033 Acknowledgements








3. Acknowledgements

3. Acknowledgements
G. Tsudik IBM Zurich Research March 5, 1996 Zurich iKP Prototype (ZiP): Protocol Specification Document
1. Document Status This document is provided as an FYI. Distribution of this document is unlimited. Please send comments to the editor (see last page for the email address.) Additional information on iKP and electronic commerce in general is available via WWW at: "/Technology/Security/" The official IBM reference for the present document is: Division Report RZ 2792. 2. Abstract iKP - the Internet Keyed Payments protocol family - defines an architecture for secure account-based (e.g., credit card) payments over the Internet or similar open network environments. This document presents a version of iKP evolved from the one described in 2]. The main purpose of this document is to communicate technical information. Prior knowledge of iKP concepts and basic design principles is highly recommended. Readers unfamiliar with iKP are referred to the general iKP paper 1] and earlier version of the (expired) Internet Draft 2]. Furthermore, this document is concerned only with the particulars of the iKP protocol. Higher-layer (iKP Transaction Layer) software is discussed elsewhere 3]. Similarly, lower-layer issues (primarily related to the use of cryptography) can be found in 4]. 3. Acknowledgements The Zurich iKP Prototype (ZiP) represents a joint effort by Michael Steiner, Gene Tsudik and Els Van Herreweghen. Contributions made by Ralf Hauser, Phil Janson, Steen Larsen and Michael Waidner are gratefully acknowledged. IBM Reseach









有时候也有人用“the present authors”,不过这个短语一般被认为过于正式。





例如:【例1】W.M. and Z.Z. are supported by grant LM05110 from the national Library of Medicine. We thank Dr. Warren Gish for helpful conversations, Dr. Eugene Kooming for assistance with samples, and Dr. Gregory Schuler for producing several of the figures.(W、 M.和Z.Z.由国家医学图书馆的经费资助(LM05110)。

我们感谢与Warren Gish博士的建设性谈话,Eugene Kooming博士提供的样本帮助,以及Gregory Schuler博士提供的数据。

)【例2】Our research was partly financed by the Swedish Council for research in the Social Sciences and by the Norwegian Council for Applied Sciences. We are grateful to Paul Dufenberg, GeorgeMoore, Eva Prendergast and two anonymous referees for helpful comments on earlierdrafts. Thanks also to seminar participants at TSMAQ, the Danish School of Business Administration and the University of Stockholm. Any errors are our own.(我们的研究得到了瑞典社会科学研究理事会和挪威应用科学理事会的部分资助。

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I. 什么是acknowledgement?1.1 Acknowledgement一词源自英语单词acknowledge,意为“承认”、“确认”、“感谢”。

1.2 在日常生活和工作中,acknowledgement通常指的是对他人的帮助、支持、建议或贡献等进行确认或感谢的行为或表达。

II. Acknowledgement的写作对象2.1 在个人生活中,我们常常需要向亲朋好友或他人对我们的帮助和支持表示感谢。

2.2 在工作和学术研究中,我们还需要向合作者、导师、同事或专家等进行acknowledgement。

III. 如何写好acknowledgement3.1 真诚感激:不管是在个人生活还是工作学习中,写acknowledgement都需要表达真诚的感激之情,要让对方感受到你的真诚和诚恳。

3.2 具体明确:在acknowledgement中,要具体明确地表示出对方的帮助或贡献,不要流于空泛或概括,要让对方知道自己的感谢是出自对方的具体行为和贡献。

3.3 观点客观:在写acknowledgement时,要尽量客观公正地对待对方的帮助或贡献,不要带有个人情感和偏见,要尊重对方的真实贡献。

IV. 如何表达acknowledgement4.1 书面表达:在书面文献、学术论文、项目报告等正式场合,我们通常采用书面表达的方式进行acknowledgement,要注意语言文雅、用词得体。

4.2 口头表达:在个人生活或工作场合,我们也会采用口头表达的方式对他人表示acknowledgement,要注意表情和语气,要给予对方足够的尊重和感激之情。

V. 常见错误和注意事项5.1 模板化:有些人在写acknowledgement时,会采用模板化的写法,缺乏个性和真诚,容易流于形式。

5.2 漏洞百出:有些人在写acknowledgement时,漏掉了一些应该感激的人或事,造成了不必要的误会和遗憾。



AcknowledgementThis work was carried out by Jonas Borch and Peter Roepstorff (Institute for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark). We gratefully acknowledge their invaluable cooperation in preparing this application note. AcknowledgementsWe gratefully acknowledge the valuable cooperation of Dr. Ite Laird-Offringa and the members of her laboratory in preparing this Application note.AcknowledgementsWe gratefully acknowledge the valuable cooperation of Robert Stahelin (Wonwha Cho’s laboratory at the Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago) in preparing this Application note.AcknowledgementsThis work was carried out by Avidex Ltd., Oxford, UK. We gratefully acknowledge the invaluable contribution of Phillip Debnam, Philip Huxley, Ian R. Matthews, Jennifer Rose, Matthew Trickett, and Daniel Williams at Avidex Ltd. in preparing this Application note.AcknowledgementsWe gratefully acknowledge the kind cooperation of Dr. Chihaya Maesawa in the preparation of this Application note.AcknowledgementWe gratefully acknowledge Hoffman La-Roche (Basel) forsupplying compounds and proteins and would like to thankDr. Walter Huber for his invaluable contributions during thiscollaboration.AcknowledgementWe gratefully acknowledge Resistentia PharmaceuticalsAB for providing serum samples and reagents and wouldlike to thank Stefan Persson and Michael Fant for theirinvaluable contributions during this collaboration.AcknowledgementThe screening data were kindly provided by Dr. J鰎g Bomke,Merck-Serono, Germany. The illustrative data in figures 6 and7 were generated by GE Healthcare.AcknowledgementsGE Healthcare gratefully acknowledges the following people for permission to use their data from this open collaboration between the SGC and GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB: Johan Weigelt, Natalia Markova, Tobias Karlberg,Ann-Gerd Thorsell, Elisabet Wahlberg, 舠a Kallas, and Herwig Schüler at the SGC, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, and 舠a Frostell-Karlsson at GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB, Uppsala, Sweden.We also gratefully acknowledge iNovacia AB, Stockholm, Sweden, for permission to use the calorimetric data cited here.。







Acknowledgementsmyspecialthanksfirstgotomr.suJianhongwhohasspentmuchofhispreciousti meproof-readingthedraftsofmythesis.withouthisvaluableinstructionandadv ice,thispaperwouldnothavebeenabletobefinishedsmoothly. Ialsowanttoexpressmysinceregratitudetoalltheteacherswhotaughtmeinthef ouryearsofmystudyinJiangsuuniversity.Ihavegreatlybenefitedfromtheirinst ruction.AndatlastIwishtothankthoseofmyclassmateswhohelpedmeintheco urseofmywritingthispaperandinmycollegelife.ZhuangxQFirst,Iwouldliketogivemysinceregratitudetomysupervisormr.ZhangJie,wh ogavemegreathelpduringthewholeprocessofmythesiswriting.Thankstohisp atience,kindness,encouragementandgoodadvice,Icansuccessfullyfinishmypaper. Ialsowanttogivemythankstoalltheteacherswhotaughtmeduringfouryears’study,especiallyprofessorsuJianhong,whoconductedthegrammarcoursesan dintensivereadingandprofessorsunZhixiang,whoconductedthecourseofeng lishForInternationalbusinesscommunication.bothoftheirlecturesareveryhel pfultomyjobinthefuture.Finally,Iwouldliketogivemythankstomyfamily.withouttheirsupport,thispap ercouldnothavebeenfinished. Theaccomplishmentofthispaperbenefitsfromtheenlightenmentofmysuperv isor,suJianhong,whoseinspiringinsights,generousencouragement,andenthu siasticinstructionhavehelpedalotthroughmythesiswriting.hispenetratingan dinsightfulcommentsfurnishmewithinspiringsource.hehasbeeninconstantc oncernaboutmypaper,sparednopainstorevisemythesisdraft.Iwouldalsoliket oextendmysincerethankstoallmyteachers.Thankstotheirinstructiveguidanc eandcomprehensiveeducationduringthefouryears’schooling,myenglishcompetencehasbeenimprovingdaybyday.myfriends,Z hangcuicuiandchenTong,shouldalsobeonthelistofpeoplewhomIwanttoexpr essmygratitude.Theyreallydidmeafavorincollectingthematerialsforthepape r.Finally,Iwanttothankmyparentswho gavemeunselfishsupportduringthefouryears’studyandwhosedebtwillneverbepaid.Acknowledgements myspecialthanksfirstgotoprofessorchenhong,whohasspentalotoftimeguidi ngmethroughoutthewritingofthisthesisandmadeitallpossible.sheledmeintot hefantasticworldofadvertisingandshowedmethepathtoitsacademicstudies. Fromtheplanningofthethesistoitscompletion,Ihavebenefitedenormouslyfro mherilluminatingcriticism,commentsandsuggestions.Thepaperwouldnotha vecomeoutwithoutherpatientsupervisionandconstantencouragement. Ialsowanttoexpressmysinceregratitudetoallotherteachersinthefouryearsof myuniversitystudy.ThispaperistheaccumulationofwhatIhavelearnedintheir 篇二:英语论文致谢词范文英语论文致谢词范文1AcknowledgementsFirstofall,Iwouldliketoextendmysincere gratitudetomysupervisor,Zhanghong,forher instructiveadviceandusefulsuggestionsonmythesis.Iamdeeplygratefulofher helpinthecompletionofthisthesis.hightributeshallbepaidtoms.gengLi,whose profoundknowledgeofenglishtriggersmyloveforthisbeautifullanguageand whoseearnestattitudetellsmehowtolearnenglish. Iamalsodeeplyindebtedtoalltheothertutorsand teachersinTranslationstudiesfortheirdirectandindirecthelptome. specialthanksshouldgotomyfriendswhohaveputconsiderabletimeandefforti ntotheircommentsonthedraft.Finally,Iamindebtedtomyparentsfortheir continuoussupportandencouragement.英语论文致谢词范文2Acknowledgements Iwouldliketoexpressmygratitudetoallthosewhohelpedmeduringthewritingo fthisthesis.mydeepestgratitudegoesfirstandforemostto professorZhouYanxia,mysupervisor,forhisconstantencouragementandguid ance.hehaswalkedmethroughallthestagesofthewritingofthisthesis.withouth isconsistentandilluminatinginstruction,thisthesiscouldnothavereacheditspr esentform.second,IwouldliketoexpressmyheartfeltgratitudetoprofessorwangJinsheng ,wholedmeintotheworldoftranslation.Iamalsogreatlyindebtedtotheprofesso rsandteachersattheDepartmentofenglish:ms.wuQing,Fengshaozhongandha nxiaoya,whohaveinstructedandhelpedmealotinthepasttwoyears. Lastmythankswouldgotomybelovedfamilyfor theirlovingconsiderationsandgreatconfidenceinmeallthroughtheseyears.Ial soowemysinceregratitudetomyfriendsandmyfellowclassmateswhogaveme theirhelpandtimeinlisteningtomeandhelpingmeworkoutmyproblemsduringthedifficultcourseofthethesis.英语论文致谢词范文3Acknowledgements Iwouldliketoexpressmygratitudetoallthosewhohelpedmeduringthewritingo fthisthesis.Igratefullyacknowledgethehelpofmysupervisor,ms.sunYanlan,whohasofferedmevalu ablesuggestionsintheacademicstudies.Inthepreparationofthethesis,shehasspentmuchtimereadingthrougheachdraftandprovidedmewithinspirin gadvice.withoutherpatientinstruction,insightfulcriticismandexpertguidanc e,thecompletionofthisthesiswouldnothavebeenpossible. Ialsooweaspecialdebtofgratitudetoallthe professorsinForeignLanguagesInstitute,fromwhosedevotedteachingandenl ighteninglecturesIhave benefitedalotandacademicallypreparedforthethesis. Ishouldfinallyliketoexpressmygratitudetomy belovedparentswhohavealwaysbeenhelpingmeoutofdifficultiesandsupport ingwithoutawordofcomplaint.英语论文致谢词范文4Acknowledgements Iwouldliketotakethisopportunitytoexpressmygratitudetomysupervisor,prof essorgupeiya,forallhereffortdevotedtothecourseofmythesiswriting,includi nghelpingmechoosethetopic,decideontheresearchquestionsandthesisoutlin。



AcknowledgementsAcknowledgementsACKNOWLEDGEMENTSIt has been a long journey since I arrived to Th e Netherlands in the summer of 2001. Besides a great professional gain, this time has been for me an amazing life experience. Looking back, I had the honour of working with many people, and I would like to thank to some of them who make this thesis possible.My deepest gratitude goes to my first promotor, Professor Flora Haaijer-Ruskamp, who guided my research steps from the very beginning. Dear Flora, without your continuous commitment this thesis would have never come to this point! Th ank you for your continuous challenge, effi cient feedback, and your patience. Above all, thank you for teaching me that behind sophisticated research questions and statistical analysis it is the patient we should think about… whether in fact medication has a benefi cial or a harmful eff ect. I would also like to thank you for your willingness to help me in my future career; this is something not easy to forget.I am also grateful to my co-promotor, Dr. Adelita Ranchor, from whom I learned to focus on the papers, and the importance of insight into research questions.A deep respect also for my second co-promotor, Dr. Mike DeJongste, who guided my clinical steps during these years. Dear Mike, your professional advice and your words of encouragement in my diffi cult moments are unforgetable!I am also indebted to my second and third promoters, Dr. Robbert Sanderman and Dr. Dirk Jan van Veldhuisen. Dear Robbert, thank you for your advice and respect during these years. Dear Dirk Jan, you came later into this project, however, through your involvement the quality of my thesis has increased. Th ank you for guidance, thorough comments, and especially for teaching me to focus on the main issues of the papers. I will also never forget the idea of “selling the message of the paper”.I would also like to thank to the members of the reading Committee, Prof. dr. W. H. van Gilst, Prof. dr. L. T. W. de Jong-van den Berg, and Prof. dr. F. Zijlstra for the careful reading of my thesis and their valuable suggestions.I am also grateful to some of my co-authors. First, to Ellen van Jaarsveld, who supported me as a postdoc during the fi rst, diffi cult years of research experience. A special word to Dr. Carolien Lucas and Ger Cleuren from Rijnland Hospital whose database made possible the writing of two articles of this thesis. Above strict administrative issues, I would like to thank you for the nice manner you received me in Leiderdorp. Also, I would like to thank to Rosemarie Arnold for giving me the chance to work on her database.156Acknowledgements During the last four years I had maybe a unique experience of working with people from three departments: clinical pharmacology, health psychology, and cardiology. Although it was not always easy, I had in fact the opportunity to learn more through this collaboration. First, a very special experience for me was as a physician among health psychologists and sociologists. I enjoyed working with them, maybe because I was always interested in this fi eld. So, although I struggled mainly with the saga of pharmacological therapy, I learned a lot about adaptation to disease, and the importance of socio-economic status or partner relationships. I would like to thank to my colleagues from this department. A special word for Eric van Sonderen, who is not only the person to whom I ended up with questions about study design or statistical analysis, but also a person I could rely on in personal problems. Dear Eric, thank you for your support during these years. T o Mariet, my companion of long working hours, a deep word of respect. T o Ans, my roomate, who always had time to help me with Dutch lessons or other administrative issues. Many thanks to T ruus, who brought light in the Reference Manager saga, and the administrative issues of PhD defense. I would like also to thank to my PhD colleagues: Giorgio, T essa, Inge, Lihua, Mario and Marieke (thank you in addition for all the translation help!). It is a pity that we did not spend more time together! Many thanks to Joke and Joost, who were willing to share with me their experience on PhD defense complexity… Also, many thanks to Renata and Tineke who helped me with administrative matters. Further, a special thank to Arnold Rozema who is the best person to deal with fi nancial matters!I would like also to thank to my colleagues from the Clinical Pharmacology department, Petra, Peter, Heidrun, Liana, Larissa, Jacoba, Jasperien to whom I shared many nice moments. My deep appreciation also for the group of Social Pharmacology.I would like to thank to all of you for sharing your excellent knowledge and ideas over our DRUGS meetings and courses! I hope we can keep in touch.In the C ardiology world, many thanks to Dr. Adriaan Voors, who reviewed two of my papers without claiming authorship, quite uncommon nowadays…Your knowledge in HF research is impressive! A special word to Tiny Jaarsma and the other members of the COACH group, we had very interesting meetings together! Also, many thanks to Dr. Hector Bueno, who off ered me the great opportunity of working with him in Madrid. A deep regret for everything…I would also like to thank to some people who helped me during my Master time in Utrecht. First, to Leo, who had time and willingness to help me with all the administrative problems of transport, moving, TV, all the things that make the life of a foreigner impossible! Dear Leo, thank you for all your precious support, also for the nice157Acknowledgementsdinners in your house. Also, many thanks to my landlady. Dear Bertie, it was a pleasure for me to stay in your house!I want also to thank to my friends from Groningen: Laura, Ileana, Mihai, Silviu, Dan end Irina, Mirko, Magda end Mihai, Maria, Iskra, Patricio and Anita, Danijela, Jarir, Mark and Katja, Eva, Joyce, and Niculai thank you for making my life so much nicer! A special thank to my dear friend Dana. Although far away, you have always been so close to me! Many thanks to my basket and volley-ball teams for supporting me with my incredible skills…I would like to give a special thanks to my paranymphs Efi and Juliet for helping me with the administrative issues, but especially for their precious friendship.Familia mea a fost intodeauna atat de importanta pentru mine. Aceasta teza este dedicata memoriei tatalui meu si a bunicii mele. Ei mi-au marcat viata, si au fost modelul meu de personalitate, angajament si responsabilitate. E dificil sa-mi gasesc cuvinte pentru a multumi mamei mele. Draga mea “Aurora boreala”, fara dragostea si sacrifi ciul tau nu as fi ajuns niciodata in acest stadiu al carierei mele! Mii de mutumiri matusii mele. Dragostea, suportul, si incurajarile tale au fost esentiale pentru a realiza mai mult in cariera mea, si ca persoana. Un cuvant special pentru fratele meu. Suportul tau si extraordinarul tau simt al umorului mi-au dat forta de a merge inainte! As vrea de asemenea sa multumesc verisorilor mei, si celorlalti membrii ai familiei mele, care au fost intodeauna aproape si m-au sustinut in diferite forme.Last, but the most important, my deepest gratitude goes for Adrian. An excellent clinician, and a very good statistician, you inspired me the interest for data analysis. It was partly because of you, and with your support that I embarked myself in very sophisticated data analysis. I would like also to thank you for bringing normality to my crazy scientifi c life; we travelled the whole Europe and even to the far South American continent, we enjoyed movies and music, and I learned a lot about football championships…. I would like fi rst of all to dedicate this thesis to you!158。



Context-free Process Algebras Extended with DeadlocksJiˇríSrbaMaster ThesisFaculty of InformaticsMasaryk University BrnoApril1998DeclarationI declare that this thesis was composed by myself and all presented results are my own unless otherwise stated.JiˇríSrbaAcknowledgementsFirst of all,I would like to thank IvanaˇCerná,the supervisor of my thesis, for her help and encouragement throughout the work.I am very grateful for her advise and valuable discussions.My warm thanks go also to Mojmír Kˇr etínskýand Antonín Kuˇc era. Their work motivated me to enter the area of theoretical computer science and I have learned a lot from them.Contents1Introduction1 2Basic definitions32.1Transition systems (3)2.2Bisimilarity (4)2.3Syntax and semantics of BPA systems (6)2.4Syntax and semantics of BPA systems (8)2.5Strict and nonstrict bisimilarity (9)2.6Normed processes (9)2.7Regular BPA systems (10)2.8Axiomatisation of bisimulation equivalence (11)2.9Greibach normal form (11)3Expressibility of BPA systems153.1Expressibility w.r.t.bisimilarity (15)3.2Expressibility nguage generation (16)4Bisimilarity in BPA systems214.1Decidability of nonstrict bisimilarity (21)4.2Decidability of strict bisimilarity (22)5Regularity in BPA systems245.1BPA regularity (24)5.2Decidability of strict regularity (25)5.3Decidability of nonstrict regularity (26)6Describing BPA in BPA syntax286.1Strict case (28)6.2Nonstrict case (29)7Conclusion39List of Figures2.1Example of two nonbisimilar but language equivalent pro-cesses (5)2.2SOS rules for BPA systems (7)2.3BPA and BPA laws (11)3.1Labelled transition system for (16)AbstractRecently it has been shown that the class of BPA(or context-free)processes can be widely used to describe sequential processes and to define their semantics.This class has been intensively studied.Bisimilarity and reg-ularity appeared to be decidable within the BPA processes(see[CHS95], [BCS96]).We extend these processes with a deadlocking state into BPA systems.We show that the BPA class is more expressive w.r.t.bisimula-tion equivalence but it remains language equivalent to BPA.We prove that bisimilarity and regularity remain decidable in the BPA class.Finally we give a characterisation of those BPA processes which can be equivalently (up to bisimilarity)described within the‘pure’BPA syntax.Keywords:context-free processes,BPA,deadlock,bisimilarity,regularity,language equivalenceChapter1IntroductionThe problem of determining whether a program satisfies a given specifica-tion is one of the main issues in theoretical computer science.Traditional input-output semantics declare two programs to be equivalent iff on the same input they produce the same output.We usually consider that the output is released only after the execution of such a program is completed. This approach,however,is not appropriate for reactive-like systems where coming to an end of such a system is rather tragedy than desired output. For such systems we need another notion of equivalence capturing the be-haviour during the execution.Recently a labelled transition system as the abstract computational model,and the relation of bisimulation as the most suitable behavioural equivalence,have been generally accepted.It should be remarked that another equivalences have been explored.Probably the most exhaustive spectrum of these equivalences can be found in[vG90a] and[vG90b]but the bisimulation still appears as thefinest one.This thesis deals with BPA processes(Basic Process Algebra)extended with deadlocks.BPA represents the class of processes introduced by Bergstra and Klop(see[BK85]).This class corresponds to the transition sys-tems associated with Greibach normal form(GNF)context-free grammars in which only left-most derivations are permitted.For detailed description of the relation between language and process theory we refer to[HM96]. We define the class BPA of BPA processes extended with deadlocks in a new way and give two alternative definitions of bisimilarity and regular-ity within this class.The main results say that bisimilarity,regularity and other significant properties remain decidable in the class of BPA systems.Basic definitions used in this thesis can be found in Chapter2.We give a definition of BPA systems based on a special variable(we call it a dead-lock).In an usual presentation every variable used in a BPA system is sup-posed to be defined but for the deadlock variable we allow no definition. This causes that if the system reaches a state where thefirst variable is,the system sticks at this state and no more actions can be performed.There are11.INTRODUCTION2Chapter2Basic definitionsThis chapter gives basic definitions of the formalism used in this thesis.For an experienced reader this chapter is rather standard introduction into the area of sequential process algebras.On the other hand some sections(2.4, 2.5and2.9)are worth reading.The notion of deadlock and two bisimilarity relations(strict and nonstrict)appear here.We also present the conversion into3–GNF,which is heavily used in the whole thesis.2.1Transition systemsWhen dealing with processes we need some structure to describe their op-erational semantics.As the most suitable structure transition systems are widely used and in the rest of this thesis we will understand processes as nodes of a certain type transition system.We introduce the labelled tran-sition system in the extended version with the set offinal states as can be found e.g.in[Mol96].Definition2.1.1.(labelled transition system)A labelled transition system is a tuple whereis a set of states(or processes)is a set of labels(or actions)is a transition relation,written,foris the root(or start state)of the transition systemis the set offinal states which are terminal:for each there is no and such that.32.BASIC DEFINITIONS42.BASIC DEFINITIONS5Figure2.1:Example of two nonbisimilar but language equivalent processes of Example2.1which generate the same language yet demonstrate different behavioural capabilities due to the nondeterministic behaviour exhibited by thefirst transition system.Many better equivalences have been introduced e.g.in[vG90b]and[vG90a]capturing more or less the reactivity of the systems,with bisimulation equivalence being perhaps the finest one.Bisimulation equivalence was defined by Park[Par81]and used with great effect by Milner[Mil89].Its definition is following.Definition2.2.1.(bisimilarity)Let be a labelled transition system.A binary relation is a bisimulation iff wheneverthen for each:if thenif thenStates are bisimulation equivalent or bisimilar,written,iff for some bisimulation.We can even ask whether two states,in a pair of different labelled transition systems and are bisimilar.In this case we can construct a new labelled transition systemand ask whether in this system.All this can be done under the assumption that. If the sets and are not disjoint we can e.g.rename the states of the system.Now we can state an obvious lemma.Lemma2.2.2.Let be a labelled transition system.Then for all if then.The converse does not hold.See Figure2.1where the processes and are language equivalent but not bisimilar.2.BASIC DEFINITIONS62.BASIC DEFINITIONS72.BASIC DEFINITIONS82.BASIC DEFINITIONS92.BASIC DEFINITIONS102.BASIC DEFINITIONS112.BASIC DEFINITIONS122.BASIC DEFINITIONS132.BASIC DEFINITIONS14Chapter3Expressibility of BPA systems In this chapter we justify the importance of introducing a deadlocking state into the BPA systems.We show that deadlocks enlarge the descriptive power of BPA systems w.r.t.both strict and nonstrict bisimilarity.On the other hand introducing deadlocks does not allow to generate more lan-guages than in the case of BPA.3.1Expressibility w.r.t.bisimilarityTheorem3.1.1.There exists a BP A system such that no BP A system is strictly bisimilar to it.Proof.No BPA system can be strictly bisimilar to the systemsince the state is reachable in this system and there is no match for in any BPA system.Theorem3.1.2.There exists a BP A system such that no BP A system is non-strictly bisimilar to it.Proof.We define a BPA system and show that there is no BPA system such that.Consider(see Figure3.1)and w.l.o.g.suppose that there is a BPA system in3–GNF,, such that.Then there are infinitely many states reachable from the leading variable of the system.They are of the form forand for each such state there must be a reachable state from such that .This state can be composed only of one variable for somesince the norms of and must be equal and.This implies that is nonstrictly bisimilar to a system withfinitely many reachable states.It is easy to see that is a system where infinitely many nonstrictly nonbisimilar states are reachable,which is contradiction.We153.EXPRESSIBILITY OF BPA SYSTEMS16Figure3.1:Labelled transition system forremind that the states and are nonstrictly nonbisimilar for since but.3.2Expressibility nguage generationIn this section we show that the classes of BPA systems and BPA systems are equivalent nguage generation.We will consider just the non-)since it is obvious that the strict strict case(BPAcase does not yield any language extention.Definition3.2.1.Let be a guarded BP A system.We define the language generated by as.(For the definition ofsee page4.)Definition3.2.2.We define classes of languages generated by BP A and BP A systems as following:BP A is a guarded BP A systemBP A is a guarded BP A systemTheorem3.2.3.The classes of languages generated by BP A and BP A systems are equal,i.e.BP A BP A.Proof.We show that for a BPA system there exists a BPA system such that.The other direction is obvious because a BPA system is a BPA system as well.Our proof will be constructive.For each variable we define a couple of new variables.Thefirst one will simulate the language behaviour of when reaching the state,the second one will simulate ending in suffix of the form.We use notation meaning that is a summand of the defining equation of the variable(e.g.if then).3.EXPRESSIBILITY OF BPA SYSTEMS173.EXPRESSIBILITY OF BPA SYSTEMS183.EXPRESSIBILITY OF BPA SYSTEMS193.EXPRESSIBILITY OF BPA SYSTEMS20Chapter4Bisimilarity in BPA systemsThefirst result indicating that decidability issues for bisimilarity are rather different from the ones for language equivalence is due to Baeten,Bergstra and Klop.They proved in[BBK87,BBK93]that bisimilarity is decid-able for normed BPA.Much simpler proofs of this were later given in [Cau88],[HS91]and[Gro92].It is well known result by Christensen,Hüttel and Stirling that the bisim-ulation equivalence is decidable in the class of all BPA systems–[CHS92]. The proof consists of two semidecidable procedures running in parallel. Burkart,Caucal and Steffen demonstrated in[BCS95]also an elementary decision procedure for BPA bisimilarity.On the contrary the language equivalence of BPA processes is undecid-able.The negative result for BPA[BHPS61]follows from the fact that BPA effectively defines the class of context-free languages.This argu-ment can be shown to hold for the class of normed BPA systems as well. This undecidability result extends also to all equivalences which lie in Glabbeek’s spectrum[vG90b]between bisimilarity and language equiva-lence[GH94,HT95].Another result[Jan95]due to Janˇc ar says that bisimi-larity is undecidable for Petri Nets.We show that the decidability of bisimilarity in BPA systems can be ex-tended to BPA systems.In the proof we exploit the result in[CHS92]and transform the examined BPA systems into BPA systems,interpreting as a new unnormed variable.In this chapter w.l.o.g.we implicitly assume that all considered systems are in3–GNF.4.1Decidability of nonstrict bisimilarityTheorem4.1.1.Given two BP A systems and.Proof.We reduce this problem to the problem of decidability of bisimilar-214.BISIMILARITY IN BPA SYSTEMS22and an action such thatforaswhere,assuming that andare now very similar to the previous ones except for the case when the systems reach the empty process()or the deadlock( or where).The behaviour in these states is changed to captureBPAthe property that the empty process is nonstrict bisimilar to the deadlock.A new unnormed variable is added to simulate these states.It is easy to see that.Moreover the systems and.Example4.1.2.Let.The system from the proof above is following.4.2Decidability of strict bisimilarityTheorem4.2.1.Given two BP A systems and.Proof.The proof is quite easy because for the strict bisimilarity we have that and we can use the slightly modified trick from the proof above. We construct the same systems andwill remain and4.BISIMILARITY IN BPA SYSTEMS23Chapter5Regularity in BPA systems Regularity of a transition system means in factfiniteness of the number of states up to bisimilarity.If we prove that a transition system can be ex-pressed(up to bisimilarity)as afinite state system and that the construc-tion is effective,we can decide all the interesting properties within such a regular system.Burkart,Caucal and Steffen demonstrated in[BCS96]that regularity is decidable for BPA processes and we exploit this result,thus extending the decidability to the BPA systems.5.1BPA regularityDefining regularity of a BPA system is not difficult.We state a BPA system to be regular iff it is bisimilar to a BPA system withfinitely many reach-able states.But in the case of BPA we introduced two notions of bisimi-larity(strict and nonstrict)and moreover we may consider regularity with regard tofinite state BPA and BPA system.There is no sence to consider strict bisimilarity w.r.t.finite state BPA.The nonstrict case is solved by the following lemma.Lemma5.1.1.Let be a BP A system withfinitely many reachable states.Then there exists a BP A system withfinitely many reachable states such that. Proof.We can assume that the process is in normal form,i.e.every equa-tion is of the form:where can possibly be.This can be done because if there are only finitely reachable states,we give a special new name to every such a state. The set of variables will be formed with the names of these states and we add corresponding transitions.This trivially preserves nonstrict bisimilar-ity(the resulting transition systems are even isomorphic).We construct the245.REGULARITY IN BPA SYSTEMS255.REGULARITY IN BPA SYSTEMS265.REGULARITY IN BPA SYSTEMS27Chapter6Describing BPA in BPA syntax In the Section3.1we have shown that the class of BPA systems is sharply larger(w.r.t.bisimilarity)than that of BPA.This challenges the question whether given a BPA system this system can be equivalently described in BPA syntax.The answer for both strict and nonstrict bisimilarity taken as the equivalence relation is the topic of this chapter.The characterisation for the strict bisimulation is given by Theorem6.1.1and Theorem6.2.15 demonstrates the corresponding result for the nonstrict bisimulation.6.1Strict caseTheorem6.1.1.Let be a BP A system.It is decidable whether there exists a BP A system such that.Moreover if the answer is positive, the system can be effectively constructed.Proof.The proof is rather technical and is based on the fact that.Con-is reachable sider the system.If a state of the form or forBPAfrom the leading variable then there cannot be any BPA system bisimilar to.If the deadlocking state is not reachable the system can be easily transformed into a BPA system.Suppose w.lo.g.that the system is in3–GNF.We construct the sets of variables from which the deadlock is reachable as following. The notation means again that is a summand in the expression.And for the sets are defined as:and286.DESCRIBING BPA IN BPA SYNTAX296.DESCRIBING BPA IN BPA SYNTAX306.DESCRIBING BPA IN BPA SYNTAX316.DESCRIBING BPA IN BPA SYNTAX326.DESCRIBING BPA IN BPA SYNTAX33dodo11:=12:=13for14replace all occurences of in with15where16endforIn the following lemmas we demonstrate that the algorithm is correct and produces a BPA system such that.Lemma6.2.7.For the loop4–17of the Algorithm6.2.6holds the following in-variant.Proof.The invariant holds at line3,because the set contains just one variable.Some new variables can potentially be added to the setat line12.Because of the loop8–10the variables in are pairwise non-strictly nonbisimilar.Line7ensures that will hold for:=also.Lemma6.2.8.Whenever during the execution of the Algorithm6.2.6we have then.Proof.All variables in had to be produced by the function(see line7and12).It is an easy observation that forsuch that is in3–GNF.any andBPALemma6.2.9.Whenever during the execution of the Algorithm6.2.6we have then.Proof.By induction on the number of repetitions of the loop4–17.Basic step:The only variable in the set before the execution of the loop4–17started is.But and so.Induction step:Suppose that at line12we have added a new variable into.So at line7we had to have for someand.The induction hypothesis says that6.DESCRIBING BPA IN BPA SYNTAX346.DESCRIBING BPA IN BPA SYNTAX356.DESCRIBING BPA IN BPA SYNTAX366.DESCRIBING BPA IN BPA SYNTAX376.DESCRIBING BPA IN BPA SYNTAX38Chapter7ConclusionIn this thesis we focused on the class of BPA processes extended with dead-locks.It has been shown that for input-output semantics the extention is no acquisition.On the other hand the BPA class is larger with regard to the re-lation of bisimulation.We introduce two notions of bisimilarity to capture the different understanding of deadlock behaviour.If we do not distin-guish between the state and we speak about nonstrict bisimilarity and if we do,we call the appropriate bisimulation equivalence as strict.We have shown that some decidable properties of BPA systems remain decidable in the BPA class,e.g.decidability of bisimulation equivalence and regularity extends to BPA systems.Finally we have solved the question whether,given a BPA system ,there is an equivalent description(with regard to bisimilarity)of in terms of BPA syntax.The solution for strict bisimilarity is rather technical. However,the answer to the problem dealing with nonstrict bisimilarity ex-ploited a nice semantic characterisation of the subclass of BPA processes bisimilarly describable in BPA syntax:a BPA system can be transformed into a BPA system(preserving nonstrict bisimilarity)if and only iffinitely many nonbisimilar states starting with some in-ending variable are reach-able.There is still an open problem whether this semantic characterisation is syntactically checkable.Future research could answer to this problem and there still remain many issues to examine such as extending the classes BPP and PA with deadlocks.I think that this thesis offers a rather complete introduction into context-free process algebras extended with deadlocking states.Already the defi-nition of deadlocks is interesting.What is important is that these BPA systems are more powerful than the BPA ones(w.r.t.bisimilarity),in spite of the fact that they do not bring any language extention.Moreover BPA systems appeared to be a suitable tool for specification of sequential pro-cesses since all the important properties remain decidable in this class.39Bibliography[BBK87]J.C.M.Baeten,J.A.Bergstra,and J.W.Klop.Decidability of bisimulation equivalence for processes generating context-freelanguages.In Proceedings of P ARLE’87,volume259of LNCS,pages93–114.Springer-Verlag,1987.[BBK93]J.C.M.Baeten,J.A.Bergstra,and J.W.Klop.Decidability of bisimulation equivalence for processes generating context-freelanguages.Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery,40:653–682,1993.[BCS95]O.Burkart,D.Caucal,and B.Steffen.An elementary decision procedure for arbitrary context-free processes.In Proceedings ofMFCS’95,volume969of LNCS,pages423–433,1995.[BCS96]O.Burkart,D.Caucal,and B.Steffen.Bisimulation collapse and the process taxonomy.In Proceedings of CONCUR’96[Con96],pages247–262.[BHPS61]Y.Bar-Hillel,M.Perles,and E.Shamir.On formal prop-erties of simple phrase structure grammmars.Zeitschriftfür Phonetik,Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung,14:143–177,1961.[BK85]J.A.Bergstra and J.W.Klop.Algebra of communicating pro-cesses with abstraction.Theoretical Computer Science,37:77–121,1985.[BK88]J.A.Bergstra and J.W.Klop.Process theory based on bisimula-tion semantics.In Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence,vol-ume345of LNCS,pages50–122.Springer-Verlag,1988.[Cau88] D.Caucal.Graphes canoniques de graphes algebriques.Rapport de Recherche872,INRIA,1988.[CHS92]S.Christensen,H.Hüttel,and C.Stirling.Bisimulation equiv-alence is decidable for all context-free processes.In Proceedings40BIBLIOGRAPHY41BIBLIOGRAPHY42。



ContentsAcknowledgements (i)Abstract (ii)Abstract(Chinese) (iii)Introduction (1)Chapter One Reasons for Mr Holden’s Degeneration (2)1.1 The Social Reason (2)1.2 The School Reason (4)1.3 The Family Reason (5)1.4 The Reason of Mr Holden (6)Chapter Two W ays to Solve These Problems (7)2.1 Social Responsibility (8)2.2 School Responsibility (8)2.3 Family Responsibility (9)2.4 Y oung People’s Own Responsibility (10)Conclusion (11)Notes (13)Bibliography (14)AcknowledgementsDuring the months of research, which led to this paper, I wished to express my appreciation to someone for the help. First, I have my deepest gratitude to Professor Sun Hongyan, my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and valuable instruction, for her insightful lectures, which inspire me to compose this thesis. She has helped me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Her great patience and stimulating supervision played a vital part in the completion of the study. Without her consistentand illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Second, I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the School of Foreign Language: Professor Wei Xiaohong, Professor Shi Yunxia, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past years. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Cai Qilun, who gave me help and some advices at the early stage of my research.Third, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.AbstractThe essay is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is about the reasons for Mr Holden’s degeneration. It describes four reasons for the hero’s degeneration in the process of his growing. The first reason is the social reason. The second is about the school reason. The third one is the family reason, while the last one is the hero himself. After these reasons, the next part is about how to solve these problems. The conclusion is the reasons for the hero’s degeneration and the ways how to solve thesepromlems. The essay mainly uses two ways. They are the methods of analysis and comparison. Mr. Holden is just an example. Nowadays most of teen boys and girls might face the problems as Mr. Holden. School and society should pay more attention to the problems and do some help to the young. Parents should learn some methods on how to educate their children in order to let them avoid degeneration. Y oung people should also reinforce their own physical and psychology study to avoid self-degeneration.Key Words:young people degeneration reasons ways on solving the problems摘要本篇论文主要分为三部分,第一部分主要描述了霍尔顿堕落的原因。

Acknowledgements Acknowledgements

Acknowledgements Acknowledgements

The Australian National UniversityA Control System For Achieving Rapid Controlled Motions From Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Actuator WiresYee Harn Teh4011704Supervisor: Dr. Roy FeatherstoneA Thesis submitted in part fulfilment of the degree of Bachelor ofEngineering at the Australian National UniversityJune 2003AcknowledgementsAcknowledgementsThere are many who have made contributions, both directly and indirectly to the completion of this thesis. I would like to name a few.First of all, I would like to sincerely thank my supervisor, Dr. Roy Featherstone, whose help has been enormous and whose enthusiasm has sparked my own in this wonderful work. His ideas and suggestions had frequently created jigsaw puzzles with many of the pieces missing throughout the entire project, which had made learning a very steep and difficult process for me. Yet they made all the efforts and time spent worthwhile.I would like to express my gratitude to my parents and family, who have made me the person that I am now and who have given me the opportunity to thread my own path in life, but have never left me without support and love.The staffs of the Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering (RSISE) at ANU had been extremely helpful, especially Jason Chen and Luke Cole whose mechanical and electrical expertise have helped construct the experiment rig and made this project possible. I would also like to acknowledge that this project was undertaken as a Summer Research Project at RSISE during the summer of 2002/03 with significant support and assistance from the Research School.Finally, I would like to thank Aya, Ray and Xiao Wuan who were helpful enough to read my draft thesis, and provide such valuable feedback.Claims of OriginalityClaims of OriginalityThis thesis contains no material that has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any University. To the best of my knowledge, this thesis contains no material previously published, or results or any work by any other person, except where due reference is made in text.Yee Harn TehJune 2003AbstractAbstractShape Memory Alloys (SMAs) are a group of metallic materials that demonstrate the ability to return to some previously defined shape via a phase transformation induced by thermal procedure. Basically, wires made from these alloys can be plastically deformed at some relatively low temperature, and upon heating will return to their shape prior to the deformation. A specially manufactured alloy of nickel and titanium (NiTi), called Flexinol tm, is one of many that can generate significant force upon changing shape and is of commercial interest.A lot of research and commercial work have been conducted on SMAs but only a few truly investigated the application of SMAs in an aggressive and robust control environment. In this thesis, control systems using the concept of relay control are applied to the system of a pair of SMA Flexinol tm wires in antagonistic orientation. The objective is to achieve fast coordinated motion control of the robotic device.The experimental set-up and the experiment rig that houses the SMA actuators are custom designed and constructed at the Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering at ANU. Properties of these Flexinol tm wires were examined and experiments were carried out to develop an improved version of the two-level relay controller designed by Danny Grant for his PhD thesis in 1999. This control system utilises a power limiter mechanism that controls extremely high power inputs to the actuators for increased speed. Both Grant’s controller and the improved control system were applied to the experimental set-up of SMA actuator wires and results were analysed to compare the performances of both controllers.The experimental results had shown that substantially faster responses of the system had been achieved using the improved control system compared to the two-level relay controller. However, the problem of limit cycle at the steady state needs to be overcome with further improvements in both the control system and the experiment rig.This project has made rapid motion control of SMA actuators wires possible. Potential development and improvements for faster and more accurate SMA wire actuation are extremely possible with the experimental set-up.Table of ContentsACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (I)CLAIMS OF ORIGINALITY (II)ABSTRACT (III)TABLE OF CONTENTS (IV)LIST OF FIGURES (VI)LIST OF TABLES (X)CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION (1)1.1S HAPE M EMORY A LLOYS (1)1.2M OTIVATION AND R ESEARCH O BJECTIVES (2)1.3L ITERATURE S URVEY (2)1.3.1 Brief History of Shape Memory Alloys (2)1.3.2 SMA Modelling (3)1.3.3 SMA Actuation and Control (3)1.4C HALLENGES (3)1.5T HESIS O UTLINE (4)CHAPTER 2: BACKGROUND AND EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP (5)2.1P ROPERTIES OF S HAPE M EMORY A LLOYS (5)2.1.1 The Shape Memory Effect (5)2.1.2 Phases of SMA (5)2.1.3 Properties during Transformation (7)2.1.4 Advantages of SMA (7)2.1.5 Limitations of SMA (8)2.1.6 Properties of NiTi and Flexinol tm (8)2.2E XPERIMENTAL S ET-U P (9)2.2.1 dSPACE (10)2.2.2 Experiment Rig (10)2.2.3 Flexinol tm Wires and The Antagonistic Set-Up (11)2.2.4 Amplifier Circuits (11)2.2.5 HEDS Optical Encoder Module (12)2.2.6 Pantograph Device (13)2.3C HAPTER S UMMARY (13)CHAPTER 3: EXPERIMENTAL TESTING AND MODELLING (14)3.1E XPERIMENTAL S ET-U P AND D ESIGN I SSUES (14)3.2T ESTING OF O VERALL E XPERIMENTAL S ET-UP (15)3.2.1 Results (15)3.2.2 Noise Problem (17)3.3M ODELLING E XPERIMENT (19)3.3.1 Experimental Procedure (19)3.3.2 Simulink Model (20)3.3.3 Results (21)3.3.4 Flexinol tm Resistance Profile Discrepancy (24)3.4C HAPTER S UMMARY (25)CHAPTER 4: TWO-LEVEL RELAY CONTROLLER SYSTEM (26)4.1G ENERAL C ONTROL D ESIGN (26)4.1.1 Slack in Wire Actuators (26)4.1.2 Control System Language (27)4.1.3 Relay Control (27)4.1.4 Load/Inertia Issues (27)4.2D ANNY G RANT’S T WO-L EVEL R ELAY C ONTROLLER (28)4.2.1 Design Issues (28)4.2.2 Implementation (29)4.3P OSITION C ONTROL –N O L OAD (30)4.3.1 Step Response of Two-Level Relay Controller (30)4.3.2 Tracking Response of Two-Level Relay Controller (32)4.4P OSITION C ONTROL –W ITH A L OAD (34)4.5C HAPTER S UMMARY (35)CHAPTER 5: IMPROVED RELAY CONTROLLER SYSTEM WITH POWER LIMITER MECHANISM (36)5.1R ELAY C ONTROLLER WITH P OWER L IMITER M ECHANISM (36)5.1.1 Power Limiter Mechanism Design (36)5.1.2 Implementation (38)5.2P OSITION C ONTROL –N O L OAD (38)5.2.1 Step Response of Control System with Power Limiter (38)5.2.2 Tracking Response of Control System With Power Limiter (42)5.3P OSITION C ONTROL –W ITH A L OAD (46)5.4C HAPTER S UMMARY (47)5.4.1 Evaluation of Performance (47)5.4.2 Comparison of Results from Both Control Systems (47)CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION (49)6.1S UMMARY (49)6.2F UTURE W ORK (50)REFERENCES (51)APPENDIX A: PROPERTIES OF NITI AND FLEXINOL TM (53)APPENDIX B: SET-UP AND DESIGN PROCEDURES (55)B.1F LEXINOL TM W IRE S TANDARDISATION (55)B.2T ESTING OF A MPLIFIER C IRCUITS AND E LECTRICAL C ONNECTIONS (56)B.3O PTICAL E NCODER M ODULE I NITIALISATION (56)B.4A NALOG D ATA A CQUISITION AND P ROCESSING (57)APPENDIX C: SIMULINK MODELS (60)List of FiguresFigure 2.1 Hysteresis Curve and Transformation Temperatures of SMA. (6)Figure 2.2 Two-Dimensional Crystal Structures and Phase Transformations of SMA. (6)Figure 2.3 Stress-Strain Curves of (a) Martensite and (b) Austenite. (7)Figure 2.4 Overall Experimental Set-up and its Main Components. ............................ . 9 Figure 2.5 Experiment Rig and Other Components. . (9)Figure 2.6 Front and Side Views of Experiment Rig. (10)Figure 2.7 Amplifier Circuit To Drive One SMA Wire. (11)Figure 2.8 Views of the Encoder Modules and Pulleys. (a) Back View. (b) Side View.(c) Front View. (12)Figure 2.9 Channels/Tracks on Encoder Disk. (12)Figure 2.10 Pantograph Device. (13)Figure 3.1 Open Loop Step Response. (a) DAC Input Voltage. (b) Current through SMA.(c) SMA Wire Contraction. (16)Figure 3.2 Open Loop Ramp Response. (a) DAC Voltage. (b) Current through SMA.(c) SMA Wire Contraction. (16)Figure 3.3 Observation of Hysteresis in SMA Wire during Ramp Input. (a) Contraction vs. SMA Current. (b) Voltage across SMA vs. SMA Current. (17)Figure 3.4 Analog Input Data with Noise.(a) Raw ADC 16-Bit Voltage. (b) Detailed Plot of (a) showing High FrequencyNoise. (c) Plot of SMA Resistance vs DAC Voltage. (d) Detailed Plot of (c) showingthe Effect of Noise on the Result. (18)Figure 3.5 Experimental Set-Up for Modelling Experiment (Not to Scale). (19)Figure 3.6 Simulink Model for Modelling Experiment. (20)Figure 3.7 PI Controller for Modelling Experiment. (21)Figure 3.8 Desired Power Profile for Modelling Experiment.(a) For Main Thermal Cycle (b) For Intermediate Thermal Cycles (c) For Main andIntermediate Cycles. (21)Figure 3.9 Hysteresis Profiles of Main Thermal Cycle using Different Loadings. (22)Figure 3.10 Hysteresis Profiles of Main and Intermediate Thermal Cycles using Different Loadings. (23)Figure 3.11 Flexinol tm Resistance Profile During Main Thermal Cycle (With Distortion). (24)Figure 3.12 Flexinol tm Resistance Profile During Main Thermal Cycle (No Distortion). (24)Figure 4.1 Two-Level Relay Controller. (29)Figure 4.2 Closed Loop Position Step Response Using Two-Level Relay Controller for a pair ofSMA Antagonistic Actuators (No Load Case): Blue Line = Desired Angle; Red Line= Actual Angle.(a) Full Step Response (Initialisation and Control Phase) to a Desired Input of ±30°.(b) Full Step Response (Initialisation and Control Phase) to a Desired Input of ±45°.(c) Closer View of Response from (a). (d) Closer View of Response from(b). (e)Detailed Response from (a). (f) Detailed Response from (b). (g) Limit Cycle forResponse from (a). (h) Limit Cycle for Response from (b). (31)Figure 4.3 Close Loop Position Sine Response (Asin(2πft)) Using Two-Level Relay Control fora pair of SMA Antagonistic Actuators (No Load Case): Amplitude = 45°; Blue Line= Desired Angle; Red Line = Actual Angle.(a) Sine Response with f = 0.2 Hz. (b) Detailed Sine Response of (a).(c) Sine Response with f = 0.25 Hz. (d) Sine Response with f = 0.33 Hz.(e) Sine Response with f = 0.5 Hz. (f) Detailed Sine Response of (e). (32)Figure 4.4 Tracking Error for Sine Responses (Asin(2πft)) from Fig 4.3.(a)f = 0.2Hz. (b) f = 0.25 Hz. (c) f = 0.33 Hz. (d) f = 0.5 Hz (33)Figure 4.5 Close Loop Position Step Response Using Two-Level Relay Controller for a pair ofSMA Antagonistic Actuators (With Load Case): Blue Line = Desired Angle; RedLine = Actual Angle.(a) Step Response to a Desired Input of ±30°. (b) Step Response to a Desired Input of±45°.(c) Detailed Response from (a). (d) Details Response from (b). (e) Limit Cyclefor Response from (a). (f) Limit Cycle for Response from (b). (34)Figure 5.1 Response to Step Input with Varying Current Inputs: Blue Line = Desired Angle;Red Line = Actual Angle. (a) Current Input of 0.14 A. (b) Current Input of 0.16 A.(c) Current Input of 0.18 A. (d) Current Input of 0.20 A. (36)Figure 5.2 Power Limiter Mechanism. (37)Figure 5.3 Comparison of Step Responses between Grant’s Two-Level Relay Controller and theRelay Controller with Power Limiter Mechanism (No Load Case): Boundary Layer,λ = ±0.5°; Blue Line = Desired Angle; Red Line = Actual Angle; Response of 20-32s = Power Limiter OFF; Response of 32-45 s = Power Limiter ON. (a) W amp = 15 W;R aus = 105 Ω; Desired Step of ±30° (b) Angle Error from Response (a). ………………………………………………………………………………..……38 Figure 5.4 Input Power and Resistance Profiles from Fig 5.3: W amp= 15 W; R aus = 105 Ω;Boundary Layer, λ =±0.5°; Blue Line = Desired Power; Red Line = ActualPower/SMA Resistance; Response of 20-32 s = Power Limiter OFF; Response of 32-45 s = Power Limiter ON.(a) Input Power Profiles for Actuator 1. (b) SMA Resistance Profile for Actuator 1.(c) Input Power Profiles for Actuator 2. (d) SMA Resistance Profile for Actuator 2.39 ………………………………………………………………………………….…Figure 5.5 Closed Loop Position Step Response Using Control System with Power Limiter Mechanism for a pair of SMA Antagonistic Actuators (No Load Case): BoundaryLayer, λ = ±0.5°; Blue Line = Desired Angle; Red Line = Actual Angle.(a) W amp = 15 W, R aus = 110 Ω, Desired Step ±30° with Close Up View of LimitCycle. (b) Detailed Response from (a).(c) W amp = 20 W, R aus = 110 Ω., Desired Step ±30° with Close Up View of LimitCycle. (d) Detailed Response from (c).(e) W amp = 20 W, R aus = 108 Ω., Desired Step ±30° with Close Up View of LimitCycle. (f) Detailed Response from (e). (41)Figure 5.6 Reduced Limit Cycle of Response of the Relay Controller with Power Limiter Mechanism (No Load Case): Boundary Layer, λ = ±1.0°; Blue Line = Desired Angle;Red Line = Actual Angle; Response of 10-30 s = Power Limiter OFF; Response of30-50 s = Power Limiter ON. (a) W amp = 15 W; R aus = 105 Ω; Desired Step of ±30°.(b) Angle Error from Response (a). (42)Figure 5.7 Close Loop Position Sine Response (Asin(2πft)) Using Control System with Power Limiter Mechanism for a pair of SMA Antagonistic Actuators (No Load Case): W amp= 15 W; Amplitude = 45°; Blue Line = Desired Angle; Red Line = Actual Angle(a) Sine Response with f = 0.20 Hz. (b) Sine Response with f = 0.25 Hz.(c) Sine Response with f = 0.33 Hz. (d) Sine Response with f = 0.50 Hz. (43)Figure 5.8 Tracking Error for Sine Responses (Asin(2πft)) from Fig 5.7.(a) f = 0.2Hz. (b) f = 0.25 Hz. (c) f = 0.33 Hz. (d) f = 0.5 Hz. (43)Figure 5.9 Comparison of Tracking Responses between Grant’s Two-Level Relay Controller and the Relay Controller with Power Limiter Mechanism (No Load Case): W amp = 20W; R aus = 105 Ω; Boundary Layer, λ = 0.5°; Amplitude = 30°; Blue Line = DesiredAngle; Red Line = Actual Angle;(a) Sine Response of f = 0.5 Hz (Power Limiter ON from 20th Second).(b) Sine Response of f = 1.00 Hz (Power Limiter ON from 30th Second)(c) Detailed Response from (a). (d) Detailed Response from (b).(e) Tracking Error of Response (a). (f) Tracking Error of Response (b). (44)Figure 5.10 Input Power and Resistance Profiles from Fig 5.9(b): W amp = 20 W; R aus = 105 Ω;Boundary Layer, λ =±0.5°; Blue Line = Desired Power; Red Line = ActualPower/SMA Resistance; Response of 25-30 s = Power Limiter OFF; Response of 30-35 s = Power Limiter ON.(a) Input Power Profiles for Actuator 1. (b) SMA Resistance Profile for Actuator 1.(c) Input Power Profiles for Actuator 2. (d) SMA Resistance Profile for Actuator 2. (45)Figure 5.11 Close Loop Position Step Response Using Controller with Power Limiter Mechanism for a pair of SMA Antagonistic Actuators (With Load Case): Blue Line = DesiredAngle; Red Line = Actual Angle; Response of 21-28 s = Power Limiter OFF;Response of 28-34 s = Power Limiter ON.(a) W amp = 10 W, R aus = 108 Ω, Desired Step ±30°. (b) Detailed Views from (a).(c) W amp = 15 W, R aus = 108 Ω, Desired Step ±30°. (d) Detailed Views from (b). (46)Figure B.1 Procedures for Fixing Flexinol tm Wires into Experiment Rig. (55)Figure B.2 Simulink Model for Index Pulse Detection and Initialisation. (57)Figure B.3 Current Amplifier Circuit. (58)Figure B.4 Simulink Model for Analog-To-Digital Conversion and Data Processing. (59)Figure C.1 Initialisation of an Optical Encoder Module. (60)Figure C.2 Analog-Digital Conversion and Data Processing with Software Filtering. (60)Figure C.3 Open Loop Simulink Model for Experimental Setup Testing. (61)Figure C.4 Closed Loop Modelling Experiment Model. (62)Figure C.5 Proportional-Integral Controller for Modelling Experiment. (62)Figure C.6 Closed Loop Position Model with Relay Controller. (63)Figure C.7 Initialisation and Relay Controller. (63)Figure C.8 Closed Loop Position Control with Power Limiter Mechanism. (64)Figure C.9 Main Power Limiter Mechanism. (64)Figure C.10 Power Limiter Model for Individual Actuator. (65)Figure C.11 Coordinate-to-Encoder-Angle Conversion Module for Pantograph Control. (65)Figure C.12 Two Degree-of-Freedom Pantograph Closed Loop Control System. (66)List of TablesList of TablesTable 2.1 Selected Properties of NiTi Related to This Work. (8)Table 3.1 Software Design and Testing. (14)Table 3.2 Hardware Design and Testing. (15)Table 4.1 Limit Cycle Magnitudes for ‘No Load’ Step Responses. (30)Table 5.1 Comparison of Performance using Different Parameters of Power Limiter Mechanism. (40)Table A.1 Properties of Flexinol tm Actuator Wires. (53)Table A.2 Selected Properties of NiTi. (54)Chapter 1: IntroductionIn this chapter, we will begin with a short introduction to Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) and their applications. The motivation and the research objectives of this thesis will be covered in Section 1.2 and followed by a review of the literature in Section 1.3. Finally, a quick outline of the overall thesis will be covered at the end of this chapter.1.1 Shape Memory AlloysMany systems, including manufacturing, automobiles, plants and machines depend on actuators as the driving mechanism. These actuators use electric, hydraulic or pneumatic technologies. As applications become more diverse and compact, new ways or types of actuators are needed to make these ideas work. These new technologies open the way to novel actuators such as Shape Memory Alloys, piezoelectrics and nanomachines.Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) are one of the exciting new technologies that offer many advantages and usages. Some of their wonderful properties are their high force-to-weight ratio, incredibly small size and volume, as well as their low cost compared to conventional actuators. However, SMAs are not free from drawbacks such as the non-linearities and hysteresis that are present in the phase transitions, their limited strain and bandwidth. The potentials of SMAs and their feasibility in robotic or other commercial applications are still being explored. According to Hodgson and Wu [5], it is anticipated that many engineering domains in the near future will have use of SMAs.One of the most common shape memory alloys is the alloy of nickel-titanium (NiTi). Advantages of NiTi compared to other SMAs are its greater shape memory strain, thermal stability, higher ductility and excellent corrosion resistance [5]. Wires of Flexinol tm, which is a trade name for NiTi actuator wires specifically manufactured by Dynalloy Inc., are processed to contract like muscles when electrically heated and can easily be stretched as they cool back to ambient temperature.This work uses Flexinol tm wires with a diameter of 100 microns (0.004 inch) as actuators in a custom-designed experimental and control set-up. A more detailed background of SMAs as well as the experimental set-up for this work will be covered in Chapter 2.1.2 Motivation and Research ObjectivesTraditional forms of actuators such as motors necessitate the use of large and heavy supporting apparatus and are usually very noisy. Shape Memory Alloys have the advantage of more compact and silent actuation. However, at the current stage of research and development, SMAs are yet to be able to replace conventional actuators for most applications. Due to their hysteretic nature and non-linearities, SMAs remain a slow and inefficient type of actuation compared to a motor. They remain mostly as experimental robotic devices.However, works by researchers and leaders in the field are slowly changing this view. Work by Grant in 1999 [6] is an example that SMA actuators are capable of fast and accurate motion. Using relay controller and an antagonistic set-up, Grant demonstrated that significant improvements had been made in terms of speed and accuracy of control.This project builds on the works of Grant and his relay controller on SMA antagonistic wire pairs. The primary objective of this work is to implement a control system to further increase the speed and aggressiveness of actuation. This is done by implementing Grant’s relay controller with an additional power limiter mechanism.Grant’s controller used only safe current inputs for Flexinol tm wire actuation but the power limiter mechanism allows dangerously higher currents into the system. It is also our goal to compare results and performance of Grant’s relay controller with the controller with power limiter mechanism.1.3 Literature SurveyThis section presents a brief literature overview of Shape Memory Alloys. In particular, a brief history of SMAs and previous work on SMA modelling, actuation and control will be presented.1.3.1 Brief History of Shape Memory Alloys.Many different metal alloys had been discovered to display shape memory properties. In fact, the first recorded observation of the shape memory effect was made by Chang and Read in 1932 (Chang and Read, 1951, cited in [5]). The current most commonly used is a near-binary mixture of nickel and titanium, called Nitinol (Ni-Ti-NOL) since it was first developed at the US Naval Ordinance Laboratory in 1961 (Buehler, Gilfrich and Wiley, 1963, cited in [7] Gorbet 1996).Within 10 years, a number of commercial products that implemented the shape memory effect were available. Most of these products usually involved simple components with the property of one-time shape memory change. Nowadays, applications of SMAs include force actuators, proportional control, superelastic applications, medical industry applications, micro-robotics and many other usages [5] but none is used in high-speed applications.More shape memory alloys were discovered and investigated as the shape memory effect and their properties became better understood. This paved the way for extensive research in modelling SMAs for robotic actuations.1.3.2 SMA Modelling.In control system design, a model is invaluable as a design aid. One of the hot topics of SMA research is the modelling of their hysteretic nature. It is the presence of this wide hysteresis loop in the phase transformation of SMAs that makes accurate modelling of SMA actuators difficult. Basically, models that have been proposed so far can be divided into two categories: linear and non-linear.In Baz, Imam and McCoy 1990 cited in [7], a simple model assuming only one transformation temperature was developed. This model assumes that all phase transformations, from martensite to austenite, and vice versa, occurs at this temperature. The contraction of the SMA wire is calculated using a piece-wire function of temperature. Other examples of linear models are made by Kuribayashi and Hashimoto, cited in Gorbet 1999 [7].Linear models are usually ‘over-simplification of the actual thermal dynamics of the alloy’, according to Gorbet. Some researchers such as Ikuta, Lin and Madill proposed non-linear models which try to explain and model the hysteresis present in the phase change of SMAs.1.3.3 SMA Actuation and Control.The usage of SMAs in robotic applications has become increasingly significant. Most of these SMA actuators are used either in the form of long straight fibres or as coils.However, despite extensive research into SMA actuation and control, only a few ever researched into accurate but aggressive motion of SMA actuators such as [6] and [12]. Grant had shown that SMAs are capable of fast and accurate actuation using relay control with an antagonistic actuator arrangement. His results indicated that SMAs can be used in a broad class of applications such as force control, position control and vibration isolation. Rediniotis and Lagoudas [12] had shown that excellent tracking at actuation bandwidths of 20 Hz could be achieved for SMA wire contraction.Yet, research on the aggressiveness and robustness of SMA motion control is considered little compared to other research topics in SMAs. This project represents another opportunity to investigate the performance of SMA wire actuators in high-speed control.1.4 ChallengesDeveloping a control system that can achieve rapid controlled motion of SMA actuator wires poses several design challenges:A complete experimental set-up has to be constructed and tested to ensure proper functionalityExperimental set-up must provide accurate and useful feedback data regarding the state of the actuators and their position.Experiment rig must have potential for hardware improvements and developmentShape Memory Alloy actuation has non-linear properties and hysteretic natureThe range of actuation must be large enough for visible and useful motion of the robotic device To achieve the underlying objectives of this project, the successful design and construction of a complete experimental set-up that incorporates both hardware and software components must be carried out. This long-term process will be reflected in the thesis.1.5 Thesis OutlineThis thesis is divided into 6 chapters.Chapter 2 begins with some background information on SMAs such as their phases, phase transitions, properties and limitations. This chapter will also include a description of the experimental set-up used in the project.Chapter 3 first deals with the testing of the hardware and software components to ensure the set-up can perform to meet our objectives. Before a control system could be implemented to control the actuators, the experimental set-up needs to be tested and software modules that deal with data acquisition and encoder initialisation need to be designed. Procedures for the testing experiments will be briefly described. Next, modelling experiments are examined in order to develop an improved control system. Results obtained will be applied in the design of the power limiter mechanism with the two-level relay controller.Chapters 4 and 5 present the two control systems that have been implemented in the project. The first is the two-level relay controller adapted from Grant [6] and the second is the improved relay controller with an additional power limiter mechanism. Chapter 4 will begin with some general design issues of a control system. Grant’s two-level relay controller will be examined and results of the control system will be presented.Chapter 5 details the design of the power limiter mechanism and its implementation in an improved control system will be presented. The chapter ends with a comparison of results between the two different control systems.Finally, this thesis concludes with Chapter 6 with some future research and improvement issues. It is hoped that this document will be an aid to students working in aggressive control of Shape Memory Alloy actuators.Chapter 2: Background and Experimental Set-UpThis chapter begins with some background information on Shape Memory Alloys and their properties in general. A description of their phases and the phase transformation, the limitations of SMAs as well as some important properties of Flexinol tm will be presented. Section 2.2 deals with the experimental set-up and includes a description of the experiment rig, the pantograph device as well as other equipments and components used in this work.2.1 Properties of Shape Memory AlloysThis section describes the basic theory required to understand the workings of Shape Memory Alloys. Much of the explanation had been drawn from [5], [6] and [7]. For more in-depth understanding of SMAs, the reader is encouraged to consult these sources.2.1.1 The Shape Memory Effect.Shape Memory Alloys are a group of metallic materials that is distinguished by their ability to return to a specific shape or size prior to deformation through a temperature dependent phase change When a Shape Memory Alloy is in its martensitic structure, it can be easily deformed to a new shape. However, when it is heated through a suitable range of temperatures, it changes to its austenite phase and recovers its previous shape. This phase transformation process is known as the shape memory effect and forms the basis of research in SMA actuation.2.1.2 Phases of SMA.In terms of practical applications, a NiTi SMA can exist in three different crystal structures or phases called martensite, stress-induced martensite and austenite as noted by [10] Mihalcz 2001. At low temperature, the alloy exists as martensite. It is weak, soft and more deformable. Stressed-induced martensite or superelastic NiTi is highly elastic (rubber-like) and is present at a temperature that is slightly above its transformation temperatures. The austenite is the stronger, higher temperature phase present in NiTi. For the purpose of this work, we will concentrate on two phases – the martensite and austenite phases.The phase transformation from martensite to austenite and back again, are described by a wide hysteresis loop, shown in Fig 2.1 (adapted from [5]). The phase transitions are characterised by four transformation temperatures: (i) A s, the austenite start temperature; (ii) A f, the austenite finish temperature; (iii) M s, the martensite start temperature; and (iv) M f, the martensite finish temperature.To the left of the martensite finish temperature M f, only martensite is present. To the right of the austenite finish temperature A f, only austenite is present. In between M f and A f, there is a combination of martensite and austenite. The hysteresis, ∆T, is defined as the temperature difference。



Acknowledgements Abstract 1 Introduction iii iv 1
2 5
1.1 Related Work : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1.2 Outline of this Thesis : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Himanshu Shekhar Sinha
Computer Science Department 111 Cummington Street Boston, MA 02215 Phone: (617)353-8919 E-mail: hss@
Several people in uenced this work directly or indirectly. I am deeply indebted to my advisor, Abdelsalam Heddaya, for his continuous support and encouragement. He was involved at each and every step of this research. I would like to thank Azer Bestavros and Steven Homer for their comments and suggestions. I also thank Joyce Friedman and Sharon Salveter for serving on my committee. I would like to express my gratitude to the graduate student community of the Computer Science department at Boston University. Bob Carter, Nick Roosevelt and Marwan Shaban gave their comments on earlier drafts of this thesis. Chris Lynch and S. Rajagopalan were wonderful o cemates. The folks on Christopher Drive tolerated my intrusions into their o ces when I needed a break from the long hours at the terminal. I thank Regina Blaney and Eileen Grabowski for their help in dealing with administrative matters. Lou Henessy's help in my running the Distributed Computing Laboratory was beyond his call of duty and I thank him for that. Finally, I would like to thank my father, Sachchida Nand Sinha, and my mother, Manju Rani Sinha, for their support and patience through this long endeavor.



Link ping Studies in Science and Technology Thesis No. 644
Algorithms for Short-Term ProductionPlanning of Cogeneration Plants
Erik Dotzauer
Division of Optimization, Department of Mathematics Link ping University, S-581 83 Link ping, Sweden
Link ping Studies in Science and Technology Thesis No. 644
Algorithms for Short-Term ProductionPlanning of Cogeneran of Optimization Department of Mathematics Link ping University, S-581 83 Link ping, Sweden Link ping 1997
A cogeneration plant, feeding its output water into a district-heating network, may include several types of energy producing units. The most important being the Cogeneration unit, which produces both heat and electricity. Most plants also have a Heat water storage. Finding the optimal production of both heat and electricity and the optimal use of the storage is a challenging mixed integer nonlinear optimization problem. The calculations may be divided into two sub-problems. The unit commitment problem is the problem to determine when a unit should be producing (on) or not (o ). To solve the economic dispatch problem is to nd the optimal production plan given which units are producing in each time interval. Together the solution of these two problems form the solution of the short-term production-planning problem. In this thesis a general approach for the mathematical modeling of a cogeneration plant is presented. The model objective function is nonlinear, with nonlinear constraints. Internal plant temperatures, mass ows, storage losses, minimal up and down times and time dependent start-up costs are considered. The demand for heat, the forward temperature from the plant, the return temperature to the plant and the price of electricity are assumed to be known quantities. The net electric power produced is sold for the estimated current market price of electricity. The unit commitment problem is solved with an algorithm based on Lagrangian relaxation. The dual search direction is computed by the subgradient method and the step length by the Polyak rule II. A heuristic method for the generation of primal feasible solutions is developed. The economic dispatch problem is solved using a combination of dynamic programming and general-purpose solvers. Algorithms to nd starting values for the problem are developed. The model and the algorithms are implemented in MATLAB, illustrated with numerical examples and analyzed with numerical tests.



GAPRelease4.4.102October2007A TutorialThe GAP Group AcknowledgementWe would like to thank the many people who have made contributions ofvarious kinds to the development of GAP since1986,in particular:Isabel M.Ara´u jo,Robert Arthur,Hans Ulrich Besche,Thomas Bischops,Oliver Bonten,Thomas Breuer,Frank Celler,Gene Cooperman,Bettina Eick,Volkmar Felsch,Franz G¨a hler,Greg Gamble,Willem de Graaf,Burkhard H¨ofling,Jens Hollmann,Derek Holt,Erzs´e bet Horv´a th,Alexander Hulpke,Ansgar Kaup,Susanne Keitemeier,Steve Linton,Frank L¨u beck,Bohdan Majewski,Johannes Meier,Thomas Merkwitz,Wolfgang Merkwitz,James Mitchell,J¨u rgen Mnich,Robert F.Morse,Scott Murray,Joachim Neub¨u ser,Max Neunh¨offer,Werner Nickel,Alice Niemeyer,Dima Pasechnik,G¨o tz Pfeiffer,Udo Polis,Ferenc R´a k´o czi,Sarah Rees,Edmund Robertson,Colva Roney-Dougal,Ute Schiffer,Jack Schmidt,Martin Sch¨o nert,´Akos Seress,Andrew Solomon,Heiko Theißen,Rob Wainwright,Alex Wegner,Chris Wensley and Charles Wright.The following list gives the authors,indicated by A,who designed the code in thefirst place as well as the current maintainers,indicated by M of the various modules of which GAP is composed.Since the process of modularization was started only recently,there might be omissions both in scope and in contributors.The compilers of the manual apologize for any such errors and promise to rectify them in future editions.KernelFrank Celler(A),Steve Linton(AM),Frank L¨u beck(AM),Werner Nickel(AM),Martin Sch¨o nert(A) Automorphism groups offinite pc groupsBettina Eick(A),Werner Nickel(M)Binary RelationsRobert Morse(AM),Andrew Solomon(A)Characters and Character Degrees of certain solvable groupsHans Ulrich Besche(A),Thomas Breuer(AM)Classes in nonsolvable groupsAlexander Hulpke(AM)Classical GroupsThomas Breuer(AM),Frank Celler(A),Stefan Kohl(AM),Frank L¨u beck(AM),Heiko Theißen(A) Congruences of magmas,semigroups and monoidsRobert Morse(AM),Andrew Solomon(A)Cosets and Double CosetsAlexander Hulpke(AM)CyclotomicsThomas Breuer(AM)Dixon-Schneider AlgorithmAlexander Hulpke(AM)Documentation UtilitiesFrank Celler(A),Heiko Theißen(A),Alexander Hulpke(A),Willem de Graaf(A),Steve Linton(A), Werner Nickel(A),Greg Gamble(AM)Factor groupsAlexander Hulpke(AM)Finitely presented groupsVolkmar Felsch(A),Alexander Hulpke(AM),Martin Schoenert(A)Finitely presented monoids and semigroupsIsabel Ara´u jo(A),Derek Holt(A),Alexander Hulpke(A),James Mitchell(M),G¨o tz Pfeiffer(A), Andrew Solomon(A)GAP for MacOSBurkhard H¨ofling(AM)Group actionsHeiko Theißen(A)and Alexander Hulpke(AM)Homomorphism searchAlexander Hulpke(AM)Homomorphisms forfinitely presented groupsAlexander Hulpke(AM)Identification of Galois groupsAlexander Hulpke(AM)Intersection of subgroups offinite pc groupsFrank Celler(A),Bettina Eick(A),Werner Nickel(M)Irreducible Modules overfinitefields forfinite pc groupsBettina Eick(AM)Isomorphism testing with random methodsHans Ulrich Besche(AM),Bettina Eick(AM)Lie algebrasThomas Breuer(A),Craig Struble(A),Juergen Wisliceny(A),Willem A.de Graaf(AM) Monomiality QuestionsThomas Breuer(AM),Erzs´e bet Horv´a th(A)Multiplier and Schur coverWerner Nickel(AM),Alexander Hulpke(AM)One-Cohomology and ComplementsFrank Celler(A)and Alexander Hulpke(AM)Partition Backtrack algorithmHeiko Theißen(A),Alexander Hulpke(M)Permutation group composition series´Akos Seress(AM)Permutation group homomorphisms´Akos Seress(AM),Heiko Theißen(A),Alexander Hulpke(M)Permutation Group PcgsHeiko Theißen(A),Alexander Hulpke(M)Possible Permutation CharactersThomas Breuer(AM),G¨o tz Pfeiffer(A)Possible Class Fusions,Possible Power Maps Thomas Breuer(AM)Primitive groups libraryHeiko Theißen(A),Colva Roney-Dougal(AM)Properties and attributes offinite pc groupsFrank Celler(A),Bettina Eick(A),Werner Nickel(M)Random Schreier-Sims´Akos Seress(AM)Rational FunctionsFrank Celler(A)and Alexander Hulpke(AM)Semigroup relationsIsabel Araujo(A),Robert F.Morse(AM),Andrew Solomon(A)Special Pcgs forfinite pc groupsBettina Eick(AM)Stabilizer Chains´Akos Seress(AM),Heiko Theißen(A),Alexander Hulpke(M)Strings and CharactersMartin Sch¨o nert(A),Frank Celler(A),Thomas Breuer(A),Frank L¨u beck(AM) Structure Descriptions for Finite GroupsStefan Kohl(AM),Markus P¨u schel(A),Sebastian Egner(A)Subgroup latticeMartin Sch¨o nert(A),Alexander Hulpke(AM)Subgroup lattice for solvable groupsAlexander Hulpke(AM)Subgroup presentationsVolkmar Felsch(A),Werner Nickel(M)The Help SystemFrank Celler(A),Frank L¨u beck(AM)Tietze transformationsVolkmar Felsch(A),Werner Nickel(M)Transformation semigroupsIsabel Araujo(A),Robert Arthur(A),Robert F.Morse(AM),Andrew Solomon(A) Transitive groups libraryAlexander Hulpke(AM)Two-cohomology and extensions offinite pc groupsBettina Eick(AM)ContentsCopyright Notice9 1Preface10 1.1The GAP System (10)1.2Authorship and Maintenance (12)1.3Acknowledgements (12)1.4Changes from Earlier Versions..13 1.5Further Information about GAP.16 2A First Session with GAP18 2.1Starting and Leaving GAP (18)2.2Loading Source Code from a File.19 2.3The Read Evaluate Print Loop..19 2.4Constants and Operators (21)2.5Variables versus Objects (22)2.6Objects vs.Elements (24)2.7About Functions (25)2.8Help (25)2.9Further Information introducing theSystem (26)3Lists and Records27 3.1Plain Lists (27)3.2Identical Lists (29)3.3Immutability (30)3.4Sets (31)3.5Ranges (32)3.6For and While Loops (33)3.7List Operations (35)3.8Vectors and Matrices (36)3.9Plain Records (38)3.10Further Information about Lists.394Functions40 4.1Writing Functions (40)4.2If Statements (41)4.3Local Variables (41)4.4Recursion (42)4.5Further Information about Functions435Groups and Homomorphisms44 5.1Permutation groups (44)5.2Actions of Groups (47)5.3Subgroups as Stabilizers (50)5.4Group Homomorphisms by Images.54 5.5Nice Monomorphisms (56)5.6Further Information about Groups andHomomorphisms (58)6Vector Spaces and Algebras59 6.1Vector Spaces (59)6.2Algebras (61)6.3Further Information about VectorSpaces and Algebras (67)7Domains68 7.1Domains as Sets (68)7.2Algebraic Structure (69)7.3Notions of Generation (69)Contents77.4Domain Constructors (70)7.5Forming Closures of Domains..707.6Changing the Structure (70)7.7Subdomains (71)7.8Further Information about Domains718Operations and Methods728.1Attributes (72)8.2Properties and Filters (73)8.3Immediate and True Methods..748.4Operations and Method Selection.759Migrating to GAP4779.1Changed Command Line Options.779.2Fail (77)9.3Changed Functionality (78)9.4Changed Variable Names (79)9.5Naming Conventions (79)9.6Immutable Objects (80)9.7Copy (80)9.8Attributes vs.Record Components.819.9Different Notions of Generation..819.10Operations Records (82)9.11Operations vs.Dispatcher Functions829.12Parents and Subgroups (83)9.13Homomorphisms vs.General Mappings839.14Homomorphisms vs.Factor Structures839.15Isomorphisms vs.Isomorphic Structures849.16Elements of Finitely Presented Groups849.17Polynomials (85)9.18The Info Mechanism (85)9.19Debugging (86)9.20Compatibility Mode (87)Bibliography91Index92Copyright NoticeCopyright c (1987–2004)by the GAP Group,incorporating the Copyright c 1999,2000by School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences,Univer-sity of St Andrews,North Haugh,St Andrews,Fife KY169SS,Scotlandbeing the Copyright c 1992by Lehrstuhl D f¨u r Mathematik,RWTH,52056Aachen,Germany,transferred to St Andrews on July21st,1997.except forfiles in the distribution,which have an explicit different copyright statement.In particular,the copyright of packages distributed with GAP is usually with the package authors or their institutions. GAP is free software;you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;either version2of the License,or(at your option) any later version.For details,see thefile GPL in the etc directory of the GAP distribution or see /licenses/gpl.htmlIf you obtain GAP please send us a short notice to that effect,e.g.,an e-mail message to the address support@,containing your full name and address.This allows us to keep track of the number of GAP users.If you publish a mathematical result that was partly obtained using GAP,please cite GAP,just as you would cite another paper that you used(see below for sample citation).Also we would appreciate if you could inform us about such a paper.Specifically,please refer to[GAP]The GAP Group,GAP---Groups,Algorithms,and Programming,Version4.4.10;2007()GAP is distributed by us without any warranty,to the extent permitted by applicable state law.We distribute GAP as is without warranty of any kind,either expressed or implied,including,but not limited to,the implied warranties of merchantability andfitness for a particular purpose.The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you.Should GAP prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing,repair or correction.In no case unless required by applicable law will we,and/or any other party who may modify and redistribute GAP as permitted above,be liable to you for damages,including lost profits,lost monies or other special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use GAP.You are permitted to modify and redistribute GAP,but you are not allowed to restrict further redistribution. That is to say proprietary modifications will not be allowed.We want all versions of GAP to remain free. If you modify any part of GAP and redistribute it,you must supply a README document.This should specify what modifications you made in whichfiles.We do not want to take credit or be blamed for your modifications.Of course we are interested in all of your modifications.In particular we would like to see bug-fixes,improve-ments and new functions.So again we would appreciate it if you would inform us about all modifications you make.1Preface Welcome to GAP.This preface serves not only to introduce this manual,“the GAP Tutorial”,but also as an introduction to the system as a whole,and in particular to changes between the current and previous versions.GAP stands for Groups,Algorithms and Programming.The name was chosen to reflect the aim of the system,which is introduced in this tutorial manual.Since that choice,the system has become somewhat broader,and you will alsofind information about algorithms and programming for other algebraic structures, such as semigroups and algebras.There are four further manuals in addition to this one:the“Reference Manual”containing detailed docu-mentation of the mathematical functionality of GAP;“Extending GAP”containing some tutorial material on various aspects of GAP programming;“Programming in GAP4”containing detailed documentation of various aspects of the system of interest mainly to programmers;and“New Features for Developers”con-taining details of some newly introduced features which we may wish to change in a future release and so do not want to include in the main reference manual.Some of the functionality of the system and a number of contributed extensions are provided as“GAP packages”and each of these has its own manual.This preface, however,serves as an introduction to the whole system.Subsequent sections of this preface explain the structure of the system and the arrangements for the attri-bution of credit for authorship and maintenance of the system;acknowledge those who have made particular contributions to this and previous releases and outline the changes from earlier versions.1.1The GAP SystemGAP is a free,open and extensible software package for computation in discrete abstract algebra.The terms“free”and“open”describe the conditions under which the system is distributed–in brief,it is free of charge(except possibly for the immediate costs of delivering it to you),you are free to pass it on within certain limits,and all of the workings of the system are open for you to examine and change. Details of these conditions can be found in the Copyright Notice of the previous page.The system is“extensible”in that you can write your own programs in the GAP language,and use them in just the same way as the programs which form part of the system(the“library”).Indeed,we actively support the contribution,refereeing and distribution of extensions to the system,in the form of“GAP packages”. Further details of this can be found in chapter74in the Reference Manual,and on our World Wide Web site.Development of GAP began at Lehrstuhl D f¨u r Mathematik,RWTH-Aachen,under the leadership of Joachim Neub¨u ser in1985.Version2.4was released in1988and version3.1in1992.In1997coordination of GAP development,now very much an international effort,was transferred to St Andrews.A complete internal redesign and almost complete rewrite of the system was completed over the following years and version4.1 was released in July1999.A sign of the further internationalization of the project is this release,4.4,which has been coordinated from Colorado State University,Fort Collins.More information on the motivation and development of GAP to date,can be found on our Web pages in a section entitled“Release history and Prefaces”.Section1.The GAP System11 For those readers who have used an earlier version of GAP,an overview of the changes from GAP4.3,and a brief summary of changes from earlier versions is given in section1.4below.The system that you are getting now consists of a“core system”and a number of packages.The core system consists of four main parts.1.A kernel,written in C,which provides the user with–automatic dynamic storage management,which the user needn’t bother about in his programming;–a set of time-critical basic functions,e.g.“arithmetic”,operations for integers,finitefields,permu-tations and words,as well as natural operations for lists and records;–an interpreter for the GAP language,an untyped imperative programming language with functions asfirst class objects and some extra built-in data types such as permutations andfinitefield elements.The language supports a form of object-oriented programming,similar to that supported by languages like C++and Java but with some important differences.–a small set of system functions allowing the GAP programmer to handlefiles and execute external programs in a uniform way,regardless of the particular operating system in use.–a set of programming tools for testing,debugging,and timing algorithms.–a“read-eval-view”style user interface.2.A much larger library of GAP functions that implement algebraic and other algorithms.Since thisis written entirely in the GAP language,the GAP language is both the main implementation language and the user language of the system.Therefore the user can as easily as the original programmers investigate and vary algorithms of the library and add new ones to it,first for own use and eventually for the benefit of all GAP users.3.A library of group theoretical data which contains various libraries of groups,including the libraryof small groups(containing all groups of order at most2000,except those of order1024)and others.Large libraries of ordinary and Brauer character tables and Tables of Marks are included as packages.4.The documentation.This is available as on-line help,as printablefiles in various formats and asHTML for viewing with a Web browser.Also included with the core system are some testfiles and a few small utilities which we hope you willfind useful.GAP packages are self-contained extensions to the core system.A package contains GAP code and its own documentation and may also contain datafiles or external programs to which the GAP code provides an interface.These packages may be loaded into GAP using the LoadPackage command,and both the package and its documentation are then available just as if they were parts of the core system.Some packages may be loaded automatically,when GAP is started,if they are present.Some packages,because they depend on external programs,may only be available on the operating systems where those programs are available (usually UNIX).You should note that,while the packages included with this release are the most recent versions ready for release at this time,new packages and new versions may be released at any time and can be easily installed in your copy of GAP.With GAP there are two packages(the library of ordinary and Brauer character tables,and the library of tables of marks)which contain functionality developed from parts of the GAP core system.These have been moved into packages for ease of maintenance and to allow new versions to be released independently of new releases of the core system.(For technical reasons the library of tables of marks is still distributed in the main system archive.)The library of small groups should also be regarded as a package,although it does not currently use the standard package mechanism.Other packages contain functionality which has never been part of the core system.12Chapter1.Preface 1.2Authorship and MaintenancePrevious versions of GAP have simply included the increasingly long list of all of the authors of the system with no indication as to who contributed what.With GAP4.3we have introduced a new concept:modules, to allow us to report the authorship of the system in more detail.A module is a part of GAP which provides identifiable functionality and has reasonably clean interfaces with the rest of the system(usually it consists of separatefiles).Each module has its own lists of authors and maintainers,which are not necessarily the same.A preliminary list of modules and their attributions appears in this manual.Note that we are still in the process of identifying modules within the system,so large parts of the system do not yet fall into any module.Since also we all collaborate closely in designing,developing and debugging the system,it should not be assumed that the list of modules in this manual represents all of everyone’s contribution,or that it lists everyone who made any contribution at all to each module.All GAP packages are also considered to be modules and have their own authors and maintainers.It should however be noted that some packages provide interfaces between GAP and an external program,a copy of which is included for convenience,and that,in these cases,we do not claim that the module authors or maintainers wrote,or maintain,this external program.Similarly,some modules and packages include large data libraries that may have been computed by many people.We try to make clear in each case what credit is attributable to whom.We have,for some time,operated a refereeing system for contributed packages,both to ensure the quality of the software we distribute,and to provide recognition for the authors.We now consider this to be a refereeing system for modules,and we would note,in particular that,although it does not use the standard package interface,the library of small groups has been refereed and accepted on exactly the same basis as the accepted packages.We also include with this distribution a number of packages which have not(yet)gone through our refereeing process.Some may be accepted in the future,in other cases the authors have chosen not to submit them. More information can be found on our World Wide Web site,see section1.5.1.3AcknowledgementsVery many people have worked on,and contributed to,GAP over the years since its inception.On our Web site you willfind the prefaces to the previous releases,each of which acknowledges people who have made special contributions to that release.Even so,it is appropriate to mention here Joachim Neub¨u ser whose vision of a free,open and extensible system for computational algebra inspired GAP in thefirst place,and Martin Sch¨o nert,who was the technical architect of GAP3and GAP4.In the past years GAP development has become a more and more widely distributed operation,and increas-ingly dependent on hard voluntary work by developers not solely or mainly employed to work on GAP. Nevertheless,the development process has remained constructive and friendly,even when wrangling over difficult technical decisions,or sensitive questions of attribution and credit and I must express our huge gratitude to everyone involved for this.The list of modules which appears in this manual now gives a partial idea of the contributions of different people,but we would like to mention some people who have made important contributions to the development process over the last years that do not show up there:Steve Linton has been leading the GAP group in St Andrews over the last years and continues to be the main kernel maintainer and developer.The group in St Andrews also maintains most of the development infrastructure and helps with user support.Thomas Breuer continues to develop many areas of the system,and to play a vital role in clarifying our underlying concepts,despite now working in industry.Frank L¨u beck set up a new system for automatic handling of packages and helped with various kernel issues.Section4.Changes from Earlier Versions13 Bettina Eick and her research group in Braunschweig have contributed much functionality,mainly in the form of packages.Max Neunh¨offer has brought much fresh insight to bear on the design of crucial parts of the system,and also done a lot of the ensuing work;Stefan Kohl and Volkmar Felsch have both brought enormous persistence to pointing out errors and inconsistencies in code and documentation,improving error messages and generally polishing the system;and very many others have contributed ideas,insight and hard work to produce this release.Senior colleagues,especially Joachim Neub¨u ser,Edmund Robertson,and Charley Wright,continue to provide encouragement support and constructive criticism.1.4Changes from Earlier VersionsThe main changes between GAP4.3and GAP4.4are:Potentially Incompatible Changes–The mechanism for the loading of Packages has changed to allow easier updates independent of main GAP releases.Packages require afile PackageInfo.g now.The new PackageInfo.gfiles are available for all Packages with the new version of GAP.–IsSimple returns false now for the trivial group.–PrimeBlocks:The output format has changed.–Division Rings:These are implemented as IsRingWithOne now.–DirectSumOfAlgebras:p-th power maps are compatible with the input now.–The print order for polynomials has been changed.These changes are,in some respects,departures from our policy of maintaining upward compatibility of documented functions between releases.In thefirst case,we felt that the old behavior was sufficiently inconsistent,illogical,and impossible to document that we had no alternative but to change it.In the case of the package interface,the change was necessary to introduce new functionality.The planned and phased removal of a few unnecessary functions or synonyms is needed to avoid becoming buried in“legacy”interfaces,but we remain committed to our policy of maintaining upward compatibility whenever sensibly possible.–Groebner Bases:Buchberger’s algorithm to compute Groebner Bases has been implemented in GAP.(A.Hulpke)–For large scale Groebner Basis computations there also is an interface to the Singular system available in the Singular Package.(M.Costantini and W.de Graaf)–New methods for factorizing polynomials over algebraic extensions of the rationals have been imple-mented in GAP.(A.Hulpke)–For more functionality to compute with algebraic numberfields there is an interface to the Kant system available in the Alnuth Package.(B.Assmann and B.Eick)–A new functionality to compute the minimal normal subgroups of afinite group,as well as its socle, has been installed.(B.H¨ofling)–A fast method for recognizing whether a permutation group is symmetric or alternating is available now(A.Seress)–A method for computing the Galois group of a rational polynomial is available again.(A.Hulpke)–The algorithm for BrauerCharacterValue has been extended to the case where the splittingfield is not supported in GAP.(T.Breuer)–Brauer tables of direct products can now be constructed from the known Brauer tables of the direct factors.(T.Breuer)14Chapter1.Preface –Basic support for vector spaces of rational functions and of uea elements is available now in GAP.(T.Breuer and W.de Graaf)–Various new functions for computations with integer matrices are available,such as methods for com-puting normal forms of integer matrices as well as nullspaces or solutions systems of equations.(W.Nickel and F.Gaehler)New PackagesThe following new Packages have been accepted.–Alnuth:Algebraic Number Theory and an interface to the Kant system.By B.Assmann and B.Eick –LAGUNA:Computing with Lie Algebras and Units of Group Algebras.By V.Bovdi,A.Konovalov,R.Rossmanith,C.Schneider.–NQ:The ANU Nilpotent Quotient Algorithm.By W.Nickel.–KBMAG:Knuth-Bendix for Monoids and Groups.By D.Holt.–Polycyclic:Computation with polycyclic groups.By B.Eick and W.Nickel–QuaGroup:Computing with Quantized Enveloping Algebras.By W.de Graaf.Performance Enhancements–The computation of irreducible representations and irreducible characters using the Baum-Clausen algorithm and the implementation of the Dixon-Schneider algorithm have been speeded up.–The algorithm for PossibleClassFusions has been changed:the efficiency is improved and a new criterion is used.The algorithm for PossibleFusionsCharTableTom has been speeded up.The method for PrimeBlocks has been improved following a suggestion of H.Pahlings.–New improved methods for normalizer and subgroup conjugation in Sn have been installed and new improved methods for IsNaturalSn/An have been implemented.These improve the available methods when groups of large degrees are given.–The partition split method used in the permutation backtrack is now in the kernel.Transversal compu-tations in large permutation groups are improved.Homomorphisms from free groups into permutation groups now give substantially shorter words for preimages.–The membership test in SP and SU has been improved using the invariant forms underlying these groups.–An improvement for the cyclic extension method for the computation of subgroup lattices has been implemented.–A better method for MinimalPolynomial forfinitefield matrices has been implemented.–The display has changed and the arithmetic of multivariate polynomials has been improved.–The LogMod function now uses Pollard’s rho method combined with the Pohlig/Hellmann approach.–Various functions for sets and lists have been improved following suggestions of L.Teirlinck.These include:Sort,Sortex,SortParallel,SortingPerm,NrArrangements.–The methods for StructureConstantsTable and GapInputSCTable have been improved in the case ofa known(anti-)symmetry following a suggestion of M.Costantini.The improvements listed in this Section have been implemented by T.Breuer and A.Hulpke.New Programming and User Features–The2GB limit for workspace size has been removed and version numbers for saved workspaces have been introduced.(S.Linton and B.H¨ofling)。



英语论文Acknowledgements模板1. AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor xxx , my supervisor, for her/his constant encouragement and guidance. She/He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her/his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor xxx, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers of the Foreign Language School, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past years.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.2. AcknowledgementsIn writing this paper, I have benefited from the presence of my teachers and my classmates. They generously helped me collect materials I needed and made many invaluable suggestions. I hereby extend my grateful thanks to them for their kind help, without which the paper would not have been what it is.Particularly, I am deeply indebted to Professor xxx, my supervisor, who guided me throughout my writing of this thesis. He carefully read the whole draft and offered painstaking and precious criticism. His standards of academic excellence havemade my revision and exciting and gratifying experience. I also wish to sincerely thank my classmates and friends xxx and xxx, whose brilliant ideas and perceptive observations have proved immensely constructive.My parents took good care of my life and gave me a lot of encouragement when I was working at this thesis. They always share my weal and woe. I feel much grateful and heartily owe my achievement to them.Furthermore, none of this would have been possible without the help of those individuals and organizations hereafter mentioned with gratitude: our school library and its staff, the library of Beihai University and its staff.3.AcknowledgementsThis thesis would not have been possible without the consistent and valuable reference materials that I received from my supervisor, whose insightful guidance and enthusiastic encouragement in the course of my shaping this thesis definitely gain my deepest gratitude.My heartfelt thanks also go to for his instructive suggestions and expert advice in the field of ……I would also avail myself of this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to the other teachers, from whose teaching and instruction I obtained lifetime.Last but not least, I am much indebted to my family, without whose affection and support this thesis could not have appeared in its final form.4. AcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I would like to avail myself of the opportunity to express my gratitude to …, my tutor, who has taken her precious time off from her tight schedule, reading mythesis carefully and offering me constant encouragement, valuable suggestions and enlightening instructions, which contribute to the completion of my thesis.I would also like to acknowledge my indebtedness to …and many others who have contributed their time, thoughts, skills and encouragement to this thesis.I am also grateful to all the classmates and friends who have given me generous support and helpful advice in the past few years.Finally, I wish to devote this paper to my beloved family, who have given me life and love, and have been supporting me since 22 years ago.5.AcknowledgementsI would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to a host of people,without whose assistance the accomplishment of this thesis would have been impossible.First and foremost, I am deeply indebted to my supervisor,… for his patient guidance and constant encouragement during the writing of this thesis as well as in the course of my undergraduate studies.I am also grateful to…, and many other instructors, whose valuable instruction has benefited me a great deal.I owe a lot to my parents as well for their consistent support and encouragement.6. AcknowledgementsFor the completion of my B. A thesis, first, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Ladusaw, who has given me the most valuable suggestions and advice, and made necessary corrections. Then I am greatly indebted to Prof. Sung Lyeen for his advice on the format and help with mycomputerization and I also owe a lot to Prof.Boas, who has shown much consideration for my composition and has provided me with some useful materials. Finally, I would like to express my thanks to my colleagues Messrs Jason, Sabastian and Yokosima, who have generously offered their help with my computerization.7.AcknowledgementsFirst of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Zhang Hong, for her instructive advice and useful suggestions on my thesis. I am deeply grateful of her help in the completion of this thesis.High tribute shall be paid to Ms. Geng Li, whose profound knowledge of English triggers my love for this beautiful language and whose earnest attitude tells me how to learn English.I am also deeply indebted to all the other tutors and teachers in Translation Studies for their direct and indirect help to me.Special thanks should go to my friends who have put considerable time and effort into their comments on the draft.Finally, I am indebted to my parents for their continuous support and encouragement. Acknowledgements8、I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Zhou Yanxia, my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Wang Jinsheng, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Ms. Wu Qing, Feng Shaozhong and HanXiaoya, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.例子9AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms. Sun Yanlan, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the preparation of the thesis,she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis.I should finally like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.例子10AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who have helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor Professor Zhu Jimei. I do appreciate her patience, encouragement, and professionalinstructions during my thesis writing. Also, I would like to thank Miss Wen Pingzhen and Miss Li Wenying, who kindly gave me a hand when I was making the questionnaire among the college English learners.Last but not the least, my gratitude also extends to my family who have been assisting, supporting and caring for me all of my life.例子11AcknowledgementsI am greatly indebted to my supervisor, Professor Wang Shuting, for his valuable instructions and suggestions on my thesis as well as his careful reading of the manuscript.I feel grateful to all the teachers in the College of Foreign Languages of China University of Petroleum who once offered me valuable courses and advice during my study. My sincere thanks are also given to Pro. Dai Ruiliang and Pro. Sun Chengrong. from whose lectures I benefited greatly.Last but not least, I owe much to my friends and classmates for their valuable suggestions and critiques which are of help and importance in making the thesis a reality.例子12Grateful acknowledgement is made to my supervisor Mr. Chen Fang who gave me considerable help by means of suggestion, comments and criticism. His encouragement and unwavering support has sustained me through frustration and depression. Without his pushing me ahead, the completion of this thesis would be impossible. In addition, I deeply appreciate the contribution to this thesis made in various ways by my friends and classmates13.AcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I am most grateful to my supervisor, Professor XXX, whose useful suggestions, incisive comments and constructive criticism have contributed greatly to the completion of this thesis. She devotes a considerable portion of her time to reading my manuscripts and making suggestions for further revisions. Her tremendous assistance in developing the framework for analysis and in having gone through the draft versions of this thesis several times as well as her great care in life deserve more thanks than I can find words to express.I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me directly and indirectly in my studies. Any progress that I have made is the result of their profound concern and selfless devotion. Among them the following require mentioning: Professor XXX, Mr. XXX, and Mr. XXX.AcknowledgementsI am greatly indebted to my thesis supervisor, Mr. XXX. Without his patientassistance and friendly encouragement, it would not be possible for me to complete this thesis in such a short period of time without reducing its scholarly quality. His willingness to give me his time so generously has been much appreciated. Truly, without his painstaking efforts in revising and polishing my drafts, the completion of the present thesis would not have been possible.My sincere thanks should also go to all my teachers for their scholarly advice and generous help during my study in Foreign Language School of Linyi Normal University. Any progress that I have made is the result of their profound concern and selfless devotion. Among them the following requires mentioning: Professor XXX, Professor XXX, and Mr. XXX.。




以下是PINCAI小编收集的 acknowledgements怎么写,仅供大家阅读参考! acknowledgements怎么写First of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Zhang Hong, for her instructive advice and useful suggestions on my thesis. I am deeply grateful of her help in the completion of this thesis.High tribute shall be paid to Ms. Geng Li, whose profound knowledge of English triggers my love for this beautiful language and whose earnest attitude tells me how to learn English.I am also deeply indebted to all the other tutors and teachers in Translation Studies for their direct and indirect help to me.Special thanks should go to my friends who have put considerable time and effort into their comments on the draft.Finally, I am indebted to my parents for their continuous support and encouragement.英语论文AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Zhou Yanxia, my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Wang Jinsheng, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors andteachers at the Department of English: Ms. Wu Qing, Feng Shaozhong and Han Xiaoya, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.。



AcknowledgementsPortions of this Apple Software may utilize the following copyrighted material, the use of which is hereby acknowledged:Douglas Crockford – (jsmin.c)Copyright © 2002 Douglas Crockford ()Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 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Reproduction or disassembly of embodied algorithms or database prohibited.IntelliWriter ProofReader Hungarian text proofing software © 2002 by Vantage Research. All rights reserved. Portions of technology and word list supplied by Morphologic. Reproduction or disassembly of embodied algorithms or database prohibited.IntelliWriter ProofReader Italian text proofing software © 2002 by Vantage Research. All rights reserved. Spelling database adapted from word list supplied by Zanichelli S.p.A. Reproduction or disassembly of embodied algorithms or database prohibited.IntelliWriter ProofReader Polish text proofing software © 2002 by Vantage Research. All rights reserved. Portions of technology and word list supplied by Morphologic. Reproduction or disassembly of embodied algorithms or database prohibited.IntelliWriter ProofReader Portuguese text proofing software © 2002 by Vantage Research. All rights reserved. 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Acknowledgements 917Th e authors and publishers are grateful for the permissions granted to reproduce materials in either the original or adapted form. While every eff ort has been made, it has not always been possible to identify the sources of all the materials used, or to trace all copyright holders. If any omissions are brought to our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriateacknowledgements on reprinting.IB exam questions © International Baccalaureate Organization. We gratefully acknowledge permission to reproduce International Baccalaureate Organization intellectual property. Cover image: Craig Jewell/ShutterstockDiagrams in the coursebook and CD-ROM are created by Ben Woolley.Photos on the CD-ROM: Supplementary sheet 3, page 3 John C. Hooten/Shutterstock; Fill-in proofs 4 Nicku/Shutterstock; Option 10, chapter 31, page 1 Edyta Pawlowska/Shutterstock TI–83 fonts are reproduced on the calculator skills sheets on the CD-ROM with permission of Texas Instruments Incorporated.Casio fonts are reproduced on the calculator skills sheets on the CD-ROM with permission of Casio Electronics Company Ltd (to access downloadable Casio resources go to /education and /dll).Acknowledgements© Cambridge University Press 2012918 Cambridge Mathematics for the IB Diploma Higher Level Terms and conditions of use for the CD-ROMTh is is a legal agreement between ‘Y ou’ (which means the individual customer or the Educational Institution and its authorised users) and Cambridge University Press (‘the Licensor’) for Mathematics Higher Level for the IB Diploma CD-ROM . 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