跑酷称作“城市疾走”或Parkour。它 Parkour把整个城市当作一个大训练 诞生于80年代的法国,“Parkour”一 场,一切围墙、屋顶都成为可以攀爬、 词来自法文的“parcourir”,直译就是 穿越的对象,特别是废弃的房屋这项 “到处跑”,此外它还含有“超越障 街头疾走极限运动, 非常具有观赏性。 碍训练场”的意思。 Parkour is the called" freerun." or Parkour put alsowhole city as a training Parkour. It was born the roof may ground, all the walls, in 80 in France, the become climb, crossing the haveword "Parkour" comes from the French for " parcourir", the literal target, especially in abandoned translation this running around", it also houses in is " street scurry extreme contains ornamental. sports, verythe " obstacle course ."Fra bibliotek谢谢观赏
tic tac
wall spin
手撑旋转的进阶。练习此动作之前必须掌握 手撑旋转(熟练到斜墙做)
Practice of the movement before must grasp the hand rotation ( familiar to the inclined wall )
跑酷运动介绍I. 引言:A.跑酷的定义跑酷(Parkour),源自法语单词“parcours”,最初指的是障碍赛跑。
它融合了多种运动技巧,包括但不限于跑步、跳跃、翻滚、攀爬和平衡,这些技巧在跑酷中被称为“动作语言”(movement vocabulary)。
这项运动的创始人是大卫·贝尔(David Belle),他受到了父亲雷蒙德·贝尔(Raymond Belle)的影响,雷蒙德是一位在越南接受过军事训练的消防员。
大卫·贝尔将这种训练方式带回法国,并与其他几位朋友一起,如塞巴斯蒂安·福康(Sébastien Foucan)和查尔斯·佩雷斯(Charles Perrière),共同创立了跑酷。
The Philosophy of Parkour
• “free your mind”,trying not to think of the situation you are in, but merely trying to 'feel' your way through it, is fundamental to Parkour.
The Definition of Parkour The Origin of Parkour The Philosophy of Parkour The Impacts of Parkour on people
Parkour is a kind of extreme sport emphasizing to show and challenge personal potential in body and mind. Parkour is the art of moving through your environment,using only your body and the surroundings to propel yourself. It includes running, jumping, climbing, even crawling .
In the beginning, parkour is played in western countries, such as France, Britain, America and so on. It got its popularity in the Britain in 2002.
In 2004, David belle directed a movie named The District 13. Through this movie,people all around know what the parkour is.
Parkour is practiced in not widely used public facilities such as skate parks. Although efforts are being made to create places for it, some traceurs do not like the idea as it is contradictory to the philosophy of freedom. Traceurs practice parkour in urban areas such as gyms, parks, playgrounds, offices, and abandoned structures.
• Еfор Moscow (Russia) he is the former chairman of the association of parkour, climb down from the bridge in a training, unfortunately was struck by cars traveling rapidly under the bridge.。
The harm of parkour
• One:
• Parkour because there is no established rules, people just do the sport everyday as obstacles or auxiliary facilities, run and jump in it, so the risk is very high .
• Parkour is not trained, which leads to bad things happen。
• 勇气是一个人自身 的本质,自身内在 目标的肯定。勇气 是不顾一切的自我 肯定,不顾一切阻 碍它完成自我肯定 。是一个人超越自 己的必要条件
登墙跳(tic tac) 登墙跳
猴 跳
懒人跳( 懒人跳(lazy vault) )
墙转(wall spin)
倒立,凌空倒立(hand stand)
• 学 Parkour会让人明白, 怎么克服自己的 恐惧(Fear),和加强克服困难的能力。 人是不断提升自己和突破障碍的 • 生命就是危险。不管我们怎样努力……都 逃不过这无情的事实:危险绝不会消失。 风险无处不在,而我们无处可逃。但我们 可以学着去正确地控制危险,并把它减到 最小。
• 跑酷运动是由法国 (David Belle)所创 ) 立的, 立的,它能使人通过 敏捷的运动来增强身 心对紧急情况的应变 能力, 能力,这点和武术近 不同之处, 似。不同之处,武术 格斗反击, 格斗反击,而跑酷紧 急脱逃。 急脱逃。
跑酷亦称作“城市疾走” 跑酷亦称作“城市疾走”或Parkour。 。 它诞生于80年代的法国 年代的法国, 它诞生于 年代的法国,意思就是 到处跑” 此外它还含有“ “到处跑”,此外它还含有“超越障 碍训练场”的意思。 碍训练场”的意思。Parkour把整个 把整个 城市当作一个大训练场,一切围墙、 城市当作一个大训练场,一切围墙、 屋顶都成为可以攀爬、穿越的对象, 屋顶都成为可以攀爬、穿越的对象, 特别是废弃的房屋这项街头疾走极动, 特别是废弃的房屋这项街头疾走极动, 非常具有观赏性。 非常具有观赏性。
Parkour is an art, it can bring us good visual effects, but it’s not enough. Through a period of training, you can become stronger and stronger, good flexibility, good balance, good bounce, and can do some movements which you couldn’t do before. And you know how to cope with the dangerous situation.
Thank you~
In the beginning, parkour is played in western countries, such as France, Britain, America and so on. It got its popularity in the Britain in 2002. In 2004, David belle directed a movie named The District 13. Through this movie , people all around know what the parkour is.
The first people, who introduce the parkour to China in 2006, is Hong Zhou, He also founded the China parkour official website. Yize Du is regarded as the first people to organize the first parkour team named China parkour in China.
跑酷 parkour
![跑酷 parkour](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/be256ac0195f312b3169a555.png)
Parkour (sometimes abbreviated to PK) is where participants jump, vault, and climb over obstacles in a fluid manner. It is a non-competitive way to move fluidly despite ones environment. It was developed from military obstacle course training.“跑酷”(有时缩写为PK),也称为“移动的艺术”,指参与者用跳跃、跨越或者攀爬等一系列流畅的动作通过障碍物的一种运动。
现在明白了吧?The object of parkour is to get from one place to another using only the human body and the objects in the environment. The obstacles can be anything in one's environment, but parkour is often seen practiced in urban areas because of the many suitable public structures available such as buildings and rails.“跑酷”的目标是不借助任何仪器,仅凭借人体和现有环境中的物体从一个地点到达另一个地点。
Parkour is an art, it can bring us good visual effects, but it’s not enough. Through a period of training, you can become stronger and stronger, good flexibility, good balance, good bounce, and can do some movements which you couldn’t do before. And you know how to cope with the dangerous situation.
Thank you~
我们在考评中存在的问题 绩效考评是什么 为什么要进行绩效考评 绩效考评的内容 绩效考评的程序 绩效考核的条件 绩效考评的结果运用 绩效考评的方法-KPI指标评价 KPI指标分解 员工KPI体系建设 考评结果与薪酬重组
Influenced by these factors, David Belle finally created the parkour sport. After that , he and his frieganization called Yamakasi at the suburb of Lessees in Paris in 1988.
The Definition of Parkour The Origin of Parkour The Philosophy of Parkour The Impacts of Parkour on people
David Belle, the founder of the parkour, was trained to play as ninja when he was very young, jumping, running on the roofs of the school buildings. At the same time, David Belle was influenced by his father who was ever a soldier deeply.
In China
• Du Yi ze(杜易泽) is the trendsetter of parkour in China . Still being a university student, he developed the first parkour group of the country with his efforts. He also founded the China Parkour Club, which is the most influential group in the mainland.
• Reason three:Wow Factor When you see somebody doing a flip off of a building, jumping over and through obstacles like they’re walking in a park, and leaping from point to point with the grace of a squirrel, you get inspired. Too people who have never heard of Parkour, a Parkour video appears to be a bunch of super humans jumping from building to building like Spider Man. This factor makes people research it more and look up tutorials, practice, and learn it.
Basic movements
Landing :Bending the knees when toes make contact with ground (never land flat footed; always land on toes and ball of your foot, or whole footed). Balance :Walking along the crest of an obstacle; literally "balance." Cat Crawl :Quadrupedal(四足着地的) movement along the crest of an obstacle.
• 诞生 • Parkour是诞生在80年代的法国,而在2002年在英国开始盛行,在 Parkour的世界里,练习者称谓"Traceur"。Parkour 跑酷运动的动作是 结合了所有自由的动作,提升创意并且鼓励人们去找到属於自己的信 仰。在Parkour的领域里,不少Traceur极力想表现flips、spin这些未 收录的的动作,这也表达出了Parkour并不局限於某些固定的动作。甚 至你也能够把自己动作加到Parkour里面。 • 编辑本段团队 • 跑酷运动是一种自由穿越障碍的运动(又名:Parkour)06年进入中国, 由杜易泽创建中国跑酷俱乐部并带领.经过两年多时间在国内不断努力 的宣传,现在知道跑酷运动的人越来越多,去年曾登上 2008年央视春 节歌舞晚会,今年又 被候选奥运会开幕式和闭幕式的备选节目。 • 如今杜易泽带领的中国跑酷俱乐部已被央视看重有望登上 2009年的春 节晚会。 • 目前杜易泽跑酷俱乐部加强训练并选出20名高手作为演出团来备战。 据说这次排练节目时间是3分钟。给观众带来极限刺激的动作。但杜易 泽本人回答“我们更希望有体育品牌或者饮料商能与我们合作展开全 国的跑酷发展,也给于些资金赞助来助我们排练和发展,望这次能排 出好的节目正式被央视采用。节目能上春晚对这项运动在中国的发展 会起到很大推动作用,希望全国的跑酷爱好者们给我们精神上的支持, 我们一直都在努力。” • 编辑本段中国跑酷运酷一族,但是至少你应该体验 这种将生命力挥洒到极限的运动,那么就玩《镜之边缘》吧! • 来自瑞典的DICE公司最有名的作品要算是《战地》系列了, 但是你知道吗,其实它还出过很多其他作品,例如竞速 游戏, 弹球游戏,甚至还有一款叫做《LegacyofRosemondHill》的 骑术游戏。而这一款《镜之边缘(Mirror'sEdge)》, 不但对DICE来说是个创新,而且在整个电子游戏领域里也是 首次出现这种题材的作品。简而言之,这是一款第一人称的跑 酷(Parkour)游戏。 • 跑酷起源于法国,它把整个城市当作一个大训练场,一切围墙、 屋顶都成为可以攀爬、穿越的对象。如果你看过法国电影 《Banlieue13》你就明白 • “跑酷”是一种什么运动,而跑酷 • 也是《镜之边缘》的核心。在一个 • 虚构的城市中,到处是林立的摩天 • 大楼和宽阔整洁的道路,但这种秩 • 序是以高昂的代价换来的。政府由 • 警察把持,他们对一切电信内容进行窃听,监视市民的一举一 动。玩家将扮演一个名叫Faith的信使,她和同伴们在城市里 速降、跳升和飞跃,传递各种需要保密的物品。
Where did it come from?跑酷确切的起源,并不是非常清晰。
法国电影《暴力街区》(Banlieue13)即是展示跑酷街头文化,主角DAVID BELLE是该运动的创始人之一。
Parkour(常常被缩写为PK)or l’art du déplacement(移动的艺术)is both a discipline1with the aim of moving from one point to another as smoothly,efficiently and quickly as possible using principally the abilities of the human body,but is also built on a philosophical premise,perhaps more similar to martial arts than to a sport such as gymnastics.Parkour’s focus is on how any obstacle is dealt with,whether the obstacle is either physical or mental.HistoryInspiration for parkour came from many sources, the foremost being the“Natural Method of Physical Culture”developed by Georges Hébert in the early twentieth century.French soldiers in Vietnam were inspired by Hébert’s work and created what is now known as parcours du combattant(军队障碍训练课程).David Belle had participated in activities such as martial arts and gymnastics,and sought to apply his athletic prowess2in a manner that would have practical use in life.After moving to Lisses commune3,David Belle continued his journey with others.“From then on we developed,”says Sébastien Foucan—a childhood friend of David Belle,who helped to spread parkour—in Jump London,“And really the whole town was there for us;there for parkour.You just have to look,you just have to think,like children.”This,as he describes,is“the vision4of parkour”.Over the years as dedicated practitioners improved their skills,their moves continued to grow in magnitude5,so that building-to-building jumps and drops of over a story became common in media portrayals6,often leaving people with a slanted7view on the nature of parkour.The journey of parkour from the Parisian suburbs to its current status as a widely practiced activity outside of France created20跑P a r k o u r酷方看★★★★OVERSEAS ENGLISHsplits8among the originators.Risk-takers or Self-challengers?跑酷究竟是冒险还是自我挑战,还是自我价值的实现需求,这些都已不重要,重要的是,运动的人很快乐,乐在这种冒险中,乐在这种刺激中,乐在这种挑战中!Although many core practitioners would deny that parkour is an extreme sport,it does carry inherent9risk with it.The practice of running, jumping,and leaping from a variety of urban structures(e.g.,roof tops,staircases,raised surfaces, walls,etc...)and landing on concrete,of course, carries the potential for injury.Some of the most common injuries among practitioners who do not undergo the necessary conditioning10prior11to such practise include sprained12ankles and repetitive strain injuries to the knees.However,excessive risk-taking runs in opposition to the philosophy13of parkour.According to one participant,“one of the most striking differences between parkour and other so-called‘extreme’sports is that it is not concerned solely with the acquisition of physical skills,but also with the improvement of one’s mental and spiritual well-being.Ensuring that physical progress is not at the expense of mental progress is one of the main aims of a good traceur”.The experienced traceurs do not engage in the activity in order to experience the adrenaline-rush14 that comes from excessive risk-taking.Rather,they view their practise as challenging themselves to overcome limitation and the restraints of fear and inhibition.The goal of complete functionality within any situation is paramount15,and in order to achieve this state both mentally and physically it is necessary to face and overcome the challenges that are part and parcel of parkour training.Moving swiftly on...未来跑酷的前景又是什么呢?虽然不太可能成为主流运动,但是它的追逐者们不会就此放弃,依然会继续非主流地运动着!In its fairly short public lifespan to date there hasbeen enormous interest from a host of large organisations.Parkour has eased itself stealthily fromthe underground shadows of Paris to the gritty16 streets of London and from there on to the glamorous world stage itself.And now it is even beginning to filter into17that most mainstream of institutions—Education:In early2006Westminster Council enlisted the services of two parkour instructors in Francois“Forrest”Mahop and Dan Edwardes of Parkour Generations to teach the discipline within several inner-city schools and community sports centres.The groundbreaking18 project has been a huge success and has gone from strength to strength,with local councils all over the country now desperate to reproduce that which Westminster has pioneered.Westminster has also sponsored the establishment of the Parkour Generations Academy at Moberly Sports Centre in northwest London,which occurs weekly and is run by those same instructors,with every class regularly attended by over60 students.It certainly can no longer be described as an underground activity,it seems.The movement is still relatively young(or as oldas sin,depending on how you look at it!),and whereit goes from here is very much in the hands of the people who live and breathe it—the practising community and its spokespeople.Parkour has nowbeen involved in several big-budget movies,and traceurs have appeared all over the world,from Brazilto Japan,from Finland to Australia,from Russia to Canada.211.discipline锻炼方式,训练方法,运动2.prowess[′pra尬is]高超技艺;非凡的才能;专长mune[′k鬑mju蘼n](法国、比利时、意大利、西班牙的)最小地方行政区(有市长和地方议会)4.vision[′vi廾藜n]愿想;理念,远见5.magnitude[′m覸弈nitju蘼d]规模,难度6.portrayal[p蘅蘼′trei藜l]描述,描绘,表现7.slanted[′sl藁蘼ntid]有偏见的8.split[split]分离,分裂9.inherent[in′hi藜r藿nt]内在;固有的;本来的10.conditioning[k藜n′di蘩藜ni耷]准备活动,准备措施11.prior[′prai藜]在……之前12.sprained[s preind]ankles[′覸耷klz]脚踝扭伤13.philosophy[fi′l鬑s藜fi]原则14.adrenaline[藜′dren藜lin]肾上腺素adrenaline-rush肾上腺素分泌量猛增15.paramount[′p覸r藜ma尬nt]最重要的;最重大的;至上的16.gritty[弈riti]多沙的17.filter[′filt藜](into)慢慢传开;渗透18.groundbreaking创造性的;革新的注释:看方西。
The origin of Parkour
Originated in France 1980s Development
Georges Hébert Raymond Belle David Belle
Parkour come from the French word ‘parcourir’.
Georges Hébert
Modem Parkour
The 1st organization of Parkour is Yamaksi , consists of 9 Parisian teenagers. More recently they have gone their separate ways. David calls his art Parkour and stresses utility, while Foucan uses the term "Free Running" and
stresses freedom of movement and finding your own way.
Like any sport, Parkour can be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not taken. If you are not an expert, the things you’ve seen in the movies and online are extremely dangerous. They are also not what most traceurs do when they practice Parkour.
Raymond Belle
勇气场 (Courage field)
Courage is a man's own nature, and certainly its own internal goals. Courage is desperate selfaffirmation, in spite of all obstacles to complete its self-affirmation. Is a necessary condition for people beyond their own
2.力量是不可或缺的东西。 3.弹跳不是一定必需的素质,但对跑酷有很大帮助。 4.其实最重要的是,勇气!每个人都有恐惧心理,但 事实往往是,越紧张,身子越放不开,越容易受伤。
• 勇气是一个人自身的本质, 自身内在目标的肯定。勇气 是不顾一切的自我肯定,不 顾一切阻碍它完成自我肯定。 是一个人超越自己的必要条 件
Parkour is often classified as an extreme sport to everyday life environment for sports venues. It was not established rules, people just do the sport as an obstacle to a variety of everyday facilities or auxiliary, running and jumping in the meantime crossed
倒立,凌空倒立(hand stand)
墙转(wall spin)
懒人跳(lazy vault)
Parkour is the art of moving through your environment using only your body and the surroundings to propel yourself. It can include running, jumping, climbing, even crawling, if that is the most suitable movement for the situation. Parkour could be grasped by imagining a race through an obstacle course; the goal is to overcome obstacles quickly and efficiently, without using extraneous movement. Apply this line of thought to an urban environment, or even a run through the woods, and you're on the right path. Because individual movements could vary so greatly by the situation, it is better to consider Parkour as defined by the intention instead of the movements themselves. If the intention is to get somewhere using the most effective movements with the least loss of momentum, then it could probably be considered Parkour.What isn't Parkour?Parkour is not acrobatics, tricking, stunts, recklessness, or jumping off high objects for no reason. It is not any movement or activity that doesn't fit in the above description "What Parkour Is". It is also not "What you make of it" ... it is predefined and has a purpose, if something doesn't suit that purpose, it is not Parkour.What is Free Running?Free running was meant to start out an anglicized term for Parkour. It was first suggested to Sebastien Foucan during the filming of Jump London. Free Running has grown to be descriptive of a sort of "cousin" activity to Parkour - Free Running is more expressive and creative in nature, with moves such as acrobatics, flips, and spins added for flair, creativity, or just because someone wants to. The main difference then between Parkour and Free Running is that Parkour is defined by purpose "get somewhere quickly and efficiently using the human body", and Free Running is defined by the activity or art of moving through your environment however you want, moving your way, following your own path.跑酷亦称作“城市疾走”,即Parkour,常简称为PK,诞生于80年代的法国,有“超越障碍训练场”的意思。
跑酷公社POS--生活建议 PPT课件
![跑酷公社POS--生活建议 PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7164d1fecfc789eb162dc83c.png)
到目前为止,我已经不太纠结新的体能训练科技或训练理念, 很多次发现一些东西到了入微之处就会出现矛盾变得无解,但 是如果从整体看待又是特别的平衡。我相信训练是源于生活, 并且每个人都有能力让自己变得更好,只是需要发现和不断进 行学习与整合,而生活本身也需要从最细节的地方开始改变才 能获得真正的改善。也许最后你会发现真正的问题存在于根深 蒂固的恐惧心与分别心,所以我从这个以克服恐惧为主要目标 的跑酷运动开始,很希望和大家互相分享和学习一些所发现的 东西,用以面对和处理一切负面的力量。这就是跑酷源体系 (ParkourOriginalSystem) ,非我原创,本来就存在世间的,待 所有人去发现的一些生活之道。
此部分内容是从跑酷源体系里整理出来的一点东西,希望有用, 大家多交流,互相学习
– 高科 2013年10月14日
1.窗帘加厚,不能透光 2.关灯睡觉 3.睡前1小时不能锻炼 4睡前1小时不能再吃东西 5. 11:30睡0-20%蛋白质
1.单肩背 2.背过重 3.走路前倾过度 4.走路摇头 5.走路屈髋过度,脊椎没有正常活动 6、X
1.向后勾腿,膝盖不能超过脚尖 2.二郎腿 3.膝盖内扣 4.头前引过度 5.抬头过度 6.骨盆后倾 7.身体旋转过度
每坐两小时站立两分钟,维持身体中立姿态 每隔4小时花10-15分钟做1次全身伸展与基础矫正训练 吃少量坚果和水果作为零食
午饭: 建议50-60%水果蔬菜,20-30%蛋白质,20% 主食
晚饭建议:60-70%水果蔬菜,20-30%蛋白质,10%主 食
城市疾走攀爬简介:跑酷Parkour,又称为城市疾走、Le Parkour,是一种“超越障碍训练”的街头文化,也是一种极限运动。
运动起源:“跑酷”最初由20世纪80年代越战中的法国士兵们发起,2002年在英国开始盛行,后来法国的大卫·贝尔David Belle把它发扬光大。
法国电影《Banlieue13》暴力街区13区即是展示Parkour街头文化,电影主角大卫·贝尔是LE Parkour运动的创始人之一。
Sebastian Foucan,是大卫·贝尔的好友,他们一起开发出Parkour理念,创造出一种新的生活方式。
Sebastian Foucan受到亚洲哲学的影响,决定要把跑酷本身的信念从对抗负面力量转换成“像水一样的流动”,成为建立Parkour思想的开创人。