MV-77 (11-06)
fitbit sense 用户手册说明书
![fitbit sense 用户手册说明书](
用户手册版本 2.0目录开始 (7)包装盒内容 (7)手表充电 (8)设置 Sense (9)连接到Wi-Fi (9)在 Fitbit 应用程序上查看您的数据 (10)解锁 Fitbit Premium (11)佩戴 Sense (12)全天候佩戴和锻炼时佩戴 (12)紧固腕带 (13)用手习惯 (14)佩戴与保养技巧 (15)更换腕带 (15)移除腕带 (15)安装腕带 (16)基础信息 (17)操作 Sense (17)基本浏览指南 (17)按钮快捷方式 (18)快速设置 (19)了解状态指示 (21)小程序 (21)调整设置 (23)显示屏 (23)振动和音频 (23)目标提醒 (23)安静模式 (24)快捷方式 (24)设备信息 (24)检查电池电量 (25)设置设备锁定 (26)调整屏幕常亮 (26)2钟面和应用程序 (28)更改钟面 (28)打开应用程序 (29)应用程序排序 (29)下载其他应用程序 (29)删除应用程序 (29)更新应用程序 (29)调整应用程序设置和权限 (30)语音助理 (31)设置内置 Amazon Alexa (31)设置 Google 助理 (31)与您的语音助手互动 (32)查看 Alexa 闹钟、提醒和计时器 (33)生活方式 (34)星巴克 (34)日程 (34)天气 (34)寻找手机 (35)来自手机的通知 (36)设置通知 (36)查看收到的通知 (36)管理通知 (37)关闭通知 (37)接听或拒绝来电 (38)使用腕间电话 (39)回复消息(Android 手机) (40)计时功能 (41)设置闹钟 (41)关闭或延后闹钟 (41)使用计时器或秒表 (42)活动和健康 (43)查看您的统计数据 (43)3选择目标 (44)追踪每小时的活动 (44)追踪您的睡眠 (45)设定睡眠目标 (45)检测睡眠期间的打鼾和噪音等级 (45)了解您的睡眠习惯 (45)追踪您的体表温度变化 (45)管理压力 (47)使用 EDA 扫描应用程序 (47)练习引导式呼吸 (48)查看您的压力管理分数 (48)高级健康指标 (49)锻炼和心脏健康 (50)自动追踪您的锻炼 (50)使用“锻炼”应用程序追踪和分析锻炼 (51)自定义您的锻炼设置 (52)检查您的锻炼汇总信息 (52)查看您的心率 (53)自定义心率区间 (54)获得活跃区间分钟数 (54)接收心率通知 (54)查看您的每日准备状态分数 (55)查看您的心肺有氧健康指数 (56)分享您的活动 (56)音乐 (57)连接蓝牙耳机或扬声器 (57)使用 Sense 控制音乐 (58)使用 Spotify - Connect & Control 应用程序控制音乐 (58)感应式支付 (59)使用信用卡和借记卡 (59)设置感应式支付 (59)购买 (60)更改默认银行卡 (61)支付交通费用 (61)4更新 Sense (62)重启 Sense (62)关闭 Sense (62)清除 Sense (63)故障排除 (64)心率信号丢失 (64)GPS 信号丢失 (64)无法连接至 Wi-Fi (65)与手机断开连接 (66)其他问题 (66)通用信息和规格 (67)传感器与组件 (67)材料 (67)无线技术 (67)触觉反馈 (67)电池 (68)内存 (68)显示屏 (68)腕带尺寸 (68)环境条件 (69)了解更多 (69)退货政策和保修 (69)Regulatory and Safety Notices (70)USA: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement (70)Canada: Industry Canada (IC) statement (71)European Union (EU) (72)IP Rating (73)Argentina (73)Australia and New Zealand (74)Belarus (74)China (74)Customs Union (76)Indonesia (76)Israel (76)5Japan (76)Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (76)Mexico (77)Moldova (77)Nigeria (77)Oman (77)Paraguay (78)Philippines (78)Serbia (78)Singapore (78)South Korea (79)Taiwan (80)United Arab Emirates (82)United Kingdom (83)Safety Statement (83)67开始Fitbit Sense 是一款先进的智能手表,以心脏健康、压力管理、体表温度趋势等工具,助您深层次了解身体。
交通运输工程学院 大一 唐志贤
倉 木 麻 衣
• 第二大音乐市场 • 年唱片销售额在98年达到403亿人民币
1 963,794 Japonism JST 15/10/21 嵐 2 865,292 PLANET SEVEN RZN 15/1/28 三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE 3 817,143 DREAMS COME TR UE THE BEST! 私のドリカム UM 15/7/7 DREAMS COME TRUE 4 780,591 ここがロドスだ、ここで跳べ! K 15/1/21 AKB48 5 668,024 0と1の間 K 15/11/18 AKB48 6 575,734 REFLECTION TF 15/6/4 Mr.Children 7 533,672 葡萄 V 15/3/31 サザンオールスターズ 8 483,531 Tree TF 15/1/14 SEKAI NO OWARI 9 341,055 関ジャニ∞の元気が出るC D!! IFT 15/11/11 関ジャニ∞
1 1,782,338 僕たちは戦わない K 15/5/20 AKB48 2 1,325,638 ハロウィン・ナイト K 15/8/26 AKB48 3 1,045,174 Green Flash K 15/3/4 AKB48 4 702,29 5 678,481 太陽ノック SR 15/7/22 乃木坂46 6 663,498 今、話したい誰かがいる SR 15/10/28 乃木坂46 7 620,555 命は美しい SR 15/3/18 乃木坂46 8 571,597 青空の下、キミのとなり JST 15/5/13 嵐 9 530,830 Don’t look back! LOL 15/3/31 NMB48 10 521,067 Sakura JST 15/2/25 嵐
美得理电钢琴DP320 用户说明书
![美得理电钢琴DP320 用户说明书](
装箱单尊敬的用户,当您选购本琴后,请检查以下物品是否齐全: 琴体 外接电源 左琴脚 右琴脚大背板踏板组件(包括踏板连接线) 一包螺钉、螺母 用户说明书 售后保修证书注意事项在操作使用前,请先仔细阅读以下内容。
位置请勿将设备放置于以下环境中,以免设备发生变形、变色或其他更严重的损害:阳光直射处、暖气旁多尘土、高温、高湿或可能产生强烈震动或冲击的位置 接近磁场处对其他设备的干扰将此设备放置在电视机、收音机、手机的周围可能引起干扰。
本琴在下列环境下使用最佳:温度: 15 C ~ 35 C 湿度:75%处理避免纸张、金属或其他杂物进入设备内部。
2CMYCMMYCYCMYK目录3面板控制与显示说明前面板...................................................................................4LCD液晶显示........................................................................4后面板...................................................................................5踏板.......................................................................................5安装安装指南................................................................................6电源供电................................................................................8连接耳机接口................................................................................9连接到音频设备.....................................................................9连接到MP3/CD机等播放器....................................................9USB接口...............................................................................9调节声音亮度......................................................................10调节主音量..........................................................................10示范曲.................................................................................10演奏各种乐器音色选择并演奏音色(主音色).................................................11演奏两种音色(双音色)....................................................11下音色.................................................................................11力度响应..............................................................................12移调.....................................................................................12钢琴演奏模式......................................................................13节拍器.................................................................................13双钢琴功能..........................................................................13古典音律..............................................................................14演奏各种风格伴奏演奏自动伴奏(只演奏打击乐声部)..................................15演奏自动伴奏(所有声部).................................................15伴奏段落..............................................................................16演奏不同的伴奏段落............................................................16伴奏音量控制......................................................................17和弦演奏指法......................................................................17速度.....................................................................................18单触键设置..........................................................................18和声设置操作..............................................................................19使用和声演奏......................................................................19演奏帮助什么是“演奏帮助”?........................................................20进入演奏帮助功能...............................................................20吉他模式..............................................................................20在吉他模式中演奏...............................................................21钢琴模式..............................................................................21民乐模式..............................................................................22在民乐模式中演奏...............................................................22退出演奏帮助功能...............................................................22数码效果 (23)调音台.................................................................................23踏板功能多功能踏板..........................................................................24功能菜单音调设置..............................................................................25键盘分离点设置...................................................................25节拍种类设置......................................................................26节拍器音量设置...................................................................26踏板定义设置......................................................................26混响深度设置......................................................................26合唱深度设置......................................................................27和声类型设置......................................................................27和声速度设置......................................................................27MIDI接收设置......................................................................28MIDI发送设置......................................................................28定时关机设置......................................................................28演奏帮助节拍设置...............................................................28恢复出厂设置......................................................................28面板注册记忆设置将设置保存到注册记忆........................................................29调出注册记忆......................................................................29选择记忆库..........................................................................29伴奏锁定..............................................................................29歌本功能..............................................................................30录制自己的歌曲开始录音..............................................................................31停止录音..............................................................................31回放已录制的歌曲...............................................................32删除已录制的歌曲...............................................................32播放及控制歌曲欣赏歌曲..............................................................................33歌曲控制..............................................................................33歌曲旋律关闭模式...............................................................33MIDI功能什么是MIDI?........................................................................34上传数据到电脑/下载数据到设备.........................................34故障排除..............................................................................35规格.....................................................................................35附录音色表.................................................................................36节奏表.................................................................................41歌曲表.................................................................................43歌本列表..............................................................................44和弦类型表..........................................................................45MIDI应用表..........................................................................46音律. (47)CMYCMMYCYCMYK面板控制与显示说明4前面板LCD液晶显示12345678916171819112021221023242526121314151.【音量】旋钮调节主音量的大小2.【明亮度】旋钮 调节音色的明亮度9.【伴奏音量+/-】按钮 调节伴奏音量10.【旋律关闭】按钮 关闭歌曲右手旋律11.【锁定】按钮记忆库调用时锁定 伴奏参数17.【和弦模式】按钮 选择和弦的模式19. 【切换】按钮切换部分功能按钮 的附属功能1. 双钢琴2. 力度3. 音色/节奏/示范曲/歌曲/歌本4. 数字序号5. 自动低音和弦/全键盘模式/伴奏段落6. 和弦显示7. 字符显示区8. 小节计数9. 拍点显示10. 速度11. 记忆状态/锁定/单触设置12. 数码效果13. 双音色14. 下音色15. 旋律关闭/右手16. 古典音律17. 和声18. 演奏帮助19. 演奏帮助.高20. 录音21. 伴奏音轨22. 旋律音轨123. 旋律音轨224. 旋律音轨325. 旋律音轨426. 旋律音轨5在按住【切换】按钮时3.【打击乐】按钮调节打击乐通道音量4.【贝司】按钮 调节贝司音量5.【和弦】按钮调节和弦通道音量6.【乐句】按钮 调节乐句音量7.【左手音色】按钮调节左手音色通道音量8.【右手音色】按钮调节右手音色通道音量18.【功能】按钮 调节功能参数在松开【切换】按钮时3~8. 节奏直选按钮 快速选择预设节奏18.【速度+/-】按钮 调节当前速度在伴奏模式下12.【启动/停止】按钮 启动或停止播放伴奏13.【同步启动】按钮打开/关闭同步启动功能14.【前奏/尾奏】按钮播放自动伴奏的前奏/尾奏15.【插入A】按钮 插入变奏A 16.【插入B】按钮 插入变奏B在歌曲模式下12.【启动/停止】按钮 启动或停止播放歌曲13.【暂停】按钮暂停播放或继续播放歌曲14.【重复 A/B】按钮设定歌曲段落循环起始 和结束的位置15.【快退】按钮 快退播放歌曲16.【快进】按钮 快进播放歌曲双钢琴力度录音伴奏音轨旋律音轨 1旋律音轨 2旋律音轨 3旋律音轨 4旋律音轨 5古典音律和声演奏帮助演奏帮助.高14567891213141516171011181923CMYCMMYCYCMYK面板控制与显示说明后面板踏板在松开【切换】按钮时21.【节奏】按钮切换到节奏功能状态22.【音色】按钮切换到音色功能状态23.【歌曲】按钮歌曲大循环播放启动27~34.音色直选按钮快速选择预设音色37.【记忆库】按钮切换记忆库38.【存储】按钮保存面板设置39~42.【M1~M4】按钮快速调用面板设置43.【单触键设置】按钮给伴奏预设4种相匹配的音色49. MIDI IN接口接收外部MIDI设备或电脑发送的MIDI信息50. MIDI OUT接口将本琴上的数据通过这个接口发送 给电脑或MIDI备。
HR070 Series Remote Control Programming Guide
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for the other components you want to control. For future reference, write down each working component code below:
HR Series Remote Control Programming
Assigned Push-button Component Program Code
Push-buttons available for Programming
Flashes during Programming
Used to activate Programming Mode
with the most popular code first. If the component
responds, go to step 7.
6. If the component does not respond, press LEVEL+
Push-button and the Remote Control will test
The HR70 Series Remote Controls have stored in permanent memory the necessary information to send the correct commands to the component to be controlled. By entering a five digit numeric code the commands for controlling the component is activated.
E.ON2006-Netz-Grid Code-High and extra high voltage
![E.ON2006-Netz-Grid Code-High and extra high voltage](
Grid Code High and extra high voltageE.ON Netz GmbH, BayreuthStatus: 1. April 2006Contents1 Introduction (3)framework (3)1.1 Legalframework (4)1.2 Technical1.3 Scope (4)2 The grid connection concept (4)3 Grid connection requirements (6)3.1 Requirements on all connectees (6)information (6)3.1.1 General3.1.2 Grid connection and plant design (7)power exchange (7)3.1.3 Reactiveoperation (7)3.1.4 Switchgear3.1.5 Operation during disturbances (8)interactionsand quality of supply (8)3.1.6 Networkcharacteristics (8)3.1.7 Voltagetreatment (9)3.1.8 Neutral-point3.1.9 Maintenance (9)3.2 Requirements on generating plant (9)3.2.1 General (9)output (10)power3.2.2 Activestability (12)3.2.3 Frequency3.2.4 Reactive power exchange and voltage stability (12)3.2.5 Disconnecting the generating plant from the grid (14)3.2.6 Behaviour during grid disturbances (14)3.2.7 Electricalprotection (19)3.2.8 Restoration of supply (19)3.3 Requirements placed on REA generating plants (20)3.3.1 General (20)poweroutput (20)3.3.2 Activestability (21)3.3.3 Frequency3.3.4 Restoration of supply (21)technology (22)4 Connectionprotection (22)4.1 Griddata processing (23)4.2 Real-timemetering facilities (23)4.3 Transfer5 Operation planning and power system management (24)planning (24)5.1 Operation5.2 Power system management (25)5.3 System management agreement (25)Appendix A - Glossary (27)Appendix B - The (n-1) contingency (37)Appendix C - References (38)Appendix D - Grid connection and plant design figures (39)Appendix E - Exchange of data and documentation (42)1 IntroductionE.ON Netz GmbH, hereinafter referred to as ENE, is the transmission system operator for the controlarea below. The term connectee refers to those parties who operate a connection on the ENE grid, irrespective as to whether this is used for drawing or supplying electrical energy.This grid code describes the minimum technical and organisational requirements that must be fulfilled when setting up and operating grid connections on the ENE high voltage or extra high voltage grid.Additional requirements may also be necessary for operation.framework1.1 LegalAs a transmission system operator, ENE is responsible for the operation, maintenance and, ifnecessary, the development of its transmission system.Figure 1 The control area of E.ON Netz GmbH (as per Jan. 2006)According to the Energy Industry Act, operators of transmission systems have an obligation to define the minimum technical requirements for connections to these grids.It is the connectee’s obligation to adhere to the defined grid code. The connectee guarantees that those using the connection also meet this obligation. Suitable evidence of adherence must befurnished on demand.1.2 TechnicalframeworkENE operates public three-phase transmission systems with different voltage levels and a frequency of nominal. 50 Hz.The grid code defines the minimum requirements for setting up and operating one or moreconnections on this grid. They are aimed firstly at the objective requirements for fault-free operation of the ENE grids and secondly on the importance of plant operation in line with requirements for the connectee. They are based on the generally recognised rules of technology that are continuously being adapted in line with technical advancement, and the directives that put them into concrete form for ENE, including among others the “Technisches Handbuch Netz” [1]1.The minimum requirements (regulations) of the Union for the Coordination of Transmission ofElectricity (UCTE) [2] also form the basis for operation of the transmission system.1.3 ScopeThe grid code applies to all connections to the high and extra high voltage grid of ENE. The connectee must ensure that these grid connection regulations are also observed for connections to his network within the contractual zone, insofar as these affect operation of the ENE grids.The grid code forms the technical basis of grid connection agreements. In this function, the grid code is part of every grid connection contract and supplements the latter both technically andorganisationally.The grid code also provides information to persons who, via operation of their plants, can influence the grid operation of ENE and must therefore adapt to them. In this context, they are aimed primarily at the operators of generating plants within the control area, irrespective of whether these are connected directly to the ENE grid or subordinate grids.2 The grid connection conceptA prerequisite for a new grid connection or a connection change is the agreement between ENE andthe connectee concerning a grid connection concept, which becomes part of the grid connection agreement.The technical requirements and definitions described in more detail in these grid code forms the basis of the grid connection concept.To define the grid connection concept, ENE examines on the connectee’s request whether the grid conditions (e.g. grid connection capacity, reactive power balance, short-circuit power, reliability of the capacity provision etc.) at the existing or planned grid connection point are sufficient for connecting1References in square brackets can be found in Appendix C – Referencesand operating the connectee’s plant without any unacceptable effects on the ENE grid and without impairing plant operation.To investigate an enquiry, ENE must receives, from the connectee all the necessary data and information regarding the grid connection. If it is necessary to conduct inspections on the connectee’s premises or for the design of the plant, the latter will receive the necessary data and information regarding this from ENE. The minimum scope of the data to be exchanged is listed in table form in Appendix E. The questionnaires in Appendix E must be completed in the application for the connection of a generating plant.Besides the stipulations of this grid code, the additional criteria listed below in particular are also decisive for the investigation:•Grid connection capacityconcept• Protectionexchangepower• Reactive•Continuous operating voltage, voltage band, voltage changes and voltage controlpower• Short-circuit•Neutral point treatment•Static and dynamic stabilitycoordination• Insulation•Parallel switching conditions•Harmonics and flickerspecifications• Equipment•Application of the (n-1) contingency criteria•Behaviour in the event of grid faults, e.g. participation in the 5-step planIf the investigations show that the grid conditions at the grid connection nodes are insufficient for correct operation of a connectee’s plant, ENE defines appropriate measures in the grid connection concept for adapting the connectee’s plants.If a conversion, extension, grid reinforcement or other technical changes in the ENE grid are necessary as a result of a new connection or a modification to a connectee’s plant, the necessary extension measures are stated and defined in the ENE grid connection concept.Planned modifications to plant components affecting the grid connection are agreed between ENE and the connectee. The technical documentation must be submitted in advance.Every grid connection must be dimensioned so that it is possible for ENE to operate the grids in accordance with the (n-1) contingency (see Appendix B).Further regulations must be contractually agreed and must not place other connectees at a disadvantage.Evidence of the connectee’s plants with regard to•the properties agreed between the connectee and ENE•adherence to the grid code•correct implementation of the grid connection conceptmust be furnished in a suitable form before first commissioning. If available, certificates relating to the plant can also be used for this purpose.3 Grid connection requirementsThe requirements outlined below are minimum requirements and, unless otherwise stated, must be fulfilled by a connectee’s plants at the grid connection point.3.1 Requirements on all connecteesinformation3.1.1 GeneralA connectee’s plants are, for the purpose of supplying or drawing electrical energy, connected via switching points with a disconnection function (circuit breakers and disconnectors). This connection points are defined by ENE, taking into account the prevailing grid conditions, the power and the way in which the plant operates, as well as the interests of the connectee.Based on the grid connection concept agreed with ENE, the connectee arranges for the design of the substations for which the connectee is responsible. The switchgear must be planned, set up and operated as “closed electrical operating areas” in accordance with the relevant regulations and the recognised rules of technology.In cases in which the connectee is the owner of the land or building, a suitable space must be available and accessible to ENE for accommodating primary and secondary technical equipment.The connectee and ENE must exchange at least the documentation listed in Appendix E and keep this up to date for the duration of the grid connection operation. Whenever a change is made, they should be made available to the other partner.The (n-1) contingency forms the planning basis for the high and extra high voltage grid of ENE, as described in Appendix B.In the following cases, ENE is entitled to temporarily limit the grid connection capacity or shut down the plant:•acts of God•potential risk to secure system operation• a congestion or the risk of overloading equipment•risk of islanding• a risk to static or dynamic grid stability•frequency deviation putting the system at risk•unacceptable network interactions•maintenance, repair and construction works3.1.2 Grid connection and plant designIn line with the grid-related and operational requirements, a connection to the ENE grid is made on the basis of one of the following alternatives:•Connection on a line as a single or double feeder•Connection to a busbar in a substationAppendix D contains the standard diagrams for both alternatives. In the figures, it is shown in each case which party performs switching for each equipment and the electrical position of the transformer for the metering.The plant concept and the key data of the equipment (e.g. rated voltage, short-circuit current capability, earthing concept, minimum dimensions etc.) are defined in the “Technisches Handbuch Netz, Chapter: Bauen und Errichten“ [1] that applies to ENE. The system configuration used for the grid access must be discussed between the connectee and ENE, and is agreed in the grid connection agreement.ENE plants and plant components, particularly high-voltage units, must comply with the "Technisches Handbuch Netz" [1] of ENE with regard to the technical requirements and their design. Minimum requirements as laid down in the ENE specifications, for example technical electrical data, also apply to the connectee´s plants and plant components. It is also recommended to design these completely in accordance with ENE requirements.An independent, uninterrupted power supply via a battery must be provided for all electrical auxiliary equipment (e.g. for control, communications, protection, metering or the drives of switching equipment)3.1.3 Reactive power exchangeWhen active power is taken from the ENE grid, the connectee must maintain, as standard, a power factor of cos ϕ = 0.95 (inductive) to 1 in Quadrant I at the grid connection point. A further exchange of reactive power is only permissible if this has been separately contractually agreed.The exchange of reactive power when feeding into the ENE grid is described in section 3.2.4.operation3.1.4 SwitchgearThe operation of electrical plants covers all technical and organisational activities that are necessary to keep the plants functional and safe. The activities include all operating measures, as well as electrical and non-electrical operations as described in the relevant specifications and regulations.The personnel employed for operating the switchgear must be qualified in accordance with [3] and [4]. Only skilled electricians and persons trained in electrical engineering have access to the switchgear.Appropriate instruction from ENE is required for access to ENE plants and plant components. Laypersons as defined by the specifications [3] and [4] may enter plants only when accompanied by skilled electricians or persons trained in electrical engineering.A contact partner of the connectee with switching authorisation and responsibility for plant use at the grid connection must be available for ENE to contact at all time.Operation of the grid connection, particularly switching actions and work on the grid connection, must be done in accordance with the "Technisches Handbuch Netz, chapter: Netzführung und Arbeiten im Netz" (NAN) [5].If a connectee has more than one grid connection point on the ENE grid or with other grid operators, these may not be operated interconnected through the connectee’s plants.Establishing a set voltage value for normal operation and a voltage band at the grid connection point is the responsibility of ENE.3.1.5 Operation during disturbancesBoth ENE and the connectee must inform each other immediately about special events of which they become aware, insofar as such could be of concern to the other party.Plants and grids must be designed in such a way that, if possible, faults are automatically isolated from the grid immediately and the fault is prevented from spreading.In the event of a loss of voltage resulting from a fault, modifications to the switching status of the grid connection should only be made following consultation with the responsible switching supervisor.To investigate the fault, ENE can request special checks, which the connectee must perform on his equipment if this equipment is electrically connected to the ENE grid.The partners support each other in elimination and investigation of faults.3.1.6 Network interactions and quality of supplyThe connectee’s electrical systems must be designed and set up in such a way that while in operation, interactions with the ENE’s grid and third parties are avoided, and information and signal transmissions are not unacceptably influenced.The requirements that apply here are specified in more detail in, for example, the relevant international standards [6]. On this basis, the connectee must keep evidence that his systems are not causing interference and, if necessary, provide remedial measures. Details are defined in the grid connection concept, taking into account the specific reaction variables in the particular individual case, and are agreed with the connectee.The regulations published by the VDN [7] are used to assess system interactions.3.1.7 VoltagecharacteristicsDuring normal operation, the following characteristics for the voltage in the ENE grid will be adhered to in accordance with DIN EN 50160 [8]:•The frequency is in the range of 49.5 Hz to 50.5 Hz.•The continuous operating voltage, for each nominal network voltage380-kV network: 350 – 420 kV220-kV network: 193 – 245 kV110-kV network: 96 – 123 kVThe upper value can be exceeded for up to 30 minutes. Due to artificial pollution or otherinfluences, lasting differing values can apply for the lower voltage value in the 110-kV grid.treatment3.1.8 Neutral-pointThe neutral-point treatment for the ENE grids is defined by ENE. This results in corresponding specification for dealing with neutral points belonging to the voltage level of the ENE grid, including when these are in the connectee’s network. This applies particularly to transformers and other equipment forming neutral points that may be owned by the connectee.The method to deal with neutral points not belonging to the ENE grid must be worked out in individual cases, and agreed in the grid connection agreement. If several neutral points are used simultaneously on one transformer, a corresponding concept must be worked out and agreed.In all cases, each connectee must make their own provision for treating the neutral points in their plant components. This applies particularly to the compensation of earth-fault current in networks with inductively earthed neutral points.3.1.9 MaintenanceENE and the connectee are each responsible for the maintenance of their own equipment and plant components.All plant components must be maintained in accordance with the state of the art in order to guarantee correct operation in line with the grid code.Safety-relevant plant components such as circuit breakers, batteries and protective devices must be inspected regularly according to an inspection plan.3.2 Requirements on generating plant3.2.1 GeneralIn addition to the "Requirements on all connectees" as outlined in chapter 3.1, the following minimum requirements also apply to the grid connection of generating plants.With regard to technical properties, a distinction is made between basic requirements that must be fulfilled by every generating plant and additional requirements that must be fulfilled at the request of ENE in order to ensure reliable system operation above and beyond the basic requirements. The additional requirements are contractually agreed between ENE and the operator of the generating plant.Unless stated otherwise, the requirements described below are basic requirements. The additional requirements are indicated.A distinction is made below between Type 1 and Type 2 generating plant. The definitions of these types are provided in chapters and sum of rated power of all generator units at a common grid connection point is definitive for determining the rated capacity of a generating plant. This includes instances when they consist of several individual generating units.ENE must be informed in good time about the status of the extension planning for generating plants. ENE must be informed of the technical data of a generating plant (see Chapter 2).If occasional reversals of the load flow (infeed) occur at grid connections designed for drawing active power from the ENE grid, ENE and the connectee must agree on the conditions under which these reversed supply will take place.If several grid connection points are present, interconnecting the connections though the connectee´s system is not permissible as a matter of principle.3.2.2 Active power outputThe connection and operation of generating plants by the connectee must not have any unacceptable effects on the grid [6].When connecting generators, the following operating conditions must be allowed for and corresponding synchronisation and parallel switching equipment must be provided: •Normal operation (start-up of the generating plant)•Synchronisation after transition to auxiliary load, if this type of operation is technically possible with the generating plant•Connection to a de-energised islanded sub-network for the purpose of energising it Connection of a generator with a rated power of more than 50 MVA by the connectee is only permissible following approval by ENE. This is specified in more detail in the grid connection agreement.Every generating plant must be capable of operating at a reduced power output and to allow constant power changes of 1 % of the rated power per minute across the entire range between minimum and continuous power.In the event of frequency drops above the thick line in Figure 2, the active power output must not be reduced even if the generating plant is being operated at rated power.static 5%The exchange of active power by each generating plant with the grid must be technically configured to achieve ENE’s specified setpoint values.It must also be possible for ENE to control the circuit breaker connecting the generating plants.3.2.3 FrequencystabilityAll generating plants meeting the necessary technical and operational requirements can be used for the provision of primary control power, secondary control power and minute reserve. To this end, a prequalification process must be passed during which details concerning the control band, ramp rate of power, period of provision, availability etc. will be determined. Consumers can also participate in secondary control power and provision of minute reserve by way of controllable loads.Every generating plant with a rated capacity of ≥100 MW must be capable of supplying primary control power. This is a prerequisite for connection to the grid. ENE is entitled to exempt individual generating plants from this obligation.Generating plants with a rated capacity of < 100 MW can, by agreement with ENE, also be used to secure the primary control .The following requirements must be met for the primary control :•The primary control band must be at least ± 2 % of the rated power.•The frequency power droop characteristic must be adjustable.•Given a quasi-stationary frequency deviation of ± 200 mHz, it must be possible to activate the total primary control power range required by the generating plant evenly in 30s and to supply it for at least 15 min.•The primary control power must be again available 15 min after activation, provided that the setpoint frequency has been reached again.•In the event of smaller frequency deviations, the same rate of power change applies until the required power is reached.•The insensitivity range must be less than ± 10 mHz.3.2.4 Reactive power exchange and voltage stabilityWith active power output, every generating plant must fulfil, as a basic requirement, at the grid connection point the range of reactive power provision shown in Figure 4. As an additional requirement ENE can, in justified cases, agree an extended or different reactive power exchange.The reactive power exchange by each generating plant with the grid must be technically configured to achieve ENE’s specified setpoint values.Generally, it must be possible to pass, within a few minutes, through the agreed configuration range for the power factor at the rated active power output. The entire process must be possible as often as required.If necessary, equipment must be provided as an additional requirement in the generating plant so that voltage and reactive power regulation can be carried out.The operating point for the stationary steady state reactive power exchange at the active power output is defined by ENE in the grid connection agreement depending on the requirements of the grid. The definition refers to one of the following three possibilities:•Power factor (cos ϕ)•Reactive power level (Q in Mvar)•Voltage level (U in kV), if necessary with tolerance bandThe operating points are defined by the following possibilities:•Agreement of a value or, if necessary, a schedule•Online setpoint value specificationIn the case of online specification of setpoint value, the respective new specifications for the operating point of the reactive power exchange must be realised at the grid connection point after no more than one minute.If the reactive power exchange alters, step changes corresponding to a reactive power of more than 2.5 % of the grid connection capacity in the high voltage grid and 5 % in the extra high voltage grid are not permissible. ENE can also permit a greater range in certain justified cases.Switching-related voltage changes at the grid connection point must not exceed 2 % in the entire operating range of the generating plant and also in the case of reactive power exchange in the limit range. For generating plants used for the base load, it is possible to agree on a higher value.The block or power transformer must be fitted with a tap changer that must be harmonised with the properties of the generating plant (control range and step size).If the generating plant is not running its auxiliary service requirements are covered from the ENE grid, the conditions for reactive power exchange as stated in Chapter 3.1.3 apply. In justified cases, ENE can permit a greater reactive power exchange.3.2.5 Disconnecting the generating plant from the gridAt frequencies between 47.5 Hz and 51.5 Hz, automatic disconnection from the grid due to the frequency deviation from 50 Hz is not permissible. When 47.5 Hz or 51.5 Hz is reached, automatic disconnection from the grid must take place without delay. In individual cases, ENE can specify a different set value, e.g. for realising the 5-step plan for grid faults [9].If the grid frequency rises to a value of more than 50.5 Hz, ENE can demand, as an additional requirement, a reduction of the active power output as shown in Figure 3.If there is provision for transition to auxiliary load, when the voltage falls at the grid connection point to a value of 85 % or less of the reference voltage (380/220/110 kV, e.g. 110 kV x 0.85 = 93.5 kV), the generating plant must be disconnected from the grid after a time delay of 5 seconds. The voltage value refers to the highest value of the three line-to-line grid voltages.In the case of Type 2 generating plants, this function must be carried out in accordance with Point3.2.6.2.In the event of a loss of stability, the generating plant must automatically disconnect itself from the grid in order to prevent multiple slip-through. The disconnection concept for loss of synchronism must be presented to and agreed with ENE.The point at which the disconnection is made must be agreed with ENE within the framework of the grid connection concept.3.2.6 Behaviour during grid disturbancesPhase swinging or power oscillations must not trigger of the generating plant protection or a capacity disconnection. Regulation of the generating plant must not stimulate phase swinging or power oscillations. Stability-related variables of turbine and generator control must be agreed between the operator of the generating plant and ENE.For generators, equipment for damping phase swinging or power oscillations may be necessary, e.g. power system stabilizer (PSS). When required, ENE agrees with the generating plant operator the configuration of the necessary equipment. Via this measure, it must be ensured that the static stabilityfor every operating point within the generator power diagram is guaranteed and that steady state operation is possible when there is rated short circuit power on the high voltage side of at least four times the generating plant’s rated active power and a voltage on the high voltage side of at least the network rated voltage.Following the clearance of a fault in the ENE grid and in the case of automatic three-pole reclosure, the operator or a generating plant must expect that the voltages in ENE grids and at the connectee’s grid connection can be asynchronous. The operator of the generating plant must take measures to ensure that automatic reclosure in the transmission operator’s grid does not cause damage to his generating plants.A disturbance is only considered cleared when the generating plant has resumed normal operation, and not simply after performing fault clearing.The requirements in the event of faults in the grid must be adhered to for the range between the minimum and maximum short-circuit power present at the grid connection point, and the connectee must provide evidence of it. Behaviour of Type 1 generating plants in the event of faults in the gridA Type 1 generating plant refers to a synchronous generator connected directly to the grid.Three-phase short circuits must not cause instability or a disconnection from the grid when for fault-clearing times of up to 150 ms in the entire operating range of the generating plant.Figure 5 shows the limit curve for the voltage pattern at the grid connection in the case of a three-phase short circuit, above which Type 1 generating plants may not be disconnected from the mains。
BigBang成员资料G-Dragon(Leader/Rapper/Vocal)韩文名:Kwon Jiyong中文名:权志龙英文名:G-Dragon职务:队长、Rapper、主唱生日:1988.08.18星座:狮子座身高:178CM体重:58KG血型:A型家庭成员:父母、姐姐首演:2022年帅绅士爱好:绘画、音乐鉴赏特长:Rapping、Dance、Beat Box、作词、作曲、唱歌、英语、中文性格特征:很有责任感并且礼貌的队长,完美主义的狮子座学历:国乐艺术中学、议政府通讯情报高中、庆熙大学现代音乐系喜欢的东西:衣物、首饰讨厌的东西:下雨天宗教:基督教宠物:沙皮狗(家虎)个人奖项:2022年韩国十大作曲家、最佳魅力先生(都是唯一10代的获奖者)在乎的东西:歌词本、朋友、衣服初次登台:2022年韩国Hip-Hop Flex喜欢的明星:Jay-Z、Omarion、50cents、Justin Timberlake、Nelly、Lil Bow wow、YG公司的朋友们喜欢的颜色:黑色、白色、天蓝色、柠檬色理想的女孩:纯情、有个性、可爱、善良、善解人意、帅气的女孩(龙的意思是只要是女生都可以)理想型:BoA、苍井优以后的想法:会努力地遵守诺言座右铭:尽力而为纹身:左边手腕moderato(中等速度)(龙理解的意思是:不要走得太快“慢慢的”看着旁边)右边手腕vita dolce(甜蜜的生活)(龙理解的意思是:甜蜜的过着人生)every time,每个人背上Too fast to live,too young to die。
参予的演出:2022年Hip-Hop Flex,wheesung 第一辑,seven 第一辑,YG Family 第二辑,perry 第一辑个人SOLO:《This Love》、《But I love U》、《只看着我Part2》、个人solo专辑《heartbreaker》Feat:Se7en - 1st album 「Just Listen」01.Intro(Rap)Se7en - 3rd album 「24 / 7」14.Run(Rap)Se7en - 4th album 「Se7olution」07.CAN YOU FEEL ME(Rap)李孝利- Digital Single 「Anystar」02.Anystar(Remixed ParkBom)(Rap)Kim Jo Han - So In Love Part2(Feat. G Dragon)(Rap)(2022年)辉星- 1st album 「Like a movie」Magic EyeGummy-4th album「Comfort」Intro C Work it nowLexy - Super fly严正花- 「D.I.S.C.O」Party(2022年)金朝汉- so in love Part2w-inds. - rain is fallin太阳(Main Vocal/Main Dancer)韩文名:Dong Youngbae中文名:东永裴艺名:(Taeyang)太阳日本艺名:SOL(西班牙语中“太阳”的意思)曾用艺名:(TaeKwon)队中职务:主唱、舞蹈生日:1988.05.18星座:金牛座身高:174CM体重:62KG血型:AB型家庭成员:父母、哥哥宠物:BOSS(参与bigbang短剧《病毒》的演出)宗教信仰:基督教学历:大真大学戏剧电影学院首演:2022年帅绅士嗜好:篮球、听音乐、看电视座右铭:特长:Rapping、Dance、Beat Box、唱歌、日语个人SOLO:2022年09月28日mini2辑中的《Ma girl》、2022年05月22日First Solo ALBIM2022年10月15日单曲《Where U At》、2022年11月13日单曲《Wedding Dress》Feat:Prayer (Feat. TaeKwon)-辉星2辑-It's realRun (Feat. TaeKwon)-Se7en 3辑-24/SE7EN我会好好做(Feat. TaeYang)-Se7en 4辑-Se7olutionGet Up (Intro) (Feat. TaeYang)-Lexy 3辑-RushRush (Feat. TaeYang)-Lexy 3辑-RushSuper Fly (Featuring G-Dragon T.O.P TaeYang)-Lexy 3辑-Rush (Feat. TaeYang)-金朝汉5辑-Soul Family With Johan Real talk (Feat. TaeYang)-YMGA 1辑-Made in R.O.KKorean Dream (Feat. TaeYang)-G-dragon 1辑-HeartbreakerT.O.P(Rapper/Vocal)韩文名:Choi Seunghyun中文名:崔胜贤出道前艺名:Tempo职务:Rapper生日:1987.11.04星座:天蝎座身高:181CM体重:65KG血型:B型家庭成员:父母、姐姐特长:Rapping、Beat Box、写词宠物:charlie(查理)性格特点:做事认真、低调、酷爱搞笑、脑子有时候比较轴、虽然是队中大哥,但心理年龄其实还是个小孩子。
基本设置故障代码表0112 61U/N 重迭太少 61U/N 重迭太少 检查 61U 和 61N 的位置 0113 同步开关错误 77S 开关失效检查 77S 的动作情况 0114 层站太近两楼层门太近检查磁铁的位置0115 倍数错误0116顶层站计数错误设定失效或未完成执行设定驱动网络错误 LCECCB 轿顶接线板1101轿顶接线板失效LCECEB 轿厢操作面板加长板前A后B1201 2201 COP 第一块加长板失效1202 2202 COP 第二块加长板失效12032203 COP 第三块加长板失效LCECOB 轿厢操作面板13012301 前侧轿厢面板失效LCEFCB 层站控制板1401 2401 前层站控制板失效1402 2402 第二个层站控制板失效14032403 第三个层站控制板失效14042404 第四个层站控制板失效V3f25 调试指南: 概要调试指南仅用于 v3f25 驱动模块 713990REV2.0 该驱动模块在出厂前已经过测试,并预设基本调节1.1 安全与健康强制规定如本指南与您所在国家的电梯安全法规冲突时,以后者为准V3f25 的主电路电容和逆变板,安全回路,控制内都有高电压关闭主电源后至少等 5 分钟才能测量 v3f25内 部和马达接线箱 逆娈板的 Led danger 灯亮表示 v3f25 内仍有高压存在,即关闭主电源, 照明,风扃,插座及其相关线路仍有 1.2 工具 数字万用表 /测试法码 1.3 参考资料 am-1.1.30-btc04807wl-en.tc04807w2-enso-11.65.09-6 as-11.65.01-a as-11.65.08-a 1.4 操 作 界 面 : Lce(chinaMAX1.4) 或以上版本, V3f25 参数在 Lce 菜 单 6 中,其操作方法与其它菜单相似,更改 Lce 菜 单 6 中参数必须在 Rdf 模式下进行,读取或更改完 菜单 6 的参数后记隹退出菜单 6。
焊接方法代号分类焊接代号AW——ARC WELDING——电弧焊AHW——atomic hydrogen welding——原子氢焊BMAW——bare metal arc welding——无保护金属丝电弧焊CAW——carbon arc welding——碳弧焊CAW-G——gas carbon arc welding——气保护碳弧焊CAW-S——shielded carbon arc welding——有保护碳弧焊CAW-T——twin carbon arc welding——双碳极间电弧焊EGW——electrogas welding——气电立焊FCAW——flux cored arc welding——药芯焊丝电弧焊FCW-G——gas-shielded flux cored arc welding——气保护药芯焊丝电弧焊FCW-S——self-shielded flux cored arc welding——自保护药芯焊丝电弧焊GMAW——gas metal arc welding——熔化极气体保护电弧焊GMAW-P——pulsed arc——熔化极气体保护脉冲电弧焊GMAW-S——short circuiting arc——熔化极气体保护短路过度电弧焊GTAW——gas tungsten arc welding——钨极气体保护电弧焊GTAW-P——pulsed arc——钨极气体保护脉冲电弧焊MIAW——magnetically impelled arc welding——磁推力电弧焊PAW——plasma arc welding——等离子弧焊SMAW——shielded metal arc welding——焊条电弧焊SW——stud arc welding——螺栓电弧焊SAW——submerged arc welding——埋弧焊SAW-S——series——横列双丝埋弧焊RW——RWSISTANCE WELDING——电阻焊FW——flash welding——闪光焊RW-PC——pressure controlled resistance welding——压力控制电阻焊PW——projection welding——凸焊RSEW——resistance seam welding——电阻缝焊RSEW-HF——high-frequency seam welding——高频电阻缝焊RSEW-I——induction seam welding——感应电阻缝焊RSEW-MS——mash seam welding——压平缝焊RSW——resistance spot welding——点焊UW——upset welding——电阻对焊UW-HF——high-frequency ——高频电阻对焊UW-I——induction——感应电阻对焊SSW——SOLID STATE WELDING——固态焊CEW——co-extrusion welding——CW——cold welding——冷压焊DFW——diffusion welding——扩散焊HIPW——hot isostatic pressure diffusion welding——热等静压扩散焊EXW——explosion welding——爆炸焊FOW——forge welding——锻焊FRW——friction welding——摩擦焊FRW-DD——direct drive friction welding——径向摩擦焊FSW——friction stir welding——搅拌摩擦焊FRW-I——inertia friction welding——惯性摩擦焊HPW——hot pressure welding——热压焊ROW——roll welding——热轧焊USW——ultrasonic welding——超声波焊S——SOLDERING——软钎焊DS——dip soldering——浸沾钎焊FS——furnace soldering——炉中钎焊IS——induction soldering——感应钎焊IRS——infrared soldering——红外钎焊INS——iron soldering——烙铁钎焊RS——resistance soldering——电阻钎焊TS——torch soldering——火焰钎焊UUS——ultrasonic soldering——超声波钎焊WS——wave soldering——波峰钎焊B——BRAZING——软钎焊BB——block brazing——块钎焊DFB——diffusion brazing——扩散焊DB——dip brazing——浸沾钎焊EXB——exothermic brazing——反应钎焊FB——furnace brazing——炉中钎焊IB——induction brazing——感应钎焊IRB——infrared brazing——红外钎焊RB——resistance brazing——电阻钎焊TB——torch brazing——火焰钎焊TCAB——twin carbon arc brazing——双碳弧钎焊OFW——OXYFUEL GAS WELDING——气焊AAW——air-acetylene welding——空气乙炔焊OAW——oxy-acetylene welding——氧乙炔焊OHW——oxy-hydrogen welding——氢氧焊PGW——pressure gas welding——气压焊OTHER WELDING AND JOINING——其他焊接与连接方法AB——adhesive bonding——粘接BW——braze welding——钎接焊ABW——arc braze welding——电弧钎焊CABW——carbon arc braze welding——碳弧钎焊EBBW——electron beam braze welding——电子束钎焊EXBW——exothermic braze welding——热反应钎焊FLB——flow brazing——波峰钎焊FLOW——flow welding——波峰焊LBBW——laser beam braze welding——激光钎焊EBW——electron beam welding——电子束焊EBW-HV——high vacuum——高真空电子束焊EBW-MV——medium vacuum——中真空电子束焊EBW-NV——non vacuum——非真空电子束焊ESW——electroslag welding——电渣焊ESW-CG——consumable guide eletroslag welding——熔嘴电渣焊IW——induction welding——感应焊LBW——laser beam welding——激光焊PEW——percussion welding——冲击电阻焊TW——thermit welding——热剂焊THSP——THERMAL SPRAYING——热喷涂ASP——arc spraying——电弧喷涂FLSP——flame spraying——火焰喷涂FLSP-W——wire flame spraying——丝材火焰喷涂HVOF——high velocity oxyfuel spraying——高速氧燃气喷涂PSP——plasma spraying——等离子喷涂VPSP-W——vacuum plasma spraying——真空等离子喷涂TC——THERMAL CUTTING——热切割OC——OXYGEN CUTTING——气割OC-F——flux cutting——熔剂切割OC-P——metal powder cutting——金属熔剂切割OFC——oxyfuel gas cutting——氧燃气切割CFC-A——oxyacetylene cutting——氧乙炔切割CFC-H——oxyhydrogen cutting——氢氧切割CFC-N——oxynatural gas cutting——氧天然气切割CFC-P——oxypropanne cutting——氧丙酮切割OAC——oxygen arc cutting——氧气电弧切割OG——oxygen gouging——气刨OLC——oxygen lance cutting——氧矛切割AC——ARC CUTTING——电弧切割CAC——carbon arc cutting——碳弧切割CAC-A——air carbon arc cutting——空气碳弧切割GMAC——gas metal arc cutting——熔化极气体保护电弧切割GTAC——gas tungsten arc cutting——钨极气体保护电弧切割PAC——plasma arc cutting——等离子弧切割SMAC——shielded metal arc cutting——焊条电弧切割HIGH ENERGY BEAM CUTTING——高能束切割EBC——electron beam cutting——电子束切割LBC——laser beam cutting——激光切割LBC-A——air——空气激光切割LBC-EV——evaporative——蒸气激光切割LBC-IG——inert gas——惰性气体激光切割LBC-O——oxygen——氧气激光切割。
我的MJ视频收藏列表视频名称(版本)/视频格式/段数/大小(MB/GB)/长度(时’’分’秒)/刻录位置颜色归类:代表刻录时切割过的视频文件代表未刻录视频文件代表尚未完整的视频收藏代表尚未归类或未说明的视频文件代表更新或新增加的视频收藏注:附带文字说明另:另外刻录的视频收藏一.演唱会类:1.Jackson 5 Going Back To Indiana 1971印第安那州演唱会清晰版(DAT/158M/15’40)MJ 视频1312.Going Back To Indiana - J5 ABC Special电视特辑(含1971年Indiana演唱会)(WMV格式/77.2M + 78.6M/15’33 + 15’58) MJ DVD视频183.The Jackson 5 live in France'72 (法国巴黎)(MPG格式/9段/275MB) MJ 视频113(MPEG格式/不分段源文件/281M/27’51) MJ 视频1324.Moving Violation Tour Live In Mexico 1975 (Full Version) (MPG格式/19段/708.7MB)MJ演唱会视频1 & MJ 视频805.The Jackson 5 Live In Mexico 1975 (Short Version) (MPG格式/430MB/43'11)MJ DVD视频36.Destiny Tour Live In London 1979(MPG格式/685M + 179M/49’21/已切割) MJ 视频84 & 85(清晰版/MPG格式/10段/508M) MJ DVD视频307.Triumph Tour Los Angeles 1981 (MPG格式/11段/426M)MJ演唱会视频25 另:(MPG格式/不分段/434M/42’46) MJ DVD视频128.81’美国-纽约Triumph演唱会(MPG格式/1-4段/289M/不完整)MJ视频119.Victory Tour Live In Dallas 1984 (MPG格式/上,下部分/450M + 508M/45’10 + 50’57)MJ 视频119 & 12010.Victory Tour Live In Kansas City 1984(DAT格式/486M/48'14) 注:带网站字幕MJ 视频131(MPG格式, 2 & 11段:WMV /11段/433M/无网站字幕) MJ DVD视频1911.84’美国-纽约Victory演唱会(业余版) (AVI格式/part1/58.4M/54’11/不完整)MJ 视频3912.84’Victory演唱会(MPEG格式/3,4段/74.4M/未知地区/不完整)MJ 视频4313.87’日本-横滨Bad演唱会(AVI格式/591M/1’’37’16) MJ演唱会视频2 (另:WMV格式/17段/411M) MJ视频41(另:MPG格式/1-9段/451M/不完整) MJ视频32(MPG格式/上下部分/445M + 461M/45’44 + 50’33/注:mjsfc网站更新) MJ DVD视频19 & 21 (MPG格式/2052M/1’’36’46/768 x 576/3分卷存储刻录) MJ DVD视频2314.87’日本-东京Bad演唱会(1987.9.12 黑衣版真棒巡演首站) (DAT格式/591M/59’34)MJ DVD视频715.87'日本-东京Bad演唱会(1987.9.13 银衣版)(MPG格式/13段/599M) MJ DVD视频18(MPG格式/598M/1''00'01/不分段) MJ DVD视频16.87’日本-大阪Bad演唱会(90分钟版Black & White Color) (MPG格式/16段/899M)MJ 演唱会视频19 & 23(另:MPG/8-11段/242M/MJ 视频46)17.88'日本-大阪Bad演唱会(MPG格式/656M + 150M/58’25 + 13’42/已切割)MJ 视频74 & 7718.88'日本-大阪Bad演唱会(MPG格式/1-6段/275M/不完整) MJ视频45(WMV格式/上半部分/148M/不完整) MJ 视频4619.88’日本-东京Bad演唱会(1988.12.26 业余版) (MPG格式/17段/1014M)MJ 视频127 & 12820.88'比利时-Wercher Bad演唱会(部分)(AVI /5段/APOM & DD & HH & RWY & WBSS/65.8M)( 另:MPG /120M/11’56) MJ DVD视频2121.88’西班牙-巴塞罗那Bad演唱会(业余版) (MPG格式/15段/1138M)MJ 演唱会视频20 & 2122.88’西班牙-马尔贝拉Bad演唱会(业余版)(MPG格式/10段/652M) MJ DVD视频16(MPG格式/8段/651M) MJ DVD视频2123.88’意大利-罗马Bad演唱会(1988.05.28 业余版) (MPG/上、下部分/393M + 425M/39'24 + 42’43)MJ DVD视频& 3124.88’德国-科隆Bad演唱会(业余版) (MPG:7/AVI:7/WMV:1/15段/603M)MJ DVD视频2225.88’德国-科隆Bad演唱会(业余版)(彩色版) (MPG/19段/2G)MJ DVD视频25 & 26 (第8段)26.88’澳大利亚-悉尼Bad演唱会(红衣版)(电视报道) (MPG格式/141M/6’11)MJ DVD视频2727.88’瑞典-哥德堡Bad演唱会(业余版) (WMV格式/16段/342M)MJ DVD视频1928.92’西班牙-马德里Dangerous演唱会(业余版) (WMV格式/未更新完)29.92’瑞典-斯德哥尔摩Dangerous演唱会(1992.7.18 业余版)(AVI格式/19段/833M)MJ 演唱会视频22 & 2330.92’日本-东京Dangerous演唱会(3 Songs) (MPG格式/1-3段/64M + 27.5M + 23.8M/不完整)MJ 视频39 (From Tv, JAM ~ WBSS ~ BOW 3 Songs)31.92’西班牙-奥维亚多Dangerous演唱会(业余版) (WMV + MPG格式/1 + 7段/129M:51’00 + 550M)MJ DVD视频2132.92’意大利-蒙扎Dangerous演唱会(业余版)(画质一般/MPG格式/10段/365M/不完整) MJ 视频45(画质较好/MPG格式/19段/1.15G) MJ DVD视频31 &33.92'爱尔兰-都柏林Dangerous演唱会(业余版/261M/26'10/注:不清晰)MJ 视频12434.92’日本-东京Dangerous演唱会(业余版) (MPG格式/150M/14'54) MJ DVD视频26WYBT,BOW (With Slash),MITM (With HTW Outfit) Short Tour35.92’德国-汉堡Dangerous演唱会(业余版) (AVI格式/992M/1''05'17)MJ DVD视频2836.92’德国-法兰克福Dangerous演唱会(业余版) (MPG格式/15段/0.99G)MJ DVD视频637.92’法国-图卢兹Dangerous演唱会(业余版) (AVI格式/上、下部分/119M + 191M/56’16 + 1’’05’18)MJ DVD视频2338.92’英国-伦敦Dangerous演唱会(wembley TV version)(4段/159M/JAM & BOW & BI & SC & WDAN)MJ 视频10439.93’智利-圣地亚哥Dangerous演唱会(业余版)(MPG格式/14段/781M) MJ 视频86 & 120(MPG格式/上下半场/406M + 225M/40’43 + 31’10) MJ DVD视频3140.93'阿根廷-布宜诺斯艾利斯Dangerous演唱会(业余版) (AVI格式/13段/489M)MJ DVD视频1941.92’罗马尼亚-布加勒斯特Dangerous演唱会(HBO版)(AVI格式/15段/694M) MJ 视频51 & 52 & 73(MPG格式/上半部分/整个视频/309 M) MJ 视频1242.92’罗马尼亚-布加勒斯特Dangerous演唱会(3SAT版) (不完整)43.92’罗马尼亚-布加勒斯特Dangerous演唱会(明珠版) (AVI格式/15段/695.6M)MJ 演唱会视频27 & 视频2744.92’罗马尼亚-布加勒斯特Dangerous演唱会(BBC版)(MPG格式/19段/1223M) MJ 演唱会视频7 & 8另:(清晰版/AVI格式/792M + 712M:1.47G/1’’02’54 + 1’’00’05) MJ DVD视频2745.92’罗马尼亚-布加勒斯特Dangerous演唱会(PEARL版)(MPG格式/上,下/643M + 617M/1’’03’44 + 1’’00’29)MJ 演唱会视频9 & 1046.92'罗马尼亚-布加勒斯特Dangerous演唱会(DVD D5版/VOB格式/8部分/4.28G)(注:光盘)47.92'罗马尼亚-布加勒斯特Dangerous演唱会(DVD D9版/正版源文件VOB格式/8部分/7.26G)MJ DVD视频4 & 548.93’墨西哥-墨西哥城Dangerous演唱会(4 Songs) (DAT格式/4段/72.2M & 59.4M & 68.2M & 111M)MJ DVD视频949.96’捷克-布拉格HIStory演唱会(业余版) 历史巡演首站-1996.9.7(AVI格式/4 Parts/475M & 44.9M & 118M & 87.2M:726M/59’53 + 4’49 + 12’42 + 9’18)MJ DVD视频1750.96'匈牙利-布达佩斯HIStory演唱会(业余版) (MPG格式/638M/1''04'03)MJ DVD视频3051.96’中国台湾-高雄HIStory演唱会(业余版) MJ almost falls down at "TWYMMF"!(MPG/3段/E.S & YANY & S.C & TWYMMF/224M) MJ DVD视频9(MPG/5段/550M) MJ DVD视频2952.96’俄罗斯-莫斯科历史演唱会(业余版) (DAT格式/651M/1''04'30)MJ DVD视频2953.96’俄罗斯-莫斯科历史演唱会(业余版)(另一版本左侧拍摄) (MJUK网站)(Scream/They Don't Care About Us/In The Closet/WMV格式/20.7M/8’11) MJ DVD视频17另:(DAT格式/83.6M/8’11/结尾带字幕) MJ DVD视频2854.96’澳大利亚-悉尼HIStory演唱会(DAT格式/475M/47’06)MJ DVD视&音频1155.96’澳大利亚-悉尼HIStory演唱会(清晰版)(MPG格式/7段/466M) MJ DVD视频22(MPG格式/上,下部分/303M + 162M/30'40 + 16'13) MJ DVD视频2556.96’日本-东京HIStory演唱会(业余版)(WMV格式/113M/44’39)MJ DVD视频21(MPG格式/451M/44'39/不分段) MJ DVD视频57.96'突尼斯-突尼斯市HIStory演唱会(业余版) (MPG格式/19段/1.18G)MJ DVD视频2658.96’罗马尼亚-布加勒斯特HIStory演唱会(MPG格式/4 Parts/59MB & 514MB & 306MB & 370MB) MJ 视频17 & 18(另:MPG格式/12段/499M/不完整) MJ 视频3359.96’罗马尼亚-布加勒斯特HIStory演唱会(清晰版) (MPG /上,下部分/578M & 673M/57'30 & 1''06'52)MJ DVD视频760.96’菲律宾-马尼拉HIStory演唱会(1st Version) (5台版本)(MPG格式/978M/1''36'57) MJ DVD视频1(清晰版/MPG格式/17段/1.02G) MJ DVD视频3061.96’菲律宾-马尼拉HIStory演唱会(2st Version) (较清晰版/AVI格式/640M/1''28'18)MJ DVD视频2662.96’马来西亚-吉隆坡HIStory演唱会(MPG格式/12段/771M) MJ 演唱会视频26 & 25(MPG格式/上下部分/521M + 334M/52’14 + 33’32) MJ DVD视频2163.96’韩国-汉城HIStory演唱会 (MPG格式/622MB + 539MB)MJ 演唱会视频29 (上部分13段) & 18 (下部分注:不分段)(另:RMVB格式/240M + 187M/1’’03’55 + 55’23) MJ 视频106(另:上部分不分段/MPG/622M/1’’03’55) MJ DVD视频1264.96’新西兰-奥克兰HIStory演唱会(分段完整版+ 整个视频文件完整版)(分段清晰版/MPG/627M + 246M + 158M) MJ 演唱会视频24 & 视频28 & 37(整个视频文件清晰版/MPG/上下部分/596M + 427M/已切割) MJ 视频29 & 3165.96’荷兰-阿姆斯特丹HIStory演唱会(1996.9.30 业余版)(MPG格式/20段/1221M) MJ 视频91 & 98(MPG格式/1-10段/445M/不完整) MJ 视频4866.97'比利时-奥斯坦德HIStory演唱会(业余版) (WMV格式/19段/488M/注:带网站字幕)MJ DVD视频1267.97’英国-伦敦HIStory演唱会(业余版左侧拍摄)(MPG/5段/316+289+115+343+440:1.46G/27'35+25'28+10'35+29'33+36'30) MJ DVD视频2668.97'英国-伦敦HIStory演唱会(业余版右侧拍摄) (MPEG格式/17段/1158M)MJ DVD视频28 (1-8 & 10) & 30(9 & 11-17)69.97’奥地利-维也纳HIStory演唱会(Black & White 业余版) (MPG格式/17段/1.18G)MJ DVD视频2270.97'爱尔兰-都柏林历史演唱会(业余版)(1997.07.19) (WMV格式/20段/328M/注:带MJUK字幕)MJ 视频13271.97’瑞士-巴塞尔HIStory演唱会(业余版) (MPG格式/9段/411M + 161M:1~3段)MJ DVD视频31 &72.97’意大利-米兰HIStory演唱会(业余版) (AVI格式/16段/697M/)MJ 视频31 (3-8段) & MJ DVD视频6 (1-2 & 9-18段)(DAT格式/上下部分/511M + 653M:1.13G/50’37 + 1''04'41/注:带网站字幕) MJ DVD视频973.97’芬兰-赫尔辛基HIStory演唱会(MPG格式/21段/1255.3M) MJ 演唱会视频5 & 6 & 29(DAT格式/上下部分/582M + 719M:1.27G/57’38 + 1''11'17) MJ DVD视频974.97'德国-慕尼黑HIStory演唱会(业余版前方拍摄) (MPG格式/595M + 643M/59’39 + 1''04'29)MJ DVD视频28 & 2975.97’德国-慕尼黑HIStory演唱会(DVDrip版) (AVI格式/上,下部分/685M + 74M + 622M/已切割)MJ 演唱会视频16 & 视频29 & 30(另:下半场/697M/1’’0212/未切割) MJ DVD视频1776.97’德国-慕尼黑HIStory演唱会(SF1版) (WMV/19段/607M) (www.michaeljackson.hu网站更新)MJ 视频11477.97’德国-慕尼黑HIStory演唱会(SF2版)(AVI格式/586M + 632M/59’54 + 1’’02’16) MJ 演唱会视频3 & 4(另:SF2压缩版/RMVB格式/111M/2'02'11) MJ DVD视频1978.97’德国-慕尼黑HIStory演唱会(TV1000版) (MPG格式/1.19G/2''01'09)MJ DVD视频179.97’德国-霍根海姆HIStory演唱会(业余版) (MPG格式/1-10段/600M)MJ 视频44 & MJ DVD视频7 (7-10段) & MJ DVD视频26 (01.Intro 补全)另:(MPG格式/629M/1’’02’21/不分段) MJ DVD视频80.97’德国-盖尔森基辛HIStory演唱会(业余版) (MPG格式/18段/1.18G)MJ DVD视频3181.97’德国-科隆HIStory演唱会(业余版) (MPG格式/上、下部分/627M + 707M/1''02'07 +1''01'44)MJ DVD视频2982.97’德国-莱比锡HIStory演唱会(业余版) (MPG格式/169M/16’48/黑白版/注:画质差)(Beat It、BOTDF、Dangerous、BOW) MJ DVD视频383.97’荷兰-阿姆斯特丹HIStory演唱会(1997.6.10 业余版)(网站更新缺最后三段/不完整版本) (MPG格式/16段/813M) MJ DVD视频22(完整版本)(AVI格式/696M/1’’46’05) MJ DVD视频2984.97’瑞典-哥德堡HIStory演唱会(Channel 3 版)(中等画质/AVI格式/16段/869M) MJ 演唱会视频11 & 12(AVI格式/上、下部分/420M + 447M/1''09'27 + 1''04'46) MJ DVD视频10(高画质/AVI格式/上、下部分/698M + M/1’’10’34 + ) MJ DVD视频3185.97’瑞典-哥德堡HIStory演唱会(TV1000 版)(MPG + DAT格式/上、下部分/702M + 659M/1''08'44 + 1''05'21) MJ DVD视频1 & 386.97’瑞典-哥德堡HIStory演唱会(TV1000版DVDrip 歌迷制作)(AVI格式/18段/914M) MJ DVD视频2187.97’丹麦-哥本哈根HIStory演唱会(Channel 3版)(MPG格式/17段/627M + 138M + 193M + 132M =1090M) MJ演唱会视频28 & 视频33 & 37 & 49 (另:WMV格式17段456M) MJ 视频38(另:DAT格式/上下部分/463M + 640M/45’59 + 01''03‘39) MJ DVD视频1088.97’丹麦-哥本哈根HIStory演唱会(TV1000版)(MPG格式/下半部分/656M/1’’07’21/不完整)MJ DVD视频589.97’丹麦-哥本哈根HIStory演唱会(1997.8.14 业余版) (MPG格式/7段/720M)MJ DVD视频2690.97’丹麦-哥本哈根HIStory生日演唱会(1997.8.29 业余版) (MPG格式/14段/599M)MJ 视频47 & 4891.97’德国-盖尔森基辛HIStory演唱会(1997.06.15)(业余版) (MPG格式/18段/1.21G)MJ DVD视频2 & DVD 视频10(网站重新更新3段)92.99’MJ&朋友们韩国慈善演唱会(新闻报道& MJ表演部分) 全部为左上角“红色滚动数字”正宗版(DAT格式/6段/44.2M & 46.1M & 70.2M & 48.2M & 109M & 40.1M :358M) MJ DVD视频999’MJ&朋友们韩国慈善演唱会(BJ:红色滚动字幕& E.S + YANAL:MTV版/MPG/69+153M/不完整) MJ 视频32 & 70 (另:E.S & YANAL DAT格式/153M/15’03)93.99’MJ&朋友们韩国慈善演唱会(含其他明星表演& MJ表演部分) (DAT格式/7段/900M)MJ DVD视频394.99’MJ&朋友们德国慈善演唱会(ZDF版/MJ表演部分/MPG格式/5段/288M)MJ 视频59 & MJ 演唱会视频15 (分段/224M)95.99’MJ&朋友们德国慈善演唱会(Channel 1版,明星&MJ表演部分) (DAT/496M+259M/49'10+25'24)MJ DVD视&音频1596.99’MJ&朋友们德国慈善演唱会(Channel 2版,完整版)(MPG格式/312M/31’17) MJ 演唱会视频15(另:RMVB格式/157M/31’17/带中文字幕文件) MJ DVD视频1797.01’30周年演唱会(CBS版)(AVI格式/整个视频文件/333M/1’’26’29) MJ 视频128(另:MPG格式/分段) MJ 视频60 & 62 & 64(另:WMV格式/分段/433M) MJ 视频56 & 5798.01’30周年演唱会(CBS 版带“Britney Jean Spears”表演) (AVI格式/406M/1’’25’33)MJ 视频4299.01’30周年演唱会(西班牙版)(AVI格式/561MB & 538MB/1’’20’14 + 53’17) MJ 演唱会视频13 & 14另:(AVI格式/不分段/932M/2’’13’32) MJ DVD视频17100.01’30周年演唱会(星空卫视版) (MJ表演部分/MPG格式/4段/584.6M)MJ 视频82101.01’30周年演唱会(星空卫视版,中文字幕) (DAT格式/上、下部分/613M+728M/01''00'43+01''12'11) MJ DVD视频10102.01’30周年演唱会(3Sat版1st Version) (MJ表演部分/AVI格式/700M/50’48/注:画质佳) MJ DVD视频1103.01’30周年演唱会(3Sat版2nd Version) Not Excellent Quality,but,Including:You Rock My World!(MPG格式/583M/58'26) MJ DVD视频25104.01’30周年演唱会(摇滚周刊版) Rare Version! Excellent Quality!(AVI格式/上、下部分/661MB & 1.27GB/1''05'59 + 1''08'20) MJ DVD视频105.01’30周年演唱会(业余版结尾带“We Are the World”大屏幕拍摄2001.9.7)(A、B部分/MPG格式/253M + 573M/25’13 + 57’00)MJ 视频95 & 97106.01’30周年演唱会(业余版左后方拍摄2001.09.07) (MPG格式/3段/235M/不完整) MJ 视频27107.Motown 25周年晚会完整版(DAT格式/2部分/85.9M + 622M/8’29 + 1’’01’39) MJ 演唱会视频17 & 23108.Michael Jackson - The Jackson Motown 25.1983 (J5 & MJ表演部分/VOB格式/577M/12’39) MJ 视频80二.其它类:1.Grammys Awards 84'(84’格莱美颁奖典礼)(MPG格式/清晰版/208M/23’24 + 2段其他明星表演/23.4M) MJ 视频36(另:WMV格式/65M/24’38) MJ 视频52.American Music Awards 84 (16.01.84) (WMV格式/69M/34’46)MJ 视频53.Grammys Awards 88'(88’格莱美颁奖典礼MJ表演部分) (MPG格式/108M/10’14)MJ 视频28另:1988 Grammy Awards(DVD版制式NTSC 码率7000Kbps 8M )(VOB格式/450M/6’15) MJ DVD视频124.Dangerous Tour Rehersals in Neverland 92' (92’危险之旅巡演彩排)(MPG格式/20段/1.104G) MJ 视频46 & 72 & 73另:(DAT格式/460M+431M/45'38+42'41) MJ DVD视频75.Mexico Dangerous Tour Special 93' (93’墨西哥危险演唱会记录片)(5段演唱会视频+ 18段花絮视频共23个视频文件/MPG格式/626M)MJ 视频76 & 19 (另:5段演唱会视频)6.Michael Jackson - Live From 1993 American Music Awards (Special About MJ)(MPG格式/290M/14'46) MJ DVD视频207.Jackson5 - Soul Train 78 - Shake Your Body, Push Me Away (MPG格式/125M/12’24)MJ DVD视频208.Argentina Dangerous Tour Special 93'(93’阿根廷危险演唱会特别节目)(DAT格式/第一段/229M/22’42/不完整)MJ 视频1119.Michael Jackson - Deposition Mexico 93' (93’墨西哥法庭现场录像)(AVI格式/3 Parts/408MB & 650MB & 96MB) MJ 视频107 & 10810.Jackson Family Honors 94' (94’杰克逊家族颁奖典礼英文版) (DAT格式/655M/1’’03’31)MJ 视频118 & (注:共刻录2次)11.World Music Award 1996 (96'蒙迪卡洛世界音乐大奖颁奖典礼) (DAT/523M & 539M/51’49 & 16段)MJ DVD视频7 (注:翠宫音乐之夜,中文字幕& 解说)12.凤凰卫视-MJ出庭应讯直播(MPG格式/387M/38’55)MJ 视频1513.凤凰大视野-杰克逊疑案大起底(全五集)(MPG格式/5 Parts/394MB & 396MB & 401MB & 400MB & 398MB)MJ 视频13 & 14 & 122 & 123 & 12414.History Tour Taiwan,Taiwaness News Report (台湾历史演唱会新闻综合报道) (MPG/617M/1'01'54)MJ DVD视频215.The Jacksons - An American Dream (杰克逊一家的美国梦DVDrip版)(MPEG格式/5 Parts/625MB & 561MB & 202MB & 471MB & 421MB)已刻录4CD16.Michael Jackson - The Legend Continues (传奇的延续英语版) (MPG格式/566M/56’49)MJ 视频8817.Michael Jackson - The Legend Continues (传奇的延续西班牙语版) (MPG格式/525M/52'40)MJ 视频12918.Michael Jackson's Private Home Movies(杰克逊私人家庭录像DVDrip版)(AVI格式/4段/684M/已刻录) (另:附中文字幕文件4段/54.5K MJ 视频112)(AVI格式/701M/1''22'09/不分段) MJ DVD视频19.Michael Jackson's Private Home Movies(杰克逊私人家庭录像西班牙文字幕)(MPG格式/2段/225M + 226M/不完整) MJ 视频64 & 6520.Michael Jackson's Private Home Movies(杰克逊私人家庭录像带中文字幕)(WMV格式/196M/) MJ 视频4921.Michael Jackson's Private Home Movies(杰克逊私人家庭录像FOX完整版)(WMV格式/9段/137M/30’09) MJ 视频55 & 20 (注:共刻录2次)22.Michael Jackson - HIStory on Film Volume II (VCD转WMV格式/378M/1’’45’02)MJ 视频5923.Michael Jackson - HIStory on Film Volume II (VCD转AVI格式/766M/1’’46’39)MJ 视频116 & 117 (注:视频文件被压缩分卷后刻录) 另: MJ DVD视&音频11(未分卷,整个视频)24.Michael Jackson - HIStory Greatest Video Hits DVDRip (VOB格式/历史原版DVD完整加长版/4.23G)MJ DVD视频825.Michael Jackson - HIStory Greatest Video Hits DVDRip (AVI格式/上下部分/699M + 697M)MJ DVD视&音频1126.Michael Jackson - Dangerous The Short Films(VCD转AVI格式/573M + 126M + 349M + 349M/已切割)MJ 视频52 & 53 & 55 另:MJ DVD视频13 (699M + 697M/49’29 + 1’’02’52/未切割)27.Michael Jackson - Dangerous - The Short Films (VCD转RM格式/上下部分/206M/57'53 + 56'21)MJ DVD视频5 (注:上海音像出版社出版)28.Michael Jackson - Dangerous Diary (危险日记) (WMV格式/6段/835M)MJ 视频68 & 6929.Michael Jackson - Dangerous Diary (危险日记) (MPG格式/3段/142M & 450M & 303M:896M)MJ DVD视频630.2001’纽约时代广场INVINCIBLE签售会(MOV格式/2’’51’46/419M)MJ 视频8931.The Jacksons TV Show (MPG格式/两段/274MB & 504MB/27’33 + 50’35)MJ 视频95 & 9632.The Jacksons TV Show Sonny Bono (AVI格式/268M/25'04)MJ DVD视频1633.The Wiz (绿野仙踪DVDrip 版) (AVI格式/2部分/699M + 699M)MJ 视频93 & 94 & 95 (注:已切割)MJ DVD视频6 (注:未切割)34.The Wiz (绿野仙踪法语版)35.The Wiz (绿野仙踪英语发音西班牙文字幕) (MPG格式/505M/2’’08’35)已刻录36.The Wiz绿野仙踪(99’美国DVD拷贝版) (MPG格式/1.33G/674M + 697M/1''06'50 +1’’09’06)MJ DVD视频1637.Michael Jackson's Face (杰克逊的脸港版中文字幕版) (DAT格式/399M/39'34)MJ 视频13038.Michael Jackson's Face (杰克逊的脸港版中文字幕版) (又译:杰克逊的真面目)(RM格式/28.8M/39'34) MJ 视频2(另:RM格式/128M/39’34) MJ DVD视频2039.Michael Jackson's Face - CBC - 2005 (杰克逊的脸) (WMV格式/4段/共185M/40’50)MJ 视频12140.Moonwalker外星战将(英语DVDRip版) (AVI格式/656M/1’’28’50)MJ 视频3841.Moonwalker外星战将(德语版) (MPG格式/701M/1’’29’44)MJ DVD视频1242.Moonwalker外星战将(西班牙语版) (AVI格式/618M/1’’28’50)MJ 视频4043.Moonwalker外星战将(中文字幕版带花絮) (AB部分/MPG格式/537M + 600M/53’53 + 1’’00’00)MJ 视频99 & 10044.Moonwalker外星战将(法语版) (AVI格式/585M/1’’29’21)MJ 视频11545.Making Of Moonwalker(外星战将制作花絮中文字幕版) (DAT格式/299M/29’39)MJ 视频7046.Michael Jackson - The Fabulous Life Of MJ (AVI格式/226M/20’22)MJ 视频10347.Michael Jackson - The Fabulous Life Of MJ (UK VH1台) (MPG/101M/20'52)MJ DVD视频2248.Michael Jackson – The Fan Club Special (MPG格式/178M/42'39)MJ DVD视频2249.95'德国Wetten dass节目表演(ZDF台Dangderous & Earth Song) (MPG格式/2段/124M)MJ 视频11750.Michael Jackson - About The Bad Tour - Japan Special (日本真棒之旅1440小时全记录)(MPG/3段/170M + 130M + 137M=438M/17’09 + 13’06 + 13’50) MJ 视频12151.百科全书人物VCD - 没落巨星迈克尔.杰克逊(DAT格式/5 Parts/32MB & 80MB & 109MB & 115MB & 126MB=565M)MJ 视频12552.Making of Stranger in Moscow (DAT格式/599M + 34.1M/58'09 + 3’25/注:画质一般)MJ 视频92 & MJ DVD视频2253.Making of Thrller 1983 (MTV Special)(颤栗制作花絮)(WMV格式/ 8段/164M) MJ 视频78 (另:MPG格式/4段/184M) MJ DVD视频12另:(MPG格式/不分段/311M/31’12) MJ DVD视&音频15另:(WMV格式/不分段/163M) MJ DVD视频1854.Making Michael Jackson's THRILLER(颤栗& 颤栗制作花絮) (DAT格式/586M/58'08)MJ DVD视频2355.Making Of They Don’t Care About Us (MPG格式/134M/13’29)MJ 视频77 & 6 (另:MPG格式/3段/132M)56.Making of Ghosts (VH1 version) (MPG格式/209M/20’09)MJ 视频7557.Making Of Ghosts (TV1000 版) (MPG格式/99.6M/9’59)MJ DVD视频258.Michael Jackson – Ghosts (DVD转AVI格式) (400.7M/39’40)MJ DVD视&音频1559.Michael Jackson - Ghosts (中文字幕版/RMVB格式/232M/39’40)MJ 视频8560.Michael Jackson - Ghosts.VHS-Rip.720X576.Big.quality (MPG格式/2.15G/39’31)MJ DVD视&音频15 (4分卷存储刻录)61.Michael Jackson – Ghosts (VH1版) (MPG格式/视频尺寸:720x576/116M/3'56)MJ DVD视频762.Making Of Captain EO (EO船长制作花絮) (MPG格式/489M/48’28)MJ 视频2263.Making Of Captain Eo (EO船长制作花絮) (MPG格式/224M/22'31)MJ DVD视频1664.Captain EO (EO船长Widescreen 版西班牙文字幕) (MPG格式/173M/17’23)MJ 视频6565.Captain Eo (Full Screen Version)(MPG格式/176M/17'41)MJ DVD视频1666.Making Of We Are The World (AVI格式/90.6M/52’38)MJ 视频22 & 6 (注:共刻录2次)67.Making Of We Are The World(USA For Africa 1985) (We Are The World制作花絮) (DVDrip)(AVI格式/751M/52'35/带中文字幕文件) MJ DVD视频2368.Michael Jackson - Making Of Scream(MPG格式/68.8M/6’54) MJ 视频1(AVI格式/140M/21'27) MJ DVD视频1669.Michael Jackson - Victory Tour Report 1984 (MPG格式/334M/24’46)MJ 视频7970.Michael Jackson - Bad Tour Special Munich '88 (88'BAD德国慕尼黑演唱会新闻记录)(MPG/287M/28'46) MJ 视频10971.Michael Jackson - Bad-Tour Report Roma 1988(italian) (DAT格式/82.1M/8'08)MJ DVD视频2072.92'德国危险报道(Germany Report 92) (DAT格式/75M/4’02)MJ 视频3973.Dangerous Tour Premier Munich 92 (MPG格式/232M/23'20/MJ未来网合成)MJ DVD视频1774.Huracán en laIsla(又名:飓风在海岛西班牙terrify危险报道) (MPG格式/266M/26’25)MJ DVD视频675.Michael Jackson - 华沙&布拉格&莫斯科三地历史综合报道(MPG格式/65.7M/6'36)MJ 视频10076.92'MJ西班牙慈善报道(AVI格式/39.1M/4’49)MJ 视频11977.93'西班牙-特内里费Dangerous报道(MPG格式/266M/26'25)MJ 视频12278.96’西班牙-萨拉戈撒(Zaragoza) HIStory报道(AVI格式/56.4M/8’37)MJ 视频10479.96’匈牙利-布达佩斯HIStory报道(MPG格式/3段/87M)MJ DVD视频1780.96’马来西亚-吉隆坡HIStory 报道(TV1000版) (MPG格式/91M/7’49)MJ 视频4 & 113 (另:VOB格式/两段/317M + 82.5M/4’21 + 1’08/不完整)81.97'丹麦-哥本哈根HIStory 报道(MPG格式/451M/44'46)MJ 视频12682.Michael Jackson - History Tour Bremen Special Report 1997(97'历史之旅德国不莱梅电视报道)(DAT格式/371M/39'16) MJ DVD视频9(另:MPG格式/181M + 182M/18’15 + 18’09/较清晰版本) MJ 视频13383.Michael Jackson - HIStory Tour Behind The Scenes In Cape Town(97’南非-开普敦历史报道) (MPG格式/215M/20'52) MJ 视频11084.Michael Jackson - Eureka Report(德国尤利卡报道)(DAT格式/517M + 204M/51'14 + 20'14)MJ DVD视频1685.Michael Jackson - History Tour Ostende Report (比利时奥斯坦德报道)(MPG格式/180M/11'11)MJ DVD视频2086.99’韩国义演PSB & KBS台& SBS台新闻综合报道(MPG格式/68M + 152M:220M/2 + 6:8段)MJ DVD视频1787.MBC interview TV Guide ect(MBC interview TV Guide电视节目集锦) (AVI格式/113M/16’36)MJ DVD视频2888.The Michael Jackson Interview - The Footage You Were Never Meant To See (杰克逊反击片)(MPG格式/598M + 164M/1’’00’00 + 16’31) MJ 视频24 & 2589.Michael Jackson - The One (中文字幕版/AVI格式/689M/39’10/注:去除片尾字幕0’43/已切割)MJ 视频102 & 103(另:695M/39’41/未切割MJ DVD视频9)90.Michael Jackson - The One (中文字幕版/MPG格式/2段/121M + 101M/12’10 + 10’12/不完整)MJ 视频9091.Michael Jackson - The One (中文字幕版/RMVB格式/234M/39’41)MJ DVD视频2092.Michael Jackson - The One (Number Ones CBS Special DVD Quality)(Part 1,2,3/291.7M/缺Part 4/不完整) MJ 视频42 & 9093.Michael Jackson - The One (VOB格式/3段/2.35G/注:原版DVD)MJ DVD视频294.Michael Jackson - Number Ones (WMV格式/全5段/168M)MJ 视频6895.Michael Jackson - Number Ones CBS Special (AVI格式/5段/243M)MJ 视频1496.Michael Jackson - Number Ones(DVDrip Version) (AVI格式/701M/1''30'50)MJ DVD视频1097.Michael Jackson - Barbara Walters Interview 1997 (带中文字幕/MPG/108M/10’52)MJ 视频98 & 17 (另:无中文字幕/107M)98.Michael Jackson On Tour - The Magic Continues (MPG格式/241M + 145M/23’57 + 14’24)MJ 视频9099.J5 Cartoon (动画片/MPG格式/全14段,其中2段/220M + 218M/22’14 + 22’01/不完整)MJ 视频117100.Michael Jackson Talks to Oprah 93'(93’杰克逊梦幻国度电视专访英文版) (清晰版) (附中文字幕文件) (MPG格式/659M/1'06'05) MJ 视频105101.Michael Jackson Talks to Oprah 93'(93’杰克逊梦幻国度电视专访英文版)(中文字幕版/RM格式/194M/59’58) MJ 视频89102.Michael Jackson's 45Th Birthday Party (2003.8.29 业余拍摄) (上,下部分/MPG/74M + 227M:302M) MJ 视频101 另:电视花絮(17段视频:183M) + 业余拍摄(3段DAT:464M) MJ DVD视频12103.Michael Jackson A Remarkable Life (共6段/WMV格式/169M)MJ 视频101 & 19 (另:WMV格式/3段/125M)104.Michael Jackson - Bad Company Special 87 (MPG格式/175M/17'37)MJ 视频110105.Michael Jackson - NTV Interview 1996 (MPG格式/118M/11'35)MJ 视频111106.It's good to be Michael Jackson (电视特别节目:做Michael真好) (AVI格式/4部分/76M) MJ 视频111107.MJ's Secret Childhood (电视特辑-MJ的童年秘事Viva台德语版本) (AVI/76.4M+76M/18’57+20’33) MJ DVD视频17108.MJ's Secret Childhood (UK)(电视特辑-MJ的童年秘事UK VH1台版)(MPG /120M + 145M + 157M + 79.6M:503M/12’08 + 14’38 + 15’48 + 12’37)MJ DVD视频18 & 22109.Michael Jackson - Rise & Fall of MJ(VH1 2005.6.14)(MPG格式/149M/22'19)MJ DVD视频20110.Desde Espan To Neverland III (歌迷聚会表演) (MPG格式/全13段/642M)已刻录111.Michael Jackson Exposed From ET (MPG格式/3段/362M)MJ DVD视频4112.Man In The Mirror - The Michael Jackson Story(VH1台传记片MJ:镜中人)(WMV格式/487M/1’’25’55) MJ 视频54113.Man in the Mirror - The Michael Jackson Story(镜中的男人-迈克尔.杰克逊的故事DVDrip版) (AVI格式/700M/1''26'54) MJ DVD视频3114.Michael Jackson - The Unauthorized Interview in Neverland 1984 (WMV格式/47.5M/25’02) MJ 视频54 & 23 (注:共刻录2次)115.Michael Jackson - The Unauthorized Interview in Neverland 1984 (MPG格式/244M/24’28) MJ 音频11 & MJ 视频67 (注:共刻录2次)116.Michael Jackson - More Dangerous Than Ever (MTV Special)MTV特别节目:从未有过的危险(MPG格式/427M/23’25) MJ 视频71(DAT格式/236M/23’25) MJ DVD视频16117.Michael Jackson – 1993’Neverland Message (附中文字幕/40.7M/4’04)MJ 视频103118.Living With Michael Jackson (与mj在一起的日子) (MPG格式/4段/657M)MJ 视频81119.Living With Michael Jackson (与mj在一起的日子港版中文字幕版)(RM格式/2段/203M + 73.3M/1’’02’34 + 22’34)MJ 视频15120.Living With Michael Jackson (与mj在一起的日子) (RM格式/24段/30M)MJ 视频2121.Living With Michael Jackson (与mj在一起的日子) (ITV2版/AVI格式/701M/1''30'23) MJ DVD视频1122.Michael Jackson - Video Greatest Hits History (RMVB格式/374M/1’’29’12)MJ 视频109123.Michael Jackson - Full Superbowl Halftime Show 1993 (1993’美国橄榄球中场休息表演) (MPG格式/135M/13’28) MJ 视频69 & 演唱会视频25 (另:MPG格式/74.4M/13’19)124.Michael Jackson - Full Superbowl Halftime Show 1993 (1993’美国橄榄球中场休息表演) (台标为”+2”) S-VCD高清晰版(MPEG格式/226M/12’38) MJ DVD视频29125.Michael Jackson - 35th Grammy Awards (第三十五届格莱美颁奖典礼) (DAT格式/120M/11’55) MJ 视频87126.The Mad Bad World Of Michael Jackson (WMV格式/2段/151M)MJ 视频49 & 39 (注:共刻录2次)127.Michael Jackson - CBS 60 minutes interview (60分钟访谈附中文字幕)(AVI格式/4段/140M) MJ 视频2(WMV格式/2段/32.6 + 48.5M=81.4M/14'03 + 10'22) MJ 视频65128.Michael Jackson - CBS 60 minutes interview (60分钟访谈)(4台版高清晰版本) (AVI格式/350M/40'36) MJ DVD视频23(中文字幕VCD版本) (DAT格式/232M/23'02) MJ DVD视频23129.Michael Jackson - 2002’德国Bambi颁奖完整版(MPG格式/130M/13’04)MJ 视频75130.Michael Jackson - 2002’德国Bambi颁奖英文字幕版(MPG格式/62.4M/6’16) MJ 视频103 & 65 (另:1台/无字幕/MPG/27.3M/2’45)131.Michael Jackson & Lisa Marie Presley PTL 95' (95’杰克逊夫妇电视完整版专访) (37分钟版) (DAT格式/376M/37’25) MJ DVD视频21132.Michael Jackson & Lisa Marie Presley PTL 95' (95’杰克逊夫妇电视完整版专访) (45分钟版) (Channel 2台/MPG格式/455M/45’04) MJ 视频2另:带中文字幕文件MJ DVD视频18133.Michael Jackson & Lisa Marie Presley PTL 95'(95’杰克逊夫妇电视完整版专访) (57分钟版) (MPG格式/2部分/247M + 324M/24'51 + 32'31)MJ 视频67 & 75134.Michael Jackson - Earth Song & Speech - World Music Awards 1996 (MPG 格式/119M/12’19) MJ 视频36135.Michael Jackson - Earth Song & Speech & Diana Ross - World Music Awards 1996 (MPG格式/202M/20’17/更新) MJ DVD视频31136.The Jacksons - Americas First Music Family Of Music (WMV格式/2段/112M/11’59 + 10’54) MJ 视频78137.Unmasked电视节目- Michael Jackson演艺生涯(WMV格式/全9段/286M/缺第六段/不完整) MJ 视频21138.Michael Jackson - M6 Special (AVI格式/168M/22’27)MJ 视频21139.Michael Jackson - Les Stars et Largent (WMV格式/77.8M/21’05)MJ 视频23140.Michael Jackson - Another Part Of Me (MTV Special) (MPG格式/185M/21'39 ) MJ 视频77 & 20 & 12 (注:共刻录3次)(另:完整清晰版/AVI格式/218M/24’41) MJ DVD视频19141.Michael Jackson - Another Part Of Me (UK VH1台)(MPG格式/141M/4’43/高清画质) MJ DVD视频22142.Michael Jackson - From motown To Your Town (MTV Special) (MPG格式/183M/21'27) MJ 视频77 & 20 & 12 (注:共刻录3次)143.Michael Jackson - Visita in Munich (Private Recording) (MPG格式/129M/3’17) MJ 视频19144.Michael Jacksons Secret's World(WMV格式/293M/1''19'28)MJ DVD视频3145.Michael Jackson Exclusif - 15 Septembre 1992 (Nagui)(AVI格式/559M/55'59) MJ DVD视频3146.Michael Jackson - Changes HIStory(1995 bill bellamy 采访)(WMV格式/36.2M/8’44) MJ 视频103 (注:讲话内容MJ视频104)(另:DAT格式/较清晰版/91.9M/9'06) MJ DVD视频20147.Michael Jackson - Moly Meldrom Interview (DAT格式/50.1M/4’57)MJ 视频92148.Michael Jackson -Brit awards 1996 speech (讲话& Earth Song 表演)(MPG/2段/16.3+93.4=109M) MJ 视频92149.迈克尔·杰克逊在娈童案审判前发表重要声明视频(050131) (AVI格式/208M/0'58) MJ DVD视频5150.Michael Jackson's Mind – MMM(20050306) (WMV格式/6段/106M)MJ DVD视频6151.Michael Jackson Exclusive Interview With Geraldo Rivera(FOX独家专访完整版05/02/05) (MPG/193M/44’31)注:另一版本(MPG/439M/44’06) MJ DVD视频12152.The Jacksons CBS Summer Show(Special Guest Tim Conway) (MPG格式/220M/20’07) MJ DVD视频12153.Michael Jackson's Boys (MPG/487M/124M & 138M & 144M & 79.8M/12'30 & 13'58 & 14'33 & 8’01) MJ DVD视频16154.2000.5.26艾伯特音乐盛宴(向泰勒致敬音乐会中文字幕) (MPG格式/390M + 452M/39’09 + 45’19) MJ DVD视频18155.MJ Vindication (Michael Jackson无罪宣判新闻全记录MJJFORUM歌迷TSCOLDMAN制作) (WMV格式/228M/43'27) MJ DVD视频21156.Michael Jackson - Verdict 13th June 2005 (MJ无罪宣判1小时直播) (MPG格式/335M/1''02'40) MJ DVD视频22157.BET Special DVD 版本(5部分/VOB格式/767M)MJ DVD视频27158.香港明珠台电视特辑- 为什么MJ会赢(Why MJ Won) (2005-07-11) (RMVB/141M/43’31) MJ DVD视频27159.Reportage ARTE 1995 电视特辑(AVI格式/165M + 185M + 202M/21'50 + 32'47 + 32'27) MJ DVD视频3021。
车尔尼 作品列表 编号 记录 Czerny
![车尔尼 作品列表 编号 记录 Czerny](
作品列表作品92号:托卡塔(Toccata)作品139号:简易练习100首作品151号:大的颤动练习Grand Exercice de Trilles Op.151 (Piano solo)作品161号:48首前奏与终止练习曲作品229号:为两架钢琴而用的快速练习曲40首作品239号:二重奏练习曲50首作品244号:大的半音阶练习作品245号:大的三度音阶与双音经过句练习作品261号:基本练习101首作品268号:练习曲式大奏鸣曲作品277号:初级练习10首作品299号:快速练习40首作品335号:连奏和断奏练习作品336号:24首练习作品337号:每日课程40首作品355号:装饰音练习作品359号:初级教程第一课作品365号:演奏家的高级练习曲作品380号:24个大调的三度练习曲作品388号:准备的简易练习曲作品399号:改善左手的1十首大练习曲作品400号:赋格的练习作品409号:50首特性练习曲作品428号:60首初级练习作品433号:准备过程的练习曲作品453号:初步简易练习150首作品481号:初步练习50首作品495号:42首四手练习曲作品499号:两首为少年钢琴家写的练习曲作品553号:6首八度练习曲作品584号:钢琴初级教程作品599号:实用初级练习100首作品613号:表情练习曲集作品632号:12首练习曲作品636号:灵活手指的预备练习作品684号:24首爱尔兰歌调练习作品692号:24首大型沙龙练习曲作品694号:少年练习曲作品699号:右手的艺术作品706号:24首新爱尔兰练习曲作品718号:24首左手简易练习曲作品727号:两架钢琴的12首练习曲作品735号:左手三度练习曲作品737号:40首天天练作品740号:灵活手指的华丽练习50首作品748号:小手用的练习25首作品749号:小手用的练习25首作品750号:基本练习30首作品751号:四手用的音阶练习作品753号:30首华丽练习曲作品755号:特性练习曲25首作品756号:25首大练习曲作品765号:库朗特练习曲作品767号:50首表情练习曲作品777号:五指练习24首作品779号:大的耐力和速度练习曲作品785号:25首大的特性练习曲作品792号:35首为达到钢琴精确技巧的练习曲作品793号:大的琶音练习作品802号:实用练指法作品807号:新的练习曲作品818号:50首手指练习作品819号:曲调和节奏练习曲集作品820号:50首天天练习作品821号:8或16小节的练习160首作品822号:通向颠峰的途径作品823号:初步练习作品824号:四手练习作品825号:儿童钢琴教程作品829号:华丽练习曲作品834号:演奏家练习曲作品835号:儿童的方法作品837号:现代钢琴篇章作品838号:和弦低音练习作品840号:50首旋律练习作品845号:12首轻快练习作品848号:小手新钢琴日课32首作品849号:流畅练习曲作品861号:左手练习曲Works Listed by Opus NumberFor Piano Unless Otherwise Noted1 - 99•Op.1 - Variations Concertantes on a Theme of Krumpholz for Violin & Piano•Op.2 - Brilliant Rondeau on the Cavatine de Carafa for Piano 4-Hands•Op.3 - Brilliant Fantasy and Variations on "Romance of Blangini" for Piano with String Accompaniment•Op.4 - Le Souvenir, Variations•Op.5 - Grand Rondeau No.1 in C Major•Op.6 - Waltz or Exercises•Op.7 - Piano Sonata No.1 in Ab Major•Op.8 - Amicitiae, Andantino with Variations•Op.9 - Variations Brillant & Facile on a Favorite Theme•Op.10 - Brillant Grand Sonata in C minor for Piano 4-Hands•Op.11 - Brilliant Divertissement for Piano 4-Hands•Op.12 - Variations on Schubert's Trauer-Walzer D.365 No.2 (Solo & Duet Versions)•Op.13 - Piano Sonata No.2 in A minor•Op.14 - Brilliant Variations on an Austrian Waltz•Op.15 - Recreation for the Carnival, Brilliant Choice of Waltz and easy: 2 Books•Op.16 - Introduction and Variations on "O cara memoria"•Op.17 - Brilliant Rondo on a favorite Menuet of C. Kreutzer (Alternate Title: Fantaisie deA. Delaseurie sur un Air Suisse)•Op.18 - Brilliant Grande Polonaise•Op.19 - Variations of a Barcarole Favorite•Op.20 - Introduction and Variations on a Marche favorite della Donna del Lago•Op.21 - Introductions and Variations on a Cav. Favorite "Sorte secondami"•Op.22 - Rondino No.1 on "Cara attendimi"•Op.23 - Brillant Rondo No.2 in G Major for Piano 4-Hands•Op.24 - Presto Caratteristico, Duet in A minor•Op.25 - Brilliant Variations on "Ah come nancondere" for Piano 4-Hands•Op.26 - Rondo quasi Capriccio in Eb Major•Op.27 - Fantasy in Bb Major•Op.28 - Piano Concerto in F Major•Op.29 - Rondino No.2 on a Theme de l'Opera Corradino•Op.30 - Rondino No.3 on a Theme de l'Opera Armida•Op.31 - 3 Fugues•Op.32 - New Year's Gifts, 24 Waltzes•Op.33 - La Ricordanza, Variazioni sopra un Tema di Rode•Op.34 - Duet after the 1st Trio of Mayseder for Piano 4-Hands•Op.35 - Waltz di Bravura•Op.36 - Impromptus ou variations brillantes•Op.37 - Fantasy followed by a Romance varied•Op.38 - 1st Grand Potpourri Concerto for 2 Pianos 6-Hands•Op.39 - Rondino No.4 on a Theme by Fesca•Op.40 - Brilliant Variations on Ballet La Danseuse d'Arthere for Piano 4-Hands•Op.41 - Rondino No.5 on a Theme by Beethoven•Op.42 - Rondino No.6 on an original Theme•Op.43 - Brilliant Divertissement No.2 on a Cav. "Aure felice" for Piano 4-Hands •Op.44 - Romance of Beethoven arranged as a Brilliant Rondo for Piano 4-Hands •Op.45 - Charms of Baden, Rondo Pastoral•Op.46 - Variations on a Bohemian Air•Op.47 - Grand Exercise in Bravura in the form of Brilliant Rondo•Op.48 - Die Schiffende, for V oice & Piano with words by Holtz•Op.49 - 2 Brillant Sonatinas•Op.50 - 2 Brillant Sonatinas for Piano 4-Hands•Op.51 - 2 Brilliant Sonatinas for Violin & Piano•Op.52 - Variations in an Easy Style on the Air from Die Fee aus Frankreich•Op.53 - Rondoletto Scherzando in C Major•Op.54 - Brilliant and Characteristic Overture for Piano 4-Hands•Op.55 - Charms of Friendship on a Theme of Beethoven•Op.56 - Introduction and Variations on the 1st Galoppe•Op.57 - Piano Sonata No.3 in F minor•Op.58 - Legerrazza e Bravura, Brilliant Rondo (with Quartet Accompaniment)•Op.59 - Introduction and Brilliant Variations on a Rondo and Marche favorite of Roland •Op.60 - Einleitung, Variations and Rondo on C. M. von Weber's Hunting Chorus from Euryanthe (with Orchestral Accompaniment)•Op.61 - Preludes, Cadences, and a Short Fantasia in a Brilliant Style•Op.62 - Caprice and Variations on "An Alexis" by Himmel•Op.63 - Brilliant and Easy Toccatine on Tarrantelle of the Ballet Die Fee und der Ritter •Op.64 - Fantasy in the Modern Style on Potpourri•Op.65 - Piano Sonata No.4 in G Major•Op.66 - Rondo and Waltz in C Major•Op.67 - Concert Variations followed by a Hunting Rondo on the walk of the Ballet, Barbe Bleu for Piano 4-Hands•Op.68 - Passionate Rondo•Op.69 - Allegretto grazioso on a Theme from the Ballet, Barbe Bleu•Op.70 - Romance in D Major•Op.71 - Brilliant Nocturne after "Das waren mir selige Tage, for Piano 4-Hands•Op.72 - 2 Nice Rondos•Op.73 - Variations on "Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser" (with Quartet or Orchestral Accompaniment)•Op.74 - Brilliant Rondoletto in Eb Major•Op.75 - 3 Grand Allegros•Op.76 - Piano Sonata No.5 in E Major•Op.77 - Variations on "God Save the King"•Op.78 - Piano Concerto in C Major•Op.79 - 3 Grand Marches (Solo & Duet versions)•Op.80 - Introduction and 7 V ariations, Concerto for Piano & Flute (or Violin)•Op.81 - Variations on Marche Anglais•Op.82 - Grand Exercise in F Major•Op.83 - Romance from W. Scott's "Fraulein vorn See" for Voice & Piano•Op.84 - Grand Potpourri No.2 for 2 Pianos 6-Hands•Op.85 - 3 Polonaises•Op.86 - Variations sur l'hymne Bavarois•Op.87 - Introduction & Variations Faciles on a Waltz of Mr. le Comte de Gallenberg for Piano 4-Hands•Op.88 - Rondino No.7 on a Motif from the Opera "Elisa e Claudio" of Mercadante•Op.89 - Capriccio a la Fuga in E minor•Op.90 - 6 Rondeaux Mignons for Piano 4-Hands•Op.91 - German Air with Variations, "Es Ritten drei Rieter•Op.92 - Toccata or Exercise in C Major•Op.93 - Rondo Espressivo in E Major•Op.94 - 2 Grand Marches for Piano 4-Hands•Op.95 - Notturno Brillant for Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Flute, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon, & Double Bass)•Op.96 - Rondino No.8 on an Original Theme (alla Polacca)•Op.97 - Rondino No.9, "La Chasse"•Op.98 - Rondino No.10 on a Theme of Mozart•Op.99 - Rondino No.11 on a Theme of Haydn100 - 199•Op.100 - Rondino No.12 on a Theme of Cherubini•Op.101 - Grand March composed for the Coronation of the Empress Caroline of Austria for Piano 4-Hands•Op.102 - Rondeau Brillante No.3 for Piano 4-Hands•Op.103 - Variations Brillante sur un Air Militaire Francaise•Op.104 - 3 Sonatines Faciles et Brillantes for Piano with Violin & Cello Accompaniment ad libitum•Op.105 - Piano Trio No.1 in Eb Major•Op.106 - Introduction & Variations on an Original Theme for Piano 4-Hands•Op.107 - Rondeau Brillante dans le Style Francaise in D minor•Op.108 - Caprice in E minor•Op.109 - 5 Unvergangliche Blumchen for V oice & Piano•Op.110 - 1st Decameron Musical, Recueil de Compositions Brillant et Faciles (10 Bks., Solo Piano Version)•Op.111 - 1st Decameron Musical, Recueil de Compositions Brillant et Faciles (10 Bks., Piano 4H Version)•Op.112 - Galoppe Varie No.2•Op.113 - Variations on an Original Theme•Op.114 - Valse Variée•Op.115 - Easy Variations on a Theme from the Farce, Staberl's Reise Abentheuer in Frankfort and Munchen•Op.116 - Impromptu Brillant for Piano 4-Hands•Op.117 - Tendress, Amitie, & Confiance, 3 Rondeaux•Op.118 - Grande Polonaise Brillante (with string quartet ad libitum)•Op.119 - Sonate Militaire et Brillante for Piano 4-Hands•Op.120 - Sonate Sentimentale for Piano 4-Hands•Op.121 - Sonate Pastorale for Piano 4-Hands•Op.122 - Grand Divertissement in the Form of a Rondo Brillante with Orchestral Accompaniment•Op.123 - Variations Brillante sur "Gott Erbalte Franz den Kaiser" for Piano 4-Hands •Op.124 - Piano Sonata No.6 in D minor•Op.125 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Il Crociato' for Piano 4-Hands •Op.126 - Grande Serenade Concertante for Clarinet, Horn, Cello, & Piano•Op.127 - Rondino No.13 on a Theme from Auber's Opera "Le maçon", for Piano Quintet •Op.128 - Rondeau Brillant in A Major•Op.129 - Duo concertant in G Major for Flute (or Violin) & Piano•Op.130 - Variations Brillantes on 2 Themes from the Opera 'L'Ultimo Giorno di Pompei' for Piano 4-Hands•Op.131 - Fantasie Elegante (or Potpourri Brillant) on Themes from the Opera 'La Dame Blanche'•Op.132 - Variations Brillantes sur "Depechons Travaillons" de l'Opera 'Le Macon' (Solo & Duet Versions)•Op.133 - Introduction & Variations on the Cavatine from the Opera 'L'Ultimo Giorno di Pompei'•Op.134 - Impromptu (or Variations) on a Theme from the Opera 'Oberon'•Op.135 - Variations on a Theme from teh Opera 'Oberon'•Op.136 - Hommage aux Dames, Repertoire des Nouvelles Compositions Brillantes (3 Bks.)•Op.137 - Allegro Affetuoso for Piano 4-Hands•Op.138 - Variations de Concert on "La Marche des Grecs" de l'opera 'Le Siege de Corinthe'•Op.139 - 100 Progressive Etudes•Op.140 - Introductions & Variations on a Favorite Air from 'Das Madchen aus der Feenwelt'•Op.141 - Variations on the Favorite Duet "Bruderlein Fein" for Piano 4-Hands•Op.142 - Overture for Orchestra in C minor•Op.143 - Piano Sonata No.7 (Grande Fantaisie en forme de Sonate)•Op.144 - Piano Sonata No.8 in Eb Major (Grande Fantaisie en forme de Sonate) •Op.145 - Piano Sonata No.9 (Grande Fantaisie en forme de Sonate)•Op.146 - Funeral March on the Death of Ludwig van Beethoven (Solo & Duet Versions) •Op.147 - Variations a Capriccio on 2 Themes from the Opera 'Oberon' for Piano 4-Hands •Op.148 - Piano Quartet No.1•Op.149 - Rondoletto Concertant in F Major•Op.150 - 3 Polonaises Sentimentales•Op.151 - Grand Exercise on the Shake•Op.152 - Grand Exercise in All the Keys, Major & Minor•Op.153 - Concerto in C Major for Piano 4-Hands & Orchestra•Op.154 - Graduale Pastorale in F Major, "Hodie Christus Natus Est", for 4 V oices, 2 Violins, Viola, 2 Clarinets, 2 Horns, Cello, Double Bass, & Organ•Op.155 - Exsulta filia Sion, Offertorium Pastorale•Op.156 - Belohnung der fleissigen Jugend, 3 Sonatinen for Piano Duet•Op.157 - Fantasia in A Major, Der Brand von Maria-Zell•Op.158 - 3 Rondeaux Faciles &3 Sonatines Faciles Instructives et Doigtees in 4 Bks.(Bk.1 - Rondeaux Piano Solo Version, Bk.2 Rondeaux Duet Version, Bk.3 SonatinesPiano Solo Version, Bk.4 Sonatines Duet V ersion)•Op.159 - Rondeau Brillant di Bravura in A Major with Orchestral Accompaniment•Op.160 - Introduction, Variations, & Polacca after a Theme from Bellini's "Il Pirata", for Piano & Orchestra•Op.161 - 48 Etudes in the Form of Preludes•Op.162 - Fantaisie Brillante on Diverse Themes Suisses & Tiroliens•Op.163 - 6 Easy Sonatinas•Op.164 - Rondino No.14 sur "Ma Quell Amabile" dans 'Il Pirata'•Op.165 - Grand Nocturne Brillant for Piano 4-Hands•Op.166 - Piano Trio No.2 in A Major•Op.167 - Sonatina in A Major•Op.168 - 2 Rondeaux•Op.169 - Rondino No.15 on a Theme of Paganini•Op.170 - Grandes Variations Brillantes on Paganini's "La Campanella"•Op.171 - Fantasia on 3 Themes of Haydn, Mozart, & Beethoven•Op.172 - Grand Capriccio in C minor•Op.173 - Piano Trio No.3 in E Major•Op.174 - Ecossaises Brillantes (or Exercises de Bravura)•Op.175 - Second Decameron Musical, Recueil de Compositions Amusantes (10 Bks., Piano Solo)•Op.176 - Second Decameron Musical, Recueil de Compositions Amusantes (10 Bks., Piano Duet)•Op.177 - Allegro Fugato in Quintetto for Strings•Op.178 - Grand Sonata in F minor for Piano 4-Hands•Op.179 - Introduction, Variations, & Polacca on 2 Favorite Airs from "Der Alpen Konig und der Menschenfried"•Op.180 - Introduction & Variations on a Favorite Air from "Der Alpen Konig und der Menschenfried" (Solo & Duet Versions)Opus Numbers 181-192 are collectively entitled "12 Grand Rondeaux Nationaux Brillants et Caracteristiques"•o Op.181 - Rondeau National Allemando Op.182 - Rondeau Anglais et Ecossaiso Op.183 - Rondeau Bohemeo Op.184 - Rondeau Espagnolo Op.185 - Rondeau Francaiso Op.186 - Rondeau Hongroiso Op.187 - Rondeau Italieno Op.188 - Rondeau Polonoiso Op.189 - Rondeau Russeo Op.190 - Rondeau Suedoiso Op.191 - Rondeau Suisseo Op.192 - Rondeau Turque•Op.193 - Galoppe Variee No.3•Op.194 - Introduction, Variations, & Rondo on 2 Favorite Styrian Alpine Airs (Solo & Duet Versions)•Op.195 - Rondino No.16 sur 'Ah come rapida'•Op.196 - Introduction, Variations, & Rondo on "Or Che Son Vicino a Te" (Solo & Duet Versions)•Op.197 - Fantasie Elegante No.3 sur 'La muette de Portici'•Op.198 - Rondino No.17 on the 2 Barcarolles from 'La Muette de Portici'•Op.199 - Variations sur "Ach! ich Stell" du Falsche Dir (Solo & Duet Versions)200 - 299•Op.200– The Art of Improvisation (or The School of Extemporaneous Performance) •Op.201 - 6 Rondeax d'Amusement•Op.202 - Introduction, Variation Brillantes, et Rondeau de Chasse•Op.203 - Valse Autrichienne•Op.204 - Divertissement de Concert for Piano & Orchestra (or Adagio, variations et rondeau)•Op.205 - Impromptu Brillant on a Theme of Rossini•Op.206 - Theme Russe, variee•Op.207 - Rondoletto sur le Theme Hollandis Favori, "Wien Neelands Bloed in de Aders Vloeit"•Op.208 - Introduction & Variations sur 'La muette de Portici' (Auber)•Op.209 - Divertissement Briallant & Facile•Op.210 - Concertino for Piano with Orchestral Accompaniment in C Major•Op.211 - 2 Trios Brillants for Piano, Violin, & Cello (C Major & A Major)•Op.212 - 6 Grands Potpourris Brillants & Concertants (Versions for Piano, Violin, & Cello or 2 Pianos)•Op.213 - Andante & Rondo with Orchestral Accompaniment in C Major•Op.214 - Piano Concerto No.1 in A minor•Op.215 - Rondoletto Brillant sur Plusiers Motifs tires des Romances Francais•Op.216 - Rondoletto Brillant on 2 Motifs from the Opera 'William Tell'•Op.217 - Rondeau de Chasse on "Quelle Savage Harmonie" from 'William Tell'•Op.218 - Potpourri Brillant on Motifs from the Opera 'Faust'•Op.219 - Introduction & Variations on the Pas de Trois from 'William Tell'•Op.220 - Variations Brillantes on the Tyrolienne from 'William Tell'•Op.221 - 2 Grandes Fantasies on Motifs from 'William Tell' (No.1 E minor, No.2 A Major)•Op.222 - Impromptu Brillant on a Pastorale from 'William Tell'•Op.223 - Variations Brillantes on "Das Wandern ist des Mullers Lust" of Schubert (Solo & Duet Versions)•Op.224 - 2 Piano Quartets Brillantes1. F Major2.G Major•Op.225 - Variations Brillantes on a Romance from Ivanhoe's Opera 'Templar & Judinn' for Piano 4-Hands•Op.226 - Fantasia in F minor for Piano 4-HandsOpus Numbers 227-229 & 295-297 are part of the Collection "Les Pianistes Associes, ou Compositions Brillant et Concertant•o Op.227 - Bk.1, Rondeau Brillant for Piano 6-Handso Op.228 - Bk.2Variations Brillante on a Tyrolien Theme from the Opera 'La Fiancee' for Piano 6-Handso Op.229 - Bk.3Divertissement Militaire for Piano 6-Hands•Op.230 - Concerto for 4 Pianos in C Major•Op.231 - 3 Rondeau Mignons Facile & Brillantes on Favorite Themes (Solo & Duet Versions)•Op.232 - Grand Variations di Bravura on 2 Motifs from the Opera 'Fra Diavolo' (Auber) •Op.233 - Rondo Brillant (For Piano Solo or with Orchestral Accompaniment)•Op.234 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes sur la Marche dans "Gli Arabi nelle Gallie"•Op.235 - Rondino No.18 on a Theme of Auber•Op.236 - Variations Brillantes on the Petit Tambour (For Solo Piano or with Orchestral Accompaniment)•Op.237 - Einzugs Marsch, Performed at the Opening of the Hungarian Diet, Sept. 13, 1830 (Solo & Duet Versions)•Op.238 - March Performed on the Occasion of the Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Ferdinand as King of Hungary, Sept. 28, 1830 (Solo & Duet Versions)•Op.239 - 50 Duett Studies•Op.240 - Fantasy Romantique No.1 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Roman Waverley' for Piano 4-Hands•Op.241 - Fantasy Romantique No.2 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Guy Mannering' for Piano 4-Hands•Op.242 - Fantasy Romantique No.3 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Rob Roy' for Piano 4-Hands •Op.243 - Fantasy Romantique No.4 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Ivanhoe' for Piano 4-Hands•Op.244 - Grand Exercice de la Gamme Chromatique avec toutes les Differentes Maruieres du Doigte•Op.245 - Grand Exercice des Gammes en Tierces & des Passages Doubles•Op.246 - Introduction, Variations, & Finale on a Choeur de l'Opera 'Fra Diavolo' •Op.247 - Souvenirs Teatral (ca.50 Fantasies each with solo & duet versions)•Op.248 - Introduction & Variations Concertant on a Tirolienne in F minor for Piano & Cello•Op.249 - Variations on the Favorite Charmant Waltz by Strauss•Op.250 - Festal March in A Major•Op.251 - 3rd Decameron Musical, 10 Bks. for Piano Solo•Op.252 - 3rd Decameron Musical, 10 Bks. for Piano 4-Hands•Op.253 - Le Golfe de Naples, Tableau Nocturne ou Fanasie Pittoresque•Op.254 - Grand Rondeau Briallant in F Major for Piano 4-Hands•Op.255 - Rondeau a la Barcarolle in A Major•Op.256 - Fantasy Concerto in G Major for Piano, Flute, & Cello•Op.257 - Grand Polonaise in C Major•Op.258 - 2 Themes Original Varies•Op.259 - Grand Rondeau Militaire & Brillante for Piano 4-Hands•Op.260 - Rondo•Op.261 - 101 Progressive Exercises•Op.262 - 3 Piano Quartets Brillantes & non Difficiles (C, EB, & F)•Op.263 - Variations Precede d'une Introduction sur un Motif de 'La Fiancee'•Op.264 - Introduction & Allegro Agitato in G minor for Piano Duet•Op.265 - Rondeau Precede d'une Introduction•Op.266 - Variations Brillantes & non difficiles on a Original Valse for Piano 4-Hands •Op.267 - Allegro & Galop in F Major•Op.268 - Piano Sonata No.10 (Grande Sonate d'Etude)•Op.269 - Introduction & Grand Polonaise Brillante for Piano 4-Hands•Op.270 - 3 Themes Originaux, Varies•Op.271 - La Joyeust et la Sentimentale, 2 Rondos•Op.272 - Rondo Polacca•Op.273 - Variations on a Theme of Paganini•Op.274 - Souvenir de Contemporains, 3 Rondeaux Brillante & Facile sur des Motifs Favoris de Notre Tems (Solo & Duet Versions)•Op.275 - 3 Themes Choisis from the Opera 'Robert le Diable'•Op.276 - Serenade Venetienne, Divertissement Concertant on a Barcarolle for 3 Voices - Accompanied by Variations Brillantes For Piano, Flute, Clarinet, & Cello in A Major •Op.277 - Le Chiron Musical (or Collection des Compositions Instructives) for Piano 4-Hands•Op.278 - Rondo en Bolero in D Major•Op.279 - Rondino No.19 on 2 Favorite Motifs from the Opera 'Zampa'•Op.280 - Variations Brillantes on an English March in E Major•Op.281 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Norma' in F Major•Op.282 - Le Cornet de Postillon, Variations on a Theme of Rossini•Op.283 - Grand Rondo Brillante in F Major•Op.284 - Rondino No.20 on Schubert's "Das Ständchen" in C Major•Op.285 - Grandes Variations Concertantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Montechi e Capuleti' in Bb Major for (2 Piano & Piano Solo Versions)•Op.286 - Grand Rondo Brillante in C Major•Op.287 - 3 Ariette Italienne for Tenor V oice & Piano•Op.288 - 6 Divertissements in the Form of a Rondo•Op.289 - Piano Trio No.4 in A minor•Op.290 - La Douceur, Rondo Elegant•Op.291 - Grand Rondo for Piano 4-Hands•Op.292 - Variations Brillantes on an Original Theme in F Major•Op.293 - La Rivalite, Rondo Brillante & Concertant for Piano 4-Hands•Op.294 - Grand Potpourri in A Major for Piano, Flute, Violin, Alto, & CelloOpus Numbers 227-229 & 295-297 are part of the Collection "Les Pianistes Associes, ou Compositions Brillant et Concertant•o Op.295 - Bk.4 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Montechi e Capuleti' for Piano 6-Handso Op.296 - Bk.5 - Polonaise for Piano 6-Handso Op.297 - Bk.6 Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Norma' for Piano 6-Hands•Op.298 - Grand Potpourri No.3 for 2 Pianos, 6-Hands•Op.299 - The School of Velocity, 30 Exercises300 - 399•Op.300 - L'Art de Preludier•Op.301 - Variations on a Waltz of Reissenger•Op.302 - Italian Theme & Variations•Op.303 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on a Theme of Mr. Rudolphe de Vivenot •Op.304 - Variations on a Theme of Lafont in D Major for Violin & Piano•Op.305 - Variations on a Spanish Theme in A Major for Violin & Piano•Op.306 - Souvenir de Jeune Age, Rondo on the Romance from the Opera 'Le Pre aux Clercs' (Herold)•Op.307 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Le Serment' for Piano 4-Hands•Op.308 - Variations on an Original Theme•Op.309 - Introduction & Variations in G Major on a Theme from 'Le Pre aux Clercs' for Piano, Violin, & Cello (Herold)•Op.310 - Variations Brillantes on "Dans Cette Belle" from the Opera 'Le Serment'•Op.311 - 2 Rondeaux on Thems from the Opera 'Le Pre aux Clercs' (Herold)•Op.312 - Variations on "A la Fleur du Bel Age" from the Opera 'Le Pre aux Clercs' for Piano 4-Hands (Herold)•Op.313 - The Young Pianist, 2 Sonatines Faciles (C Major, & G Major)•Op.314 - Grand Polonaise Brillante in A Major for Piano & Violin•Op.315 - Cadenzas for Beethoven's Piano Concertos, 2 Bks.•Op.316 - 10 Petit Rondeaux•Op.317 - Variations on an Original Theme in A Major•Op.318 - 6 Graduals for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, & Bass with ad lib Accompaniment for Piano/Organ•Op.319 - Variations•Op.320 - Variations•Op.321 - Rondo in Bb Major for Piano 4-Hands•Op.322 - Rondo in Bb Major for Piano Solo•Op.323 - L'Allegresse, Rondo in Bb Major•Op.324 - Variations Brillantes on a Waltz of Lanner•Op.325 - 3 Fantasies on Themes from Donizetti's Opera 'L'Elisir d'Amore' (Solo & Duet Versions)•Op.326 - 3 Themes Favoris from the Opera 'Zampa'•Op.327 - 3 Fantasies on Donzietti's Opera 'Parisina' (Solo & Duet Versions)•Op.328 - 3 Fantasies on Donizetti's Opera 'Il Furioso all' Isola di St. Domingo' (Solo & Duet Versions)•Op.329 - Variations on a Theme from De Marschner's Opera 'Hans Heiling' for Piano 4-Hands•Op.330 - Tausend Tonblumen•Op.331 - Grande Sonata No.3 in Bb Major for Piano 4-Hands•Op.332 - Variations Brillante on a Theme from the Opera 'Robert le Diable'•Op.333 - Les Elegantes, Variations Brillantes (3 Bks.)o Bk.1 - Sur la Tyrolienne Favorite, Almaliedo Bk.2 - Sur la Sonnambulao Bk.3 - Sur un Valse Favorite•Op.334 - Souvenir de Peste, Variations sur un Valse: Erinnerung an Pest de J. Strauss •Op.335 - Legato & Staccato Exercises, 2 Bks.•Op.336 - Fantasie on Cherubini's Opera 'Ali Baba'•Op.337 - 40 tägliche Studien•Op.338 - Introduction & Variations on an Original Theme in D Major•Op.339 - 3 Brillant Fantasies on Themes of F. Schubert (Several Versions for Different Combinations of Instruments)•Op.340 - Variations of J. Strauss's 'Pfennig Waltz'•Op.341 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Hans Heiling'•Op.342 - 3 Fantasies on Bellini's Opera 'Beatrice di Tenda' (Solo & Duet Versions) •Op.343 - 3 Themes from the Opera 'Lestocq' (1.G, 2.F, 3.C)•Op.344 - 3 Rondinos from the Opera 'Lestocq' (1.C, 2.A, 3.B)•Op.345 - Die Ruinen von Neustadt, Fantasia in D minor•Op.346 - Fantasie on the Opera 'Lestocq'•Op.347 - Variations on a Theme from 'Lestocq' in A Major•Op.348 - Grande Exercise in the Form of a Fantasie Improvisee in E minor•Op.349 - 3 Instructive Sonatines•Op.350 - Le Dernier Soupir de Herold, Variations on a Theme of Herold•Op.351 - Neujahrsgeschenk, Fantasia•Op.352 - Souvenir de Boieldieu, Variations in Bb Major•Op.353 - Variations Brillantes on 'Conversations Walzer'•Op.354 - Amusement des Pianistes, Collection de Morceaux Agreables & Brillantes, 8 Bks.•Op.355 - Ecole des Ornamens (The School of Embellishments)•Op.356 - Variations Brillantes on the Theme 'Vien qua Dorina Bella'•Op.357 - 3 Themes Italiens, Variations for Piano 4-Hands•Op.358 - Duo Concertant in Bb Major for 2 Pianos•Op.359 - First Lessons for Beginners, 50 Exercises, Studies, & Preludes, 2 Bks. •Op.360 - Grande Fantasie on the Opera 'Gustave'•Op.361 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'La Medicine sans Medecin'•Op.362 - Rondo Brillante & non Difficile on a Theme from the Opera 'La Medicine sans Medecin'•Op.363 - Introduction & Variations on the Duo "Suoni la Tromba e Intrepido" from the Opera 'I Puritani'•Op.364 - Grand Exercise in A minor•Op.365 - The School of the Virtuoso, 60 Studies on Bravura Playing•Op.366 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from Lobe's Opera 'La Princesse de Grenade' in C Major•Op.367 - Rondoletto Elegant on a Theme from Lobe's Opera 'La Princesse de Grenade' •Op.368 - 8 Nocturnes•Op.369 - Gran Capriccio di Bravura in F minor•Op.370 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'I Puritani'•Op.371 - 2 Rondolettos Faciles on Themes from the Opera 'I Puritani' (D & C Major) •Op.372 - 6 Rondeau-Galopes•Op.373 - 10 Rondeaux for Piano 4-Hands•Op.374 - 3 Rondeaux for Piano & Flute•Op.375 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'I Puritani' •Op.376 - Fantasie & Variations on a Theme from the Opera 'I Puritani' for Piano 4-Hands •Op.377 - Fantasie & Variations Brillantes on a Theme of Madame Malibran•Op.378 - Valse Brillante in Ab Major•Op.379 - Flore Theatrale (or Fantasies Brillantes) on Modern Operas•Op.380 - Grand Exercise in 3rds in all the 24 Keys•Op.381 - 3 Serenades on Themes of Rossini•Op.382 - 2 Fantasies Brillantes on Themes from Carafa's Opera 'La Prison d'Edimburg' •Op.383 - 3 Fantaisies on Themes from Donizetti's Opera 'Lucia di Lammermoor' •Op.384 - Grandes Variations on an Air from the Opera 'Le Cheval de Bronze'•Op.385 - 12 Rondeaux Amusantes & Instructives on Favorite Themes。
那些百听不厌的纯音乐歌单68664那些百听不厌的纯音乐谁见到过风标签:轻音乐简介:重新排列了一下曲目,按作曲家或风格分类,排名不分先后~~歌曲列表1PneumaticTokyoEnV - Pneumatic Tokyo2Dream Land DaysKirby's Dream Band - The Pink Album3Monkeys Spinning MonkeysKevin MacLeod - Monkeys Spinning Monkeys4Merry GoKevin MacLeod - Silent Film:Light Collection5Zigeunerweisen Op.20Various Artists - 50 Best Romantic Classics6Where are youAniFace - Where are you7青石巷魏琮霏- Wei8happy tree friends 主题曲Various Artists - 最新热歌慢摇939The Benny Hill Show ('Yakety Sax')Boots Randolph - Television's Greatest Hits, Vol.6: RemoteControl10? ?? ????? - Winter Story11?????????????- ?????12鳥獣戯画(原曲:佐渡の二ッ岩)梶迫小道具店-M3313賭神卢冠廷- 赌神电影原声14PolskaSava -Aire15睡莲A Water Lily贾鹏芳- 和平之月·二胡16乡间的小路(笛子)群星- 音乐诗画·夏17佐渡ノ化狸(原曲:佐渡の二ッ岩)Sound Refil - 晴雲秋月18From the Ashes RebornTwelve Titans Music - More Than Human19夏遊び、神遊び狐の工作室- 東方幻想界-風神録の音-20PitcairnStoryMichael Conn - Globe Trekker - Epic21风の誓い梁邦彦- The Gate of Dreams22Into The SunLiquid Cinema - 最新热歌慢摇10223??? ??? ?? ???Sweet Latte- ??? ??? ?? ???24??(Inst.)V.A. - ??? OST25Epic Hollywood TrailerPeter McIsaac Music - Epic Hollywood Trailer26Grad Erlija -Retrospektiva-Rigel Theatre - Grad Erlija -Retrospektiva-27今日ぞハレの日、われらが祭りForest306 - Flowers28Die Fledermaus - Overture (2004 Digital Remaster)Sergiù Celibidache / Münchner Philharmoniker - Opera Overtures29深谷幽兰周子雷- 千年风雅30春告鳥藤原道山- かぎぅた31渔舟唱晚中央民族乐团- 古筝传奇32Rain坂本龍一- 199633ATRIA -With Earth's Shadow-Rigel Theatre - SOLROS ~Eternal Memory~34Rachmaninov : Piano Concerto No.3 in D minor Op. 30 _ I. Allegro ma non tantoVladimir Horowitz - Live at Carnegie Hall35?? ?? ??? ??Crepe - Always By Your Side36New Light No ChoirMark Petrie - 1M1 Music Volume 837岭头山色群星- 空山寂寂38StarlightEpicMusicVn - LYRA39Concerto in A minor for 4 keyboards, BWV1065: I. AllegroJean-Pierre Wallez - Bach: Keyboard Concertos40黑小伙A Black Guy(蒙古族民歌)贺西格- 归来的马41Last ReunionEpicMusicVn -Lament of Valkyrie42Main themeMili - MuNiCa - Cry of Pluto (Original Sound Track)43Whatever徐梦圆- Alone44时雨徐梦圆- 曾经的纯音乐45古筝梁祝中央民族乐团- 古筝传奇46崖下栖心群星- 空山寂寂47归雁(2008 Instrumental Version)月吟诗- [原创][2008] 归雁48云水禅心群星- 听筝49摇篮曲Lullaby(蒙古族民歌)贺西格- 归来的马50万吨匿名信闫东炜- 【音游专辑】风屿51诗をひとつまみししまいブラザーズ- 小楽符52Merry Christmas Mr. LawrenceRin' - Christmas CoverSongs53Cello RomaanceShire Music - Epic World Volume5 Archangel 大天使(2014)54AnonymousNoicybino - L.A.N.E55山野幽居王俊雄- 书香音乐系列(一)云水56平湖秋月中央民族乐团- 古筝传奇57梦里水乡群星- 中国笛子58Qapad NanAlborada Del Inka - Alborada Del Inka 259BWV 1060, AllegroJulia Fischer - BachConcertos60Beyond The Trails Of TearsAmanecer Ecuador - The Wolf Spirit61ModeratoFritz Reiner - Rachmaninoff Concerto No.2 & Rhapsody On A Theme Of Paganini62Train Station Lullaby (Lullatone remix) - remixI Am Robot and Proud - Uphill City Remixes & Collaborations63if...DAISHI DANCE - beatlessBEST... Mellow Relaxation.64水姻缘蒋倩- 古筝新韵1-水姻缘65夜宴紫禁宫李志辉- 李志辉作品精选集66春江花月夜(古筝)王玽- 21世纪中国音乐民族器乐欣赏(三)67百花魁と白徳利ぽんきち- Flower Garden68??? ?? ??? (SBS'?' ???)(SBS '?' 插曲)Crepe - Always By Your Side69达古拉包朝克- 马头琴魂传说70here comes the sweater weatherLullatone - Falling for Autumn - EP71禅茶一味群星- 莲心不染72中华民谣群星- 中国笛子73晚秋(古筝)群星- 国乐.发烧品74BambooPiano Master - Beautiful Forest75醉红颜刘依朵- 新水浒传电视原声带76Piano Concerto No.3 in D minor, Op.30 : 3. Finale (Alla breve)Vladimir Ashkenazy - Sergei Rachmaninoff - Complete Works For Piano77虚静巫娜- 天禅78命(原曲:next to you)S9ryne - 【寄生獣セイの格率】Doujin Music79荀彧(纯音乐版)群星- 热门华语25880Beethoven - Piano Sonata No. 17 in D minor (‘Tempest’), Op. 31/2: AllegrettoMaurizio Pollini - Maurizio Pollini Edition81爱江山更爱美人群星- 茶韵古筝82Harvest Moon (Cornflowers II)Sopor ?ternus & the Ensemble of Shadows - Children of the Corn83樱华彩(off vocal)himmel - 樱华彩84El Condor PasaLeo Rojas - Spirit Of The Hawk85Love Story ThemeMantovani & His Orchestra - Mantovani's Film Favourites86一起走过的日子李炜- 魔筝(流行篇)87Concerto No.3 in G majorBWV.1048 - 1. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)Karl Richter /Münch ener Bach-Orchester - Brandenburg Concertos Nos.1 - 688平静的喜悦巫娜- 天禅89印度琵琶之魂缪晓铮- 印度琵琶90Trinity: Con la Stella Di VicesceriffoFranco Micalizzi - Lo Chiamavano Trinita (They Call Me Trinity)91子规声里驻年光Rhododendrons In Springtime群星- 花间集92轻风四季音色- 春夏之交,轻旋淡律93微风细雨张毅- 一听钟情94君心我心(琵琶)群星- 国乐.发烧品95江上清风游变奏的梦想- 循梦渡96Love home小周- Love home97のんびり晴ればれ(M-40AB/M-41AB/M-60A)多田彰文- ジャングルはいつもハレのちグウオリジナル?サウンド?トラック98Prelude in G Minor, Op. 23,No.5Sergei Rachmaninoff - A Window In Time Rachmaninoff performs his solo piano works99城里的月光蒋倩- 古筝新韵2-情深深雨蒙蒙100The Godfather: Main ThemeAndré Rieu - The 100 Most Beautiful Melodies (6 CD Box Set)101フンフンフン?だよ、らき☆すた神前暁- らき☆すたDVD Vol.01 限定版特典CD102The Conqueror Worm IISopor ?ternus & the Ensemble of Shadows - Sanatorium Altrosa103世事如风古琴、箫、巴乌群星- 秋水悠悠104月下独酌王俊雄- 书香音乐系列(五)花间梦事105蝴蝶与蓝Butterfly & Blue吴莉- 蝴蝶与蓝106任逍遥巫娜- 天禅107Over the HillsDavid Arkenstone - Celtic Journeys: A David Arkenstone CelticCollection108Hungarian Dance No.5 in G minor - Orchestrated by Martin Schmeling (?-1943)Johannes Brahms / Wiener Philharmoniker / Claudio Abbado - Brahms: 21 Ungarische Tanze (Hungarian Dances)109谷雨伴奏桑葚上的猴子- 谷雨110Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen, Op.20James Levine / Wiener Philharmoniker / Anne / Sophie Mutter - ASM35 - The Complete Musician - Highlights111Symphony No.9 in E minor, op.95 'From the New World': 4. Allegro con fuocoHerbert von Karajan / Wiener Philharmoniker - Dvo?ák: Symphonie No.9 'From the New World' / Smetana: Moldau112飘摇周桃桃- 夜宴.情筝113Il Buono il Brutto il Cattivo (Titoli)Ennio Morricone - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly114変态乳牛Tom-H@ck - 仆は友达が少ないオリジナルサウンドトラック115山凤归了古琴、箫、排箫群星- 秋水悠悠116O Son Do ArLuar Na Lubre - XV Aniversario117Violin Concerto N.2 in B Minor 'La Campanella': III. Rondò, Andantino Allegretto Moderato 'La Campanella'Salvatore Accardo - Niccolò Paganini: The Complete Violin Concertos118The Good, the Bad, and theUglyCalifornia Guitar Trio - An Opening Act: On Tour with King Crimson119漫漫千里行蒋婷/ 磯村由纪子- 蓝色的思念120John Ryan's PolkaBallycastle - Best of Bagpipes121こなたのテーマ、インドバージョン神前暁- らき☆すたDVD Vol.05 限定版特典CD122H?gt, kemur ljósieólafur Arnalds - ...and they have escaped the weight of darkness123AtlanticSleeping at Last - Atlas:Oceans124Georges Bizet: Habanera from Carmen / La Cumparsita(比才:卡门- 哈巴涅拉/假面舞会)Martynas - Martynas125记得风潮唱片- 国外代理馆-韩国HUKS MUSIC系列-幸福不思议126SambaLudovico Einaudi - I Giorni127“冬のソナタ”~初めから今まで中村由利子- 恋人たちLovers128Espana CaniAndré Rieu - The 100 Most Beautiful Melodies (6 CD Box Set)129Speak Softly, LoveDavid Davidson - Silver Screen Classics130Yankee Doodle/Battle Cry Of FreedomCraig Duncan - Country Mountain America131Radetzky March Op. 228 (2005 Digital Remaster)Herbert von Karajan - 100 BestKarajan132Requiem For A DreamJennifer Thomas - Illumination133你不是真正的快乐赵海洋- 热门华语233134Requiem for a dreamCorde Oblique - Per le strade ripetute135The Happy Troll (Griefing ThemeSong)D1ofaquavibe - The Happy Troll (Griefing Theme Song)136NostalgieLuigi Rubino - A Theme for theMoon137Tango para Mi Padre y MarialunaAshram - Shining Silver Skies138Faidherbe square (instrumental)ProleteR - Curses from past times139未闻花名- 口琴版V.A. - 最新热歌慢摇95140D'invernoLuigi Rubino - A Theme for the Moon141茜云遠TONE音- 远TONE音142《夜色钢琴曲》愿得一人心赵海洋- 《夜色钢琴曲》143遗忘石进- 夜的钢琴曲Ⅱ144Strings For A Queen (Original Mix)ELYZA / Xan - XAN & ELYZA145Glorious Morning(游戏《战争进化史》/《米拉奇战记》配乐)Waterflame - Community Favorites146Fell for UNoicybino - Fell forU147Tiny Heart,Tiny LoveDJ Soviet - Tiny Heart ,Tiny Love148BWV 1041, (Allegro moderato)Julia Fischer - Bach Concertos149天之痕(钢琴版)群星- 热门华语218150Astral Requiem(星际安魂曲)山下直人- 最新热歌慢摇71151森林古堡文武贝- 森林古堡152Adagio for Summer WindKey Sounds Label - クドわふたーオリジナルサウンドトラック153Old MoneyPiano Tribute Players - Piano Tribute to Lana Del Rey, Vol. 2154The Moon Represents My HeartKenny G - Love Ballads1551967ゴンチチ- humble music156L a veilléeYann Tiersen - LesRetrouvailles157夏祭り、夢花火。
第9章模拟量输入模块本章描述PACSystems RX3i控制器模拟量输入模块。
I ____________________差分输入一些模拟量模块输入是单端的( single-ended)或差分的(differentia )。
一对差分输入的双方都参照一个公共的电压( com )。
.相对于COM的两个I N 端的平均电压称为共模电压。
不同的信号源有不同的模块电压,正如右图V (CM1) 和V (CM2)所示。
PLC CPU提供所得的数单揣转换辭柜蛆輪入并转换器「----------------A/D模拟量输入模板,4通道,差分电压:IC694ALG2204通道电压型模拟量输入模块,IC694ALG220,提供四个模拟量输入通道。
该模块接受 的输入范围为-10〜+10V 电压。
通过在输入跳线,单独的通道可以用于 4〜20mA 的电流输入。
四个输入通道的每个通道转换速度是 1毫秒。
这提供了任意通道的更新速度是 4毫秒。
这种模块可以安装到RX3i 系统中的任意I/O 插槽。
IN+Ch11隔离的+24 VDC 电源如果这种模块装在RX3i 通用背板上,模块需要一个隔离的+24VDC 的外部电源供电。
用于 HP ProLiant Gen9 服务器的 HP UEFI Shell 用户指南
![用于 HP ProLiant Gen9 服务器的 HP UEFI Shell 用户指南](
2 UEFI Shell 命令参考....................................................................................8
钢琴曲谱:莫扎特作品集莫扎特作品之交响曲:第1交响曲,降E大调,K.16(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第2交响乐,(疑作)(Naxos,沃德指挥北方室内管弦乐团)第4交响曲,D大调,K.19(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第5交响曲,降B大调,K.22(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第25交响曲,g小调,K.(伯恩斯坦指挥维也纳爱乐)第35交响曲(哈夫纳),D大调,K385第二乐章(哈农库特指挥皇家音乐厅管弦乐团)第36交响曲(林茨),C大调,K425第一乐章(哈农库特指挥皇家音乐厅管弦乐团)全曲(克莱伯版)第38交响曲“布拉格”,D大调,K504全曲(克伦贝勒指挥柏林战时广播交响乐团)第39交响曲,降E大调,K543第三乐章(演奏者不详)第三乐章(朱里尼/柏林爱乐)全曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第40交响曲,g小调,K550第一乐章(旺德指挥北德广播交响乐团)第一乐章(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第二乐章(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第三乐章(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第四乐章(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)全曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)四合一版(富特文革勒+瓦尔特+卡拉扬+老克莱伯)(维也纳爱乐+哥伦比亚交响+柏林爱乐+伦敦爱乐)第41号交响曲(朱庇特),C大调,K551第一乐章(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第一乐章(伯恩斯坦指挥维也纳爱乐)全曲(伯恩斯坦指挥纽约爱乐乐团)全曲(史科瓦泽夫斯基指挥日本读卖交响乐团)莫扎特作品之其他管弦乐作品:遣兴曲 K63,第五乐章(NAXOS,内拉特指挥萨尔茨堡室内乐团)遣兴曲 K99 第7乐章(NAXOS,内拉特指挥萨尔茨堡室内乐团演奏)第2号嬉游曲之2,D大调,K136(山度·威格指挥萨尔兹堡莫扎特管弦乐团演奏)第2号嬉游曲之3,降B大调,K137(山度·威格指挥萨尔兹堡莫扎特管弦乐团演奏)第2号嬉游曲之4,F大调,K138 第3乐章(库普曼指挥阿姆斯特丹巴洛克乐团)第11号嬉游曲 K251,第三乐章,稍快的快板(圣马丁室内合奏团)第12号嬉游曲 K252,第三乐章,波兰舞曲(霍利格尔管乐合奏团)第14号嬉游曲 K270,第二乐章,小行板(霍利格尔管乐合奏团)第15号嬉游曲 K287,第四乐章(圣马丁室内合奏团)第16号嬉游曲 K289,第一乐章(荷兰管乐合奏团)第17嬉游曲K334,第三乐章,小步舞曲(圣马丁室内合奏团)第17嬉游曲K334,第三乐章,小步舞曲(演奏者不详)第1号小夜曲,D大调,K100,第六乐章(博斯科夫斯基指挥维也纳莫扎特合奏团演奏)第3号小夜曲,D大调,K185,第二乐章(NAXOS,内拉特指挥萨尔茨堡室内乐团)第4号小夜曲,D大调,K203,第八乐章(NAXOS,内拉特指挥萨尔茨堡室内乐团)D大调进行曲K215和第5号小夜曲,D大调,K204第一乐章(马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团)第6号小夜曲,D大调,K239,(月下小夜曲)"Serenata Notturna"第一乐章:进行曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)全曲(SandorVegh指挥萨尔茨堡莫扎特音乐学院乐团)第7号小夜曲,D大调,K250,(哈夫纳小夜曲)第四乐章:回旋曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐乐团演奏)第9号小夜曲,D大调,K320全曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐乐团演奏)第六乐章,小步舞曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐乐团演奏)第10号小夜曲,降B大调,K361第三乐章(NAXOS,德国管乐家重奏团)第七乐章(NAXOS,德国管乐家重奏团)全曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐管乐团)全曲(富特文革勒指挥维也纳演奏家乐团)第11小夜曲,降E大调,K375(芝加哥交响乐团/ 莫斯科爱乐)第12小夜曲,C小调,K388(迈耶尔管乐合奏团)第13号小夜曲,《G大调弦乐小夜曲》,K525第一乐章(瓦尔特指挥哥伦比亚交响乐团,CBS报纸版)第一乐章(Traunfellner指挥维也纳室内爱乐乐队)第四乐章:(伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐乐团)全曲(马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团EMI-LD版)全曲(马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团PhlipsCD版)《音乐玩笑》,F大调,K522(菲拉德指挥菲拉德室内管弦乐团)《音乐玩笑》,F大调,K522(奥菲斯室内乐团)德国舞曲,K605,第3首“雪橇”(博斯科夫斯基指挥维也纳莫扎特合奏团)德国舞曲 K586 No.5(Johannes Wildner指挥Capella Istropolitana)NAXOS8.550412 《英雄科堡之胜利》K587(奥菲斯室内乐团)Promenade en Traineau (里德/慕尼黑艺术家管弦乐团)(马里纳指挥圣马丁室内乐团)莫扎特作品之芭蕾音乐:《小玩意》(Les petits riens)K.299B(马里纳指挥圣马丁室内乐团)协奏曲:小提琴协奏曲:第1小提琴协奏曲,降B大调,K207(小提琴:大卫·奥依斯特拉赫)第1小提琴协奏曲,降B大调,K207(小提琴:Simon Standage)第2小提琴协奏曲,D大调,K211全曲(小提琴:格鲁米欧)第2小提琴协奏曲,D大调,K211全曲(小提琴:林昭亮)第3小提琴协奏曲,G大调,K.216第一乐章:快板(小提琴:马泽尔)第一乐章:快板(小提琴:阿卡多)第一乐章:快板(小提琴:慕洛娃)第一乐章:快板(小提琴:大卫·奥依斯特拉赫)第三乐章:(小提琴:穆特)全曲(格鲁米欧)第4小提琴协奏曲,D大调,K218第一乐章:(小提琴:格罗米欧)第二乐章:(小提琴:格罗米欧)第三乐章:(小提琴:格罗米欧)全曲(小提琴:阿卡多)第5小提琴协奏曲,A大调,K219第一、二乐章(小提琴:蒂博)第三乐章(小提琴:海菲兹)第三乐章(小提琴:穆特;指挥:卡拉扬)全曲(小提琴:施奈德汉)全曲(小提琴:格鲁米欧)D大调小提琴协奏曲(K271i)(小提琴:格鲁米欧)(单声)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章E大调柔板,K261(小提琴:格鲁米欧)C大调回旋曲,K373(Maria-Elisabeth Lott,12岁)C大调回旋曲, K373(格鲁米欧小提琴)降B大调回旋曲, K269(谢霖小提琴吉卜森指挥新爱乐乐团协奏)双小提琴协奏曲,C大调,K190(小提琴:帕尔曼、祖克曼)小提琴中提琴交响协奏曲,降E大调,K364第一乐章(小提琴:海菲兹;中提琴:普利姆罗斯)第一乐章(Thomas Brandis; Giusto Cappone;伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第一乐章Naxos历史录音(小提琴:Albert Sammons;中提琴:Lionel Tertis)第二乐章(小提琴:美岛莉;中提琴:今井信子)第三乐章(小提琴:海菲兹;中提琴:普利姆罗斯)第三乐章(小提琴:海菲兹;中提琴:普利姆罗斯)第三乐章(小提琴:布朗;中提琴:伊迈)第三乐章(小提琴:Dumay;中提琴:Causse)第三乐章(小提琴:伊戈尔·奥伊斯特拉赫,中提琴:大卫·奥伊斯特拉赫)第一、二乐章(小提琴:伊戈尔·奥伊斯特拉赫,中提琴:大卫·奥伊斯特拉赫)全曲:(小提琴:格鲁米欧,中提琴:佩雷西亚)***全曲:(小提琴:(帕尔曼),中提琴:祖克曼)交响协奏曲,k297b(Thomas Brandis;Giusto Cappone;伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章D大调小提琴与钢琴协奏曲(小提琴:美岛莉;钢琴:艾申巴赫)莫扎特作品钢琴协奏曲:第7号为三架钢琴而作的协奏曲,F大调,K242(古钢琴:Malcolm Bilson,Robert Levin,谭梅文)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章第8号钢琴协奏曲,C大调,K246,(全曲)(肯普夫/莱特纳/柏林爱乐)第9钢琴协奏曲,降E大调,K271第一乐章(钢琴:杨多)第二乐章(钢琴:杨多)第三乐章:(钢琴:杨多)全曲(钢琴:布伦德尔,马克拉斯指挥苏格兰室内管弦乐团/)全曲(钢琴:拉罗查,戴维斯指挥英国室内乐团)第10号为双钢琴而作的协奏曲,E大调,K.365第一乐章(古钢琴:Malcolm Bilson;谭梅文)第二乐章(古钢琴:Malcolm Bilson;谭梅文)第三乐章(古钢琴:Malcolm Bilson;谭梅文)第三乐章(钢琴:吉列尔斯; Rakov Zak)全曲(德拉罗查与普列文合作)全曲(吉列尔斯父女三星带花的名版)第12号钢琴协奏曲,A大调,K414,(钢琴:基辛;斯皮瓦科夫指挥莫斯科名家合奏团)第13号钢琴协奏曲,C大调,K415 (钢琴:米凯兰杰里)第13钢琴协奏曲,C大调,K415,第二乐章(钢琴:杨多)第13钢琴协奏曲,C大调,K415,第三乐章(钢琴:杨多)第15号钢琴协奏曲,降B大调,K450第15钢琴协奏曲(维也纳爱乐乐团/伯恩斯坦乐团指挥并演奏钢琴)第一乐章; 第二乐章;第三乐章全曲(钢琴:布伦德尔)全曲(钢琴:米凯兰杰利)第16号钢琴协奏曲,D大调,K451,(全曲,钢琴:佩拉西亚)第16号钢琴协奏曲,K451,(全曲,钢琴:塞尔金)第17号钢琴协奏曲,K453,G大调(暂缺)第18号钢琴协奏曲,K456,(钢琴:赛尔金Serkin)第19钢琴协奏曲,F大调,K459第一乐章(钢琴:哈斯姬儿)第二、三乐章(钢琴:哈斯姬儿)第二乐章(钢琴:杨多)第三乐章(钢琴:杨多)第20钢琴协奏曲 D小调, K466, (钢琴:杨多)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章第20钢琴协奏曲 D小调 K466, 第二乐章:(钢琴:顾尔达)第20钢琴协奏曲 D小调 K466, 全曲(钢琴:米凯兰杰里,现场录音)第20钢琴协奏曲 D小调 K466, 全曲(钢琴:勒费布,富特文革勒/柏林爱乐)第21钢琴协奏曲,C大调,K467第一乐章:(钢琴:杨多)第一乐章(钢琴:Daniele Dechenne )第二乐章(钢琴:伊士东文)第二乐章(钢琴:安达Geza Anda)第二乐章(钢琴:施纳贝尔)第三乐章(钢琴:杨多)第三乐章(钢琴:Daniele Dechenne )全曲(钢琴:布伦德尔)全曲(钢琴:伊斯托敏)全曲(钢琴:内田光子)第22号钢琴协奏曲,降E大调,K482第一乐章(佩拉西亚/英国室内乐团)第二乐章(演奏者不详)第三乐章(佩拉西亚/英国室内乐团)全曲(钢琴: 海布勒,戴维斯指挥伦敦交响)第23钢琴协奏曲,A大调,K488第一乐章(钢琴:杨多)第二乐章(演奏者不详)第二乐章(霍洛维茨/朱利尼)第二乐章(施纳贝尔)第三乐章(霍洛维茨/朱利尼)第三乐章(钢琴:杨多)第三乐章(钢琴:肯普夫1960)全曲(钢琴:布伦德尔)第24钢琴协奏曲,C小调,K491第一乐章(钢琴:杨多)第二乐章(钢琴:杨多)第三乐章(钢琴:杨多)全曲(钢琴:哈斯姬儿)第25钢琴协奏曲,K503,C大调(Malcolm Bilson 古钢琴;Gardiner指挥英国巴洛克独奏家乐团)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章第26钢琴协奏曲(加冕),D大调,K.537,(钢琴:海布勒,洛维茨基指挥伦敦交响)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章第27钢琴协奏曲,降B大调,K595第一乐章(布伦德尔/马连拿指挥圣·马田乐团)第一乐章(钢琴:杨多)第二乐章(钢琴:杨多)第三乐章(钢琴:卡仲CLIFFORD CURZON)全曲(钢琴:顾尔达)全曲(钢琴:巴克豪斯)全曲(钢琴:吉列尔斯)第27钢琴协奏曲(3合1版)(演奏:吉列尔斯+佩拉希亚+顾尔达)莫扎特作品为其他乐器所作的协奏曲:大管协奏曲,降B大调,K191全曲(大管:Zeman;伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐乐团)全曲(翁纽大管,Cuschlbauer指挥班贝格交响乐团)长笛与竖琴协奏曲,K299第三乐章(朗帕尔长笛;拉斯金竖琴;菲拉德指挥菲拉德室内管弦乐团)全曲(舒尔茨长笛,萨巴雷塔竖琴,伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐乐团协奏)第1长笛协奏曲,K313全曲(格拉费娜尤长笛;马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团协奏)第一乐章(Susan Palma长笛,Orpheus Chamber Orchestra)第2号长笛协奏曲,D大调 K.314(长笛:尼科莱;皇家音乐厅管弦乐团/津曼)C大调行板,K315(朗帕尔长笛;Cuschlbauer指挥维也纳交响乐团)C大调行板,K315(朗帕尔长笛)双簧管协奏曲,K314(霍利格尔双簧管;马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团协奏)双簧管协奏曲,K314, 第三乐章(皮埃罗双簧管,朗帕尔指挥英国室内乐团)单簧管协奏曲,K622第一乐章(巴塞特单簧管版本,W.梅耶单簧管;哈农库特指挥维也纳音乐社)第一乐章(兰斯洛特单簧管,菲拉德指挥菲拉德室内管弦乐团)第二乐章(布瑞默单簧管;马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团)第二乐章(莱斯特单簧管,马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团)第二乐章(普林茨单簧管,伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐)第三乐章(普林茨单簧管,伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐)第三乐章(Naxos: 奥腾萨默单簧管;约翰内斯·维尔德纳指挥维也纳莫扎特学会)全曲(奥腾萨默单簧管,科林·戴维斯指挥维也纳爱乐乐团)全曲(普林茨单簧管,慕兴格尔指挥维也纳爱乐乐团)全曲(查尔斯·尼德赫单簧管独奏,奥菲斯室内乐团协奏)第1圆号协奏曲,D大调,K412(演奏者不详)第1圆号协奏曲,D大调,K412, 第一乐章(圆号:丹尼斯·布莱恩)第1圆号协奏曲,D大调,K412,第一乐章(圆号:图克维尔/英国室内乐团)第2圆号协奏曲,降E大调,K417(鲍曼圆号;祖克曼指挥圣·保罗室内乐团)第2圆号协奏曲,降E大调,K417, 第一乐章(圆号:丹尼斯·布莱恩)第3圆号协奏曲,降E大调,K447(圆号:丹尼斯·布莱恩)第4圆号协奏曲,降E大调,K495(圆号:丹尼斯·布莱恩)第4圆号协奏曲,降E大调,K495(圆号:图克威尔,马格指挥伦敦交响乐团协奏)莫扎特作品奏鸣曲:小提琴奏鸣曲:小提琴奏鸣曲第10号,K15(大键琴:维莱特;小提琴:波莱特)小提琴奏鸣曲第16号,K31(大键琴:维莱特;小提琴:波莱特)小提琴奏鸣曲第17号,C大调,K296 (小提琴:谢霖,钢琴:海布勒)小提琴奏鸣曲第18号,K301 (小提琴:格鲁米欧,钢琴:克林)小提琴奏鸣曲第21号,K304 (小提琴:格鲁米欧,钢琴:克林)小提琴奏鸣曲第24号,F大调,K376(小提琴:格吕米奥;钢琴:哈斯姬儿)小提琴奏鸣曲第26号,降B大调,K378(小提琴:格吕米奥;钢琴:哈斯姬儿)小提琴奏鸣曲第26号,降B大调,K378(小提琴:谢霖;钢琴:海布勒)小提琴奏鸣曲第27号,G大调,K379(小提琴:谢霖;钢琴:海布勒)小提琴奏鸣曲第32号,降B大调, K454(小提琴:格吕米奥;钢琴:哈斯姬儿)小提琴奏鸣曲第33号,K481 (小提琴:格鲁米欧,钢琴:克林)小提琴奏鸣曲第35号,A大调,K526(小提琴:谢霖;钢琴:海布勒)小提琴奏鸣曲第35号,A大调,K526 (小提琴:格鲁米欧,钢琴:克林)小提琴奏鸣曲第36号,F大调,K547 (暂缺)变奏曲,K359(小提琴:谢霖;钢琴:海布勒)小提琴奏鸣曲》K481(小提琴:施纳德汉;钢琴:希曼)小步舞曲(小提琴:海菲兹)钢琴奏鸣曲及独奏作品:钢琴奏鸣曲,第1号,C大调,K279(钢琴:季雪金)钢琴奏鸣曲,第2号,F大调,K280(钢琴:海布勒)钢琴奏鸣曲,第2号,F大调,K280(钢琴:哈斯姬尔)钢琴奏鸣曲,第3号,降B大调,K281(钢琴:霍洛维兹):第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章钢琴奏鸣曲,第3号,降B大调,K281(钢琴:吉列尔斯)钢琴奏鸣曲,第4号,降E大调,K282,(钢琴:吉塞金Gieseking)钢琴奏鸣曲,第5号,G大调,K283(钢琴:吉塞金Gieseking)钢琴奏鸣曲,第6号,D大调,K284(钢琴:海布勒)钢琴奏鸣曲,第7号,C大调,K309(钢琴:海布勒)钢琴奏鸣曲,第7号,C大调,K309(钢琴:拉罗查)钢琴奏鸣曲,第8号,A小调,K310(钢琴:拉罗查)钢琴奏鸣曲,第8号,A小调,K310(钢琴:李帕蒂)钢琴奏鸣曲,第8号,A小调,K310(钢琴:施纳贝尔)钢琴奏鸣曲,第9号,D大调,K311(钢琴:吉泽金)钢琴奏鸣曲,第10号,A大调,K330(钢琴:哈斯姬尔)钢琴奏鸣曲,第10号,A大调,K330(钢琴:霍洛维茨)钢琴奏鸣曲,第11号,A大调,K331(其中第三乐章为著名的土耳其进行曲)K331(钢琴:海布勒)K331(钢琴:吉塞金Gieseking)土耳其进行曲(波格莱里奇)钢琴奏鸣曲,第12号,F大调,K332(钢琴:舒拉.切尔卡斯基Shura Cherkassky)钢琴奏鸣曲,第13号,降B大调,K333(钢琴:拉罗查)钢琴奏鸣曲,第13号,降B大调,K333(钢琴:舒拉.切尔卡斯基)钢琴奏鸣曲,第13号,降B大调,K333(钢琴:霍洛维兹)钢琴奏鸣曲,第14号,c小调,K457(钢琴:阿劳)钢琴奏鸣曲,第15号,C大调,K545(钢琴:海布勒)钢琴奏鸣曲,第15号,C大调,K.545(钢琴:内田光子)钢琴奏鸣曲,第15号,C大调,K.545(钢琴:李赫特,布拉格现场)钢琴奏鸣曲,第16号,降B大调,K570(钢琴:弗雷德里齐·古尔达)钢琴奏鸣曲,第16号,降B大调,K570(钢琴:季雪金)钢琴奏鸣曲,第17号,D大调,K576, 第二乐章(钢琴:弗雷德里齐·古尔达)钢琴奏鸣曲,第17号,D大调,K576, 全曲(钢琴:Solomon)c小调钢琴《幻想曲》,K396(钢琴:查哈里亚斯Christian Zacharias)d小调钢琴《幻想曲》,K397(钢琴:吉列尔斯,现场录音)D大调钢琴《回旋曲》,K485(钢琴:查哈里亚斯Christian Zacharias)F大调钢琴《回旋曲》,K494(李赫特,布拉格现场)两架钢琴奏鸣曲,D大调,K448全曲(钢琴:罗夫·帕尔吉,沃尔夫冈·曼斯)全曲(钢琴:海布勒、霍夫曼)第二乐章(钢琴:鲁普、佩拉西亚)全曲(钢琴: Anna & Ines walachowski)钢琴变奏曲,K354(钢琴:海布勒)(根据博马舍《塞维利亚理发师》中的《我是多林》而作的12首变奏曲)迪波尔小步舞曲主题变奏曲9首,K573(钢琴:哈斯姬尔)迪波尔小步舞曲主题变奏曲,K573(钢琴:布伦德尔)根据“阿,妈妈,我要对你说”而作的12首变奏曲,K265(钢琴:海布勒)为两架钢琴而作的G大调慢板和变奏曲,K501(阿格丽姬,毕晓普-科瓦塞维奇)A小调回旋曲,K511(布伦德尔)6首德国舞曲,KV509(吉泽金)格伦·古尔德弹奏的(感觉异样的)莫扎特钢琴奏鸣曲:钢琴奏鸣曲 K279(格伦·古尔德)钢琴奏鸣曲 K283(格伦·古尔德)钢琴奏鸣曲 K330(格伦·古尔德)钢琴奏鸣曲K309(格伦·古尔德)钢琴奏鸣曲K310,第一乐章(格伦·古尔德)钢琴奏鸣曲K331,第三乐章, 土耳其进行曲(格伦·古尔德)室内乐:二重奏作品:G大调小中提琴二重奏,K423(Grumiaux&Pelliccia)降B大调小中提琴二重奏,K424(Grumiaux&Pelliccia)三重奏作品:第1号钢琴三重奏,降B大调,K254,(皮雷斯、杜梅、王建)第2号钢琴三重奏,G大调,K496(皮雷斯、杜梅、王建)第3号钢琴三重奏,降B大调,K502(美艺三重奏)第4号钢琴三重奏,E大调,K542(美艺三重奏)第5号钢琴三重奏,C大调,K548(暂无)第6号钢琴三重奏,G大调,K.564(美艺三重奏)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章单簧管三重奏,降E大调,K498(莱文钢琴,莱斯特单簧管,科瑞斯特中提琴)为弦乐三重奏而作的《降E大调嬉游曲》,K563(格鲁米欧三重奏团)降B大调《嬉游曲》K254,第三乐章(皮尔斯/杜梅/王键) ——————————————————————————————————四重奏作品:第1号弦乐四重奏,G大调,K80/73f(意大利四重奏团)第2号弦乐四重奏,D大调,《米兰四重奏》之一,K155/134a(意大利四重奏团)第3号弦乐四重奏,G大调,《米兰四重奏》之二,KV156/134b(意大利四重奏团)第13号弦乐四重奏,D小调,《维也纳四重奏》第六首,K173 (阿玛迪乌斯四重奏团)第17号弦乐四重奏(狩猎),降B大调,K458(意大利四重奏组)第21号弦乐四重奏,D大调,K575(意大利四重奏组)第23号弦乐四重奏,K590,D大调《普鲁士四重奏》第三号(阿玛迪乌斯四重奏团)第1号钢琴四重奏,G小调,K478,全曲,(马友友,斯特恩,艾克斯,拉雷多)第2号钢琴四重奏,降E大调,K493,全曲,(马友友,斯特恩,艾克斯,拉雷多)第2号钢琴四重奏,降E大调,K493,全曲(PHILIPS:Haeble钢琴,Schwalbe小提琴,Cappone中提琴,Borwitzky大提琴)第1号长笛四重奏,D大调,K285, (贝奈特长笛;格鲁米欧三重奏团)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章全曲第一乐章(高威与东京弦乐四重奏团)第2号长笛四重奏(全曲)(长笛:贝内特/格鲁米欧三重奏团)第3号长笛四重奏(全曲)(长笛:贝内特/格鲁米欧三重奏团)第4号长笛四重奏(全曲)(长笛:贝内特/格鲁米欧三重奏团)双簧管四重奏,K370(Kiss双簧管,科达伊四重奏团成员,NAXOS版)——————————————————————————————————五重奏作品:第3号弦乐五重奏,C大调,K515 (小提琴:Arthur Grumiaux,Arpad Gerecz;中提琴:Georges Janze r,Max Lesueur;大提琴:Eva Czako)第4号弦乐五重奏,G小调,K516, 第一乐章(演奏者同上)第5号弦乐五重奏,D大调,K593,(全曲,演奏者同上)第6弦乐五重奏 K614,降E大调,(格鲁米欧三重奏团/格莱茨/莱舒尔)单簧管五重奏,A大调,K581第一乐章(单簧管:Jozsef Balogh;Danubius 四重奏团)全曲(Schmidl巴塞特单簧管,维也纳八重奏团成员演奏)玻璃琴五重奏《C小调柔板与回旋曲》,K617(玻璃琴:Bruno Hoffmann;长笛:Aurele Nicolet;双簧管:Heinz Holliger;中提琴:Karl Schouten;大提琴:Jean Decroos)圆号五重奏,K407(Kevehazi圆号,科达伊四重奏团,NAXOS版)钢琴与管乐五重奏,降E大调,K452(布伦德尔钢琴,霍利格尔双簧管,布鲁纳单簧管,鲍曼圆号,图纳曼大管)钢琴与管乐五重奏,降E大调,K452(丹尼斯·布赖恩管乐合奏团)根据G大调弦乐小夜曲(K525)而改编的弦乐五重奏(埃克斯、瓜奈里四重奏团等)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章第四乐章歌剧作品:《费加罗的婚礼》,K492序曲(梅塔指挥SONY 53286)序曲(莱茵斯多夫指挥维也纳爱乐)序曲(瓦尔特指挥哥伦比亚交响乐团)咏叹调:《蝴蝶不能再飞》(梅塔指挥SONY 53286)咏叹调:“Voi che sapete”(Danco演唱;克莱伯指挥维也纳爱乐乐团、维也纳歌剧院合唱团演出)二重唱:“Che soave zefiretto”(Casa & Gueden演唱,克莱伯指挥维也纳爱乐乐团、维也纳歌剧院合唱团)二重唱“Cinque...dieci...venti...trenta”(Siepi & Gueden演唱,E.克莱伯指挥维也纳爱乐乐团、维也纳歌剧院合唱团)“Porgi amor,qualche ristoro”(Casa演唱 E.克莱伯指挥维也纳爱乐乐团、维也纳歌剧院合唱团) “Porgi amor,qualche ristoro”(Kanawa演唱伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐乐团)“Dove sono”(演唱:施瓦兹科普夫;卡拉扬指挥维也纳爱乐)《魔笛》,K620序曲(伯姆指挥)序曲(瓦尔特指挥哥伦比亚交响)第二幕(索尔蒂指挥维也纳爱乐乐团,演唱:迪斯考等)二重唱“那些坠入爱河的男人”(索尔蒂指挥维也纳爱乐,演唱:普雷,罗莲嘉)“在神圣的殿堂里”(演唱:特尔维拉)“帕帕姬娜你在哪里”(伯姆指挥)二重唱:懂得爱情的男人,都有一颗仁慈的心(Ziesak&Kraus演唱;索尔蒂指挥维也纳爱乐)咏叹调:“如果有个女人爱我,多么幸福”(索尔蒂指挥维也纳爱乐乐团)“夜后”(演唱:格鲁布洛娃Edita Gruberova)二重唱:《pa pa pa》(演唱:夸斯托夫/卡巴列)二重唱:《pa pa pa》(演唱:普雷/霍尔姆, 索尔蒂/维也纳爱乐)美丽的画像(演唱:冯德里希)夜后"复仇的火焰"(演唱者:朵依特肯)《女人心》,K588序曲(伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐、维也纳歌剧院合唱乐团)第二幕(伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐、维也纳歌剧院合唱乐团)第2幕第4场(EMI伯姆指挥爱乐乐团与合唱团演出, Schwarzkopf、Ludwig、Kraus、Taddei等演唱) “Fra gli amplessi in pochi istanti”(EMI伯姆指挥爱乐乐团与合唱团演出, Schwarzkopf & Kraus演唱)《唐璜》,K527序曲(朱利尼指挥爱乐乐团)第一幕:(朱利尼指挥爱乐乐团,演唱:萨瑟兰、施瓦兹科普夫等)第二幕(索尔蒂指挥伦敦爱乐乐团、伦敦歌剧院合唱团)二重唱“让我们手拉手吧”(演唱:Sciutti & Wachter;朱利尼指挥爱乐乐团、合唱团)小夜曲“Deh vieni alla finestra”(Wachter演唱朱利尼指挥爱乐乐团、合唱团)《后宫诱逃》 K384咏叹调“Martern aller Arten”(Koth演唱,约胡姆指挥巴伐利亚歌剧院乐团与合唱团)咏叹调“Hier soll ich dich denn sehen”(Wunderlich演唱,约胡姆指挥巴伐利亚歌剧院乐团与合唱团)序曲(约胡姆指挥巴伐利亚歌剧院乐团与合唱团)序曲(NAXOS)《狄托的仁慈》,K621二重唱“Ah perdona al primo affetto”(von Stade & Popp演唱,科林·戴维斯指挥科文特花园皇家歌剧院乐团与合唱团)咏叹调“Ah,se fosse intorno al trono” (Burrows演唱科林·戴维斯指挥科文特花园皇家歌剧院乐团与合唱团)《阿斯卡尼奥在阿尔巴》K111,序曲(萨尔茨堡莫扎特管弦乐团/利奥波德·哈格)《巴斯蒂恩与巴斯蒂恩娜》K50,序曲《巴斯蒂安与巴斯蒂安娜》K50,全剧(Gruberova、Cole、Polgar演唱,Leppard指挥李斯特室内乐团)《装痴作傻》(一)施雷尔(P.Schreier)指挥C.P.E巴赫乐团《装痴作傻》(二)施雷尔(P.Schreier)指挥C.P.E巴赫乐团---------------------------------------------------------------------------------声乐作品:女高音咏叹调:“喜悦的心情”,K579(演唱:格鲁贝洛娃)咏叹调:“Vorrei Siegarvi,oh Dio”,K418《哈利路亚》(平诺克指挥英国协奏团, 演唱: Bonnry)《黄昏的感触》(Elly Ameling Dalton Baldwin with Netherlands Wind Ensemble)教堂音乐:忏悔者的庄严晚祷,K399C大调《加冕》弥撒曲,K317(哈农库特指挥)C小调大弥撒 K427 (柏林广播交响乐团/Fricsay)《圣礼赞》(排箫:赞非尔/管风琴:毕什)《C大调第十号弥撒曲》麻雀(库贝利克指挥巴戈里亚广播合唱团、乐团)安魂曲,D小调,K626伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐1971年版卡拉扬/柏林爱乐1976年版卡拉扬指挥维也纳歌唱家合唱团、伯林爱乐乐团巴伦博依姆1972年的版本克尔特兹(Kertesz)指挥维也纳爱乐乐团版库普曼指挥阿姆斯特丹巴洛克乐团等伯恩斯坦悼念亡妻版朱利尼/爱乐乐团和合唱团改编曲:第13号小夜曲《G大调弦乐小夜曲》,K525,第四乐章(长笛版)吉他: 《魔笛》主题及变奏(索尔改编,演奏:帕克宁)吉他: 《魔笛》主题及变奏(索尔改编,演奏:塞戈维亚)吉他: 《魔笛》主题及变奏(Pepe Romero 吉他独奏)《魔笛》中的幻想曲(萨拉萨蒂改编, 沙汉姆演奏)《费加罗婚礼》(管乐合奏)(LINOS-ENSEMBLE)《后宫诱逃》长笛与双簧管二重奏(Schulz长笛/Schellenberger双簧管)摇篮曲(改编曲)贝多芬《根据莫扎特歌剧〈唐璜〉中“La ci darem la mano”主题而作的变奏曲》但济《单簧管与乐队“La ci darem la mano”主题幻想曲》圆号协奏曲哼唱的《土尔其进行曲》木管五重奏《土尔其进行曲》Mozart 莫扎特作品目录编号K.时间地点作品名音高1 1761/2 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord (See K. 1e) G Major or 17641 1761/2? Salzburg Andante for Harpsichord C Major1b 1761/2? Salzburg Allegro for Harpsichord C Major1c 1761 Salzburg Allegro for Harpsichord F Major1d 1761 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord F Major1e 1761/2 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord (See K. 1) G Major or 17641f 1761/2 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord C Major or 17642 1762 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord F Major3 1762 Salzburg Allegro for Harpsichord B Flat Major4 1762 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord F Major5 1762 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord F Major5a 1763 Salzburg Allegro for Harpsichord (See K. 9a) C Major6 1764 Paris Sonata for Harpsichord & Violin C Major7 1764 Paris Sonata for Harpsichord & Violin D Major8 1764 Paris Sonata for Harpsichord & Violin B Flat Major9 1764 Paris Sonata for Harpsichord & Violin G Major9a 1763 Salzburg Allegro for Harpsichord (See K. 5a) C Major10 1764 London Sonata for Harpsichord,Violin (or B Flat Major Flute) & Cello11 1764 London Sonata for Harpsichord,Violin (or G Major Flute) & Cello12 1764 London Sonata for Harpsichord,Violin (or A Major Flute) & Cello13 1764 London Sonata for Harpsichord, Violin (or Flute) & Cello14 1764 London Sonata for Harpsichord, Violin (or Flute) & Cello。
多数非遗App仅仅是将知识性的非遗内容以“图书”的固化形式平移到App应用中,呈现出非遗内容由App 向用户的单向输出,缺乏非遗与人之间、人与人之间的交互,是类似“电子书”式的App,缺少全方位、多角度、多层次的思维意识。
3 非遗App使用体验的提升策略3.1 适当非遗元素的应用在扁平化、简约风格为主流界面风格的时代,加入适当的非遗传统元素,会给用户带来惊喜感。
3.2 以用户为中心的思维方式转变非遗App的设计应该转变既有的为传达非遗内容而设计的思维为满足用户文化等需求而设计的思维,将高高在上的非物质文化遗产转换为用户容易接受的信息。
3.3 用户体验路径的升级移动互联网和智能设备的普及迫使非遗的体验路径向现代化移动智能路径的方向进行升级。
在过去,麦克风端子大都以圆型8PIN接头为走向,而近年来许多车机皆改用RJ-45类似电话接头来代替,数据端子的样式更是各家不同,以下为一些较常见的市贩无线电机之接头端子总览,提供紿同好在製作连接线时一点参考麦克风接头圆型8Pin 适用机型IC-901(pin4及pin8为NC)IC-2310(pin4为TSQL)IC-2410(pin4为NC)IC-723/IC-729/IC-736IC-721/IC-732/IC-726/IC-780IC-970/IC-820/IC-275/IC-475/IC-1275IC-746/IC-756/IC-760 PRO/IC-775DX II8Pin电话接头适用机型8Pin电话接头适用机型IC-2700 IC-2710 IC-3700IC-2000D IC-2350 IC-2340IC-207IC-706IC-706MK IIDATA端子ACC 1端子IC-723/IC-729/IC-729IC-721/IC-732/IC-726IC-275/IC-475/IC-1275IC-970/IC-820IC-780/IC-746/IC-756 IC-775DX II/IC-760 PRO1.NC2.GND3.SEND4.MOD5.AF6.SQL S7.13.8V8.ALC 1.ATV MIC2.ATV MIC GND3.SEND4.MOD5.AF6.SQL S7.13.8V8.ALC 1.RTTY2.GND3.SEND4.MOD5.AF6.SQL S7.13.8V8.ALC ACC 2 端子IC-723IC-729IC-736IC-721IC-726IC-732IC-780IC-756IC-775DX IIIC-7461.8V2.GND(同ACC 1之Pin2)3.SEND(同ACC 1之Pin3)4.BAND5.ALC(同ACC 1之Pin8)6.TPS7.13.8V(同ACC 1之Pin7)1.8V 2.GND(同ACC 1之Pin2)3.SEND(同ACC 1之Pin3)4.BAND5.ALC(同ACC 1之Pin8)6.NC7.13.8V(同ACC 1之Pin7)1.8V 2.GND(同ACC 1之Pin2)3.SEND(同ACC 1之Pin3)4.BAND5.ALC(同ACC 1之Pin8)6.TRV7.13.8V(同ACC 1之Pin7)1.8V 2.GND(同ACC 1之Pin2)3.HF SEND(同ACC 1之Pin3)4.BAND5.ALC(同ACC 1之Pin8)6.144 MHz SEND7.13.8V(同ACC 1之Pin7)13Pin圆型接頭IC-970/IC-820DATA IC-275/IC-475/IC-1275AQS IC-706/IC-706MK IIACC1.MOD2.MOD GND3.ALC4.SQL(MAIN)5.ALC(MAIN)6.NC7.SEND8.U/D9.AF GND10.AF(SUB)11.NC12.SQL(SUB)13.13.8V 1.TX GND2.TX MOD3.MUTE4.CAC5.RX AF6.PTT7.SEND8.SEARCH9.RX GND10.CI-V11.NC12.RECV13.13.8V 1.8V2.GND3.HF SEND4.BDT(AT180)5.BAND6.ALC7.VHF SEND8.13.8VEY(AT180)10.FSKK(RTTY)11.MOD12.AF13.SQL S麦克风接头圆型8PIN接点图适用机型接点图适用机型FT707S/FT-ONE S FT-102 FT-77FT-980/FT-757II FT-767/FT-747FT-2700/FT-270 FT-770/FT-290II FT-690II/FT-790 FT-4700/FT-212 FT-712/FT-211 FT-711/FT-2311FT-3700/FT-3800FT-3900 FT-4600FT-4800/FT-4900FT-5800FT-215/FT-715注意:此型无PTT端子FT-840/FT-850 FT-990/FT-1000FT-920/FT-847 FT-1000MPVX-18PIN 电话接头 适用机型 6PIN 电话接头 适用机型FT-2400FT-8100/FT-8000 FT-8500FT-900DATA 端子适用机型 FT-8000FT-8100 FT-8500 DATA 輸入端子 阻抗10K 欧姆输入电压40mV(1200bps)输入电压2.0V(9600bps) 9600bps DATA 輸出阻抗10K 欧姆输出电压500mV1200bps DATA 輸出阻抗10K 欧姆输出电压300mVPHONE JACK适用机型Din 5PinFT-4600/FT-767CAT 端子 CAT Din 6pin适用机型CAT D-Sub9pin适用机型FT-747FT-767FT-840FT-850FT-900FT-990FT-1000FT-920CAT D-Sub9pin 适用机型CAT D-Sub9pin 适用机型FT-847FT-1000MPBAND DATA端子Din 8Pin 适用机型Din 8Pin 适用机型FT-747FT-767FT-840FT-850FT-900FT-990FT-1000FT-920FT-1000MPRTTY&PACKET端子RTTY PACKET 适用机型FT-990FT-1000FT-1000MPPKT&STBY端子PKT STBY 适用机型FT-847VX系列电脑连接线路适用於YAESU VX-1、VX-5、FT-50手机Q1 ~ Q4 =2N2222(NPN),Q5 =Not Used,Q6 ~ Q7 =2N3906(PNP)D1、D3、D4 =1N914,D2 =1N751AR1、R2、R6、R7、R8 =47K,R3 =10K,R4 =12K,R5 =470K,R9、R10=100麦克风接头圆型8Pin 适用机型电话接头8Pin 适用机型TM-541/TM-701 TM-721/TM-731 TS-50/TS-60 TS-850/TS-870 TS-940/TS-950TM-732/TM-733 TM-941/TM-942 TM-G707(Pin2为SP)TM-V7(Pin2为NC)DATA端子DATA端子DATA 6Pin 适用机型[td]TM-255/TM-455TM-733/TM-833TM-G707/TM-V713Pin DATA端子NC:未接线RTK:RTTY使用之端子GND:接地PSQ:SQL信号输出PKS:接线端DATA通信之PTT输入PKD:接线端之通信输入SS:无线机内部之STBY功能ANO:音频输出SMET:S讯号强度表输出SAF:副频之音频输出ACC:其它外接功能MAF:主频之音频输出MSQ:主频之SQL信号输出MSM:主频之S讯号强度表输出SSQ:副频之SQL信号输出SSM:副频之S讯号强度表输出端子功能表机型12345678910111213 TS-790SAFACCMAFGNDMSQMSMSSQGNDPKSSSMPKDGNDSSTS-850NCNCANOGNDPSQSMETNCGNDPKSNCPKDGNDSSTS-870NCNCANOGNDPSQSMETNCGNDPKSNCPKDGNDSSTS-940NCNCANOGNDNCNCNCGNDPKSNCPKDGNDSSTS-950SAFNCMAFGNDPSQSMETNCGNDPKSNCPKDGNDSS。
碳势、毫伏值与温度对照表%CO=20.0 %H2=40 AF=1.00790 800 815 830 845 860 870 885 890 910 925 940 955 TEMPF%C P0.05 961 963 965 967 968 970 972 974 976 978 979 981 983 0.1 993 996 998 1000 1002 1005 1007 1009 1011 1014 1016 1018 1020 0.15 1012 1015 1018 1020 1023 1025 1028 1030 1033 1035 1038 1040 1043 0.2 1026 1029 1032 1034 1037 1040 1042 1045 1048 1050 1053 1056 1059 0.25 1037 1040 1043 1046 1048 1051 1054 1057 1060 1063 1065 1068 1071 0.3 1046 1049 1052 1055 1058 1061 1064 1067 1070 1073 1076 1078 1081 0.35 1054 1057 1060 1063 1066 1069 1072 1075 1078 1081 1084 1087 1090 0.4 1061 1061 1067 1070 1073 1076 1079 1082 1086 1089 1092 1095 1098 0.45 1067 1070 1073 1076 1079 1083 1086 1089 1092 1096 1099 1102 1105 0.5 1072 1075 1079 1082 1085 1089 1092 1095 1098 1102 1105 1108 1112 0.55 1077 1080 1084 1087 1091 1094 1097 1101 1104 1107 1111 1114 1114 0.6 1082 1085 1089 1092 1095 1099 1102 1106 1109 1113 1116 1119 1123 0.65 1086 1090 1093 1097 1100 1104 1107 1110 1114 1117 1121 1124 1128 0.7 1090 1094 1097 1101 1104 1108 1111 1115 1119 1122 1126 1129 1133 0.75 1094 1098 1101 1105 1108 1112 1116 1119 1123 1126 1130 1134 1137 0.8 1098 1102 1105 1109 1112 1116 1120 1123 1127 1131 1134 1138 1141 0.85 1101 1105 1109 1112 1116 1120 1123 1127 1131 1135 1138 1142 1146 0.9 1105 1100 1112 1116 1120 1123 1127 1131 1135 1138 1142 1146 11490.95 1108 1112 1116 1119 1123 1127 1131 1134 1138 1142 1146 1149 11531 1111 1115 1119 1123 1126 1130 1134 1138 1142 1145 1149 1153 1157 1.05 1114 1118 1122 1126 1130 1133 1137 1141 1145 1149 1153 1157 1160 1.1 1117 1121 1125 1129 1133 1137 1141 1144 1148 1152 1156 1160 1164 1.15 1120 1124 1128 1132 1136 1140 1144 1148 1151 1155 1159 1163 1167 1.2 1123 1127 1131 1135 1139 1143 1147 1151 1155 1159 1162 1166 1170 1.25 1126 1130 1134 1138 1142 1146 1150 1154 1158 1162 1166 1170 1174 1.3 1128 1132 1136 1140 1144 1149 1153 1157 1161 1165 1169 1173 1177 1.35 1131 1135 1139 1143 1147 1151 1155 1159 1164 1168 1172 1176 1180 1.4 1134 1138 1142 1146 1150 1154 1158 1162 1166 1171 1175 1179 1183 1.45 1136 1140 1144 1149 1153 1157 1161 1165 1169 1173 1178 1182 1186 1.5 1139 1143 1147 1151 1155 1160 1164 1168 1172 1176 1180 1185 1189注:表中斜体黑字对应在钢中的饱和极限CO=31.5% 碳势温度和毫伏值对照表碳势、露点与湿度对应%CO=20. %H2=40.0 AF=1.00790 800 815 830 845 860 870 885 890 910 925 940 955 TEMP%C P0.05 142 137 133 129 124 120 117 113 109 106 103 99 96 0.1 117 113 108 104 101 97 94 90 87 84 81 87 75 0.15 103 99 95 91 88 84 81 77 74 71 68 66 63 0.2 93 89 86 82 78 75 72 69 66 63 60 57 55 0.25 86 82 78 75 71 68 65 62 59 56 53 51 48 0.3 80 76 73 69 66 63 60 57 54 51 48 46 43 0.35 75 71 68 64 61 58 55 52 49 46 44 41 39 0.4 71 67 64 60 57 54 51 48 45 43 40 37 35 0.45 67 63 60 57 53 50 47 45 42 39 37 34 32 0.5 64 60 57 53 50 47 44 41 39 36 34 31 29 0.55 60 57 54 50 47 44 41 39 36 33 32 28 26 0.6 58 54 51 48 45 42 39 36 33 31 28 26 24 0.65 55 52 48 45 42 39 36 34 31 28 26 24 21 0.7 53 49 44 43 40 37 34 31 29 26 24 21 19 0.75 50 47 42 41 38 35 32 29 27 24 22 19 17 0.8 48 45 42 39 36 33 30 27 25 22 20 18 15 0.85 46 43 40 37 34 31 28 25 23 20 18 16 14 0.9 44 41 38 35 32 29 26 24 21 19 16 14 120.95 42 39 36 33 30 27 25 22 19 17 15 12 101 41 37 34 31 28 26 23 20 18 15 13 11 9 1.05 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 19 16 14 12 9 7 1.1 37 34 31 28 25 22 20 17 15 12 10 8 6 1.15 36 32 29 26 24 21 18 16 13 11 9 64 1.2 34 31 28 25 22 19 17 14 12 10 7 5 3 1.25 33 29 26 24 21 18 15 13 11 8 6 4 2 1.3 31 28 25 22 19 17 14 12 9 7 5 0 0 1.35 30 27 24 21 18 15 13 10 8 6 3 1 -1 1.4 28 25 22 19 17 14 11 9 7 4 2 0 -2 1.45 27 24 21 18 15 13 10 8 5 3 1 -1 -3 1.5 26 23 20 17 14 11 9 7 4 2 0 -2 -5氧势与碳势对应关系(仅供参考)CO=23%°C0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 C% 800 1058 1064 1070 1075 1080 1085 1089 1093 1097 1101 1105 1108 1111810 1059 1066 1071 1077 1082 1087 1091 1095 1099 1103 1107 1110 1114820 1060 1067 1073 1078 1084 1088 1093 1097 1101 1105 1109 1112 1116 1119830 1054 1062 1069 1075 1080 1085 1090 1095 1099 1103 1107 1111 1115 1118 1121 1125840 1056 1063 1070 1076 1082 1087 1092 1097 1101 1105 1109 1113 1117 1120 1124 1127850 1057 1065 1072 1078 1084 1089 1094 1099 1103 1107 1111 1115 1119 1123 1126 1129 1132860 1059 1067 1074 108 1086 1091 1096 1101 1105 1110 1114 1117 1121 1125 1128 1132 1134 1138 1142870 1060 1068 1075 1082 1088 1093 1098 1103 1107 1112 1116 1120 1123 1127 1131 1134 1136 1140 1144880 1062 1070 1077 1084 1089 1095 1100 1105 1110 1114 1118 1122 1126 1129 1133 1136 1138 1143 1146890 1063 1072 1079 1085 1091 1097 1102 1107 1112 1116 1120 1124 1128 1132 1135 1139 1141 1145 1148mv 900 1065 1073 1081 1087 1093 1099 1104 1109 1114 1118 1123 1127 1130 1134 1138 1141 1144 1148 1151910 1067 1075 1083 1089 1095 1101 1106 1111 1116 1121 1125 1129 1133 1137 1140 1144 1146 1150 1153920 1068 1077 1084 1091 1097 1103 1109 1114 1118 1123 1127 1131 1135 1139 1143 1146 1148 1153 1156930 1070 1079 1086 1093 1100 1105 1111 1116 1121 1125 1129 1134 1138 1141 1145 1149 1151 1155 1159940 1072 1081 1088 1095 1102 1107 1113 1118 1123 1127 1132 1136 1140 1114 1147 1151 1154 1158 1161950 1074 1082 1090 1097 1104 1110 1115 1120 1125 1130 1134 1138 1142 1146 1150 1154 1157 1160 1164960 1075 1084 1092 1099 1106 1112 1117 1123 1127 1132 1137 1141 1145 1149 1152 1156 1160 1163 1166970 1077 1086 1094 1101 1108 1114 1120 1125 1130 1134 1139 1143 1147 1151 1155 1159 1162 1166 1169980 1079 1088 1096 1103 1110 1116 1122 1127 1132 1137 1141 1146 1150 1154 1157 1161 1165 1168 1171990 1081 1090 1098 1106 1112 1118 1124 1129 1134 1139 1144 1148 1152 1156 1160 1164 1167 1171 11741000 1083 1092 1100 1108 1114 1121 1126 1132 1137 1142 1146 1151 1155 1159 1163 1166 1170 1173 1177氧势与碳势对应关系(仅供参考)CO=23%°C0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 C%mv 800 1058 1064 1070 1075 1080 1085 1089 1093 1097 1101 1105 1108 1111810 1059 1066 1071 1077 1082 1087 1091 1095 1099 1103 1107 1110 1114820 1060 1067 1073 1078 1084 1088 1093 1097 1101 1105 1109 1112 1116 1119830 1054 1062 1069 1075 1080 1085 1090 1095 1099 1103 1107 1111 1115 1118 1121 1125840 1056 1063 1070 1076 1082 1087 1092 1097 1101 1105 1109 1113 1117 1120 1124 1127850 1057 1065 1072 1078 1084 1089 1094 1099 1103 1107 1111 1115 1119 1123 1126 1129 1132860 1059 1067 1074 108 1086 1091 1096 1101 1105 1110 1114 1117 1121 1125 1128 1132 1134 1138 1142870 1060 1068 1075 1082 1088 1093 1098 1103 1107 1112 1116 1120 1123 1127 1131 1134 1136 1140 1144880 1062 1070 1077 1084 1089 1095 1100 1105 1110 1114 1118 1122 1126 1129 1133 1136 1138 1143 1146890 1063 1072 1079 1085 1091 1097 1102 1107 1112 1116 1120 1124 1128 1132 1135 1139 1141 1145 1148900 1065 1073 1081 1087 1093 1099 1104 1109 1114 1118 1123 1127 1130 1134 1138 1141 1144 1148 1151910 1067 1075 1083 1089 1095 1101 1106 1111 1116 1121 1125 1129 1133 1137 1140 1144 1146 1150 1153920 1068 1077 1084 1091 1097 1103 1109 1114 1118 1123 1127 1131 1135 1139 1143 1146 1148 1153 1156 930 1070 1079 1086 1093 1100 1105 1111 1116 1121 1125 1129 1134 1138 1141 1145 1149 1151 1155 1159 940 1072 1081 1088 1095 1102 1107 1113 1118 1123 1127 1132 1136 1140 1114 1147 1151 1154 1158 1161 950 1074 1082 1090 1097 1104 1110 1115 1120 1125 1130 1134 1138 1142 1146 1150 1154 1157 1160 1164 960 1075 1084 1092 1099 1106 1112 1117 1123 1127 1132 1137 1141 1145 1149 1152 1156 1160 1163 1166 970 1077 1086 1094 1101 1108 1114 1120 1125 1130 1134 1139 1143 1147 1151 1155 1159 1162 1166 1169 980 1079 1088 1096 1103 1110 1116 1122 1127 1132 1137 1141 1146 1150 1154 1157 1161 1165 1168 1171 990 1081 1090 1098 1106 1112 1118 1124 1129 1134 1139 1144 1148 1152 1156 1160 1164 1167 1171 1174 1000 1083 1092 1100 1108 1114 1121 1126 1132 1137 1142 1146 1151 1155 1159 1163 1166 1170 1173 1177 使用及维护方法l不同的氧探头或同一氧探头在使用一段时间后,氧势与碳势的对应关系可能发生变化,所以新装氧探头或使用一段时间(一般三个月后)的氧探头,要求用碳片标定碳势和氧势的关系,用以修正碳势显示值.l在使用过程中,敏感元件表面常常伴有碳黑,这将导致氧探头输出信号不稳定或偏差较大,为保证测量准确,必须定时清除积碳(即烧碳),烧碳周期视气氛状况而定,一般为2-6小时不等,每次烧碳时间不宜过长.在使用过程中,氧探头的敏感元件将不断老化,内阻随之增大,当内阻达到一定数值时,氧探头将无法正常工作,所以要定期检测氧探头内阻,如发现在正常工作条件下其阻值超过50KΩ,应及时维修或更换氧探头.。
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CHECK ONESCertificate of Exemption - Check appropriate block below and complete Sections A through D and sign inSection F. NOTE:Section E and G (if applicable) need only be completed when the replacement card or stickerblock is checked below.GENERAL INFORMATIONO Certificate of Exemption is non-transferable.O A Farm Vehicle is defined as “a truck or truck tractor determined by the Department of Transportation to be used exclusively for agricultural purposes.”O List name and address as printed on current PA Title or as listed on accompanying application for PA Title in Section A and complete all other applicable sections of the application. Tax and fees are payable at the time of application for Pennsylvania certificate of title and registration.O A copy of your last current income tax return filing which demonstrates you are engaged commercially in farming must be attached. The copy of the income tax return filing attached to the MV-77 must show the business activity code or business activity description. Specific income information filed in the original return may be blacked out. If you are:- An individual - A copy of your PA Income Tax Form, Schedule F must be attached.- A partnership - A copy of your Federal Income Tax Form 1165 or 1165B or a copy of the Schedule F filed with the 1065 or 1065B must be attached.- A Corporation - A copy of your Federal Income Tax Form 1120 or 1120A(Schedule K of the 1120 return or Part II of the 1120A return) must be attached.-A Subchapter S Corporation - A copy of your Federal Income Tax Form 1120S (Schedule B) must be attached.O Your telephone number will be held in confidence and used only in the event of a problem with your application.O Mail completed application and remittance to PA Department of Transportation, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Riverfront Office Center, 1101 South Front Street, Harrisburg, PA17104-2516. Make check payable to the “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”. NOTE:If this application is submitted as an attachment to application for PA title on Forms MV-1 or MV-4ST, mail all documents to the address printed in the upper left margin of Forms MV-1 or MV-4ST.NOTE:A farm vehicle must be used exclusively for agricultural purposes and may not be used in other operations such as commerical trucking, logging, landscaping and transporting show horses. Agricultural purposes include produce, dairy, livestock and poultry farming, hay and field crop farming and orchard and nursery operations.A. INSTRUCTIONS FOR “FARM VEHICLE” REGISTRATION1.Qualified applicants for “farm vehicle” registration include produce, dairy, livestock and poultry farmers, hay and field crop farmers and orchard andnursery owners. The applicant must be either the owner or operator of the farm or such agricultural enterprise. Farm or agricultural business information will be verified with the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue to substantiate the applicant’s qualification for Farm Vehicle registration.2.This application may not be used for a trailer, semi-trailer or implement of husbandry.3.The Certificate of Title for the vehicle identified in Section C must currently be in the applicant’s name. If not, application for title must accompany thisapplication.4.Vehicles to be operated under farm vehicle registrations are subject to payment of motor vehicle sales tax.5.Vehicles operated on the highways with “farm vehicle” registrations must be equipped according to law and display a currently valid inspection sticker.6.For a replacement plate or registration card, use Form MV-44.B. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FARM VEHICLE 2 YEAR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION1. Sections A thru D and F must be completed in full. Section E need only be completed when applying for a replacement card or sticker. NOTE:Complete Section G only if the “never received” block is checked in Section E.2.Replacement fee for a Certificate of Exemption card or sticker is $7.50. NOTE:No fee is required if original card or sticker was lost in the mail andapplication is made within 90 days of original issuance.3.Type A and C farm vehicles being operated with a Certificate of Exemption are to be used exclusively upon farm(s) owned/operated by vehicle owners:O on highways only between parts of a farm;O between such farms located within 25 miles of each other;O between a farm or farms and a place of business within a 25 mile radius of the farm or farms for the purpose of buying/selling a agricultural commodities/supplies;O between a farm or farms and a place of business within a 50 mile radius of the farm or farms for repairing or servicing the farm vehicle.4.Type B farm vehicles being operated with a Certificate of Exemption are to be used exclusively upon farm(s) owned/operated by vehicle owners:O on highways only between parts of a farm;O between such farms located within 10 miles of each other;O between a farm or farms and a place of business within a 10 mile radius of the farm or farms for the purpose of buying/selling a agricultural commodities/supplies;O between a farm or farms and a place of business within a 25 mile radius of the farm or farms for repairing or servicing the farm vehicle.5.Farm vehicles being operated with a Certificate of Exemption cannot be used beyond the mileage or time restrictions listed in Section D on front ofthe application.6.The owner of the farm vehicle must maintain the minimum levels of liability insurance coverage on the vehicle. This can be by a vehicle insurancepolicy or under farm liability insurance coverage maintained generally by the owner.WARNING:Misstatement of fact is a misdemeanor of the third degree punishable by a fine up to $2,500 and/or imprisonment up to 1 year(18 C.P.S.A., Section 4904[b]).。