2019最新rA《建筑施工模板安全技术规范》 (JGJ162-)英语

4. 钢模板及配件,使用后必须进行严格清理检 查,已损坏断裂的应剔除,不能修复的应报废。螺栓 的螺纹部分应整修上油。然后应分别按规格分类装于 箱笼内备用。 5. 钢模板及配件等修复后,应进行检查验收。 凡检查不合格者应重新整修。待合格后方准应用,其 修复后的质量标准应符合表8.0.22的规定。
6. 钢模板由拆模现场运至仓库或维修场地时, 装车不宜超出车栏杆,少量高出部分必须栓牢,零配 件应分类装箱,不得散装运输。
8.0.22 使用后的钢模、钢构件应遵守下列规定:
1. 使用后的钢模、桁架、钢楞和立柱应将粘结 物清理洁净,清理时严禁采用铁锤敲击的方法。
2. 清理后的钢模、桁架、钢楞、立柱,应逐块、 逐榀、逐根进行检查,发现翘曲、变形、扭曲、开焊 等必须修理完善。
3. 清理整修好的钢模、桁架、钢楞、立柱应刷 防锈漆,对立即待用钢模板的表面应刷脱模剂,而暂 不用的钢模表面可涂防锈油一度。
8.0.4 模板工程应编制施工设计和安全技术措施, 并应严格按施工设计与安全技术措施规定施工。满堂 模板、建筑层高8m及以上和梁跨大于或等于15m的模 板,在安装、拆除作业前,工程技术人员应以书面形 式向作业班组进行施工操作的安全技术交底,作业班 组应对照书面交底进行上、下班的自检和互检。
8.0.8 对负荷面积大和高4m以上的支架立柱采用扣 件式钢管、门式和碗扣式钢管脚手架时,除应有合格 证外,对所用扣件应用扭矩扳手进行抽检,达到合格 后方可承力使用。 8.0.9 多人共同操作或扛抬组合钢模板时,必须密 切配合、协调一致、互相呼应。

建筑规范有关术语中英对照1、建筑工程building engineering2、建筑工程质量quality of building engineering3、验收acceptance4、进场验收site acceptance5、检查批inspection lot6、检查inspection7、见证取样检测evidential testing8、交接检查handing over inspection9、主控项目dominant item10、一般项目general item11、抽样检查sampling inspection12、抽样方案sampling scheme13、计数检查counting inspection14、计量检查quantitative inspection15、观感质量quality of appearance16、返修repair17、返工rework18、混凝土构造concrete structure19、现浇构造cast-in-situ concrete structure20、装配式构造prefabricated concrete structure21、缺陷defect22、严重缺陷serious defect23、一般缺陷common defect24、施工缝construction joint25、构造性能检查inspection of structural performance26、土工合成材料地基geosynthetics foundation27、重锤扎实地基heavy tamping foundation28、强夯地基dynamic consolidation foundation29、注浆地基grouting foundation30、预压地基preloading foundation31、高压喷射注浆地基jet grouting foundation32、水泥土搅拌桩地基soil-cement mixed pile foundation33、土与灰土挤密桩地基soil-lime compacted column34、水泥粉煤灰、碎石桩cement flyash gravel pile35、锚杆静压桩pressed pile by anchor rod36、地下防水工程underground waterproof engineering37、防水等级grade of waterproof38、刚性防水层rigid waterproof layer39、柔性防水层flexible waterproof layer40、初期支护primary linning41、盾构法隧道shield tunneling method42、土工合成材料geosynthetics43、建筑地面building ground44、面层surface course45、结合层combined course46、基层base course47、填充层filler course48、隔离层isolating course49、找平层troweling course50、垫层under layer51、基土foundation earth layer52、缩缝shrinkage crack53、伸缝stretching crack54、纵向缩缝lengthwise shrinkage crack55、横向缩缝crosswise stretching crack56、保温浆料insulating mortar57、凸窗bay window58、外门窗outside doors and windows59、玻璃遮阳系数shading coefficient60、透明幕墙transparent curtain wall61、灯具效率luminarie efficiency62、总谐波畸变率(THD)total harmonic distortion63、不平衡度εunbalance factor ε64、进场验收site acceptance65、进场复验site reinspection66、见证取样送检evidential test67、现场实体检查in-situ inspection68、质量证明文献quality proof document69、核查check70、型式检查type inspection71、施工质量控制等级control grade of construction quality72、通缝continuous seam73、假缝supposititious seam74、配筋砌体reinforced masonry75、芯柱core column76、原位检测inspection at original space77、防水层合理使用年限life of waterproof layer78、一道防水设防 a separate waterproof barrier79、分格缝dividing joint80、满粘法full adhibiting method81、空铺法border adhibiting method82、点粘法spot adhibiting method83、条粘法strip adhibiting method84、冷粘法cold adhibiting method85、热熔法heat fusion method86、自粘法self-adhibiting method87、热风焊接法hot air welding method88、倒置式屋面inversion type roof89、架空屋面elevated overhead roof90、蓄水屋面impounded roof91、种植屋面plantied roof92、建筑装饰装修building decoration93、基体primary structure94、基层base course95、细部detail96、布线系统wiring system97、电气设备electrical equipment98、用电设备current-using equipment99、电气装置electrical installation100、建筑电气工程(装置)electrical installation in building 101、导管conduit102、金属导管metal conduit103、绝缘导管insulating conduit104、保护导体(PE) protective conductor105、中性保护导体(PEN) PEN conductor106、可靠近旳accessible107、景观照明landscape lighting108、给水系统water supply system109、排水系统drainage system110、热水供应系统hot water supply system111、卫生器具sanitary fixtures112、给水配件water supply fittings113、建筑中水系统intermediate water system of building 114、辅助设备auxiliaries115、试验压力test pressure116、额定工作压力rated working pressure117、管道配件pipe fittings118、固定支架fixed trestle119、活动支架movable trestle120、整装锅炉integrative boiler121、非承压锅炉boiler without bearing122、安全附件safety accessory123、静置设备still equipment124、分户热计量household-based heat metering 125、热计量装置heat metering device126、卡套式连接compression joint127、防火套管fire-resisting sleeves128、阻火圈firestops collar129、风管air duct130、风道air channel131、通风工程ventilation works132、空调工程air conditioning works133、风管配件duct fittings134、风管部件duct accessory135、咬口seam136、漏风量air leakage rate137、系统风管容许漏风量air system permissible leakage rate 138、漏风率air system leakage ratio139、净化空调系统air cleaning system140、漏光检测air leak check with lighting141、整体式制冷设备packaged refrigeration unit 142、组装式制冷设备assembling refrigerating unit 143、风管系统旳工作压力design working pressure144、空气洁净度等级air cleanliness class145、角件corner pieces146、空态as-built147、静态as-rest148、动态operational149、非金属材料风管nonmetallic duct150、复合材料风管foil-insulant composite duct 151、防火风管refractory duct152、零件part153、部件component154、构件element155、小拼单元the smallest assembled rigid unit 156、中拼单元intermediate assembled structure 157、高强度螺栓连接副set of high strength bolt158、抗滑移系数slip coefficient of faying surface 159、预拼装test assembling160、空间刚度单元space rigid unit161、焊钉(栓钉)焊接stud welding162、环境温度ambient temperature163、方木和原木构造sawn and round timber structures 164、齿连接step joints165、胶合木构造structural glued-laminated timber 166、层板胶合木glued-laminated timber(Glulam) 167、指形接头Finger joints168、规格材dimension lumber169、轻型木构造wood-frame construction170、墙骨studs171、搁栅joists172、木基构造板材structural wood-based panel 173、构造胶合板structural plywood174、定向木片板oriented strand board(OSB)175、构造复合木材structural composite lumber(SCL) 176、旋切板胶合木laminated veneer lumber(LVL) 177、平行木片胶合木parallel strand lumber(PSL) 178、层叠木片胶合木laminated strand lumber(LSL) 179、预制工字形木搁栅prefabricated wood I-Joist 180、齿板truss plate181、木材防护剂wood preservative182、保持量retention183、透入度penetration。
Template for Site Specific Safety Plan建筑工程安全手册模板(英文)

1. INTRODUCTIONa) Name of organization/company) is committed to the health and safety ofour employees.b) Company name has a SAFETY & HEALTH MANUAL, which is a crucial partof this sites specific safety plan. (Every Superintendent should have a copyor has access to one at anytime)c) The health and safety of our employees, our subcontractors, vendors and thegeneral public is the first consideration in the operation of our business, andin particular, this project: (insert project name here)d) It is our goal to establish and maintain safety policies and practices which arein full compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidance, especially those issued by Federal OSHA2. HEALTH AND SAFETY DOCUMENTSa) Contract Documentsb) Work-SAFE Program Parts I, II, and III & IVc) All Federal, State and Local Health & Safety requirements3. EMERGENCY NUMBERSa) Owner’s specific requirementsb) Medical Emergency Facility-(for self perform only-Subcontractors required toFacilitate their own plan): (name of the nearest facility)Address: (physical address, city, state and zip code)Telephone ((area code) and phone number)c) Occupational Health Care Services (for non life threatening during availablehours):Address: (physical address, city, state and zip codeTelephone: (area code) and phone numberd) Superintendent’s Number:Mobile numberJobsite Trailer numbere) Local Police Dept.: _____________________________________________f) Local Fire Dept.: _______________________________________________g) Miss Dig (if applicable)h) Hazmat (for chemical spills and/or toxic releases)4. EMERGENCY and FIRST AID PROTOCOLa) Each contractor will provide first aid stations, well marked and available tosite personnel during all working shifts.b) One person holding a valid first aid and CPR certificate will be responsible forthe proper use and maintenance of the first aid station.c) Each contractor will responsible for their own emergency plan.d) There will be a minimum of one (site wide) known person per site with a validCPR/First Aid certification.e) Emergency procedures are as follows:✓Call for all emergenciesEvacuation signals and meeting place✓Fire mustering point is signal is all clear✓Tornado shelter is signal is all clear✓Hazardous chemical mustering point signal isall clear is5. PROJECT ORGANINZATIONAL CHART & CONTACT INFORMATION {Insert project organization chart and staffing requirements for this site}At the time of this publication, an organizational chart and staffing requirements have not been determined. Upon onset of (companies name) mobilizing on-site and performing their scopes of work a staffing chart will be made available which will include the following:✓Owner and/or Owner Representative: (name and phone number)✓Your Company Site Representative: (name and phone number)✓Your Company Safety Representative: (name and phone number)✓On-site Subcontractors person who is responsible for overall project;(name and phone number)✓On-site Subcontractors that is responsible for safety on this project: (name and phone number)✓Subcontractors Main office: (name and phone number)✓All competent Persons for Hazardous Operations6. SPECIAL NEEDS of THE CUSTOMERd) Shift times (e.g. 1st shift, 2nd shift, etc.)e) Weekend workf) Restricted Areasg) Smoking Areash) Children’s presence on or near the sitei) Handicapped people on or near the sitej) Other public Safety concerns7. PROTECTION of the GENERAL PUBLICa) Walkways, Sidewalks, Parking Lots cleared and accessibleb) Barricades, Flashing Barrels, “DANGER DO NOT ENTER” postingsc) Project signaged) (Any other protection not mentioned needs to be added here)8. PROTECTION of SITE WORK PERSONNELa) Work-SAFE Orientation Part I and Jobsite/New Hire Safety Orientationb) Work-SAFE Parts II, III and IVc) MSDS’s and Chemical Inventory Locationd) Job Board Locatione) REACH Board Locationf) Hardhats, Safety glasses with side shields, ear plugs, construction-worthyfootwear, gloves, face shields, Safety Vests, and all applicable Personal Protection Equipmentg) Any other specialized training that may be specific to this site but not limitedto the following;✓Excavation✓Confined space✓Scaffold erection✓Critical Rigging✓Lock Out/ Tag Out9. PROJECT SAFETY SITE DRAWINGa) Site Drawing highlightingb) Hazardous areas✓Excavation areas✓Demolition areas✓Trenching areas, etc.c) Emergency exit routesd) First Aid statione) Employee parkingf) Employee breaks areas, etc.g) Job Boardh) Reach Board10. SPECIAL PROJECT HAZARDSThis is determined and discussed on a daily basis as the project progresses and the circumstances, project site etc., develops and changes.All Contractors/Subcontractors and/or supervisor must review and document the plan for performing the work task to the employee prior to hazardous operation beginning. (This is not a an inclusive list, each supervisor must use common sense when determining the degree of hazard associate with the task). Note: Pre-Task Planning and Pre-Construction Forms to be utilized (enclosed herein)a) Excavation / Trenching/ Caissonsb) Crane lifts and rigging operationsc) Confined Spaced) Steel Erection/ working from heightse) Roof Top Work-penetrations, roofing installation and or repair etc.f) Working on or around high tension wiresg) Demolitionh) Traffic Controli) Scaffolds / Ariel lift workj) Working on or around energized equipment or systemsk) Use of chemical materialsl) Cutting and capping utilitiesm) Working on or around substationsn) Working on or around pitso) Any respirator type activitiesp) Any use of tar, asphalt kettle or tankers11. SITE SIGNAGE REQUIREMENTSProject Sign will detail specific information regarding ownership, architectural firm, contractor, etc.a) Any Hazardous chemicalsb) Confined Spacec) Overhead Wiresd) DANGER DO NOT ENTERe) DANGER HARD HATS REQUIREDf) DANGER EYE AND EAR PROTECTION REQUIREDg) MSDS for this are locatedh) First Aid stationi) Job Board complete with all the following current Federal and State postings:j) Right-to-Know postings-One complete set for the site office/Gang box ✓Note: Failure to comply with Right-To-Know, Hazardous Materials Communications regulations may result in a fine up to $10,0000 perviolation✓OSHA and/or MIOSHA 300 Log (to be posted a minimum from February 1 until April 30)✓Project Safety Site Drawing✓Emergency Procedure✓Emergency Phone Numbers✓Safety progress (if applicable) man hours verses accidents k) REACH Board (if applicable)l) First Aid Stations12. EMPLOYEE ORIENTATIONa) Drug screening per Work-SAFE and/or Owner requirementsb) Work-SAFE Part I & Jobsite / New Hire Safety Orientationc) Documentation of equipment certificationsd) Documentation of First Aid and CPR certifications13. SAFETY MEETINGSa) Weekly Tool Box Talks will be held with employees every Note:Subcontractors are required to complete their own Tool Box Talks every.b) Progress meetings will be held every with Safety as the first topic.Any and all problems will be listed and a method for corrective action will be determined and implemented as a result of the meeting.c) Superintendents should walk the project site every with allcontractors completing a site inspection of all areas.14. PROJECT SAFETY DOCUMENTATIONNote: all safety related documents will be kept at the job site until the end of the project and then will be stored in accordance with the (company name) record storage policies.a) A completed OSHA/MIOSHA 300A “Summary of work Related Injuries andIllness”for each contractor/subcontractor (to be collected at the end of the project)b) A safety and Health Plan from each Contractor/Subcontractorc) A site safety plan for each site and for each contractor/subcontractor (ifapplicable)d) All completed Pre-task plans for self perform (and subcontractors if applicable)e) All completed Job Site / New Hire Safety Orientation Forms (subcontractors ifapplicable)f) All meeting minutesg) All completed site inspectionsh) All daily reports for self perform (and subcontractors if applicable)i) All completed Accident/Incident and Near Miss Reports for the project15. REPORTING REQUIRMENTSa) Accident /Incident or any near misses will be reported as follows:✓Verbal immediately✓Draft report before the end of the business day✓Final report within (3) business daysb) Man-hours weekly from self perform and subcontractors if applicablec) Any unsafe acts that are life threatening and/or repeat offenders16. ACCIDENT/INCIDENT FOLLOW-UPa) Root cause Analysis (5 why’s)-documentb) Corrective Actions-document。

建筑施工模板安全技术规范JGJ 162-20081 总则1.0.1 为在工程建设模板工程施工中贯彻我国安全生产的方针和政策,做到技术先进、经济合理、方便适用和确保安全生产,制定本规范。
1.0.2 本规范适用于建筑施工中现浇混凝土工程模板体系的设计、制作、安装和拆除。
1.0.3 进行模板设计和施工时,应从工程实际情况出发,合理选用材料、方案和构造措施;应满足模板在运输、安装和使用过程中的强度、稳定性和刚度要求,并宜优先采用定型化、标准化的模板支架和模板构件,减少制作、安装工作量,提高重复使用率。
1.0.4 建筑施工模板工程的设计、制作、安装和拆除除应符合本规范的要求外,尚应符合国家现行相关标准的规定。
2术语、符号2.1 术语2.1.1 面板surface slab直接接触新浇混凝土的承力板。
2.1.2 支架support支撑面板用的楞梁、立柱、连接件、斜撑、剪刀撑和水平拉条等构件的总称。
2.1.3 连接件pitman面板与楞梁的连接、面板自身的拼接、支架结构自身的连接和其中二者相互间连接所用的零配件。
2.1.4 模板体系(简称模板)shuttering由面板、支架、和连接件三部分系统组成的体系,也可统称为“模板”。
2.1.5 小梁minor beam直接支承面板的小型楞梁,又称次楞或次梁。
2.1.6 主梁main beam直接支承小楞的结构构件,又称主楞。
2.1.7 支架立柱support column直接支承主楞的受压结构构件,又称支撑柱、立柱。
2.1.8 配模matching shuttering在施工设计中所包括的模板排列图、连接件和支承件布置图,以及细部结构、异形模板和特殊部位详图。
2.1.9 早拆模板体系early unweaving shuttering在模板支架立柱的顶端,采用柱头的特殊构造装置来保证国家现行规范所规定的拆模原则下,达到早期拆除部分模板的体系。

建筑规范目录A制图标准类 / Elaboration of drawingsB建筑设计规范类 /Specifications on architecture designC防火规范类 /Specifications on fire resistanceD热工设计规范 /Specifications on thermodynamic designE隔声设计规范类 /Specifications on sound insulationF结构设计规范类 / Specification on structure designG幕墙工程技术规范类 / Specifications on curtain wall designH门窗规范类 / Door and window designI屋面设计类 / Roof designJ建筑施工规范类 / Architecture constructionK检测标准类 / InspectionL验收标准类 / AcceptanceM材料规范类N玻璃 / GlassO铝合金 / Aluminium alloyP钢材类 / Steel materialQ石材类 / Stone materialsR胶类 / SealantsS紧固件类 / FastenersT其他材料 / Other materialsU安全生产法律法规 / Laws and regulations on safetyV环境法律、法规 / Laws and Regulations on EnvironmentW施工质量管理法律法规 / laws and Regulations on Construction Quality ManagementA 序号建筑规范\标准名称制图类 / Elaboration of drawings1c 《房屋建筑制图统一标准》GB/T50001-20011e Unified Standard for Building Drawings GB/T50001-2001 2c 《总图制图标准》GB/T50103-20012e Standard for General Layout Drawings GB/T50103-2001 3c 《建筑制图标准》GB/T50104-20013e Standard for Architectural Drawings GB/T50104-20014c 《CAD 工程制图规则》GB/T 18229-20004e Rule of CAD Engineering Drawing GB/T 18229-20005c 《北京市建筑装饰装修工程设计制图标准》DBJ 01-613-20025e The drawing standard of the interior decoration and finishing engineering design in Beijing DBJ 01-613-2002返回B 建筑设计规范/ Specifications on architecture design 6c 《民用建筑设计通则》GB50352-20056e General Rule for Architectural Design of Civil Buildings GB50352-20057c 《住宅建筑规范》GB50368-20057e Residential Building Code GB50368-20058c 《体育建筑设计规范》JGJ 31-20038e Design Code for Sports Building JGJ 31-20039c 《室外排水设计规范》GB 50014-20069e Code for Design of Outdoor Sewerage Engineering GB 50014-2006 10c 《建筑采光设计标准》GB/T50033-200110e Standard for Daylighting Design of Buildings GB/T50033-2001 11c 《建筑玻璃应用技术规程》JGJ113-200311e Technical Specification for Application of Architectural Glass JGJ113-200312c 《老年人居住建筑设计标准》GB/T50340-200312e Code for Design of Buildings for Elderly Persons GB/T50340-200313c 《建筑室内防水工程技术规程》C 防火规范类/Specifications on fire resistance 14c 《建筑设计防火规范》GB 50016-200614e Code of Design on Building Fire Protection and Prevention GB 50016-200615c 《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》(2005年版)GB50045-9515e Code for Fire Protection Design of Tall Buildings (2005 version) GB50045-9516c 《建筑防火封堵应用技术规程》CECS 154:200316e Technical specification for application of fire stopping in building CECS 154:200317c 《钢结构防火涂料应用技术规范》CECS 24-199017e Code for application technology of fire resistive coating for steel structure CECS 24-199018c 《建筑内部装修设计防火规范》(1999年版)GB50222-9518e Code For Fire Prevention in Design of Interior Decoration of Buildings (1999 version) GB50222-95返回D 热工设计规范类/ Specifications on thermodynamic design 19c 《公共建筑节能设计标准》GB50189-200519e Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings GB50189-200520c 《民用建筑热工设计规范》GB 50176-9320e Code for Design of Heat Engineering of Civil Building GB 50176-93 21c 《采暖通风与空气调节设计规范》GB50019-200321e Code for Design of Heating Ventilation and Air ConditioningGB50019-200322c 《建筑气候区划标准》GB50178-9322e Standard for Climatic Regionalization for Building and Civil Engineering GB50178-9323c 《民用建筑节能设计标准(采暖居住建筑部分)》JGJ 26-95font-family:宋体;23e Energy Conservation Design Standard For New Heating Residential Buildings JGJ 26-9524c 《夏热冬冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准》JGJ 134-200124e Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone JGJ 134-200125c 《既有采暖居住建筑节能改造技术规程》JGJ 129-200025e Technical Specification for Energy Conservation Renovation of Existing Heating Residential Building JGJ 129-200026c 《建筑构件和建筑单元热阻和传热系数计算方法》GB/T 20311-200626e Building components and building elements - Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance - Calculation method GB/T 20311-2006 27c 《夏热冬暖地区居住建筑节能设计标准》JGJ 75-200327e Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings in Hot Summer and Warm Winter Zone JGJ 75-200328c 《中等热环境PMV 和PPD 指数的测定及热舒适条件的规定》GB/T18049-200028e Moderate thermal environments-Determination of the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort GB/T18049-200029c 《居住建筑节能设计标准》DBJ 01-602-200629e Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings DBJ 01-602-200630c 《公共建筑节能设计标准》DBJ 01-621-200530e Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings DBJ 01-621-200531c 《天津市公共建筑节能设计标准》DB29-153-200531e Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Tianjin Municipality DB29-153-200532c 《公共建筑节能设计标准(山东省工程建设标准)DBJ14-036-200632e Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings (Engineering construction standard of Shandong province) DBJ14-036-200633c 《居住建筑节能设计标准(山东省工程建设标准)》DBJ14-037-200633e Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings (Engineering construction standard of Shandong province) DBJ14-037-2006返回E 隔声设计规范类/ Specifications on sound insulation 34c 《民用建筑隔声设计规范》GBJ 118-8834e Code For Design Of Sound Insulation Of Civil Buildings GBJ 118-8835c 《建筑隔声评价标准》GB/T50121-200535e Standard For Assessment Of Building Sound InsulationGB/T50121-200536c 《声学 隔声罩和隔声间噪声控制指南》GB/T 19886-200536e Acoustics - Guidelines For Noise Control By Enclosures And Cabins GB/T 19886-200537c 《声学 开放式工厂的噪声控制设计规程》GB/T 20430-200637e Acoustics - Noise Control Design Procedures For Open Plant GB/T 20430-200638c 《建筑物防雷设计规范》(2000年版)GB50057-9438e Code for Design of Lightning Protection of Buildings (2000version) GB50057-9439c 《民用建筑电气设计规范》JGJ/T 16-9239e Code for Electrical Design of Civil Buildings JGJ/T 16-92 40c 《太阳光伏电源系统安装工程设计规范》CECS 84:9640e Code For Design Of Installation Engineering Of SolarPhotovoltaic Power System CECS 84: 96返回F 结构设计/ Structure design 48c 《建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准》GB50068-200148e Unified Standard For Reliability Design Of Building Structures GB50068-200149c 《建筑结构荷载规范》(2006年版)GB50009-200149e Load Code For The Design Of Building Structures (2006version)GB50009-200150c 《建筑抗震设计规范》GB50011-200150e Code for Seismic Design of Buildings GB50011-200151c 《建筑工程抗震设防分类标准》GB50223-200451e Standard For Classification Of Seismic Protection Of Building Constructions GB50223-200452c 《地震震级的规定》GB17740-199952e General Ruler For Earthquake Magnitude GB17740-1999 53c 《中国地震烈度表》GB/T 17742-199953e The Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale GB/T 17742-1999 54c 《工程抗震术语标准》JGJ/T 97-9554e Term Standard In Earthquake Engineering JGJ/T 97-95 55c 《钢结构设计规范》GB 50017-200355e Code For Design Of Steel Structures GB 50017-200356c 《高层民用建筑钢结构技术规程》JGJ 99-199856e Technical Specification For Steel Structure Of Tall Buildings JGJ 99-199857c 《冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范》GB 50018-200257e Technical Code Of Cold-Formed Thin-Wall Steel Structures GB 50018-200258c 《建筑钢结构焊接技术规程》JGJ81-2002font-family:宋体;58e Technical Specification For Welding For Steel Structure Of Building JGJ81-200259c 《钢结构加固技术规范》CECS 77-199659e Technical Code For Strengthening Steel Structures CECS 77-1996返回G 幕墙设计类/ Curtain wall design 74c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《玻璃幕墙工程技术规范》JGJ 102-200374e Design Part in Technical Specification of Glass Curtain Wall Engineering JGJ 102-200375c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《金属与石材幕墙工程技术规范》JGJ 133-200175e Technical Code for Metal and Stone Curtain Walls Engineering JGJ 133-200176c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《建筑幕墙》JG 3035-1996 76e Building Curtain Walls JG 3035-199677c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《建筑幕墙》03J103-2~7 77e Building Curtain Walls 03J103-2~778c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《建筑幕墙物理性能分级》GB/T 15225-199478e Graduation Of Physical Performances For Building Curtain Walls GB/T 15225-199479c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《点支式玻璃幕墙工程技术规程》CECS 127:200179e Technical specification for point supported glass curtain wall CECS 127:200180c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《建筑瓷板装饰工程技术规程》CECS 101-199880e Technical specification for porcelain decorative engineering of buildings CECS 101-199881c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《外通风双层幕墙制作、安装、验收标准》QB/JH001-200581e Fabrication, installation and acceptance test of external ventilated double skin facade QB/JH001-200582c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《点支式玻璃幕墙支承装置》JG 138-200182e The support device of point supported glass curtain wall JG 138-200183c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《吊挂式玻璃幕墙支承装置》JG 139-200183e The support device of suspended glass curtain wall JG 139-200184c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《干挂饰面石材及其金属挂件》JC 830.1~830.2-200584e Dry-hanging facing building stone and fixing metal systems JC 830.1~830.2-200585c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《玻璃幕墙光学性能》GB/T 18091-200085e Optical Properties Of Glass Curtain Walls GB/T 18091-200086c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《外墙外保温工程技术规程》JGJ144-200486e Technical code for External Wall External Insulation Technology JGJ144-200487c mso-bidi-font-size:font-family:宋体">《建筑幕墙工程技术规程(玻璃幕墙分册)》DBJ 08-56-199687e Technical code for glass curtain wall engineering DBJ08-56-1996返回 H 门窗设计类 / Door and window design88c 《铝合金门》GB/T 8478-200388e Aluminum alloy doors GB/T 8478-200389c 《铝合金窗》GB/T 8479-200389e Aluminum alloy windows GB/T 8479-200390c 《住宅建筑门窗应用技术规范》DBJ 01-79-200490e Technical specification for doors and windows of housing construction DBJ 01-79-200491c 《钢质防火窗》GB 16809-199791e Steel fire windows GB 16809-199792c 《推拉不锈钢窗》JG/T41-199992e Stainless steel sliding windows JG/T41-199993c 《集成型铝合金门窗》JG/T173-200593e Integrated aluminum doors and windows JG/T173-200594c 《电动采光排烟天窗》JG/T189-200694e Electric daylighting exclude smoke skylight JG/T189-2006 96c 《未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC —U)塑料窗》JG/T140-200596e Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC-U) WindowsJG/T140-2005 97c 《未增塑聚氯乙烯font-family:Arial; (PVC —U)JG/T180-200597e Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) doors JG/T180-2005 98c 《自动门》JG/T177-200598e automatic door JG/T177-200599c 《建筑门窗内平开下悬五金系统》JG/T168-200499e Tilt & turn hardware system of doors and windows JG/T168-2004 100c 《塑料门窗用密封条》GB/T12002-1989100e Sealing strips for plastic doors and windows GB/T12002-1989 102c 《建筑门窗密封毛条技术条件》JC/T 635-1996102e Technical requirements of seal wool top for doors and windows of buildings JC/T 635-1996103c 《闭门器》QB/T 2698-2005103e Door Closers QB/T 2698-2005104c 《塑料门窗及型材功能结构尺寸》JG/T176—2005104e Function structure measurement of plastic window/door and profile JG/T176-2005105c 《木质防火门通用技术条件》GB14101-1993105e Wood fire door--General Technical conditions GB14101-1993 106c 《彩色涂层钢板门窗型材》JG/T115—1999106e Color-Coated Steel Plates for door and window profilesJG/T115-1999107c 《钢质多功能户门门框型材》JG /T152-2003107e Profiles of steel multifunction external doorframeJG/T152-2003108c 《聚氯乙烯(PVC )门窗执手》JG/T124-2000108e Handle of rigid polyvinyl chloride window and door JG/T124-2000 109c 《聚氯乙烯(PVC )门窗合页(铰链)》JG/T125-2000109e Hinge of rigid polyvinyl chloride window and door JG/T125-2000 110c 《聚氯乙烯(PVC )门窗传动锁闭器》JG/T126-2000110e Driving gear of rigid polyvinyl chloride window and door JG/T126-2000111c 《聚氯乙烯(PVC )门窗滑撑》JG/T127-2000111e Sliding pivots of rigid polyvinyl chloride window and door112c 《聚氯乙烯(PVC )门窗挡》JG/T128-2000112e Stay of rigid polyvinyl chloride window and door JG/T128-2000 113c 《聚氯乙烯(PVC )门窗滑轮》JG/T129-2000113e Roller of rigid polyvinyl chloride window and door JG/T129-2000 114c 《聚氯乙烯(PVC )门窗半圆锁》JG/T130-2000114e Camlock of rigid polyvinyl chloride window and doorJG/T130-2000115c 《聚氯乙烯(PVC )门窗增强型钢》JG/T131-2000115e Reinforcement steel of rigid polyvinyl chloride window and door JG/T131-2000116c 《聚氯乙烯(PVC )门窗固定片》JG/T132-2000116e Stator of rigid polyvinyl chloride window and door JG/T132-2000返回 S 紧固件类 / Fasteners342c 《栓接结构用紧固件》GB/T 18230.1~18230.7-2000342e Fasteners for bolting structure GB/T 18230.1~18230.7-2000 343c 《六角头螺栓C 级》GB/T 5780-2000343e Hexagon head bolts-Product grade C GB/T 5780-2000344c 《六角全螺栓 全螺纹C 级》GB/T5781-2000344e Hexagon head bolts-Full thread-Product grade C. GB/T5781-2000 345c 《六角头螺栓》GB/T5782-2000345e Hexagon head bolts GB/T5782-2000346c 《钢结构用高强度大六角头螺栓》GB/T1228-2006346e High strength bolts with large hexagon head for steelstructuresGB/T1228-2006347c 《钢结构用高强度大六角螺母》GB/T1229-2006347e High strength large hexagon nuts for steel structures348c 《钢结构用高强度大六角头螺栓、大六角螺母、垫圈技术条件》GB/T1231-2006348e Specifications of high strength bolts with large hexagon head, large hexagon nuts, plain washers for steel structuresGB/T1231-2006349c 《螺栓或螺钉和平垫圈组合件》GB/T 9074.1-2002349e Bolt or screw and washer assemblies with plain washers GB/T 9074.1-2002350c 《钢网架螺栓球节点用高强度螺栓》GB/T16939-1997350e High strength bolts for joints of space grid structuresGB/T16939-1997351c 《钢结构用扭剪型高强度螺栓连接副》GB/T3632、3633-1995font-family:宋体;351e Sets of torshear type high strength bolt hexagon nut and plain washer for steel structures GB/T3632, 3633-1995352c 《六角螺母 C 级》GB/T41-2000352e Hexagon nuts-Product grade C GB/T41-2000353c 《十字槽盘头螺钉》GB/T818-2000353e Cross Recessed Pan Head Screw GB/T818-2000356c 《十字槽盘头自攻螺钉》GB/T 845-1985356e Cross recessed pan head tapping screws GB/T 845-1985 357c 《十字槽沉头自攻螺钉》GB/T 846-1985357e Cross recessed countersunk head tapping screws GB/T 846-1985 358c 《十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉》GB/T 847-1985358e Cross recessed raised countersunk head tapping screws GB/T 847-1985359c 《标准型弹簧垫圈》GB/T 93-1987359e Single coil spring lock washers--Normal type GB/T 93-1987 360c 《轻型弹簧垫圈》GB/T 859-87360e Single coil spring lock washers, Light type GB/T 859-87 361c 《平垫圈 C 级GB/T95-2002平垫圈 A 级》GB/T 97.1-2002 361e Plain washers--Product grade C GB/T 97.1-2002362c 《十字槽小盘头螺钉和平垫圈组合件》GB/T 9074.5-2004362e Cross recessed small pan head screw, single coil spring lock washer and plain washer assemblies GB/T 9074.5-2004 363c 《紧固件公差螺栓、螺钉、螺柱和螺母》GB/T 3103.1-2002363e Tolerances for fasteners--Bolts, screws and nuts GB/T3103.1-2002365c 《紧固件机械性能抽芯铆钉》GB/T 3098.19-2004365e Mechanical properties of fasteners--Blind rivets with break pull mandrel GB/T 3098.19-2004366c 《封闭型沉头抽芯铆钉11级 》GB/T 12616.1-2004366e 120 deg flush head break mandrel closed end blind rivets GB/T 12616.1-2004367c 《封闭型平圆头抽芯铆钉06级》GB/T 12615.3-2004367e Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head--Property class 06 GB/T 12615.3-2004368c 《封闭型平圆头抽芯铆钉30级》GB/T 12615.2-2004368e Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head--Property class 30 GB/T 12615.2-2004369c 《封闭型平圆头抽芯铆钉51级》GB/T 12615.4-2004369e Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head--Property class 51 GB/T 12615.4-2004370c 《封闭型平圆头抽芯铆钉11级》GB/T 12615.1-2004370e Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protrudinghead--Property class 11 GB/T 12615.1-2004371c 《开口型沉头抽芯铆钉10、11级》GB/T12617.1-2006371e Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head--property class 10 and 11 GB/T12617.1-2006 372c 《开口型沉头抽芯铆钉 30级》GB/T12617.2-2006372e Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head--property class 30 GB/T12617.2-2006373c 《开口型沉头抽芯铆钉 12级》GB/T12617.3-2006373e Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head--property class 12 GB/T12617.3-2006374c 《开口型沉头抽芯铆钉 51级》 GB/T12617.4-2006374e Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head--property class 51 GB/T12617.4-2006375c 《开口型沉头抽芯铆钉20、21、22级》GB/T12617.5-2006375e Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head--property class 20, 21 and22 GB/T12617.5-2006 376c 《开口型平圆头抽芯铆钉10、11级》 GB/T12618.1-2006376e Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head--property class 10 and 11 GB/T12618.1-2006 377c 《开口型平圆头抽芯铆钉 30级》GB/T12618.2-2006377e Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head--property class 30 GB/T12618.2-2006378c 《开口型平圆头抽芯铆钉 12级》 GB/T12618.3-2006378e Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head--property class 12 GB/T12618.3-2006379c 《开口型平圆头抽芯铆钉 51级》GB/T12618.4-2006379e Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head--property class 51 GB/T12618.4-2006380c 《开口型平圆头抽芯铆钉 20、21、22级》 GB/T12618.5-2006380e Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head —property class 20, 21 and 22 GB/T12618.5-2006 381c 《开口型平圆头抽芯铆钉 40、41级》GB/T12618.6-2006381e Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head--property class 30 GB/T12618.6-2006382c 《混凝土用膨胀型、扩孔型建筑锚栓》JG 160-2004382e Expansion and undercut building anchors for use in concrete JG 160-2004383c 《紧固件术语 盲铆钉》GB /T3099.2-2004383e Terminology of fasteners-Blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 384c 《钢管脚手架扣件》GB 15831-2006384e Steel tube scaffold couplers GB 15831-2006385c 《射钉》GB/T 18981-2003385e Nails GB/T 18981-2003386c 《射钉器》GB/T 18763-2002386e Powder actuated tools GB/T 18763-2002。

5.1.4模板中的钢构件设计应符合现行国家标准《钢结构设计规范》(GB)和《冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范》(GB)的规定,其截面塑性发展系数应取 1.0。

建设工程文献归档整顿规范Code for Construction Project Document Filing and Arrangement粮食平房仓设计规范Code of Design of Grain Storehouses建筑工程施工质量验收统一原则Unified Standard for Constructional Quality组合钢模板技术规范Technical Code of Composite Steel-Form建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范Code for Construction Quality Acceptance of Building Decoration钢构造工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptance of construction quality of steel structures工业锅炉安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of industrial boiler installation engineering电气装置安装工程电力变流设备施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of power convertor equipment电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验原则Erection works of electrical installations Standard for hand-over test of electric equipment电气装置安装工程母线施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of bus-bar device电气装置安装工程高压电器施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of high voltage appliance工业用水软化除盐设计规范Code for design of industrial water softening anddemineralization室外煤气热力工程设施抗震鉴定原则Code for seismic assessment of outdoor gas and heating engineering facilities工业金属管道设计规范Code for design of industrial metallic pipeline engineering预制混凝土构件质量检查评估原则Standard for quality inspection and assessment of precast concrete members建设工程监理规范Code for construction project management都市排水工程规划规范_ Code for planning of urban sewerage engineering猪屠宰与分割车间设计规范Code for design of workshop for pig slaughter and segmentation砌体工程检测技术原则Code for design of industrial metallic pipeline engineering智能建筑设计原则Standard for design of intelligent buildings消防通信指挥系统设计规范Code for design of fire communication and command system 建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程验收规范Code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程设计规范Code for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus电梯安装工程质量检查评估原则Standard for quality inspection and assessment of erection works of elevators工业炉砌工程质量检查评估原则Standard for quality inspection and assessment of brickworks for industrial furnaces地下铁道、轻轨交通工程测量规范Code for engineering surveying of subway and light rail transit engineering地下铁道、轻轨交通岩土工程勘察规范Code for geotechnical engineering investigation of subway and light rail transit建筑安装工程质量检查评估原则(容器工程) Standard for quality inspection and assessment of building construction erection works(container)建筑安装工程质量检查说不定原则(通用机械设备安装工程) Standard for quality inspection and assessment of building construction erection works (general machinery equipment)通风与空调工程质量检查评估原则Standard for quality inspection and assessment of Ventilation and air-conditioning works建筑电气安装工程质量评估原则Standard for quality inspection and assessment of ventilation and air-conditioning works建筑采暖卫生与煤气工程质量检查评估原则Standard for quality inspection and assessment of building heating, sanitary and gas engineering建筑工程质量检查评估原则Standard for quality inspection and assessment of building construction建筑安装工程质量检查评估统一原则Unified standard for quality inspection and assessment of building constructional erection works地下铁道工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of subway engineering风景名胜区规划规范Code for planning of scenic area电力工程基本术语原则Standard for basic terms of electric power engineering供水管井技术规范Technical standard for water supply well水泥工厂设计规范Code for design of cement plants核电厂总平面及运送设计规范Code for design of general plan and transportation of nuclear power plants都市电力规划规范Code for planning of urban electric power民用建筑可靠性鉴定原则Standard for reliability evaluation of civil buildings房地产估价规范Code for appraisal of real estate土工合成材料应用技术规范Technical code for application of geosynthetics都市工程管线综合规划规范Code for comprehensive planning of urban engineering pipeline浇灌与排水工程设计规范Code for design of irrigation and drainage水利水电工程地质勘察规范Code for geological investigation of water resources and hydropower engineering堤防工程设计规范Code for design of levee projects调幅收音台和调频电视转播台与公路防护商距原则Standard for protection distance from highway to AM, FM and TV rebroadcast stations飞机库设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of aircraft hangar公路工程构造可靠度设计统一原则Unified standard of reliability design of highway engineering structures都市给水工程规化规范Code for planning of urban water supply engineering泡沫灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of foam fire extinguishing systems都市规划基本术语原则Standard for basic terminology of urban planning岩土工程基本术语原则Standard for fundamental terms of geotechnical engineering起重设备安装工程施工验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of crane installation engineering铸造设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of casting equipment installation engineering破碎粉磨设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of crusher and mill equipment installation engineering压缩机、风机、泵安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of compressor, fan and pump installation engineering制冷设备空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of industrial boiler installation engineering锻压设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of forging - press equipment installation engineering金属切削机床安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of metal - cutting machine installation engineering持续输送设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of continuous conveyer equipment installation engineering地基动力特性测试规范Code for measurement method of dynamic properties of subsoil 给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of water supply and sewerage pipeline engineering核电厂抗震设计规范Code for seismic design of unclear power plants工程岩体试验措施原则Standard for test methods of engineering rock masses泵站设计规范Code for design of pumping stations工业设备及管道绝热工程设计规范Code for design of heat insulation engineering of industrial equipment and pipe lines气体灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for installation and acceptance of gas fire extinguishing systems铁路工程基本术语原则Standard for fundamental terms of railway engineering自动喷水灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing systems电力设施抗震设计规范Code for design of seismic of electrical installations电气装置安装工程电气照明装置施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of electric lighting devices电气装置安装工程1KV及如下配线工程施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of 1kV and under feeder cable engineering电气装置安装工程爆炸和火灾危险环境电气装置施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of electric device within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres电气装置安装工程起重机电气装置施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of power convertor equipment电气装置安装工程低压电器施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage apparatus输油管道理工程设计规范Code for design of oil transmission pipeline engineering工业安装工程质量检查说不定统一原则Unified standard for quality inspection and assessment of industrial erection engineering输气管道工程设计规范Code for design of gas transmission pipeline engineering通风与空调工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of ventilation and air -conditioning works采暖与卫生工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of heating and sanitary works现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of welding works of on -site equipment and industrial pipeline工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of industrial metallic pipeline engineering110~500kV架空电力线路施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of 110~kV over -head electrical power transmission机械设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of mechanical equipment installation engineering火力发电厂与变电所设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of power plant and substation工程测量基本术语原则Standard for foundational terminology of engineering survey并联电容器装置设计规范Code for design of installation of shunt capacitors铁路旅客车站建筑设计规范Code for design of railway passenger station buildings人民防空工程设计规范Code for design of civil air defense works建筑防腐蚀工程质量检查评估原则Standard for quality inspection and assessment of anticorrosion engineering of buildings建筑抗震设防分类原则Standard for classification of seismic protection of buildings建筑内部装修设计防火规范Code for fire prevention design of interior decoration of buildings钢构造工程质量检查评估原则Standard for quality inspection and assessment of structural steel engineering都市道路交通规划设计规范Code for planning design of transport on urban road水喷雾灭火系统设计规范Code for design on water spray fore extinguishing systems工程岩体分级原则Standard for classification of engineering rock masses电力工程电缆设计规范Code for design of cables of electric works铁路工程构造可靠度设计统一原则Unified standard for reliability design of railway煤炭工业矿井设计规范Code for the colliery design of coal mining industry矿山井巷工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of mining pit engineering建筑防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of building corrosion prevention works工业炉砌筑工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of brick works for industrial furnaces建筑地面工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of ground and floor engineering地下防水工程施工验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of underground water proof engineering屋面工程技术规范Technical code for roof engineering木构造工程施工质量验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of timber structure engineering砌体工程施工质量验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of masonry structure engineering地基与基础工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of foundation engineering土方与爆破工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of earthwork and blasting engineering防洪原则Standard for flood control有线电视系统工程技术规范Technical code for CATV system水利水电工程构造可靠度设计统一原则Unified standard for reliability design of hydraulic engineering structures民用闭路监视电视系统工程技术规范Technical code for civil closed circuit monitoring TV system engineering露天煤矿工程设计规范Code for design of open pit coal mine engineering高倍数、中倍数泡沫灭火系统设计规范(2023年版)Code for design of high and medium expansion foam fore extinguishing systems发生炉煤气站设计规范Code for design of producer gas stations建设工程施工现场面供用电安全规范Code for safety of power supply and consumption in engineering construction site二氧化碳灭火系统设计规范Code for design of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems 河港工程设计规范Code for design of river port engineering构筑物抗震设计规范Code for design of earthquake-resistant of structural constructions 多层厂房楼盖抗微振设计规范Code for design of anti-micro-vibration of multistory factoryfloor旅游旅馆建筑热工与空气调整节能设计原则Standard for design of air conditioning and energy conservation in tourism hotel buildings村镇规划原则Standard for planning of rural village and town工业企业总平面设计规范Code for design of general plan for industrial enterprises港口工程基本术语原则Standard for basic terms of port engineering工业设备及管道绝热工程质量检查评估原则Standard for quality inspection and assessment of heat insulation engineering of industrial equipment and pipelines工业金属管道工程质量检查评估原则Standard for quality inspection and assessment of industrial metal pipeline engineering原油和天然气工程设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of crude电气装置安装工程电梯电气装置施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of electrical appa蓄滞洪区建筑工程技术规范Technical code for constructional engineering in flood detention basin都市居住区规划设计规范Code of urban Residential areas planning m Design河流流量测验规范Code for measurement of fluid flow in open channels建筑气候区划原则Standard for climatic region-alization for building and civil engineering 氢氧站设计规范Code for design of hydrogen and oxygen stations民用建筑热工设计规范Code for thermal design of civil buildings露天煤矿工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of open pit coal-mine engineering电子计算机机房设计规范Code for design of electronic computer room电气装置安装工程35kV及如下架空电力线路施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of 35kV and under over-head power levels电气装置安装工程蓄电池施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of battery电气装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路结线施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installation and acceptance of switchboard outfit, complete cubicle and secondary circuit 电气装置安装工程旋转电机施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code of construction and acceptance of rotating electrical machines电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of earthed devices电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of cable levels工程摄影测量原则Code for engineering photogrammetry火灾自动报警系统施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of automatic fore alarm systems古建筑木构造维护与加固技术规范Technical code for maintenance and reinforcement ofancient timber buildings混凝土质量控制原则Standard for quality control of concrete卤代烷1301灭火设计规范Code for design of halon 1301 for extinguishing systems道路工程制图原则Standard for road engineering drawing烟花爆竹工厂设计安全规范Code for safety design of fire-works and firecrackers plants 石油化工企业设计防火规范code for fire protection design of petrochemical enterprises 河流悬移质泥沙测验规范Code for measurement of suspended sediment in open channels港口工程构造可靠度设计统一原则Unified standard for reliability design of port engineering地下铁道设计规范code for design of under-ground railway小型石油库及汽车加油站设计规范Code for design of small petrochemical storage depots and service stations采暖通风与空气调整术语原则Standard for terminology of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning地下及覆土火药炸药仓库设计安全生产规范Code for safety design of underground and earth powder and explosive warehouse工程构造可靠度设计统一原则Unified standard for reliability design of engineering structures混凝土构造试验措施原则Standard for test methods of concrete structures低倍数泡沫灭火系统设计规范Code for design of low expansion foam extinguishing systems电气装置安装工程高压电器施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of high voltage appliance粉煤灰混凝土应用技术规程Technical code for application of fly ash concrete土旳分类原则Standard for classification of soils工业厂房可靠性鉴定原则Standard for reliability evaluation of industrial factory buildings 架空电力线路、变电所对电视差转台、转播台无线电干扰防护间距原则Standard for protective spacing of radio interference from over-head electric lines, substations to t中、短波广播发射台与电缆载波通信系统旳防护间距原则Standard for protective spacing between medium, short wave broadcast transmitting station and electric cable carrier telecommunication systems给水排水构筑物施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of constructional structures of water supply and sewerage建筑灭火器配置设计规范Code for design of extinguisher disposition in buildings内河通航原则Standard for navigation of inland river水位观测原则Standard for observation of water level都市用地分类与规划建设用地原则Standard for classification of urban land and for planning of constructional land电镀废水治理设计规范Code for design of disposal of electroplating waste water高耸构造设计规范Code for design of high-rise structures人防工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of civil air defense works 民用建筑照明设计原则Standard for design of artificial lighting in civil buildings工程构造设计基本术语和通用符号Standard for basic terms and general symbols used in structural design of engineering自动化仪表安装工程质量检查评估原则Standard for quality inspection and assessment of installation works for automatic instruments钢筋混凝土升板构造技术规范Technical code for reinforced concrete lift-slab structure砌体基本力学性能试验措施原则Standard for test methods of basic mechanical properties of masonry立式圆筒开形钢制焊接油罐施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of stand cylindrical steel welded oil storage tank架空索道工程技术规范Technical code for aerial ropeway engineering工业设备及管道绝热工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of heat insulation in industrial equipment and pipe work给水排水设计基本术语原则Standard for basic terms used in design of water supply and sewerage engineering道路工程术语原则Standard for terms used in road engineering土工试验措施原则Standard for test methods of earthworks工业企业噪声测量规范Code for measurement of noise in industrial enterprises建筑隔声评价原则Standard for assessment of building sound insulation工业企业共用天线电视系统设计规范Code for design of community television system in industrial enterprises混凝土外加剂应用技术规范Technical code for application of admixture in concrete民用建筑隔声设计规范Code for sound insulation design of civil buildings工业构筑物抗震鉴定原则Standard for earthquake-resistant evaluation of industrial constructional structures火灾自动报警系统设计规范Code for design of automatic fire alarm systems工业电视系统工程设计规范Code for design of close circuit television system采暖通风与空气调整制图原则Standard for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning drawings液压滑动模板施工技术规范Technical code for construction using hydraulic slip formworks膨胀土地区建筑技术规范Technical code for buildings in swelling soil zone铁路工程抗震设计规范Code for seismic design of railway engineering卤代烷1211灭火系统设计规范Code for design of haton1211fire extinguishing systems 地下工程防水技术规范Technical code for water proof in underground engineering混凝土强度检查评估原则Standard for inspection and assessment of strength of concrete给水排水制图原则Standard for water supply and sewerage drawing建筑构造制图原则Standard for structural drawing建筑制图原则Standard for architectural drawing总图制图原则Standard for general layout drawing工业循环冷却水设计规范Code for design of industrial recirculating cooling water建筑楼梯模数协调原则Standard for modular coordination of building staircases住宅建筑模数协调原则Standard for modular coordination of dwelling houses中小学校建筑设计规范Code for design of secondary and primary school buildings人民防空工程设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of civil air defense works水泥混凝土路面施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of cement concrete pavement住宅设计规范Code for design of dwelling houses水文基本术语和符号原则Standard for terms and symbols used in hygrometry球形储罐施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of spherical tank工业自动化仪表工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of industrial automatic instrument works沥青路面施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of asphalt pavement铁路车站及枢纽设计规范Code for design of railway stations and railway terminals铁路线路设计规范Code for design of railway line民用爆破器材工厂设计安全规范Code for safety design of civil explosive materials manufacturing plants驻波管法吸声系数与声阻抗率测量规范Code for measurement of sound-absorbing coefficient and specific acoustic impedance of standing-wave工业企业噪声控制设计规范Code for design of noise control in industrial enterprises锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范Technical code for shot concrete rock bolts shore喷灌工程技术规范Technical code for sprinkling irrigation engineering自动喷水灭火系统设计规范Code for design of automatic fire sprinkler systems建筑构造设计术语和符号原则Standard for terminology and symbols used in design of building structures一般混凝土长期性能和耐久性能试验措施Standard for test methods of long-term performance and durability of ordinary concrete一般混凝土力学性能试验措施原则Standard for test methods of mechanical properties of ordinary concrete一般混凝土拌合物性能试验措施Standard for test methods of properties of ordinary concrete mixture工业企业通信接地设计规范Code for design of telecommunications earthing in industrial enterprises烟囱工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of chimney works钢筋混凝土筒仓设计规范Code for design of reinforced concrete silos厅堂混响时间测量规范Code for measurement of reverberation time in hall建筑隔声测量规范Code for measurement of building sound insulation石油库设计规范Code for design of petroleum depots洁净厂房设计规范Code for design of industrial clean rooms冷库设计规范Code for design of cold-storages小型水力发电站设计规范Code for design of small-sized hydropower stations矿山电力装置设计规范Code for design of mine electrical power equipment给水排水工程构造设计规范Code for structural design of water supply and sewerage engineering建筑构造设计统一原则Unified standard for design of building structures汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of garage, motor repair shop and parking area制冷设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of installation works of refrigeration equipment工业与民用电力装置旳接地设计规范Code for design of earthing of industrial and civil electrical installation工业与民用电力装置旳过电压保护设计规范Code for design of over-voltage protection of industrial and civil electrical installation电力装置旳电气测量仪表装置设计规范Code for design of electrical measuring instrumentation of electrical installation电力装置旳继电保护和自动装置设计规范Code for design of relaying protection and automatic device of electric power installation66KV及如下架空电力线路设计规范Code for design of 66KV or under over-head electrical power transmission line3~110KV高压配电装置设计规范Code for design of 3~110KV high voltage electrical installations35~110KV变电所设计规范Code for design of 35~110KV爆炸和火灾危险环境电力装置设计规范Code for design of electric installations within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres建筑物防雷设计规范Code for design of lightning protection of buildings电热设备电力装置设计规范Code for design of electrical equipment of electroheat installations通用用电设备配电设计规范Code for design of power distribution of general electrical installations低压配电装置及线路设计规范Code for design of low voltage power distribution installations and wiring systems10KV及如下变电所设计规范Code for design of 10KV or under substations供配电系统设计规范Code for design of electric power supply systems烟囱设计规范Code for design of chimneys工业循环冷却水处理设计规范Code for design of industrial recirculating cooling water treatment小型火力发电厂设计规范Code for design of small -sized power plant混响室法吸声系数测量规范Code for measurement of sound -absorbing coefficient in reverberation room工业建筑防腐蚀设计规范Code for design of corrosion prevention of industrial buildings 高层民用建筑设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of high-rise buildings室外给水排水工程设施抗震鉴定原则Standard for seismic assessment of outdoor water supply and sewerage engineering facilities工业企业通信设计规范Code for design of telecommunication in industrial enterprises锅炉房设计规范Code for design of boiler house动力机器基础设计规范Code for design of dynamic machine foundation村镇建筑设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of rural buildings人民防空地下室设计规范Code for design of basement for civil air defense建筑地面设计规范Code of design for ground surface and floor of buildings工业企业照明设计原则Standard for artificial lighting design of industrial enterprises医院洁净手术部建筑技术规范Standard for daylighting design of industrial enterprises室外给水排水和煤气热力工程抗震设计规范Code for earthquake-resistant design of outdoor water supply, sewerage, gas and heating engineering乙炔站设计规范Code for design of acetylene stations氧气站设计规范Code for design of oxygen station压缩空气站设计规范Code for design of compressed air stations城镇燃气设计规范Code for design of city gas engineering供水水文地质勘察规范Code for hydro-geological investigation of water supply工程测量规范Code for engineering surveying湿陷性黄土地区建筑规范Code for building construction in collapsible loess zone建筑抗震鉴定原则Standard for earthquake-resistant evaluation of buildings厂矿道路设计规范Code for design of road in factories and mining areas岩土工程勘察规范Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering采暖通风与空气调整设计规范Code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning 冷弯薄壁型钢构造技术规范Technical code for design of cold-formed thin -wall steel structures钢构造设计规范Code for design of steel structures建筑设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of buildings建筑给水排水设计规范Code for design of building water supply and sewerage室外排水设计规范Code for design of outdoor sewerage engineering室外给水设计规范Code for design of outdoor water supply engineering工业企业原则轨距铁路设计规范Code for design of standard track gauge railway in industrial enterprises建筑抗震设计规范Code for seismic design of buildings混凝土构造设计规范Code for design of concrete structures建筑构造荷载规范Loading code for design of building structures建筑地基基础设计规范Code for design of building厂房建筑模数协调原则Standard for modular coordination of factory buildings 木构造设计规范Code for design of timber structures砌体构造设计规范Code for design of masonry structures建筑模数协调统一原则Unified standard for modular coordination of buildings 房屋建筑制图统一原则Unified standard for building drawing。

---Project Name:[Insert Project Name]Date of Handover:[Insert Date]Prepared by:[Insert Name of Safety Officer or Manager]To:[Insert Names of Workers, Supervisors, and other Relevant Personnel]---Introduction:This Safety Technical Handover is provided to ensure that all personnel involved in the construction project are aware of the potential hazards associated with the work being carried out. It is essential that all safety procedures and guidelines are followed to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment.---1. Project Overview:- Briefly describe the project scope, including the nature of the work, location, and duration.- Outline the key activities and phases of the project.---2. Safety Policy and Objectives:- State the c ompany’s safety policy and commitment to health and safety.- Define the objectives of the safety program, such as reducing accidents and promoting a safe working culture.---3. Hazard Identification:- List all potential hazards identified in the project, including but not limited to:- Falls from height- Electrical hazards- Moving machinery- Working at heights- Excavation and trenching- Chemical exposure- Fire and explosion hazards- Dust and fumes- Equipment malfunctions---4. Control Measures:- Provide detailed instructions on how each identified hazard will be controlled, including:- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements (e.g., helmets, gloves, safety boots, eye protection)- Fall protection systems (e.g., guardrails, safety nets, harnesses)- Electrical safety measures (e.g., lockout/tagout procedures, grounded equipment)- Machine guarding and safety interlocks- Trenching and excavation safety procedures (e.g., sloping, shoring, ventilation)- Chemical handling and storage protocols- Fire prevention and extinguisher use- Dust and fume control methods- Regular equipment maintenance and inspection---5. Emergency Procedures:- Outline the procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency, including:- First aid procedures and locations of first aid kits- Evacuation routes and assembly points- Contact information for emergency services- Actions to take in the event of a fire, chemical spill, or other hazardous situations---6. Training and Competence:- Describe the training provided to all personnel, including:- Health and safety induction- Specific task training (e.g., working at heights, electrical safety)- Regular refresher training sessions- Competence assessments and certification---7. Monitoring and Auditing:- Explain the monitoring and auditing processes to ensure compliance with safety standards, including:- Regular site inspections- Safety meetings and toolbox talks- Near-miss and incident investigations- Compliance with regulatory requirements---8. Communication:- Emphasize the importance of clear communication among all personnel, including:- Reporting hazards and incidents immediately- Understanding and following safety instructions- Encouraging open dialogue about safety concerns---Conclusion:The safety of all personnel is paramount in this construction project. It is the responsibility of each individual to adhere to the safety procedures and guidelines outlined in this handover. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or even fatality. Please take the time to review this information thoroughly and ensure that all safety measures are understood and implemented.---Signature of Safety Officer/Manager:[Insert Name]Date:[Insert Date]---Note:This template should be customized to fit the specific requirements of the project. Regular updates and revisions should be made as necessary to reflect any changes in the。

Introduction:This template is designed to provide a comprehensive guide for conducting a safety technical handover during the construction phase. It aims to ensure that all relevant safety information, procedures, and guidelines are effectively communicated to the project team. The template should be adapted to suit the specific project requirements and should be reviewed and updated as necessary.I. Project Overview1. Project Name:2. Project Location:3. Client Information:4. Contractor Information:5. Project Duration:6. Key Stakeholders:II. Safety Objectives1. To ensure the safety and health of all personnel on the construction site.2. To comply with all applicable safety regulations and standards.3. To minimize the risk of accidents and incidents.4. To promote a safety culture within the project team.III. Safety Policies and Procedures1. Safety Policy Statement: Outline the organization’s commitment to safety.2. Safety Manual: Provide a comprehensive guide to safety practices and procedures.3. Risk Assessment: Identify potential hazards and implement control measures.4. Emergency Procedures: Outline steps to be taken in the event of an emergency.5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy: Specify the types of PPE required for different tasks.IV. Site Specific Safety Information1. Site Layout and Access: Describe the site layout, including temporary structures, access points, and traffic management.2. Construction Activities: Detail the various construction activities and the corresponding safety requirements.3. Equipment and Machinery: List all equipment and machinery used on the site, along with their safety features and operating procedures.4. Temporary Works: Outline the design, construction, and maintenance of temporary works, such as scaffolding, shoring, and formwork.5. Environmental Considerations: Address environmental hazards, such as noise, dust, and emissions, and the measures to control them.V. Safety Training and Competency1. Safety Training Programs: List all safety training programs required for the project team, including induction training, task-specific training, and refresher courses.2. Competency Assessments: Describe the process for assessing the competency of workers, including qualifications, experience, and certification.3. Health Monitoring: Outline the procedures for monitoring the health of workers, particularly those exposed to hazardous substances.VI. Safety Management System1. Safety Management Plan: Provide a detailed plan for managing safety throughout the project lifecycle.2. Safety Meetings: Schedule regular safety meetings to discuss safety concerns, review incidents, and provide updates.3. Safety Audits: Conduct periodic safety audits to ensure compliance with safety policies and procedures.4. Incident Reporting: Establish a clear process for reporting and investigating accidents and incidents.VII. Communication and Reporting1. Communication Channels: Define the communication channels for safety-related information, including meetings, bulletins, and signage.2. Reporting Requirements: Outline the procedures for reporting safety-related issues, including near-misses, hazards, and incidents.3. Record Keeping: Establish a system for maintaining records of safety activities, training, and incidents.VIII. Conclusion1. Reiterate the importance of safety to all project team members.2. Emphasize the responsibility of each individual to adhere to safety policies and procedures.3. Encourage open communication regarding safety concerns.4. Provide contact information for the safety officer or designated safety representative.Please note that this template is a general guide and should be customized to meet the specific needs of your project. Regular reviews and updates are essential to ensure ongoing compliance with safety standards and regulations.。

6 当支架立柱高度超过5m时,应在立柱周圈外侧和 中间有结构柱的部位,按水平间距6-9m、竖向间 距2~3m与建筑结构设置一个固结点。
风险行业,每一环节、每道工序,慎之又慎、 循规蹈矩,强调程序化,实施安全文明标准化, 目的是加强企业自律、促进依法施工,有效落实 安全技术措施,控制危害和危险因素,实现平安 施工,以构造和谐建设环境,体现更好人文关怀, 民本关爱,营造良好的企业文化,使建筑业发展 更有序更健康!
第五十一条 模板支撑系统应采用钢管和扣件搭设,严禁使用 木、竹等材料搭设。 第五十三条 模板支撑系统应按要求设置立柱和纵横向扫地杆 及大横杆,各杆件的间距均由计算决定,同时应满足下列要 求:
第一步大横杆的步距均不应大于1.8m,其它大横杆的步距均 不应大于1.2m;
3 当露天支架立柱为群柱架时,高宽比不应大于5,当 高宽比大于5时,必须加设抛撑或揽风绳,保证宽度方 向的稳定。
用门式钢管脚手架作支架立柱时,应符合下列规定: 1 几种门架混合使用时,必须取支撑力最小的门架作 为设计依据; 2 荷载亦直接作用在门架两边的轴线上,必要时可设 横梁将荷载传于两立杆顶端,且应按单榀门架进行承 力计算;
3 立柱接长严禁搭接,必须采用对接扣件连接,相邻两立柱的 对接接头不得在同步内,且对接接头沿竖向错开的距离不宜小 于500mm,各接头中心距主节点不宜大于步距的1/3。
4 严禁将上段的钢管立柱与下段钢管立柱错开固定在水平拉杆 上。
第五十二条 模板支撑系统的基础应具有足够的承载力,每 根立柱底部均应设置木垫板和钢底座。

目录 Contents1 目的 Purpose2 适用范围 Applicable Scope3 定义 Definitions4 参考文件 Reference Documents5一般要求 General Requirements6具体施工方法 Construction Method1.目的:使惠州乙烯HDPE、PP聚乙烯,聚丙烯装置砼模板工程达到设计及规范要求,指导施工而编制该程序。
Purpose: This procedure is prepared to ensure the formwork erection for PP+HDPE plant in conformity with the design requirements.2.适用范围:中国石油天然气第六建设公司所承包工程内所有有关砼模板工程。
Applicable Scope: This procedure shall apply to the formwork erected by CP6CC for PP+HDPE plant.3.定义 Definitions业主Owner:CSPC总承包商General Contractor:TISA分承包商Subcontractor:中国石油天然气第六建设公司 CP6CC4.参考文件 Reference DocumentsWR-8310-7000-0201 CIVIL WORKS REQUISITION FOR PP-HDPE PLANTTM930.2/03 CIVIL WORKS CHARGES AND LIABILITYGB 50300-2001 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准UNIFIED QUALITY STANDARD FOR CIVIL ENGINEERINGCONSTRUCTION ACCEPTANCEGB 50204-2002 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范QUALITY ACCEPTANCE SPECIFICATION FOR CONCRETESTRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION5.模板施工的一般要求 General Requirements for formwork erection5.1模板及其支架应根据工程结构形式、荷载大小、地基土的类别等条件进行设计模板及其支架应具有足够的刚度和稳定性能可靠的承受浇注砼的重量、侧压力及施工荷载。

《Code for design of civil buildings》
《Design code for residential buildings》
《Code for acceptance of construction quality of building ground》
《Code for construction quality acceptance of building decoration》
《Code of design for sprinkler systems》
《Code for design of automatic fire alarm system》
《Code for acceptance of installation quality of lifts ,escalators and passenger conveyors》