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Book 6
Unit 1 Art
1.Art is influenced by the customs and ________ (信念) of a people.
2.During the Middle Ages , the main ______ (目标) of painters was to represent religious themes.
3.A ___________(传统的) artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people as they really were.
4.A ________(典型的) picture at this time was full of religious symbols , which created a feeling of respect and love for God.
5.But it was _________(明显的) that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.
6.People began to concentrate less on religious themes and _______ (采纳) a more humanistic attitude to life.
7.Rich people wanted to _______ (拥有) their own paintings , so they could decorate their _______ (极好的)palaces and great houses.
8.They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves , their houses and ___________ (财产) as well as their activities and achievements.
9.This __________(手法) was first used by Masaccio in 1428.
(巧合的) , oil paints were also developed at this time , which made the colours used in
paintings look richer and deeper.
11.In the late 19 th century , Europe changed _______________ (大量) , from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one.
12.They were eager to show how light and __________ (阴影) fell on objects at different times of day.
13.They said that the painters were careless and their paintings were _________ (可笑的) .
14.At the time they were created , the Impressionist paintings were _______________ (争议的) , but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we call ”modern art ”.
15.On the one hand , some modern art is abstract ; that is , the painter does not __________(试一试)to paint objects as we see them with our eyes , but instead concentrates on certain qualities of the object , using colour , line and shape to represent them.
(另一方面), some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.
17.Who can ___________(预知) what painting styles there will be in the future?
18.The Frick Collection (5th _________(道路)th Street)
19.Frick had a(偏爱)for pre-twentieth century Western paintings , and these are well-represented
in this excellent collection.
20.It will ___________ (有吸引力) those who love Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings.
21.When you walk into the gallery , you feel as if you were inside a __________ (易碎的) .
22.This covers more than 5,000 years of(文明)from many parts of the world , including America ,
23.The museum displays more than just the _________ () delight s of art.
24.You can visit an(埃及人)temple , a ___________(香的)Ming garden , a typical room in an 18th
century French house and many other special exhibitions.
25.The Whitney holds an excellent collection of _______________ (今世的) American painting and sculpture.
26.There are no _____________(永久的) displays n this museum and exhibitions change all the time.
Unit2 Poems
1.Others try to __________ (达) certain emotions.
2.Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is _______________________ (童) .
3.The language is ____________(详尽的) but imaginative , and they delight small children because they rhythm
and a lot of repetition.
4.The poems may not make sense and even seem _______________(引起矛盾) , nut they are easy to learn and
’s going to buy you a __________(石) ring.
6.List poems have a ____________(灵便的) line length and repeated phrases which give both a ________ (模
式) and a rhythm to the poem.
7.I saw a __________(小屋) in the sky.
8. I saw two __________(麻雀) run a race.
9.If we hadn’t_________________(放松) .
10. If we hadn ’t_________________(耗尽) energy.
11.Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain , a poem _________________
(由⋯⋯构成) five lines.
(讽刺) , shouting , laughing
13.Sleepy , __________(咸的)
15.Is coming back to the ___________ (枝条) .
16.It is easy to write and , like the cinquain , can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using the
______________(最小) of words.
17.The two haiku poems (F and G) above are ______________(翻) from the Japanese.
(化) into stone.
19.Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry–Tang poems from China
_________________(特别) ?
20.With so many different forms of poetry to choose from , students may _____________(最)want to write
poems of their own.
21.A place away from __________(黑暗) .
Unit3 A healthy life
1.I think my long and active life must be __________ (由于) the healthy life I live.
2.I know how easy it is to begin smoking and how _________ (困的) it is to stop.
3.You see , during(青春期)I also smoked and became(⋯⋯有的)cigarettes.
4.This means that after a while your body , you get ______________ (于) having nicotine in it.
5.So when the drug leaves your body , you get ___________ (脱) symptoms.
6.I remember feeling bad-tempered and sometimes even in pain.
7.As you know , if you de the same thing over and over again , you begin to de it _______________ (没心的) .
stly , you can become __________(心理上) addicted.
9.I was addicted in all three ways , so it was very difficult to _______ (停止) .
10.When I was young , I didn’tknow much about the harmful _________ (果) of smoking.
11.I didn ’tknow , for example , that it could do terrible damage to your heart and ________(肺)or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become ____________ (孕的) .
12.I certainly didn ’tknow their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be __________ (畸形的) in some way.
13.I also noticed that I became ____________ (气喘吁吁的)quickly , and that I wasn ’tenjoying sport as much.
14.When I was taken off the school football team because I was ________ (不健康) .
15.It might help you to stop and _____________ (定) .
(确定) a day to quit.
17.Then throw away your last ________ (盒) of cigarettes.
18.Every time you _____________(想要) smoking a cigarette , remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.
19.If you feel ____________(望的), you might like to talk to a doctor or _________()about something
to help you , like nicotine chewing gum.
20.Do not be ____________(无望的) if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking.
21.If you weaken and have a cigarette , do not feel _________ (感觉愧疚) .
22.If you develop AIDS , your chances of __________(幸存) are very small.
23.HIV is spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes during _______ (性) .
24.Do not share your _________() with anyone else.
25.If you have sex with a _______(男性) or a _________(女性) .
26.The following ____________(点) are NOT true.
27.Unfortunately , people with HIV sometimes lose their friends because of ____________ (偏) .
Unit 4 Global warming
1.So how has this ______________(生) and does it matter?
2.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer(see _________(曲)1) and that it is human activity
that has caused this global warming rather than a _________ (胡乱的) but natural ________________(象).
3.All scientists _______________(赞同) the view that the increase in the earth ’s temperature is due to the burning of fossil _________ (燃料) like coal , natural gas and oil to produce energy.
4.The problem begins when we add huge ________________(大量的) extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
5.It means to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to ___________(增).
6.He found that between these years the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts
to around 370 parts _______ (每) million (see Graph 2).
7.All scientists accpet this ________ (料) .
8.They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has ______________(致) this increase in carbon dioxide.
9.On the one hand , Dr Foster thinks that any _________(向) in which the temperature increases by 5 degrees would lead to a ____________ (大灾) .
10.Others who agree with her think there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level , or predict severe storms , _________(洪水) , droughts , famines , the spread of diseases and the disappearance of species. 11.On the other hand , there are those , like George Hambley , who ____________________(反⋯)this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air.
12.They predict that any warming will be ________(微的) with few bad environmental ___________________ (果) .
13.In fact , Hambley _________(述) , “More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing.
14.It will make plants grow quicker ; crops will produce more ; it will encourage a greater ________(种)of animals –all of which will make life for human begins better.
(即使) we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases , the
climate is going to _____________ () warming for decades or centuries.
16.I am doing a project _______________ (代表⋯一方) my school about global warming.
17.However , I still think people should ____________ () improvements in the way we use energy today.
18.There are many people who have a ___________ (承) like yours , but they do not believe they have the power to do anything to improve our environment.
19.We do not have to _______________(忍受) ___________(染) .
20.The ________(增) of the greenhouse gas , carbon dioxide in the air actually comes as a result of many things we do every day.
21.It is OK to leave an __________(的) appliance on _____________(只要) you are using it –if not , turn it
22.Do not be _________(任意的) about this.
23.So if you are not using the lights , the TV , the computer , ____________ (等等) , turn them off.
(机) vehicles , plastic bags and new materials , so , if you can , buy things made from recycled
25.Get your parents to buy things that are economical with energy–this includes cares as well as smaller things like fridges and ____________(微波炉) .
26.Plant trees in your garden or your school yard , as they absorb carbon dioxide from the air and __________ (使
27.Finally and most importantly , be an _________ (教育家) .
28.Remember –your ______________(献) counts!
Unit 5 The power of nature
1.I travel to unusual places and work ____________ (在⋯⋯旁) people from all over the world.
2.Sometimes working outdoors , sometimes in an office , sometimes using scientific ____________()and sometimes meeting local people and tourists , I am never bored.
3.I was ____________ (任命) as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago.
4.My job is collecting information for a __________ (数据) about Mount Kilauea , which is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii.
5.Having collected and ____________(估) the information , I help other scientists to predtic where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.
6.The lava that flows slowly like a _________(波浪)down the mountain causes far more damage because it buries everything in its path under the molten rock.
7.However , the _________ (火山爆) itself is really exciting to watch and I shall never forget my first sight of one.
8.There had been an eruption from the side of the mountain and red hot lava was ______________(涌)hundreds of metres into the air.
9.It was an ____________(地) fantastic sight.
10.We had white protective _______ (套装) that covered our whole body , ___________ (盔) , big ________
(靴子) and special gloves.
11.It was not easy to talk in these suits , but we slowly ____________________ (前往) to the edge of the crater and lookes down into the red , boiling centre.
12.Having studied volcanoes now for many years , I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their ___________
(隐藏的) to cause great damage.
13.The land _______ in height _______ 700 metres above sea level ___(由⋯到⋯不等) over 2,000 metres and is
home to a great diversity of rare plants and animals.
14.Others come to talk in the mountains , to see the spectacular waterfalls or to _______ (洗浴) in the hot water
15.However , the attraction that arouses the greatest ______________ (欣)in the reserve is Tianchi or the Lake
of Heaven.
16.If you are lucky enough to visit the Lake of Heaven with your loved one , don ’tforget to make a wish to
___________(保) your love will be as deep and lasting as the lake itself.。