China and Somalia (自动保存的)
中国海关之世界各港口代码(海港、空港)(只透露部分)(Sun, 14 Mar 201021:10:20 +0800 )Description:港口中文名港口英文名航线国别代码港口代码阿富汗Afghanistan 3 101 101巴林Bahrian 3 102 102孟加拉国Bangladesh 3 103 103不丹Bhutan 3 104 104文莱Brunei 2 105 105缅甸BurmaDemocratic 2 106 106柬埔寨Kampuchea2 107 107 塞浦路斯朝鲜民主主义Cyprus 6 108 108人民共和Korea,DPR 1 109 109 香港Hong Kong 1 110 110 印度India 3 111 111 印度尼西亚Indonesia 3 112 112 伊朗Iran 6 113 113 伊拉克Iraq 3 114 114 以色列IARAEL 3 115 115 日本Japan 16 116 116 约旦Jordan 5 117 117 科威特Kuwait 3 118 118 老挝Laos,PDR 2 119 119 黎巴嫩Lebanon 6 120 120 澳门Macau 1 121 121 马来西亚Malaysia 2 122 122 马尔代夫Maldives 3 123 123 蒙古Mongolia 7 124 124 尼泊尔Nepal 3 125 125 阿曼Oman 3 126 126 巴基斯坦Pakistan 3 127 127 巴勒斯坦Palestine 3 128 128 菲律宾Philippines 2 129 129 卡塔尔Qatar 3 130 130 沙特阿拉 3 131 131伯 SaudiArabia新加坡Singapore 2 132 132 韩国Korea Rep. 1 133 133 斯里兰卡Sri Lanka 3 134 134叙利亚Syrian Arab Rep. 6 135 135泰国Thailand 2 136 136 土耳其Turkey 6 137 137 阿拉伯联合酋United Arab3 138 138 长国Emirates也门共和国Republic ofYemen5 139 139越南Vietnam 1 141 141 中国境内CHINA 1 142 142 台湾省Taiwan prov. 1 143 143 东帝汶East Timor 3 144 144哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan 7 145 145 吉尔吉斯斯坦Kirghizia 7 146 146 塔吉克斯坦Tadzhikistan 7 147 147土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan 7 148 148 乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekstan 7 149 149 亚洲其它国家.nes 0 199 199阿尔及利亚Algeria 8 201 201 安哥拉Angora 8 202 202 贝宁Benin 8 203 203 博茨瓦那Botswana 8 204 204 布隆迪Burundi 8 205 205 喀麦隆Cameroon 8 206 206 加那利群岛Canary Is 8 207 207 佛得角Cape verde 8 208 208中非Central AfricanRep8 209 209塞卜泰Ceuta 8 210 210 乍得Chad 0 211 211科摩罗Comoros 5 212 212 刚果Congo 8 213 213 吉布提Djibouti 5 214 214 埃及Egypt 6 215 215 赤道几内亚Eq.Guinea 8 216 216 埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia 5 217 217 加蓬Gabon 8 218 218 冈比亚Gambia 8 219 219 加纳Ghana 8 220 220 几内亚Guinea 8 221 221 几内亚(比绍)Guineabissau 8 222 222 科特迪瓦(象牙Cote dlvoir 8 223 223 海岸)肯尼亚Kenya 5 224 224 利比里亚Liberia 8 225 225 利比亚Libyan Arab Jm 6 226 226 马达加斯加Madagascar 5 227 227 马拉维Malawi 5 228 228 马里Mali 6 229 229 毛里塔尼亚Mauritania 8 230 230 毛里求斯Mauritius 5 231 231 摩洛哥Morocco 8 232 232 莫桑比克Mozambique 5 233 233 纳米比亚Namibia 8 234 234 尼日尔Niger 6 235 235 尼日利亚Nigeria 8 236 236 留尼汪Reunion 5 237 237 卢旺达Rwanda 8 238 238 圣多美和普林Sao Tome &8 239 239 西比Principe塞内加尔Senegal 8 240 240 塞舌尔Seychelles 8 241 241 塞拉利昂Sierra Leone 8 242 242 索马里Somalia 5 243 243 南非(阿扎尼亚)S.Africa 8 244 244 西撒哈拉Western Sahara 8 245 245 文案大全苏丹Sudan 5 246 246 坦桑尼亚Tanzania 5 247 247 多哥Togo 6 248 248 突尼斯Tunisia 6 249 249 乌干达Uganda 6 250 250 布基纳法索Burkina Faso 8 251 251 民主刚果Congo,DR 8 252 252 赞比亚Zambia 8 253 253 津巴布韦Zimbabwe 8 254 254 津巴布韦Zimbabwe 8 254 254 莱索托Lesotho 8 255 255 莱索托Lesotho 8 255 255 梅利利亚Melilla 8 256 256 斯威士兰Swaziland 8 257 257 厄立特里亚Eritrer 8 258 258 非洲其他国家(地区)Oth. Afr. nes 6 299 299比利时Belgium 6 301 301 丹麦Denmark 6 302 302英国United Kingdom 6 303 303 德意志联邦共和国Germany,FR 6 304 304法国France 6 305 305 爱尔兰Ireland 6 306 306意大利Italy 6 307 307 卢森堡LuXembourg 6 308 308 荷兰Netherland 6 309 309 希腊Greece 6 310 310 葡萄牙Portugal 6 311 311 西班牙Spain 6 312 312 阿尔巴尼亚Albania 6 313 313 安道尔Andorra 7 314 314 奥地利Austria 7 315 315 保加利亚Bulgaria 7 316 316 芬兰Finland 6 318 318 直布罗陀Gibraltar 6 320 320 匈牙利Hungary 8 321 321冰岛Iceland 6 322 322 列支敦士登Liechtenstein 3 323 323 马尔他MALTA 6 324 324 摩纳哥Monaco 7 325 325 挪威Norway 6 326 326 波兰Poland 7 327 327 罗马尼亚Romania 7 328 328 圣马力诺San Marino 7 329 329 瑞典Sweden 6 330 330 瑞士Switzerland 7 331 331 爱沙尼亚Estonia 7 334 334 拉脱维亚Latvia 7 335 335 立陶宛Lithuania 7 336 336 格鲁吉亚Georgia 7 337 337 亚美尼亚Armenia 7 338 338 阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan 7 339 339 白俄罗斯Belorussia 7 340 340 摩尔多瓦Moldavia 7 343 343 俄罗斯Russia 7 344 344 乌克兰Ukraine 7 347 347 塞尔维亚和黑Serbia and7 349 349山Montenegr斯洛文尼亚Slovenia 7 350 350 克罗地亚Croatia 7 351 351 捷克Czecho 7 352 352 斯洛伐克Slovakia 7 353 353 马其顿Macedonia 7 354 354 波黑R.B.H 7 355 355 欧洲其他国家OTH.EUR.NES 7 399 399 安提瓜和巴布Antigua & 13 401 401 达Barbuda阿根廷Argentina 14 402 402 阿鲁巴角Arubs Is 13 403 403 巴哈马Bahamas 13 404 404 巴巴多斯Barbados 13 405 405 伯利兹Belize 13 406 406 文案大全玻利维亚Bolivia 13 408 博内尔Bonaire 14 409巴西Brazil 14 410 开曼群岛Cayman Is. 15 411 智利Chile 15 412 博内尔Bonaire 14 409 巴西Brazil 14 410 开曼群岛Cayman Is. 15 411 智利Chile 15 412 哥伦比亚Colombia 15 413 多米尼加Dominica 13 414 哥斯达黎加Costa Rica 13 415 古巴Cuba 13 416 库腊索岛Curacao 13 417 多米尼加共和国Dominican Rep. 13 418 厄瓜多尔Ecuador 15 419法属圭亚那French Guyana 14 420 格林纳达Grenada 13 421 瓜德罗普Guadeloupe 13 422 危地马拉Guatemala 13 423 圭亚那Guyana 14 424 海地Haiti 13 425 洪都拉斯Honduras 13 426 牙买加Jamaica 13 427 马提尼克Martinique 13 428 墨西哥Mexico 13 429 蒙特塞拉特Montserrat 13 430 尼加拉瓜Nicaragua 13 431 巴拿马Panama 13 432 巴拉圭PARAGUAY 14 433 秘鲁Peru 15 434 波多黎各Puerto Rico 13 435 萨巴Saba 13 436 圣卢西亚Saint Lucia 13 437 圣马丁岛Saint Martin 13 438 408 409 410 411 412 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Saint Vincent &Gren13 439 439萨尔瓦多El Salvador 13 440 440 苏里南Suriname 14 441 441 特立尼达和多Trinidad &13 442 442 巴哥Tobago特克斯和凯科斯群岛Turks & Caicos Is 13 443 443 乌拉圭Uruguay 14 444 444 委内瑞拉Venezuela 14 445 445 英属维尔京群岛Br. Virgin Is 13 446 446 圣其茨-尼维斯St. Kitts-Nevis 13 447 447拉丁美洲其他国家地区Oth. L.Amer. nes 13 499 499 加拿大Canada 12 501 501 美国United States 11 502 502 格棱兰Greenland 12 503 503 白慕大Bermuda 12 504 504 北美其他国家OTH.N.AMER.NES 12 599 599 澳大利亚Australia 4 601 601 库克群岛Cook Is 4 602 602 斐济Fiji 4 603 603 盖比群岛Gambier Is 4 604 604 马克萨斯群岛Marquesas Is 4 605 605 瑙鲁Nauru 4 606 606 新喀里多尼亚New Caledonia 4 607 607 瓦努阿图Vanuatu 4 608 608 新西兰New Zealand 4 609 609 诺福克岛Norfolk Is 4 610 610 巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea 4 611 611 社会群岛Society Is 4 612 612 所罗门群岛Solomon Is 4 613 613 汤加Tonga 4 614 614 文案大全土阿莫土群岛Tuamotu Is 4 615 615 土布艾群岛Tubai Is 4 616 616 萨摩亚Samoa 4 617 617 基里巴斯Kiribati 4 618 618 图瓦卢Tuvalu 4 619 619 密克罗尼西亚Micronesia 4 620 620 马绍尔群岛Marshall Is 4 621 621 贝劳共和国Palau 4 622 622 大洋洲其他国家(地区)Oth. Ocean. nes 4 699 699喀布尔KABOL 3 101 1001 喀布尔KABUL 3 101 1002 坎大哈KANDAHAR 3 101 1003 曼纳马MANAMA 3 102 1004 米纳苏尔曼MINA SULMAN 3 102 1005 悉特拉SITRA 3 102 1006 吉大港CHITTAGONG 3 103 1007 达卡DACCA 3 103 1008 库尔纳KHULNA 3 103 1009斯里巴加湾市BANDAR SERIBEGAWAN2 105 1010文莱BRUNEI 2 105 1011 若开AKYAB 2 106 1012 阿恰布AKYAB 2 106 1013 勃生BASSEIN 2 106 1014 八莫BHAMO 2 106 1015 毛淡棉MOULMEIN 2 106 1016 慕尔鸣MOULMEIN 2 106 1017 磅逊KOMPONG SOM 2 107 1018 金吉PHNOM PENH 2 107 1019 金边PNOM-PENH 2 107 1020 吉兰丹KELANTAN 6 108 1021 拉塔基亚LATCHI 6 108 1022 拉奇LATCHI 6 108 1023利马索尔LIMASSOL 6 108 1024 莫尔富MORPHOU BAY 6 108 1025 尼科西亚NICOSIA 6 108 1026 佩福斯PAPHOS 6 108 1027 拉奇港PORT LATCHI 6 108 1028 瓦西里克VASSILIKO 6 108 1029 海州HAEJU 1 109 1030 兴南HUNGNAM 1 109 1031 开城KAESONG 1 109 1032 南浦NAMPO 1 109 1033 清津SEISHIN 1 109 1034 清津CHONGJIN 1 109 1035 清津CHUNGJIN 1 109 1036 新义州SIMIJU 1 109 1037 元山WONSAN 1 109 1038 香港HONGKONG 1 110 1039 阿勒皮ALLEPPEY 3 111 1040 贝迪BEDI 3 111 1041 贝莱克里BELEKERI 3 111 1042 色纳加尔BHAUNAGAR 3 111 1043 加尔各答CALCUTTA 3 111 1044 孟买BOMBAY 3 111 1045 卡利卡特CALICUT 3 111 1046 卡林加帕坦CALINGAPATNAM 3 111 1047卡基纳达COCANADA 3 111 1048 柯钦COCHIN 3 111 1049 达曼DAMAN 3 111 1050 德里DELHI 3 111 1051 霍纳瓦HONAVAR 3 111 1052 卡基纳达KAKINADA 3 111 1053 坎德拉KANDLA 3 111 1054 卡尔瓦尔KARWAR 3 111 1055 卡利卡特KOZHIKODE 3 111 1056 马德拉斯MADRAS 3 111 1057 马尔佩MALPE 3 111 1058 曼德维MANDVI 3 111 1059芒格洛尔MANGALORE 3 111 1060 马希MAHE 3 111 1061 马苏利帕特MASULIPATAM 3 111 1062 南莫尔穆冈MORMUGAO 3 111 1063 纳加帕蒂南NAGAPATTINAM 3 111 1064 瑙拉基NAVLAKHI 3 111 1065 潘吉姆PANJIM 3 111 1066 新德里NEW DELHI 3 111 1067 奥卡港OKHA 3 111 1068 本地治里PONDICHERRY 3 111 1069 布累尔港PORT BLAIR 3 111 1070 奥卡港PORT OKHA 3 111 1071 帕拉迪普港PORT PARADIP 3 111 1072波尔班达尔PORT PORBANDAR 3 111 1073 港雷迪港PORT REDI 3 111 1074 奎隆QUILON 3 111 1075 塔德里TADRI 3 111 1076 特利切里TELLICHERRY 3 111 1077 图蒂科林TUTICORIN 3 111 1078 佛腊伐尔VERAVAL 3 111 1079维扎加帕特VISAKHAPATNAM 3 111 1080 南维扎加帕特VIZAGAPATANAM 3 111 1081 南安班兰AMPENAN 2 112 1082 阿萨汗AROE BAY 2 112 1083 阿萨汗ASAHAN 2 112 1084 巴眼亚比BAGAN SIAPI-API 2 112 1085 BALAWAN BALAWAN 2 112 1086 巴厘巴板BALIKPAPAN 2 112 1087 马辰BANDJARMASIN 2 112 1088 万隆BANDUNG 2 112 1089 马辰BANJARMASIN 2 112 1090 本卡利斯BENGKALIS 3 112 1091 明古鲁BENGKULU 3 112 1092 贝诺BENOA 3 112 1093 文案大全比马BIMA 2 112 1094 比通BITUNG 2 112 1095 井里汶CHERIBON 2 112 1096 达博辛克DABO SINGKEP 2 112 1097 宽宽普拉DJAJAPURA 2 112 1098 雅加达DJAKARTA 2 112 1099 占碑DJAMBI 2 112 1100 米瓦纳DJUWANA 2 112 1101 栋加拉DONGGALA 2 112 1102 杜迈DUMAI 2 112 1103 贺兰狄亚HOLLANDIA 2 112 1104 雅加达JAKARTA 2 112 1105 爪畦岛JAVA,PULAU 2 112 1106 达博辛克KABO SINGKEP 2 112 1107 卡利安格KALIANGET 2 112 1108 安班兰KEMPO 2 112 1109 吉打榜KETAPANG 2 112 1110 哥打巴鲁KOTABARU 1 112 1111 瓜拉卡帕斯KUALA KAPUAS 2 112 1112 库迈KUMAI 2 112 1113 古邦KUPANG 2 112 1114 洛塞马韦LHO'SEUMAWE 2 112 1115 望加锡MACASSAR 2 112 1116 马杰尼MADJENE 2 112 1117 马德拉斯MADRAS 2 112 1118 马都拉岛MADURA PULAU 2 112 1119 望加锡MAKASAR 2 112 1120 万鸦老MANADO 2 112 1121满各里MANGOLE ISLAND 2 112 1122马诺克瓦里MANOKWARI 2 112 1123 毛梅雷MAUMERE 2 112 1124 默腊克MERAK 2 112 1125 孔雀港MERAK 2 112 1126 米拉务MEULABOH 2 112 1127 蒙法尔科内MONFALCONE 2 112 1128 奥莱勒厄OLEE LHEUE 2 112 1129巴东PADANG 2 112 1130 帕干巴鲁PAKAN BARU 2 112 1131 双溪帕宁PAKNING 2 112 1132 巨港PALEMBANG 2 112 1133 巴邻旁PALEMBANG 2 112 1134 帕纳鲁坎PANARUKAN 2 112 1135 潘姜PANDJANG 2 112 1136庞卡尔巴兰PANGKAL BALAM 2 112 1137庞卡兰苏苏PANGKALAN-SUSU 2 112 1138潘吉姆PANJIM 2 112 1139 巴里巴里PARE RARE 2 112 1140巴苏鲁PASURUAN 2 112 1141 帕芒卡PEMANGKAT 2 112 1142 佩纳巴PENABA 2 112 1143 巨港PLAJJU 2 112 1144 坤甸PONTIANAK 2 112 1145 蓬提亚纳PONTIANAK 2 112 1146 普罗伯林果PROBOLINGGO 2 112 1147 三巫PULO SAMBU 2 112 1148 沙璜SABANG 2 112 1149 三马林达SAMARINDA 2 112 1150 三发SAMBAS 2 112 1151 散皮SAMPIT 2 112 1152 塞拉潘姜SELAT PANDJANG 2 112 1153二宝垄SEMARANG 2 112 1154 实武牙SIBOLGA 2 112 1155 锡卡SIKKA 2 112 1156 西姆拉SIMLA 2 112 1157 山口羊SINGKAWANG 2 112 1158 苏朗SORONG 2 112 1159 宽宽普拉SUKARNAPURA 2 112 1160 苏拉威西SULAWESI 2 112 1161 苏门达腊SUMATRA 2 112 1162 双溪帕宁SUNGEI PAKNING 2 112 1163泗水SURABAJA 2 112 1164 文案大全苏腊巴亚SURABAYA 2 112 1165 苏苏SUSU 2 112 1166丹戎班丹TANDJUNG PANDAN 2 112 1167 泗水TANDJUNG PERAK 2 112 1168 丹戎不碌TANDJUNG PRIOK 2 112 1169 雅加达海港TANDJUNG PRIOK 2 112 1170丹戎乌班TANDJUNG UBAN 2 112 1171 塔帕土安TAPAKTUAN 2 112 1172打拉根TARAKAN ISLAND 2 112 1173直葛TEGAL 2 112 1174 特卢巴尤尔TELUKBAJUR 2 112 1175 德那第TERNATE 2 112 1176 芝拉扎TJILATJAP 2 112 1177 井里汶TJIREBON 2 112 1178 文古尔拉VENGURLA 2 112 1179 阿巴丹ABADAN 3 113 1180 阿巴斯港 B.ABBAS 3 113 1181 阿巴斯港BANDAR 3 113 1182阿巴斯港BANDAR ABBAS 3 113 1183马夏赫尔港BANDAR MAHSHAHR 3 113 1184 沙赫普尔港BANDAR SHAHPOUR 3 113 1185 哈尔克岛KHARG ISLAND 3 113 1186霍拉姆沙赫KHORRAMSHAHR 3 113 1187 尔霍拉姆沙赫MOHAMMERAH 3 113 1188 尔马赫沙赫尔PORT MAHSHAHR 3 113 1189 港大不里士TABRIZ 3 113 1190 德黑兰TEHRAN 3 113 1191 帕勒维PAHLEVI 6 113 1192 巴格达BAGHDAD 3 114 1193 文案大全巴士拉BASRAH 3 114 1194 霍尔阿米亚KHOR AL-AMYA 3 114 1195 基尔库克KIRKUK 3 114 1196 摩苏尔MOSUL 3 114 1197 巴士拉SHATT-EL ARAB 3 114 1198 乌姆卡斯尔UM QASR 3 114 1199 ZUBAIR ZUBAIR 3 114 1200 法奥FAO 3 114 1201 网走ABASHIRI 16 116 1202 纲干ABOSHI 16 116 1203 相生AIOI 16 116 1204 AJIGAWA AJIGAWA 16 116 1205 秋田AKITA 16 116 1206 AKITSU AKITSU 16 116 1207 尼崎AMAGASAKI 16 116 1208 阿南ANAN 16 116 1209 青森AOMORI 16 116 1210 渥美ATSUMI 16 116 1211 千叶CHIBA 16 116 1212 DOKAI DOKAI 16 116 1213 福山FUKUYAMA 16 116 1214 船桥FUNABASHI 16 116 1215 船桥FUNAKAWA 16 116 1216 伏木FUSHIKI 16 116 1217 蒲郡GAMAGORI 16 116 1218八户HACHINOHE 16 116 1219 荻HAGI 16 116 1220傅多HAKATA 16 116 1221 函馆HAKODATE 16 116 1222 滨田HAMADA 16 116 1223 阪南HANNAN 16 116 1224 日明HIAGARI 16 116 1225 响滩HIBIKINADA 16 116 1226 东播磨(IHO) HIGASHIHARIMA 16 116 1227 姬路HIMEJI 16 116 1228广烟HIROHATA 16 116 1229 广岛HIROSHIMA 16 116 1230 日立HITACHI 16 116 1231 细岛HOSOJIMA 16 116 1232 今治IMABARI 16 116 1233 尹万里IMARI 16 116 1234 因岛INNOSHIMA 16 116 1235 石卷ISHINOMAKI 16 116 1236 系崎ITOZAKI 16 116 1237 岩国IWAKUNI 16 116 1238 伊予三岛IYO-MISHIMA 16 116 1239 伊予三岛IYOMISHIMA 16 116 1240 鹿儿岛KAGOSHIMA 16 116 1241鹿儿岛新港KAGOSHIMA SHINKO 16 116 1242海南KAINAN 16 116 1243 加古川KAKOGAWA 16 116 1244 釜石KAMAISHI 16 116 1245 金泽KANAZAWA 16 116 1246 芯田KANDA 16 116 1247 门司KANMON PORT 16 116 1248 鹿川KANOKAWA 16 116 1249 笠冈KASAOKA 16 116 1250 鹿岛KASHIMA 16 116 1251 川崎KAWASAKI 16 116 1252 KEIHIN PORT KEIHIN PORT 16 116 1253 喜入KIIRE 16 116 1254 菊间KIKUMA 16 116 1255 君津KIMITSU 16 116 1256衣浦KINUURA 16 116 1257 木更津KISARAZU 16 116 1258 神户KOBE 16 116 1259 高知KOCHI 16 116 1260 小仓KOKURA 16 116 1261 小松岛KOMATSUSHIMA 16 116 1262下松KUDAMATSU 16 116 1263 吴港KURE 16 116 1264 黑崎KUROSAKI 16 116 1265 钏路KUSHIRO 16 116 1266 舞鹤MAIZURU 16 116 1267 枚山MAKIYAMA 16 116 1268 枕崎MAKURASAKI 16 116 1269 马刀泻MATEGATA 16 116 1270 松山MATSUYAMA 16 116 1271 三池MIIKE 16 116 1272 水俣MINAMATA 16 116 1273 三岛川三江MISIMA-KAWANOE 16 116 1274三角MISUMI 16 116 1275 浮岛MITSUKOJIMA 16 116 1276 宫古MIYAKO 16 116 1277 宫津MIYAZU 16 116 1278 水岛MIZUSHIMA 16 116 1279 门司MOJI 16 116 1280 纹别MONBETSU 16 116 1281 向岛MUKAISHIMA 16 116 1282 室兰MURORAN 16 116 1283 余丁纳MUTSURE 16 116 1284 室兰MUYOYAN 16 116 1285 长崎NAGASAKI 16 116 1286 名古屋NAGOYA 16 116 1287 那霸NAHA 16 116 1288 中城NAKAGUSUKU 16 116 1289 七尾NANAO 16 116 1290 直江津NAOETSU 16 116 1291 直岛NAOSHIMA 16 116 1292 新泻东NIGATA-HIGASHI 16 116 1293 新泻NIIGATA 16 116 1294 新居滨NIIHAMA 16 116 1295 大船渡OFUNATO 16 116 1296 扇岛OGISHIMA 16 116 1297 大分OHITA 16 116 1298大分OITA 16 116 1299 御前崎OMAEZAKI 16 116 1300 小名滨ONAHAMA 16 116 1301 尾道ONOMICHI 16 116 1302 大阪OSAKA 16 116 1303 小樽OTARU 16 116 1304 尾鹫OWASE 16 116 1305 留萌RUMOI 16 116 1306 佐贺关SAGANOSEKI 16 116 1307 佐伯SAIKI 16 116 1308 界港SAKAI 16 116 1309 阪出SAKAIDE 16 116 1310 境港SAKAIMINATO 16 116 1311 境港SAKAIMINOTA 16 116 1312 酒田SAKATA 16 116 1313 佐世保SASEBO 16 116 1314 仙台SENDAI 16 116 1315 饰磨SHIKAMA 16 116 1316 清水SHIMIZU 16 116 1317 下关SHIMONOSEKI 16 116 1318 下津SHIMOTSU 16 116 1319 盐斧SHIOGAMA 16 116 1320 苏萨SUSA(SOUSSE) 16 116 1321 洲崎SUZAKI 16 116 1322 桔TACHIBANA 16 116 1323 田子浦TAGONOURA 16 116 1324 高松TAKAMATSU 16 116 1325 托间TAKUMA 16 116 1326 田边TANABE 16 116 1327 户烟TOBATA 16 116 1328 东海TOKAI 16 116 1329 德山TOKUYAMA 16 116 1330东京TOKYO 16 116 1331 苫小牧TOMAKOMAI 16 116 1332 富田TONDA 16 116 1333 文案大全余丁纳TOTTORI 16 116 1334 富山TOYAMA 16 116 1335 富山新港TOYAMA-SHINKO 16 116 1336 丰桥TOYOHASHI 16 116 1337 津居山TSUIYAMA 16 116 1338 津久见TSUKUMI 16 116 1339 敦贺TSURUGA 16 116 1340 鹤崎TSURUSAKI 16 116 1341 宇部UBE 16 116 1342 内浦UCHIURA 16 116 1343 宇野UNO 16 116 1344 宇野和玉野UNO &TAMANO 16 116 1345 若松WAKAMATSU 16 116 1346 和歌山WAKAYAMA 16 116 1347 若松WAKKANAI 16 116 1348 若松YAHATA 16 116 1349 八代YATSUAHIRO 16 116 1350 八代YATSUSHIRO 16 116 1351 八幡YAWATA 16 116 1352 四曰市YOKKAICHI 16 116 1353 横滨YOKOHAMA 16 116 1354 横须贺YOKOSUKA 16 116 1355 神户KOBE 16 116 1356 下关SHIMONOSEKI 16 116 1357 新泻NIIGATA 16 116 1358 亚喀巴AQABA 5 117 1359 伊尔比德IRBID 5 117 1360 纳布鲁斯NABLUS 5 117 1361 科威特KUWAIT 3 118 1362 米内艾哈迈迪MENA -AL-AHMADI 3 118 1363 米纳阿卜杜拉MENA ABDULLA 3 118 1364米纳萨乌德MENA SAUD 3 118 1365 舒艾巴SHUAIBA 3 118 1366万象VIENTIANE 2 119 1368贝鲁特BEIRUT 6 120 1369 西顿SIDON 6 120 1370的黎波里TRIPOLI 6 120 1371 特里特利TRIPOLI 6 120 1372 澳门MACAO 1 121 1373 澳门MACAU 1 121 1374 巴卡皮BAKAPIT 2 122 1375 比纳唐BINATANG 2 122 1376 乔治市GEORGE TOWN 2 122 1377 柔弗巴鲁JOHORE BAHRU 2 122 1378 甘马挽KEMAMAN 2 122 1379 亚疵KOTA KINABALU 2 122 1380 哥打基纳巴KOTA KINABALU 2 122 1381 卢吉隆坡KRISTIANSTAD N. 2 122 1382克里斯蒂安KUCHING 2 122 1383 松古晋KUCHING 2 122 1384 古达KUDAT 2 122 1385 库纳克KUNAK 2 122 1386 拉布安LABUAN 2 122 1387 拉阿德-达士LAHAD DATU 2 122 1388 拉瓦斯LAWAS 2 122 1389 林邦LIMBANG 2 122 1390 林加LINGGA 2 122 1391 米里LUTONG 2 122 1392 马六加MALACCA 2 122 1393 米里MIRI 2 122 1394 帕西古当PASIR GUDANG 2 122 1395122<TD槟城PENANG 2。
世界各国英文名称缩写CHN 中国China 中华人民共和国首都:北京001. AFG 阿富汗Afghanistan 阿富汗伊斯兰国002. ALB 阿尔巴尼亚Albania 阿尔巴尼亚共和国003. ALG 阿尔及利亚Algeria 阿尔及利亚人民共和国004. AND 安道尔Andorra 安道尔公国005. ANG 安哥拉Angola 安哥拉共和国006. ANT 安提瓜和巴布达Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达007. ARG 阿根廷Argentina 阿根廷共和国008. ARM 亚美尼亚Armenia亚美尼亚共和国009. AUS 澳大利亚Australia 澳大利亚联邦首都:堪培拉010. AUT 奥地利Austria 奥地利共和国首都:维也纳011. AZE 阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆共和国012. BAH 巴哈马Bahamas 巴哈马联邦013. BAN 孟加拉国Bangladesh 孟加拉人民共和国014. BAR 巴巴多斯Barbados 巴巴多斯015. BEL 比利时Belgium 比利时王国首都:布鲁塞尔016. BEN 贝宁Benin 贝宁共和国017. BDI 布隆迪Burundi 布隆迪共和国018. BHU 不丹Bhutan 不丹王国019. BIH 波黑Bosnia and Herzegovina 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国020. BIZ 伯利兹Belize 伯利兹021. BLR 白俄罗斯Belarus白俄罗斯共和国022. BOL 玻利维亚Bolivia 玻利维亚共和国023. BOT 博茨瓦纳Botswana 博茨瓦纳共和国024. BRA 巴西Brazil 巴西联邦共和国025. BRN 巴林Bahrain 巴林国026. BRU 文莱Brunei 文莱达鲁萨兰国027. BUL 保加利亚Bulgaria 保加利亚共和国028. BUR 布基纳国Burkina Faso 布基纳法索029. CAF 中非Central African Republic 中非共和国030. CAM 柬埔寨Cambodia 柬埔寨王国首都金边031. CAN 加拿大Canada 加拿大首都渥太华032. CHA 乍得Chad 乍得共和国033. CGO 刚果Congo 刚果共和国首都布拉柴维尔034. CHI 智利Chile 智利共和国035. CHN 中国China 中华人民共和国036. CIV 科特迪瓦Cote d'Ivoire 科特迪瓦共和国037. CMR 喀麦隆Cameroon 喀麦隆共和国038. COD 刚果(金) Congo (Congo-Kinshasa) 刚果民主共和国首都金沙萨039. COL 哥伦比亚Colombia 哥伦比亚共和国040. COM 科摩罗Comoros 科摩罗伊斯兰联邦共和国041. CPV 佛得角Cape Verde 佛得角共和国042. CRC 哥斯达黎加Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加共和国043. CRO 克罗地亚Croatia 克罗地亚共和国044. CUB 古巴Cuba 古巴共和国045. CYP 塞浦路斯Cyprus 塞浦路斯共和国046. CZE 捷克Czech 捷克共和国047. DEN 丹麦Denmark 丹麦王国048. DJI 吉布提Djibouti 吉布提共和国049. DMA 多米尼克Dominica 多米尼克联邦050. DOM 多米尼加Dominican Republic 多米尼加共和国051. ECU 厄瓜多尔Ecuador 厄瓜多尔共和国052. EGY 埃及Egypt 阿拉伯埃及共和国首都:开罗053. ERI 厄立特里亚Eritrea 厄立特里亚054. ESA 萨尔瓦多El Salvador萨尔瓦多共和国055. ESP 西班牙Spain 西班牙王国首都马德里056. EST 爱沙尼亚Estonia 爱沙尼亚共和国057. ETH 埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国058. FIJ 斐济Fiji 斐济群岛共和国059. FIN 芬兰Finland 芬兰共和国060. FSM 密克罗尼西亚Micronesia 密克罗尼西亚联邦061. FRA 法国France 法兰西共和国首都:巴黎062. GAB 加蓬Gabon 加蓬共和国063. GAM 冈比亚Gambia 冈比亚共和国064. GBR 英国United Kingdom 大不列颠及北爱尔兰王国首都:伦敦065. GEO 格鲁吉亚Georgia 格鲁吉亚066. GEQ 赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚共和国067. GER 德国Germany 德意志联邦共和国首都:柏林068. GHA 加纳Ghana 加纳共和国069. GNB 几内亚比绍Guinea-Bissau 几内亚比绍共和国070. GRE 希腊Greece 希腊共和国首都:雅典071. GRN 格林纳达Grenada 格林纳达072. GUA 危地马拉Guatemala 危地马拉共和国073. GUI 几内亚Guinea 几内亚共和国074. GUY 圭亚那Guyana 圭亚那合作共和国075. HAI 海地Haiti 海地共和国076. HON 洪都拉斯Honduras 洪都拉斯共和国077. HUN 匈牙利Hungary 匈牙利共和国078. IND 印度India 印度共和国首都:新德里079. INA 印尼Indonesia 印度尼西亚共和国首都:雅加达080. IRI 伊朗Iran 伊朗伊斯兰共和国首都:德黑兰081. IRL 爱尔兰Ireland 爱尔兰082. IRQ 伊拉克Iraq 伊拉克共和国首都巴格达083. ISL 冰岛Iceland 冰岛共和国首都雷克雅未克084. ISR 以色列Israel 以色列国085. ITA 意大利Italy 意大利共和国首都:罗马086. JAM 牙买加Jamaica 牙买加087. JOR 约旦Jordan 约旦哈希姆王国088. JPN 日本Japan 日本国首都:东京089. KAZ 哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦共和国090. KEN 肯尼亚Kenya 肯尼亚共和国091. KGZ 吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯共和国092. KIR 基里巴斯Kiribati 基里巴斯共和国093.KOR 韩国Korea 大韩民国首都:首尔094. KSA 沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯王国095. KUW 科威特Kuwait 科威特国096. LAO 老挝Laos 老挝人民民主共和国097. LAT 拉脱维亚Latvia 拉脱维亚共和国098. LBA 利比亚Libya 大阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国099. LBR 利比里亚Liberia 利比里亚共和国100. LCA 圣卢西亚Saint Lucia 圣卢西亚101. LES 莱索托Lesotho 莱索托王国102. LIB 黎巴嫩Lebanon 黎巴嫩共和国103. LIE 列支敦士登Liechtenstein 列支敦士登公国104. LTU 立陶宛Lithuania 立陶宛共和国105. LUX 卢森堡Luxembourg 卢森堡大公国106. MAD 马达加斯加Madagascar 马达加斯加共和国107. MAR 摩洛哥Morocco 摩洛哥王国108. MAS 马来西亚Malaysia 马来西亚首都:吉隆坡109. MAW 马拉维Malawi 马拉维共和国110. MDA 摩尔多瓦Moldova 摩尔多瓦共和国111. MDV 马尔代夫Maldives 马尔代夫共和国112. MEX 墨西哥Mexico 墨西哥合众国首都墨西哥城113. MGL 蒙古Mongolia 蒙古国首都乌兰巴托114. MKD 马其顿Macedonia 马其顿共和国115. MLI 马里Mali 马里共和国116.MLT 马耳他Malta 马耳他共和国117. MON 摩纳哥Monaco 摩纳哥公国118. MOZ 莫桑比克Mozambique 莫桑比克共和国119. MRI 毛里求斯Mauritius 毛里求斯共和国120. MTN 毛里塔尼亚Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚伊斯兰共和国130. MYA 缅甸Myanmar 缅甸联邦131. NAM 纳米比亚Namibia 纳米尼亚132. NEP 尼泊尔Nepal 尼泊尔王国133. NCA 尼加拉瓜Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜共和国134. NED 荷兰Netherlands 荷兰王国首都阿姆斯特丹135. NGR 尼日利亚Nigeria 尼日利亚联邦共和国136. NIG 尼日尔Niger 尼日尔共和国137. NOR 挪威Norway 挪威王国138. NRU 瑙鲁Nauru 瑙鲁共和国139. NZL 新西兰New Zealand 新西兰140. OMA 阿曼Oman 阿曼苏丹国141. PAK 巴基斯坦Pakistan 巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国142. PAN 巴拿马Panama 巴拿马共和国143. PAR 巴拉圭Paraguay 巴拉圭共和国144. PER 秘鲁Peru 秘鲁共和国145. PHI 菲律宾Philippines 菲律宾共和国146. PLE 巴勒斯坦Palestine 巴勒斯坦国147. PLW 帕劳Palau 帕劳共和国148. PNG 巴不亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea 巴不亚新几内亚独立国149. POL 波兰Poland 波兰共和国150. POR 葡萄牙Portugal 葡萄牙共和国首都:里斯本151. PRK 朝鲜Korea 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国首都:平壤152. QAT 卡塔尔Qatar 卡塔尔国153. RMI 马绍尔群岛Marshall Islands 马绍尔群岛共和国154. ROM 罗马尼亚Romania 罗马尼亚155. RSA 南非South Africa 南非共和国156. RUS 俄罗斯Russia 俄罗斯联邦首都:莫斯科157. RWA 卢旺达Rwanda卢旺达共和国158. SAM 萨摩亚Samoa 萨摩亚独立国159. SCG 塞尔维亚和黑山Serbia & Montenegro 160. SEN 塞内加尔Senegal 塞内加尔共和国161. SEY 塞舌尔Seychelles 塞舌尔共和国162. SIN 新加坡Singapore 新加坡共和国首都新加坡163. SKN 圣基茨和尼维斯Saint Kitts-Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯164. SLE 塞拉利昂Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂共和国165. SLO 斯洛文尼亚Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚共和国166. SMR 圣马力诺San Marino 圣马力诺共和国167. SOL 所罗门群岛Solomon Islands 所罗门群岛168. SOM 索马里Somalia 索马里共和国169. SRI 斯里兰卡Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡社会主义共和国170. STP 圣多美和普林西比Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美和普林西比民主共和国171. SUD 苏丹Sudan 苏丹共和国172. SUI 瑞士Switzerland 瑞士联邦173. SUR 苏里南Suriname 苏里南共和国174. SVK 斯洛伐克Slovakia 斯洛伐克共和国175. SWZ 斯威士兰Swaziland 斯威士兰王国176. SWE 瑞典Sweden 瑞典王国177. SYR 叙利亚Syria 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国178. TAN 坦桑尼亚Tanzania 坦桑尼亚联合共和国179. TGA 汤加Tonga 汤家王国180. THA 泰国Thailand 泰王国首都:曼谷181. TJK 塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦共和国182. TKM 土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan 土库曼斯坦共和国183. TLS 东帝汶East Timor 东帝汶184. TOG 多哥Togo 多哥共和国185. TRI 特立尼达和多巴哥Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥186. TUN 突尼斯Tunisia 突尼斯共和国187. TUR 土耳其Turkey 土耳其共和国188. TUV 图瓦卢Tuvalu 图瓦卢189. UAE 阿联酋United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国190. UGA 乌干达Uganda 乌干达共和国191. UKR Ukraine 乌克兰192. URU 乌拉圭Uruguay 乌拉圭东岸共和国193. USA 美国United States of America (USA) 美利坚合众国首都华盛顿194. UZB 乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦共和国195. VAN 瓦努阿图Vanuatu 瓦努阿图共和国196. VAT 梵蒂冈Vatican City 梵蒂冈城国197. VEN 委内瑞拉Venezuela 委内瑞拉伯利瓦尔共和国198. VIE 越南Vietnam 越南社会主义共和国首都河内199. VIN 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯200. YEM 也门Yemen 也门共和国201. ZAM 赞比亚Zambia 赞比亚共和国202. ZIM 津巴布韦Zimbabwe津巴布韦共和国世界各国首都Asien 亚洲Afghanistan阿富汗,Kabul喀布尔Bahrein巴林,AlManamah麦纳麦Bangladesch孟加拉,Dhaka达卡Bhutan不丹,Thimpu廷布Brunei文莱,BandarSeriBegawan斯里巴加湾市Burma,Birma缅甸,Rangun仰光Indien印度,Neu-Delhi新德里Indonesien印度尼西亚,JakartaRaya雅加达Irak伊拉克,Bagdad巴格达Iran伊朗,Teheran德黑兰Japan日本,Tokyo东京Jemen也门,Sana萨那Jordanien约旦,Amman安曼Kambodscha柬埔寨,Phnom-Penh金边Katar卡塔尔,Doha多哈Korea朝鲜,Pjöngjang平壤Kuwait科威特,Al-Kuwait科威特Laos老挝,Vientiane万象derLibanon黎巴嫩,Beirut贝鲁特Malaysia马来西亚,KualaLumpur吉隆坡Malediven马尔代夫,Male马累dieMongolei蒙古,Ulan-Bator乌兰巴托Nepal尼泊尔,Kamandu加德满都Oman阿曼,Maskat马斯哈特Ost-Timor东帝汶,Dili帝力Pakistan巴基斯坦,Islamabad伊斯兰堡Palästina,Jerusalem耶路萨冷diePhilippinen菲律宾,Manila马尼拉Saudi-Arabien沙特阿拉伯,ErRijad利雅得Sikkim锡金,Gangtok甘托克Singapur新加坡,Singapur新加坡SriLanka斯里兰卡,Colombo科伦坡Südkorea韩国,Seoul首尔Syrien叙利亚,Damaskus大马士革Thailand泰国,Bangkok曼谷dieTürkei土耳其,Ankara安卡拉VereinigteArabischeEmirate阿拉伯联合酋长国,AbuDhabi阿布扎比Vietnam越南,Hanoi河内Zypern塞浦路斯,Nikosia尼科西亚三、Afrika非洲Ägypten埃及,Kairo开罗Algerien阿尔及利亚,Algier阿尔及尔Angola安哥拉,Luanda罗安达Äquatorial-Guinea赤道几内亚,Malabo马拉博Äthiopien埃塞俄比亚,AddisAbeba亚的斯亚贝巴Benin贝宁,PortoNovo波多诺伏Botswana博茨瓦纳,Gaberones哈伯罗内Burundi布隆迪,Bujumbura布琼布拉Dschibuti吉布提,Dschibuti吉布提Elfenbeinküste象牙海岸,Abidschan阿比让Gabon加蓬,Libreville利伯维尔Gambia冈比亚,Banjul班珠尔Ghana加纳,Accra阿克拉Guinea几内亚,Konakry科纳克里Guinea-Bissau几内亚比绍,Bissau比绍Kamerun喀麦隆,Yaounde雅温得KapVerde佛得角,Praia普腊亚Kenia肯尼亚,Nairobi内罗毕Komoren科摩罗,Moroni莫罗尼Kongo刚果共和国,Brazzaville布拉柴维尔Lesotho莱索托,Maseru,马塞卢Liberia利比里亚,Morovia蒙罗维亚Libyen利比亚,Tripolis的黎波里Madagaskar马达加斯加,Tananarive塔那那利佛Malawi马拉维,Lilongwe利隆圭Mali马里,Bamako巴马科Marokko摩洛哥,Rabat拉巴特Mauretanien毛里塔尼亚,Nouakchott努瓦克肖特Mauritius毛里求斯,PortLouis路易港Mosambik莫桑比克,Maputo马普托Namibia纳米比亚,Windhuk温得和克Niger尼日尔,Niamey尼亚美Nigeria尼日利亚,Lagos拉各斯Ober-Volta上沃尔特,Ouagadougou瓦加杜古Republic of the Congo刚果民主共和国,Kinshasa金沙萨Ruanda卢旺达,Kigali基加利Sambia赞比亚,Lusaka卢萨卡Senegal塞内加尔,Dakar达喀尔Seschellen塞舌尔,Victoria维多利亚SierraLeone塞拉里昂,Freetown弗里敦Simbabwe津巴布韦,Salisbury索尔兹伯里Somalia索马里,Mogadischu摩加迪沙Südafrika南非,Pretoria比勒陀利亚Sudander苏丹,Kharthoum喀土穆Swasiland斯威士兰,Mbabane姆巴巴纳Tansania坦桑尼亚,DaresSalam达累斯萨拉姆Togo多哥,Lome洛美Tschad乍得,N´Djamena恩贾梅纳Tunesien突尼斯,Tunis突尼斯Uganda乌干达,Kampala坎帕拉Zentralafrika中非,Bangui班吉四、Europa欧洲Armenien亚美尼亚,Jerewan,Eriwan埃里温Aserbeidschan阿塞拜疆,Baku巴库Estland爱沙尼亚,Tallinn塔林Georgien格鲁吉亚,Tbilissi第比里斯Kasachstan哈萨克斯坦,Alma-Ata阿拉木图Kirgisistan吉尔吉斯斯坦,Bischkek比什凯克Lettland拉脱维亚,Riga里加Litauen立陶宛,Vilnius维尔纽斯Moldawien摩尔多瓦,Kischinjow基什尼奥夫Russland俄罗斯,Moskau莫斯科Tadschikistan塔吉克斯坦,Duschanbe杜尚别Turkmenistan土库曼斯坦,Achhabad阿什哈巴德dieUkraine乌克兰,Kiew基辅Usbekistan乌兹别克斯坦,Taschkent塔什干Weißrussland白俄罗斯,Minsk明斯克Albanien阿尔巴尼亚,Tirana地拉那Andorra安道尔,AndorralaVella安道尔Belgien比利时,Brüssel布鲁塞尔BosnienundHerzegowina波(斯尼亚和)黑(塞哥维那),Sarajevo萨拉热窝BRDeutschland联邦德国,Berlin柏林Bulgarien保加利亚,Sofia索非亚Dänemark丹麦,Kopenhagen哥本哈根Finnland芬兰,Helsinki赫尔辛基Frankreich法国,Paris巴黎Griechenland希腊,Athen雅典Großbritannien英国,London伦敦Irland爱尔兰,Dublin都柏林Island冰岛,Reykjavik雷克雅未克Italien意大利,Rom罗马Jugoslawien南斯拉夫,Belgrad贝尔格莱德Kroatien克罗地亚,Zagreb萨格勒布Liechtenstein列支敦士登,Vaduz瓦杜兹Luxemburg卢森堡,Luxemburg卢森堡Makedonien马其顿Malta马耳他,Valetta瓦莱塔Monaco摩纳哥,Monaco摩纳哥Montenegro黑山Niederlande荷兰,Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹Norwegen挪威,Oslo奥斯陆Österreich奥地利,Wien维也纳Polen波兰,Waschau华沙Portugal葡萄牙,Lissabon里斯本Rumänien罗马尼亚,Bukarest布加勒斯特SanMarino圣马力诺,SanMarino圣马力诺Schweden瑞典,Stockholm斯德哥尔摩Schweizdie瑞士,Bern伯尔尼Slowakeidie斯洛伐克,Bratislava布拉迪斯拉发Slowenien斯洛文尼亚,Ljubljana,Laibach卢布尔雅那Spanien西班牙,Madrid马德里Tschechien捷克,Prag布拉格Ungarn匈牙利,Budapest布达佩斯Vatikanstadt梵蒂冈,Vatikanstadt梵蒂冈城五、Nordamerika北美洲Bahamas巴哈马,Nassau拿骚Barbados巴巴多斯,Bridgetown布里奇顿Belize伯利兹,Belmopan贝尔莫潘CostaRica哥斯达黎加,SanJose圣约瑟Dominica多米尼加,Roseau罗索DominikanischeRepublik多米尼加共和国,SantoDomingo圣多明各ElSalvador萨尔瓦多,SanSalvador萨尔瓦多Grenada格林纳达,St.Georges圣乔治Guatemala危地马拉,CiudaddeGuatemala危地马拉城Haiti海地,Port-au-Prince太子港Honturas洪都拉斯,Tegucigalpa特古西加尔巴Jamaika牙买加,Kingston金斯敦Kanada加拿大,Ottawa渥太华Kuba古巴,Havanna哈瓦那Mexiko墨西哥,Mexiko墨西哥城Nicaragua尼加拉瓜,Managua马那瓜Panama巴拿马,Panama巴拿马城TrinidadundTobago特立尼达和多巴哥,PortofSpain西班牙港dieUSA美国,Waschington华盛顿六、Südamerika南美洲Kolumbien哥伦比亚,Bogota波哥大Venezuela委内瑞拉,Caracas加拉加斯Ecuador厄瓜多尔,Quito基多Surinam苏里南,Paramaribe帕拉马里博Guayana圭亚那,Georgetown乔治敦Peru秘鲁,Lima利马Argentinien阿根廷,BuenosAires布利诺斯艾利斯Bolivien玻利维亚,LaPaz拉巴斯Brasilien巴西,Brasilia巴西利亚Chile智利,SantiagodeChile圣地亚哥Paraguay巴拉圭,Asuncion亚松森Uruguay乌拉圭,Montevideo蒙得维的亚七、Ozeanien大洋州Australien澳大利亚,Canberra堪培拉Fidschi斐济,Suwa苏瓦Kiribati基里巴斯,Tarawa塔拉瓦Nauru瑙鲁,Yaren亚伦Neuseeland新西兰,Wellington惠灵顿Papua-Neuguinea巴布亚新几内亚,PortMoreaby莫尔兹比港Salomonen所罗门群岛,Honiara霍尼亚拉Tonga汤加,Numu´alofa努库阿洛法Vanuatu瓦努阿图,Vila维拉港Westsamoa西萨摩亚,Apia阿皮亚。
世界国家英文名称世界国家英文名称中国China朝鲜North Korea 老挝Laos越南Vietnam印度India印尼Indonesia 约旦Jordan沙特Saudi缅甸Burma日本Japan蒙古Mongolia巴林Bahrain不丹Bhutan韩国South Korea 泰国Thailand文莱Brunei阿曼Oman也门Yemen 伊朗Iran以色列Israel阿富汗Afghanistan阿联酋United Arab Emirates 卡塔尔Qatar柬埔寨Cambodia科威特Kuwait土耳其Turkey土库曼Turkmen尼泊尔Nepal黎巴嫩Lebanon孟加拉Bengal伊拉克Iraq哈萨克Kazakstan格鲁吉亚Georgia马尔代夫Maldives马来西亚Malaysia 菲律宾Philippines 叙利亚Syria新加坡Singapore 塔吉克Tajik吉尔吉斯Kirghizia 塞浦路斯Cyprus斯里兰卡Sri Lanka 阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan 巴基斯坦Pakistan 乌兹别克Uzbekistan 巴勒斯坦Palestine 亚美尼亚Armenia 埃及Egypt贝宁Benin多哥Togo刚果Congo加纳Ghana加蓬Gabon 马里Mali中非Central Africa 乍得Chad苏丹Sudan卢旺达Rwanda安哥拉Angola布隆迪Burundi佛得角Cape Verde 冈比亚Gambian 吉布提Djibouti几内亚Guinea利比亚Libya喀麦隆Cameroon科摩罗Comorin肯尼亚Kenya莱索托Lesotho尼日尔Niger突尼斯Tunis塞舌尔Seychelles 赞比亚Zambia马拉维Malawi乌干达Uganda索马里Somalia摩洛哥Morocco博茨瓦纳Botswana利比里亚Liberia阿尔及利亚Algeria科特迪瓦C?te d'Ivoire毛里求斯Mauritius民主刚果Congo纳米比亚Namibia尼日利亚Nigeria塞拉利昂Sierra Leone南非South AfricaSenegal莫桑比克Mozambique津巴布韦Zimbabwe西撒哈拉Sahara斯威士兰Swaziland厄立特里亚Eritrea坦桑尼亚Tanzania赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea 布基纳法索Burkina Faso几内亚比绍Guinea-Bissau圣多美和普林西比Sao Tome and Principe埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia马达加斯加Madagascar毛里塔尼亚Mauritania冰岛波黑Bosnia andHerzegovina丹麦Denmark德国Germany波兰Poland法国France芬兰Finland捷克CzechRepublic荷兰Netherlands 瑞士Switzerland 挪威Norway 英国England希腊Greece瑞典Sweden俄罗斯Russia爱尔兰Ireland安道尔Andorra奥地利Austria卢森堡比利时Belgium梵蒂冈Vatican马耳他Malta摩纳哥Monaco西班牙Spain乌克兰Ukraine 葡萄牙Portugal 立陶宛Lithuania 意大利Italy 匈牙利Hungary白俄罗斯White Russian 所罗门群岛Solomon Islands 南斯拉夫Jugoslavia克罗地亚Croatia拉脱维亚Latvia爱沙尼亚Esthonia保加利亚Bulgaria罗马尼亚Roumania摩尔多瓦Moldova斯洛伐克Slovakia斯洛文尼亚Slovenia阿尔巴尼亚列支敦士登Liechtenstein 智利Chile古巴Cuba美国America海地Haiti巴西Brazil圭亚那Guyana委内瑞拉Venezuela安提瓜和巴布达Antigua and Barbuda阿根廷Argentina伯利兹Belize巴哈马Bahamas巴拿马Panama巴拉圭ParaguayMexico苏里南Suriname加拿大Canada乌拉圭Uruguay厄瓜多尔Ecuador格林纳达Grenada洪都拉斯Honduras多米尼加Dominica玻利维亚Bolivia秘鲁Peru牙买加Jamaica危地马拉Guatemala圣卢西亚Saint Lucia多米尼克Dominica哥斯达黎加Costarica 圣基茨和尼维斯St. Kitts and Nevis尼加拉瓜Nicaragua哥伦比亚Colombia特立尼达和多巴哥Trinidad and Tobago 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 巴巴多斯Barbados瑙鲁Nauru纽埃Niue巴新Papua New Guinea斐济Fiji汤加Tonga帕劳Palau萨摩亚Samoa新西兰New Zealand瓦努阿图Vanuatu图瓦卢Tuvalu澳大利亚Australia基里巴斯Kiribati库克群岛Cook Islands马绍尔群岛Marshall Islands密克罗尼西亚Micronesia世界国家英文名称China 英['t?a?n?]美['t?a?n?]n.中国The President highlights the importance of his visit to China.总统强调访问中国的重要性。
economist 经济学家socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济rural economics 农村经济liberal economy 自由经济mixed economy 混合经济political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义autarchy 闭关自守primary sector 初级成分private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策economic recovery 经济复原understanding 约定concentration 集中holding company 控股公司trust 托拉斯cartel 卡特尔rate of growth 增长economic trend 经济趋势economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的developing 发展中的initial capital 创办资本frozen capital 冻结资金frozen assets 冻结资产fixed assets 固定资产real estate 不动产,房地产circulating capital, working capital 流动资本available capital 可用资产capital goods 资本货物reserve 准备金,储备金calling up of capital 催缴资本allocation of funds 资金分配contribution of funds 资金捐献working capital fund 周转基金revolving fund 循环基金,周转性基金contingency fund 意外开支,准备金reserve fund 准备金buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金sinking fund 偿债基金investment 投资,资产investor 投资人self-financing 自筹经费,经费自给bank 银行current account 经常帐户(美作:checking account)current-account holder 支票帐户(美作:checking-account holder)cheque 支票(美作:check)bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 无记名支票,来人支票crossed cheque 划线支票traveller's cheque 旅行支票chequebook 支票簿,支票本(美作:checkbook)endorsement 背书transfer 转让,转帐,过户money 货币issue 发行ready money 现钱cash 现金ready money business, no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠change 零钱banknote, note 钞票,纸币(美作:bill)to pay (in)cash 付现金domestic currency, local currency] 本国货币convertibility 可兑换性convertible currencies 可兑换货币exchange rate 汇率,兑换率foreign exchange 外汇floating exchange rate 浮动汇率free exchange rates 汇兑市场foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券hard currency 硬通货speculation 投机saving 储装,存款depreciation 减价,贬值devaluation (货币)贬值revaluation 重估价runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩capital flight 资本外逃securities business 证券市场stock exchange 贡市场stock exchange corporation 证券交易所stock exchange 证券交易所,贡交易所quotation 报价,牌价share 股份,贡shareholder, stockholder 贡持有人,股东dividend 股息,红利cash dividend 现金配股stock investment 贡投资investment trust 投资信托stock-jobber 贡经纪人stock company, stock brokerage firm 证券公司securities 有价证券share, common stock 普通股preference stock 优先股income gain 股利收入issue 发行贡par value 股面价格, 票面价格bull 买手, 多头bear 卖手, 空头assigned 过户opening price 开盘closing price 收盘hard times 低潮business recession 景气衰退doldrums 景气停滞dull 盘整ease 松弛raising limit 涨停板break 暴跌bond, debenture 债券Wall Street 华尔街short term loan 短期贷款long term loan 长期贷款medium term loan 中期贷款lender 债权人creditor 债权人debtor 债务人,借方borrower 借方,借款人borrowing 借款interest 利息rate of interest 利率discount 贴现,折扣rediscount 再贴现annuity 年金maturity 到期日,偿还日amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付redemption 偿还insurance 保险mortgage 抵押allotment 拨款short term credit 短期信贷consolidated debt 合并债务funded debt 固定债务,长期债务floating debt 流动债务drawing 提款,提存aid 援助allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴short term loan 短期贷款long term loan 长期贷款medium term loan 中期贷款lender 债权人creditor 债权人debtor 债务人,借方borrower 借方,借款人borrowing 借款interest 利息rate of interest 利率discount 贴现,折扣rediscount 再贴现annuity 年金maturity 到期日,偿还日amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付redemption 偿还insurance 保险mortgage 抵押allotment 拨款short term credit 短期信贷consolidated debt 合并债务funded debt 固定债务,长期债务floating debt 流动债务drawing 提款,提存aid 援助allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴cost 成本,费用expenditure, outgoings 开支,支出fixed costs 固定成本overhead costs 营业间接成本overheads 杂项开支,间接成本operating costs 生产费用,营业成本operating expenses 营业费用running expenses 日常费用,经营费用miscellaneous costs 杂项费用overhead expenses 间接费用,管理费用upkeep costs, maintenance costs 维修费用,养护费用transport costs 运输费用social charges 社会负担费用contingent expenses, contingencies 或有费用apportionment of expenses 分摊费用income 收入,收益earnings 利润,收益gross income, gross earnings 总收入,总收益gross profit, gross benefit 毛利,总利润,利益毛额net income 纯收益,净收入,收益净额average income 平均收入national income 国收入profitability, profit earning capacity 利润率,赢利率yield 产量收益,收益率increase in value, appreciation 增值,升值duty 税taxation system 税制taxation 征税,纳税fiscal charges 财务税收progressive taxation 累进税制graduated tax 累进税value added tax 增值税income tax 所得税land tax 地租,地价税excise tax 特许权税basis of assessment 估税标准taxable income 须纳税的收入fiscality 检查tax-free 免税的tax exemption 免税taxpayer 纳税人tax collector 收税员China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, C.C.P.I.T. 中国国际贸易促进委员会National Council for US-China Trade 美中贸易全国理事会Japan-China Economic Association 日中经济协会Association for the Promotion of International Trade,Japan 日本国际贸易促进会British Council for the Promotion of International Trade 英国国际贸易促进委员会International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会International Union of Marine Insurance 国际海洋运输保险协会International Alumina Association 国际铝矾土协会Universal Postal Union, UPU 万国邮政联盟Customs Co-operation Council, CCC 关税合作理事会United Nations Trade and Development Board 联合国贸易与发展理事会Organization for Economic cooperation and Development, DECD 经济合作与开发组织European Economic Community, EEC, European Common Market 欧洲经济共同体European Free Trade Association, EFTA 欧洲贸易联盟European Free Trade Area, EFTA 欧洲贸易区Council for Mutual Economic Aid, CMEA 经济互助委员会Eurogroup 欧洲集团Group of Ten 十国集团Committee of Twenty(Paris Club)二十国委员会Coordinating Committee, COCOM 巴黎统筹委员会Caribbean Common Market, CCM, Caribbean Free-Trade Association, CARIFTA 加勒比共同市场(加勒比贸易同盟)Andeans Common Market, ACM, Andeans Treaty Organization, ATO 安第斯共同市场Latin American Free Trade Association, LAFTA 拉丁美洲贸易联盟Central American Common Market, CACM 中美洲共同市场African and Malagasy Common Organization, OCAM 非洲与马尔加什共同组织East African Common Market, EACM 东非共同市场Central African Customs and Economic Union, CEUCA 中非关税经济同盟West African Economic Community, WAEC 西非经济共同体Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC 石油输出国组织Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, OAPEC 阿拉伯石油输出国组织Commonwealth Preference Area 英联邦特惠区Centre National du Commerce Exterieur, National Center of External Trade 法国对外贸易中心People's Bank of China 中国人银行Bank of China 中国银行International Bank for Reconstruction and development, IBRD 国际复兴开发银行World Bank 世界银行International Development association, IDA 国际开发协会International Monetary Found Agreement 国际货币基金协定International Monetary Found, IMF 国际货币基金组织European Economic and Monetary Union 欧洲经济与货币同盟European Monetary Cooperation Fund 欧洲货币合作基金Bank for International Settlements, BIS 国际结算银行African Development Bank, AFDB 非洲开发银行Export-Import Bank of Washington 美国进出口银行National city Bank of New York 花旗银行American Oriental Banking Corporation 美丰银行American Express Co. Inc. 美国万国宝通银行The Chase Bank 大通银行Inter-American Development Bank, IDB 泛美开发银行European Investment Bank, EIB 欧洲投资银行Midland Bank,Ltd. 米兰银行United Bank of Switzerland 瑞士联合银行Dresden Bank A.G. 德累斯敦银行Bank of Tokyo,Ltd. 东京银行Hongkong and Shanghai Corporation 香港汇丰银行International Finance Corporation, IFC 国际金融公司La Communaute Financieve Africane 非洲金融共同体Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC 联合国经济及社会理事会United Nations Development Program, NUDP 联合国开发计划署United Nations Capital Development Fund, UNCDF 联合国资本开发基金United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO 联合国工业发展组织United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD 联合国贸易与发展会议Food and Agricultural Organization, FAO 粮食与农业组织, 粮农组织Economic Commission for Europe, ECE 欧洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America, ECLA 拉丁美洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Asia and Far East, ECAFE 亚洲及远东经济委员会Economic Commission for Western Asia, ECWA 西亚经济委员会Economic Commission for Africa, ECA 非洲经济委员会Overseas Chinese Investment Company 华侨投资公司New York Stock Exchange, NYSE 纽约证券交易所London Stock Market 伦敦贡市场Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange 波罗的海商业和航运交易所instruction, education 教育culture 文化primary education 初等教育secondary education 中等教育higher education 高等教育the three R's 读、写、算school year 学年term, trimester 学季semester 学期school day 教学日school holidays 假期curriculum 课程subject 学科discipline 纪律timetable 课程表class, lesson 课homework 家庭作业exercise 练习dictation 听写spelling mistake 拼写错误(short)course 短训班seminar 研讨班playtime, break 课间,休息to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课course (of study)学业student body 学生(总称)classmate, schoolmate 同学pupil 小学生student 大学生schoolboy 男生schoolgirl 女生auditor 旁听生swot, grind 用的学生old boy 老生grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者school uniform 校服teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)teachers 教师(总称)primary school teacher 小学老师teacher lecturer 大学老师professor 教授schooling 教授,授课assistant 助教headmaster 校长(女性为:headmistress)deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长rector 校长dean 教务长laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员beadle, porter 门房,学校工友games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称)of school age 教龄beginning of term 开学matriculation 注册to enroll, to enroll 予以注册to take lessons (学生)上课to teach (老师)上课to study 学习to learn by heart 记住,掌握to revise, to go over 复习test 考试to test 考试to take an examination, to sit an examination, to do an examination 参加考试convocation notice 考试通知examiner 考试者board of examiners 考试团examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试question 问题question paper 试卷crib 夹带(美作:trot)to pass an examination (或exam), 通过考试pass, passing grade 升级prizegiving 分配奖品to fall an examination 未通过考试failure 未考好to repeat a year 留级degree 学位graduate 毕业生to graduate 毕业project, thesis 毕业论文General Certificate of Education 中学毕业证书(美作:high school diploma)holder of the General Certificate of Education 中学毕业生(美作:holder of a high school diploma)doctorate 博士学位doctor 博士competitive examination 答辩考试Chinese 语文English 英语Japanese 日语mathematics 数学science 理科gymnastics 体育history 历史algebra 代数geometry 几何geography 地理biology 生物chemistry 化学physics 物理physical geography 地球物理literature 文学sociology 社会学psycology 心理学philosophy 哲学engineering 工程学mechanical engineering 机械工程学electronic engineering 电子工程学medicine 医学social science 社会科学agriculture 农学astronomy 天文学economics 经济学politics 政治学commercial science 商学biochemistry 生物化学anthropology 人类学linguistics 语言学accounting 会计学law, jurisprdence 法学banking 银行学metallurgy 冶金学finance 财政学mass-communication 大众传播学journalism 新闻学atomic energy 原子能学civil engineering 土木工程architecture 建筑学chemical, engineering 化学工程accounting and statisics 会计统计business administration 工商管理library 图书馆学diplomacy 外交foreign language 外文botany 植物major 主修minor 辅修school 学校kindergarten 幼儿园infant school 幼儿学校primary school, junior school 小学secondary school 中学high school, secondary school 专科学校business school 商业学校technical school 工业学校technical college 专科学校(university)campus 大学university 大学boarding school 供膳宿的学校day school 日校,无宿舍学校,走读学校day student who has lunch at school 提供午餐的走读学生academy 专科学院faculty 系hall of residence 学校公寓classroom 教室lecture theatre 阅览室(美作:lecture theater)amphitheatre 阶梯教室(美作:amphitheater)staff room 教研室headmaster's study, headmaster's office 校长办公室(assembly)hall 礼堂library 图书馆playground 操场desk 课桌blackboard 黑板(a piece of)chalk 粉笔slate pencil 石板笔wall map 挂图skeleton map 廓图,示意图globe 地球仪text book 课本dictionary 词典encyclopedia 百科全书atlas地图集satchel 书包exercise book 练习本rough not book 草稿本(美作:scribbling pad)blotting paper 吸墨纸tracing paper 描图纸squared paper, graph paper 坐标纸(fountain)pen 自来水笔biro, ballpoint (pen)圆珠笔pencil 铅笔propelling pencil 自动铅笔pencil sharpener 铅笔刀,转笔刀ink 墨水inkwell 墨水池rubber, eraser 橡皮ruler, rule 尺slide rule 计算尺set square 三角板protractor 量角器compass, pair of compasses 圆规Ministry of Labour 劳工部(美作epartment of Labor)labour market 劳工市场, 劳务市场Labour exchange, Employment exchange 职业介绍所(美作:Employment Bureau)labour management 职业介绍经纪人full employment 整日制工作to be paid by the hour 按小时付酬seasonal work 季节工作piecework work 计件工作timework work 计时工作teamwork work 联合工作shift work 换班工作assembly line work 组装线工作(美作:serial production)workshop 车间handicrafts, crafts 手艺, 技艺trade, craft 行当profession, occupation 职务employment, job 工作situation, post 位置job 一件工作vacancy 空缺, 空额work permit 工作许可证to apply for a job 求职, 找工作application(for a job)求职to engage, to employ 雇用work contract 劳务合同industrial accident 劳动事故occupational disease 职业病vocational guidance 职业指导vocational training 职业训练retraining, reorientation, rehabilitation 再训练, 再培训holidays, holiday, vacation 假期labour costs, labour input 劳力成本fluctuation of labour 劳力波动(美作f labor)worker 工作者permanent worker 长期工, 固定工personnel, staff 人员employee 职员clerk, office worker 办公室人员salary earner 雇佣工人workman 工人organized labour 参加工会的工人skilled worker 技术工人unskilled worker 非技术工人specialized worker 熟练工人farm worker 农场工人labourer worker 农业工人day labourer 日工seasonal worker 季节工collaborator 合作者foreman 工头trainee, apprentice 学徒工apprenticeship 学徒artisan, craftsman 工匠specialist 专家night shift 夜班shortage of labour, shortage of manpower 缺乏劳力working class 工人阶级proletarian 无产者proletariat 无产阶级trade union 工会(美作:labor union)trade unionist 工团主义者trade unionism 工团主义guild 行会,同会,公会association, society, union 协会emigration 移,移居employer 雇主,老板shop steward (工厂的)工会代表(美作:union delegate)delegate 代表representative 代表works council 劳资联合委员会labour law 劳工法working day, workday 工作日full-time employment, full-time job, full-time work 全天工作part-time employment, part-time job, part-time work 半日工作working hours 工作时间overtime 业余时间remuneration 报酬pay, wage, salary 工资wage index 工资指数minimum wage 最低工资basic wage 基础工资gross wages 全部收入net, real wages 实际收入hourly wages, wage rate per hour 计时工资monthly wages 月工资weekly wages 周工资piecework wage 计件工资maximum wage 最高工资(美作:wage ceiling)sliding scale 按物价计酬法payment in kind 用实物付酬daily wages 日工资premium, bonus, extra pay 奖励payday 发工资日, 付薪日pay slip 工资单payroll 薪水册unemployment benefit 失业救济old-age pension 退休金,养老金collective agreement 工会代表工人与资方代表达成的协议retirement 退休claims 要求strike 罢工striker 罢工者go-slow 怠工(美作:slow-down)lockout 停工(业主为抵制工人的要求而停工)staggered strike 阶段性罢工strike picket 罢工纠察队员strike pay 罢工津贴(由工会给的)strikebreaker, blackleg 破坏罢工者down tools, sit-down strike 静坐demonstration, manifestation 示威sanction 制裁unemployment 失业seasonal unemployment 季节性失业underemployment 不充分就业unemployed man 失业者(个人)the unemployed 失业者(集体)to discharge, to dismiss 辞退,开除,解雇dismissal 开除,解雇to terminate a contract 结束合同,结束契约negotiation 谈判collective bargaining 劳资双方就工资等问题谈判receptionist 接待员typist 打字员key puncher 电脑操作员stenographer 速记员telephone operator 电话接线员programmer 电脑程序员system analyst 系统分析员shorthand typist 速记打字员office girl 女记事员public servants 公务员national public servant 国家公务员local public service employee 地方公务员nation railroad man 国营铁路职员tracer 绘图员illustrator 汇稿员saleswoman 女店员pilot 驾驶员simultaneous 同时译员publisher 出版人员graphic designer 美术设计员delivery boy 送报员secretary 秘书policeman 警察journalist 记者editor 编辑interpreter 通译者director 导演talent 星探actor 男演员actress 女演员photographer 摄影师scholar 学者translator 翻译家novelist 小说家playwright 剧作家linguist 语言学家botanist 植物学家economist 经济学家chemist 化学家scientist 科学家philosopher 哲学家politician 政治学家physicist 物理学家astropologist 人类学家archaeologist 考古学家geologist 地质学家expert on folklore 俗学家mathematician 数学家biologist 生物学家zoologist 动物学家statistician 统计学家physiologist 生理学家futurologist 未来学家artists 艺术家painter 画家musician 音乐家composer 作曲家singer 歌唱家designer 设计家sculptor 雕刻家designer 服装设计师fashion coordinator 时装调配师dressmaker 女装裁剪师cutter 裁剪师sewer 裁缝师tailor 西装师傅beautician 美容师model 模特ballerina 芭蕾舞星detective 刑警chief of police 警察局长taxi driver 出租车司机clerk 店员mailman 邮差newspaper boy 报童bootblack 擦鞋童poet 诗人copywriter 撰稿人producer 制片人newscaster 新闻评论人milkman 送奶人merchant 商人florist 卖花人baker 面包师greengrocer 菜贩fish-monger 鱼贩butcher 肉贩shoe-maker 鞋匠saleswoman 女店员stewardess 空中小姐conductor 车掌station agent 站长porter 行李夫car mechanic 汽车修理师architect 建筑师civil planner 城市设计师civil engineer 土木技师druggist, chemist, pharmacist 药剂师guide 导游oil supplier 加油工(public)health nurse 保健护士dentist 牙科医生supervisor 监工forman 工头doctor 医生nurse 护士宏观经济的macroeconomic通货膨胀inflation破产insolvency有偿还债务能力的solvent合同contract汇率exchange rate紧缩信贷tighten credit creation私营部门private sector财政管理机构fiscal authorities宽松的财政政策slack fiscal policy税法tax bill财政public finance财政部the Ministry of Finance平衡预算balanced budget继承税inheritance tax货币主义者monetariest增值税VAT (value added tax)收入revenue总需求aggregate demand货币化monetization赤字deficit经济不景气recessiona period when the economy of a country is not successful, business conditions are bad, industrial production and trade are at a low level and there is a lot of unemployment经济好转turnabout复苏recovery成本推进型cost push货币供应money supply生产率productivity劳动力labor force实际工资real wages成本推进式通货膨胀cost-push inflation需求拉动式通货膨胀demand-pull inflation 双位数通货膨胀double- digit inflation极度通货膨胀hyperinflation长期通货膨胀chronic inflation治理通货膨胀to fight inflation最终目标ultimate goal坏的影响adverse effect担保ensure贴现discount萧条的sluggish认购subscribe to支票帐户checking account货币控制工具instruments of monetry control 借据IOUs(I owe you)本票promissory notes货币总监controller of the currency拖收系统collection system支票清算或结算check clearing资金划拨transfer of funds可以相信的证明credentials改革fashion被缠住entangled货币联盟Monetary Union再购协议repo精明的讨价还价交易horse-trading欧元euro公共债务membership criteria汇率机制REM储备货币reserve currency劳动密集型labor-intensive贡交易所bourse竞争领先frontrun牛市bull market非凡的牛市a raging bull规模经济scale economcies买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价bid-ask spreads 期货(贡)futures经济商行brokerage firm回报率rate of return贡equities违约default现金外流cash drains经济人佣金brokerage fee存款单CD(certificate of deposit营业额turnover资本市场capital market布雷顿森林体系The Bretton Woods System经常帐户current account套利者arbitrager远期汇率forward exchange rate即期汇率spot rate实际利率real interest rates货币政策工具tools of monetary policy银行倒闭bank failures跨国公司MNC (Multi-National Corporation)商业银行commercial bank商业票据comercial paper利润profit本票,期票promissory notes监督to monitor佣金(经济人)commission brokers套期保值hedge有价证券平衡理论portfolio balance theory外汇储备foreign exchange reserves固定汇率fixed exchange rate浮动汇率floating/flexible exchange rate货币选择权(期货)currency option 套利arbitrage合约价exercise price远期升水forward premium多头买升buying long空头卖跌selling short按市价订购贡market order贡经纪人stockbroker国际货币基金the IMF七国集团the G-7监督surveillance同业拆借市场interbank market可兑换性convertibility软通货soft currency限制restriction交易transaction充分需求adequate demand短期外债short term external debt汇率机制exchange rate regime直接标价direct quotes资本流动性mobility of capital赤字deficit本国货币domestic currency外汇交易市场foreign exchange market国际储备international reserve利率interest rate资产assets国际收支balance of payments贸易差额balance of trade繁荣boom债券bond资本captial资本支出captial expenditures商品commodities商品交易所commodity exchange期货合同commodity futures contract普通贡common stock联合大企业conglomerate货币贬值currency devaluation通货紧缩deflation折旧depreciation贴现率discount rate归个人支配的收入disposable personal income 从业人员employed person汇率exchange rate财政年度fiscal year企业free enterprise国生产总值gross antional product库存inventory劳动力人数labor force债务liabilities市场经济market economy合并merger货币收入money income跨国公司Multinational Corproation个人收入personal income优先贡preferred stock价格收益比率price-earning ratio优惠贷款利率prime rate利润profit回报return on investment使货币升值revaluation薪水salary季节性调整seasonal adjustment关税tariff失业人员unemployed person效用utility价值value工资wages工资价格螺旋上升wage-price spiral收益yield补偿贸易compensatory trade, compensated deal储蓄银行savings banks欧洲联盟the European Union单一的实体a single entity抵押贷款mortgage lending业主产权owner''''s equity普通股common stock无形资产intangible assets收益表income statement营业开支operating expenses行政开支administrative expenses现金收支一览表statement of cash flow 贸易中的存货inventory收益proceeds投资银行investment bank机构投资者institutional investor垄断兼并委员会MMC招标发行issue by tender定向发行introduction代销offer for sale直销placing公开发行public issue信贷额度credit line国际债券international bonds欧洲货币Eurocurrency利差interest margin以所借的钱作抵押所获之贷款leveraged loan权利股发行rights issues净收入比例结合net income gearing外贸中常见英文缩略词1 C2 T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇3 D/P(document against payment)付款交单4 D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单5 C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元10 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打11 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等12 WT(weight)重量13 G.W.(gross weight)毛重14 N.W.(net weight)净重15 C/D (customs declaration)报关单16 EA(each)每个,各17 W (with)具有18 w/o(without)没有19 FAC(facsimile)传真20 IMP(import)进口21 EXP(export)出口22 MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的23 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度24 M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的25 M/V(merchant vessel)商船26 S.S(steamship)船运27 MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨28 DOC (document)文件、单据29 INT(international)国际的30 P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表31 INV (invoice)发票32 PCT (percent)百分比33 REF (reference)参考、查价34 EMS (express mail special)特快传递35 STL.(style)式样、款式、类型36 T或LTX或TX(telex)电传37 RMB(renminbi)人币38 S/M (shipping marks)装船标记39 PR或PRC(price)价格40 PUR (purchase)购买、购货41 S/C(sales contract)销售确认书42 L/C (letter of credit)信用证43 B/L (bill of lading)提单44 FOB (free on board)离岸价45 CIF (cost,insurance补充:CR=credit贷方,债主DR=debt借贷方(注意:国外常说的debt card,就是银行卡,credit card就是信誉卡。
国家国际标准中文国家英文国家优惠/普通(地区)英文简称(地区)名称(地区)名称税率标记101AFG阿富汗Afghanistan L 102BHR巴林Bahrian L 103BGD孟加拉国Bangladesh L 105BRN文莱Brunei L 106MMR缅甸Myanmar L 107KHM柬埔寨Cambodia L 108CYP塞浦路斯Cyprus L 109PRK朝鲜Korea,DPR L 110HKG香港HongKong L 111IND印度India L 112IDN印度尼西亚Indonesia L 113IRN伊朗Iran L 114IRQ伊拉克Iraq L 115ISR以色列Israel L 116JPN日本Japan L 117JOR约旦Jordan L 118KWT科威特Kuwait L 119LAO老挝Lao PDR L 120LBN黎巴嫩Lebanon L 121MAC中国澳门Macau L 122MYS马来西亚Malaysia L 123MDV马尔代夫Maldives L 124MNG蒙古Mongolia L125NPL 尼泊尔联邦民主共和国Nepal,FDR L126OMN阿曼Oman L 127PAK巴基斯坦Pakistan L 129PHL菲律宾Philippines L 130QAT卡塔尔Qatar L 131SAU沙特阿拉伯SaudiArabia L 132SGP新加坡Singapore L 133KOR韩国Korea,Rep.L 134LKA斯里兰卡Sri Lanka L135SYR叙利亚Syrian ArabRepublic L136THA泰国Thailand L 137TUR土耳其Turkey L138ARE阿联酋United ArabEmirates L139YEM也门共和国Yemen L 141NVM越南Viet Nam L 142CHN中国China L143TWN台澎金马关税区Taiwan prov. ofchina L144TLS东帝汶Tinor-Leste L 145KAZ哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan L146KGZ吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan L 147TJK塔吉克斯坦Tadzhikistan L 148TKM土库曼斯坦Tajikistan L 149UZB乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekstan L 201DZA阿尔及利亚Algeria L 202AGO安哥拉Angola L 203BEN贝宁Benin L 204BWA博茨瓦那Botswana L 205BDI布隆迪Burundi L 206CMR喀麦隆Cameroon L 208CPV佛得角Cape vrde L 209CAF中非Central African Rep L 211TCD乍得Chad L 213COG刚果(布)Congo L 214DJI吉布提Djibouti L 215EGY埃及Egypt L 216GNQ赤道几内亚Eq.Guinea L 217ETH埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia L 218GAB加蓬Gabon L 219GMB冈比亚Gambia L 220GHA加纳Ghana L 221GIN几内亚Guinea L 222GNB几内亚比绍Guinea Bissau L 223CIV科特迪瓦Cote d'lvoir L 224KEN肯尼亚Kenya L 225LBR利比里亚Liberia L226LBY利比亚Libyan ArabJamahiriyaL227MDG马达加斯加Madagascar L 228MWI马拉维Malawi L 229MLI马里Mali L 230MRT毛里塔尼亚Mauritania L 231MUS毛里求斯Mauritius L 232MAR摩洛哥Morocco L 233MOZ莫桑比克Mozambique L 234NAM纳米比亚Namibia L 235NER尼日尔Niger L 236NGA尼日利亚Nigeria L 238RWA卢旺达Rwanda L 240SEN塞内加尔Senegal L 242SLE塞拉利昂Sierra Leone L 243SOM索马里Somalia L 244ZAF南非S.Africa L 246SDN苏丹Sudan L 247TZA坦桑尼亚Tanzania L248TGO多哥Togo L 249TUN突尼斯Tunisia L 250UGA乌干达Uganda L 251BFA布基纳法索Burkina Faso L 252COD刚果(金)Congo,DR L 253ZMB赞比亚Zambia L 254ZWE津巴布韦Zimbabwe L 255LSO莱索托Lesotho L 257SWZ斯威士兰Swaziland L 258ERI厄立特里亚Eritrea L 259MYT马约特Mayotte L 301BEL比利时Belgium L 302DNK丹麦Denmark L 303GBR英国United Kingdom L 304DEU德国Germany L 305FRA法国France L 306IRL爱尔兰Ireland L 307ITA意大利Italy L 308LUX卢森堡Luxembourg L 309NLD荷兰Nethedands L 310GRC希腊Greece L 311PRT葡萄牙Portugal L 312ESP西班牙Spain L 313ALB阿尔巴尼亚Albania L 315AUT奥地利Austria L 316BGR保加利亚Bulgaria L 318FIN芬兰Finland L 321HUN匈牙利Hungary L 322ISL冰岛Iceland L 323LIE列支敦士登Liechtenstein L 324MLT马耳他Malta L 325MCO摩纳哥Monaco L 326NOR挪威Norway L 327POL波兰Poland L 328ROM罗马尼亚Romania L 329SMR圣马力诺San Marino L 330SWE瑞典Sweden L 331CHE瑞士Switzerland L 334EST爱沙尼亚Estonia L 335LVA拉托维亚Latvia L 336LTU立陶宛Lithuania L 337GEO格鲁吉亚Georgia L 338ARM亚美尼亚Armenia L 339AZE阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan L 340BLR白俄罗斯Belarus L343MDA摩尔多瓦Moldova L 344RUS俄罗斯联邦Russia Federation L 347UKR乌克兰Ukraine L 350SVN斯洛文尼亚Slovenia L 351HRV克罗地亚Groatia L 352CZE捷克Gzech L 353SVK斯洛伐克Slovak ia L 354MKD前南马其顿Macedonia,FYR L 355BIH波黑Bosnia & and L 357FRO法罗群岛Faroe Islands L 358SRB塞尔维亚Sefbia L 359MNE黑山Montenegro L 401ATG安提瓜和巴布达Antigua & Barbuda L 402ARG阿根廷Argentina L 405BRB巴巴多斯Barbados L 406BLZ伯利兹Belize L 408BOL多民族玻利维亚国Bolivia L 410BRA巴西Brazil L 412CHL智利Chileds L 413COL哥伦比亚Colombia L 414DMA多米尼克Dominica L 415CRI哥斯达黎加Costa Rica L 416CUB古巴Cuba L418DOM多米尼加共和国Dominican Rep.ublic L419ECU厄瓜多尔Ecuador L 421GRD格林纳达Grenada L 423GTM危地马拉Guatemala L 424GUY圭亚那Guyana L 425HTI海地Haiti L 426HND洪都拉斯Hongduras L 427JAM牙买加Jamaica L 429MEX墨西哥Mexico L 431NIC尼加拉瓜Nicaragua L 432PAN巴拿马Panama L 433PRY巴拉圭Paraguay L 434PER秘鲁Peru L 435PRI波多黎各Puerto Rico L 437LCA圣卢西亚Saint Lucia L439VCT 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Martin Islands SaintVincent &GrenadinesL441SUR苏里南Suriname L 442TTO特立尼达和多巴哥Trinidad & Tobago L 444URY乌拉圭Uruguay L 445VEN委内瑞拉Venezuela L447KNA圣其茨和尼维斯St.Kitts-Nevis L448SPM圣皮埃尔和密克隆St.Pierre andMiquelonL501CAN加拿大Canada L 502USA美国United States L 503GRL格陵兰Greenland L 601AUS澳大利亚Australia L 602COK库克群岛Cook Islands L 603FJI斐济Fiji L 607NCL新喀里多尼亚New Caledonia L 608VUT瓦努阿图Vanuatu L 609NZL新西兰New Zealand L 611PNG巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea L 613SLB所罗门群岛Solomon Islands L 614TON汤加Tonga L 617WSM萨摩亚Samoa L 620FSM密克罗尼西亚联邦Micronesia Fs L 623PYF法属玻利尼西亚French Polynesia L 625WLF瓦利斯和浮图纳Wallis and Futuna L船舶吨税优/普标记H1H1L1H1L1H1L1L1L1L1H1L1H1L1L1H1H1L1L1L1L1H1L1H1L1L1L1H1H1L1L1L1H1L1L1H1L1L1L1H1H1H1H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1H1H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1L1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 H1 L1 L1 L1 L1 H1 H1 L1 H1 L1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 L1 L1 L1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 L1 H1 H1 H1L1 L1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1H1H1 H1 H1 H1H1L1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1192。
South Da
th Ca
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ginia 西弗吉尼亚州
Cape Town
一位中国有影响力的探险家英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1An Inspiring Chinese Explorer: Zheng He and His VoyagesAs a student fascinated by history and exploration, one figure who has always captured my imagination is the great Chinese explorer Zheng He. His daring maritime voyages during the Ming Dynasty were not only incredible feats of navigation and logistics, but also represented China's power and influence across vast regions at the time.Zheng He's origins were rather humble. Born Ma He in 1371 in the Yunnan province, he was captured as a young boy during one of the Ming army's missions to suppress remnants of the Mongol Yuan dynasty that previously ruled China. Castrated to become a court eunuch servant, he was given the new name Zheng He and entered into service for Zhu Di, the Prince of Yan.When Zhu Di became the Yongle Emperor in 1403, he was a proud Chinese nationalist who wanted to project the greatness and superiority of the Middle Kingdom across the "barbarian" lands to China's west. He turned to his trusted eunuch Zheng Heto lead grand voyages of exploration and to proclaim the legitimacy of the new Ming dynasty.And so began Zheng He's incredible seven voyages between 1405 and 1433, commanding a gargantuan fleet and crew that's scarcely been matched before or since. Consider the scale: His first expedition involved 62 ships carrying almost 28,000 men! The ships themselves were technological marvels, with some measuring over 400 feet long -- far bigger than anything Europeans would construct for centuries. By comparison, the ships of Christopher Columbus were little more than puny rafts.These armadas sailed from China's east coast, first to the archipelagos of modern-day Indonesia, then west across the Indian Ocean as far as the east coast of Africa. They traveled great distances down both the east and west coasts of the Indian peninsula to establish trade ties and collect tribute from local rulers. Zheng's fleets made it all the way to the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and篇2An Adventurous Life: The Explorations of Zheng HeAs a student fascinated by history and exploration, one figure who has always captured my imagination is the greatChinese explorer Zheng He. Living during the Ming Dynasty in the early 15th century, Zheng He led several massive voyages throughout the Indian Ocean, traveling farther than any explorer had before and establishing China's power and influence across a vast region.Born in 1371 in China's Yunnan province, Zheng He did not begin life with the advantages of nobility or wealth. His Muslim family named him Ma He, and as a young boy he was captured, castrated, and forced to serve in the court of Zhu Di, the Prince of Yan. This traumatic beginning belied the incredible adventures that awaited Zheng He later in life.When Zhu Di became the Yongle Emperor in 1403, he appointed his former servant Zheng He as the admiral of his treasure fleet, a vast maritime force meant to project Chinese power and collect tribute from regions along the Indian Ocean trade routes. Between 1405 and 1433, Zheng He commanded seven epic voyages that took his fleet all the way to the east coast of Africa.The sheer scale of these voyages is mind-boggling, even by today's standards. Zheng He's ships were by far the largest of their era, dwarfing the famous ships of European explorers like Columbus that would set sail a century later. The largest of the"treasure ships" is estimated to have been over 400 feet long, with nine masts and a crew of hundreds. In total, Zheng He may have commanded over 300 massive ships carrying almost 30,000 men on his voyages.Sailing from their homeport along the Yangtze River, Zheng's fleet would first travel down the coast of Vietnam, stopping at islands like modern-day Singapore to take on supplies. From there they crossed the Indian Ocean, making stops at Sri Lanka, India's west coast, and islands like the Maldives to gather information, trade goods, and demand tribute payments from local rulers. Several voyages even continued all the way to the east coast of Africa, likely reaching modern-day Kenya and Somalia.While primarily aimed at demonstrating China's greatness and gathering riches, Zheng's fleets also collected vast amounts of geographic intelligence. His sailors charted currents, winds, and mapped the locations of reefs and landmarks along their routes. They traded extensively, bringing back exotic goods like precious gems, porcelain, and zebras. There are even apocryphal tales of Zheng He's fleet exploring as far as Australia and sailing up the California coast!For all their grand scale and ambition, the voyages ultimately ended in 1433 just a few years after the Yongle Emperor's death. His successors were disinterested in bankrolling the expensive fleets, and China pivoted toward isolationism after Zheng He's final voyage, missing opportunities for greater global exploration and trade. The cavernous dry docks and shipyards that built Zheng's massive ships were abandoned and slowly decayed over the centuries.Today, over six centuries later, Zheng He's monumental voyages stand out as an unparalleled feat of maritime exploration in the premodern era. At a time when the ships of Europe could barely sail along the coasts, Zheng He circumnavigated the Indian Ocean multiple times with armadas of thousands of sailors. His epic journeys projected Chinese power and influence from Southeast Asia to the east coast of Africa, a level of global reach that no other explorer would match for generations.Zheng He's life is a testament to perseverance and boldness in the face of adversity. Rising from a traumatic childhood of captivity and castration to lead history's most massive maritime expeditions, he represents the adventurous spirit of exploration and discovery. While most of the world remained bound bycoastlines and superstitions about the world's outermost reaches, Zheng He set sail again and again with unflinching courage, mapping uncharted waters and bringing wonders home to the imperial court.To me, Zheng He embodies the very best of human persistence and the desire to push beyond the boundaries of the known world. His massive ships and crews defied all conventions about the limits of seafaring technology, venturing farther than anyone in recorded history and bringing the world a little closer together through trade, knowledge, and cultural exchange. While his achievements were ultimately squandered byinward-looking policymakers, Zheng He's trailblazing journeys shine as a beacon of what humankind can accomplish through determination, resourcefulness, and an insatiable hunger to explore the unknown.篇3An Inspiring Journey: The Life and Adventures of Zheng HeAs a student passionate about exploration and cultural exchange, I have always been fascinated by the remarkable life of Zheng He, a eunuch admiral who led some of the most ambitious maritime voyages in history. Born in the late 14thcentury during the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He's extraordinary journey serves as a testament to China's rich legacy of exploration and cross-cultural connections.Zheng He's origins were humble, having been born as Ma He to a Muslim family in Yunnan Province. At a young age, he was captured and castrated, a common practice at the time to conscript young males into imperial service. Despite these difficult beginnings, Zheng He's intelligence and capability quickly propelled him through the ranks of the Ming court.In 1405, the Yongle Emperor, known for his maritime interests, appointed Zheng He as the admiral of a grand fleet, marking the beginning of his legendary voyages. The scale of these expeditions was truly astounding, with ships dwarfing their European counterparts and crew sizes reaching into the tens of thousands. Zheng He commanded these immense "treasure fleets" on seven epic expeditions spanning over three decades, journeying as far as the east coast of Africa.The primary purpose of these voyages was to project Chinese power and wealth, collect tribute, and facilitate trade and cultural exchange. However, Zheng He's influence extended far beyond mere economic and political objectives. He was an early ambassador of cultural diplomacy, exchanging gifts,sharing knowledge, and fostering goodwill across the nations he visited.One of the most remarkable aspects of Zheng He's voyages was the sheer diversity of his crew. In addition to Chinese sailors, his fleets included navigators, translators, and scholars from various parts of the world, reflecting the inclusive and cosmopolitan spirit of his endeavors. This multicultural approach not only enhanced the expeditions' logistical capabilities but also facilitated cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.During his travels, Zheng He encountered numerous rulers, traded goods, and shared insights about Chinese culture and technology. His fleet brought back exotic animals, precious gems, and knowledge from distant lands, enriching the Ming court and expanding the horizons of Chinese society. Remarkably, these voyages were achieved without the conquest or colonization that characterized many European explorations of the time.Perhaps one of the most enduring legacies of Zheng He's voyages is the lasting impact they had on the regions he visited. From the widespread distribution of Chinese porcelain and silk to the introduction of new agricultural techniques, his expeditions left an indelible mark on the cultures and societies they encountered. Even today, traces of his influence can befound in various parts of Southeast Asia, the Indian Ocean, and the east coast of Africa.As a student, I find Zheng He's story profoundly inspiring. It reminds me of the boundless potential of human curiosity, adventure, and cross-cultural exchange. His voyages were not mere exercises in naval prowess but rather a celebration of diversity, knowledge-sharing, and peaceful coexistence.In an era where globalization and interconnectedness are increasingly vital, Zheng He's example serves as a powerful reminder of the benefits of embracing different cultures and fostering mutual understanding. His legacy transcends national boundaries and speaks to our shared human experience of exploration, discovery, and the pursuit of knowledge.Moreover, Zheng He's life challenges us to reexamine our perceptions of historical figures and events. Too often, our understanding of exploration and cultural exchange is dominated by European narratives. Zheng He's voyages remind us that the thirst for knowledge and the desire to connect with other civilizations were not exclusive to any one culture or region.As I reflect on Zheng He's incredible journey, I am filled with a sense of awe and admiration. His story is a testament to thehuman spirit's capacity for adventure, resilience, andcross-cultural understanding. It inspires me to embrace diversity, pursue knowledge, and appreciate the richness of our shared global heritage.In a world that often feels divided and fragmented, Zheng He's legacy serves as a unifying force, reminding us of our common humanity and the power of peaceful exploration and cultural exchange. As a student, I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from his example and carry forward the spirit of curiosity, inclusivity, and global citizenship that he embodied.。
A 阿富汗Afghanistan 阿尔巴尼亚Albania 阿尔及利亚Algeria 安道尔Andorra 安哥拉Angola 安提瓜和巴布达Antigua and Barbuda 阿根廷Argentina 亚美尼亚Armenia 澳大利亚Australia 奥地利Austria 阿塞摆疆AzerbaijanB 巴哈马Bahamas 巴林Bahrain 孟加拉Bangladesh 巴巴多斯Barbados 白俄罗斯Belarus 比利时Belgium / Xtra page 伯利兹Belize 贝宁Benin 不丹Bhutan 玻利维亚Bolivia 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那Bosnia and Herzegovina 博茨瓦纳Botswana 巴西Brazil 文莱Brunei 保加利亚Bulgaria 布基纳法索Burkina Faso 布隆迪BurundiC 柬埔寨Cambodia 喀麦隆Cameroon 加拿大Canada 佛得角Cape Verde 中非Central African Republic 乍得Chad 智利Chile 中国China 哥伦比亚Colombia 科摩罗Comoros 刚果(金) Congo (Congo-Kinshasa) 刚果Congo 哥斯达黎加Costa Rica 科特迪瓦Cote d'Ivoire 克罗地亚Croatia 古巴Cuba 塞浦路斯Cyprus 捷克Czech / 前捷克斯洛伐克Former CzechoslovakiaD 丹麦Denmark 吉布提Djibouti 多米尼克Dominica 多米尼加Dominican RepublicE 东帝汶East Timor 厄瓜多尔Ecuador 埃及Egypt 赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea 厄立特里亚Eritrea 爱沙尼亚Estonia 埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia 欧洲联盟European Union (EU)F 斐济Fiji 芬兰Finland 法国FranceG 加蓬Gabon 冈比亚Gambia 格鲁吉亚Georgia 德国Germany / 前东德Former East Germany 加纳Ghana 希腊Greece 格林纳达Grenada 危地马拉Guatemala 几内亚比绍Guinea-Bissau 几内亚Guinea 圭亚那GuyanaH 海地Haiti 洪都拉斯Honduras 匈牙利HungaryI 冰岛Iceland 印度India 印度尼西亚Indonesia 伊朗Iran 伊拉克Iraq 爱尔兰Ireland 以色列Israel 意大利ItalyJ 牙买加Jamaica 日本Japan 约旦JordanK 哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan 肯尼亚Kenya 基里巴斯Kiribati 朝鲜Korea (North) 韩国Korea (South) 科威特Kuwait 吉尔吉斯斯坦KyrgyzstanL 老挝Laos 拉脱维亚Latvia 黎巴嫩Lebanon 莱索托Lesotho 利比里亚Liberia 利比亚Libya 列支敦士登Liechtenstein 立陶宛Lithuania 卢森堡LuxembourgM 马其顿Macedonia 马达加斯加Madagascar 马拉维Malawi 马来西亚Malaysia 马尔代夫Maldives 马里Mali 马尔他Malta 马绍尔群岛Marshall Islands 毛里塔尼亚Mauritania 毛里求斯Mauritius 墨西哥Mexico 麦克罗尼西亚Micronesia 摩尔多瓦Moldova 摩纳哥Monaco 蒙古Mongolia 摩洛哥Morocco 莫桑比克Mozambique 缅甸MyanmarN 纳米比亚Namibia 北大西洋公约组织North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 瑙鲁Nauru 尼泊尔Nepal 荷兰Netherlands 新西兰New Zealand 尼加拉瓜Nicaragua 尼日尔Niger 尼日利亚Nigeria 挪威NorwayO 阿曼OmanP 巴基斯坦Pakistan 帕劳Palau 巴勒斯坦Palestine 巴拿马Panama 巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea 巴拉圭Paraguay 秘鲁Peru 菲律宾Philippines 波兰Poland 葡萄牙PortugalQ 卡塔尔QatarR 罗马尼亚Romania 俄罗斯Russia / 前苏联Former USSR 卢旺达RwandaS 圣基茨和尼维斯Saint Kitts-Nevis 圣卢西亚Saint Lucia 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 萨尔瓦多El Salvador 萨摩亚Samoa 圣马力诺San Marino 圣多美和普林西比Sao Tome and Principe 沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia 塞内加尔Senegal 塞舌尔Seychelles 塞拉利昂Sierra Leone 新加坡Singapore 斯洛伐克Slovakia 斯洛文尼亚Slovenia 所罗门群岛Solomon Islands 索马里Somalia 南非South Africa 西班牙Spain 斯里兰卡Sri Lanka 苏丹Sudan 苏里南Suriname 斯威士兰Swaziland 瑞典Sweden 瑞士Switzerland 叙利亚SyriaT 塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan 坦桑尼亚Tanzania 泰国Thailand 多哥Togo 汤加Tonga 特立尼达和多巴哥Trinidad and Tobago 突尼斯Tunisia 土耳其Turkey 土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan 图瓦卢TuvaluU 乌干达Uganda 乌克兰Ukraine 阿拉伯联合酋长国United Arab Emirates 英国United Kingdom / 北爱尔兰Northern Ireland 联合国组织United Nations Organization (UNO) 乌拉圭Uruguay 美国United States of America (USA) / 波多黎各Puerto Rico 乌兹别克斯坦UzbekistanV 瓦努阿图Vanuatu 梵蒂冈Vatican City 委内瑞拉Venezuela 越南Vietnam (formerly North Vietnam) / 前南越Former South Vietnam Y 也门Yemen / 前北也门Former North Yemen / 前南也门Former South Yemen 南斯拉夫Yugoslavia / 前南斯拉夫Former Yugoslavia Z 赞比亚Zambia 津巴布韦Zimbabwe / 前罗德西亚Former Rhodesia 世界地名中英文对照Alexandria[,aelig'za:ndric]亚历山大Baghdad['baegdaed]巴格达Bandung['ba:nduy]万隆Bangkok[,baey'kok]曼古Berlin[bc:'lin]柏林(德) Bermuda 百慕大Bogota[,bcugc'ta:]波哥大Bombay[,bom'bei]孟买Bonn[bon]波恩(德首都) Boston['bostcn]波士顿Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿首都) Buffalo['b^fclcu]布法罗Cairo['kaicrcu]开罗(埃首都) Canberra 堪培拉(澳首都) Chicago[$i'ka:gcu]芝加哥Cologne[kc'lcun]科隆(德) Copenhagen[,kcupcn'heigcn]哥本哈根(丹首都) Denver['denvc]丹佛Detroit[di'troit]底特律Djakarta[d3c'ka:tc]雅加达(印首都) Florence['florcns]佛罗伦萨(意) hamburg['haembc:g]汉堡(德) Hiroshima[,hirc'$i:mc]广岛Kobe['kcubi]神户Kuala Lumpur['kwa:lc 'lumpuc]吉隆坡(马首都) Liverpool['livcpu:l]利物浦Los Angeles[los'aend3ili:z]洛杉叽Lyon[ljuy]里昂(法国) Madrid[mc'drid]马德里(西首都) Manchester['maet$istc]曼彻斯特(英国) Manila[mc'nilc]马尼拉(菲首都) Marseille[ma:'sei]马赛(法国) Melbourne 墨尔本Mexico City['meksikcu 'siti]墨西哥城(墨西哥合众国首都) Miami[mai'aemi]迈阿密Milan[mi'laen]米兰(意) Montreal[,montri:'o:l]蒙特利尔Moscow['moskcu]莫斯科(俄首都) Munich['mju:nik]慕尼黑(德) Nagoya['na:go:'ja:]名古屋New Delhi['nju:'deli]新德里(印首都) Osaka[cu'sa:kc]大阪Ottawa渥太华(加首都) Paris['paeris]巴黎Philadelphia[,filc'delfic]费城Phoenix['fi:niks]菲尼克斯Pittsburgh['pitsbc:g]匹兹堡Pyongyang['pjay'joy]平壤(北朝首都) Rome[rcum]罗马(意首都) San Francisco[,saenfrcn'siskcu]旧金山(三藩市) Sapporo['sa:pcurcu]札幌Seattle[si'aetl]西雅图Seoul[scul]汉城(韩首都) St. Louis[snt'luis]圣路易斯Sydney 悉尼Teheran['tehc'raen]德黑兰(伊首都) Tokyo['tcukjcu]东京(日首都) Toronto[tc'rontcu]多伦多Turin['tjucrin]都灵(意) Ulan Bator['u:la:n 'ba:to:]乌兰巴托(蒙首都) Vancouver[vaen'ku:vc]温哥华Venice['venis]威尼斯(意) vienna 维也纳(奥首都) Warsaw['wo:so:]华沙(波首都) Wellington['weliytcn]惠灵顿(新) Yokohama[jcukc'ha:mc]横滨Main Countries and Cities in the World Alborg, Aalborg 奥尔堡Abadan 阿巴丹Aberdeen 阿伯丁Aberdeenshire 阿伯丁郡Abidjan 阿比让Abilene 阿比林Abu Dhabi 阿布扎比Accra, Akkra 阿克拉Aconcagua 阿空加瓜山Acropolis 阿克罗波利斯Adana 阿达纳Addis Ababa 亚的斯亚贝巴Adelaide 阿德莱德Aden 亚丁Adirondacks 阿迪朗达克山脉Adriatic 亚得里亚海Aegean 爱琴海Aetna=Etna 埃特纳火山Afghanistan 阿富汗Africa 非州Agra 阿格拉Ahaggar 阿哈加尔山脉Ajaccio 阿雅克修Akkra=Accra 阿克拉Akron 阿克隆Alabama 亚拉巴马Alameda 阿拉梅达Alaska 阿拉斯加Albania 阿尔巴尼亚Albany 奥尔巴尼Alberta 艾伯塔Albuquerque 阿尔伯克基Aldan 阿尔丹河Aleutians 阿留申群岛Alexander 亚历山大群岛Alexandria 亚历山大Algeria 阿尔及利亚Algiers 阿尔及尔Alicante 阿利坎特(Al ) Kuwait 科威特市Allahabad 阿拉哈巴德Allentown 阿伦敦Alma-Ata 阿拉木图Almaden 阿尔马登Alps 阿尔卑斯山脉Alsaca 阿尔萨斯Altai 阿尔泰山脉Amazon 亚马孙河America 美州; 美国之通称Amiens 亚眠Amman 安曼Amritsar 阿姆利则Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam, ship canal 阿姆斯特丹运河Amu Darya 阿姆河Anatolia 安纳托利亚Anchorage 安克雷奇Ancohumia 安科乌马山Andalusia 安达卢西亚Andaman 安达曼群岛/河Andes 安第斯山脉Andizan (Andizhan) 安集延Andorra 安道尔Andorra la vella 安道尔Andros 安德罗斯岛Aneto, Pico de 阿内托峰Angara 安加拉河Angkor 吴哥Anglesey, Anglesea 安格尔西岛Angola 安哥拉Anguilla 安圭拉岛Angus 安格斯Anhui 安徽Anjou 昂儒Ankara 安卡拉Annapolis 安纳波利斯An(n)apurna 安纳布尔纳山Ann Arbor 安阿伯Antananarivo 安塔那利佛Antarctic 南极区; 南极地方Antarctica 南极洲Antigua 安提瓜Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达Anti-Lebanon 前黎巴嫩山脉Antilles 安的列斯群岛Antofagasta 安托法加斯塔Antrim 安特里姆Antwerp 安特卫普Apennines 亚平宁山脉Apia 阿皮亚Apo Mount 阿波火山Appalachian 阿巴拉契亚山脉Arabia 阿拉伯半岛Arabian Desert 阿拉伯沙漠Arabian Sea 阿拉伯海Aragon 亚拉贡Araguaia, Araguaya 阿拉瓜亚河Aral Sea 碱海Ararat 亚拉腊山Archangel 阿尔汉格尔Arctic Sea 北极海Arden 阿尔丁Ardennes 阿登Arequipa 阿雷基帕Argentina 阿根廷Argyllshire 阿盖尔郡Arizona 亚利桑那Arkansas 阿肯色Arlington 阿灵顿Armagh 阿尔马Armenia 亚美尼亚Arno 阿尔诺河Arras 阿拉斯Arthur's Pass 阿瑟山隘Ascension 阿森松岛Ashanti 阿散蒂Asia 亚洲Asia Minor 小亚细亚Asmara 阿斯马拉Assam 阿萨姆邦Assyria 亚述Asuncion 亚松森Aswan Ass(o)uan 阿斯旺Atbara 阿特巴拉河Athabasca Athabaska 阿萨巴斯卡河Athens 雅典Athos 圣山Atlanta 亚特兰大Atlantic the 大西洋Atlantic City 大西洋城Atlas 阿特拉斯山脉Attica 阿蒂卡Auckland 奥克兰Augusta 奥古斯塔Austin 奥斯汀Australasia 澳大拉西亚Australia 大洋洲; 澳大利亚联邦Australian Alps 澳大利亚山脉Austria 奥地利Austronesia 澳斯特罗尼西亚Aux Sources,Mont 苏尔斯山Avernus 亚维努斯湖Avon 埃文河; 埃文郡Ayrshire 埃尔郡Ayutthaya 大城(阿育他亚) Azerbaijan (Republic) 阿塞拜疆Azores 亚速尔群岛Azov,Sea of 亚速海Babylon 巴比伦Babylonia 巴比伦尼亚Back 巴克河Badajoz 巴达霍斯Baden 巴登Baffin 巴芬岛Bag(h)dad 巴格达Baguio 碧瑶Bahamas,the 巴哈马Bahia,Blanca 布兰卡港Bahrain,Bahrein 巴林Baikal,Lake 贝加尔湖Baku 巴库Balearic 巴利阿里群岛Bali 巴厘岛Balikpapan 巴厘巴板Balkan 巴尔干半岛Balkans the 巴尔干半岛诸国Balk(h)ash Lake 巴尔喀什湖Baltic Sea 波罗的海Baltimore 巴尔的摩Baluchistan 俾路支Bamako 巴马科Bandar Seri Begawan 斯里巴加湾市Ban(d)jarmasin 马辰(班贾尔马辛) Bandung Bandoeng 万隆Banffshire 班夫郡Bangalore 班加罗尔Ban(g)ka 邦加岛Bangkok 曼谷Bangladesh 孟加拉人民共和国Bang(u)i 班吉Bani(y)as 巴尼亚斯Banjul 班珠尔Barbados 巴巴多斯Barbuda 巴布达岛Barcelona 巴塞罗那Barisan Moutains 巴里桑山脉Baroda 巴罗达Barranquilla 巴兰基亚Bartle Frere,Mount 巴特尔.弗里尔山Basel 巴塞尔Bashi Channel 巴士海峡Basra 巴士拉Basutoland 巴苏陀兰Bataan 巴丹Batan 巴坦Batangas 八拉雁Batavia 巴拉维亚Bath 巴斯Bathurst 巴瑟斯特Battersea 巴特西Batumi 巴统Bavaria 巴伐利亚Bavarian Alps 巴伐利亚山脉Bear Lake 熊湖Beaufort 波弗特海Beaumont 博蒙特Bechuanaland 贝专纳Bedfordshire 贝德福德郡Beijing 北京Beirut, Bayrut 贝鲁特Belem 贝伦Belfast 贝尔法斯特Belgium 比利时Belgrade 贝尔格莱德Benares, Banaras 贝拿勒斯Bengal 孟加拉Bengal, Bay of 孟加拉湾Benin 贝宁Berchtesgaden 贝希特斯加登Bergen 卑尔根Bering 白令海; 白令海峡Berkeley 伯克利Berkshire 伯克郡Berlin 柏林Bermuda 百慕大群岛Bern(e) 伯尔尼Berwickshire 贝里克郡Bessarabia 比萨拉比亚Bethlehem 伯利恒Bhamo 八莫Bhutan 不丹Bialystok 比亚韦斯托克Bilbao 毕尔巴鄂Billiton 勿里洞岛Birkenhead 伯肯黑德Birmingham 伯明翰Biscay, Bay of 比斯开湾Bishkek 比什凯克Bismarck 俾斯麦群岛/海Bismarck Range 俾斯麦山脉Bissau 比绍Bizerte 比赛大Blackburn 布莱克本Blackburn Mount 布莱克本山Black Hills 黑山Blackpool 黑潭Black Sea 黑海Blagoveshchensk 布拉戈维申斯岛Blanc,Cape 布朗角Bland,Mont 勃朗峰Blanca Peak 布兰卡峰Bloemfontein 布隆方丹Blue Mts 兰山山脉Bogota 波哥大Bo Hai 渤海Bokhara 布哈拉Bolivia 玻利维亚Bologna 波洛尼亚Bolton 博尔顿Bombay 孟买Bonin Islands 博宁群岛Bonn 波恩Bordeaux 波尔多Borders 博德斯Borneo 婆罗洲Bosporus 博斯普鲁斯海峡Boston 波士顿Botany Bay 博特尼湾Bothnia,Gulf of 波的尼亚湾Botswana 博茨瓦纳Bougainville 布干维尔岛Boulder 博尔德Boulogne 布洛涅Bournemouth 伯恩茅斯Bradford 布拉德福德Brandenburg 勃兰登堡Brasilia 巴西利亚Bratislava 布拉迪斯拉发Brazil 巴西Brazos 布拉索斯河Brazzaville 布拉柴维尔Bremen 不来梅Breslau 布雷斯劳Brest 布列斯特Bretagne 不列塔尼Bridgetown 布里奇顿Brighton 布赖顿Brisbane 布里斯班Bristol 布里斯托尔Britain 不列颠岛British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚Brno 布尔诺Bronx 布朗克斯Brooklyn 布鲁克林Brunei 文莱Brunswick 布伦瑞克Brussels 布鲁塞尔Bucharest 布加勒斯特Buckinghamshire 白金汉郡Budapest 布达佩斯Buenaventura 布埃纳文图拉Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯Buffalo 布法罗Bug River 布格河Bujumbura 布琼布拉Bulgaria 保加利亚Bungay 邦吉Burma 缅甸Burundi 布隆迪Bute 比特岛Bute(shire) 比特郡Byelorussia 白俄罗斯Cadiz 加的斯Caernarvonshire 卡那封郡Cagliari 卡利亚里Cairo 开罗Cathness 凯思内斯Calais 加来Calcutta 加尔各答Calgary 卡尔加里Cali 卡利Calicut 卡利卡特California 加利福尼亚California, Gulf of 加利福尼亚湾Callao 卡亚俄Cambridge 剑桥Cambridgeshire 剑桥郡Camden 卡姆登Cameroon 喀麦隆山Cameroun 喀麦隆Campania 坎帕尼亚Canada 加拿大Canadian 加那丁河Canal Zone 运河区Canary Islands 加那利群岛Canaveral, Cape 卡纳维拉尔角Canaveral Peninsula 加那维拉尔半岛Canberra 坎培拉Candia 干地亚Cannes 戛纳Cantabrian 坎塔布连山Canterbury 坎特伯雷Canton 坎顿Cape Cod 科德角Cape Hatteras 哈特拉斯角Cape Horn 合恩角Cape of Good Hope 好望角Cape Town, Capetown 开普敦Cape V erde Islands 佛得角群岛Capri Island 卡普里岛Caracas 加拉加斯Cardiff 加的夫Cardiganshire 卡迪根郡Caribbean, the 加勒比海Carlow 卡洛Carmarthenshire 卡马森郡Carolina 卡罗林纳Caroline 加罗林群岛Carpathian 喀尔巴阡山脉Carstensz 卡斯滕士峰Cartagena 卡塔基纳Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡Cascade Range 喀斯喀特山脉Caspian, the 里海Castries 卡斯特里斯Catalonia 加泰罗尼亚Catania 卡塔尼亚Catskill Mountains 卡茨基尔山Caucasia 高加索Caucasus 高加索(山脉) Cavan 卡文Cavite 甲米地Cayman (islands) 开曼群岛Cebu 宿务Celebes 西里伯斯岛Central America 中美洲Central Provinces and Benar 中央邦Ceuta 休达Ceylon 锡兰Chad 乍得Chamonix 夏蒙尼Champagne 香槟Changchun 长春Chang Jing 长江Changsha 长沙Channel Islands 海峡群岛Charleston 查尔斯顿Charlotte 夏洛特Chartres 沙特尔Chatham 查塔姆群岛Chaud Doc 朱笃Chautauqua 肖托夸Chemnitz 开姆尼茨Chengdu 成都Cherrapunji 切拉朋吉Chesapeake Bay 切萨皮克湾Chesire 柴郡Chester 切斯特Chesterfield 切斯特菲尔德Cheyenne 夏延河Chicago 芝加哥Chihuahua 奇瓦瓦Chile 智利Chimborazo 钦博拉索山China 中国Chiriqui 奇里基峰Chirripo Grande 大奇里波山Chita 赤塔Chittagong 吉大港Chkalov 契卡洛夫Choson 朝鲜Christchurch 克赖斯特彻奇(基督城) Christmas Island 圣诞岛Chuckchee Sea 楚克奇海Churchill 丘吉尔河Chu River 楚河Cimarron 西马伦河Cincinnati 辛辛那提Ciscaucasia 北高加索Clare 克莱尔Cleveland 克利夫兰Clifton 克里夫顿Clwyd 克卢伊德Coast Range 海岸山脉Coats Island 科茨岛Cocos Islands 科科斯群岛Cologne 科伦Colombia 哥伦比亚Colombo 科伦坡Colorado 科罗拉多Columbia 哥伦比亚Columbia, Mount 哥伦比亚山Columbus 哥伦布Como 科莫Comoro Islands 科摩罗群岛Compiegne 贡比涅Conakry 科纳克里Concepcion 康塞普西翁Congo 刚果Connacht 康诺特Connecticut 康涅狄格Constantine 君士坦丁Constantinople 君士坦丁堡Constantsa 康斯坦察Cook 库克Coolgardie 库尔加迪Copenhagen 哥本哈根Coral Sea 珊瑚海Cordillera Mts 科迪勒拉山Cordoba 科尔多瓦Corfu 科孚岛Corinth 科林斯Cork 科克Corno 科尔诺山Cornwall 康沃尔Corrientes 科连特斯Corsica 科西嘉岛Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加Cote d'Azur 科特达祖尔Cotonou 科托努Cotopaxi 科托帕西山Coventry 考文垂Cradle Mount 克雷德尔山Cranston 克兰斯顿Crefeld 克雷费尔德Crete 克里特岛Crewe 克鲁Crimea 克里米亚Croatia 克罗地亚Cro-Magnon 克鲁麦农Crosby 克罗斯比Croydon 克罗伊登Cuba 古巴Cumberland 坎伯兰Cumbria 坎布里亚Cumbuian Mountains 坎布连山Cyclades 基克拉泽斯群岛Cyprus 塞浦路斯Cyrenaica 昔兰尼加Czechoslovakia 捷克斯洛伐克Dacca 达卡Dagenham 戴根纳姆Dahomey 达荷美Dakar 达喀尔Dakota 达科他Dallas 达拉斯Damascus 大马士革Danger Islands 丹杰群岛Danube 多瑙河Danzig 但泽Dardanelles, the 达达尼尔海峡Dar es Salaam 达累斯萨拉姆Darien 达连湾Darjeeling 大吉岭Darling R 达令河Darlington 达灵顿Darmstadt 达姆施塔特Darwin 达尔文Dauphine Alps 多芬尼山脉Davenport 达文波特Davis Stait 戴维斯海峡Dawna Range 多纳山脉Dawson 道森河Dayton 代顿Dead Sea 死海Dearborn 迪尔本Deccan 德干Delano Peak 德兰诺峰Deaware 特拉华Delhi 德里Delphi 德尔斐Demavend 德马尔德峰Denbighshire 登比郡Denmark 丹麦Denmark Strait 丹麦海峡Denver 丹佛Derbyshire 德比郡Des Moines 得梅因Detroit 底特律Devon Island 得文岛Devonport 德文波特Devon(shire) 德文郡Dhaulagiri 道拉吉里峰Dimond Peak 钻石峰Dian Bien Phu 奠边府Dijon 第戎District of Columbia 哥伦比亚特区Djibouti 吉布提共和国Dnieper 第聂伯河Dniester 涅斯特河Doha 多哈Dominica 多米尼加Dominican Republic 多米尼加共和国Doncaster 唐克斯特Donegal 多尼哥Donets 顿涅茨河Dong Hai 东海Don River 顿河Dongting Hu 洞庭湖Dorset(shire) 多塞特郡Douglas 道格拉斯Douro 杜罗河Dover 多佛Doverfjell 多甫勒高原Down 道恩Drakensberg 德拉肯斯山脉Dresden 德累斯顿Duala 杜阿拉Dublin 都柏林Dubrovnik 杜布罗夫尼克Dudley 达德利Duff 达夫群岛Duluth 德卢司Dumbarton Oaks 敦巴顿Dumbartonshire 丹巴顿郡Dumfries and Galloway 邓弗里斯盖洛韦Dumfries-shire 敦夫里斯郡Dundee 邓迪Dunedin 达尼丁Dunkirk 敦刻尔克Durban 德班Durham 达勒姆Dusseldorf 迪塞尔多夫Dutch Harbor 荷兰港Dvina 德维纳河Dvina, Northern 北德维纳河Dyfed 德维得Dykh Tau 狄克山Ealing 伊林Eastbourne 伊斯特本Easter Island 复活节岛East Ham 东哈姆East lothian 东洛锡安Eastern Samoa 东萨摩亚Ecuador 厄瓜多尔Edinburg 爱丁堡Edinburgh 爱丁堡Edmonton 埃德蒙顿Edward, lake 爱德华湖Egypt 埃及Eire 爱尔兰共和国Elba 厄尔巴岛Elbe 易北河Elbert, Mount 埃尔伯特山Elborus 厄尔布鲁士峰Elburz Mts 厄尔布尔士山脉Eleusis 艾留西斯Elisabethville 伊利萨白维尔Ellice Islands 埃利斯群岛El Misti 米斯提火山El Salvador 萨尔瓦多Emden 埃姆登Emi Koussi 库西火山Emperor Range 帝王山脉Enderby land 恩德比地England 1 英格兰 2 英国之通称English Channel 英吉利海峡Entebbe 恩德培Ephesus 以弗所Epsom and Ewell 埃普瑟姆-尤厄尔Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚Erebus, Mount 埃里斯伯火山Erie 伊利湖/城/运河Eritrea 厄立特里亚Esdraelon, Plain of 厄斯垂伊伦Essen 埃森Essex 埃塞克斯郡Estonia, Esthonia 爱沙尼亚Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚Etna 埃特纳火山Eton 伊顿Euboea 埃维厄岛Euphrates 幼发拉底河Eurasia 欧亚大陆Europe 欧罗巴洲Evans, Mount 艾凡山Evanston 埃文斯顿Everett 埃弗里特Exeter 埃克塞特Eyre, Lake 艾尔湖Fanning Island 范宁岛Federal Republic of Germany 德意志联邦共和国Ferg(h)ana 费尔干纳Fermanagh 弗马纳Fernando Po(o) 费尔南多波Fertile Cerscent 肥沃新月地带Fife 法夫Fifeshire 法夫群郡Fiji 斐济Finisterre, Cape 菲尼斯特雷角Finland 芬兰Finsteraarhorn 芬斯特瓦山Flanders 佛兰德Flattery, Cape 夫拉特黎角Flint (shire) 弗林特Florence 佛罗伦萨Flores 弗洛勒斯岛Florida 佛罗里达Folkestone 福克斯通Foraker, Mount 福克拉山Fort- Lamy 拉密堡France 法国; 法兰西Frankfurt 法兰克福Franklin 富兰克林Fraser 弗雷则河Freetown 弗里敦Freiburg 弗赖堡Fremantle 弗里曼特尔Fresno 弗雷斯诺中国地名英文新旧拼法比照(邮政式拼音、汉语拼音)邮政式拼音地名汉语拼音Mukden 沈阳ShenyangPeking 北京BeijingNanking 南京NanjingSian 西安Xi'anCanton 广州GuangzhouAmoy 厦门XiamenTsingtao 青岛QingdaoDairen/Taline/Dalny 大连DalianNamhoi 南海NaihaiSeundak 顺德ShundeChu-hai 珠海ZhuhaiShekki/Chung-shan 中山ZhongshanPort Arthur/Ryojun 旅顺Lüshun/LüshunkouChengtu 成都ChengduTientsin 天津TianjinFoochow/Fuchow 福州FuzhouYenan 延安Yan'anSoochow/Wuxian 苏州(吴县)SuzhouWusih/Wuhsi 无锡WuxiSuchow 徐州XuzhouChungking 重庆ChongqingTsinan 济南JinanChefoo 烟台YantaiKirin/Chilin 吉林JilinKweilin 桂林GuilinKukong 韶关ShaoguanSwatow 汕头ShantouTeochew/Chiu Chow 潮州ChaozhouChinchew/Chinchu 泉州Quanzhou Changchow 漳州Zhangzhou Chankiang/Chan-chiang 湛江ZhanjiangHanchung 汉中HanzhongSining/Hsi-ning 西宁XiningKongmoon 江门JiangmenHangchow/Hangchou 杭州HangzhouYangchow/Yangchou 扬州YangzhouChinkiang/Chen-chiang 镇江ZhenjiangNingpo 宁波NingboShao-hsing/Shaohing 绍兴ShaoxingChusan/Chou-shan 舟山ZhoushanWenchow 温州WenzhouPakhoi/Pei-hai 北海BeihaiTsinkiang 晋江JinjiangKweiyang 贵阳GuiyangHsinking 长春(新京)ChangchunPaoting 保定BaodingPaoki 宝鸡BaojiKo-hiông 高雄KaohsiungKe-lâng 基隆Keelung/Chilung/Kilung Tâi-tiong 台中Taichung/TaizhongSin-tek 新竹HsinchuChia-yi 嘉義Chiayi/Ka-gī(闽南音)Tâi-lâm/T'ai-nan 台南TainanQuemoy 金门Kinmen/Jinmen Kweisui 呼和浩特(归绥)HohhotTihwa 乌鲁木齐(迪化)ÜrümqiCascar/Qäshqär 喀什Kashgar/KashiKumul/Qomul 哈密HamiTurpan 吐鲁番Turpan/TurfanK'o-la-ma-i 克拉玛依Karamay/KaramaijeKulja 伊犁(自治州)IliHa-erh-pin/Kharbin 哈尔滨HarbinTsitsihar 齐齐哈尔QiqiharManchouli 满洲里ManzhouliPaotow 包头BaotouHoihow 海口HaikouChengteh/Jehol 承德(热河)ChengdeTantung/Antung 丹东(安东)DandongTatung 大同DatongTunhwang 敦煌(燉煌)DunhuangChinchow 锦州JinzhouYamchow/Yen Chow 钦州QinzhouLiuchow 柳州Liuzhou|Hulunbuir 呼伦贝尔(盟)HulunbuirUlaan Chab 乌兰察布(盟)Ulaan ChabKoerhmu/Na-gor-mo 格尔木Golmud/Ge'ermuGzhis-ka-rtse 日喀则(地区)XigazChab-mdo 昌都(地区)QamdoMnga'ris 阿里(地区)NgariNying-khri 林芝(地区)NyingchiNag-chu 那曲(地区)Nagqu/NagchuLho-kha 山南(地区)ShannanShansi 山西ShanxiShensi 陕西ShaanxiSzechwan 四川SichuanKiangsi 江西JiangxiKiangsu 江苏JiangsuShan-tung 山东ShandongFukien/Foukien 福建FujianKalgan 张家口Zhangjiakou中国地名(新旧英文对照)(2007-09-19 18:49:25) 转载标签:我记录生活变迁教育杂谈学习公社中文名国际惯用名(旧英文名)新中国官方用名(拼音英文名)中国 Cathay Zhongguo北京 Peking Beijing 杨子江/长江 Yangtze Changjiang River井冈山Chingkang Mountains Jinggang Mtn.西宁(青海省)Hsin.king Xining新疆Sinkiang Xinjiang西藏Tibet/Sitsang Xizang呼和浩特Huhehot Hohhot包头Paotou/Paotow Baotou银川Yinchwan Yinchuan宁夏Ningsia Ningxia营口Yingkow Yingkou江西Kiangsi Jiangxi江苏Kiangsu Jiangsu厦门Amoy Xiamen 广州Kwangchow/Canton Guangzhou广西Kwangsi Guangxi广东Kwangtung Guangdong上海Shanghai Shanghai兰州Lanchow Lanzhou南京Nanking Nanjing杭州Hangchow Hangzhou松江Sungkiang Songjiang宁波Ningpo Ningbo福州Foochow Fuzhou重庆Chungking Chongqing太原Tai-Yuen Taiyuan贵州Kweichow Guizhou桂林Kweilin Guilin郑州Chengchow Zhengzhou贵阳Kweiyang Guiyang承德Chengteh Chengde成都Chengtu Chengdu湘潭(湖南省)Siangtan Xiangtan满洲(我国东北)Manchuria /乌苏里江Ussuri Wusuli黑龙江Heilungkiang/Heilung/Amur Heilongjiang松花江Sungari/Sunghua。
2A-2Z United Kingdom(英国)3A-3A Monaco(摩纳哥)3B-3B Mauritius(毛里求斯)3C-3C Equatorial Guinea(赤道几内亚)3DA-3DM Swaziland(斯威士兰)3DN-3DZ Fiji(斐济)3E-3F Panama(巴拿马)3G-3G Chile(智利)3H-3U China(中国)3V-3V Tunisia(突尼斯)3W-3W Vietnam(越南)3X-3X Guinea(几内亚)3Y-3Y Norway(挪威)3Z-3Z Poland(波兰)4A-4C Mexico(墨西哥)4D-4I Philippines(菲律宾)4J-4K Azerbaijan(阿塞拜疆)4L-4L Georgia(格鲁吉亚)4M-4M Venezuela(委内瑞拉)4N-4O Serbia and Montenegro(塞尔维亚和黑山)4T-4T Peru(秘鲁)4U-4U United Nations(联合国)4V-4V Haiti(海地)4W-4W Timor Leste(东帝汶)4X-4X Israel(以色列)4Y-4Y International Civil Aviation Organization(国际民用航空组织)4Z-4Z Israel(以色列)5A-5A Libya(利比亚)5B-5B Cyprus(塞浦路斯)5C-5G Morocco(摩洛哥)5H-5I Tanzania(坦桑尼亚)5J-5K Colombia(哥伦比亚)5L-5M Liberia(利比里亚)5N-5O Nigeria(尼日利亚)5P-5Q Denmark(丹麦)5R-5S Madagascar(马达加斯加)5T-5T Mauritania(毛里塔尼亚)5U-5U Niger(尼日尔)5V-5V Togo(多哥)5W-5W Samoa(萨摩亚)5X-5X Uganda(乌干达)5Y-5Z Kenya(肯尼亚)6A-6B Egypt(埃及)6C-6C Syria(叙利亚)6D-6J Mexico(墨西哥)6K-6N Korea(韩国)6O-6O Somalia(索马里)6T-6U Sudan(苏丹)6V-6W Senegal(塞内加尔)6X-6X Madagascar(马达加斯加)6Y-6Y Jamaica(牙买加)6Z-6Z Liberia(利比亚)7A-7I Indonesia(印度尼西亚)7J-7N Japan(日本)7O-7O Yemen(也门)7P-7P Lesotho(莱索托)7Q-7Q Malawi(马拉维)7R-7R Algeria(阿尔及利亚)7S-7S Sweden(瑞典)7T-7Y Algeria(阿尔及利亚)7Z-7Z Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)8A-8I Indonesia(印度尼西亚)8J-8N Japan(日本)8O-8O Botswana(博茨瓦纳)8P-8P Barbados(巴巴多斯)8Q-8Q Maldives(马尔代夫)8R-8R Guyana(圭亚那)8S-8S Sweden(瑞典)8T-8Y India(印度)8Z-8Z Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)9A-9A Croatia(克罗地亚)9B-9D Iran(伊朗)9E-9F Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚)9G-9G Ghana(加纳)9H-9H Malta(马耳他)9I-9J Zambia(赞比亚)9K-9K Kuwait(科威特)9L-9L Sierra Leone(塞拉里昂)9M-9M Malaysia(马来西亚)9N-9N Nepal(尼泊尔)9O-9T Democratic Republic of Congo(刚果民主共和国)9U-9U Burundi(布隆迪)9V-9V Singapore(新加坡)9W-9W Malaysia(马来西亚)9X-9X Rwanda(卢旺达)9Y-9Z Trinidad and Tobago(特立尼达和多巴哥)A2-A2 Botswana(博茨瓦纳)A3-A3 Tonga(汤加)A4-A4 Oman(阿曼)A5-A5 Bhutan(不丹)A6-A6 United Arab Emirates(阿拉伯联合酋长国)A7-A7 Qatar(卡塔尔)A8-A8 Liberia(利比里亚)A9-A9 Bahrain(巴林)AA-AL United States of America(美国)AM-AO Spain(西班牙)AP-AS Pakistan(巴基斯坦)AT-AW India(印度)AX-AX Australia(澳大利亚)AY-AZ Argentine(阿根廷)BA-BZ China(中国)C2-C2 Nauru(瑙鲁)C3-C3 Andorra(安道尔)C4-C4 Cyprus(塞浦路斯)C5-C5 Gambia(冈比亚)C6-C6 Bahamas(巴哈马)C7-C7 World Meteorological Organization(世界气象组织)C8-C9 Mozambique(莫桑比克)CA-CE Chile(智利)CF-CK Canada(加拿大)CL-CM Cuba(古巴)CN-CN Morocco(摩洛哥)CO-CO Cuba(古巴)CP-CP Bolivia(玻利维亚)CQ-CU Portugal(葡萄牙)CV-CX Uruguay(乌拉圭)CY-CZ Canada(加拿大)D2-D3 Angola(安哥拉)D4-D4 Cape Verde(佛得角)D5-D5 Liberia(利比里亚)D6-D6 Comoros(科摩罗)D7-D9 Korea(韩国)DA-DR Germany(德国)DS-DT Korea(韩国)DU-DZ Philippines(菲律宾)E2-E2 Thailand(泰国)E3-E3 Eritrea(厄立特里亚)E4-E4 Palestine(巴勒斯坦)E5-E5 Cook Islands(库克群岛)EA-EH Spain(西班牙)EI-EJ Ireland(爱尔兰)EK-EK Armenia(亚美尼亚)EL-EL Liberia(利比里亚)EM-EO Ukraine(乌克兰)EP-EQ Iran(伊朗)ER-ER Moldova(摩尔多瓦)ES-ES Estonia(爱沙尼亚)ET-ET Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚)EU-EW Belarus(白俄罗斯)EX-EX Kyrgyzstan(吉嗉?顾固梗?EY-EY Tajikistan(塔吉克斯坦)EZ-EZ Turkmenistan(土库曼斯坦)FA-FZ France(法国)GA-GZ United Kingdom(英国)H2-H2 Cyprus(塞浦路斯)H3-H3 Panama(巴拿马)H4-H4 Solomon Islands(所罗门群岛)H6-H7 Nicaragua(尼加拉瓜)H8-H9 Panama(巴拿马)HA-HA Hungary(匈牙利)HB-HB Switzerland(瑞士)HC-HD Ecuador(厄瓜多尔)HE-HE Switzerland(瑞士)HF-HF Poland(波兰)HG-HG Hungary(匈牙利)HH-HH Haiti(海地)HI-HI Dominican Republic(多米尼加共和国)HJ-HK Colombia(哥伦比亚)HL-HL Korea(韩国)HM-HM Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(朝鲜)HN-HN Iraq(伊拉克)HO-HP Panama(巴拿马)HQ-HR Honduras(洪都拉斯)HS-HS Thailand(泰国)HT-HT Nicaragua(尼加拉瓜)HU-HU El Salvador(厄瓜多尔)HV-HV Vatican(梵蒂冈)HW-HY France(法国)HZ-HZ Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)IA-IZ Italy(意大利)J2-J2 Djibouti(吉布提)J3-J3 Grenada(格林纳达)J4-J4 Greece(希腊)J5-J5 Guinea-Bissau(几内亚-比绍)J6-J6 Saint Lucia(圣卢西亚)J7-J7 Dominica(多米尼加)J8-J8 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines(圣文森特和格林纳丁斯)JA-JS Japan(日本)JT-JV Mongolia(蒙古)JW-JX Norway(挪威)JY-JY Jordan(约旦)JZ-JZ Indonesia(印度尼西亚)KA-KZ United States of America(美国)L2-L9 Argentine(阿根廷)LA-LN Norway(挪威)LO-LW Argentine(阿根廷)LX-LX Luxembourg(卢森堡)LY-LY Lithuania(立陶宛)LZ-LZ Bulgaria(保加利亚)MA-MZ United Kingdom(英国)NA-NZ United States of America(美国)OA-OC Peru(秘鲁)OD-OD Lebanon(黎巴嫩)OE-OE Austria(奥地利)OF-OJ Finland(芬兰)OK-OL Czech Republic(捷克共和国)OM-OM Slovakia(斯洛伐克)ON-OT Belgium(比利时)OU-OZ Denmark(丹麦)P2-P2 Papua New Guinea(巴布亚新几内亚)P3-P3 Cyprus(塞浦路斯)P4-P4 Aruba(阿鲁巴)P5-P9 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(朝鲜)PA-PI Netherlands(荷兰)PJ-PJ Netherlands Antilles(荷属安的列斯群岛)PK-PO Indonesia(印度尼西亚)PP-PY Brazil(巴西)PZ-PZ Surinam(苏里南)RA-RZ Russia(俄国)S2-S3 Bangladesh(孟加拉国)S5-S5 Slovenia(斯洛文尼亚)S6-S6 Singapore(新加坡)S7-S7 Seychelles(塞舌尔)S8-S8 South Africa(南非)S9-S9 Sao Tome and Principe(圣多美和普林西比)SA-SM Sweden(瑞典)SN-SR Poland(波兰)SSA-SSM Egypt(埃及)SSN-STZ Sudan(苏丹)SU-SU Egypt(埃及)SV-SZ Greece(希腊)T2-T2 Tuvalu(图瓦卢)T3-T3 Kiribati(基里巴斯)T4-T4 Cuba(古巴)T5-T5 Somalia(索马里)T6-T6 Afghanistan(阿富汗)T7-T7 San Marino(圣马力诺)T8-T8 Palau(帕劳)T9-T9 Bosnia and Herzegovina(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)TA-TC Turkey(土耳其)TD-TD Guatemala(危地马拉)TE-TE Costa Rica(哥斯达黎加)TF-TF Iceland(冰岛)TG-TG Guatemala(危地马拉)TH-TH France(法国)TI-TI Costa Rica(哥斯达黎加)TJ-TJ Cameroon(喀麦隆)TK-TK France(法国)TL-TL Central African Republic(中非共和国)TM-TM France(法国)TN-TN Congo(刚果)TO-TQ France(法国)TR-TR Gabon(加蓬)TS-TS Tunisia(突尼斯)TT-TT Chad(乍得)TU-TU Cote d’Ivoire(科特迪瓦)TV-TX France(法国)TY-TY Benin(贝宁)TZ-TZ Mali(马里)UA-UI Russia(俄国)UJ-UM Uzbekistan(乌兹别克斯坦)UN-UQ Kazakhstan(哈萨克斯坦)UR-UZ Ukraine(乌克兰)V2-V2 Antigua and Barbuda(安提瓜和巴布达)V3-V3 Belize(伯里兹)V4-V4 Saint Kitts and Nevis(圣基茨和尼维斯)V5-V5 Namibia(纳米比亚)V6-V6 Micronesia(密克罗尼西亚)V7-V7 Marshall Islands(马绍尔群岛)V8-V8 Brunei(文莱)VA-VG Canada(加拿大)VH-VN Australia(澳大利亚)VO-VO Canada(加拿大)VP-VQ United Kingdom(英国)VR-VR Hong Kong(中国香港)VS-VS United Kingdom(英国)VT-VW India(印度)VX-VY Canada(加拿大)VZ-VZ Australia(澳大利亚)WA-WZ United States(美国)XA-XI Mexico(墨西哥)XJ-XO Canada(加拿大)XP-XP Denmark(丹麦)XQ-XR Chile(智利)XS-XS China(中国)XT-XT Burkina Faso(布基纳法索)XU-XU Cambodia(柬埔寨)XV-XV Vietnam(越南)XW-XW Laos(老挝)XX-XX Macau(中国澳门)XY-XZ Myanmar(老挝)Y2-Y9 Germany(德国)YA-YA Afghanistan(阿富汗)YB-YH Indonesia(印度尼西亚)YI-YI Iraq(伊拉克)YJ-YJ Vanuatu(瓦努阿图)YK-YK Syria(叙利亚)YL-YL Latvia(拉脱维亚)YM-YM Turkey(土耳其)YN-YN Nicaragua(尼加拉瓜)YO-YR Romania(罗马尼亚)YS-YS El Salvador(厄瓜多尔)YT-YU Serbia and Montenegro(塞尔维亚和黑山)YV-YY Venezuela(委内瑞拉)YZ-YZ Serbia and Montenegro(塞尔维亚和黑山)Z2-Z2 Zimbabwe(津巴布韦)Z3-Z3 Macedonia(马其顿)ZA-ZA Albania(阿尔巴尼亚)ZB-ZJ United Kingdom(英国)ZK-ZM New Zealand(新西兰)ZN-ZO United Kingdom(英国)ZP-ZP Paraguay(巴拉圭)ZQ-ZQ United Kingdom(英国)ZR-ZU South Africa(南非)ZV-ZZ Brazil(巴西)2A-2Z United Kingdom(英国)3A-3A Monaco(摩纳哥)3B-3B Mauritius(毛里求斯)3C-3C Equatorial Guinea(赤道几内亚)3DA-3DM Swaziland(斯威士兰)3DN-3DZ Fiji(斐济)3E-3F Panama(巴拿马)3G-3G Chile(智利)3H-3U China(中国)3V-3V Tunisia(突尼斯)3W-3W Vietnam(越南)3X-3X Guinea(几内亚)3Y-3Y Norway(挪威)3Z-3Z Poland(波兰)4A-4C Mexico(墨西哥)4D-4I Philippines(菲律宾)4J-4K Azerbaijan(阿塞拜疆)4L-4L Georgia(格鲁吉亚)4M-4M Venezuela(委内瑞拉)4N-4O Serbia and Montenegro(塞尔维亚和黑山)4T-4T Peru(秘鲁)4U-4U United Nations(联合国)4V-4V Haiti(海地)4W-4W Timor Leste(东帝汶)4X-4X Israel(以色列)4Y-4Y International Civil Aviation Organization(国际民用航空组织)4Z-4Z Israel(以色列)5A-5A Libya(利比亚)5B-5B Cyprus(塞浦路斯)5C-5G Morocco(摩洛哥)5H-5I Tanzania(坦桑尼亚)5J-5K Colombia(哥伦比亚)5L-5M Liberia(利比里亚)5N-5O Nigeria(尼日利亚)5P-5Q Denmark(丹麦)5R-5S Madagascar(马达加斯加)5T-5T Mauritania(毛里塔尼亚)5U-5U Niger(尼日尔)5V-5V Togo(多哥)5W-5W Samoa(萨摩亚)5X-5X Uganda(乌干达)5Y-5Z Kenya(肯尼亚)6A-6B Egypt(埃及)6C-6C Syria(叙利亚)6D-6J Mexico(墨西哥)6K-6N Korea(韩国)6O-6O Somalia(索马里)6T-6U Sudan(苏丹)6V-6W Senegal(塞内加尔)6X-6X Madagascar(马达加斯加)6Y-6Y Jamaica(牙买加)6Z-6Z Liberia(利比亚)7A-7I Indonesia(印度尼西亚)7J-7N Japan(日本)7O-7O Yemen(也门)7P-7P Lesotho(莱索托)7Q-7Q Malawi(马拉维)7R-7R Algeria(阿尔及利亚)7S-7S Sweden(瑞典)7T-7Y Algeria(阿尔及利亚)7Z-7Z Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)8A-8I Indonesia(印度尼西亚)8J-8N Japan(日本)8O-8O Botswana(博茨瓦纳)8P-8P Barbados(巴巴多斯)8Q-8Q Maldives(马尔代夫)8R-8R Guyana(圭亚那)8S-8S Sweden(瑞典)8T-8Y India(印度)8Z-8Z Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)9A-9A Croatia(克罗地亚)9B-9D Iran(伊朗)9E-9F Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚)9G-9G Ghana(加纳)9H-9H Malta(马耳他)9I-9J Zambia(赞比亚)9K-9K Kuwait(科威特)9L-9L Sierra Leone(塞拉里昂)9M-9M Malaysia(马来西亚)9N-9N Nepal(尼泊尔)9O-9T Democratic Republic of Congo(刚果民主共和国)9U-9U Burundi(布隆迪)9V-9V Singapore(新加坡)9W-9W Malaysia(马来西亚)9X-9X Rwanda(卢旺达)9Y-9Z Trinidad and Tobago(特立尼达和多巴哥)A2-A2 Botswana(博茨瓦纳)A3-A3 Tonga(汤加)A4-A4 Oman(阿曼)A5-A5 Bhutan(不丹)A6-A6 United Arab Emirates(阿拉伯联合酋长国)A7-A7 Qatar(卡塔尔)A8-A8 Liberia(利比里亚)A9-A9 Bahrain(巴林)AA-AL United States of America(美国)AM-AO Spain(西班牙)AP-AS Pakistan(巴基斯坦)AT-AW India(印度)AX-AX Australia(澳大利亚)AY-AZ Argentine(阿根廷)BA-BZ China(中国)C2-C2 Nauru(瑙鲁)C3-C3 Andorra(安道尔)C4-C4 Cyprus(塞浦路斯)C5-C5 Gambia(冈比亚)C6-C6 Bahamas(巴哈马)C7-C7 World Meteorological Organization(世界气象组织)C8-C9 Mozambique(莫桑比克)CA-CE Chile(智利)CF-CK Canada(加拿大)CL-CM Cuba(古巴)CN-CN Morocco(摩洛哥)CO-CO Cuba(古巴)CP-CP Bolivia(玻利维亚)CQ-CU Portugal(葡萄牙)CV-CX Uruguay(乌拉圭)CY-CZ Canada(加拿大)D2-D3 Angola(安哥拉)D4-D4 Cape Verde(佛得角)D5-D5 Liberia(利比里亚)D6-D6 Comoros(科摩罗)D7-D9 Korea(韩国)DA-DR Germany(德国)DS-DT Korea(韩国)DU-DZ Philippines(菲律宾)E2-E2 Thailand(泰国)E3-E3 Eritrea(厄立特里亚)E4-E4 Palestine(巴勒斯坦)E5-E5 Cook Islands(库克群岛)EA-EH Spain(西班牙)EI-EJ Ireland(爱尔兰)EK-EK Armenia(亚美尼亚)EL-EL Liberia(利比里亚)EM-EO Ukraine(乌克兰)EP-EQ Iran(伊朗)ER-ER Moldova(摩尔多瓦)ES-ES Estonia(爱沙尼亚)ET-ET Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚)EU-EW Belarus(白俄罗斯)EX-EX Kyrgyzstan(吉嗉?顾固梗?EY-EY Tajikistan(塔吉克斯坦)EZ-EZ Turkmenistan(土库曼斯坦)FA-FZ France(法国)GA-GZ United Kingdom(英国)H2-H2 Cyprus(塞浦路斯)H3-H3 Panama(巴拿马)H4-H4 Solomon Islands(所罗门群岛)H6-H7 Nicaragua(尼加拉瓜)H8-H9 Panama(巴拿马)HA-HA Hungary(匈牙利)HB-HB Switzerland(瑞士)HC-HD Ecuador(厄瓜多尔)HE-HE Switzerland(瑞士)HF-HF Poland(波兰)HG-HG Hungary(匈牙利)HH-HH Haiti(海地)HI-HI Dominican Republic(多米尼加共和国)HJ-HK Colombia(哥伦比亚)HL-HL Korea(韩国)HM-HM Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(朝鲜)HN-HN Iraq(伊拉克)HO-HP Panama(巴拿马)HQ-HR Honduras(洪都拉斯)HS-HS Thailand(泰国)HT-HT Nicaragua(尼加拉瓜)HU-HU El Salvador(厄瓜多尔)HV-HV Vatican(梵蒂冈)HW-HY France(法国)HZ-HZ Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)IA-IZ Italy(意大利)J2-J2 Djibouti(吉布提)J3-J3 Grenada(格林纳达)J4-J4 Greece(希腊)J5-J5 Guinea-Bissau(几内亚-比绍)J6-J6 Saint Lucia(圣卢西亚)J7-J7 Dominica(多米尼加)J8-J8 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines(圣文森特和格林纳丁斯)JA-JS Japan(日本)JT-JV Mongolia(蒙古)JW-JX Norway(挪威)JY-JY Jordan(约旦)JZ-JZ Indonesia(印度尼西亚)KA-KZ United States of America(美国)L2-L9 Argentine(阿根廷)LA-LN Norway(挪威)LO-LW Argentine(阿根廷)LX-LX Luxembourg(卢森堡)LY-LY Lithuania(立陶宛)LZ-LZ Bulgaria(保加利亚)MA-MZ United Kingdom(英国)NA-NZ United States of America(美国)OA-OC Peru(秘鲁)OD-OD Lebanon(黎巴嫩)OE-OE Austria(奥地利)OF-OJ Finland(芬兰)OK-OL Czech Republic(捷克共和国)OM-OM Slovakia(斯洛伐克)ON-OT Belgium(比利时)OU-OZ Denmark(丹麦)P2-P2 Papua New Guinea(巴布亚新几内亚)P3-P3 Cyprus(塞浦路斯)P4-P4 Aruba(阿鲁巴)P5-P9 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(朝鲜)PA-PI Netherlands(荷兰)PJ-PJ Netherlands Antilles(荷属安的列斯群岛)PK-PO Indonesia(印度尼西亚)PP-PY Brazil(巴西)PZ-PZ Surinam(苏里南)RA-RZ Russia(俄国)S2-S3 Bangladesh(孟加拉国)S5-S5 Slovenia(斯洛文尼亚)S6-S6 Singapore(新加坡)S7-S7 Seychelles(塞舌尔)S8-S8 South Africa(南非)S9-S9 Sao Tome and Principe(圣多美和普林西比)SA-SM Sweden(瑞典)SN-SR Poland(波兰)SSA-SSM Egypt(埃及)SSN-STZ Sudan(苏丹)SU-SU Egypt(埃及)SV-SZ Greece(希腊)T2-T2 Tuvalu(图瓦卢)T3-T3 Kiribati(基里巴斯)T4-T4 Cuba(古巴)T5-T5 Somalia(索马里)T6-T6 Afghanistan(阿富汗)T7-T7 San Marino(圣马力诺)T8-T8 Palau(帕劳)T9-T9 Bosnia and Herzegovina(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)TA-TC Turkey(土耳其)TD-TD Guatemala(危地马拉)TE-TE Costa Rica(哥斯达黎加)TF-TF Iceland(冰岛)TG-TG Guatemala(危地马拉)TH-TH France(法国)TI-TI Costa Rica(哥斯达黎加)TJ-TJ Cameroon(喀麦隆)TK-TK France(法国)TL-TL Central African Republic(中非共和国)TM-TM France(法国)TN-TN Congo(刚果)TO-TQ France(法国)TR-TR Gabon(加蓬)TS-TS Tunisia(突尼斯)TT-TT Chad(乍得)TU-TU Cote d’Ivoire(科特迪瓦)TV-TX France(法国)TY-TY Benin(贝宁)TZ-TZ Mali(马里)UA-UI Russia(俄国)UJ-UM Uzbekistan(乌兹别克斯坦)UN-UQ Kazakhstan(哈萨克斯坦)UR-UZ Ukraine(乌克兰)V2-V2 Antigua and Barbuda(安提瓜和巴布达)V3-V3 Belize(伯里兹)V4-V4 Saint Kitts and Nevis(圣基茨和尼维斯)V5-V5 Namibia(纳米比亚)V6-V6 Micronesia(密克罗尼西亚)V7-V7 Marshall Islands(马绍尔群岛)V8-V8 Brunei(文莱)VA-VG Canada(加拿大)VH-VN Australia(澳大利亚)VO-VO Canada(加拿大)VP-VQ United Kingdom(英国)VR-VR Hong Kong(中国香港)VS-VS United Kingdom(英国)VT-VW India(印度)VX-VY Canada(加拿大)VZ-VZ Australia(澳大利亚)WA-WZ United States(美国)XA-XI Mexico(墨西哥)XJ-XO Canada(加拿大)XP-XP Denmark(丹麦)XQ-XR Chile(智利)XS-XS China(中国)XT-XT Burkina Faso(布基纳法索)XU-XU Cambodia(柬埔寨)XV-XV Vietnam(越南)XW-XW Laos(老挝)XX-XX Macau(中国澳门)XY-XZ Myanmar(老挝)Y2-Y9 Germany(德国)YA-YA Afghanistan(阿富汗)YB-YH Indonesia(印度尼西亚)YI-YI Iraq(伊拉克)YJ-YJ Vanuatu(瓦努阿图)YK-YK Syria(叙利亚)YL-YL Latvia(拉脱维亚)YM-YM Turkey(土耳其)YN-YN Nicaragua(尼加拉瓜)YO-YR Romania(罗马尼亚)YS-YS El Salvador(厄瓜多尔)YT-YU Serbia and Montenegro(塞尔维亚和黑山)YV-YY Venezuela(委内瑞拉)YZ-YZ Serbia and Montenegro(塞尔维亚和黑山)Z2-Z2 Zimbabwe(津巴布韦)Z3-Z3 Macedonia(马其顿)ZA-ZA Albania(阿尔巴尼亚)ZB-ZJ United Kingdom(英国)ZK-ZM New Zealand(新西兰)ZN-ZO United Kingdom(英国)ZP-ZP Paraguay(巴拉圭)ZQ-ZQ United Kingdom(英国)ZR-ZU South Africa(南非)ZV-ZZ Brazil(巴西)。
美媒称MH370暴露中国海军严重不足 面临严重威胁
![美媒称MH370暴露中国海军严重不足 面临严重威胁](
小学上册英语第2单元综合卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the capital of Somalia?A. MogadishuB. HargeisaC. KismayoD. Bosaso答案:A2. A ____ is known for its distinctive calls and is often found in forests.3.The ancient Romans are distinguished for their ________ and governance.4.The ________ (mountaineer) climbs high peaks.5.The cat is _______ (sleeping/eating) on the sofa.6.The Martian atmosphere is very ______.7. A turtle's shell protects it from ______ (危险).8.The chemical symbol for hydrogen is ______.9. A _____ (小马) is often friendly and gentle with people.10.Which animal is known for being slow?A. RabbitB. TurtleC. CheetahD. Lion答案:B Turtle11.In the periodic table, elements are organized by their ________ properties.12.The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids as _______ for their rulers.13.The ocean is ________ (深蓝色).14.My cousin is very __________ (有趣)。
All Is Well:The Rich History and Promising Future ofChina-Kazakhstan Relations Text by Liu XiaA s neighboring countries connected by the same mountains and rivers, China and Kazakhstan have conducted exchanges for thousands of years, jointly composing a magnificent feat on the ancient Silk Road.Over the past 31 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries have carried out high-level exchanges and cooperation in fields such as culture, education, sports, healthcare, media, science and technology, becoming increasingly close to each other.Especially under the Belt and Road Initiative, China and Kazakhstan have deepened their historical friendship and close-knit neighborhood to maintainUnder the Belt and Road Initiative, China and Kazakhstan have jointly promoted and deepened their historical friendship and close-knit neighborhood.18 V O L U M E 898C E N T R A LCopyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.the millennia-old Silk Road bonds.Close Cultural and Artistic ExchangesIn May 2019, the first China-Kazakhstan co-produced film, The Composer, was released. The film tells the story of famous Chinese musician Xian Xinghai and Kazakh musicianmusic and a shared love for theircountries, they collaborated onmany music projects, leaving avaluable legacy in the history ofKazakh music. The story of theirfriendship was spread by word ofmouth among local people.To commemorate the sincerefriendship between Xianand Baikadamov, the Almatygovernment named a street near Bakhytzhan Baikadamov forginga deep friendship amid adversityduring wartime.In 1942, Xian, blocked fromreturning to China, was stuck inAlmaty, Kazakhstan. Stranded faraway from his kin, Xian sufferedfrom poverty and illness. At thatmoment, Baikadamov offeredhim a helping hand.Based on a common pursuit ofC H I N A P I C TO R I A L19 Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.Baikadamov’s former residence Xian Xinghai Avenue and erected a monument for him. In Xian’s hometown of Guangzhou, China and Kazakhstan jointly built the Xian-Baikadamov Friendship Road.Following the release of the movie The Composer , the book Life of the Chinese Composer Xian Xinghai in Kazakhstan was published in Chinese, Russian, and English. Baikadamov’s daughter Badergan Baikada Mowa expressed gratitude to Kazakhstan and China for recording this episode of history in the form of movies, books, and construction projects and pledged to do her best to pass on the story of friendship to the next generation.Amity between people holds the key to sound state-to-staterelations. In recent years, outstanding Chinese film and television works have been translated and presented on Kazakhstan’s screens, including the TV series Family on the Go and All Is Well and the documentary A Bite of China I , which were welcomed by local viewers.“A Kazakh who wants more Kazakh people to understand China’s stories” is how Yeltai identifies himself. After graduating with a degree in journalism, Yeltai worked as a reporter and producer. He studied at China’s Northeastern University for three years and went back to Kazakhstan to work in 2012. Several years of experience in China have made him feel that Kazakh people do not know enough about China, which leads to misunderstandings.To reduce the gap between the two peoples, Yeltai and his team translated many Chinese films and television shows into Kazakh and distributed them to Kazakh TV stations. Among them, All Is Well , a popular TV series in China, set a record for the highest rating of a Chinese TV series in Kazakhstan when it was broadcast on Astana TV in 2020. The booming development of Chinese variety shows also attracted Yeltai’s attention. With his help, young Kazakh singer Dimash Kudaibergen got a chance to perform on the Chinese stage, enabling more Chinese people to find out about Kazakhstan and its national culture.Yeltai considers a deeper understanding of each other’scultures and closer friendshipA medical expert team sent by China arrives in Kazakhstan to help the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020. (Photo courtesy of the Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan)20 V O L U M E 898C E N T R A LCopyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.between the two peoples the greatest achievement of his career.Broad Space for Educational CooperationEducational cooperation is an important part of cultural exchanges between China and Kazakhstan.Within the frameworksof the University Alliance ofthe Silk Road and the Asian Universities Alliance, manyfirst-class universities in the two countries have established cooperative relationships and carried out a series of cooperation projects involving language exchange, mutual recognitionof credits, teacher exchanges, and student exchanges to help the youth of the two countries enhance cultural exchange and communication.Chinese universities suchas Beijing Foreign Studies University, Northwest University, and East China Normal University have cooperated with Kazakh research institutionsto establish research centers in Kazakhstan to carry out social, cultural, political, and economic research on the Central Asian country and provide support for exchange between China and Kazakhstan in various fields. More and more young people in Kazakhstan are optimistic about China’s development and the future of China-Kazakhstan relations. Many young Kazakh scientists, diplomats, and entrepreneurs who graduated from Chinese universities have now become new envoys of Silk Road friendship and continueto contribute their talents to thepartnership between China andKazakhstan.“An old Chinese saying goesthat ‘a distant relative is not asgood as a close neighbor,’ whichfully illustrates the friendlyrelations between the peopleof Kazakhstan and China,”said Yereusitsova, chairman ofthe Kazakhstan Association ofGraduates Studying in China.Now, “Chinese fever”continues to spread inKazakhstan. At the fiveConfucius Institutes nowoperating in Kazakhstan, about3,000 people complete Chineselanguage training every year.“Over the past three decades,the number of students inKazakhstan studying Chinesehas increased nearly a hundredtimes,” said Clara Hafizova,an academician at the KazakhAcademy of Natural Sciences anda famous sinologist. Chinese hasbecome one of the most popularmajors at universities in CentralAsian countries as the demand forChinese language talent is growing.There is also a broad space forChina-Kazakhstan vocationaleducation cooperation. InSeptember 2022 during ChinesePresident Xi Jinping’s visit toKazakhstan, the two heads of statereached a consensus on opening aLuban Workshop in Kazakhstan.The Luban Workshop projectin Kazakhstan has already beenlaunched by Tianjin VocationalInstitute.China is strengtheningcommunication and cooperationwith Kazakhstan and othercountries around the world tobuild new paths and platformsfor promoting cooperation invocational education and jointlycultivating more technicalprofessionals to assist nationaleconomic and social developmentand international cooperation invarious fields.The Global Silk Road Forum is held in Kazakhstan, July 4, 2018. The event attracted more than 2,000 participants, including 70-plus mayors as well as representativesof international organizations, business leaders, experts and scholars from over 60 countries and regions. (Photo courtesy of Shu Yong)C H I N A P I C TO R I A L21 Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。
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4,Rhode Island 罗得岛州 5Connecticut 康涅狄格州 6,New Je rsey 新泽西州
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英语作文介绍中国历史上的一位伟人My Favorite Famous Chinese Person - Zheng HeHi, my name is Li Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. For my history class, we had to pick a famous person from ancient China and write about them. I picked Zheng He because I think his life story is really amazing and exciting!Zheng He was a famous explorer who lived over 600 years ago during the Ming Dynasty. He led huge fleets of ships on seven epic voyages across the seas to Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and even the east coast of Africa! Back then, China was the most advanced civilization and had the biggest ships and navies. Zheng He's treasure ships were like moving cities - they were over 400 feet long, with nine masts, 12 sails, and room for over 1,000 sailors!Zheng He was born in 1371 in a village near the town of Kunyang, which is now called Jinning County. His birth name was Ma He, but he was also called Zheng He later after serving the Ming emperor Zhu Di. As a young boy, Zheng He was captured along with his father and castrated, which was a common practice back then for servants in the emperor's palace. It must have been so scary and painful for him as a child!Despite this traumatic start to his life, Zheng He went on to have an incredible career as a diplomat, explorer, and naval commander. He was over 7 feet tall - a giant compared to everyone else at that time! The emperor recognized Zheng He's loyalty and capabilities, and put him in charge of immense treasure ship fleets to sail across the oceans.On his first voyage from 1405-1407, Zheng He's ships traveled to places like Vietnam, Java, Sumatra, Sri Lanka, and India. His massive ships could carry hundreds of sailors as well as soldiers, translators, craftsmen, and traders from the imperial court. Zheng He's main mission was to project Chinese power and wealth, collect tribute from tributary states, and share Chinese culture and goods through trade.Zheng He treated the people he met on his voyages with respect, projecting China's strength through awe rather than violence whenever possible. He handed out generous gifts from the Chinese emperor like silver and silk. But he didn't just take from the places he visited - he also brought back ambassadors, translators, precious gems, lush carpets, ceramics, and exotic plants and animals as tribute for the emperor.On later voyages from 1409-1433, Zheng He sailed through the islands of modern-day Indonesia and Malaysia, stopping inplaces like Siam (Thailand), Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and Calicut on the southwest coast of India. He was warmly welcomed by the local rulers who sent back precious items like pearls, diamonds, and even a giraffe to the Ming emperor!Zheng He's most daring voyage was his seventh and final one from 1431-1433, when he sailed all the way to the east coast of Africa, reaching present-day Somalia, Kenya, and perhaps even going as far south as Mozambique and Madagascar. Just imagine how mind-blowing those long blue-water journeys were using ancient navigation technologies like compasses and star charts! His ships carried so many people and supplies that they must have looked like moving little cities sailing across the oceans.After his death around 1433, no further major voyages were launched during the Ming Dynasty. Some historians think this was a missed opportunity for China to become a global maritime power and establish more overseas colonies before the rise of European powers like Spain, Portugal, and Britain a couple centuries later. Still, Zheng He's voyages were an incredible achievement of ocean exploration at that time, projecting Chinese imperial power and wealth across the known world.I think Zheng He is my favorite historical figure because he got to experience so many adventures and see so many amazing sights that no one else had witnessed before. His massive treasure ships were almost unbelievable! I'd love to go back in time and see one of the ships for myself. It would be awesome to sail across the oceans and visit all those distant kingdoms and islands that Zheng He did over 600 years ago. His life story is proof that even kids who go through really difficult challenges can go on to have extraordinary lives if they persevere. I hope that writing about Zheng He and his amazing voyages for my class inspires me and my classmates to pursue exploration and adventure as we get older!。
20 MUSIC LOVER西方音乐作品中的中国踏着残雪的《归途》寻找切诺文之《无尽当下》China in Western MusicIn Search of Czernowin’s Infinite Now by Tracing the Path of Can Xue’s Homeward入住房屋2017年,《无尽当下》(Infinite Now)在安特卫普歌剧院首演并引发热议——残雪?中国作家?是谁?引发讨论的这部作品由比利时导演卢克·普瑟法尔(Luk Perceval)执导,多语言,双文本,六幕结构。
”这部作品由著名的法国蓬皮杜音乐声学研究所(I R C A M)出品,以色列裔美国作曲家查娅·切诺文(Chaya Czernowin)担任作曲与文本创作——作为这部作品的核心创作者,“无尽当下”在她笔下生发、孕育并成长。
FoCus / exChanges“China, Russia, and the U.S., all permanent members of the UN Security Council, are major countries with significant influ-ence on the world. In a world where challenges of various kinds keep cropping up, we should engage in positive interaction with an inclusive mindset, and get rid of unnecessary suspicion and misunderstanding. We should continuously expand cooperation with each other, while safeguarding world peace and stability, and promote global development and prosperity. We are ready to settle differences and strengthen cooperation with major coun-tries including the U.S. on the basis of mutual respect so as to strive for more peace, security, and stability for the world.”State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked about the current trilateral relations among China, Russia, and the United States on May 13, 2019 during a press conference in which he appeared together with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov of Russia after their talks in Sochi. Xi Jinping Holds Talks with Presidentof the Swiss ConfederationOn April 29, 2019, President Xi Jinping held talks with President Ueli Maurer of the Swiss Confederation in Beijing.Xi Jinping pointed out that Switzerland was one of the first West-ern countries to recognize and establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. This reflects the long-term strategic vision of the Swiss government and also the friendly feelings of the Swiss people towards the Chinese people. The establishment of the innovative strategic partnership between the two countries was the first time that China has established a strategic partnership marked by innovation with a foreign country.During the talks, Xi Jinping also said that the China-Switzerland free trade agreement took the lead among European countries. We should make the joint building of the Belt and Road Initiative a new highlight for China-Switzerland cooperation.Ueli Maurer said that over the past 70 years, the two countries have conducted exchanges and mutual learning, and deepened mu-tual understanding, resulting in strong bilateral relations. Switzerland supports the Belt and Road Initiative and is committed to promoting the joint building of the initiative in Europe. Switzerland hopes to deepen its cooperation with China in trade, investment, and innova-tion within this framework. Switzerland also welcomes investment from Chinese companies and will never put restrictions on them.Xi Jinping Holds Talks withPresident of PortugalOn April 29, 2019, Presi-dent Xi Jinping held talkswith President MarceloRebelo de Sousa of Portugalin Beijing.Xi Jinping pointed out thatChina and Portugal are eachother’s important strategicpartners. The bilateral rela-tions are characterized byprominent strategic significance, high complementarity in interests, and strong economic complementarity. Standing at a new histori-cal starting point, the two sides should work together to develop a comprehensive strategic partnership at a higher level that has broader vision and greater vitality. China regards Portugal as an important partner in the joint building of the Belt and Road Initiative.Xi Jinping also emphasized that this year marks the 20th anniver-sary of Macao’s return to China. Since its return to the motherland, Macao has scored remarkable achievements as a result of fully imple-menting the policies of “one country, two systems” and the people of Macao governing Macao, and a high degree of autonomy.Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said that we should translate the long-standing friendship between the two countries into a future-oriented partnership. We are full of confidence in the future of our nations’ bilateral relations. The Portuguese side stands ready to deepen con-nections with China and expand third-party market cooperation.President Xi Meets Cambodian KingOn May 14, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni, who was in Beijing attending the Confer-ence on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations (CDAC).Noting how China cherishes the special friendship it has with the Cambodian royal family, Xi said China will continue to support Cam-bodia in pursuing the development path suited to its own national conditions, and work with Cambodia to elevate their comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation to a new level.China and Cambodia should set an example of how two countries can respect each other’s cultural diversity and promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, he noted.Sihamoni said Cambodia congratulates the People’s Republic of China on the tremendous achievements it has made since its founding 70 years ago, appreciates the important role China has played in international affairs, and firmly supports the Belt and Road Initiative.The CDAC proposed by President Xi will play a major role in pro-moting cultural exchanges and mutual understanding among coun-tries, Sihamoni noted.FoCus / soCieTyAsteroid Named af-ter Chinese ScientistAn asteroid has been named after the leading Chinese astrophysicist Zhou Youyuan, with approval from the Interna-tional Astronomical Union (IAU). China’s National Astronomical Observatories recently held aAction Plan to Save WaterThe National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Water Resourc-es released an action plan on April 15 to tighten water consumption.According to the plan, by 2020, water consumption per RMB 10,000 (US $1,487) of GDP is expected to drop by 23 percent from that in 2015, with a 20 percent reduction in the amount of water used to produce RMB 10,000 industrial added value.In addition, China’s overall water consumption will be controlled at no more than 670 billion cubic meters by 2022 with improved conservation. By 2035, the figure will be kept below 700 billion cubic meters, with water conservation and recycling having reached a world-leading level.The plan sets six key tasks, including control of overall water consumption, reduc-ing agricultural, industrial, and urban use of water, and technological innovation. In the meantime, the measures of establishing water prices and cultivating a competitive service market will be imple-mented to deepen reform. The plan encourages private capital to join and expand financing channels.China has a chronic water shortage, facing a shortfall of 50 billion cubic meters of fresh water each year. In the meantime, public aware-ness of conserving water and preventing waste has to beimproved.More International Students in ChinaA total of 492,185 interna-tional students studied in China in 2018, a slight increase (0.62 percent) from 2017, according to the Ministry of Education. The students came from 196 coun-tries and regions, and mostly concentrated in the cities and provinces of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang.South Korea ranked first with 50,600 students last year, followed by Thailand with 28,608, and Pakistan with 28,023. The United States ranked fifth with 20,996 stu-dents. When analyzed from the angle of continents, Asia, Africa, and Europe are the top three sources of international students in China, accounting for 59.95 percent, 16.57 percent, and 14.96 percent respectively. The number of students pursuing education with record of formal schooling reached 258,122, an increase of 6.86 percent year-on-year, accounting for 52.44 percent of the total. Students studying for their master’s and doctoral degrees increased to 85,062 with an increase of 12.28 per-cent over 2017.Two Chinese Mountains Named UNESCO Global GeoparksIn April China saw two more sites added to the UNESCO Global Geopark List. According to UNESCO’s official website on April 17, Yimeng Mountain in East China’s Shandong Province and Jiuhua Mountain in East China’s Anhui Province are now formally recog-nized UNESCO Global Geoparks.The Yimeng Mountain Geopark is home to one of Asia’s largest kimberlite-type diamond mines, the site where the first primary dia-monds were discovered in China. The landscape is dotted with castle-like land formations as well as multiple cultural heritage sites which include the Xialou Pavilion that Confucius is believed to have once vis-ited, the 1,500-year-old Marshal Tree, and several renowned temples.Jiuhua Mountain, whose name literally means “Nine Glorious Mountains,” is home to sacred Buddhist temples. But beyond the religious, historical, and cultural significance of these mountains, they also provide a major source of fresh water that feeds the Yang-tze River system. Unique and favorable geological conditions have contributed to the flourishing of the region’s biodiversity and cultural traditions.With this year’s additions of sites to the UNESCO Global Geopark List, the network now has 147 parks in 41 countries, 39 of which arelocated in China.ceremony in Beijing to officially announce the naming of the as-teroid, and presented the com-munique, the naming certificate, and orbital diagram to Zhou.Asteroid Zhouyouyuan, coded 120730, was discovered in 1997 by astronomers with the Beijing Schmidt CCD Asteroid Program at the Xinglong obser-vatory in north China, according to an IAU communique. The asteroid number coincided with Zhou’s birthday on July 30. Zhou, born in 1938, is an astrophysicist and an academi-cian of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has made outstand-ing contributions to research in the fields of quasars and active galaxies, nuclear and cosmology, and large-scale structures of the universe.FoCus / eConomyFirst Quarter Sees 16,500 New Businesses Register Each DayDuring the first quarter of this year, 16,500 new busi-nesses were registered each day on average in China, up 12.3 percent year on year.On the basis of China’s improved business environ-ment and the rising interna-tional rankings, China has taken steps this year to further improve its business climate through implementing a series of measures. Among them, the large-scale tax cuts and fee reduction policies make it easier for enterprises to carry out business operations.Since January 1 this year, China has implemented the preferential tax reduction and exemption policy for small and micro businesses. The corpo-rate tax cut alone benefited 17.98 million businesses, 98 percent of which were privately owned.Since April 1, the tax rate for manufacturing, transportation and construction enterprises has been reduced. Since May 1, social insurance premiums have been lowered to ease the burden on enterprises. More positive policies are also on the horizon this year. Beginning on July 1, the real estate registration fee and patent application fee will be reduced.Strengthened IPR Protection to Spur InnovationIntellectual property rights(IPR) protection is be-coming increasingly impor-tant as intangible assets play a key role in the socio-eco-nomic development during China’ s rapid transition from an industrial to information-oriented society.According to a recent survey released by the Na-tional Intellectual Property Administration, China scored 76.88 in the public’s satisfac-tion of the country’s IPR protection efforts in 2018.The revised trademark law adopted at the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress increased the cap on the amount of compensa-tion for malicious infringe-ment on the exclusive right to trademarks from RMB 3 million to RMB 5 million. Such an amount of punitive measures is relatively high in the world, and reflects China’s firm determination to strengthen IPR protection.IPR protection involves multiple subjects, various categories and various meth-ods. In light of this, we should devote concerted efforts for stricter protection so as to increase the cost of offences, improve the efficiency of rul-ing, and safeguard justice inIPR litigation.China Announces Guidelines for Integrated Urban-Rural DevelopmentChina has released a three-step plan to integrated urban-rural development, according to the National Development and Reform Commission.The three steps work in a progressive way. First, by 2022, a preliminary mechanism serving this purpose will have come into being. Then by 2035, the mecha-nism will have been largely improved. Finally, by the middle of this century, it is expected to have become mature and well-functioned. Because the whole process is long and arduous, an overall plan and clear goals are much needed.In short, China will, follow-ing the guiding principles of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and the second and third plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, coordinate a rural revitalization strategy and new type of urbanization strategy featuring common prosperity. It will narrow the gap of living standard between ur-ban and rural residents, improve the property right system, and discard barriers that restrict the free flow of resources between urban and rural areas.The reform is to ensure that the development is farmer-centered and is shared by them.Drug Prices Lowered by 52Percent on Average after ReformRecent reforms have effec-tively lowered drug prices in China, according to the Na-tional Health Commission. In 2018, the State Council, China’s cabinet, decided to impose zero tariffs on imported anti-cancer drugs, and include 17 new anti-cancer drugs in the medical insurance system. In addition, the evaluation of consistency of the quality and efficacy of generic drugs is also underway. So far, 239 varieties have been approved.During the reform of public hospitals, drug price markups were abolished, the examina-tion and approval procedures for drugs were simplified, and a series of other measures were implemented. As a result, the production and circula-tion of drugs has been greatly improved.Meanwhile, China has ac-celerated the examination and approval procedures for im-ported drugs. Under the reform measures, the procedures for new drugs to treat rare and fatal diseases as well as those most needed in clinics have largely been simplified.Earlier this year, 11 cities including Beijing and Shanghai began centralized procure-ment of drugs. The pilot work is expected to further lower drug prices.I P RActivityOpera Turandot Venue: National Center forthe Performing ArtsDate: June 20-23, 2019 Price: RMB 180, 240, 350, 500, 600, 700, 800, 1000。
国家国际标准中文国家英文国家优惠/普通(地区)英文简称(地区)名称(地区)名称税率标记101AFG 阿富汗Afghanistan L102BHR 巴林Bahrian L 103BGD 孟加拉国Bangladesh L 105BRN 文莱Brunei L 106MMR 缅甸Myanmar L 107KHM 柬埔寨Cambodia L 108CYP 塞浦路斯Cyprus L 109PRK 朝鲜Korea ,DPR L 110HKG 香港HongKong L 111IND 印度India L 112IDN 印度尼西亚Indonesia L 113IRN 伊朗Iran L 114IRQ 伊拉克Iraq L 115ISR 以色列Israel L 116JPN 日本Japan L 117JOR 约旦Jordan L 118KWT 科威特Kuwait L 119LAO 老挝Lao PDR L 120LBN 黎巴嫩Lebanon L 121MAC 中国澳门Macau L 122MYS 马来西亚Malaysia L 123MDV 马尔代夫MaldivesL 124MNG 蒙古Mongolia L 125NPL 尼泊尔联邦民主共和国Nepal ,FDRL 126OMN 阿曼Oman L 127PAK 巴基斯坦Pakistan L 129PHL 菲律宾Philippines L 130QAT 卡塔尔Qatar L 131SAU 沙特阿拉伯SaudiArabia L 132SGP 新加坡Singapore L 133KOR 韩国Korea ,Rep.L 134LKA 斯里兰卡Sri LankaL 135SYR 叙利亚Syrian Arab Republic L 136THA 泰国Thailand L 137TUR 土耳其TurkeyL 138ARE 阿联酋United Arab Emirates L 139YEM 也门共和国Yemen L 141NVM 越南Viet Nam L 142CHN 中国ChinaL 143TWN 台澎金马关税区Taiwan prov. of chinaL 144TLS 东帝汶Tinor-Leste L 145KAZ哈萨克斯坦KazakhstanL146KGZ吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan L 147TJK塔吉克斯坦Tadzhikistan L 148TKM土库曼斯坦Tajikistan L 149UZB乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekstan L 201DZA阿尔及利亚Algeria L 202AGO安哥拉Angola L 203BEN贝宁Benin L 204BWA博茨瓦那Botswana L 205BDI布隆迪Burundi L 206CMR喀麦隆Cameroon L 208CPV佛得角Cape vrde L 209CAF中非Central African Rep L 211TCD乍得Chad L 213COG刚果(布)Congo L 214DJI吉布提Djibouti L 215EGY埃及Egypt L 216GNQ赤道几内亚Eq.Guinea L 217ETH埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia L 218GAB加蓬Gabon L 219GMB冈比亚Gambia L 220GHA加纳Ghana L 221GIN几内亚Guinea L 222GNB几内亚比绍Guinea Bissau L 223CIV科特迪瓦Cote d'lvoir L 224KEN肯尼亚Kenya L 225LBR利比里亚Liberia L226LBY利比亚Libyan ArabJamahiriyaL227MDG马达加斯加Madagascar L 228MWI马拉维Malawi L 229MLI马里Mali L 230MRT毛里塔尼亚Mauritania L 231MUS毛里求斯Mauritius L 232MAR摩洛哥Morocco L 233MOZ莫桑比克Mozambique L 234NAM纳米比亚Namibia L 235NER尼日尔Niger L 236NGA尼日利亚Nigeria L 238RWA卢旺达Rwanda L 240SEN塞内加尔Senegal L 242SLE塞拉利昂Sierra Leone L 243SOM索马里Somalia L 244ZAF南非S.Africa L 246SDN苏丹Sudan L 247TZA坦桑尼亚Tanzania L248TGO多哥Togo L 249TUN突尼斯Tunisia L 250UGA乌干达Uganda L 251BFA布基纳法索Burkina Faso L 252COD刚果(金)Congo,DR L 253ZMB赞比亚Zambia L 254ZWE津巴布韦Zimbabwe L 255LSO莱索托Lesotho L 257SWZ斯威士兰Swaziland L 258ERI厄立特里亚Eritrea L 259MYT马约特Mayotte L 301BEL比利时Belgium L 302DNK丹麦Denmark L 303GBR英国United Kingdom L 304DEU德国Germany L 305FRA法国France L 306IRL爱尔兰Ireland L 307ITA意大利Italy L 308LUX卢森堡Luxembourg L 309NLD荷兰Nethedands L 310GRC希腊Greece L 311PRT葡萄牙Portugal L 312ESP西班牙Spain L 313ALB阿尔巴尼亚Albania L 315AUT奥地利Austria L 316BGR保加利亚Bulgaria L 318FIN芬兰Finland L 321HUN匈牙利Hungary L 322ISL冰岛Iceland L 323LIE列支敦士登Liechtenstein L 324MLT马耳他Malta L 325MCO摩纳哥Monaco L 326NOR挪威Norway L 327POL波兰Poland L 328ROM罗马尼亚Romania L 329SMR圣马力诺San Marino L 330SWE瑞典Sweden L 331CHE瑞士Switzerland L 334EST爱沙尼亚Estonia L 335LVA拉托维亚Latvia L 336LTU立陶宛Lithuania L 337GEO格鲁吉亚Georgia L 338ARM亚美尼亚Armenia L 339AZE阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan L 340BLR白俄罗斯Belarus L343MDA 摩尔多瓦MoldovaL 344RUS 俄罗斯联邦Russia Federation L 347UKR 乌克兰Ukraine L 350SVN 斯洛文尼亚Slovenia L 351HRV 克罗地亚Groatia L 352CZE 捷克Gzech L 353SVK 斯洛伐克Slovak ia L 354MKD 前南马其顿Macedonia ,FYR L 355BIH 波黑Bosnia & and L 357FRO 法罗群岛Faroe Islands L 358SRB 塞尔维亚Sefbia L 359MNE 黑山Montenegro L 401ATG 安提瓜和巴布达Antigua & Barbuda L 402ARG 阿根廷Argentina L 405BRB 巴巴多斯Barbados L 406BLZ 伯利兹BelizeL 408BOL 多民族玻利维亚国BoliviaL 410BRA 巴西Brazil L 412CHL 智利Chileds L 413COL 哥伦比亚Colombia L 414DMA 多米尼克Dominica L 415CRI 哥斯达黎加Costa Rica L 416CUB 古巴CubaL 418DOM 多米尼加共和国Dominican Rep.ublic L 419ECU 厄瓜多尔Ecuador L 421GRD 格林纳达Grenada L 423GTM 危地马拉Guatemala L 424GUY 圭亚那Guyana L 425HTI 海地Haiti L 426HND 洪都拉斯Hongduras L 427JAM 牙买加Jamaica L 429MEX 墨西哥Mexico L 431NIC 尼加拉瓜Nicaragua L 432PAN 巴拿马Panama L 433PRY 巴拉圭Paraguay L 434PER 秘鲁Peru L 435PRI 波多黎各Puerto Rico L 437LCA 圣卢西亚Saint LuciaL 439VCT 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Martin Islands SaintVincent &Grenadines L 441SUR 苏里南SurinameL 442TTO 特立尼达和多巴哥Trinidad & TobagoL 444URY 乌拉圭Uruguay L 445VEN委内瑞拉VenezuelaL447KNA圣其茨和尼维斯St.Kitts-Nevis L448SPM圣皮埃尔和密克隆St.Pierre andMiquelonL501CAN加拿大Canada L 502USA美国United States L 503GRL格陵兰Greenland L 601AUS澳大利亚Australia L 602COK库克群岛Cook Islands L 603FJI斐济Fiji L 607NCL新喀里多尼亚New Caledonia L 608VUT瓦努阿图Vanuatu L 609NZL新西兰New Zealand L 611PNG巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea L 613SLB所罗门群岛Solomon Islands L 614TON汤加Tonga L 617WSM萨摩亚Samoa L 620FSM密克罗尼西亚联邦Micronesia Fs L 623PYF法属玻利尼西亚French Polynesia L 625WLF瓦利斯和浮图纳Wallis and Futuna L船舶吨税优/普标记H1H1L1H1L1H1L1L1L1L1H1L1H1L1L1H1H1L1L1L1L1H1L1H1L1L1L1H1H1L1L1L1H1L1L1H1L1L1L1H1H1H1H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1H1H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1L1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 H1 L1 L1 L1 L1 H1 H1 L1 H1 L1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 L1 L1 L1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 L1 H1 H1 H1L1 L1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1H1H1 H1 H1 H1H1L1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 L1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1192。
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英语听力-China Develops Its Drone Industry【声音字幕同步ppt】
![英语听力-China Develops Its Drone Industry【声音字幕同步ppt】](
it's possible for countries like China
outside its borders. Peter Dutton is with the United States Naval War College. He says China is moving away from its earlier policy of non-interference
的) technology. It showed off many of its new models
at recent air shows in the country. One of the drones reaches distances
of over 3, 200 kilometers. The country is also modernizing(现代化)
against a major Burmese drug trafficker(贩 子)
wanted in the killings of 13 Chinese sailors.
China's top drug official, Liu Yuejin,
said the plan was to bomb the drug lord's hideout(隐匿处)
Washington needs to be much more specific
about its conditions for using armed UAVs. "Part of the p government is engaged (忙于,从事)
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China and Somalia1. Political RelationsChinaand Somaliaestablished diplomatic relations on December 14, 1960. From 1960 to 1990, bilateral ties between the two countries had witnessed a smooth and steady advancement. In 1970 and 1971, Somalia, together with some other countries, submitted the motion to the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) on restoring the legitimate seat of Chinain the UN, and made active contributions to the restoration of the legitimate seat of the People's Republic of Chinain the world body.During the period from 1960 to1990, many Somalialeading officials visited China. They were Prime Minister Abdirashid Ali Shermarke (August 1963), President Aden Abdullah Osman (July 1965), President Mohamed Siad Barre (May 1972, April 1978), the third Vice President Ismail Ali Abucar, (June 1977), First Vice President and Defense Minister Mohamed Ali Samater (May 1979), Foreign Minister Abdurahman Jama Barre (April 1979, December 1984), Second Vice President Hussein Kulmie Afrah (April 1982). There were also many Chinese leaders who visited Somalia. They were Premier Zhou Enlai, (February 1964, accompanied by Vice Premier Chen Yi), Vice Premier Chen Muhua (July, 1978), Vice Premier Geng Biao, (November 1978), Vice Foreign Minister He Ying (October 1979), and Yang Jingren, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (October 1984), President Li Xiannian (March, 1986), etc.In 1991 when the Siad government was overthrown, Somaliawas bogged down into a separatist situation with the coexistence of several warlord regimes. Although the Chinese Embassy, medical team and relevant experts left Somaliain January 1991, the two countries have still maintained diplomatic relations. Ever since the outbreak of the Somalia civil war, the Chinese Government has been closely concerned about the situation in Somalia, and has backed all efforts made by the international community and other regional organizations to settle the Somalia issue in a peaceful manner. Chinahas consistently taken an active part in the discussions of the Somaliaissue within the UN and provided Somaliafor many times humanitarian assistance, such as medicines, disaster relief materials, etc. Since January 2003, Chinahas begun to act as the UN Security Council coordinator on the Somaliaissue.2. Economic and Trade Relations and Economic and Technical CooperationSince 1963, Chinahas provided Somaliawith various kinds of economic assistance. The main projects Chinahas accomplished in Somaliaare: National Theatre, the Hargeisa water supply project, Somalia Cigarette Manufactory, Somalia Banadir Hospital, SomaliaStadium, road between Beled Weyne and Burao,Barrouen Farm, Fanole Farm and a hydro-power station, etc.Chinastarted to contract projects and labor cooperation in Somaliasince 1982. From the year 1963 to 1980, trade between the two countries was conducted by means of keeping accounts and later changed to cash transaction. China's exports to Somaliaare main light industrial products, textile, medicine, hardware and small-sized machinery, and main imports from Somali are myrrh, frankincense and leather, etc.In 2002, the total trade volume between the two countries amounted to US$3.39 million, of which China's export was US$1.83 million and import US$1.56 million.The economic and trade agreements signed by the governments of China and Somalia were: the Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Somalia on Economic and Technological Cooperation (1963 and 1978); the Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Somalia on Trade and Payment (1963); the Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Somalia Democratic Republic on Trade and Payment (1980).3. Exchange and Cooperation in fields of Culture, Education, Health and the MilitaryChinaand Somaliahad kept frequent and active cultural exchanges before 1991. Chinaonce dispatched sports coaches to Somalia. The two countries signed the agreements on cultural cooperation in 1963 and 1983 respectively. The cooperation in the field of health between the two countries started from 1965, and Chinasent its first 10-member medical team to Somaliain the same year. Up to the very beginning of the Somaliacivil war in 1991, there were altogether 19 Chinese medical workers in Somalia.Before the outbreak of the Somaliacivil war, the two countries had maintained friendly military relations. There were exchanges of visits to each other by military leaders from both countries, among which were Lieutenant General Mohamed Ali of Defense Minister of Somaliain May 1979, Major General Aden Abdullahi Nur in 1988, and Liu Kai, Assistant Chief of General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) in April 1980.4. Important Agreement and DocumentThe Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republicof Somalia ( Dec. 14 1960)China to deploy ships off Somalia China will send two navydestroyers and a supplyvessel to the Gulf of Aden toprotect merchant ships fromattacks by Somali pirates,state media have said.Chinese defence ministryspokesman Hu Changming toldthe Xinhua news agency that the three ships would set sail fromthe port of Sanya on 26December.Several countries have sent forces to combat the pirates, who have attacked more than 100 ships this year.Among those still held is a Saudi oil tanker and a Ukrainian ship with tanks.They are among 15 vessels the pirates hold for ransom.Co-operationThe three Chinese ships, part of the country's South Sea Fleet, willleave Sanya on Friday for the Gulf of Aden and the waters offSomalia, Mr Hu said.Their main mission would be to protect the safety of Chinese vessels and their crews in the region, as well as protecting vesselsdelivering humanitarian aid international organisations, he added. The defence ministry spokesman said the ships would abide strictly to the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and internationallaw, and would be willing to co-operate with other convoy protection ships from concerned countries.They will also participate in humanitarian assistance missions.At a news conference on Thursday, foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said 20% of Chinese ships passing through the regionbetween January and November this year had been attacked bySomali pirates.Correspondents say the deployment will be the first of its kind for a country that has traditionally followed a doctrine ofnon-interference in other nations' affairs.But world leaders have called for greater action to deal with theproblem and last week, the UN approved a resolution allowingWorld leaders have called for more action totackle piracyforeign troops to pursue pirates on land in Somalia.The Chinese taskforce will join warships from the EU, US, India,Russia, Malaysia and others which are already patrolling in the area.Earlier, an Iranian warship began patrolling in the gulf, where twoIranian vessels have been hijacked recently, state radio reported.China wins permit to look for oil in Somalia14 July 2007Financial TimesBy BARNEY JOPSONThe Chinese state oil giant, CNOOC, has won permission to search for oil in part of Somalia, underlining China's willingness to brave Africa's most volatile regions in its hunt for natural resources.Somalia has been a no-go area for US oil companies since it descended into anarchy in the early 1990s. This year the capital, Mogadishu, has seen its worst violence in 16 years as insurgents seek to topple a fragile interim government.But CNOOC has not been deterred and last month met Somali government officials in a Nairobi hotel to hammer out the details of its planned survey work, which is due to begin in September.Chinese state-owned companies have become a heavyweight presence in Africa as the country seeks to secure resources for its booming economy as well as market access for its own goods and services.CNOOC, China's largest offshore oil and gas producer, has been at the vanguard of the drive: it constructed oil pipelines in southern Sudan in the late 1990s even as a civil war raged between separatist rebels and the Islamist regime in Khartoum.The Chinese company's deal with Somalia's transitional federal government gives it exploration rights in the north Mudug region, some 500km north-east of the capital.CNOOC and a smaller group, China International Oil and Gas (CIOG), signed a production-sharing contract with the interim government in May 2006. The contract, which gives the government 51 per cent of oil revenues, was endorsed at last November's China-Africa summit in Beijing.At a meeting in Nairobi on June 24 - a record of which has been seen by the Financial Times- parts of the agreement were clarified by Abdullahi Yusuf Mohamad, the Somali energy minister, Chen Zhuobiao, managing director of CNOOC Africa, and Judah Jay, managing director of CIOG.According to the US Energy Information Administration, Somalia has no proved oil reserves and only 200bn cubic feet of proved natural gas reserves, which have not been tapped.In the late 1980s exploration concessions were held by companies including Conoco and Phillips, which have since merged; Amoco, now part of BP; and Chevron. They fled the country after dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown during civil war in 1991.The data collected by oil companies has formed the basis of interest in Somalia today. Range Resources, an oil group listed in Sydney, estimates that the Puntland province - which includes the Mudug region - has the potential to yield 5bn-10bn barrels of oil.Puntland is semi-autonomous and relatively stable compared with Mogadishu, where insurgents are launching near-daily assaults on the government and its Ethiopian military backers.A reconciliation conference due to open tomorrow is expected to attract still more attacks.The government is preparing a new national oil law even though its authority across the country is limited. Its decision to grant CNOOC exploration rights in Puntland could spark a dispute with the local authorities, which have given Range Resources exploration rights elsewhere in the province.A western diplomat who follows Somalia from Nairobi cautioned that he had seen copies of three similar deals signed by the interim government in the past two years. "If there is ever enough peace and stability to allow oil to be extracted, there'll be a huge (argument over the agreements) down the line," he said.BEIJING, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) -- China is making preparations to deploy warships in the Gulf of Aden and waters off the Somali coast to fight rampant pirates, after a Chinese ship escaped pirate hijack in the region."We are making preparations and arrangements to deploy naval ships to the Gulf of Aden for escorting operations," the foreign ministry said on its website Thursday."We will make a formal announcement when we are ready," the ministry said, without giving any further details.However, military sources said that it will be the first time for Chinese navy to carry out escorting missions outside Chinese waters, and this mission is in line with related resolutions of the United Nations on combating pirates off the Somali coast.The United States, NATO and other countries have already sent naval forces to ply this area.The Global Times newspaper, affiliated to the People's Daily, cited anonymous maritime officials as saying that China would send a fleet of two destroyers and a supply ship to the Gulf of Aden.The ships would depart from Sanya on the southern island province of Hainan for a three-month escorting mission in the region, the paper said.The announcement came a day after a Chinese cargo ship fought off nine pirates in the Gulf of Aden.The 30 crew fought for four hours against the pirates armed with rocket launchers and heavy machine guns with the help of a multi-coalition force. No injuries or deaths were reported."We deeply appreciate the effective help offered by Malaysia and international organizations," Liu Jianchao, spokesman of the foreign ministry, told a press conference Thursday.Around 1,000 Chinese commercial ships pass the troubled sea areas a year, sources said. And according to Liu, 20 percent of Chinese ships passing through the waters off the Somalian coast have been attacked by pirates from January to November this year.Seven ships, either owned by China or carrying Chinese cargo and crew, had been hijacked by pirates in that period, Liu said, adding that one Chinese fishing boat along with 18 crew were still held by pirates.About 40 ships carrying over 600 crew were hijacked by Somalia pirates off the Somali coast in the first 11 months this year, Liu said, citing the statistics of the Kenya-based Seafarers Assistance Program."China welcomes international cooperation in the fight against piracy off the coast of Somalia, and support the efforts of other countries to send warships to the region to crack down on pirates in pursuit of international law and U.N. Security Council resolutions," he said.More than 20 of those hijacked ships along with close to 300 crew were held by the pirates.China's decision on Tuesday to send naval ships to the waters off the Gulf of Aden and Somali coast was welcomed by the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia.Somalian Foreign Minister Ali Ahmed Jama hailed China's participation on Tuesday, saying Somalia would continue to cooperate with China, and do its utmost to retrieve the Chinese vesseland rescue Chinese crew members taken hostage by pirates.Netizens in China also backed the government's decision to send naval ships to the region.An online survey conducted by the Global Times newspaper by Tuesday night showed that more than 82 percent of 17,198 people polled voted yes to sending a pirate-fighting fleet to Somalia as of Tuesday evening."We fully support the government's decision and hope the fleet could be deployed as soon as possible since China is a responsible country which should take part in multinational peacekeeping in the region," said a netizen in a posting on the newspaper's website.Chinese Warships Patrol Waters Off SomaliaChina's Navy Joins the Fight Against Pirates in the Gulf of AdeFor the first time since the voyages of Zheng He in the fifteenth century, China has deployed its navy overseas, in response to the threat posed by Somali pirates.Friday, 26 December 2008 marked a milestone in Chinese military history as three warships from the People’s Liberation Army Navy left the port of Sanya on Hainan Island. They were embarking on athree-month mission to combat pirates in the waters off Somalia, the first such naval deployment in modern Chinese history.Somali Pirate Attacks IncreasingPirate attacks off the coast of Somalia more than doubled over the course of 2008. There were around 95 pirate attacks in Somali waters in 2008, according to Reuters (“Germany wants international court for Somali pirates”, by Sabine Siebold, 23 December 2008). By the end of the year, nearly 400 people and 19 ships were being held along the Somali coast, including a Saudi super-tanker loaded with $100 million worth of oil.Seven of the hijacked ships were Chinese, either owned by China or carrying Chinese crew or cargoes. One was still being held at the end of the year. The announcement of the Chinese naval deploymentcame as another Chinese ship, the MV Zhenhua-4, a 60,000-tonne transport ship owned by the Chinese Communication Construction Co mpany, was attacked in the Gulf of Aden (“Piracy prompts landmark mission” by Ng Tze-wei, South China Morning Post, 19 December 2008). The crew managed to hold off the hijackers until help arrived in the form of a Malaysian frigate and helicopter.A Milestone in China's Foreign PolicyAt a press conference on December 23, 2008 in Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Qin Gang said the purpose of the deployment was “to ensure the safety of Chinese ships and personnel on the route and protect vessels of international organizations carrying humanitarian materials.” The waters of the Gulf of Aden lie across the main route for the shipment of oil from the Middle East - one of China's main suppliers - and ensuring the security of its energy supply is a prime concern for China. The South China Morning Post also noted that the move has also been linked to China's growing military power and rising international clout ("PLA ships leave for Somalia pirate patrols", by Kristine Kwok, 27 December 2008).The ships – the frigates Haikou and Wuhan and the supply ship Weishanhu – are equipped with two helicopters, and 800 troops, including around 70 special forces. They are joining a growing list of countries and regional organisations - including the EU, US, India, Russia and Malaysia - who, authorized by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1846 of 2 December 2008, may enter Somalia’s territorial waters to combat piracy, using all necessary force. This includes the use of both naval vessels and military aircraft, along with the seizing and disposing of boats, arms and related equipment used for piracy.Somali Crisis Fuels PiracyPlagued by ongoing drought and conflict, Somalia has been beset by anarchy ever since the ousting of former dictator Mohammed Siad Barre in 1991. In a country where the United Nations reports almost half the population needs food aid, piracy has become an appealing way of life for many Somalis. Costs are low and the potential rewards are great. The BBC reported that vessels captured in the busy shipping lanes of the Gulf of Aden fetch on average a ransom of $2m (“Somali pirates living the high life”, by Robyn Hunter, 28 October 2008). Whether this can continue given the increased international response remains to be seen.The copyright of the article Chinese Warships Patrol Waters Off Somalia in International Affairs is owned by Paris Franz. Permission to republish Chinese Warships Patrol Waters Off Somalia in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.China has called for increased UN participation in volatile Somalia as Ethiopian troops started pulling out of the Horn of African country.Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told reporters here that while the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) is playing a great peacekeeping role in the country, it is facing tremendous challenges."We believe that the UN system should do more there, there should be more inputs from the UN," said Yang who is currently on a two-day official visit to Uganda, the first leg of his six- nation tour.The AMISOM has only deployed 3,000 troops, from Uganda and Burundi, of the required 8,000 peacekeepers in Somalia.Yang said China and Uganda which is a new non-permanent member of the UN Security Council will carry out consultation both at the Council and other international forums so that a bigger role is played in pacifying Somalia."We believe the international community has to pay more attention to the peace process in Somalia and there should be more concerns and inputs," he said.He said there are political, economic and social issues in Somalia that have to be solved if the country is to stabilize.The statement comes as Ethiopian troops on Tuesday handed over the security of the country to the Somali transitional government.Chinese naval fleet carries out first escort mission off SomaliaChinese naval fleet carries out first escort mission off SomaliaSource: Xinhua | 01-07-2009ABOARD DESTROYER WUHAN, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese naval fleet arrived Tuesday in the waters of the Gulf of Aden off Somalia to carry out the first escort mission against pirates.Four Chinese merchant ships, including one from China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, were escorted by the fleet.Rear-Admiral Du Jingchen, commander of the force, said the escort mission has started and "we would strictly observe UN resolutions and relevant international laws to fulfill our obligations."Du said the task force will carry out careful deployment, enhance coordination and keep close watch to ensure the safety of the vessels and crew being protected.The fleet, two destroyers and one supply ship, left a naval base on China's Hainan island last Friday under authorization from both the United Nations Security Council and Somalia's transitional government to primarily escort Chinese merchant ships.The fleet includes about 800 crew members, including 70 soldiers from the Navy's special force, and is equipped with missiles, cannons and light weapons.The UN Security Council adopted four resolutions in 2008 calling on all countries and regions to help patrol the gulf and waters off Somalia, where increasing piracy has endangered international shipping in one of the world's busiest sea lanes.The latest resolution authorized countries to take all necessary measures in Somalia, including in its airspace, to stop the rampant piracy.The London-based International Maritime Bureau said more than 100 vessels had been attacked in the gulf in 2008 and 14 ships are currently being held for ransom, including Saudi supertanker Sirius Starand the Faina, a Ukrainian cargo vessel carrying 32 tanks.NATO chief praises China’s participation in anti-piracy campaign off SomaliaThe NATO secretary general on Monday praised the Chinese navy’s anti-piracy operations off the coast of Somalia and indicated NATO’s willingness to work with China on the issue."I am applauding what is a rather unique position of the Chinese navy participating in the anti-piracy (campaign)," Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer told Chinese journalists at a NATO New Year reception."I do not exclude, at a certain stage, that when the United Nations would create a sort of roof under which these whole anti-piracy operations take place, NATO and China will meet under that roof," he The deployment of two warships in the Gulf of Aden was the Chinese Navy’s first expeditionary military mission."I welcome the engagement of China... It is a very important contribution to anti-piracy operations," the secretary general said.NATO deployed four warships off Somalia in October to escort World Food Program food shipments to Somalia and to patrol the seas to deter piracy. Its mission ended in December. But the alliance is considering a long-term strategy on the piracy issue and stands ready to consider further requests for the use of its naval assets in this regard。