英语国家社会与文化入门下册unit 3(课堂PPT)

Your company slogan
联邦权力机构 federal executive agency
行政机关:即总统,总统提名和参议院批准的内阁官员及 其下属,负责行使基于联邦法律的治理权;
Your company slogan
联邦权力机构 federal executive agency
即最高法院(the Supreme Judicial Court ( SJC )和下 级的联邦法院, 法官由总统提名 并经参议院批准; 拥有释法权和推 翻违宪的法律的 权力。
Some considered it an honor to be sacrificed
Your company slogan
Incas 印加文化(秘鲁地区)
Largest empire in Pre-Columbian era
Incan Empire broken in civil war and destroyed by Spanish
Nicknames for the flag: Stars and Stripes, Old Glory, and The StarSpangled Banner
Your company slogan
National anthem:
The Star-Spangled Banner 《星条旗 永不落》
Nev?ada ?
Massachusetts Connecticut
New York
Ge?orgia ?
Your company slogan
英语国家社会与文化课件Unit 3-4 UK class

The Constitution
Israel and Britain----the only two Britain----the countries without written consitutions of the sort which most countries have 1. statute law, law passed by Parliament 2. the common law, established through common practice 3. conventions, vital to the working of the government
Unit 3 and Unit 4
Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a consititional monarhy. monarhy. The official head of state is Queen. Queen. (traditional and symbolic power) P42 Represent Britain at home and abroad Set standards of good citizenship and family life.
The constitutional Monarchy
When does it appear? Who started the age of the constitutional monarchy? The Glorious Revolution in 1688 Willaim and Mary jointly accepted the Bill of Rights which confirmed the parliamentary supremacy and guaranteed the free speech with both the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
英语国家社会文化入门下次 第三单元 (人工翻译)



I The General Elections
• Procedure of the general elections: -- Every one on the “electoral register” gets a voting card in mail with details of when and where to vote. -- The political parties get their electoral campaigns, including advertising in newspapers, on TV, door-do-door campaigning and postal deliveries of leaflets. -- People go to their stations and take a card with the candidates’ names listed on it. Then they put an “X” beside the name of the candidate of their choice and insert it into the sealed box through a slit in the top.
I The General Elections
• Importance of the general elections -- The citizen’s right to vote for the candidate of their choice to represent them in parliament -- The election seen as an opportunity to influence future government policy

Unit3一、判断题1、It is no doubt Britain is the oldest representive democracy in the world.(F)毫无疑问英国是世界上最古老的表现性的民主。
2、In Britain,the Process of state-building has been one of evolution rather revoution,in contrast to France and the US.(T)在英国,国家建设一直是进化的过程,而次大革命,相比之下,法国和美国。
3、The oldest institution of government in Britain is the Monarchy.(T)最古老的政府机构在英国是君主制。
4、The divine right of the king means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects.(F)国王的神圣权利意味着主权权威来自他的臣民。
5、As the king in theory had God on his side,it was tought that he should exercise absolute power.(F)国王在理论上有上帝在他的身边,想,他应该行使绝对权力。
6、The term"parliament"was first offcially used in 1066 to describe the gathering of feudal barons and representatives from counties and towns.(F)“议会”这个词第一次被据1066年用来描述封建贵族的聚会和代表县和城镇。
7、Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.(T)英国是议会民主和君主立宪制国家。

The Monarchy政府机构,是最古老的君主(由国王规则)。
The Parliament这个词的“议会”的动词“来到往下谈”,即,讨论或交谈。

The British society and cultureThe UK is a rich and colorful, with international and multicultural country .Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, hereinafter referred to as the United Kingdom or Britain, known as the UK, is on the island of Great Britain by England, Scotland and wales, and Northern Ireland northeast the island of Ireland, and a series of islands of a small island.In Chinese the word "Britain", that is, by "England", the international code for the GB.Britain is located in the northwest of the continent of the British Isles, is the north sea, the English channel, Celtic sea, Irish sea and surrounded by the Atlantic ocean.In addition to Britain, including fourteen overseas territories .Established the "glorious revolution" in 1688 the British constitutional monarchy, Britain was the first to complete the industrial revolution, the national strength growing rapidly.In the 18th century to early 20th century, the rule of the British empire territories across the globe.As the most powerful country.Both after the outbreak of world war ii victory, but seriously damaged national strength, to the disintegration of the British empire in the second half of the 20th century, Britain has lost onceleadership in international affairs.Superpower status be replaced by the United States and the Soviet union.However, the UK is still a worldwide has a strong influence, important economic, cultural, military, science and technology of the world's great powers.About the British people's life custom, British people now pay more attention to the quality of life, the pursuit of spirit to enjoy.Important occasion wear very formal, usually the pursuit of simple, comfortable clothing.Diet style is simple, pay attention to nutrition.The climate is mild and humid, the British people love the sun.Like I'm doing housework at ordinary times, have a passion for sport, like to travel on holiday.In addition the British very hobby cultural activities, such as reading books, writing articles, to the concert, the theatre, etc, also like pets.。

1、It is no doubt Britain is the oldest representive democracy in the world.(F)
2、 In Britain,the Process of state-building has been one of
它代表着贵族以及社区。 6、 Which of the following is NOT related to the Constitution? A
下列哪个不是与宪法有关吗? A、 It is a written document which lists out the basic principles for government.
它包括大亨和代表县和小镇。 B、 It was sometimes summoned by the kings to contribute money.
这是有时国王召见了捐款。 C、It later developed into what we now as the Cabinet.
后来发展成我们现在的内阁。 D、It represented the aristocrats what as well as the communities.
这是一个书面文件列出了政府的基本原则。 B、 It is the foundation of Britain government today.
C、 Conventions and Laws are part of the Parliament and part of
the Constitution. 约定和法律的议会和宪法的一部分。

A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom

这种反对势力如此强大以致于国王最终同意给予他们一个自由宪章和一些政治权利,这个自由宪章现在仍然用的是中古时代的拉丁文名称“Magna Carta”(“大宪章”)。

英国Unit 3第6题What kind of institution(部门is the House of Lords(上议院)? What role dose it play in 部门) 部门(上议院)British government? A: It consists of the Lords Spiritual(神职议员)who are the Archbishops(大主教) and most prominent (杰出的、卓越的)bishops (主教)of the church of England ;and the Lords Temporal(世俗议员),which refers to everyone else。
②They inherited(继承) the seat from their forefathers or been appointed by the sovereign (郡主、最高统治者)parliament 议会)they speak and vote .In (as individuals (个人),not as representatives (代表)of the greater interests of the country. They do not receive salaries and many do not attend Parliament at all.unit53.What are the three main areas in national economies?Describe the development of each of the three areas in the UK economy. 答案National economies can be broken down into three main areas,”primary”industries, such as agriculture ,fishing, and mining,”second-ary”industries, which manufacture complex goods from those primary products ;and tertiary industries .often described as services,such as banking, insurance, tourism, and the selling of goods. Britain’s agricultural sector is small (producing 1.4%of the national wealth )but efficient, producing 58% of the UK’s food needs with only 2%of its workforce.Three quarters of Britain’s land is used for agriculture. With about a quarter of that under crops-wheat and barley are the two commonest. The rest is grazing for animals, including cattle (both dariy and beef), The fishing industry provides 55%of the UK demand for fish Sconish ports land the majority of the fish caught. In the secondary sector of the economy. Manufacturing industry remains important, producing 22% of national wealth. British companies are are active in all major fields of manufacturing industry, but are particularly strong in pharmaceuticals(the British company Glaxo-Wellcrme is the biggest drug company in the world),chemicals([C]is the second largest paint manufacture in the world),aerospace overall the UK industry is third in (size in the world)and food drink (Scotch whisky being a major export). )unit7 1. (1)What are the purposes of the British education system? (2)Please comment on these purposes. (3)What are the main purposes of the Chinese education system? (4)Are there any differences or similarities in the education of the two nations?答:(1)The purpose of the British education system is to teach children practical skills and socialize them. (2)Children learn practical skills, and the rules and values they need to become good citizens, to participate in the community, and to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy.(3)The purpose of the Chinese education is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society. (4) In china, people think school is just about teaching children what are often called” the three R’s---“reading, writing and ‘arithmetic”(reading, writing and arithmetic). 2. How does the British education reflect social class? British education reflect the deeper divisions in British society in which social class is still very important: class inequality can be erased or continued according to education policy. What’s more, the enduring feature of British education is the continuing debate over how “equal” educational opportunity should be. In British, the accent you speak with, the clothes you wear, and the schools you attend are all markers that identify your social class. The school (or college)tie is a clear marker of social class. Even on informal occasions you will sometimes see men wearing their school ties as belts to hold up their trousers –proudly displaying their attendance at a certain school. In Britain, where you are educated is very important to you future.3 what are the major changes that have taken place since World war 2? Is British education moving towards more progress or more equality? Pick up some examples from the text toillustrate your points. Other major changes to the British education system were caused by world war Ⅱ。

英语国家社会与文化入门名词解释下册3到11单元第一篇:英语国家社会与文化入门名词解释下册3到11单元Unit 31.The first english settlement: was founded in1607in virginia, and it was organized by the London Company with a charter from the English king James I.2.Puritanism: in the 16th and 17th cent., a movement for reform in the Church of England that had a profound influence on the social, political, ethical, and theological ideas of England and America.3.The declaration of independence: written by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, proclaimed the independence of 13 North American colonies.4.George Washington: is the first president of the United states, from 1759 to the outbreak of the American Revolution, he managed his lands around Mount Vernon.5..Benjamin Franklin: was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.he is credited as being foundational to the roots of American values and character.Unit 4The Articles of Confederation: After the War was won, the new nation of the United States was organized under the agreement of the Articles of Confederation with a weak national government called the congress.Each state had its own government, made its own laws and handled its internal affairs.The states did not cooperate with the congress and with each other.The congress had no power to force any state to contribute money to the national government and the congress could not tax any citizen either.As a result, the Articles of Confederation failed.A federal system: It is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constituent parts, with some rights reserved to each.The making of the U.S Constitution:The Articles of Confederation failed.The Congress decided to hold a constitutional convention to revise the Articles of Confederation.The delegates from 12 states(Rhode Island refused to participated)gathered in Philadelphia in 1787 and end up in writing a new constitution and set a federal system with a strong central government.The Constitution provided that an election of the president would be called for, federal laws would be made only by a Congress made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate and a Supreme Court would be set up.This new Constitution was finally approved by the majority of the citizens in over 9 of the 13 states and was officially put into effect in 1787.The executive: The chief executive is the president, who is elected to a four year term.A president can be elected to only two terms according to an amendment passed in 1951.The president can propose legislation to Congress.He can veto any bill passed by Congress.The veto can be overridden by a two-thirds vote in both houses.The president can appoint federal judges as vacancies occur.He is the commander in chief of the armed forces.The president has other broad authorities in running the government departments and handling foreign relations.The bill of rights: It consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791.It was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.Homeland security is short for the United States Department of Homeland Security(abbreviated as DHS).It is found on March 1,2003, and is a Cabinet department of the United States federal government with the primary responsibilities of protecting the territory of the US from terrorist attacks and responding to natural disasters.With more than 200,000 employees, DHS is the third largest Cabinet department, after the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs.Other agencies with significant homeland security responsibilities include the Department of Health and HumanServices, and Energy.Unit 51.Eli Whitney: made cotton production more efficient by inventing the cotton gin, which rapidly removed the seeds from the bolls of cotton.2.Samuel Slater: built a cotton cloth factory, which started a process of chang that turned the northeastern region of the United States into an important manufacturing center.3.Industrial revolution In England, especially machinery run by water power and later by steam power was used to manufacture cloth, this changed the ways that people worked.4.Corporation:In the early years of the United States , banks were one of the few businesses organized in the form of corporations, the creation survived the death of its founder of founders.5.Service industries: industries that sell a service rather than make a product , and now dominate the economy.6.Agribusiness: has been coined to reflect the large-scale nature of agricultural enterprise in the modern US economy.7.Stock:very early, people in the United States saw that they could make money by lending it tothose who wanted to start or to extend a business.That led to a creation of an important part of the current economic scene.8.Migrant workers: on large farms ,many of the workers are hired only for a specific chore, many of these seasonal workers travel form farm to farm, staying only until the crops are picked.Unit 61.Religious liberty in the US: the great awakening of the 1740s, a “revival” movement which sought to breathe new feeling and strength into religion, cut across the lines ofprotestant religious group.2.The baptists in the US: are the largest protestant group.They believe in adult baptism by immersion, symbolizing a mature and responsible conversion experience.3.Catholic in the US :the largest single religious group , about one-quarter of all Americans are of the Roman Catholic faith, and the majority of them are descendants of immigrants from Ireland.4.Three faiths: by the 1950s, it had developed, Americans were considered to come in three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish,the order reflecting the strength in numbers of each group.5.Religious diversity:since the US has always been a fertile ground for the growth of new religious movements, many religious communities and secular utopias in new forms of social living were founded in 18th and 18th century American.unit 7Transcendentalists In his book Nature, Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803-1882)claimed that by studying and responding to nature individuals could reach a higher spiritual state without formal religion..A circle of intellectuals who were discontented with the New England establishment gathered aroun d Emerson.They accepted Emerson’s theories about spiritual transcendence.They are known as Transcendentalists.The Scarlet Letter 红字was published in 1850.Set in the Puritan past, this masterpiece is the stark drama of a woman harshly cast out from her community for committing the sin of adultery.In this novel, Hawthorne explored certain moral themes such as guilt, pride and emotionalrepression.3 Leaves of Grass was American poet Walt Witman’s masterpiece.Throughthe poems, Witman praised the ideas of equality and democracy andcelebrated the dignity, self-reliant spirit and the joy of thecommonman.Unit 81.Elementary school: it usually means grades kindergarten(K)through 8, but in some places, the elementary school includes only grades K to 62.Higher education: the system of higher education in the US is complex, it comprises four categories of institutions:1 the university 2 the four-year undergraduate institution 3 the technical training institution 4 the two-year or community college.3.ACT: in 1944, congress passed the servicemen' s readjustment ACT, it promised financial aid, including aid for higher education , to member of the armed forces after the end of World War 2.4.affirmative action programs: by the end of 1960s, some colleges introduced special plans and programs to equalize educational opportunities, some of these plans were called“..”.Their goal was to make up for past inequality by giving special reference to members of minorities seeking jobs or admission to college.Unit 9The Greensboro sit-in was an instrumental action, leading to increased national sentiment at a crucial period in US history.It was a series of nonviolent protests in 1960 which led to the Woolworth's department store chain reversing its policy of racial segregation in the Southern United States.The civil rights movement was a worldwide political movement for equality before the law occurring between approximately 1950 and 1980.it took the form of campaigns of civil resistance aimed at achieving change by nonviolent forms of resistance.3.The Montgomery Bus Boycott, a campaign lasted from December 1, 1955, when Rosa Parks, an African American woman, was arrested for refusing to surrender her seat to a white person, to December 20, 1956, when a federal ruling, Browderv.Gayle, took effect, and led to a United States Supreme Court decision that declared the Alabama and Montgomery laws requiring segregated buses to be unconstitutional..Martin Luther King, Jr.(January 15, 1929 –April 4, 1968)was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement.[1] He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods following the teachings of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.[2] King has become a national icon in the history of modern American liberalism.[3]Counterculture: Counterculture was a movement of revolt against the moral values, the aesthetic standards, the personal behavior and the social relations of conventional society.Unit 101.the black “underclass”:some blacks have been left behind, and urban ghettos now contain a permanently impoverished “underclass” of habitually unemployed or underemployed black people.2.Poverty as a social problem: it means greater susceptibility to disease , to alcoholism, to victimization by criminals, and to mental disorders.Poverty can mean low self-esteem, despair,and stunting of human potential.poverty raises some serious moral problems and inevitably creates fierce conflicts of interest and many political controversies.3.Socially stratified American society: it is divided into social classes that have varying degrees of access to the rewards the society offers.4.Drug abuse as a social problem: it is in the US has come to be regarder as one of the most challenging social problems facing the nation.the “drug problem” is perceived by most Americans as a major threat to our society, particularly to its younger members.5.White-collar crimes: theyare affected by police reporting practices and have to be viewed against the fact that many crimes are unreported.since higher-income classes are far more involved in white-collar crime, the higher classes may actually have a higher rate of crime than the lower classes.6.The abuse of power by government: it has been apparent that the major organizations in American society sometimes work in concert to advance their own interests rather than those of the people.The lack of public answerability of these organizations has become a major social problem.,7.The power by corporations:they argue for legislation to serve their own ends, influence the appointment of officials, block reforms they consider undesirable.8.Richard Nixon: he was marked by a well-founded public belief that his administrations were deliberately and systematically lying to the people.He was pardoned by his successor and escaped accountability for his acts in office.第二篇:英语国家社会与文化入门2名词解释1.American IndiansAmerican Indians , who were mistakenly called by Columbus, moved to theAmericas from Asia about 25 000 years ago.They developed their own aboriginal cultures and some of them such as the Aztecs, the Incas and the mayas were very advanced when Europeans arrived in the New World.But, as a result of European conquest, the Indian population was quickly reduced and their cultures were ruthlessly destroyed.2.the Declaration of IndependenceThe Declaration of Independence was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and was adopted by the Congresson July 4,1776, when the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting fortheir freedom and independence from the British colonial rule.The documentdeclared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.It also explained the philosophy of governments:the powers of governments came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of governmemts was to secure the rights mentioned above.The theory of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from John Locke.3.Ggeorge WashingtonGeorge Washington was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic.He was the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the War of Independence against the British colonial rule and the first President of the United States.4.Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic He was the chief author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States.5.Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic.He participated in writing the Declaration of Independence and making the U.S.Constitution.6.the Articles of ConfederationAfter the War of Independence was won, the new nation of the United States was organized under the agreement of the Articles of Confederation with a weak nationalgovernment called the Congress.Each state had its own government, made its own laws and handle its internal affairs.The states did not cooperate with the Congress and with each other.The Congress had no power to force anystate to contributemoney to the national government and the Congress could not tax any citizen either.As a ressult,the Articles of Confederation failed.7.the Bill of RightsThe Bill of Rights consssists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791.The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.8.Eli WhitneyEli Whitney is an American inventor who invented the cotton gin, which maderemoving the seeds from the bolls of cotton much easier.He also began manufacuring rifles with machinery, using interchanageable part.This contributed to the American system of massproduction.9.service industriesService industries are industries that sell a service rather than make a product.Service industries range from banking to telecommunications to the provision of meals in restaurants.Aas more and more people are employed iin service industries in the US, it is sometimed said that the US has moved into a “post-industrial era “.10.stockWhen starting or expanding business, corporations need to borrow money.They may issue stocks for people to buy.When people buy stock, they become part owner of the company.If the company makes a profit, they receive a share of it.Likewise, if the company loses money, the stockholders will not make a profit or the value of their shares will drop---they lose money.Therefore buying s tock is a risk.11.Mattin Luther Ling,JrMartin Luther King,Jr.,an Atlanta-born Baptist minister, was the leader of theSouthern Christian Leadership Conference during the civil rights movement of the 1960s.To promote his philosophy of nonviolent protest against segregationand other kindds of social injustice, King organized a series of “marches”.King delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech.Due to his strong belief in nonviolent peaceful protest, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.He was assassinated in the city of Memphis in April 1968.12.Counter CultureIn the wake of the Free Speech Movement and the New Left appeared aphenomenon that historians called the “counter culture.” The Counter Culture rejected capitalism andd other American principles.They had morals different from those taught by their parents.Some groups of youth tried to construct different ways of life.The counter culture exerted a great influence upon people’s attitudes toward socialmores,marriage,career,and success.13.Now:With the publication of The Feminine Mystique in 1963,Betty Friedan became the chief spokesperson of the Women’s Liberation Movement.In her book,she compared the American family,or the American society as a whole,to a “comfortable concentration camp”,where women were discriminated against and oppressed.In 1996,she helped to found the national Organization for Women(NOW).A reform organization,NOW battle for “equal rights in parnership with men.14.white-collar crimesWhite-collar crimes are those committed by higher income groups such as thecrimes of fraud,false advertising,corporate price fixing,bribery,embezzlement,industrial pollution,tax evasion andso on.Yet the statistics provided by the FBI tend to overrlook white-collar crimes.In fact,white-collarcrimes are often ignored by law enforcement agencies.Some sociologists aargue that the higher classes may actually have a higher rate of crime than the lower classes.15.the abuse of power by governmentPeople believe that public organizations in the United States sometimes work in concert to advance their own interests rather than those of the ernment in America is widely distrusted for the lack of answerability.Americans were convinced that the Johnson and Nixon administrations were deliberately and systematically lying to the people in the war against Vietnam and in the Watergate scandal.The FBI and the CIA are responsible for thousands of illegal acts.All these acts show the abuse of power by government.16.Richard NixonRichard Buxib was the former P resident of the United states… Iin the early 1970s, he was involved in the Watergate scandal, for which he was forced to resign from the presidency.17.the Prairies The prairie provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba lie east of the Rockies.The prairies are flat and featureless and have a harsh continental climate.They are called the breadbasket of Canada becaussse the land is well-suited to farming, and wheat is one of the biggest agricultural crops in this area.The praairies are also rich in energy resources.18.central Canada Central Canada, Ontario and Quebec, are the parts of the country that were first settled.They are the industrial heartland of the country and are also the most densely populated provincees.They have the largest cities like Toronto and Montreal.19.The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms The canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which was introduced in 1982, expressed the idea thaat any ethnic, racialand religious groups which wanted to retain their cultural identity would be supported by the federal government.This promise was further strengthened and explained in the 1988 Multiculturalism Act.20.Structures of governmeentCanada’s systerm of government is based on the British system of parliamentary democracy.Like Britain,Canada is a monarchy.The official head of state is the Queen, but she is represented by an official called a Governor General as she doesn’t live in Canada.Canada is a federation with ten provinces and two territories.The government of the country is referred to as “the federal government”,to distinguish it from the lower level government of each province.21.Immigration Act 1976 The Immigration Act 1976 encouraged Asian immigration, offering passports to those with capital and entrepreneurial skills.Would-be immigrants with more than $250 000(Cdn)to invest in businesses that will create jobs and wealth wer welcomed to settle in Canada.This created a new category of ”entrepreneurial immigrants”.22.The Canadian Mosaic Canada is a nation of immigrants.When Canada is described as a mosaic, itmeaans that each if the immigrant groups do not have to throw off their oldd customs, languages and traditions, because there is no particular concept of an overarchingCanadian identity..This resembles a mosaic of different cultures which overlap but do not overwhelm each other.23.“the First Nnations”The First Nations are the native tribes of aboriginal people who lived in Canada before the European explorers settled.They were officially referred to as “the FirstNation s”because they are the original inhabitants of thecountry, and because there is not one single group or culture----there are many”nations”,or tribes, which have different languages,customs and beliefs.24.migrant workersMany big farms hire temporary workers only for a specific chore---such as picking crops.Many of these seasonal workers travel from farm to farm,staying only until the cropss are picked…They are known as migrant workers.25.Samuel Slater In 1793,Samuel Slater built the first factory in the United States---a cotton cloth factory in Pawtuckket,Rhode Island.He built the factory from memory, because it was a crime to carry factory plant out of England.The success of his factory started a process ofchange that turned the northeastern region of the United States into an important manufacturing center and helped the nation become a major cotton producer.第三篇:英语国家社会与文化入门英语国家社会与文化入门节日蒙特利尔爵士音乐节世界上最有名的国际爵士音乐节之一。

英语国家社会与文化入门(下册)第三单元American Beginnings什么是美国的?这已经成为一个经典的问题不仅是美国访问的外国人,更是美国人常常问自己。
· · ·在这里个人的所有国家都成为一个男人,他们的劳动力和子孙后代新一轮融化总有一天会导致世界。
· · ·美国是一个新好男人,谁原则的行为后,新的巨大变化,他因此必须招待新的想法,和形式。
· ·新意见·这是一个美国人。
A New Land美国大陆的人居住,作为两个结果长期持续的移民运动,第一个来自亚洲,欧洲和非洲的第二位。
第一乐章开始大概25 000年前,当西伯利亚部落,在新的狩猎区或从追求寻求避难的敌人,在越过白令海峡到达阿拉斯加。
西方国家社会与文化入门Unit Three

The Birth of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
1. the Cabinet ※ How: To ensure good relations between Crown and Parliament ※ Who: a group of important Parliamentarians the king or queen met regularly. (Cabinet minister were appointed by the sovereorced by some feudal barons and the Church, Signed by King John ※ Function: place some limits on the King's power ; It's regarded as Britain's key expression of the rights of citizens against the Crown.
The Parliament
1. The term was first used offically in 1236 to describe the gathering of feudal barons and representatives from counties and towns which the king occasionally summoned if he wanted to raise money. ※"parliament" comes from the verb "to parley"-------to discuss or talk
3. The civil war ※ Time: in the 17th century ※ Root: a dispute over the power of the king and Parliament; the effort to reassert the rights of Parliament ※ Both sides: republican "Roundheads" led by Oliver Cromwell VS royalists; Parliament VS the King
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The Monarchy政府机构,是最古老的君主(由国王规则)。
The Parliament这个词的“议会”的动词“来到往下谈”,即,讨论或交谈。
The Birth of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 为了确保王国政府与议会之间的国王或王后的良好关系,定期会晤的重要议员小组,一而成为内阁称为组。
The British Government Today从这个简短的历史中,我们可以看出,英国政府今天是深受其影响早已过去。
The Constitution今天是英国的管治后的条款和条件为基础的宪法。
The role of the monarch today在今天的君主的角色主要是象征传统和英国的国家统一。
The House of Lords andThe House of Commons 下面是英国女王的上议院。
1993年有1 213上议院:776人世袭贵族,391名终身贵族,20名上议院(选择一个特别小组,以协助其司法职责,院),其余的上议院精神。