为钢纤维体积掺率,l/d 为钢纤维长径比。

3.2 轴拉变形性能和韧性
3.2.1 初裂拉应变和峰值荷载拉应变



3.2.2 拉伸功和轴拉韧性指数
拉伸功为位移0-0.5 mm轴拉荷载位移全曲线下面积(图5中阴影面积)。


式中: fft为钢纤维混凝土轴拉极限强度;A为轴拉试件的破坏横截面面积。



































1) X=0,Y=0;
2) X=0,dy/dx=E0 /Ep;
式中:E0为圆点切线模量;EP 为峰值应力点割线模量(第一峰值)。















Concrete stress test
1 Test Introduction
The tensile properties of concrete can be enhanced substantially by incorporating high strength and small diameter short steel fibers.which leads to the steel fiber reinforced concrete(SFRC).In conventional SFRC,the steel fiber content is usually within the range of 0.2%—2%by volume.At such a low 6her content.the tensile response of SFRC would assume a nonhardening type.which is characterized by the widening of a single crack,similar to an unreinforced concrete .The contribution of fibers is apparent in the post—cracking response, represented by an increase in post—cracking ductility due to the work associated with pullout of fibers bridging a failure crack. However,improvements in some other properties are insignificant .Moreover,the softening segment of the stress—strain curve of SFRC with such a low fiber content under uniaxial tension is difficult to be got with normal
experimental methods.Many works have been done to find a suitable and relatively easy way to analyze the tensile characteristics .And it was reported that the whole curve could be got on a normal testing machine with stiffening components added.
In this article,the stress—strain behavior of SFRC under uniaxial tension Was analyzed for different types of fiber.The tensile characteristics of SFRC influenced by the matrix strength and the steel fiber content were studied also.In addition,the stress—strain curves of high strength SFRC with different factors were well acquired.The mechanism of fiber reinforced concrete to enhance research, to obtain steel fiber reinforced concrete in tension curve of the whole process, using the most appropriate method of axial tension, but to make sure the testing methods improved, and the testing machine must have enough stiffness to ensure the testing process stability. Is well known in engineering practice, process, technology and economic conditions due to construction constraints, SFRC-doped fiber volume in the rate of generally not more than 2%, while most of the engineering example, the fiber fraction are about 1%. In this paper the design of the axial tension SFRC material testing, fiber dosage to take 1%, and using different types of fiber-reinforced forms, were analyzed.
2 Experimental Content
The specimens were tested on a 60 kN universal testing machine.Four high steel bars were added to enhance the stiffness of the testing machine.In addition,spherichinges were used to abate the initial axial eccentricity of the specimens..
It was ensured that specimens should be pulled under uniaxial tension by adjusting the four high strength bolts which connect the specimens to the crossbeam.And the difference between the tensile strains of the opposite sides of the specimen should be less than 1 5%of their mean value.When the fiber content was low (0 and 0.5%by volume),the cyclic quire the whole stress—strain.
2.1 Materials
Four types of steel fibers shown in Table were chosen for this test.Three of these fibers (F1,F2 and F3) were hooked—end and the other one(F4)was smooth.
Three concrete mixtures,shown in Table 2,were investigated.Water reducing agents were used in C60 and C80 mixes(DK一5 made by Dalian Structure Research Institute and Sika made in Switzerland respectively). The compressive strengths of these C30,C60,C80 mixes were determined according to “Test Methods Used for Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete”(CECS 13:89)"8 3 at 28 days using 150 mm×150 mm ×150 mm cube s.Averaged results for 3 specimens are given in Table 2.0rdinary Portland cement(yielded by Dalian Huaneng Onoda Cement Company)of 32.5 and 52.5 (according to China standard) were chosen.River sand(modulus of fineness is 2.6)and crushed limestone coarse aggregates(5—20 Bin) were used.
2.2 Specimen
The tensile specimen was bonded to steel padding plates at both ends by tygoweld.A total of 1 1 0 specimens were divided into 22 groups according to certain parameters.The parameters of these specimens are shown in Table 3.
2.3 Items
At the age of 28 days.plain concrete and steel fiber concrete specimens were tested for tensile strength,respectively .The tensile stress—strain curves were acquired.Many other tensile characters of the high strength steel fiber concrete such as tensile work,etc were calculated also. Enhanced class steel fiber reinforced concrete toughness category than the strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete an average of 13%; while cracking from the basic to the crack width of 0.5mm interval (the corresponding strain of about 2000με) showed the fracture energy integral: toughening class steel fiber reinforced concrete enhanced class than the fracture energy of steel fiber reinforced concrete an average of 20%. from Table 3 also shows that most of the SFRC first peak corresponds to the limit of tensile strain value and plain concrete rather, in the 100με around, indicating a low rate of fiber-containing incorporation in improving the role of ultimate tensile strain of concrete is not very obvious. The toughening class SFRC second peak corresponds to a much greater strain, up to 1000με, From this second peak has greatly enhanced the appearance of toughness. DRAMIX Fiber because of the length of other three kinds of fiber length of 2 times the fracture toughness and better in the test curve can be seen in the strain is attained, the load continues to maintain a high level of intensity, until the strain when the load so as to maintain 10000με its peak level of 50%.
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Crack stress and ultimate tensile strength
The crack stress and ultimate tensile strength of different specimens are listed in Table 3.The addition of steel fibers into concrete increased its crack stress an d ultimate tensile strength.And the ratios of these two parameters of SFRC to those of plain concreue (with the same mix proportion)are given in Table 3,too.
3.1.1 Effect of matrix strength an(1 fiber type
From table 3.It can be seen that the effects of steel fibers 0n crack stress are little influenced by the matsix strength.That is to say.When the matrix strength increases, the ratios of crack stresses of SFRC ( with the same type of fibers contained)to those of plain concrete ones with the same mix proportion are invariable.
However,the condition for ultimate tensile strength is different.When the matrix strength increases.these ratios of ultimate tensile strengths(shown in Table 3)vary dissimilarly according to the type of steel fiber.Moreover.the increments are bigger than those of crack stress.
The heightening efficiency of fiber F1 for ultimate tensile strength rises as matrix strength increases.It is because that the strength of this kind of fiber is very high(>1 100 MPa).No fiber broken was observed during the test and the hooked—ends of the fibers were straightened when the matrix strength was high(C80).The higher the matrix strength.this kind of steel fiber takes on its strengthening effect more efficiently for the increasing of bond stress.The strengths of fibers F2 and F3 are mid—high(>700 MPa).They all have hooked ends and both of their surfaces are coarse.When the matrix strength was high(C80).fiber breaking occurred in the test.And this phenomenon impaired the heightening efficiency of these two kinds of steel fiber.So they should be used in middle strength concrete to exert their strengthening effect more efficiently.Fiber F4 is smooth.and its bond stress with matrix is
comparatively low.T}1erefore.its strengthening effect is 1ess notable than those of other kinds of fiber.Because of the low bond stress.no fiber broken was found during the test and its heightening efficiency for ultimate tensile strength rises as matrix strength increases.3.1.2 Effect of fiber content
The effect of fiber content on the crack stress and u1.ultimate tensile strength was investigated for SFRC contained fiber F3.And the fiber content varied from 0.5%to 1.5%by volume(shown in Table 3).It can be seen from Fig.1 and Fig.2 that as the fiber content increases.
The crack stress and ultimate strength of SFRC improve obviously.Moreover.the rising trends of the curves in these two figures are stupendously similar.In other words,the effect of fiber content on the characters of tensile stress of SFRC is positive and consistent.
Table 4 Fiber type factors
Fiber code at
F1 0.642
F2 0.862
F3 0.794
F4 0.589
The tensile strength of SFRC can be calculated with the follow formula:
where,f ft is the ultimate tensile strength of SFRC;the ultimate tensile strength of plain concrete with the same mixing proportion;a,the fiber type factor,
which is shown Table 4;is the fiber content 0f volume and l/d is the aspect ratio of steel fibers.
3.2 Tensile strain and toughness characters
3.2.1 Crack strain and the strain at peak tensile load
The tensile strains were acquired by averaging the readings of the four displacement sensors fixed around the specimen.In addition,the specimens whose difference between the tensile strains of its opposite sides is larger than 15%of their mean value were blanked out.The crack strain or the strains at peak tensile load of SFRC are much bigger than those of plain concrete(as shown in Table 5).And the increments go up as the matrix strength or the fiber content increases.Compared to that on crack strain.the increscent effect of steel fiber on the strain at peak tensile load is more remarkable.
3.2.2 Tensile work and toughness modulus
The tensile work was defined as the area under the load-displacement curve from 0 to 0.5 rain.More—over,a tensile toughness modulus was introduced(shown in Table 5).
It was defined as:
where,f ft is the ultimate tensile strength of SFRC;A,the area of the cross section of specimen.
Both these two parameters were quoted to evaluate the toughness characters of SFRC under uniaxial tension.The tensile toughness modulus is a dimensionless factor.Compared to what the tensile work does.it can avoid the influence of the ultimate tensile strength when studying the toughness of SFRC.
It call be found from Table 5 that the altering regularities of these two factors along with the changes of matrix strength and fiber content are approximate.Therefore,the emphasis of analysis was put on the toughness modulus.
The relationship between the matrix strength and toughness modulus of SFRC with four kinds of steel fiber are shown in Fig.3.whose fiber contents are all 1.O%by volume.together with that relationship of plain concrete.The tensile toughness of SFRC is much better than that of plain concrete.The tensile toughening effect of steel fiber is remarkable.As the matrix strength rises.The brittleness of concrete increases obviously,and then the tensile toughness of plain concrete falls down.This phenomenon was also found on specimens containing fiber F1and F2.The pulling out of fiber F1 from concrete is in fact a process of hook-end’s being straightened and the matrix’s being crushed around the hook-end.When the hooked end is straightened at last.the tensile load falls down quickly.The higher the concrete strength. the larger the rigidity of the matrix and the shorter the time that the process mentioned above lasts.Thus.the stress-strain curve falls down more quickly,and then the toughness modulus decreases.However,the toughening effect of fiber F1 is the best among these four kinds of steel fiber.The aspect ratio of fiber F2 is the least。

and when the matrix strength is high,fiber breaking occurs.Therefore,the toughness modulus falls down continually as the matrix strength rises.
The toughness modului of fibers F3 and F4 rise together with the matrix strength.Both the two kinds of fiber are snipped and their surfaces are coarse.Therefore.the friction is dominant in the proportions of bond stress.Because the friction between fiber and matrix increases along with the matrix strength,and the whole pulling out of these kinds of bond status is a continuous process,the rising of matrix strength plays a positive role in improving the toughness of SFRC containing these two kinds of fiber.The difference between the two kinds of fibers is that fiber F3 has hooked ends,which makes fiber F3 have better toughening effects than fiber F4 when the matrix strength is comparatively low(C30 and C60).When the matrix strength is high(C80),fiber breaking impaires the toughening effect of fiber F3.And the function of fiber F4 exceeds that of fiber F3 in reverse.
3.3 Stress-strain curves of SFRC under uniaxial tension
The typical stress--strain curves of SFRC under uniaxial tension are shown in Figs.4—11(one curve is chosen for each group of specimen to keep the graphs orderly).Figs.4—8 express the variation of curves along with the increasing of the matrix strength,and Figs.9一l1 express the variation along with the change of the fiber content of fiber F3.The curve consists of elastic section.elastic—plastic section and falling section(softening section).Points of contra flexure exit in the falling section of the curve.It can be seen from these figures that the matrix strength is higher,the stress—strain curves fall down faster,and the rising of the fiber content can much improve the chubbiness of these curves.Moreover,the type of steel fiber has some effect on the shape of the stress—strain curve.The curves of fiber F1 are the plumpiest of them al1.The second peak was observed in the curves of fiber F1 at the strain of about 10 000 ue.This phenomenon expresses a good toughening effect of fiber F1.The curves of fibe1s F2 and F3 are ladder—like when the matrix strength is high because of fiber breaking.The curves of fiber F4 ale smooth and like those of plain concrete in shape .That is because the pullout process of smooth steel fiber is rather gentle.
4 Analytical Investigation
Four kinds of typical steel fiber concrete tensile stress - strain curves can be seen: in axial tension conditions, the 1% dosage of the steel fiber is far short of strain hardening of the concrete materials to the point where most of the experimental curves are in reach After the peak, there loads sag section. However, as deformation increases, there are two curves have a clear second peak appeared, while the other two do not, it is the basis of this phenomenon can be divided into two major categories of strengthening and toughening of steel fiber reinforced concrete, there is a second peak for the toughening class, no second peak to enhance the class. Many tensile stress—strain models have been brought forward一1、2、4、6、9、10,Most of their formats are sectiona1.taking the peak load as the divisional point.In this paper,the formula of the rising section and that of the fa11ing section are different.
In the formulas:
4.1 Formula of rising section
The digital model for the rising section is
where,are parameters related to the characters of matrix an d steel fibers.
The boundary conditions are as following:
1) X=0,Y=0;
2) X=0,dy/dx=E0 /Ep;
It can be drawn from the boundary'.
Formula(4)can be simplified as:
And the value of can be calculated from experimental data as :
where,Eo is the origin tan gent modulus;E p,secant modulus at peak load(the first peak) Thus,Formula(5)Call be inverted as:
4.2 Formula of falling section
The digital model for the falling section is:
where,are parameters related to the characters of matrix an d steel fibers .
The value of is chosen as 1.7 in the formula of falling section 9、10.the boundary condition X= 1,y= 1 is satisfied inherently.In addition.the value of a could be regressed with the method of least squares as:
it can be seen from the expression that the effects of the matrix strength and fiber content on the curve’s falling rate are opposite.
5. Comparison of Predictions and Experimental Results
The comparison of predictions and experimental results for stress—strain curves are shown in Fig.1 2 (take the curves of F3—6010 as an example).The theoretical curve and the experimental ones fit wel1.
6. Conclusions
a)When the matrix strength increases,the ratios of crack stresses of SFRC (with the same type of fiber)to those of plain concrete ones with the saii3e mix proportion are invariable.These ratios of ultimate tensile strengths vary dissimilarly according to the type of steel fiber.Moreover,the increments ale bigger than those of crack stress and are influenced by fiber type.
b)As the fiber content increases.the crack stress and ultimate tensile strength of SFRC improve obviously and the effect of the fiber content on the characters of tensile strength of SFRC is positive an d consistent.
c)The crack strain or the strains at peak tensile load 0f SFRC are much bigger than these of plain concrete.In addition,the increments go up as the matrix strength or the fiber content increases.
d)A tensile toughness modulus was introduced to evaluate the toughness characters of SFRC under uniaxial tension.The tensile toughness of SFRC is much better than that of plain concrete.In addition.it is influenced by the matrix strength and characters of steel fiber.e)The matrix strength is higher,the stress—strain curves fall down faster.Otherwise,the rising of the fiber content can much improve the chubbiness of these curves.Moreover.the type of steel fiber has some effect on the shape of the stress—strain curve.
f)The formula of the tensile stress—strain curve of SFRC was regressed.The theoretical curve and the experimental ones fit wel1.T}1is model may be helpful in the further research of SFRC under uniaxial tension.。
