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【摘要】In the light of the influence of wind load influence on construction stability in the long cantilever erection of the steel truss girder of Huanggang Changjiang River Rail-cum-Road Bridge, the reasonable wind-resistant measures for the erection of the girder were studied. The wind load acting on the steel truss girder was analyzed, the software MIDAS Civil was used to set up the model for the construction stages of the erection and 3 kinds of combinations of the windresistant measures (? The seismic stopper blocks were leveled and tightly set; (2) the longitudinal limit device was arranged for the girder and (3) the wind-resistant brackets only sustaining compression were arranged) were also analyzed. Finally it was determined that the combination of the meacures
① and ③ should be applied, i. e. the wind-resistant brackets only sustaining compression were to be welded at the part between the upper chords of the girder blocks A23-A24, A24-A25 (A23'-A24', A24'-A25') and the pylon and the seismic stopper blocks at the top of the lower cross beam were leveled and tightly set. Practice proved that the effect of the combination of the measures finally applied in the construction was sound.%针对黄冈公铁两用长江大桥钢桁梁大悬臂架设过程中风荷载对施工稳定性的影响,
进行合理的钢桁梁大悬臂架设抗风措施研究.分析作用于钢桁梁的风荷载,并利用MIDAS Civil软件建立钢桁梁悬臂架设施工阶段模型,对3种抗风措施(①将抗震挡块抄垫顶紧;②设置钢梁纵向限位装置;③设置只受压抗风牛腿)组合进行分析.最终确定采用抗风措施①和③的组合,即在钢桁梁A23-A24、A24-A25(A23'-A24'、A2’-A25’)上弦杆与塔柱之间焊接只受压抗风牛腿并将下横梁顶部抗震挡决抄垫顶紧.实践证明,所采用的组合抗风措施在使用过程中效果良好.
1.黄冈公铁两用长江大桥钢桁梁架设技术研究 [J], 邓永锋;周明星
2.黄冈公铁两用长江大桥主跨567m钢桁梁斜拉桥设计 [J], 李卫华;杨光武;徐伟
3.黄冈公铁两用长江大桥钢桁梁斜拉桥施工监控 [J], 李卫华;杨光武;岳青;吴国强
4.黄冈公铁两用长江大桥钢桁梁主跨主动快速合龙施工技术研究 [J], 张露
5.黄冈公铁两用长江大桥钢桁梁主跨主动快速合龙施工技术研究 [J], 张德致;张露;刘喜惠;杨正伟